#the crickets singing all around
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#a moment i need to capture while it's still fresh#stargazing alone in the chill and damp of an august night#the crickets singing all around#northern lights filling the sky like nothing i've ever seen#the red colors even visible to the naked eye#pictures show the entire sky alight with red and green and blue#but they can't capture the delicate blue-white formations that i see with the naked eye#or the pulsing weaving swirling motion of the lights above#the high point of the night is looking straight up into the night sky#not north or south or east or west just up which is out toward space#not a direction tied to our world but out to god#and there were these constant swirling waves of light all pulsing toward the very center of the sky#and then a shooting star#the brightest and clearest of the night#streaks upward across the right-hand side#and after an evening of wanting to feel closer to god than i do when surrounded by his heavenly marvels#the prayer that comes to mind is 'glory'#glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit who created all this and let me see it#and there is no one to share it with#no way to capture what i'm seeing#no way to share this moment with anyone else#there is no one i'll be able to turn to and say#remember when we saw that shooting star in the middle of the northern lights?#this moment can't be captured or repeated it simply exists in this moment right now#it's beautiful and sad#and also a gift#i meant to stay out for maybe fifteen minutes#i was out there an hour and wish i didn't have to leave#and there was no way to share it but i had to try to share it with someone before i lost the moment
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peristalsis - vii

selkie!soap x reader. depression. strangers to “lovers.” suicidal resolve. major character death. violent drowning. a reckoning. . Running away from life to the Scottish Hebrides, you meet a man who won't leave you alone. . Masterlist. Ao3.
When you’re sure that Johnny’s friends have left, you return to the beach. The wind has died down in the late afternoon; the clouds sit heavy and motionless in the sky.
Night is coming, and it promises to be cold. It hangs in the wary stillness of the air, in the waiting quiet. The seabirds’ calling is absent; the dune crickets’ singing has ended.
He’s there on the sand. Somehow, you knew he would be. Felt it, even before he came into view. He stands by the kayak, almost as if he’s been waiting there for you.
You hold the folded pelt with both hands against your stomach as you approach. The fur is so soft against your palms, your fingers. Cool from having spent a night in the ground.
He looks at it with sharp eyes. Then, up to you, expectantly.
His eyes on you in the cottage bedroom, moonlight shifting in them. Teeth in your neck. The taste of brine in your mouth.
Pearls in your memory. Parting gifts to enjoy, as you come to the close.
“Missed you at the end there, bonnie,” he says, even and purposefully steady. “The boys were glad to meet you.”
He’s known—the whole time. He always has. You don’t know how you know this, but you do.
“I’ve had a nice time with you, Johnny,” you say, when you’re only a few paces away from him. “But I think it’s time for me to go.”
Three days. That’s all it’s been. Nothing much, objectively, to say goodbye to. A good way to end things, truthfully, with the aftertaste of good food still on your tongue, the heat and girth of him still lingering inside you. The etchings of his calluses still fresh on your skin.
A kind ending. A gentle one. Better than you and he deserve.
You hold out the pelt.
He looks at it. Mouth a tight line. Brows low and flat. Then his gaze moves to you.
“Where will you go?” he asks, still steady.
“I’m not sure,” you say. “Maybe—Amsterdam. Does it matter? I don’t know.”
“Just like that,” he says flatly. “After everything.”
You frown. “I was always going to leave, Johnny. Remember? I only booked the place for a month. This is just…earlier.”
Something frenetic buzzes in his posture. The slight lean forward in the way he stands. The angles of his face seem harsher, more pronounced. Eyes dark as wet stone.
“Johnny, just—” you shake the pelt at him, still holding it out. “Just take it, okay?”
He looks at the pelt again, and then back at you.
At it, then you.
Johnny lunges.
In one swift surge forward he snaps the pelt from your hands and flings it aside. As it flutters to the ground his hands whip at you, seizing fistfuls of your shirt a half-thought before you realize it, wrenching you forward.
“What the fuck?!” you cry, but then you’re off your feet, falling toward him, arms flailing as you lose your center of balance. You topple into him, and he hooks you beneath the shoulders with the iron bands of his arms, stepping away from the kayak, and only for a moment do you think that maybe he’s going to bring you back to the cottage before he starts dragging you in the opposite direction—
“Johnny, no,” you breathe, as you hear a wave break on the sand,“Johnny, no!”
You start to kick and thrash. You throw yourself against his grasp, dig your heels into the sand, try to find the meat of his forearm with your teeth, but he is resolute. Unstoppable.
You start to scream.
The waves eddy around your feet, rise up to engulf your ankles, your calves, as Johnny roils the water with wide, unfaltering steps, deeper in—
The water closes around your thighs. Your waist.
This is happening. This is really happening—
“Had a month to get to this, bonnie,” says Johnny, over your screaming, rough and harsh and completely unrecognizable. He slings you around to face him, jaw set hard, the muscles in his temples flexing as he clenches his teeth. “But I guess we’re doin’ it now.”
“Johnny,” you plead, “please don’t, Johnny, please—Johnny, no, no, no, no—!”
He clamps his hands on your shoulders and shoves you downward. You claw at him, push against the seabed, but your lover is too strong, immune to your fighting, and you are barely able to inhale before he forces your head below the water.
Frigid cold—it rushes into your ears, through your hair, knife-sharp and paralyzing. Salt flooding the open canals of your nose—
You close your throat. The surface swirls above you, distorting him, rippling and folding in on itself as a wave recedes. Hope waits for the retreating water to expose you, but he has dragged you out too deep, far enough that even the lowest point of the backwash still submerges you.
Seawater, eroding cilia, ramming against the rolled stone of your epiglottis. Burning the film of your corneas.
You reach up, swinging your hands at his face, but the distance of his straightened arms, muscles flexing to hold you down, is too great; you beat at empty air, or collide with the rock-hardness of his shoulders.
Another wave comes in, deepening the surf around you. You kick out, knee upward, wrench against him—you just need him to loosen his grip once, for just one moment, and then you can get away. You try to pry his fingers up, but they may as well have rooted in you.
Lungs pulsing. Throat already fighting to open. Chest heaving, diaphragm beating upward to pull in air. Pain lancing up your chest, unimaginably sharp, head so heavy it might burst—
You throw yourself to one side, kicking against the sand, and physiology subsumes your control. The cost of fighting is breathing. The floodways open—the ocean rushes into your throat—
Salt abrades the walls of your esophagus, claw-slashing downward. Acid bypasses the filters of your alveoli, honeycomb structures collapsing to the pressure, to the spasming of your lungs desperate to send oxygen to the rest of your body. Your diaphragm contracts—your chest convulses to cough, to force water out, only to welcome more of the sea in.
You beat at Johnny’s arms again. All you manage is to throw water against him. He is a sea stack above you. A pillar. Unmovable.
Holding your body against his in the bedroom, frighteningly strong, moving against you like the ocean itself—
The water churns above you with your struggle. You cannot see his face. All you see is the unstable shape of his silhouette, wavering lines distorting the edges as the corners of your vision darken.
More seawater, expanding your chest. Heart stuttering between your lungs, yanking in the last of your oxygenated blood, with nothing to send back out. The weight of your body swells, arms too heavy to hold up. They crash into the water before you force them back up again, searching and unwieldy.
Perception narrows. Him, and you. That’s all.
Sunlight through the window the next morning, rimming him in gold. The heat of his shoulder pressed to yours.
The seawater steals the tears from your eyes, throat convulsing on a sob you cannot make.
Grinning as you shared oysters.
You slap your hands against his arms, clapping your palms to whatever they can find, begging, praying—
Him moving inside you, his warmth, his smell, the weight of his tongue in your mouth. The tug of his hand on your arm.
His smile, his voice, his hand in yours—
Fists like weights holding you down. Fire in your chest. Too full.
Upward—something in you tugging upward.
You want to live. You want to live. You want to live—
It’s done.
Johnny lifts your body from the surf and carries it back to the beach. You fit in his arms as if they were the mold you were cast from.
He knew you would the moment he saw you in the airport. Perfect. You were perfect for him. He saw it in the angles of your body, the way you stood, the emotions moving behind the mask of your face.
He tried to explain it to Price once—the seeing. The knowing.
How he could look straight at his old captain, for instance, and know, without ever hearing the man say a word, that he felt responsible. For everything. For the gunshot. For the months afterword. Even though he hadn’t chosen to discharge Johnny himself, Price saw the mold of his hands in the shape his sergeant’s life had taken.
It’s how he knows Gaz couldn’t see the change in him, because he saw what he wanted to see—his best mate whole and healthy, thriving in a new stage of his life.
It’s how he knows Ghost doesn’t even recognize him anymore. Not really.
And it’s how he knows you’re just like him.
He lays you down on the sand, cradling the back of your head so it settles lightly down. Stretches your legs to rest straight out. He aligns your limp arms with the length of your torso, turning your hands upward so the sand will not cling to your palms.
Beautiful. Even with your face slack. Eyes half-open, unseeing. Mouth parted; seawater dripping from the corners.
Your feet touched the island the same way his did, years ago. Running away. Looking for the end, without really trying to find it. It was in the set of your brows, the tight pull of your mouth against your teeth.
Life had gone in every direction opposite of your intention. And it had left you alone.
Johnny smooths a few stray hairs away from your forehead, and kisses the place between your brows. The little line that has sat between them this whole time is gone, smoothed away. He kisses the bridge of your nose, and then your mouth, and then stands.
It took him a while, back then, to make the decision. It was hours before he woke to find Price watching him, sitting despondent on the sand, tears tracking salty down the older man’s face.
He goes to the place he threw his pelt away and retrieves it, shaking it out. Holding it in his hands assuages the anxiety that has wriggled in the back of his mind since the day he shoved it into the lintel of the croft. He’d known where it was, but survival instinct prevails over logic—for the rest of his life, he will always fear its loss.
It’s a consequence, but not one he’d been unfamiliar with.
And, in the end, preferable to the alternative.
He lowers himself to the sand a little ways away from you, propping his knees up and spreading the pelt across them.
When he had done this—he’d done it alone. It had been close. He almost hadn’t made it.
If he takes up this vigil—if he stays, the whole time, watching you—you’ll make it. It’s not a matter of hope or belief. It’s a matter of knowing.
He knows every time he looks into your eyes. Every time he’s been inside you. Every time your body has risen to meet his touch.
You want to live.
So he sits back. He keeps his eyes on you.
And he waits.
The sky claps you between its palms and hurls you back down the gravity well—
You vomit up the ocean.
Panting, with burning lungs. Closer—everything is much, much closer, loud and bright, and suddenly, individually distinct.
Channels of sound and aroma dance on the wind—sea salt, the smoke of someone’s grill from the village, burning meat, the rolling crash of the incoming tide, birdcall and the gust of beating wings and—and—
And you can sense them all.
A gap in the clouds lets the sunlight touch the earth.
You move on the sand. Turn onto your belly, chest heaving, empty and light. The cove—you’re still in the cove. There’s the path back up to the cottage. There’s the kayak. There’s—
Johnny, riotous, waiting in the crashing waves.
He calls to you: loud, long, triumphant, teeth bared in jubilation.
You cry out. Wordless. If you’d had any words to say, your lips could not shape them.
You’re alive.
It crashes into you. Alive.
You lift your head into the wind coming off the ocean. It caresses your face softly, tenderly, like a mother’s kiss on your cheek.
Johnny suddenly turns from you and darts into the water.
You wail with surprise. A wave rushes up to where you lay, water licking up the fibers of your body. You’re not ready. It’s too soon. Why did he leave you? What’s happening? Why isn’t the water cold?
You clutch at the sand. You can’t find your legs—you can’t stand up. All you can do is crawl, shuffle your ungainly body forward with the clumsiness of a newborn child. You cry out again, trying to convince him to return, to come help you, but if he hears it, he does not come to your aid.
Another wave surges forward; salt water crashes across your face. You flinch away from it, but something nictates over your eyes, shielding them from the burn.
Once you reach the surf, the water cradles your body, buoyancy easing your way. You submerge, finding something to kick with—
And then you’re gliding.
Murky, and blue. Sand clouding in the tide. But comfortable—cool, without being cold. You remember frigidity cutting into your skin only hours earlier, rending you at the seams, unmaking you.
Now, it receives you like an old friend.
Ahead of you, Johnny moves further out. You can feel him, far out in the distance, tiny eddies of water rippling against your cheeks.
He’s not the only thing you can feel. The radius of your awareness vibrates with blips of movement, darting, swaying, dancing, below and above and all around. It shocks you to realize, and you go still, hovering in place, momentarily stunned by how much there is living around you.
Johnny pauses too, ahead of you. Waiting. A lone distinct figure, patient for you to follow.
You shiver with startled wonder, and resume your way toward him.
The coastal shelf slopes downward, falling away. The water gradually clears as overhead, past the surface, the sun sinks in the sky. Warm golden light dyes the sea around you. He leads you on, further and further, until a forest of kelp grows up around you.
In the turquoise, ribbons of twisting green undulate and twirl, feathery and dancing in the windy current. Silvery bubbles trail toward the sunlight, intermingling with tiny schools of glimmering fish that dart and jump between the fronds. Down below you, red and green algae fur valleys of rock, swaying lazily like prairie grass.
It’s beautiful.
Johnny drifts to a stop in the middle of it all, wheeling around to face you. You approach him, coming in close—and it’s almost like approaching the sun, so much that he radiates across your senses.
His dark eyes hold yours the same way they had that day on the beach, and the pendulum swings balanced now between you.
He brushes the side of his face along yours, and with his touch he leads you downward, following the stipes of kelp toward the stone to which their holdfasts grip. The heat of his huge body warms the water that flows in the narrow spaces between your bodies, even as the coolness intensifies the further you dive.
The two of you draw up along the forest floor—and find the myriad little denizens of the sea. You’d known they were there, at the very edge of your senses, and now they bloom into fullness in your attention.
Shrimp perambulate beneath rocky ledges. Crabs walks along the ridge of a huge boulder, like climbing a mountain. And there, further down, snails in their spiral shells, pulling themselves across the sandy grain. Starfish, in shades of red and blue and orange. Anemones, translucent hair streaming.
Tiny lives—insignificant to you, before. Hardly worth your notice. Now, you marvel at them, reeling. You want to cup them all in your palms and bring them up to clutch against your chest.
Something brushes against you.
You look up—Johnny, sliding along your side, curving back in toward you, then looping underneath. He nudges at you, then darts away; you gaze at him, confused, so he comes back in, shunting you with his body, and once again retreats.
Behind him, you catch a turtle fluttering in between the green leaves. Atlantic salmon chasing capelin. An eel peeking out from its cave. Undisturbed by Johnny’s—and your—antics.
He nudges you again, then backs off, looking at you expectantly. Realizing his intentions, you follow—he makes a low clicking sound in his throat, pleased, and jets into the flowing leaves, buffeting you with the wave he leaves in his wake.
You’re shocked only for a moment before the kelp parts for you in your pursuit. Johnny quickly disappears ahead of you, dipping down below the canopy. You feel him rapidly shrink in your awareness, and you propel forward, scanning for telltale splashes of gray and white, arms of green caressing you as you pass.
You close in on him, but suddenly he evades. You follow again, only to find he’s nowhere in view. Then the chase is on: he stays in one place only long enough for you to catch sight of him before he bolts, or wheels around and backtracks to confuse you every time you approach. Teasing, taunting, flaunting the dexterity he has underwater which you have yet to acquire.
Golden shafts of dancing sunlight begin to dim and shorten as he leads you on. Frustration rapidly builds in your chest, buoyed as your lungs press against your ribcage. You need to breathe, even as Johnny becomes no more than a dot of movement in your senses, confounding you at every turn.
Why is he doing this? Why won’t he stay with you? If you surface, you’ll lose him, but the sudden memory of saltwater flooding your chest has you kicking toward the fading daylight. Self-preservation taking its place at the head of your priorities, and you follow it with no longer any second thought.
Above you shifts a mirror of silk.
You rise. Faster as the weight of the sea lessens, your reflection blooming as you approach, closer and closer to the wedge-shaped face, the large, dark eyes—
You swim into yourself and breach the air. Your nostrils open, and you inhale the wind.
You see the twilight bleeding into the day. Clouds moving quickly off as the sun sinks into the horizon.
Where is Johnny?
You can’t sense him anymore—as you knew would happen—and your chest contracts with fear and longing, suddenly believing you’ve seen him for the last time—that he’s left you all alone, to figure out what to do next, with no idea how to live in the skin of this new self you’ve become.
You give a mournful howl. You don’t want to do this alone, you can’t, you thought you wouldn’t have to—
But in the distance, back the long way you came, you hear an answer.
You whirl around, facing the shore, and almost too far away to see, a dark shape rests on the sand.
Your throat convulses with a clumsy breath, and then you dive. The water parts for your body, sliding around you, streaming through your hair. Faster than you expect, the slope of the shelf draws close, and you jet upward, belly meeting the sand, and when the water recedes and you drag yourself back onto the beach, your own weight settling heavy on your bones, you cry out again.
You shake the water from your head, wailing at the top of your lungs, desolate and blind as you blink the salt away, and then there’s a warm body up against yours, weight melding against you, heat reaching out to drive away a coldness you hadn’t felt until you’d surfaced.
You continue crying as Johnny closes his teeth around a hank of your neck and drags himself on top of you, pressing you down into the sand. You shift to let him settle over you, and all of his weight compresses your body—sandwiching you between himself and the earth, pinning you down in one place.
Something in you still wants to fight. To shake him off—to escape. But all you can do is cry. He enters you with no resistance, and you cry more, harder, until your lungs deflate, and then you take a deep breath and start wailing again.
Saltwater streaming down your face, dripping into your own mouth. Your voice hits the cliff walls, rebounds off the stone until the air fills with your weeping. Johnny shifts on top of you, pressing your head down to the sand.
The vessel you have contained yourself within overturns. You cry.
You cry for yourself. You cry for him. You cry for what you’ve done, what you haven’t, and for what you can never undo. Your lament fills your own ears and spills out again, all across the beach, catching in the wind to fly off into the ether, raised to the birds, to the passing clouds overhead.
You cry with despair of never going back. You cry with the terror of Johnny finally rolling off of you, to dart back into the waves, to leave you here alone again. You cry until your throat hurts, stinging and raw—
And Johnny’s hands, strong and warm, edge beneath your pelt and pull you out, still bawling with every drop of shame you’ve carried in your body since the day you realized you hated yourself.
“Shh, shh,” he murmurs, drawing you up into his chest, arms steady and strong around you. “It’s alright now, bonnie, it’s alright. I’m here.”
You cannot respond to him. Your mouth hangs open only to wail your grief. Your body wracks against him, convulsing, involuntary, as you scream with despair and relief and horror and resolve, too much to contain, too overwhelming now to ever split yourself away from.
You find his arms with your shaking hands and grip on tight. He slips the pads of his thumbs beneath your eyes every so often to clear away your tears, and you feel his mouth press against your forehead. You wait for him to drop you. Wait for him to see the mess you’re making and wash his hands of it.
He doesn’t. Every time another sob wracks you, he grips you tighter.
Eventually—when you begin to wonder if it ever could, if this is all you are now, a squalling bundle of fragile skin pebbling in the cold—it passes.
The next time you pause to draw breath, you find nothing more inside you to disgorge. You begin to shake in Johnny’s arms, trembling with exhaustion, whimpering with clenched eyes.
He breathes slowly against you. Calm and even. He strokes your face with gentle fingers, even and patient, as if there’s nothing more in the world he’d rather do.
You find the courage to meet his gaze when your heartbeat steadies, finding the rhythm in Johnny’s chest to match. You see again what you saw that first day, that next night; you know now what you’ve always known, somewhere inside you. Your face is familiar in the reflections of it in his eyes.
His mouth curls gently as he gazes down at you. His eyes dance in yours, corners creasing as he traces the curve of your cheek. Light catches in his pupils.
You see him clearly, as the sun gives way to the evening, and the moon rises over a cloudless night of stars.
a/n: shoutout to @/gildui for suggesting screenshots for that one section of text. Thank you to @/bi-writes for trying to figure out how i could keep the formatting with tumblr's coding. Please let me know if alt text is necessary. God forbid a text-based website allow for formatting said text.
#PSA: had to work around a formatting issue with screenshots#god forbid i want to get stylish#soap x reader#soap x you#john soap mctavish x reader#john soap mctavish x you#john soap x reader#john soap mactavish x reader#soap mactavish#john soap mactavish x you#soap mactavish x reader#soap mctavish#john soap mactavish#mwritessoap#madi writes#selkie soap#peristalsis#if this is weird sorry i've been having vertigo all week
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watching some presentations on wetlands at work and hearing that the general public have a bad perception of them just from the word "swamp" blew my mind. people don't like swamps?? 😭
People who hear the word swamp and think of nothing more than a foul stinking place are fools but I pity them. They don’t know what you and I know. I want to take them by the hand and open their eyes to the way the universe expands if you will just put on some bug spray and go somewhere that might not be put on a post card.
Like do you NOT want to hear the music of crickets and cicadas ringing through a hall of cypress trees that are old enough to know god? Have you never felt the ground under your feet shiver from the sheer force of a hundred singing bull gators? Do you know that standing in a marsh that is teeming with thousands of animal lives you will never know or be able to understand all around you will make you feel alive again because your ancestors ancestors stood in the same places and felt small and enormous at the same time? I crouched in the reeds of a Saltmarsh watching a stingray eat fiddler crabs and when I turned to leave I found under my boot a fossilized tooth from an ancient horse dating to the last ice age. Mine was likely the first human hand to hold it.
It’s an absolute tragedy when a person who doesn’t realize that humanity and wetlands cannot be separated says “swamps are gross” and misses out on one of the best ecosystems in the world
#asks#wetlands#swamps#for real though get out into your wetlands and unlock part of your brain#memes
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hi love!! i saw that your requests are open and im here to help🫡
can i request some red dead headcanons/blurbs? maybe what their affection/kisses are like? arthur, john, javier and charles are my pookies (especially charles oh my god i love him so so much) but i would love to hear your thoughts on anybody really!!
hope you’re doing well <3

ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - for some reason i cannot post rdr2 with my manga headers or cutesy pink dividers it feels so off to me i have no idea why 😭 but thank you for sending this request in, i love it sooo much!’ it’s nice to see another charles lover in this fandom lolol— you take care as well!! 🫶
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - mentions of injuries in kieran’s and charles, kisses and kissing (?), hispanic!reader / spanish speaking!reader in mind for javier’s, intended lowercase, alcohol and drinking in sean’s, lmk if i missed anything!! 🫶
ARTHUR MORGAN who will put calloused hands around your waist when you’re alone in your tent at night, burrowing his nose in your hair as he lays behind you. you can smell his musk, the scent of the outdoors and faded linen, as it clings onto you with its tight grip and lingers. you don’t mind though, and neither does arthur; simply basking in your warmth as the crickets chirp in harmony with your soft exhales.
“‘ve missed you.” you say, your right hand crawling to interlock itself with his own draped over your waist as it fiddles with the soft skin there.
“missed y’too, darlin’.” you can feel his chest rumble with his voice, tone deep and gravelly from the lack of use. you let your eyes close as you savored the feeling of his hands caressing the small chub that gathered itself in his hands when he squished too much. you would give anything to have moments like these with arthur whenever you could.
JOHN MARSTON who’ll scoff as you pressed kisses along his face, sitting on his lap as the campfire graced your bodies with its warm glow. his affections held a more stand-offish tone to them but on the off occasional that he got a little too tipsy, you could never pry him off of you.
“if i’d’a known any better, i’d have thought you was in love wit’ me,” he huffed. regardless of his dumb comments, his hands never failed to find their way upon the dips of your hips, rubbing circles over the fabric of your clothes.
you bumped your head into his head as he chuckled, raspy voice rumbling throughout his chest as you halted your kisses and instead rested your head on his shoulder. your foot, bare and tapping against the ground in tune with the distant strums of javier’s guitar and karen’s drunken singing kept you grounded — kept you remembering that this was real, this was all real; and you were alive.
“why? you complainin’?”
you felt john’s cheeks widen with his grin. “naw,” was all he said.
two things that JAVIER ESCUELLA cherished most in this world were family and freedom; and he knew that he felt at peace knowing he had both of these things in that moment. you by his side, as neither of you had a care in the world. the sun glimmered and lazed around, taking its place on your backs and replacing the cool, dawn air with its heat. affection with javier is passionate and it’s scary, you never know what you’ll get or suffer the next day but it doesn’t matter — you persevere knowing you’ll find home in his arms a night more, you’ll live long enough to seek refuge and if you died in the process; it’d be okay knowing you died with who you loved.
deft fingers came to slide up and down the wooden fretboard along with his other hand plucking on the strings. you hadn’t realized you’d been staring until he peeked one eye open from under his bowler hat, a teasing smirk on his face as he mumbled, “no me miras con esos ojos, corazón.”
you rolled your eyes, “que quieres decir, javi?”
he hummed, he knew you knew what he meant — and you knew that he knew. but for now, you’d continue to stare, admiring your beloved that sat so prettily on that log; simply playing his guitar. he had his freedom, and he had his family right here.
loud laughs erupted from the obnoxious irishman known as SEAN MACGUIRE, a jug of alcohol in his hand and his darling in the other.
“i’m tellin’ ya, luckiest man alive—! they said they loved me, can y’believe it?” his accent only got thicker by the minute as he raved to everybody that walked by about how you had suddenly professed your love once more as you two sat on the barrel circling the rounded, wooden table. you smacked his arm to which he let out a rasping cackle. “shut up, will you?”
“ah, never. y’know ya love me,” he puckered his lips dramatically as you scoffed. giving him a chaste kiss, he groaned as you pulled away too quick before you went in deeper, seeing his eyes widen in shock before yours fluttered closed. he laughed out the side of his mouth before his hand, ever so gentle, buried itself in your hair. sean was a loud lover, one you’d typically be embarrassed by — but that only meant he loved you more than anything. a drunk man’s words is a sober man’s thoughts and he had you on his mind all the time.
CHARLES SMITH who’ll treat your wounds silently, as he always did except this time would be different. a tense silence would fill your tent other than murmured hisses and apologies due to the peroxide and other various natural remedies he preserved for your care. charles would always keep a level head, warning you not to go on jobs that micah would egg you on yet charles would always wait for you to return.
he never said anything during these times, charles loved silently. instead of telling you he loved you every second or having you on his lap like others, he’d bring you a trinket you remembered wanting from a storefront window or he’d take you out hunting with him; teaching you how to properly set up bait ( not in the reckless way that sean or bill would attempt to mansplain about ). he’d take care of you and he’d listen to you. so when you’d gasp and bite your fist from how badly he had to stitch your leg up, his hand would grab yours and bring it down to rest on your thigh — intertwining fingers as his thumb grazed over the crescent shaped marks your teeth left.
you really did love KIERAN DUFFY, seeing the way he’d try to puff his chest out when the guys at camp would look at you when really, he’d get all shy and blushy when you babied him. he wasn’t so used to this sorta thing, you know, relationships. everybody in camp looked at you like you were crazy, but they knew better than to tell that to you ( or him ), knowing they’d only get an earful from you about how sweet kieran really was.
you’d dress his wounds and in return, you’d find your horse prepped and groomed all pretty in the mornings — already fed and provided with water. and when you’d ask arthur or tilly, they’d always shrug and say, “must be that o’driscoll boy.”
you treated him with care, like no one had ever had, and that was the greatest gift in itself to kieran. he saw you as an angel, he’d even try telling you sometimes although backtracking a bit just to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable. kieran duffy’s affection was careful and nervous, stiff gestures presented to you although all of his worries melted away once he heard your sweet laugh. he didn’t know much about this stuff but that was okay, he’d learn just for you.
𐙚 taglist ; @ch3rryfiles @maskedteaser
𐙚 requests are closed — june twenty eighth, 2024
#rdr2 x reader#red dead redemption 2 x reader#red dead x reader#red dead fanfiction#red dead redemption x reader#red dead redemption headcanons#red dead redemption fanfiction#red dead redemption two#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan fanfiction#rdr2 arthur x reader#john marston x reader#john marston fanfiction#charles smith x reader#charles smith fanfiction#javier escuella x reader#javier escuella fanfiction#kieran duffy x reader#kieran duffy fanfiction#ODOTTIE *・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ 💘 ✧.*#kiss kiss
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Oh you sweet, poisonous thing

summary: just Arthur yearning and being jealous of reader and Javier. Enjoy���
pairing: arthur morgan x fem!reader
content: fluff, jealousy, a hint of angst maybe ?? idk
wc: 1,8k
a/n: *taps into the mic* heyy,,, how y’all doing *voice echoes, crickets can be heard in the distance* so i kinda disappeared from tumblr ik. I went through a rough period and I thought a lot about what to do with this account. I lost all motivation to write for a while ngl, but after some thinking i decided that no matter what I’ll keep writing and posting here. After all this was and still is my little safe space where i can just forget about my life and post silly things about cowboys sooo yeah have some Arthur yearning because we should bring back yearning in 2025. ok i yapped enough bah byee
The cracking sound of the campfire travels softly in the center of camp, casting long, flickering shadows that stretch and shift over the familiar faces of the gang, dancing on their features to the sound of the soft music leaving Javier’s guitar.
It had been a rare, uneventful day—the kind where, surprisingly, nothing went wrong, and the world seemed to hold its breath afraid to burst the serene and quiet bubble that engulfed all round the camp. The stillness settled over the gang’s members like a balm, soothing old wounds and lifting everyone’s spirits. By evening, an easy carefree air had taken root, boosted by a few shared drinks and Javier’s guitar.
You sit near the fire, sandwiched between Karen and John, the blonde slouched lazily at your side, her cheeks flushed from the too many whiskey glasses she downed. Javier is in a contagious good mood, sitting on the ground near John strumming another lively tune as he leans toward you, his bronze skin glowing in the campfire’s light and he’s grinning like at you like the charmer he is.
“Why don’t you sing with me, cariño,” he says, his voice playfully teasing. A chorus of groans and exaggerated complaints come from around the campfire, the gang all too eager to tease you about the first and fortunately the last time you sang around the campfire in Horseshoe Overlook after you had too many to drink. You remember waking up the morning after with a terrible headache and the sweet memory of laughter shared around the warmth of the campfire.
You laugh at their reaction, shaking your head. “I think I’ll save everyone’s ears this time, thank you.”
Javier chuckles and with that resumes playing, his voice low and smooth. His energy is infectious, pulling easy smiles and a few soft laughs from everyone. But in the back of your mind, you can feel that there’s a subtle shift in the air—a pull, a presence that tugs at your attention like a ping you can’t ignore. It’s faint at first, almost imperceptible, but it grows stronger, undeniable, familiar. You glance toward the edge of camp, and as suspected there he is.
He’s leaning against one of the wooden posts near the horses, half swallowed by the shadows, the dim firelight barely reaching the brim of his worn hat. His broad shoulders are hunched, arms crossed tightly over his chest like he’s trying to protect himself, to keep something away though you’re not sure he even knows what it is. His aqua eyes are sharp even in the shadows, and they’re fixed directly on you.
As the weight of his gaze settles over you like a heavy fog, thick and tangible, despite the distance between you, a shiver runs down your spine. Your chest tightens, as if the very air around him has thickened with unspoken things.
You’ve known him long enough to feel a quiet storm building in the depths of his quiet, unshakable composure. It’s not indifference nor anger. It’s something else—something raw and unspoken but you can’t, and maybe won’t, put a name on it.
When Javier nudges you playfully, you force yourself to focus back on him, offering him a smile that you hope conceals the tension swirling inside of you. Still, the weight of Arthur’s gaze doesn’t leave you, not even as the evening stretches on.
As the night deepens, the fire crackles low. One by one, people begin to drift off, leaving just you, Tilly, Lenny, Javier, and Karen around the fire. Tilly, who had joined your little circle a few hours earlier, is lively chatting with Lenny about some gossip she’d overheard in town, her voice bright with excitement seemingly unphased by the late hour. Meanwhile, Karen has fallen asleep with her head resting on your shoulder, undoubtedly drooling a bit on your blouse. This leaves you and Javier alone, the conversation between you two flowing easily, until he eventually sets his guitar aside with a stretch, breaking the comfortable atmosphere.
“Already going to bed ?” you tease, nudging him gently on the side. “Won’t you play me another song before you go to sleep ?”
He smirks, shaking his head with a wink.
“Tomorrow.” He promises winking at you. He stands up and disappears into the shadows of the night. After a few minutes Karen stirs awake, mumbling something about needing another drink before bed, lazily getting up on her feet, shuffling toward the camp’s supply.
After that it’s just you, Tilly and Lenny sitting near the dying fire. From your peripheral vision you can see the dark silhouette of Arthur sitting at the worn wooden round table under the tall tree in camp. You don’t look at him, not directly, but you feel his presence like a thread pulling between you. You sit there, looking at the fire contemplating if approaching him or calling it a night.
When you finally stand, your feet move before your mind can catch up with your actions. You carefully walk towards him, finding him hunched slightly over the table, his broad shoulders tense as he stares down into the nearly empty glass in his hand.
“Mind if I join you ?” you say pausing a few feet away. The sound of your voice softly filling the cold air around you both.
Arthur doesn’t immediately look up, his focus still fixed on the amber liquid swirling in his glass. You nearly contemplate leaving when after a long moment, he tips his head in a slow, deliberate nod. “Suit yourself.”
You take a seat across from him, your hands folding in your lap playing with a few loose threads as you settle into the quiet. For a long moment, neither of you speak. The noise of the evening has faded away, leaving the camp wrapped in the soft rustle of trees and the distant sound of crickets.
“Tired ?” you finally ask, your voice hesitant, breaking the silence.
Arthur huffs a low breath, his eyes never leaving the glass. “Long day,” he mutters, a simple response that tells you nothing.
You nod, though his answer feels like a wall, a quick, easy way to avoid revealing something deeper. There’s something bothering him, and maybe it’s the alcohol in your system or maybe you simply care too much for him but you’re determined to find out what.
“Javier kept everyone entertained tonight,” you say lightly, your words casual, trying to spark a conversation, though you’re watching him closely.
Arthur’s grip on his glass tightens just enough for his knuckles to go pale against the clear glass. “Yeah,” he replies, his tone flat. “He’s good at that.”
The space between you feels heavier now, filled with something unspoken, a tension that neither of you acknowledges directly. You lean back in your chair, letting the silence settle between you, but you can’t ignore the flicker of his eyes as they meet yours, then quickly shift away like he’s afraid of what might show if he stares at yours too long.
“What’re you drinking ?” you ask after a moment, breaking the quiet.
“‘S that the good whiskey Pearson’s been hiding, or the usual watered down crap ?”
Arthur’s lips twitch, almost imperceptibly, clearly fighting a smile. “Usual crap,” he murmurs. “Pearson ain’t that generous.”
You laugh softly, the sound easing some of the tension that’s built between you. But still, it lingers, just beneath the surface, like something you both know but can’t put into words.
“You seemed quiet tonight,” you say after a pause, studying him closely.
Arthur shrugs, lifting his glass to his lips, the movement slow, as if every motion is carefully measured.
“Didn’t feel like talkin’.”
You watch him, your gaze tracing the line of his jaw, his wet lips and the way his fingers absently trace the rim of his glass. He’s not being completely honest—that much you know, but you’ve learned to read between the spaces of his words.
“Or maybe you just didn’t like the company,” you offer, your tone playful but with an edge to it.
Arthur’s eyes snap to yours, sharp and unmoving. “I didn’t say that,” he replies, his voice low, almost a growl.
He holds your gaze a beat longer than necessary, and you feel the weight of it settle deep in your chest, making your breath hitch. There’s something in his eyes, something raw, vulnerable that makes your heart stutter. You’re not sure if he sees how your composure falters, but he’s the first to look away, tipping his hat lower over his brow to shield his expression.
You’ve always hated when he does that—you’ve always hated the way he uses it to put a distance between you, but now more than ever you hate it because it feels like the wall between you is growing thicker and you’re not sure if you can get through anymore.
“You’re a hard man to figure out Arthur Morgan,” you say softly, the teasing edge gone from your voice. He doesn’t answer right away, and when he does, it’s in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Maybe that’s for the best.”
You bite your lower lip in frustration but then you force yourself to swallow down your disappointment. The conversation shifts then, moving toward more trivial things like the weather, the horses, Pearson’s latest disaster with the stew. But even as you talk, you know that there’s another conversation happening in the spaces between words, in the glances you exchange, in both your body language, in the way the silence sometimes wraps itself around you both.
You don’t speak of it. You don’t name it. Neither of you can, but you know it’s there.
“Good night Arthur,” you say, your voice quieter than you intended. You give him a sweet smile, one that doesn’t quite reach your eyes, before you stand, the weight of your own tiredness forcing you to seek the sweet embrace of your bed.
He doesn’t reply right away, just gives a slow tip of his hat. “Night.”
As you start to take a few steps away from the table, you feel his gaze on your back—steady, unwavering. It feels like it’s burning into your skin.
You glance over your shoulder, just once, and meet his eyes. For a moment, they’re distant, almost lost, like he’s somewhere far away in thought. But as your gaze lingers, you catch something else, something in the way his eyes soften, the barely perceptible softening of his eyebrows. It’s not a look of anger or frustration that he gives you, no, he’s looking at you with something deeper, something raw.
It’s the kind of look that makes your chest tighten, a sweet warmth settling between your ribs. He doesn’t need to say anything, you can feel it in the glance between you—the weight of all the things neither of you will dare to speak aloud.
In that brief moment, you understand. And it’s enough to leave you walking away with butterflies storming in your stomach and the strange sense that you’ve just shared something deep, something fragile with him without ever needing to say a word.
#.rira’s posting ౨ৎ ⋆#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x female reader#arthur morgan fic#red dead redemption 2#rdr2#red dead fandom#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 arthur morgan
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Yandere! Crazy ex boyfriend
tw: female reader, non - con, heavy degradation, slut-shaming, abuse/violence, mockery of depression, suicidal ideation, obsessive behavior, death threats, dark
It's 2 a.m. and you can't sleep - you keep turning and burying your head into the soft, warm pillow, but something is off. The moon is too bright, coming in from the gap between your heavy curtains. The crickets outside are too loud, playing around and singing the same old melody over and over again. The static silence of the old radio tucked under the drawers is too repetitive, too predictable. All in all, you can feel it in your bones; something is wrong. Very, very wrong.
You hear the steps next. That sinister laughter - getting louder and louder, someone screaming at the top of their lungs, the echo flooding through the thin walls of your small shared flat. Someone's fist is gripping the lock with uneccessary cruelty as if trying to knock it out of the handle. The key falls down in one sharp motion, and your heart stops completely once the door opens with a squeaky, familiar bang - it still makes you jump even after all those months.
"Aww, baby!" The man exclaims, leaning against the door. You're not sure if you are hallucinating due to the countless hours of lost sleep, or there is actually smoke coming out of his old black trenchcoat. You're not even sure if he's trully here, or if this is yet another nightmare. "You didn't bother with locks this time!" He continues, smiling with childlike glee - but you know him too well. He's never peaceful. He's never cheerful. Any indication of happiness the monster exhibits is meant to confuse and trick his prey, and you're not falling for his tricks again. You already got burnt one too many times.
"Does that mean you missed me?" He tilts his head, almost pouting at you. He's all disheveled - a total wreck. The curly, unruly hair you once loved to caress and play with now just seems shaggy and unkept, sticking out like an explosion. His eyes are dark, well, darker, bloodshot, barely recognizable from the warm pots of honey that used to make you melt against him. He's lost weight, yet weirdly enough seems to have gained some muscle. You can't help, but think that it simply looks weird, unnatural even. Adam, the one you remember, was never strong - he was never threatening, never even raised his voice at you. But that was years ago in the sweet, distant dreams of the past, and that boy had died the moment you two moved in together. That's when your hell trully began.
"Were you trying to give me easy access, baby? Hm?" He smirks, interrupting your stream of consciousness. If you were unsure of his physicallity, of his existence, it's bright clear now - because you can never mistake that taunting, humiliating curve to his voice, the one he only uses when he's mad. Really, really mad. "Knew I would be back?"
You take a deep breath, slowly nodding along - maybe if you play nice, he'd just go away. Maybe this time you won't end up in cuts and bruises, all memories, good or bad, completely wiped off your drugged out hazy brain.
"Of course you did." Your ex boyfriend humms in satisfaction, taking a single step towards you - and it makes you tremble all over, no matter how much you wish you could remain calm and collected at the face of Death himself. "Because I told you so, no?" He clenches his teeth, raising his head so his eyes would meet yours. You feel like a deer caught before a trigger guard with an unstable trigger, one second away from being shot in the heart. "I told you-" He steps closer. "That I'll be back-" Another step. "Didn't I, princess?"
You nod again, unable to produce a sound. You almost wish he brought his gun so this little torture session would end quicker. Almost.
"Aww, look at you trying so hard to please me. It's adorable, baby." The man coos, his knee sliding across the edge of your bed. Fear takes a hold of your lungs, squeezing them in until you feel like you're seeing stars - and then Adam climbs on top of you. It all happens so quickly - one moment he's far away, and then he's towering over you, his hot breath ghosting over your sweaty neck, baby hairs sticking out with shivers. You can't shake the terrifying, unescapable feeling that you've been here before. That you somehow always end up underneath him, begging for your life - for mercy he won't ever grant you.
"I wonder where all that enthusiasm was when you decided to run on me." The white part of his eyes suddenly illuminates, brows raised together - he looks deranged. "Huh?" He looks at you, expecting an answer, yet you can't think of one. Your brain is turning to mush, consumed by raw panic - but why does it matter? Whatever you say he'll find a way to use against you. "Answer me, you fucking bitch!" He hisses, voice dropping to a diabolical whisper as his fist snaps around your throat like a metal collar. This seems to break off your stupor, and you open your mouth, ready to yell at whoever is still awake.
"Don't you dare fucking scream, cunt." Adam grips your jaw with one hand, crushing your cheeks into each other. "If I hear a single word come out of that filthy little mouth of yours, I am going to slit your fucking throat." His lips twist in a big sadistic grin you would have wanted to punch had you had the strength to move your arm around. Instead you whimper, defeated. Even after everything, your stupid self preservation instinct won't let you die - so it sacrifices the only thing you have left, your dignity. "And then in the morning your little friends will find you drowning in your own blood." He lowers his face, cold dead lips tracing the rough lines of your collarbone.
"A pretty picture for sure." He bites his lower lip, imagining it for just a second. "Bu-ut I know that even a depressed, suicidal little attention whore like you wouldn't want her friends to be sad." The man adds teasingly, and you can feel the bile back up into your stomach, burning and acidic. You may actually throw up all over him if you're not careful. And then he'd kill you for sure. "I mean, you seem to care for these pesky bugs oh-so much. It'd be a pity to force them to clean up your remains-"
"N-no, that's not true. I don't care about them, I only care about you!" You lie through your teeth, hot, salty tears pricking your eyes as you deny the love you have for the only people who care about you - the ones who basically saved you from a life of abuse and suffering. But apparently nothing good lasts, not when it comes to you. "Adam, I only love y-"
He backhands you - the slap echoes through the roof. Ouch.
"Don't say-" Your ex boyfriend grunts, roughly shoving you down. You take a shallow breath, letting the sting settle in. It's going to leave a red ugly handprint all over your cheek - and yet you stupidly thought your little confession was going to make him happy. Your anchors, the straws that used to buy you time, howerer rare and far in between, are all gone now. You used them up. You've run out of time, out of trick, out of will to keep fighting.
But you know he'll never make good on his threats. He'd never actually kill you - he doesn't love you enough to rid you of this miserable obsession that ties you together. And yet you tremble every time you feel the graze of his knife against your skin - you cower whenever he raises his hand. And you break down when he holds you close, hoping, praying that this time his embrace would prove just suffocating enough for you to stop breathing all together. It never does.
"Don't say you love me. You don't love me." Adam hisses in your ear, venom dripping off each word. "And I don't even care if you love me." He turns you around, pushing your face into your pillow - muffling your cries into weak, hiccuping sobs. "You're nothing." He swallows, averting his gaze to your lower body - yanking your shorts down with little concern as to whether they'd rip or not. "You amount to nothing, you're lower than dirt. You're just a fucked up little bitch." The man keeps mouthing off, and you can't decide what hurts more - his nails digging into your hips, or the razor sharp insults. " I never want you to forget that you deserve everything I give you."
You cry out as his massive length enters you with absolutely no preparation. It hurts - you're dry and it chaffs against your walls with nothing to make it slide freely, bruising your cervix. Your muscles are trying to push the foregin object out, but it keeps pushing in and out of you in forceful uniform thrusts. Between the waves of sharp and stinging-hot pain you manage to form a coherent thought - and you're surprised. Surprised that the man is even able to stay hard when all he feels right now is anger. Not love or affection, not even lust. Just anger. Surprised your body is still going even after your mind has given up. Surprised that, even despite all your protests and agony, you are growing used to this.
"I gave you everything." Adam start off again, picking up the pace of his thrusts. "Everything - but you're too much of a selfish whore to see." He pulls your hair back so you'd face him from beneath - then he slaps you with all force. "I want to mess up that pretty little face of yours." His hand connects to your cheek once again. You know you'll wake up all puffy and blue tomorrow morning - if you even wake up. "I want you so goddamn ugly no one wants you anymore." He pulls you in by your shirt, smashing his lips against yours with a brutal force - as if he's trying to become one with you, and break your face at the same time. "I want you so ruined-" He kisses you again, teeth running into teeth - yet he's the one to bite you first. "And lonely that you have no one else to turn to."
"I want you broken." He pulls away just to stare into your empty eyes, voice now back to a whisper. "As broken as me."
#yandere#yancore#male yandere#male yandere x reader#yandere oneshot#yandere x you#yandere male x reader#yandere oc#yandere oc x reader#yandere smut
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✧˚·.SashiAvi's Kinktober Day Six.·˚✧
#6|Skinny Dipping|#6
Sebastian x Reader - Word Count - 2.3k
There was something serene about the mountain lake at night. White moon beaming down its gaze, the dazzly lights of the stars freckled over the water’s clear surface, rippling against the bank. Frogs croak in the distance, their chests beating out with each ribbit, a sing-along with the chorus of crickets chirping their way through the night.
Sebastian can barely hear it though.
Ears cotton stuffed, deaf to the rest of the world, his eyes hyper-focused on you; The way you look up at him, skin naked and wet, hidden away under the water’s surface save for the supple skin of your collarbones and shoulders. Careful droplets caress over your form, rolling down your wet skin, going home to the pool below.
“Hi..” It’s all he can muster, running a palm down each side of your waist, holding the divet from your ribs to hips, letting his fingers sink into the soft curve of your body.
If he knew this was how a simple night smoke would have gone then Yoba, he would gladly become a chain smoker, blowing through pack after pack to have you just like this. To have a chance of catching you walking his way. To keep you from going home in a timely manner to selfishly drink up your company. You weren’t new to each other. Finding that sweet dance of playful sex, fooling around during your shared moments of downtime, exploring your bodies through rough bites and hard, snapping rolls of hips.
This was something else. Something all-new and different.
It started with a quip, some stupid thing that had managed to catch your attention, striking up a conversation full of sarcasm, dry and witty, bordering on something self-deprecating. You fed into it, spurring the conversation along, even accepting the butt of his cigarette when he offered it up to you. Oh, how your lips wrapped around the filter as you take in a drag, blowing that spicy smoke out from your lungs, up into the air before it wafts away.
Closer and closer you came together, leaned up against the thick bark of a cedar tree by the bank of the lake, shaded by the soft shaking leaves, hidden from the moonlight, faces lit up by the soft orange glow of the cigarette with each pulling drag. Sebastian’s lazy, squinted eyes flick between your own, watching the glint of moisture spark with the flickering burn of the minuscule blaze. His teeth sink into the pierced flesh of his bottom lip, Adam’s apple bobbing with his dry attempt at a swallow.
Tensions. Oh, tensions.
Rising up and up until they boil over.
You breathe out slow, letting the thick smoke escape your lungs, leaning close, blowing the spiced air gently into his face, chin tilted up as if you were going to press your lips into his own. Of course you pull away, holding the dying cigarette to his lips, watching the ash burn bright with a final pulling drag before the poor butt is flicked away. Sebastian holds his breath in his lungs, letting his palm cup your jaw, long fingers spreading to hold your face, thumb brushing once over with a caress.
You part your lips for him, breathing in his smoke, taking the shotgun with a little quirk of a grin cracking at the corner of your mouth. Honest to Yoba, Sebastian nearly lets himself hum out a sound of need, aching to get his lips on a newfound craving, to hell with his smokes, you were worse than nicotine, wanting to taste you on his lips and never get rid of everything you could give him. Before he can even get a kiss in, your finger stops him, pressed into the plump swell in a shushing motion, a light chuckle huffing from your throat.
You pull away and he chases, pitifully leaning forward into the newfound empty space, awing at the effect you have on the otherwise stoic man. You throw him a look over your shoulder, easily slipping off your top, throwing the fabric his way, shielding his view of your stripping form before he hears the wavering wave of the lake, moulding around your body as you get in. You were something spontaneous, ripping him from his comfort zone, somehow urging him to remove his own clothes with a cheeky beckon of your finger and a light, sing-song call of his name.
You were a siren, he was sure, pulling him against his own judgements as if he were hogtied, making his heart beat hard on his ribs, getting his mind to follow your call.
“Water’s nice, Sebby~” It's really all it takes for him to chase you like a lost kitten.
Of course you tease and run, splashing him with water, flicking droplets with a kick of your legs when you try to avoid him, play-fighting under the beam of the moon, disrupting the flat surface of the water. Push and pull, cat and mouse- Except Sebastian isn’t entirely sure who exactly the mouse was in this situation.
But you’re ever so gracious, aren't you? Wrapping your arms around his neck, legs hooking on to him as if you were a koala, lifted effortlessly thanks to the gravity defying properties the water blessed you with. He greets you, and you breathe back.
“Hi yourself..” Twinkly, sparkly eyes kissed by the moonlight. It's all he can think about. Your gorgeous face all damp, ends of your hair lapped at by the water, lightly moistened thanks to all the play teasing.
Words are useless.
Especially when his lips are on your own, moulding to your sweet mouth, deep and spit filled with tongues swirling over each other, noses huffing in search of air, and yet refusing to properly pull away. It's all silent sighs against each other's lips, clicky spit-filled swallows as you try to catch your breath, arms tightening around his neck in a desperate lock, fingers threading through the hair on the back of his head. Sebastian’s hands wander, down your waist, squeezing your hips, curving over your ass for leverage, carefully grinding you into the swelling pudge of his cock, making himself at home between your warm folds. That's what this was; Warm. So, so warm on his skin, shivering goosebumps down his back at the juxtaposition of the cool, lapping water.
He moans, and so do you. Swallowing down each other’s sounds with feverish kisses, lips moving harder and faster, slipping from the slow tandem you had roped yourself into, more teeth, clattering and clipping with little care - Hands racking through his hair, grabbing healthy fistfuls with a squeezing a tug, palms squishing the fat of your ass in a groping massage.
“Fuck me-” You chirp between hot kisses, squeezing your legs around him tighter, pushing the swell of your tits into his chest. Sebastian groans, clumsily moving you to the bank of the lake, pressing you into the slope of sandy, pebbly dirt, bodies still mingled within the lapping water. Your hair is not spared from being drenched and sand-filled, cool water kissing your skin, washing over the hot press of your bodies. Sebasian’s hands dig into the ground, fingers scratching lines into the surface with a pebbly drag, taking desperate fistfuls as his lips continue to devour your own.
His chest huffs, eyes glued shut as his kisses move, biting down your neck, letting himself suckle deep bruises and teeth-filled nibbles into all the sensitive spots of your skin. You cry out, breathing his name with a hiccup in your throat, fingers twisting a tug against his hair, thighs squishing him harder against you. The sound makes his cock bob, that call out into the open air, right by his own home, crying out for his attention seemingly uncaring of any prying ears that could be nearby.
He couldn't hold back, not like this, Yoba- He needed you, needed to sink his cock into your cunt, feel the warmth wrap all snug around his veiny length, save himself from the bite of the night air and the lap of shallow water licking at your bodies. His own tongue dares to lap up those droplets on your skin, licking the rough of his taste buds up your soft neck, finishing with a spitty kiss to your ear before he growls out.
“Put me in, Princess.. That's it- cmon..” He urges, nuzzling his temple against your own, coaxing you through the process of sinking him into your heat. “Hold me like that- fuck.. Tugging on me so sweetly.. Getting me nice and hard f’you? Yeahahh?” He can’t help but babble a little, spurred on by his own desperation, something he brought upon himself- Nothing kills a man faster than his own head.
“Promise- promise you’ll fuck me- please.. Pleaseplease-” You slip his head between your folds, sticky-wet even through the wash of water between your laps.
“Promise, Baby- Gonna fuck you s’good, s’okay- I gotcha.. I gotcha..hahh-” He nods, rolling his hips while he speaks his promises, sliding through the fat of your pussy, knocking on your clit.
Sometimes to stay alive you've got to kill your mind. And it dies. Any legible thoughts killed away with the warm sink of his cock into your supple, velvety cunt, pulsing hard with a thick, veiny throb when the pudge of his head kisses a press into your cervix.
Sebastian muffles a groan, huffed with an ‘oomph’ from his teeth-bitten lips, already starting a steady rhythm, humping into your cunt, letting your legs pull him in over and over. God, you mewl, chin tilted up to the night sky, hands clawing into his hair, fingers squeezing at the swell of his shoulder, doing your very best to pull him closer. It's impossible and yet? He craves it, needs to be pressed into you in every way possible, lapping at your tongue, fucking snappy thrusts into your creamy cunt.
He pulls back to see you, shining in that bath of moonlight, dark and lathered in sweet mystery at the luna’s kiss, the lake water pooling around your hips shining bright with those twinkles of light, lapping at your skin with each rolling thrust of his hips.
“Fuck..” More, More- Needs to see more.
His gritty sand groaned dirt covered hands pry at your legs, pressing rough grains into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, pressing you down into the water- The sweetest mating press one ever could muster - Legs spread nice and wide for him, pinned and stinging with the grit of dirt, knees rocking in tandem with each snap of his hips. Don’t get him started on the noises. Mewly moans and chanting babbles of his name dribbling from your lips, the squelchy sweetness of your cunt paired with the repetitive ripple of water following his every thrust. Skin splashes together, sprays of dribbling droplets coming off of the connection, bodies clapping together with a vulgar ‘plap, plap, plap.’
“Ahh.. hmmn~ S-Seb-!” You writhe and moan, squirming against the sandy bank, one hand gripped desperately at one of his wrists holding pressure into your spread legs, grounding yourself with him. The other messes with your clit, rolling the bud between your fingers, circling the sweet thing with the flat of your fingertips all while his hips smush into your knuckles with every grinding roll.
Sebastian’s palms slide up, hooking under your knees, into the soft underside connecting the joint, grinding your poor skin into the pebbly lake floor. He mounts himself on you, fucking feverishly into your cunt, hips moving down with obnoxious claps, splashy water perpetuating the noise- He stuffs his face into your neck, lips and teeth back on your skin, sinking down into the supple flesh while his cock dares to throb.
Closer and closer- Feeling a build up in the depths of his gut, veins gushing warm blood into the tip of his cock with a hot flex, threatening to spill and burst-
“Cumming-! S..Sebastian! Ohhh Baby please- please!” You beat him to it, crying out for him so sweetly like that, sobby sounds cutting through the splash of water rippling with his fucks, fingers tightening on his wrist, speeding up against the bead of your cunt.
“That's it- Cum f’me.. Gonna be right there, Princess- Fuckk take me there-” His throat growls out a deep groan, teeth grit while he keeps up those praises, sweet talking you through the brunt of your orgasm, laughing a huffy, arousal tainted chuckle all light from his chest when you cream. Sweet and squeezy, velvety walls massaging the length of his cock as you cum, pussy suckling him in, inviting the hot pulse of his own orgasm with a loving hug.
His hips snap in sharp staccatos, throat stuck in a perpetual growl with each lingering fuck as he spurts. He creams into you, hot and ropey filling up the depths of your sweetness, milked off by your squeezing. His eyes dare to roll, jaw going slack with sloppy, hasteful kisses, voice box betraying him with shameless praises and confessions, accidental “I fuckin love you’s” gasped into the skin of your neck.
He gifts you a final grind, rocking his hips in small motions, working you through the comedown, handsy palms opting to pet and soothe at your thighs, tickling the skin from the inner depths of your bikini line all the way up to the knee. He helps your poor legs wrap back around him, nice and comfy while he comes down to knock his forehead into your own, resting his weight on his forearms, trapping you into your own little bubble. Away from the moon, hot breaths huffing in the space, crickets entering Sebastian’s ears once more, the surrounding atmosphere gracing its presence in his mind once again.
He swallows thick, breathing hard, nuzzling his nose before pulling away just enough to see you.
“Hi..” It's all soft giggles of disbelief from there.
→ Kinktober Masterlist & Taglist ←
some soft Sebby today <3
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any thoughts please let me know! I'd love to hear them <3 your words spur my heart on!
Property of : SashiAvi
@deepestnightcolor @madsw9 @the-massive-simp @neetily @wrongdodo @modern-gremlin @blakebearsblog @skelitea @saoirse06 @yumelurve @kiwibyssongg @scrunkle-writings @regalchick33 @sydbeenis @kasasim @cheerupbabie @shinypainterturtle @callinz @jellyfishlord123 @b-lossm @tetatitanica @princesstiti14 @cherryminxx @kyrothehornypuppy @animeandobeymefandom @thecr0w @toorusproblems @joviaschaoticmind @quiruifam @sturniolopowers @hon3yydew @ghost--heart @booitzbellie @skullkroncher @maryenette @asssholeuwu @cowboyweevil @heylisin @its-starlight-farm @cheezydoritos69 @sephreads0 @hitatwiin @avocado-sloth @empressil @loverboykirstein
#sashiavi's kinktober#kinktober 2024#kinktober prompts#kinktober#stardew valley#stardew valley smut#ʚ•*°sashiavi writes°*•ɞ#afab reader#stardew valley sebastian#stardew valley sebastian smut#stardew sebastian#sebastian stardew valley#stardew valley sebastian x reader#stardew valley sebastian x reader smut#stardew sebastian x reader#stardew sebastian smut#sdv sebastian#sdv sebastian smut#sdv sebastian x reader
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tags: cowboy!geto x fem!reader, private relationship (bc father doesn’t approve), fluff(ish), angst, sad ending, reader is daughter of a land owner!! + heavily inspired by this art 🙂↕️
the sun blazes down, crickets singing their lazy tune, but your world feels like it’s crashing. your fingers nervously graze the folded newspaper on the wooden bench as you hear his voice, low and smooth as always.
“hiya, pretty.”
your heart leaps at the sight of suguru geto, standing there like the dream he is. his long, silky black hair spills out from beneath a dusty black cowboy hat, cascading over his broad shoulders. dirt covers his forearms, muscles straining under the red plaid shirt barely hanging on by the threads. his black leather jeans hug him in all the right ways, tucked into his tall, scuffed cowboy heel boots, the kind that make your breath hitch every time he walks.
you smile, trying to keep things light despite the pounding in your chest. you fold the newspaper and place it beside you on the bench. "mmm, shouldn’t you be workin’, handsome?" you tease, squinting against the bright sun as it beats down relentlessly.
he cocks his head, the wooden toothpick between his lips shifting slightly as he grins. “not today, doll.” but there’s something heavy in his voice that makes your heart skip. he pulls a letter from his back pocket, holding it out. “give this to y’er father, will ya?”
you hesitate, fingers brushing the envelope. it’s addressed in your father’s neat handwriting. “what for? another horse bet?” you laugh softly, but there’s an anxious edge to it. his chuckle, usually warm, feels distant.
“nahhh… ‘m leavin’.”
the words stop you cold. the sun, the crickets, everything fades as you rise from the bench, the hem of your sundress skimming the dusty ground. you can barely breathe.
“n-no, sugu, you can’t leave,” you whisper, voice trembling as tears prick at the edges of your vision. you reach for him, desperate, but he steps back, looking around as if the other farmers might be watching.
“we can’t keep this up, baby. y’know this.” he says softly, eyes full of regret, though he won’t meet your gaze. your grip tightens around the letter, crumpling it in frustration.
“why? do you not love me anymore? is there another woman?” the questions spill out, frantic, as tears spill down your cheeks. his cowboy hat casts a shadow over his face, but you can still see the sadness in his eyes.
he steps closer, his large hands wiping the tears from your face. “he caught us again. found our letters ‘n nearly killed me this time.”
your heart sinks as the memory floods back—the first time he’d caught you and suguru, the stolen kiss that caused a war between families. it took weeks of tense meetings, your father and geto’s sitting across from each other, finally agreeing that suguru could stay on as a worker, so long as he kept his distance, stayed in line. but your father never trusted him again.
you glance at the other farmers working in the distance, their eyes darting towards your loud sobbing, but you don’t care.
“we can talk to him,” you say, your voice shaky as you grab his hand, trying to pull him toward the barn. “we’ll make him understand.”
but he doesn’t move. he’s planted there, a sorrowful look in his deep violet eyes. his long hair, so soft you used to run your fingers through it, sways slightly in the breeze as he finally speaks.
“he gave me a choice, sweetheart. stay and marry your cousin—or leave.”
you freeze, the weight of his words hitting like a blow to the chest. your heart feels like it’s breaking all over again. you let go of his hand, stepping back in disbelief. his hands cup your face, pulling you back into the moment, his touch gentle despite the sadness between you.
“i could never do that to you, my sweet girl. i love you too much.” his voice softens as he presses a kiss to your tear stained cheek. you cling to him, not ready to let go, but he’s already slipping away.
before you can speak, he pulls off one of his silver rings, pressing it into your palm, firmly closing your fingers around it,
“wait for me, darlin’. i promise you, i’ll come back and marry you.”
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk x reader#jjk fanfic#jujutsu kaisen angst#geto suguru x reader#geto x reader#geto fluff#geto angst#geto suguru angst#geto suguru fluff#jjk fluff#jjk angst#jjk#divider from @enchanthings
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Cinnamon || KMG {teaser} - coming Feb. 7!

(banner by @sailorsoons)
Written for the Lonely Hearts Cafe Collab!
Cinnamon mingyu x fem!reader (nicknamed Sunny for Reasons), reader x male oc for a while fluff smut angst best friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, idiots to lovers all apply NSFW - minors DNI
Summary: You finally decide to try and move on after years of waiting for Mingyu to return your feelings. But when you start bringing your new boyfriend around more often, things with Mingyu get... difficult.
WC: 19k teaser wc: 900
Warnings: language, recreational drinking and overdrinking, a brief mention of throwing up from a hangover, angst and hurt feelings, not miscommunication but definitely refusal to communicate, kissing (some with mg and some with a male oc), arguments, reader and mingyu are both imperfect people who make mistakes and do things wrong... theyre not bad or toxic people but their choices can be hurtful... theyre humans who mess up have to just do better going forward, quick and prosey piv smut
teaser warnings: language, angst, drunkenness
a/n: beta'd by @sailorsoons and @eoieopda smooch smooch love yall
Mingyu is an avalanche. Rushing, rolling, thundering over and through you until there’s nothing left but a glinting field of ice and silence. Nothing else matters - nothing else exists - in his wake.
“You better watch out, Mingyu,” Jeonghan says from the couch, and your blood runs as cold as that field of ice, because you know he’s about to start some shit. “Sunny got flowers from her lover today. That guy’s coming for your woman.”
You’re opening your mouth to reprimand him - tell him to shut up, or something - but Mingyu beats you to it.
“Sunny’s not mine,” he says simply.
All that ice evaporates in an instant like it was never there.
“My lover,” you echo with a frown, when you can speak again. “Don’t say it like that, you weirdo.”
“Well, isn’t he?” Jeonghan asks innocently.
You head for your bedroom with a roll of your eyes. “Goodnight, Jeonghan.”
“That means yes,” he sing-songs, and you slam your door shut.
Wonwoo’s voice floats through the door. “Who pissed off Sunshine?”
Mingyu responds with a growl, “Who do you think?”
You and Mingyu lay side by side in the grass, a late spring night unspooling with cricket song and a smattering of flickering stars above you. His arm touches yours and you can feel his chest shift as he breathes deeply.
You feel content - you feel infinite - you feel like one of those blinking stars. You feel like you could lay here next to him in silence and be happy until your light goes out, just like theirs.
“Mingyu,” you say, turning to look at him. The grass tickles your cheek.
He turns to look at you, too. It’s dark, here behind the university’s main hub, most of the lights on the far side of the building. Still, there’s enough light to see his eyes, steady on you, his gaze serious.
“Sunny Baby,” he responds, voice low, like he’s telling you a secret. “I love you.”
You startle awake, heart pounding, and you’re immediately furious.
“Fuck,” you hiss, punching your mattress once.
The pathetic truth is you dream about that night in undergrad all the time - you and Mingyu on one of the last nights before summer break, leaving a party together and laying in the grass behind the advising department building watching the constellations rotate above you.
The pathetic truth is the dream never follows the script, always turning the scene sideways, making it something different than what it was.
The pathetic truth is that Mingyu had been blacked out, more fucked up than you’d ever seen him, and you’d laid in the grass because you physically couldn’t keep him upright any further than that and you’d had to text Wonwoo to come help you.
You hadn’t said anything to Mingyu - at least not something meaningful. You might have said please don’t puke on me, or god, you weigh a ton, or how many jaegerbombs did you do?
He had said he loved you - had slurred it, eyes closed.
You had laughed, even though it had sent a dagger through your chest. “Okay, Romeo,” you’d teased, and checked your phone to see if Wonwoo was on his way to help.
“I do,” he’d insisted, one hand patting the grass next to him like he was trying to find you. “Sunny, I love you.”
You didn’t know how he meant it - still don’t know, to this day, because you don’t think he even remembers saying it and you’d been too afraid to bring it up.
What were you supposed to say? Hey, when you were blacked out last night, you said you love me… do you mean like… platonically… or…?
God. The idea of it is just as humiliating now, years later, as it had been in the weeks that followed that night. And though he’s said it regularly since then, he never said it like that, and you never pushed it.
Now, awake and furious and sad at three in the morning, you grab your phone and climb out of bed.
You know you shouldn’t. You know it’s only making this worse for you. But you make your way on light steps through the dark and silent apartment to Mingyu’s door and push it open.
Is it mithridatism, this thing you do? Microdosing on the poison so that a full dose won’t kill you? No, that isn’t right. A full dose of Mingyu won't kill you. It’s an absence of Mingyu that you need protection from.
You climb into his bed and poke at his calves with your toes until he grunts as he wakes. Then, as he gathers his senses, he rolls to look at you over his shoulder.
“Bad dream?” he asks, voice kind of breathy with sleep.
He rolls the rest of the way, lifts his arm so you can scoot a little closer. You breathe easier immediately. It makes no sense that the thing that hurts you is also the only thing that makes you feel better.
“Won’t your lover object to you getting in bed with me?” he asks, and you can hear the edge in his voice as clear as day.
You let out a single, wry ha. He’s got a point, but Daeyoung isn’t your boyfriend, you aren’t exclusive, and what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
“Nah,” you say easily. “I’m not his.”
Welcoming to the world the fic I have lovingly dubbed Cinnamingyu!!! Coming Friday, February 7th!!!
read the full fic here!
#lonelyheartscafecollab#svt fanfic#svt fic#svt x reader#seventeen x reader#seventeen fanfic#svt imagines#f2l#friends to lovers#mingyu fanfic#kim mingyu fanfic#mingyu fic#mingyu x reader#kim mingyu x reader#mingyu x you#kim mingyu x you#mingyu x y/n#kim mingyu x y/n#mingyu fluff#kim mingyu fluff#mingyu smut#kim mingyu smut#mingyu angst#kim mingyu angst#roommates to lovers#idiots to lovers
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billy the kid x cowgirl!reader 18+| being on the road means no privacy, and billy takes that risk with you against a random barn |

you stumble over the grass, giggling as Billy drags you to the desolate barn. It's probably around midnight...you two were riding for hours, horses tied up somewhere as you recklessly abandon them
"shh, love!" he chuckles, you only nod as you try to seal your lips from the laughter that's bubbling in you. the crickets sing as you make it behind the barn, he presses you against it, hand still in hand.
you squeal at the motion, he bites his lip back at your noise before pulling his gun out and looking side to side
"don't make me gag you, dear" he playfully warns, again, you nod.
this obviously isn't your barn, and there are obviously people inside the farmhouse a few feet from where you stood. but billy is a risk-taker, and you can't wait to figure out the reason why you two are here
"now, be quiet" he says with a grin before dipping down and kissing you, his tongue is hot with whiskey, and his hands are traveling lower, and lower
he unzips your trousers, fingers pulling your panties aside as the excitement of your sneaking is basically leaking out of you, but you still warn him..
"we're gonna get caught!" you whispered on his lips, the thought of an old man stumbling out of his home with a shotgun and a good aim being a heavy thought of yours but billy just shrugs it off
"we can wait till we're in town tomorrow" he says, fingers still bunching up the fabric between your thighs and you feel like tomorrow would be century-long travel
"damn, you mr. bonney" you whisper and he grins, fingers quickly moving to your center as he rubs your clit expertly and his mouth landing on your neck
"don't worry, I'll get you goin' quick. then it's back to the horses" he kisses your collarbone, finger slipping inside of you as you begin to squirm in his grip
you whine softly as he pumps his finger, his concentrated eyes darting to you as he raises his gun to his lips
"still being quiet"
another finger as you sink your teeth into your lips, you taste the blood pool when he curls his fingers
"don't hurt those pretty lips, mrs. bonney" he teases and you stop yourself from smacking his arm, getting lost in the pleasure as he watches your face contort for him
"doin' so good, darling" he whispered praises, kissing your cheek as your legs began to buckle
"that's it" he encouraged as you became undone, orgasm twisting your limbs as he proudly watches
he selfishly pumps a few more times before taking his hand out of your pants. you stood there huffing as he cleaned his fingers with his tongue
"now, let's go back before we get shot!" he grins before taking you hand in hand and tip-toeing back to your horses

an: thank you for all the support 🥺🫶 it truly means the world to me
#the hunger games#ballad of songbirds and snakes#catching fire#the hunger games fanfiction#the hunger games imagine#coriolanus snow#billy the kid#coriolanus snow fanfiction#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#billy the kid 2022#billy the kid x reader#billy the kid smut#tom blyth x you#tom blyth fanfiction#tom blyth smut#tom blyth imagine#tom blyth x reader#tom blyth#coriolanus snow smut#corio snow#coriolanus snow imagine#coriolanus snow x reader#coriolanus x reader#coriolanus x you#tbosas#the hunger games rp#tbosbas#william bonney#william bonney smut#william h bonney x reader
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begging on my hands and knees for you to write something for art 😓 (preferably dilf!art)

notes: MY SHAYLA! jay your wish is my command! 🧞♀️ i was supposed to post it tomorrow but i’m so happy with it, i had to do it tonight!
the sun hangs low in the sky, bleeding gold and amber across the backyard, where the remnants of the barbecue linger. smoke curls up lazily from the grill, the scent of charred meat and beer-soaked laughter still heavy in the air. your dad’s old friends are still around, scattered across patio chairs, the low hum of their conversation blending with the crickets just starting to sing.
but your eyes aren’t on them.
they're on art.
he’s standing near the grill, beer in hand, the condensation dripping down his fingers, rolling over the ridges of his knuckles. his sleeves are pushed up to his elbows, exposing forearms that have no right looking that good—tanned, dusted with hair, corded with muscle that flexes every time he brings the bottle to his lips. his dark eyes flicker toward you for a moment, catching you staring, and you swear there’s a ghost of a smirk at the corner of his mouth before he turns back to whatever your dad is saying.
heat curls in your belly, twisting into something dangerous.
it’s been like this all afternoon, stolen glances, the way he watches you when he thinks you’re not looking. and you know you shouldn’t be looking at him like that—your dad’s friend, too old, too familiar. but you can’t help it.
later, when the night settles and the party winds down, you slip into the kitchen for a glass of water. the house is quieter now, the distant murmur of voices fading into the background. you reach for a glass in the cabinet when a presence looms behind you, close enough that you feel the warmth of him before you hear his voice.
“you really shouldn’t be lookin’ at me like that, sweetheart.”
his voice is low, rough, scraping along your spine like a match against flint. your breath catches in your throat as you turn, finding him closer than he should be, closer than he needs to be.
“been watchin’ you, y’know.”
his eyes are darker now, heavy-lidded, the kind of look that sends a shiver rolling through you. you wet your lips, heart stuttering, hands tightening around the cool glass in your grip.
“you’re playin’ with fire, angel’.”
but he doesn’t move away. and neither do you.
his gaze drops, flickering over your face, your mouth, before dragging back up to meet your eyes. something in his expression shifts, hardens. it makes your pulse quicken, makes the air between you thick, electric.
he exhales sharply, his jaw ticking, like he’s warring with something inside himself. but then his hand is at your waist, fingers pressing just firm enough to make you shiver, to make you lean in.
“this ain’t smart,” he murmurs, but his grip doesn’t loosen, his thumb stroking absently against the fabric of your dress. “your dad…”
he trails off, something unspoken hanging between you. you know what he’s thinking—what he’s trying to resist. but you don’t care.
not when you’ve spent all day watching him. not when he’s here now, so close you can smell the smoke and cedar clinging to his skin.
“he doesn’t have to know.”
your voice is softer than you intend, almost a whisper, but he hears it. you know he does.
his eyes darken, something slipping in them, something breaking. then, without another word, he’s leading you down the hall, into the quiet hush of your bedroom, the door clicking shut behind him.
there’s hesitation in his hands when he touches you, fingers ghosting over your arms, your hips, like he’s memorizing the feel of you before he lets himself have it. like he’s savoring the moment before he ruins you.
“tell me to stop,” he rasps, voice tight, strained.
but you don’t.
instead, you pull him closer, tilting your chin up to meet his mouth, soft at first, tentative. but the second he groans against your lips, something in him snaps. his hands tighten at your waist, pulling you flush against him as he deepens the kiss, slow and hot, stealing the breath from your lungs.
his hands wander, slipping under the hem of your dress, dragging it up, up, until it pools at your waist. his palms are warm, calloused, rough where they slide along your skin. he swears under his breath when he finds you bare beneath it, his grip tightening as he presses his forehead to yours.
“fuck, sweetheart.”
his voice is wrecked, thick with something heavy, something desperate. his breath is hot against your skin as he moves lower, sucking and biting at the sensitive flesh of your neck, leaving his mark, claiming you. his hands spread your thighs wide, fingers teasing over your swollen, dripping folds before he drags his tongue through the slick heat of you, groaning at the taste.
“so fuckin’ sweet,” he murmurs, voice thick with hunger. his fingers slide inside, curling just right, making you gasp and clutch at his hair, pulling him closer. he eats you like a man starved, tongue flicking, sucking, his name falling from your lips in broken moans.
when you’re trembling, on the verge of unraveling, he pulls away, eyes dark with need. he fists his cock, dragging the tip through your slick, watching the way your body shudders, your legs spreading further for him.
“tell me you want it,” he demands, voice hoarse.
“i need you,” you whisper, breathless, desperate.
"you do, honey?" he thrusts in, inch by inch, stretching you, filling you, growling low in his throat. “fuck, you’re tight.”
his pace is slow, teasing, making you beg before he finally gives in, fucking you deep, hard, relentless. the sound of skin slapping, the wet, filthy noises between you fill the room. he grips your thighs, spreads you wider, watching himself disappear inside you over and over.
“look at you,” he groans. “taking me so fuckin’ good.”
your body arches, pleasure building, your nails raking down his back as he pounds into you. he presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing tight circles, pushing you over the edge. you come with a cry, muscles clenching, spasming around him.
he follows with a rough curse, thrusts turning erratic as he spills inside you, filling you with his heat. he collapses against you, breathless, his lips trailing lazy kisses along your skin.
when it’s over, when he’s still hovering over you, spent and satisfied, he presses his lips to your temple, lingering.
but the guilt creeps in, slipping through the cracks, and when he pulls away, there’s something distant in his eyes.
“this can’t happen again,” he murmurs, but there’s no conviction behind it.
you don’t believe him.
and neither does he.
special tags: @faiszt @bluemerakis
#challengers#art donaldson#art donalson x reader#art donaldson smut#art#art challengers#dilf!art#older boyfriend#controversially young gf#my mooties✦#art is a dilf#older!art donaldson
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Some things I loved about Once Upon A Studio (in no particular order):
Tinkerbell and Mickey interacting as dual mascots
The long-shots following characters through the studio (most notably from Peter Pan to Moana)
Everyone in that elevator was a character with little patience
The robot from Meet the Robinsons! I forgot his name 🥲
Gaston singing to himself about himself
The Mad Hatter making puns
Tiana correcting Pinocchio that the photo was happening right now and not tonight
Prince Charming losing his shoe on the staircase
Prince Eric’s dog stealing Prince Charming’s shoe and Charming yelled “Eric! Get your dog!”
Cinderella shouting “go Max go!”
Jiminy Cricket being the last solo during the group cover of When You Wish Upon A Star
The first Disney Princess singing with the last Disney Princess (and also Mulan who represents the middle of the Disney Renaissance)
Feed The Birds from Mary Poppins playing in the background of Mickey looking at Walt’s photo 🥲
Mickey saying “After you” to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald was Walt’s first character, so everyone in this lineup came “After Oswald,” including Mickey)
Belle and Beast singing together 💕
Winnie The Pooh!!!! And all his friends of course!
Don’t think I didn’t see those Black Cauldron characters lol
The 101 Dalmatians watching that one Chernabog animation and being warned that they’ll get nightmares XD
Quasimodo’s beautiful singing voice
Minnie covering her eyes in the boy’s bathroom
The dog from Oliver & Company (I forgot his name 🥲) driving around with Vanellope
Tarzan and Jane!
Timon calling Olaf “frosty”
Genie helping Olaf while making a joke (🙏 Robin Williams)
Lucille from Meet the Robinsons drinking coffee with the tea gang (that Cogsworth was berating)
BOLT! :D (you can also see Penny in the crowd at the end)
The brooms from Fantasia!
Absolutely zero Pixar characters 😔 this is a Disney Only event
There’s a LOT to talk about in this short but this is just a simple list of things that I really liked :3
I hope someone on YouTube makes a list of every cameo cause I wanna see them all identified
Also I didn’t see any references to A Goofy Movie so if anyone happens to find Powerline in the crowd or something lemmie know
Edit: I’ve been informed that A Goofy Movie was straight-to-DVD and therefore doesn’t qualify as real Disney 😔
#disney#once upon a studio#disney100#disney 100#oswald the lucky rabbit#<- the only character I’m tagging
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xii. never lose me

a/n: (i lost the ask so sorry to that anon, hope u still find this 💀 but the ask was like: can you make a fic based off never lose me by flo milli? with smut)
happy new year my loves!
sorry this took so long im such a slow writer. plus im braindead asf. ik i said i had to proofread this in my last post but i lied i didnt 😬
nooobody ask me where he got all this money cuz baby idk. i hope some of this stuff is correct bc i am not rich 😭
warnings/tags: smut 👻, fem!black!reader, no use of y/n, no desc of reader's physical features BUT reader dresses feminine (think aliyahsinterlude), modern!ekko, boat sex yay, semi-public(?), risky, backshots 🎉, oral (e! recieving), reader getting spoiled, soft dom!ekko, so loosely inspired by the song, not proofread. raw vibe
ekko goes above and beyond treating you right.
anything you want, all yours. that new purse? check your mailbox. you need your nails done? here's $300, keep the change, don't worry about it. he always makes sure you're pleased, even if you don't ask. he knows everything about you by heart. favorite flowers, favorite foods, plus your usual orders, so it's not uncommon to come home to food on the table with a fresh vase of florals seated next to it.
of course, nothing about this relationship was ever one sided. there is no one who prances around announcing that ekko is your man quite like you do. you make sure ekko knows that if he ever needs you, no matter what, you're there.
in return, you get whatever you want.
"ekko," you sing, putting your phone down in the cup holder. your hand rests over ekko's, which has a gentle grip on your thigh. crickets chirp outside, veiled beneath the dark sky and lack of light. you're speeding down an empty backroad on your way back home from a little shopping spree at a mall an hour and some change away. "i wanna go somewhere."
he hums. "where were you thinking?"
"dunno yet," you lean your weight onto the center console, maybe somewhere in asia."
"yeah?" he asks, squeezing the fat of your thigh. you smile wide. "sure. let me know when you decide."
"i will, thanks baby," you chirp, gently pulling his hand up your thigh and closer to your center. his fingers catch on the hem, pushing your denim skirt up and gently pressing his thumb into your clit. he's rubbing featherlight circles into it, running over the lacy underwear he bought for you a while back. your gasp is barely heard beneath the music.
the engine whirrs, and you see the speedometer shoot up.
so impatient.
it truly didn't take long for ekko to book that flight. you said the place, and about 30 minutes later everything was set in stone.
excitement rushed through your body as you packed, making sure to tuck your matching sets beneath your clothes. he deserved some type of reward, right?
when you finally arrived at your hotel, late into the night, jet-lagged to all hell, you couldn't help but ask ekko if he needed some help. he did everything, all you did was walk around, complain about your feet hurting a bit, and cling to his arm. regardless, he insisted you worried about nothing and just got comfy for the night because he had something big planned tomorrow.
never would you have ever guessed that you'd end up on a cruiser yacht.
he had you blindfolded after you returned to the hotel from eating and shopping, promising that you'd love it and that you just needed to be patient and trust him. you did; no hesitation there.
and once he slipped it off after your minor freak-out wondering what you're stepping onto that has to be so wobbly, it took your breath away.
the sun sinks below the horizon, yellow rays glittering off of the water. your hands met his, perched on your hips, looking back to find his prideful grin.
"ekko..." you pout.
"iii know, i'm a great boyfriend, you love me, i know," he jokes, chuckling as you walk around the cockpit, marveling the fact that you're on one. "it'll leave soon, there's a cooler with drinks, and i can take pictures for you."
you smile wide. "my personal photographer. in fact, take some of me right now before the sun sets," you rush to hand him your phone, quickly posing yourself in front of the scene.
ekko took taking photos for you so seriously, genuinely telling you how to switch your posing and expression, and without missing a beat always hyping you up to the third degree.
so when you heard nothing from ekko, no 'oooh's or 'mhm's, you turned to him.
"sorry, you're just..." he laughs sheepishly, avoiding your gaze as if he wasn't the key to your heart. "so pretty."
you roll your eyes. "you're so corny."
the tone of your voice completely betrayed your words, honeyed and bashful. he catches it, shaking his head and raising the camera again.
"right—okay, let's try this again."
the pictures came out great. you wanted to wait until you got home to pick your favorites to post, but all of them were so good that you didn't know which one to pick.
you leaned against the railing, staring out into deep night, city lights twinkling in the distance. the cool sea breeze rushes against your skin, the salty scent of the ocean flooding around you. it was too good of an opportunity to not take more.
"ekko, take a few more for me?"
he hums, not a moment of protest, finding your phone and settling into the seat opposite of you.
you take your seat as well, your torso twisted and legs crossed. his mouth opens—'move your leg a little' rests on his tongue, until he inspects your gaze through the phone. you weren't quite looking at the camera, but rather...behind it.
"you okay?"
you nod. "yeah...you look good as fuck over there."
he fumbles over his words for a moment, looking down at his attire. "in my spiderman shirt?"
"mhm, especially in your spiderman shirt," you look him up and down, eyes sliding over his muscles. "come back over here real quick?"
he's surprised he didn't trip from how quickly he scrambled over to you, sitting in the seat beside you. his smile is poorly hidden as you crawl into his lap. his hands find your waist, pulling you closer.
you direct his face up, fingers gently pushing at his chin, leaning down to lock your lips together.
his hands roam your body—clearly too impatient—fingers pushing beneath your shirt, pulling up and revealing your bra. intricate lace, almost in a floral pattern, dyed a dusty pink that was barely visible under the moonlight. the cups had a deep cut, plunging down from your collar bone to the bottom of your sternum with a dainty little decorative bow.
you literally feel him getting hard. he looks up, fingers running along the band. "this for me?"
"sure is." you nod, reaching down to tug your skirt down. the hem of your matching panties peek out. "you like 'em?"
"do i?" he glances above the short barrier at the captain, who isn't paying an ounce of attention. just humming in his own world, only focused on the path they were going on. perfect.
"shit..." his lips reconnect with yours before trailing down, sucking hickies into your skin, tightly squeezing your thighs, brows furrowing.
you can already tell he's going to find a way to seat you right on his face so you stop him—not because you don't want that, but you've been spoiled enough for one day—pushing his shoulders back and getting off of him.
he looked like a kicked puppy when you separated from him and you just roll your eyes, sinking down onto your knees with a wide smile. it all connects for him and he relaxes against the seat, lips parting as you quickly unbutton his pants, your nail hooking at the band of his trunks. you tug, down, down, down, until his dick springs free and lightly taps his naval.
you waste no time, your lips meeting the base, then parting to let your tongue run up a vein that lead you to the sensitive tip.
ekko shivers, eyes shifting from the arch in your back to your lips, leaving glossy stamps all along his length.
you, on the other hand, kept your eyes locked onto his. he kept averting his gaze. for what, you weren't sure. but you tapped his tip against your tongue, capturing his attention. finally, his eyes meet yours. now you feel like you can continue.
you kiss the tip again, smiling up at him as you allow it to breach your lips, sliding into your mouth agonizingly slow.
"fuuuck," he drags, watching you slowly sink down, taking almost all of it yet stopping where your lips met your fingers.
you get acquainted with the feeling, adjusting your tongue to press against the skin. your cheeks hollow, your head slowly falling into a bobbing movement, stroking him alongside your movements.
he struggles to not thrust straight up into your mouth, gripping the edge of the leather cushions. one hand meets the back of your head but doesn't push or pull, just rests there.
his hips twitch, torso relaxing against the back of the seat, growing rigid whenever your tongue ran across just the right spot. his chest rises and falls rapidly, quickly drawing in breaths then moaning them right out.
your jaw already started to ache, but looking up at him as he falls apart from just your mouth is beyond worth it. he shakes his head, eyes leaving yours, squeezing shut, and you can tell he's already close.
his hand leaves your head, forearm laying against his forehead. you tap him, a reminder. look at me. he peeks down, a breathy chuckle pushing through.
"doin' so good for me, yeah? 'm close—" he warns you—you nod in acknowledgment.
you unhinge your jaw, sticking your tongue out so he can watch his cum spill all over it,
he sucks air in through his teeth, and before you know it you're bent over the seat, looking out onto the horizon. you start to speak and he just shushes you, tugging your skirt up and pulling your panties to the side. soaked.
maybe you were just too impatient, because before he could even get comfortable you were reaching back to put it in. his laugh rings behind you, shooing your hand away so he can finish sinking all the way inside you.
his pelvis meets your ass and you almost caught a glimpse of the back of your skull. he started slow, gripping your waist and bringing you back to meet his strokes.
you're squeezing around him so tight, and all he can do is stare in awe at it. his length glistens, coated in your juices. then he couldn't take it, his pace quickening, watching the fat of your ass recoil against his movements.
it feels euphoric, almost unreal. staring out into the night sky, stars twinkling above you, ocean swaying below you, and ekko thrusting into your heat, moaning behind you—it was overwhelming, it had your flesh running hot.
"feels good?" he questions, though your gasps and mewls answer loud and clear.
"fuck, yes."
"mhm, you're mine, right?"
"a-all yours." you nod.
"all mine?" he asks, and it's rhetorical. not like you could reply anyway, because your moans caught in your throat, rendering any chance you had at words useless.
your noises drowned beneath the whirring of the motor paired with the water swaying beneath you, which you're endlessly grateful for. you're lucky that driver pays almost no attention to what's happening behind him.
you were especially loud, and it only got worse as you felt your orgasm building. ekko knew it too, the way your voice shook, the way you tightened around him, the way you begged him not to stop—it was pushing him over the edge too.
"fuck, that's it. just like that. i got you, okay? good."
your cries overlap ekko's softer groans as you came, your form trembling, jolts of pleasure coursing throughout your body as he fucked you through it.
he had to hold back from coming inside you, letting you ride out your high before pulling out to release all over your back.
he gives you no time to recover, immediately diving in for another round, intoxicated with the way you gasps caught in your throat, holding onto the seat for dear life.
he leans down, his lips meeting your shoulder, his brows furrowed. it did not take long for the two of you to get close again, still sensitive from your previous release. within a few minutes, your juices coat his length and another load lands on your back, seeping down and settling into the dip of your spine.
you're both catching your breath, ekko presses a kiss to the shell of your ear, and you have to stop him from kissing you more. "we're almost there," you hiss, and he huffs, lifting off of you to get himself together,
thank god there were paper towels on board. he cleans his release off of your back and skirt, managing to get the both of your appearances together by the time the yacht met the docks.
the moment the captain comes back to thank you for riding with him, ekko's giving him the quickest thank you possible along with his tip and rushing you off of the boat.
"let's get back to the room? i just wanna see that set you have on a little better."
you know that the second that door closes behind you in the hotel, there is not a chance you'll be stopping.
pssst!: not the most confident in this one.,. i will make up for this one i swear 😔 locking in!
maybe a part 2 with what happens at the hotel cough cough
#arcane x reader#ekko x reader#ekko x you#arcane ekko#arcane x you#arcane smut#arcane x reader smut#ekko smut#ekko x fem reader#Spotify
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...Do you mind if I ramble about hypothetical worldbuilding around Keyblades in these trying times.
Keyblades are semi-living weapons. They’re forged from a piece of a person’s heart, and so act as an extension of the individual. They have ‘personalities,’ in a way; some are mischievous and won’t always come when called, others are almost battle-hungry, others are gentle and may be harder to get to use offensive magic. These personalities are all reflections of their wielders, in some way—though they might reflect parts of them they aren’t aware of at all. Wielders are responsible for listening to their weapons and becoming more in-tune with them so that they can use the blades properly.
Keyblades all of their own ‘voices,’ too—a collection of sounds and impressions that vary in intensity depending on the situation. (ex. A Starlight Keyblade might have a “voice” that sounds like crackling fire and crickets chirping and a cool night breeze.) Most wielders would describe these voices as “singing” or “humming,” even if that’s not exactly what it’s like.
Becoming a wielder and becoming more in-tune with your Keyblade can be very daunting, which is why most young wielders are started off with training blades. These blades are crafted by Keyblade Masters who’ve had years of experience both with wielding the actual weapon and with forging items. The training blades aren’t “alive” in the same way that true Keyblades are, but they still have many of the same functions as one, allowing wielders to begin getting used to wielding one before they officially summon their own.
Wielders generally first summon their “true” Keyblade in their final year of training, before they take their Mark of Mastery exam. This gives the apprentices a chance to learn some of the finer details of being a wielder under the watchful eyes of their Masters.
“Living” Keyblades tend to hum with energy, and even people who aren’t wielders can sometimes catch the sound of their voice. “Dead” Keyblades are almost eerily silent.
A Keyblade may “live” longer than its owner, though the length of time varies. Essentially, the Keyblade retains a piece of its wielder—memories, an impression of the wielders heart—which will slowly deteriorate. These memories may occasionally manifest as “ghosts.”
Occasionally, a wielder may inherit an existing Keyblade, rather than summon their own. Generally, this only occurs with very old Keyblades with a lot of symbolic meaning, which have been kept alive generation after generation by bonding to new wielders. (As such, these Keyblades have also continued to grow in power, as they continue to collect pieces of the new wielders they bond to.) Usually these wielders are meant to take up positions of power, and the Keyblade is bequeathed to them in a special ceremony. Their own Keyblades will often (though not always) remain dormant because of this.
(On even rarer occasions, wielders will pick up the still-living Keyblades of recently deceased loved ones and claim them as their own. The effects are not always positive.)
#kingdom hearts#...nomura really needs to give us something new to chew on#i need more enrichment in my enclosure#...also did i ramble about this already or did i just leave it in my worldbuilding document?#some of this FEELS like i've talked about it before but i genuinely can't remember#anyway. have. whatever this is
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Mommy!Wanda x Sleepless!Reader
tw: breastfeeding, praises, mommy kink?

The alarm clock on the bedside table taunted you as the red glowing numbers stared back, it was just past midnight and the moon was casting a soft glow into the bedroom through the halfheartedly closed curtains that Wanda had shut a few hours prior. Crickets and cicadas filled the night’s silence as you laid there in bed with your eyes on the ceiling.
You had been struggling to sleep for a few nights now, your mind still whirring and breaking down the day as your girlfriend slept peacefully and unbothered next to you. Her beautiful waves spread across the pillow below her head as her lashes twitched while she dreamt. You let out a huff of exhaustion and annoyance as you shifted in bed again, tossing and turning, flipping your pillow and even counting sheep.
Wanda felt you fidget next to her, the bed shaking slightly. She rolled over and propped herself up on one elbow, her hair messy and eyes heavy with sleep.
“Sweetie, why aren't you asleep?” She whispered, her voice laced with concern and tiredness.
“Can’t sleep.” You whispered, sitting up and crawling to the top of the bed with a pout. “Nothing is working.”
She brushes a strand of hair out of your face, her hand gently caressing your cheek. “Hm, I can see that.” She glances at the clock on the nightstand and sees that it's well past midnight. She sighs again and fully sits up now. “Have you been trying to sleep at all or just been lying here for hours?”
“Have tried.” It was a half lie, you tried for a few hours but then eventually gave up as sleep didn’t consume you. Wanda didn't buy your answer, she knew you were lying but didn't want to pry. She reached over and turned on the bedside lamp, the room now illuminated in a soft yellow glow. ”Is there something I can do to help?”
“I dont know, i’ve counted sheep and sung the lullaby you always sing to me and none of them are working anymore.” Annoyance and frustration started to lace your words, your eyes drying out due to the lack of sleep. Wanda could hear the irritation in your voice and the mention of the lullaby made her smil w though, she would always sing you a lullaby in Sokovian, one her mother use to sing to her.
However, a thought popped into her head. You two had only acted upon this idea a few times and each time it worked a dream, maybe she should try it now? “Maybe,” She started, playing with your hair as she looked down at you. “Maybe you need something else to calm you down. Something more comforting.”
You furrow your brows in confusion causing Wanda to chuckle at your obliviousness, “Nursing, Baby. You wanna have some of Mommy’s milk?” Her tone was gentle and delicate, she was slightly hesitant with her words but tried to stay confident.
“Oh!” You gasp as your cheeks flush pink under the soft yellow glow from the lamp, you glance away and fall silent. “Dont be shy, little one.” Wanda replies, a loving and motherly smile forming on her lips at your sudden shyness. Your girlfriend sits up more, pushing you forward slightly to give her room to pull down the straps of her nightgown to reveal her bare chest. Her nipples were already perked up and rosy, her breasts looking full and beautiful as always, your eyes almost instantly glue to them. Like a Magpie to shiny objects.
“Be a good girl and latch on, hm? You know you enjoy it and we both know it’ll help you doze off.” Wanda lays back against the headboard of the bed, pulling back against her chest and cradling your head like she would a baby. “Shhh, good girl.”
You open your mouth and latch onto her nipple causing a shiver to go down Wanda’s spine. Your warm, wet mouth wrapping around her hard nipple made her feel both turned on and warm. “There you go, just like that.” She cooed, rocking you softly before turning off the lamp next to the bed.
The bedroom fell dark once more, the moon casting light through the slightly parted curtains as the warm flow of milk filled your mouth and settled in your stomach. It was sweet and velvety, it had been awhile since Wanda had breastfed you and you never realised how much you missed it or needed it. With each gulp and soft whimper that escaped your lips, your eyes fluttered shut.
Wanda was right. She was always right. You just needed Mommy.
๋࣭ ⭑🕸🦇🕸๋࣭ ⭑
90% sure i want to be breastfed or just suck on an older woman’s breasts… and i think thats all i have to say :)Enjoy!
(this also isnt proof read cause i cba)
#zombiewidow#wlw#marvel#wlw post#wuh luh wuh#sapphic#wanda maximoff#mommy!wanda#mommy!wanda x reader#mommy wanda x reader#mommy wanda#mommy!wanda x fem!reader#mommy!wanda maximoff#mommy!wanda maximoff x fem!reader#mommy milkers
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sparks fly
Camping with Mattheo to celebrate the new year leads to a different type of firework show (fluff).

Mattheo Riddle x gf!Reader (modern au)
A/N: I live in a place where winter is mild and completely forgot it's too cold to go camping for some places rn. Suspend your belief for this fic! In this setting, it's still perfect camping weather.
Warning: smut implied in the end.
✿ Masterlist | ✿ Mattheo Riddle Masterlist | 965 words
The holidays at the Riddle's can be delicately summed up in one word: complicated. Christmas dinner was composed of tight-lipped conversation and awkward silences that made the entire affair feel more like a funeral than a party. The Riddle estate was majestic and imposing, the way a museum was rather than a home.
Thankfully, your New Year's celebration was up to you. Having had more than enough of your fair share of family drama, you proposed a getaway just for you and Mattheo. All he said was, "what would I do without you?" To which you replied with, "run out of fingernails to chew before we ring in the new year. Can't let that happen now, can I? I rather like all of you, fingernails and all."
To reach the campsite on time, you agreed to leave at 6AM. Mattheo in his gloriously nocturnal ways, decided to power through the evening and early hours of the morning so he'd make it on time. His bleary eyes and messy curls, adorable as they were, alarmed you.
You volunteered to take the first shift driving instead with a casual, "ladies first". With a festive playlist on blast and your offkey-but-passionate singing, the holidays were in full swing.
Leaning over to smile at Mattheo, you found his head tilted to one side of his shoulder, mouth hanging in peaceful slumber. You couldn't help but stop on the side of the road to take a picture for your growing collection of your boyfriend's silliest moments. The boy with a mean scowl and a penchant for danger let his guard down with you and it warmed your heart.
Your hands shook as you tried to stifle your giggles, careful not to wake him. You smiled in triumph when the photo was safely tucked into your camera roll.
The rest of the drive consisted of more singing, breathtaking sceneries, and exchanging horror stories with Mattheo when he finally woke up and took over the drive.
You tried to one up each other, going for darker and gorier tales. The sunrays painted them lighter and tamer than they actually were, but you'd find out soon just how scary they were when the sun hid behind the moon.
Setting up camp only required muscle memory at this point. You had been on so many camping adventures with Mattheo yet they were always as enjoyable as the first time.
You grilled meats and potatoes for dinner, while enjoying champagne and small treats as you cooked. Needless to say, your hearts and bellies were as full as holiday celebrations deemed they should be.
As you wound down for the night and settled into the tent, the silence amplified cricket chirps and rustling in the trees, sending a chill down your spine. Images of your horror stories from the drive flashed through your mind. Your panic swung into full gear when your light source went out, engulfing you in darkness. A strangled yelp escaped from your throat.
Your eyes searched in the dark only to be met by a sudden blinding light and the distorted features of Mattheo, as he held the flashlight under his chin. "Boo!"
Between fight or flight, your instinct was always going to be to fight. Before you could process what was happening, you lunged at Mattheo, knocking the flashlight to the ground.
It was Mattheo's turn to yelp at your sudden movements and he pressed his hands up in surrender. "You know I love your fiery spirit, but right now you're scarier than all those ghosts we talked about."
You laughed at his sudden admission. It still caught you off guard how much more of himself he could be around you. It set him off too, your laughter was infectious and it's his favourite sound. You rested your head on his chest as you laughed together, shoulders shaking and breath heaving. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
As your laughter faded, Mattheo leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Happy new year, love. Thanks for setting this all up."
"Better than Christmas?"
He rolled his eyes, "please, even Snape's lecture is better than Christmas with my family. This is way better."
You moved up then to kiss him and Mattheo caught the way the flashlight cast your shadows across the tent. He smirked, an idea forming in his head.
"I know that smile. What kind of nonsense are we getting into this time?" You matched his smile as you rested your arms on his chest.
His smirk grew wide to a full grin as he traced his finger playfully down your arm, sending electric sparks all the way down to your toes.
"Watch our shadows," he says, pointing to the silhouettes across you.
"You want to do shadow puppets?" You asked, moving your hands together to mimic a bird, just like you did as a child.
"Even better," he said, pausing for effect, "we can watch our shadows fucking."
You giggled at how silly it was, a wave of giddiness washing through you. Of course with Mattheo it would always turn sexual at some point, igniting your own desires in response to his. "So we can have our own firework show here?"
"You get the vision!" He responds, pulling you in for a kiss. It was so familiar by now the way your lips moved, knowing just where they fit against each other. Yet every moan and every gasp felt brand new. The champagne buzzed in your veins, burning with the intoxication of your desires.
You grinned when you both broke up for air, "well then love, let's make it one heck of a show."
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he looked into your eyes. "That's my girl!" It was a happy new year indeed.
✿ Masterlist | ✿ Mattheo Riddle Masterlist
Credit: Divider by @strangergraphics
A/N: Funny how this grew from HC, to blurb, to now a full blown fic. Love it!
#mattheo riddle fluff#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle fanfic#mattheo riddle imagine#mattheo riddle#slytherin boys#amongemeraldcloudswrites#amongemeraldclouds fluff
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