#the cornalines
Introducing: The Cornalines of the Republic of the Dustlands
The third post about the families of the main characters in the story!
Today is about Larisilla's family: The Cornalines!
The next post will be about the Topazes (Dionys' family)!
As always, AI disclaimer for generated images.
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Here is each member of the Cornaline family! Left to right, there is: Deimus Cornaline, Eunomia Cornaline, Larisilla Cornaline, and Lachesis Cornaline.
Deimus Cornaline (he/him)
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Deimus Cornaline is the current patriarch of the Cornaline family as well as the First Head of the Dustlands' Council. While the Dustlands' Council does not (officially) inherit positions via family/bloodline, the position of First Head has stayed within the Cornaline family for decades. Deimus inherited the position of First Head from his mother, Lavinia Cornaline. Deimus is considered to be strict and serious, a contrast to his mother who was a kind and relaxed Head. As First Head, Deimus acts as the figurehead and spokesperson for the Dustlands' Council, essentially putting him on about equal status to his neighboring royalty. He is an overbearing and demanding father, earning him the ire of his eldest daughter, Larisilla. He and his wife, Eunomia, were married together in an arranged marriage to boost prestige, a concept which is uncommon but not unheard of within the Dustlands. Deimus is currently trying to arrange such a match for Larisilla to the child of another Head of the Council. He is 56 years old at the start of the story.
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An example of an outfit Deimus typically wears.
Eunomia Cornaline (she/her)
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Eunomia Cornaline (née Dravit) is the wife to Deimus Cornaline and is the mother to Larisilla Cornaline and Lachesis Cornaline. She was married to Deimus, her husband, through an arranged marriage meant to boost her family's position and prestige by her mother, Caesilla Dravit. Despite their marriage being arranged, Eunomia and Deimus actually mutually love and respect one another. Contrary to her husband's serious and strict demeanor, Eunomia is kind and gentle, tending to be soft-spoken. She is a loving and doting mother, not really having a "job" other than that, but she has the tendency to be overbearing. Unlike her husband, her overbearing tendencies have not earned her the ire of her eldest daughter, Larisilla. Eunomia happily indulges her children's whims, even if Deimus disapproves. She is the one who bought Larisilla her first sword and is the one who encouraged her youngest daughter, Lachesis, to pursue a career path in the Temple of Astrea. She is 49 years old at the start of the story.
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An example of a dress Eunomia typically wears.
Larisilla Cornaline (she/her)
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Larisilla Cornaline is the eldest daughter of Deimus Cornaline and his wife, Eunomia Cornaline. She is also 1 of the 5 Romance Options for the Accused Royal/Main Character in the story. Larisilla is very much like her father in terms of personality. She is serious and blunt and can be quite intense. Her father, Deimus, is trying to raise her to follow in the footsteps of him and her grandmother and become First Head of the Dustlands' Council. Larisilla, on the other hand, would much rather become a knight/soldier, enjoying training and having had acquired a bad habit of picking fights. Her mother, Eunomia, encourages this by buying Larisilla equipment and other things she needs. She is childhood friends with Alceste Claudius Emeraude of the Woodlands Kingdom, thanks to a deal Alceste's mother and Deimus worked out that would force the two of them to spend 3 months of the year in the Woodlands Kingdom and the Dustlands Republic, respectively. Larisilla is aware her father is trying to arrange an arranged marriage for her and she happily makes her displeasure known loudly. Like all of the Romance Options in the story, Larisilla is technically bisexual or pansexual. She is 23 years old at the start of the story.
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Examples of the outfits Larisilla typically wears. While in the Dustlands and on "official business", she typically wears a dress. Otherwise, she can be seen in variations of armor with high mobility.
Lachesis Cornaline (she/her)
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Lachesis Cornaline is the youngest daughter of Deimus Cornaline and his wife, Eunomia Cornaline. Lachesis is pursuing a career as a Priestess of Astrea at the Temple of Astrea in the Dustlands. This has, unknowingly for her, been the cause of most of the strife between her older sister, Larisilla, and their father. Lachesis is about a mix between her parents in terms of her personality. While she is kind, like her mother, she is also very much serious and blunt like her father and sister. She is a high-performing priestess-in-training at the Temple of Astrea, which makes her a candidate to be High Priestess. Lachesis has the tendency to be catty and aloof and is not above playing dirty to get what she wants. She is highly competitive and views her position in the temple as something she fought for. Lachesis greatly admires her older sister, trying to emulate Larisilla as much as she can in her everyday life. She is 16 years old at the start of the story.
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An example of a dress Lachesis normally wears. It resembles the dresses and robes many of the priestesses wear in the Temple of Astrea.
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bloodcursecycle-if · 2 months
What do the ROs voices sound like?
This is such an interesting question! I stuck with voice actors, instead of using normal actors or online celebrities/influencers or other people like that, since that's like... their job LMAO 😂
They aren't exactly what I imagine they sound like, but it's mostly the general tone, pitch, inflection, etc that's similar.
I added in the character example(s) and what media they're from next to the VA names as well as links to a video example. They're all from Genshin Impact or Fire Emblem Heroes, since I know those games have a ton of voice clips and VAs to choose from, as well as said voice clips being easily available to find online.
Anyway, everything is under the cut, as usual! ❤️
EDIT: Switched Somnia's voice around for a better suited VA
Alceste: Ben Balmaceda (Kaveh - Genshin Impact)
Larisilla: Erin Yvette (Arlecchino - Genshin Impact)
Dionys: Joe Zieja (Wriothesley - Genshin Impact)
Somnia: Marcella Lentz-Pope (Corrin - Fire Emblem Heroes)
Male Enyo: Alejandro Saab (Yuri - Fire Emblem Heroes)
Female Enyo: Brenna Larsen (Navia - Genshin Impact)
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detournementsmineurs · 6 months
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"Boîte" de Johann-Christian Neuber en or, pierres dures, agate, jaspe, onyx, cornaline, améthyste, pétrifications, perles fines et émail (circa 1780) à l'exposition “Luxe de Poche - Petits Objets Précieux au Siècle des Lumières” au Musée Cognacq-Jay, avril 2024.
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
tasse en céramique (origine : Centre de la Gaule), aux allures très Art Nouveau - Le Mans, 150 apr. J-C.
entaille en cornaline, déesse Victoire - Sarthe, I-IIème s.
gobelet de Lezoux en céramique - Le Mans, 150-200
Fac simile de la statue d'un dieu sylvestre gaulois, avec arc et serpette - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
peut-être tête de dieu ou d'ancêtre - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
pesons romains de métier à tisser - Le Mans
fibules en bronze - Sarthe, I-IIIème s.
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thecryptandtheincubus · 5 months
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- Ƈօʟʟɛƈȶɨօռ Ֆɛʀքɛռȶɛֆ ƗƗ -
ᗫɌᕔᙅꗞ ꗞᖘᕔԸԸĬꗞᙁ
CURIOSITAS : Mue de Serpent
LAPIDARIUM : Opale Cantera, Cornaline, Pierre de Soleil
LIEU DE TROUVAILLE : donation (animal de compagnie)
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black-salt-cage · 1 year
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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reno-matago · 2 years
Friday the 13th is coming!
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veneziagioielli · 2 years
Anello Chevalier di arte glittica
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Hello everyone! I know Eyes of Themis is currently on hiatus, however, I'd like to show you guys the updated (and more accurate) AI portraits of our lovely ROs!
Check them out below the cut! I'll update their pages with the new portraits when I have the time!
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If you've been here before, you know who each one is!
If you're new, left to right, top to bottom, we have:
Alceste - Larisilla
Dionys - Somnia
M! Enyo - F! Enyo
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bloodcursecycle-if · 3 months
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Alceste Claudius d'Emeraude
Larisilla Cornaline
Dionys Topaze
Somnia Disthene
Enyo Perle
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detournementsmineurs · 10 months
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"Reliquaire" légué par la Marquise de Neuchèze en bronze doré, agate, cornaline et verre (circa 1850) présenté à l'exposition "Le Trésor de Notre-Dame de Paris - Des Origines à Viollet-Le-Duc" au Louvre, décembre 2023.
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lee-blenderiano · 1 year
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Yeah she took me a while but here ya go
The eight perfefct gems os talisto(the superpredators)
Superpredator rank 5° cornaline
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thecryptandtheincubus · 8 months
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ǤĬᙁҜǤꗞ ᕔꚶꞆꗞᙏᙁᕔԸĬꕷ
HERBARIUM : Ginkgo Biloba
LAPIDARIUM : Cornaline
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neige-aragon-queen · 2 years
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Bracelet CORNAMAC Bracelet en macramé réalisé à la main avec des perles de cornaline et aventurine naturelles. Vitalité, créativité, expression… Disponible ici et sur le site en bio #aventurine #cornaline #creatricedebijoux #bijouxfaitmain #pierresemiprecieuse #pierresnaturelles #pierresnaturellesetsemiprecieuses #bijouxcreateur #creatricemontpellier #creatricefrancaise #witchcraft #lithotherapeutemontpellier #lithotherapeutegrabels #elimekinafeedespierres #neigearagonqueen #queenneige (à Grabels, Languedoc-Roussillon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0NvoRt3jq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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