#the color is because i mixed colors of the jade and teal castes
Couldn't decide if Derse or Prospit fit me better, so I made my own sign
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Sign of the Redemptive Foundation
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
my final request……. kanaya x reader x terezi (auspicticeship, kanaya and terezi looking for a third (pale)) they are INFECTING MY BRAIN
Orderly Anon [💉]
This is actually really interesting... wiki doesn't show if they had much of a relationship with one another so I will do what I can! Doing pale/moirails for this. I actually had a lot of fun with this, too. Hope I got this right.
Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept
Pairing: Pale/Moirallegience♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Poly Moirails, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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So we all know Terezi and Vriska are moirails.
A concept of them sharing a third palemate may make more sense.
However, here's an AU where things are different from canon.
Maybe in this AU Kanaya was originally an Auspistice to Terezi and Vriska.
Then some event happened that lead to Kanaya and Terezi becoming Moirails.
That would leave things open to the two looking for a third.
Maybe Terezi still feels incomplete even with Kanaya as her Moirail.
So they discuss a third with one another... eventually deciding on you to join them.
You could be a troll or human, the two don't really mind.
You're most likely already friends with at least one or both of them, just nothing in the pale quadrant.
You and Kanaya do fashion, the jade blood often making you outfits.
You and Terezi also often role-play, usually something law related.
When the two are Moirails I imagine their interests mix.
For example, Kanaya makes Terezi outfits to fit her love of dragons and law.
The two would also try to give subtle hints to you, their friend, that they want you are their third.
For example, you're also given outfits that mix fashion and dragons.
Said outfits often share jade and teal colors.
Sometimes it's things clearly designed by Kanaya with help from Terezi.
For example, stylistic outlines of dragons surrounding a dress or suit.
Then there's outfits that have hoods and fake dragon wings, ones Terezi came up with because they are cool.
It's like their way of claiming you before you know it.
You take their gifts, even wear them.
You think the designs are cool and wearing them makes your two friends happy.
You are completely aware of the two being Moirails.
What you don't know is them wanting to make you their third.
The gifts are a good hint though.
Why else would they cover you in their blood caste?
You care for them as your friends.
Sometimes you even meet with them for role-play.
Kanaya isn't really that into it but will make outfits for you and Terezi to conduct court scenes.
Honestly you feel you're just friends, especially if you are inexperienced in pale relationships.
It isn't until you realize they do pale actions towards you that you find out what they're doing.
They're essentially manipulating you into the role they want.
Stuff like the gifts and Kanaya/Terezi shoosh papping you at times disguised as just an affectionate gesture.
Terezi probably even uses her powers to try and predict outcomes of the relationship she and Kanaya want for you.
Every action they do is strangely planned.
Kanaya acts motherly to the both of you at times.
Meanwhile Terezi metaphorically "oversees" every action to take to have you as theirs.
Also Terezi seems like she remembers your smell and can tell when you lie to them.
The two are overprotective and surprisingly manipulative as they try to convince you of being their third Moirail.
You may even settle into the role if they can play their cards right.
Terezi reassures Kanaya that they will... she knows it...
You're meant to be theirs.
Once you're officially Moirails, willingly or not, the two never leave you be.
Every outfit is made by Kanaya and their colors/interests are incorporated into it.
You may not want to wear the jade/teal dragon outfits... but Terezi can just tell when you aren't.
The two love you and are actually quite protective/attentive to your needs.
Terezi can just smell when you're upset and is always there to comfort you with Kanaya.
If anyone tries to tell you this Moirallegience is unhealthy or you don't deserve them... both of them aren't happy.
Terezi is already planning out justice and Kanaya claims she'll play executioner.
No matter how long it takes... the two will have you be their Moirail...
It's fate... all according to Terezi.
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asktrollstuck · 1 year
I don't know if this was ever talked about, if it was, sorry, but what's the reasoning behind their blood colours?
yeah sure! under the cut (dw it hasnt been asked before)
FOREWARNING: my goal with these blood color choices was to try to pick less common bloodcastes for everyone. this is varying levels of true for everyone.
roxy is a burgundy because... the powers associated with the burgundy caste! i haven't detailed these much so far but i'll update this when i do. it's also partly because i gave dave the pink so it felt appropriate to switch and give roxy the red :)
dirk's a goldie because i think golds are one of the most interesting castes so i felt /someone/ had to be one and dirk felt like a good fit. plus his deal with electronics!
jade... i can't detail much on her right now but i'll say i didn't want to make her a jade because i felt it was too on the nose :) she's partially the reason i came back to this au
jake is a jade because of similar reasons to dirk in that i wanted someone to be jade but i wanted to do something a little different so jake got the role. plus it's funny to imagine him trying to deal with grubs
john's a teal because... well initially jane and john were more interchangeable and jane was a cerulean, i handed john the teal because indigo is a frequent fanon color for him so i wanted to mix it up. plus the concept of nanna as a legislacerator was interesting! no guarantee she will be one though lol
jane originally WAS cerulean in the older version of this au. i don't really find ceruleans super interesting to write anymore and like indigo more, and needed a higher highblood to balance out another bloodcolor change, so jane's indigo!
rose is probably the only one who got a bloodcolor that's popular for her... and yeah it's because i find purple rose fun! she's funny as a clowngirl and i couldn't justify more than one seadweller lol. plus mom lalonde as a purple :)
fuchsia dave! oh boy fuchsia dave. i made a bunch of posts on my main justifying this before i reignited this au. (it's... actually why i came back to this blog and restarted it! its so fun as a concept to me haha) thematically he fits the bill best: he's the only one who'd be down with the killing as an heir, and he has something no one else does! a guardian who would run the troll empire just as harshly as the condesce. this is initially what set him in place as me considering him there. bro strider Would turn this world into a nightmare dictatorship hellscape. Nobody else would be down with the violence and murder to that extent like he was. dave going along with bro's stuff and trying to justify it initially in homestuck is a bonus. he's running this shit worse than feferi.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Oh god Li Bowen SUFFERED. Yu Bin also a bit of a struggle. I personally am a Zixuan Enjoyer, but god does CYC look waaaay better out of costume/in other dramas. I think the Nie Braids were honestly the saving grace of the Nie, that and their color palette quite good. Da-ge being thirty was also very comforting to me personally.The Jin gold is sooo bland and washed out and also the designs weren't that interesting to me imo? You know Jin Ling is his jiujiu's child because he sometimes wears darker golds and oranges and patterns. That and the hair bling signifies that he will be the all time great Jin Sect Leader that will be loves by history.
Jiang Cheng had the best outfits of all the main cast by FAR, and that includes the Twin Jades. So many subtly different cuts and silhouettes in all manner of cool-toned purples, yet all with an internal consistency! Literally nobody else could never.
The Jins who aren't taking their wardrobe cues from Jiang Cheng really do have just the WORST outfits. JGY and Qin Su (and JYL before her death) at least brought some teal and pink into the mix, but that was NOT enough to salvage it. And where are the fancy headpieces? Why does Nie Mingjue have more going on with his hair accessories than the peacock? I'd say that this is odd given that they're supposed to be filthy rich, but I guess it's like the period clothing equivalent of rich people favoring that boring beige/grey minimalism aesthetic in their homes.
NIE BRAIDS BEST HAIR CHOICE IN THE SHOW T B H. (Though I do not like NMJ's main hairpiece. It's not a choice that makes sense for someone who's often engaged in heavy combat.) I also like their grey palette, but I wish they'd have incorporated some green like they have in the novel! Nobody in the show has green of any sort except Mianmian and her mom cardigan, and I don't understand why that is. NMJ in earthy or mossy, desaturated greens while NHS is bopping around in pastel greens that deepen into venomous jewel tones would've been so gooooood.
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kat-hawke · 4 years
(Following [Non-Euclidean])
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“Kat? Hey, are you okay?”
The voice called again from the surrounding darkness Kat endlessly fell through. Eyes searched, but nothing but empty space seemed to surround her. The vast nothingness becoming a vacuum, sucking the air from her lungs as ear began to ring, able to make out a single word. ‘Sedate.’ It felt as if she was drowning under nothing before her eyes suddenly flew open, and she gasped for air.
The sound of splashing water as hands and feet sought solid ground came as a surprise. Her gaze quickly scanned the surroundings as the crisp air was sucked in, the mountainous Hotsprings of Pandaria immediately recognized, though a dense fog blocked the typical scenic views.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s going on?”
The sudden touch to her shoulder prompted a faint jump on the spot, eyes flicking over to find the source of the familiar voice casting a worried look her way. Soriya’s brows were pushed together in concern as her hand retracted, ears wilting at the tips as the teal eyes swept over Kat, who still fought to catch her breath from the shock.
“You were so relaxed you dozed off. All of a sudden, you went pale as a sheet and started shaking.”
“I’m fine.” Kat managed to get out, glancing down at the steaming water in confusion. 
The scene wasn’t foreign by any means; they had been here before, often Soriya’s choice in victory location. Both their bodies were bare, swimwear cast haphazardly beside the bags along the edge of the spring. Containers of Pandaren Sake beside either of them, it was too familiar yet out of place.
Alarm rapidly spread across Kat’s thoughts.
“This isn’t right, I need to get back.” Hastily spoken, she pushed against the stone of the earth, lifting her nude figure from the hot spring. The chilled air immediately biting the skin, sending another wave of confusion. She shouldn’t have been able to feel environmental temperature, yet now she could.
“Kat, wait! Where are you going?”
No sooner than when both feet found themselves out of the water did Kat find herself seated in the hot spring once more. Now opposite from where she started as if she stepped out of one spring and into another. As disorienting as it was, Soriya seemed to act as if nothing had changed, confusion apparent on the young monk’s face.
“You don’t get to just leave. I won, I got to pick what we do and where to eat. Those are the rules.” The elven woman tilted her head. “I humor you and dress up all nice when you win, the least you could do is indulge me a little in at least an hour here.”
Soriya’s words struck a familiar chord, and Kat’s hands pushed upward through raven tresses, pulling the untamed mane back as her head shook.
“No. No, no, no, you don’t understand— None of this is right, you shouldn’t be here— I shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t make any sense, why would it go from there to here, it wasn’t even—” The sudden touch to the outer thighs stopped the thoughts of Kat’s unraveling mind, she hadn’t even noticed Soriya had leaned over across the hot spring and closed the gap between them.
“Are you sure it’s that I don’t understand?” That typical calming voice of Soriya’s seemed to cloud Kat’s thoughts. “Or is it that you don’t understand? Whatever nightmare you were having, it’s over, it’s not real. Dwelling in the past won’t do anyone any good, Kat. Just focus on the here and now.”
Soriya’s fingertips glided across the bubbling surface of the water as she slid up to straddle Kat’s lap, jade-colored mists rising from the hot spring and muddling the Director’s thoughts like a healing sedative. The vapor curled from the slender fingers around Kat’s temples before they trailed down the sides of her neck and wandered the body.
The sense of relaxation and familiarity of the other woman was mentally intoxicating, thoughts that once raced were clouded and stretched. Instinctively she leaned against the exploring palms, lips brushing the monk’s collarbone as an exhale managed to free itself from the knot within her core. One of Soriya’s hands peeled away to collect the bamboo cup of sake from the stones, placing it within Kat’s grasp as she spoke softly against the ear.
“There you go. What is it, you always say? No reason we both can’t win?”
Muscles moved as if they had a mind of their own, Kat’s consciousness along for the ride. The alcohol pulled closer as lips abandoned the collarbone and shoulder, finding the bamboo vessel for a hefty sip. Expecting the warm and smooth burn of the drink, she instead nearly choked when her tongue met a thick and metallic substance instead. 
Spitting the red fluid out, she looked down into the cup to find it was full of blood. Panicked, she turned her attention back to Soriya, who was now leaning away, both hands over the spot where she had been stabbed during their fight. The scar had been ripped open again, and crimson ichor gushed from between the monk’s fingers, tainting the hot spring they sat in as shock and horror spread across Soriya’s face.
“Why? I... Trusted you...”
Reaching outward to help Soryia pulled further away and tears began to burn in Kat’s eyes until she noticed the bamboo cup in hand was now the very knife she inflicted the damage with. Repeatedly she tried to toss the weapon aside, but her grip refused to waiver. Choking up, Kat pled with the monk to forgive her.
“Soriya, I’m sorry! I didn’t want to hurt you, I didn’t want you to see what I was becoming. What had already become deep down, the monster I really am. Why didn’t you listen to me and leave!”
Kat was answered only with silence as the color drained from the elf, eyes rolling back as she sunk into the pool and out of sight.
“No!” Hands searched frantically beneath the bloodied water, finding nothing but hard stones as if the monk had never existed. The guilt was overwhelming as the pointless search continued. “Sori!”
The earth shook with a thunderous grinding sound, another two words carried in the undertones. ‘Double it.’ It was becoming a constant now, that the ground would heavy and her balance would be lost. Hands planted on the rough stone to catch herself, but something below the water grabbed ahold, tugging at the ankles and submerging her in the blink of an eye.
The mixture of water and blood seemed to burn the nostrils, causing her to scream out in pain until the lungs were empty and began to fill with the thick tainted water. Palms pressed against the stone, searching for somewhere to grab hold and push herself up, finding only smooth surfaces before suddenly the feeling of sodden earth squished beneath the fingers.
Coughing and dry heaving, she fought against the sensation of drowning as the Gilnean graveyard once again surrounded her. Glancing around, she was now fully clothed, and the back of a headstone was inches from where she laid in the damp earth. Pushing to her feet and dusting the mud from her pants as she continued to cough between deep breaths, she rounded the headstone to find the name ‘Soriya Duskhaven’ crudely engraved on the surface.
Jaw went agape, and a hand clasped over the open mouth. Kat’s head shook rapidly as the tears began to well again with each step she took backward. The wound hadn’t been fatal. She made sure of it. Surely the monk had not perished, she repeated in her mind, trying and failing to reassure herself.
The back of her heels caught on something, sending her over backward to plant rear first into the ground. Expecting it to have been another gravestone or even a log, her eyes widened instantly at the sight of the lifeless elven body. A shuttered breath sucked in as the pale eyes seemed to stare at her, the Jade Serpent sleeve running down that arm which draped over the abdomen, just under where the knife stuck out from the body.
Panicked and afraid, Kat quickly slid back on her hands, her spine slamming into another grave marker, but she refused to turn around and look. Instead, her knees pulled into the chest, and she buried her head to seek some form of security. The world went silent again before the familiar sound of a cane tapping against wooden floorboards prompted her to look up.
“Here, I thought things were about to get a little risque.” The man spoke through a faint smile, nearly taunting her. “Then again, you do have a habit of simply using people, feigning real emotional attachment.”
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Kat frowned at that, biting her tongue and remaining silent. Every time she would ask or state that she did not understand, she was rudely ejected from the carriage. Instead, she cast her gaze out the window. Gilneas city now appeared to be an ever-changing array of tessellations, the sight alone was nearly enough to make her sick, disorienting as it was.
“Finally starting to understand, are you?” He inquired, fingers slowly drumming atop the cane.
“She had hope. That’s a dangerous thing.” Kat answered, voice raspy and dry.
“But who was it dangerous for? For herself, because she had hoped, you could change? That you were truly a decent person beneath it all? Or was it dangerous because she was giving you hope? Hope that you could change, to be better, or stop seeing yourself as a monster?”
She bit the lower lip, refusing to answer. Choosing instead to tuck her head back into the nook of her arms and knees, her silence was enough of an answer itself.
“Pity...” His single word hung in the air.
Looking up again to answer, she found the carriage and its passenger gone. Now seated within the magnificent Cathedral of Gilneas, in the center pews. Guilt now mixing with helplessness as she stared up at the stained glass.
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[ @simplysoriya​​ ]
( [Chapter I] [Chapter II] [Chapter III] ) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] [pt.III] )
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Troll headcanons, Part 1 - Anatomy 
(Based off of some of the things I’ve been learning in my biology class, and just generally what I think when I worldbuild for the universe. These are for fun only and some are probably-definitely impossible to occur in real life. If you like them, I’ll make more!)
Horns - all trolls have horns consisting of a core of live bone covered by a thick layer of keratin and proteins. Horn shape is not bound by caste, except for the double horn gene found in goldbloods and the occasional mutant. Horns grow throughout the trolls life, matching the pace of their maturation. Horns are never shed. The breaking of ones horn is a very painful occurance.
Horns are generally not outwardly sensitive, though many can feel touch near the base. Some trolls interpret grabbing horns as an intimate, flushed action, some see it as an offer to fight. Scratching around the base of one’s horn is generally seen as a pale act.
Grubscars - grubscars are the residual of the trolls interior legs during the grub stage. Grubs are born with eight jointed legs stationed along its segmented body. When a grub enters the cocoon stage, the four interior legs shrivel and are absorbed back into the body while the four exterior limbs are reworked into legs and arms. Grubscars are sensitive to the touch for most, though some feel pain when they are touched. The grubscars adopt the bloodcolour of the troll when they form.
Bloodcaste - troll genes have possibilities for any combination of blood; however, how the slurry interacts with others as it is mixed in the mothergrub ultimately determines the future trolls blood color. Ancestors occasionally have genes that dominate and a grub is hatched that is nearly identical to them, from horns to bloodcaste to sign. This, however, is rare.
Bloodcastes are as they are because of the type of proteins that carry oxygen around the body. They are usually two or three metal ions that bond to two or more oxygen atoms:
Burgundy - Maganese
Bronze - Silver (III)
Gold - Chromate
Olive - Nickel
Jade - Copper
Teal - Vanadyl (IV)
Cerulean - Chromium (II)
Indigo - Manganate (V)
Purple - Managnate (VII)
Violet - Titanium
Fuschia - Cobalt (II)
Mutants - mutantbloods are formed by mutations in the genes of slurry. These mutations can form as a redblood, or double horns on a troll with a bloodcolour other than Gold, or wings, or powers that exist in another caste, etc. These usually result in blood that is closer to one side or the other in coloration than the True Caste. Most mutations are glossed over as long as the troll can fit into their role in their bloodcaste, with the exception of redbloods and fuschiabloods. The former must absolutely be culled every time because it threatens the system, and the Fuschia rule must be pure.
Hormones - trolls have three base hormones that can be mixed in various different dosages within the body. Trolls bodies do not regulate these things and need an emitter pheromone releases by the lusus to know how/when to release and work. As the troll interacts with their world, their lusus takes note of how they react and adjusts pheromones accordingly. Trolls without a lusus become stunted in growth.
Gender - all trolls are born intersex - I.e with a nook and bulge. Identity takes shape as the troll develops, and they will adopt names, pronouns, clothing styles and choices that make them comfortable.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Fandom: Hiveswap/Homestuck +
Character: Lanque Bombyx
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic Pale relationship
Type of fic: Hc
Other Info: Mb a olive blood reader
Thank you in advance<3!!!
I can't tell for most of your requests what quadrant you mean as all quadrant relationships are romantic in troll culture, but I see Pale, so I'll give it a shot for you. I hope I'm getting this right?
So maybe Anon, if you still read these and you requested the rest of em, tell me this, are you trying to say all your requests are general for pairing or a specific Quadrant because I have them all set to Moirail/Pale currently.
Yandere! Moirail! Lanque Bombyx
(Darling is mentioned to be an Olive Blood at times)
Pairing: Moirail/Pale♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Two-faced behavior, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence, Blood mention, Violence implied, Dubious relationship (Moirails).
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Alright, this character can be difficult to write as his routes in Friendsim are both accurate and inaccurate.
There's times Lanque can be kind and patient, but there's times he can be the opposite and even flirtatious.
So my version would probably be a mix of his routes.
He'd probably lean into the more caring personality if we're talking Moirail! Lanque.
Lanque would be very biased towards his Moirail.
Your blood color doesn't entirely matter to him but you can be an Olive Blood if you want!
Although... I can see him being more manipulative towards you as an Olive Blood due to your lower blood color from him.
Y'know, due to all the issues caused by the blood caste situation.
With you he'd definitely have the personality of his first Friendsim route.
Poetic, kind, respects your boundaries, he's your perfect Moirail, isn't he?
There may be flirtatious undertones in his words at times but for the most part he seems very respectful.
Especially with your blood color as you both are in a similar group. (Olive, Jade, Teal, and Cerulean are technically middle caste iirc.)
However, I do HC Lanque as being two-faced.
Towards others he tends to be the more rude and sharp tongued personality.
He swaps personas when you aren't around, especially towards those he doesn't like.
This is a dangerous game to play for him if you're an Olive Blood.
Olive Bloods can hold grudges but are very helpful when it comes to helping others with relationships.
Which is probably why you two get along so well, he has so much relationship trouble.
Lanque is no doubt possessive of those he shares a quadrant with.
That includes you, his Moirail.
This is the reason he quickly becomes bitter towards those around you.
How dare you have other trolls in your Quadrants!?
Lanque would definitely antagonize your Matesprit if you had one.
Perhaps even your Kismesis.
As your Moirail, he feels he should know what's best for you.
Which leads to him threatening other trolls around you.
Lanque is probably still touchy with you but not in the Matesprit sense (in this concept, at least)
Due to his possessive behavior he may decorate you in Jade colors/his sign to show everyone you're his.
Despite him actually being foul to those around him, he still plays nice with you.
He's affectionate but manipulative.
He claims those around you are lying.
He would never go after them!
All he wants to do is share poetry with his beloved Moirail!
What's with all the Jade clothing with his sign?
Oh, he just doesn't want you getting hurt!
It's nothing to worry about, dear, just look at him!
I can see Lanque forcing those you have in other quadrants away from you.
Soon you end up breaking off your other relationships, but not Lanque.
No... your Moirail has been taking care of you all along!
What? Your Matesprit/Kismesis left you?
That's so sad... why not vent to him?
He'll hold you tight and shoosh pap you... it'll all be okay!
After all... Lanque would never leave you.
You're perfect for him... it's sad no one else can see that.
Lanque will act like he's innocent with you.
He'll hold you close and tell you you're okay.
All the while getting himself bloody by removing unwanted pests from around you.
You can cry on his shoulder and tell him how betrayed you feel.
Oh, poor grub... no need to fret!
Lanque would never betray you...
So just look at him... and only him.
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