#the clean girls love their parents and go to church every Sunday
I try so hard to be like the clean girls I see around me. Every morning I try desperately to dress like how clean girls dress. Act like how clean girls act. Laugh like how clean girls laugh. Every day I study them like they’re a different species, taking notes when they move or talk or look a certain way. I long to be the effortlessly clean girls I see walking the halls. I feel filthy, I know they see me as filthy, thinking about it too hard makes me want to vomit. Every day I put on a clean girl costume and I try so hard not to peel it off when I get home. Every day I try so hard to keep it on, but when I wake up I’m my same filthy self. I’m sick of being filthy, I just want to feel clean. I just want to be clean.
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ateezivy · 2 years
it’s my past
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warning! death, mentions of abuse and neglect, drugs, alcohol, and trauma.
Olivia Nicole Min was born June 10 2001 in Detroit Michigan. Born the second daughter of Nicole and Markus Min, and the middle sister of Miya and Austin Min. Olivia was raised in a free-spirited Christian household.
She began dancing at the age of 3 at The 32nd Dance Studio and competed from ages 5 to 12. Growing up, Olivia's father suffered from Colon Cancer on and off. When she was younger, all she knew was that her dad got sick a lot, so they often visited him in the hospital. But then he would get better until he wasn't better again. As she grew up, she understood her dad's illness more, she didn't understand why he was ill, but he was and there was nothing she could do about it.
She learned a lot about cancer from her dad's doctor, and a friend she made in the hospital when she would stay there for longer than an hour. Her name was Kaylyn. she was a year older than little Olivia. they met when she was 5, and Kaylyn was 6. The doctor had just explained more about her dad's illness, and this was when she began to understand that maybe her dad wasn't going to live a long time. she got upset so one of the nurses to her to the child wing of the hospital where there were toys and kids her age, in hopes to cheer her up.
"Hi, I'm Kaylyn" Kaylyn was a small girl with a pink scarf wrapped around her head, she looked cold but almost happy.
Olivia sniffled "I'm Olivia"
"What's wrong Olivia?" the little girl sits next to her, wrapping her arm around her.
"My daddy's really sick"
Kaylyn pursed her lips a little. She understood illness too well for such a young thing. "What kind of sick?"
"He has cancer"
"Oh... I have cancer too"
"Olivia looks the girl in her eyes now. She's pretty, she has these big round eyes and a small button nose. "I have uhm... leuk... leukemia. it's something with my blood. So i do these treatments that make my hair go away and stuff"
"I'm sorry," the younger girl says with sadness spread across her face.
"it's okay" she shrugs
Since then, the two were friends. Every time Olivia's dad was in the hospital, she would bring a flower and stuffed animal for Kaylyn, she loved lions.
The two made the nurses, doctors, and their parents smile. Anytime Kaylyn reached a milestone in her treatments, Olivia was there to hold her hand.
But one day, Olivia was told she couldn't visit Kaylyn because she has gotten worse over the month she's gone without seeing her. They were 7 and 8 at this point, and they got a little more of an understanding of death and cancer than they already had.
On March 3, 2008, Kaylyn Sawyer passed away at 12:25 in the morning with her family and nurses surrounding her room.
Olivia was crushed by the news. She didn't talk to anyone for a week. At the funeral, all the stuffed animals Olivia had brought her friend surrounded her casket, the girl added one last one to the collection, a pink lion with a scarf.
After only a year after Kaylyn's passing, Markus passes away in his hospital room. This was where Olivia's life started going down hill.
The kid's mom became neglectful, always drunk or doing drugs in front of them. This led Miya to become Austin and Olivia's practical mother, that was until their grandparents from Ohio took them in. Their grandparents were all that horrible. But they were strict. Every Sunday you had o get up to go to church, if you want to do anything over the weekend you have to clean whatever is dirty in the house before you go. Saturdays you had to be home for at least 4 hours for cleaning. You could never stay home from school, if you were sick, throw up at school then you can go home. No cartoons, only the news. and they could only play with toys for an hour out of the day.
It's safe to say the kids were miserable, but at least they had food and a roof over their heads. there were plenty of times when their mom got shared custody because she got sober, and then got it taken away after showing up high or drunk.
Olivia lost hope at a very young age because of this...
to be continued
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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A gravedigger/ groundskeeper shares his stories and experiences on the job
Sometimes spooky crap happens that you just cant explain. A man walked up to us as we were throwing the canvas over the dirt trailer and commented on how beautiful of a resting place it was. We assumed he was a part of the family that was currently holding visitation and told him we were sorry for his loss and agreed that it was a beautiful spot. Later on, when the crew walked through the funeral home to get to the lounge for lunch, we all saw the picture they had set out for the guy that had died. It was the same man that had just came to the burial site a few hours before. He didnt have a twin, and no one else in the family looked that much like him. That kind of crap stays with you. Chills you to the bone.
Sometimes spooky crap happens that you just cant explain. A man walked up to us as we were throwing the canvas over the dirt trailer and commented on how beautiful of a resting place it was. We assumed he was a part of the family that was currently holding visitation and told him we were sorry for his loss and agreed that it was a beautiful spot. Later on, when the crew walked through the funeral home to get to the lounge for lunch, we all saw the picture they had set out for the guy that had died. It was the same man that had just came to the burial site a few hours before. He didnt have a twin, and no one else in the family looked that much like him. That kind of crap stays with you. Chills you to the bone.
The only other time this happened to me. I was cleaning off some headstones and cleaning up the grounds when a little girl caught my eye. She was playfully wandering around and looked happy. But I didnt see any adults around so I figured she had wandered outside from the funeral home. I took my gloves off because I was about to go on break, and figured I would ask where her parents were on my way to the building. I turned around and set the gloves down. When I turned back around, she was gone. A few weeks later, I helped set a picture plaque onto a headstone, and it was 100% the same little girl I had seen. Again, another thing I can never explain.
If a grave is sloping down a hillside or sinking too much, we get permission to move them to more level and stable ground. This particular grave was one of the first that had been in the cemetery, and the dates read april 1871-august 1877. Back then they buried their dead in pine/wood boxes. We had to move this grave as it was in a bad flooding spot on the grounds and just kept sinking further down every year. When we got to the coffin. The top had caved in and you could see the remains of the little boy curled up into a ball. That gave me chills like nothing else. We figure they unintentionally buried him alive, and when he woke, didnt know what to do, and eventually just curled up in a ball and died. You could see his little skeletal hands wrapped around his knees. I’ll never forget that. Turns out this guy was pissed that he was left out of the will, and came to the cemetery to show his disrespect to his grandmothers grave. I dont care what that person did to you. If you try to kick anyones headstone over, im kicking you in the nuts and calling the cops.
Unfortunately, this happens more than you would think. We started the morning mowing the grounds. I went to mow the far end of the grounds first, but stopped when I noticed a person laying at the edge of the woods. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that the person had committed suicide (gunshot to the head) they did find a suicide note, but we never learned why he did it there. I assume he lost a loved one and just wanted out of the pain. Or maybe wanted to make sure he was found by someone other than family. Makes you sad, man.
Good ol’ Don. He’s a nice guy. He brings the crew lunch some sundays.
Because every sunday, he and his wife would go out to lunch after church. He is there every Sunday to read to her from the Bible and put fresh flowers down. He’s a sweet old man and has been coming there every Sunday for as long as I’ve worked there. he tells us stories about their life together and gives that sad, longing kind of smile when he’s done. True love man. You cant deny that good ol’ Don was truly in love with Mrs Margie.
This one freaked EVERYONE out. A teen who had been killed in a car accident (19 I believe) was being lowered into the grave when we all heard a thumping noise coming from inside the casket. You could of heard a pin drop it got quiet so fast. Of course the director Re-opens the casket. Turns out the family buried him in the jacket he was wearing in the accident (dont ask why, i dont know) and the thumping was a ringtone he had set for an alarm that day. They had been looking for his phone, and somehow the battery had lasted the whole damn time, but the phone was on silent. That is, until his scheduled alarm went off. The mother almost passed out, because she thought her son had come back to life or something. It was really heartbreaking to witness.
Not sure if its teens being stupid or if people actually perform rituals to try to bring people back or are doing some other crazy crap, but we clear off at least one grave a month.
So, again, on the other side of the cemetery is where most of the early graves are. And it floods a lot over there. Another grave started sinking and sloping to one side of the hill. Same case with this woman. We hoist the wood box up and the lid slides off the top. And to our horror, there are claw marks. And I mean tons of them, on the inside of the lid of the coffin. This poor lady was unintentionally buried alive around 1900, had obviously woken up buried alive, and tried like hell to get out, but she didnt. Another one I’ll never forget.
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18 (Eddie Munson)
Summary: You use Eddie to piss off your parents.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of weed, swearing, SFW, religious parents, not proofread bc I'm gonna be late for work.
Inspired by the song 18 by Anarbor
Masterlist : it’s a little empty rn, but we’re working on it okayy
Requests : pls feel free to drop something from any fandom, if I'm in it I’ll probably write it. I only think so many thoughts a day, so let me use yours lol
You'd grown up a goody two-shoes--church every Sunday, straight A's, pleated skirts. You were a clean, cookie cutter good girl.
Until your parents decided it was time to raid your room. They'd found the secret stash on the top shelf of your closet. This shoebox carried the entirety of your real personality. The small baggie of weed you'd gotten from Eddie Munson and your treasured collection of Black Sabbath tapes were confiscated. Then you were sentenced to being grounded for the foreseeable future, only being allowed to go to school and tutor classmates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Your main tutee was Eddie Munson, two times held back, he was determined to graduate this year along with you. You weren't good friends with Eddie by any means, you'd tutored him for the last few weeks and exchanged pleasantries in the halls (meaning he would bow at you dramatically and you would smile uncomfortably).
At least you weren't one of the kids who judged him and his friends endlessly. You didn't think of the Hellfire Club as freaks or nerds, if anything, you envied them. They were free to express themselves completely.
Your first tutoring session with Eddie had started awkward but quickly became comfortable. You guys chatted for a little while about music, Eddie was surprised that your tastes didn't differ much. He gave you a couple of his tapes to borrow and even slid you a little bit of weed for free (anything for a rebel cause).
He was the first and only person you told about your parents busting you. It's not like you had any friends, unless you're counting your church friends and they would stand right behind your parents on the issue.
Eddie was positively outraged about your parents "oppressing your spirit". His anger managed to rile you up, dragging you out of the spell of sadness you'd been swimming in for the past few days.
"That's bullshit, Y/N," he shouted. You sat on the desk, a copy of the pre-calculus textbook sprawled out beside you. He stood from his seat, pacing the empty classroom.
"I know. I would ask for some weed but I think my parents might actually be considering a drug sniffing dog," you groaned, laying back onto the table. You felt your plaid skirt rise a bit on your thighs, but you let it be. You knew Eddie would notice (he wasn't very inconspicuous), and you honestly didn't mind the attention.
"Fuck your parents! How much angrier can they get?" He questioned, throwing hiss hands in the air.
"I guarantee they can get angrier. That's something I would love to see. Maybe I should get a tattoo, or pierce my eyebrow, or I could--"
"Bring home an older, held back, long haired, tattooed, good ol' fashioned freak as your boyfriend," he pointed at you quirking a brow.
Eddie had very clearly had a crush on you. He would shamelessly flirt, constantly calling you pet names and asking for extra tutoring time accompanied by a sly wink. You figured he was pretty much joking. You can flirt without liking someone. Besides, you weren't innocent. You would let your eyes linger or let your hand rest on his arm for longer than necessary. It was fun and exciting, he was probably the only person in this school that knew your personality went deeper than seemingly perfect facade you displayed.
You considered Eddie's offer for a moment. It felt awful to use him, but he was offering. Besides, you could only imagine the shock on your parents' faces when you arrive in their driveway without your bike, but in a van driven by Eddie Munson blaring Ozzy Osbourne's latest. With that picture circling the forefront of your mind, you decided.
"You might be a genius, Munson. I could kiss you," you laughed.
"You probably should," he smirked, a shit-eating grin taking over his face.
"This next left turn is my street," you directed Eddie from the passenger seat. Your Mary Janes were propped up on the dash, Hand of Doom blaring through the open windows. You hair was flying out of your ribbon due to Eddie driving 50 in a residential.
"Sure thing, Princess," he hollered, swinging the wheel left.
You watched as several of your neighbors peeked through their curtains or stepped onto their porches to find the cause of the ruckus, your parents included. They stormed out of the front door upon realizing it was their perfect daughter perched in the van beside the town delinquent.
Eddie pulled right into the driveway, not bothering to lower the volume. You waited in the seat as Eddie hopped out and jogged around to open your door. He grabbed your hand to help you out of the seat.
"They look so pissed," he whispered, pulling you in by the waist. Against his chest, you wrapped your arms around his neck, squealing as he lifted you into the air.
"A+ for the acting, Rebel," you hummed in his ear.
He set you down and pulled back slowly. You grinned at him as he backed you against the van.
"I do live to put on a show," he stroked your arm that remained rested on his shoulder.
"Wanna kick it up?" You asked, leaning into him. You watched his cheeks tinge pink as you went in for the kill, or kiss. His hands immediately found your hips, and yours tangled into his hair.
Eddie met the energy you gave off, the kiss completely skipping any semblance of innocence. Your tongues battled as you guys amped it up for performance purposes, of course. Even you had to admit, it was a bit much but you couldn't bring yourself to care-- too lost in Eddie.
Finally the two of you pulled away, him giving you another peck before pulling away totally. You winked at him before started the walk toward your fuming parents, who stood on the porch in disbelief.
"Bye, Princess!" Eddie shouted, hopping back into his van.
"Bye, Babe!" You threw the last punch as he pulled down the street, going faster than he did on the way in.
"What in God's name are you doing with your life?" Your dad shouted.
"Is this the boy who gave you drugs?" Your mother was nearly crying.
You didn't answered, just rolled your eyes as you entered the house. Your parents followed you in, throwing questions after question at you.
So if you wanna piss off your parents
Date me to scare them.
Show them you're all grown up.
If long hair and tattoos are what attract you,
Baby then you're in luck.
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hansolmates · 4 years
shiver | 02
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banner done by the wonderful @dnrequests
summary; jungkook changed since he moved out of his small town church community and attended college. when he returns for a christmas mass, you suddenly crave a taste of his fun and carefree life. in exchange, jungkook craves a taste of you pairing; bad boy!jungkook x church girl!reader genre/warnings; childhood friends to lovers, brief childhood friends to enemies, fwb!au, catholic guilt, jungkook is a meanie who eventually turns into a soft tsundere, bicuriosity, sexual exploration, virgin!oc, eventual smut—in this installment: mentions of sex w/c; 1.2k a/n; thanks for the overwhelming amount of love for pt1! now that the plot is p much set up in this installment, the drabble updates will be a lil shorter (around 400-1k) i hope that doesn’t deter anyone. hope this is a good start to your weekend babiesss, next installment will be jjk’s pov! [shiver masterpost]
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“You live here?” 
“You’re moving in here?” 
Since the boxes started to pile up the doorstep, Jungkook was wondering all day who’d be occupying the room next to him. It’s a corner room, which made Jungkook doubly jealous because they had a great view of the city. Who knew his new neighbor would be the bobbing bunny who’d chase him in childhood (and all the way to adulthood, apparently.) 
Conversely, you’re also shocked. Your parents checked out this place, and said nothing about Jungkook also living here. Then again, not mentioning it may be the point.
It’s the start of a new semester, and you haven’t talked to Jungkook since that whole Christmas fiasco. You avoided Jungkook for the rest of the holiday, refusing to let him play with you like this. No matter how big your crush may be, you have dignity and five minutes of fondling will not change that. 
“Yeah, finally picked a graduate school.” you drop your last box on top of the pile, “this was the only school my family could compromise on.” 
“Congrats,” his eyes flicker over to the boxes, stacked higher than you, “you need help moving in?” 
You weren’t about to refuse free labor, so you open your door and let him set up. Jungkook knows your tastes, years and years of study groups having you and your friend visiting each other’s rooms up until high school. He color-codes your closet for you, diligently making sure to avoid your delicates and unmentionables. The frames are put up at straight angles, not a corner out of place. While the apartment is small and old, it’ll be your new home for the next year. You’re excited. 
“Still needs that touch,” Jungkook holds his hand out like a frame, going over the blank nooks and crannies of your apartment, “something’s missing.” 
Jungkook sees things you don’t see. You heard one Sunday lunch that Jungkook’s studying to be an architect. To you, whatever’s missing in this apartment is miniscule, even nonexistent. 
You think the missing thing is him, although Jungkook doesn’t know it. He’s poking and prodding around, moving small furniture to different corners and then surveying the corners. Jungkook is the bit of home you’ll get when you’re tired and stressed over work. Maybe you two can be study buddies, or get lunch together on campus. The thought has you warm, wondering if Jungkook will be able to see you anything other than a childhood friend turned pretty. 
“I won’t be bringing much here,” you say reluctantly, running your fingers over the polished kitchen counter, “I still have to go home for church every weekend.” 
Jungkook’s eyes quirk at the revelation that you can’t stay in the city due to hometown obligations, and within reason. Jungkook doesn’t go back every weekend, yet your family expects you to. It was the compromise when you decided to go to graduate school here. 
“Well, not this weekend though right?” Jungkook rocks on his heels, black toe socks rubbing against the dark hardwood floor as he meets you behind the counter, “since your parents think you’ll be too busy unpacking?” 
“Maybe?” you throw the question right back at him, unsure of where he’s going with this. 
“There’s a party at my friend’s house Saturday night. There could be some classmates in your major, meet some new friends?” 
Jungkook’s inviting you to a party. Jungkook’s going to take you to a party to help you make new friends and socialize with people other than your nosy uncles and aunts. You don’t even have to answer, the adoration on your face evident. Jungkook will introduce you to people, show you off, get you drinks. 
(Maybe he’ll even kiss you goodnight.) 
You shake that thought off quickly, knowing that kind of desire will get you in trouble. You need to take things slowly if you have any chance of being with Jungkook. Going to the party as friends will be more than enough. 
He tucks his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. There’s nothing romantic about the action, no matter how you spin it around. Your eyes are perpetually glued to the floor, painfully meek, “I’ll pick you up at eight.” 
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“She’s so weird!” 
You stiffen at the exclamation, clutching your red plastic cup with both hands as you lean against the wall that connects the kitchen to the hallway. They can’t see you if you act like a wallflower, so you hold your breath and wait for the blow. 
“C’mon, church girls are like that,” that’s Park Jimin’s voice, the first friend Jungkook introduced you to when you walked in the house. His voice sounds kind through the R&B music blasting through the flat screen television, yet it still rubs you the wrong way that he refers to you as a “church girl.” Jimin’s no better than the girl who’s talking about you. 
“But Jungkook isn’t like that,” It’s Nayeon that starts this, and it saddens you slightly because you wanted to be her friend. She was all smiles and sweet stares when Jungkook was by your side, but you suppose none of that kindness was directed towards you. “He’s cool. She dresses like a fifties school teacher and has barely said ten words all evening! I don’t know what Jungkook was thinking.” 
Speaking of, where is Jungkook now? It’s been twenty minutes since you’ve last seen him. Twenty minutes of taking sips at a haphazardly mixed drink and twiddling your fingers as you try to insert yourself into a puzzle that you’re not cut into. 
“Besides,” Nayeon’s voice twinkles through the room, clear as day, “He only invited her out of pity. I’m pretty sure he’s fucking Jungyeon in the bathroom right now.” 
Bile rises though your throat like rain in a well, threatening to spill over and embarrass you further. Your fingers crush the plastic slightly, curling and bending at your whim. 
To torture yourself further, you take slow steps towards the bathroom. What you hear has tears spilling over your eyes. Jungkook’s heady voice, a girl’s soft cries that penetrate through the walls and into your ears. It’s not the sex that gets you upset, nor Jungkook’s desire to leave you for another girl. 
You’re not a charity case, you’re not an object to be pitied. You’re not a sheltered church girl. Sure, Jungkook may not feel that way. Yet Jungkook put you in an environment where others are typecasting you, making you feel like you don’t fit in. Jungkook didn’t even warn you when he ditched, a common courtesy that you know for a fact friends do for each other, even though this is your first real college party.
When you bolt out of there and drive home, you don’t go to your apartment. You set the GPS to take you straight home, back to your tiny town. You begin your recovery process early Sunday morning. 
A scalding hot shower, to scrape away the smell of alcohol on your body. 
You spend early morning cleaning the storage room and the classrooms, scrubbing away until everything’s shining. 
You pray and apologize for the pleasure and pain—for giving into temptation on Christmas Day and the toppling results of that. 
Once you get home, you spend a pretty penny on decorating your apartment. Clashing art pieces—anime posters, random florals, a cat mug. Things that you like, things to make yourself happy. 
These are steps in the right direction. You need a cleanse. Specifically a cleanse for Jeon Jungkook. 
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
Vampire Play | Lee Jeno
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▸ Jeno x reader ▸ Fluff, Angst, Smut, Vampire au ▸ HALLOWEEN SERIES: 127 HOUSE ▸ 2/5 for NEOHALLOWEEN writing festival hosted by @nct-writers
Summary: The division of upperclassmen vampires and the humans at school, is the only thing that’s stopping Lee Jeno from loving you entirely. Like how vampires hide in the shadows, your growing love for each other is needed to be kept hidden because Jeno’s family cannot be involved with a human such as you. The family name should stay pure and untouched.
Word count: 9k
Warnings: Discriminations between vampires and humans, blood, more blood, heavy vampire-human bullying, blood sucking, swearing, mentions of other idols, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, stalking, teenagers breaking the school rules, not a warning but Jaemin is a big character here. Mentions of coffin, period blood jokes, starving students 
A/N: Pure fiction and inspired by some movies of course. Regarding Jaemin, idk tell me if I should make his story. He was the first one to have a human girlfriend so... Inspired by Vampire Academy, Slaughterhouse Rulez. 
Taglist: I hope I didn’t miss anyone, if yes please do message me so I can apologize huhu @ovelha-colorida-v @huangxx @soondaengie @sunshinedhyuck @your-kpop-cafe @bumblebeenct @joyfuleggsfishbanana @floweringtheflowers @neosculptures​
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The sound of the school bell welcomes you to your new school as your parents drop you off and watch you reach their dreams. That’s right, theirs. This isn’t what you wanted, but thinking about how your parents worked so hard for you to have a great education is enough push to force yourself to study and like this place. It was their dream for you to go to an exclusive school such as 127 House. A place where the finest kind of vampires go to school, and a place where rich humans like you are given the opportunity to have the same education.
Sounds fun? It does, but the division between humans and vampires is taken seriously in 127 House. Actually, it’s not a division, it’s discrimination. 
Yes, you go to the same school with the vampires but those bloodsuckers are treated royalty. Humans are not allowed to be friends with vampires, talking to vampires is strictly prohibited, fornicating with a vampire is a major offense, and having a relationship with a vampire can get you kicked out of the school. It says in the student handbook that they have all these rules and divisions to protect the royal bloodsuckers and to maintain peace and order inside the school. 
“You’re going to do your best, right?” your mom asks, you see the headmaster waiting for you to say goodbye to your parents. 
“I’m going to be fine, drive home safe, okay? See in you on Christmas” you hugged them and gather your things and walk towards the headmaster. The house is all white you noticed, even the door is white and you thought that the house will finally have some color once you enter the premises, but no. It’s still white and the place feels cold. White walls, white ceiling, no ray of sunshine, well that part is understandable. At least the interior is nice. 
Before the assembly officially starts, you’re blessed to have a friend to at least warn you and tell you about the dos and don’ts in this school. Yeji, your nice roommate. Being a sophomore transferee is not easy, because no one does that. Literally, you’re a fresh meat, in a house where 50% of the population is vampires. You’re the only transferee and that makes you an automatic target to the bullies. High school. 
You fixed your things and made your bed, you make sure to look presentable on your first day of school. Going to school in the evening is something new to you and you pray that you don’t sleep in one of your classes tonight. Given that it’s a vampire school, humans are required to adjust and follow the vampire time table. That means sleeping during day time and having classes in the middle of the night. 
“Stop fidgeting, or the cold bloods and other humans will make fun of you” Yeji whispers while you two come down the stairs and head to the main hall. You scan your surroundings without turning your head too much and try to observe secretly. Not much happenings, for now, the only thing you found out is that human students are all dressed in black uniforms, all looking rich and righteous. Not your normal high school classmates.  
As you enter the main hall, the vampires are not yet seated in their rightful place. Humans are all seated at the back and are not allowed to chatter loudly, and vampires are seated upfront with teachers and higher ups, they can do whatever they want. You have never seen a vampire up close, you just imagined them to look pale and lifeless, that’s all nothing special. 
“Hey,” Yeji whispered so quietly, you barely heard her. “Once the vampires are here, don’t you dare look at them, no head-turning, wait for them to be seated” you nod your head as an acknowledgment of what Yeji said. Being a transferee is making you anxious already even around your own kind, now you’re curious what can a vampire’s presence do to you?
Soon, she nudges your elbow and told you to look down because they’re finally here. In the corner of your eye, you don’t see any of their reflection on the shiny and clean floor of 127 House, but you hear footsteps and low chatters, the air became cold like their bloods while they were walking on the aisle and that alone gave you goosebumps. 
When it’s finally allowed to look upfront, curiosity is swallowing your mind. You didn’t listen to the one talking in front and you spend the entire time looking at their backs. All dressed in white with a small shade of light blue, pure like their families, even from behind they all look like gods who blessed the Earth with their presence. Each and every one of them, are very beautiful, if the men looked like gods, the ladies looked like angels without wings but with fangs. 
One vampire definitely caught your eye. Blonde hair, skin as white as snow, sharp jawline, perfect nose, and dark almond eyes. You can’t stop looking at him and you can hear your heart beats faster than usual for no reason. “Lee Jeno” Yeji whispered to you while keeping her eyes upfront. “He runs this school and everyone is afraid of him, he’s from a family that breeds the purest vampires of all time. Filthy rich, untouchable, can speak seven languages and oh, every girl in this school fantasizes about him. But not me of course, I fantasize about Hyunjin over there” you looked in the direction that she told you. 
As soon as the assembly is finished, you’re back to bowing your heads until the last vampire leaves the room. You realized that this is going to be your new life for a whole year and until you graduate from this school. One day at a time, you sigh and tell yourself.
High school is high school. But every day in 127 House is like a game of chicken with all these bloodsuckers bullying humans. Being invisible is almost impossible, they always find a way to make fun of humans. The bullying system made you change yourself. You used to be a fun person and you love talking to your friends, but now you go to class, listen to new learnings, avoid every vampire you see, go to church every Sunday, and do it again. Human or not, you try to avoid friendship.
Day by day, you spend it exactly how you spend it yesterday. It was sickening and boring, you miss your family and friends and you wonder if they miss you too. The only coping mechanism you’re allowed to do is read books in the huge old library of 127 House. Luckily, the other students aren’t interested enough in the books that this library holds. They prefer eBooks, and they all use the new library where computers and tablets are used instead of actual books. The old library was your safe place, away from the abnormalities that the world holds. You go here before you go to school, and spend your whole day here every weekend alone and unbothered. Or so you thought. 
Little did you know, there's a pair of eyes who watches you in the shadows of the tall bookshelves whenever you visit. The same pair of eyes are amused whenever you smile while reading a book. The same pair of eyes is slowly being fond of you each day passes. Of course, he wouldn’t dare bother you in your safe place, he’s not that cruel or selfish. But one fine day, he decided to show up.  
“You’re new here” 
You were just about to get out of a dusty aisle when suddenly a man dressed in white and blue cornered you. As quick as you can, you covered your face with the book that you’re holding and didn’t dare look at his perfect form and completely avoiding the cold blooded man. 
This is their way to put humans in trouble, they talk to you and pretend that they wanted to have a decent conversation, but no. One moment they’re staring in your eyes like you have the same status in life and the next thing you know, you’re in the headmaster’s office for a scolding. It’s one of their many ways of bullying humans. Vampires are all bullies, they enjoy it. 
“Hey, I’m your senior and I’m talking to you. There’s no one in here, it’s just the two of us” he reasons out, frustrated because you won’t even look at him. Still avoiding his holy presence, you walked past by the vampire as fast as you can but he followed you until you reach your seat. What’s with these cold blooded creatures? 
“If you don’t talk to me, I’ll make up a story and tell it to the headmaster. If you leave, I’ll tell him you touched me” it was a threat and you don’t like it. Even so, you stopped fixing your things and took a sit. He sat on the table across you with his books and his notebooks, you figured he has some studying to do. 
“I’m Jeno” 
“I know” your responses were quick and straightforward as possible. 
“So what are you reading?” he asks, you see him holding his pen, ready to write down notes perhaps. He doesn’t look like the cold blooded Jeno that you usually see during general assemblies or free period. Now, he looked like a person, who’s pale but still handsome and ethereal. You lift the book and showed him the cover to answer his question, you didn’t even bother to let out another word from your mouth. It’s obvious, he’s trouble. 
“What’s your name?” he asks while writing in his notebook. 
“How's your stay in 127 House so far, Y/n?” his smile was inviting, and you know that you shouldn’t stare because looking at his perfection is like committing a sin, but you couldn’t help it. You took the chance to get a better look at his face. For the first time.
“Sorry I have to go” and just like that, you gathered anything you could reach from your stuff and leave your other things on the desk. You can always come back during the daytime, where they’re all asleep. You bolted outside the library and with heavy breaths, ran back to your dorm room and did not tell anyone what happened. 
Talking to Jeno even though it was barely a conversation was like stealing a huge amount of cash from your parents. Even though he looked nice the whole time, you still can’t trust the man. With that, you can only hope and pray that the Lee Jeno did not make up stories just for his entertainment. 
The next day during the general assembly, you saw Jeno in front with his usual vampire might. Even more ethereal than yesterday. As you go on with your day, you went to class with caution. Hoping that you’re not going to be called to the headmaster’s office. And thankfully, you survived the day. What a relief, you thought! You headed back to the library to get the things that you left yesterday and to your surprise, your stuff was nicely organized. He fixed your things and left you a note. 
Sorry to have scared you. -L.J
You read his short note over and over again, smelling the scented paper that he used, it smelled like a rose, and didn’t notice him sneak beside you because you were busy putting your stuff inside the bag. 
“You’re back,” he said a little lively, and it completely startled you that he almost gave you a heart attack. Given that the library is huge and quiet, your squeak echoed and surrounded the place. And again, you avoided his gaze and tried running away for the second time but he’s quick to block you. 
“Hey, didn’t I earn your trust? Not even a bit? I don’t bully humans… they just happened to be scared of me” he explains. Still, it doesn’t make any sense to you. “Look, I’ve been watching you read a bunch of books in here for days. And this has been my favorite place ever since I stepped foot in this house, no one dared to enter this wretched library. We could share” he hands you your notebook from the desk and you accept it slowly. 
“Okay,” you said, still uncomfortable with his godly presence. 
“If we're going to be friends, you should stop doing that. It will not kill you to have a decent conversation with me. As I’ve said before, we're alone in here” 
Friends? Who told him you wanted to be friends with him? 
“Not that you actually care, but I’ve read almost 30% percent of the books here. They’re quite old but golden…” He continued talking about books like the smell of your blood doesn’t bother him at all. It does. But he would rather hold his breath than losing the chance to be friends with you. By the end of the day, you brought some books that Jeno have recommended you read. It kept you all night, turning pages until you finish one book, and the next thing you know you’ve finished reading all of them. He was right about the books. The vampire has taste. 
During your next meeting at the library, you talked about how the books that you’ve read and he was happy that you loved them. “Show me more?” it was not a request, but it was your move and the only way you could give back to the kindness that Jeno showed you. 
Books after books and after a few days, you and Jeno became comfortable with each other. Comfortable enough to laugh and make jokes as if you’ve been friends for a long time now and completely forgetting the cruel world outside the white walls of the library. It was a growing friendship. A unique friendship that you’re both aware of.
Little did you know, that the vampire has grown a huge crush on you. He has never seen someone so full of life and be happy with even the smallest of things. You’re the epitome of simplicity but also too much and too good for him.  
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” Jaemin slapped his friend with his free hand while they were busy feeding. He noticed that his friend was spaced out for some time now, smiling alone like an idiot, and there’s something different with Jeno these past few days. “Ohhh. I get it. You have a shiny new toy” Jaemin teases Jeno while taking a sip of cold blood. 
“You’re the one who toys with the humans, Jaem not me” Jeno defends, taking a sip of his cold blood too. 
“So what are we going to do this time? Make them cry, huh?” it’s easy for Jaemin to talk about things like that. Jaemin bullies mostly human girls, he’s quite irresistible with those pearly whites, perfect fangs, sexy built.
Jeno chuckled and smiled at Jaemin, “I’m going to love this one. She’s different from the other humans, she’s not selfish. She just wants to survive high school and she loves books” there was a smile on Jeno’s face while he was talking about you, something Jaemin never thought he would witness. Jeno is in love. He gulps, knowing all too well that his friend is in danger. 
“For how long?” Jaemin asks nervously, hoping that there’s still hope to pull Jeno out of this dangerous situation. 
“For three. Lovely. Weeks” he smiled, oh so lovingly to his friend again. “Don’t tell the others, please” Jeno knew that he could trust Jaemin no matter what, and for that, he’s thankful. 
 You and Jeno continued being friends, see each other in the library, spend hours and hours talking and knowing each other deeply. And as you continue with this friendship, his handsomeness is becoming harder and harder to avoid each day that passes. “I like your smile. You should smile more often” you blurted out, feeling brave to talk like that to Jeno. He smiled at you in return, his eyes became small and full of life even though the man has no soul. It’s like he has this duality that whenever he’s outside the library, he is this cold blooded creature but when you’re alone together he is this funny guy who’s clumsy and talks too much. 
Of course, you don’t know, but Jeno goes to the library not because of the books anymore. He just wants to meet you and be with you, make him forget about the world that he grew up to, make him forget that he’s a vampire. Let him admire your beauty, be drunk on the smell of your blood. For Jeno, feeling your warmth near him makes him feel that he does exist in this world. 
The truth is, he’s disgusted with the world outside this library. Sick of all the rules that this school implements especially the horrible division. Because of that division, he can’t do something for himself, just this once. But for the sake of their family name, he’s forcing himself to play it all out and pretend that it doesn’t sicken him. 
One cold night during free period, you saw him and his friends walking towards you and Yeji in the middle of the hallway. You don’t know what came into your head but you didn’t avoid the presence of the men in white and with all your confidence, you said “Hi Jeno” 
It broke your heart how he didn’t even spare you a glance, you saw it in your own eyes how his face shows no emotion when he heard you call his name. His friends heard your bravery and of course, they made fun of you, laughed at you for failing to have Jeno’s attention. What came into your head? Did you forget the division because you have a secret friendship with him? That horrible experience slapped you with the ugly truth again. Vampires don’t mingle with humans. You decided not to come to the library ever again, live peacefully behind their shadows, and enjoy the world class education that this school provides. As you should. Keeping yourself invisible became easier as you made new human friends that you could actually mingle with. It was nice having new friends from your kind, it makes you forget about the friendship that you had with Jeno too. But there's no other friend like him. 
“Hi there. I’m Jaemin” the vampire cornered you with all his glory, standing in front of you as you keep your head down and ignore the cold blood who’s bullying you. “I know your secret with Jeno” he whispers to you with a tone that really got into your nerves, it made you look at him, and got in trouble for letting your guard down because of what Jaemin did and faced a week in detention and a week without dinner. 
School’s twisted rules to teach humans respect. It’s not the hunger that made you incredibly mad with Jeno, and it’s not Jaemin either, it’s the fact that he told his friend about you when you didn’t even tell a single soul about what you knew about him.
“Stay away from me and stop bullying me. I'm not scared of you or the rules, I don’t care if I leave this place!” your voice echoes and surrounds the room and for the first time in your life you saw Lee Jeno feel so small. “But I do care about what my parents want, so get out of my life Jeno” your attempt to make a dramatic exit was once again stopped, he brought you deep into one of the dusty aisle and cough a little as you try to get away from his grasp. 
 Jeno was awfully close to you, putting both of his hands on the bookshelf behind you, caging you with his presence. He can hear your heartbeat so fast your blood became even more inviting. “Don’t be scared. I’m not going to bite you” he explains but it doesn’t change anything, you still want to get out of here. You watch him turn silent, and wait for his next move. His right hand caressed your head, feeling your hair and watching his own fingers touch your features and feel your warm skin. It was amusing for him, this is his first time touching a human and not just any human. The human that he likes. 
In one swift move, he kissed you on the lips. And It was not a kiss that lovers share. It was a kiss like someone is confessing their love. Jeno can’t find the words on how he can be more honest with you when he just ruined your trust. And you do understand what he’s saying, he just confessed his feelings using that kiss because he knew you won’t listen to him anymore.
“I hope you understand” his face stayed close to you, nuzzling your hair and enjoying your warmth. He reached for your hand and slowly intertwined his fingers with yours. It was like fire and ice were merging at this very moment. And if you thought holding his hands made your heart beat faster like you just ran a mile, the moment he made you encircle your arms around his waist made you weak right then and there and he was quick to catch you. You too have no words for what's happening right now but you feel the same way towards Jeno. 
He kissed you again and this time you returned the kiss, making the vampire smile from ear to ear in between the kiss, exposing his sharp fangs to you for the first time which you thought he was going to bite you, but no, he kissed you deeper this time. And during the kiss, you can feel his fangs scratch slightly with your teeth. You can also say that he just fed because the metal taste of human blood still lingers in his lips and tongue, but you don’t care. It’s Jeno. 
The peck that Jeno planned on giving you, became your first make out session with him in the old and dusty library. Whenever someone pulls away and tried to stop kissing, you come right back in and devour each other’s lips again. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. But seriously what were you thinking?” he said, cupping your face as he waits for your answer. 
“I know it’s my fault. But I thought what we have here is something special-“ 
“It is special. And it’s for me and you, only. Please don’t do it again, for us” he rests his forehead on yours, closing his eyes and feeling the happiness sink right in. “To be honest I was heartbroken when you stopped coming here. I thought I lost you already way before you can be mine” he kissed you again, but this time he’s hugging you tightly. “Fuck you smell good, you’re making me hungry” you watch him gulp closely, “I need to uhm- you know, I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
And there’s that smile you love seeing, only for your eyes to see. “Yes” you smiled back and kissed him one last time.  
Just like your moments with Jeno in the library, you two continue to meet secretly and spend time together. The books became witness to your growing love as this dangerous relationship becomes, even more, deeper each day passes. It was a secret relationship, but your feelings were true as it can be.
Dating like normal teenagers was hard, of course given the situation you two can’t go on dates. But the vampire is clever and smart. You forgot how he has this whole school wrapped around his finger. With the help of the other vampires to cover up for him, he made a picnic date happen… in the middle of the woods, under the dark.
“Vampires wear denim pants?” you tease him and he greets you with a kiss. 
It was a starry night and you watch and connect the stars while holding each other’s hand. His cold skin doesn’t bother you anymore, you grew fond of it. You spend the night giggling quietly with Jeno, making each other laugh, telling unbelievable stories to each other from your kind. 
“Have you ever experienced biting a human?” you asked curiously, still looking at the stars and holding Jeno’s cold hands. 
“That’s illegal. My family is pure, the finest as they say” he scoffed as if the thought of his family disgust him. “Poor vampires suck blood from humans because they can’t afford buying clean and purified ones- think of it as water, most rich vampires think drinking directly from humans is… disgusting and dirty. So they buy the filtered ones” you nod your head, acknowledging what he said understanding how it works, thinking deeply like you're solving a Math problem. He was amused by your reaction. 
“What will happen to you if they find out about us?” you blurted out, resting your chin on his strong chest as you wait for his answer. 
“To be honest I don’t know. But were sure in trouble young lady” he nuzzles your hair but it’s not your shampoo that he smelled, it’s your blood. He tickled your sides again so he can hear your laugh that’s music to his ears. 
“Okay okay, last question,” you said, catching your breath from too much laughing. 
“How can someone be a vampire?” 
“Nope. Not answering that. Too dangerous for you young lady” he teased and tickled you again. It’s not fair, you thought. 
When Jeno finally got tired of teasing you, he turned silent and stared at your face as if he’s engraving it in his memory. Deep inside, he doesn’t know how to keep you away from his family. He doesn’t know how you can survive the cruelty of his world.  
“I love you” you heard him whisper, you barely heard it but he was sincere. He's kissing your knuckles and holding it tightly, pulling you closer to his cold body for a kiss on the lips, “I love you too” you said kissing his cold hand while looking at him smiling from ear to ear again, exposing his fangs to you. 
To make Jaemin pay for what he’s done to you, Jeno made him the lookout whenever you and the vampire have time to make out in locker rooms during free periods. Jeno would drag you there and make out with you until he’s satisfied or he’s late for his next class. You always feel nervous whenever you’re with Jeno but his lips, oh his lips! Does it make you calm and forget about the world. 
If the locker room is not safe, you always have the woods at night and no one would dare lurk in those dark places. Jeno kept you safe in the dark and made you feel safe, knowing that it makes you scared. “I’m a vampire, what are you so afraid of?” he chuckled, and just like that, you two continue to kiss like there's nothing wrong in what you’re doing. 
During weekends, you and Jeno love to stargaze. Hugging you under a blanket, arms perfectly wrapped around you. His cold skin brings you comfort even if sometimes it makes you shiver. You taught him how to eat cookies, which he finds disgusting but he eats it anyway to not disappoint you. 
And just like normal teenage relationships, what’s a great relationship without having your first big a fight? In fact, it was so big and horrible that you thought that was the end of it. Nothing beats jealousy. 
“We were lab partners, Jeno! And we were studying!” by this time you were yelling at him and you hate this feeling. Both of you are completely aware of the love you share, but being divided this way can make you both jealous in every way. “How about you with Yeeun, huh? Do you enjoy her godly presence?” you added.
“Don’t get me started about you and Mark. I see you two, too close sometimes. Are you cheating on me?” it was so easy for him to accuse you of something you would never do to the man you love. With that, you scoffed and turned your back on him, gathering your books and making your way out of the library. He didn’t even bother stopping you this time like he always does. 
The fight went on for weeks until exams week were finally over. It was torture for both of you but he hurt you in a way you couldn’t believe he can. You went to the library to return some books you’ve already finished reading. To your surprise a red rose is waiting for you on the desk you claim as yours, of course, it’s from Jeno. 
Jealousy can’t ruin us. Please forgive me - L.J
You meet him in the woods that night after class, exchanged apologies, sweet and loving words, and shared a wonderful kiss. He’s right, jealousy can’t ruin what you have. Every relationship experiences huge fights.
Walking hand in hand back to the school premises, Jeno smelled another human blood near the two of you. He was just about to tell you to hide when Jaemin and his girlfriend were walking hand in hand towards the dark where you just came from. She was your senior, and you can see that she holds on to Jaemin so tight like you’re about to take Jaemin away from her. She was scared that you’d tell, but you’re not like that, you smiled and gave her your jacket. “It’s awfully cold back there. It’s nice to know I’m not alone” she smiled back at you. 
“Glad you two are back” Jaemin teases Jeno and your boyfriend just rolled his eyes at him. 
One hot afternoon in the library, Jeno’s skin was so irritated with the heat but he wanted to be with you. He was confident with his hands that it started to roam around your body, something he’s never done before but you like it. Let’s not fool ourselves here. 
“Does the heat makes you horny? Or the heat is a different story?” you tease him in between kisses. His hand is under your skirt, caressing your ass cheek playing with the hem of your black lacy panties. If him being confident with his hands shocks you, well you were completely surprised when he removed your panties swiftly and started to undo his belt. 
“Baby, I’m a virgin. Don’t I at least deserved to fucked on your coffin?” You were talking about his bed, and it was a joke that made laugh and brought up your panties again. “Thank you” you knew he would understand that you don’t want to have your first sex in a dusty library and you’re thankful that Jeno is a gentleman even though he can't control himself sometimes.
He’s one horny vampire.
“When?” he was talking about the sex you were sure of it. And the real answer to that is you don’t know because you don’t know how. 
“I’m not sure how to make that happen, baby, I’m not the god of this school” you both chuckled and laughed quietly. 
“Right- I’m sorry about your panties-“ 
“No no, it’s okay“ you kissed his cheek and fixed his ruined hair.  
“Wait for me here tonight, then I’ll bring you to our dorms” it was another shocker for you, how can he make that possible? He kissed your hand and wore his black sunglasses again before he leaves the library. Leaving you with a promise that tonight is going to be special.
Usually, on weekends, you and Jeno go stargazing deep into the woods and make out like crazy under the stars but tonight, he brought you to his dorm room and you both never felt so together. The vampire dorm is deep underground to protect them from the heat and harsh sunlight. Maybe that’s why it takes them too long during general assemblies. And as expected, Jeno’s room is dark, with no windows and minimal airflow but you can manage. There’s no coffin, but his bed is cold even though you two are wildly kissing already while you sit comfortably on top of him, shirtless and only wearing thin sweatpants while you are wearing only your matching underwear. 
“We have to be absolutely quiet tonight” he whispers softly to you. In return, you whisper back a soft ‘okay’ while still grinding on top of Jeno’s hardening cock. You do your best to keep quiet, not only you don’t want to get caught, but there are literally a hundred vampires outside Jeno’s room and you wouldn’t want the attention.  
“You smell good” it sounded like a quiet moan like he’s stopping himself but still he swims on the lust and frenzy that your blood brings. 
“I smell good or my blood smells good?” you tease him more, leaning on his figure, grinding even more deliciously. It was torture for him, but he likes it. He smiled at you, but not like the kind of smile you loved seeing. It was a weak smile, watching you under his lids, shaking his head in disbelief. He grabs the small of your back, pulling you closer than ever to him. It was cold, but not because of the night. You were sure that it’s cold because of Jeno’s skin pressing on your body. 
With one swift move, he’s on top of you, kissing your neck that he oh so love, gripping your clothed boobs so hard you thought your bra will get ruined. Using one hand, you unclasp your bra expose yourself to Jeno. It made him stop devouring your neck and the grip on your boobs loosen up. He can’t believe that this is all happening. 
“I always thought you look even more beautiful, naked” he swirls his pointer finger on your hardening nipples, watching you with full amusement on how you will react with his touch. 
“I didn’t know you were capable of thinking such dirty thought” you managed to bite back, still feeling his cold fingers swirl slowly around your nipples. He kissed you on the chest, softly like your first kiss together. But the softness was quickly replaced with lustful one as you watch him suck your boobs while looking deep into your eyes. Your nipples were quick to be swollen because of the way how Jeno sucks them. Well, he’s a vampire after all. 
You notice his kisses were slowly going down to your stomach as he takes time kissing your inner thighs. Spreading your legs according to his liking before he removes your panties. It’s weird how he was facing your clothed pussy, feeling his cold breath brush on your damped panties as he was smelling it. “Your period is near, I can smell it” it was a joke but it made you shy as hell in front of your boyfriend that you closed your legs and grab the blanket near you. 
Jeno was chuckling awkwardly. It was funny but you still can’t help but be shy. Your boyfriend was quick to apologize, kissing you again on the lips and putting away the blanket that you covered yourself with. He can be an effective period tracker you joke to yourself. 
He removed your panties swiftly and get himself naked before he returns to his place in between your legs. He looked more handsome flashing those perfect abs, again, only for your eyes. You run your hands around his perfect body, making him twitch a little because of your warm palms. He proceeds to suck his own fingers, point and middle finger, before he puts it on your slit. Making it wet even more. If he thought that your palms were warm, your walls were warmer and he likes the feeling of it just like how you love the feeling of his cold skin. 
Given that you’re a virgin, your hole was so tight that it scared Jeno to continue. “Does it hurt?” he asks, moving his two fingers in and out of your wet entrance. The hurt was obvious in your face it surely bothered your boyfriend, being a virgin vampire is definitely making him nervous right now. 
“Yeah. But it feels good baby, don’t stop” it was a quiet and airy moan. Your head rolled back, exposing your neck in front of him. He avoided it for the first time because it was becoming too much to handle. That’s not good he thought, he never felt that way before towards you. 
He removed his fingers and cleaned it with his own mouth. Making you watch how he lick those fingers of his, coated with your pussy juices, he looked fucking hot and you wonder if it tastes good for him. Little did you know he is becoming crazy, your pussy juices were the closest thing he can get to have a taste of you. 
“You do know that there's more down there right?” you were inviting him to lick your pussy, he only smirked and went close to you. Kissing your mouth hungrily like he hasn’t kissed you for months. 
“Yes but that’s dangerous, I can end up sucking your period blood-“
“Which is gross!” you whispered a little too loud, making Jeno laugh uncontrollably. 
“Ohhh. I love you, ready?” he asked, palming himself and pumping his cock before he proceeds. You nod your head ‘yes’, feeling your heart beat faster. You’re about to lose your virginity to a guy you love. You smiled and sling your arms around his neck, he can hear your heartbeat but your face is telling him that you’re happy and excited. 
He never left your lips, kissing you none stop so you won’t think about the hurt. It was sweet. But he was big and you were the one who stopped returning the kisses. It felt like your air was being sucked up, you started breathing heavily and to Jeno… No one said that the lust that your blood brings during sex was unbearable. 
For your safety, he was trying not to breathe and avoid your delicious scent. Your blood smells like freshly cooked ham on Christmas Eve. It lingers around the room. 
You notice that his thrusts were stiff and he looked in pain more than you. You tried reaching for his face but he avoided your touch and continued sliding his cock in and out of you. The hurt was long forgotten because you were more bothered with how Jeno is reacting to the sex. 
It’s your blood. He’s stopping himself. 
“Hey, hey, look at me baby,” it was hard for you too, because even though Jeno’s thrust was sloppy, it still felt good for you. “Bite me, it’s okay” you know that you shouldn’t have offered, but what can you do? He was suffering. 
It was an offer that he can’t refuse. A sin that he doesn’t care doing. He tried to relax himself and smelled your blood even more, enjoying the high and making himself more drunk . He leaned closer to your neck, licking it over and over again. He finds a perfect spot where he can suck you off, a perfect spot where you can hide the traces of his fangs. 
And just when you feel like you’re already on the edge, you stop yourself from moaning too much and take Jeno’s quick thrust. His cold hand grips one boob and the other is intertwined with your hand. He can hear your hearbeat racing, he knows you’re about to have an orgasm. 
“Jen I’m gonna cum-“ your warning has been cut off when you feel something stick into your skin that you almost screamed but you're quick to stop yourself. 
Getting your blood sucked felt amazing, it’s like having a slow orgasm that will make you moan, smile through the high with furrowed brows, then it will make you feel dizzy for a second. And the most amazing part about that, it works both ways. 
Jeno shoots his cum on his clean sheets, even though he can’t get you pregnant, he can’t cum inside you without your consent. He flopped beside you while you’re still high from your orgasm and getting your blood sucked. Jeno seized this moment to kiss oh so sweetly to bring you back to Earth with him. 
When you don’t feel numb already, you saw Jeno’s lips with a little bit of blood on the side. You wiped it with your thumb with a smile and he catches your hand with his lips and kissed it. It was an amazing first time for both of you, no doubt about that.  
“You okay, Jeno?” you asked him because you’re not sure what your blood does to him. 
“More than okay. How about you, did I hurt you?” he was more concerned and checked the part where he had bit you, kissed it softly until it’s tickling you and you had to make him stop. 
“I just remembered how you said that-uhm, drinking human blood straight from a human is kind of dirty-“ he stopped you with a kiss and pulled you close to him. 
“What are you talking about, it’s your blood. Nothing about you can disgust me” he whispers to you. 
The sex and the bloodsucking made your relationship even more special and thrilling. Every weekend, Jeno sneaks you into his room and be intimate with you in every way possible. Round after round and before you reach your orgasm, Jeno bites you in the same place and suck you off. The taste of your blood has become his new favorite thing in the world that even one drop of it on his tongue, he will know that it’s yours. It was like a drug for both of you and an addiction that has to be stopped. 
Sometimes when he feels full or you look too weak, there’s no bloodsucking. Only sex, and pure sex. Even though it’s better when there’s blood involved, Jeno can still make you feel good using his cock and you can still make him dizzy by sucking him off. If he’s being completely honest with you, it amazes him with how good you suck him off. Your mouth makes him crazy, moan your name and ask for more. Just like now that his whole length is inside your mouth and the tip of his cock is hitting the back of your throat. Thrusting his length in and out, making you gag but you can handle it. 
Again, you amaze him. “You could be a great vampire, you know how to suck good.” He kissed you on the lips and made you lay beside him, switching positions to return the favor. 
He was still hard and his cock is ready to go, pushing in slowly as usual in your tight walls. Another addicting thing about you. After having sex almost every week, Jeno became confident in bed, even more confident than before. Now, he can fuck you hard and give you a mind blowing orgasm without biting you. 
“Jeno, harder” you moan quietly, careful not to be heard. Jeno pounds in you hard, making your boobs bounce up and down. He recently found out that you love it when he touches your clit while you’re on edge and on the verge to have a great orgasm. And one of the many perks of being a vampire is, he can hear your heart beats fast so he knows when to put his thumb and touch you. Softly at first, like he’s not fucking you hard, then he will slowly put pressure on his fingers and the next thing he knows, you’re shivering beneath him, parting your lips, and reaching for Jeno’s shoulder to bite it as you ease your oversensitivity and to stop yourself from moaning loudly. 
“Who’s the vampire here? me or you?” he chuckles and kisses you on the lips watching you smile weakly beneath him. You feel him wear his shirt and boxers brief as he waits for you to calm down. 
“Can you make me a vampire someday?” it was a stupid question. He just chuckled, cleaned you up, and helped you get dressed. 
“No. Absolutely not” he answered and kissed you again. 
As you were about to tie your shoes, you saw your hand shaking uncontrollably. You were about to hide it from Jeno but he saw it already and he was quick to hold your hand even if he knows he holds no warmth and his cold hands can make your hands shake more. But he’s confident that he can make you calm.  
“I’m here. Relax, tell me the truth, are you okay?” he kisses your knuckles and proceeds to tie your shoes himself as he waits for your answer. 
“I’m fine. This is the first time though” it’s true. 
“Okay, well, baby you have to take care of yourself out there because I can’t. And I’m sorry, I truly am. Let’s be careful from now on okay? No more bloodsucking I promise” 
As much as he wants to take care of you outside, he can’t but he has his own ways. Whenever he’s around you, he simply watches you. It frustrates him even more but he has to remain calm or else people will get suspicious. Jeno became more and more in love with you, as he continues to fear losing you. 
This is his first time feeling such fear. 
One fine Sunday night where the whole school was at church and the mass just finished, you started to feel dizzy and unstable. Unlike morning general assemblies where the vampires get out first, during church it’s different. They are expected to pray more and stay a little bit longer in church and humans leave first.
While you wait for your row to stand up and head out, you shake your head from side to side to try and shrug it off. You try closing your eyes and open them again to stop the dizziness but it won't leave. You felt weak as you try to stand up and walk with the others, but your eyesight was turning black. 
Then you fainted. Feeling the cold floor of 127 House on your face. 
The girls gasped and made quite a noise at church while the vampires were already starting to pray again. And usually, Jeno wouldn’t care what’s happening behind. But Jaemin does. 
“She fainted” Jaemin murmured and pretends to pray. 
“Who yours?” Jeno murmured back. 
“No. Yours” 
And just like that Jeno didn’t hesitate to turn his head back and see for himself. It’s true. He saw you being carried by the school nurse and the sight of it makes him want to vomit all the blood that he had for dinner earlier during feeding. He was worried sick about you but he can't do shit. 
“Control yourself. She will be fine” Jaemin was worrying for his friend too. For all, he knows you are Jeno’s weakness and he’s scared that Jeno will cause a scene at church in front of the other vampires and expose his vulnerability. 
As you stayed unconscious at the school’s hospital wing, the school nurse checked your pulse, your breathing, and your blood, and found of about Jeno’s markings at the top of your collar bone. You lost a lot of blood from too much intimacy with Jeno, and the higher ups of the school only had one theory of what happened to you. You were fornicating with a vampire which is a sin to them. 
Of course, they only cared about Jeno’s wellbeing and quickly called his family. Covering up for Jeno’s scandal, the higher ups did not say that they knew all about your relationship with Jeno. They would rather choose to believe that you forced Jeno to drink your blood, than accepting the truth that you two are in love. But for now, they remained silent and waited for Jeno’s father to decide about your consequence. 
While you were at the hospital wing saving strength and accepting visits from Yeji and your other friends, Jeno is facing big trouble because of what happened to you. Given that they easily tracked Jeno’s fangs, he doesn’t care at all if the whole school finds out. He just wants to know if you’re safe.
Yes, he is scared to face his parents, but he wants to face them with all false bravery and receive his punishment. He entered the room with all his might, not giving a fuck about the teachers who are in the same room as he is. On the right side of the room, he sees his father staring outside waiting for the sun to rise while he listens to the headmaster talk.
Lee Taeyong, always looked scary to everyone. Even the other vampires wouldn’t dare look at his perfection. Jeno is powerless when it comes to his father and quite frankly his relationship with his own father is as cold as their blood.  
 “Mr. Lee, we didn’t actually catch them do it but it was indeed Lee Jeno’s fangs according to school records… and your son is in a relationship with a human” 
Taeyong turned around to face his son and put both of his hands in the pocket of his trousers, “continue” he said. Obviously, he’s much more interested in the story of how his son became so rebellious after meeting you. Unfortunately, the school found out everything even about your stargazing dates and library dates. It all sounded like a joke to Taeyong which made him laughed and mock his own son. 
“Are you done playing dumb, son?” the tone of his voice was cool. It’s always like that. Words come out from his mouth slowly to send daggers in Jeno’s heart. “I don’t want a scandal for the Lee family, let this be a secret for everyone. Son, I want you to pretend that nothing happened between the two of you. Pretend that you don’t know her, pretend that you don’t love her and this time you will follow the school rules or I will ruin her parent's business” Jeno’s father is a powerful man and the school staffs wouldn’t dare not follow him. “Let Jeno suffer from his stupidity. Nothing can stain the perfectness of the Lee family. Go to church young man, get your blood clean” Taeyong added. 
Jeno was scared. He felt weak and unable to talk, but he has to at least try and fight for you. “We were in love” he croaked, but Taeyong just turned his back from his son and admired the beautiful sunset. 
“I believe you and I don’t care” 
Taeyong knew you are a threat not only to the Lee family but also to the whole vampire kind. If he let you and Jeno stay together, you will serve as hope or inspiration to the other humans and humans will continue to stain the royalty of the vampires. 
And the stupidity of his son is the root of it all. 
The young vampire did not know what to do, frustrated, and mad knowing all too well that he can’t stomach hurting your feelings. Jeno left the room and look for someplace quiet to cry and be mad at his own father. His own father. 
Weeks after being discharged from the school’s hospital, it’s surprising how Jeno is not meeting you in your usual places. He’s not coming to the library anymore to meet with you, no more spontaneous making out while Jaemin is on the lookout, you are left alone in the dark under the stars for the past weekends. It was heartbreaking. You don’t know what’s going on.  
“School’s king and queen, huh? No wonder they seem so close during assemblies. Also, their families are a perfect match. Both untouched and rich” Yeji continues to gossip with Lia while you’re on her side, listening and feeling your heartbreak into pieces. 
Not long after you’ve heard the rumor about Yeeun and Jeno being together, to be honest, you find it as a sick joke that Jeno is playing. You saw them walking hand in hand in the school corridor. White on white never looked so good. So it's true. Yeeun catches your attention and raised one eyebrow at you as if she’s saying, ‘bow down, he was never yours’ 
Again, you got into trouble for looking at Yeeun and Jeno. And once again, the ugly truth slapped you hard in the face. You’ve committed a great sin by loving a vampire, and now you’re facing the consequences. No more, you said to yourself. This time, you decided for yourself and told your parents that you cannot handle the ways of this school anymore. You didn’t tell them about Jeno because that would be a great scandal, you just told them that the bullying in the school is out of hand that it isn’t the right place for you. 
“Did someone bullied you?” your dad asked through the phone, sounding so worried and concerned. 
“No no. I just want to leave before someone does, is that okay? I promise to do good in my next school” 
“Of course. Will get you out of there right away” 
  The school didn’t make a fuss about the situation and let your parents pull you out from the school. At least they’re nice enough to not tell about what happened between you and Jeno. Hearing the news that you are transferring schools, Jeno tried everything, even asked help from Jaemin’s girlfriend but he was too late. You already left, with erased memories.
As part of the school’s twisted rules, graduating from the school is the only way to keep your memories so that students like you, cannot stain the perfect name of the school 127 House and spread false rumors about it.  
Jeno hated himself more but he didn’t cause any more trouble and embraced a sad life without you, from now on. He became colder towards the other students and started to bully other humans, vampires, and teachers. Even Jaemin and his other friends can’t help him and make him stop.  
To feel your presence again, he still goes to the library where you two met and shared hundreds of memories. Relieving every memory, one by one, even staying inside the library in the middle of a hot afternoon. It doesn’t matter if the heat is irritating him, what his father did to him was even more irritating than the sun. 
He still goes stargazing every weekend, torturing himself even more. Looking at the stars with tears in his eyes, hoping that he could hear your voice and feel your warmth again.  
One day, when he was feeding with Jaemin and the rest of the guys and the blood that’s given to him tastes like yours it made him crazy, drank it in one go. He missed you even more than ever, but a lot of horrible scenarios ran through his mind. Why is your blood being donated? Did his parents have you killed? Did something happened to you? He was being hysterical. Jaemin was quick to calm him down and gave his friend another pack of blood, “Don’t make a scene or you’ll get in trouble again. You just miss her that’s why every blood you taste, tastes like her”
“You don’t understand because yours wasn’t taken away from you” Jeno once again pushed Jaemin away but this time he hurt his friend. 
“Jeno, we broke up because of your stupidity and I’m here stuck with you. Drink your blood” Jaemin broke up with his girl because he was scared the school might found out about them too. He would rather break up with her than getting her memories erased and forget about the love that they shared.   
Graduation came and Jeno can’t stomach the presence of his father. Jeno left and graduated from 127 House with pure anger and disgust towards the school and the people who run it. He was ready to move forward and go to college, but he will never want to move on from you. For as long as he can, he will hope and pray for you to come back in his life.
College was another vampire play for Jeno, the only difference is the stage has gotten bigger. To earn his parent’s trust again, he made the family proud and forced himself to get involved with the family business and showed Taeyong that he can be trusted. Build his own life and making himself known as one of the scariest Lee next to his father. All those things were easy for Jeno. He can fake it every day. But the pain of losing you still haunts him every night, that’s what hard for him. 
Jeno grew up to be a fine vampire like his family and live up to the family legacy. When Jeno was all grown up and arranged to marry Yeeun, he was heartbroken again. 
He did found you though, but he can only remain as a stranger so he can’t hurt you for the second time. He always watches you from afar, just like how he first met you at the library. You don’t know but he watches you when you’re asleep, sitting close to you like a shadow. Jeno stayed with you for days, admire you when you sleep, love you secretly. 
Until one night during your sleep, you have this weird dream that you study in a vampire school when you were still young. A vampire so handsome like a god was holding your hand while you were watching the stars with him. Little did you know, they were all flashbacks of every good memory you had with Jeno. 
“Jeno” you murmur in your sleep but Jeno wouldn’t dare wake you up. 
“Y/n,” he whispered back, smiling because he’s hurt but happy at the same time you remember his name even if it’s just a murmur. He kissed you and smelled your blood one last time, even left his tears on your cheek, then left and never came back again.
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Omg my #1 inspiration for this fic was my high school life and how I’m always weak and pale all throughout high school. I was a transferee when I was a sophomore and I went to school not wearing uniform but casual clothes. it was humiliating. Also I was cultured shock because it’s so different from the academy that I used to go schooling. ANYWEIZ ALL IS WELL, HIGH SCHOOL FOR ME WAS FUN. 
Vampires were based to Vampire Academy, the twisted school rules were based from Slaughterhouse Rulez. I think Vampire Academy is a great book but the movie was just so so. 
Anyweiz, it’s my birthday today and I wrote this story for myself and tried stretching my imagination. heheh what a challenge. 
Hope you enjoyed reading! 
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
fratboy/stoner armin!! in love with how you write asshole! armin ❤
Thank you for your request! I feel I didn’t do a good job with this one, so I will probably go back later and rewrite it. (And I really appreciate your feedback <3 I hope this dose of asshole!armin will satisfy your needs haha)~
MINORS DNI! Ft. NSFW TOPICS (weed, one mention of vomit, and sex (groping, drunk noncon), mentions of religion, one mention of sexaul assault).
Fem!Reader, FemBodied!Reader
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who dresses like a gentleman - wearing white shorts and a white button-up collared shirt under a cerulean sweater that compliments his mesmerizing blue eyes as well as a dainty silver watch on his left wrist and always comes to class with a freshly shaven face and cologne that is just a little too “manly” for him - but acts like a complete hooligan, making inappropriate jokes in class, pranking innocent passersby on campus, and getting black-out drunk at frat parties every Friday night.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who looks so poised and has such a refined posture, having enough manners (like holding the door open) to swoon enough girls but is such a menace when it comes to anything serious… like being harshly shushed in the library because he was being too loud or skipping finals to go on a spontaneous road trip with his frat buddies then sending an email to his professor saying he was sick, even printing out a fake doctor’s note, or pranking the sorority across the street by TPing their house or even how he can’t seem to care less when the police ruthlessly question him because there have been so many reports of sexual assault done by his frat friends.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who thinks he is so smart because he’s a business major and genuinely believes he is better than everyone else because he gets out of class to go to all these events even though he is undoubtedly one of the most irresponsible and reckless people on campus… having unprotected sex with countless unfortunate women who have fallen for his false compliments, throwing parties that become too big for him to handle - so loud the police become involved, so messy with red cups littering the floor and vomit being found in every trashcan in the house - and failing nearly every class he’s in because “it’s too easy for me, my advisor put me in the wrong class, and the teacher is an old hag.”
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin whose backpack is filled with anything but college textbooks and notebooks, like a chewed pencil, three packs of condoms, some headphones, and an energy drink.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who swears he’s being a good boy when his rich parents who are on their abroad trip ask him how he’s doing over the phone but is actually spending most of his weekly allowance buying weed and smoking it with his frat buddies, who often gets into intense fights with them because he “knows he had two ounces left, but now he only has one,” and who shows up to class high the few times he does actually decide to go - eyes red, a constant small smirk, can’t stop rambling about useless things.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who walks together with his big group of frat friends, taking up large amounts of room on the sidewalk and in restaurants, cat-calling girls they think look fuckable and loudly mocking those who look prude.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who has a main Instagram where he looks so well-mannered, posting pictures with his family or his frat buddies when they go on a trip together but also has a secret Instagram where he posts thirst traps, follows barely clothed women, and stalks accounts of girls who go the same college as him, even DMing the men at your college to see if they have your nudes.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who knows how handsome he is, who knows how easy it is to make your knees weak and your heart flutter when he looks at you from across the campus soccer field with such intent, biting his lip, maliciously smiling because yet another girl has fallen for his seemingly innocent aura as you excitedly wave at him.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who revels in the fact that he can convince you to do anything. When he’s whining so pathetically in the driver’s seat and pressuring you to just hit the blunt one time while he locks you in his car that’s parked on the far end of the campus parking lot. And you, so submissive and selfless sitting in the passenger seat, not wanting to disappoint him because his frown harshly tugs at your heart, take a hit, choking on the fumes and heart pounding at the unfamiliarity as a warm buzz sets in.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who pressures you to skip class with him so that you both can go to the campus cafeteria and buy an unholy amount of cookies and chips because he’s high and he’s hungry… and now you know why his bedsheets at the frat house reek of weed and why his crusty floor is littered with food wrappers.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who so easily persuaded you to play those type of sexually suggestive games at the weekend frat party where everyone is drunk, breath seething with vodka, and sweatily rubbing up against each other, so horny for a release, and so desperate to feel something besides the headache from the loud music… who you somehow wind up in the closet with, his right arm holding you close against his body as his left hand slithers into your panties and forces itself into your cunt because he wanted you to play ‘seven minutes in heaven.’
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who promises that there’s nothing to be afraid of because he’s ‘secretly a sweetheart’ but calls you his “bitch” and pats his thigh, signaling that he wants you to come sit in his lap so that he can feel you up in front of his friends at the frat party when drinking cheap, shitty beer.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who swears he won’t bite but gets you so drunk at parties that you can’t even tell him no when he takes you upstairs, locks the door, and practically forces his hard, throbbing cock into you while holding you into a mating press, covering your mouth to suppress your cries as his tongue trails your jawline and neck.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who prays before every dinner, keeps a bible in the lowest drawer of his nightstand, and goes to church promptly at 10am every Sunday with his frat buddies despite being hungover. Sitting in the front pews, he listens intently to the preacher, letting the word of God spill into his heart even though he was rigorously fisting his cock the night before to your pictures on Instagram, cumming four times but his balls still swollen and cock still desperate for your messy cunt, having to hold back his needy whimpers each time his slender fingers brisk past his sensitive tip as he imagines your warm, wet tongue licking off the pre-cum.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who invites you to a Sunday lunch with his frat. Of course, he looks so polished: a clean, white button-up with a baby blue sweater hanging around his shoulders and a pair of new Sperrys. When you show him what you’re wearing, he tells you that you could do better as he convinces you to wear something a little low-cut but not too much because he doesn’t want his frat buddies to think he’s dating a slut.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin whose friends look at you like starving dogs when you both finally get to the restaurant, never including you in the conversation except for when they comment on your body and how irresistible it is.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who doesn’t defend you and instead soaks up all of this appraisal.
“Yeah, she’s a good toy to play with,” he proudly smiles while gripping your thigh in his strong, pale hands.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who makes you order a small salad and only allows you to drink water because “you need to watch your figure.”
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who’s the perfect predator, the perfect manipulator. He can do whatever he wants without ever getting caught, howling at the fact that you try to tell advisors or teachers how Armin violated and manipulated you, but they just never believe you. “You’re talking about Armin? Armin Arlert? He would never do anything like that,” they chuckle… because everyone knows Armin’s an angel; he’s part of the frat, so that makes him a good boy, right?
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who you can’t possibly ever escape from because he’s done such a good job at manipulating you to be his little slutty girlfriend, his heaven-like appearance making it impossible for others to believe what a devil he is, isolating you as he convinced all of your friends that you’re just some cock-hungry whore.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who has done such a good job at defiling you, successfully taking your virginity and eagerly pressuring you to do things for him, letting him so easily enter your sloppy cunt as he takes in the sight of your tender breasts, contorted face, and bright red hand imprints on your thighs.
ᵔᴥᵔ Fratboy!armin who despite all the manipulation and sexist comments, you don’t want to leave because he smells so sweet thanks to all the treats he eats; because his arm muscles look so good when he plays golf with his rude friends; because he makes your high from weed more fun as you two cuddle and talk about nonsense; because he is able to bury your shy side and awaken your submissive side as he slowly degrades the human being in you and raises a filthy slut whose pussy he makes so wet, so needy, and so pathetically sloppy.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
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pairing: s. tendou x catholic fem!reader
genre: smut, 18+ minors dni
word count: 1.2k
warnings: drug use (pot), dubcon, sacrilege- this is a total fuck you to my catholic upbringing and i’m so sorry (no i’m not)
a/n: there’s no beta on this, also absolutely no explanation other than i’ve been stuck in a rut of writers block and am tying desperately to crawl back out. This is part of HQHQ’s monthly server collab, you can check out all of the other amazing pieces here! this is dedicated to the love of my life and fellow deeply repressed catholic @undermattsun
hymn: dirty little secret by: all american rejects
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The weeks bleed by with practiced pattern, school work, bible study. Rinse and repeat. Sundays are for 10 AM mass at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the church you have knelt in for two decades. You take communion and sing hymns squished in between your parents.
If it’s the first Sunday of the month, you have stale donuts after and make small talk with fellow congregants. Every other week you are shuffled to a stiff brunch where your parents fuss over Father’s homily. You always remember to listen just enough during mass to posit something vague so they know you had been paying attention.
Wednesday evenings are ear-marked for youth group with the other young, spritely Catholics of your university. Two hours of acoustic guitars and promises to your Lord and Savior ring in your battered ears as you bid goodbyes to your friends. While the rest of your youth group heads to the cafe a few blocks away, you head for the opposite direction. The designated laundromat parking lot comes in to view only a five minute walk from the church, and a beat up mustang is outlined in the retreating sunset.
As you climb into the passenger seat a long, bandaged set of fingers turn your face, Tendou does a once over, patting your cheek and pulling a cigarette from behind his ear, the mess of red hair gleaming in the low light still hanging on the horizon. He revs the car to life, rattling abjectly as he pulls out onto the street and towards his apartment.
“So, does your immortal soul feel all nice and clean again, princess?”
Sundays are for mass, Wednesday evenings are for youth group. Wednesday nights are for the heady fog of pot and choking back sobs whilst brutally pounded by Tendou Satori.
“Satori, s-slow down. If you give me a hickey my parents are going to kill me.” You huff from your position on his lap, both knees digging into the decades old shag on either side of his thighs, you feel a damp spot on your shin. Probably bong water.
His mouth was on you the second he unlocked his front door, pushing you inside unceremoniously and laughing as you stumbled. Always the gentleman.
You had made it to the living room floor in a trail of your own clothing, leaving you in only a pair of cotton panties, the apartment was dimly lit and dense with smoke. You always wonder how he can get away with his whole apartment covered inch deep in the skunky smell, but his complex doesn't really seem one to check up on the occupants anyway.
Tendou licks a long stripe over your collarbone, blowing back along the same path to watch you shiver, “C’mon princess, doesn’t having a stick up your ass all the time get exhausting?”
You roll your eyes at the comment, knowing he likes it when he can rile you up. Instead of gracing him with a retort, your fingers move to the blunt carded in between two fingers. Tendou lets out a disapproving tsk, bringing it to his own lips instead. His other hand comes to rest under your jaw as he pulls from the blunt. Tendou brings a calloused finger up to pop open your lips. You lean in dutifully, letting the smoke pass from his mouth to yours in an almost kiss. You cough slightly when you inhale, still not totally used to the burning feeling.
“Such a precious little thing you are, y/n. Your father must be so proud,” Tendou takes another drag, inhaling fulling and blowing the smoke into your scrunched up face, “I wonder what he’d do if he knew you were with me right now.”
You’re hot in the cheeks now, feeling every bit feather-light and obnoxiously weighed down.
“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.” Your response is weak, blood turning to syrup in your veins as the minutes pass by. Sixty seconds come in the slowest intervals known to man but rush forward just the same.
Your back is flush against the nasty carpet in the next instant, dragging uncomfortably against the stains of God-knows-what. Tendou’s supply is always too strong for someone so inexperienced, it makes you much more compliant when he gets you under him. You try to push yourself up to regain any control you can, but your wrists are trapped in one large hand. He looks over your form, flushed and panting. The lines are blurring in your head, as they always seem to do when trapped within Tendou’s orbit.
“What he doesn’t know is sending you straight to hell.”
You’re both deftly aware of what this arrangement is. There’s no love in the closing space between your two bodies. This isn’t the beginning of a sacrament with a pretty white veil and the pointed roof of a cathedral. This is nothing more than a baptism of writhing, sweaty bodies coming together in only the way a husband and wife should. Tendou is your most perverse habit.
“Oh, this is new.” Your captor notices the shiny silver around your ring finger, the band still fresh against your skin. Your father had slid the velvet box across the dinner table on your birthday last week. His words fall heavy on your shoulder still.
A reminder to maintain virtuous. A promise to your future husband.
Any attempt to speak is quelled by the feeling of Tendou’s lips wrapped around your finger. You feel his teeth scraping against your skin, pulling off the gifted silver with a pop from his sinful lips. His eyes hold you down captive, scanning your reaction from where you lie dizzy below him.
The ring peeks out from its home in between Tendou’s teeth, a devious smile pulls on the corners of his lips. He hums softly, head dipping back down to the hot skin of your neck to trace patterns against the collecting sweat. You feel it against you, the cold metal a constant reminder of just how wrong this is. However wrong though, in your lust and drug clouded haze, it’s ten times hotter.
Tendou hears your soft mewls below him, begging for his next move. Hands find your hips, pushing into the skin with wandering hands. His mouth is trailing lower, tracing around the curve of your breast and flicking your nipple with a growl. The teasing is enough to make you crazy, you just want him to do something.
Tendou chuckles darkly above you, and you realize you had voiced your desires in a whine instead of where you thought they had died in your throat. His lips hover over your own, pressing the ring past your lips to sit in between your teeth. He draws back with a sickening smile.
“Good girl, now keep that there while I fuck your little pussy. You can save your prayers for church on Sunday.”
Tendou is a hard habit to kick, especially with the unceremonious removal of your slick-covered panties and the way he prods at your aching hole with little regard to wether you’re ready for him or not. You always squeeze down on him so well when you’re high, begging for him in strings of tears and muffled pleas around the sickening symbol of chastity. You squeal when he presses into you, cock hard and heavy. He’s never gentle. This isn’t the marital bed you’d always been taught to wait for, it’s the grimy, stained carpet of the worst man you’ve ever met.
If your parents ever found out about your little habit, you’d be dragged to the nearest convent and given a new one.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
Only Then I am Human / Only Then I am Clean
(AO3 link)
@jatp-rules-my-life, this is your fault (based on this post)
Summary: Alex listens to 'Take Me to Church' by Hozier and maybe it affects him in a way he wasn't prepared for, maybe it just let's him heal a little bit.
warnings for homophobia and religious themes
taglist, just ask to be added or removed (i know it's not my normal work but,, yeah): @barrel-of-cat-mituna @completekeefitztrash @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @lemontarto @hershis-kotlc @genesiscaveat @everything-else-and-mars @juline-dizznee @chaotic-basics @an-absolute-travesty @classyfunnyquotesmuffin7 @smolanxiouscatvoids @itstiger720 @introvertedscarecrow @sunset-telepath @an-idiot-in-a-trenchcoat @cowboypossume @anaccidentwaitingtohappen @sofia-not-sophie @fire-sapphics @dr-alan-grant @real-smooth @juline-dizznee
The first time Alex heard 'Take Me to Church' he was on the verge of dozing off, which was an interesting feeling as a ghost, like he was a boat tethered to a dock and he might drift away if he fell asleep for too long. The evening sun was casting lazy beams through the windows of Julie's garage, and he smiled as the warmth hit his face, causing his eyelids to droop lower. At least as a ghost, he could still enjoy some of the simpler things in life.
An old radio crackled on the little table nearby, playing songs Alex had never heard before. He enjoyed a few of them, but others he rolled his eyes at. Idly, he wondered if Reggie and Luke were having fun with Julie; She had taken them on a trip to see some sights, but Alex had opted to stay home, feeling listless, and decided to catch up on whatever new tunes had came out since he was alive.
He bopped his head slightly to 'Bad Liar' and hummed a bit to 'Counting Stars'. He had missed out on a lot of good songs. Yawning, he stretched and settled deeper into the couch, giving a contented sigh as the next song started playing, a strong piano coming in and setting the tone.
Alex liked the man's voice, and he raised an eyebrow at the lyrics.
"-She's the giggle at a funeral / Knows everybody's disapproval / I should've worshipped her sooner."
He sat up and cocked his head by a margin, feeling a tiny, guilty thrill at the way his lips quirked at the lyrics. There was a forbidden excitement that came from it's gentle blasphemy.
"Every Sunday's gettin' more bleak / A fresh poison each week."
His heart twinged. A choir, a pulpit, fire-and-brimstone preaching, he was just a kid-
"We were born sick / You heard them say it."
He sucked in a breath and his eyes flew open, throat tightening like a noose, trapping his breath like a fluttering bird in his lungs.
"This Sunday we will be touching upon the topic of a Biblical marriage!" The preacher's voice booms across the congregation, and fourteen year-old Alex's stomach sinks as he tries to slouch further down in the pew, as if he could just slip low enough that the words won't catch in his heart and weigh him down like so many stones. He briefly thinks about the millstone the preacher once mentioned. He tried to remember the context, but the only thing he comes up with is that it was for people who sinned. He gulped.
"Now, 'what exactly is Biblical marriage?' you might be asking yourself! Biblical marriage is a holy union between one man, and one woman-"
Pastor James' voice carries on, and Alex does his best to let the words pass through his ears without hearing them, the rocks weighing him down turning to boulders. His stomach turns.
"-now, the men gotta love their wives!! Just like Christ loves the church, and cares for her. Marriage is a wonderful blessing, the greatest blessing we could ever experience in fact! It is perhaps the second greatest gift God has given to humans, and as such we must respect it.
"There are many ways you can disrespect the holy marriage bed. Divorce of course is one of them. In fact, in Matthew chapter nineteen, verses one through eight-"
Alex tries to tune him out harder, knowing what's eventually coming and yet still hoping to avoid it. He counts the number of stained-glass windows -twelve without turning to either side, thirty-six if he rotates all the way- and taps his fingers on his leg to the cadence of Pastor James' words.
One, two, three, four. One and two, and three, and four-
He makes increasingly faster and more intricate beats, imagining drumsticks in his hands, base-drum pedal beneath his foot.
One and two-o-o, and four and, one and two and three-e, four-
His fingers are pattering rapidly, and he forces himself to swallow, trying to remember not to bounce his leg, trying not to distract his mom and dad, trying not to dwell on the words he can't avoid, trying not to scratch at his wrist, trying-
He can't breathe. He's trying to calm himself down but his fingers aren't a drumset and he can't play away the sin that coats his soul and he's just a kid but he can't breathe, he can't-
"And that leaves us with those who have disrespected the sacred act of marriage by letting themselves be lost in sexual perversion. I am, of course, referring to those disgusting individuals who have chosen to live the transsexual and homosexual lifestyles. People like these were born sick."
Alex's hands quit their anxious movement. He's completely still. He was born sick.
He was born sick.
"The only heaving I'll be sent to / Is when I'm alone with you."
And he started breathing again.
"I was born sick, but I love it / Command me to be well / A-a-a-amen amen amen"
Air was rushing back into his lungs and maybe it was the way reliving that memory gave him closure, but it felt like the song was purging the preacher's burning words from where they'd branded his heart with wounds he never thought would scar-over.
Alex felt his eyes close again, letting the lyrics and the lilt of the man's voice wash over him in a cleansing baptism. His fingers began pattering against his lap, joining in with the beat, weaving him together with the music, becoming one with it.
"We've a lot of starving faithful."
He thought of himself when he was younger, sitting in church week after week begging God to fix him. He thought about the girl who bowed her head at the foot of the altar the Sunday after a lesbian couple was attacked, he thought of the way her fingers linked together like someone else's hand used to hold them, and he thought of the way she cried: silent, tears streaming down like shooting stars, her lips whispering unspoken prayers.
This song was for him, he realized. It was for him, and every moment he cried himself to sleep under his parents roof, thinking he was dirty, thinking he didn't have God's love, didn't have God's forgiveness.
It was for every time a prayer caught in his throat like a trapped butterfly, the prayers he could never bring himself to say because he was 'unworthy'.
"I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife / Offer me that deathless death / Oh good God, let me give you my life"
The lyrics seeped under his skin, replacing the lies that he had believed over the years. The lies about himself, about his faith, about his gayness-
Washed away like a world-destroying flood.
Because this song? This song was for every cold-shoulder from his parents instead of a warm hug, and it was for every time he had to watch him mom recoil from his touch, every time his father didn't quite meet his eye.
"There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin."
The first tear slipped past his eyelashes, and he heaved a shuddering sigh.
"Only then I am human / Only then I am clean."
He cried, but there was a smile on his face.
When Julie and the boys got back, the radio was long silent, but Alex still sat on the couch, tear-tracks on his cheeks and a relieved smile on his face.
He had sat there a long time, reliving moments in his life, and then letting them go, letting them be washed away. He was quiet when he was surrounded by the rest of Sunset Curve, letting himself be held by them; Julie comfortingly running her fingers through his hair, Reggie linking their fingers together and side-hugging him, and Luke tugging him halfway onto his lap. They were his family, and they loved him.
"You okay, Lex?"
Alex took a deep, slow breath, letting himself take in each of their faces, and he gave a small smile.
"Yeah, I really am."
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douxspider · 4 years
— 𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. (2)
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( spoilers for “the devil all the time” ) —  After befriending the bloodied blue-capped boy in the cafe Reader works at, a friendship blossoms between the two. However, unfortunate circumstances occur, and no one’s really sure how to feel about anything anymore.
+ this is the second part to peachy keen! (ao3 link)
warnings: implied/referenced suicide, hurt/comfort, grieving word count: 3,575 published: 9/21/20 ao3 link — part 1, 3
— — • — —
“Ellie, sweetie, don’t touch that.”
You were working behind the counter, rubbing raw dough and flour off on your apron, rushing around the shop to tend to the various customers. While specializing in baked treats, you were the main mistress, while Marilyn focused on baking and cooking up breakfast and lunch for eager customers.
Elaine Beck, a sweet girl of eight years, had recently been fostered by Marilyn. Marilyn, when not focusing on Elaine’s schoolwork, would bring her to the shop to watch over her.
You loved children, dearly, but it was difficult having a sweet-obsessed child in a bakery where the goods could easily be yanked. You find yourself aging more and more every time you told Elaine to keep her hands to herself.
Eyeing the clock, you rolled your bottom lip with your teeth, staring out the window before Marilyn caught your attention, pulling out crepes for a frequent suit-clad visitor. “Time goes slower when you’re staring at the hands, sweetpea.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, shaking your head as you organized dollar bills into the register. “I didn’t mean to seem like I’m impatient for my lunch off… I’m just…”
A hand caressed your shoulder, and Marilyn pulled you in to kiss your head, you groaning shortly after and wiping the back of your wrist against your forehead. “Mary! Your red lipstick never gets off!”
Marilyn gave a hearty laugh, ruffling your done-up hair. “Y’er a sweet thing, sunshine. He’s gonna be here, and you two are gonna have fun on your lil’ church date.”
“It’s not a date,” you emphasized, crouching to pull out the baked muffins, “No one goes to church for a date. I asked to come with to hear about that strange preacher.”
The older woman placed a hot coffee in front of a woman, who doused it in sugar, returning to you with a conflicted expression. “Well, I don’t want you stirrin’ up trouble, sweetpea. You’re important around here. You’re important to me.” She smiled at you, hazel eyes shiny with worry. “Don’t want you getting involved in shady business ‘cause of some boy…”
You stared at her, cocking your head idly towards the back, and she sighed and you both made your way there. “What’s your problem with Russell?” You could not imagine Arvin having bad intentions for you. It had been about a month or so since he had come in that rainy afternoon, and since then being in Ohio hasn’t seemed that bad. He had made no moves or adjustments towards you that were defined as uncomfortable.
“Nothin’, nothin’, he’s a sweet boy. Conflicted, but sweet,” she continued, “Y’ain’t wanna be caught up with those who be unsure of themselves…” Marilyn trailed off, wiping her hands with a cloth that had pies stitched onto it, “Goin’ to church ain’t like you, darling, I don’t want you to be changin’ yourself. You’re good just the way you are and don’t let no fool of a man or lass tell ‘ya otherwise. If this boy makes you happy—”
Interrupting, you said, “It has nothing to do with… with romantics, ma’am. I want to have faith,” you mumbled as you turned away from her, pretending to be busy with cleaning silverware. “I want to believe. I want to have a friend.”
Silence fell, and Marilyn gave you a smile with the fruit red lips of hers. “M’kay, darling. You won me over.”
Grinning at her, the bell jingled, and you peered over to see Arvin walking in, tipping a hat to Elaine, who was bouncing in her booth and talking to him excitedly.
Marilyn moved forward, and you leaned back, holding your hands up. “No kisses.”
She sighed, amused, and gave you a bear hug instead.
You pulled your apron off and hung it up before exiting the backroom and curving around the corner, smiling at Arvin, who met your eye and returned the gesture.
“Nice to see ‘ya on this beautiful Sunday,” you spoke up, swiping the sleeves of your dress.
Arvin’s expression softened, and he moved his hand up to your forehead, catching you by surprise. His thumb rolled over your forehead, wiping at it twice before raising his eyebrows, “I’m guessing sweet ol’ Marilyn McCann didn’t let’cha go without a cherrybomb kiss of hers.” He revealed the red stain on his thumb, and you whipped your head back to see Marilyn giving a knowing smirk at you before fixing up dishes. You looked back to him.
“Thank you for that… I would’ve been so embarrassed walking into a church with that on my face,” you sighed.
“Not a problem.”
“Don’t be gone too long, sissy!” You both looked over to see Elaine pouting at you, “I wan’ my icecream. You promised.”
“I did. I will do just that for you, baby,” you said, poking her nose. “If Mary says you behaved, you’ll get an extra scoop with any topping you want. How’s that?”
Exiting the premises, him holding the door open for you politely. Thanking him under your breath, you walked down the sidewalk towards his car.
“New dress?” He gestured to your fit and you looked down at it before smiling.
“Indeed. You give me such hefty tips,” you pointed out, bumping your shoulder with his, his ears turning pinker while avoiding eye contact with you purposefully. “I also needed to dress nice for church.”
Arvin rubbed the back of his neck as he opened the front door for you. “Well, I don’t really want much. Mind as well give the favor onto someone else.”
Once you both settled into the car, Arvin opened with another conversation. “How’s lil’ Elaine holding up? She seemed chipper than ever in there.”
The car started, and you pondered about the sweet girl. She was only fostered because both of her parents managed to go missing, dropping the young thing at Marilyn’s to be babysat and vanishing. “I don’t know. She hardly ever mentions her parents. I don’t think she remembers them at all, she calls me ‘sissy’ and Mary ‘mama.’ I don’t even live with them.”
“You seem to be the kinda sis that spoils,” Arvin pointed out with a grin, causing a feigned offended gasp from you. “Two scoops of icecream for such a tiny thing? She’ll explode. Poor girl.”
You shrugged. “Keeps her little fingers out of the pies.”
The radio played a sweet Paul Anka song, Puppy Love. You swayed to the beat very slightly.
—You'll be back (you'll be back)... 
“So uh… why church, Y/N?”
...in my arms (in my arms)...
Glancing at him, you shrugged. “Why not? I want to see what the rage about that preacher is about.” Arvin winced at this.
Once again...
Arvin licked his lips very slightly, eyeing the rearview mirror before returning his eyes to the road. “Y’told me you’re no girl of faith. No loony preacher is worth that.”
Someone help me, help me please. Is the answer, is it up above?
“I also said I’d do it if God brought me something good,” you pointed out, leaning towards him with a finger up. You then leaned your shoulder against the door, staring out the window, saying carefully, “And he did. I keep my promises.”
How can I, oh how can I ever tell them?
“This is not a puppy love…” you sang under your breath, turning your head to look at Arvin, whose glance quickly skewed back to the road. “Do you like this song?” You asked.
Arvin shrugged, quirking his lips up. “I uh… I’m not really a music guy.”
You blinked, raising your eyebrows. “Not a music guy? Hm, that’s fair.”
“Can’t really relate with all they sing about,” Arvin explained, “usually ‘bout God or a lover leavin’ them. Not my interest.”
Now, some backstory. You wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste.
“Are you implying the one and only Arvin Russell has never had an inamorata?” You grinned, placing your cheek against your palm.
Arvin rolled his eyes. “Nah, don’t be actin’ like that, Y/N.”
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s a ‘I’ve been too busy carin’ for my family to even think about messin’ around with a pretty face,’” he corrected, tilting his head at you. “That’s all.”
You felt yourself grow concerned and conflicted instead of amused. Biting the inside of your cheek, you don’t know if this man had any hobbies that didn’t include beating up assholes that hurt his poor sister. You scratched at the nape of your neck before deciding to speak up, plopping your hand in your lap. “Arvin, is there anything you’ve done just for fun and not just because your family compelled you to? Anything for yourself?”
Arvin looked at you, his eyes round, tightening his grip on the wheel. “I’ve… ah…” he pondered before his face turned more red, and you started to wonder what exactly was going on in his head. Was it something… illegal? Or shameful in the eyes of the town’s Lord? “...I go to the bakery to see you. For myself.”
...Well. You pinched your dress, clenching your teeth together and looking at the road.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, if— if you are, I just—”
“You were the good thing God gave me,” you spoke up suddenly, squeezing your eyes shut, “That’s why I’m going to church. You… you’re the good thing that makes me want to have faith,” you explained, catching him from the corner of his eye, seeing a distant look on his face.
You gave a laugh and half-heartedly shrugged your shoulders. “Now we evened each other’s uncomfortable comments out,” you playfully spoke. “So… no worries.”
Arvin pulled into a long yard while the car slowed into a long drawl. With this, he looked at you, and gave a smile that showed his white teeth.
“I think you’re a funny girl, Y/N.”
The preaching was over, and everyone was left outside, mostly indulging in conversation. It was a nice day out— sunny, clouds dotting the skyline, a sweet breeze to ease the baring sun. You were currently trapped in a conversation with a rather old lady who was very prominent in getting to know the citygirl.
You mentioned Manhattan and purposefully avoided your roots regarding wealth and your orphan status. Luckily, you didn’t need to speak much, the lady named Darla was more than eager to give her thoughts on everything.
“The new pastor, Teagardin, he’s a sweet man ain’t he?” She smiled, wringing her hands together, “If I were younger…”
You paled at the implication, giving a nervous smile. “He seems like a sweet man.”
“I’d sure hope so.” You turned around to see Preston Teagardin approach you with a smile. “How do you do, miss? Haven’t seen you here before.”
You nodded. “It’s my first time going to this church.”
Preston tilted his head only slightly. “Is that so? Can I catch your name?”
He licked his lips, looking at the old lady and raising his brows to give a friendly, polite expression. “Y/N, ain’t that a pretty name, Darla?” Darla nodded. “Well, Y/N, I wanna see you around here more often. Having a fresh face other than mine in this church is sure nice.”
“Regardless of my city heritage?” You decided to tease. While the comment was meant to be lighthearted, a growing resentment was laced behind your words, exhausted from the odd treatment from townspeople.
Preston gave a small laugh underneath his breath. “Nothin’ wrong with being born urban.” He looked at you, and you heard your name. Glancing to your side, Arvin was approaching, a ginger girl at his side.
The ginger girl made eye contact with Preston, and she quickly shied away from it. You paid it no mind, but it was definitely something that would become relevant later on, you’re sure. 
“This is my sister, Lenora,” Arvin spoke up, and you watched his eyes lock onto the priest’s for a moment. Preston walked away.
Lenora looked at you and gave a simper. “Hi, Y/N. Arvin’s talked about you…”
Arvin pursed his lips. “Lenora—”
“No, it’s okay,” you said, amused at the sister-brother banter. “He’s mentioned you before Lenora. I hear you like to read, care to give me a checklist of books sometime?”
Lenora lit up. “That… yeah, I can do just that. Right when I get home, I will.”
You smiled. Arvin cleared his throat, placing his hands in his pockets as he spoke to his sister, “Lenora, why don’t you check on grandma?” Lenora scurried off. When the two of you were alone, Arvin then murmured to you, “Y’don’t have to do anythin’ you don’t want to, Y/N. I know Lenora ain’t the most bright in the bunch, but—”
“I’ve been where she was,” you murmured to him, watching his gaze slowly fall from Lenora’s retreating figure to yours, brown eyes suffused golden beneath the luminous sun. “It’s all right. I actually do like reading, Arvin.” Arvin’s lips moved to the side of his face. Taking in his features, you felt your heart race a bit at what you were contemplating on doing, but you did it regardless. Your hand moved from your side to bury your fingers in his hair, grinning while feeling the slick strands against your skin. “It’s weird seeing you without that hat on.”
Arvin slumped a bit, attempting to swat your hand away. “Alright, alright, I get it,” he sighed. Though, from the look on his face, he was heavily entertained. “I know. I’ll put the cap back on.”
“No,” you spoke up. Your hand survived Arvin’s waving and ruffled the hair, loose strands cascading the frame of his face. “I like it.”
The boy you were endlessly teasing gawked at you while a bashful expression crossed his features. He sucked on his tongue before murmuring, “...That’s… ah, thank you.”
Glancing at your clock, your eyebrows raised. “I have to go. Lunch break is over… was over two minutes ago.”
Arvin gave a sheepish curve of his lips. “I’ll drive ‘ya home.”
The drive back was lighter than the drive there, until the new priest was mentioned. “Y’don’t trust that preacher guy, do you?” Arvin’s voice was bitter.
“...He seems…” you started, wincing, “I’m not sure. He’s a confident man, I’ll say that. I don’t know much about him to make a judgement.”
Arvin stopped the car in front of the diner. It was abrupt, sudden, and it took you by surprise. Your eyes traveled over to your friend who seemed to be seething underneath his skin. “Arvin?” You asked quietly.
A few glances towards you and he finally decided to face you with a lack of a smile. “S’all fine. You’re late, go do your work.”
Unable to correlate words with your sudden concern over his state of mind, you didn’t bother to acknowledge anything. “Okay…” you murmured, stepping out of the car, giving a wave to Arvin who only nodded his head towards you and drove off.
You watched his car vanish into the distance of the town. Wind blew past you, petting at your bare shins, and you rubbed your upper arm before hearing muffled crashing within the shop and a very harsh command of ‘Ellie!”.
The day Lenora died was quiet.
People weren’t rushing to the church, rushing to the Russell household, rushing down the streets, no one was rushing anywhere. It was a quiet day. The streets were more bare than usual, but perhaps it was only a lazy Sunday where nothing really mattered aside from church, the one day Lenora had not gone.
Watching her body fade into the ground wrapped snug in a casket, you felt the paper in your dress shuffle with the wind, scribbles of book titles Lenora suggested you before her untimely death.
Brave enough to glance in Arvin’s direction, too shy to cock your head, you noticed his mouth fit into a tight line, eyes swollen but with no sign of tears. It seems like he has already cried his fair share. Grandma Emma was weeping, her shoulders shaking as her brother held them.
The sun had gone dark, and you sat on a bench with Arvin, who had shared little to no words with you the entire day. Cars would woosh past and it seemed like the entire world was rotating just the same without the dear, sweet step-sister of Russell. The story had been tense, a little too much for you, the superstition that she was pregnant with the priest’s baby and had been encouraged to take it out, even at the cost of her life.
You gave a shaky exhale while the night’s frozen air pricked at your bare skin.
“You don’t need to be with me, Y/N,” Arvin’s accent-heavy voice murmured from the right of you, “I’m alright.”
That’s a load of bullshit. You knew that. You knew nothing about this was okay. You’d heard about Arvin’s parents before, you didn’t need anything more to know that this was opening some deep wounds the boy had thought he had stitched closed a long time ago.
“No, you’re not,” you replied.
There was nothing said after that. Arvin didn’t even look at you with an incredulous expression or open his mouth to disagree. There was no movement, no anything, as the world continued to turn, the stars continuing to move above the two of you.
It seemed unfair. It was unfair that the world kept moving.
You pulled out the list of books she had recommended you. Her handwriting was surely girlish, curly with hearts for dots, but it was perfect for her type of character. Lenora was a good girl. You felt your thumb trail against the ink stains. You didn’t know her too well, you’d be exaggerating your pain if you said this was the worst thing to happen to you, but it was definitely a loss on the town’s behalf, and most importantly, Arvin’s behalf.
“She was lonely.” Looking over, you saw Arvin staring down at your lap where the somewhat crinkled paper was.  “She never defied her faith, Y/N. She was just lonely.”
Her fidelity was admirable. Some part of you knew Arvin wasn’t talking to you, though, more so at. You gave a nod at him, his sad eyes meeting up with yours, and you knew at that moment his heart had been broken into a million pieces. You heard him sniffle and the street lamps reflected the water building at the top of his lower eyelids. He moved his bruised knuckles underneath his nose and you were a witness to his throat closing on itself.
This wasn’t bold. This was a peace offering. You moved to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close to you in a hug.
Arvin was frozen still, tense underneath your hold, halting in his breath. You didn’t care if you were breaking boundaries. You didn’t care if this was something he said he didn’t need. You needed it, too, you needed to see him recover.
Unbeknownst to you, he would actually consider all the little possibilities with this hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as he buried his face against the crook of your neck. You could hear quiet struggling exhales and wetness seeping into your dress. You didn’t care for the dress.
This wasn’t a grown man crying, you noticed. This was a little boy. The way he squeezed against you, lightly rubbing his nose against your skin and giving off quiet whimpers of defeat. The world had wronged him too much. You didn’t know everything, but it felt like the tears falling from his face had infinite knowledge that you didn’t need to be told. This wasn’t the first tragedy for Arvin. For him, he most likely believed it was just another dot on the list of infinite sadness.
“Arvin,” you were quiet to say, “come to my place. It’s quiet. Let me drive.”
Arvin had no disagreements. He was in no mindset to put on his tough façade. You drove the two of you to your apartment, never leaving Arvin’s side as you both stepped up the stairs and unlocked the door.
You didn’t really know what to do from there. You both watched television on your cheap furniture, and as the night went on and mindless conversations passed between the both of you, Arvin had gotten closer. His eyes were sore and at the most random moments you could see a tear roll down his cheek. He gave no reaction to it.
“I’m tired,” Arvin breathed from beside you.
You stared at the television while leaning against the couch’s arm. “That’s fine. I can show you to my room, if you’d like to lay on the bed—”
A presence was prominent beside you. You felt Arvin lean against you and rest his head on your shoulder. “The couch is fine,” he whispered. “This is fine.”
In any other circumstance, you know Arvin would’ve never put you in this position. Though, you didn’t mind this, not at all, keeping in mind you knew he just needed a comforting presence after Lenora. You were more than eager to be his anchor however.
Moving your hand up to his capless head, finding your fingers carding through his smooth hair, you continued to watch the television in silence. This is fine, you repeated in your head. It’s going to be fine.
214 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 2 years
Has anyone ever stolen your survey questions before, if you make surveys?: I’ve never made a survey and don’t think I’ll ever be up to doing so.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no?: Not for me but you do you.
Do you like to burn candles?: Sure, I like doing it whenever I can.
Are Yankee Candles really all that?: I dunno, I’ve never used one so I can’t confirm. I’ve always used non-Yankee-Candle candles though and they work out fine so I don’t think I’ll be looking for this brand any time soon.
Have you ever broken into a public place, like a high school, after it was late and secluded?: Nah I’m too tense to do something like that lol. I’d spend more time looking out for guards who’ll inevitably be shooing me away than being in the moment.
Have you ever gone to the movies and hopped from movie to movie all day?: No. Too expensive hah and there is rarely a movie that interests me anymore, anyway.
Have you ever been to a drive-in movie?: Nope.
Would you be interested in going scuba-diving?: Yeah for sure, as long as I’m properly briefed beforehand and there is an expert who will be beside me at all times. Can’t have things fucking up when I’m that far down underwater.
Have you ever heard of the band “Indian Jewelry”?: Never heard of them, I’m afraid.
Do you go to church?: Yeah every Sunday. Hardly pay attention though and I spend most of the one-hour just fiddling with something - like my hair or something on my shirt - or daydreaming.
Have you ever had sex with someone you didn’t love?: No.
Have you ever been in a cave?: Yes! The underground river cave in Palawan. I also had the chance to go spelunking when we were in Sagada but I wore the wrong shoes that day, so...
Do you anyone who’s painfully socially awkward?: There’s this dude that I regularly work with - we’re co-agencies under the same client - and he can have his awkward moments. I used to be awkward myself so I try to go easy on him but my god does it trigger the secondhand embarrassment sometimes.
Do you actually know anyone named ‘Bill’ or ‘Bob’?: I know a Bob.
Have you ever scared yourself when you sneezed?: No. It’s my sister who has this effect on me haha that girl lets out such loud sneezes. Do you tend to sneeze a certain number of times in a row?: Mmm, maybe when I’m in a dusty area or have been playing with the dogs too much but for the most part no.
Have you ever had to attend therapy?: Nope.
So, what about Billy Ray Cyrus talking about how Hannah Montana ruined his life?: He said that? I wonder why. 
Who were you last in a hot tub with?: Idk, just myself I think.
What’s your favorite liquid coffee creamer flavor?: Is this just a long and fancy way of asking what my favorite take on coffee is? I typically buy caramel macchiato, if this is what you mean. Can you knit?: Nah.
Can you do the splits?: No, though I tried for a really long time until I just accepted that I can’t lol.
Are you wearing any rings? No, I never wear any.
Have you ever sold anything to a pawn shop?: Nope.
Have you ever traveled outside of your home country?: Yes.
Would you be satisfied growing up to be like your parents?: Yes. There are lots of aspects in their parenthood techniques that I disagree with; but beyond being parents, I think they’re great people and I want to end up just like them.
Is there anything other than clothes in your dresser?: Continued from the other night. Yeah, it also serves as storage for a bunch of knickknacks that I otherwise have no extra space for in my room.
How long does it take you to clean your room?: It’s a small space so not very long at all. What’s in your closet? o.O: Clothes and a part two of storage, hahaha.
How many pictures do you take of yourself in a week?: I never take selfies.
Do you use iTunes, or do you unlawfully download music?: I used iTunes until I want to say 2013 or 2014? But I used it precisely for illegally downloaded music; I never bought albums or songs off of it hahaha. Then I switched to Spotify starting 2015 and have been streaming from there since.
Has anyone ever sent you flowers?: Not sent, but I’ve been given flowers face-to-face.
Have you ever had a water balloon war?: Only once; it was in Grade 4, when I was 10.
Do you have to buy something at every store you go in?: No? I’ve probably walked out of a store purchase-less more times than I’ve actually ended up buying something.
Do you know anyone who always looks stoned all the time, whether they are or not?: Yes.
Have you ever seen the movie Ghost World???: No, I’ve never heard of that.
The most expensive clothing item you own; how much did it cost?: Nothing more than five figures.
How many towels do you go through in a week?: 1 or 2. Have you ever found a member of the same sex attractive?: Yeah, both romantically and in general.
Are you good at relaxing?: I used to be shit at it but I’m trying to allot more time for it now. Like these days you will never see me working past 6 since I’m starting to learn how to respect my personal time lol.
Do you count calories?: Nopes.
Would you rather try Blueberry and Hazelnut Pringles, or Grilled Shrimp?: Grilled shrimp doesn’t sound nearly as foreign as fruity Pringles. I’d pick the seafood in a heartbeat, lmao.
What position do you normally sleep in?: On my side, hugging a pillow.
Did you know that sleeping on your stomach can stretch your boobs out???: Idk if that’s true but anyway I rarely do this since I find it harder to breathe.
What kind of videos do you usually watch on YouTube?: Mostly BTS. Sometimes I’ll watch Korean variety/reality shows.
Do you still wish on stars?: I don’t really do that. I like looking at stars when I’m deep in thought at night, but I’ve never used them to make a wish.
Have you ever seen an eclipse?: Yeah, I have. Eclipses are rarely visible here so in the times that they’d be seen from this side of the world, I typically feel the need to run outdoors to catch it.
Have you ever been in any kind of an abusive relationship?: Yes.
What kind of parent do you think you’ll be?: First course of action is to be more hands-on than my parents were with me.
What kind of parents do you have?: Kind, firm, practical. Idk, I’ve always had weird relationships with them. Our dynamic’s been better as I’ve gotten older but there’s a lot of shit we’ve swept under the rug and will continue to be that way.
What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?: Being at concerts, maybe?
Have you ever had a Nutella and marshmallow fluff sandwich?: That sounds nasty. No.
Where’s your favorite place to eat breakfast at?: I never go out for breakfast.
What keeps you up at night?: The need to have a healthy work-life balance. I always stay up late so I can catch up on whatever my work prevents me from enjoying.
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Sinner // Felix
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💌 Info: Stray Kids Felix x female!reader smut 💕 Includes: Innocence breaking, first time, degradation, semi-public, exhibitionism/thrill of being caught ✏️ Word Count: ~1.5k
Felix was every church’s dream child. He grew up strictly Catholic, always attended church, and stayed loyal to his faith. Everyone knew him as “the good child”. Although girls would fawn over him, he would always turn them down, claiming “my parents won’t let me date yet.” He was the perfect kid.
His downfall started on a Sunday. It was the Lord’s day, and he sat under you, whimpering and squirming at every touch. You loved to tease him, but something was so much more fun about palming him in the Church’s quiet attic while everyone else, including your parents, were downstairs in the main hall. 
Felix threw his head back, the pleasure becoming overwhelming although you were barely touching him. You look up to him with a filthy smirk plastered across your face, causing him to wince at the sight of you. Your hand gets more rough against his bulge, and you pull him into a messy kiss, slipping your tongue past his lips.
“Please,” Felix hisses, “touch me.” He moans into your kisses, allowing you to fully take control. He bucks his hips into your hand, becoming harder every second.
“Oh, my dirty little whore is begging for me now, huh?” You tilt your head, watching him bite his lip and look down at your hand. “I thought you were a child of God. What happened to that, Lixie?”
“It feels wrong,” Felix huffed out, bucking into your hand again, “but it feels so good.” Another groan comes from his throat, sounding desperate and breathy. You love to see him so needy, but you also want to get a taste of the untouchable boy everyone adores.
You unzip his dress pants and pull them slowly down his legs. His breathing gets faster as you move your hand over the tent in his pants. You laugh under your breath at the little sounds he makes trying to keep composure. You’re so ready to ruin him.
“Have you ever had a girl touch you like this before?” You know the answer to that question, but you want to hear him personally tell you that he’s a virgin. You move your head just close enough to his bulge that he feels your breath on his cock.
“N-no, Y/n. You’re my first.”
“You’re gonna be my bitch tonight, baby boy.”
You slip down his tight boxers, exposing his cock and making him gasp from the sudden exposure. Your hand gently takes his member and feels every vein on the angel boy’s cock. Felix looks up to the sky; his eyes are apologizing to the lord for what he’s about to do. 
As your hand strokes his cock, your mouth hovers dangerously close to his tip. There’s precum leaking down his cock, running into your fingers. His moans are quiet, and his eyes are squeezed shut. Your lips graze the tip of his member with a short kiss, and he releases the most pathetic moan you’ve ever heard. Felix hates to admit it, but he’s desperate for your touch.
“Please be gentle, Y/n,” Felix pleads, mouth agape from your actions, “I’m not used to this.”
“Calm down. If you speak any louder, they might hear you downstairs, and you wouldn’t want the pastor finding us up here, would you?” You lick a long stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, forcing a gasp out of Felix. He twitches in your fingers, thrusting his hips into your hand for more stimulation. 
“N-no, I don’t. No one can no about this.” His groans get quieter but deeper. His legs shake from the pleasure, so you’re forced to hold one of his legs still while your other hand is still wrapped around his length. 
“If you don’t want them to know, then only speak when spoken to. I don’t like being disobeyed, little boy.” Your hand squeezes around his cock a little too tight for his liking. He releases a loud moan, only allowing more precum to drip down his cock. “Speak when spoken to. Don’t touch yourself or me unless you’re told to. Don’t cum until I say so. Your body is mine, so what I say goes. Got it?”
He nods, lightly whimpering from your harsh language. He loves being your fucktoy, but the logic side of his brain tells him to run and join his family downstairs. His body is at war with his brain, and to his ancestor’s disappointment, his body is winning this battle. “Yes, Y/n, I understand.”
“Good boy, Lix. If you’re good enough, I’ll let you fuck my tight little cunt. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you little slut?” You laugh at your own words, fully owning the fact that you’re ruining him. He hums a muffled sign of content, and you take his cock into your mouth. As if he wasn’t close enough already, your wet mouth taking in his length surely makes him ready to burst.
Your free hand moves from his leg to your clit, playing with yourself. You feel yourself get wetter, and eventually you moan onto Felix’s member. The feeling is so foreign to him that he almost cums without your permission, but he’s too scared to disobey your commands. His moans get higher in pitch as he nears his limit.
“You wanna cum, baby boy? Wanna cum for me?” Your head bobs on his cock, you speeding up the pace after asking your mind-breaking question. “Or are you too holy for that? Too righteous to cum for me?” 
His mind is whirling. Although he want to cum, your ending dialogue forces him to reconsider. Just get up, get dressed, and leave. Unlike his brain, his body reacts on impulse and pleads for you to let him cum. His words are filthy, but they feel natural to your ears. You’ve make the good little Felix devolve into a primal whore with the only thing on his mind being his needy, twitching cock and the painful urge to orgasm.
“Please, let me cum. I’m your whore. All yours. My cum is yours. Let me cum.” The words leave his mouth fast and broken, voice cracks being sprinkled in without his intent. 
“First Corinthians 6:19,” you grab his hair and force him to make eye contact with you, your eyes dark and dripping with lust, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” Your hand pumps his cock as you grit your teeth from your quotation of the scripture. “Your body is not God’s. Your body is mine.”
Felix yells aloud, likely alerting anyone outside of the attic. Your reminder of his sins only makes him more hungry and needy for your touch. The tip of his cock is angry and red, begging to cum. 
“Cum for me, Felix. I want you to cum all over yourself.” Your hand continues to jerk him off as it position his cock towards himself. Like a racehorse hearing a gunshot, his cum shoots out of his cock at lighting speed. He covers himself in his own semen, the dim light of the attic making it glimmer for a second. 
You stand up and smile, looking down at him. You feel powerful, almost too powerful. You want to run out and tell the whole church that you made their favorite student abandon his faith to come undone in your hand. 
Meanwhile, Felix looks down to his abdomen, covered in his own release, and his heart drops at the realization of what he’s done. His post-orgasm clarity sends him into a panic, quickly grabbing a spare scarf from a box of old costumes and cleans up his... mess. He throws the scarf into the farthest corner of the room and puts his clothes on, hands shaking while he buttons his dress shirt.
“I... I got to go. They’re probably almost finished.” He heads towards the door to the stairs, but you grab his wrist and turn him around. Your bodies are inches apart, and he loudly swallows in fear.
“You have my number, right?” He nods quickly, hoping to get out of this situation as soon as possible. “Text me when you’re free again. You deserve a reward for being such a good boy for me.”
Fuck, being called a good boy is such a turn-on for him. He feels the blood begin to rush back to his crotch, and he pulls away from your grasp. 
“Okay. Bye, Y/n.”
“B-” before you can finish your sentence, Felix whirls around and darts back downstairs with the rest of the congregation. You didn’t even have time to tell him that there was an all too visible hickey on his neck. 
You head out a minute after him, giving him ample time to rejoin his family. When you go back downstairs to meet your folks, they inform you that you’re having dinner over at the Lee family’s house tonight.
“I’d be happy to go, mom.” You smile innocently to your mother, but your mind is racing.
Teasing Felix in front of his family? Sounds like fun.
I need to go to church after this one YIKES
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tropicalchiaa · 3 years
Flip’s Easter Surprise
Flip Zimmerman X Reader
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A fun Easter idea
Easter was confusing for your Jewish boyfriend. You were a Baptist kid from the womb, so Easter was a major holiday for you; dare you to say your favorite. So, he knew all about the large Easter egg hunts that happened when you guys were kids, Easter dinners that took your mom all afternoon to prepare, and lastly just being together as a family. But since Flip was Jewish and an only child, he was essential to the last day of Passover activities. Meaning he could never join you for any Easters.
So, you started giving him little hints of Easter so that he could enjoy your holiday and enjoy his holiday.  Although he has known you for years, every Easter you try and surprise him with how much more outlandish you can become. Last year all the Easter bunnies had a shirt with the Star of David. Even some of the confetti eggs had a star. He enjoyed it very much, although it wasn’t his holiday. 
And now since you had your big girl job you decided to splurge on his Easter festivities. This year you plan on making a scavenger hunt where he has to find cigarettes, lighters, a new flannel/ jeans combo, and a surprise at the end. 
But buying and keeping stuff a secret from Flip is so hard. He loves to clean the cars every weekend. He loves surprising you with gifts, so he is always making sure you don’t have what he is about to surprise you with. And the biggest of it all he is a detective, so he picks up on the smallest things. I mean he has almost caught you multiple times already making you have to resort to leaving the gifts at my girlfriend’s house. 
Today is the day and he knew you were up to something but had no idea what exactly. So, while he is being distracted by Ron and the boys, you set up the hunt through both of your apartments (you know how religious parents are, we do not live in sin), your parent's house, and even something hidden at the station.
You had Ron slip him the first clue that would lead him to his first gift in his desk drawer. It had to be work-appropriate, so you slipped him 10 packs of his favorite cigarettes, which is only a week's worth but nonetheless appreciated. Since he has only vicariously experienced an Easter egg hunt through your stories, your next clue sent him to your apartment so he could do the rest with you. Plus, you wanted to see his reactions.
A knock on your door came 30 minutes after a call from Ron. “Hi Handsome,” you say, letting him come through the door. “Well now I know what you have been up to these past few weeks,” he says pulling you in his embrace with a quick kiss. “I cannot confirm or deny,” you say through a smile. 
“Okay, but I need to search for my next gift “Where I would find you stressing about your Easter Sunday outfit…” In other words, your closet.” He says moving towards your room. After a couple of mins of silence, you hear an “Aha” and some shuffling towards your living room. “Zeeskeit, you are too good to me. On top of my favorite cigarettes, you got my favorite lighters. I can’t even imagine how much of your check you spent on this.” He says while coming to sit next to you on the couch.
“Well don't get all sappy now, you still have a few more stops on your hunt. Do you understand your next clue?” You ask him with much excitement. “Oh yeah, easy. “Where my palms sweat although I have been there a million times...” Your parents' house, I will never not be nervous,” he says. “Which is ridiculous because they love you but come on let’s get this show on the road.” You say popping up from your position. 
“So, is this the last gift love? Not that I do not enjoy this, I just worry about your bank account.” He says while focusing on the road. “I am not sure,” you say, acting oblivious. “Hmph, fine,” he says as he lights a cigarette to ease his mind.
         Pulling up to your parent's home you could sense his nervousness. “Don't worry they are doing last-minute preparation at the church for tomorrow.” You say watching him visibly relax. “Okay, let’s go grandpa,” you say, teasing him for taking his time with this scavenger hunt.
         Walking around he finds the new flannel that you had gotten him. He walks over about to thank you before picking up the gift. But you stop him and say “No, no go pick up your gift first,” knowing there was another clue with it. “Ugh, more! Seriously I am going to need to pay you back for this.” He says as the perfect gentleman. 
         “Yeah, yeah, do you understand this clue?” You say, getting him back on the hunt. What can you say, you are anxious for what is last. “Okay, “Where we had our first kiss...” again very easy my love it happened in your treehouse 7th grade.” He says walking towards the backyard.
         Picking up his second to the last gift he seems relieved to see that the last note says there is only one more gift left. “Love, thank you for the new outfit. But I am ready to head home for this last gift.” He says pulling you into a hug. “Okay, handsome lead the way,” you say just as ready to get to his apartment.
         While driving to his apartment you turn towards Flip and ask, “Did you like the last clue?” He laughs, “Yeah, very subtle. “Where you make a certain girl’s legs feel like mush...” The gift is probably sitting on my bed as we speak.” He says with a smile.
         And was he right, after setting down his gifts he walked into his room to see a pastel yellow lingerie set that went perfectly with Easter. “So, would you like me to put that on, or was this all too much?” You say through a big smile. “No need for that my love, we will save it for later. Right now, I cannot wait to show my girl how much I appreciate her.” He says as he starts to shed your clothes. 
Boy did he show that appreciation. So much so it lasted till the late hours of the night. Almost making you late for Easter service and don't even get started about your slight limp. But you would do it all over again, anything to show love to your Handsome Flip.
 Zeeskeit: Literally “sweetness,” zeeskeit is a term of endearment you can use exactly as you’d use “sweetie” or “honey” in English.
I wanted to use a Yiddish pet name so I hope I used it in the right context.
Happy Easter if you celebrate!🐣
As always feedback welcomed ❤️
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
Constantly Doing Things That You Don’t Like (1/1)
summary: “You know what? Go to your room. You’re grounded. We’ll talk about this more when Nico gets home.” 
“You’re grounding me because I’m gay?” Bianca shouted. “You’re gay!” 
word count: 2,805
read on ao3 | read i’m in hell
Bianca’s best friend’s name was Mary. She was the first friend Bianca made when the Solaces moved to New York, and ever since their first sleepover, the two had been practically inseparable. With a friendship as close as theirs that spanned just about ten years, it made a lot of sense that the two of them would spend more time together than apart, and had even started applying to the same colleges with the intent of becoming roommates. 
Will liked Mary. She was a sweet little girl, and she was growing up to be a kind, respectful young woman. Even after all of Bianca’s other friends started calling Nico by his first time - which made total sense, considering even Bianca called him that - Mary still called him Mr. Solace. So, yeah, maybe Will had a soft spot for the kid. Sue him if he liked the occasional reminder that Nico was a Solace. 
Mary was spending just about every weekend at the Solace house as the girls’ junior year was coming to an end. Will had been looking forward to his somewhat more relaxed hours as an attending to spend the weekends with his family - and he supposed that, at this point, Mary was family - but the girls tended to hide away in Bianca’s room, and Nico occasionally went to brunch on Sundays with Hazel. That left Will feeling awfully lonely on Sunday mornings, at least until Bianca walked Mary out to her car. 
Will had been doing some cleaning, mainly emptying out the fridge of any leftovers that were too old to eat at this point, and went to take out the trash when he saw Bianca and Mary kissing against the side of Mary’s car. 
Will didn’t know what to do. Was he supposed to break them up? That was his daughter, she shouldn’t be kissing anybody! Should he take the trash to the curb and go back inside, pretending he didn’t see anything? He stood there contemplating for so long that the bag almost fell out of his hand, and as quickly and quietly as he could, Will stepped back into the house. He left the trash near the door, hoping he would remember to take it out after Bianca came back inside, and started pacing in the kitchen as he tried to think of what he needed to say.
It wasn’t much longer before Bianca came back inside, offering a hi, Dad, as she started back toward her room, and Will called out, “Wait!” 
Bianca paused, then spun on her heel to face him. Will still wasn’t sure what he wanted to say.
“Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” he said, then mentally chided himself. Now she was going to think she was in trouble! Was she in trouble?
Bianca’s eyes widened, then she shrugged.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re gay?” Will said next, because apparently he’d lost all control of his brain-to-mouth filter. “I mean, obviously I’m going to be very accepting! So why hide it?”
Bianca sighed, crossing her arms and slouching. “If I’d told you that Mary and I are together, then you would’ve made her sleep in the guest room instead of in my room.” 
Will ran a hand through his hair, gripping at the curls on the top of his head. “You’re having sleepovers with your girlfriend in my house.” 
“It’s not that big of a deal!” Bianca insisted. “It’s not like we’re...doing stuff. It’s not like I can get pregnant!” 
“That’s not the point!” Will exclaimed, waving his arms out frantically. “You know what? Go to your room. You’re grounded. We’ll talk about this more when Nico gets home.” 
“You’re grounding me because I’m gay?” Bianca shouted. “You’re gay!” 
Will gasped, blinking at his daughter like she’d slapped him across the face. “Excuse you, I am bisexual and you know that!” 
“Fine, whatever,” Bianca said with a roll of her eyes. “Nico’s gay.” 
“Hell yeah I am,” Nico said as he shut the front door behind himself and started to kick off his shoes. He looked between his husband and daughter, struggling to read the tone of the room. “What’s up?” 
Will took a deep breath, then pointed down the hall. “Bi, go to your room.” 
“Fine!” she snapped, and stomped down the hall, slamming her bedroom door shut behind herself. 
Will leaned heavily back against the island and buried his face in his hands. After a few breaths, he felt Nico place a comforting hand on his arm.
“What is going on?” Nico asked gently.
Will sighed and dropped his hands. “Bi’s gay.” 
“Oh no,” Nico said, clearly trying to hold back his laughter. “Are we going to get kicked out of the church?” 
That brought a smile to Will’s face. “I’m just...doing this all wrong.” 
Nico exhaled, then tugged on Will’s arm. He pulled his husband into the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling Will with him and laying Will’s head in his lap. It was something of a tradition they’d developed over the years whenever one of them felt like they hadn’t been a very good parent. It wasn’t an incredibly common occurrence, but after ten years, they were both pretty familiar with the feeling. 
Nico set one hand on Will’s chest and ran the other through Will’s hair. “Tell me what happened.” 
“I caught Bi kissing Mary in the driveway,” Will told him, then paused for Nico’s reaction.
He didn’t have one, aside from a nod and a soft hum. 
Will gripped the sleeve of Nico’s sweatshirt - it was one of Will’s, from undergrad. (Another habit Nico had developed: claiming Will’s old clothes as his own, not that Will minded.) “Did you know?” Will demanded, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. 
“No, not for sure,” Nico replied, “but I had my suspicions.” 
“You don’t think it’s...an issue?” Will asked. “Not the gay thing, obviously, but… She had a secret girlfriend. And they’ve been sleeping in the same bed for...I don’t know, ten years!” 
Nico pressed the backs of his fingers against the side of Will’s neck, causing him to flinch and tense. “Alright, cool down a little bit, babe. It’s not like they’ve been dating for ten years. And remember when you were her age? Wouldn’t you have done the same thing?” 
“No!” Will said immediately, and his cheeks started to glow red. “I mean... I didn’t really...date until college anyway, so--” 
“So she gets that from me, is what you’re saying,” Nico teased. 
“Oh no,” Will muttered, “she’s going to move across the country, move into some beautiful doctor’s house, and get married.” 
Nico shrugged. “Worked pretty well for me.” 
Will pulled back Nico’s sleeve and tugged at a bit of his arm hair, causing Nico to flinch and cry out, “Hey!” 
“You’re not helping,” Will grumbled. “I thought this was supposed to make me feel better.” 
“Sorry, Sunshine,” Nico whispered, stroking Will’s hair again, then said, “You probably just needed a little more time to process before talking to Bi. I’m gonna have to say that maybe grounding her was a little too harsh.” Will glanced up at him with a furrowed brow, and Nico hurried to add, “I’m not going to start undermining your decisions. You grounded her, so she’s grounded. But maybe next time a conversation would work better.” 
“You’re right,” Will told him, running a hand over his face. “Obviously, you’re right, but I don’t… What should I do now?” 
“Talk to her.” 
Will pouted. 
“You’re gonna have to talk to her eventually,” Nico told him. 
“I know,” Will groaned. “I think I just need more time to process. How long does this last?” 
“How long does what last?”
“The...grounding thing,” Will answered. “How long do I have to process this before she’s allowed to come out of her room?” 
Nico had to hold back a laugh. He wasn’t serious, was he? “How long did you ground her for?” 
“How...what?” Will asked. “There’s not just, like, a standard time?” 
Nico took Will’s cheeks in his hands. “Babe, have you never been grounded before?”
Will’s cheeks went red again. “I was a very good kid!” 
“You’re adorable,” Nico told him, bending over for a kiss, then leaning back to squish Will’s cheeks. “Our kid’s a good one too, you know.” 
“Of course I know that,” Will said, swatting Nico’s hands away. “The grounding was a gut reaction, okay? I don’t know what I’m doing.” 
Nico took a breath. “Okay, so you sent her to her room. That’s a good first step. Did you take away her phone? Laptop? Video games?” 
Will’s nose scrunched up, which Nico immediately knew meant no. “Was I supposed to?”
“I love you so much,” Nico said, causing Will to pout, “but babe.” 
Will reached for the pillow resting against the arm of the couch and pressed it over his face. 
Nico tapped on his chest twice. “Alright, let me up. I guess I have to go be bad cop now and take away all of our daughter’s toys.” 
Will sat up, but kept Nico from moving with a hand on his arm. “Do you think she’s mad at me?” 
Nico shook his head. “Confused and frustrated, definitely, but I doubt she’s mad. I can talk to her, but you’re the one that’s gonna have to undo the grounding.” 
Will nodded, his lips pressed together tightly. He hugged the pillow to his chest as Nico stood, but Will stopped him with a, “Hey.” When Nico looked back at him, Will continued, “Tell her that I love her?” 
“She knows,” Nico told him with a smile.
“I know. Tell her anyway.” 
“Okay.” Nico leaned down to kiss Will’s forehead, then started toward the hall. He knocked on Bianca’s door as a warning before cracking it open and peeking inside. “Hey, Bi?” 
He watched his daughter hastily slide her phone under her pillow. Nico barely held back from rolling his eyes. He entered the room fully and closed the door behind himself, then leaned back against it. “Princess, I’m sorry your dad’s such an idiot, but I’m gonna need your phone, your laptop, your Switch… Pretty much anything that isn’t homework, basically.” 
“But I need my laptop for my homework,” Bianca said immediately.
Nico raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have anything on paper?” 
She hesitated. “Well, I do…” 
“Finish the physical stuff first, and when you show me that it’s done, I’ll give you your laptop back,” Nico told her. 
Bianca huffed. “Fine.” She pulled her phone back out, then gathered up her laptop, console, and even an old iPod that Nico thought might have been Will’s, and dumped it all in Nico’s arms. “There. Happy?” 
Nico stood eye to eye with Bianca and struggled to remember the last time he had to actually tilt his head down in order to look at her. “No, actually, I’m not. Partially because I don’t really like the idea that my daughter is almost taller than me, but there’s a couple other things, too. Can we talk about it?” 
Bianca crossed her arms and shrugged. 
Nico nodded toward the bed. “Let’s sit down for a minute. Maybe I’ll even let you keep Dad’s iPod if you talk to me.” 
With a sigh, Bianca returned to her bed, sitting criss-cross near the pillows and leaving plenty of space for Nico at the foot of the bed. When it was clear that she wasn’t going to start the conversation, Nico said, “So, do you want to tell me your side of the story?”
Bianca kept her gaze on the bedspread. “You mean how Dad somehow caught me kissing Mary and flipped out? What else is there to say?” 
“I don’t know, maybe… How long have you been together? How long have you known you were gay? Why didn’t you tell us so that we could stop having awkward conversations about how to prevent teen pregnancy? And I don’t want to hear, because I wanted to have sleepovers with my girlfriend, because I know there’s more than that.” 
Bianca snorted, so at least that was a start. “We prefer partners,” she said softly. “Not girlfriends.”
“Okay, noted.” 
“And I didn’t tell you because… I wasn’t sure,” Bianca continued. “I talk to Mary about everything, you know? Because there’s some things you can’t talk to dads about.” 
“Sure, but you do know you can talk to us about anything, right?” Nico asked.
Bianca raised an eyebrow. “Girl stuff, Nico.” 
He scrunched up his nose. “Okay, yeah, keep that to yourself.” 
She laughed, though only for a few seconds before getting quiet again. “I didn’t...know if I was gay or straight or something else. There’s just so many labels, you know? So, like, one day, Mary was like well I’ll just kiss you and then you’ll know, and I really don’t think that’s how it works, but… I mean, maybe I like boys and Mary. I dunno. I didn’t tell you because I don’t know, but if it makes you feel more included, or whatever, I think I’m bisexual.” 
Nico nodded. “Well, it would make sense.” 
Bianca’s head tilted in confusion. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, your father was great at two things,” Nico told her. “Making bisexual children, and then abandoning them. So you fit right in with your dad, Aunt Kayla, and Uncle Austin.” 
Bianca grinned. “Good to know.” She shot Nico a questioning look. “So, you’re sticking with gay, though? You’re surrounded by bisexuals, and it hasn’t rubbed off at all?” 
“Ew, no,” Nico said immediately. “Princess, I love you, but aside from immediate family, I don’t want anything to do with women.” 
“Alright, I get it.” Bianca pulled her knees up to her chest, and a second later, her smile fell away. “So, you’re not mad at me?” 
“No, of course not,” Nico assured her. “And your dad’s not, either. We both love you so much, and we just want you to be happy. But at the same time: you’re a child, Bi. You can’t be having sleepovers with your partner in this house. Mary can still come over all the time, and she can spend the night, but she’s sleeping in the guest room. And if she goes into your room when you’re both supposed to be asleep, that’s it. No more spending the night.” 
“We’re going to be living together in a year,” Bianca reminded him. “We’ve already decided that we’re going to the same college and getting put in the same dorm.” 
Nico shrugged. “And I can’t stop you then. You’ll be an adult living under your own roof. But until then, you listen to me, you listen to your dad, and you tell us stuff. It’s not even like we’re trying to be nosy! Neither of us have any intention of going through your phone or your laptop while you’re grounded - I don’t think I would want to, honestly - but we want to know about you.”
“Okay, I get it,” Bianca said with a nod. “I won’t keep secrets anymore.” 
“Good. Now, do you wanna come out into the living room and say that to your dad? Maybe have the conversation you should have been having when I got home?” 
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Bianca stood up, but didn’t get far before Nico pulled her into a hug. He kissed her cheek, told her he loved her, then let her go out into the living room while he picked up the pile of electronics on the bed. He left the room to find Bianca wrapped up in Will’s arms. 
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” Will said as he practically squeezed the life out of their daughter. “I wasn’t thinking, and I shouldn’t have grounded you, and I’m sorry. I was upset that you didn’t tell me, and I lashed out, so I’m taking it back. No more grounding.” 
“Hm, no,” Nico cut in. “Keep a little bit of grounding. She did keep a pretty big secret from us.” 
Will met Nico’s eyes over Bianca’s shoulder, not loosening his grip on her at all. “Yeah? How much is a little bit, because I’m still not really sure what I’m doing.” 
Nico smiled at him. “Just for tonight. Laptop for homework only, and she can have everything back in the morning. After we have a nice long talk.”
Bianca finally wriggled free of Will’s hold, just to complain, “A long talk? I don’t have that much time! I have a lot of homework to do!” 
Nico grinned. “Then maybe you should’ve spent less time kissing your partner in the driveway and more time doing your homework all weekend. You know, like you told us you were doing? Take a seat, kid. You’re in for a lot of embarrassing questions.” 
thanks for reading!! and happy lesbian day of visibility!!!!
buy me a coffee
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unsaidholland · 4 years
‘tis the damn season | s. holland
i hope y’all enjoy 4.9k words of sam holland missing his first girlfriend and having a brief second chance with her :)
warnings: none!
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sam had met y/n in high school. he went to an all-boys school, but y/n went to its sister school, and though they didn’t see each other often, there was always something there between the two of them. from the awkward school dances to their shared graduation, whenever the two saw each other, they couldn’t help but feel some sort of attachment. their friends were no stranger to it either. sam was constantly teased over not asking her out or not making a move, to which he would counter with, “how do you even know she likes me?” 
after their graduation, sam had worked up the courage to ask her out, and they dated for just a few months, only calling it off once sam found out he was to work at the ski resort in france. at the time, they thought letting go was easier than trying to make it work, but it left them continually wondering what would’ve happened if they had just stayed together.
sam had come back to london with a new girlfriend, not that y/n minded. the two kept in touch, but it was usually long conversations that occurred once every few months, but there was no bad blood between the two. sam’s new relationship had taken off, and again, only ended once he was set to work in scotland, finding a good culinary opportunity there. letting go was always easier than trying to make it work.
sam spent some of his nights in edinburgh wondering what would’ve happened if he had never let go of his first real girlfriend. maybe they would still be together, or maybe they would’ve ended up hating each other. the alternate timelines swam around sam’s thoughts, but the one thing that stayed was the memory of her watching him walk away towards his gate when he left kingston the first time. he thought about the tears rolling down her cheeks and the way she couldn’t bear to let go. 
sometimes sam wondered what she was doing, but if it really bugged him, he knew he could’ve just asked, after all, there were no ill feelings between them. he always wondered how she knew him so well. she could read his expression like a book, and just like an appraiser, y/n was able to tell when he was faking a smile. 
broken from his thoughts by the phone ringing, sam looked at his phone screen to see an incoming facetime call from his mum. he answered it, and his screen suddenly showed nikki’s face, a smile gracing her cheeks, happy to see her second oldest child.
“hi darling!” she cheerfully said, and her joy radiated through the phone, making sam smile as well.
“hi mum! how’re you?” the conversation started off with them catching up, mostly nikki asking sam about how work has been, and then he talked about how well he played golf the other day against his boss, knowing that his father wasn’t out of earshot. 
“you’re coming home for christmas, yeah?” she asked, just before they were to bid each other their goodbyes.
“yup, i’m off on the twentieth, so i fly in that afternoon. i can make a roast dinner for us on the 24th, is granny tess making pies?” nikki nodded, and sam nodded along with her. they quickly said their goodbyes, seeing at how late it had become, and all sam could think about after they had hung up, was being back in his hometown with y/n just a few miles away.
sam had stepped off the plane and went to check-in and grab his bags from the carousel. the airport was busy, filled with people flying home to their family or leaving with their loved ones to go on holiday. he had flown in two days early, wanting to surprise his parents, and was waiting for harry and tom to land. their flights landed thirty minutes apart, but because sam’s flight was ahead of schedule, that thirty minutes turned into forty-three minutes, though he didn’t mind the slightly longer wait. 
sam went to the nearest cafe and bought himself a butter croissant and a small coffee. though it was already four in the afternoon, he was feeling quite tired and needed a quick pick me up. it also killed more time than expected seeing as the line was so long.
it wasn’t long until he reunited with his twin and his older brother. the three of them shared a long hug in the middle of the waiting area, gaining some soft smiles from bystanders. harry called their mum and asked them where they had parked, and soon enough the three boys were reunited with their family at last.
“i thought you weren’t coming in until sunday?” nikki exclaimed, arms thrown around sam. he could’ve sworn she was tearing up a little, but he brushed it off knowing that if he brought it up she was going to cry some more. 
“i wanted to surprise you guys!”
“i haven’t cleaned your room yet!” nikki quickly remembered. upon sam’s departure, his room quickly turned into another storage space, where one would find small storage boxes of summer clothes from each of the residing members.
“it’s fine mum, i’ll clean it when we get home,” sam said, and with that, they quickly packed all the suitcases into the car and drove to the holland household. the car ride was filled with stories that tom and harry were telling from being on set and the six of them catching up together for the first time in what felt like forever. there was truly no other place sam would rather be, but for some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about the girl he dated the summer after high school graduation. he couldn’t stop thinking about the first kiss the two of them shared and the way her lips felt against his - so soft and tasting of vanilla frosting from the cupcake she had just eaten.
sam’s mind continued to drift far from the conversation and closer to the girl who sat at home with her family, to the girl who sam hoped longed for him as much as he longed for her. somehow, whenever he thought of her and what could’ve happened, it always led him back to kingston. maybe he’d have stayed if they didn’t break up.
that night after dinner, sam went to drive tom and harry to their house. it was late in the evening, but the roads were still busy. the thin layer of snow that laid on people’s front lawns reflected the lights of the cars that passed him. 
sam was sure that harry could feel him reminiscing and focusing on what could of been, but harry didn’t mention anything and neither did tom. after dropping his brothers off and helping them bring their stuff inside, sam left to drive home, but found himself taking the long way. something pulled him to go to his old school. he parked between the church and the school building and thought back to when he asked y/n out on the football field after leaving the graduation ceremony. his parents were ringing him asking where he was, and he heard your phone go off too, but in that moment all that mattered was you two. 
the holidays always seemed to remind him of y/n. ever since he moved to scotland, coming back to kingston was like picking a scab and causing that wound to never heal. he always felt cold whenever he thought of her, cold from the pain that they had brought each other all those years ago. how that pain had never healed was unbeknownst to him, but it always brought him back to the street between the methodist and the school. 
as sam drove home, he for some reason couldn’t stop thinking about the day he left for france. they weren’t together, but she was still there to say her goodbyes. it was one of the last times he had seen her, but sam couldn’t stop thinking about how he walked over to the gate and looked over his shoulder only to see her still standing there and watching as he left her. the image of her standing still as everyone else in the airport kept moving around her was burned into sam’s brain and was something he could never forget.
the memories of y/n and sam driving around the countryside were the only things flowing through his mind. he thought of how they had had countless picnics at the fields they were allowed to, and how that summer was practically perfect. sure he followed up his relationship with y/n for one with ciara that lasted for almost four years, but the short-lived relationship was filled with nothing but passion that was turned on high, the idea of it being a summer fling had fueled it, but the slow burn was also something he had missed.
ciara and sam had always had something between them, that was evident in france, but it was different. sam couldn’t put his finger on it, and the more he thought about it, the more he wondered if she was a replacement for someone who was long gone or if she was genuinely someone he had quickly fallen in love with.
as christmas eve rolled around, sam found himself busy with food prep. and when dinner rolled around, and he was busy with his family. he had an urge to text her, but the fact that he was consistently busy kept him from doing so. when his family decided to watch a movie in the living room, he found the time to text her. his fingers tapped on the screen, finding her contact and opening their last conversation, but then sam paused. what was he supposed to even say? he leaned forward so his forearms were resting on the edge of the kitchen island, the feel of the granite cooling down his skin. 
while sam’s thumbs hovered over the keyboard, figuring out what he wanted to say, harry was walking into the kitchen in search of another beer. sam was so focused on the task at hand that he didn’t even hear his brother come in until he said, “what’re you doing?” 
sam’s head shot up in the direction of where harry was standing, by the fridge.
“mate you scared me,” sam said, knowingly avoiding the question harry had asked. harry raised an eyebrow at him, but sam knew that harry had a feeling something was going on all due to the fact that they were twins. 
“so, what’re you doing?” harry asked again in search for an answer. sam thought between telling a white lie or just telling harry the truth. it wasn’t groundbreaking that he wanted to text someone who he hadn’t seen in more than four years, right? sam was about to lie when harry snatched sam’s phone right out of his hands.
“why are you texting y/n?” they practically said in sync. sam couldn’t form a coherent sentence to explain this. he kept opening his mouth, but then closing it seconds afterwards, his brain not being able to form a sentence. harry’s jaw dropped when he made the connections. “you wanna see her again. i knew you still had feelings for her!”
“keep your voice down you idiot!” sam scolded the younger of the two, trying to cover harry’s mouth with his hand just in case he would say something else that he wasn’t ready to share with the family. “yes i want to meet up with her, but,” sam paused. but what? what was supposed to come after that? “i don’t know. is this stupid?” sam asked, mostly to himself, but also directed at harry.
harry just looked at his twin brother baffled. sam knew that y/n was the last person he should’ve been thinking about, not because she did anything wrong, but because she was someone who he was with when he was seventeen. a lot has changed, but how come his feelings stayed the same?
“there are so many girls you could’ve wanted to text. literally anyone. maggie, ella, haley, ciara, but why y/n?” harry asked. sam knew he wasn’t supposed to answer that question, that harry had asked it to only feed his thoughts, but his brain quickly scrambled for an answer. 
“home just reminds me of her is all,” sam mumbled. it was the only thing he could think of, but it wasn’t a lie. being at home in kingston always reminded him of the summer nights he spent sneaking y/n in and out of his house, and driving to the nearest mcdonald’s at two a.m. when it seemed like they were the only people awake. well, them and the drive-thru workers, but it still felt like they were the only ones there. kingston always reminded him of the days they would stroll through london with no plan, and how they always took the train home absolutely knackered with their feet so sore from how far they walked, but he wouldn’t trade those memories for anything. 
“mhm, sure.” as soon as harry spoke, a whoosh sound came from sam’s phone, and he had only realized that harry texted her.
“mate what the fuck!” sam exclaimed, immediately reaching over to grab his phone back, eyes scrambling to read the words his idiot twin brother had sent.
“thank me later,” was all harry said before he went back into the living room to continue watching elf with his family. 
i’m back in town for christmas, do you wanna hang out this weekend for old times sake? 
sam sighed knowing he couldn’t take anything back, but damn did he want to.
y/n was sat on the couch with her family asleep upstairs in their rooms. she was the only one awake on christmas eve, mostly because she had fallen into the habit of sleeping late. whenever she had to work, her shifts were always later in the day, which meant she got home later and would always fall asleep around two a.m. 
her christmas dinner wasn’t anything extravagant. she and her family never did anything big for christmas, or for the holidays in general, but they just used the holiday to spend time with one another, even though it usually ended with them just sat around a tv with dinner plates on their laps as they watched and ate. y/n enjoyed the simple things, and dinner and a movie were exactly what she needed and prepared herself for. it wasn’t until how the grinch stole christmas finished when she received sam’s text. it was maybe ten pm when she saw it, but her brain spent the hour following it just processing what was happening. 
i’m back in town for christmas, do you wanna hang out this weekend for old times sake? the words floated around her brain over and over again as she tried to process the situation. she hadn’t seen him in years, and they only talked every few months, but their conversations were typically just a “how are you?” and an, “i’m doing well!” and never anything more than that. she wanted more though. she wouldn’t be lying if she said she didn’t miss him, but y/n just blamed that on how reminiscent she always was. 
what was she supposed to say to the boy she dated when she was seventeen? maybe it would be nice to feel like she was seventeen again, even if it was just for a few days. would there be any feelings attached? she couldn’t help but wonder about the circumstances of it.
“what the fuck is my life,” she groaned as she threw her head back onto the back of the couch. maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, right?
pick me up at two am, saturday morning, just like old times :) ��she replied with, hoping that she wasn’t biting off more than she could chew. maybe they’d go back to the old mcdonald’s drive-thru that they used to frequent, or maybe they would go down that backroad that sam first took her on right after he got his license. 
y/n’s mind then drifted to the last time she saw him, to her standing in the middle of the airport watching sam walk away from her. she felt the same hurt that she felt that day, and somehow she knew she would feel it once again once the weekend was over, but she wanted to feel that thrill once more, the thrill of being seventeen and in love. 
the evening of the twenty-fifth was filled with joy for the hollands, but for sam it was riddled with nerves. in just a few hours he would be driving around with y/n, someone he hadn’t seen since he had left her standing in that airport however many years ago. 
he immediately started wondering what was going to happen when they hung out. whatever ended up happening, he was going back to scotland, that wasn’t going to change, but what if y/n asked sam to stay? what would happen then? the first time sam left, he wanted her to ask him to stay. he didn’t say anything because he knew he had to go, but how different would things be if she had asked him to stay? sam knew that this time would be different, but it would end the exact same way it did the first time.
sam knew that y/n would always remind him of home, that wouldn’t change. she would always remind him of being home, of his firsts. she’d always remind him of his first kiss, his first time, his first drink, and his first party. y/n would always remind him of the all-boys school he and harry went to and how she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. granted, they were fourteen when they met, but he knew his feelings weren’t just infatuation. y/n made him feel different. he had always felt different towards her, and maybe it was just the constant thought of what could’ve been, but regardless, sam had a second chance, a second chance of calling her babe, even if it was just for the weekend. 
one a.m. had quickly rolled around, and before sam knew it he was getting ready to go pick her up. after putting on a heather grey hoodie he was sure he had stolen from tom, and a pair of black jeans, he went downstairs and grabbed his coat, making sure he had everything he needed. 
the drive to y/n’s house didn’t take as long as he had given himself, but he also needed time to mentally prepare before he let her know he was there. after turning down every street he could turn down in her neighbourhood just to kill time, sam found himself parked outside of her family’s house and sending a text letting her know he was out front. just seconds later, she had come out from the side door of the house wearing a black, puffy winter jacket, and a pair of black joggers. her jacket was unzipped to reveal a university sweater, and sam quickly noticed it was the one she dreamt of going to, but didn’t get into.
“hey, you!” she said once she got into the car. they shared an awkward hug, each of them leaning over the centre console, and sam kicked himself for not getting out of the car to greet her. 
“hi there darling,” sam greeted her, the pet name rolling off the tongue as if it was supposed to. he knew he shouldn’t have called her that, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“where are we going mr. holland?” she asked after buckling herself in. sam looked over at her and swore she was an angel. she was glowing in the moonlight, and even though they were around each other for less than a minute, sam could feel that there was still something there.
“you’ll see,” was all he said before he put the car in drive and headed down the street to the old mcdonald’s drive-thru they used to go to. he had the night planned out, and luckily for him, he had remembered to get gas before going over to her place. they were going to drive around like old times, and if he played his cards right, then maybe they would end up watching the sunrise sitting on the roof of his house, just like they used to. 
they spent the whole car ride catching up, talking about ex’s, but then they reached a point where they felt like they both were seventeen again, and sam could tell by the way she seemed more carefree.
after ordering their food and driving around for a bit, sam decided the rooftop was going to be the best place to talk. they were sat next to each other, the roof tiles covered with a blanket. sam and y/n shared a blue blanket that laid across their legs, the mcdonald’s bag sat in between them. it was silent for a bit as they looked out at the stars. sam couldn’t stop thinking about how small their town felt, how nothing seemed to matter except him and y/n. was this what he wanted? for nothing to matter except for the two of them? 
“do you ever think of what would’ve happened if you had stayed?” y/n asked, breaking the silence. sam took a minute to think. of course he did, but where was this conversation going to lead them.?
“mhm, but what i come up with always changes,” sam admitted knowing that she wouldn’t have brought it up if she didn’t think about it herself. part of him hoped that she was going to ask him to stay, but he knew she wasn’t planning on it. he reached over and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together. y/n’s hand was so cold, but she’d always been a cold person sam remembered. “what happens in your alternate universe?” sam asked, wondering if her hypotheticals aligned with his. 
sam looked over at y/n only to see her deep in thought. he recognized that look anywhere. her eyebrows were furrowed and she was biting on her bottom lip. sam always wondered why she did that when she was thinking deeply, but never asked why. 
“i guess i just always imagined that if you had stayed we would’ve lasted longer, or maybe we would’ve still been together,” she mumbled. sam just nodded not finding the words to say, what was he even supposed to say to that? he knew that she was right, they would’ve lasted longer if he didn’t leave, but he couldn’t change that it happened.
“for whatever it’s worth, i’m sorry i left.” he would always be sorry for leaving, that’s something that had never left. the guilt of leaving y/n in the airport always made itself known, and sam didn’t know how to fix it. he knew the weekend was going to end with him leaving again, that’s something he couldn’t change, but he hoped the guilt wouldn’t grow.
“i know,” y/n whispered, barely audible for him to hear. sam could tell that this was hurting her from the way she was trying to close herself off by bringing her knees up to her chest. maybe he had reopened a wound that hadn’t healed by asking to hang out with y/n, maybe he was breaking his own heart by wanting to see her again, but the road not taken was so appealing. 
“i just wish you would’ve stayed,” she whispered. those six words made sam feel like someone had stomped on his heart and shattered it, but there was nothing he could do to change the past. 
“i’m leaving on january second, so we have until then,” he stated, hoping that they would make the most of those few days that they had left together. sam watched as she processed it, then glancing down to where their hands were connected. he let go to put his arms around her and pull her into a hug, the black jacket compressing under the pressure of his arms. “what do you say?” he asked, then kissing her cheek. there were unsaid feelings still lingering between them, and sam knew from the way that y/n stole glances at him while they were in the car that she still felt something for him. 
y/n smiled and nodded her head, but sam knew that this was only going to hurt more by the time he had to leave. he knew that nothing was going to change, nothing was going to get better. she wasn’t going to ask him to stay, she didn’t the first time, and sam knew that there was too much on the line for her to ask him to stay this time around. 
they stayed on the roof for a few hours longer, waiting for the sunrise. all sam and y/n did was just talk, but with the way y/n laid on his lap, sam could feel that she also was hanging onto the moment as much as she could, that she was grasping onto it for dear life. 
as the sun rose, y/n sat up and tilted her head so it was resting on his shoulder. sam’s arm came up to wrap around her shoulders, bringing her closer to his body. the orange and yellow colours of the sun melted and dissolved the dark night sky, and if sam thought that y/n was glowing in the moonlight before, he definitely thought she was glowing now with the way the sun cast a warm glow onto her skin. sure it was five in the morning in the dead of winter, but he hadn’t felt this warm in a long time.
once the sun had finished rising and was above the horizon, they began the climb back down to the ground. as they climbed down, sam looked into the kitchen window only to see two pairs of eyes staring back at him, one of them being tessa’s, and the other being harry. y/n sheepishly waved at him, a wave that felt like they had been caught doing something wrong. sam nodded at his brother who only returned a smirk in his direction, to which sam rolled his eyes at. they got back into the car, and sam found himself taking the long way back to y/n’s place, not wanting the night to end just because the sun had come up.
as they pulled up to y/n’s house, sam bid her an innocent kiss goodbye, the feeling of her soft, slightly chapped lips against his lips, also slightly chapped from the cold, sent sparks through his body. 
“i’ll see you tonight?” he asked, and she let out a hum of agreement before saying ‘goodbye,’ and walking up to her front door and sneaking back into her house.
on the drive back to his house, sam knew that harry would be waiting for him with questions he wasn’t prepared to answer. he knew that harry would be sitting at the kitchen table, his tea in one hand, and his phone in the other, waiting for sam to come back just so he could interrogate him, and boy did he interrogate him.
as soon as sam opened the door to the house, harry immediately called out, “so how was your date?” sam shut the door behind him and took off his shoes and coat before he walked into the kitchen where harry was sitting just as he predicted, with a cup of tea in one hand and his phone in the other.
“it wasn’t a date, but it was very nice, thank you for asking,” sam stated.
“yeah yeah, whatever. what are you going to do when you have to leave again?” harry was looking at sam with an all-knowing look on his face, but even a blind person could see how this was ending, and it wasn’t going to end well.
“i’ll get there when i get there.” sam didn’t care that this was going to hurt him much more than when he left for france, but he didn’t care because the second chance he had with her was far more exhilarating than just wondering what would’ve happened. sam sat down in the chair beside harry, leaning down to pet tessa who was sitting by his feet.
“you’re only going to hurt yourself,” harry said, a tone of concern tinting his voice. their family was always honest with one another, but harry and sam were always honest on a different level. their honesty usually came in a form of protection, and sam knew that harry was just trying to protect him, but he didn’t care if he was going to get hurt, it was all worth it to him.
“‘tis the damn season,” sam shrugged. the eight days they had left with each other was all sam needed, even if she didn’t ask him to stay this time around.
anything and everything taglist: @hollanderfangirl @hxrryhxlland @ohmy-moonlightx @musicalkeys @notsosmexy @writertoo18 @icyhollands @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
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sammy-gvf · 4 years
We get along (for the most part)
Chapter 2 
OC X Lee Bodecker
Warnings- a little angst and cursing. 
Plot- The local rebel badass girl and Lee Bodecker have had run ins, lets see how it goes, shall we?
Word count : 2,705
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Sunday morning.
Slowly, I woke from my slumber hoping that I slept through church. Unfortunately, the sound of footsteps coming towards my door tells me differently. Knocking at the door, I hear a quiet voice come through the crack of my door.
“Maggy, are you up? Mamas goin have a fit if you aint up for church.” 
That's my brother John, he is always there to wake me up on sundays. He enjoys going to church. I’m not really into it, i usually try to go back to sleep but my parents barely ever let me sleep through church, small town equals gossip. No matter what you do, someone is always talking about you. Sat the wrong way? Gossiped about. Sneezed during church? Gossiped about. Literally anything you do is talked about among the town residents. I was the talk of the town when I was in high school, everyone knew I was sneakin around with Arvin. No one  liked it obviously, bein called every name in the book. I didn't care clearly, it didn't bother me or Arvin. 
I groan and slowly get out of bed, stretching and looking out of my window. It's a beautiful sunny day in Knockemstiff, I never thought I would ever describe this run down town like that, it's quite beautiful here though. Open fields for miles, I could see why no one would want to leave. I mean in old age, you could just do anything with your land and live off it. 
Getting up, I feel my feet hit the cold wood floor of my room. Everyday, I hope I don't get a splinter from the floor so I wear slippers throughout the house. I head to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My hair is disheveled and almost out of the bun that I had it in the night before, my eyebrows are out of place and the bags underneath my eyes are prominent. I sigh and splash some cold water on my warm face. I grab my toothbrush and go for it, spitting out the toothpaste and flashing my teeth in the mirror to make sure I didn't miss a spot. 
I heard my parents and brother moving around pretty quickly so I looked at the clock near my bed. It's 9:30 am, church starts in about 20 minutes and it takes 10 to get there. Quickly, I put my hair in a low bun, slapped on some powder and a plain lip color, a rose color to compliment my fair skin. Hopping around, I grab a plain flowy blue dress that goes up to about the middle of my thigh and a pair of white keds, quick and simple. 
I step out of my room and grab my clutch so I have something to hold while in church, I usually can't keep my hands still. I shut the door behind me and head out to the living room to see everyone quickly eating some toast off their plates in the kitchen, I hop over and steal a piece of toast and bacon off Johns plate and then we are out the door. 
Hopping in my dads truck, the ride there is quiet. We don't talk much in my family, only at dinner once and a while and sometimes when my father drinks. Which is only when he is done work on Fridays. I make sure I'm out of the house on fridays, he never stops talking when he is drinking. My parents and I have never been that close really, kind of an unspoken family thing. Mother stays quiet and does her motherly duties as us women are expected to do once we pop out a few puppies. I refuse to be like that. 
The ride to church is scenic,open fields for miles and so many animals to look at. I enjoy the breeze coming through my hair but I just wish it was from me driving my car out somewhere I have never been. Like maybe California, it's probably beautiful. I have never been to a beach, as a matter of fact I've never been out of Knockemstiff before. I envy everyone who leaves this place and never comes back. As soon as I can get out of here, I will. I swear on everything I love. 
The car stops and I get out, my feet hitting the dirt road below me. My keds are gonna need a cleaning after this. Stepping around the car, I separate from my family and hop around the back of the church to smoke a quick cig before I go through the church doors to act like I'm holy for 2 hours. 
Stepping to the left side of the church, I put my clutch on a bush and grabbed a cigarette from the pack stuffed in my bag. Quickly I light it and suck on it as quickly as I possibly can to just get a moment to myself. Looking out into the distance, I always forget that the cemetery is this close to the church. Graves for as far as the eyes can see. That distracted me to the point where I forgot how quick I was smoking and ended up inhaling too much smoke at one time, leading me to cough quite loud. I throw the cigarette on the floor below my foot and crush it quickly. 
I hear an oh so familiar voice in the distance as I finish my coughing fit. 
“ Ms. Lane, what a pleasure to see you on this fine sunday.” He says, walking towards me with his fingers hooked around the belt loops of his pants.
Same uniform everyday, never fails.
“Say, what are you doin here behind the church all by your lonesome? “ Lee says as he stands next to me, I can smell the tobacco and mint on him the same as I did last night. I look over at Lee with an exhausted look on my face from the coughing fit I just had.
Lee looks down at the ground and a grin forms on his face, sneaky bastard never misses a beat. 
“Ms.Lane-” Lee begins to say and I stop him
“Please, for the love of christ call me Maggy. I am not 16 anymore, Lee.” You say as you start to walk past him. He grabs your arm and stops you. 
“Maggy Lane, just know I know about your little reputation.” Lee says as he still has you by the arm, kind of digging his nails into your soft skin as you try to pull away a bit.
“As a matter of fact, I was there when you began your little shenanigans. Be careful of how you talk to your sheriff, little lady.” You look at him in disgust as he tries to intimidate you. 
“ Also, I told you those cigarettes was bad news, you're lucky I don't stop on over and talk to your pop about your little habit.” Lee says with a smirk on his face. You finally wiggle out of his grip, your arm dropping to your side with crescent shaped marks on your arm. You rub the spots where Lee's fingers were just digging into your upper arm.
Looking up at him, he tips his hat at you and starts to walk away. You spit on the ground near his feet and he turns around on his feet, quick. 
“ I hope you know you're a prick, Bodecker.” You spit out at him. 
Immediately, you are backed up against the wood boards of the church, both of Lee's arms on either side of your head. Your heart is racing and your breath is hitching. You're frozen. 
“Listen to me, you little bitch.” Lee inches closer to your face, your noses almost touching. You turn your head to the side hoping that he won't really notice but he grabs your face and holds it so you are looking him directly in the eyes.
“Your little mouth will get you in trouble, especially with me.” Your breath hitches as he gets closer. Your heart could explode. You were terrified. 
“ Lee, church is starting. We better get in there before we miss anything” A voice in the distance yells. 
 Instantly, Lee lets you go and strides back to the unknown voice. 
You stand there with a shocked look on your face, as if you had just seen the devil up close. You were frozen in your current position but as soon as people started going in the building you sank to your feet and sat there for a minute breathing heavily. You fixed yourself up and stood outside the door of the old church, taking a deep breath before going in and finding your seat next to your family. 
 Church dragged on and on, I felt like I was going to fall asleep. A screaming preacher, so many people in such a small space. Half way through, I got up to go to the bathroom and caught Lee staring at me and he gave me a small smirk. Creep.
Stepping into the bathroom, I look at my face in the mirror. It's still slightly red from where Lee had his disgusting hand around my chin. I pushed on the spot and it felt like it was going to bruise. 
“ Fuck” I whispered to myself as I turned my head side to side to look at the red around my lips and on my chin. This is for sure going to bruise. 
I splash some water on my face to refresh myself and then I step out of the bathroom to bump into something in front of me. 
“Shit, I am so sorry” You say as you back up into the oak door and look at the person in front of you. 
“ Oh, no worries hun.” the woman in front of you says. 
You look at her quickly as you step aside, sticking out your hand and you say “I don't think I have met you before, I’m Maggy Lane.” 
She sticks out her hand and shakes yours firmly, she is a very pretty woman with short brown curly hair. 
Thin and very well put together, can't be more than 25 years old. 
“ It’s very nice to meet you sweetheart, I’m Ruth Har- I mean Bodecker.” She says smiling as she pulls her hand back from the handshake and puts it back on her clutch bag. 
“You the sheriff's wife?” you say as you cock your head to the side questioningly. 
“Yes, I am.” she smiles, “ We've been married now for about a year, a very fine man he is.” She says as she steps aside to talk to you for a minute before she steps into the bathroom.
You were shocked, Lee actually was married? He was such an asshole, you didn't think anyone would want him. As you had said the previous night, you would tell his wife if he had called you another pet name but she looks so sweet. He doesn't deserve her. You had just said that assumin he even had a woman at home. 
“ Thats nice, say you ain't from around here, are ya?” You say in a little southern drawl, she aint from these parts. You can tell by the way she says certain words. 
“ No darlin, i'm from Tennessee.” she smiled “Met Lee out there while I was workin in a bar.” she blushed a bit.
“ Huh, well look at that.” you say as you cross your arms and lean against the doorframe of the bathroom. “ Lee does get out of town then.”
She chuckles and you look at the time, church is going to be over soon.
“ Well, it was very nice meeting you, Mrs.Bodecker.” You say as you turn your back and start walking towards the stairs to go back to the chapel area. 
“ You too, darlin.” She says waving at you. 
“ See you around” You say as you head back up the stairs. 
Chapter 2 already? I’m crankin shit out lol 
Hope yous like it so far! Dont forget to leave opinons/replys and as always dont forget to like/reblog!
tag list : @ladyfallonavenger
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