#the dalemark quartet
no-where-new-hero · 4 months
I'm applying for a Diana Wynne Jones Community on here, so if you're interested in being invited to it should it be approved, please interact with this post!
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yonayona · 5 months
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some of my latest dalemark stuff
btw once I did Hern and Kars Adon as Tarot Lovers, so I decided to make more of Dalemark tarot!
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the-dust-jacket · 4 months
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dianawynnejonesfan · 5 months
I was at a concert about a month ago where all the musicians were playing music from the 1600s on surviving instruments from the 1600s (there was something very like a violin but not quite and a 6 stringed curvier cello). Anyway I just kept thinking of the Cwidder from Dalemark, which I previously struggled to imagine lasting so long with regular use.
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moondustbooks · 1 year
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October JOMP Day 13 - Purple Books 💜
My favorite color! 💜
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thenegoteator · 2 months
Finished the dalemark quartet yesterday and I may never recover
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fluentisonus · 2 years
idk if anyone but me ever read the dalemark quartet as a kid but I just realized that the old song in it is directly referencing this passage of bede:
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cart and cwidder // bede trans. crossley-holland
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thenugking · 2 years
Can't believe the revisionist historians in Dalemark who had the official translation of the Spellcoats claim Kars Adon died, when what really happened is that he united the land by marrying Hern.
This is a hill I will die on, they're gay as fuck for each other and Kars Adon absolutely did Not need to die and use his dying breath to name Hern his heir for the plot to work. So mad DWJ killed him but also so delighted that the story we actually read is a translation the glossary says is not entirely accurate.
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crisdrawsandcries · 2 years
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Drawing practice with the kids!
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bellaroles · 2 years
Was gonna reread the whole Fire and Hemlock book, but then I started a new crochet project so I tried the audiobook version of Spellcoat instead. A mistake because this made me sadder than anything. I can't even concentrate on a single stitch. I gotta know what will happen next. Will these ferocious siblings find a safe place to stay. Will Gull come back from whatever state he's in? ( a stone statute and mind-controlling spell) This is perfect angst and sorrow. But really I don't wanna get into Dalemark hole again, the last time it took three months to climb out of.
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deborahocarroll · 1 year
Wrapup: #MarchMagics 2022!
Recapping my recent #DianaWynneJones and #TerryPratchett adventures!
Time got away from me (clearly! XD), but it’s time to look back at the Diana Wynne Jones and Pratchett related goodness I got up to in March — and, actually, April as well! I didn’t manage to finish up my March Magics goals during the month since I got crazy busy, so I carried on a bit of the reading in April, which was rather nice, actually. And now that I’m trying to ease back into blogging, I…
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syrupfog · 7 months
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No one better to repair an ancient map than the navigator and the archaeologist of the ship.
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yonayona · 8 months
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been playing with their design. As I remember Kars Adon and Hern look pretty alike but I'm craving for some hight difference here and a little bit buff Hern because he's a buff boyfriend who can carry Kars on his arms 🥰 yep. this will be the next one.
and mullet Kars Adon? yes please
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tanoraqui · 11 months
Trick or treat! Queen's Thief series or Spellcoats please?
This is a great combination because one of my favorite pet headcanons is that these series take place on different continents in the same world. The vibes just match, you know? The themes of real people becoming history and legends, the amount of fantasy in the fantasy settings (very little, really, and both ambling toward industrial revolutions). The way the gods do and do not interact with and relate to humans; how the older gods are more nature-based and the younger more human. Eugenides the god could so be an Undying of Dalemark, as could Immakuk and Ennikar.
[Tanaqui voice] “Go to bed, Duck.”
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dianawynnejonesfan · 1 year
What do we think of Lenina?
Could interpret her as loving Ganner and Clennen, loving Ganner and hating Clennen but staying cause of duty, having Clennen murdered, or just being relentlessly practical (needing someone to look after her 3 kids).
She went with Clennen (cause magic) but she stayed with him and had 3 kids and he was clearly willing to take her back to Ganner cause he says so
She seems to hate Cart life and takes off to Ganner immediately when Clennen is murdered, and has been meeting with Ganner in the towns they go though. So did she know Clennen was going to be murdered?
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 1 Poll U
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Tanaqui means "rushes" in-universe, although it breaks down into "younger sister"
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(Rushes and cosmos flowers)
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