#the coolest concept ever btw
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cat0901h3 · 1 month ago
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Goosebumps Books 1-10
Can't believe that it took me nearly two years to just do 10 covers for the books. Will be posting more Goosebumps in the future, along with other stuff.
Read more to know my personal opinions and critiques on my fanart for each book:
Welcome to Dead House: I wanted to make the house look alive like Monster House, so I gave it more human characteristics (ie: the people in the windows to form eyes, or the finger-like branches.) Also paid homage to a horror film by styling it after The Amityville Horror house.
The Benson children themselves look a bit depressed, that's because the first book is actually more scarier than the rest of the series, so they're a bit angsty.
Stay Out of the Basement: This one killed a lot of my green markers lol. I tried to make Dr. Brewer as menacing as possible while still showing that he is a father with the photos, There were going to be more plants reaching out, but I decided that the leaves hidden on him would be enough.
Though I have to admit my disappointment with the lighting. It still looks a bit too bright, and not dark enough. That's just my own critique.
Monster Blood: Honestly, pretty mixed about this one. While I'm proud of the bubbling ooze that looks like a skull, which is outlined by one of my colored pens. I'm not proud that everything else is so muted with brown. Almost all of Jacobus' works are vibrant and saturated, so it being dull in colors feels like a disservice to him.
Also, Andy's last name was made up by me, she apparently just doesn't have one. It's inspired by Stephen King. Btw, hope you love banana and strawberry dyed hair, you'll see more of it soon in future batches.
Say Cheese and Die!: One of my favorite books, and of course it gets the best fanart imo. The screaming skeleton form of Greg Banks with red bg in the polaroid, contrasting with the dark background is just super cool, coolest shit I've ever done. Though I might be biased, I really like skeletons. Like Curly.
I actually made concept art for a Say Cheese and Die! graphic novel, which includes drawings of the photos and Spidey! Let me know if you're curious.
The Curse of The Mummy's Tomb: Not much to this one honestly. Just a mummy casually busting down a wall filled with hieroglyphics. Though I will say, I was experimenting with shading with purple and blues like Jacobus. As you can see, didn't stick for long.
This is also the book that I discovered that if the protag doesn't have a last name, then there is an official one either in the Presents novels, the mobile app, comics or other.
Let's Get Invisible!: This was pretty tricky to draw. Drawing someone turning invisible maybe easy in Photoshop or Procreate, but this was traditional art. Sure Jacobus did it with airbrushes, but I all had were pens and markers. But I somehow managed to pull it off, which is insane that I even managed that in the first place.
Night of the Living Dummy: Ah, the infamous Pamela Vorhees book, where the main antagonist isn't the mascot, but instead some other puppet lol. I've seen a lot of fanart of Slappy, but never of Mr. Wood. So I wanted to do justice for Wood while still showcasing Slappy. While I am proud for how it mostly turned out, there are two things that bother me. 1. This is the night sky that is black, the rest are either blue or purple. 2. I forgot to add the lines that make the jaw on Mr. Wood, whoops.
Aside from that, I hope guys like that Misfits poster in the background and Kris's cool hair cut. The green was inspired by the comic adaption not 2015 Jacksepticeye.
The Girl Who Cried Monster: Please forgive me for the small thumbnail, I wasn't using a ruler at the time. The design for Mr. Mortman wasn't much of a challenge. I loosely based it off of the French rendition of the cover and gave him a large leech-like mouth.
In my headcannon, the teeth spin like a garbage disposal, making easy work of the turtles.
Welcome to Camp Nightmare: Another one of my favorites, and I think I did a decent enough job, too. The lighting is perfect, the clouds look alien enough, and you can just barely see the screaming campers inside the tent. I do have one issue though, and that is the size of the monster, Sabre. In the original sketch I did, he was supposed to blend in like a bush, but instead he looks like Sasquatch Sr. Oh well.
While they did give Billy a last name in the Presents books, I had to make up one for Dawn. Just based it off Gwen Stacy lol. Also, hope you enjoy the little bonus pictures down below.
The Ghost Next Door: The original Jacobus art was perfectly vague enough to keep the twist there but not spoil anything. Of course to do the same thing, but with a twist of my own. The "ghost" shadow that you see in the street is the Dark Figure that follows Hannah around or when Danny is near. I wanted it to look like it was constantly on fire, since SPOILERS: someone in the book does die in a fire.
Another headcannon is that the Dark Figure isn't actually a ghost or whatever, but instead the embodiment of Misery.
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enden-k · 11 months ago
i think out of everything, i will always prefer the aeons over the archons when it comes to gods and the greater ones.
the archons are more human-like in appearance and them mingling w humans or having like, goofy moments makes them more human. im not rlly complaining here btw, just stating facts. they have a clear gender identity and form they go with, a voice, they walk among humans, are just so close etc
meanwhile the aeons are just a mystery. they clearly are no human (so arent the archons but bc of their appeareance etc they just seem more human) but cosmic beings, coming in different shapes, going by a neutral "they" (i still see people refer to nanook as "him" bc of their appearance they chose), seeming more unreachable, they do not speak. the sounds they make are creepy and eerie as hell and jsut give you this feeling of smth otherworldly (IX and HooH are so scary to me but aha always cracks me up askjcb)
their appearance represent their path/their concept which is honestly the coolest thing ever and i could stare at them for hours studying all the details, making all the connections to their path
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sickest designs fr, actual deities that feel like deities. would still smash nanook
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murdleandmarot · 6 months ago
Hi!! Gonna ask this to everyone I can think of, do you have any AUs you like/made up for cats? Or for bluebelle?
HI HELLO‼️ sorry for the delay in answering 😭
It’s hard for me personally to come up with AUs for Cats, (mostly because of the cognitive dissonance with the names. It’s so difficult to get past the names), so I personally only have a couple. Firstly, Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare.
I saw the show live and I just felt that the whimsy of it really matched cats, and I have all of the roles planned out, I think it would be very interesting and fun to write out :). I don’t want to go into too much detail here, (I really don’t want to make this post a thousand years long 😭), but if you’re interesting, just shoot me an ask and I’ll be happy to rant about it, I love Shakespeare :D
I have another au that I unfortunately can’t reveal right now, as it’s something I’m currently working on, but I promise it’ll be out soon :D
(it’s completely unserious btw and entirely for silly goofy indulgent reasons-I’m not trying to be dramatic about it but it’s just. Very special to me :)
OH‼️ there was a Bluebelle au I had, based on the movie Barbe Bleue (2009)
It’s a French movie about Bluebeard and it’s one of my favorites, it’s very vaguely historical, very gloomy with some REALLY fun scenes and ideas.
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I’m more than a little obsessed with it, and at some point I REALLY want to do something with it, maybe a redraw of a still with Bluebelle, but who knows :)
Of course, other people’s au’s are the coolest in the entire world.
@/cillyscribbles has been driving me CRAZY with her human au, (it’s mostly about the Deut bros, and it is insanely good. Hasn’t left my mind since she told me all about it. Cilly when I get you Cilly)
@/margo-mania’s celestial au is SO rad, the concepts are gorgeous, and honestly could be made into a really really rad non-replica, especially with the potential of cool stage lighting, or poses (I’m thinking specifically of the eclipse (also I need Celestial!Victoria to marry me immediately))
@/pinkieclown’s doll(? Toy?) au is SO CUTE OMG. The character designs are so adorable. I want the newest design, munkustrap, as a plushie SO BAD.
Honestly, ALW should just give all of us collectively a billion dollars so we can create as many non-replicas as we want.
(Honorable mention to @/diorlusional’s apartment au, it’s my darling forever and ever)
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plaguedocboi · 1 year ago
Tell us about Moby Dick!!
Alright I apologize in advance this is long and mostly going to be about Ahab because he is the one who plagues my mind so
I went into this fully expecting to dislike Ahab because the cultural perception of him is this angry raving lunatic who just out to serve himself but he’s not! He’s a good captain and a good person! His crew thinks he’s the coolest guy ever! They all love him! And guess what so do I!!!
He wants revenge NOT just because of the leg thing. The whale bit his leg off (also kind of a simplified version of it, he was more chewed alive) but he wasn’t even really mad about it initially. His crew later tied him to his hammock in a straitjacket and left him there because he was in pain and traumatized and acting like it. After getting back home he was impaled on his own prosthetic and then immediately sent back out to a rigorous, deadly job without a chance to heal. The whale represents everything bad that’s happened to him that he doesn’t have control over and he desperately wants that control back. He can’t fight the system or the men who hurt him or the concept of ableism but he can fight that fucking whale. He is a deeply traumatized person who never got the help he needed so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He believes the whale is the source of evil in the world and by killing it he can forever free humanity from the tyranny of a cruel and uncaring god.
He puts up a facade of power and strength because the last time he showed weakness he was treated like an animal. The only person he allows even a little control is Starbuck because that’s the one person he trusts (gay). He is a fundamentally hurt, lonely man who could have gotten better and this tragedy could have been avoided had he been given the help he needed. He has nightmares and awakes in panics, he paces the deck all day and night, and he is scared of losing his power. He is angry at the universe and god and mankind. He is not crazy. He is trying to save himself and others but dooms them all in the process.
Also his death haunts me. Everyone had lead me to believe that the whale eats him but it doesn’t! He gets tangled in the harpoon line and the whale drags him to the bottom of the ocean. I think anyone who Knows Me understands why that fucked me up a bit. The whale kills everyone else as well aside from Ishmael, by the way. It’s really fucking sad.
Anyway there’s my case for why Ahab is great and why I love him and think about him so much. This is just ONE reason I like Moby-Dick btw but I’m not writing a book report via tumblr.
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officialcreepypastareheated · 8 months ago
What your favorite Reheated Pasta says about you.
Y'all eating well today. Last one focused on if you crushed on them so here's for the folks who aren't too mentally ill. (Oh who am I kidding this is the Creepypasta fandom.)
Jeff Harrison
So how are those anger issues and the self loathing treating you? Having fun?
You either loved him back in the day, you like his Hodek inspiration, or you're just sad and relate to him.
Dw me too.
Leo Harrison
Wooo you listen to Marina don't you? Hon you can't hide the golden child issues from me.
Also, not everything is your fault and you shouldn't torture yourself over your mistakes for your whole life.
Also not everyone's issues are yours too. Take time for yourself and to sort out your own stuff.
Smile Dog
You like dogs.
Yeah I actually don't entirely know what to put here.
Doggy :)
Btw you don't have to succeed at everything the first time, or ever really.
Do what makes you happy, not what others tell you should make you happy. Y'know unless that thing is actively hurting you.
You just liked the character and story back in the day and ngl me too.
There's actually not much to change, the original concept was pretty solid.
This isn't even a part of the post I just wanna say I think SeedEater is a cool monster.
Liking LJ is based.
You are based and probably a really cool and sweet person.
You scare me.
That is a neural network of CULTISTS.
You're either cool and smart with tech/gaming or one of those tech-bros which in that case ew go shower.
Here is a warm blanket out of the dryer and a cookie.
You are such sweethearts, usually folks with CPTSD or are kids, and y'all deserve hugs.
Unless you're a weirdo then I hope you get used as a volleyball in prison.
The difference between the simps and the normal fans are actually so odd but honestly kind of expected.
Either you're chill and just think the photos are cool or are ancient (respectfully) and was in the private Reddit forum.
Please watch Marble Hornets with me. <3 (I actually have a CRPR disc server please join so we actually can. :,3)
But fr she's an icon in the community. She strutted so the other girlies can follow along. If she's your favorite then you are actually the coolest person... and a girl kisser.
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Okay, this is gonna be controversial. You're either pretty cool... or you have your issues.
BUT those are issues that can be worked on and you just need some patience and love.
Either way you're getting a hug cmere hon.
You're one of my friends.
Hey guys.
When are we gonna play Roblox again?
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ask-horizons-au · 2 months ago
You have competition for most cool boss and it's the Administrator of the SCP Foundation, an organization that studies and contains anomalies. The Administrator beat the concept of entropy with an ASHTRAY(SCP-001 Black Moon) and makes the coolest lines ever😎
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(This fanart of the Administrator and below is one of his best speeches, it's real long btw)
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Gibeon: He seems pretty cool…but does he have these?
[Holds up Lizzy and Amethio]
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xanderomeister · 9 days ago
Scribbled the Primal Carnage rex because I am in a dinosaur mood rn.
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This is probably one of the coolest dinosaur games ever in concept, btw. I love TF2, and Primal Carnage ticks some similar boxes, although I believe the execution could be better. Even so... raw af
Further additional commentary below
I really have to give strong props to the art direction of Primal Carnage. It's very evocative of a lot of 90s-2000s dinosaur media and artwork, and honestly a fantastic love letter to dinosaurs even if blatantly fictitious and over the top in some respects.
Here's some renders.
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Extra addition: the scrapped Triceratops. It actually builds very strongly off of more accurate restorations, even down to the claws and separated digits on the feet, which really shows the attention to artistry some of these dinosaurs have, even though many are very fanciful.
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offbrand-deltatraveler · 8 months ago
With how I watched Miracle Universe yesterday, I obviously finished both KiraPre and Hugtto, so here are my final thoughts on them
(Major spoilers for every part of both seasons under the cut)
Kira Kira Precure A La Mode:
First of all like with all seasons I really love the major differences between all the main characters , but something I especially love about them is how well they go together to create the sillier and more homely vibe of the season, with Ichika, Himari, and Aoi having a sibling-like dynamic and Yukari & Akira being like second mothers to them
And furthermore I also love Yukari and Akira in general because oh my god they’re so cool. Yukari especially because I love how she’s always so collected and chill and one step ahead of everything, but also literally every Akira-centric episode feels like something out of a Fairy Tale and she literally turns her wand into a sword at some point which went hard as fluff. And the reveal that the person Yukari loves most outside of the KiraPati is her fans was so cute. And that one episode where Yukari turns into a cat was so peak and I NEED to see someone write a fanfiction about the 3-Star Kitty learning the truth about his boss because omg seeing him grieving her was so sad
Also I love how Yukari’s arc from the start had so many layers to it that are gradually unpacked one-by-one in all the episodes centered around her. By the time the episode about her perfectionism rolled around I already figured they were probably gonna be addressing that /vpos
And secondly I really loved the villains. First of all I love Gummy & Co. (Especially the spinny one omg I love her so much I wanna pick her up and cover her face in kiss marks) and the way they’re all just some guys after their belts are broken and I especially love how they took on the responsibility of finding and returning all the lost Fairies. I really hope there’s a spinoff about that at some point
And regarding Noir’s servants, outside of the way that they all mirror Star Twinkle villains (With Julio being like Kappard, Grave being like Tenjou, and Vibry being like Eyewon), Julio is the coolest general I’ve ever seen and literally every scene centered around him goes so hard. And I initially wasn’t expecting to think of Vibry the same way but her freakouts in the island episode and everything she does in Lumiere’s debut episode completely blew me away. And both of them are even better when they’re redeemed. Though it kinda sucks that Julio couldn’t have been a Sixth Ranger Cure
And aside from that Grave was also really cool in that one episode where he absorbs Diable’s power and the Precure have to unlock the Fantastic Animale to defeat him. However Diable himself kinda sucked after they turned him into average furrybait
And then of course at the top of them all is Elisio, who carries the moral dilemma of the season and has the final battle and can do the Noir Morphose and is just generally the coolest conceptually. But I still like Julio more
And then there’s the music which I love every second of. It’s like the more childish pop-up storybook vibe of the artstyle in audible form. And it has all the coolest battle music
And the story which is really funny to me because of how good it is. Like there are several times throughout my commentary where I jokingly said “This is all still about sweets btw” because I love the absurdity of the devs being able to tell a deep-cutting story about love and connection and individuality and the different, increasingly worse and worse things hatred will do to a person through the lense of sweets. It kinda reminds me of Onegai My Melody and Jewelpet Kira Deco but instead of telling a serious story in a goofy world with goofy lore, the story is just centered around a goofy concept
While there were some writing choices that cheesed me off sometimes, I would recommend that people watch this season overall just for that alone
Overall, 8/10. There are quite a few things I would’ve done better but it doesn’t suck and the endearing vibe and absurdity of the story being as good as it is sells it well enough for me
HUGtto! Precure:
First of all something I love about Hugtto’s characters is that they aren’t anything crazy. Like they’re literally just a buncha guys and gals hanging out having fun doing guy and gal stuff and I love how that makes it feel more real. And how that fits with this season being centered around the future
More specifically though I love Hana & Co and all their dynamics, Harry included. Star Twinkle may be my favorite season in general but they’re my favorite Cures. And their Cure designs are so so so pretty omg
And in the way of Fairies,
Tbh I actually didn’t really like Harry that much at first because he didn’t have anything that really made him stand out to me but him becoming a human for most of the time made me like him a lot more. And made his hamster form moments a lot cuter
And of course I love Hugtan because how could you not
Abd the devs for this season absolutely knocked it out of the park in the villains department holy schnitzel. Criasu Corp as a concept is cool enough but like everyone’s Oshimaidaa summoning animations and the vastly different themes of them all and the way they all represent different struggles in society that may cause someone to give up (Charareet being constant failure, Papple being loneliness and depression, Gelos being crushed under the weight of being a woman in a misogynistic society, Doctor Trauma thinking he’s too old to have a future, Bishin losing a loved one, and Ristol not having anyone to help him through a hard time. And Daigon is just a bitch idk why he did any of that)
I already liked all of them enough when they were villains and on top of that I liked them so much more when they were reformed. I love Purified Charareet and Doctor Traum so much. And the song that plays when they make an appearance has such a nice “Calm after the storm” vibe to it
And then in the way of story I of course enjoyed every second of that too because Oh My God™️. The way all the villains become Oshimaidaas allowed for some really cool scenes and some of my favorites. Papple’s transformation being a metaphor for suicide made her one of my favorite villains, and the way that Gelos’ underlings turn into a fucked up amalgamation was really disturbing but in a cool and interesting way, and I love how Gelos herself did a repeat of that in her transformation
But most of all I of course love how Doctor Trauma’s transformation took place along the course of an ENTIRE ALL STARS MOVIE that’s part of the main story and just casually sitting between Episode 35 & 38. And Hugtto has an actual All Stars movie on top of it
And not to mention the lore with the twist of humanity’s future being of their own making and Criasu Corp having originally been founded to help them and the things they did to the Hariharis in an attempt to help them survive and how Cure Tomorrow AKA Future!Hugtan kept them at bay when they lost their way
And Homare’s crush on Harry was kinda unnecessary but tbf it gave us the Bishin vs Homare beef and that started with a really cool battle at the end of a really cool episode
And of course the music is cool as always. I especially love that song that plays after the final battle where a person’s voice is singing the main theme as the sun rises
Overall, 10/10. Any complaints I had for this season were solved later on in the story and everything outside of them was already cool enough to make up for them anyway
I was originally planning to watch Yes 5 next but since Maho Tsukai II comes out next year and the end of the year is starting to get pretty close, I’m gonna be watching the first Maho Tsukai
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kaeyapilled · 1 year ago
Hii this is the same anon that asked for kaeya fics and I'm wondering if maybe you have some good cynonari fics? Btw the kaeya fics were super good thanks for that
hello!! im glad you liked the kaeya fics! i sadly dont read a lot of cynonari so i dont have nearly as many recs as i had for kaeya (8 works tagged cynari in my bookmarks against 69 works tagged kaeya, lol), but if anyone seeing this has some good fics, dont hesitate to share!! im a bit lacking in the cynari department.. my apologies. heres a few that ive read and liked:
i look at you and worry, "love is violence" by pinkweirdsunsets
Cyno taps his little finger against the table, “This isn’t a date.” An impressive frown stretches across Tighnari’s face, “Is that so?” “We are only friends.” “But you are gorgeous, General.” Cyno’s face remains impassive, “Only friends, Tighnari.” Tighnari pours himself another cup of coffee. tighnari, and how he loves, loves, and loves
this is honestly one of the coolest fics ive ever read. i read it by chance some time ago and it was an Experience. it's very confusing, on purpose, and the writing style executes it soooo nicely i loved it. and the concept is so interesting!! i was thinking about it for days after reading it. its a bit of an au so if you want full canon compliance you might not like it, but it does have most elements of canon and the characterization was really on point. i just rlly recommend this one<3
dew-kissed, sun-kissed by caniculeo
“Cyno,” Tighnari says, “you need to stop telling jokes at dinner.” “You keep saying that,” Cyno says, unfazed. in which tighnari keeps kissing cyno after every awful joke, and cyno has no idea why.
this one's just fluff. pure delight. nothing bad ever happens. it's SO sweet and funny it just gives you fluffy warm feelings inside. a good read for after you finish that first one, maybe. also, i do recommend checking this author's other fics!! they have some more cynari stuff, though i havent read them myself; i have however read one of their works about kaveh and it was really good, so. yeah!
girlhood first introduction to love by warsena
Collei is very loved, by many people. Five of them try to help her to deal with falling in love.
well, this is me cheating. this isnt cynari, they're just in the background. but i wanted to sneak this one in because it's collei-centric and so so so sweet and real, and i love collei. so. yeah. could i interest you in some implied collei/fischl in these trying times?
GAH sorry i dont have more!! i love cyno and tighnari but i very rarely read fanfiction about them lmao😭i hope you like these and, again, if someone else has recs...
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celticbotanart · 2 years ago
Wrote a very depressing tweet earlier, but was a coward and deleted it.
So, instead of being depressed AF on main, I'll take one of the things I said in it and will elaborate in a much better, healthier manner, which is... gushing about music, my beloved, my hyperfixation ~
In the tweet I mentioned André Matos, a BR singer, composer, pianist with a literal degree in classical music and conducting.
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He became a literal metal legend here in BR specially in the 90s/2000s. Like for real - he was THIS CLOSE to replace Bruce Dickinson when he left Iron Maiden in the early 90s (Andre was in the 3rd place of choice).
Unfortunately, Andre passed away in 2019 at early age of 47 due to a cardiac arrest - it was very sudden and a shock to everybody, it's kind of insane even now looking back and remembering he's gone.
Anyway. That being said, enough with the sad stuff and let's turn this into THE COOLEST THING you guys will ever learn about Brazilian music!! As a kid, Andre Matos was the vocalist of a band named Viper, and later on as a young adult he joined Angra, a band that still exists to this day with other members and vocalists - BTW!!! SMALL PARENTESIS, the vocalist who replaced Andre in Angra, Edu Falaschi, sang the Brazilian version of "Pegasus Fantasy", Saint Seiya's opening theme back then!! Still a fucking banger, and Edu STILL often sings it to this day; Edu isn't in Angra anymore, I think???
But yeah. As you can see, we're already getting epic and complex and I didnt even get to Andre yet lol ANYWAY!! This is Angra with the OG formation with Andre as the lead singer/keyboardist - he's the 3rd one, the pretty boi in the middle, hehe
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Angra was one of the pivotal points in Brazilian hard rock/metal; Sepultura is right there with them, I think - I don't know a lot about Sepultura (that's my sister's territory lol), but I know that much.
I'll skip straight into Angra's stuff cause there's where the good stuff begins!
First album of theirs is called "Angels Cry" and the title song is SUCH a quintessential Angra / Andre Matos song, i swear to gods. And the album art sdkjfhsdkfjshdf it's very Graphic Passion Is My Design. Don't be fooled by the dated album art tho:
Here you'll hear the "classic music interludes" that were very common in Andre Matos' songs due to his background and training in classic music. It's SOOOO 80s and their Iron Maiden influence is SCREAMING, quite literally. Worth mentioning I'm not an Iron Maiden fan lol btw #Poser
Another CLASSIQUE-TM from Angels Cry is "Time".
I'll throw the official videoclip in here because it's hilarious, even though the song slaps ksdjfhskdj (André's corny, pretty metal boi look in his early Angra days is kind of a goal to transNB me, ngl. #GenderEnvy)
WELL, do you guys know folk metal? Like, when we say that, it's usually metal + medieval/European instruments (like Eluveitie, for example).
In 96, Angra did what I like to consider "Brazilian folk metal", metal with BR elements and influences, in their album "Holy Land"
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The concept of the album was like, the great navigations but it was also kind of a commentary in colonization - Brasil is our "holy land", and a lot of the songs feature this epicness and bittersweetness, joy and sorrow of being BR. The songs are in ENG, which is kind of ironic, but still The songs being in ENG is due to a lot of factors tbh, all of them involving the fact that Brazil doesn't embrace metal a lot, and they wanted to to sell their songs outside BR bc of that. Which sucks, but i get it.
Here we have CAROLINA IV, an epic describing a ship at sea, and it also references the Portuguese who arrived in BR back in the 1500s.
The song is all in ENG except the intro, which is a chant dedicated to Iemanjá / Janaína / Iemoja, the orisha of the seas and the most well-known orisha around here, if I'm not mistaken
"Hail, hail Yemoja, Hail Janaína And everything that was made in the waters They throw flowers at the sea God save the Queen And my journey on this sphere An orishas' caboclo Soon leaves the Earth Meeting his fate Where the sky meets the sea He will find his safe harbor And that's how it ends..."
Black culture and religions are strong here in BR, and this chant and the instruments used are a tribute to them <3 If you guys know of or remember Michael Jackson's "They Don't Really Care About Us", that's the same beat/Afro-Brazilian influence - in MJ's song, it was the famous group Olodum who did it, I don't know if they were involved in Angra's Holy Land though. "Carolina IV" is a very long with a lot of changes in pace and even genres (again, classical music interludeTM). It's very epic, very 80s metal, and very Brazilian as well, it has everything I love, ahhh <3
In the early 2000s, Andre left Angra and he and other, previous Angra members formed the band Shaman.
I think it's good for me to reiterate at this point that while we had bands like Angra and Sepultura, the metal genre WAS NOT and NEVER WAS mainstream here in BR.
So, the fact that Shaman became incredibly popular in the early 2000s because one of their songs "became to mainstream" was kind of an anomaly. THIS, MY FRIENDS, is where my story with Andre Matos' music starts. Because this was early 2000s, I was around 13 and the reason why I knew about the band, alongside hundreds of other teens at the time, was because a song by Shaman became soundtrack to a BR telenovela. The telenovela in question was O Beijo do Vampiro ("The Vampire's Kiss") and as the name suggests, it had vampires and 'edgy dark fantasy stuff' cause it was more targeted for a younger audience, as the protagonist was this middle schooler aged boy who was actually the son of a vampire.
The BANGER, THE ETERNAL, EVERLASTING ANTHEM from Shaman they chose as a soundtrack to that freaking telenovela was "Fairy Tale", from their first album "Ritual":
I swear to god, this song is fucking everything to any Brazilian metal fan my age. It was a literal game changer to a lot of us, because this was how we discovered or started really appreciating metal, since we were too young to catch on Viper in the 80s or Angra in the 90's. Other bands like Evanecscence, Nightwish and Linkin Park were also starting to become popular, so a lot of metal styles were coming around around that period.
Including a Brazilian singer that also leaned more towards a heavier sound, Pitty! That song is from her first album.
ANWYAY, BACK TO ANDRE MATOS - I'll make an exception here, and share two versions of the same song. I've shared the official videoclip with the studio recording, and below, is a very beloved live performance from 2003:
I'm sharing both versions because they are slightly different - studio ver starts with a religious chant in latin, and the live version includes a violin, played by Marcus Viana (another conductor and a famous composer of soundtracks for Brazilian shows and movies). In the live ver you can also see Andre Matos SLAYING on the piano because dude was a literal master of his craft ksjdfhksjdf
The song starts all calm with the piano, very lullaby-like, and then BAM!, 80s METAL HAIRFLIP AND GUITARS AND EPICNESS. And then it ends how it started. It's such a beautiful track. I love it so much, such a true banger. Makes me nostalgic AF, and I love the "epic tale" nature it has.
Another personal favorite of mine from that time comes from their second album, a track called Born to Be:
I love how it mixes mellow piano lines with heavier metal arrangements, it was kind of their thing and they did it so well! And by the way, I am aware the name of the band / cover of first album might be considered problematic nowadays?? It was the 2000s, unfortunately those things happened a lot. It's looking back into our teen years and realizing things were not as pristine as we remembered fskjdfhksd oh man. But yeah. Aside from that, the songs slap so hard, specially if you like the 80s metal feel. And speaking of the 80s music, Andre covered some pretty badass, daring songs over the years, not only but including... ..."Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" from Journey, which he recorded after he left Shaman and went solo in the late 2000s:
I cannot affirm that for a fact, but I think this cover is sort of a "meme" because it was kind of a recurring joke that Andre Matos sang like Bruce Dickinson but looked like he was Steve Perry's "long lost son". Steve Perry was the most well-known vocalist from Journey. The "Dont Stop Believin" Journey:
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(The picture above is Andre when he was like 15yo in Viper btw dfkjjsdf) And like, this is pretty fucking funny cause if you are here following my art for long enough - like REALLY, REALLY LONG ENOUGH, around 2009 deviantart -, you'll def remember me in my Journey/Steve Perry phase. And my Andre Matos phase too, it was around the same time lol
Madlad decided to make a metal cover of Kate Bush with this falsetto voice and he just. He just did it. DIDNT CHANGE / ADAPT THE LYRICS, EITHER. You'll hear 22 year old Andre Matos in 1993 fucking scream at the top of his lungs HEATHCLIFF IT'S ME CATHY, I'VE COME HOME, I'M SO COLD LET ME IN-A-YOUR WINDOW. And he's singing VERY VERY HIGH NOTES, this song is fucking hard to sing y'all, I'll let you know right now lol. Anyway.
Here was the Andre Matos / Angra / partial Brazilian Metal history for you, and I hope you like the song recs, and if not, I hope you enjoy the trivia at least!
Remembering his music earlier made me nostalgic, but also made me sad, bc a lot has happened ever since 2003 and the "Vampire Telenovela". I've created OCs inspired by him - it was a two-in-one sort of OC, and he's retired for over a decade now; and I didn't do much with him anyway, so no artworks to show.
And I'm seriously considering bringing his music and influence back to a more recent OC (if you read my post about me looking for a new voice to my transitioned OC, that's what I'm talking about). It's a funny way to go back to where some things started.
That (and a lot of other, unrelated stuff) made me super sad earlier.
Andre Matos left us way too soon, and like I said earlier, it's always weird remembering he's dead, because it doesnt feel like that, to me. Maybe the fact I always "forget" he's gone is because his music and influence on me as a person still lives on, which is sort of a comfort~
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samsblades · 4 months ago
GUESS WHOS BACKKKK!! did you miss me 😉 jkjk sorry for like falling off for the past like 2 days?? ive been super busy but coming back and seeing you posted a fic was ah!! (absolutely loved it btw such a cute concept)
BUT I HAVE NEWSSS i’ve been talking to beautiful man and we actually have plans for tonight!! 😊😊 it’s not anything like super exciting cause originally we were just supposed to hang out but then i found out i have to go watch my cousins fb game and he was like “i’ll just go with you” and me being me i was like overthinking it was like “are you sure? i don’t want to like make you do anything you don’t want to” blah blah blah and he was just so sweet about it and was like “i don’t care what we do i just want to be with you” LIKE AHHHH
he’s very sam coded too which makes me go bananas and he supports my sam love 😊 actually it was so funny cause yesterday he come over to my house to pick me up and like came into my room & i forgot i have this huge tapestry on my wall with jensen & jared on it so i was like lowkey embarrassed but he was so funny about it LIKE 🫂
sorry for yap yap yapping in ur inbox
OMGGG HEYYYY BESTIEEE glad you liked it hehe <333
WOWOWOOWWW OKAYYY HE SOUNDS SO SWEEETTTT i hope he's forever and always the sweetest to you no matter what. you deserve only the coolest most awesomest and nicest person ever <33 so glad he's lovely! that's so sweet what he said omg :(( i love this for you fr
and don't be sorryyyy you know i love itttt <333
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an-theduckin · 22 hours ago
If Allah didn't want me to be autistic about religion he wouldn't have made Yahia and Isa intentionally parallel each other (similar verses regarding them in the same surah, miracle births/conceptions, isa is technically yahia's nephew of sorts, were killed or almost killed by their people, same traits apply to both of them, yahia and maryam were both raised by zakkariyah BTW, they were both 2/3 last prophets, etc etc)
EXACTLY!!! Islamic religious stories r the coolest things ever
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codecicle-archive · 1 year ago
HELLO !!!! Wondering what. Ur favourite video game is rn. And persnaps🦀 things in it u enjoy ??? (*^_^*)
Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero will be my favorite set of games forever and ever man. Mentally I'm still there and I will never leave those games gave me my passion for both robotics and deep-sea travel/creatures in real life its what made me as insane as I am today ^_^
The Reaper leviathans (and all the leviathans in the game for that matter. reefbacks are peak fuck the haters 🔥🔥) always have a little compartment in my brain and I will never shut up about their design and how effective they are when it comes to horror. The way they're introduced AFTER the player runs into the completely friendly reefbacks so their fear of "loud noise/big = bad" is subdued and broken down so their guard is lowered right before entering the dunes and feeling true primal fear for the first time apon seeing them is just executed SO perfectly I've never seen something come even close to comparing. I wouldn't say they're my favorite thing across BOTH games though because oh my goddd that spot is definitely reserved for AL-AN
Him and his whole planet will forever live in my head rent-free (both because I'm not a landlord LMAO and also. Insane about him disease) every little detail about him makes me so insane. The fact that his species is mainly robotic and mechanical so he doesn't understand a majority of Robin's feelings and experiences that she's been through, the way they built apon the original virus on 4546B by explaining the way it showed up and mutated to annihilate every species on that planet was BECAUSE of the very architects that meant to protect it. Them having to build the original quarantine system that crashed Riley's ship (The Aurora) because their bodies weren't entirely mechanical, and all of their biological components were made out of the most efficient and compatible parts of 40-ish species which means once they caught the original disease, every other species that they pulled from could now get it. That only makes them trapping the Emperor Leviathan so much sadder because they didn't realize she could communicate with them and actually give them what the whole planet so desperately needed because they talk through entirely closed off mental frequencies, so even their bio components couldn't let her talk to them. AL-AN being one of the few to try and go against the current and felt bad about what they were doing to the queen is just so in character for him, especially with how he acts to all "lower" lifeforms that Robin runs into. Him being cut off from his entire family and neural-link is just so fucking devastating and him finding that comfort and connection through Robin, going so far as to rescue her and take her off-planet with him once she builds his body will NEVERR leave me man godd what an ending
Speaking of his body, I've gotta say it's the single coolest alien design I've ever fuckin seen. Look at this shit
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like oh my god??? what the fuck right??? everything about it makes me so insane. NOT TO MENTION this concept art (which IS his final design btw just not 3d rendered yet) is made by Pat Presley, who also ended up making concept art for all the other Archetects that we haven't met yet and will meet in Subnautica 3 (whenever the fuck that will begin development LMAO)
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like look at how different they are from him. how much more mechanical and less colorful, more hivemind-esque and lifeless they seem. even just down to the pose he's standing in gives off so much more life than they do and it makes me INSANEEEEE his time with Robin absolutely changed him and his physical form reflects that. He is such a combination of all the other archetects while also being NOTHING like them at the same time. The fact that he is literally able to move and change the shape of his arms and be fluid the same way he is fluid and willing to change unlike all of those on his home planet is crazy to me.
Speaking of his home planet too, it's also sick as fuck and I just need to show this finale screenshot real quick because oh my GODDDD I'm losing it. You have no idea how hyped I was to watch this shit when the full game released
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AND ONE MORE THING!!! speakkkinnggg of the full-game release, the game actually released in beta testing with a different opening than the final version!! and in the beta testing, you started out in the final area where the finale takes place in the final release version. Visiting that old station again at the very end of the game feels like such a nice nod to the beta-testers that feels perfectly planned out. It really makes the game come full circle, even if you don't have the context of the beta testing version to appreciate.
Subnautica is (either story or gameplay-wise) probably the objectively better game imo, but Below Zero holds such a special place in my heart for the AL-AN story line alone. Godd he makes me so insane I love him sm <3 <3 rant over thank you for the ask
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bahamutgames · 11 months ago
Random Video Game Themed Question Prompts - Part 2
Part 2 of this little video game prompt thing! I thought this one would be easier because it's actually all Pokemon themed! But they asked a lot of questions I just don't know cause I haven't played all the games lol. But regardless, this was very fun! And I'm having a bit of Poke Mania after beating Platinum!
Thank you all for dealing with this and indulging me as I answer random questions for fun lol. If you wanna see some Pokemon opinions, go ahead and click the readmore :)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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1 - Favorite Pokemon
My favorite Pokemon for ages now is Charizard. I know it's a basic pick but think about for a bit and it makes total sense. Dragon. Fire. Salamander theme. Green elements. It's kind of tailor made for me. Not to mention Firered was my first game, and Charmander my first Pokemon! Also, I love him in Smash Bros. ALSO YEAH I LIKE POPULAR THINGS OKAY THAT'S WHY THEY'RE POPULAR-
2 - Favorite Game
Personally I am still really biased to Pokemon Firered. It's my first, so I have a lot of really good memories with it. I love the GBA, I love the sprites and music. And it's just a deeply important game to me. Though I do think SoulSilver is better in pretty much every way, I just have too much love for Firered. But if we're not counting spinoffs currently Emerald is my favorite!
3 - Favorite Spinoff
This one is easy, it's Pokemon Snap. Both games are seriously some of my favorite video games of all time. And it's the closest we'll ever get to a Pokemon Shmup/On-Rails Shooter. I also just love taking pictures in video games and I love seeing Pokemon in their natural environments, so it's pretty much tailor made for me. A close runner up would be Pokken but the only reason it's not number 1 is cause 3D Fighting Games are harder than 2D ones lol.
4 - Favorite Legendary
It's Mewtwo, let's not beat around the bush on this one, it's Mewtwo. He's one of my favorite characters ever, one of my favorite Smash Bros. characters, the star of one of my favorite movies, he's bad ass. I just really love Mewtwo. But some of my other favorites are Lugia, Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza, and Kyreum!
5 - Favorite Mega
I'm sorry all these answers are so predictable It's the Mega Charizards. With a preference for X, but they both RULE. I actually love a LOT of Mega Evolutions though. Some of my other favorites are Gengar, Aerodactyle, Gardevoir, Mawille, Aagron, Banette, Garchomp, Abomasnow, Steelix, Lopunny, and Audino!
As for Gigantimax... Eeeeeh I think these are kinda stupid looking for the most part, apologies. Alcremie kinda clears though in my opinion. Coalossal, Appletun, Durraludon, the Kanto starters are ok though.
6 - Favorite Regional Variant
Honestly, really looking at it. I'm not sure which is my definitive favorite but DAMN Galarian Linoone is just PERFECT. It's better than actual Linoone imo and I think I like it more than Obstagoon too honestly. I also like Alolan Golem, Galarian Corsola, Alolan Muk, Hisuian Zoroark and Hisuin Goodra. This is still one of the best concepts introduced into Pokemon, btw.
7 - Favorite Starter
It's Charmander. Sorry guys it's just the coolest and evolves into my favorite starter. But since that's such a predictable answer at this point I'll do you one better and list my favorite Starter from each region (I pick my favorites based on their final forms lol): Charmander, Totodile, Mudkip, Turtwig, Snivy?, Fennekin, Popplio, Grookey, Sprigatito.
Also I think Kanto, Jhoto, and Kalos have the strongest set of final stage starter Pokemon! Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr in particular are 3 of my all time favorites.
8 - Favorite Region
In terms of Pokedex? It's between Kanto, Jhoto, Unova, and maybe Kalos? In terms of games? Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn? In terms of where I'd want to live? While I haven't played them all it's between Kanto and Hoenn I think.
9 - Favorite Pseudo Legendary
NOW THIS IS A TOUGH ONE! Lately the Pseudo Legendaries have genuinely become some of my favorite Pokemon from each region. Of course, right? They're all dragons lol. Goodra is probably the winner because I love slime and dragons. But some REALLY close runner ups are Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Dragapult.
While some are certainly stronger in terms of design and concept than others, I like them all though. The only one I'm eh on is Baxcalibur and even then I see the idea and I think some small design tweaks would really fix it for me.
Also random side note, but if they removed all the Pokemon currently in Smash and had to replace all of them with new ones. While I'd cry over Charizard and Mewtwo leaving... Just replace them all with all the Pseudo Legendaries. In fact, the Pseudo Legendary from each region would be a shoe in for each smash game if I was in charge!
10 - Favorite Mythrical
Darkrai. Next question.
Okay but seriously, I ADORE Darkrai. For a lot of similar reasons to Mewtwo. Bad ass design, cool concept, and their movie is one of my favorites. You guys know I love edgy badboys with hearts of gold and tragic backstories. Darkrai's movie is seriously one of my favorites and one of the only ones I've rewatched.
For runner ups? I didn't realize Genesect is Mythical? I LOVE Genesect. Also had a great movie. Also Meloetta is hot dude
11 - Favorite Rival
I've only played the first 4 games but personally I think I have to give it up to Blue. I think he's a lot cooler and more interesting than people remember. I feel like he gets remembered as a mean guy, but actually I feel like he's playfully a rival with you. Because he actually helps you a LOT during the game. But then as the game goes you progressively see him get more and more obsessed with power. And then finding out he's already the champion and having to tear him down is REALLY cool. I think it's one of the best parts of RBY.
Personally I haven't been super thrilled with the friendly rivals but I did think Wally was a neat idea where he starts out as a sick kid but genuinely gets pretty good. But it is messed up that you have to tear him down too lol. Just looking at the designs I like Bianca, N, Hubert, Shauna (though I remember her being annoying), Gladion, Marnie, and dude Klara is so fucking hot dude
12 - Favorite Professor
From the games I've played, Oak has kind of been the most interesting one no contest. But I do LOVE the designs of Juniper, Sonia, and Sada cause they're so hot dude
Although I kind of get the vibe that Kukui is gonna be my favorite by the time I get there.
13 - Favorite Elite 4 / Gym Leader / Champion
TOUGH QUESTION! I don't want this spoiled so I'm gonna only look at the ones I've beaten. Starting with Elite 4: It's probably Lance. He's really cool. Though Karen is absolutely up there. And I also like Lorelei, Phoebe, Drake, and Bertha. Also seeing Koga get upgraded between 2 games was cool.
Gym Leader: It's probably between Claire and Flannery? Dragon types obviously but also slightly older mean girls/tomboys. You know how it is. Erika is cute, Janine being Koga's daughter is cool, Giovanni was a cool concept, Whitney, Jasmine, Morty maybe, Roxanne, Norman is a great concept, Gardenia, Crasher Wake, Candice. Volkner has a cool design.
Champion: Again, probably Blue. I think it's the best built up for sure. And while seeing Lance get upgraded was cool, it's just Lance no offense. Steven could've been an ALL TIMER but Emerald kinda dropped the ball with that sadly. So, if not Blue. It's Cynthia. I'm sorry for being so thirsty on this post but she's SO hot and so cool and has such good taste in Pokemon.
14 - Favorite Villain Team
I think Team Rocket is neat but they're a little basic. But they're done pretty good in the first game and I think it's cool that they're a little more grounded than the rest. And Galactic is pretty crazy but I feel like the whole team isn't that cool as much as they're like, insane.
I probably have to go between Magma and Aqua. And while Aqua are pirates so objectively they're cooler. I think Magma's grunt designs are my personal favorite grunts so far. I genuinely want their evil hoodies with horns on them. And they love Groudon whose the coolest of the trio from Hoenn.
15 - Favorite Character
It's between Mewtwo and Darkrai. Again, they're both deeply important characters to me and both star in some of my favorite movies. But ultimately I do have to give it up to Mewtwo for being an edgy badboy made in a lab, his movie is also just really really good and I love him in Smash Bros and the Birth of Mewtwo and he's just so cool. I love Mewtwo. Darkrai runner-up
16 - Favorite Route/Town/City
I hate to say it but I don't really remember a lot of them off the top of my head. ATM I'm obsessed with Route 209's night theme from Platinum though lol. Going soley off of memory I would probably want to live in a place a little busy but not TOO crazy crowded. Maybe I'd like something like a beach town in Hoenn? Sunnyshore in Sinnoh was also a neat idea.
17 - Favorite Soundtrack
Ooof, tough question. I am certainly the most nostalgic for Firered personally. But I think from my playthroughs so far, a lot of Platinum songs really stuck out and stuck with me. 209, vs Galactic, the Celestic town guitar strumming theme lol. I also feel like I'm gonna REALLY like Black/White's ost cause from what little I played a lot of those songs stuck out to me. But yeah, I might have to give it up to FireRed personally. With my favorite song from it being Vs Champion Rival.
18 - Least Favorite Pokemon
SO... I hate to be a hater. But lately there have been some serious stinkers. However, I have 3 main "least favorite Pokemon". Number 1! Intelleon. Stupid design. Stupid motif. Never seen fanart that made it into a hot girl. How does it go from emo to 007? Huh? Wha? Stupid.
NUMBER 2! Calyrex. Stupid design. Looks stupid on the horses. Looks stupid off the horses. Drags down the cool horse designs. It's the best you could do for a KING pokemon? Seriously? I hate it.
NUMBER 3!! The worst of the worst: Quaquaval. No joke the only Pokemon to dethrone Intelleon to me. I HATE this Pokemon. I get the theme. I see the vision. But it's SO stupid looking. Again I don't want to be a hater, I know people like it. But it's design STINKS dude. I just hate it. Idk.
19 - Favorite Battle
My favorite battle COULD'VE been when you team up with Rayquaza to fight Groudon and Kyogre. But sadly that's only in my fanfic.
There's some really good ones. I love teaming up with Steven to fight the Magma admins. I liked fighting Giratina a lot, I thought that was cool and a nice surprise. I liked having Wally come back suddenly and be super strong at the end of victory road. But ultimately, again, I think I have to give it up to the RB Champion Blue fight. I know I keep saying it but it's so good and so well built up in my opinion. And unlike the friendly rivals, while I think Blue is friendlier than people believe. Watching him become more power hungry makes it feel good and like you have to cut him down when he starts getting out of line. Idk.
As for the Anime? I really like when Mewtwo fights Genesect and only beats him by giving him the overview effect lol. There's a lot of really good ones in the anime if I sat down and thought about it though.
20 - Favorite Type
It's Dragon Type, hands down. Dragons are cool, I love a lot of dragon types, and I LOVE the idea that ANYTHING can be a dragon, even a tree. It matches my love and philosophy of dragons a lot.
Outside of the obvious dragon pick. I like a lot of Fire types, Electric is one of my favorite powers but I'm not super married to a lot of Electric types, I'm always shocked by how many Water types I'm OBSESSED with considering I'm not crazy about Water powers. Ground, Poison, Dark, Bug, there's a lot of good types lol.
21 - Favorite Move
This is really tough. I love a lot of the big HM moves that make my runs super easy. Fly, Surf, Waterfall, ect ect. I love stuff like the elemental punches conceptually. I also like a lot of the dragon moves like Dragon Claw / Draco Meteor conceptually. But I think my all timer is Blast Burn! Again... Charizard lol. I had it on my Charizard in FireRed as a kid.
22 - Favorite Ability
I'm gonna be real with you... I don't know about any of those dang "abilities". But I do always like ones that up the type of the Pokemon. And I'm sure there's some really unique ones if I ever felt like reading through them all. Maybe I'll come back and update this one later. For now, let's go with Dragon's Maw cause it's a dragon theme.
23 - Favorite Item
The only items I really focus on are the held items. I really like, similar to abilities, ones that make certain type moves stronger. I use those a LOT during my playthroughs. I also pretty consistently get Quick Claw and make use of that, I think conceptually that and Dragon Claw are cool. I think King's rock conceptually is cool. As for Pokeballs I thin Ultraball looks cool, Net Ball, Heavy Ball, Dusk Ball... I never use them but they look cool lol. For battle items... uuuuuuh... Max Revive... idk.
24 - Favorite Z-Move / Max Move
I haven't gotten to Sun/Moon yet so idk what these even look like. I watched them all before but fuck me if I can remember them lmao. Just from skimming through: Splintered Stormshards, Pulverizing Pancake, Genesis Supernova, Bloom Doom (reminds me of The End FF8), Savage Spinout, Neverending Nightmare, Devastating Drake, Corkscrew Crash, Black Hole Eclipse, Tectonic Rage are all cool...
I actually think Tectonic Rage might be the best cause I was NOT expecting that shit lmao. Maybe that and Black Hole Eclipse!
25 - Favorite Shiny
Another good question! Off the top of my head I'd probably have to give it up to Charizard, cause edgy black Charizard is just SOOOO bad ass, but I can take a look through the Shiny Dex real quick and pick some other favorites: Nidoking, Golbat, Venomoth, Muk, Kingler, Weezing, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Mew, Yanma, Umbreon, Shuckle, Heracross, Tyranitar, Sceptile, Swampert, Gardevoir, Altaria, Relicanth, Metagross, Rayquaza, Lopunny, Bronzong, Garchomp, Giratina, Gigalith, Crustle, Haxorus, Druddigon, Braviary, Mega Gengar, Tyrantrum, Salazzle, Pyukumuku, Naganandel, Hisuian Sneasel, Hisuian Zoroark, Appletun, Veluza, Sandy Shocks, Iron Thorns, Hydrapple
That's a lot and I still think I missed some lol. But some of these I'd never seen before and actually gasped when I realized how good their shinies are. Like Haxorus, Salazzle, and Appletun whose shiny I now PREFER over the regular one lol
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shepard-ram · 2 years ago
Was feeling a bit brave so concept? This can apply to anything. Maybe hermitcraft mostly since that's what I had in mind for this??
You handle wolves, earning a few bites/scratches in the process across the years you've been doing it so imagine a yandere just noticing those scars- sheer panic and worry
(Btw! Could I possibly be 🎠 anon if that's not taken??)
Ayo! Happy to have ya around Carousel :D (is that what I should call you?? Carousel???? Idk that's what I'm going with for now lol)
But yeah I can vibe with this. Wolves are by no means a safe animal to handle. Although once you bond yourself to a pack they can be pretty friendly, it does not negate the riskier situations you tend to put yourself in. You have more than your fair share of battle scars.
Your love interest (or yandere) of choice finds out sooner or later- it's not like you're trying to hide it after all. And depending on the person you have in mind their reaction can vary wildly. They may think you're the toughest, coolest damn person they've ever met, or they may think you're a careless idiot who needs someone to keep on eye on you.
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koumeowkami · 2 years ago
I listened to maze of memories. And it was so good ??? Like the English rap part ??? Oh my God. Btw who's the guy with the deepest voice ? Whoever he is, he sounds so cool
I was listening to the song while doing homework and Spotify's graceful gods shone on me
Spotify autoplayed some really banger songs after maze of memories and now I have a kpop Playlist on my account
So uhh congrats on getting another person fall victim to skz's and general kpop's swag :)
Also ENHYPEN is so good wtf-
IKR MAZE OF MEMORIES IS SO GOOD !!!!! the guy with the deep voice is felix :D so true he's the coolest ever 🫶🏻
omg omg i'm super happy you liked skz 🥹🥹 i can recommend some other kpop groups if you want!! especially if you enjoy noise music, but considering you're a paralive fan i think it's obvious lol
not an enhypen fan but some of their stuff is amazing <3 i really like their vampire concept, their earlier songs are *chef's kiss*
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