#the day already sucks i wouldnt ve ruining anything
aropride · 2 years
what if i watch inside & the inside outtakes tonight. ruining my own day so no one else can 💪
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
can I please have a dick sucking fic with Arthur❤️
Hi Anon ! I wrote a short story about um.....going down on him recently.
Just klick on the link, I hope you will enjoy :)
Pleasing Arthur
"This was so good. Thank you, honey" Arthur patted his tummy and placed the empty plate on the table "I can`t even remember the last time I had a full belly." You rolled up his sweater to place a sweet kiss under his belly button "Eating one meal a day is part of your self care plan now. And I will watch out for you taking care of yourself" you smiled. "You`re so good to me" Arthurs sweaty hair was sticking to his forehead. He seemed extremly tired from work but happy to be with you. "So nice to be home" he whispered as his eyelids got heavier "Was Hoyt giving you a hard time again?" you asked. "Yeah....kinda" he lit himself a cigarette and leaned back on the couch "But it`ll be okay...he can`t hurt me when I`m with you. I just need to relax a bit". You placed more kisess across his v-line. His hip bones didnt stuck out as much as they used to. Watching Arthur eating dinner without getting sick was more than you could ask for. "I´m gonna help you relax even more now" you grinned, opening the button of his pants. Arthur smirked the moment he realized what you had in mind. The fingers of your right hand eagerly started to unbotton, while your left hand was busy giving him some belly rubs. "Just lean back and relax, baby. I`m going to take care of it. Soon you`ll feel better." Arthur took a deep drag of his cig "I bet" he replied. You now pulled his light blue pants down to his knees. Arthur watched you with excitement. "Hey, no cheating. I told you to lean back and relax". Arthur chuckled "I`m sorry, I was distracted by your beauty. Its hard to stop staring at you". "Close your eyes, Darling. I`m gonna give you what you need". He did what you told him and awaited your face between his skinny legs. But first you would tease him with kisses all over his inner thighs. His skin felt warm against your half opened lips. His tiney body hair was slightly tickeling your upper lip. You loved this part of his body. To be honest, you loved every inch of him equaly. Your weak spot?  Arthur Fleck. His whole adorable being as a whole. "Mmmmhhh" he breathed "You`re spoiling me again". "I haven`t even started" you said between the open mouth kisses wandering all over his thighs. Up and down, making their way to his crotch. Sometimes you looked up to see his face. He made smoking look incredibly hot. You never told him but watching him inhaling that smoke and seeing his face expressions while  taking a deep drag turned you on in ways you never throught were possible. His facial expressions got even more intense now that you came closer to his growing erection. You didnt even knew where to look at anymore. You  didnt wanted to miss anything.  You had to wittness the look on his face. You didnt wanted to miss one single twitch of his eyebrows or  how the tiney, beautiful wrinkles beneath his eyes got exposed while smiling. You wanted to have a good look on anything that happened on his face while pleasing him. The way that the corner of his mouth grew to a irresistible smirk made you want him so bad. Arthur put the cig between his grin, running his fingers through his greasy hair.God, how much you wanted him. Your desire to own him and to be owned by him equaly was so intense it hurt your insides. You never wanted anything more in your life like you wanted this man. All of him. Arthur put the cig back between his fingers, staring down at you. "Thats not fair" he said "You tell me I can`t look at you but you are staring at me while I`m havng my eyes closed". "Sorry" you teased "Your beauty was distracting me". Arthur giggled. His legs started to shake as your lips reached the lowest part of his belly, going down....inch for inch...He was still getting nervous while having sex. Still just getting used to this kinda attention he longed for all his life. Every touch, every kiss was able to send him up to the clouds. He was burning for you to taste him. Arthur breathed your name as your lips reached his erection. The way your name sounded while escaping his shaking lips send shivers down your spine. The truth was that you were just as hungry for making love as he was. Especially since you knew him. No other man made you feel so passionate about sharing love. No other man could make you this wet just by watching him leaning back on an worn out couch. Your hand found its way up his waist,slipping under his sweater, feeling his tummy, reaching for his chest to caress it gently. Arthur also put his free hand under his sweater to grab your hand. He held it tightly even tighter now that your tongue started to circle around the tip of his hard member.  He sqeezed your hand. A little to tight. It felt so right. "Oh my gawd" he moaned. His moan was more like a silent whimper but it was there and it was all for you. You made this sweet, little noises escape his lips. Arthur lit himself another cig while he started to move his hips. Your lips around his pulsing parts felt so warm and good it was almost painful to him. You tried to get another glimpse of him smoking. So you looked up to watch his closed eyelids flutter under the embrace of your lips. Those long, dark eyelashes. You would let his beauty ruin you compleately and say thank you. "Dont...stop" he begged "Please...oh please Y/N. Dont ever stop." He was right. You wish this would never stop. Being able to love him. To worship him. You started to suck his sensitive parts "I`ll never stop, Arthur. I`ll never stop loving and worshipping you." A blissful look crossed his well structured face. He knew he was being seen by you. This wasnt just a blow job. It was part of you worshipping all that he was. "You`re soooo good to me" he moaned quietly. The lustful noises he made always remained really quiet. He practiced staying quiet all his life, so Penny wouldnt notice him masturbating when she was still living with him. "Just let go Arthur. No need to be quiet at all. " He tried but he just couldnt do it yet. "Why are you so good to me?" he whimpered again as you took him all in. Tasting him while letting your tongue explore his hardness. "Beacuse you`ve been a good boy today. Eating the dinner I cooked for you. And for being a good boy in general" You grinned. Arthur exhaled the smoke" Fuck.....this is....what are you doing to me? Ohhhh my...." "I´m tasting you, Arthur" He put his cig away and let his fingers run through your hair. Feeling his hands on your head made you want him even more. You sucked harder now. "H-how d do I taste?" he stuttered. "Heavenly" Arthurs erection grew harder  between your lips as you felt his gentle hands stroking your cheek. His cute, little noises were almost too much to bear. There was so much innocence inside this man. You felt the urge to stop and get on top of him. To fuck him until he would get dizzy. "I swear I`m gonna lose my mind Y/N. This just feels.....so good. I Cant....I just cant...." seeing your face between his legs made him all fuzzy in the head. He soaked in every sensation that caught his attention. The way the light from the window was shining down on your hair. The way you seemed to want him compleately. You stopped, which made his muscle twitch for a second. "Arthur....would you mind me getting on top of you now ?" His eyes rolled back into his head "What? No. Oh god no I dont mind. I am actually begging you to fuck me, please!" You got up from your knees to pull your own pants and underwear down. Arthur was watching you like his life depended on you. And you sat down on his lap like your life was depending on him. Like the only way to survive was to lock your bodies into one another. The moment you felt him slipping inside of you was like coming home. Being that close to him was your salvation. You didnt even knew how you were able to live without this feeling before you met him. The feeling of Arthur being inside of you. He compleated you in any way. Arthur moaned as he felt your tight walls closing in around him. Your body welcomed him like it had missed him all your life. Finally. You couldnt have waited any longer to feel all of him. You concentracted on the look on his happy face as you started to move. Arthur lifted his pelvis to meet you  and pushed himself deeper inside. "Fuck me please. Show me how much you want me". "I want you Arthur. Oh god, I want you so bad my bones are crying out your name!" His upper lip scar caught your attention. He was so vulnerable. Yet so unbelivable  attracive. You leaned in to kiss him passionately. His kiss was intense but slightly clumsy. His head was already spinning from being close to finish." ""I`m close" he moaned into the crook of your neck while your fingers ran through his curls. "Me too Arthur. Just let go. Cum for me, darling. " Arthur pressed you close to his heart as his warm juice was spilling into you. Your shaky legs tensing up from lust, before all your love for this man exploded inside of you. Arthur took your face between his hands and kissed you again. Very thoughtfully this time. You let your head sink to his chest as you both sunk into his pillow. "Mmmhh ...you know what?" he mumbled into your ear "This is my favorite part....falling blissful into your arms, realizing how lucky I am." And you smiled because you knew how lucky you were to fall asleep in the arms of Arthur Fleck.
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viewofsal · 7 years
The Official “The End.”  032018 1136PM
You would think oh Salia is so over writing her long ass essays about some dude from New York. But nope. After tonight you not only made me regret every step I took for us, every move I made for us and everything i did FOR YOU AND US. I called you and you rejected my call because you know me better than I do apparently. I called you because I had anxiety, no surprise you left me in the dark again like you always did when we were together. You dont love me and you certainly dont care about me Farhan. Please dont say you do because you dont. Because if you did you would call me back and hear me out. But instead you gave me shit about how youre not my boyfriend/man and that you dont need to text me but you are. You dont need to do anything for me, just think Im dead to you. Just forget that a girl named Salia ever existed in your life. A girl who loved you more than anything in life, you meant the world to her, you were her everything even when you were a straight dick hole to her. I wish you could look at me and tell me the things you did over the phone. Would you have the balls to do it? Probably. Today I am hurt because of you. I am left with nothing but regret and pain. You said tonight, “delete me off your life man”. Alright done. What else? Youre asking a girl who would take a bullet for you. Whatever you want youll get because Im just that stupid of a bitch to listen to you. Done, deleted. What else? I told you one time that I wanted to kill myelf because of our break up, and honest to god I really wish I did. It would make zero affect on your heartless ass anyways. You moved on just like that. Go ahead, go for hoes that dont even give the slightest fuck about you. No go ahead. Go for girls who have their shit together, who have a degree at a certain age, who have a career built. Unlike me, who stopped going to school because I had to take care of my mental health. I decided to go back to school for me. I love what Im doing, but as soon as my degree gets mailed to me I am burning that shit. Every time I think about my graduation and my degree I think of you and I just get so angry. Let me get one thing straight, I DO NOT COMPARE MYSELF TO HOES. SO IF YOU LIKE A HOE, GO FOR IT. WHAT SHE HAS IS WHAT I DONT WANT. You arent worthy of being forgiven. I forgave you for me to have peace in my heart and life. If I am angry today it is because of the shit I had to hear from your mom and you. Especially you. You always told me that I wasnt a woman, I wasnt mature, I didnt have my life together at the age of 24. Yeah Im sorry, I honestly wish I was dead today. I wouldnt have to deal with you and a heart break that I definitely didnt deserve at ALL. You tortured me for a whole year. Yeah I know I had the chance to walk away, you told me in a text message I still have… “you need to know your worth. you know how much stress and anxiety i give you.” and you still fucking gave it to me. Fine I get it… I wasnt worth it. You didnt fall in love, we just arent meant to be. You said tonight, if its meant to be youll be at my door step. You lied to me, you made me believe this was it, you just fucking suck. You broke my heart into a million pieces. I cant trust anyone because of you, i cant even talk to anyone because of you. You now make me believe love is the being scam in the fucking world. that every guy i will ever talk to you will come into my life and just spoil me with their fake ass attention and love and walk all over me and then leave. I not only gave you love, attention, loyalty but i regret ever opening up to you. Using my mental against me. I fucking cannot believe it. You wont realize rn, but there is so much other shit I want to say but i cant make the guy i wanted to marry, to have children with look like a fuck boy. You have everything going for yourself… congrats. I hope everything works out for you. Just please forget everything about me, oh wait you did. You would do anything to get rid of me any day but choose a fucking bitch over me any day. Life is truly short, and if I ever die, at any time in life. I hope you regret the way you talked to me, the way you treated me and the way you manipulated my mind to think a way when it was you to ruin our relationship this whole time. Yeah I am hurt, I am angry, I am devastated because of you and the way you put me down makes me feel like I AM A WORTHLESS STUPID CUNT. If you can call your mom one, then what am i even to you? NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND RIGHT? Right. Exactly, I was just an easy girl for you to reel in and once you saw shes in it, FUCK IT. DOnt give her attention, love and all of that. I should’ve left your ass the night I had to convince you that this will work out for three hours, but wait we had those talks so many times, which one are we talking about right? Idk. I wasted so much time, love and energy on a guy who didnt fight for me. but why should he? He wasnt in love with me or I didnt have anything for him to fight for? Do you remember saying that Farhan? Do you? Probably not. Im dead to you from today. Forget everything I did for you, and throw away all of the shit or send it back to me. The amount of love I put into everything, you always found a way to just make it seem like it wasnt enough. Im so glad you broke up with me because I would ve killed myself while being with you. I hope you feel every inch of pain you left me with and regret being an asshole. If i die tomorrow, i hope you hate yourself for it. Dont bother w/ me. You are deleted gone. Thats what you wanted right? YOu shouldve just said FUCK OFF thats it. I would’ve been long gone. Its so easy for you to move on and talk to new girls because youre not the one goin through what I went thru or going through. Karma is a dirty thing, youll get what you deserve for treating me like shit. I hope your mom finds you a non bum girl, because thats what i was right> I have absolutely NOTHING going for myself. Build your empire, grow, get married. I am nothing to you and please please please…. just fucking think im dead. which you already do. ALSO I HATE YOU FOR TELLING YOUR MOM THAT I GOT KICKED OUT OF MY HOUSE FOR YOU. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT? Yeah so you said that if its meant to be youll be at my door step, HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO EVER FACE UR MOM? TELL ME. HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I honest to god, really wish I was never your ex. You treat me like im a fucking piece of shit. How? You wont realize today, tomorrow, next week, next month or probably never. But you will definitely get punished for hurting someone like me. Who never once ever thought about cheating on you or doing you dirty. Ever. You got what you wanted. Left me in tears again. Left me, like you always did.
Good bye.
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