#the comics are so much more work than normal moons rip
splinterclan · 22 days
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Cedarheart's Journey pg. 5
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templephoenix · 2 years
A thread of stuff I remember from Brian Ruckley's IDW2 retrospective panel from TFNation this weekend, in no particular order:
• Brian scoured the TFwiki for all the female TFs that he could use; he was very clear on presenting them as a normal part of TF society from the start, no weird 'explanations' needed
• He planned out the main story beats he wanted to hit in his head, but didn't make extensive notes or anything
• If it hadn't been truncated, the Exarchon plotline would have - pending Hasbro approval - dealt with the Quintessons and their region of space, cut off from the rest of the universe. They wouldn't have been involved with Cybertron's origins
• He praised the work of all the artists but in particular Anna Malkova, who he considered the best thing to come out of IDW2 and particularly impressive for moving from artwork to comic storytelling
• Flamewar was an obvious favourite, one of many characters without much existing fiction which allowed for more freedom
• One of the main themes of the series was trauma, embodied in characters like Cyclonus and his ghosts
• Geomotus and others showed that neurodivergence exists in Cybertronians; he wanted to show that there was a variety of ways in which characters could see the world
• The Technobots annual was condensed down from a full story arc which would have featured the Terrorcons; the Technos were chosen as Brian's favourite combiner team
• He didn't want loads of combiners running around too soon, hence the Enigma being thrown into the sea; it would have resurfaced eventually
• He considered one of his biggest weaknesses to be that he didn't make individual issues read as well on their own rather than 'in the trade'; he hoped that he had gotten better at it as the series went on
• Favourite TF character types included female transformers and teleporters; he wanted Skywarp to be a trickster-type figure
• As the series went on Starscream would have remained neither a true Decepticon nor in any way an Autobot, trusted by no one and yet charming/threatening/maneuvering them into keeping him around
• A continuing theme would be the gap between how Cybertronians see themselves and how other species view them; organic planets would consider these giant robots terrifying
• He doesn't consider himself good at big shock reveals and doesn't like bait-and-switches, so tried not to do either during the series
• Despite the long-form storytelling aspect of the book, his personal favourite issues were the one-shots that divided each story arc, like Wheeljack on the moon
• The senate attack that kicked off the war in earnest was originally meant to come earlier in the series
• He didn't originally know that the continuity was being rebooted when he was asked to pitch for a TF comic; there was a lot of back-and-forth at the start as Hasbro kept adding requests
• The series would have gotten to humans eventually, although Brian wanted the TFs to encounter them already in space rather than on Earth
• He enjoys writing comics more than novels, and would happily do only the former if given the chance
• He needed a science-related TF to be the initial murder victim; he sent a shortlist of names to be approved and they chose Brainstorm
• Hasbro did not want too many original characters created for the series; the ones he invented were all done so because they were integral to the narrative
• Once they were told about the license being lost, Brian made a conscious decision not to kill a bunch of characters off before the end; he thinks that it would be too cynical, and that deaths have to serve a contextual and narrative purpose to be meaningful. He also recognises that every character is someone's favourite, and now they can imagine the adventures they might have in the future
All in all, a really interesting and honest panel! Thanks to Brian and all the artists for my favourite TF continuity ever; RIP IDW2
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rosiegeee · 4 years
Best Equestria Girls/Unconfirmed Couples in MLP
This is once again going to be a heavily biased list. I literally like all these ships the same except #10 but it would be a weird list to have a nine way tie. these couples were either only hinted at in the final season of My little pony, were in the comics, or were from Equestria Girls. They will be ranked on how much of a romance they seem to have.
#10:  Applejack and Rainbow Dash
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There is nothing wrong with these two being a couple, as they are implied to be in the final episode of MLP, I just never shipped them and never found there was any romantic tension between the two, just friendship. The only romantic thing I can think of is from the scene the picture shows where they are friendly bickering about how Rainbow should be allowed to help Applejack with her farm chores.
#9:  King sombra and Radiant Hope
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I love these two so much. Through flashbacks we see how these two met, were the best of friends growing up, and than Sombra falling in love with Hope. Even in his monsterous shadow pony form Sombra wants Hope to be his queen, and Hope still loves him, and when he is turned into a full pony they run off together side by side to explore Equestria finding Amore shards to restore her. Hope risked her safety and her freedom to save Sombra and there love oozes from the pages. However, the reason they are number 9 and not number 1 is because of Sombra’s treatment of her as a shadow pony. He emotionally manipulated her to stay by his side, screamed and yelled at her, threatened her, and kept her basically prisoner in the castle, he changes in the end but that doesn’t change what he did to her.
#8: Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
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They used to be my favourite ship when I was young, they were so cute and I found it funny seeing a blushing embarrassed Twilight, something the normal show didn’t have. However I was like 13 at the time when I watched this and Rainbow rocks for the first time, and have since seen some flaws here. There relationship is sweet in the first film and and you can tell how good of a guy Flash is, and Twilight returns these feeling, and the quick showing of them being at the dance together was adorable, but than Rainbow rocks happens. It is made clear to use that the entire time Twilight has been gone Flash has missed her(so cute) but from the show we know Twilight hasn’t thought or mentioned human Flash or pony Flash since, and continues not to think about him until she literally runs into him, and awkwardly the cuteness fades as Twilight no longer seems to know how to interact with him, which upsets Flash. Than as the sirens work there magic they become increasingly hostile towards each other and don’t really get a lot of screen time together for the rest of the movie, and than they literally never see each other again, but Flash still waits for her to return. In Everfree Forest he starts to move on.
#7: Curly Winds and Wiz Kid
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I don’t know enough about these two to give them a true ranking so they get this neutral spot, but from the images above I’d say they are a pretty sweet couple. And Being LGBT, I always love representation in tv shows.
#6:  Timber Spruce and Sci-Twi
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Sci-Twi was never meant for Flash Sentry, and I’m glad they did not get together, but Timber and Sci-Twi is a different story. He was so sweet to her, and there chemistry seemed natural, and he actually asked her out, something Flash never did, that and the almost kiss. This Twilights reaction to having a crush is different from Princess Twilights, and I love how well she gets along with him. The only reason they are not higher is because he was covering for his sister who planned on doing dangerous and illegal things. That and she’s in high school and he is an unmentioned amount years older who seems to have done this camp at least once before so it could be anywhere from a year difference to six.
#5: Yona and Sandbar
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Oh my god, they are so cute. The episode that first shows hints of a romance between these two is also one of my favourites because Yona is worried that the Pony’s attending the dance (aka Sand Bar who is the one who invited her) will judge her because she does not look, act, or dance like a pony(because she’s a Yak) and she tries to make herself more pony only to make a fool of herself and mess up the dance. However when she runs off Sandbar finds her and comforts her and tells her that he liked her for being herself and that he doesn’t care that she is a yak. He than asks her back to the dance where they spend the rest of the night together. Also they are seen holding hoofs in the big fight at the end, and are seeming living together at  Carousel Boutique.
#4: Hoofbeard and Jewel 
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If you didn’t read the IDW comics you would never know these two, but the mane six go on an adventure with Captain Hoofbeard and try and find his treasured Jewel, but the X on the map keeps moving, in the end its revealed that Jewel isn’t a gem, but a seapony and an old girlfriend of Hoofbeard. He confesses that he still loves her and wishes they could be together but knows that she breaths water and he breaths air, but Twilight uses a spell that gives him gills and some fins. He traveled the ocean, like how Cranky Donkey traveled the land, to find his love again, and faced many dangers to do so.
#3:  Fluttershy and Discord
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I always thought these two should stay friends, especially considering he’s immortal ad she isn’t, but in the later seasons it was impossible to deny the romance forming between the two. Discord loves Fluttershy and gets giddy anytime he thinks about her and has pictures of her, and they have tea parties(dates) every week. For Fluttershy she knows Discord like the back of her hoof and is deeply hurt when he sort of betrays the group in the finally, but before that Angel(her bunny who knows everything about her) while in Fluttershy’s body stated how it was Fluttershy’s wish to MARRY DISCORD. In the finally Discord drops Fluttershy at Twilights and gives her a lunch, implying that they live together and during Fluttershy’s part of the song The Magic Of Friendship Grows, as she sings the line, “And because the love that I feel, For every single living creature is something that is real , Friendship happens so naturally ” Discord comes out of a portal and they stare at each other and se extends her wing out to him as he flies just off screen. The writers say there relationship is up to the viewers interpretation, but they are obviously in love and married by the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImsTS1Kb9ww
#2:  Flash sentry and Sunset Shimmer
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Here’s where the bias comes in. In the first film its said how these two used to be a couple but that they broke up not long before the series because of how bad she used to be, and than its never mentioned again until Everfree where Flash and Sunset have a momment where they confide in each other because they still know each other in ways the other main characters don’t know her. Flash even asks her if she’d like to start over, than awkwardly adds the friends part but its obvious hw they look at each other that there is still a spark there and it will most likely be rekindled soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI5lTaUahfU
#1:  King Sombra and Princess Celestia
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This was the Romeo and Juliet is Romeo and Juliet where literally from other worlds and actually loved each other. This comic pulled at my heartstrings so much that I could never look at Sombra in the TV show the same way again. In this four part series its revealed that before Luna even became Nightmare moon Celestia had been visiting this other Equestria where its ruled by a kind Sombra and the two fell in love and have secretly been visiting each other on and off since. But there travels is ripping the barrier between the two world apart so they can’t see each other as often. In the end Sombra restores the barrier, saving both there worlds, by sacrificing himself by absorbing the evil of the alternate versions of Luna and Celestia, becoming just like Sombra in Celestia’s world. His final act is telling Celestia to leave him(So he won’t do anything he’d regret to her) than on the final page Celestia alone says how much she still loves him, and in his own dimension, despite being evil, admits how he still loves her as well. In the end they are never allowed to see each other again, but there love still transcends dimensional boarders. 
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Can we get some dominant Farkas for the mini smut? With a bit of roughhousing as well pls? 👉👈
(I’ll try my best to keep this under the 500 words limit! That’s how these mini ficlets goooo 🥲)
In order to give proper background, it would be most appropriate to say that your wolf blooded lover could be quite the show off. Sure, not nearly as much as his twin brother- seeing as Farkas was much sweeter in character- but he still had a bit of an edge to him. It was quite simple to rile him up, really! You hadn’t meant to hurt your lover’s pride, but you couldn’t help but mess with him- teasing him as you compare his strength to Torvar’s- knowing full well Farkas probably could crush the poor drunk’s skull in his bicep if he tries hard enough. Regardless, your little plan hadn’t worked.
Instead of getting to see him initiate a sparring match with the otherwise innocent bastard, of which you intended to serve as spectator of a shirtless werewolf, you were promptly slung over your dearest’s broad shoulders- carried like you weighed the equivalent of nothingness as he hurriedly brought you to his quarter’s. Usually such behavior could be chalked up to the phases of the moon, but alas, the notorious mating cycle fueled fucking had come to a close little more than a fortnight ago. Whatever caused the normally docile man to behave so recklessly was beyond you, however you weren’t to complain- for as soon as the wooden doors were kicked open- a delighted spark of arousal ignited within you, now forcing you to take notice of the dampness between your legs the very instant he tossed you down.
“Divines, I hadn’t meant t..” “Save it.” His gruff voice spoke, however you knew better than to take his tone for him being displeased- a slight curl to his plump lips signifying just how “displeased” he wasn’t.
And just like that, he pounced upon you. All 300-something pounds of muscle, working to not-so-delicately strip you of your lounge clothes. Thank the nine you hadn’t elected to strap on your armour this morning, otherwise the fear of losing the “spark” would be all too real.
Finding it hard to contain yourself, you gave a small squeal- putting up a fake fight with him as you playfully pushed at his chest- laughing the entire time as he pressed tons of little kisses to your face, all while he tore away the very fabric covering you. You’d get him back for that later. At least you knew he didn’t take any of your teasing to heart, his poor heart always had been tender..but that’s perhaps what you loved most about him. Such a beast of a man with a heart of gold, the kindest being you’ve met despite the fact he now successfully rendered you bare with his sheer force alone.
Even as your mountainous love “prepared” you for his “impressive endowment”, he displayed that reoccurring contradiction. Forcing you to stay statue still with only one palm to your hip while he tenderly lapped at your folds until you could no longer take it, yelling out your wonderful grievances with the raven haired man- unable to decide whether you wanted him to stop or keep going.
With his beard shining of your slick, he gave you that stupidly innocent smile as he ascended- hurriedly pushing his own pants out the way...and ripping them just as he done to your’s when he decided that it was taking too long to free his cock from it’s confines.
“Oh my, impatient much?” You breathlessly reprimanded, gazing at the dark brown fabric with mock remorse despite the burning between your legs left by his purposeful unfinished “work”.
As response, all you got was him grabbing your hands and holding them above your head and a roll of his soft silver eyes. With the other hand he propped your hips up, carefully aligning his cock with your count before mercilessly bottoming out with you- a comical squelch sound resulting from your joining. You didn’t exactly care about that though, far too preoccupied with crying out the name of your loved one, your nails digging into his pale hand just gentle enough to not break skin.
You were in for it now.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
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🌸 social media au where y/n posts a fake boyfriend application on twitter as a dare but ends up seeking something real in the long run (aka how to fall in love the zillennial way) 🌸
A/N: Well, this update kicked me in the proverbial nuts! All I gotta say is... good luck to my Yoongi stans out there... You’re kinda gonna need it ;-; || W.C. 2.2K
prev // part 31 of ? // next masterlist here.
[updates every 6PM PST]
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August 22, 2020 — 9:39PM
When you exit the taxi, the cold night air causes goosebumps to form across your arms. You pay the driver without looking behind you, shutting the door with the back of your foot as you take in the familiar surroundings. You’ve been to this apartment complex more times than you can count; you’ve crashed on your friends’ couch so many times that it’s become a second bed to you at this point, especially with how often all five of you love to drink the night away. In many ways, this place has become a safe haven for you.
Normally, you would let yourself into their apartment without needing to knock or text in advance. After many years of coming over, you even have your own set of keys, graciously gifted to you by Park Jimin after you found yourself locked out of your own home for the fifth time in one week after Jungkook kept taking your keys by accident. They don’t even answer the door when you knock anymore; they always assume you’ll just barrel in whenever you please, usually with takeout bags and caffeine-laden drinks in hand for impromptu study sessions or video game nights.
But tonight is not one of those nights. This time, Min Yoongi stands waiting for you by the entrance, sitting on the concrete steps in his worn gray hoodie and sweatpants. He looks cold, judging from his pink nose and shivering body, like he’s been waiting outside for at least a few minutes. His dark, inky hair is standing up in all directions, a sign that he must have just woken up from a nap before coming down to meet you. He notices your arrival mid-yawn, his eyebrows shooting up comically as he scrambles to his feet. He rushes towards you, stopping just before the gate that separates the two of you.
“Yoongi,” you breathe out, puffs of white air leaving your lips and dissipating into the night sky. The sight of him alone makes your eyes burn with unshed tears, just aching to fall. He notices immediately, judging by the way his brow crumples with worry.
In an instant, he rips the gate open, giving you no opportunity to say anything else before he pulls you into a bear hug. You gasp in surprise, inhaling sharply and getting a whiff of a scent that you can only describe as wholly Yoongi. It’s comforting, clean, and cozy: everything that encapsulates Yoongi’s whole being.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You don’t know what you’re apologizing for exactly—for interrupting his evening? For making him wait in the cold? For shedding tears on his clothes? For asking for comfort when you didn’t deserve it? Your mind is too tired to wonder which of these things weighs the heaviest amongst your mistakes.
Yoongi hushes you softly, his hand carding through your hair as he rocks you slowly. He presses your face closer to his chest, not chastising you for crying like you thought he would. He only whispers gentle nothings into your ears, the words meaning nothing and everything all at once. “It’s okay,” he repeats over and over again. He says them until the words start to blur, until they make a home inside your heart. Until you almost believe them.
You do not know how long it takes for you to run out of tears, how long you stand in silence. All you know is that your frozen hands have grown numb around the straps of your overnight bag, so much so that it takes a second for Yoongi to unfurl your fingers and take the bag away from you. He reaches for your hand with his free one, gently leading up to the apartment without another word.
The world feels cold and still, your muffled footsteps on the carpeted floor the only sounds that keep you grounded to reality. The doors of neighboring apartments start to shift and blur, causing the shadows on the wall to morph like ghosts from the corner of your eye. Yoongi’s apartment is dark when you both enter, no signs of his other two roommates being home even this late at night.
“Jimin left to go to a PC bang. Taehyung hasn’t returned home since I kicked him out this afternoon,” Yoongi says, answering your unspoken question. You turn your head towards him in surprise, not expecting the latter part of his statement.
“You kicked him out? Why?”
“It’s… complicated,” he sighs, aggravated. He gazes at you wearily, and it’s only then that you notice the deep bags lining his eyes like purple moons. The moonlight streaming from their open window casts shadows upon his face, emphasizing the sunkenness of his cheeks. The guilt in your throat builds up, tenfold. You’re disturbing him with your silly little love problems, aren’t you? He already has so much work to do and you’re here, crying over something that you should have known ages ago. You’re acting childish. Coming here was a mistake.
“Don’t give me that look,” Yoongi interrupts your thoughts, squeezing your hand. You had almost forgotten he was still holding you, but the reminder tethers you. His touch lets you know that you are not alone, that he is there because he wants to be. “I know you’re worrying again. You’re not a nuisance. You’re not a bother. I’m your friend, and I care about you. Will you let me care for you? Just this once?”
Your heart, which has felt heavy in your chest ever since this afternoon, lightens ever so slightly. It allows you to force a little smile on your face, but you doubt its of any use, not with the tear tracks evident on your skin. But it’s a start.
“You can use my bathroom to get changed. Do you need some clothes?” he asks, but you shake your head at his offer. As much as you enjoyed wearing his comfortable sweaters, you did still have some clothes that you hadn’t worn in Ilsan. It almost pains you to see them still unworn in your bag, but that’s just you being ridiculous, isn’t it? You chose to leave, after all. He had told you it was the right thing to do, and at the time, you thought he was right.
You shuffle into Yoongi’s bathroom, staring at your reflection with red eyes and teeth-worn lips. Your reflection stares back, undeterred. You find no answers to your misery, so you stop looking and let all your thoughts flow down the drain. Being empty, after all, is better.
You go about your nightly routine with robotic grace, scrubbing and brushing with numbness. No amount of water can wash away the tiredness on your face, and so you give up. You quietly make your way out of the bathroom, peeking inside his bedroom to check if Yoongi had gone back to bed.
Instead, you find him sitting in front of his desk, his laptop closed and phone locked beside him. Trancelike, he stares listlessly at the wall with his fingernails in his mouth, an old habit that he has yet to break, but it only means that he’s deep in thought.
You clear your throat, breaking him from his stupor. “Can I borrow a pillow for the couch?” you ask timidly, the question you really want to ask just barely dangling from the tip of your tongue. Yoongi regards you for a moment, unmoving save for the slow rise and fall of his chest.
“Do you want to be alone?” He answers your question with his own, gaze heavy upon your skin. He asks you that, but you know what he’s truly asking: Do you want to stay with me?
Like always, Yoongi always did have a penchant for knowing the true color of your heart, a skill you sometimes wished he didn’t have. You felt vulnerable around him, but rarely in a bad way. It never felt like he was intruding or meddling; it was always good and warm. To be known without the need to defend yourself.
“No, I don’t want to be alone,” you say, a simple truth. He nods in understanding, standing up from his chair and heads towards his bed, slipping under the rumpled blankets. He stares at you from underneath his covers, his hand patting the empty space beside him with a small smile.
“Then you don’t have to be alone,” he responds, another simple truth. You take the few short steps to reach his bed, climbing onto his bed and placing yourself as close to the edge as possible. Yoongi rolls his eyes, waving his hand haphazardly as he gestures for you to come closer.
“Are you really going to start getting shy with me? After you literally confessed you had a crush on me just an hour ago?” he teases, but his tone is tender. He grins his gummy smile when you cover your face in embarrassment, distracting you long enough to pull you gently towards him.
“I hate you,” you say. You don’t.
“I know,” he replies. He wraps an arm around your waist, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “Do you want to talk?”
Your breathing grows shaky, your hands automatically grabbing fistfuls of his hoodie as you force yourself not to cry again. The simple truth is this: you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to think, you don’t want to be in pain right now. But you are, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You feel like crawling inside yourself and never coming out again.
So instead, you tell him, “I had a good weekend. I really did.”
Yoongi hums sadly. “I know.”
“It was really good. I had so much fun with Namjoon,” you say. You sniffle a bit, but the tears don’t fall.
“I know.”
“Meeting his parents, going around town, eating everything I could ever want… It felt so good to just be with someone without wondering if they liked me back or not, without second-guessing every little thing. Because just being together was… enough. It didn’t matter that it was fake because it still felt real in a weird way. I didn’t have to pretend or hide my emotions around him.”
“I know.”
“But even then, I couldn’t help but think,” your breath hitches, and you clench your eyes shut until you see stars behind your eyelids. “I couldn’t help but think… that this weekend would end badly, one way or another. And maybe I was just destined to have every good thing in my life snatched away.”
“I know you think that, even though it’s not true,” Yoongi says. He holds you tighter, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“Even then, why is it every time I’m just beginning to think that I can be happy, something always comes along the way to mess it all up? I was perfectly fine before all of this happened. Everything just went to shit the moment I started wanting more, when I started becoming selfish,” you say. You tilt your head upwards, forcing yourself to look at Yoongi and his sad eyes. “Everyone keeps telling me that I deserve to be happy, that I deserve to love myself. But is it bad that I want someone to love me too? Is it bad that my happiness lies with that desire?”
But for once, Yoongi doesn’t have a straight answer. He carefully loosens your grip around his hoodie, clasping your hands in his own just like before. He rubs circles into the back of your hand, before placing them over his heart. “Do you feel that?” he asks.
You nod your head, not fully understanding.
“This is a heart that loves you,” he explains, voice low but honest.
“But that’s… that’s not the same as…” you trail off. It’s not the same as Jungkook. Or Namjoon. Or…
He continues, “In the PC bang across the street, there is a heart that loves you. Somewhere else in Seoul, there are two hearts that love you. In Ilsan, there is another heart that loves you. But even then, I know it’s not quite the way you want it.”
“It’s because I’m selfish,” you say, ashamed.
“It’s because you know you’re allowed to want more,” he corrects kindly, wiping away a stray tear. “It’s not always a bad thing, you know.”
You laugh, the sound warbled even to your own ears. “I know,” you say. You watch as Yoongi’s eyes begin to droop, the fatigue from today weighing heavily on him. You feel as though you should be the same, but sleep evades you that night. “You know, if I wasn’t already emotionally fucked up right now, you could’ve made me fall in love with you again tonight.”
Yoongi closes his eyes, a small smile on his lips. “Is it working?” he mutters, words slurring slightly as he begins to drift off.
You answer him, but it falls on deaf ears. He falls asleep with you still in his arms, keeping you safe. It’s his presence that gives you the courage to respond to the texts you receive later that night, filled with one last burst of hope that maybe, just maybe, you could find happiness elsewhere.
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mctherofdragons · 4 years
In The Afterglow | 4 | F.W
This is a reposting of Chapter 4 because I accidentally deleted the original post. Please note as of the day I posted this, we are on much later chapters! xx
Summary: The reader is married to George Weasley, and for all intents and purposes, he is the perfect husband. But, despite her best efforts to resist, Fred presents temptation she never knew she’d fall for.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader; George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Alternate Universe: No Voldemort AU
Rating: Mature, Features EXPLICIT CONTENT!! Mature audiences only.
Trigger Warnings: ANGST,  mentions of extramarital affairs, miscarriage, mention of a d&c procedure, cheating, oral sex (female receiving)
Flashbacks are in italics!
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:
December 28th. 
You slid the hotel room key into the door, taking a deep breath as you opened it. It was an agreement that you would meet at a local hotel. Your story to George was that you had a work emergency, and Fred had just told the rest of the mates at the pub that he was tired. You’d never considered yourself a liar or a cheat, but it occurred to you all at once that as of tonight, you were both. But any thought about your marriage covenant was going, going, gone as you walked into the room, your heart hammering in your chest at the prospect of being completely alone and vulnerable with your husband’s twin. The twin who you were falling madly and irrevocably in love with, despite the protests of your morals screaming into your subconscious.
Once the door shut behind you, you turned to see Fred sitting cross-legged on the bed. He stood up quickly, practically falling over his long legs to get to you.  “Hi,” he whispered, cupping your face and planting a soft and longed-for kiss on your lips. You pulled off your scarf and jacket, laying them on the bed.
You moved to pull yourself closer to Fred again. A wave of calm washed from your fingertips to your toes as you buried your face into his maroon button-up shirt. Fred had this way about him: he was both strong and gentle; funny yet serious; forbidden yet sweet. He smiled, using the hand that wasn’t keeping you cling to his chest to stroke your hair.
“I missed you, Fred,” you admitted softly, not looking up. You noticed he was holding you tight. His embrace was almost protective, as if he let relaxed even a bit you would fall apart right there.
You stepped back for a moment, sighing as you sat down on the edge of the mattress. You were exhausted. A bit of a stress-induced headache was beginning to form behind your eyes. While you would normally want to be tucked in your bed with a cup of tea and a few aspirin, tonight the only painkiller you wanted was Fred. He sat next to you, allowing you to turn to look at him.
“This isn’t right.”
Of course, you were stating the obvious. Fred nodded in agreement.
“I know.”
Fred intertwined his fingers with yours, bringing your hand up to plant a few soft kisses on your fingers.
“George told me...about what happened a few months ago...I’m sorry, y/n. I wish I’d have known.”
“No one knows. Even if they did what could they do? I haven’t told anyone. Not even your mum, although, maybe it would keep her from constantly asking about another grandchild.”
Fred looked at you and all at once felt his heart shatter again. There was something about you that left him mystified and unhinged. It was as if you two had been cut from the same pieces of marble - two statues fated to be next to one another but never touching. He wasn’t sure if he believed in God, but if he had, certainly He had made you two from the same substance.
Fred placed a hand on your cheek. His gaze pierced yours. He spoke honestly, and you recognized that for the first time in a long time, you felt whole again.
“I wish I could give you the world, y/n. I would have given you anything, everything if you were mine.”
You wanted to pull away. Surely, George telling Fred about your miscarriage must have meant he was still bothered. Yet, not in the way that would make him hold you at night or ask you how you’ve been. It was more so in a way that caused you both to sit in silence at the dinner table, forks scraping against plates as neither of you spoke. Knowing that life with Fred would be different felt like a thousand tiny daggers ripping into your flesh, each of them dripping with guilt and shame.
To silence Fred, you brought your lips to his. All at once, the space between you was nonexistent. It was as if gravity had brought you two together like magnets. Fred gently laid you back onto the bed, moving to kiss your neck tenderly and purposefully. His breath tickled the wetness on your skin as he spoke.
“I want you to know that you are the most perfect creature I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” he whispered, before continuing to kiss down toward your collarbone.
His hands found their way to the hem of your tee shirt and you didn’t move to stop him. He pulled your shirt off over your head, tossing it onto the floor. Fred took a deep breath and began to plant his lips lovingly, down between your collarbones and onto your tummy.
When Fred finally hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties, he looked up at you. He waited for you to give him the go-ahead. His patience was like a warm breeze washing over you. It had been so long since you felt waited for, not pushed.
“Promise not to tell,” you said softly, giving him permission to go further.
“Our little secret.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
6 years earlier. 
You took a deep breath, shaking your hands out in an effort to stop some of your nerves. “You look stunning,” your friend assured you. It was the night of the Yule Ball, and it so happened, your first real date with George Weasley.
“Do you think he’ll like my dress?” you smoothed your hands over the maroon lace of your gown. The dress you had chosen was floor length with a full skirt and lace bodice. The sweetheart neckline perfectly hugged you in all the right places. It was still puzzling to you, as you slipped into your heels, that George had finally asked you out.
“He would be a bloody idiot to think you looked anything other than drop-dead gorgeous.”
Always a loyal Hufflepuff, you were thankful for your friend’s ability to cheer you up. You grabbed your clutch, following your friend out of her dormitory.
“Now, come on, we don’t want to miss the opening waltz.”
When you arrived at the top of the stairs, you were excited to see George waiting for you at the bottom. You took in the sight of your date, a bright smile spreading quickly across your face. His long hair was resting perfectly just above his shoulders. To add, he was wearing surprisingly nice dress robes, considering his little brother’s ensemble was dreadful.  From what Fred had told you, the two of them had scraped up money together all year to make sure they had something fit to wear to the ball.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, George extended a hand to you. You took it and he leaned down to give you a gentlemanly kiss on the hand. You blushed a darker shade than your dress, feeling a million butterflies burst to life in your stomach.
“You look like a Princess,” he purred. You could have melted into a puddle right there. It was as if everyone else in the room no longer existed as George led you into the Great Hall. It occurred to you that you hadn’t seen Fred, but it didn’t much matter where your best friend was, because every last ounce of your attention was on George.
Meanwhile, Fred sat on his bed, flipping through a comic book. He closed it, feeling like nothing could possibly distract him from the sadness in his chest. He huffed, falling backward onto his pillows and staring hopelessly up at the top of the canopy of his bed. He crossed his arms over his chest as he chewing on his bottom lip.
Fred had secretly hoped George wouldn’t end up asking you to the Yule Ball. In fact, he had tried his damndest to ensure it didn’t happen. George had asked him directly if he had fancied you. But Fred’s ego got the best of him and scoffed, stating he could never view you as anything more than a friend. She’s like my sister, he had said to his brother, hiding the redness growing on his pale cheeks. So George had gone ahead and asked you. Fred, on the other hand, decided it would be better for him to hide away in his dorm all night than to have to see you and George together. If only he had known the Yule Ball was barely a glimmer into what the next several years of his life would be like.
George had completely stolen your heart that night. You had danced until the Great Hall was all but empty. Your laughter echoed above the music. George was quiet possibly one of the most charming boys at Hogwarts. You felt chosen, worthy, and on top of the world.
Best of all, he had walked you back to your dormitory and given you your first real kiss. You had been kissed before, sure, but games of 7 Minutes in Heaven in the y/hn common room didn’t count in your book. He had asked for permission quietly, looking down at his feet. When you said yes, all at once, your lips met. It was quick but sweet. You noted how George’s lips felt like silk. Up close, George smelled woodsy, yet sweet. You felt like you were on the moon, and you went back into your room, falling back onto your mattress with a giggle. Like most girls your age, you were certain it was true love. But, in your rare case, your prediction was correct.
You turned to your roommate and squealed. “I think I’m going to marry George Weasley someday.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
December 28th.
You tossed your head back hard against the pillow, gripping onto the hotel sheets as tight as you could. The only thing clear behind your eyes was a flash of white. Try as you might to hold it back, a loud moan echoed off the hotel room walls. It took a second for you to come back down, feeling two calloused hands on either of your thighs. You heard a soft chuckle and glanced down. Fred was moving from between your legs, fixing his red hair which had now become messy from wrapping your hands in it. You shivered as you felt his warm breath hit the inside of your thigh. You were hypersensitive as you floated back down to Planet Earth.
Fred had kissed his way down your body, whispering quietly about how beautiful every inch of you was. When he had finally reached his destination, you’d realized quickly why so many girls were constantly showing up at the shop to see him. Fred had insisted that you needn’t return the favor. He always made it clear you didn’t have to go any further that night, stating that he just wanted all of the attention to be on you.
“Fred, I--”
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly. The redhead climbed up next to you, smiling contently. He moved a piece of sweaty hair from your forehead, giving you a tiny peck on the cheek.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. I mean, it’s been a while since that’s happened,” you noted, trying to make light of the fact that it really had been ages since George had shown you a reasonable amount of intimate attention. He smiled, reaching over to hand you his shirt while had been balled up on the floor. You fastened the buttons as he got a bit more comfortable in bed.
“You deserve to be shown how magnificent you are,” Fred ran his hand down your side and you shivered. He pulled the blankets closer around you. “I wish we could stay like this forever, y/n. You know?”
You both laid in silence for a while. No words need to have been spoken as you pressed your foreheads together, taking deep breaths. Fred allowed himself to kiss you a few times, soft as a feather. His eyelashes brushed against your cheeks.
Now that your high was coming down, clarity of the situation was settling in. There was no turning back now. This was no longer a stolen kiss or a wandering hand. Your brother-in-law had just taken you to the edge of ecstasy while your husband no doubt slept alone at home. You flung the covers off of you, feeling like your were suffocating. As quickly as you could you stood up, eyes darting around the room for your clothing. Fred’s brows suddenly furrowed and he looked at you, concern radiating from his face.
“Y/n, did I—-did I do something wrong?”
“No, no. I did. I have to go.”
As if it were a race against the clock, you quickly stripped out of Fred’s shirt and found your jeans on the floor. You pulled them on, moving next to find your grey sweater. Tears were rolling down your cheeks quickly, and you felt your breath becoming harder to take. It may have been your mind, but you could have sworn the walls of the hotel room were collapsing in around you. You felt dirty and shameful - like every shred of decency you had for your husband was nonexistent.
You said nothing, shoving your phone and wallet into your purse.
“Don’t call me that, Fred. I’m not your baby.”
Your words hit him like a sucker punch. He recoiled, but still looked worried.
You laid a few bills out on the table for the housekeeper and quickly rushed out of the room. You heard Fred calling after you as he had moved to open the door in an attempt to catch you.
As you hurried down the long hotel corridor, it became harder and harder for you to bring air into your lungs. You just about knocked a businessman over as you rushed into the elevator, hitting the button for the first floor as quickly as you could.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
September 24th. 
“George,” you shook your husband’s shoulder quickly. Your throat felt tight as you hoped and prayed he would wake up soon. Your hand was pressed to your stomach, eyes clenched tight as another cramp ripped through you.
One of his brown eyes opened and he sat up a bit. “Honey?”
“Something...something’s wrong.”
You had been startled from your sleep in the middle of the night to intense cramping, and now the blood wouldn’t stop. Sharp pains were shooting across your lower back. You knew you had to wake George to get you to the hospital.
Just a few weeks earlier, you had made it through the first trimester. You and George had already made plans to tell the family, bursting at the seams with excitement. During the first three months, you hid your condition well, politely declining fire whisky at get-togethers and wearing looser dresses. You had assumed that you had made it through the riskiest part of your pregnancy. For that reason, a few gifts were sitting in the corner of your bedroom. A grandma tee-shirt for Molly and a gift for Fred, too. You and George had agreed there would obviously be no other option for the baby’s godfather.
At the hospital, you were told the news you were dreading. George held onto you as you wept, barely listening as the doctor told you what would happen next. You begged to be allowed to go home and pass the pregnancy naturally. It wouldn’t be possible according to the professionals. George tried to calm you down as the nurse gently prepped you for the procedure.
It was over fairly quickly. George had waited for you in the waiting room, sipping on cheap coffee, and wondering if he should call Molly. He decided against it, knowing she would just be beside herself for weeks. Eventually, a charge nurse came to tell him everything was done.
“We’ll give her some pain medication and she’ll be as good as new in a few days. You’ll want to keep on eye on her though, dear, you know, emotionally.”
George nodded, tossing his empty styrofoam cup into a nearby trashcan and bounded toward the elevator. Upon walking into Room 493, he noticed how pale you looked. He walked over slowly and you looked at him. The anesthesia was just wearing off. You felt woozy, but had a sense of peace as George leaned over to kiss your forehead. He stayed down close to you, moving your hair from your face a bit.
“You did great, sweetheart. You are so brave. I love you. Come on, we’ll get you home, okay?”
The drive home was dead silent as you stared at the window. Rain splattered against the windshield. You wanted to dissolve into thin air, thinking to yourself that ceasing to exist would be better than the ache you felt. It was dawn and you felt yourself staring mindlessly at the cars passing you. Off these people went to work or school, while you had just lost a baby. It was impossible to recall an emotional pain like the one harboring itself in your heart. A deep, hollow sensation sunk its way into you as tears began trickling down your face. Hermione, Fleur, and Ginny all knew the joy of being a mother. But what about you? Why not you?
You pressed your cheek against the glass, letting out the tiniest whimper.
George glanced over at you and reached to grab your hand. The broken noise you had made had distracted him from the road. You clutched his hand to yours, letting your sobs echo against the dashboard. George felt his own tears begin to slide down his cheeks. The realization hit him all at once that you would never be the same - a part of you permanently and profoundly changed.
You laid in bed for days, only leaving to shower. Occasionally, you allowed George to sit you up and give you something to eat. It wasn’t that you were physically in pain. No, the doctors had given you a good amount of painkillers to ease the physical soreness. Rather, a dark storm cloud had enveloped your heart and mind, forcing you to do nothing but lay and stare at the wall. You would weep, sometimes for hours. As if on cue, George would slide under the covers next to you and pull you close to him.
With your face buried deep into his chest, you would allow your whole body to shake, almost screaming. “M-my baby,” you would weep, gripping your hands into George’s shirt. It wasn’t just once that this happened - but for days on end. George would fight his own tears from coming, willing himself to be the strong and protective husband you deserved. The woman he loved had entered that hospital and he wasn’t sure she had come back out. But he would do anything, he promised himself, to be what you needed.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚
December 29th. 
The Saturday morning sunshine poured through your window. You stretched contently, noting that George was already gone. Saturdays served to be the busiest days at Weasley Wizard Wheezes. People had more time to shop on the weekends, of course. Therefore, Saturday also happened to be the day you would whip up some food for the twins and head down to help out. You busied yourself mostly with the register and bookkeeping, giving Fred and George more time to be present with customers and take care of other duties.
This Saturday felt different. The feeling Fred had given you the night before was still fresh in your mind as you stared in the bathroom mirror. You looked back at yourself, letting out a deep sigh. Dark circles were present beneath your eyes, no doubt from the restless sleep you had. You laid awake, looking at George, thinking to yourself that whatever category was the worst, you were in it.
The bells of the shop jingled as you walked in. Fred looked up from where he was arranging a fixture of love potions. Your eyes locked in a longing gaze momentarily before George came out of the backroom. Fred immediately diverted his stare. He attempted to look busy as he listened to your conversation.
“The caffeine has arrived!” George greeted, coming over to take one of the three coffee cups you were carrying.
“And you know, your wife comes along with caffeine, George. Cream and two sugars,” you smiled, allowing him to give you a kiss on the lips. While you were mostly joking, you did feel somewhat hurt.
Fred walked over to you next, taking his coffee from you. Up close, you could tell Fred looked exhausted.
“Black with four sugars?” He asked, taking a sip.
“‘Course, Freddie,” you said curtly, heading toward the register as fast as possible. “So what time do we open?”
“Nine,” George said, taking another gulp of his drink.
George glanced at his brother and then back at you, feeling a weird sense that you two were angry at each other.
“Everything alright?” George asked, watching as you busied yourself with wiping the counter down.
“Yes, dear,” you sighed.
“Hey, don’t forget. Ron and Hermione’s New Year’s Eve party is tomorrow, and the three of us are expected to make an appearance.”
George was next to you now, close behind your shoulder. You had made the amateur mistake of wearing a v-neck top. He noticed a small lovebite just above your breast. Or was it a bruise? Surely, it must have been, because you hadn’t been intimate with him in weeks. You did have a tendency to be clumsy. In fact, it was a running joke.
“I know,” you and Fred said in unison. You looked over to see George staring at your chest. You pulled your top-up a bit, hoping he was just enamored with you.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of what would be the children of boys with MC ???
Probably more than two, but they'd have a gap in between. Two sets of twins. And in full moon Aaron would be apprehensive.
Three boys and one girl, maybe? He is a very present father and the kids absolutely adore him! But they wonder where daddy goes in full moon... You tell them the truth, but hey, they're worried!
One day, however, Aaron turns and goes for his usual hunt in the forest, but then he hears something faintly familiar in the woods. Yelling.
"Aaron! Aaron!" He sort of knows who this is. It's his mate. He is wary, but stays put until you're in sight... With two cubs. His eyes widen comically and he snorts, jumping in surprise. He sniffs the air wildly and realizes those are his cubs. He accepts them, nodding at you and turning his back to you. You sigh in relief, knowing you can count on him, but god... They're going to eat the shoes.
You thought the other two were normal children, until Ivan yells your name into the distance and when you run to see them, well. There are four little holes on Ivan's hand while he holds a diaper. You can only sigh. Good luck, mc.
The third boy and the girl are the little bats. The boy is a little weird but that's how Aaron likes it. Hehe. Like, he's just so cute! One time he'll be right here in daddy's arms, and in the other... Huh? WhERES MY BABY? HE TELEPORTED.
And the girl! Oh, she's so sweet! Once Aaron danced for her and when she swung her fat little arms, she created a shockwave that made him fall on his bum! That's it, daddy's little warrior!!!!
He's a great dad and he'll train his kids from the beginning. He's gentle yet strict, and your kids seem to love training with him. He also likes reading with his kids and teaching them about nature and how to hunt in their human forms. (The kids like it bc the actual rewards are fruit for the cubs and frozen bunny blood popsicle for the vampires.)
Just a little boy.
He's tiny, and no talk him bc he angy. Yes, he's got some bite to him. He likes wearing big hats and he paints. Biggest garden assistance for Vlad. (He likes Aaron more. He has a plan of owning the garden when Vladimir dies, but he doesn't know yet... ToT)
He's very educated and supportive of people with disabilities and he learned to paint with different textures and layers so his daddy can feel his work!!!! Raphael cries every time.
Raphael is comprehensive and tends to pay his head way too much every time he does some "oopsie". He also supports his kid and teaches him how to do stuff without seeing because he thinks of the day his kid will have to fend for himself and walking at night in the dark wasn't good when he first started.
Raph trusts his kid with the boys, but Aaron and Vlad are his go-to if he can't spend some time with his kid because he knows they'd only do what they think it's best for the kid. He also eggs his son on when it comes to exploring and running around. No sun though!
(You often catch him walking around during daytime. Y'all just Do. Not. Know. How y'all can't see where he is hiding until you realize this kid can literally conceal himself anywhere. Also he's very good at not burning himself so you stop worrying at some point and he'll just start sleeping during day)
Was he doing that just to scare Raph? Oh, he'll see what's scary. No kisses tonight >| |(
He's also extremely protective of his kid even though he tries to get him to see the world. A minute late and he'll be lectured severely, so please step in sometimes or they'll fight and raph tends to cry. It's gonna take him time to realize his kid can handle himself because he's fragile in your vampire's eyes.
You can see her ANYWHERE. She has two beautiful curled horns and an extremely ravishing purple hair full of curls. She isn't stoppable. She's confident, smart, social, a business woman! She's five! she's not only Beliath's daughter. She is fashion itself.
Beliath is her number one fan, supporter and manager. He'll spend the rest of his life moisturizing washing combing and zipping things up and down if that means his daughter is the most ravishing kid in this city.
One day you'll wake up panting to your kid sitting in bed looking at you as if she was a psycho though. You were dreaming just now of your kid waving at you. Yep, she's got her daddy's powers. A few months later, she's going to be itching her back like crazy. Beliath is going to be jealous because hey! He had no wings! >:(
One day he'll wake up with her appearance all twisted and then she'll create the sickest illusions like a goose head and a penguin wearing glasses. You'll have a lot to teach.
Beliath scolds her A LOT and she gets grounded A LOT because she's him but smaller and they fight a lot over how she should learn how to be humble and try her best instead of just thinking she's the best but she won't listen bc... She's the best?
She's the greatest performer ever. Knows how to dance and that's what she does the most. Another party animal for you. Now turn them Barney songs on!
For some reason, she absolutely LOVES Raphael. I think it's because he's got shiny outfits and he's chill so she can brush his hair however she likes AND read her books for him. Lives rent free on the library reading princess stories and complaining about the princes.
A boy. He's shy, sweet and super articulated. His hair is blonde and he loves to wear nice clothes. Another one who'll bicker with his dad like he's talking to a kid his age.
Also he can hipnotize others in a specific way that turns him invisible when he wants and he can be persuasive, but it's hard to develop your powers when your dad is always complaining about the millions of cars you left on the floor and you're grumpy so every time you hide on the walls and turn invisible he complains and you go "tch, old hack" and he hears you. Tough life, grrr.
Even though they fight SOMETIMES, all they talk about when they're together is cuddles, studying and gardening. Vladimir is the actual mom if you wanted to be addressed to as the mom, just forget it lol, if not it's fine, you have a mom for your son.
He grounds your kid and talks it out calmly because even if they fight, your kid is a very good listener and he knows when words are well-meaning.
They sleep together a lot like two old grandpas and you have the advantage of Vladimir not knowing about modern cameras. Have fun!!!
Your kid ends up growing up to be an ABSOLUTE gentleman. He's funny, smart, handsome and really educated. Momma owl Daddy is proud!!!
They're trouble. Trouble.
Ethan yells, rips his hairs off, jumps and rolls on the floor but these kids, they're absolute raccoons! The girl literally can control minds Neil style and the boy is a tracker just like his father.
Honestly they're smart, but they just like to use it to make his dad go crazy!
They love each other tho, they rarely get in trouble and they behave when you say so. They're scared *laughs evil laugh*
Ethan teaches them many things and since he can't fight so much, he sends them to train with whoever they like. The girl usually hangs into Beliath's sleeve and they get along super well. He teaches her hand in hand and the boy goes with Aaron because his tracking skills are developing. Sometimes he takes both of them and teaches them knife combat and how to be a good medical support because again, being a vampire is tough.
The boy likes embroidery and Ethan thinks he's weird because he makes some sick Dinosaurs but he tells him to go off. He likes how well made they are.
The girl enjoys violence fighting more so she trains extra hard.
This is the sweetest kid of the bunch. Your little girl. Is the shy baby you see clinging to their companion's shirt/pants in the street. She likes gardening herself, not with anyone else. She plants some flowers in a space Vladimir didn't use and she shoos everyone off, but gently bc babygirl is never mean... Until she finds out she has fangs
She's going to run to you crying and pull her lips up and squint as if struggling and then BAM, fangs are out! You'll have to explain with Ivan what's going on. She understands *sniff*.
Ivan is head over heels for her. They read together, they play board games and she's extremely skilled at every single one. She loves to pursue education on her favorite themes and she likes fiction.
Little girl also loves fashion and she wants someone to teach her how to sew. If you don't know it's okay, she'll put extra effort in learning to teach you!! "You'll see, we'll be sewing in no time, I'll teach you too!"
Sometimes you wonder if you're being a parent right because she just doesn't get grounded. You speak once, she never does it again. Is she really Ivan's daughter? "Hey!" "Shut up, go back in the hole or I'll use the stick!" "Ouch, stop!"
She turns very aggressive when she fights though, to the point where you're worried about the others when they teach her, because she fights like her life depends on it and she doesn't hold back until she overexerts herself. Turns out your daughter can use some sort of gravitational field and if you don't stop her, she might send one flying or pull them right into her clutches, so be careful.
Overall 100/10 great kid. Ends up designing hundreds of clothes and lives her life peacefully.
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comicdiego · 4 years
WARNINGS: sex mentions, flirting, alcohol mentions, strippers, cussing.
PAIRING: light diego hargreeves x oc, though vague, more of a first meet.
UNIVERSE: the umbrella academy comics.
CHARACTERS: diego hargreeves, tua oc mello walker.
Mello found him rather quickly. He sat at the bar, though he wasn't drinking. His singer of a sister had seemingly ran off earlier on during all the commotion- she didn't look like she was much of a fighter- but his demons were probably what kept him here. He wears an eyepatch, and as she's walking towards him from that side, she can't see the look in his eyes, but his eyebrows are furrowed in frustration, and there's a bruise on his jaw. His arm's in a sling too. But it seems like someone just slid a shot of whiskey in front of him and hoped for the best. He hasn't even so much as touched it. Despite the grungy, bad boy rockstar look, he didn't drink. That was interesting.
Carefully, she takes the seat beside him, crossing one bare leg over the other. "Hey, Blondie." A nod towards his lengthening blonde hair, shaggy with strands messily hanging in his eye, across the eyepatch, brushing the tip of his nose. The stubble across his jaw made him look messy, but maybe that was the look he was going for. "Look at me, will you? I'll help you out a bit." "I don't need sex." Blunt and dismissive. That only made her want to talk to him more, especially when he sharply turned his gaze in the opposite direction of her. "Great, neither do I." Gently, she lifts the iced drink that he'd been given, delicately placing each ice cube in a napkin, folding them in. Then, she lightly taps the side of his jaw furthest from her, the roughness of his growing beard against her fingertips. Huffing quietly, he turns his head a little, but still pointedly glaring at the bottles behind the bar, as if he wanted to shatter each and every one of them. If looks could kill, everyone would be dead with a glance. She sets the napkin upon the bruise, and he doesn't so much as flinch. Either he's been in a lot of fights, or he was trying to seem cool. "But you do need to get patched up, don't you?" He doesn't reply, though he doesn't pull away. Instead, he finally takes a look at her, and keeps his gaze on her face, which is surprising. She only wore lingerie and a sheer robe, though it wasn't doing much for covering the black lace she wore underneath, nor her deep brown skin, with a golden tint to it. But she knows her face is pretty, even if it's not what most people look at. Dark, long eyelashes that revealed her soft emerald green eyes inherited from who knows where, because overall, she was an Indian woman. Hair black as a starless night falling over her shoulders, silky to the touch and easy to wrap around a finger. Her lips painted a deep shade of purple, whereas most women wouldn't dare, because it was a bold color. He, however, isn't what most would call attractive, but she would. Shaggy blond hair that he was clearly attempting to grow out to his shoulders, his eye a deep shade of blue, skin pale in the lights of the bar. He was built, though, as if he worked out, and fought. The hairs across his jaw growing, but he would also be just as quick to cut them if they got too long. He wore a ripped sweater that seemed more like a crop top to her, and that was a bold statement in itself- most people would call it feminine. Mello would call it daring. Or punk. Maybe both. Leather pants that clung to his legs like spandex. And the eyepatch he wore- she couldn't decide if it was for show or if something had actually happened, but it'd be rude to ask. A strange contrast, the pair of them, like night and day. Or night triumphant and her stars eternal. And yet here they were, seated, a white man and an Indian immigrant from Israel, not fighting or harassing each other. Quite the blue moon. "Well," she says, her voice smooth and delicate like honey, her tilting her head to one side as she looked at him. "Your band did well. I mean, I think so. Most of them were probably grumpy about your fashion choices and your sister's hair." He rolls his eyes at that, but she continues. "The crop top was a bold choice, but I like it. Better to be comfortable in your masculinity enough to wear what most people would claim is feminine than to not have the balls to." "Who are you?" he says finally, with a voice that comes right from the streets. Brooklyn or the Bronx, she isn't sure, but it is distinctly New Yorkian either way. There's a difference between each county in New York, and Mello hasn't learned them masterfully, but she knew them well enough. "Mello Walker. Who are you, hot shot?" Another eye roll. But he was tolerating her, even with his dickhead attitude, so it was something, wasn't it? "Diego Hargreeves." "Ah, that explains the whole 'Fuck the Umbrella Academy!' shouting at your concert." Her fingers brush across the bruise, and he watches her fingertips carefully, as if he thought she would try something. Like her fingertips were poisonous and lethal. Maybe he was just scared. "Rude, considering you're what, seventeen?" He gives a tiny nod. "We share a birthday." She comments lightly, humming as she put the ice against his skin again. She didn't want to accidently give him an ice burn, so she had to be careful. "But I'm not in the spotlight like you all are. Not sure I want to be." "No." he agrees, shaking his head. She doesn't comment on that, and maybe she's waiting for him to speak again. She likes hearing him talk, even if he didn't talk much. She liked his voice, the way his light accent laces his words and ties them together in a bow. But she knows it's a hopeless cause- he doesn't seem to like to talk first. So instead, she lets the pair of them sit in silence, until quietly, she says, "I'm not a prostitute, you know." He looks her up, then down, then returns that gaze to her face again. Not saying a word. "I'm just a stripper." She motions her free hand to the stage, where one of her friends was working. "I didn't have much of a choice. I mean, not only am I some Indian chick who isn't all perfect and white-" she then waves her hand between her arm and his, showing the variation in skin tones. "-but I'm an immigrant. From Israel." "Places the accent." He says. Calmly. He wasn't judging her, which surprised her. Normally, most people would pull away upon the word immigrant. She doesn't know why she even wanted to tell him. She was telling him too much, and the C.I.A wouldn't like that. "Why are you here?" "Foster care." What the hell, she was sure he could hold his own. "A nunnery kicked me out, and I was in Israel for a while before coming to America. Can't say I like it all. Men get too handsy, women wrinkle their noses because occupation is such an issue, and then the racists." She sighs. "It's... Not as bad as down south, I guess. I don't know." He snorts at that. "I wouldn't know what that's like." He pauses a moment, brow furrowing. "I don't know where I was born, just who I was raised by." "Does it bother you?" He shakes his head. "I have other things to worry about." "Like not dying saving the world." She lets out a quiet huff of a laugh, brushing a strand of hair from his face. He doesn't stop her until after her hand starts to fall away, and he catches her wrist, brow furrowing a little. "What?" "You're not an asshole." He says bluntly, which has her eyebrows shooting up. "Well, no, I don't think so. I'm glad someone else doesn't think so either." "No, I mean-" he sighs, stopping. "You aren't trying to get close to me for your own benefit." "Did you think I was?" He doesn't reply, which is an answer all in itself. Which isn't entirely surprising. Most people would think the same thing. Mello's a stripper, so she must always have some agenda. Money, sex, a boyfriend, a way to get out of this hellhole and live elsewhere. But most people also don't realize that she's a genuine human being underneath and not some sex doll they can jack off to later on in the day. She lets her hand drop back into her lap. "I'm just lonely, is all." She admits quietly. "It's nice to talk to people who don't see me as an object all the time. Or violent." "Violent?" "Knocked a guy on his ass for getting too handsy a few times." He laughs. Laughs. Diego Hargreeves, the Kraken, Number Two, whatever it was you wanted to call him, was laughing, and her heart was melting. His laughter was short-lived, but it was nice to hear, and she hadn't known she needed it until it happened. Normally, though, after laughing, people would take a moment to catch their breath, but... he doesn't. Huh. No, instead, he turns to her and says, "So you can fight, hotshot?" "I can." Slowly, he rises to his feet, taking the melting ice from her palm and setting it in the whiskey that had been given to him earlier on. "If you ever get lonely doing this shit, feel free to come find me. Then we'll see if you can actually fight." With that, he turns, which seems to be his goodbye, and starts walking out the door. Her gaze follows him, a slight smile on her face, her heart beating in her chest. This was a first, but she was glad for it. Glad for the fact that she now had a friend- even if he was an asshole superhero who apparently had a kinder heart than she would have thought.
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
The journey from Vodka Aunt to Wine Mom starts with Scottish coffee.
Or, Nicole totally thought this through, shut up Janet.
Nicole had believed -she had believed it would be… not easy, but easier than it had been, for Janet. She had been blindsided, after all, and completely out of her depth. Nicole, as she was now, had a good amount of practice under her belt- almost thirteen years of it. She shouldn’t be as clumsy about this as Jan had been, those first few weeks of Tim’s life.
In any other world, she would have been indifferent to the wounds, the verbal abuse, the disdain and blatant use of an innocent and manipulable mind. But here, now, she had been an aunt- a godmother, for almost thirteen years. Maybe it was Timmy’s kindness, absorbed into her bones via osmosis, maybe it was the maternal instinct Janet sometimes complained took over her life at irregular intervals to make her a better mother, maybe it was because he reminded her so much of her godson… but she just couldn’t stand it.
So she gathered her resources, called in a couple favors, took the child and disappeared into the night. That part was easy; Talia might be stronger, physically speaking, but Nicole’s mind could moon-walk circles around hers all day long.
But, what now? Back in Gotham as per her plan, where Talia couldn’t just waltz in and do as she wished without an angry bat breathing down her neck, but totally fucking lost as to what her next steps should be.
So she goes to Janet. If years of friendship aren’t enough to get her to help, she could always remind her of how it was thanks to Nicole’s contacts that she got Shiva as Tim’s self-defense teacher.
The bitch owes her.
Tim isn’t worried, exactly, when aunt Nicole power-walks into the tea room where mother and son are having breakfast -much more cozy than the dining room- and smiles tersely, asking if she could have a word with Janet. 
He is, though, when she asks him to leave the room. Because never before has Nicole cared that Tim heard what she talked with mom, be it a complain about some mutual acquaintance or some confidential information from one of her cases.
He leaves, of course, because he respects her enough, but sends one not-actually-scared -but-close-enough look at his mother on the way out.
The second the door is closed, he can hear Nicole blurting something out, and the deafening sound of a teacup crashing into the floor. He rushes his steps, stopping by his room to grab his camera before going outside. He doesn’t want to be there for the fall out, if mom’s initial reaction was to lose her grip on her cup. Maybe he should call uncle Lex, get a little vacation outside the city (and line of fire).
He’s entertaining the thoughts of asking for a lift via Lex Corp special jet towards Paris vs Japan, when he sees the kid sitting under his favorite tree.
He approaches, curious and tentative, and the kid looks up to him when he gets within arm distance (doesn’t look surprised, like he knew Tim was there all along). The moment he sees him clearly, though, Tim freezes.
The shape of his eyes. The color of his hair. The ears, the contorn of the face, the scowl. His skin might be tanner, and his irises a different tint, but he looks at the kid for less than a second and knows, without a doubt, that he’s looking at Bruce Wayne’s son. 
His heart might have stopped, but the mind is a wonderful thing that never stops working, and the next order of business is figuring out who the mother is. He remembers Nicole’s tight face, her venomous green eyes almost equal to this kid’s, and… Yeah, okay, so this is also Talia Al Ghul’s spawn. What the hell was Bruce thinking? Does Dick know? Does Bruce know?
-Stop looking at me like a buffon, or I’ll have your eyes removed -speaks up the kid, and Tim’s mind reminds him that, yeah, he isn’t looking at a picture, but a real, breathing human being. A six-or-seven year old being, despite his speech.
Manners kicking to the forefront of his head, he crouches down in front of the kid, camera dangling from his neck, all but forgotten by its owner for maybe the first time ever.
-Hey there. My name is Timothy Drake -he smiles, hand offered with kindness, but eyes sharp as he keeps on inspecting the face in front of his. That, and his name, seems to immediately change the kid’s opinion of him, because his eyes widen and he’s quick to return the greeting.
Aunt Nicole must have said something to him about Tim and his special position as Janet Drake’s son, because when the kid shakes his hand (calloused, with more than one scar, probably more used at handling a weapon than Tim is going to be at the end of his life), he’s being almost comically careful about it, as if he’s unsure about how much to squeeze or shake without hurting him. Nicole probably stressed into him about Tim being delicate and how he should handle him with care, which, bullshit, he’s not a baby anymore, not like this kid.
-I see. I’ve heard about you a lot from Aunt during my travels here. My name is Ibn al Xu’ffasch.
Tim blinks twice, smile firmly in place, hand holding lightly into the kid’s. There’s something ridiculous about Bruce’s kid literally being called ‘Son of the bat’.
-...my other name is Damian, Damian Al Ghul.
-I see. Which one do you prefer? 
This seems to baffle the kid, though he recovers quickly. Has anyone ever asked him for his preference on something as personal as his name?- You may address me as Damian.
-Okay then, Damian. I was going to go around the property for a walk, take some picture of animals. Why don’t you come with me? You can also tell me a little about yourself. With Nicole as your Aunt, we are sure to meet often.
-So you just… took the kid and ran.
-No, I had a well thought plan. And I didn’t ran. That’s undignified.
-Really, now.
-I couldn’t just leave him, Jan. He’s six.
-He’s a genetically engineered baby trained since birth by your psychotic sister in how to be a perfect killing machine. Excuse me if I think he can handle himself. But whatever, what’s done is done. What are you going to do now?
-I… I kinda hoped you’d tell me. 
-...I’ll tell the butler to prepare refreshments. This is going to be a long talk.
-It’s nine in the morning, you unclassy fool. We are having Scottish coffee. Besides, you acquired a child, you can’t be the vodka aunt any longer. If anything, be the wine mom.
-No, I’m not adopting this kid. Rip to Bruce, but I’m not like him.
-Well, I’m not doing it for you either.
-I’m not asking that! I plan on giving him to his dad to look after, but he’s too…
-...yeah, that. I’m going to try to ease him into normal society as much as I can before calling Wayne, to prevent a full blown out culture shock.
-This is Gotham, dear. You want normal society, go to Metropolis. But sure, I’ll help you with this. You might have to move into the Manor for a few weeks, though. Also, you are lucky Tim is on break right now, his innate kindness might help in this. But if your demonic nephew touches a single hair in Tim’s head, I’m throwing him to the sharks.
-Are you talking about reporters, the League of Assassins, or actual sharks?
Tim snaps a quick pic when the kid isn’t looking, because this is precious. 
Damian had been a proud little prick at first, refusing to show the interest shining in his eyes towards the multiple animals Tim introduced him to. But by the time they left behind the horse (the one Lex gave him on his tenth birthday), birds and fishes on the property’s pond, and moved into Tim’s pets, he had left his facade behind and did his best to pet every animal at the same time. He couldn’t, of course, didn’t have enough hands for all two cats, the dog and the bunny, but by god he tried. 
Sel, the female cat, had taken residence on the kid’s shoulders, lounging there like an Empress, judging them all from above (or as above as she could be, perched on such a small kid that was sitting down to boot). Her partner in crime and life, Alley, rubbed his head under Tim’s chin, comfortable in his human’s arms. 
Then, Max, his Golden Retriever dog. He was a sweetheart, and had charmed Damian in less than a minute, greeting him with enthusiastic licks at his hands and a furiously quick tail moving side to side. Damian had been blindsided by the utter cuteness of the dog immediately falling in love with him, and had responded in kind, dedicating almost half an hour to dote on him alone.
Now, almost two hours after meeting the kid, Tim couldn’t help but snap another picture of Damian, sitting on the ground in front of Tim, one hand petting Max who had laid by his side, the other one carefully stroking Butter the Bunny’s head while he rests on his lap. Sel occasionally nudges her head against his cheek to demand for attention, that he gladly provides, and everything seems out of a Disney movie.
He knows this kid is dangerous. Because he is Nicole’s relative, because his eyes are always scanning their surroundings for threats, because his hand is the hand of a warrior. 
But he looks up at Tim when Sel gives a tiny lick to his check, looking as if he’d been blessed by the Kitten Gods and needs guidance on the appropriate response, and Tim thinks he could overlook the danger. God knows everyone is afraid of Mom, and that doesn’t stop Tim from kissing her cheek and hugging her at least once per day. 
This kid deserves love, too, and he always wanted a sibling.
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vegetacide · 4 years
Tagged by @gumnut-logic  :)
1. Would you rather accessorize with scarves or necklaces?
Scarves,  cause I like soft stuff to snuggle and hide my face in.
2. How old were you when you first saw mountains? (Or if you haven’t seen mountains, what do you imagine they’re like?)
Smokey Mountains on a road trip... erm.. in my mid teens I guess...
3. Do you make your bed in the morning?
It a habit I recently started when we first went on lock down to help me get my day started... prior to that.. hell no as I would just be crawling back into them later.
4. What type of stories did you like as a child?
Book wise when I was little.. anything my Dad would read to me at bedtime...As a teenager it was Sci-fi, fantasy and romance and hopefully all in the same book. 
5. What was the most exhilarating experience of your life?
Hmm ...no idea so will pick some at experience at random... sailing through a sun shower in St. Thomas on one of our honeymoon excursions to see sea turtles in their natural habitat. ...
Snorkeling for the first time in the ocean..
Skiing down a winter slope when I was a kid and somehow not managing to kill myself (I suck at skiing) 
First day we brought my daughter home from the hospital.. feels surreal as I sit here to think the 5 year old softly snoring beside me was once sooooo small and it was ONLY 5 SHORT YEARS AGO.  Dude, when they say the little years go by fast.. they weren’t kidding..
Oh.. and of course walking down the isle and somehow not tripping over my feet and face planting in front of my family and friends as I was shaking like a leaf caught in a hurricane having a mild panic attack and worried I was going to fuck up somehow.
Okay, so the last one was more terrified than exhilarating but.. meh...
6. Do you agree with the concept of exotic pets?
Here in North America... if the thing was born in the wild.. it should stay in the wild...unless under the extreme circumstances of animal rescue when the animal can’t be returned to the wild..   If it was breed in captivity and is not on the endangered species list and wont eat you or rip your face off...say like a hedge hog which is oddly enough considered exotic where I am.. then its okay but only if the owner can provide a loving, healthy home.  (wolf hybrids,  tigers, ligers, and other exotic large cats are the exceptions as no one can care for them properly unless specialized training has taken place and you have like a billion acres of land for them...basically any animal that has not been domesticate over hundreds of years ... leave em alone... )
7. Describe your feelings about maths.
Necessary evil...enough said. 
8. When was the last time you finished a book?
Do audio books count? If so.. in March right before lock down.  Listened to a lot of books on my travels to and from work..   Currently I am able to actually pick up a hard copy and I am working my way through Crazy, Rich Asians.   Good book!
9. What’s a small way that you’ve been kind recently?
All the things I have done recently have just been what is expected of a normal human being with responsibilities so I cant really say.. erm.. made an extra meat loaf for my Dad so I know he is eating well... collected his beer bottles for return cause they just started excepting them again.. 
Started making my husband lunch as he was recalled to work... Do his laundry cause he usually does it for himself...
I haven’t really be out much in the world lately and as I said.. basic stuff. 
10. What new hobby/activity have you always wanted to try?
And got to the bottom and I think I fucked this up... oh well.. lmao.. so on to the questions I was supposed to answer...ooopppsss..  gonna leave the other answers above cause I spent the time to write em.. 
Oooh, and now I have to ask questions…
1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?  
Falling Lakes aka  Plitvice Lakes National Park  in Croatia cause it looks beautiful and would be the closest thing on Earth to being in a fantasy novel..  
2. Favourite pasta shape?  
No favourite shape.. just spoon sized cause spaghetti is messy
3.What do you need to do everyday to keep your mind and body working well?
Wake up... lmao
4. First ever fandom and why? How old were you?
This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as I have loved many things over the years.. I have always loved cartoons going back as far back as I can remember and later in life comic books and anime  so will answer this by first fanfictions  and first community.... 
Well.. first fanfiction i got hooked on reading was for Sailor Moon..age..erm... high school so like maybe grade 9ish..  At that point I had always loved cartoons but Sailor Moon really sucked me in. 
First I wrote and will never see the light of day... Biker Mice From Mars and/or G.I.Joe...cant rightly remember which came first and I am a huge Snake Eyes fan.  
First posted... DBZ I believe under another name.. and ermm.. no, I wont tell. 
First community I joined... Dragon Ball Z on here in fact.. and within the last few years.   I am still a DBZ fan but I jumped the fandom community wagon and joined up with a bunch of Thundernerds and completely fell down the rabbit hole.
And I am being vague about the age for a reason.. lol   
5.Deserted beach or snazzy night club?
Beach! 100% Sand between the toes,  the sound of the water lapping up the shore.. the smell of the salt in the air.. the sun on my back and my sandals dangling from my finger tips.. ahhhh perfection. 
6. Do you find it easier to talk to people online or offline?
Online.. cause there is security in anonymity. 
7. What do you think is the aim in your life? What do you ultimately want to achieve?
Wow.. talk about a soul baring question.. lmao.. I don’t know.. to be remembered and looked back on kindly.   To be better then those before me and to not make the same mistakes.. to be a good mom to my daughter and to not fuck her up to bad. (I answered this one out of order.. meh)   
8. Coolest Thunderbird
....well this one should be an obvious answer. lol
9. What is your absolute favourite topic to talk about?
My interests.. which are vast and varied. 
10. Do you have an embarrassing story to share?
How I fucked up this questionnaire.. lol 
okay so now for questions to ask,..if I understand this right that is what i am supposed to do now... hmm
1. Favourite dessert.
2. What would you rather...fine dining or eating around a camp fire?
3.  Favourite past time outside of here?
4. If you were a video game character, who would you be? Why?
5. Flight or invisibility? 
6. In the case of a zombie apocalypse what would be your escape plan and what would you do to survive? 
7. If you could go on a road trip anywhere in the world.. where would you go and what car would you be driving? 
8. Who would be in the seat beside you? 
9.  What would you rather... watch a thunderstorm or close the blinds
10. What 10 questions would you come up with if you could ask anyone anything?  (Ya, I so cheated there mu ha ha a ha) 
Feel free to answer.. or not. Open to anybody just copy and paste the last 10 questions.. not the whole thing like I did... oops... cause that would be wrong.. Oh and if you made it all the way down here after this long ass ramble .. GOLD STAR FOR YOU!  :) 
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thanksjro · 5 years
Eugenesis, Part Six Scene Four: Xenon Info-Dumps For Five-And-A-Half Pages
Alright, back to bullshit.
Galvatron is being a rude little turd to Xenon, calling his robot collection old and dusty, but Xenon’s too wrapped up in the Quintesson/Cybertronian lore to be bothered. Ultra Magnus just wants to know what the fuck he’s done with the Matrix.
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You heard the man, out with it.
So, back when the Quintessons first started out, they were known as the Progenitors- yeah, I know- a quasi-organic race who went from caveman-level intelligence to full-blown hard sci-fi sons of guns at an incredibly rapid rate.  
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Problem is, they didn’t get any further than that. They tried, sure. They tried real hard, for millions of years. Then, once their inspiration had run out, they started looking to other races to try and figure something out.
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This just in, god is dead and James Roberts killed him by turning him into a glorified OS.
So, P.R.I.M.U.S. is encoded onto these geodes, and they become sentient. Sometimes they think they’re god.
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Just like everyone else in this story.
Now that the Quintessons knew about these little god-doodads, they wanted one for themselves, to try and reverse-engineer the secret to immortality. They hired some guys called the Weavers to nab one for them.
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This is some serious nerd shit, y’all. Galvatron agrees with me- he’s never even heard of any of the things Xenon’s droning on about. Neither have I- this is all Roberts at this point.
The Weavers brought back two geodes to the Quintessons, who promptly hid them away until the Masters cooled off a bit, since they were a little miffed about the thievery and whatnot. Then they noticed a couple problems: A) the geodes were encrypted to the moon and back, and B) if you so much as looked at the thing wrong it would purge the Lifecode completely.
Didn’t Optimus throw this thing at Unicron a couple times? Maybe the geode just doesn’t like you, Xenon, ever thought of that?
In order to decode the geodes, the Quintessons needed massive computers. Y’know, like God. But before they could really get a head start on that, the Masters’ nanobot enforcers showed up, blocking out the sky like a giant swarm of angry wasps. They wrecked shopped on Quintyxia- the old one, not the new one- and the Quintessons ran for it. They headed for the planet where they’d buried the other geode, but something went wrong with their hyperspace drive, and they didn’t arrive until two million years after they’d set off.
They dug for the geode, hit something metal, and that’s when the quakes started. The Quintessons left, thinking the planet was unstable.
At this point, Magnus is begging Xenon to just get on with it.
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The Quintessons headed back to Quintyxia, to find that their lush, green world had been turned into one made of metal. Cybertron. Quintyxia is Cybertron. New Quintyxia is Quintyxia. It’s like that time Prince named himself the Artist Formerly Known As Prince.
Of course that leaves the question of why the nanobots didn’t just destroy the planet instead of… doing whatever they did to make Cybertron Cybertron.
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So, Cybertron is a planet-sized computer, tasked with the sole purpose of decoding the meaning of life.
You know, I remember reading somewhere- and don’t quote me on this, because I can’t for the life of me remember where exactly- that Roberts has never read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Now, either he’s lying- which I don’t know why he would, the guy loves references- or this is just a weird thing the collective brain of the English population does, where they all jump to the same ideas in absurdist sci-fi.
When the Quintessons showed up on Cybertron, they were met with the results of the cracked Lifecode- the first Transformers (but they couldn’t transform, that was a thing that developed alongside the war.) They couldn’t do much of anything, really.
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Well, now we know where the protoform babies in IDW come from.
The Quintessons, not ones to squander an opportunity, decide to use these fragile, helpless proto-beings as slaves.
Yeah, the Quintessons have kind of been the worst since day one.
They build brain modules, stick them in the ground- Seedlings, Xenon calls them- and watch as the planet wrapped living metal around them and built bodies.  
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The Quintessons get pretty good at making the Auto-Bots, and get to a point where they’re drafting up blueprints for each solitary one. Blueprints that Xenon apparently kept, since he’s got all these copies in the pods right now.
If you couldn’t tell already, we’re going with the “the Quintessons made the Transformers” creation myth.
Of course, you make a big enough species, they’re going to need some corralling- that is, if you want to be an awful, controlling, overbearing parent. And the Quintessons definitely wanted that. So, what’s one to do?
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…Look, it’s not that I necessarily disagree on a base level, but-
Xenon, you fucking neckbeard.
Because the Quintessons forgot that religion is not a one-set-outcome game, they were surprised to find that it had given their creations hope and will, things you really don’t want your enslaved masses to have.
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The Covenant drove off the Quintessons, then fucked off into deep space to spread the message of Primus, with Maximo at the head of things. Maximo was the leader of the Cybertronian Empire and Megatron’s progenitor in the Marvel UK comics. They did leave someone behind to keep the masses within the faith- Primon. He’s important in the comics, just trust me on that.
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Oh man, we’re finally getting some answers.
Xenon admits that the Quintessons didn’t come up with everything; there were parts that they just straight-up ripped out of the geode’s owner’s manual.
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Oh. Well. That’s… underwhelming. Xenon’s really just dumping the entirety of the Cybertronian religion into the trash at this point, isn’t he? This info-dump has been going on for five pages, and we still aren’t done.
Turns out that kill switch code was pulled from the geode too- 4/11.002983712 is its serial number. That’s like if you called your dad by his first name and then immediately died afterwords.
But whatever happened to that second geode the Quintessons buried on the other planet?
Yeah, that turned into Unicron.
Turns out the virus that wipes the Lifecode from the geode messed up, and made the geode want to kill literally everything in the universe just for being alive.  
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Well, isn’t that all just fine and dandy~!
Because the Quintessons didn’t realize what Unicron’s whole deal was at first- the vore-planet had learned how to lie at some point before they met up- they worked together for a time.
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At this point the Quintessons had gone from being quasi-organic to something more cybernetically-dependent, so that might have also made things a little difficult in the baby-making department. Or not. I don’t fucking know, things are just happening at this point.
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Storytime’s over, back to the present day. Xenon’s going to take these podded robots and populate New Quintyxia with them. They won’t fight, they’ll be actual, normal people who don’t wage war.
Xenon must have gotten some new glasses, because that’s one hell of a rose-tinted worldview he’s got there.
Ultra Magnus at this point just asks for the Matrix back so they can go home. Xenon says “nah, but check this out tho” and powers on the pod-bots.
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Xenon, that’s gross. Don’t make Galvatron and Magnus watch you be weird with the power of granting life, man.
All the robots wake up, stand, and stare up at Xenon, who’s floated up to the ceiling on his power trip. They… aren’t supposed to do that.
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Turns out the Matrix is a friggin’ liar, and only promised power because it’s actually Unicron in there. Well, damn.
Galvatron shoots Xenon. Good.
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Shoulda sprung for the waterproofing on your Uggs, Mags.
Galvatron’s on a roll, now. He aims at one of the zombies and fires, and they all go down, thanks to their interlinked minds. Crisis averted, I guess.
Magnus, though not happy with Galvatron’s wanton destruction of innocents, has bigger fish to fry at present; he’s convinced that the Matrix is still inside God. Boy oh boy, is he wrong, but the narrative demands he at least tries. He sticks his hand into the computer, up to the shoulder. That’s not good heavy-duty machinery safety.
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Well, shit. He’s been possessed by a higher power.
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You know, now that I think about it, there’s a good chance that Xenon putting the Matrix into God messed up the killswitch code, and that’s why Prowl had to use a wasting disease to try and end it all. Not really relevant at this exact moment in the story, just a thought I had.
Galvatron, having had enough mystical bullshit for one day, shoots his arm clean off, severing the connection. Magnus drops like a stone, and Galvatron bolts as everything starts coming down around them.
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Oh no, Magnus is gonna be our first victim, isn’t he?
Magnus follows after Galvatron, leaving his arm. Hope he doesn’t run into any aqua fortis on the way back to the Trident, because his Pretender shell is beat all to hell.
Then Xenon pulls himself together and stops being dead.
This was ONE section.
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Moon Monsters - Chapter 2
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance (possible smut later), Comedy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: none at this time Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jackson x reader Notes: werewolf!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for GOT7. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: I take zero credit for any of the photos used in these chapters. They are just for visual enhancement for the both of us. Also I did not proofread so good luck. XD
Tagging: @och-ako @kfictionstories @trcvias @justbangtanandjams @lizardsocial @breadcaaat
Summary: You’re the CEO’s new personal assistant. But there’s something strange about him and the company you work for.
Flushed cheeks, half-lidded bedroom eyes, hips swaying to the music. You looked absolutely delectable to Jungkook as he watched you from afar. You.....
His mate.
His inner wolf had been nagging at him ever since Jungkook bumped into you that very first day of your new job. It was like the stars aligned and everything made sense. That’s usually how normal humans described finding their one true love. But for Jungkook......It worked a little differently.
Like any other werewolf, Jungkook is at the mercy of the Moon Goddess. It used to be a myth that she controlled the wolves like her puppets. But the alpha of his back, which happened to be Namjoon, explained that it was just that. A myth. The Moon Goddess helps her pups and guides them down the right path. But she also decides when it is time for her pups to mate.
And that was when Jungkook bumped into you. God you were absolutely stunning that day. Well.....in his eyes, you’re stunning every day. No matter what you’re wearing. You could be wearing sweats and a t-shirt and you’d still look like a goddess yourself. Just thinking about that image caused his inner wolf to perk up.
‘Think about it. How beautiful she would look in your t-shirt and sweats; her belly round and swollen with pups. Your pups.’
“God shut up. It’s all I can do to think straight right now.”
He was enjoying the fantasy of you carrying his offspring.......till trouble showed up.
“Hands off her, Wang.”
The alcohol you had consumed earlier was definitely starting to effect you. Hearing a voice that felt like coming home, you immediately turned around and noticed Jungkook standing there looking furious. In your drunken state, you feared he might be mad at you, but you also wanted to get away from Jackson. With whimpers that were drowned out by the thumping club music, you launched yourself out of one man’s arms and into another.
To anyone else, they wouldn’t have heard you. But Jungkook did and your whimpers broke his heart. His inner wolf reared it’s head and practically begged to be let out so he could rip Jackson a new one. But this was a public place. A very public place. There was no way letting out the wolf was an option right now. So he settled for cradling you to his chest and smoothing down your hair.
“Hey, Miss Korea. Why don’t we go find Small Fry, okay?”
Moving your face just a little from where you were hiding in Kook’s firm chest, you saw a very warm looking Taehyung with that boxy grin that never failed to make you smile. Suddenly letting out girly, drunken giggles, it was as if all was well again as you replied happily,
Jungkook flashed the male a grateful smile while Taehyung just gave a curt nod as he took your hand and started to dramatically and comically search for their little friend as he was now being labeled. It only made you giggle more. Dear God Jungkook wished he could join you right now. But he had business to take care of.
Jackson was surprisingly still standing there; his erection still very noticeable. All the disgusting possibilities ran through the younger’s mind and he jabbed the inside of his cheek with his tongue; a habit whenever he was thoroughly ticked and fuming.
“She’s off limits, Wang. Leave her alone.”
“Why? She yours or something? I don’t see you imprinting on her. As far as I’m concerned, she’s free real estate.”
That was when all hell broke loose.
One second Jackson was standing and the next, decked clean off his feet. A nice bruise was already starting to form on his cheek as he attempted to pick his half drunken self off the floor. Breathing heavily, Jungkook gritted and bared his teeth as he hissed out in anger,
“You should be ashamed of yourself. The Moon Goddess teaches us to love and respect females. They are beautiful beings who deserve more respect than that. They go through so much pain and yet still put on beautiful smiles that light up the world. They work just as hard as we men do; all the while bearing our pups.”
It really was a lovely speech. But all Jackson did was respond with a roll of his eyes; clearly bored and sporting deaf ears.
“Yeah yeah. Whatever. It’s not like she’s your mate or anything. I can still have her if I want.”
When Jungkook was about to throw another punch, a swift hand quickly came up to stop him and another arm wove around his waist. Looking over with pure rage, the youngest saw that it was none other than Taehyung and immediately simmered down. Gently shaking his head, the older male spoke calmly,
“He’s not worth it, Kook. Come on. I found Jimin. He’s with her now. But she’s getting antsy and asking about you.”
‘You hear that? Your mate is worried and asking for you. We can deal with dirt bag here later. Right now your mate needs you. Go.’
“Right. Let’s go.”
After the whole Jackson fiasco, it was hard for anyone to stay in a bright mood. When a very drunk Jimin found out, he threatened to go punch the male’s lights out but all that got him was another Small Fry jab in the ribs. Jungkook was relieved to see that made you giggle a little behind your hand. God you were so cute when you giggled. Especially when you were drunk. When those giggles started turning into a yawn, the youngest male spoke up casually but loud enough over the music,
“Okay, you love birds. I’m going to take her home. I think someone’s getting sleepy.”
“No I’m nnooooooottt. I’m wide awake. See!”
Kook watched as you clambered off the bar stool to which he had to catch you before you could fall and the next thing he knew, you were staring right into his eyes with wide ones of your own. The look on your face was priceless and he wished he had his phone handy but sadly it was stuck in his back pocket.
“Sure sure. Well you can be wide awake on the drive home, okay?”
“Okay! Let’s go for a ride! Choo Choo! All aboard the Kookie Train!”
“Oh my god I wish I had my phone out.”
“Got you covered, babe.”
Jungkook looked up to see Taehyung recording the whole thing. Wanting to milk this moment for all it was worth, he gently turned you around in his arms and pointed to the male holding his phone up and said as if like a father to his daughter,
“Lookie. Say hi to Taehyung.”
“Hi, Taetae!”
“Oh wait! I wanna say hi too!”
“This is gold. I’m never deleting this. I’ll put it on an external hard drive if I have to.”
Both Taehyung and Jungkook snickered as a very drunken Jimin was hugging a very drunken you. In this moment, the youngest male of the group found his heart thumping but growing soft all at the same time. This was his pack. His family. And one day soon, he’d introduce you to his world. His pack. Because the Moon Goddess wills it so.
Once Taehyung was finished recording his blackmail material, it was time to pry Jimin away from you so that everyone could get home safely and in one piece. But surprisingly enough, getting the two drunks away from each other was quite difficult.
“But she’s so cozy. I don’t wannaaaaaa.”
“You can cuddle up with your girl back home. And if she’s sleeping, I’ll throw you in the cage with the birds. You’re small enough, you’ll fit.”
“Why I oughta!!!”
With the drunken male now completely absorbed in defending his small size, you were left giggling and falling into a very strong pair of arms. Looking up with that same drunken and dreamy smile, you saw a warm and amused looking Jungkook staring down at you.
“Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yep! I drank lots and lots!”
“Yes I can tell. When we get home, we can drink lots and lots of coffee.”
“Ooouuu! Are we gonna have a slumber party at your place???”
“Slumber party at Kookie’s?!?! I wanna go too!”
“You are going home to your mama bird, Small Fry.”
Jungkook was currently trying to get certain thoughts out of his head when Taehyung came up to him and whispered in his ear,
“Let’s get them out of here before I’m tempted to drop Jimin off at the closest dog shelter instead.”
Snickering and now able to think much clearer, the youngest nodded and instead of trying to help you walk through the crowds, he simply hoisted you up into his arms and carried you out bridal style. It wasn’t till outside in the fresh crisp night air that they all realized how stuffy it had been inside the club.
After lots and lots of whining from a certain Small Fry, Taehyung was finally able to maneuver a very wiggly Jimin into the passenger seat of his car. Meanwhile, Jungkook had it much easier for you had fallen asleep within minutes of being carried and cradled in his arms. He handled you like glass as he carefully pulled the seat belt across your body and clicked it in place. Oh how he wanted to......well.....no. That would be taking advantage of you while you were extremely vulnerable. No. He would kiss you on the cheek with your consent. And that was that.
He took his Moon Goddess’s rules very seriously. Unlike someone he knew....
The drive home was uneventful. Truth be told, Jungkook had full intentions of dropping you off at your apartment building and staying with you till he was certain you were going to be okay with only a mild hangover instead of a killer one. But as he slowly pulled up to your building.......something didn’t settle well with him.
‘Is this her den? Tisk tisk. She can’t stay here. I can smell the mold from miles away. It’s not safe or healthy here. You must take her back to our den where we can protect her and keep her safe and healthy.’
Honestly, the young male didn’t need to be told twice. He didn’t have a good feeling about the place when he first picked you up. Hell, he had that same uneasy feeling when he first followed you home. Truth be told, he’d been looking for an excuse to get you out of here. So naturally he’d use this as the perfect excuse to take you home with him.
Putting the car into gear again, he started the drive to his own home. Looking over for just a second, he could see where you were still sleeping peacefully. His inner wolf was wagging his tail happily as he too took in the sight of their beautiful and precious mate.
‘The Goddess has blessed us, little one. We must not take her gift for granted.’
Being the youngest of the pack, Jungkook never dreamed that he would find his mate so soon. But here he was driving in his car with some of the most precious cargo he’d ever transport. All he wanted to do was scent you and love all over you. But his inner wolf seemed to have other ideas as images of you waddling around his apartment with a swollen belly and swollen ankles to match popped into his head. Lounging on the couch and bawling over cheesy k-dramas because the hormones were killing you.
“God. Will you stop with the pups. You’re killing me. We haven’t even set her down for the talk yet.”
‘You can’t blame me, little one. Our special week of the month is coming up and you know what that means. She’ll be ovulating and if you think this is hell......you haven’t seen anything yet.’
Groaning out loud, the young male let his head fall back against the head rest of his seat. His heat cycle. With everything going on, he had completely forgotten about that. Good lord his heats were already painful to begin with. Now that he knew about his mate......there was actually an inkling of fear crawling up his spine. What if he became feral and tried to hunt you down and force you to mate with him? What if the separation from you made him sick? He’d have to talk to Namjoon about all of this on Monday. Maybe sooner because time was running out for Jungkook.
Once parked in his designated spot in the parking garage, he got out and carefully closed the driver side door so that he wouldn’t wake you. Lightly jogging around to the other side, he opened the passenger door with just as much caution and worked on getting your seat belt undone. Just then, your head lulled over to where your nose was just lightly brushing his collarbone and the poor boy thought he might die right there. It took all his self control to get you out of the car without throwing you in the back seat and having his way with you.
After moving and wiggling you till you were finally out of the car and back into his arms, he was able to ease the passenger side door closed and locked his car before carrying you towards the entrance of the apartment building. Already he was feeling more at ease with the knowledge that you would be staying with him for the night where he could protect you. He wouldn’t put it past Jackson to try and sniff you out and take you away from your very own home. This way, Jackson wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near you.
Once inside the building, the trip in the elevator was fairly short before he was exiting and walking down the hall. Being careful not to drop you, he fished around for his keys and unlocked the door to his own little cozy den. As his inner wolf liked to call it. Walking through and easing the door closed behind him, the first thing he noticed was how beautiful the city looked all lit up with different colored lights. Sure it was probably a hazard having an entire wall made of nothing but glass but he couldn’t help it. Jungkook was a free spirit and he always wanted to be able to see the city from above. Especially at night time.
But he could admire the night scene later. Right now he needed to get you into bed and resting because you were going to have a killer hangover in the morning. Carrying you down the hallway with ease, he stepped in through his bedroom doorway and carefully set you down on the bed. Good god you looked so perfect. Drunk or not, you looked like you belonged in his bed. Because you did. It was fate. Mother Nature and the Moon Goddess willed this to happen.
However, as delicious as you looked there laying on his bed with your hair fanned out everywhere, he was going to be the gentleman and take care of you in the most innocent way possible. After slipping his own shoes off, he carefully eased your heels off your feet so as not to wake you. It was then that his inner wolf decided to be a snot nosed brat....as usual.
‘You know.....those clothes probably aren’t comfortable to sleep in either....’
“I hate you.”
‘No you don’t.’
With another groan out loud and wiping a hand down his face, Jungkook stood there trying to figure out the best way to get you out of those club clothes without, one, driving himself crazy. And, two, not to wake you and cause an extremely awkward situation. After chewing on his bottom lip till it was flaking, he finally decided it was best just to jump in. Being extremely cautious, he took your clothing off one piece at a time. And soon enough, you were left with only your bra and panties.
“Dear god, shoot me. Put me out of my misery. Please. Someone. Anyone.”
‘Oh stop being dramatic. Just slip one of your t-shirts on her and she’ll be good to go.’
“You just want to see me die, don’t you?”
There was a small pause and the young boy wasn’t sure his inner wolf was going to answer till he suddenly said,
‘Okay so I might be getting a tiny bit of satisfaction out of watching you squirm.’
Glaring out into space, Jungkook huffed through his nose like a typical wolf and walked over to his dresser drawer where he kept his extra large t-shirts. Of course any of them would work but he was being extremely picky and making sure he got one for you that was the most comfortable and least worn out. Just when he had deemed one good enough, he turned around only to see you had....well....moved.
You were now laying on your stomach with your perky bum slightly raised in the air while resting your head on one of his pillows; a small peaceful smile on your face. But no matter how hard he tried to stay focus on that beautiful and innocent smile, his eyes slid down your body to stop at your bum every time. You were nearly in the perfect mating position. Half naked with your tush on full display.
Before he could stop himself, a small but quiet howl of pain filled the room followed by what could only be described as puppy whimpering. If Jungkook’s neighbors didn’t know any better, they would have thought he had recently gotten a puppy from the shelter.
‘Oh stop being a baby and just put the shirt on her.’
With another huff and a childlike pout, the young wolf did as he was told and approached you with caution. If he thought clubbing had exhausted him, exercising all of this self control was what really wore him out. But fortunately he still had some luck on his side for he was able to get the over sized shirt on you and eased you back into the position you were in previously. Before he could be tempted any further, he walked to his closet, grabbed some pillows and a set of pajama pants and t-shirt for himself and was out of the room in a flash.
When it was finally time for you to come back around to the world of the conscious, the first thing you realized was that you’d very much like to remain unconscious. Head pounding, eyes aching, body sore and throbbing, feet feeling like they were swollen. Yeah. Definitely prefer unconscious right now. However, cracking your eyes open, you realized real quick that........this wasn’t your bedroom. This wasn’t your apartment.
So there you laid with a horrible hangover and trying to understand why you weren’t in your apartment. Your recollection of last night was fussy at best. You remembered arriving and having some drinks, obviously. Then there was......Jackson! Fear crawled up your spine as you wondered if this was his place. Had you seriously left with him? Or maybe he kidnapped you? He was awfully persistent. That was when you looked over to the bedside table as your world swayed in front of you. There laid a piece of paper along with two pain pills and a glass of water.
After slowly easing yourself up into a sitting position, you took the two pain pills and downed them with the glass of water and attempted to read what was on the piece of paper. Turns out you were in fact not at Jackson’s, thank goodness, and you were actually at Jungkook’s. That was when you finally started taking everything in. Looking down at yourself, you realized you were no longer in your own clothing aside from your undergarments. Oh lord. That meant.......oh god. Groaning, you let your head fall and the blush was overwhelmingly warm on your face.
Pulling yourself together, you also realized that said male wasn’t in the room. Was this his bedroom or a spare bedroom? Looking around, you quickly confirmed this was in fact the young man’s room. It had Jungkook written all over it. So of course that made you wonder if he had been sleeping in the bed beside you. Looking over, you could tell there was no way he had been in the same bed with you. The wheels in your head started turning and you quickly decided that you wanted to find the living room.
But first, bathroom.
After managing to find the bathroom without any help and taking care of your business, you splashed some water on your face and realized that your makeup had turned into a mess at some point through the night. With no makeup removing materials, it proved to be quite the task to get that crap off without making a complete and total mess of your coworker’s bathroom.
Looking as presentable as you could be with all things considered, you padded out of the bathroom and down the hall which you assumed would lead you out into a very bright living room. Very bright. Like ouch that freaking hurts bright. Squinting and trying to hood your eyes with your hand, you noticed standing by the window or rather a glass wall was none other than Jungkook himself.
Aside from the slight bed head, he looked just as handsome as ever. Standing there leaning against the glass and admiring the early morning sun shining over the city. He was sporting a t-shirt just like you were only he had these simple red and white checkered pajama pants on and dang did he look comfortable. Oh how you’d love to just cuddle up with him on the couch and------wait what????
Maybe you were still drunk?
“Oh! There you are. How are you feeling? Did you find the meds I left for you?”
Face turning flushed pink once more, you smiled sheepishly and nodded timidly. Tucking some of your own somewhat tamed bed head behind your ears, you cleared your throat and spoke up softly,
“I’m pretty embarrassed. Never before have I gotten that drunk. I can’t even remember some things. I didn’t puke all over you or anything, did I?”
Laughing softly while shaking his head, the young male replied while motioning for the couch,
“Ani ani. You held your liquor quite well. Way better than Jimin hyung. In fact, he’s already texted us in our group chat saying the next time we go out, it’s going to be at a dog cafe. Here. Take a seat and rest.”
Giggling as you could totally picture Jimin saying that, you gave a small and slow nod before timidly taking a seat on the couch. It was then that you were quickly reminded of your current attire. Blushing heavily, you glanced over to see Jungkook shyly staring at you too. Swapping bashful smiles, the male cleared his throat and said as casually as he could,
“Speaking of Jimin, he also mentioned something about grabbing lunch with the guys today and having you officially meet his girlfriend along with Tae’s. Would you like that? A girls day out? You know, where you girls can go out and do whatever it is you females do for fun.”
You couldn’t help but snort followed by giggles as you listened to him talk. Such a typical guy. A male who will never understand the female species. Then again. Would females ever understand males? Probably not. Smiling widely and already feeling much better than earlier, you nodded and replied with a joyous tone in your voice,
“Yeah! I’d like that. I don’t have any female friends, really.”
“Well now you do. Come on. I’ll drop you off at your place to wash and change and then we can meet up with them at the mall.”
And with that, the two of you started your day. You waited out in the living room patiently while Jungkook hopped in the shower and made himself presentable. Of course you had simply changed back into your clubbing clothes but knew that it wouldn’t last long since the drive to your apartment was pretty short. Upon seeing the male step back out into the living room, you couldn’t help but smile wider. He always looked so good no matter what he was wearing.
Walking out to the parking garage where his car was, you both noticed the sounds of what seemed to be fire trucks. You glanced over at him and noticed he was staring back at you too. Those trucks sounded awfully close. However, it could have been anything but it was never a good thing for a fire truck to be blaring so close to home. Climbing in, you both buckled up and were off onto the streets.
Within five minutes, your heart sunk and you felt like you were going to puke.
The fire trucks were all parked outside the front of your building as it started to collapse on itself with the help of the flames that were trying to engulf it. Fire. It was everywhere. The entire building was up in flames. Fight or flight instincts kicked in and you quickly unbuckled yourself and was flinging yourself out of the car before Jungkook could even put it to a full stop; shouting after you.
“Wait! Stop!”
Fortunately the male was part wolf and could use his speed and strength to his advantage. Within seconds, he had his arms wrapped around your waist and stopping you from going any closer to the burning building. You screamed and thrashed in his arms; exclaiming that you had belongings in there. Belongings that were important and precious to you. Once you had stopped screaming at him, he softly shushed you and held you to his chest as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
“I know. I know. I’m so sorry, beautiful. I’m so sorry. It’s going to be okay. We’ll fix this. It’s going to be okay.”
His inner wolf howled in pain and it rang in his ears. Dear god this was pure torture seeing you like this. It had tears stinging his own eyes as he held onto you for dear life. You had since then lost all your will to stand and so he had to hold you up as best he could. You just wouldn’t stop sobbing and honestly he couldn’t blame you. He could only imagine what precious items you must have been referring to.
Managing to get you back in his car, the two of you sat there in silence. You were silently crying and he was sitting there trying to figure out how to clean this mess up. It was killing him. So much so that it was hard to think straight. All he wanted to do was hold you in his arms and make all this go away so that you’d smile again. Swallowing hard, he suddenly remembered their previous plans and that’s what an idea struck him. Pulling out his phone, he found the contact he was looking for and pressed the phone to his ear.
“Jiminnie hyung. Have you guys left yet?”
“Nope. Cutie here insists I’m not sober enough yet. I think she just wants to see me choke back black coffee.”
“Look. I’m coming over now. I’ll explain when we get there.”
“W---Okay. Sure. The door will be unlocked. Kook is everything o----”
But the male didn’t give his older brother a chance to finish as his car was already back out on the street and zooming towards their destination; Jimin’s girlfriend’s house. You took one last look at the place you had called home for the last three years before closing your eyes and bawling all the harder as you slumped further into the passenger seat.
“Shhh. It’s okay, beautiful. We’ll fix this. We’ll make everything okay.”
Once arriving, Jungkook looked over to see that you had finally stopped crying but the alternative wasn’t much better. If anything, it was worse. You just sat there staring out into space; thinking only God knows what. Turning the car off, he got out and helped you out and you let him; not having the spirit in you to do it yourself.
However, once Jimin opened the door and saw you standing there, you burst into tears all over again and flung yourself at the small man; clinging to him and sobbing into his shoulder. Meanwhile said man was staring at the younger male with question marks all over his face mouthing ‘What happened?’
But instead of answering the older male out loud, Jungkook simply gave him a look that said he’d explain everything in a minute. It was then that he turned to the cute, petite female standing a few feet away in the living room and he asked softly,
“Mama Bird, could she use your shower and......perhaps borrow a fresh set of clothing?”
Nodding eagerly, the female spoke in a soft, sweet, and motherly tone as she replied,
“Of course, of course. Come on, sweet pea. Let’s get you washed up. You’ll love my shampoo I use. And we’ll pick out a really pretty outfit that will have you feeling good as new.”
With soft whimpers falling from your quivering lips, you allowed the other female to guide you deeper into her cozy home where the bathroom could be found. Lucky for you, the female was quite the literal mama bird. You would be in good hands for the moment.
Once the two females were out of sight, Jungkook sighed heavily and closed the front door behind him before leaning against it and rubbing his face tiredly. Jimin stood there shifting his weight from one foot to the other before he finally cracked under the suspense and asked once more,
“Jungkook, what happened? Did someone die?”
“No......but something tells me they might as well have.”
Just as Jimin was about to nag about the younger beating around the bush and speaking in riddles, the dark haired boy spoke up once more.
“Her apartment was on fire this morning, hyung. The whole building is completely destroyed. I have no idea if anyone was in the building but thank the Moon Goddess she wasn’t.”
When the blonde male gave him a look, he added in brief explanation,
“I took her to my place after last night. I just......my inner wolf told me to. And I can’t really say I wanted to argue. I want her home with me so bad, Jimin. Is this what it feels like for you and Taehyung?”
“Oh yeah. Trust me. That’s why I’ve been staying here at her place. Thankfully she doesn’t mind it. And honestly I could see myself moving in here if we get that far.”
Suddenly one of the colorful birds in the living room spoke up but what came out of his mouth was not what Jungkook was expecting.
“Heehee heehee you’re such an idiot, Jiminnie. But I still love you.”
“Stupid parrot.”
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floramodus · 5 years
Flora => Finish What You Started
To say you were awake was the understatement of the century.
You spent most of last night tossing and turning, with no human or fuzzy companions to fixate your whizzing thoughts on. All your babies were sent to babysitters- even David himself was spending time in New York with Artemis you assume. You boyfriends themselves know as much as they need to- would you regret not dumping your heart out on the floor instead of the curt, passive explanation you gave them? Perhaps, but you were already brimming with regrets.
Part of you didn't want to do this, knowing without the risk you have multitudes of people to live for now, and risking your life wasn't just risking your life. You were risking the peace of mind of numerous people. Lord knows what your parents were gonna say when they found out. Really, you were expecting a lot of metaphysical waps when you came out the other side. But the other part of you knew you wouldn't have rest for the rest of your immortal days unless you did this.
Thats what you had to focus on right now, the actively completing this part. The chips would fall where they may once you succeed, Thats a fact of life. You finally pull yourself out of bed, pulling off the hoodie and pukka shell necklace you had slept in, giving them a long, pained look before you teleport them into the back of the closet, out of mind. Instead you dressed for comfort in more ways than one, putting on trinkets that reminded you of your loved ones. The necklace Windi gave you, with a piece of his hair tucked inside, the bracelet made of Davesprite's feathers. A sweater Nessa gave you, the day you were adopted. Little, tiny fragments of where your heart belonged, like the planets on your ears. By the time you spent ruminating in that particular mental hole, you bucked up and texted Roxy.
They didn't long to show up, carrying what they needed to do what you asked of them. Your reaction was to hug them, though you know it was just the lack of words sticking in your throat that made you so nervous. Well, a lot of things were making you nervous, but the lack of how to go about being somewhat normal in greeting was certainly one of them. Thankfully they got the memo years ago that you were a complete and utter disaster. The guilt trickled back in, the sensation of knowing they probably don't want you to do this either, but knowing they couldn't stop it. After a few quiet moments you sighed, giving them your best smile as you offered to show them to the lab. They'd seen it, practice with the tech, but agreed nonetheless, letting you have some semblance of control.
For once the lab was fairly clean, free of scattered projects and garbage even if the main event was a lone tower desktop in a side room. You probably should have better protection for the thing considering it hosted all your brain files, but now wasn't the time, ironically, considering Roxy immediately got to work in setting up what they needed in the tiny space. You could eventually feel them in the back of your skull, poking the files and asking questions to make sure they had proper connection.
When it was all said and done the silence returned, saved for the low humming of electronic fans. You shuffled back and forth on your toes until they spoke up again.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Absolutely not, you wanted to say, but instead you nod, putting on your ishades. “I don't have any other choice.”
They one hundred percent didn't believe that, but relented, offering their hand. You two had discussed fray-motifs and all that confusing game play junk, and even if you didn't have to have contact to initiate it, you guessed it was a much appreciated gesture of comfort. You both focused your powers until eventually, for all intents and purposes, you ceased to exist. You could still feel you had a form, but even your spacial awareness was thrown through a loop as you also had, no atomic structure to speak of. For all intents and purposes, you were invisible to the multiverse. The plan was to use it long enough to be able to search and skim the universe and the bubbles undetected until you found them. A head-start, if you will. Roxy of course, under the same shield for the time being, was just as aware. That didn't stop you from pulling the potato you had put in your sylladex the night before and giving it a gentle toss at them. They caught it with a fumble, laughing for the first time since they arrived. It gave you the resolve you needed, even as the potato got hurled back over your shoulder. You knew you'd be in good hands. You just had to remember this wasn't the end. A well placed kiss on the top of Roxy's head, and you were off.
When you warped into the universe, specifically the main system, you could absolutely see the theory was correct. Derse and Prospit- at least the skeleton of them, were no longer revolving around your moon. Instead, long strings of bubble like masses wrapped around the Earth and the Moon like some strange, wet spider web, pulsing and shifting with iridescent light. You took a deep breath, not feeling any sort of code grabbing or clawing at you. That was a good sign, and you texted Roxy just that. Encouraged, you took the headfirst plunge into the masses.
You've seen dream bubbles from other universes, and despite the tang in the air that gave away the fact something was wrong, it was an unstable memory, it looked no different. You waded through memory after memory, some your own, some you recall from your teammates, some copies of the places you have firmly in your sylladex, until you managed to pick up a scent once you broke through a fuzzy representation of the Land of Light and Rain. You followed the trail under the heat of a fake skyline, till you saw them. Sitting, almost casual, on the beaches sands. Like they never left at all. You were pretty sure underneath the veil of void you could feel every atom in your body bristle. Was it happiness? Fear? Agony? You were never the best at pinpointing these things. You were happy to see Rose and John at least, watching them skip stones across the acid sea. David hung back naturally under a comical umbrella, smoking. You were disgusted at the pang in your heart at that fact, the rage you knew well you harbored in there threatening to boil over before you showed yourself. Which, you still had to do.
The cloak served well to buy you and Roxy time away from the corruption, but would be useless in helping you do what you came here for. You walked closer, still a fair enough distance away that David wouldn't startle and probably gut you, and texted Roxy to drop her side of the motif. Like the sand under your feet the facade dissolved, leaving you open and vulnerable as the metaphorical clock begin to tick. Even before anything latched you could feel Roxy inside your skull, scanning. Watching.
To say they were surprised was a massive understatement. Even David, who you knew had breached into your own realm of the living on unfortunate occasion, seemed agape at you being here.
“Jaaaaade!” The name made you wince, even now, but coming from John as he practically tackled you, you tolerated it. He was warm and small- visually not a day over 13. You suppose then the bubbles hadn't existed long enough for them to get their bearings on what an afterlife meant. Rose wasn't far behind, though she was much taller than John, wrapping you both up in a crushing grip. She was crying- you could hear it in her voice. You were too, you just couldn't process the fact you were sobbing as you held these two in your arms. It had been so long, and even the ache you've been sure to bury deep clawed its way out of your chest. David made sure not to join in, and you're thankful. Wouldn't want to give anything away to the others. You wanted them happy. Thats why you were here, shaking off corruption from your core like the dog you were to be here.  
You were here to apologize, to make things right, and well at best you did what you could. You explained what happened, and what happened after, and they explained, well, how they didn't even realize they had died until the bubbles appeared. How they thought you were permadead just like they had been. You shared a look with David, who lit up another cigarette in return. He had knew you were alive, and resented you. At least he had the decency to play along with the act.
You were pretty sure even with him here, you could spend forever catching up. Listening to John make Rose laugh was healing. Seeing her happy after all the years of sorrow that had been etched into her skin was healing. Even with the sensation of Roxy in your head pulling code like needles in haystacks, the bitter regret you felt coming here diminished. Even so, you couldn't stay here forever. Roxy was your only lifeline and you couldn't make them strain themselves keeping you afloat in safety. So you made your choices. You told the others you needed to talk to David alone, and obviously they relented. For all John remembers, you two were lovebirds. Rose was a bit more wise to it, but you could feel she was confident in the fact you could take care of yourself. She always was- but now, in the wake of seeing you and hearing your stories, you could feel the pride behind that sensation. It was comforting, considering what you had planned.
You led him till you two were far out of sight, far from any sort of hearing range or at least, enough your space powers, still being debugged, would cover the rest. Far enough he ripped his arm from you in disgust, that same arm trying to cock back for a hit.
It wouldn't reach its target.
In an instant your own fist was at his jaw, knuckles cut on teeth and soon to be glass as the other hit his nose. He pulled out his katana in true Strider fashion, trying to run you through like he had done a million times before, only to have it sizzle and melt, viscous and boiling onto himself as you super-heated the stupid shitty thing once it cut your skin. He staggered, opening himself up to get kicked over, one foot on his cracking and straining rib cage and the other on his throat. He spit out your dead-name between broken teeth, trying to reel in some sort of manipulative pity like he had in the past. It's how you became his fiancee, despite the obvious. It's how you became his girlfriend, without a single comforting touch. It's how he had you under his thumb once the boy he use to be died in the wake of what happened. Did you blame him? Not at all. Would you make excuses for how he treated you even with all he had dealt with? Not anymore. Not ever again.
You ground your heel into his throat, growling. “Do not call me that. I'm not Jade Harley. I'm Flora Rhevtal and you won't forget it I'm sure. Not that you'll have to remember it long, darling.”
You took your foot off his throat, but kept him pinned with the other as you shifted to get down on his level, your knees crushing his bones instead.
“Bitch,” he spat, his vitriol coming up blood. You smiled still, watching his bravado make no ground now. You weren't afraid of him. Your hand found his battered throat, and claws tore the flesh clean from bone. You sure he would have had something to say about that, if he had the chance.
“Stay in hell where you belong, David Strider.”
Not long after a loud gurgle did his ghost evaporate into double death, dissapearing from this plane once more. For good. For the better. You knew Roxy having a front row seat was probably blowing up your phone, but you took your time to wash the blood off your hands and switch into your god tier pj's. They were the only clothes you could switch at will, and well, they were clean! You had to act quickly- the longer you stayed here now that your cover was blown to the terrors, the harder they'd try to reap your body again.
You made your way back to the others, explaining David had to go find something and he'd catch up later. That you also had to go sadly and take care of some universe things, but you'd see them again. Lying through your teeth was not a skill you wanted to have, but you did just enough to get the job done. You hugged them tightly, kissed them both, and told them how much you loved them. How much you wish things had been different. How proud you were of them. Them echoing it back in sincerity made you really feel the meaning in your statements. You do wish things were different, but you have one choice now. They would suffer worse than you without it, and you weren't a Life player.
Goodbyes trailed off in the vacuum of space as you popped out of the bubbles. You checked your phone long enough to see if Roxy was in trouble, but all that greeted you was stuff you'd unpack later. Because you were certain there would be a later now. After all, they did their job well. Skirting just outside of the corrupted universe in an instant, even without the cover of Void anymore the horrors couldn't reach you here. They wouldn't, ever again anyway, once you swirl your hands just enough to completely, absolutely, destroy your universe. Your birth place, your birth right, your prize, no longer a presence in the vastness of space, with nary a supernova to announce its departure. Just the deep, yawning void of space left in its wake as you traveled back home. Your home. The home you had truly made for yourself.
Roxy didn't say much, even when you arrived, just worked quietly for awhile to make sure you were truly, clean of viruses. You were thankful for both, considering not long after they stepped away from the machinery, you crumpled in on yourself, passing out once the tension had left. You made it, you stupid, successful bastard. You're safe. You're home! Forever!
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jecngs · 5 years
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                it’s  ya  girl  𝒅𝒓𝒊  (nineteen,  she/her,  pst  but  i’m  in  the  philippines  for  two  weeks  so  that’s gmt+8 !),  a  soft  edgy  born  with  a  name  that  means  "dark  one  of  the  lord"  on  friday  the  13th  !  if  you’re  meeting  me  for  the  first  time,  some  fun  facts  are  that  i  have  the  incredibly  dangerous  combo  of  high  ambition  and  poor  time  management  and  i’d  Risk  It  All  for  a.c.e,  ateez,  and  loona  !  so,  anyway,  here’s  my  poor,  poor  girl,  miss  amelia  !  why  i  did  her  so  dirty  is  a  Good  Question  i  do  not  have  the  answer  to,  but  let's  plot  !
𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛  𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  amelia  christine  jeong   𝗡𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:  lia,  li,  call  her  amy  and  she’ll  beat  u  up   𝗔𝗚𝗘:  twenty   ��𝗢𝗕:  november  29,  1998   𝗭𝗢𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗖:  sagittarius  sun,  aries  moon   𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  bisexual   𝗢𝗖𝗖𝗨𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  actress
         ♡   daughter  of  edith  byun  and  christopher  jeong,  two  major  players  in  broadway  (and  later  on  the  film  industry),  she  was  practically  famous  in  the  industry  before  she  was  even  born.  it  was  without  a  doubt  that  she  was  anticipated  to  be  nothing  short  of  talented  and  successful  once  she  popped  out  of  the  womb!  imagine  legendary  dance  couple  keone  and  mari  madrid’s  child  but  if  they  both  had  a  reputation  akin  to  idina  menzel  or  lea  salonga.  that’s  basically  lia.
        ♡   with  this,  her  parents  unfortunately  succumbed  to  public  pressure  and  wanted  to  ensure  that  their  daughter  would  meet  these  expectations.  to  fall  short  would  be  the  greatest  misfortune  on  her  reputation,  and  they  simply  would  not  have  that.  was  it  the  healthiest  mindset  to  have  raising  their  first  and  only  child?  lmao  no,  but  it’s  the  mindset  that  came  with  the  fame  they  had.  eyes  would  be  on  her  the  moment  she  came  into  the  world,  so  she  had  to  be  everything  the  public  wanted  her  to  be.
        ♡   a  few  months  before  lia  was  scheduled  to  be  born,  her  father  was  cast  in  the  us  tour  of  miss  saigon  (pretend  there  was  one  in  1998),  and  it  overlapped  with  the  due  date!  he  was  supposed  to  be  performing  at  the  pantages  for  a  few  weeks  in  that  general  timeframe  of  when  her  mom  could  be  going  into  labor,  so  they  took  a  risk  and  just…  moved  to  los  angeles  because  he  wasn’t  going  to  miss  the  birth  of  his  child!  so  ever  since  she  was  born  she  resided  in  the  hollywood  area!
        ♡    she  was  homeschooled  for  a  majority  of  her  childhood,  but  ur  a  Big  Fool  if  u  thought  it  was  by  her  parents!  they  were  incredibly  busy  with  their  own  careers  so  she  had  a  nanny  and  a  homeschool  teacher!  and  to  be  Quite  Honest  her  nanny  was  more  of  a  mother  to  her  than  miss  edith  could  ever  be!  to  lia,  her  parents  were  more  like  a  dream,  a  fantasy,  some  sort  of  ethereal  beings  —  untouchable.  [cue  parental  longing]
        ♡   despite  how  much  the  media  loved  to  talk  about  amelia  and  her  parents,  she  didn't  actually  get  to  see  them  all  that  often!  they  loved  her,  there's  no  doubt  about  it,  but  they  didn't  exactly  know  to  express  it...  despite  being  acclaimed  performers  SGKSDJGHDS  so!  basically  in  lia's  mind,  succeeding  meant  getting  love  from  her  parents  because  they  always  seemed  to  pay  the  most  attention  to  her  when  she  was  doing  something  impressive  —  they  loved  to  show  her  off  to  their  colleagues  like  some  sort  of  dog  who  can  do  tricks.  lia  ate  up  this  "love",  though,  because  there's  nothing  that  beats  the  glimmer  in  their  eyes  when  they  watch  her  perform.
        ♡    lia  took  private  lessons  for  everything  ranging  from  acting,  voice,  and  dance!  fun  fact:  she’s  classically  trained  in  several  dance  styles,  such  as  contemporary,  jazz,  ballet,  tap,  and  hip  hop!  she  was  basically  set  to  follow  her  parents’  footsteps  with  all  of  this  training.  she  played  several  child/teen  roles  in  musicals  thanks  to  her  family,  and  it  was  an  almost  effortless  kickstart  to  her  career.
        ♡    when  she  was  high  school  aged,  lia  was  admitted  into  la  county  school  of  the  arts,  but  she  wasn’t  there  for  long.  despite  growing  up  being  taught  how  to  handle  lingering  paparazzi  and  answer  questions  interviewers  sent  her  way,  she  was  never  quite  taught  how  to  handle  the  Hell  that  is  high  school.  she  wasn’t  accepted  well  into  the  social  climate  and  was  frequently  bullied  and  judged.  they  didn’t  believe  that  she  worked  to  be  there,  she  was  only  there  because  of  her  parents.  they  didn’t  actually  know  anything  about  her,  but  they  made  these  assumptions  that  eventually  led  to  her  pulling  out  of  school.  she  had  been  excited  to  finally  see  what  it’d  be  like  to  make  friends  of  her  own  —  friends  that  weren’t  just  fed  to  her  because  of  who  her  parents  were.  she  didn’t  know  that  same  fact  would  make  it  all  the  more  difficult.
        ♡    she's  a  theatre  kid  through  and  through,  and  that's  all  i  have  to  say  about  that!  lia  grew  up  adoring  the  theatre,  not  only  watching  the  shows  her  parents  were  casted  in  but  almost  every  single  one  she  could  become  an  audience  to!  it  was  to  no  surprise  when  the  public  found  her  in  minor  and  supporting  roles  as  a  child,  and  it  was  pretty  much  expected  for  her  to  become  one  of  the  next  big  names  in  broadway  —  she  was  anticipated  to  make  the  Big  Move  to  new  york  once  she  got  her  footing  in  the  industry!
        ♡    as  time  progressed,  she  continued  to  pursue  theatre,  slowly  taking  on  more  mature  roles.  every  now  and  then  she  would  be  given  television/film  offers,  but  it  was  more  of  a  side  gig  at  the  time.  theatre  was  truly  what  she  was  passionate  about.  even  though  it  was  a  profession  forced  on  her,  it  was  no  lie  that  she  actually  enjoyed  it.
        ♡    she  began  to  develop  her  own  fame  outside  of  her  parents  around  the  time  she  was  seventeen/eighteen,  with  a  supporting  role  in  an  independent  film  that  garnered  pretty  notable  success.  around  this  time,  her  parents  invested  in  a  publicist/agent  just  for  her,  a  relative  of  edith  who  was  also  involved  in  the  industry.  it's  true  when  they  say  it's  bad  to  mix  personal  affairs  with  business  because  things  began  to  take  a  bit  of  a  turn  for  miss  lia!
        ♡    her  pr  team  was  really  big  on  transforming  her  the  Big  Name  everyone  expected  her  to  be,  all  the  while  creating  an  identity  completely  separate  from  her  family  where  she  can  thrive.  and  that’s  exactly  what  they  did.  they  created  an  identity.
        ♡    she  had  a  love/hate  relationship  with  being  associated  with  her  parents.  on  one  hand,  it  was  a  burden  having  to  constantly  live  with  the  expectation  of  being  just  as  successful  as  them,  but  on  the  other,  it  fueled  her  fantasies  of  being  the  dream  family  she  had  always  wanted  them  to  be.
        ♡    they  stressed  the  importance  of  whom  she  associated  with,  they  slowly  transitioned  her  out  of  theatre  and  immersed  her  completely  into  the  film  industry,  lining  her  up  for  roles  that  would  eventually  become  quite  memorable.  they  took  who  lia  was  and  restructured  her  as  they  saw  fit,  and  lia  went  along  with  all  of  this  because  they  constantly  reassured  her  that  this  was  what  was  best  for  her  career.  she  didn't  want  to  go  against  family,  for  to  ruin  any  connections  with  her  parents  would  be  a  step  closer  to  losing  them  completely,  so  she  played  along  in  this  role  made  just  for  her.
        ♡    her  brain  eventually  became  fine  tuned  to  see  relationships  as  “how  can  this  benefit  me?”  rather  than  actual  companionship  which  Sucks  bc  she  totally  wants  friendship  —  she’s  always  craved  it  —  but  in  the  back  of  her  mind  there’s  always  this  lil  checkbox  where  she  has  to  get  something  from  this  which  is  Not  Healthy  but  she  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  about  it  because  she’s  in  too  deep  to  change  anything
        ♡    she’s  become  so  detached  from  her  individuality  and  become  the  rising  starlet  her  team  shaped  her  into.  she  hasn’t  been  in  a  musical  production  in  a  long  time,  so  it’s  as  if  they  ripped  a  major  part  of  her  identity  away  from  her.  but  i  guess  that  was  the  plan  all  along.  i  don’t  wanna  say  that  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  due  something  along  the  lines  of  always  living  in  her  shadow…  but  her  mom's  cousin  has  some  lingering  resentment  toward  her  mom.  it’s  just  cleverly  disguised  because  lia  is  technically  thriving  when  you  look  at  it  from  the  outside.  inside,  she  yearns  for  her  past.
        ♡    in  the  past  few  years,  she’s  been  conditioned  to  want  the  world.  she  thinks  she  is  owed  it,  but  this  sentiment  is  also  fueled  by  her  longing.  she  has  this  hunger  for  success  that’s  highkey  kinda  unhealthy!  she  isn’t  even  capable  of  discussing  these  things  with  her  parents  because  they’re  all  busy  all  the  time!  her  team  would  tell  her  to  say  yes  to  projects,  pr  stuff  including  false  articles  later  debunked  just  for  the  publicity,  whatever  works!  she’s  been  forced  into  this  addiction  for  attention  but  it’s  pretty  much  a  result  of  her  channeling  the  negative  energy  toward  her  career…  to  help  her  career?  but  in  a  way  that’s  detrimental  to  her  own  health.  her  sleep  schedule?  fucked  up!  she’s  ruining  herself  from  the  inside  out  and  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  it!
        ♡    her  sentiment  toward  her  public  identity  is  akin  to  lottie  person  of  the  snotgirl  comic!  who  she  is  interpreted  as  on  social  media  isn’t  the  whole  truth.  she  posts  as  if  she’s  under  careful  watch  because,  well,  she  is.  anything  her  team  didn't  like  simply  didn't  cut  it  and  was  deleted  almost  immediately  followed  by  a  sharp  scolding.  "image  is  everything"  is  one  of  the  many  sentences  ingrained  into  her  mind.  an  effortless  kind  of  everyday,  that's  what  she  was  supposed  to  be.  idk  how  to  explain  it  well  but  u  know  those  instagrams  where  it  looks  super  casual  but  is  probably  super  planned?  yes?  idk  in  my  head  she  has  an  instagram  feed  like  hyulari  or  pameluft  where  it  looks  rly  normal  but  it's  rly  pretty
        ♡    i'm  trying  to,  like,  put  it  into  words  what  her  persona  is  perceived  as,  but  it's  something  along  the  lines  of  a  person  you  think  you  know  but  you  really  don't.  you  see  her  posts,  you  see  who  she's  with,  where  she's  having  coffee,  but  who  is  lia,  really?
        ♡    clearly,  this  entire  situation  can  get  extremely  overwhelming!  the  melatonin  she  takes  to  help  control  her  sleeping  habits  also  gifts  her  with  the  side  effect  of  irritability,  so  there  have  been  times  when  she  “slipped  up”  and  Snapped!  her  fans  are  quick  to  defend  her,  however,  claiming  she’s  tired  and  needs  rest,  or  place  blame  on  the  individuals  who  dare  disrespect  her  privacy  and  personal  space. 
        ♡    scandals  are  also  something  she  isn’t  immune  to.  she  frequents  club  and  party  settings  often,  and  rumors  often  circulate  about  her  activities,  but  it's  easy  to  shift  blame  on  bad  influences.  her  image  isn't  exactly  squeaky  clean,  but  hey,  as  her  team  likes  to  say,  "total  prudes  don't  get  attention"
        ♡    people  who  work  with  lia  either  love  her  or  hate  her,  there's  really  no  in  between.  she's  friendly  or  stuck-up.  some  believe  she's  ungrateful,  maybe  they're  onto  something.  she  doesn't  cause  trouble  on  sets,  but  people  love  to  make  assumptions  about  this  girl  whose  identity  they  can't  seem  to  crack.  but  they'll  be  damned  if  they  don't  see  her  come  in  every  morning  with  a  smile  on  her  face.
        ♡    if  it  wasn't  clear,  she  despises  the  identity  she’s  forced  into!  it  feels  like  a  role  she  has  to  play  almost  24/7,  and  she’d  easily  give  it  all  up  if  it  didn’t  mean  losing  everything  good  that  came  from  it.  she  missed  the  girl  she  used  to  be,  the  girl  anyone  could  easily  approach  to  talk  about  their  day.  she  doesn’t  know  amelia  anymore.  she  hasn’t  been  amelia  for  a  long  time,  only  lia.
        ♡    she  learned  recently  that  the  contract  with  her  team  is  set  for  a  renewal  soon,  which  prompted  a  crisis  within  lia.  to  terminate  the  contract  would  mean  freedom,  but  at  what  cost?  spicy,  stay  tuned.
        ♡    lia  and  her  relationship  with  her  own  identity  has  definitely  affected  her  personality  and  how  she  portrays  herself  even  when  she  is  at  her  most  comfortable
        ♡    my  base  inspiration  that  Started  It  All  for  lia  came  from  me  watching  a  stephanie  soo  vlog  KSDLHGDSG  so  yea  she's  like  this  likable,  kinda  loud  and  blunt  personality  but  that  comes  more  as  a  surprise  to  people  who  get  to  know  her  because  she's  been  molded  into  having  a  more  suppressed  type  of  character  —  friendly,  but  never  too  much
        ♡    for  the  sake  of  her  sanity,  i'm  gonna  say  that  she  still  holds  on  to  her  personality  in  fear  of  becoming  too  absorbed  by  her  public,  consumable  image,  but  there  are  times  when  she  confuses  the  two.  she  can  slip  up  and  say  something  a  bit  too  blunt  in  an  interview  or  find  herself  holding  back  with  her  close  friends.  she's  essentially  become  a  blend  of  her  true  nature  and  her  public  image  where  it's  almost  the  same  thing
        ♡    incredibly,  incredibly  insecure!  lia  does  not  have  a  hold  on  her  own  identity,  so  even  the  smallest  things  will  make  her  question  everything!  she  constantly  wonders  if  there’s  a  party  happening  that  she’s  not  invited  to,  if  people  like  her,  if  people  are  gossiping  about  her.  so  many  aspects  of  her  current  identity  have  been  conditioned  to  be  close  enough  to  genuine  that  she  actually  doesn’t  know  what’s  real  anymore.
        ♡    she  can  be  a  little  bit  manipulative  if  it  comes  down  to  her  career.  she  doesn’t  really  mean  it  but  she  can’t  help  it  at  this  point!
        ♡    if  she’s  friends  with  someone,  even  if  it’s  for  some  symbiosis-type  relationship,  she  will  play  into  that  role,  she  will  act  as  if  it’s  real.  even  if  she  doesn’t  believe  it,  she  wants  to  believe  it  because  she  also  is  unsure  if  she’s  capable  of  real  feelings??!  she  thinks  she’s  devoid  of  emotion  but  she  just  …  doesn’t  think  about  it.  like,  she  doesn’t  want  to  admit  to  herself  that  she  cares  about  people  bc  she  knows  the  Ugly  side  of  her  brain  will  hyper-analyze  the  relationship  and  find  ways  to  sabotage  it  for  herself  to  the  point  where  she  can’t  enjoy  it  anymore  —  so  i  guess  it's  safest  for  her  to  think  that  this  really  isn't  her!  coping  mechanisms  let's  roll  out!
        ♡   she’s  definitely  had  her  fair  share  of  significant  others  in  the  past,  but  they’ve  been  mixed  into  a  bag  of  a  bunch  of  pr  relationships  (she's  had  so  many)  so  she  doesn’t  know  if  she’s  capable  of  actually  loving  someone.  it!  all!  seems!  fake!  but  she  definitely  craves  affection  and  will  try  to  find  it  wherever  she  can.
        ♡    tldr  she's  actually  a  nice  gal,  outgoing,  caring,  but  she  can't  help  but  think  that  she's  a  robot  because  she  thinks  too  much  about  how  people  see  her
       ♡    super  prone  to  asian  glow
       ♡    loves  anything  peach!  peach  soju  with  yakult  is  her  favorite  alcoholic  beverage,  peach  is  her  favorite  color,  but  she  doesn't  like  actual  peaches???  make  it  make  sense
       ♡    credited  as  lia  jeong  in  everything.  feels  weird  if  someone  addresses  her  as  amelia  if  they're  not  reading  an  official  document  or  really  close  to  her.
       ♡    feels  a  strange  connection  to  "the  i  love  you  song"  from  the  25th  annual  putnam  county  spelling  bee
       ♡    her  favorite  film  genre  to  work  on  is  definitely  romance  because  it's  fun  to  pretend  to  be  loved!  coming  of  age  is  a  close  second.
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1358456 · 6 years
Review Response, Dec 2-8, 2018
Another week, another batch, since both Heart and Wings saw an update.
Destiny #042:
1) Great story loved it all the way thru
Thank you.
2) That was a roller coaster of emotions. At least Black and White finally got a happy ending in one of your stories... Hopefully... at least you haven't doom hammered them too hard yet. Looking forward to seeing the final update!
Yes. Finally, Black and White are SPARED instead of being sacrificed for the sake of tearing out heart strings. ... I tend to go back and forth between doom and sweetness for Black & White. And in the grand scheme of things, I have THREE major stories. SA, Destiny, Legacy. In SA, there was White’s death scene that hurt so many people. ... And Black got tossed away. In Destiny, both Black and White were spared. So in Legacy... Hmm...
3) hhhhhh poor Zygarde ;-;
... Wait, Poor Zygarde?! Hehehe. I guess, yeah. I mean, it only killed three Dex Holders with its fragile-ass 100% form. And two of those were because of an ambush, pretty much, while the other is a technicality, so to speak. Yellow has so many unique bullsh*t abilities and they are the only thing that support her as a character. ... Core Enforcer removes target’s ability. Thus Core Enforcer shredded Yellow. That is all.
Wings #002:
1) What a nice teacher XD
Hehe. It’s one of those things I noticed in certain school-based anime series. The teachers generally don’t give a f*ck about what happens. Like three third-years enter a first year classroom, holding wooden sticks, call out a student to meet them on the roof, and the teacher is just like “get out of here, you’re interrupting a class.” So in Wings, three third-years called out Y, Y beat the sh*t out of them, and the teacher is like “whatever, they had it coming.” ... Also necessary for the story, since Y will beat up a lot of people and I can’t have her getting kicked out.
2) Good chapter
Thank you.
3) Eh, if she didn't embrace her reputation, it would probably end up a not as eventful AU. The writing was awesome as always (that fight was probably the best part of the chapter) and I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Oh, and enjoy your vacation!
Yep. If Y was just like a normal girl, then the story becomes “just another one of those damn high school stories”. So BAD. Y must keep her reputation for the sake of entertainment. Even if that means a lot of students get beaten up, most of which would deserve a bit less than what they’d get.
And yes. Vacation! Yellowknife, here I come! ... On the 12th!
And damn this chapter just got more interesting hehe
First blood has occurred. Certainly won’t be the last. Which means far more interesting events are coming!
5) Great work again! I was just wondering whether there are any other Dex holders in this and if Y will have a bond with White and Platinum like she usually does?
Oh, definitely. In fact, most of the other Dex Holders will appear at some point or another. And yes, the Junior Trio will exist in the story. ... But Y will have to meet White and Platinum first. ... And White will experience a hostile first meeting with Y. Poor White. Hehehe...
6) Wow. Y is scary when she’s angry. Her temper is probably worse than Sapphire’s...and I love it!
Good going, X. I’d want to be her friend, too, after what i just witnessed.
Oh, Y will have a violent temper in Wings. And maybe a bit of a comical sadism, that will probably occur in the next chapter. And yes, X won’t ever want to get on her bad side now, and try his best to be her good friend. ... Otherwise... “... Y, please put the shovel down.”
7) X is so cute... he’s honestly the highlight of this story for me so far. Y’s pretty fun too. It’s nice to see the Vaniville group all together.
This is probably my most anticipated story by you right now, besides maybe SOS on your tumblr (I like seeing everyone together and not dying). Will there be other Dexholders in this?
Thanks for the great update!
The Vaniville Squad! Hehe. It’d be a notorious squad from Kalos Mid, mostly thanks to Y.
... You like seeing everyone together and not dying, but... SoS? That series has the most deaths! Hehe. Of course, SoS is in a GAME setting, so Dex Holders will die and respawn. So... no heartbreaking or dramatic deaths. More like comical and sad deaths. Hehe...
And yes, there will be other Dex Holders. So far, the following will appear one way or another at some point: Red, Gold, Crystal, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Faitsu, X, Y, Sun, Moon. I might put Blue in somewhere, but I haven’t decided yet. We’ll see as the chapters progress.
Heart #003:
1) Aww this was adorable to read! Poor Pearl though ahaha
Hehehe... Poor Pearl, indeed. He’s suffering the full wrath of Platinum’s obliviousness.
2) The way this is written makes me wonder if you have a crush on Platinum yourself
Great chapter!
Heh. Of course not. I simply contemplated on how I responded to my crush way back in the days, imagined how guys would respond to their crush, and increased the teasing factor by a bunch. Which is why the scene is basically written in Pearl’s perspective, instead of Platinum.
3) Sabotage? Noooooo ;-;
And dang. RIP Pearl XD
Unfortunately, Diamond vs. Pearl is beginning. Ring the bell. And so it begins. “Poor Pearl” should just be a thing now. ... Especially at the end of Heart, where he will suffer far more than he did in this chapter. Huhuhuhahahaha!
4) He's not getting any sleep is he lol? Well-written as always and I have to say the way you were teasing Pearl throughout was hilarious. Looking forward to the next chapter~
Pearl is being haunted in his dreams. And while it’s not a bad thing at all, it’s also very, very, VERY bad at the same time. Poor Pearl. Even in a dream, he can’t kiss Platinum. Hehe.
Heh... Pearl, you perv. But I think that poor kid is the only one I’ve teased in this fashion, ever. ... Well, this severely, anyways.
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onestowatch · 6 years
Aidan Alexander Walks Us Through His Birth Chart, Favorite Vines, & Friendship With Billie Eilish [Q&A]
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Aidan Alexander’s impressive talents extend far beyond any singular medium. From acting, amassing an avid following on every social media platform that’s worth using, to now, music, the 20-year-old is the reason why the term crossover success was invented in the first place. However, upon hearing Alexander’s music for the first time, it is difficult to see him as anything but a genuine musical talent. With only three singles to his name to date, “I Don’t Love You,” “Yours,” and “melancholia,” Alexander poignantly touches on themes surrounding love with delicately painted brushstrokes of lush atmospheric pop. 
Currently working towards his highly-anticipated debut EP, we had the chance to sit down with Alexander to discuss his transition to music, but it was in our moments of spirited digression that I came to discover a new side of the rising talent. It is a side defined by a delightfully sarcastic demeanor, love for his Aquarian nature, an abnormally-started friendship with Billie Eilish, a desire to use his social media platform the greater good, and so much more.
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OTW: It’s been a few years since you moved, but how has the transition been from Idaho to Los Angeles?
Aidan: It was a culture shock. My mom used to live in New York for a long time. So, growing up, I used to spend a lot of time in New York as well. Luckily, I got to experience more prior to going to LA. You know? I had a little bit of a cushioning. But I loved it. I loved the commotion. I love the chaos. There’s a lot of inspiration all around me. There’s a lot in Idaho, as well, but it’s a different kind.
OTW: So what made you choose LA over New York?
Aidan: I came to LA for acting. LA, I think is a little bit better for acting than New York. Also, I need space and I don’t know if I could do a 500 square foot apartment for like $4500. Maybe one day. I was telling my friends I would love to spend a year in New York. And then I have dual citizenship in Europe so then maybe after that I would just jet away. Out of here. Always just going east.
OTW: In a past interview, you said you were either too busy or too scared to pursue music. What is it about now that made you finally pursue it?
Aidan: I don’t think I was ever too busy. I think I was just being a little bitch about it. I think I’m just a perfectionist. You know, it’s my nature. I’m just very, very meticulous with details. So I really wanted it to be perfect. And that’s probably why I would say it took a little bit. But now that I kind of ripped the band-aid off, I’m like, “Let’s get it.” You know?
OTW: What was the immediate feeling like after releasing “I Don’t Love You?”
Aidan: I was just very happy. It’s cool to have people finally hear what I've been listening for months. It's cool to have them finally get it. You know? There’s more to reference. I can finally be, like, “This was really cool when I was in the studio working on this.” It’s another thing to talk about.
OTW: So speaking on being meticulous, does that have to do with your Aquarius nature?  Aidan: I don’t know if being meticulous about detail is an Aquarius thing. I just know that “I Don’t Love You” is an Aquarius thing. The first single. That’s very much my Aquarian nature. Yeah, I don’t know if that’s my zodiac sign coming into play or not. It might be. It probably is. Either that or just my flat personality. One of the two.
OTW: On the topic of stars, do you know your whole chart? 
Aidan: I know that my sun is a Gemini, which is really spooky. I’m a crazy person. I think my mars is a Leo. That’s all I know.
OTW: You don’t know your moon?
Aidan: I don’t know my moon. Let me check. I have it on my phone. It’s gonna bother me really bad. Let me pull up my chart.
OTW: Yeah, I’m a Gemini moon, so…
Aidan: Gemini moon, huh? What is moon? Is moon your emotion?
OTW: Believe moon is your emotion, which I hear it isn’t too great to be a Gemini.
Aidan: My sun is how I’m perceived which is a Gemini. I’m like, that sucks [still looking for his moon sign]. Sorry, just give me one second. It’s gonna bother me so bad. Ooh! There we go! I found her! I got her. Oh, hold on. I spoke too soon. Oh actually, I might have just gotten it. Okay. That’s pretty lit.
OTW: Whoomp, there it is.
Aidan: Okay, so, my Moon is in Leo. My Mercury is in Pisces. My Venus is Capricorn. My Mars is in Aries. Jupiter and Saturn are in Taurus. Uranus and Neptune are in Aquarius. Pluto and Lilith...I don’t even know, these just sound made up now...are Sagittarius. Sun is Gemini. So yeah, we didn’t learn too much.
OTW: We got your full birth chart though. That’s what really matters.
Aidan: I can’t wait to be picked apart by everyone who now has my natal chart.
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OTW: So, both “Yours” and “I Don’t Love You” tackle love in very different ways. So is love a major part of your songwriting process right now? Or does it just happen to be present in the first few singles?
Aidan: No, love is just a major part of my life. I love love. Not even so much, like, romantic love. Whether it’s platonic love or self-love or kind of just like emanating love outward, you know? I’m a big believer in love. I think it’s romantic and it’s pretty. So, there’s a lot of things you can write that pertain to love and they can be totally different. But, you know. It’s all like one wheelhouse. Having said that, my love life is a joke [laughs]. So, I write about that a lot. Just because it’s something that matters to me. So it’s something I write about. I also write a lot about stuff that doesn’t necessarily pertain to love. A lot of it is going to be on the new EP. But no, I think that love is a big part of everything.
OTW: Is there anything you can tell us about the forthcoming EP?
Aidan: The single “Melancholia,” which is a poem I wrote when I was younger. I just thought it was really pretty and I wrote it. I kind of transplanted it into musical form. That is going to be on the EP as well as what’s already out and a few new records which I think are really cool. There’s a lot of different sounds, you know. I try to pull inspiration from a lot of different kinds of music that I liked. I’m not a big fan of when every track on a record is the exact same or sounds similar. I kind of like having a wide array. So that was something I wanted to focus on. OTW: So speaking on your vast influences that range the gamut of Robyn, Fleetwood Mac, and Billie Holiday, was that something you grew up with in your household or something that you sought out later on?
Aidan: Yeah, I remember my mom used to always sing “Blue Moon” around the house and “Good Morning Heartache” by Billie Holiday. And I used to love jazz growing up. I thought it was really pretty, so I would always sing “All of Me” by Frank Sinatra. I performed at a cafe once when I was really young. I loved the lyricism to it. I loved how poetic it was. Just cause back then you had to stand out more to be popular. There weren’t all the gimmicks that we have now. A big part of my creative process is making sure there’s a lot of focus on the lyrics. When I say that my inspirations were, like, Fleetwood Mac, people would say, “Okay, well you’re not singing folk music on a guitar.” But it’s very much like...you can draw inspiration apart from just the sound, you know? There’s the thematic content.
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OTW: Has your social media popularity affected how you document your day to day life?
Aidan: You know, when I first started doing social media, I was the textbook definition of that little child running around a mall with his Snapchat out. Just cause that’s what I saw online. That’s everything that was out there. Everyone has that phase when you’re young, when you're just the absolute worst to yourself. I might still be in that phase. I’m not really sure [laughs]. I really just stray away from all that now. It’s so not me. And I’ve already done it, so I know that it isn't me. It’s really only affected me in the sense that I will post a song I’m listening to and be like “Oh, actually, maybe someone will listen to this.” If I had 200 followers, I would probably never post a screenshot of music I was listening to. I know that’s a weird example but that’s something that I think about a lot.
I think I use Instagram like a normal college student, which is not good. I should probably be more professional on my Instagram. It definitely gives me a level of responsibility, you know? Cause you have a platform. You have a voice. And you have certain responsibilities. Apart from that, I think that if anything, it just gives me more people to talk to.
OTW: On the subject of using your platform, you recently did a PSA tackling the “arming teachers” argument.  
Aidan: Oh! Yes, I did! Oh, I haven’t even talked about that yet. It was a really really cool PSA. My manager sent me the script, and I felt really passionate about it. I’m from Idaho where guns are very easily accessible. And I hate guns. I think guns are so scary. I’m very squeamish around guns. It was so comical, the whole “arming the teachers” thing. It was like, we’re doing everything except actually tackling the problem. I just thought it was so ridiculous. I saw the short as just a way to bring more attention to it in a way that wasn't too dark but still was very serious.
OTW: As an artist with a platform, is being politically and socially outspoken personally important to you?
Aidan: Personally, yeah. I just think I owe it to the greater good. Maybe that’s my Aquarian nature. I just think it's kind of a waste if you have people listening. I feel like you should be saying something that’s worthy to be listened to. I think it's like in Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.” You have such a chance to shed light on things that the average person doesn’t necessarily have the platform to speak on. So I think that it’s a bit of a waste of an opportunity if you don’t. 
OTW: You mentioned posting songs that you listen to. I heard that the recent Billie Eilish song made you cry.
Aidan: Whew! Yeah. I Snapchatted her last night. I was like videoing on Snapchat and it keeps going and it was like literally recording for like 10 minutes. And it was me. It was like a 45-minute long video of me just sobbing to “when the party’s over.” I sent it to her and I got a notification this morning that she screen recorded the entire thing. Yeah, so I don’t even know if that was the answer to your question.
OTW: No, that was great. So how did you two first become acquainted? 
Aidan: It’s funny because I think that she DM’d me something like, “Let’s be friends!” or something and I was like, “Oh my god you’re kidding. Of course!” And this was when “bellyache” was pretty much all she had out. I remember I sent her a photo of someone covered in beans. I don’t know why. It was super weird. And then I went to one of her concerts and then we just started hanging out. I can’t remember all the specifics. But I know that it was a very odd beginning
OTW: Just something involving beans.
Aidan: I know! I think she sent me the beans photo. So I sent it back, I think is what happened, if I recall correctly.
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OTW: You’ve done acting, you’re killing the social media game, and are now venturing into music. Are there any other artistic ventures you hope to pursue in the future?
Aidan: You know, I love writing. I write screenplays and songs, so writing is very present in my acting and my music. I write essays a lot. Not essays that are argumentative school essays or something. Sometimes I feel like I’m not poetic enough to say what I’m really trying to say in a stanza of six lines. I just feel like I'm not good enough. So essays give me a big platform to spew and by the end, I think you’d somewhat know what I’m trying to say. I’d love to do an essay book or something. I already have a ton. I also wrote an entire poetry book and I was hesitant about releasing it, but maybe one day I’ll put that out. Who knows? And I love to direct as well. I’m a terrible dancer but at my gym, there are dance classes and me and my friends do that every Monday. So maybe in the near future, I will also be a talented dancer.
OTW: Who are your Ones To Watch? 
Aidan: Ooh, okay. I just found a girl on Spotify today, GIRLI. She’s so So badass. I like her song “Young” and “Day Month Second.” I also love bülow right now. She has a really good song called “You and Jennifer.” Obviously, I’m always watching Lorde. Always. Always. I think that’s it. Those are the ones I’m watching right now. Oh and also La Femme. It’s like a little French electro band.
OTW: Before you leave, describe yourself with one Vine.
Aidan: Oh, mother of God. Let me think. I have to make this good. I'm going back and forth between two. Because I act tough but I’m really a baby, I think it would be the one where the girl goes “It’s the fourth of July. Imma pop these firecrackers don’t pop em on me. Where the police at?” and the mom goes “There’s a police right there” and she gasps. That’s my favorite one. 
Or the one where he looks at a crayon or something and the sister goes “Is that a weed?” and then she calls 911. That’s funny. Ooh, or the one of the guy dancing to uh...you remember in American Horror Story where he’s like “You’re all I want! You’re all I need!” and he’s like screaming? 
There’s a video where a boy is dancing and he dubs that over to him dancing so it’s him dancing to screams and it’s pretty good. That’s probably me too. That’s my internal struggle. Just link all of those.
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