#the bright side is i dont have class tomorrow until afternoon so i can stay up late
littledemo0n · 11 months
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Trick or treat :3
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Majo - Late night
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You have always been familiar with darkness, what with the many hours you've were forced into it but now it is welcomed.
There is always something about darkness that blankets you in a calm, you can hide in it so easily becoming nothing but baited breath.
Still something feels off about this darkness as you walk through it, only you are illuminated as if by moonlight or street lamps as you wander with no other streaming conciousness around you. Which is peculiar in of itself. You stop in your tracks as something odd catches your attention.
The figure stands in front of you sheathed by shadows completely, leaving you with an unsettling feeling as you stare into the featureless face before you. All your eyes can detect are slim chapped lips, that slowly open to display its maw. When the mouth is fully agape a scream tears up its throat. But it is no normal scream, no something is wrong with it. It does not sound human at all. More machine than anything.
The sound is so loud as it echoes in the stream of consciousness that it startles you awake. But the screaming doesn't stay within the confines of the dream, it escapes in the form of a blaring horn coming from a semitruck headed straight for you.
You stare like a deer in headlights, unable to fathom how you're in the middle of the street. The sound of screetching brakes pleads you to move.
So you do, dodging with seconds to spare. Your hand is clutched to your chest as your heart slams into your ribcage, attempting to run from the threat. Your fingers are shaking as you smooth your oversized shirt, one stolen from your ash blonde boyfriend which whom you should be tucked under, a muscular arm trapping you to his mattress.
You drink in your surroundings, the landscape feeling familiar and yet not before you see the figure from your dream standing as a silhouette on an upper floor apartment.
Your mouth goes dry as your throat closes up. You know that silhouette, you know that apartment from a previous conscious exertion that happened weeks ago.
Fear grips you, seizing control of your gut and sending adrenaline rushing through your veins, burning in your feet. Begging and urging you to move.
To run.
As he will keep good on his threat. And he's called you here with his soft tune that seemed like an undertone in the dream. Reminding you that although his new found quirk is weaker than your mother's was, weaker than yours, he could still sing you here.
Hum or whistle his tune to summon you, to manipulate you to force your hand. As if he were Pavlov and you the drooling dog with a bell echoing in an empty skull.
Your heart stills to a sluggish beat while your body stands petrified as the backdrop of the street melts away starting with sound. No longer can you hear the couple on the first floor screaming at one another. No longer can you hear the cars rushing past you on the busy side street and no longer can you hear the blaring buzz of the over head street light.
And how could you hear any of it over your once again rushing blood as you stare up into the shadow, eyes and teeth shining in a cruel smile.
You swallow debating if you should alert Katsuki or if you should do this alone.
"Do not let me remember them or their death will be slower than your mother's..."
You think better of it as his words echo in your head. He motions for you to join him and so you do. Climbing up the dingy stairwell with flickering lights and flecking paint all the way to the top floor. Knowing which room he would be his by feeling alone.
His thoughts are as loud as ever as you reach the hall, or at least the thoughts he proudly projects to drown out his truly twisted mind.
"That's a good little witch. Come to Papa."
You fling open the door, suddenly feeling angry that he's called you here and that you walked up those well worn steps ready to give into his demand as you always do.
He rushes you, stronger than ever, as a vice grip clamps down onto your throat. He slams you against the wall as the door creaks shut due to the uneven floor. The building attempting to foreshadow the inevitable of its future. Of buckling under the pressure of neglect.
The same foreshadowing of what is to become of you should you not tread lightly.
"You little bitch, I told you to come find me in three days not three FUCKING WEEKS!" Spittle flies from his lips and onto your cheeks. You pull your mouth into a snarl, ready to pick apart his mind but he will not allow it. His mental walls higher and thicker than you've seen in a long time.
So that was fear in his eyes that afternoon, shining bright behind too wide pupils but there is no trace of it now. Especially not with his hand bruising your throat.
"People are going to ask questions." You choke out and he eases up but does not release you.
"You owe me." His voice comes out like gravel, or nails on a chalk board and you wince, "I'm going to need a strong quirk for the boss and if I remember correctly you're in the strongest class in UA."
His smile is haunting as it splays against his too taunt and graying skin.
If the scattered needles, rotting take out and half decayed pizza boxes wasn't sign enough that something was wrong than his skin was every indication that something was wrong.
Very wrong.
His breath reeks of rot as he speaks close to your face causing your stomach to lurch from both the smell and the fear of hearing his next words.
"You're going to bring me someone from your class." His grin reveals a few blacked teeth, your blood runs cold.
But you do not show it. You inwardly square your shoulders as you grab onto his claimy arm, twisting hard but his face stays neutral.
"And if I dont?" A growl so low it could only be taught to you by one person. You feel red eyes flash over your skin and goose bumps erupt over your flesh.
"Then I guess I will just have to take that little boyfriend of yours." He shrugs, "Boss wants him bad. But I want him more. I'd risk it all just to take a stab at you, little majo."
"I don't have a boyfriend." You quip quickly, "What man would trust someone as deceitful as me."
"Someone who you taught to follow you to the plan of unconciousness." His ghastly smile returns to his worn and twisted features as he continues, "Someone with burning red eyes and ash blonde hair."
You try not to react, forcing your face not to twitch but your pounding pulse gives you away. Rushing so hard your Father is sure to feel it beneath his burnt off fingertips.
"I'm not stupid girl. But I have to admit you did damn good at keeping that memory lost." He releases your tender column just to pull you by the hair swinging you onto the bed. Dust, bugs, and reflective shards of glass scatter from the disturbance of the ruffled sheets.
"You little fucking majo! Do you know how long it took me to remember?! WHAT IS RULE NUMBER FUCKING ONE?!" He's screaming now but no one will come to your rescue, not even with the door slightly ajar.
No one will even bat an eye, too preoccupied with being miserable to aid you. Instead they will turn the volume up on their TV sets, hoping the mixture of static and reruns drown you both out.
"It took me up until tonight. Until I took another dose of Boss' serum. Then so suddenly I could see that little prick with dumbass spiked hair." He comes closer, grabbing you by the hair again, yanking hard enough that your scalp burns with the threat of releasing the roots, "Now I won't ask again. Bring me someone from class 1A or Bakugou Katsuki will become my new *favorite* toy."
You stare up at him, rushing back into the feeling of being unbearable small sending you back.
Back to when you were insignificant as he held the closet door slightly ajar and the low hall light burned your now sensitive eyes.
"And you know I play rough. See you tomorrow at 8pm, Musume." He slams your head hard agaisnt the mattress.
Hard enough it sends you back to your body that jolts up right in a cold sweat and an impossibly dry throat.
Abandoned in the room of your hotheaded boyfriend as your phone reads four in the afternoon.
An unread text banner stays stead on your home screen but is read by muddled eyes.
You didn't sleep well last night and you had a fever. I told Aizawa and got your homework. Skip training or I'll kick your ass. Text me when you wake up. ❤💥💣'
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Catradora soulmate au
"I'll keep your little secret from Lord Hordak" the shadowy figure echoed, "Only because I do care about you adora, and dont forget what I can do if you tell anyone. It is a privilege that you have, not a right" it seemed as if the shadow smirked, sending chills down the young girl's spine, the eerie presence eventually left, leaving Adora sat on her bunk, holding back the tears as she had been taught to do, she felt a weight drop onto the bed behind her,
"Hey adora.." the small voice behind her caused her to turn, she could never get used to how vibrant Catra's eyes are. All bright and sparkling, and her hair, so dark compared to her own she grabbed on tight to her, and waited until she could speak, Catra wrapped her little tail around Adora's leg. Breathlessly, Adora whispered "Catra, I was so scared, I thought she was gonna kill me"
"Dont worry you're fine, shadow weaver loves you" Catra answered, remembering all the times she had been punished by the same woman, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you"
Adora sat up and laughed, wetly. Grabbing Catra's hand "I can take it. We'll get through this, together! We'll be the best in the hoard now, that's probably why we aren't allowed to tell anyone"
"Yeah, they dont want us to have an advantage, why don't they let everyone see like this?"
"I don't know Catra, but you heard Shadow weaver, we better not talk about it any more"
"Yeah... ok. Are you ok to go back out?"
"Yeah, race you!"
"No fair!"
Since being 6 years old, Adora had seen in colour, a gift none of her other teammates shared, it put her ahead in combat training, but she still worked so hard to attain the ranks and positions she did, after one almost devastating training session, she narrowly beat Catra, who came in at the last second, to win. Dusting herself off, she tried not to linger on Catra's eyes as she walked over to their commander for a brief and progress update, basically a summary of what they had done wrong, Adora got full marks though, so when shadow weaver asked for her, she left and wouldn't miss anything. Not that she had a choice to follow the woman, but better her than Catra getting this talk. So she sighed inwardly before asking what shadow weaver wanted now.
"CATRA! CATRA COME HERE!" the excitement in Adora's voice roused the other girl from her nap so she kicked down the air vent and dropped behind her friend with a shout, "Hey adora!", causing the other girl to jump in fright "That never gets old, so what are you yelling about?"
"Look!" Adora said, pointing to her chest, a bright yellow badge was displayed there with the two great wings of the hoard displayed on it
"Oh wow, congrats, you're officially a force captain, huh? and active dudy, damn, give Brightmoon hell for me"
"Yeah the orientation is tomorrow night, I was assigned last minute, so I'm gonna study up"
"Boring! Don't you wanna do something fun?"
"Fun like stealing a skiff? Our little trek can always be classed as recon, come on, it'll be fun!"
"LETS BLOW SOMETHING UP!... Wait, aren't you concerned about shadow weaver?"
"Didnt you see her this afternoon? she was all weak, her hair was barely floating"
That was normally a sign she wouldn't be around for a few days, locked in with the giant red rock, now would be the best time if they were going to go anywhere, Catra leaped off her perch on the top bunk and walked towards the door, turning back to hold out her hand, Adora smiled, she couldn't resist those eyes, they both wanted an adventure. She grabbed her hand and ran down the stairs.
She awoke in a cold sweat, Catra barely moved at her feet, that decided it, she needed to go back, into the woods, she needed answers, the sword seemed to pull her towards it and now it haunts her dreams, no thanks. Quietly getting up and pulling on her jacket adora headed out. Concentrating on getting another skiff, she hadn't noticed Catra coming up behind her, "what are you doing?"
Grabbing her and shoving her into the wall as the drone security bot passed Adora quietened the other girl, "shhh.... look Catra, I know I saw something out there, it feels important, I know it"
"Sounds good, let's go!"
"No, you should stay here, shadow weaver will be waking back up soon, and who knows what she'd do to you, please just trust me, I'll be back before anyone knows I'm gone" and with that she ran around the corner, down the stairs
"I would know you've gone"
It was a lonesome journey, watching out for patrols and then abandoning the skiff just inside the woods, choosing to trek through the underbrush as it is quieter, colour seemed to make no difference in here everything was dark, dark green, dark blue, dark grey, not to mention she had no idea how to find this sword, this was going to be a long night. She sighed and continued crawling, looking out for ethereal blue lights or anything in the woods that might try to kill her, read: everything
Talking to herself, she saw said blue light creeped into the clearing. 'The sword! Wait, what is that? Voices? Getting closer, they clearly dont care about being spotted, maybe guards patrol these woods, damn, I'll just have to grab the sword and run!'
As they spotted her, the smaller one yelled "HOARD SOLDIER!" and they both started war cries, Adora sprinted to the sword and could almost touch it, before a puff of sparkles appeared and the small one with it glaring at her. Adora reached for the sword before the young girl teleported a few feet away, clutching it tightly.
'A princess, right, can I take a princess? Yeah, in training. She can teleport so binding won't work, just need the sword, I dont want to have to hurt her'
She threw the sword to her companion, he dropped his bow to catch it, she could try to take him on, especially unarmed, he ran with it and the princess spawned on top of her back, she shook her off violently, throwing a bola at his legs and sprinting for the sword again
"Stand down, I don't want to hurt you"
"Since when do hoard soldiers not want to hurt anyone?" The princess yelled, now in front of her, throwing a sort of smoke bomb of glitter.
They wrestled for the sword, but just as Adora touched it, a bright flash of light hit and Adora was dragged into her dream, "My name is Lighthope"...
She awoke bound by ropes, the princess staring her in the face, yelling "Hoard spy! How did you get so far into the whispering woods?"
"I... walked in? And I'm not a spy. Who are you?"
"I ask the questions. The whispering woods are rebellion territory, you were lucky to make it as far as you did"
She dragged her comrade off and not-so-subtly whispered about bringing her to Brightmoon, an excellent chance for reconisance, if she survives. That's a big if. They would probably take her for interrogation, she could handle that, after all, it's only a little bit.... of a lot of pain. Well Shadow weaver was no push over, though she could be quite lenient sometimes, oh what would Catra do? She knew how to talk to people
They got up and walked, supposedly back to Brightmoon, though with the way her two captors, bow and glimmer apparently, argued, they may not be going the right way. The boy, bow, tried to make small talk, a big mistake, Adora couldn't stop herself from almost shouting, "You know she's a princess right? Princesses are a dangerous threat to all of Etheria! How can you follow her? It's weird, her hair is literally pink and sparkly, that's not normal"
"Wow, thats what they teach in the hoa- Wait, you can see in colour? You can see the pink?"
"What do you mean that's what they teach?"
"Woah, woah, wait up. You can see in colour?"
"Yes, why?"
"Hoard soldiers have soulmates... GLIMMER! GLIMMER, LISTEN TO THIS!"
"What are soulmates, what are you on about?"
The princess popped over, looking annoyed, "Bow this better be important or so help me"-
"This hoard soldier can see in colour!"
"I know! This means that myths were true!"
"Nope, no way, they cannot be like us, not with the things they do"
With that Glimmer stormed off, a few seconds later they heard her gasp and Bow dragged her over.
Tents were destroyed, rubble lay strewn, there were no people to be found. A dead bot was abandoned to the side. It had hoard markings, the great wings. Emblazoned red like the blood on the floor. "This is all the hoard ever does, they can't just do this, they just kill and steal and ruin our land"
That's what the hoard does? What about helping and improving the lives of those part of it? Was this a secret rebel base? Is that it? There's no technology to suggest so, but that would mean... no she cant think it. A heavy silence weighed in the group as Glimmer dried her tears, before storming off ahead. Only to quickly return running through the brush, "There's something out there!"...
Everywhere is so beautiful, all the town, the people, the animals, so much joy in one place, from the darkness of the whispering woods to this place of bright colour, it would be a shame to miss this, it's nothing compared to the darkness of the fright zone.
When the hoard attacked this innocent town, Adora was thrown into the chaos, dragging that damn sword with her. It was chaos, bloody chaos, hoard soldiers left and right, blasts and shocks rocking the earth. She stood before the cannons as She-ra, etheral and eternal, glowing as she struck down the weapons, out of control in an ordered way. However upon seeing those eyes though, peering through the smoke, those vibrant, unforgettable eyes, her hands shook and her resolve crumbled. She returned to her original form as soldiers closed in, Catra ran and bowled her over, "Adora? I'm so glad you're safe! Shadow weaver's throwing a fit", smiling as she said it, holding Adora tightly, "Yeah, it'd be funny if she weren't such a horrible person" the last bit fell flat and a shudder ran through them both, "Adora, please, come home"
Adora just looked at her shocked that she could consider it with the devastation around them, "Catra.. I can't, I need to understand myself and I cannot stand what the hoard is doing, dont you see? These are innocent people!"
"That never mattered before, come on Adora"
"I didnt know before! Call me stupid, call me naive, but I wanted to believe what they told us, so I did, but now, its different, we're different, Catra. All these beside you cannot see the blue sky, or the grass or even those that they hurt, I didn't for a long time, I really hurt you, and I know that I can't apologise enough, I'm so sorry. Truely. But I won't go back, they have answers and I need them. I'm going to Brightmoon, for myself, are you coming with me?" Adora offered her hand out to the girl sat opposite with an honest smile, a small circle of hoard soldiers had gathered. It was now or never.
"Please Catra, I need you by my side again"
"...Ok, let's do this!" Catra sprung to her feet, ignoring Adora's offered hand and drew out two weapons, handing one off to Adora, "I think you'll understand this a little better than that oversized beast" Catra said before throwing herself tooth and claw into the fray, Adora followed shortly after. When Adora met up with Bow and Glimmer the hoard threat was eliminated, the two joined arms as Adora explained what had happened, they distrusted Catra, but agreed to give her the answers that she desired.
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