#the continuous swiping of the dinosaur ball is so cute to me
sbd-laytall · 2 months
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 8-A Farewell to Dinosaur Planet, Don’t Worry; We’ll be Back
The next morning, Fox had officially decided it was time to leave Dinosaur Planet. Everyone was more than ready to leave. Well, everyone except Bubbles. Bubbles: “Well, Tricky, this is it. I knew that this would happen eventually, but I sure am going to miss you, anyway.” Misty: “Having a hard time letting go, isn’t she?” Fox: “Yes. I don’t want to do this to her but we all know this is what we’re suppose to do. That’s how life is.”
He walked up to Bubbles and Tricky. Fox: “I’m sorry, kid, but we have to do this and you know it.” Bubbles: “(Sob) I understand.” Tricky: “I really am going to miss you guys. You’re the coolest bipeds I’ve ever met and you’re also my best friends.” Fox: “I feel the same way. We’ve been through a lot together. I mean, without you, our mission would have failed, so…I've got something for you.”
He pulled a cool looking pin with the team’s second emblem on it. Bubbles: “Can I give the pin thingie to Tricky, please?” Fox: “Oh, alright.”
He handed the pin to Bubbles and she attached the pin to Tricky’s forehead. Fox: “Prince Tricky, Earthwalker. You are now an honorary member of the Starfox Team.”
Bubbles giggled gleefully. Bubbles: “Congratulations, Tricky!” Tricky: “Whoa! Awesome! I’m a member of Starfox!”
Tricky then looked at the Arwing. Tricky: “Do I get my own spaceship?”
Fox, Misty and Bubbles laughed at Tricky’s cute question. Misty: “Sorry, Tricky, but you need opposable thumbs in order to own a ship.” Tricky: “Oh…”
Bubbles had her arms behind her back. Bubbles: “That’s OK, Tricky. I don’t have any opposable thumbs, either. As a matter of fact…”
She pulled her arms out from behind her back and holds them up. Bubbles: “I don’t have any fingers, at all.”
Misty laughed. Fox just smiled. Fox: “You don’t have any hands, either.” Bubbles: “Yes, I do, they’re just, uh, balled up into fists all the time. I…think.” Fox: “Right. Let’s get out of here, OK?”
They were all about to leave. Bubbles: “Wait! Can I have another pin thingie for Beauty, too?”
Fox chuckled a little. Fox: “OK.”
He gave another pin to Bubbles so she can attach it to Beauty’s head. Bubbles: “I didn’t want Beauty to feel left out, that’s all.” Fox: “I understand. OK, that's enough. Come on, Bubbles.”
Fox walked off with Misty. Bubbles: “Bye, Tricky. Bye, Beauty. See you both real soon.”
And they finally left.
Back on the Great Fox, Fox and Misty returned to the main room of the ship, hand in hand. Their friends were waiting for them there. Falco: “Finally, What took you guys so long?” Fox: “Sorry, we were just saying our goodbyes.”
D.W. let out a small giggle. D.W.: “I understand.” Slippy: “So, where to next, guys?” Misty: “Hm…how about Earth. I checked one of my clocks and it’s almost Saturday there.” Peppy: “That is a good idea, Misty.” D.W.: “Sure thing.” Falco: “Heck, yeah.” Slippy: “Yes!” Fox: “OK, then. Rob, set a course for the planet Earth.”
The Starfox team made preparations as the Great Fox immediately head for Earth. Falco: “Ah, yes, Earth. Thought I’d never live long enough to see that planet again.” Slippy: “Oh, planet Earth, at long last, you and I will be reunited once more, beautiful, blue planet of the Milky Way Galaxy.”
Falco was freaked out a bit. Falco: “OK…” Krystal: “Planet Earth? What is this planet you guys speak of?” Fox: “Earth is the home world of Misty and some of our friends.” Slippy: “It is also where all of our human friends live.”
He blushed. Slippy: “Like 3 of G.R.O.U.P.’s top spies, Sam, Alex and Clover.” Krystal: “Sounds interesting. I would be delighted to check it out for myself.” Misty: “Oh, you’ll love it, Krystal. There are lots of nice people, like Professor Oak.” Fox: “However, there are some people who are bigger jerk than Falco.” Falco: “Hey!” Krystal: “Sure thing. A friend of Misty and my brother’s is also a friend of mine.” Fox: “OK, then and Krystal?” Krystal: “Yes, Fox?” Fox: “Now that you have become one of us, there are a few ground rules that I need to set up.” Krystal: “OK.” Fox: “First of all, no calling me your “baby brother” in public.” Krystal: “Alright.” Fox: “Second of all, no showing strong affections for me in public, meaning no constant kisses, no smothering, no long, affectionate hugs, no DEATH hugs.” Krystal: “Right.” Fox: “And lastly, no going all overprotective on me. Princess Peach has done that to me enough and I don’t like it.” Krystal: “OK, I understand you, brother.” Fox: “Listen, I know how you feel. I can understand that you’ve searched half the galaxy for me. I understand that it’s been many years since we were separated. I even understand that I was still a baby the last time you saw me, but try to control yourself, OK? I have spent many years being a strong reputation and want to keep it.” Krystal: “Yes, brother.”
Then, without warning, Krystal grabbed her brother and held him very close. Krystal: “Oh, Fox, I can’t believe I’m with you, at long last. After so many years, I can finally touch you again.”
Fox then pushed himself away. Fox: “OK, that right there is one of many things I do NOT want you to do to me. But, I’m willing to make an exception for now since were not in public and around friends who have no reason to embarrass me.”
Then Fox realized was holding out a digital camera at the time. Falco: “Oh, man, this is perfect blackmailing material.”
Peach then had Rayman swipe the camera out of Falco’s hands. Falco: “Hey!” Peach: “Sorry, Falco, I refuse to let this picture fall into the wrong hands. Besides, I think this picture is just so adorable, I’m thinking about putting this in one of my private rooms in my castle, where no one can snatch it, or even see it.” Falco: “Grr! Darn it!” Fox: “Thanks, Peach.” Peach: “Oh, it’s no trouble, at all, Fox. I just hope this makes up for how I’ve been.” Fox: “It’s…close enough.”
Minutes later, Fox found Bubbles staring out the window, watching as Dinosaur Planet slowly fades away. Fox went on to join her. Fox: “Um…hey, Bubbles. Listen, we don’t…I understand how hard this is for you, but I promise you we will come back, but we can’t do that if we don’t leave. I bet even Tricky would say the same.” Bubbles: “My sadness of leaving that planet…”
She jerked her head towards Fox with a smile on her face. Bubbles: “Are being drowned out by the joy and excitement of coming back next week. I can’t wait, but I will anyway. Fox: “Atta girl. You’re really starting to grow up and understand a lot more things. I’m proud of you.” Bubbles: “Thanks, but it really wasn’t that hard.” Fox: “You sure?” Bubbles: “Sure, positive.”
Later on that day, Fox met up with Krystal again. Fox: “Uh, Krystal? There’s…something else that I need to do.”
He then pulled out the staff and held it up to her. Fox: “This staff, I’ve been meaning to give it back to you.”
Krystal closed her eyes as she shook her head, then opened them again. Krystal: “No, brother. You keep it.” Fox: “What? But…it’s your staff; I was just borrowing it!” Krystal: “I want you to have it.” Fox: “No…I…I can’t take it from you. It…it’s just…not fair…” Krystal: “It’s OK, brother. You don’t have to worry about that. I’m OK with this.” Fox: “I…but…it just…doesn’t seem right…” Krystal: “Hm…I have a better idea.”
She pulled the staff out of Fox’s hands and placed it on his chair. Both he and Krystal stood in front of the staff. Krystal: “Let’s undergo a little challenge.” Fox: “Challenge? What kind of challenge?” Krystal: “It’s somewhat of the duel that will decide who the staff belongs to.” Fox: “Um…OK, so, how does this duel work?” Krystal: “We will grab on to it at the same time. From there, the staff’s powerful magical energy will surge through both of us. This will continue until one of us lets go of the staff. Whoever does must surrender the staff to the other person. Are you OK with this?” Fox: “Well…if you think this will help to decide on who gets the weapon, then sure.” Krystal: “OK, then, on 3, we will both grab the staff at the same time. Ready? 1, 2, 3!”
And with that, they both grabbed the staff at the same time. From there, the magical energy surged through their bodies, just like Krystal said it did. This went on for a while, but then, Krystal let go of the staff. Fox was left shocked as he held the staff in his hands. Krystal was able to recover from the ordeal. From there, she smiled at Fox. Krystal: “Congrats, brother. The staff is yours.”
Fox stood speechless for a bit. He then looked at the staff and then back at Krystal: “Thanks, sis. I…really…don’t know what to say…” Krystal: “Think nothing of it. Just take good care of that weapon, OK?”
He smiled at her a little and then nodded once. Fox: “Sure, I will.”
And so, the Starfox team finally arrived on the Earth after many days of space travel. A lot has happened within the next 24 hours. They reunited with Professor Oak after he and his grandson returned shortly before the Krazoa Palace incident. They were able to reunite with their Pokémon, especially Falco. They spent the rest of the day with their Pokémon, reliving old memories. Krystal, who was unfamiliar with everything her brother and his friends considered “good times”, wanted to receive a taste of Pokémon training by wanting to catch and train Pokémon of her own. She looked forward to having battles with real trainers. She really wanted in on the Pokémon world. Nothing could make her happier at that moment.
Then came the hardest part of all. When the day was over and the team needed to return to their home world, Corneria, it was time for Fox and Misty to say goodbye. This was the first time that they had to part after finding out that they were in love with each other. They had their farewell kiss and Misty sang her goodbye song, a beautiful melody that Fox had never forgotten. Then, Fox left Earth with dreams of reuniting with his new girlfriend. Misty also dreamt of a reunion with her beloved Fox, with tears in her eyes. Their lives were changed forever.
                                                        The End
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sweetaselle · 8 years
In My Own Words: (Heo Young Saeng Fanfic) Chapter 3
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A/N: Click here for Chapters 1 and 2 on Tumblr, and this chapter on AFF. Also, subscribe and upvote this story on AsianFanfics for faster updates. ThanKYU guys so much, and enjoy!
Two weeks later...
Auto Q Repair Shop
Seongdong, Seoul, 12:45pm
Kim Eun Ah POV
Seoul became an oven today, even worse under the fluorescent lamp as I tuned up my best friend, Vanessa (or as I called her. "V" or "Bi," due to my poor English)'s, beat-up 2006 Kia Rio. I'm amazed that this dinosaur of a car is still running. Despite my nagging lectures for her to scrap the dump and just buy a new car, V was coming in today to check on her "jagi (short for "jagiyah," meaning "baby" or "darling"), and I wanted to make sure it was ready for the road.
"Ya, Eun Ah... someone's here to see ya," my manager's voice drowned in the sound of drills and clanking car parts.
"Ne...." I dragged, wiping the sweat off my brow on the edge of my leather glove. I roll out from under car with my head down, planning my snarky remark.
"Ya, pabo-yah!" I teased, "I told you come at 13:00pm on the dot. Your jagi's not ready yet."
"Mwoya?! Is that anyway to address your older brother??" his smooth, alto-voice teased back. I could almost feel him smirking, as my head shot up and my eyes turned wide and bright at him.
"Kyu Jong oppa!" I lunged and embraced him, despite my dirty, car repair uniform.
"Eyyyyy, you'll get motor oil all over me! Merong~ 😜" he tickled me before poking my blackened check.
"Mianhaeyo, oppa," I giggled. "I wasn't expecting you to visit me here at the shop. Did Hyung Jun oppa dent your car again??"
"Ani, I've wanted to see you since we got back from Japan, and MWO?? When did I ever let Junnie borrow my car??" He glared at me, horrified.
Flashing back to that night after Chuseok, when Hyung Jun oppa pulled up Kyu Jong oppa's car at 3am after a fender bender, I used my better judgement NOT to continue on the subject, "Uhhhh, never mind... So what brings you here, oppa?"
He shook his head, probably planning a lecture for his other dongsaeng (phew!), "Ah, well, first thing's first..."
Kyu Jong oppa waved both his arms from his sides to his back, and pulled out a cute, stuffed toy Rilakkuma keychain with a silver clip, and dangled it in front of my face. "Jjang!"
"Woahhhh, so cute! Is this my present from Japan?" I squealed like a giddy, high school student, ignoring the weird stares I was getting from my predominately male coworkers.
"Ne, a gift from the greatest brother ever," he teased, awkwardly rubbing his hand behind his neck.
I noticed his nervous tick, laced the keychain in between my fingers, and my expression went from happy to death glare. "What's the catch, oppa?"
His smile fell, knowing I read right through him. "I have a favor to ask..."
He told me about what happened on the way to Japan: watching his hyung -- someone he looked up to, and loved so dearly like his own brother -- deteriorating right before his eyes. He didn't like to go into too much details, but judging by my brother's body language, Young Saeng oppa was not doing well.
Kyu Jong oppa's head sunk into his shoulders, his hands in his pockets, and his smile crescent-fallen. His gentle, sweet demeanor radiating out of him, along with his constant desire to put others’s, especially the ones he loved, needs before his own. In this instant, I saw my 8-year-old oppa again, crying while washing the dishes after dinner, because eomma and appa had to work when we were younger. I almost wanted to cry, but refused to have my coworkers have even more things to gossip about.
Aigoo, oppa... I owe you everything. If it weren't for you -- paying for my college education, and supporting my dream in becoming a mechanic, while everyone, including our parents, back home in Jeonju-do thought I was crazy -- I wouldn't be here right now.
I clutch the Rilakkuma keychain tight in my hand. "What do you need me to do?"
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7-Eleven, a few blocks away from Auto Q
Seongdong, Seoul, 13:13pm
Vanessa POV
I managed to sneak in a couple houses to clean this morning, as well as one on the way to Auto Q. Being awake since 4:30am, I was starving. Because I'm a morning person and a neat freak (which I hate admitting, knowing many people aren't), I knew my body well enough that after 12 noon, I'm useless. This called for a pick-me-up.
I grabbed a small bowl of instant ramen, a slice of American cheese, a two-pack of hard boiled eggs, and hit the complimentary hot water dispenser... knowing very well if I don't get food in my system soon, I'll K.O. even before I get to Auto Q.
Mianheyo, eonni. I won't be eating much during our late lunch outing, but survival first... You wouldn't want me driving my "jagi," falling asleep at the wheel, and have to lug it back to your garage.
I must've been half-asleep or something, while dispensing my water. Next thing I knew I heard a sweet, yet muffled voice slowly becoming clearer. A wide hand cupped and shook my shoulder: "Ahgassi, chogiyo! Neol mul... Geumanaeyo (Hey Miss! Your water... stop)!"
"Eh?" my head snaps back up. I release the hot water knob, but proceeded to burn my hand and drop my ramen on the floor, spilling its contents all over the floor. "Ah!"
"Ya, what the heck is going on?" the cashier yells from the other side of the store.
"Joesonghamnida, jeongmal joesonghamnida," I say, bowing profusely. I crouched to the floor, trying to pick up the styrofoam bowl, when my hand stung. "Aishi..."
"Aniyo, jamkkanmanyo," the stranger said. I realized his hand didn't leave my shoulder up until that moment, but brushed it off as the cashier came out with a mop and cursed under his breath at the mess I made.
"Cha~," he said sweetly, with a hint of aegyo. I looked up to see a plaid handkerchief held out to me, along with some burn-relief cream.
I bowed my head with thanks, headed to the sit-and-eat area, and proceeded to tend my wound. Before I could get a swipe of cream on my hand, the stranger runs towards me saying, "Jamsimanyo!"
I turned my head, actually seeing what my Good Samaritan actually looked like. He wore a black hoodie with text graphics on the sides of the sleeves, wide black sunglasses, and a back face mask tucked under his chin, but still hanging on his ears. He looked like an idol, but something about his face expressed a maturity, while his dimpled smile made him look as sweet as he sounded. He's cute, long story short.
"You might want to clean it, before you put that cream on," he worried, pulling out a wet wipe from it's small, travel-size pack. My mind was taken aback by how cute this man looked, but eventually I nodded, thanking him for the millionth time. He waved his hand at me, "Aniyo, you've been hurt. It's the least I can do."
Maybe it was the sleep deprivation or the awe that such a beautiful person really existed, but I must've been so spaced out that he started wiping down my hand. I pulled back in shock, but also in winced in pain as my burns stung. He held on to my index finger lightly enough to pull me back, in assurance that this was alright. He nodded, and continued to clean my burn wound.
"I can clean it myself--"
He slapped the back of my good hand like a disciplined mother, and said, "Stop moving, and stay put. With a klutz like you, you might end up hurting yourself again." He apologetically bowed his head slightly at the disgruntled cashier, mopping up the floor.
I didn't like the tone he gave me, and the fact that he treated me like a weak child. My face turned sour. "Mwyorago (What did you just say)?? I never asked you for your help in the first place," I whined, pulling my hand away annoyed.
He looked up at my face. His wide eyes must've caught how his cold tone must've sounded towards me, but suddenly the soft innocence in his eyes turned hard and his eyebrows shot down on his face. "Geureom (Alright then), clean it up yourself," he said, throwing the used wet wipe at my good hand.
He got up, walked to the counter, grabbed whatever he purchased earlier (I was too upset at how rude my "kind" helper actually was to care or notice), and stormed out.
Enraged and confused, I ran after the jerk. Who was this guy? Who does he think he is? He went from really sweet and caring to a cold and rude jerk.
"Ya! Ahjussi, wae geurae (Why are you acting like this)?!" I yelled once I got to the automatic doors, dropping the formalities hoping to piss him off.
He was already almost down the street, when he turned his head towards me. The anger burned in his eyes, and a slight growl formed under his black face mask. His head snapped back forward, as he put on his black sunglasses and his hoodie up. He raised his right hand arm up, and did a swatting motion his hand like an annoyed haraboji as he walked away and turned on the main intersection.
I bit my lip to prevent even more of a scene from happening. "Ahgassi, do I need to call the police on you??" the cashier fed on my anger and frustration.
I took a deep breath, turned back towards the cashier, and bowed at 90 degrees: "Joesonghamnida... I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. Galkaeyo (I'll be leaving now)."
I headed back toward the eat-in bar to grab my stuff, when the stinging in my hand paralyzed me. "Aish--"
I looked down at my burnt hand, and realized the burn cream still clutched in my hand and the plaid handkerchief balled in a fist. I wanted to toss everything into the trash, but the stinging was so painful and my hard expression softened.
I left 7-Eleven bandaged up; my burned wounds cooled. I swung my bag over my shoulder, holding the leather diary in my perfectly wrapped hand. One of the corners tied up had a bit of Hangul embroidered on it too. Paired with the diary, I thought it the look was quite charming and romantic, like a closet poet holding a delicious pork bun after a long day of writing, instead of a painful wound.
I closed my eyes as I reached the intersection, waiting for the traffic lights to change. I muttered under my breath, like a prayer. I hoped that wherever my helper was (and no matter how upset and rude he was) that he would know that I was grateful. The incident was my fault anyways. Always try to see the best in people first, I thought... though that's probably the reason I get into situations like this in the first place.
Despite the fallout, I couldn't deny the most genuine act of kindness I've ever experienced in my time in Korea, other than meeting Eun Ah eonni. I contemplated in my mind how someone so sweet and gentle in that moment, could suddenly turn so cold and rude in an instant? Maybe I was thinking too much into it, but I seriously thought... maybe i could've been his friend. 
I looked down my hand, at the Hangul embroidery on the handkerchief. Feeling remorseful about what had happened, I smiled as I mouthed the Hangul name I read like a preschool student: "Mianhaeyo hago kamsahamnida... Young Saeng-ssi."
I snapped out of my train of thought when I finally looked up, and saw Auto Q's big red and white sign up ahead. I could see Eun Ah eonni, waving “bye” to a tall, slim boy. He waved back with both hands, before sprinting out of the garage. He donned a black snapback, an oversized black t-shirt with a white, Grecian motif at the hem, and the sickest pair of black and white Air Jordans I've seen since I left America.
Eun Ah eonni looked depressed, as she held what looked like a keychain in her hands. 
Mwo? A keychain? Looks pretty cute... I wonder if he's her boyfriend or something. Did he confess to her?!  Omo, I need to lay off the dramas.
I shook my head out of my train of thought, when Eun Ah eonni squealed from the inside of the garage: "Ya! Bigonhae!"
I laughed. Another one of her many nicknames for me. She calls me "V," which in her Jeollado accent sounds like the Korean word for "rain," or "bi." I hated it at first when she called me that, but grew fond of it because I always found rain soothing. She added the "Bigonhae" nickname since that was one of the first phrases I learned in Korean (plus, I'm "always tired from working too hard," according to her).
"Ya! I told you to stop calling me that," I teased.
"Well, hurry up and live a little! At this rate, you'll age so fast that your dinosaur of a car will call you 'eomma' instead of 'jagi.’" 
Ha! Country girls are savage.
I walked further down the street to cross at the actual intersection, because unless I wanted to die attempting to jaywalk in Seoul, I'd rather be safe. I barely made it to the garage entrance, when Eun Ah eonni ran and threw her arm around my shoulders.
She laughed like the giddy, country girl she was, under that gritty, car repairmen uniform: "Ya, jjang chingoo (best friend), are you doing anything tonight?"
"Aniyo, waeyo?"
"Because we've got a date with two cute nappeun namja (bad boys)! Gatchi ga (Let's go)?"
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A/N: For once, that photo edit is my own. The gifs, Young Saeng and his original IG post? Not yet :P
ThanKYU so much for reading, and please… don’t forget to leave your comments on AFF (I do read and reply to all of them, when I can), and upvote this story for faster updates!
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