#the bunny graveyard spoilers
ffsoul · 1 year
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Buy The Bunny Graveyard available on Steam for $6.99. I am not asking.
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voidclawz · 1 year
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oooo silly bunnyyyy (this is a screenshot/scene redraw ya)
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an0n-1o1 · 1 year
Number 8 -> implied to be Iron bundle, and is also dead
FingerTaker -> misses Iron bundle / Number 8 (presumably rivals?), probably died fighting Skye / Silvie
They were cooking some doomed glove yaoi in there I just know it
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lorablackmane · 1 year
A Step into the Final Path
Listen, I think I speak for all of us when I say I wish we could tell Ben the truth. That being said (pulls out a mallet-). Anyway enjoy and don't read this if u haven't gotten past the fishing minigame!
Consciousness came to Cursor slowly alongside wave upon wave of pain. They wanted to go back to sleep, ignore it. Stay laying wherever they were despite how rough it was... 
Wait... where were they? That felt important, but why- 
Oh. Oh... that's right, the lake! 
Cursor jumped up, looking around for their companion. However... he was nowhere to be found. And somehow they were no longer in the depths of the lake: they were back at Nelson's home, on his pier. There wasn't any boats nearby - which meant Skye wasn't here, a small blessing. 
...But then, how did they get here? Was he okay? He must be - they couldn't have pulled themselves onto the pier, and those fish were vicious. Maybe he pulled them up and went inside his home to grab something that he could use to defend them? 
If he did, then... then Cursor would help him! They could fight too, and he'd rescued them: it was up to them to repay the favor. 
Their mind made up, they cautiously crept towards the front door- 
Only to immediately feel their heartbeat skyrocket once more. 
The house was destroyed, and after checking both the living room and bedroom the only traces of the frog were bloody bandages heading towards the front door. The glass that'd once been centralized to the cabinet was now littering the entire floor... along with something else? Cursor couldn't make it out, so they moved closer and pushed some of the glass off of it. 
It was a photo of Ben, Nelson, and... someone else - maybe Skye? Cursor couldn't tell as a part of it was missing. Feeling compelled to pick it up, they hid it by tucking it next to the lining of their thumb. 
Nelson probably wouldn't want to return here, especially since Skye knew this place. Cursor would keep this safe until they met up again. 
Family was important to him after all. 
After exploring the upper room again and grabbing the lantern, they took one last glance around before setting out into the forest. They had to find their friend. 
Tears obscured Ben's vision, making the forest blurry as he tried to navigate home. He knew it'd be best to pause and take a breath, let his emotions center themselves so he wouldn't be distracted but - but - 
He'd always been terrible at that, it - it was dad who would help him. And! And now he was gone, Ben would never see him again-!! 
A tree root he hadn't seen tripped the young frog. 
The foliage didn't stop him as he rolled down, down, down and further into the forest. The branches kept trying to tear at his skin which left burning, itchy lines across his limbs. Leaves found their way into his hair and holes the branches left some even finding their way into the scratches to make them worse. It felt like it'd never end... but eventually he stopped. With a yelp he landed on his face, which wasn't fun. It was better than if he kept rolling though, he guessed- 
Ben tensed, turning towards the tall grass near him. There... was there something there? 
There was and - and it was getting closer. Ben stumbled to his feet, attempting to make himself bigger despite how scared he felt and the pain jolting through his body due to the fabric of his clothes rubbing against his scratches. He remembered his dad said some creatures in the forest wouldn't hurt you if they thought you were the scarier predator. 
Hopefully this was one of them. 
The brush parted... 
And the white glove popped out. 
Oh, well now he felt so stupid.
Getting all worked up because of a glove. He glared at them though - just because he fell on his head didn't mean he forgot they didn't do anything to help dad. "What do you want?!" 
The glove paused, then turned palms up towards him. Their thumb kept what was in their palm trapped, but Ben couldn't tell what it was besides being made out of paper. 
He didn't want whatever it was though. He wasn't going to let them manipulate him again. He shoved them away, only for them to push against his arm again. His blood boiled and he growled out, "I don't want-!" 
His voice left him as he made out the figures in the photo. 
It was... it was the photo Skye took when they first met her. A chunk of it was missing, the remnants stained somewhat red... but it was still that once treasured memory. With shaky hands he took it from the gloves grip. "W-where... where did you get this?" 
They started making symbols with their hands... but Ben had never seen them before. He thought he recognized an 'o,' but it could've been an 'a.' He spoke, "I'm... I don't know what you're trying to say." 
Grabbing a stick, the glove started pushing it into the ground. The stick got a 'y' down before it broke with a heavy snap!
They weren't disheartened though, instead grabbing a new stick to try again. After a few moments, there were words engraved in the forest floor. Your home. Skye lied to us. 
His eyes widened for a second... then Ben scoffed. "So what if she lied to your group of Handy Pals? She killed him and you-!" 
They shook themselves rapidly, distracting him from what he was about to say, and continued. Not Handy Pals. Your dad & I. She said she'd let you go if I lived. 
She didn't. She hurt us. 
The dam was starting to crack. He wouldn't let it though - he couldn't trust them. With a shaking breath Ben heard himself speak, "You... you really tried to help him? How - I don't- how am I supposed to believe you?! What if you're lying just like her?!" 
They jumped back with the same force they would've flown if Ben had slapped the glove away. He felt bad for a second, but it faded quickly. He knew better than to trust someone to have his best interests at heart now. Why wouldn't this glove lie if it meant they could use him for something like they did at the house?! 
They seemed to think about it at least. Let me prove it then, by helping you. 
Ben sniffled... then got up, "Alright then, prove it. Help me get home, glove." 
It was more forceful than was allowed in polite conversation, but the glove did as they were told. They led him across the river, zipping in front then returning once the glove had made sure there was nothing hunting on the path. The first time they'd done it he thought they were leaving him. By the 3rd time he'd been painfully reminded of how his dad would sometimes do hunts with Ben, so he shoved it out of his mind and paid the little piece of velvet as little attention as he could. He only started focusing on it again when they were almost to his home since the glove finally did something strange. 
It paused before the bend... then motioned for him to cover his eyes. 
He wasn't sure why, but he did as they asked and covered his eyes. Maybe he thought they'd finally show their true colors and leave him and he'd resigned himself to that fate. Or they'd give Skye some signal and she'd stab him in the back, ending his pain, as little as that made sense. Maybe.. maybe a part of him did believe they had his best interests at heart, and trusted them that whatever was on the other side of the turn was something he'd regret seeing. 
Whatever the reason was subconsciously, he hadn't expected the glove to grab the hand that wasn't covering his eyes. Once it had his hand they started leading him along the last leg of the journey to his home. It.. it felt surprisingly good to trust them like this.
Like they had in Sky- in her music room. The feeling was probably fleeting... but Ben found himself keeping his hand over his eyes longer than he needed to keep the feeling a little bit longer. It was only after he felt the first step against his knee did he finally remove his hand.
Though he knew if the glove hadn't brought him here he would have never trusted them; Ben found himself wishing they didn't come. 
The house was a mess. 
Bandages with bloodstains and glass shards littered the floor, and the windows had hastily thrown up boards covering them. The once happy home, where he'd learned how to clean a fish and had cooked stew with his dad's watchful eyes over his shoulder... it was gone. The house he entered was lifeless, more like a carcass. He couldn't bring himself to go in, instead standing in the broken doorway and wishing this was all a dream.
...It wasn't of course.
At some point the glove had left. He wasn't sure what they were doing, too distracted by his own anguish, but he heard the sound of metal hitting dirt over and over. Eventually they came back and he let them pull him outside. He wasn't sure where they were going until he noticed the pile of dirt next to where the lake met the edge of the forest clearing their home was built on.
He didn't understand why it was there... until he saw his father's hat and a stone sitting upon the pile. 
A grave. 
They'd made his father a grave next to the water he loved so dearly.
Like an overwhelmed dam, this little action finally made Ben truly break.
With a wail the boy fell to his knees, grabbing the dirty cap and holding it with the last photo of his shattered family. His cries echoed through the forest, a sorrowful melody whose strength was so great not even the most monstrous creatures within go near. He cried, and everything fell around him - even his companion's attempts to comfort him as he wept. 
The moon watched over the two until it couldn't anymore, and with it, his cries slowly petered off. His companion continued to rub his back and remove leaves they found in an attempt to bring him even a single modicum of reassurance.
"...There's nothing for me here, is there?" 
They paused their comforting ministrations for a second. They stayed like that for a while, Ben found himself wishing they were as easy to read as- 
His grip tightened.
No he wouldn't think about him. His glove friend tapped his shoulder, then pointed down to the ground where something was written. ...He hadn't even seen them write, which was a bit worrying since it was right next to his feet. But he'd deal with that later. One problem at a time: wasn't that what the hunter believed in?
He knelt down to read the message a bit easier in the low moonlight. What about your other family members? 
"...I don't know where they are." He had been so little when they'd last met. Hi... his father said he was thinking of bringing Ben to visit in the summer, so he'd know where they were in case something happened. 
He wished his father hadn't put off the trip now. The glove (it seemed mean to just call them that, after all they'd done for him, maybe Lil Buddy would work?) seemed to think about this for a moment. They rubbed their thumb against their palm before jumping up and grabbing their stick again. You can join me! : D 
"W... would your family really be okay with that?" 
Lil Buddy stopped... then wiped across the ground. They slowly wrote out one simple sentence with their stick. 
No family. 
Now that Ben thought about it, he'd never seen a Handy Pal like this one, had he? All the ones Skye had near her were garden gloves like the pair she wore. 
...Did she kill their family like she killed the one with a silver ring? Did she find this one afterwards on it's own, knowing they were the last member of their family, and decide to take it in? 
It must've really hurt how she betrayed them then... just as she had with him. 
His grip on the photo and the hat tightened, remembering the gentleness of his Lil Buddy. He'd been so mean to them; yet they stayed with him. They brought him this last remnant of his father and made sure he didn't have to see what Skye did to him. They'd made sure his dad had a proper grave. Lil Buddy made sure he was okay no matter how scary things were. 
Yet, they had no one to do the same for them. They... they were both alone here. "Then... then let's be our own family!" 
He jumped up, and headed towards his room. It probably scared Lil Buddy, but he was too focused on his mission. 
There wasn't much left for him here, but there was something he needed to do before they left. And it involved an old gift. 
The lens was cracked, but luckily he had a handful of spares his... his father had given him for his birthday a few months ago. With practiced ease he switched them out. Then Ben placed the strap connected to the camera around his neck as the glove entered the room. "Hey, Lil Buddy, can you stand there for a second?"
They jumped up, then settled against the ladder. His hands were shaky, the reminder of her still heavy in the air... but he had to do this. 
The flash was blinding, so bright it even seemed to mess up Lil Buddy despite not having eyes! He almost lost the picture, though luckily they recovered faster than he did and caught it. 
"Thanks Lil Buddy." With the final component, Ben got to work. Shaking the film, he grabbed some tape from his bag. The photo was a bit blurry, and the lighting was rough; but it was perfect in his eyes. Now that he had everything else, there was just one more piece he needed. Bringing out the photo Lil Buddy gave him he set it on his dresser. 
He moved the other photo until Lil Buddy was where Sk... where she had been originally. Once satisfied, he taped them together and held the finished product between his fingers. 
It was messy, and a bit crumpled, but... it was their family now. 
"Okay, let's go Lil' Buddy." 
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the-bnnuy-digital · 3 months
Before the cursor arrives, we know that Ben and his father, Nelson, live together in a cabin in the woods. They do have other relatives that we don’t see in game, revealed by a family photo and antique shotgun.
At some point after they move there, they get lost in the woods and Skye/Silvie finds them and brings them back to their house, starting off their friendship. It’s also possible that Skye/Silvie knew about them long before they knew about her, given the ominous bunny ears in the family photo. However, the silhouette could also be Boxers. Probably not though.
Also, fun fact, Nelson actually escapes the fish! He makes it all the way back to the cabin like you do, bandages himself up, and is then killed by a mutated handy pal. I was a little confused here because I thought that the fish had somehow thrown him up, and then the mutated handy pal got him, but no.
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askboxers · 1 year
So, Boxers sorry to hear about your being mother cold-blooded Killer, who killed all your handy pals' friends and the fighters. I hope you're doing, okay?
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Thanks dude…I could really use those words right now…I got a weird chill up my spine since all of this has happened…
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fawncr33k · 19 days
So I was seen by one of the eyeballs, and Silvie popped up!
So I was like "eh fuck it, I'm restarting."
I ran into her, and apparently she didn't jumpscare me on contact
Running into her like a startled quail delays her :>
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dorkwolf093 · 11 months
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⚠️Spoiler of the ending of Chapter 1 in The Bunny Graveyard! ⚠️
What if Boxers meet Skye at the end of chapter 1 with the cursor?
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glitchyvoice · 4 months
Hello everyone!! This is gonna be the text dump version of my intro post, this'll be updated once I have the carrd ready.
Looking for my post-game cotl references?? Don't worry!! You can still find those here
Shamura's temple refs here
And if there's other references you need, feel free to ask!! More than likely I'll go hunt them down for you.
My name is Glitchy. I am 19, genderfaun, polyam, and aroace. (sex repulsed.) I use any pronouns except for she/her. (including neopronouns!! go wild!!)
I am a British American artist and writer living in the US. Commissions are not currently open, (except for friends n moots) but I plan on opening them soon. (In the meantime, if you'd like to donate, here's my KoFi!!)
The fic I'm currently working on is Fate's Twine!! Feel free to check it out if you're into cotl!! (I'll add more info about it on the carrd.)
Note - If you're (somehow) here from Scattered Stardust, it's on hiatus currently. Not stopping it, but it might be a while before I get back to writing it.
#glitchyvoices his (dumb) thoughts - text post/ramble tag
#glitchydoodles - art tag!! i put all my art here
#glitchycritters - oc posts
#glitchyanswers - for when i answer asks
#glitchysaves - my save tag. just a random collection of refs for personal use and posts i found funny enough to save
Link to my Twitch
Boundaries and fandom lists under the cut!!
Proshippers, just block me. If you interact I’ll just block you and move on with my day, thanks.
Do NOT repost my art and claim it as your own. (Reblogging is NOT reposting!! Reblogging is appreciated and helps support me!! Reblog as you wish!!)
Do NOT put my art or fics through any ai programs. (Yes, this includes character ai!!) I don’t care what it’s for, I don’t want ai scraping my stuff.
You may use my art as a pfp as long as the account you are using it for is non-profit and you credit me.
Asks and DMs are open! Send whatever you like, with a few boundaries:
NO NSFW content. I am sex repulsed and that stuff makes me uncomfortable. If you send it, I will block you. Suggestive content and jokes are okay. (If you are an adult, obviously.) Not sure if something is suggestive or NSFW? Ask me! I won’t be upset with you for just asking, I promise.
Don’t advertise in my asks or dms, that’s weird.
If I don’t know you and you send me a link, I will assume you are a bot and block you.
Don’t ask me to proofread my fics, the answer will always be no.
Don’t come into my asks or dms critiquing my art or writing. If I don’t specifically say the words “Hey can you critique this?” then I don’t want it.
Want to tag me in a post you think I’ll like? Go for it! Just, again, don’t tag me in anything NSFW, thanks.
Want to make art of my designs or characters? Go for it! Please tag me so I can see it! (You’ll genuinely make like my entire week)
This is mostly just a dump list of anything I can remember I like. I'll add to it as I remember more.
Other fandoms I enjoy:
Animal Crossing
Billie Bust Up
Cookie Run Kingdom
Dayshift at Freddy's
Detroit: Become Human
Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together
Five Nights At Freddy's
Fran Bow
Generation Loss
Hollow Knight
Honkai: Star Rail
Indigo Park
JRWI Riptide [No spoilers, please!]
Kagerou Project
Life is Strange
Little Misfortune
Little Nightmares
Madoka Magica
Night In The Woods
Sally Face
Splatoon [No Side Order spoilers, please]
Stardew Valley
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Bunny Graveyard
The Legend of Zelda
The Stanley Parable
The Walten Files
Welcome Home
Your Turn to Die
Into something that’s not on this list? Shoot me an ask about it! I love hearing about new fandoms and just listening to people talk about their interests in general. More than likely I’ll end up looking into it. (Or I'll already know about it and just forgot to add it to the list)
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femalechibiblogger · 4 years
My Top 10 Underrated Anime Series
1. Welcome to the NHK
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Plot: The main protagonist is Tatsuhiro Satō, a university dropout entering his fourth year of unemployment. He leads a reclusive life as a hikikomori, ultimately coming to the conclusion that this happened due to some sort of conspiracy. One day just when his life seems entirely unchanging, he meets Misaki Nakahara, a mysterious girl who claims to be able to cure Tatsuhiro of his hikikomori ways. She presents him with a contract basically outlining that once a day they would meet in the evening in a local park where Misaki would lecture to Tatsuhiro in an effort to rid him of his lifestyle. During these outings, many subjects are discussed, though they almost always pertain in some way to psychology or psychoanalysis. One of their first meetings in fact deals with interpreting Tatsuhiro's recent dreams. Both Tatsuhiro and Misaki, however, have a tendency of over-doing things, such as hiding the truth, especially from each other and themselves. Despite Misaki's offer and pressing attempts at salvation, it is Tatsuhiro's neighbor and high school friend, Kaoru Yamazaki, whom Tatsuhiro often turns to in moments of need and support. Despite his own idiosyncrasies, Yamazaki is one of the more stable characters in the story.
While many may not know about this series, those who do know of its existence can see it’s appeal. This anime shows that some people, like the main character, are shut-in’s due to social anxiety holding them back from living a regular life. The anime deals with subjects such as social anxiety, hiding depression from loved ones, paranoia, and a crippling fear of never being accepted by the outside world. 
Throughout the series, Sato tries to go outside more often and is pushed to do this by a high school girl, Misaki, and his old classmate now neighbor, Kaoru. All the while, Sato meets some people from his past who cause him to go down a different path, such as becoming part of a ponzi scheme or joining a suicide group, because they themselves have problems that he unknowingly becomes a part of. This goes to show that if you have struggles with batting depression or have family problems...seek proper help before bringing others down with you.
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2. Tiger & Bunny
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Plot: The series takes place in "NC 1978" in a fictional, re-imagined version of New York City called Stern Bild City, where 45 years before, superpowered individuals known as "NEXT" (an acronym standing for Noted Entities with eXtraordinary Talents) started appearing and some of them became superheroes. Each of the city's most famous superheroes work for a sponsor company and their uniforms also contain advertising for real-life companies. Their heroic activity is broadcast on the popular television show "Hero TV", where they accumulate points for each heroic feat accomplished (arresting criminals or saving civilians, for example) and the best ranked hero of the season is crowned "King of Heroes". The story mainly focuses on veteran hero Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, a.k.a. Wild Tiger, who is assigned a new partner: a young man named Barnaby Brooks, Jr. However, Barnaby and Kotetsu have trouble working together, as they have conflicting opinions on how a superhero should act, while at the same time they are trying to crack the mystery of the murder of Barnaby's parents. In addition, the appearance of a homicidal vigilante NEXT named "Lunatic" stirs up the public and makes them question the place of heroes in the city. 
The main heroes, Kotetsu and Barnaby, do not like each other at first...but a strong bond grows between them as they protect the city and help each other from the tragic moments of their pasts. They even help each other with the problems that they face within the series’ current timeline: Kotetsu slowly losing his powers, and Barnaby being manipulated by someone who he thought of like family. 
While not as big as My Hero Academia, this series still has lots of good moments, terrific super heroes, and powerful storylines. Tiger & Bunny is definitely worth watching for anyone who loves superheroes and anime.
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3. My Roommate Is A Cat
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Plot: Novelist Subaru Mikazuki, who is shy and not good with other people, and Haru, the cat that has been living a severe stray life. This is a story of them suddenly living together and describes the happiness of living together from both point of views.
This series is definitely underrated. My Roommate is a Cat is filled shows how much of an impact a person...or in this case a cat...can have on a person who has lived a life of solitude and books. The main character, Subaru Mikazuki, begins to slowly open up to those around him thanks to the help of a stray cat: Haru. From Haru’s point of view, Subaru is someone whom she desires to protect and take care of, as she fears that he cannot survive without her. Subaru also comes to term with his parents’ deaths and learns to move past his guilt, and realizes that there are many people who love and care for him.
This series shows that it’s ok to open up to the people around you, and that no one is truly alone.
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4. And Yet The Town Moves
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Plot: Hotori Arashiyama loves mysteries, but there’s one she just can’t solve: why does the solution to one problem inevitably seem to lead to another? Like how when Hotori has to start working at the Seaside Maid Cafe after school to pay off a debt and her friend Toshiko fortunately knows exactly how a Maid Cafe should be run. Which is fortunate since Hotori has no clue. Except that, unfortunately, Toshiko has no interest in working at the cafe—until she discovers that Hotori’s childhood friend Hiroyuki is a regular. Which SEEMS fortunate. Except that Hotori doesn’t know that, while Toshiko likes Hiroyuki, Hiroyuki secretly likes Hotori, while Hotori secretly has a crush on… No, no more spoilers!But if that’s not enough drama, there’s work, angst with a certain math teacher, table tennis between her classmates, her younger brother versus the school’s bad girl… And yet, even though everything seems like it’s going to crash at any moment, somehow Hotori’s life keeps going hilariously forward.
Sure...it doesn’t have sexy and cute maids that most maid-theme anime has... But And Yet The Town Moves is still a series worth watching. The series features cute, slice-of-life storylines filled with antics by the mystery-loving Hotori Arashiyama. Because of her crazy antics and goofy nature, Hotori brings laughter and new experiences to those around her. 
If you want an anime featuring klutzy maids and funny slice of life, then And Yet The Town Moves is definitely the right choice. 
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5. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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Plot: Midori Asakusa wants to create an anime, but she's too disheartened to make that first step by herself. By pure chance, she meets Tsubame Mizusaki, an up-and-coming socialite secretly dreaming of becoming an animator. Together with Midori's money-loving best friend Sayaka Kanamori, the energetic trio start the "Eizouken" club and slowly work towards making their "greatest world" a reality.
This anime is truly a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! has animation that is truly breathtaking and filled with the imaginations of aspiring animators. Throughout the series, our three protagonists: Midori, Sayaki, Tsubame experience the hardships of running their own studio, all the while dealing with the Student Council and School Board who wish to shut down Eizouken. But no matter how hard they try, there is no stopping these three girls from making anime and running their studio. 
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! has such brilliant animation, creative storylines, and normal looking characters who viewers can relate to. If your dream is to become an animator, than you certainly learn a lot from this series.
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6. Angels of Death
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Plot: 13-year old Rachel awakens to find herself trapped in the basement of an abandoned building. Without any memories, or even a clue as to where she could be, she wanders the building, lost and dizzy. In her search, she comes across a man covered in bandages. He introduces himself as Zack and he wields a grim-reaper like sickle.A strange bond is struck between them, strengthened by strange, crazy promises…These two, trapped in this strange building, don’t know why fate has placed them there. But they will work together desperately to find a way out…
Rachel and Zack are quite an unlikely duo...yet their skills and personalities are what complete each other: Rachel is calm and calculating, while Zack is aggressive and strong. But they have something in common: They both suffered their whole lives, became killers, and being killers is what got them trapped in the mysterious building in the first place. Together, they face various serial killers who want to keep them from escaping: A doctor with an eye fetish, a pumpkin-headed child who wants to bury Rachel in his graveyard, a female-prison warden who’s obsessed with punishing ‘sinners’, and a faithless priest whose goal is to test the faith of those who fall victim to the killers within the building. 
Angels of Death is filled with such mystery and psychological thrills. While it is not for the faint of heart...it is definitely for those who wish to find a good psychological thriller to watch.
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7. Zombieland Saga
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Plot: In the year 2008, high school student Sakura Minamoto is abruptly killed by a truck on the morning she plans to submit an idol application. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six "legendary" girls from various eras of Japan's history, are brought back as zombies by a man named Kotaro Tatsumi, who seeks to revitalize Saga Prefecture by putting together an all-zombie idol group known as Franchouchou.
Unlike most ‘pop idol’ anime series, that feature cute girls whose music can save the world...this one features cute girls who are zombies who were brought back to life to save a city as a pop idol group. While it seems unusual, Zombieland Saga shows the viewers all the things that Saga has to offer...because it basically advertises the entire prefecture. The members of Franchouchou: Sakura, Saki, Ai, Junko, Lily, Yugiri, and Tae...are determined to become a great idol group while keeping their true identities a secret. Thanks to their mysterious manager, Kotaro Tatsumi, they are given a second chance at life and learn more about each other...but they also help each other move on from their deaths and give closure to the loved ones that they had to leave behind. 
If you are looking for a ‘pop idol girl’ anime that is different from others...then Zombieland Saga is definitely a good choice, as it does differ from the usual plots that anime featuring pop idol groups has.
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8. Mitsuboshi Colors
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Plot: Set in Ueno. The series follows three elementary school girls, Yui, Sat-chan, and Kotoha, who together form an organization known as "Colors". Together, they perform various deeds and errands to protect the peace in their town.
This series is very adorable and is filled with a lot of hilarity. What makes it hilarious, are the crazy antics of the crybaby Yui, the rambunctious Sat-chan, and the dark-humored Kotoha as they try to help others and maintain the peace in the town that they love so much. They recieve help from local shop owner, Pops, who gives them clues to solve, and are often coming into conflict with police officer Saito, who sees them as nothing but trouble while dealing with their childish antics. 
Mitsuboshi Colors really does make you want to go to the real Ueno in Japan, and see all the shops featured within this series.
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9. Lovely Muco
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Plot: The series depicts the life of the pet dog Muco and his owner Komatsu, who lives in his glass-making workshop in the mountains.
Lovely Muco shows life through the eyes of Muco, a shiba inu who lives in a mountain town with her owner, Komatsu, who works as a glass blower. Muco is an energetic dog who finds everything around her fascinating. Muco loves Komatsu more than anything in the world, who gives her lots of love in return. Muco also interacts with other people such as Komatsu’s long-time friend, Ushikou-san, bar owner Bouda and his energetic daughter Rena. 
Lovely Muco shows the viewer how the world looks through the eyes of a dog, and what goes through their curious minds.
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10. Chi’s Sweet Home
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Plot: A grey and white kitten with black stripes wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outside with her family. Lost in her surroundings, the kitten struggles to find her family and instead is found by a young boy, Youhei, and his mother. They take the kitten home, but, as pets are not allowed in their housing complex, they try to find her a new home. This proves to be difficult, and the family decides to keep the kitten. While being housebroken, the kitten mistakenly answers to "Chi" (as in shi- from shikko, the Japanese word for "urine") and this becomes her name. Chi then lives with her new family, learning about different things and meeting new people and animals.
This series is filled with so much love and cuteness that it could give you diabetes. Chi’s New Home shows viewers how the world looks through the eyes young kitten ‘Chi’, as she grows to love her human family and makes new friends along the way. Chi and her family love each other greatly, and cannot imagine living without each other.
Chi’s Sweet Home shows us just how important family is, and how a new member of one’s family can bring so much love and joy into one’s life.
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Pokemon crown tundra spoilers!! These are just my thoughts I felt like people would wanna know lol
i wasted my fucking master ball on regirock
Peony is most definitely Chairman Rose’s brother or cousin or some shit
Also moltres went to hot topic huh
I almost caught a blaiziken i almost caught a blaiziken i ALMOST-
On the upside I have tapu fini now so :)
And suicune i like suicune
I like the max lair its fun :))
Mr King bunny man is just royal megamind
My whismur can and will be level 100 by the end of this, it's at level 85 right now, only 15 to go
I like this dlc so much more than Isle of Armor
Like dont get me wrong I liked Isle
But damn the snow aesthetic and the cooler wild area and all the legendaries is just
And the EVIDENCE HUNTUNG is so much better
sure it was kinda tedious but it only took me 45 minutes total
The fucking DIGLETTS still aren't finished for me and its been months
Also the option to put away your pokemon in the wild area is so much better
Sure it was cool for a bit but when you have a charizard at the front of your party having that jumpscare you every time you turn around is scary
That was literally the reason I keep my whismur at the front of my party
Oh god the jynx’s are here oh no oh fuck
“I need a pokemon to be holding an everstone to open this temple???” *slowly turns to my level 76 whismur*
Articuno really said persona five bitch huh
Articuno really said ninja looking bitch huh
Articuno really said
Galarian zapdos is just the parent of the ostriches with two and three heads 
I don't remember their names don't @ me
I feel like peony is peonia’s stepdad, not her actual dad, because everything is just so off, from appearance to personality 
Also if peony and rose ARE related, I feel like rose might have mentioned a niece or something 
:000 cosmog!! Child!! Baby!!! He has returned 
Yes j am wearing a dress with straps, a choker, lace gloves and fishnets in the freezing snow dont fucking @ me Sonia
Hop come b a c k I miss you
(This had literally nothing to do with my usual content, I just had to describe my emotions lol)
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mercenarypark · 6 years
deltarune, and the potential significance of mew mew kissy cutie 2
thats not a sentence i ever expected to type, either now before i get into this, i want to make something clear: my usual policy for posting spoilers is to wait at least a few days, sometimes up to a week, before i even begin to reblog tagged spoilers. major spoilers will continue to be tagged for months, more minor ones for a few weeks. i usually wait at least a week or so before i post any concrete discussions on the subject at hand. im making some exceptions to my own rules here, mainly because deltarune explicitly asked for an initial 24 hour grace period before people began to discuss spoilers publicly. due to this safety net helping prevent people from getting blindsided by spoilers, im a little more willing to speak now; though i probably still wont reblog anything big for the next week or so.  so. let’s talk about mew mew kissy cutie 2.
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so. these are all from a certain part of the endgame, in the mispelled library. there’s a few things i find interesting here: -the fact that this is clearly alphys, but apparently writing a review for a teen zine despite her being an adult, meaning this zine is either fairly old, she’s an adult writing articles for a teen magazine, or... idk -the fact that alphys mentions eating “at home by [her]self with the lights off” when in this same endgame we find out she apparently lives in the trash. literally. she lives in a grafitti’d allyway and drinks milk from a saucer off the ground. -but, most importantly, -alphys DESPISES mew mew kissy cutie 2. she goes on a whole god damned rant about how much she hates it in the “bad opinion zone”, what it did to mew mew’s character arc, and how much it pales in comparison to the original. now, if this were another game from another creator, i might consider this an oversight. but undertale fucking loved to use little details like this to hint at bigger things going on, and so does deltarune. not only that, but throughout the game, there are multiple hints that there are things about this world that are close- so close- to what we know from undertale, but are just a bit... off. one big example is the graveyard, which is still puzzling me. you find graves for four monsters there, and a memorial bench.
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These three are very clearly three of the amalgamates. So Cold [Snowdrake’s ma], Endogeny [the Snowdin dog’s family member], and Lemon Bread [Shyren’s sister]. the amalgamates aren’t formed until way after the death of asriel and chara, when alphys becomes royal scientist, and if i remember correctly alphys begins her experiments very soon after they “fall down”, but since im not 100% sure on that i can accept this as being normal for the main game. But the fourth gravestone and the bench are what’s really screwing with me.
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Gerson. Gerson comes up a few times in this game- namely through a book he wrote. There’s a signed copy of it at Toriel’s house.  Gerson is also the shopkeep in Waterfall in Undertale, and very, very much alive.
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yes, there’s a chance this is a “different” Gerson, maybe a relative of his, but the gravestone is marked with a hammer. The shopkeep Gerson was known as the Hammer of Justice.  How can this be the case? How can he be dead in the prequel and alive in the future?  I have no god damn idea. and that’s all just scratching the surface! there’s so much more that’s different, that can’t all be explained by it being a prequel- asriel is in university when he died as a child. kris is our protagonist, with no mention of chara. asgore and toriel aren’t king and queen. asgore and toriel are divorced with some bad history, but no explanation of what happened- in undertale, they split apart because asgore wanted revenge against humans for the death of his children, and toriel refused to condone that.  undyne isnt part of the royal guard, but is instead a COP[WHY], alphys is a teacher and not a scientist, bratty and catty dislike each other, grillby is nowhere to be seen[but the green fire girl IS seen and she’s the same age as she is in the original undertale] but a diner is run by a purple bunny who knows you from church, there’s a CHURCH, asriel used to sing in a choir at CHURCH, monster kid or someone who looks similar to them wears a crucifix, im sorry im really stuck on this bit because it seems so out of left field, Undertale Has Become Catholic, uhhh anyway as i was saying a lot of the aspects of this feel like a prequel. in fact yes i would say its set way before frisk’s time. but there’s so much thats DIFFERENT from what we know to be true about the original undertale and it’s timeline, and yes, alphys’ differing opinions on mew mew kissy cutie are a HUGE clue thank you for coming to my ted talk, in conclusion idk what im talking about even though i have a huge amount of ideas for what this all could mean and im kinda freaking out on the inside
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Anime Reviews #8
Spoilers for Zetsuen no Tempest, Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun), Jujutsu Kaisen, and Akudama Drive.
Zetsuen no Tempest Episode 1: This anime started out not making any sense at all, but by the end, most everything came together. The episode started out with a girl named Hakaze, who is stated to be the most powerful mage in history, come out of a barrel she was trapped in that washed on the shore of a deserted island. She was put there by a guy named Samon, apparently because she'd be able to interfere in his plans. She can't leave the island or use her magic. Then, in Japan, a boy named Yoshino looks at a text message from his girlfriend, which threatens him if he misses their date. He recites poetry in class. A couple of girls start whispering about how handsome he is and they wonder if he has a girlfriend. He's able to hear them, and he responds that he does. His teacher asks him where Mahiro, a friend of his, is (he hasn't been seen in a month), and Yoshino says he doesn't know, but Mahiro's probably still alive. Yoshino visits a graveyard, where a woman named Evangeline Yamamoto (or Fraulein Yamamoto) threatens him for information about Mahiro. We learn that the grave that Yoshino is visiting is the grave of Mahiro's sister, Aika. Yamamoto pulls a gun on Yoshino, but suddenly, some guy appears out of nowhere and defeats her with magic. This guy is revealed to be Mahiro. He tells Yoshino about "the Iron Syndrome", a curious disease that turns organic life into metal. He also reveals that he has a doll that lets him communicate with Hakaze, which is why he can do magic. Mahiro made a bargain with her: he would help her, and she would find the identity of Aika's killer. We now see the full text from Yoshino's girlfriend: the picture in it is Aika! It's heavily implied that Aika and Yoshino were dating when she was alive, but Mahiro didn't know.
Favorite part of episode: The sequence with the yellow butterflies/moths was really pretty.
Favorite character: None.
Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun) Episode 2: Nene is cleaning the bathrooms, and she's not happy about it. Hanako-kun doesn't allow her to take a break, but he does promise that he has something important for her to do after this. Nene says that "the coolest guy in class", Fuji, asked her on a date...and then abandoned her to file student council papers all by herself. Hanako-kun threatens to turn her back into a fish, and Nene starts cleaning again. Meanwhile, a new rumor is circulating around the school: students are losing items, and it's the work of "Yousei-san", a being that steals things just when you need them. Several students complain about losing specific items, before finding that the locker doors are missing! Aoi, one of Nene's friends, accidently spills water on her, and Nene runs off, worried that someone will see her fish scales. In the old school building, she finds the lost items students were complaining about, and eventually, she comes face-to-face with Yousei-san. Hanako-kun saves her. Yousei-san vanishes, replaced with pink bunnies, and Hanako-kun explains that they're Mokke, mischievous spirits who cluster when attacking. He also explains that apparitions must mostly conform to rumors about them, so the only reason the Mokke wanted to kill was because that was the rumor. Hanako-kun asks Nene to change the rumors, and she comes up with an addition to it: if you carry candy with you, then "Yousei-san" won't take your things or kill you. A student with a purple umbrella threatens the Mokke to tell him where Hanako-kun is, but they run away, and he goes a little crazy, to the students' shock. Nene and Hanako-kun are reading a book on a balcony, and Nene dreams of a scenario where a prince falls from the sky. Immediately after this, the purple umbrella student leaps from the roof and declares himself to be Kou Minamoto. Hanako-kun explains that he must be a descendent of a legendary exorcist. Minamoto paralyzes Hanako-kun with a special rod that was in his umbrella, but before he can finish him off, Nene gets in between them. Minamoto explains that since Hanako-kun has a knife, that must have been his murder weapon in life. Hanako-kun confirms this, and he and Minamoto fight, and Hanako-kun beats him handily.
Favorite part of episode:
1. Hanako-kun gets close and flirty with Nene...only to stick a mop in her hands
2. When Nene tells her prince story, she also says that he'll vanquish an evil spirit that bears a strong resemblance to Hanako-kun, and Hanako-kun gets offended
3. Minamoto wielding his umbrella (it has jangly keys on the end)
Favorite character: Hanako-kun and Minamoto
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 10: The episode starts with Junpei totally dragging Martin Luther King Jr: Junpei has a problem with the quote "The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference" because he's been bullied so much (MLK is never named, he's only referred to as "some foreigner", but I knew who he was referencing). Mahito says that Junpei shouldn't be indifferent, and that he should kill the people he hates, and says he supports everything that Junpei represents. Mahito also explains more about his technique: he can bend and transform souls. Afterwards, Yuji and Ijichi follow Junpei around. They have a plan to release a very weak curse in his direction to assess if he can actually see them and fight them off. The plan is messed up when one of Junpei's teachers is waiting outside his house, asking him why he didn't go to his bullies' funerals, but Yuji does find out that Junpei can see curses. The teacher starts to scold Yuji, but Yuji pantses him. Meanwhile, Nanami and Mahito fight.
Favorite part of episode: Yuji pantsing Junpei's teacher.
Favorite character: Yuji was great this episode.
Akudama Drive Episode 8: Swindler and Sister's rocket crashes back to Earth after running out of fuel. They return to Kansai, where Swindler is flagged by a takoyaki stand when she tries to use her seal. She and Sister escape to an abandoned nuclear facility. Meanwhile, Doctor is analyzing Brother's blood and realizes that his cells never age. Because of Swindler's flag, Kansai is on alert for all of the Akudama, and when Hoodlum finds this out, he's not happy. Doctor reveals Hoodlum's status as an Akudama, and a bunch of people tackle him, but Hoodlum says he has the location of one of the kids. Doctor saves him, and he says he put a tracker in Brother's charm (a little straw pouch). Doctor basically threatens Hoodlum into working with her. Courier is actually the one with the charm, because Brother handed it to him before he was taken away, asking him to deliver it to Sister. Swindler and Sister find food in an abandoned building, and Swindler cuts her hair; it's now very short. Three men try to take Swindler and Sister away for sex trafficking, but Swindler kills two of them, and Courier comes out of nowhere to finish off the third. Swindler convinces Courier to take Sister to Brother.
Favorite part of episode:
Swindler: *killing pedophiles/sex traffickers*
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The interactions between Swindler and Sister were also really sweet.
Favorite character: Swindler takes this episode.
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askboxers · 11 months
Uh, hey boxers, is Handy still with ya? Just wanted to check... Considering all the strange and concerning things that just went on...
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To be continued..?
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eledritch · 7 years
MORE disturbing kids’ books
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@anira8884 I never read this book thankfully bc I just googled it and...this is horrifying???
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also I’m making this into its own post bc THERE ARE SO MANY DISTURBING KIDS’ BOOKS, FRANKLY. feel free to share your own traumatic ones, but these are mine (some of which I was delighted by, not traumatized, but are still weird):
A Wrinkle in Time....firstly, weird fuckin book about creepy kids, creepy space centaurs, chummy tentacle monsters, and most horrifying of all, still terrifies me to this day is this giant brain (as in, literal disembodied pulsing brain) called IT which takes over people’s minds. WHY ARE THEY MAKING A MOVIE FOR THIS I DIDN’T NEED THAT. i’m not putting an image for this bc u don’t need it either
The Phantom Tollbooth. Specifically, the faceless man character called the Terrible Trivium who, SparkNotes now tells me, is a literal demon who forces ppl to do menial tasks for eternity, great. SLENDERMAN GOT NOTHING ON THIS DUDE.
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On a lighter note, do y’all know those Bunnicula books? GOD I LOVED THOSE BOOKS. VAMPIRE BUNNY WHO SUCKS VEGGIES DRY, COMEDIC GOLD, 10/10 i owned the entire boxed set no regrets
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The Chronicles of Narnia because SPOILER ALERT i think the biggest plot twist of my entire life is still the fact that they all dIED IN A TRAIN CRASH WTF CS LEWIS I GET YOUR HEAVEN ALLEGORY BUT I DONT LIKE IT. i also own this entire boxed set too and there’s some weird/disturbing stuff in all the books, pretty much. Especially the stuff with all the witches (the Green Witch literally enslaved a prince as her puppet for years), and the dying world of Charn or whatever, yikes, also like if you consider that the animals can talk and are as sentient as humans then the books get REALLY messed up.
The Graveyard Book. I love Neil Gaiman but the beginning of this book is literally a boy’s entire family gets brutally murdered and it messed me up bc i was way too young hahaha good book but like damn
The Stinky Cheese Man & Other Fairly Stupid Tales (actually rly good & funny books but the aRT STYLE, WHY, IT’S LIKE A RANSOM NOTE IN CHILDREN’S BOOK FORM, PLEASE SCROLL THROUGH THE IMAGES)
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The Tale of Desperaux. Yeah that animated mouse movie except IT WAS DARKER AS A BOOK TRUST ME. the whole PREMISE is messed up - a runty mouse is outcast from his family and falls in love with a human princess, he talks to her and his own mice family BANISHES HIM TO THE DUNGEON where I’m pretty sure he wanders around in the dark, death imminent, until he finds a creepy blind jailor who bribes him and makes Desperaux tell him a story before he frees him (this jailor later STARVES TO DEATH), then this country girl is literally SOLD to a dude who beats her until she’s nearly deaf (I distinctly remember the books described her ears as cauliflowers) and she has delusions of being a princess and later cuts off Desperaux’s tail and kidnaps the human princess in the dungeon and GOOD BOOK BUT ALSO WHY. WHY.
come to think of it, kate dicamillo just liked to fuck us all up, she also wrote because of winn-dixie and a book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane which is basically about this china rabbit doll who gets dumped off a cruise ship and goes through a cycle of owners including a 4 yr old girl with tuberculosis who i’m pretty sure dies. 
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selenelavellan · 7 years
I suppose this only makes sense if you've seen Kubo and the two strings but how would it work with your characters. Moon Queen Mythal's son Dirthamen falling for the mighty Selene and having kids and being banished from the heavens. And so on until the events of the movie. But instead of just Kubo, it's the twins who go looking for the magic armor and Selene has been turned into an Amnesiac (insert animal) as punishment. This is just breeding plot bunnies in my brain non stop.
Oh man I love Kubo andthe Two Strings. It was actually the first movie we took my daughterto see in theaters and it was absolutely incredible. Now you’ve gotplot bunnies in my head…
Under a cut for spoilers (Because if you haven’t seen Kubo and the Two Strings, it’s an amazing journey and you really really should)
Ok so Dirthamen is the mom in thisstory. He sleeps all day, and Darevas and Felasel keep him fed andcared for and go into the town to tell stories during the day.Felasel plays the shamisen and controls the paper figures whileDarevas tells the story and interacts with the audience. A story of agreat warrior, Selene, who fought against the Moon Queen when herfamily was stolen from her.
They are always home before dark,per their fathers warnings, and when he wakes at night he tells themgreat stories. Of magic, and swords, and love, and their mother.
Warns them of their grandparents, andthat their grandmother stole their eye because she wants to take themaway, to be just like her.
One day Darevas and Felasel are talkingto the old lady in the village (I’m thinking @feynites Gran-Gran fromConcert AU is the obvious choice here, but I’m open) who mentions thefestival where they light the lanterns and speak to those who havepassed. Darevas and Felasel make a lantern, in an effort to speak totheir fallen mother, but their pleas are met with only silence.
As the sun sets and the moon rises,Darevas and Felasel are the only ones still in the graveyard. Thelanterns are blown out in a gust of wind, and two voices call forthem.
Andruil, and Sylaise.
Their fathers sisters.
They try to capture Darevas andFelasel, who flee to the town, hoping against hope for someone tohelp them. Instead, they drag destruction and death through theirhome, as their aunts chase after them with no regard for the chaosthey bring.
They are gone, they are dead, theyshould have listened, they think, before their father appears, takingthe shamisen and striking its cords in a powerful burst of magicalenergy that sends their aunts reeling backwards.
He warns them to fly away, to nevertake off their mothers robes, and to gain the three magical objectsfrom the story, to protect them from their grandparents.
He touches the symbol of the whiteraven on their backs, wings fluttering out of the material as itflies them somewhere far away. All they have left now, they think, iseachother, and the lock of their fathers hair they managed to snag,before he turned to face his sisters.
When they wake, they are in the farlands. Surrounded by snow, with a bear telling them their father isdead, and they must press on to avoid the same fate.
A strangely familiar looking bear, theyrealize as time goes on. The same sort of bear that the charm theirfather gave them depicted.
They journey on, as the bear teachesthem of magic and warns them of the dangers of the world. But theyare children, and they grow restless with little to preoccupy them.They summon a paper figure of the warrior Selene to travel with them.Whether for a sense of protection, or because it makes things seemmore ‘normal’, they aren’t entirely sure.
As they travel past the ruins of anancient statue, Darevas and Felasel are yanked away, as soon as thebears back is turned.
The Bear dashes after them, ready tostrike whatever has dared to steal away their charges. Darevas andFelasel tell them to stop, revealing that the figure who had takenthem, was a warrior in their mothers army. A shared emblem with thestrange woman with white wings and too sharp features, with legs andarms like that of a bird. She does not remember much. Only that shemust have been a part of this army, and she believes Selene was hermaster and mentor.
Against the bears wishes, Darevas andFelasel inform the harpy that Selene was their mother. The harpyleaps with joy, swinging the two children around in the air andswearing an oath of loyalty, to protect them even if it costs her herlife.
Battles are had, a Varterral withswords protruding from its body, a Desire demon who lived beneath theLong Sea and dragged the twins into memories before the harpy rescuedthem, and the Bear did battle with one of the Aunts on their ship,striking the Huntress down to protect the children.
It is only later, in the fortress oftheir fallen mother, that they discover the truth. The Bear is thelast remnants of their fathers magic and memory, given form to tryand keep them safe. The harpy, their mother, memories stolen by theaunts and left alone to rot for her crimes.
Only Darevas and Felasel make it backout of the fortress alive.
They return to the village for thefinal piece or their quest, only to find their grandmother there,waiting for them. Promising immortality, and family, and life withoutsuffering if they would only give up their other eyes and joinher.
They refuse.
Mythal takes on the form of a dragon,and attempts to give them the pain and suffering and death they seemto wish for, by not accepting her offer.
Darevas and Felasel manage to trap hernear the graveyard, where they first lit the lantern for theirmother, and begin to perform. Darevas tells the story, tells aboutlove, and the people they have found, and the wonderful things theyhave learned and seen right here on the earth, while Felasel plucksthe newly re-corded shamisen, with their fathers hair, their mothersnecklace, and their own hairs rolled together.
They defeat her, and turn her into a mortal elf. Where tales of her kindness and generosity are retold to the woman without her memories, and she is welcomed in as a part of the community.
I mean, I would probably change the ending tbh, because Mythal has uh….a lot of blood on her hands, and being immediately absolved of everything (especially when the rest of her children are dead because of her manipulations) is proooobably not quite right.
But I like Dirthamen as a bear grumpily slogging through the world with two young energetic children along, when all he really wants to do is hibernate. Selene as a harpy (Falon’din somewhere else calling out ‘I TOLD YOU SO’) because her animal form is the white raven, unburdened by the traumatic events of her past and being given a literal new beginning is probably a bit more of a gift than Andruil and Sylaise intended, too.
Idk where Elgar’nan is. Somewhere being coddled and definitely distracted by the attempted murder and dis-figuration of his grandchildren (although he’d make an interesting ally for them, on that front).
I like the themes for this group, for sure. Selene as a warrior, Dirthamen reverting more to the Strategist side of himself that he was before he was a God, and the twins being hounded by Mythal who now has an opening for twins in her pantheon (because lets just start with Falon’din dead honestly, it makes things so much easier).
Maaaan…..now this probably needs to actually get written. Or drawn. One day.
Thanks for the ask
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