#the coziest show ever
rizumuj · 1 year
Thank you for 6 splendid seasons,
Summer Camp Island ✨
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he's just a lil' guy who's never done anything wrong in his life Ever
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postalpunk · 1 year
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none of them barely even know this boy . I love people being gentle I love when there's absolutely no characters made specifically to be hated I love it when people care and worry about each other I love human kindness
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winterlamb · 1 year
Not me completely co-opting my inactive "miraculous ladybug before I gave up on it" blog for Lockwood and co. Literally I started watching the show on a whim because it was trending on netflix and while I was watching I had a slow realization that it was going to strongly Affect me, and there was not a single thing I could do about it, this gotdang show was about to consume my brain
And then I found out it was CANCELLED AFTER ONE SEASON oh my god it's like I live to punish myself
And now I've read the first three books in like a week and I can't stop reading them insanely fast and I'm AFRAID because I don't want them to end but I know they will and I'll hurt myself all over again by finishing the series
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Miller's Book Nook
Rating: G. Lots of shy fluff. Pairing: Bookstore Owner Joel Miller x Reader Word Count: 600 Summary: You've been infatuated with the handsome owner of Miller's Book Nook and it might just seem that he likes you too. Warnings: Tooth aching fluff, Joel's POV at the beginning.
A/N: I wrote a little something for Secret Springs. @secretelephanttattoo spun the wheel and I got Joel Miller and bookstore, AKA the coziest of cozy dreams. Thank you @saradika-graphics for the divider.
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The door jingles alerting him to a customer. Christ, it’s almost time to close. Really? His internal anger dissipates once he looks up. He hides a smile, it’s you, his secret favorite customer, his heart springs to life when you shyly smile towards him. 
He clears his throat, removing his reading glasses and tucking his novel to the side. “Evening, looking for anything in particular?” 
“Oh, hi, no, just browsing, thanks.” 
“Just let me know if you need any help.”
Your head bobbles a nervous nod before turning down the new release aisle.
It’s always the same interaction. Same question, same answer, same response, so why does it always mean so much to him? 
You’re running out of shelf space, most of your extra income sits in the cash register of Miller’s Book Nook. You can’t keep away from the cozy brick building with its creaky hardwood floors and cinnamon scented air… not to mention the handsome owner.
He’s always here. Quiet, intimidating, a man of few words. If you weren’t such a voracious reader, you’d still be trying to find excuses to stop in just to look at him. 
The text on the back of the book swirls in your head as you hear Joel’s heavy footsteps approach you.
“Heard that’s a good book, it’s next on my list,” his timorous voice is deep, sending a wash of calm across your body.
“I’ve been meaning to get it, guess today’s the day,” you glance up towards him. He wears a slight smirk, his eyes crinkling with warmth. 
“Guess it is. I’ll take it up to the front for you so you can keep looking.” 
He grabs the book and walks away, his wide shoulders taking up most of the aisle. A long exhale you’ve been holding deflates your lungs before you move to the next section.
A glance at your watch shows it’s fifteen minutes past closing time. Whoops. 
Timid steps bring you to the checkout counter where Joel looms behind, greeting you with a warm smile.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see the time.”
“Not a problem at all, got nothing else going on,” his pleasant and deep voice sends a shiver up your spine.
Your head angles down, searching for your wallet in your bag. 
“On the house.” 
Your head darts up, eyes wide with surprise. “Oh, I can’t do that, Joel.”
This is the first time you’ve ever said his name out loud, you’ve never been formally introduced. 
“I’ll have none of that, please,” he urges the book into your hand. “You’re my favorite customer.” 
His voice softens with the last sentence, a wave of goosebumps prickle across your skin while your head swims with the implication of his words. 
“Thanks Joel.”
One last smile is sent your way before you clutch the book to your chest and leave.
You’ve been looking forward to this moment all day. Comfy couch, warm lamplight glowing, a lit cinnamon candle that smells like Miller’s Book Nook, your favorite fluffy plaid blanket covering you, and soft music playing. You nestle yourself amongst all of the coziness and open your new book. A small note card drops out. Neat, angular handwriting is written across it. 
Enjoy. I’m going to start reading it tonight. Please feel free to text me and we can talk about it.-Joel 
Your finger runs across the imprint of his phone number, a huge grin breaking across your face as you reach for your phone. 
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witchybitchycrybaby · 2 months
And they were neighbors...
Benjicot Blackwood x modern!fem!Bracken!reader
Warnings: none, it's just pure fluff, modern au
Words: 1,3k
Benjicot Blackwood groaned as his alarm buzzed on the nightstand, effectively interrupting his sleep. He slapped it off and lay back, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His thoughts, as usual, drifted to his best friend, his next-door neighbor, his... whatever you were to him. The Bracken girl, on top of that.
His parents would probably go bananas if they knew he had feelings for you.
Sure, your families couldn't stand each other, everybody in your small neighborhood knew that, but for Benji that war no longer mattered when it came to you. He thought about the way you looked at him, the way you always had an answer whenever he said something unhinged, and that smile… oh, that smile. He was whipped, completely and utterly.
How you managed to get so deep under his skin was beyond his understanding.
He'd had a crush on you for as long as he could remember. He never said a word about it before, though. He liked being your friend and he was afraid of ruining your relationship. The thought of you not reciprocating his feelings was always in the back of his head, so he simply kept quiet.
Today, however... Oh, screw it, it was high time to take the risk.
Benji rolled over and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. With his hair tousled on the pillow, eyes still half-closed, and a lazy smirk on his lips, he snapped a picture. He looked exactly how he wanted to feel: confident, yet charming. Perfect. He added a caption: "So, what’s it like living next to the most handsome guy ever?"
With a deep breath, he hit send. He quickly tossed the phone away as if it burned him. You two were used to each others smartass remarks, but flirting was an entirely different level. Seconds felt like hours, and he started to question his impulsiveness. What if you didn't get the hint? What if you thought hr was being weird? What if you didn't respond, choosing to ignore him? His heart pounded in his chest, and his mind creating the worst-case scenarios wasn't helping at all.
Finally, his phone buzzed. He grabbed it, expecting the worst. His heart skipped a beat as he opened the message.
"No idea. I'm pretty sure there's no one in our neighborhood that matches the description."
Benji's heart raced as he read your reply. It was good, really good even. You didn't make fun of him, you just took the chellange. He could work with that. His finger hovered above the screen, trying to come up with a response, when another message from you popped up.
This time, it was a picture. You were also still in bed, your hair a mess, eyes half-closed, looking even sleepier than him. You were clutching a pillow with a playful smile on your lips. His breath hitched in his throat. You were stunning.
"I figured I'd return the favor," you texted then. He grinned as his heart did a little flip.
"Cute," he replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as he could. "But I still look better."
"In your dreams, Blackwood."
"You are in my dreams, Bracken."
There was a pause before you texted back: "Cheesy much?"
"For you? Always."
He stopped for a second. Biting his lip, he thought of doing something riskier. The only thing he was worried about was your reaction.
"Speaking of dreams," he started again after a minute. "I dreamt I stole your pillow. I guess mine's just not as comfy."
There it was. He sent it. And you read it.
There was a brief pause before you answered, but when you did, relief poured over him
"Of course you'd want my pillow, my bed is generally way better, you know. It's not my fault you can't get some decent pillows."
"Nah, it's just the pillow. I've got the coziest setup, Bracken. You'd fall asleep in seconds."
"You're delusional," you texted, and he could imagine you laughing in your room. "I'd show you real cozy, but my bed is off-limits to annoying neighbors."
"I think you meant 'annoyingly charming'", he typed, his smile growing wider. "Admit it, Bracken, you'd let me join you if I asked nicely."
Your reply came quickly, "If you weren't so annoying, maybe, I'd have to think about."
This was it, the opening he was waiting for. Benji took a deep breath and went for it. "Alright, I promise to be on my best behavior. Now, would you be so kind, my lady, and open your window?"
That threw you off a bit. "Why?" You texted, your eyebrows furrowed.
Only seconds after you sent your message, you heard a soft rustling outside. Moving to the window, you pulled back the curtain to see Benji, climbing up to your window with a mischievous grin. Your eyes widened in shock at the sight.
"What the hell, Benji?" you whisper-shouted, quickly opening the window.
"Good morning to you too, y/n," he whispered back, there was a glint of mischief in his eyes.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't stop the smile creeping onto your face. "Are you crazy? If my parents find out you're here, they'll kill you. And then my dad will resurrect you just to kill you again."
Benji chuckled softly. "They'd have to catch me first. Now, are you going to help me in, or are you going to let me fall and have my ghost haunt you for the rest of your life?"
"You're insane", you said but grabbed his arm and helped him climb into your room. He landed softly on your carpet, glancing around your room. "Cozy," he said, sitting on your bed and bouncing slightly on the mattress.
You crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think you're doing?"
He stretched out on your bed, hands behind his head. "Testing the coziness, of course. You did say your bed was better, remember?"
You shook your head, sitting next to him. "You know, you could've just walk through the front door? Like a normal human being, Benji. Climbing through my window is a bit... dramatic."
Benji turned to look at you. "Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Besides, I needed to make sure I had your full attention."
You sighed, but there was no hiding the smile that appeared at your lips. "You've got it. Now what?"
He sat up, closer to you now, the playfulness in his eyes replaced by something more serious. "I like you, Bracken. A lot. More than a friend should like a friend. And I get it, our families, the whole feud thing... but I don't care about any of that when it comes to you. I just... I needed to tell you."
You stared at him, your eyes wide in shock and surprise. You though your mind glitched, trying to process his words. He looked so vulnerable now that he had exposed himself and his feelings. "Benji, I..."
But before you could say something more, he cut you off with a nervous laugh. "I know, it's crazy. I just... I needed to tell you."
Your hand reached out and grabbed his. You gave it a soft squeeze and intertwined your fingers. "No, it's not crazy. Actually... To be completely honest, I feel the same way too."
"You-you do?" He stuttered.
"Yeah. I guess I was just scared to say anything because of our families and all that. But... I’m glad you did."
A slow smile spread across his face, lightening it up. "Me too."
He leaned in slightly, his eyes searching yours. "So, does this mean I get to stay? Not just for the comfy bed, I mean."
You laughed, the sound filling the room. Oh, he could listen to it for eternity. "Yes, Benji. You get to stay."
He grinned, closing the distance between you. "Good," he whispered, before pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss. It was brief but for Benji it was enough.
For now.
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meshiinuma · 4 months
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you're shaken awake as a voice calls out to you frantically.
"...p...wake up!" suguru? it sure sounded a lot like suguru.
"mnngh..." blearily, your eyes opened to sunlight illuminating the side of suguru's face, some of it hitting his eye and showing off all the intricacies of his iris if one were to look close enough.
the sight of it made you smile, happy to just stare into the face of your beautiful lover who was the cause of the heat in your cheeks and the dopiest of grins that stretched your face and made your eyes crinkle into almost nothing.
"hey." finally, you focused and registered the panicked look on his face. the one he almost never lets show unless the situation is urgent.
like something almost life changingly urgent.
you shot up in bed, "what? what's up?" the sleep in your eyes was rubbed away, but you were as alert as ever.
"it's eight thirty two." he states, like he's expecting you to get the point instantly.
"so?" the tension lessened in your body.
"you have that presentation at eight fifty, the one that's gonna get you that promotion you want."
it's like a lightning bolt shot through you.
fuck! fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-
"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-" as if you were bitten in the ass, you jumped up from your entanglement in the sheets and dashed to the bathroom, shaking every bit of furniture in the room with each pounding footstep.
a squirt of toothpaste made its way to your pointer finger, absolutely no time for an actual toothbrush, and shoved it in your mouth to brush at your teeth while you started the shower.
suguru rushed into the bathroom and took a shot of mouthwash, swished it around in his mouth for a bit, spat it out, and helped you pull your sleep clothes off while he undressed himself.
in the shower, you rinsed your mouth out and washed out whatever extra toothpaste was left on your finger. your lover lathered himself in soap with his bare hands, foregoing the rag he normally takes his time with every morning and night.
you hop out of the shower, deeming a quick rinse with water clean enough (the idea disgusts you, but you have to set your feelings aside because you were not throwing away this promotion). your husband gets out of the shower after you and first wraps you in the single fluffy towel that stayed in his bedroom.
as he ruffles the towel around you, something occurs to you, "why didn't your alarm go off?" the towel enters your hands and with the same urgency, you dry off suguru while he wrings his hair out.
"i honestly have no clue, it's a little weird that it happened," back in the bedroom, you pulled something vaguely professional from the self-declared 'horde of clothing with no owner' (your own dress pants, satoru's dress shirt, a pre-tied tie from...someone, a hand knit sweater that suguru made you, and shoko's coziest cardigan).
turning to suguru, you saw him smoothing down the last of his outfit (much more casual than yours, orchestra rehearsal doesn't require any specific outfit), "how do i look?" he gave you a quick once over, then leaned forward to kiss the top of your head, "as amazing as always," your hand was grasped in his larger one, "now let's go!"
the two of you hurried down the stairs (with care! satoru's fallen down the stairs so many times, you and shoko have taken to carving little tallies in the base of the newel post) and pounced on the shoe cubby.
your nice dress shoes were pulled over socked feet while suguru tugged on some beat up sneakers. at a second glance, the cubby still had shoko's hospital shoes and satoru's pristine white air force ones.
it seems suguru realized this at the same time, evidenced by the way you both looked up at each other.
then a voice cut through the air, "hey."
in sync, you and suguru whipped your heads around to see shoko and satoru lounging on the couch. satoru was on the far end, squirting a can of whipped cream into his mouth while staring into the tv (the tv was on? you don't think you heard it in your haste to get out of the house). shoko leaned on the arm of the couch, turned towards her two spouses.
"where are you two going dressed like that on a saturday?" a teasing smirk lifted her lips, like she knew your predicament. she looked well rested, her eyebags clearing away to reveal her natural ones. (your heart fluttered at the idea she was taking care of herself)
today is saturday.
with slow movements, you sunk to the hardwood floor to lay on your side.
"i'm going to sleep now, goodnight." and you curled up on the floor, closing your eyes and succumbing to the sleep that followed you from the bed.
"you're not sleeping on the floor." then suguru gently turned you onto your back. his fingers pried your eyes open, first stroking the velvety skin then pulling your eyelids up.
"stay awake for me baby, just for a little." your shoes and socks slipped off of you and were placed back into the cubby with care. suguru moved up your body and straddled you so he could get your (shoko's) cardigan off.
"hey! this is a public area! save that for the bedroom!" satoru jeered from his spot on the couch. you suppose the position is a bit suggestive.
suguru raises an eyebrow and slips the article of clothing off of you. he folds it into a perfect square, you watch with anticipation. then he swings his arm back and hurls the knitted piece at his face.
it hits it's target and satoru whines.
a self-satisfied grin makes its way to suguru's face.
he looks back down to you, smile fading into something softer and sweet with love. sickly sweet with love.
a kiss to the shell of your ear and a whisper that sends involuntary shivers down your spine, "let's head to bed, hm?" and he lifts you up, tucking both arms under your folded legs and pressing you into his all consuming warmth.
"wait, are you guys going back to sleep?" satoru asks. you can't see him, but by all the rustling and the clunk of the whipped cream can being placed down indicates him rising from the couch. shoko's following him as well, if you were to go off the little pitter patter accompanying thumping footsteps.
"yeah, are you joining us?" suguru asked while starting up the stairs.
shoko snorted, "you think we're not?" then yelped at satoru flinging himself onto his wife's back, "what are you-"
"carry me shoko...!" satoru whined into her ear. all she did was roll her eyes and secure him onto her back.
instead of making the turn to his own room, suguru pushed open the door to satoru's room and gently deposited you onto the expansive bed.
with a yawn that had tears pricking your eyes, you stretched until your back arched, flopping onto your stomach and laying your head on folded arms.
suguru was half sitting on the bed, looking down at you with a smile that made you melt into mush. he leaned down to kiss you and it's like love (soft, warm, pinkish-orange, fuzzy) was breathed into you yet again. you reciprocated with a kiss to suguru's temple as he buried his head next to yours, "i'm sorry." he whispered.
"why?" you whispered back.
"for getting the day wrong and making you rush." before rising above you to change out of his own clothes, he kissed your cheek. a grin stretched your lips.
shoko and satoru crashed onto the bed shortly after, a tangle of limbs and complaints.
"your arm is in my face-!" satoru smacked shoko's hand away while she kicked his leg away from her feet, "and your leg is in the way!" to alleviate this quandary, you rolled over until you were on shoko's torso and splaying your legs on satoru's shoulder.
"hi." you greeted shoko.
"hi back." shoko greeted you.
"what about me?" satoru cried in fake indignity.
"what about you?" shoko prodded. you didn't miss the way her arm went over his neck to hold the back of his head.
"none of my spouses have said hello to me, which means...!" he took a breath, "divorce. you guys are divorcing poor old me on my birthday!"
"it's not your birthday," suguru chimed in and placed a folded oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts on your chest.
you rolled off shoko to change as satoru defended himself, "uh. yes it is!"
"no, your birthday is december seventh." suguru sunk his knees into the alaskan king, hand moving to stroke shoko's ankle (his finger always stroked over a little mole right at the curve of her fibula, sometimes he'd kiss it when she collapses on the couch from another forty eight hour shift complaining of sore feet).
"yeah, but i have five other birthdays. and today is one of them." satoru sat up and placed his fists at his hips. shoko's hand slid down to rest on his thigh.
you should probably change now.
the latch on your pants is opened and quickly thrown to the side, it's replaced with basketball shorts that have the beginnings of all three of your spouses names on the tag, but the rest of it's muddled.
expensive fabric scrapes your body as you pull off the button up, after throwing off your vest and tie into some other corner of the trash pile that makes up satoru's room. satoru, shoko, and suguru are still bantering in the background, but they go silent at your bare torso.
a low whistle cuts through the air and you whip your head around to see a dirty grin stretching across satoru's face. shoko has her head propped up by her hand that's covering the lower half of her face and her eyes were hooded, swimming with her usual mirth and something a little hotter. suguru just had his head cocked to the side and appreciation smeared across his face.
you just raised an eyebrow, "oh, so i'm only liked for my body in this relationship? i see how it is," and with a fake-annoyed huff, you slipped the soft cotton shirt onto you.
"no...!" satoru cried out and launched himself onto your lap. shoko snuggled up to your back, slipping her ice cold hands under your shirt. suguru laid on his side on the lower part of your stretched out legs.
"wow, further proving my point, using me for heat and as furniture. i'm being used in this marriage!" your hands were thrown to the sky in false exasperation.
satoru pouted and moved up to clutch the sides of your face, "nuh-uh, you're our baby!" shoko added on, "our baby with a smokin' hot bod," for emphasis she squeezed your middle lightly, making you giggle.
suguru opened his mouth to speak his piece, but he was interrupted by a yawn emerging from his mouth. for a moment he shook his head to reawaken himself, "god, i must be really tired..." he chuckled as shoko laid her forehead against your shoulder and yawned as well.
"well, i'm not..." satoru blinked and tears pricked his eyes as he held in the yawn. shoko brought her head back up to look at her husband fail to contain his fatigue, "you're not...?" she raised an eye brow and massaged up and down your sides.
he held in his yawn until his cheeks eventually puffed up and a full tear rolled down his cheek, "huarrghhh..." he slumped a bit and smacked his lips sluggishly.
"aw..." your hand went to the top of his head to ruffle his hair. satoru tilted his head up, seeking more affection. you gave it freely and moved your hand down to scratch at the underside of his chin. he'd be purring if he could.
"he's kinda like a dog..." you mumbled to shoko, but your other two husbands heard you.
satoru jerked his head up and indignantly barked, "i am not!" your hand went to scratch at his undercut and he melted back into your legs.
suguru's hand went to rub up and down satoru's spine, "yeah, sure you aren't." all satoru did in response was hum and shift in place.
then suddenly, shoko's fingers brushed over a spot on you that was particularly ticklish and you shrieked, lurching forward.
"aha! shoko, why...!" you whined and turned back to her, pouting.
"oh, i'm sorry babe, i didn't mean it. come back, it won't happen." she opened her hands to signal you to return to your original position. you gave her a suspicious look and settled back into her hold.
"anyway-" you were interrupted by shoko tickling you yet again and shrieked yet again.
"stop! i can and will divorce you!" playfully, you smacked her fingers away.
"just me?" shoko fake pouted and pointed to herself, "yes. just you. i'm gonna take the kids too." you blew a raspberry at her.
behind you, suguru and satoru were giggling, "what are you two laughing at?" you questioned.
suguru was able to calm down enough to reply, "what kids?" he raised an eyebrow with a grin tugging at his lips.
"our five kids! breighlyn, mackeighlyn, jackenlyn, beckenlynyn, tomlinson, and steve!" you exclaimed like they were supposed to know.
shoko pressed her mouth into your shoulder, muffling her own giggles, "that was six names," she pointed out after bringing the lower half of her face up.
"oh. sorry about that, steve is our sixth unwanted child who we lock in the basement. i'm not taking him." you crossed your arms and turned your head to the side with a huff.
"s-so-" satoru coughed, trying to contain himself, "we have six kids?"
"and one of them is unwanted?"
"and he's locked in the basement?"
his pale face slowly turned red with laughter, "and...and what'll happen if we go down there?"
"uh. well...steve's gonna run up to you and...and...hold his hands out! yeah, and ask," you cleared your throat so you could ready your over exaggerated british accent, "please sir! i want some more gruel and a bo'ol o' wa'er please!" suguru cleared his throat, an amused smile stretching his cheeks, "and then what's gonna happen?"
"if you say no he'll stab you until you die." suguru let out a little 'snnrk!' at your deadpan.
"he'll stab me until i die?" he clarified.
"he'll stab you until you die." you confirmed.
suguru nodded like he was mulling this information over in his head, but his smile gave away how unserious he was being.
he swallowed, "noted. if you divorce shoko is she keeping him?"
"yes. she has to fight and kill him, ridding the world of any and all violence." and then you flopped onto your side (well, as much as you could, satoru and suguru were both still laying on your legs).
"all this talk of divorce is making me tired..." you sighed as shoko shifted to snuggle your back.
"me too," she kissed your cheek, "ready to sleep?" she huskily whispered into your ear.
skeptically, you turned to her, "yeah. sleep. only sleep." shoko just hummed and cuddled you closer to her, "yup, just sleep."
she lightly kicked at your two husbands still on your legs, "off'a them or i'll have to amputate."
satoru grumbled and rolled off your legs towards his wife. suguru lifted himself off and knee-shuffled to face you.
"hi." he whispered. you yawned.
"hey." your eyes started to flutter closed as suguru's arm went to wrap around you and satoru pressed further into shoko, prompting her to squeeze you into suguru's soft chest.
before falling into dreamland, you groggily mumbled, "g'night..."
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seeingivy · 4 months
long story short
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting fic
songs mentioned: saturn by sza, so american by olivia rodrigo, lover by taylor swift, good luck babe by chappell roan, margaret ft. bleachers by lana del ray, make you feel my love by adele, false god by taylor swift, only angel by harry styles, and long story short by taylor swift.
an: buckle in friends. songs and tweets and all :D
previous part linked here
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six months later
The two of you decide that it would be smarter not to stay in the townhouse, for the time being. Because while Eren had bent backwards and forwards to buy the house without Levi noticing – which included paying a hefty tip to the realtors dealing with the sale – there was something too melancholy about staying there – and not having a plethora of voices echoing across the walls. 
Eren’s first plan – to stay in the cabin in Ireland that his parents owned – was your next best bet. And really, it was the quietest little patch of land, accompanied by what might be the coziest town you’ve ever been in – and it was every bit of perfect. 
The cabin was two stories and maybe the uniquest little house you’ve ever been in. With gold accents, a green kitchen, and what might be the prettiest garden –  it was almost far too easy to pretend that you and Eren had left the bright shimmering lights and camera flashes behind. 
Eren’s morning usually starts hours before yours – only because he insists that he has to run in the mornings to get a good start to the day. If you’re in a good enough mood, he’s able to coax you to come with him and the two of you choose to walk instead. Sometimes you wonder if Sukuna and Teddy talk about the same thing on their walks that you and Eren do. 
The neighbors are either too old to mention anything or perhaps too polite. Because they show up here and there, unassumingly with a fresh loaf of baked bread, that they simply couldn’t let go to waste. And their kids that you happen to see on holidays, their eyes linger for a little too long – almost like they’re trying to convince themselves that it really is the two of you – but never make a comment about if they ever do get the shred of confidence. 
There’s a kid, barely eleven, who brings homemade yogurt around on Friday, as an errand before he can go play with his friends. Sometimes Eren makes him late to his basketball games, because he finds himself lingering by the door too long, talking about things that are entirely lost to you. Though you should have figured as much, because Eren was always popular with the kids.
And you find a stray cat three months in – one that Eren lovingly names Milo. A tiny british shorthair, with light green eyes and white fur. Upon first inspection, you told Eren jokingly that you simply had to keep him, because he had Eren’s eyes. Eren took the joke a little too seriously, but the little diva that Milo ended up being always kept things interesting. 
The only thing annoying about the cabin is Eren’s placement of the furniture, specifically the well loved coffee table that, in your opinion, needed to be centered in the main room. And that’s only because every morning, you’d get your breath nearly knocked out of your chest when you walked straight into it. 
“You know, you need to move that goddamn coffee table.” you grumble, rubbing at the side of your hip. 
Eren looks over, before placing his hands on your hips and lifting you up onto the counter. It’s a lingering kiss that he presses to your knuckles, as you use your free hand to rub at your eyes, before looking over at the pan. 
“Connie’s on his way?” you ask. 
“An hour out.” Eren responds. 
“Okay, I’ll go set the clothes out. Anything specific you want?” 
“The green hoodie. That you stole and thought I didn’t notice.” Eren grates. 
You jump off the counter, pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, before padding back into the room and setting the clothes aside. And it’s only a few minutes before Eren’s at your side, giving you a half-appreciative smile for returning the hoodie. 
“Are you nervous? You know he’s going to have a meltdown right?”
Eren scoffs. 
“Serves him right for what he did. Walking around talking about his girlfriend – you know, I’m half convinced she doesn’t even exist, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“He’s literally bringing her along. You should have at least told him I would be here so you know…he doesn’t have a heart attack or something.” 
The two of you took the idea of privacy too seriously. A little too serious, because now six months had passed and most of your friends didn’t even know you were together. And really, the two of you were very close to getting found out since you had an awards show to attend at the end of the month. 
If Eren was any bit as hopeless as the neighbors mentioned, they would have the two of you figured out within a split second. 
Levi and Hange knew, naturally. And then Colt and Falco, and by extension Gabi, since Falco seemingly could keep secrets, just not from her. And it extended out slowly – your parents, his and Zeke, Lana and Sukuna, and Jean and Mikasa. 
Lana and Sukuna was an accident. Because Eren had been calling Teddy and you accidentally walked in the background. Jean and Mikasa were similar and only because you accidentally let his name slip from your mouth when you called them after their honeymoon. 
The secret was well kept, but you knew the news was about to spread around to everyone, because Connie was about to find out, when he realized that you were living here with Eren during his little visit. 
“Well, it serves him right. He’s about to tell everyone we know. Because he’s going to have to tell Reiner, who will tell Annie who obviously can’t keep it from Armin and it’s just going to snowball from there.” Eren mutters. 
You shake your head at him, as the two of you pad out to the front where Eren’s left the plates of eggs steaming. You shuffle into your chair – making it a point to slam your notebook shut – and naturally, the gesture doesn’t get past Eren. 
“What are you writing?” Eren asks. 
Eren grins. 
“Are you writing a song about me?” Eren jokes. 
You roll your eyes. And Eren’s too quick with it – guising it by putting his arm around your waist – but he all but snatches the book from underneath your elbow. And he looks to you for confirmation before he starts flipping to the page he was looking for you can see the recognition clock on his face, before he looks over at you.
“Saturn, hm?” 
You take the book back from him, running your fingers over the inked lines and the tiny drawing in the corner. 
If karma's really real How am I still here? Just seems so unfair I could be wrong though If there's a point to being good Then where's my reward? The good die young and poor I gave it all I could
Stuck in this terradome All I see is terrible Making us hysterical There's got to be more, got to be more Sick of this head of mine Intrusive thoughts, they paralyze Nirvana's not as advertised There's got to be more, been here before
Ooh (ooh, ooh) Life's better on Saturn Got to break this pattern Of floating away Ooh (ooh, ooh) Find something worth saving It's all for the taking I always say
I'll be better on Saturn None of this matters Dreaming of Saturn, oh
It plagues Eren, in the smallest of ways. It was almost like he could tell that on certain days, the reality of it all seemed to wear you down, to the point where you really didn’t say too much and spent far too much time by yourself outside. He figured this is the closest he would get to really understanding what it was like for you, in the two years that you spent by yourself. 
And it does really bother him, that this is the only thing he can’t help you with. Because having six months of the still, quiet life gave you time to think, to really process everything that had happened. 
And it was chilling. Because it would almost be easier, if this wasn’t the only thing plaguing your mind. But he had asked you time and time again and the answer was always the same – that you didn’t have any regrets, about how the two of you came back together, the relationships that you repaired, or even the havoc you wrecked at the award shows. That really, they were all means to an end. 
But there was one regret you did have, and maybe in the cruelest of ways, it was the one you couldn’t put to rest in this lifetime – which was taking Marco for granted. 
The smaller things helped – the sweet stories about him in the two years you missed, the voicemail that Eren had gifted you at the funeral, and all the polaroids you pulled off the wall. But deep down, in the pit of your stomach, it was the only piece of it all that you hadn’t been able to rectify yet. 
“Yeah, Saturn.” you respond. 
“Have you given any thought to my offer?” Eren asks. 
You wrote songs about Marco often. And Eren read all of them, helping you work through piecing together the composition. But one of the songs – one you called Bigger Than The Whole Sky – seemed to concern Eren so much that he left a tiny little card on your pillow that night. 
With the number to his therapist. 
Eren doesn’t say much, only because he knows it’ll fall on deaf ears, and that sometimes with you – sometimes his hands in yours are the only thing that he can offer. And the quiet offer of the therapist he gave was more of a think piece for you – hoping that you’d at least give it a chance someday.
But the resolve of it all is quickly shattered when the doorbell rings – with Connie and his girlfriend behind the door. 
Eren sighs. 
“Are you ready for everyone to know our secret?” Eren asks. 
“No. And yes. I’m kind of just excited to watch him kind of have a meltdown.” 
Eren grins. 
“You and me both. I’ll go get him.” 
You pad into the kitchen, reaching for two empty dishes and plating the extra eggs for them as you hear Connie hollering at the door, and relish in the little wave of excitement that rises in your stomach. 
“Okay, well. I made breakfast so just kind of help yourselves. Do you need the bathroom?” Eren asks. 
“We’re good.” Connie responds 
Eren gives you a bright and glimmering two dimpled smile as he stops in the kitchen, before looking over at Connie who now looks like he’s some mix of constipated and fraught. 
“I made you guys some plates. I do hope you still like eggs, Connie, because we haven’t had a chance to do groceries lately.” you respond. 
Connie’s eye twitches as you give him a bright smile before walking closer and opening up your arms. And he’s almost too confused – because he barely hugs you back before turning to Eren. 
“What’s she doing here?” Connie asks. 
Eren smiles. 
“You’re not the only one with a secret girlfriend, Connie. Two can play that game.” Eren responds, as he takes the plates and gestures for Connie’s girlfriend to follow him to the main table. 
Connie pauses, before looking over at you. 
“You guys are pranking me, right? Because I didn’t tell you? Because that’s in no way funny.” Connie asks. 
You point to the polaroids pinned on the fridge – a mix of old and new – before turning back to him. 
“While we do love to mess with you, even we wouldn’t be that committed to a bit like this. Now come eat, you’ve had a long flight.” you respond. 
Contrary to your wishes, Connie, in fact, does not eat. He spends the first ten minutes staring the two of you down – to the point where it’s almost creepy – before asking you an insane amount of questions. 
When did you start dating? 
Or better yet, when are you getting married? 
How does it feel to be a traitor? 
And it’s only after an insane amount of questioning, before he slumps back down into his chair, before offering the two of you a sweet smile. 
“You’re really dating, right?” Connie asks. 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“That’s the tenth fucking time you’ve asked me that. I’m starting to think that it’s insulting – is it really that shocking to you that a pretty girl would date me?” Eren asks. 
Connie rolls his eyes right back. 
“Yeah, when that pretty girl spends her time being just as clueless as you.” Connie responds. 
You avert your gaze to your left, where Connie’s girlfriend – Maryam – is sitting and give her a smile. It’s one that she returns right back, before whispering underneath Connie and Eren’s bickering. 
“You’ll have to forgive him. This is a really big deal to him.” she mumbles. 
“Don’t worry, I’m well aware. He’s spent half of his young life trying to play cupid, I would only assume that it’s overwhelming to finally see your dreams come true.” 
She gives you a smile, as you elbow Eren in the side, and signal for him to stop. 
“Speaking of cupid, how did you and Connie meet?” you ask. 
It’s horribly bad timing – because the big sip of water she took goes immediately back in the glass as she gives Connie a weary glare. And he gives her a bright grin, before turning back to you. 
“See, it’s kind of funny. She –” 
“Connie!” she whispers. 
“What? You’re going to have to tell them eventually.” Connie responds. 
“Yeah, but I just met them. This is the kind of stuff you tell people years later, as in "haha want to know something crazy?” not like…two seconds after you meet them.” she whispers back. 
You and Eren turn to each other, giving each other a look, before turning back to Connie. 
“They won’t care, I promise.” Connie responds.
She gives him a weary look, before turning back to the two of you with wide, doe eyes. 
“Listen. I swear to god, I’m not a stalker. Y/N, I didn’t even know you were going to be here…and…and I didn’t even know I was like…talking to Connie before I was talking to Connie.” 
Eren interrupts her. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks. 
She sighs, before lifting her palms and burying her eyes in the heels of her hand and Connie, for some unknown reason, seems to be enjoying himself a little too much. She gives you both one last look, before dropping her hands. 
“I met Connie on stan twitter.” 
“What?” you ask. 
“Well, he was one of my mutuals. And I…I always talk to my mutuals and we used to text all the time. And then I started really liking him and…and we made a deal to kind of meet up when he was in New York. And then I showed up and he was just fucking standing there. I knew for years that Connie was on stan twitter since he always used to accidentally send his burner tweets to his main but…I didn’t think I was talking to fucking Connie.” 
You and Eren bite down on your cheeks, fighting the urge to laugh. 
“Connie, I think you’ve finally met your match. This is kind of perfect.” you respond. 
“I know, right?” Connie responds, giving you a bright smile back. 
“You didn’t like…think he was punking you?” Eren asks. 
“Oh, I totally thought he was punking me. It was only until he mentioned all the things that we had talked about, over the years mind you, that I actually realized it was him I was talking to all this time. And it started to make more sense, because he always seemed to know more about things that were happening than what was kind of shown on the surface.” Maryam replies. 
You shake your head. 
“So who did you run a fan account for? Was it Connie?” you ask. 
She pinches her face. 
“Right. Well, I…I actually ran a fan account for you. Both of you. You’ve actually both interacted with me on Twitter…multiple times.” 
You slam your fist down on the table. 
“Oh my fucking god. You’re THE fan account girl. Your username is y/n jaeger and you…you have that green profile picture?” you ask. 
“Holy shit. We’ve like literally talked about you multiple times.” Eren adds. 
Connie takes his free arm and slings it around her shoulder, before flinging it around her shoulder. 
“Told you, they literally don’t care.” 
“I swear though, I’m really not a stalker.” she adds again, almost like she’s entirely embarrassed. 
You and Eren shake your heads. 
“Well, you didn’t even know I was going to be here.” you respond. 
“And you didn’t even know that the person you were talking to on Twitter was Connie.” Eren adds. 
“And for what it’s worth, if I remember right, you’ve been one of the people who’s been defending us since the start – especially when it wasn’t a very popular thing to do. Which is something we’re really grateful for. And well…I’m happy if Connie’s happy, which he very clearly is.” 
Connie gives her a smile, one that she returns, before turning back to you guys. 
“I know it’s kind of silly, but I just really liked you guys. I was really into fashion when I was a kid and I really liked your stylists. And then I watched your show and listened to your music – and I just really loved it. Classes and medical school and all that would get really stressful, but it was fun to talk about the little hints that you seemed to leave in your music and the beautiful documentary you made.” 
You and Eren turn to each other and smile. 
“We appreciate that, really. And well…this kind of worked out perfectly, because we might need your help in a few months.” you respond. 
“With?” she asks. 
Eren sighs. 
“We kind of want to keep the public off of our tails for some time. While we’re fine with telling our friends now –” 
“You better be fine with it because I already told Reiner and Sasha.” Connie adds. 
Eren gives him a glare before turning back to Maryam. 
“I know you have a lot of followers and if…if you made it seem like…” 
“Like you guys weren’t dating, other people would believe it.” she finishes. 
“Yeah. We’ve just spent so much of our relationship out in the open, we…we kind of want to share it with everyone when we’re ready.” you add. 
She smiles. 
“I’ll do what I can.” 
Connie helps you make dinner on the last day of his visit – only as a gesture to thank the two of you for your hospitality and for finally getting back together. It gives Eren time to show Maryam the final scripts of Attack on Titan that he has saved, delighting her by sharing all the scenes that got cut or edited in the final season. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Connie asks. 
“Are you happy?” 
You smile. 
“Very happy, Connie. Really.” 
Connie gives you a smile, before leaning forward. 
“But?” he asks. 
“No buts. I am really happy.” 
“I don’t doubt that, but…surely there must be other things you’ve been thinking about. I feel like there’s something else kind of lingering in your…aura.” 
“Don’t talk to me about auras, Connie.” 
“You’ve got a weird and off putting vibe every time I interact with you on your own, princess.” 
You sigh. 
“Did you talk to Eren?” you ask.
“No. I can just tell. So there is something that’s bothering you?” 
You pause, abandoning the spoon in the pot, as you look down at the mix of noodles. It’s a pink sauce – one that Connie swears by – that included a decent amount of the leftover vodka that you and Eren had gifted to you by the neighbors. You made a passing joke that Jean and Mikasa would love this dish and it made Connie laugh so hard he nearly burned his own hand off. 
And you’re not sure where it comes from but before you know it, there’s hot tears pouring out of your eyes and Connie’s warm arms around you. And it’s a quiet whisper that you’re able to muster out in response. 
“Yeah. There’s something bothering me.” you respond. 
“Well, no shit, princess. You’re getting snot all over my shirt. What is it?” 
You fight the urge to laugh at the sarcasm before pulling back and looking up at him. 
Connie sighs, before giving you a nod.
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Connie responds. 
You pause. 
“I just…feel like something’s wrong with me. Everyone else seemed to have moved forward from it or…or seem like they’re handling it better than me.” 
“I think there’s different circumstances. What you have to move on from is entirely different from what the rest of them do.” Connie offers. 
You heave another sigh, using the back of your hand to wipe the wetness away. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What you went through was entirely different than what someone like…Sukuna struggles with or Eren for that matter. They’ve had their fair share of struggles, but yours is just different than theirs. That means you can’t compare the two. They talked to them right until the end. And because of your circumstances, you didn’t. It must be hard not to blame yourself for it.” 
Connie pauses. 
“When I was struggling after rehab, being…being around things like that again, at afterparties and stuff…I found it really hard to even keep my head level in situations like that. It was so overstimulating…so overwhelming, that I found myself locking myself in my house alone with her for a week.” 
“You sound like me.” you respond. 
“That’s exactly the point. Sometimes things are so overwhelming that you can’t do anything but that. Locking yourself in the house till you have a bearing on it. And people like Sukuna and Eren, I…I almost envy them sometimes. They find a way to keep moving forward when all I can find myself doing is standing in one place and staring at myself from the outside in.” 
“Eren’s really hopeful. And I know deep down that he is right. That Marco wasn’t mad at me, not in the slightest. But…I can’t help but be mad at myself. I feel like sometimes I’m reliving the entire thing over again.” you respond. 
Connie smiles. 
“You sound like me.” Connie murmurs. 
“You seem fine, though. For the most part.” you add. 
Connie reaches forward, cupping the side of your face. 
“I’m lucky enough that the people I’ve wanted to make amends with are still here. But even then, that wasn’t enough, not for the blame. Sometimes…you need a little extra help. And really Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
Connie’s ears seem to ring in your ears as you watch him and Maryam drive away. And even more so when you and Eren settle in for bed that night and he reaches over to shut the light switch. 
You reach for Eren’s hand, locking your fingers in with his in the sheets, before squeezing three times, a gesture that he returns. 
“Do…do you still have that card that you gave me? A few weeks ago?” 
Eren leans closer to you and you take the invitation to crawl into his open arms. 
“Of course I do. Did you want to use it, sweetheart?” he whispers. 
The warm tears return and Eren’s quick to wipe them away. 
“Yeah, I think so.” 
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At the end of the month, Connie’s beloved girlfriend helps devise the best plan known to man. Which involved a little bit of acting, lying, and theatrics – something you and Eren were no strangers to. 
It was fairly obvious, after everything that had happened, it would be hard to make people believe that you and Eren hadn’t ended up together. And she figured it would only work if you admitted to the fact that you were dating other people and really sold it in your last press tour and awards campaign that you were soulmates – but in the platonic type of way. 
It’s why you spent three weeks in the press talking about your new beloved boyfriend, Bruce, who was just a normal guy that you met at your recording studio. Coupled with the newest song you released – so american, something Eren most definitely wouldn’t call you – people were quick to switch the breaks and think otherwise. 
Eren was doing the same, fawning in any and every interview, about his sweet new girlfriend Margaret, one of the assistant costume designers that he met on the set of Attack on Titan. About how she was the sweet love of his life, who had shown up right when he needed her. 
It wasn’t an entire lie. 
Besides the fact that it really is so fun to pretend in plain sight, the awards show was the first time that the group of you got to be together again. You were seated right next to Lana and Sukuna – the former of which is exuding the sweetest glow from her baby girl that’s due any week now and the latter who has a set of choice words for you when you take your seats together. 
“I don’t get it. Why don’t you just fucking tell people?” Sukuna mutters. 
You smile. 
“Simple. We don’t want to.” you respond. 
“Yeah, but your boy toy is about to win the award of his dreams, again, and you’re about to be ten feet away getting cock blocked by lesbians.” 
You smile. Eren, in all of his brilliance, was nominated for the Best Actor in a TV Show, yet again. And truly, it was no competition – you were all positive that he was going to win, something that he wasn’t so keen about himself. 
“We can hear you.” Ymir mutters. 
“We can switch seats if you want Y/N, for that part. If you want to sit next to Eren.” Sofia adds. 
You give her a smile, before sinking back into your chair and looping your arm through Ymir’s – who was going to be accompanying you as the opener on the Birds of a Feather tour, with her lovely Sofia, who she married last weekend. 
“Where are Jean and Mikasa? I have an itch to get blackout drunk right now.” Ymir mutters. 
“No point in trying.. They’re already back there and borderline blackout drunk with empty flasks already..” you respond. 
“They pressed some really wet kisses to my cheek earlier. If I didn’t love them, I would find it absolutely disgusting.” you add. 
You give Ymir and Sukuna a light nudge at your sides, before standing up to the group of people walking up to you. 
“Oikawa, right? From Haikyuu?” you ask. 
He towers over you, looking down at you as he offers you a smile. 
“That’s right. We’ve replied to each other a lot on Twitter.” he responds. 
“Right. It’s nice to meet you in person, again. I feel like we’ve probably walked past each other a bunch of times, but…it’s nice to talk.” 
He smiles. 
“Listen, I was planning on telling you this last weekend, but I’m planning on bringing my girlfriend to your opening show next weekend. She’s a really big fan…and she’d love to meet you.” 
You place a hand on his bicep, and really, only because you can’t reach his shoulder. 
“Of course. I’ll get you a seat in the VIP tent with everyone else coming, okay?” 
“What was last weekend?” Sukuna asks. 
Oikawa turns to his left, giving an entirely unassuming smile.
“You said you were going to ask her last weekend.” Sukuna clarifies. 
“Oh! Right, I just figured you’d be at Historia’s wedding that’s all. But she told me, it really is a shame that you were all too busy.” 
You’re dumbfounded as he gives you all one last smile, before walking away. And Eren and Connie are quick to join you at your sides, Eren’s hand ghosting across yours at his side. 
“What did that tool want?” Eren asks. 
“Did Historia tell you that?” Sukua asks, to which you shake your head.
“Was he hitting on you? I’ve seen him on Twitter, don’t even get me started.” Eren mutters. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“Dude, this is so not the time to be getting your panties in a twist.” Sukuna responds. 
“What did he say?” Connie asks, nudging you in the side. 
“Historia got married. Last weekend.” Ymir states, an almost gravelly tone to her voice. 
Connie and Eren give you a weary look, before turning back to her. 
“She didn’t invite any of you and told all the guests that you guys were all too busy to come. Too busy to come because you were at my wedding, with the date I've had set for months now.” 
Sofia stands at Ymir’s side, looping her arm in with Ymir’s as she offers a small smile. And it gets worse – because the horribly timed news made you all forget that Historia was the opener for the show that you wer eall sitting at. 
You can’t help but admit it, but the willowing white dress that she wears is beautiful. But there’s a part of it that haunts you, almost like she’s a ghost instead of a bride, as she takes the center of the stage with a pink guitar and a glimmering ring on her finger. 
“My name’s Historia Reiss. This is my newest song, everyone – it’s called Lover.” 
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever) You're my, my, my, my Oh, you're my, my, my, my Darling, you're my, my, my, my Lover
You watch as Ymir sinks into her seat, securing her own hand in Sofia’s, as you look over at Eren. And in the few seconds that you have between the commercial break, before you have to head backstage to announce the award, you lean forward and place your chin on her shoulder. 
“Are you okay, Ymir?” you ask, shooting Sofia a pinched smile over the way. 
“She’s fucking insane.” Ymir mutters. 
You’re taken off guard by the hostility. Only because in every rehearsal that you’ve shared with Ymir, she’s all but remorseful for how things ended with them – and even moreso, was looking forward to being friends again. 
“What do you mean?” you ask. 
“She’s trying to piss me off. I’ve heard that fucking song – it’s one she wrote about me when we were still filming season three.” 
You wince, sharing a look with Eren, before turning back to her and squeezing one of her shoulders. 
“I don’t know what her problem is. If she’s trying to make me feel…regret over what I did last weekend, that’s far from it. I have no regrets about the people or the person I’ve chosen for myself. She can sing herself sick about it if she wants to.” Ymir finishes. 
“Good for you.” Connie states. 
“Huh?” Ymir asks. 
“Good for you. Really. You know what you want and you’ve had it by your side this entire time. If she wants to be bitter about it, she can go right ahead. That won't stop you from having that by your side or make her feel any better – and I’m sure she’ll realize that eventually.” Connie finishes. 
You give Connie a smile, before gesturing to take your open seat as the ushers arrive to take you backstage. And you’re met with the sight of Hange and Levi – with a glimmering golden trophy and an envelope in their hands. 
“He won, didn’t he?” you ask. 
“We don’t know.” 
“Do you think they’d like kill me if I opened it?” you ask, as Levi places the glittering envelope in your hands. 
Hange smiles. 
“In all seriousness kid, I think they’re kind of anticipating you will. WIth you as the announcer and us handing over the trophy, it’s fairly obvious they’re expecting something great.” Hange responds. 
You give the two of them a smile as you turn over the envelope, breaking through the latch of the sticker, and pulling the little cardstock slip out. And surely enough, it’s in bright, bold letters. 
Best Lead Actor in a TV Show - Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan: The Final Season 
You look up at them and smile, trying to contain that scratchy feeling in the back of your throat. 
“He did it.” you whisper. 
They both give you bright smiles as they link in their arms with yours, the three of you waiting for your cue at the side of the curtains. And on their mark, the three of you walk out into the bright lights, as you scan the crowd for where Eren’s sitting – noting the bright smile on his face and the wink he offers you. 
“I think the fact that I’m standing here, with Hange and Levi at my sides, is proof that one of the best actors of our generation has won one of the most special awards here tonight.” 
And you watch as Jean and Connie’s eyes go wide, as they reach forward and secure their hands on Eren’s shoulders, jostling him as he brings his hands up to his cheeks – in utter disbelief. 
“While he’s winning an award for acting tonight, I truly do think that the recipient is a jack of all trades. Because he’s been so involved in this beautiful show – from picking the co-star in his first chemistry screen reading, to bringing life to the pages, and at the end, actually writing them. It’s been a joy to watch him in his element for the last ten years and really, to share such a big part of my life with someone who is so special.” 
You look down at the envelope, pulling out the slip again. 
“The award for Best Actor in a TV show goes to Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan: The Final Season.” 
It’s an obscene amount of hollering – mostly from Reiner, Connie, and Jean – as you watch Eren hug Gabi and Falco before pressing a kiss to Lana’s cheek and making his way to the stage. And it’s almost too sweet – getting to watch the lingering hugs that Hange and Levi give Eren, before he turns to you to give a polite hug. 
You take the few seconds you have to say your piece. 
“Hey. Guess what?” you whisper. 
“I told you so. All those years ago.” you respond. 
Eren presses a kiss to your cheek, before the three of you all shuffle off to the side, and watch Eren from a few feet away. And you watch as he runs his hand nervously through his hair, before looking down at the award. 
“I promise I’ll make a speech this time.” Eren starts. 
You all laugh, as he looks over at you, before turning back to the crowd. 
“I…I truly have no words for what this show has meant to me and what it has brought me. Almost ten years ago, two writers turned screenwriters, for whatever god awful reason, saw a film in which I had all but ten minutes of screentime before I got killed off. And for some reason, it spoke to them – so much so that they decided to make me the lead of their show. It seems strange at first, but they’re the first people I find myself being the most thankful for, because they’re the only reason that anything after came. I’ve made…” 
Eren’s voice cracks and you swallow hard. 
“I’ve made lifelong relationships and…and a real family. I’ve had the privilege of meeting my partner in crime, Connie, the sweetest friends I’ve ever had, Jean and Mikasa, and maybe one of the only people who understands me best, Armin. I’ve met maybe one of the most important people in my life, Y/N L/N, who gives definition to being the best friend and partner everyday, and most of all, I’ve met the love of my life, my sweet Margaret. There are no words for how thankful I am, really. Thank you so much.” 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers as Eren links his arm in with yours and the four of you clump together backstage. And in the few seconds of quiet you have, you reach forward and cup the side of his face before pressing another kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m so happy for you, Eren. You dream came true – the right way this time.” 
Eren smiles, before linking one of his hands in with yours. 
“You next.” Eren states. 
You scoff. 
“Leave it to you to make your award about me. Just be happy.” you respond. 
“I am happy. But really, you’re next.” Eren states. 
“You can’t become triple threats twice, Eren.” 
“You know, I’ve happened to write very convincing letters in the past. To have them accept demos from me on behalf of you, to consider you for awards for years on end. I think I’ll try my luck on that one and see where it gets me, sweetheart.” 
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The following week, Eren’s standing by your side backstage with Sofia on the other side, in the mere minutes before you perform. If your timing was correct, Ymir was halfway into her set and seriously killing it, meaning that you were going to follow in under an hour. 
Gabi and Falco are the first ones to greet you backstage – and the first guests on the Birds of a Feather tour. 
When you think back to the past, all the memories of touring are the worst. Because the only thing you can remember is your legs shaking from the exhaustion, your ears deaf from the screaming, and your chest hurting from the pain – before you were dragged onto stage another time by Danny and Sareen and forced to do it again. 
It’s why you kept the tour relatively short by your standards, with thirty-six shows, and your friends by your side. 
If they wrote the songs with you, they could perform them with you too. And while Glue Song was technically Gabi’s request, Falco’s the feature – so it was only fair to let both of them sing it with you on the first day. 
And you watch from far as Eren stands behind both of their little vanities, hearing the ends of their conversation – as Eren reassures both of them before taking pictures of the two of them together. And it’s almost like he can see you watching him, because he turns to look over his shoulder, before offering you a smile and walking over. 
“Not that people know, but you and I are kind of the first ladies of the Birds of a Feather tour.” Sofia states. 
“What do you mean?” Eren asks. 
“My wife is the opener. Your girlfriend is the main set. We’re the first ladies.” Sofia states. 
Eren snorts as he reaches for the back of your hair, readjusting it against your bodysuit, before giving you a smile. 
“I think so.” 
Sofia gives the two of you a sweet smile, as she loops her arm in with yours and leans her head against your shoulder. And three songs in, you feel her tense you at your side. 
“Oh god. Here it comes.” Sofia murmurs. 
“Here what comes?” you ask. 
She turns her head to the side, confused. 
“She didn’t tell you? She added a new song to the setlist, it’s…about Historia.” Sofia responds. 
“Does she know that Historia’s actually here in the tent? With her husband?” 
Marcus, Historia’s newly wedded husband, was nice. It’s really the only word that you could use to describe him, because honestly, it didn’t seem like there was much else going on besides that. He mentioned a plethora of niceties when you met him hours prior – that he had missed you at the wedding, that he had memorized all the songs before the show started so he could fully enjoy it – and that was it. 
You could tell that he didn’t have the faintest idea about Historia and Ymir, or Historia at all. 
But he was kind. And he wouldn’t hurt Historia and you supposed that was all that mattered.
“That’s kind of the point, Y/N.” Sofia mumbles. 
The three of you inch closer to the edge of the stage, just out of view of the curtains, as you watch Ymir’s visuals change – bright graphic letters spelling out Good Luck, Babe! 
It's fine, it's cool You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth And guess I'm the fool With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
I don't wanna call it off But you don't wanna call it love You only wanna be the one that I call "baby"
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
You look over at Eren, who is crushing your hand to oblivion at your left, before turning back to Sofia. 
“Jesus Christ.” Eren whispers. 
“I can’t even blame her. Historia came for blood last weekend.” 
“That’s not even half of it. It gets worse.” 
You and Eren widen your eyes, before leaning forward and paying attention again. And it’s insane, because Ymir’s crouching on the ground – before she fully lies down and starts belting into the microphone. 
When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife And when you think about me, all of those years ago You're standing face to face with "I told you so" You know I hate to say, "I told you so" You know I hate to say, but, I told you so 
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling (well, I told you so) You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
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a year and a half later 
After almost two years of being married, Jean and Mikasa welcome a baby girl, named Olivia, in October. And on her fourth week of life, they invite all of you over to meet her in Seattle. 
You’d be lying if it didn’t fill you with dread. 
“Why are you freaking out?” Eren asks, reaching down to adjust the charms of your necklace, the Saturn charm now accompanied by an ocean wave, against your collarbone, before looking back up at you. 
“Babies don’t really like me.” you state. 
“You know, they can kind of sense when you’re all…tense and stuff. Just relax when they ask you to hold her.” 
You groan. 
“Jean and Mikasa can keep their empath baby to themselves. What do you mean it can sense if I’m stressed?” 
“You’ll drop her if you’re being too stiff. Just cradle her head against you.” Eren responds. 
“That’s exactly why I can’t hold her!” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“She’s basically like your niece. You’ll have to hold her eventually.” Eren deadpans. 
“Maybe when she’s older. Fully conscious and talking and stuff, you know. Like Teddy.” 
Eren sighs, almost acutely aware of how hopeless you were when it came to this, from the way you acted with Lily. Except Sukuna was far less faith in you than Jean and Mikasa and agreed with you every time you refused to hold her out of fear. 
Eren locks his hand in with yours as he drags you to the porch, only to be met with Zeke and Carla answering the door. 
“You’re finally here!” 
Eren’s mom pulls you forward, nearly side sweeping Eren and trapping you in a crushing hug as you give Zeke a pained look at your side, to which the two of them only laugh in response. And when Carla lets go, she brings her hands down to your wrists, before squeezing. 
“You’re a vision in yellow! This dress is beautiful, Y/N.” 
“Mom. You’re laying it on a little thick there.” Eren mumbles, placing his hands on her shoulders before pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Shut up, Eren. This is the closest I’ve gotten to having a daughter.” Carla states. 
You look over at Eren – entirely aware of how much his parents, or more specifically Carla had been, about how he needed to propose soon. But Eren rolls his eyes as he walks off, greeting Lana and Teddy in the kitchen as you turn back to her and wrap one of your free arms around her. 
“Did you see Olivia yet?” you ask. 
“She’s beautiful. Oh, she looks just like Jean.” 
“Well, that’s a shame.” you respond. 
“I heard that, twerp.” 
You look over to find the source of the voice – a very tired Jean, with a stubble and a well grown out mullet – glaring at you. But the second you look at him properly, he gives you a smile as you run forward, wrapping your arms around him as he returns the gesture. 
“Hi, Mr. Dad.” 
“That’s the best you could come up with? Mr. Dad?” 
“Saying just Dad is weird. But I had to acknowledge the fact that you…have a whole child just out here and breathing and stuff.” 
“Wow. You really have such a way with words.” Jean states, as the two of you trail down to the kitchen, where Eren and Jean do their weird handshake. 
You feel a tugging at your legs, before you pick up Teddy who leans his head against yours. 
“You get bigger everytime I see you, kid. 
“I’m a growing boy.” Teddy shrugs, as you turn to Lana and laugh. 
“He’s getting every bit of sass from Sukuna.” Lana states. 
“I can tell.” you respond, before turning back to him. 
Sukuna presses a kiss to your cheek as a greeting, before Connie and Reiner join the group as well and do the same. 
“How are you today, Teddy? Did you see baby Olivia yet?” you ask. 
You smile as you turn over to Eren, who leans against the counter and watches the two of you from a few feet away. He fights the urge to take a picture – only because Sukuna would tease him into oblivion – and makes a mental note to ask for one like it later, of Teddy snuggled in your arms and resting his head against your cheek. 
“Did you like her?” you ask. 
“She’s cute. For a baby.” 
“You wanna tell Y/N what you told me, Theo?” Sukuna asks. 
Teddy sits up, turning to Sukuan with confusion. 
“Tell her what, Dad?”
“About what you did when you saw Olivia.” Sukuna clarifies. 
He turns back to you, a smile on his face. 
“I held baby Olivia all on my own.” 
You turn back to Sukuna and Eren, the two of them laughing with irritating smiles on their faces as you stick their tongues out at them. 
“Oh, be quiet.” you murmur. 
“If my literal child can carry that baby, so can you.” Sukuna states. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, before taking Teddy from your arms. 
“I’m gonna grab a drink.” Sukuna states. 
“I’ll come with.” you respond. 
The two of you walk quietly out to the little backyard, as you fill three glasses of lemonade and hold one out to each of them. 
“So do you just not want kids in the future?” 
“What? Of course, I do.” you respond. 
Sukuna snickers. 
“Are you not going to hold your own child?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Pump the brakes, Sukuna. Eren and I aren’t even married yet.” 
“Speaking of. Are you two ever going to tie the knot?” 
You shrug. 
“We’ve talked about it before. It’s definitely in the cards but I told him that he should wait until he feels ready. And things are really nice now, the way they are. I figure he’s just soaking in it all.” you state. 
“Would you say yes if he proposed?” Sukuna asks. 
“Are you crazy?” 
“I mean…you’re saying that you told Eren to wait until he was ready. There’s no doubt you will of course, but are you ready for that?” 
You nurse the little glass of lemonade close to your chest, before looking up at him and smiling. 
“I’ve been waiting to marry him since I was like sixteen. Of course I’m ready.” 
Sukuna gives you a smile, before gesturing for you to follow him back inside where Eren’s waiting for you patiently. And you can tell by the excited smile on his face and the way that he grabs your waist exactly where he’s leading you next. 
“You should be excited. This is literally both of our best friends, in one person.” 
“I am excited. I just want her to like us, that’s all.” 
When you enter the room, it’s quiet – with Levi, Jean, and Mikasa’s mom by the crib and Mikasa sitting in the bed, rearranging the little toys. 
You and Eren beeline in different directions, with him heading straight for the baby and you heading straight towards Mikasa’s side. And you can’t help but do it – reach forward and cup her cheeks before hugging her full on. 
“Mikasa, you look so cute.” you mumble, as she nearly crushes you with her death grasp of a hug. 
Mikasa pulls back, rolling her eyes, as she eyes your dress. 
“Are you saying I look different after Olivia?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“You’re all full in the face. With rosy pink cheeks. It’s adorable.” you whisper. 
“Well, you’re quite adorable too. This is a beautiful dress – I’m going to side sweep Eren and propose first if he doesn’t get around to it.”
“I heard that, Mikasa.” Eren deadpans, from his far corner of the room. 
“That was the point, goofy.” 
Eren frowns as he walks over to her side, offering her a hug before sitting down with the two of you. 
“Goofy is the best you’ve got?” Eren asks. 
“There’s a baby in the room. I can’t exactly call you an asshole now, can I?” Mikasa whispers.
You both giggle, only to be stopped by the glare that Levi gives the three of you, as you clear your throats. 
“She’s perfect, Mikasa. She’s got your eyes.” Eren states. 
“Oh thank god. Carla gave me a heart attack downstairs when she told me the baby looked like Jean.” 
It’s only then that Jean walks over, with the tiniest bundle of little pink blankets in his hand, that the three of you stand up. And you take the natural position, standing slight behind Eren as he looks up at Jean, eyes wide. 
“Can I hold her?” 
“Dude, go ahead.” 
You and Mikasa share a look, irritated by their nonchalance, as you watch Jean carefully transfer Olivia over to Eren’s arms. She’s quick with it – securing all five of her tiny fingers around one of Eren’s fingers as he laughs, looking over at you. 
And Eren’s quick to notice that despite all your self-proclaimed fears about holding babies and giving birth, you have the same curious look in your eyes that you had when you met Lily. 
“Olivia, my name’s Eren and this is Y/N. Your parents are basically the coolest people we know.” Eren whispers, almost like he’s not trying to disturb the quiet peace in the room. 
“Well, not your dad. He could use a little help in that department.” you respond. 
“Stop badmouthing me in front of my child.” Jean responds, reaching forward to flick you on the forehead. 
But it’s right at that second that Olivia lets out the quietest little coo, before readjusting in her little blankets. And it’s enough to make the group of you laugh, teary eyed smiles from you and Eren, as Jean walks over to Levi and hands him the camera to take a picture of the five of you, together for the first time. 
And in the thirty minutes that Eren spends holding Olivia and whispering with Mikasa, it’s the free second that you take to talk to Levi. 
“Look at you. Trying to butter up Mikasa’s mom.” 
Levi glares. 
“She’s my sister.” 
“Right. I kind of forgot about that.” 
Levi rolls his eyes, as the two of you look out of the window, at the group of them all chattering downstairs. You can’t help but smile at Teddy and Lily sitting at the table, who are showing a very interested Ymir and Connie all of the drawings that they’ve allegedly done together. 
It was mostly Teddy of course, but he just liked to include Lily in everything he does. Which is something you’re told that Sukuna and Yuuji do together all the time – and it makes your heart warm all the same. 
“Is there a reason you never had kids, Levi?” you ask. 
Levi smiles. 
“Hange can’t have kids.” Levi states. 
You feel your throat dry the slightest, as you look over to the left, where Hange and Sofia are playing a very intense game of chess. 
“I didn’t know that. I always figured that you two weren’t…”
“A lot of people did. And I suppose that made it easier, because it really did break our hearts that we didn’t get to have any.” 
You smile, before leaning your head against his shoulder. 
“If it makes you feel better, I know that myself and fifteen of my peers have always seen you as a father figure.” 
Levi smiles. 
“It does actually. Only because my self-proclaimed children are all so talented that I have so much to brag about.” 
You press a kiss to Levi’s cheek as Eren beckons for you to join him downstairs, now that Olivia’s fallen asleep. And you all but oblige, trying to memorize the sickeningly sweet kiss that he gives you on the way down. 
“Do you ever think we’re going to have kids?” Eren asks. 
“Eren. You’re basically like born to be a dad.” you whisper. 
“Every kid we’ve ever met loves you. Of course, we’re going to have kids. I’ve even taken the liberty of naming them already.” 
Eren gives you a confused look, before knocking on your forehead. 
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” 
“Hilarious.” you deadpan. 
“No seriously. I’m shocked Mrs. Scared of Pregnancy because of Reddit threads from when you were thirteen is saying this to me right now.” 
You roll your eyes, trying to make your way down the stairs, before he pulls back, pressing a kiss to your cheek as a consolation. 
“Okay, I’m joking. But tell me the names.” 
“No. You’re being rude.” 
“Come on. They’re going to be my children too. I want to hear it.” 
You sigh, crossing your hands over your chest, as you look up at him. 
“If it’s a boy, we’re going to name him Marco.” 
Eren smiles, giving you an approving nod, as you twist the rings on your pointer finger. 
“And if it’s a girl, we’ll name her Maya.” 
“Well, the plan is hopefully that we have a boy and a girl. We’ll name our kids after Marco…and his favorite poet, Maya Angelou.” 
Eren leans forward, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. 
“That’s a deal.” 
Two days later, you and Eren seem to right a historical wrong, in your long winded history, in the mere hours before you attend Lana’s album listening party.  
By visiting the Seattle Aquarium, the way you were supposed to all those years ago. 
It was your idea when you made your weekend plan to be in Seattle. Because Eren had three extra days before he started shooting and before you headed back to New York to record with Niccolo – and it only felt right. 
Despite your horrible track history of attendance, the owners of the Seattle Aquarium granted you entry on Sunday, the day they were closed, and offered you the place for the entire day. Though you suppose, it’s only because you’ve given them such gracious donations over the past years. 
When you walk in, you run your fingers over the bronze plaque as Eren looks over your shoulder, admiring the lettering. 
With special thanks to Bruce and Margaret, whose generous donations have benefitted our environmentalist efforts and preserved over forty-five species of fish over the past year, nearby in the Pacific Ocean. 
Eren takes your hand, the two of you taking the little blankets and pillows, and setting them up right in the center of the aquarium, before you lie down against the little makeshift fort you made. 
And you’re not sure what it is – the dim lights and the overwhelming blue – or the fish swimming all around you and Eren in their not so little fishbowl, but you can’t help but feel the strangest sense of nostalgia. That a few years ago, you saw Jean and Mikasa get engaged for the first time, and it pushed you so hard that you were ready to confess to him under these same lights. 
“Do you ever think about what would happen if we actually ended up coming here last time?” you ask. 
Eren looks over at you, pressing a stray kiss to your forehead, before messing with one of the strands of your hair. 
“Sometimes. I figured we’d have to fight out of there someway, just in a different way.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Eren pauses. 
“They’d run a slander campaign against you. They’d probably dox Falco and Colt and your parents would get in the crossfire by proxy.” Eren murmurs. 
“I figured they’d probably give Connie all the big roles so he wouldn’t have any reason to leave. Everyone would know about Lana and Teddy and well…I don’t know if Sukuna would be on our side the way he necessarily ended up being.” 
You lean closer to him, interlocking one of your free hands in with his. 
“I don’t know if we’d stay together.” 
“We’d stay together.” you murmur. 
“Yeah. I do figure it would be harder though. We kind of lucked out, twice, with how isolated the set was and then the cabin.” 
And Eren reaches into his pocket, wrapping one of his free hands around you as he opens up a little green box, to a glimmering diamond ring. 
“I figure this would happen farther down the line if things went that route.” Eren mumbles. 
You’re taken aback as you sit up in the little pile of blankets as Eren follows suit, a sweet smile on his face as he presses the little box into your hand. 
“I don’t necessarily know how things would have ended up if we got to be together all those years prior. All I remember, really, is watching you drive away from me and feeling like I had just experienced the loss of my life. For a second time. It only feels right to me that we get to promise to seal the deal here, for good, like we should have all of those years ago.” 
Eren takes the box from your hands, plucking the ring out of its little slot, and takes your hand in his. 
“Will you marry me?”
You can’t help but lean forward, nearly knocking him back down into the pillows as you press a kiss to his lips, which he smiles into. 
“I’m taking that’s a yes?” 
“Oh my god, Eren. Yes, obviously.” 
Eren sits up again, this time carefully securing the ring around your finger, before lifting your hand and pressing a kiss against your knuckles. 
“Did you tell anyone you were doing this?” 
Eren shrugs. 
“I asked for your parents and Falco and Colt’s blessing. Then I remembered that Levi exists and asked him for good measure too. And Lana, of course, just because I can’t keep anything from her.” 
You smile. 
“Was there someone else I was supposed to tell?” 
You pinch your lips into a line. 
“Oh my god, there totally was. Who did I forget?” 
You fight the urge to laugh as he reaches forward, tickling at your sides as you shove him off. 
“No one, Eren. I love the ring.” 
Eren twists his face in confusion, before leaning forward. 
“Who said anything about the ring?” 
You pinch your eyes shut, before reaching forward and placing your hands on his cheeks. 
“I love the ring. And I love you, it’s really not –” 
“You told someone what type of ring you wanted, didn’t you?” 
You sigh, as you look down at the sparkling diamond on your finger, that really is perfect. 
“It was a tiny request that I had. I should have known that you’d tell Lana and not Mikasa, in hindsight.” 
Eren shakes his head. 
“That’s not a big deal. I’ll just get you another one.” 
“Really, I was planning on getting you multiple anyway. You have to have one that has a silver band and one that has gold, because I know that you hate mixed metals. So really, you can tell me what it is that you wanted and I’ll keep it in mind.” 
You sigh. 
“It’s kind of cheesy.” 
“I’m not lactose intolerant, Y/N. Just tell me.” 
You sigh. 
“I like the diamond, but I wanted it set with another stone.” 
“I do like unique rings. Which one were you thinking?” 
“An emerald. Because it’s green, you know?” 
And you watch as Eren grins, fully understanding your request this time, as he leans forward, his lips a few feet away from yours as he whispers. 
“Are you telling me you want a green emerald because my eyes are green?” 
“Sue me, Eren!” you deadpan. 
And it’s a lingering kiss that Eren presses to your cheeks, before he leans back and looks up at the fish. You follow his gaze to the two yellow fish swimming near the top, as they make their way down to the other side. 
And Eren looks over at you and smiles. 
“No, I don’t think so. I think I’ll just marry you instead.” 
You’re slightly late to Lana’s listening party and the two of you sneak in towards the back door, where you greet everyone waiting for you backstage.  And it’s quite obvious that Lana and Sukuna shared the news with everyone the second you arrive – because Mikasa reaches for your hand the second you walk up to her and Lana gives you a lingering hug. 
“Oh thank god, I was starting to get worried.” Mikasa states. 
“All the comments got to you the other day, didn’t they?” Sukuna asks. 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“On the contrary, asshole. Though the comments did start to piss me off, because I was doing so well at hiding it before you all started bringing it up and making her think about it.” 
There’s a little dinging overhead, signaling that Lana had to start, as the group of you all head out to the little audience – filled with about fifty of Lana’s fans who nearly start screaming the second you all walk out to listen with them. 
“Hey.” Eren whispers. 
“I’ll be back, but you should keep your hair in the front.”
“What? Why?” 
“I left a mark earlier.” Eren responds, squeezing at your shoulder as you glare at his retreating form. 
He shoots you a wink over his shoulder, before he walks backstage and Lana walks on. And it’s sweet, the flowery dress she’s wearing and the purple guitar as she takes the stage. You feel a tap on your shoulder, to find Sukuna at your side, smiling at you. 
“Congratulations, stinky. There’s not many times that I find myself believing in things like this, at least not before anyways, but you’ve proven me wrong, time and time again.” 
You loop your arm in with Sukuna resting your chin against his shoulder, as you watch Lana start to tune the guitar. 
“I could say the same thing about you.” you respond. 
The two of you quiet down as Lana starts and Eren walks behind her, taking a seat at the piano. He shoots you a smile from his spot, starting to play the piano composition as Lana starts talking. 
“I’ve written lots of songs about people in my very long career of music, now. And I’ve had many songs written about me by my friend Eren here. I figured it was only fair that I returned the favor by writing about him and his beautiful fiancee, with his help of course.” 
Eren smiles as he leans closer to the microphone. 
“This song is called Margaret.” 
This is a simple song, gonna write it for a friend My shirt is inside out, I'm messy with the pen He met Margaret on our rooftop, she was wearing white And he was like, "I might be in trouble" He had flashes of the good life He was like, "Should I jump off this building now or do it on the double?
'Cause, baby, if your love is in trouble Baby, if your love is in trouble Baby, if your love is in trouble When you know, you know When you know, you know
It kinda makes me laugh, runnin' down that path When you're good as gold 'Cause when you know, you know 'Cause when you know, you know And when you're old, you're old
Like Hollywood and me, that diamond on your ring The soul that you bring to the table One that makes me sing In a minor key Diamond on your ring 'Cause when you know, you know When you know, you know
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The two of you tie the knot a year later, on a chilly December night, back in the old townhouse. It’s decorated to perfection – the walls that you originally took down are now covered again with polaroids of you and Eren, but all of your loved ones too. 
True to Mikasa’s statement all of those years ago, the flower girls at your wedding are Olivia and Lily – but they can’t exactly walk yet, so it’s only fair that Reiner and Connie carry them and their little flower baskets down the aisle. 
As busy as Mikasa and Jean are with the baby, they give up their spots as best man and maid of honor to the more seasoned parents, Lana and Sukuna. Though it feels entirely wrong to have Lana standing on your side and Sukuna on Eren’s, so you decide to switch the roles. Teddy’s quite possibly the best ring bearer and Levi’s the perfect person, who gives a sweet passionate speech about holding out for love, as the officiant of your wedding. 
Levi, however, is full of all sorts of tricks – which is something the two of you only note when it’s time for you to do your first dance. Because instead of the piano quartet that you organized, he’s sitting on the bench next to Hange instead, tapping on the microphone to get your attention. 
“I believe it’s time for the first dance.” Levi states. 
Hange rolls her eyes, before taking the microphone. 
“You’re so stiff, Levi.” 
“You talk then.” 
“No, you always tend to have a way with words.” 
You look up at Eren, admiring the two little pins on the lapel of his jacket – a crescent moon and the Saturn pin – before looking back at the two of them and their antics. 
“Eren and Y/N. You’ve written quite a few love songs, not only about the beautiful love that you share with each other, but the love that we all seem to have for one another as well. And really, we figured it was only fair that we all repaid the favor, by writing a song about the two of you for you to dance to.”
“And well, we know how much being surrounded by the love in the room means to you. So we’re going to invite everyone to join you on the dance floor, so you can be surrounded by it.” Hange states. 
The group of them all give you sweet smiles, as you all walk out onto the little makeshift floor, as Hange and Levi start playing the piano, Levi’s quiet voice filling the backyard. 
When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love
You pause from looking at Eren, as you pull him closer – resting your ear against the beating sound of his heart – and catch it all again, the love in the room so warm it’s almost suffocating. Because it’s Falco still stepping on Gabi’s feet after all these years, Ymir spinning Sofia way too many times, and Jean and Mikasa dancing with Lily in their arms. 
“Can you believe they wrote a song about us?” you whisper. 
“I’ll fucking say. It was about time. Do you know how many weddings we’ve carried on our backs by writing songs?” 
“Don’t exaggerate, Eren. It was only like three.” 
“Three too many. I was expecting the damn fanfare when I walked in.” 
You both laugh, before leaning forward, and looking over at Hange and Levi – soft smiles that they give each other, as they play the piano together. 
I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I will never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the avenue No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do To make you feel my love
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Eren makes his SNL debut three months after the fact and you figure that there's no better time to announce the fact that you and Eren are together. A silly little skit – where your fake characters are both named Margaret and Bruce – is the perfect end to what the two of you started at the beginning of the week, when you released your songs False God and Only Angel on the same day. 
But unbeknownst to Eren, you change the original plan you had – to play False God at the end of the show – and choose to play a different song at the end. Eren turns to you, giving you a last wink as the show starts rolling, and he turns to the camera. 
“Once again, Y/N L/N-Jaeger.” 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers as Eren takes his side next to Connie and Maryam at the front, as you start strumming on the guitar. 
Fatefully I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me Misery Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep
And you passed right by I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
And I fell from the pedestal Right down the rabbit hole Long story short, it was a bad time Pushed from the precipice Clung to the nearest lips Long story short, it was the wrong guy Now I'm all about you I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah
The first thing you catch sight of when you look out is Hange and Levi. And the first thing that comes to mind is that speech – watching Hange spilling tears into that microphone, watching it in your pajamas with Colt at your side and Falco fast asleep somewhere in the corner – and it makes your stomach jolt. 
Actually I always felt I must look better in the rear view Missing me At the golden gates they once held the keys to When I dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door And we live in peace But if someone comes at us This time, I'm ready
Ricky comes to mind next, but it’s only because you can see Lana and Sukuna in the third row – their heads leaned against each other as they hold hands. Because it’s not exactly the justice she exactly deserved, but years after the fact, his horrible mouth had landed him on a blacklisted list of actors – and really, he was never to be seen again. Hyla and Scott were always around, but never warranted a second thought after what you had done to them – tearing their once empire to the ground with your own bare hands and a pencil. 
No more keepin' score now I just keep you warm (keep you warm) No more tug of war now I just know there's more (know there's more) No more keepin' score now I just keep you warm (keep you warm) And my waves meet your shore Ever and evermore
Past me I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things Your nemeses Will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing And he's passing by Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky And he feels like home If the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
The raw spot of hurt that was reserved for Marco softened over the years and the over-consuming feeling it once used to give you was now open – for you to give to other parts of your life. To your friends, to your family, and to Eren. 
Now I'm all about you (and now) I'm all about you, ah (and now) I'm all about you (and now) I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah I'm all about you (and now) Yeah, yeah I'm all about you
You can’t help but smile at him, feeling your heart nearly pounding in your chest, as you look at him – smiling back at you from the front row, his hands pressed to his chest, with a silver band around his ring finger. 
Long story short, it was a bad time Long story short, I survived 
Hange had told you, indirectly all those years ago, to show people the real you. And as much acting as you and Eren had done - method and otherwise - you supposed there was nothing more real than the love that existed between the two of you.
Eren closes the distance and you swing your guitar to the side as he brings his hands around your cheeks and presses one last kiss to your lips before the camera cuts. 
an: a very bittersweet goodbye to one of the most special fics i've ever written. i truly do not think that there are enough words that i can string together (which as ironic as someone who is a fic writer) to explain what this fic has meant to me, what your interactions have meant to me, and everything else in between.
this fic has truly been a piece of my heart - not only because i've poured so many of my real emotions into each of the characters, but also because it's brought me so much joy to share with people - and to have them nitpick and find all the little clues i've been leaving along the way.
whether you've been reading since july or just picked it up in the few days before it was finished, thank you so much for being here 💌
PS: method acting fun fact! this fic was actually a REQUEST that I wrote for someone, if you can believe it. further proof to kind of interact with writers and show ur love bc u can ask for a fic and then be stuck with this mumbo jumbo of almost 270k words at the end of it.
peace and love!!! ronnie out <3
(if you request any side pieces about this stories/ask any questions/etc!!! I am more than happy to always answer. i've thought of so much lore in my head)
taglist: @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon  @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms @camilo-uwu @justanotherkpopstanlol @mel-star636 @fvckingeetar @ttalgi @najaemism @ilovekimchi123 @youraggedybitch @xoyumiqls @leafguitar @spiidergirlsworld @luvs4kim @levin4nami @florichun @hoonmyluv
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iamtired10 · 5 days
newjeans headcanons to when ur sick/unwell 🫶🫶 i really adore ur writing so much! but dont feel pressured to write this suggestion :)) i reqlly hope your having a great day and i hope for many great ones to come.
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under the weather
— ☘︎ fluffy headcanons
pairing: newjeans members x female reader
synopsis: how each newjeans member would react when you're sick and feeling unwell.
warning: just too much cuteness, really! :((
a/n: hey guys, im finishing up other requests tomorrow. this was the first request saurr i worked on it first. ive got some drafts im not happy with (so re-writing them) if u have any requests let me know! but bear with me—i have exams!
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— kim minji
minji is the type to immediately notice when you’re not feeling well.
she’ll place her hand on your forehead, gently tucking your hair behind your ear as her brows furrow with concern.
“why didn’t you tell me earlier, baby? you’re burning up.”
minji would insist on taking care of you the entire day.
she’ll make you soup, even if she’s not the best cook, just because it’s something warm for you.
you’d hear her asking google how to make the perfect tea for sore throats or colds.
she’s naturally nurturing, always nearby with a soft blanket, making sure you're warm but not too hot, gently adjusting your pillow.
she’d also have her calm, patient smile on, trying to reassure you, even though you can tell she’s a little worried.
she’ll hum quietly while cuddling you, making sure you get the rest you need, checking in with soft whispers like, “does this feel better, love?” or “i’m right here if you need anything.”
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— pham hanni
hanni will panic for like, two seconds, and then immediately jump into action.
she’ll text you, “don’t move!! i’m coming over!!” and show up at your door with way too many things – snacks, cough drops, drinks, and possibly some of the cutest plushies you’ve ever seen.
she’s the type to watch funny movies with you because laughter is the best medicine, right?
hanni’s focus would be on keeping you entertained and distracted from the fact that you’re feeling awful.
she’d wrap herself up in a blanket like a burrito and say, “look, if you’re sick, then i’m sick too. we suffer together.”
expect her to crack jokes, make goofy faces, and maybe do a little silly dance, anything to make you smile through the discomfort.
she’ll hold your hand whenever you’re not feeling great, squeezing it tight and assuring you that you’ll get better soon.
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— danielle marsh
danielle will go above and beyond to make sure you're comfortable and smiling.
she’s got that sweet, caring energy that feels like sunshine, so being around her would feel so comforting.
she’d take one look at you and go, “oh no, my poor baby!”
before immediately wrapping you up in the coziest hug.
danielle would come over with a bag full of wellness goodies—think vitamins, fresh fruit, and some herbal teas that her mom probably recommended.
but, she wouldn’t stop there.
danielle would sit beside you, making sure you have water nearby and taking your temperature like a little nurse.
she’d read to you, tell you stories, and probably come up with silly scenarios to make you giggle.
“i know you’re sick right now, but you know what? i’m here to make sure you get better in the cutest way possible!”
she’d offer a shoulder massage or gently rub your back as you rest.
just being with her would make you feel instantly at ease, like you’re already healing just from her presence.
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— kang haerin
haerin might not be the most vocal, but she shows her love through actions, and her quiet support would be so soothing when you’re unwell.
she’d notice you feeling off right away and probably wouldn’t say much, but she’d hover around, checking up on you constantly.
she’s the type to sit beside you and just stay close, not overwhelming you with questions but making sure you know she’s there.
she’ll bring you a cool washcloth for your forehead or your favorite drink without even asking, like she already knows what you need before you do.
if you’re too tired to talk, haerin would just hold your hand, her thumb brushing over your knuckles in slow, comforting strokes.
there’s something about her presence that feels calming, like she’s a grounding force when everything else feels off.
haerin would definitely put on some calming music, or better yet, hum softly as she brushes your hair away from your face.
she won’t leave your side, and even though she’s not saying much, you can feel how much she cares.
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—lee hyein
hyein would be the most eager to take care of you.
she’ll probably rush to the store to get all kinds of things for you—medicine, soup, snacks, and maybe even some cute little gifts to cheer you up.
she’s very hands-on and would want to help you feel better immediately.
“don’t worry, i got this! you just lay there and look cute.” hyein would say, flashing that confident grin of hers.
she’s the type to bundle you up in blankets, but she’s also a little bit of a tease, so she’ll jokingly smother you in the covers and go, “stay wrapped up like a burrito so you can sweat out the sickness!”
you’ll catch her running around, trying to fix everything at once, even if it’s just making sure the pillows are fluffed or you have the perfect temperature drink by your side.
but the moment you look up at her with those puppy-dog eyes because you’re tired or feeling extra unwell, she’ll soften instantly, sitting by your side and stroking your cheek.
“i got you, babe. just rest, i’ll be here the whole time.”
she’ll make it a point to stick by you, even if it means staying up until she’s sure you’re sleeping peacefully.
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a/n: good night 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔..
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ghostfaceprincess · 3 months
Here’s Some General Head Cans. About Them:
TW: Mention of NSFW themes and language.
Michael Myers:
• Does eventually take his mask off around you and it’s actually the sweetest moment ever. He does it slowly and hesitantly, and then gives the smallest blush when you first see him.
• Actually does let you do his hair. Wash it, comb it, detangle it, etc.
• Likes it when you cook for him. He’ll sit in the kitchen and watch you do it, because he genuinely enjoys it.
• He’ll do all the yard work. He doesn’t enjoy it, but he’ll do it, especially when you ask him to. He likes when you ask, it makes him feel needed.
Freddy Krueger:
• Goes into your dreams constantly just to mess with you. He finds it funny to play pranks on you and scare you, just a little bit, at times.
• Actually really enjoys to cuddle you, especially in bed. Turn the fan on, with silk sheets; ooo, he loves it.
• 100% uses his glove as an eating utensil as well. You can’t stop him.
• If you’re having a nightmare, he’ll come in and make it better. 🥺
Jason Voorhees:
• Brings you little cute baby animals, like bunnies and birds he finds that have been abandoned.
• Teaches you how to fish in the lake.
• Likes helping you do the dishes because you two can jam out to music.
• Let’s you completely decorate the cabin you two live in.
Billy Loomis:
• Still sneaks into your window to this day, just because it’s fun.
• Enjoys shower sex. 🥵
• Absolutely adores your pet and is always hanging out with them.
• Is the type to suggest making pizzas from scratch together for dinner.
Stu Macher:
• Uses the word “shit” in every other sentence somehow.
• Has fairy lights in his room that change color so you cause can have the best, coziest movie nights.
• Enjoys to send you Instagram reels while he’s taking a shit in the bathroom. You can even hear him laugh through the wall at some of them as he watches. (Aka, my own bf 💀)
• Is always laying his head in your lap every chance he gets.
Charles Lee Ray:
• Is always cleaning his gun in front of you, as he hums to himself.
• Does in fact let you do face masks on him, and occasionally paint his nails.
• Is always walking around the house in his underwear.
• Literally wants Swedish meatballs every other night.
Tiffany Valentine:
• Reads Tarot for you every year on your birthday and every year on New Year’s Day.
• Paints your nails to match hers. She’s got purple acrylics? She’s painting your nails purple to match!
• Cooks for you literally every night.
• Always begging you to watch a classic horror with her; it’s a nightly thing.
Bubba Sawyer:
• Always bringing you flowers, little cute bugs, etc.
• Loves to cook for you, and also loves to help you cook. Same thing with the dishes!
• Loves to lay his head in your lap, he gets overly happy about it.
• Likes when you give him compliments. He’ll give you a kiss in return for each compliment you give him.
Thomas Hewitt:
• Likes to sleep in with you, curled up as he wears just his sweatpants and no shirt.
• Makes the best meals for you, with tons of flavor.
• Enjoys napping with you, he could nap any time of the day.
• Likes when you show him new movies. He’s gonna hyper focus on any new one you show him.
Art the Clown:
• With him, you have personal protection 24/7.
• He’s always making you laugh and smile, any chance he gets, no matter where you guys are.
• Any time he paints your nails, he paints an A on both of your ring finger nails.
• Speaking of painting, he enjoys painting with you as well as painting you! There’s tons of paintings of you hanging in the house!
The Creeper:
• Flying together is a nightly tradition.
• Does not like if people stare at you and will take their eyes because of it.
• Is always wanting you to sing to him, he doesn’t care how you sound, he loves it!
• Does let you braid the little hair he has.
Thanks for reading! 🦇🖤
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
There are very few blogs that write about wind breaker, and I think your writing is very good.I would like to request Sakura, Sugishita and Umemiya (separately), pining for a fem reader and how they would cope with their crush without her knowing.
The reader is foreign (Colombia), she speaks several languages ​​such as Japanese, English and French.She is talented in the arts (she studies at an arts academy), plays the piano, drawing, gymnastics and singing. She comes from a very rich family, her father is a metal singer and her mother is a martial arts teacher. I am a fan of curvy readers with a power character and stronger, she is kind but you don't really notice it since she is a sarcastic girl and a little cruel when she jokes without realizing it. She has a very well-groomed sense of fashion and changes his style very quickly but she loves boots of any kind. She is someone serious when she does not get into confidence especially with men (since she mostly does not have male friends), but when she does get into confidence she talks too much and tells black jokes, her laugh becomes loud and loud, she forgets manners and becomes becomes playful like touching or pinching your friends. She loves metal music but listens to all kinds of music. Before, she self-harmed because she didn't feel enough due to the pressure of always having been talented, that's why she has a long scar on her right leg and a few on her arms. She managed to overcome it with therapy and she doesn't care what her scars look like. She can be considered quite "crazy" because of her tastes, such as her somewhat macabre paintings or her jokes.
This was very long, sorry, but I got too excited.
Excited is good ;)
Sorry for the wait, I still have some more requests from April to finish.
Haruka Sakura, Kyotaro Sugishita, Hajime Umemiya x fem! Artistic! Sarcastic! reader
TW: selfharm/scar (mentioned)
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Haruka Sakura
Even before Haruka realized he had a crush on you, he was in awe of your artistic skills, as well as linguistics. He was excited to get to know you were from out of Japan and he'd still randomly ask you different things about your country and the culture, and how much it was distinct from what you had in Japan. He'd ask you to say stuff in different languages, and in return, you'd make him pronounce them. He was amazed at your accents and words, while you were laughing at the way he pronounced them.
When it came to your questionable nature of joking and talking with others, at first, he thought that your jabs and cruel jokes were attacks on him. In that case, you'd return them even trying to pick up a fight with you. Even after all the time you spent together, he'd keep it up but he'd rather tackle you than punch you. He was aware it was how you normally behaved but he still wanted to let you know some might not be as understanding as he got used to.
Since the first time he got to know you, he was curious about your scar but waited for you to tell him first knowing some things are better kept as secrets for the time being. After he realized he liked you and then you did tell him about it, when you became a little closer, he'd surprise you by giving the bestest, longest, and coziest hug you could receive from him.
Being his crush would mean being taken care of in this strange aggressive, yet timid way.
Kyotaro Sugishita
At the beginning of, your rather questionable friendship, the both of you were quiet, him being that way normally and you trying to figure him out. With time passing you got used to him, thinking he was doing the same, but you finally realized it was his personality, so you took it upon yourself to be the more confident and talkative person.
Whenever you made him laugh or smile you'd celebrate it like it was the greatest success ever. You noticed he'd laugh rather easily if you were to joke at Sakura, responding to him sarcastically and making the boy confused.
Anytime you showed him your paintings he was surprised by your talent and imagination. He would ask you to describe the painting, what you drew, and how. It would be baffling to some that he'd become so interested but you appreciated it and went on and on about your art.
He'd also find appeal in your music, even if it was mostly metal he liked it, and even more, he enjoyed spending time with you while you showed the different songs to him.
When he realizes he has a crush he gets very invested in your hobbies, he could listen to you play or watch you draw for hours. Spending every minute he can with you.
Hajime Umemiya
Hajime got along with you the best since the beginning. He didn't mind whenever you started laughing and being touchy or pinching. When he realized he had some deeper feelings for you, than only friendship he would easily respond to your touchiness with his. He'd not leave you alone, when you started the little game, and be all over you trying to tickle you. You'd end up in a rather heated but also playful war.
You spent so much time together, he'd quickly understood that your cruel jokes are part of your character, and when he knew you didn't mean something, he'd playfully pinch you letting you know you're going too far. The both of you would be soo loud together while laughing and enjoying your company, you'd make Hiiragi's head hurt, and all the Bofurin to hear you.
Your styling skills made such an impact on Hajime. He loved it whenever you changed styles, he could watch you in so many different clothes and still be amazed by how good you looked. He himself didn't have any style, as most of his friends told him, so he sometimes asked you to lend him a hand and make him look cool as the leader of Bofurin.
As soon as he develops a crush on you he's more aware of the switch in you, emotional, as well as, physical. He'd always try to talk about them with you because he knows how hard it can be, and how much having someone to share it with can help.
Taglist: @misticbullet
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
seungcheol boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: posting boyfriend seungcheol hcs next, as requested ! seungcheol just makes me feel so safe !! i won't lie -- it took me a while to write this because i would think about bf seungcheol and feel so warm that all i wanted to do was curl up in a comfy blanket and watch my favorite tv show :,-) pics not mine <3
content: fluff | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!seuncheol x gn!reader | requests: open
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i desperately want to be a silly billy and make seungcheol act dramatic so i can fawn over just how precious he is <333 what a goofy lil guy !!!
seungcheol is 100% boyfriend material and the bestest boy
he is SO competitive
he's actually MORE competitive with you because he loves you the most and is so very comfortable with you !!
seungcheol makes competitions out of anything and everything
carrying groceries into your place ?? whoever carries the most bags and the quickest is declared grocery royalty
watching a movie together ?? whoever can guess the plot accurately has movie-picking privileges for the rest of the year
definitely loves playing kids games with you and, if you're into it, drinking games and by that i mean the s.coups game
he gets MAJOR heart eyes if you get even just a lil competitive with him
if you get properly heated during a game/competition ?? he's losing it !!!! (his mind, not the game ofc)
if you beat him at anything, he'll complain and be a lil baby, but he's actually proud of and impressed by you and will brag about it to seventeen because "my partner is the best at everything" <333
i see him holding hands by linking pinkies
it's lowkey but also cute and it gives him all the butterflies that only you can stir up in him
loves it when you'll lean into his side when you're walking like that
it's such a lighthearted and sweet type of physical contact that it makes him absolutely weak in the knees :,-)
it makes him feel young at heart, and he cherishes puppy love as much as he cherishes more mature/grownup love
he also melts when you lean on his shoulder
seungcheol will kiss the top of your head every. single. time.
no room for negotiation on that one because he cannot resist it or you because you are simply too cute
he also loves being babied
if you hold his face in both your hands, he's looking at you with sparkling heart eyes
and he is lost in a giggling fit
he's such a laughy boy <3 he cannot contain his happiness when he's with you !!
also cannot contain the blushing that comes whenever you compliment him, especially when you call him cute
his ears are guaranteed to be pink if you call him a nickname too !
he will laugh at super sweet petnames, but his favorites are special nicknames that only you two share
they're based off an inside joke, a special moment from your relationship, and/or your favorite qualities about each other :,-)
seungcheol will never ever admit the extent to which he loves being babied, but he'll literally hold you in place if you're cuddling and you get up
his face will stay unchanged, save for a small upward turn of his lips, and he is holding on for DEAR. LIFE.
he's a teddy bear covered in super glue and it's all for you <3
he's just so cozy !!! and he thinks you're the coziest person in the whole world !!! both for his heart and for cuddling
one time he told you this when he was very sleepy and had a super blissful smile on his face <3 you will never let him live it down <3
he'll groan every time you bring it up but he won't deny that it's true
seungcheol is also a big fan of matching loungewear, specifically hoodies
he simply adores casual couple behavior
to him, it's perfect because it shows off how comfortable you are with each other, and he loves matching with you when you're alone together because it adds to the specialness of the time and space you share
also really enjoys wearing some kind of matching clothes when y'all are hanging out with friends because it's a subtle way to show off to everyone that you two are An Item
not that they need a reminder because he talks about you constantly and you two look at each other with so much love and joy in your eyes <33
if and when the members tease y'all about your couple outfits and adorable behavior, seungcheol will flat out tell them that they're jealous
and he's right LOL
definitely married couple vibes from you two because you're just so relaxed and content with each other in every way
there’s a security and a deep understanding and trusting connection you share
he is absolutely the best shoulder to cry on
literally that one verse in 기대 when he’s asking for a name of everyone/everything that made you cry is how he feels whenever something's hurting you please i want him to protect me
seungcheol gets fired up when you’re upset because he is so frustrated at the fact there are things/people in this world that dare to upset you, the love of his life
regardless of how >:-( he gets when someone or something has caused you a lot of stress, he will be so soft and tender when comforting you and caring for you in hard times
seungcheol is extremely protective of you and will constantly work to protect and support you in the ways that you need <3
he also asks you to protect and support him when things get hard or overwhelming because you’re the only person he feels he can rely on 100% of the time
he doesn’t have to be strong for you all the time because he knows you’ll love him even when he can’t be strong :-( i'm crying
he feels so safe with you, and you two will always be at each other's side, through the best and the worst of times
i do see him as someone who lowkey loves hating the people/things you hate LMAO
not in a super serious way, but he will always hype you up when you’re venting about That One Person 
in the same vein, he loves to love the people/things you like 
he gets so excited whenever you’re excited !!
he will in fact squeal if he’s celebrating good news with you or if that one couple in a show you’re watching finally get together he’s so soft and cute i’m screaming
going back to seugcheol, you, and hoodies
seungcheol loves to see you in his hoodies/shirts/hats/etc but complains about you stealing them LMAO
when you try to give them back, he acts hurt
“why do you want to give them back?? are they not high enough quality for you??”
and you’re like ??? "cheol, jeonghan told me you complained about not having your favorite hoodie for at least fifteen minutes, so i’m giving you back your favorite hoodie"
he’s blushing and trying extremely hard to keep his annoyed face when he replies, “FINE.”
secretly he’s happy he gets to wear something that smells like you, and slowly but surely there’s a rotation of his clothes in your closet, switching them out when he “needs” them back for an outfit
aka he is taking them with him on tour or when his schedules mean he won’t be able to see you very often so he can at least have something with him that reminds him of you
tbh he's pretty cheesy in this regard and in many other ways but he tries to act tsundere and it just comes out so cute <3
seungcheol is such a laughy boy
he loves to be playful with you
sometimes he mocks you in a childish voice, especially if you're having a playful argument about something dumb, but then laughs cutely right after so you’re not THAT mad
it frequently happens that you both get stuck in a loop of mocking each other's voices like children on the playground and after far too long of it going on you two burst into hysterical laughter
don't be surprised if seungcheol says, "i love you" after he catches his breath and wipes his tears once the laughing fit has passed
you're the only person who can make him laugh like that and it fills his heart with more joy than you could imagine :,-)
seungcheol is the sweetest, most solid partner in the world. he adores you, and he will never let you forget that because you are his favorite person in the world !!
brb i'm going to run as fast as i can to seungcheol so i can give him a big hug and thank him for existing :,-)
i hope everyone gets the seungcheol they deserve <3
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Jasper Hale being a good, caring boyfriend
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Jasper X Reader
Summary: After a really bad day, you come home to Jasper, just really needing some comfort. He helps you clean up and takes care of you like the good boyfriend he is!
Word Count: 1419
Note: title might change, I'm too tired to come up with a good one
“Can we cuddle?” You ask, voice barely above a whisper as you step into the room.
Jasper’s eyes shoot up from his book, brow furrowing as he takes in your distress. It pours off of you thickly, a running tap left to overflow. Quite literally. Your clothes are dripping to form little puddles at your feet, and they cling to your skin too much, which just adds to your overwhelmed state. You can hardly breathe with how tight your chest feels, how difficult everything feels. Tears prick at your eyes as you look at your boyfriend like a hurt puppy.
“Come here, darlin’,” Jasper murmurs. 
The blond swings his legs over the side of the bed, your bed, rising to meet you as you shuffle towards him. You practically collapse when he touches your face, fingers cool and soft against your cheek. It’s the nicest touch you’ve felt all day. You lean into it, eyes fluttering shut.
“How ‘bout I run you a nice, warm bath and we get you out of these wet clothes, hm?” He hums, lips brushing against your forehead in a featherlight kiss, “Then we can lie down together.”
Tears prick at your eyes and all you can do is nod as a lump forms in your throat. It sounds so nice. So unbearably nice. You would have just collapsed on your bed if he weren’t here, wet clothes and all.
Jasper leads you to the small chair in the corner of your room before disappearing to the bathroom. You pull your knees up to your chest, eyes glued to the wall, chest stuttering, trying so hard not to cry. You don’t want to cry after everything. You don’t. But then the sound of running water meets your ears and you just can’t. The dam breaks and tears go racing down your red cheeks.
Jasper appears in front of you in seconds.
“Oh darlin’...” 
You choke back a broken sound when his hands cup your face with an overwhelming amount of tenderness. Immediately, the emotions rushing over you soften, from a raging storm to gentle, sweeping waves, his ability unraveling them like tangled bits of yarn. You let out a deep, shuddering breath. 
“Come here,” he coaxes, pulling you into his arms, “let’s get you feelin’ better.”
You bury yourself in his chest for the short time it takes to reach the bathroom. Even with your soaked clothes, the coolness of his skin brings you so much comfort. You don’t care if you get sick, if only you can stay as close to him as possible. Which is why you whine when he sets you down on the bathroom counter and draws back to the door.
Jasper’s lips twitch up in amusement, though he’s quick to tilt your chin up and press another kiss to your forehead as he reassures you, “I’ll be right outside the door, sugar. A gentleman doesn’t watch when a woman undresses, even if she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.”
Cheeks tinging a deeper shade of pink, you look up at him with wide eyes, lips pouted, “Promise?”
“I promise,” he replies, nose brushing yours, “I’ll do your hair for you and we can watch one of your shows, after. How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” you sigh, practically deflating.
“Good. I’ll be right outside.” One final kiss and he dips out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him.
Taking a deep breath, you glance around to reorient yourself. Your coziest set of pajamas is laid out on the counter, and the room is pleasantly warm, steam rising from the bath. The scents of lavender and vanilla drift around you, easing the frayed edges of your nerves. A new feeling lodges in your throat.
How did you get so lucky to be loved by someone like Jasper? It’s like the vampire knows exactly what you need, even before you do.
You eagerly shed your dripping clothes and step into the hot water. It works like magic, the tension easing from your muscles, the heat chasing away the cold sticking to your bones. You sink below the surface, letting it wash over your face and erase the tear tracks on your cheeks.
Any other day and you would spend hours just like this, until the water grows cold and your skin turns pruney. But tonight, all you can think about is Jasper sitting right outside, and that’s enough to have you rushing through your routine. 
Within minutes, the tub is slowly draining as you towel yourself dry. You slip on your fuzzy pajamas, squeezing the excess water from your hair before taking a look at yourself in the mirror. The sight isn’t too surprising. You look tired, eyes rimmed red from crying, skin paler than usual. You feel better, though.
Jasper is waiting for you when you hesitantly push the door open. He picks you back up, arms curling around your waist and thighs. You let him, not so secretly grateful to be close again, and wrap your arms around his neck.
“How do you feel, darlin’?” You know he can tell exactly how you’re feeling, but the question still fills you to the brim with warmth.
“A little better,” you breathe, face tucked into the crook of his neck, “Thanks, Jazz.”
“It’s my pleasure, ma’am.”
You giggle tiredly at the way he lays his accent on thicker, and the sound is music to the blond’s ears.
“There’s my girl,” he purrs, kissing your temple.
You’d blame it on the hot bath, but the way your face flushes is all on Jasper. And he knows it, a low chuckle rumbling through his chest as he sets you down on the bed. It takes everything in him to not tease you more. Tonight is about making you feel better.
Jasper picks up the brush he set on the nightstand, glancing at you with a raised brow, “May I?”
You hum, eyes squinting, “I guess.”
He gives you one of those slanted grins, the kind that makes your heart flutter, and gestures for you to turn around. You do so without another word, a low sigh dripping past your lips when he starts, fingers methodically working through the knots before he brushes them out. 
Exhaustion slowly starts creeping back up as you relax under his touch. Eyelids drooping heavily, it isn’t long before you’re fighting back a series of yawns. You hear Jasper put the brush down again, humming quietly when he runs his fingers through your hair one last time to put it up, just so it’s out of your face.
When his touch disappears, you turn sluggishly and look up at him blearily. Something fond gleams in the blond’s eyes as they sweep over you, landing on your face just as you give him the smallest, most beautiful smile. If he had to breathe, it would strip the air from his lungs. Life itself would be worth it if he could just see that smile everyday.
Tenderly, he takes your hand, bringing it to his lips as he murmurs, “Anythin’ else, darlin’?”
You shake your head and just give his hand a small tug. You just need him. That’s all you’ve ever needed.
He doesn’t have to be asked twice. The bed shifts as Jasper climbs in next to you. He props himself up on your pillows and you curl up on him like a cat, head on his chest, arm draping over his waist. And just like he promised, your favorite show flicks on the television, playing softly in the background. Jasper curls an arm around your shoulders, bringing you as close as possible.
And you melt.
All the stress, every negative emotion plaguing you, slips away. You can finally take a deep breath, finally feel your heart calm down, finally think. All because of Jasper.
“Thanks, sunshine.” Your voice is quiet, muffled against his chest, but the vampire hears you. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Good thing you’ll never have to find out,” he replies just as softly.
His love washes over you, swirling with your own like a mess of watercolors. It’s the most beautiful feeling you’ll never be able to put into words, something that only the two of you will ever know. It draws you in deeper, your eyes fluttering shut as you let it wash over you and take everything else away.
Any bad day doesn’t seem so bad if you can be here at the end of it all.
I wrote the first bit of this so long ago and then found it in my drafts. Needed some comfort.
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Chocolate & Movies
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Imagine: having period cramps is one of the worst things, but luckily you have a dad who knows what will help, or in other words Aaron Hotchner is the best father you could ask for
Warnings: period, period cramps, pain, you know normal period things (me writing this as a woman knowing full well most men don’t know what I actually mean), hotch being the best dad ever, hotch cuddles, hotch hugs, idk what more
A/N Me 🤝 writing fics for my own comfort
This is my first Criminal Minds fic so I hope I did ok, and if you have a request for Criminal Minds pls send them in
So I’m mainly writing this because my period cramps are worse than normal, and I can take a lot of pain before it gets too much, and my period cramps are usually bad, so thought why not write some comfort fic about it and here we are, this is for anyone who have period cramps so enjoy I guess, sorry that it’s short
Side note: I wanted to ad that this is what usually helps me I’m not saying it helps everyone
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You knew you should’ve been up by now, but there was no energy in your body to do so. All your energy went to not cry out in loud sobs of pain. It felt like someone was stabbing knives into your stomach and twisting them around. Any position you tried made the excruciating pain worse. Even the thought of walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water to take with the medication caused the pain to spike up. Your nauseous state didn’t help nor the fact that it felt like you were going to faint as soon as you lifted your head up.
Jack had already left for school and you were supposed to be in your father’s car in ten minutes so that he could drive you to school. However if you had a say in the matter that would not be the case, if you got your will through you’d be at home the whole day wallowing in the pain you got once a month as you (in your dramatic words) bled out.
You were about to take your phone (not wanting to yell) to ask your father if you could stay home when you heard his voice yell out to you. “Y/N, we’re leaving in ten, you ready?” seconds later when he hadn’t gotten a response, your door swung open and the bright light from outside shined inside your once dark room. Your dad saw you laying on the bed and even if he wasn’t a profiler he would still have been able to see the pain that you were trying to hide from showing on your face.
Aaron’s face softened as concern washed over his expression the more he looked at you. He went over to your bed and crouched down, his hand going out in concern towards your forehead thinking you might have a fever and a headache at first, but you felt completely fine against his hand. “What’s wrong honey” he heard you take a deep breath before letting out some few mumbled words “period cramps, hurt a lot”
“You wanna stay home” Aaron noticed how you sighed in relief at his question, and was glad that he had understood the situation right. He got a nod from you and went out of your room to tell the school you weren’t coming in today. Not long after he was back to crouching beside your bed, this time caressing your arm softly.
“I have to go to work, but we won’t have a case for a while so you can come with me if you want, we can stop at the store on the way and get-“ he was cut of by a groan coming from you as you tried to once more not give in to the pain.
“Yeah I’d like to come with you if it means I get to cuddle with you, otherwise I’ll stay here”
“Go get ready, I’ll get you a glass of water for the meds, okay?” Hotch got another nod from you and he went out to leave you to get dressed, well as dressed as pajamapants and one of your fathers oversized hoodie was. You took the painkillers, your phone, charger, headphones and grabbed the coziest blanket you could find and went out to the car.
Not soon after you’d been to the store, bought a ton of chocolate and were now in your fathers office. Aaron had changed from working by the desk to sitting on the couch writing reports as you cuddled into him. Headphones on (as to not disturb your father from his work) as your comfort show was playing on your phone. A bunch of chocolate wrappers were spread around on the floor and desk.
And even later that day when you got home, Aaron cuddled with you as you watched movies and ate chocolate. A heat pad (is that what they are called, I literally have no clue, says the person who always uses them) laid across your stomach, which together with the warmth from your father relieved some of the pain. That along with the fact that Aaron’s hugs could always bring some of the pain away. Maybe it was a dad thing, you didn’t know but you were happy that your father was a great hugger, and that his hugs always made you feel okay.
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dawnoftime22 · 10 months
in the sunlight. in the sunlight, my love.
| T.S
Warnings: None!
Summary: The coziest morning spent with Taylor. You could perhaps even consider it the best morning, too. The lovely time holds a moment of a gentle dance in the kitchen.
Word Count: 1k
Category: Fluff that'll make your heart melt <3
| Started on 10/11/2023, 5:53 AM |
| Finished on 26/11/2023 7:05 PM |
Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
“For all I ever want, is to simply spend
every living second just beside you, darling.”
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|——————————— ⸆⸉ ———————————|
As the morning sun shined through the windows of the bedroom, you stir in your sleep, your body laying comfortably on the soft bed.
Your eyes slowly open as you awoke, blinking away the sleep while your mind registered that it was now morning.
And you also realized that beside you, was empty space. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, because you were sure Taylor didn't have any work today. Unless whatever she's said last night was just a dream.
You slowly sat up and turned to let your legs dangle from the bed, a yawn leaving your mouth.
The door was open just a creak, and you know Taylor wouldn't have left it opened unless she was home, so you wake up a with little bit more hope, and got out of bed.
Right as you walk to the door, even with it open just slightly, you can already hear that familiar voice you love oh so much, like a soft melody that was always beautiful, even if she wasn't singing.
You slowly make your way downstairs, and you see Taylor sitting cross-legged on the couch, one of her hand holding up her phone while the other was making it across her chest to rest against the one holding the phone.
Even as you arrived downstairs, she was far too focused on talking to the person on the call, that she didn't notice you. Once you got close enough, you soon recognize that she was talking to Tree. Perhaps about some merchandise, or a new album, or a show she's planning, you weren't entirely sure.
Her wavy hair was frizzily tied up in a ponytail, a few small strands getting out here and there. She wore a loose white collared shirt, and some comfortable sweatpants while she sat on the couch. It was a usual sight really, but it always made you smile just seeing her.
You made your path to cross towards her from the stairs and to the couch, to which was when she started to notice you were present in the room.
Her eyes looked at you first until she turned her head at you with a smile. Her arm across her chest moved to open a space for you while Tree talked. She adored you even in the morning.
You make up a somewhat pouty smile before you went to sit on her lap. She sets the phone down somewhere on the couch to have both of her arms free, just to wrap them around you.
You make yourself comfortable in her warmth, your head resting between her shoulder and her neck. The blonde then leaves a soft kiss on the side of your head, making you to look up at her adorably with a smile that she reflects.
Your mind just about registers the ending of her conversation on the phone, only hearing her voice saying, "Okay Tree, thank you. I'll talk to you about everything else later." She says softly of her goodbye along with Tree.
Right when her finger taps on the end call button, she turns to look at you, her eyes glimmering in love. You could feel your heart rate grow quicker with even just a look. "Good morning, baby."
"Morning," you say with a smile, your head having moved to rest against her shoulder, gazing at her face that was perfect even in the morning.
"You slept well?" Her hand goes to move a stray hair away from your face. You respond with a nod, and she matches your lips.
"You weren't there when I woke up." Your voice was quiet and soft, your fingers finding their way to hers, fiddling around with each of them.
"I'm sorry, darling. I had a call, and I didn't want to wake you up with the talking." The soft skin brushing against each other had her looking down softly with her lips turned up. She watches your fingers moving with hers, glad you could find comfort in even just a small, simple way.
"Do you want breakfast?" She asks, knowing you were hungry. The clock on the wall showed that it was almost well over the usual breakfast time.
"Yeah." You whisper, your face slightly hiding in her shoulder from how fast she figured out what you were just about to say before she spoke up.
"Well then, we will be having pancakes, if that's okay with you." She leaned closer towards you as she said her words, and even though you were already close, the way she did so with leaving little distance between you two made you feel her breath just slightly tickling your cheeks.
"More than okay." When she hears your agreement, she places the gentlest kiss right on the tip of your nose before pulling away.
"Let's go then." She pats your thigh lightly, signalling you to get up. You do, and she follows you along, the both of you going off to the kitchen.
She already had the ingredients ready on the kitchen counters. You'd guess she had them prepared while she was on the phone, and it warmed your heart from how she fit in the thought of you while she had work to think about.
"First, we start with this," She holds up her phone, placing it on the counter. Her fingers moved across the screen, finding a song, and when she does, she taps play on it, the starting melody reaching your ears. It was a slow one, perfect for peaceful mornings like these.
You assumed she was simply wanting some background music, but instead of walking to the prepared ingredients, she goes back to you. Your eyes were curious as to what she was up to as you watched her
She takes ahold of your waist gently, and starts swaying along with you. You let out a small laugh in a breath. She never fails in making you feel like you're falling in love with her for the first time, all over again. The movement matches the rhythm of the song, the moment slowly turning more special.
The sunlight was gleaming through the windows, casting a warm yellow glow onto the floor, but the tiles of the kitchen were cold still from the rainy midnight before.
She gently pulls one of your arms up, and you knew it was a signal to spin, so you did, while she kept her eye on you to catch you if need be.
Your back was against her front now, and her hands were placed just on your lower stomach, her head resting on your shoulder, watching your face from the side. She admired every feature she could.
"You are the most loveliest human on earth, you know?" She whispers, her voice like honey, drizzled over your soft skin.
"Can't be me, 'cause you are." You say, and her teeth catches her bottom lip as she tried her hardest not to smile more than she already is.
"We both are then." The two of you share a kiss, both of your hearts warmed by your new favorite warm morning together, and by the love you held.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @simp-erformarvelwomen
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doing-swell · 2 months
If you were given the opportunity to experience your dream pregnancy, what would it look like? How many would you like to experience carrying at once? How big of a bump, your boobs and butt would you like to have? What other aspects would fulfill your dream pregnancy?
This has been sitting in my inbox for so long because I’m simply overwhelmed with how to answer it!!
It would have to be twins. Twin girls to be exact! I have a sister close in age with me and I’ve always wanted that with my kids.
I also would be HUGE. My belly should be giant, showing really early and and everyone shocked by how big I am. I want to go out in public all the time, making sure to get the attention of everyone with my wide gait and waddle.
Think this big at only 6 months:
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My tits. I need them to be even bigger than they are now, my nipples getting darker by the day. Constantly aching due to the amount of milk I’m supplying for my babies. Veiny. Leaky. Spilling out of every bra I own. So fucking sensitive, nipples hardened at a gust of wind.
And in terms of my life itself. If this is a real fantasy, I want to be filthy fucking rich. On an estate somewhere, every chore done for me and no need to do anything but grow my giant babies. Food catered to me at all times, the coziest and best sheets and lingerie, and an endless vacation of getting bigger and more swollen by the day. Mirrors everywhere on the estate so I can see my body’s transformation.
The birth? On the estate of course, with a team of the best midwives and doulas in the country. Low and comfortable lighting, and my favorite music playing with the babies’ daddy guiding me through each contraction. I do it on my rules, when the time is right, and completely natural. I want to feel both babies lower into my pelvis and I want to scream and groan and sweat while I push. I want to be bathed of and taken care of and told I’m doing such a good job pushing out these babies. So strong and so naturally feminine, tits getting pumped to increase the contraction’s intensity.
But that’s only the first pregnancy. The next time I want to do something completely different. Something less comfortable, with stirrups on a creaky hospital bed. I have my entire life to act out and experience every fantasy I’ve ever had… Isn’t that beautiful?
Is that enough of a visualization 😚✨
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