#the chances on this one are very slim tho ;_; you have to be pretty spectacular to get international companies to hire you in this industry
freebooter4ever · 3 days
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stevebabey · 7 years
hello cabbage feet mcgee and congratufrickenlations!! my name is kass and i think i'm hilarious (i'm not) i listen to so much shit ummm mostly pop and some rock kinda and maybe some hip hop?? i'm a pretty good writer (maybe) and english and history are my strong subjects. i love to act (it's my passion) and i hope to be an actress, photographer, screenwriter or director or just something w film. my selfie tag is #my face. LARB YOU RUBY CONGRATS
hellOO lettuce hands mcgee & thank you!!!
blog compliment!: um okay kass i totally freaked out when you were like “oh year i’m spideyyparker” and i waS like wAIT what bascially you’ve been way too cool from day one!! you’re an angel to everyone, i larb ur icon and layout and entire aesthetic and your writing??? whfiksdjla don’t get me started i just love you, sa-lad
ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT YOU NEED TO SEND IN A SCENARIO BUT BECAUSE I LARB KASS I MADE ONE UP FOR HER yeah kass yours is extra bc i love you and i forgot instructions
okay so peter
peter is fucking whipped for you
since day one
you were new to midtown and he didn’t completely notice you at first
too engrossed in his book
till ned elbows him like
“psst new girl”
and holy god
he’s pretty sure that when they talked about love at first sight this is what they meant
kass, you little cutie,
would’ve just been sitting, headphones in
trying not to look too weird or different for like your third day at this new school
but when the teachers hushes the class
everyone turns to ‘new girl’ because oops, someones forgot to turn off their loud music and now everyone can hear the faint tune of fergilicious through the ear buds
but peter just finDS it so adorable as you rip out your headphones with gloriously red cheeks
he finds out he’s in your history class too and fdsfklsdhnkds he spends the entire time gazing adorably at you 
“peter, you need to stop staring, its weird you loser” - mj 
“i think he prefers the word, ‘romantic admiring from afar” - ned 
but afterwards, he made sure that ned invited you to sit with them at lunch 
very persistently 
“you have to ask her to sit with us–otherwise she’ll be sucked up by the populars and then my slim chances of being friends with her become zero negative!” 
tho he didn’t want to be just friends
so ned asked if you’d like to sit with them 
it was a lil awkward (like all friendships are) 
“um, yes, hi, i’m kass–” 
peter just zoned out his only thought being kass 
oh my god i’ve just discovered the name of the love of my life
but with ned there the conversation carried really easily
just everything he learned about you was ???? amazing??? spectacular??? 
he’s supa supportive about your career and he loves going over lines and shit with you 
he goes on loads of photoshoots with you so you can practice photography 
but he spends too much of his time taking photos of you 
it means you get so many cute candid pictures of peter parker with a camera so??? 
he uses your love of film to have constant movie nights
“think of it as…studying!!” 
you can’t really say no though 
especially because movies are when peter gets confident enough to hold you hand under the blankets
because you still make this cutie really nervous
um basically peter parker would love you with his entire heart
and i hope you find your peter parker, lettuce hands mcgee 
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