#the combo pun and critique
krazieka2 · 10 months
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hi hello. Amber ships.
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bluef00t · 9 months
Do you have any comic recommendations for stories about pulpy-like heroes in fantastical adventures, a la Atomic Robo or Hellboy?
Those ARE my two big recs, which makes this difficult! Golden age pulp's unpredictable spikes of bigotry makes it hard to suggest to strangers as light reading, while modern pulp pastiches can feel overly self-conscious or just hollow to me (while continuing to import all the same old xenophobia.)
With those critiques in mind, though, I can name some more names.
Tom Strong is a 1999 creation by Alan Moore(!) It's not entirely free of... Moore-isms, but it's deeply sincere: no cruel twist awaits his science-action family or their casually fantastical alt-history.
Tintin is still translated and reprinted worldwide for a reason. IMO you won't find a more solid combo of research, jokes, action, and artwork in any other genuine vintage comic series. However, being written in the 30s-60s does show around the edges.
The Spirit, by comics legend Will Eisner, also dates back to the 40s. Post-Eisner, his legacy still pushes creators to get fun and experimental with format and storytelling. The role of racial caricature in the series history is a little harder to work around.
2000s Agents of Atlas is a team of '50s Timely/Marvel heroes. I have frustrations with its yellow peril "deconstruction" but do love the lineup: a secret agent, talking gorilla, Atlantean princess, Greek goddess, humanoid alien, and killer robot walk into a bar...
The Rocketeer is a popular throwback to the 30s that I find too mired in cardboard nostalgia to reach its full potential, but it's had some genuinely fun installments (and a movie!) so it's worth a look.
Sam & Max are mostly known for the point and click games, but they started out as comics parodying pulp adventure and I love their relentless cheesiness so I'm putting them here.
I also, as always, suggest exploring Franco-Belgian comics. (I think Spirou & Fantasio has decent English translations these days). The tone and formatting will be different; I tend to prefer BDs' longer "episode" length, higher density of physical comedy and puns, and more everyman characters.
And I'm always on the lookout for graphic novels which seem cool. Bone (which is honestly a very European series, stylistically), Bad Island, and Rapunzel's Revenge (+ sequel Calamity Jack) are some favorite one-off fantastical adventures I've picked up at my local library. Mostly from the kids or teens section.
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noodleblade · 6 months
I'm so obsessed with ovw rn and I really want to hear your specific opinions so what would knockout and breakdowns mains be?
Oh no I'm so sorry, but welcome to the brainrot:3 and thank you for indulging me in my worst thought exercise <3
Knock Out is a support main, obviously. He's a petty and mean one, not speaking from experience. He claims to be an Ana main but has more hours in Moira because if someone on his team spams the "I need healing" too many times, he'll just swap and dps as Moira. Oh, he also doesn't take kindly to e-begging for his nano and will throw it at his dps while their are still in spawn and waste it. He also heavily criticizes everyone on his team (except Breakdown) and won't critique his own gameplay. He also has been reported for abusive chat a few times....He's toxic and has a level 1 endorsement rating.
Breakdown would play tank. Not because he'd have a real interest in the game itself but Knock Out wants him to so, well, he'll learn how to play tank. I think he'd lean into bulkier tanks like Hog, Mauga and maybe Zarya?? He's not into the shield tanks as much and he would hate dive meta. But he has played a considerable amount of Rein because, once again, Knock Out asked. ("Come on, big guy. AnaRein is the meta!" <- ignores the fact it was the meta like 4 years ago)
Neither of them are good at the game. Breakdown is marginally better in the stats but its because Knock Out has a problem of feeding and trying to 1 v 1 dps he has no business 1 v 1- again, not speaking from experience. They work together great but the rest of their team? Well, its their team's fault, not theirs.
Oh, they also have cringe e-dater matching usernames. Not quite the his tank, his support combo but something equally as dumb. Probably pun based tbh.
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xplrvibes · 3 years
I honestly wasn't going to do this. 😭
But, I just...I have thoughts. I can't help myself. So, I wrote another entire ass review of the 3rd installment of this Sam and Colby Season 1.
A couple of quick overall thoughts before I break it down:
I actually do think Sam, Colby and Seth are my favorite combo. Seth is just so chill, and he works really well off of snc. And they feed off his chillness and tone it down to a level that is acceptable for my old ass.
According to things that snc were posting on xplrclub while they were filming these videos, Colby was a bit under the weather (just a cold!) while filming, so if he seems off (tired, acting odd, when he was talking about having chills at the end), I think it can be attributed to his immune system more than anything paranormal (only mentioning this because i saw some youtube comments saying they thought Colby seemed "off").
They finally listened to us and brought a second camera!! This means there's hope for them listening to us about filming videos alone (as in, just snc), and figuring out a way to record what the spirit box is saying during the Estes Method! That's progress.
Remember my disclaimer: Any thoughts, criticisms, or reviews expressed in this post are my own opinions. The definition of opinion is: “A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.”
All of my more detailed thoughts are available for purchase under the cut (no purchase necessary):
So, as you all know, I did not like the first two installments of season 1, at all.  I really didn’t have very high hopes for this one either, solely because of how “meh” I was about one and two...but this one surprised me.  I have a few criticisms, but overall- this was far more in line with the content I enjoy from snc.  I have zero complaints or critiques about their editing or filming this time, so I won’t even cover any of that. 
Instead, I’m going to cover the following 4 areas:
1. Storytelling/History
2. Equipment
3. Paranormal
4. Let’s Talk About Energies, Baby!
Let’s start from the Storytelling/History, shall we?
First, I just have to say: after all of the years of them half assedly telling horribly researched and completely untrue stories, they finally actually start getting better at the research and storytelling- and that’s when they decide to start running disclaimers at the bottom of the screen. Respect.
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That being said- can I just say that I do not buy the story of this house? This house, and the owner, gives me "we're upside down on our mortgage so we quick made up an urban legend haunting to sell to the masses to make the house profitable" vibes.
And this is coming from someone, btw, who used to go to Centralia, PA on school field trips as a kid. I've seen what coal mine fires can do to towns and homes and lives. Portals to hell are way low on the list of dangers.
Now, this "psychic" business with this Edwin guy- if any of that is true (and again- sounds a bit urban legendy to me), that's more likely the cause for any possible issues in the house than anything else. When people who aren't well equipped to protect themselves play with that kind of fire (pun intended), they get burned.
Also, sidenote- you don't just decide to jump into a career of being a psychic, the way you would decide to jump into a career of being a mechanic. You either are a psychic, or you aren't. That's not a skill you can go to college to learn- it's your body and mind's inherent ability to see/feel/communicate with the paranormal. You can hone that skill in particular ways, you can learn how to protect yourself, or how to better communicate with the other side- but if you don't already have that natural born ability...you aren't just going to be able to just figure it out as you go along. And honestly? Trying to do so is more dangerous than anything else.
Anyway, soap box moment over. Let's talk Equipment.
First of all- I watched this video twice, because I missed a few things on the first watch. Even after the second watch was over, I found myself sitting there going, "Ok, but what was the purpose of their little disco tambourine?" Like, why do they have that and why did it bring it along?
I don't know why they had so much rave gear (light up tambourines, light up rings?) in this episode, but they can just leave that shit for Coachella. None of it served any purpose.  I’m deducting a few points for using shit you could buy at Spencer’s Gifts in 1997 as “equipment” (but adding the points right back on because it reminded me of a time in my youth when we were all at Spencer’s Gifts buying these little glow sticks that you could put in your mouth and we would just walk around with our mouths glowing neon green all day, which explains a lot about why children of the 90s are the way we are now, lol). 
Again- you start to lose me when you start relying on too many pieces of equipment that have no basis in the paranormal, especially when the equipment is being supplied by the house.  Like, the owners of this house are relying on you, the paranormal content creators/visitors, to believe that their house is mega haunted.  The more they can promote that, the more money is coming in.  Who’s to say their equipment isn’t rigged in some way? I would honestly discount- or at the very least, be extremely cautious with- pretty much any piece of equipment supplied to me by the people who own the place I am investigating. 
And as far as equipment in general goes- look, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be using any equipment at all. Use your rem pod and your creepy little music box, fine (bonus: Sam exclaiming: “That’s the creepiest music box ever!  We need that one!” about the music box that was supplied by the owners of the house made me laugh). I actually think the spirit box/Estes session is cool, if a little ambiguous at times. But a talking teddy bear? Disco tambourine? The wacky flashlight tricks? Pretty much anything built by Steve Huff? Eh.
That being said- objectively speaking, that portal box thing was creepy as shit. Do I believe in it? Again...eh. I don't quite get how it works, but them voices were creepy. Why did they all have to be so...sinister sounding?  And why do these spirits always seem to be screaming Colby’s name?
Speaking of the Paranormal...
The seance. Creepy portal box aside, I have to admit that I laughed when the lady who owns the house started invoking random angels (Did she mention Uriel? Is this Supernatural? Who's next- Castiel?) and Colby just pops his head up and stares wide eyed at the camera, and then at her for a second. Like, me too, my dude.
Also, this idea that there's no such thing as coincidences: I mean, coincidences are cool, and fun, and weird sometimes. But sometimes, a penny on the floor is just a penny on the floor, you know?
I have to say that the concept of them (Sam, whoever) potentially being targeted by an entity that has been following them since long before the Sallie House is intriguing to me.  It would explain why they seemingly have more interesting things happen to them in places that aren’t necessarily haunted than most.  They have a long and storied history of fucking with shit that they do not understand/know how to protect themselves against (see: my rant about psychics and playing with fire), so they could have picked something up anywhere along the line.
Hell, Sam is a known skeptic who has brazenly done some fucked up shit during his “3 AM Challenges” for years.  Who the hell knows what is really going on with them.  I never thought it was “Sallie,” and I’m glad they are starting to kind of distance themselves from that thought a bit, as well.
Let’s talk about energies, baby!
Any of you who know me/read my nonsense ramblings, know that I have opinions when it comes to these two and their abilities/energies.  Let me quick break it down for you here (again: opinions. Not fact):
Sam: Sam is a skeptic, and seems to have a mind and walls like a steel trap. He rarely seems to have the same feelings as others (Colby, Kat Seth, etc) when they are in these situations, and I largely think its down to his skepticism and his inability to let his walls down, more than anything else.  This man wants the science and the equipment to explain it all to him, and doesn’t trust the intuitive process as much as he sometimes like to seem he does. I also think his skepticism and his need to experience something for himself before he’ll totally buy into it, is what makes him so open to an attachment.  He won’t safeguard himself as much, and he’ll do just about anything for the views (those 3AM Challenges are not something anyone who believes in this shit would fuck with).  He is the person in the horror movies who jokes about the slasher being around the corner because he doesn’t believe- only for the slasher to pop up behind him and rip his head off.  He is opening himself up to attachments with his demeanor, his skepticism, and his inability to take any precautions against what they are doing.  The more he dabbles in this stuff, and the more attachments he acquires (like Pokeman, gotta catch them all!), the more in-tune he would, in theory, become to what is going on around him.  He just needs to open himself up to it and give up control a little more- something that I think he struggles with. 
Colby: Colby has very big, very intense energy (possibly stemming from being an old soul).  We’ve spoken about this before, but that man is a bug light, and every creature on this earth, living or dead, is a moth that is just drawn to that energy.  That energy can intimidate other entities (living and dead) in different ways- some entities find safety or comfort in that level of energy, some find it off-putting.  It does explain why it seems like so many entities (and living creatures) have such over the top, odd reactions to being in Colby’s presence- its all a reaction to his output of intense energy.  Now, what Colby is giving out in energy, he has to be pulling back in, in some measure.  I think he has the same intuitive ability as Kat and Seth, in a sense- that he can feel the energy changes and shifts in a room, and can draw on it just as much as other entities draw on him.  In short- he is something of a “lightning rod” of energy. It also has to be said, that while he does approach some situations with a modicum of logic, he is a believer in the spiritual world, and does truly believe in his faith and that he has the power of God behind him.  That’s important.  That helps him protect himself, helps keep him cautious and wary of taking things too far (disclaimer: again, from a religious standpoint- I am not advocating for or against any religion.  I think the belief of religion in general can be a very strong safeguard for people).  Between that and his intensity, it’s no wonder entities aren’t lining up to attach themselves to him, but that they are drawn to him.  
Also, as a sidenote: it really is a good thing Sam and Colby found one another.  Their energies really just align in a way that is of benefit to them both.
One of my (many) gripes about the previous episodes, was that I got screwed out of hearing Colby talk more about his feelings on the matter of energies and his intuition. So, you have no idea how happy I was when the subject came up again in this episode- and wasn’t immediately shot down.
First of all- I love how casual this man was about someone telling him that he intimidates ghosts with his sheer presence. “Oh yea, I’ve had a lot of people tell me that.”  HAVE YOU? And why have you been working overtime to gloss over it this entire time??  The only other time I remember this coming up in conversation on camera was when Amanda mentioned that the ghost at Lizzie Borden was “scared” of Colby (which my psychic ladies I watch on youtube attributed to the spirit there being...wait for it...intimidated by Colby’s energy).
Mind you, the last thing I want Colby to do is go full Amanda, or do what Kat and Celina were doing in the last episode and get too far into his own head about it and start taking it too far- but damn, dude. You can lean a little bit farther into this, you know?
It’s just so interesting that there have been multiple instances of ghosts clearly being drawn to Colby (Maddie at the Shanley, his name being repeatedly said multiple times in places like the Conjuring and in this most recent episode, Amanda mentioning that the ghosts at both the Queen Mary and the Hotel Del Coronado “really seemed to love” him, etc); and yet, Sam seems to come away with the attachments. It really does point to Colby having big energy, but far more power in that energy and in his convictions that nothing can harm him, while Sam is the definition of “fuck around and find out” when it comes to playing with the paranormal, and closes himself off to intuition that could save him, while opening himself up to intuition that could get him into trouble.
Its fascinates me!
They need help, lol.  Both of them.  
I would be extremely interested in seeing both of them sit down with a trained psychic who could help them figure out what is going on with them, and how to both protect themselves better (mostly Sam) and use their energy in a way that would be more productive on these paranormal investigations (Colby). Imagine what they could do, if they knew what they were doing?!
Overall, this episode really intrigued me, and I’m glad they followed up the absurd shit sandwich of the first two with something like this, which I feel is far more suited to them.  I’ll give this one a solid 7.5/10.
A couple of quick little random things I enjoyed:
Colby's complete and utter inability to climb steps. Go little rockstar, indeed.
"If this gets 300k likes, Seth is going to the basement by himself." Seth: 😐
I love how excited they were that they finally brought a second camera, and the second camera thing actually worked in their favor. That's what we've been telling you guys! Listen to us more.
Colby just fucking with Sam at the beginning when Sam was saying that the Bellaire House was one of the top 10 most haunted houses...such sibling energy, with these two.
Sam: "We would have a billion views on this video if a ghost solved this rubik's cube in front of our eyes." Honestly, you'd get a billion views on the video if YOU solved the rubik's cube in front of our eyes. That shit is hard!
Anyway, next week looks a bit filler- which is ok! Not everything has to be better than the one that came before- so we'll see if I feel the need to go in depth on that one. But if you ever want to read any of my previous reviews, I use the tag snc video review for them all.
Also, lmk what you thought!
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drshebloggo · 7 years
You finally watched Crazy Ex Girlfriend?!
I did finally do the thing!  Should I talk a little bit about the thing?
I don’t know that I have particularly deep thoughts about CEG, because a) I’ve only watched it once the way through, and b) most of its high points have largely been covered, because, sub-point 1) I am very slow at watching TV shows.
But!  I do very much enjoy CEG for a few reasons.  Its musical numbers are deliriously joyful - sublimely silly homages to both musical theatre as a genre as well as the individual song styles they’re emulating.  My personal favorites are the ones that go a bit deeper in purpose, be it emotional or logistical narrative.  For the former, my #1 is Tell Me I’m Okay, Patrick (I’m already a sucker for Bacharach, and this number is so achingly sad but also silly, another favorite combo), and the latter, Textmergency.  Textmergency is so CLEVER, I can’t stand it.  The fact that Rebecca’s journey is narrated by this one-off group of lawyers who in-fight about their terrible puns in the form of a hair metal band, with a cameo by demonic Steve Jobs… is genius.  HURRY UP AND CHECK THAT BUDDHA SCONCE.
Honestly though, all of the music is A+.  Friendtopia?  Stuck in the Bathroom?  A Boy Band Made Up of Four Joshes?  Gettin’ Bi?  Also Ping Pong Girl brings me much joy because that song sounds EXACTLY like the kind of music that was on the radio when I was a teenager, it’s uncanny.
Another thing that I suspect has been talked about a lot is the show’s serious portrayal of very real mental health issues, even though the tone is often light and absurd.  Rebecca’s anxiety and depression is not shied away from, and her inability to confront reality and her own feelings is the whole thrust of season 1.  All of the characters have something that they deal with, that the show addresses both in moments of comedy as well as tragedy.  Paula’s dissatisfaction with her family and mediocrity, Greg’s self-sabotage and drinking problem, Darryl’s insecurity and compulsive need to please, Valencia’s loneliness and inability to connect with other women, etc.  
The depth throughout the ensemble also helps dissolve the idea that Rebecca is unlikeable, or “crazy,” or messed up - especially against her male love interests.  There’s that post going around about Rebecca making decisions that deem her unlikeable, and that’s okay - and it is!  Another thing that I think is important to point out is that it would be easy to write her male love interests in such a way that they hold her “craziness” over her head, or the narrative indebts her to them because they’re dealing with such a “mess.”  
But in fact, most of Rebecca’s flaws have been horcruxed into her love interests, and so there’s no real room for critique in favor of the dudes.  Greg shares her self-sabotaging tendencies, self-loathing yet superiority, and the tendency to overthink and yet still not reach the smartest conclusion.  Josh is similar in aimlessness - he doesn’t know who he is or what he wants, and he’s projecting his identity onto his significant others to give himself meaning and avoid self-examination.  Nathaniel has the same kind of deluded and denial-based posturing as Rebecca, as well as general daddy issues.  And then there’s Trent, who is literally doing the exact same thing to Rebecca that Rebecca did to Josh. There’s no condemning Rebecca, because her behaviors are all mirrored in all of the boys around her.  
Along those lines, there’s also the show’s handling of its female characters and dynamics.  Sure, there were some rough edges initially, through the conventions of the genre - mainly Paula and Rebecca only talking about Josh, and Valencia as villain purely because of a love triangle.  Season 2 grew those dynamics, though, which has been super rewarding.  I love that Valencia is on a journey of her own now, and starting to live by her own accord - and that she’s friends with Heather and Rebecca!  The best.  
I love also that Paula’s and Rebecca’s friendship is portrayed as everything.  It’s treated as the most important relationship on the show, and as such it gets the highest highs and lowest lows.  In the pilot, the show is deploying its genre solely through Rebecca at first, and the audience is therefore gathering information about what kind of musical show this is.  Are the musical numbers only Rebecca, and only in Rebecca’s head?  Or will others participate in some way?  And then… there’s the West Covina Reprise, at the end.  Rebecca sings, and Paula not only hears her, but sings back.  Rebecca sings two lines, and Paula supplies the third.
And sure, it’s still all in Rebecca’s head, but it communicates that Paula is the first one to connect to Rebecca in Rebecca’s world, with her language.  It’s the call, and response, and it’s significant for Paula’s place in both the show and Rebecca’s heart - and the show itself.
So the choice to put this huge conflict in their dynamic is gutsy, because in some way it’s insurmountable.  The idea that Paula can’t be her own person if Rebecca’s in her life is so sad, and the audience wants both Paula and Rebecca to be happy individually, but also together if possible, because the whole show opened up with their connection.  But it’s truthful, and it hurts.  So the audience has to believe that Rebecca can change, and the fact that Rebecca tries to change is such a smart way to tie Paula into the core arc of the show’s main character.  
(This is, kind of, one of the reasons I’ve only watched the show once through: all of the characters grow in such rewarding ways that it’s hard for me to go back and watch them in the process.  It’s also why I’m damn excited to see where the show is going in future seasons!)
The show has made other gutsy decisions as well, which I dig.  It doesn’t cleave to convention - in fact, it usually takes great pleasure in pivoting away from convention and speeding in the other direction in order to wring all kinds of emotions out of the viewers.  Greg’s exit from the show is another great example, in that of course you don’t want it to happen, but you also love that it is happening, and that the writers had the balls to not settle into a comfortable and enjoyable dynamic.  Or at least, I love it.
Anyways - this is about the sum of it, in regards to this goofy tragic gutsy little musical.  I LOVE A LOT OF THINGS
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elswordfashion · 7 years
Page’s Professional Picks; April 2017
Title pending!
A new article that will be published monthly, Page’s Professional Picks  aims to highlight a few outfits published on the blog the previous month. Whether it is an outfit from our mods, a submission from a lovely fashionista, or a reblog from freestyle artists; if I like it, I’ll pick it! To get the ball rolling, here are 6 Picks from April 2017.
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[Blog Post]
To begin we’ve got an outfit from one of our newest collections, Nicely Dressed Ladies. The waistcoat, white gloves, and tidy hair gives this outfit a clean, neat, and formal appearance; while the shorts, strap sandals, and length of the hair adds a casual touch to the outfit. I particularly like the bit of hair going over the right shoulder. Being the design that started the idea behind half of the collection doesn’t hurt either.
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[Blog Post]
Next we’ve got an outfit designed by @helldaibu! An outfit composed of Glacial Lord pieces and a few item mall pieces, it creates a cool (pun) outfit that nicely balances white and blues together. Though there are bits of gold thrown here and there, it doesn’t detract from the overall composition and while the pants are a deeper shade of blue compared to the other blues, it syncs nicely with the darker undershirt of the top. The addition of Ieru Eyes is a nice bonus.
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[Blog Post]
I can’t help it if my character is dressed up nicely >~<! Overall, a really well balanced composition of pink, black, white, red and a tinge of gold, it brings forth multiple colors without any one element that sticks out. I really like the fashionable hat (something Elsword lacks on occasion) and sweater/thigh-high combo certainly draws your eyes to the bit of exposed skin. The horns may not be to everyone’s tastes, but I certainly like it.
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[Blog Post]
Stepping outside the casual side of things we have @yiuvia‘s formal and cool outfit for Raven. The base of the outfit is essentially a white suit with bits of gold, which gives Raven here and authoritative look to him, which is very appropriate given the canon. The fur trim on the right shoulder and sleeve in addition to the long, sleek hair style adds cool and stylish elements to the overall design.
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[Blog Post]
Born through a request, Eve comes to town wearing a very tough outfit of black and various reds. Eve’s SWAT hair is one of my favorites styles due to it’s length and overall fluff it has, which compliments a number of outfits, and this outfit is no exception. The top, shorts, and boots combo with it’s large number of belts combine together to make an tough outfit that’s hard to approach, but still very stylish and interesting where you want to strike up a conversation about it. I find the weapons slightly out of place, but not enough that it clashes with the overall look.
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[Blog Post]
A cute, spooky outfit that utilizes Battle Magician’s default hairstyle without seeming forced! The Fantasy top piece is pretty old, but manages to pair with the Majestic Butterfly bottom piece rather nicely! The skull necklace, various dark colors, and red fog creates a mature, gothic look while the bits of pink ribbons on the skirt and gloves, and the flowery weapon help add a bit of cute to the overall design.
I hoped enjoy these short critiques and the first installment of my Picks. It’ll be sometime until the next installment, but until then stay fashionable everyone!
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skqq-net · 5 years
What Is The Best Restaurant Website Builder?
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wix (very most intriguing sequence of templates for eager locations)
SITE123 (straightforward restaurant internet internet web page builder)
Squarespace (breathtaking restaurant internet internet web page templates)
GoDaddy Internet pages Builder (simplistic internet internet web page builder)
Weebly (free opinion and a mountainous run-and-drop editor)
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SITE123 has a bunch of features to take care of restaurant internet websites not best comely however useful as correctly:
Restaurant Reservations let you set time and organize the workflow higher – no extra calls on the unsuitable time or overbooking. That you’d be ready to additionally area desk sizes, auto/manually confirm reservations, area grace interval, and with out issues organize orders.
Restaurant Menu permits showcasing your menu with out issues – this could perhaps examine mountainous each on desktop and cell units.
Checklist Galleries is a useful function to level to the irregular inside your restaurant, occasions, or particular dishes.
Running a blog might be useful for promoting and advertising and marketing – at any time when it’s advisable to transform a authorised scenario, it’s advisable to assemble a neighborhood.
The web internet web page builder is totally equipped and all of the items is straightforward to area up. The fee can be barely factual.
SITE123 is soul meals to your pockets
SITE123 has a free opinion that may perhaps perhaps utterly AMPle for any restaurant internet internet web page quite than for one limitation – no customized space title.
That is why selecting one amongst the Four paid packages is a methods higher. The plans fluctuate from $4.68/mo to $15.48/mo.
For easy restaurant internet websites, I would level out the most cost effective, Conventional opinion for $4.68/mo – it entails AMPle storage and bandwidth to power a reasonably authorised mutter as correctly as a result of your entire diversified features. That is a space title, its privateness, SSL certificates, and even e mail accounts @ your space. Undoubtedly, that is a mountainous bundle for starters.
Templates designed for eager locations
Total ease of use
Menu and Reservation features
Free opinion is extraordinarily restricted
3. Squarespace
Recommended for: eager locations who need a irregular internet internet web page preserve with the newest preserve know-how.
For our third route, and perhaps probably the most appetizing – it is Squarespace. You best wish to examine at their roster corpulent of restaurateurs to peep the attainable with Squarespace.
What attracted me probably the most to Squarespace whereas searching for probably the most intriguing restaurant internet internet web page builder, changed into as soon as its comely preserve. The templates are basically crème de la crème almost about that.
These themes are basically excellent, too. Squarespace additionally has round 15 restaurant templates to eradicate from – ranging from Thai meals to burger bars, and everyone seems to be as elegantly designed as a result of the ultimate. It makes use of a block by block editor to place collectively your notify materials, and whereas there’s a barely steeper learning curve, the outcomes are very most intriguing.
One of many indispensable most most intriguing restaurant internet websites (and internet websites about meals) I noticed have been those the usage of this internet internet web page builder. Love Mission Chinese language Meals eager locations and Binging With Babish YouTube channel.
And there are plenty of features too…
Customers can plan determined and really most intriguing menus in exactly a few clicks
OpenTable integrations preserve reserving a desk out of your internet internet web page straightforward
That you’d be ready to additionally even plan a internet primarily based retailer to promote merchandise or reward playing cards
If Squarespace changed into as soon as a restaurant, it will perhaps bear Three Michelin stars
Sadly, as you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally perhaps wager by the pun, Squarespace is one amongst the costliest internet internet web page builders on my record. And no, there isn’t a longer a free opinion.
Squarespace offers two paid plans – Non-public and Enterprise. There might nicely be best one essential distinction between the 2 packages and that’s the eCommerce function. So deciding on which bundle is most intriguing correct to you all comes down as to if or not you would like a internet primarily based retailer or not.
If the reply is particular, then the Advertising method will area you help $18.00 month-to-month. If the reply is not any, the Non-public opinion will worth you $12.00 month-to-month. Every and every of those plans embody 24/7 pork up and limitless storage & bandwidth.
15 comely restaurant templates to eradicate from
OpenTable integration for buyer reservations
eCommerce function is without delay accessible
Constructed-in search engine marketing instruments
The favored opinion is priced on the larger discontinuance of internet internet web page builders
Steeper learning curve
4. GoDaddy Internet pages Builder
Recommended for: restaurateurs who wish to with out issues assemble a internet internet web page and would perhaps sacrifice customizability.
As soon as you would like a straightforward however factual-having a examine internet internet web page for a restaurant, GoDaddy Internet pages Builder (or GoCentral everytime you love) is a factual substitute. I articulate ‘straightforward’, merely on fantasy of this internet internet web page builder offers fewer methods than others almost about customization.
Asserting that although, GoCentral would not help help when it comes all the way down to the extra essential issues. Appropriate love wix and Squarespace, it is miles straightforward to plan depend on-catching menus – along side dishes, prices, specials and extra. 
GoDaddy Internet pages Builder additionally offers you the process to plan a mouth-watering painting gallery – which is most intriguing for showcasing signature dishes. To permit prospects the process to sigh these signature dishes, you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally perhaps be going to need a internet primarily based ordering draw. Fortuitously, you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally combine each OpenTable, ChowNow, or Toast to accommodate your on-line reservations.
On-line guests will help enhance your alternate and attraction to recent prospects, and with GoCentral’s search engine marketing instruments, you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally preserve determined that that every one of those hungry prospects glean your restaurant.
GoDaddy Internet pages Builder pricing
GoDaddy Internet pages Builder is a factual scenario to originate for crAMPed honest companies who wish to assemble a internet internet web page. Nonetheless, constructing your internet internet web page with GoCentral is not free. As an alternative, they provide 4 charge plans which fluctuate from $5.99 – $29.99 month-to-month.
For crAMPed companies, I would level out the Advertising method priced at $9.99 month-to-month, which accommodates search engine marketing instruments, paypal buttons, and 24/7 pork up. For restaurateurs who wish to assemble a internet primarily based store, although, there may be best one opinion that entails eCommerce, proper right here is priced at $29.99 month-to-month.
Simple and straight forward-to-use internet internet web page builder
Combine with OpenTable and extra
search engine marketing instruments will let you plot prospects
Conventional designs in distinction to opponents
No free opinion
No clear canvas template
5. Weebly
Recommended for: restaurateurs who need a talented-having a examine internet internet web page with a run-and-drop editor.
For the dessert, it is Weebly.
However some other all-around internet internet web page builder that serves up a comely piece of restaurant templates, drizzled with a run-and-drop editor. Now not like GoCentral, you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally plan your enjoyment of customized internet internet web page, however you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally moreover eradicate from 10 ready-made templates designed for eager locations.
Though Weebly would not provide its enjoyment of apps to assemble and organize your restaurant, it does will let you combine third-birthday social gathering apps to plan menus and free desk reservations. These apps embody OpenMenu and Restaurant Machine.
The OpenMenu app can best assemble menus and can worth you $19.00 month-to-month at any time when it’s advisable to peep it is corpulent attainable. Nonetheless, with Restaurant Machine, you might nicely perhaps perhaps perhaps additionally edit menus, defend shut limitless on-line orders, and area up desk reservations – it is miles additionally utterly free they usually deal with shut 0% worth.
Hooray, a free opinion! Nonetheless what’s on provide?
For crAMPed companies – not a mountainous deal.
Nonetheless nonetheless, it is a mountainous process to familiarise your self with the Weebly interface earlier than making a select present.
In my examine, Weebly offers one amongst probably the most intriguing low priced charge for money packages there may be. Its the Starter opinion and is priced at $8.00 month-to-month and entails limitless storage, an ad-free internet internet web page, search engine marketing instruments, and eCommerce.
An all-around internet internet web page builder with a run-and-drop editor
10 restaurant themed templates
Integrable apps equal to Restaurant Machine
The process to originate with a clear canvas
Free opinion would not provide major for restaurateurs
So, Who Will Reign As The Most intriguing Restaurant Internet pages Builder?
Of the 5 internet internet web page builders I trialed and examined, the one most intriguing correct for constructing restaurant internet websites relies upon upon utterly in your restaurant wants.
Proper listed below are probably the most intriguing restaurant internet internet web page builders and their high features:
wix is correct for restaurateurs who need 50 pre-designed templates with horny menu and reservation methods
SITE123 is a efficient and basically straightforward to make use of choice for busy restaurant homeowners with no time to be taught complicated internet trend.
Squarespace is most intriguing correct for high-discontinuance or honest eager locations who need a irregular preserve with the ultimate preserve features
GoDaddy Internet pages Builder is correct for restaurateurs who need an straightforward to assemble a internet internet web page with best a few customization methods
Weebly would preserve a factual substitute for restaurateurs who need integrable apps and a consumer-estimable interface
Both one amongst these 4 internet internet web page builders has what it takes to plan probably the most intriguing eager locations’ internet websites, although, and I am determined you may probably be impressed by the features included in each of those builders.
Out of the 5, wix stands out with having over 50 pre-designed templates and horny built-in menu and reservation methods. On the diversified hand, it is exhausting to disregard the simplicy and features that you simply simply win with SITE123 for a very fairly priced charge.
So, after testing dozens of internet internet web page builders, I got here to the conclusion that these are the top 5 most intriguing internet internet web page builders for eager locations. When you’re considering that I missed any, please basically be at liberty to portion them inside the suggestions beneath.
The submit What Is The Most intriguing Restaurant Internet pages Builder? regarded first on Internet Internet pages internet hosting Opinions by Staunch Potentialities and Internet Internet pages internet hosting Consultants.
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Demon Slayer 21 - 24 | Given 7 - 11 (FINAL) | Astra 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 20 - 24 | Dr Stone 8 - 11 | Cop Craft 8 - 10 (not including recap ep.)
Demon Slayer 21
Ooh, butterfly titlecard.
Well…at least we know Muzan…wasn’t always Muzan Jackson.
Can demons go to hell…?
Aw, seeing Rui become human again (at least in his head) was pretty cute.
Shinobu is off her rocker!!! (a continuation of a comment I made in the collab post for last ep.)
“…don’t forget about the other one!” – The other…what, exactly…?
This girl…is Kanao, isn’t it…? She’s the “other one”!
I was almost hoping Shinobu’s shoe blade would stab the crow…it ruined a perfectly good buch of Giyu reaction faces…
Ukogi! You came back to me!
Why can’t the girls wear trousers too…? (someone grumbles “Because that’s not in accordance with the times in the Taisho Era) I don’t care, let girls wear pants! This is not Strike Witches! Update: Shinobu wears pants, actually…*people collectively facepalm*
Kakushi means “hidden/to hide”. It makes a lot of sense, to be honest.
Given 7
I like the ambient sounds in this show.
If Akihiko learnt you thought something was wrong with him, he’d beat you up. Stat.
Haruki and Akihiko: masters of reading the room. (When they’re counted as a pair, that is.)
I just realised Akihiko is daling with Mafuyu because of Yayoi…Yayoi is what Kasai could be and Ugetsu/Akihiko is what Ritsuka/Mafuyu could be.
Dr Stone 8
Note Jasper says “baka musume” – he still acknowledges Kohaku is his daughter even after disowning her.
“We’re neither gods nor geniuses,” says Senku, a genius…hmm.
Suika has such a cute voice that it’s easy to guess her gender…*hint hint*
Was it “kitto” (certainly) or “Kinro” Ginro said in his sleep…?
I think the eyecatch might be iron sand (some form of it, at least).
Fruits Basket 20
(no notes here, sorry!)
Cop Craft 8
What was that black thing that appeared before the plane broke apart…?
Ohhhhhhh…kay. That was not something I signed up for…
Isn’t there some kind of magic Tilarna can use to get back into her body?
I find it ironic that Seven Miles (a place name, I presume) is 3 miles away…
Given 8
I never skip the OP…so I guess it helps that I found Marutsuke and Kizuato on Spotify. (<-Here you go.)
Indirect kiss…!
I’m reminded of what Boueibu said about umbrella colour being a reflection of your personality when I see Mafuyu with a disposable umbrella.
“Hiiragi Kashima wants to be forgiven” sounds like a LN title.
(I had some notes here, but I forgot them…such is the life of watching on phone but writing the notes down later.)
Demon Slayer 22
I LOLled when Tanjiro asked what a Hashira was…(does he know what it is…? Should we know at this point what it is, or did spoilers ruin it for me?)
Wisteria pattern!
LOL, I like Mist Hashira already!
Only Shinobu has a hiragana first name (out of the Hashiras)…hmm.
Shi-Shinazugawa…? Isn’t that the surname of angry-for-the-sake-of-angry mohawk guy from Final Selection…?
Tanjiro uses his head…once again. (That joke never gets old! What do you mean, you don’t like it…?)
Hashiras’ jackets say korosu (to kill) while ordinary slayers get horobosu (to destroy) and Kakushis’ jackets say, well, kakushi (to hide).
“I wonder if the sky is blue.” – Is this person (master of the mansion)…blind…?
The bandage-head Hashira who says “flamboyant” all the time…he reminds me of Senku…(in a bad way.)
I wonder if Giyu will be punished…? A few comments this episode have suggested such an outcome.
“…devours humans…”
Rengoku (flame Hashira)…I think I once saw him being referred to as “Blaziken Head” by someone on the ‘net…LOL.
How does the Master know this…? The Kasugai crows, right?
I just realised the love Hashira has a skirt…
Poor Giyu has his head turned away…he’s too embarrassed to even blush.
Fruits Basket 21
I noticed the fanclub only ever calls Hana “wave girl”…
I love how the narrator, a middle-aged man, has to voice the thoughts of a teenage girl.
Fruits Basket 22
(no notes, sorry!)
Dr Stone 9
H & N, huh…?
Astra 9
So…what is the sphere…?
Luca’s real dad vs. Quitterie’s mom = art vs. science, LOL.
…I almost cried when everyone started crying…
Uh…random question I didn’t think about when it was revealed, but should Luca invest in a bra…?
You can see Gruppies and waves on the wall while Kanata and Luca talk…and shrooms...and coral…
Wait, so these guys are all…aliens? Polina is the only one from Earth…? What about the sphere???
Cop Craft 9
Why did the intro get moved to the middle of the episode…? Also, I’ve noticed there’s a special episode next week…it means there really was a budget and/or scheduling stuff-up along the way somewhere, just like you can suspect with an anime that moves as terribly as this one.
There’s a strange dent in Kei’s leg…specifically, on his kneecap…
Astra 10
Guardian Enzo said no one’s mentioned the Astra crew never said they were from Earth before…now I’m noticing it too.
W-WHAT?! I was right????? (see this post for why I suspected Charce to be the culprit)
Demon Slayer 23
3 episodes until the end, huh…?
Why does Sanemi taunting Nezuko remind me of a sexual encounter…? (with the “You know you want it” etc.)…Uh, bad news, guys. Sanemi is 21 and Nezuko is 14, so no shipping unless you don’t mind 7 year age gaps and an underage girl, all in the one ship.
Mist Hashira? Using rocks to flick at the esteemed guest (Tanjiro)? Hmm, he ain’t quite my type after all…
This Kakushi that keeps punching Tanjiro seems to be a woman…or just a guy with very long eyelashes. Update: Nope, definitely a woman. The Kakushi dynamic almost reminds me of Jessie and James from Pokémon…
Heyyyyyyy! Don’t underestimate a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. I was hoping we wouldn’t hear about how Zenitsu’s hands were the size of a KFC spork, but…eeeeeeeeeesh…
I never thought I’d be so happy to have Inosuke silenced by spider daddy…well, here we are.
“…I’ll become an old guy and die.” – Wow…even I don’t think of that stuff…
I wonder if Muzan had anything to do with why the Master’s head looks the way it is?
Dr Stone 10
(no notes, sorry!)
Given 9
I wonder if Akihiko ever liked Yayoi in the first place…
I noticed Ritsuka says “atarashii hito” which is translated to “someone else”…the English suggests more intimacy than the Japanese…hmm.
Mafuyu, my boy…! (I bet you could call all of The Seasons “my boys” now.)
I love how Take acts as Haruki’s straight man.
I was wondering why the ANN review was referring to Given as “Wonderwall” – that’s the name of the next episode.
Fruits Basket 23
“What are you doing?”
Astra 11
Only one ‘til the end…oh wow, where did the time go??? (Also, ep. 12’s title of “Friend-Ship” is terrible…a terrible pun…)
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I saw the Seira = Aries thing right away…it’s exactly the same as what breaks Juuni Taisen for people…
Wait, but couldn’t Charce, as the king’s clone, becom the heir to the throne instead…?
Oh, that…that joke’s absolutely terrible…! *shakes head* Did you know I was holding my hand over my mouth for basically that entire climactic scene?  I think summer might have a fighting chance in the end-of-year rankings for once!
Demon Slayer 24
I love how Tanjiro is “that headbutting kid” now.
There are cute little butterflies on the title card.
It’s good to see the return of Murata…and those transition faces.
Considering spiders are pretty gross if you think about it, both sides have a point…
Murata’s a more fun character than I thought a bit guy would be…in fact, that might explain why we learn his name, as opposed to being a nobody (like the female Slayer on the mountain that got killed by Spider Mama).
“I think we’re a lot better now.” – Aside from Zenitsu’s hands, that is…*makes disgusted face and thinks of KFC sporks*
Sleeping Ukogi is totes adorbs…*face beams with happiness*
Uhhhhhhhh…I reallllllllly dunno what to feel about Zenitsu’s love of girls. He’s no playboy, that’s for sure. Unfortunately (?), I do agree with Zenitsu on how Inosuke deals with girls though.
Zenitsu’s an M, I tell you! An MMMMMMM!
Wow, someone put real effort…into Zenitsu playing tag with a girl…sad life.
“A girl was able to do that to something that hard?!” – Nyeh-heh-heh-heh…call me dirty-minded, but…because this is blowing into a gourd we’re talking about, it sounds funny out of context.
Lemme guess…Aoi is this blue grumpy one. That’s why I dropped Divine Gate (since characters matched their colour schemes too well). Update: No, this blue one was talking when she mentioned Aoi, so Aoi is one of the three mini butterfly girls, I think. Update 2: No, the sentence was punctuated funny: “You’ll be up against myself, Aoi and Kanao there.” Turns out Aoi really is blue grumpy girl, because the sentence is missing a comma after “Aoi”.
“Please forgive me.” – Hey, Moya, you were right. Plus, that random Haganezuka appearance was funny – that’s been the first time in a while that I’ve laughed at Demon Slayer properly.
Apparently Shinobu and Tanjiro on the roof is a meme now. Now I see why.
“…with their instincts laid totally bare.” – I feel like slayers and demons aren’t so different, because even thought both fight for survival, slayers fight for revenge (in a sense, bloodlust) and demons for actual bloodlust.
“I feel like I can rest easy now.” – Sounds like an early death flag to me! (I may be an anime-only watcher at this point, but I encountered some spoilers that showed me Shinobu’s fate. Be mindful of that if it seems like I’m accurately predicting the future.)
Shinobu and Tanjiro…hmm, what a combo.
I love how the Zenitsu and Inosuke in the background react to crimes they’re being accused of in the foreground.
Cop Craft 10
Emails, emails…can’t anyone talk in person these days? (As much as I love emails, I gotta critique that.)
Hey wait. I thought their AI wasn’t so good…
Kei’s birthday is the 18th of June 1993…? Wow, I didn’t know he was 26.
New what now??? This really is straight outta Compton, if you know what I mean…
The march about aliens here reminds me of the climate strike the other day.
Given 10
Smol Ritsuka…
This show is hilarious when it needs to be. I’m really gonna miss it.
“Kedama” means hairball. “Tama” is a cat’s name, as implied here.
“Mafuyu” has “winter” in it to make a set of 4 seasons though…
Oh, so that’s why they’re – and this show is - “Given”.
Fruits Basket 24
Did Tohru vomit…or was she just catching her breath…?
“…when you are.”
Was this “monstrous Kyo” scene halfway through the manga or at the end? I don’t remember anymore…
Astra 12 (FINAL)
Hmm…I heard about gaman (“tolerance”, “persistence”…or maybe “working through hardship”…?) being a concept in the past few years and I think it’s very much embodied in the streotypical Japanese man…or just Kanata. Who knows?
So…what language are Kanata and co. really speaking? It seems like English, based on the spaceport screens (I rewatched ep. 1 today, I should know), but they’re speaking in Japanese for the sake of the fact it’s anime, right? Update: I also noticed quit a bit of the spaceport advertising is for Lucy Lum, while there is special attention paid to Aries’s eyes in ep. 1.
This is what they mean when they say “history is written by the victors”. To build from that, my idea is that the hegemonic idea becomes the truth, i.e. majority rules wins the ability to write history itself (e.g. patriarchal values, able-bodied people’s values etc. write history, not the minorities).
Aries may have eidetic memory, but she sucks at names. That’s consistent with ep. 1 too.
Oh, right! Kanata’s right arm is his dominant one!...I never knew such fond memories could be made of a single character’s appendage…who knew.
LOL, Charce brought out his sparkly face again.
Ooh, older!Ulgar is hot! Me likey!!!
Ooh, Funi’s star ornament. Ulgar still has one!
I swore that was Quitterie…turned out it was Funi. Oh well, Astra lied to me again. (I’m fine with that.)
You can even see Luca’s femininity for once…!
Ooh, red tulips = true love, white tulips = forgiveness/worthiness. Normally tulips represent “perfect love”. Perfect for Kanata and Aries, don’tcha think?
I was wondering why Kanata had a new black hand. (Maybe it was a glove or something.) Nope, it’s a prosthetic.
I don’t actually know how to say that joke about being a right-hand man in Japanese, despite hearing it from the show twice (I went back and tried to listen again). Somebody tell me, please!
I noticed one of the people in the cast list had an exclamation mark next to their name…well, that was funny for a second.
The one unrecognisable song was Astra-gou no Bouken (Adventure of the Spaceship Astra).
Well, that was a wild ride. I’m definitely sad that it’s over, but remember what they say in the show itself – look forward, not back. See you next time!
Given 11 (FINAL)
Come to think of it, if you interpret Kizuato one way, it means “Traces of Scars”, but this song’s title is in katakana so you can’t tell…
This is like a marriage proposal…
I’ve noticed something – ever since I started engaging with BL and yaoi in earnest, I’ve realised there’s this fear of “not being masculine” enough by both members of the couple. That’s probably what Ritsuka is going through with the box.
What did Ritsuka even bump into on his way out, though…?
Oh, science curriculum, huh? Me, I’m a student of the humanities, so I wouldn’t know about that feel…I was always average at English anyway after essays started coming in…
Oh, we’re back at Harusame. Didn’t think we would be.
I love how Mafuyu’s handle for the band is “Kedama”…the name of his dog.
Update: Turns out the SNS account for Given (band), as well as Mafuyu and Ritsuka, are real...on Twitter. I’d assume Haruki and Akihiko join them for the movie...?
Dr Stone 11
Ooh, lyrics! Finally!
I almost expected Chrome to go, “What’s soap?” – he’s never seen it before, remember?
Note Kaseki means “fossil” in Japanese and contains the kanji for “stone” in it.
Ginro just yelled the Weekly Shonen Jump motto…coincidence? I think not!
Team Shiny Spear Tips Forever complicates things for the crew.
0 notes