#the crap about roger being a demon and him being some sort of demon spawn himself for his blood
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local-fire-dumpster · 9 months ago
Thinking about how if Ace got to talk to Roger for just 5 minutes,he would realize that this man is the grown up version of his disastrous little brother Luffy and that would have fixed at least half of his daddy issues tbh
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hitchell-mope · 5 years ago
(Film three. After “pirates medley”. The hook sisters have just run into an alleyway near the marketplace)
Harriet: ya shouldna done kiddo
Cj: why not.
Harriet: because it wasn’t a good move
Cj: you might like men drooling all over you but I hate it.
Harriet: you agreed to it.
Cj: I didn’t think they’d try that. So I’d apprecrie you dispensing with the victim blaming if you please.
Harriet: yeah yeah whatever. Lookee o’er there
Cj: aw FUCK!
(They’ve just spotted chadeficent and Ursula some ways away)
Harriet: SEA WITCH!
Ursula: oh god. (Fake smile) Harriet! To what do I owe the
(Cj shoots her in the stomach with a blunderbuss)
The sisters: where is he.
(Ursula straightens up and the bullet flies out of her stomach hitting some poor sap in the head)
Chadeficent: that was Balthazar yes?
The other three: who the hell cares?
Harriet: where is my brother?
Ursula: hmmmmm. Dunno don’t care. That work for you?
(Harriet lunges are the sea witch but Cj holds her back. While this is happening Hadie poofs back in slightly singed and very pissed off)
Hadie: for the record Rodan. I don’t appreciate being sent to Dark Mountain. Chernabog may be insultingly attractive but he’s far too fatherly for my tastes.
Cj: shove off spawn. There’s more important matters at hand
(Hadie chuckles sinisterly. Then force chokes the sisters)
Hadie: oh look at that. Fragile necks and bravado are such an inexplicable combination. And as you will see very soon. Deadly
Harriet: he.. he he mi...dea.
Cj: he...gone
Hadie: what? What’re you talking about?
Chadeficent: oh I think you know
(Hadie’s eyes glow bright grey. He drops the sisters, takes out a silver knife and throws it at Ursula. It slashes her cheek)
Hadie: ever heard of phlegathon tempered steel? It cuts you. Then heals you. But keeps you in burning unbearable pain. Until such time the wielder chooses to release you from it.
(Ursula’s cheek is starting to burn. Steam is curling from the edges of the cut)
Ursula: I was exiled from Atlantica. Whatever petty wound you deal me is of no consequence.
Hadie: yeah but (he sighs) cut you enough and it burns away your very being. So. What’ll it be bitch?
(Ursula growls in irritation and disappears in a torrent of water)
Hadie: now that that’s over oh cripes they’re gone.
(Chadeficent and the girls have left the scene. At the Jolly Roger Hook is waiting on deck)
Hook: GIRLS! What the hell have you been doing. Dukes is dead. And the men say you killed him Cj. If you keep doing this you’ll never land a husband.
Cj: aye. And what of it father?
Harriet: oh god not now.
Cj: yes now. Our brother has been missing for a year now and may as well be dead and all he cares about is his disgusting heterosexual misogynistic bastards of a crew
Harriet (coughing): code red. Code red
Hook: what’re you saying Cj?
Cj: what d’you think I’m saying dad?
Hook: it sounds as though you’re thinking to much like your freak of a brother
Harriet: Harry was bisexual pops
Hook: like I said. A freak. Men are with women. Women are with men. It’s the law of the world. And I expect my children abide by that
Cj: yes and when they don’t you cast them out and they need to take refuge somewhere else. Say a restaurant run by a squid
Hook: if you have something to say then say it.
Cj: ok. I like girls. Always have. Always will. And you cannae change it or me
(Starkey hobbles outside with a tea set. Sees the family feud. Starts to make his way back inside)
Hook: STARKEY! Did you know about Cj’s affliction
Cj: oh here we go
Starkey (diplomatically): uhhhh. I believe that. She. Wanted
Cj: it’s ok uncle Starkey. I told him last year. Considering he was the one that raised me while you were brainswashing Harriet into being Captain Hook 2.0 and Harry was fuck knows were trying to get Tick Tock to chomp his hand off in a vain attempt to get your approval!!!!
Hook: in time this will pass and you’ll be just like your sister
Cj (scoffing): of course. Be like Harriet. The pretty one. The smart one. The obedient one.
Harriet (for once very sheepish): Ceej. Could ya please lemme outta this?
Cj: no. He’s always wanted me to be like you. But guess what. I’m never gonna be who you want me to be
(This is when “sit still look pretty” happens. After the song Cj storms off)
Hook: and do you have any oddities you’d like to share Harriet? Because if so nows the time
Harriet: yes. As a matter of fact I do. For the past seven years I’ve been in uh heh “cahoots” with Gaston junior.
Hook: like the freak and the pansy
Harriet: sort of. Except theirs was more emotional. Ours is. Purely on the physical side. And yes. I’m the boss.
(Hook goes puce)
Harriet: uncle Starkey. I’ll be back presently
(She runs after her sister)
Hook: take me back to my quarters Starkey
Starkey: of course sir.
(He wheels the captain back in side. Harriet catches up with Cj. She finds her in an alleyway surrounded by the felled bodies of ten dogs and one cat)
Harriet: what the hell did you do.
Cj: the one thing I ever got from him, that wasn’t a hand me down from you or Har, was this.
(She holds up a whistle)
Harriet: wow
Cj: yep. Turns out it’s a dog whistle. Which pretty succinctly explains how the bastards could hear it all the way across Neverland when Jane found the treasure
Harriet: and the morbidly obese demon on four legs?
Cj: Tremaine’s moggy
Harriet: right. What you did was incredibly brave you know.
Cj: I don’t like animals.
Harriet: I meant what happened at home just now
Cj: I know. Like I said. I don’t like animals.
(At the core fours old apartment chadeficent has just arrived. Only to see Jafar watching tv)
Chadeficent: hello worthless. Miss me?
Jafar: who...?
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): this better?
Jafar (exasperated): you couldn’t have taken control of a pretty one?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): fuck off you crypt keeper
(Jafar looks taken aback)
Chadeficent: bugs are to be worked out
Jafar: what is it?
Chadeficent: spawn of Cinderella
Jafar: you couldn’t have got the ash girl herself?
Chadeficent: too strong willed (Chad’s indignant voice) hey! (Maleficent’s voice) SILENCE! (Both voices) I am creating a cult. To destroy our children. Ursula is aboard. What say you?
(The next morning. At Evie’s palce)
Mal:...and Ben found them this morning passed out on the couch with like eight tubs of deluxe rocky road ice scattered at round.
Jay: deluxe?
Mal: chocolate marshmallow ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream
Jay (hopefully): Christmas list?
Mal (generating a tin with magic): why wait?
Jay: ooh yay!
Evie: AH! No. Not yet
Jay: awww. I’ve been here for an hour
Mal: let the man eat sis. It’s the least you can do since you are stabbing him with pins when you could just use 🎶🎶magic🎶. By the way. Your hair remarkably black today
Evie (snarling): get outta workshop
(Mal leaves cackling. She goes to the kitchen where Carlos is giving a plate the thousand yard stare)
Mal: hey kiddo. What’s up?
Carlos (softly with a lot of feeling): the cake...it’s gone. An entire macadamia nut chocolate sponge cake. Gone. How? There was enough for fifty people to have two slices each. And it’s all gone. How can it all be gone?
(The twins and Gil come racing pass the room screeching at the top of their lungs with food all around their mouths)
Mal (aside to Carlos): I think I know. (Normal volume). Gil! Could you bring the kids in here please?
(Gil troops back to the kitchen with the twins trailing behind. All three look terrified. Carlos and Mal lift the twins up onto the counter)
Mal (“mom” voice in full effect): now boys. Did you ask your papa to get the cake from the fridge?
Twins: uhhhh...
Mal: it’s ok. I’m not mad. I just wanna. If it was you then that’s ok. If it was Dude then we need to get him to a veterinarian.
Carlos: WHAT?!?!
Mal: oh shit. Sorry honey.
Carlos: listen to me you rotten little————(the twins look at him with the epitome of puppy eyed innocence) 🎶dad. Where are you. You’re good with this type of stuff🎶
Mal: paperwork
Carlos: fuck
Gil: it was us. Squeaky wanted a snack and I couldn’t find anything in the fridge but the cake. We only meant to share a corner but Celia oh crap
Mal: 🎶oh Celia🎶
(The girl melts out from the shadows clutching her stomach)
Mal: did you help Gil and the twins eat the entirety of Jane’s birthday cake?
Celia: if I says yes what would you do.
Mal: give you an antacid and advise you to take it easy with the party food.
Celia: then yes. I helped.
Mal: come on then.
(They head to the bathroom. But Mal’s phone starts ringing)
Mal: it’s Ben. Do you know how to get to the bathroom?
Celia: Dizzy sent me a schematic last night
Mal: good. That’s good. If evo finds out I will plead the fifth. You do know that don’t you?
Celia: wouldn’t expect anything less. See ya
(She runs off)
Mal (answering her cell phone): hello your majesty. Any idea on your eta or should I send your apologies to Jane?
Ben: I wish I was close to being done. But there are so many papers to get through and there’s no use in denying it. People are terrified at what ever killed the guards.
Mal: I could come and help you?
Ben: no. Definitely not. Go have fun. Do the routine.
Mal: but you’ll miss it. Though a private rendition for your eyes only could also be very interes-
Cogsworth: ahem hello my lady
Mal (trying not to laugh): sorry Carlton.
Cogsworth: that’s quite alright dear. I’ll just uh go ahem away
(He leaves and bal bursts into laughter)
Mal: oh that was oh god that
Ben: I I’m so sorry
Mal: don’t be. Just sorted a domestic so a I needed a laugh
(As they’re talking Mal’s walking outside)
Mal: what on the office menu today
Ben: chargrilled Damon foie gras and quinoa
Mal: what no pizza?
Ben: fraid not
Mal: I can always zap you some sausage rolls and mac and cheese cupcakes from the party
Ben: please and thank you?
Mal: and the new cake
Ben: Celia?
Mal: along with your brother and nephews. Carlos was not happy
Ben: of course.
Mal: hey, was chad supposed to meet us at Evie’s?
Ben: I don’t think so. Is he there?
Mal: yeah. Looking like the shalka Doctor.
Ben: oh.
Mal: I’ll go see what he wants
Ben: be careful. Love ya
Mal: always am. Love you too.
(She hangs up)
Mal: hey chad. Whatcha doing
(Chadeficent turns to look at her. Their eyes glow black. And Mal enacts the safety protocols on the house keeping everyone else inside and safe)
Mal: what did you do?
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): oh it’s not chad. Hello my sweet
Mal (breathing heavily): Maleficent?
Chadeficent: mhmm. Now give me my sceptre
Mal: what did you do to him?
Chadeficent: he is simply a mindless hormone driven teenage boy
Mal: yeah, I know, he’s an dickhead. Nobody likes him. At all
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice, very, very hurt): they don’t?
Mal: yeah. You’re insufferable.
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): ENOUGH! Give me the sceptre
Mal: you stole the wand didn’t you. And the staff and the mirror. So why do you need the sceptre.
Chadeficent: I want everything of importance (Chad’s voice) I wanna be king (Maleficent’s voice) I want my daughter back
Mal: I’m not your daughter. And chad you hate magic. Why would you use it to be king?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): I uh I dunno (Maleficent’s voice) he was easily bought with a butter finger and empty promises I have absolutely no intention on fulfilling. Now. The sceptre.
Mal (mind working a mile a minute): h how, how about a story. And I can make you a cup of tea yeah? Or coffeee?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): ooh beer (Maleficent’s voice) very well. But be quick about it
Mal: ok. Ok um
(She turns to the drinks table. This is when “she’s so gone” happens. After which Chadeficent picks her up from the splintered table by the neck)
Mal: why...are..you...doing...this?
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): you don’t deserve this. None of it. You belong on that slag heap. You deserve to rot. To be forgotten. I want you all dead. Don’t you see? You can’t be queen. It’s not right. Audrey should be queen. And I should be king
Mal: but...Ben
Chadeficent (still Chad’s voice): ALL OF YOU WILL DIE. YOU. THE MAGIC PEOPLE THE RUNT THE CHICKS THE TRAIOR THE FREAK OF A DWARF. ALL OF YOU. DEAD (Maleficent’s voice) as for me. I want to break you. For you to see how useless you truly are without me.
Mal (turning purple in the face now): get...bent
(Chadeficent drops her and pulls out the wand)
Chadeficent (Chad’s voice): there’s never been an ugly bitch who’s been queen. Looks are everything. Bibbidi bobbidi boo
(Mal is washed is black light which solidified into a black cloak. The houses doors are blasted off their hinges and jay stands there completely gold and absolutely buzzing with power. Chadeficent cackles as they disappear in black smoke. Jay and the others rush to Mal’s side)
Carlos: oh my god! Mom are you ok?
Mal (voice hoarse thin and cracked): yes ahem yes ye yeah. What the hells wrong with my voice
(Evie takes the hood off of Mal and cackles)
Jay (unimpressed with her behaviour): your mother. When she gave the apple to Doug’s aunt
(Evie stops cackling)
Carlos: what happened
Mal: Chad’s possessed by Maleficent. He wants to kill us all and be king
Carlos: and goat lady?
Mal: wants to break me
Evie: so what do we do
Celia: isn’t it obvious? Hades. Your father.
Evie: he is not
Celia: Mal was right and you know it. So stop pissing about and help me get your sister inside the house so she can get some proper clothes on cause an old lady in a minidress is not a good look. I should know. Cruella used to come to the arcade in the warm days. It’s was horrifying. Thank you Carlos for killing her last year by the way
Carlos: much obliged Ceels.
(Mal’s phone rings again. This time Carlos is the one to answer it)
Carlos: hi yes dad. Ok brace yourself. Chad has the wand. He’s possessed by Maleficent. He wants us all dead. Barricade yourself in your office. Emergency protocols. All that shizz. You have magic so you should be fine. We’re gonna stop them. It’s what we do. Us too (he ends the call) that’s dad sorted. Now how do we fix mom?
Celia: go to the island. Get the ember. Come back here. Kick him in the balls until he’s exorcised
Mal: Gil. You coming with us?
Gil: I would but. My boys
Doug: I’ll stay with them. I have my exosuit. I’ll keep them safe. I promise you I will
Gil: ok
Evie: oh my god!
Doug: our kid is fine. She’s with Lonnie and Jane. You know. A badass and a light fairy.
Evie: oh thank god
Jay: so we all know what we’re doing. Action time?
All the others: action time
Squirmy: AAAAAH
Gil (panicky): what? What is it? What’s wrong
Squirmy: I want to give the pretty lady my present
(He holds up a bouquet of periwinkle blue tulips. Everyone relaxes)
Gil: Jane will love them. But it could be a good idea to keep them here. Just until we’re all back together. Yeah?
Squirmy (unhappily): yeah
Doug: c’mon boys. You can help me bake a new cake.
(They run back in. Evie goes up and embraces Doug)
Evie: we’ll be back soon as possible
Doug: take however long you need. I stabbed someon in the junk last year. I can defend myself
Evie: oh I know that. It’s just that
Doug: Evie sweetie. Look at me. I’ll be fine. I promise. And if I need to reach you there’s our phones the the psychic link you set up.
Evie (voice breaking): I...
Doug (understandingly): me too. Now let’s go
(They all run back into the house except for one)
Mal: uh. Guys
Jay: oh. Right
(He runs back and carries her to the house)
Mal: watch the hip. Watch the hip
Jay: yeah yeah yeah.
Celia: so do we get the the island. The limos?
Evie: no. They’re all the the school garages until next week.
Celia: then we’re screwed?
Mal: not entirely
Jaylos and Evie: THE BIKES
Celia: what?
Mal: how I left last year
(At the cliff site. The six of them are on their bikes. Celia’s hanging on to Gil)
Carlos: go on mom
Mal (voice still croaky): noble steed proud and fair/you shall take us anywhere
(They drive over the magic bridge to the island. Back in Auradon Chadeficent is making their way to Jane’s birthday party)
Chadeficent (Maleficent’s voice): are you sure this shall work? (Chad’s voice) it had better. They all deserve it for hating me
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