#the botw clothes were a pain to draw
twilight-linkess · 1 year
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What's Four trying to do? Start an avalanche? (They both would have been fine)
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My Forest spirit
A legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK Yandere x Reader. This is obviously cannon divergent. Fem!Y/N is short and Curvy in this, and is often described with long hair. This story will contain NSFW!scenes, violence and profanity. MDNI
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Chapter 1: My knight in shinning armour
“Yahaha you found me!” A little Korok laughed as I stared down at him.
My ears twitched excitedly as it jumped up into my arms. The little forest spirits loved me. They always have. I grew up in this forest after my mother left me here. The clothes on my back are woven from fronds the Koroks brought me and I just ran around barefoot. I’ve only ever seen anyone like me once. He wore a cloak and was muttering about stopping the “princess” whatever that means.
A group of Koroks ran past my legs as the shaking of maracas grew closer. Their behaviour startled me, they shouldn’t fear Hestu… they’re a close friend of all of us.
“Sister Y/N! There are people, we must hide!”
I was dragged behind a tree as Hestu’s humming grew louder. Strange clacking noises grew closer, as well as other voices.
“I can’t believe you of all people will wield the Master Sword!”
“Revali ease up on Link, he’s a wonderful knight to me!” A feminine voice called back.
My eyes widened at the voices! No one ever enters the forest, what are they here for? What is a… Master Sword? I watched from behind the tree and the silent man in the middle of the group glanced in my direction. My large frond mask was still covering my face, so I scurried behind the tree with the other Koroks. They continued further into the forest and I ran between trees to watch them. As they approached the centre of the forest, I realised what they had come for, the strange thing in the ground. So that’s what it’s called, the Master Sword.
The silent one stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of the ancient blade. He grunted in pain as he pulled it up out of the ground and held it above his head proudly. I watched him from atop a tree, eyes wide and excited. Based off of Hestu’s cheers, this must be an amazing accomplishment. I should cheer too.
I clapped excitedly as the Koroks beside me seemed confused but then joined me in celebration. The group gasped and looked up to where we were, drawing these strange objects from their backs. Hestu gasped and ran in front of them.
“NO NO! Weapons down, you can’t hurt Sister Y/N!”
Weapons? My eyes widened beneath the mask as I slid to be hidden by the leaves. One of the women step forward, her tan skin and deep crimson hair complimented by the deep green of the Forrest. She placed her curved blade on the floor and held her hands up beside her head.
“Please don’t run dear, we had no idea you were friend not foe. The war has everyone incredibly stressed.”
“War?” I mutter, poking my head out of the leaves.
Hestu looks up at me and laughs gesturing for me to jump down. I slid off of the tree and landed on the stone beside Hestu. They shake their maracas happily as I smile at them beneath my mask. The woman who had spoken to me seemed shocked, I’m unsure why though.
“Ah… my apologies for staring, that was rude. My name is Urbosa, I’m assuming you’re Y/N.”
I nod as a few Koroks come and stand beside my legs, watching the group closely and protectively.
“This is Sister Y/N! She’s a spirit of the forest like the Koroks and I!” Hestu happily said.
“Sister? She’s clearly not anything like you all! She looks like your average Hylian!” The strange bird person yelled.
The large man behind him slapped him on the back. He winced but stayed quiet as the blonde woman stepped forward.
“I’m so sorry for us startling you Y/N. We had to retrieve the Master Sword to help win the war against Ganon. Do you… live here? What are you wearing?”
“Ah, so you do speak. I suppose you’re like Link then, he only speaks around his friends.”
“Yes, he’s my knight, the one with the Master Sword.”
“Master… I used to..”
“Did you guard the sword?” She asked.
“No, I used to use the zappies it made to start my campfires! How am I meant to start fires now?” I frown, jabbing the man beside her.
He just pulled a strange rock from his pocket and place it in my hand. I raised a brow and he pulled out a second, striking it against the stone on the floor and lighting a stick on fire nearby.
“Whoa! Pocket campfire! Fair trade fair trade!” I hold the rock in my hand in wonder, removing my mask to get a better look at it.
The man before me just stared straight at my face before grabbing my wrist.
“Huh? You can’t have it back, it was a trade!”
He just grunted and pulled me up off the ground and held me over his shoulder. One hand held the Master Sword while the other rested on the bump of my behind. The breeze ran right through me as his hand rhythmically squeezed. Is this how people interact? The Koroks don’t really have hands… maybe it’s to make sure I wouldn’t fall.
“Link! That’s inappropriate!”
“Hyaa!” He began to run, his grip becoming tighter as began to slip and held him in fear.
“SISTER Y/N! Awww, maybe it’s good she sees the outside world, look after her.” Hestu sighed.
“Of course, we will,” Urbosa answered. Running to catch up with the others who were chasing Link.
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New Yandere gained, Link.
Hey look at you, you managed to capture the knights heart! Now time for some facts about your new Yandere. (basically head cannons)
It's no surprise that Link is incredibly protective over you, he would let Zelda die if it meant he could ensure your safety.
He's also very physically affectionate. He must always have at least one hand on you and when he hasn't for a long time... He tends to get very handsy.
He gives you plenty of kisses the moment that people stop looking. If he feels like someone is moving in on his “territory” he will just begin groping you from behind until they get the message.
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author-main · 1 year
Tell me about the character design for Wild, Shad and Twi.
Let’s just do one character per ask. You’ll see why. This is gonna be for the baby, Wild.
Note: Wild’s current pronouns are they/them. Some stuff from 2020 use he/him for Wild, but Dec 2020 onward, Wild’s pronouns have changed. There may be a time in the future where they use she/her or something else.
I should start off with the original idea for Wild back in 2020. Due to my own artistic limitations, Wild and the other Links were a lot thinner back then. They also looked very similar to each other. Now I make it a point to have the Links look as different from each other as I can. That way when they do look similar in some way, it’s on purpose and not because of any skill issues.
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At the time I started Ask-LU-Wild, I was still very new to the fandom. But I had written a fanfic series before the Ask blog that I call Poe!Wild. So my original idea of ALUW Wild came from what I imagined Poe!Wild looked like, but with a completely different personality. 
When they first met the chain, their hair was heavily singed and their eyebags? Bad. Their scars were also pretty different, along with the length and look of their ears. But everyone’s ears have changed drastically since 2020, that’s an artistic preference turned into actual world building. All of these things have changed over time. Their hair will always change length and look. It’s very fun giving them different styles to wear. Ever since I’ve changed my original brush, I’ve had a hard time figuring out how I want to draw Wild’s eyebags, but they’re still pretty terrible. Their scar pattern has changed and I sadly can’t add the amount of detail to them that I used to without making Wild’s face look cluttered. I'll talk more about their features later.
It was on purpose that Wild looked older than they actually were. Back in the day, I remember Wild acting as if they were an old man, because they kind of feel like one despite being 17. Not only are they 100 years older than they look but Wild IS in a lot of physical pain and is very tired too. But ever since Checking Courage, they’ve looked much younger. Style changes + character development, I suppose.
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Wild is the median height of the Links, 4’10 (147.32 cm). They’re very muscular, but also very light.
Straight, thick, blonde hair with white streaks, azure blue eyes, pale. Roundish face. Very sharp teeth.
They have second-third degree burn scars all over their body, mostly on their left side. These are guardian blast scars and have a completely different texture to other burn scars. Their left ear is almost completely black and barely hangs on.
They also have a big scar on their right side caused by a lynel. Malice entered that wound.
There are 2 burn scars on their left shoulder caused by a flame blade
Cautery wound on their right leg
Rough soles and palms, and chipped nails from climbing and running.
Diamond motif, sheikah motif
I won’t ever use #000000 or #FFFFFF for a character unless they are meant to look uncanny.
Wild’s main colors are blues and yellows, with some white. This is mainly because I wanted Wild to have an aesthetic similar to Sheikah Technology. Their champion’s tunic helps with this, along with the hylian trousers as they are mainly composed of blues, whites, and browns. But they of course wear other clothes so… yeah
Their skin used to be a lot peachier pre-calamity than it is now. This is something that they share with Wars. I decided it was because they both lost their battles against Ganon/Ganondorf and it changed them physically. 
Something I added to Wild’s character design during the Checking Courage arc: White streaks in their hair. I think this is a good time to mention that WIld’s middle name Punica means something and was chosen based on things from BotW.
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THE HERO’S CLOTHES Full of Greens, Browns, and Reds. They fit in a lot with the other Links visually with it on. I decided that most/all heroes will have a Farore symbol on their hero clothes, and that started with the Set of the Wild (SotW). Most of them are on the back, close to the collar.
The SotW was a reward from the sheikah monks after completing all 120 shrines. Therefore, there are some sheikah tech symbols on the fabric and leathers. And a metal sheikah eye hangs on the top of the hood. Cap was turned into a hooded cape with braided tassels. Farosh is embroidered on the back. There’s a triforce pin that holds the cape together.
The tunic is made up of several layers: Brown long tunic, green shawl (?), leather breastplate, dark green sleeves, leather arm braces. Their belt has a pouch design for the sheikah slate.
For the pants, they’re just brown shorts. Wilds normally wear bandages on their legs because they chafe. The boots were fun to draw and actually look pretty comfortable to wear?
The set of the wild has to be one of my favorite side projects related to ALUW.
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WILD'S FAMILY Wild is the only Link with a thought-through family history. I’ll just draw them all here.
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Note: These portraits are obviously not contemporary. -Caeras: 29 -Sonya: 39 -Misko: 22 -Wild: 17 -Milo: 66 -Liliaz: 65 -Lucy: 34 -Othinn: 70
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ezdotjpg · 2 years
IDK if you've answered this elsewhere, but if you're willing to answer on random Zelda lore thoughts, the two questions I love chewing over at people is A: how close to eldritch horror do you think the Imprisoned actually was, in terms of SS Link's experience dealing with it, and B: how are you thinking BOTW Link's scars happened/how bad (/extensive) are they for your work? I can't quite call to mind what you draw him like in that regard, and most are probably under clothes anyways for him.
A: Hmmmm I mean like, from Link's perspective, probably pretty damn close? I know we all clown on the imprisoned (and rightfully so lol) and I definitely think Link also thinks it looks fucking goofy, but that doesn't stop the circumstances from being terrifying. Also those imprisoned fights were a MASSIVE pain and incredibly stressful to do even as a player, so I can't imagine how it would be to actually live it lol. It's basically a race, it's about speed, and that's this Link's particular weakpoint. Fighting the imprisoned 3 times was brutal for him lol.
B: I like to think most of his injuries came from guardian lasers, and they're pretty extensive, but mostly under his clothes. For Slate (bonus links BOTW link), most of the scars on his face are actually new, as in not from the calamity, except for the bigger one on the left side of his face into his ear. They still cause him pain and some range of motion issues, but he doesn't remember having a body that wasn't like this, so he can't really tell.
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officersnickers · 4 years
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It's a lovely winter day in Hyrule and your a horrible hero smacking a big fat snowball on your beloved princess
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BOTW2 - A Return to Darkness
(I’ve never written fan-fic before in my life, but all of these new BOTW theories and art inspired me to write this idea out. Special shout-out to @autumn-sweet-fae for the idea about Link’s ability reset! [x])
The series of caverns beneath Hyrule Castle seemed to be a source of boundless interest and excitement for Zelda, who stopped to document every carving and luminescent gem with the Sheikah slate no matter how small or difficult to reach. Link felt the absence of Revali’s Gale acutely whenever Zelda lamented being unable see the carvings far above their heads, but Revali and all of the other Champions had long since moved on, taking their gifts with them.
The two Hylians, displaced in time, had initially begun exploring the newly uncovered cave system as a way to escape the realities involved in rebuilding a kingdom. Soon enough, though, it became obvious that there were important secrets tucked away beneath the ground, perhaps even older than the Sheikah. Zelda hoped that uncovering these secrets could help in the rebuilding process, and so their short, escapist trips had turned into full-fledged expeditions.
They had recently discovered a steeply descending path near an entrance by the Great Plateau. Although Zelda continued to record her findings as diligently as always, they both felt a strange sense of disquiet as they descended into the darkness. Though they had been seeking answers to their questions for months, this was the first time they were afraid of the response.
When they discovered Ganon’s mummified corpse, things began happening very quickly.
Perhaps it was the presence of all three people of legend in one space that activated the chain of events. Within moments of the Hylians stepping into the final cavern, the earth began to shake and malice oozed from the floor. A glowing turquoise light leapt like lightning from Ganon’s form to Link’s arm, which he had instinctively extended to shield Zelda as stalactites and whole chunks of the ceiling rained down around them.
The shock of the light touching his skin—no, entering his skin—was nothing compared to the acidic burning of malice as the slime piled up on itself and swarmed the glowing arm, as though with a single-minded purpose.
Zelda screamed his name over the thundering of stone, knuckles white on her sword grip. Neither of them had seen anything like this, and neither knew how to combat it. Link stepped backwards, tearing at the ooze and trying to keep it away from his princess, noticing how it seemed to be exclusively targeting him. Afterwards, he would remember that small step with piercing regret. If he had only been closer, if he could have moved a little faster…. The ground collapsed beneath Zelda’s feet. Link lunged forward, desperate, reaching—their fingers brushed, and then she was gone.
Link could barely process anything. The earthquake had stopped. Ganon’s corpse had disappeared into the yawning black mouth that now filled the cavern, the same mouth that had eaten the only person who mattered to him in this world. The malice had somehow shriveled and sunk into his arm along with the strange light, and now a black rot was crawling up towards his shoulder, rendering the whole limb dead. He was unable to handle a glider or climb down into the hungry darkness, and the gnawing, unnatural pain in his arm was enough to drive him to his knees.
Slowly, painfully, and with an involuntary cry of agonized frustration, he tightened a belt around his upper bicep in an attempt to stem the creep of malice and stumbled up the debris-filled path to the surface.
When he finally emerged into the calm summer evening, his horse startled and shied at his approach, registering the scent of his arm as a corrupted enemy. Nearly delirious with pain, fatigue, and fever, Link still managed to soothe it, leaning his face against its neck and pretending that it was sweat running into its fur. He could barely stand to look at Zelda’s beautiful horse, but forced himself to clumsily fasten its lead to his own horse’s saddle.
But where to go? His champion allies were gone. The castle was still largely abandoned, the guardians erratically active and monsters as yet un-eradicated. The closest source of help was days away, and the slate had been with Zelda, so there would be no teleporting.
Purah’s not going to be happy about this. He thought nonsensically, and set his horse’s nose towards Hateno Village.
He did his best to cling to the horse’s mane, but as the familiar village appeared in the distance, his sense of relief overpowered the adrenaline that had kept him going for the past several days. Slowly, gently, darkness clouded his vision and he slipped from his mount’s back, falling into the ditch on the far outskirts of Hateno Village. The horses, exhausted themselves, barely registered the change in weight and continued on to the place where they knew that apples and good hay could always be found.
The children of the village, who had frequently begged rides from Link and clung to him on past visits, immediately recognized that something was wrong when they spotted the tired creatures trudging up the cobbled street. They ran to the eccentric scientist up in her tower, and joined Symin, her chief researcher, in a frantic search of the area. The sun was beginning to set when they finally found the unconscious Link. Symin scooped the small hero up in his arms, a knot of fear in his stomach, and carried him to his lady.
Link opened his eyes to sunshine streaming through a window, birdsong, the warm scent of hay and machine oil. The agonizing, corrupted, wrong pain in his arm had faded, but in its place was a weak and draining numbness. Remembering Zelda’s fall, he sat up with a gasp, and immediately crumpled, spots swimming in his eyes, heartbeat rushing in his ears. As he panted, head between his drawn-up knees, he heard soft steps as someone came up the ladder to this bedroom.
“I would have thought you’d slept long enough the last time, Linky.” Said Purah dryly, but not unkindly. “You’re really pushing my skills here. I had to research tech that hasn’t been used since the Zonai disappeared.” Link slowly lifted his head to look down at his arm. The rot was still there, shriveled black skin stretched over tendon and bone. Two things were different: there were engraved metal bands that clasped his arm from wrist to bicep, softly buzzing with energy, and there was a Sheikah emblem tattooed on the back of his blackened hand.
Purah remained uncharacteristically quiet, letting Link take in the changes, before starting up again to enthuse about the tech. “I’m going to keep optimizing it, of course. It’s wildly inefficient at the moment but I needed to get something on you or you’d lose the arm. Currently the runes are drawing directly from your energy just to stop the procession of the corruption, but I plan to improve that. As such I think it’s going to take you a while to get your strength back. I saw you lost your slate—“ her voice hardened in sudden anger “—but until you get it back I’ve got plans to add some capabilities to this tech in the meantime.”
Link finally found his voice. “Zelda.” he croaked, his defeated, exhausted gaze rising to meet Purah’s.
Her face softened. “We were worried why she wasn’t with you, why you were in that state. We sent some people to the tunnels, but they haven’t returned.”
The half-hoping, half-pleading look in Link’s eyes disappeared immediately, replaced with stubborn determination as he placed his feet on the floor and rose, legs visibly shaking.
Purah sighed, as though she had expected this. “You’re in no shape to go after her now. Zelda has held her own in this world for longer than you have, and she can handle herself. You, on the other hand, need to build your strength back up or you’ll be knocked over by the first bokoblin you meet. Or the first gust of wind.”
Link ignored her, taking slow and unsteady steps towards the ladder. “Link, your clothes!” She yelled after him in exasperation just as he missed the second rung and disappeared from view. A loud thud and a startled exclamation from Symin rose back up through the hole in the floor. “Hylia, why me?” She asked the air.
Link glared at the straw monster in front of him, sweat running into his eyes. It took all his effort to raise the stick in his right arm, the numbness of the limb and unfamiliar weight of the tech making every movement sluggish. He had been hacking at the doll for hours and yet it looked fresher than he did.
Symin watched from the window, sipping a cup of tea. “Should we stop him?” He asked. It was several weeks now since the scrawny hero had picked himself up off the floor and legged it out the door, only to collapse less than halfway down the hill. Since then, he had spent every waking moment making his best attempt at training.
Purah didn’t glance up from her book. “The man just lost everything he cares about for a second time. In many ways he’s worse off than he was when he woke from the century’s sleep. At least that time he had his strength, if not his memory. Let him work things out his own way.” Unspoken between them was the knowledge of reports from central Hyrule that the castle was once again filled with malice and making the ground tremble day and night. Link had not told them the details of his encounter, nor indeed spoken hardly at all, but his grim determination said more than enough.
Only a few days later, the morning after Purah had successfully implanted the first upgrade into Link’s arm, Symin slammed open the door to her tower study, panic and worry twisting his face. “He’s gone! Link’s gone!”
Purah turned to gaze out her window. She didn’t look surprised, but her normally boisterous personality was briefly extinguished. She shook herself and turned back to her notes with renewed vigor. “He’ll be back. Let’s be ready for him.”
Chapter 2
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syilcawrites · 4 years
archived memories | 8
Series: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Type: Multi-Chapter Main pairing: Zelink (Zelda and Link) Rated: T Tags/Genre: pre-calamity, fluff (middle chapters mostly), hurt (toward the last chapters lmao), pining Summary: bits and pieces of zelink scenes strewn in between the canon memories in botw! Snippet from Ch 8: “She had always thought that the coolness of his eyes never resembled who he actually was, but this time, they reflected the true color of how he seemed at that moment—icy blue.” A/N: Between Memory 9-10 You can also read it on ao3! Click here to see all chapters on tumblr
chapter 8: a cruel realization
Zelda prayed.
And prayed.
Despite all of her praying, she was never sure if she was even doing it right.
Was there a specific way to do it? Was she doing it wrong? Did she even have the blood of Hylia coursing through her veins?
An icy jolt staggered up her body and she violently shivered in response, rippling the water around her. It was the first movement in hours among the emptiness that surrounded her thoughts. She shot her eyes open, exhaling sharply out of her nose, finally aware of how much her body was shaking. The reflection of the full moon in the water wavered in front of her, bright and distracting, reminding her that another day would soon rise—and how this one was wasted. She squeezed her eyes shut once more.
Anger gripped at the edges of her mind as it hung on to the last strings of her attempted, desperate praying. But the last couple of hours felt like she had simply been begging, not praying.
Begging for something, anything, a flash of light, a vision, just… anything.
And yet, despite it all, despite everything, there was no revelation.
Was there supposed to be one? She didn’t even know.
Link shuffled behind her, his sword scraping against the stone floor just enough to remind her that he was there. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts that she had momentarily forgotten she wasn’t alone. She shuddered again, though this time, an involuntary hiss escaped between her chattering teeth. She held on to the feeble hope that he didn’t hear it, but every movement she emitted never seemed to evade him. He shuffled again, drawing Zelda out of her ruminating thoughts even more. She convinced herself that he was planning to retire for the night—except, she heard a loud splash.
The sound completely withdrew her from the depths of her mind.
She swiveled back, pressing her hands against her chest, as she watched Link push through the water toward her.
“Link what are you—“ She flinched as his warm hand cupped her cheek—so warm that it stung her.
“You’re freezing, Princess.” A stern look passed across his features—a semblance to a frown, with eyebrows knitted up in concern. His typically guarded eyes softened just a little.
“I—“ Zelda hesitated, sighing as she dropped her shoulders. “No. I’m… I can almost hear the Goddess. I swear it.” She cursed herself for sounding so shaky, but regardless, she turned back around, moving away from his hand. She tangled her fingers together even tighter than before.
This was the first time he had ever tried to stop her, and it irked her. Itched under her skin, like… like he was giving up on her. And out of everyone—she didn’t want it to be him.
The thought of it pricked her eyes irritably.
“Please,” he whispered, delicately placing a hand on her pale shoulder. She shivered at his touch, curling into herself. He was always soft spoken, but not like this; pained and pleading.
“I’ll stay here even if the Goddess takes me,” she insisted sharply. The cruel words had slipped out without much thought, and only when she said it did she realize how grim it sounded.
But somewhere, deep within her, she knew those words rang true.
“T-That’s not what I meant,” Zelda stammered immediately after. She opened her mouth to explain, but she couldn’t find the energy to somehow mask the truth she had just spoken, so instead, her words were left hanging in the air between them like a ticking bomb.
“You should go get some rest,” she said instead, quietly over her shoulder. Once again, Zelda brought her hands together, closing her eyes. His hand slipped from her, and along with it, the warmth she craved. As the cold settled into her skin once more, she pressed her clasped hands to her lips.
It was hard to concentrate when she could still feel his presence directly behind her, and the heat from his body distracted her.
She waited for him to leave.
But he didn’t.
Zelda glanced back at him, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. His head was bowed down, with lips drawn tight. She couldn’t see his eyes. Fighting against the weight of the water that dragged down her dress, she turned around to face him. “Link, did you hear me?” she asked, bringing her hand to his face.
Suddenly, his hand reached up toward her extended arm and grasped it tightly. Zelda jumped at his sudden movements, alarmed. He glared up at her, and a chill ran down her spine as their eyes locked.
She had always thought that the coolness of his eyes never resembled who he actually was, but this time, they reflected the true color of how he seemed at that moment—icy blue.
Before she could react, he was already pulling her back toward dry land.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Zelda asked, baffled and dumbfounded.
His grip never loosened, even when she was completely out of the water, dripping wet. She stared at the back of his head as he simply stood there, his hand around her arm only tightening with each breath he took. It was unlike him to be as distant as he was—and even more so that he wasn’t responding to her. She used her free hand to touch his arm, barely brushing his skin, but that simple act seemed to snap him out of his thoughts. Upon contact, he immediately let go of her, as if her touch shocked him.
“I’ll…” he trailed off, his back still toward her. He shook the hand that had held her, as if he was trying to get rid of something. “I’ll go make a fire. Stay there.”
And then he was gone before she could respond, past the stone entry way that led to the forest outside of the Spring.
Zelda glanced back at the statue that gazed down upon her with its taunting smile. She debated whether or not to dip back into the freezing waters until she noticed the light red mark on her skin, where he had grabbed her.
The cool paleness of her skin only accentuated it, leaving her numb.
They didn’t speak when he came back, and he wouldn’t look at her, no matter how long she stared him down. He had given her his spare clothes, a simple long sleeve tunic and loose pants, so that she wouldn’t be dripping wet for the night. When she sat down across the campfire, he held out a blanket for her, still avoiding her piercing gaze.
“Thank you,” she said, eyeing him.
He turned around.
Zelda deflated a little, frowning. She wrapped it around her shoulders tightly, snuggling in its warmth for a moment before scooting closer to the fire. As her hands gripped at the fabric, she realized it was the same blanket from the time they were on their way to Zora’s Domain, by the pattern on it. She ran her fingers against the embroidery, finding comfort in its stitches. Link began tossing some branches into the fire, and as it grew larger, Zelda could finally feel her fingers and toes. She thought he’d stop after the fifth tree branch, but he kept tossing them in at a pace that, quite frankly, concerned her.
His blue eyes reflected the warm glow of growing fire—glinting, dimming.
“Link,” Zelda whispered behind the fabric of the blanket, but he didn’t respond. “Link.” She tried again, louder this time, pulling the covers down from her nose. His name on her tongue only resulted in a twitch of his mouth. He was resting his chin on one hand as he continued to lazily toss more branches into the fire with the other.  “Can you please say something?” she asked gently.
His face was blank. He was always good at doing that when he really wanted no one to know what he was thinking.
“What do you want me to say?” he muttered back. There was an edge to his voice that she’d never heard before—was it… anger?
Did she make him mad? He never got mad. At anybody. He never did. No one, not even the Champions, the only other people he’s ever opened up to, had seen him get mad.
Sure, he got annoyed, but mad?
“I just—“ Zelda paused before the panic in her voice could come out. “I just want to know what you’re thinking,” Zelda said, keeping her voice steady. He stopped moving, and his blue eyes darted to her again. The only sound between them was the crackle of the fire, which he had overfed to the point where it was unnecessarily large and overbearing.
They stared at one another—and for the first time in a long time, he looked like a stranger.
Zelda realized how spoiled she had been all those times where he laughed or frowned at her now that she saw that blank look of his. She searched his face for something—anger, annoyance, rage—but there was nothing. She would’ve preferred anything.
Anything but that slack expression.
“You want to know what I think?” He ripped his gaze from hers, and for some reason, it felt like he had pulled away from her. Zelda tightened her grasp on the blanket, willing her hands to stop shaking. He returned his attention to the fire, poking at it. The edge in his voice was still there, and she hung on to it desperately, hoping that it would keep him from drawing further away than he already was. “You really want to know?”
“You know that I always do.”
When he didn’t continue, Zelda cast her gaze to the crackling fire, trying to find a reason for his aggravation. Their visits to the Springs were as they always were. The only difference was his odd quietness throughout the majority of this particular journey... but what she did today was what she had been doing on any other trip. So what had changed? Zelda scoured her memories for any bits and pieces of clues that she could fit together. The only thing she could really conclude was that he had become much more observant of her the past months. Or maybe she had simply imagined it, because she wanted to believe that he…
Zelda shook her head, letting the thought fall out before it could complete itself. Regardless, that knowledge didn’t help her in the situation at hand, because now it seemed like he couldn’t stand to even lock eyes with her for two seconds.
“I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you. Is it because you have to accompany me? I know that these trips are taxing, and that it’s been taking—“ Zelda stopped speaking once she shifted her eyes to him.
That blank expression of his had vanished, and was replaced by frustration. The fire reflected in his eyes grew brighter the larger the flames got.
“Link, the fire...“ Zelda warned quietly, and his hand paused midway, about to throw another stick in.
“I want you to stop beating yourself up,” he started, his voice strained. His eyebrows scrunched together as he opened his mouth again, the words flowing out quicker and smoother now. Louder even. “I want to see you smile and laugh like you mean it. I don’t want to touch your skin and feel it colder than ice anymore. Every single time you come out of that water, I can see the light in your eyes fading away.” He dropped the stick into the fire and didn’t reach for anymore. There was a pause, and the air around them stilled, holding its breath.
“I’m tired of not being able to do anything,” he admitted quietly, exhaling. With it, the tension in the air released as well.
Zelda scooted closer to him. When she was able to get a better look at his face, she realized how weary he seemed, with those dark bags under his half lidded eyes. She opened up the blanket, inviting.
“I’m cold,” she said. He didn’t budge an inch. “You said you’re tired of not being able to do anything?” Zelda lifted an eyebrow. “You can keep me warm.”
His face flushed red and he turned away from her, staring down at his hands. “That’s not what I meant.”
Zelda pursed her lips, trying to find words of comfort, but her attempts were fruitless. The only thing she could provide him was something that he had been constantly giving her—honesty.
“Link, you know I need to do this.” She dropped her arm, sighing. “I can’t just… stop trying. I will bend and break if that’s what it takes to get this sacred power—it’s something I cannot avoid. Regardless of what becomes of me.”
He looked pained at her words, but they were true, and she wouldn’t hide it. She never did to begin with. She hesitated with her next words—words that she only kept floating in her own thoughts, but maybe voicing them to him would help him understand.
“But I’m glad that you and the other Champions are here with me,” she said, pausing. If she wasn’t going to voice this now, she wasn’t sure she would ever get the chance to. “It gives me strength. It helps me move forward. And you… you…” Zelda trailed off, fidgeting with a piece of fraying thread on the blanket. The fact that he existed in the world spread an unfathomable joy within her, and she felt fortunate to be alive at the same time as him. To simply be connected with such a soul as beautiful as his filled her with more strength than the sealing power would ever be able to give.
But that was too much—an honesty too raw—for her to admit. She couldn’t indulge in such… distracting truths. Not now.
At her hesitance, he looked up at her, with a mix of curiosity and longing.
No, maybe it was she who looked upon him like that, but she couldn’t look away from him, even after the painful realization that hit her.
You love him, a little voice whispered to her. It almost sounded like a soft exhale, as if it was relieved to tell her. 
“Thank you, Link. I will always be grateful for you, in all of our lifetimes. That will never change.” She offered him a slight smile—a smile to let him know that he was not alone. And she hoped it would be enough to ease his pain, even if it was only brief, for it was all she could give in that moment.
He stayed quiet, but she didn’t find discomfort in the silence this time as they both gazed at the warm fire.
As it began to die down, he tugged at her blanket, prompting her to come toward him. His blue eyes shimmered like the shallow waters of a clear sea as she drew closer, and she opened her arms once more, inviting. Months of pressure and tension peeled off of her when his skin met hers, as he laid his head in the crook of her neck. She placed her cheek against the top of his head, finding comfort in the sound of his soft breathing. Her eyes stayed focused on the flicker of the firelight.
She didn’t say anything when she felt warm water dribble onto her skin, dripping down her collarbone. Instead, she tightened the blanket wrapped around them, pulling him closer, and gently shut her eyes.
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Remember your past -Prince! Harry Hook x Chosen Knight! reader - part 2
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inspired by botw
Ever since he arrived in Auradon, harry had been having…dreams, flashes of his dad and mother (whoever she was), and his sisters, but they were all dressed differently than he was used to, gold and silver, silk and high-quality fabric draping their bodies.
Uma and Gil were there too, but they also were dressed different, Uma was more dressed like the goddess she truly was, and Gil was decked out in hunting gear, golden braces that could enhance his strength and a protective magic shield.
his sister Harriet could do magic, summoning lighting when she pleased.
but the oddest thing, was a girl, with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, always dimmed by something, her face still and emotionless, never speaking.  a majestic sword strapped to her back, always behind him, protecting him.
Every time he would begin to speak her name in his dreams, he woke up, gasping for air, sweating profusely, “what the hell was tha’?” Harry muttered, sitting up from his soft Auradon bed.
He thought he would never be able to fall asleep on something so soft, but his body seemed to recognize it (even though he had never touched something like it) and fell asleep easily.
Bah never mind, Harry looked at his clock, 5 am, odd, he had been waking up earlier and earlier more often. Shaking his head, he stood up, walking into the bathroom to shower.
I was being chased, my breathing heavy and fast, my legs aching, glancing behind me, I saw I lost whatever was chasing me, but when I turned back around, two clan members cornered me, I collapsed to the floor, my legs giving out from fear.
“no, god no” I heard myself whisper hearing footsteps behind me, another clan member, he turned, the clan member menacingly stepping towards me, flipping his blade in hand.
He raised it high in the air, I closed my eyes, praying that it would be over quickly.
When the clash of metal startled me, I opened my eyes in a flash, seeing the clan member fall to the ground, defeated.
Gasping my eyes widened as she stepped in front of me guarding me, protecting me.
I felt my heart beat faster, but not from fear….from something else?
I opened my mouth, whispering her name
I cursed, falling against the wall, my head pounding as this...dream...crashed through me. “what the fuck is goin’ on!” I muttered, sticking my head under the hot stream of water, sighing in relief as the headache resided.
“I need ta talk teh uma” I murmured to myself, turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, “maybe she can stop these infernal dreams” I quickly dried my hair, wrapping a blue towel around my waist, and walking out from the steam-filled bathroom.
grabbing his clothes, he quickly changed, grabbing his iconic red jacket before leaving his room. glancing at his phone, he saw it was 5 minutes till roar training, he grinned, speeding into a run down to the fencing gym.
he dodged a (h/c) girl, not bothering to apologize as she stumbled slightly. grabbing the fencing gear, he sat in the corner watching as Lonnie kicked chad Charmings ass easily.
“valid” Jay called, Lonnie grinning victoriously as she undid her helmet. “nice one Lonnie” jay grinned as she high-fived him.
“Thanks, jay! okay, whos next?” Lonnie looked around the room, but no one stepped up, too afraid to face the skilled daughter of Mulan.
I grinned, picking up a sword and flipping it in my hands  “I’ll take a whirl” I spoke aloud, meeting Lonnie’s eyes, challenging her.
She grinned, putting her helmet back on “You’re on Harry!” She settled into her stance, drawing her sword and twitching her fingers at me.
I slid my helmet on, getting into my own fencing stance and preparing for Jay to announce the match to begin.
Lonnie and I pointed our swords out, facing each other.
I arched my sword up, the tip facing the ceiling.
“Lower the point.”
I breathed in slowly, watching Lonnie follow Jay's call.
I tensed my muscles, seeing Lonnie shake her shoulders lightly to loosen hers.
Lonnie leaped forward, her sword arching fast towards me, I parred and struck back, stepping to the side. I heard a gasp from my right, twirling around Lonnie, my eyes caught the (h/c) girl from earlier, leaning her head in her hands, wincing.
‘alright,’ I thought, putting my mind back on fighting Lonnie, dodging another one of her strikes.
Fighting was like second nature so dodging her attacks were simple. Blocking her strike to my chest was easy enough, but I noticed Jay walking over to the (h/c) girl, sighing I was already bored, so I ended things quickly, taking my blade and twisting it around Lonnie's, flinging it into the air and catching it with my other hand, sweeping under her feet, knocking her down to the floor, ending the match.
I dropped the swords, making eye contact with the…(e/c) eyed girl….wait what?
stop following me!
“fuck!” I yelped, dropping the helmet and pressing my palms to my forehead. I kneeled to the floor, wincing as the pounding headache returned. “Harry?” Carlos’ voice seemed far away, but I could hear him clearly enough.
“Are you okay?” I shook my head, cursing as it only made my head hurt worse. “No, shit, fuck, ass”
I could sense Carlos rolling his eyes, but he helped me up and dragged me over to a bench, calling Lonnie over to us.
“I think Harry's hurt? At least he looks like he's in pain” I hear Lonnie's footsteps trot over, stopping just in front of me.
“Oh no! Gil! Can you take him to the nurse's office?”
My behemoth, sunshine child of a friend chirped out a bright “Yeah!” and jogged over to me, picking me up princess style.
“Are yeh fuckin’ serious Gil?” I groaned letting my head drop. “Yeh couldn’t pick me up normally?”
“Nope! By the way, what's hurting?” Gil questioned, slowing walking out of the gym. “Headache, been bothering me since this morning”
I heard Lonnie speak in the background of my head.
“That’s odd, that’s what was bothering (y/n) too?”
...I've heard that name before…
y̵̍͆o̵̗̊̍ụ̷͓͌ ̸͈̲͐͝m̷̼̰̈ȕ̶̝̽s̶̻̐͝ť̵̞ ̶̢̉̇͜s̶̺͆a̴̧̖̅̄v̸̫͋e̵̮̝̔ ̶̒͊͜t̸̪̗̽̍ȟ̵̹͝i̸̻̓̾s̶̰̆͆ ̷̘̩̃̑k̷̫͑ỉ̶̯͚̉n̸͙̂g̴͍̬̊̏d̷̢̀͝ọ̵̎͜m̶̪̅̀ ̸̨͠H̸̩̒̌a̴̗͈͐r̸̰͓͂r̷̞̓i̴͍͍͘s̸̙͎̀o̷̜͝n̸̖̰̒!̴̲͑
̶̢͚̔̑i̷͙͂̕t̶̯̓͋s̴̭̻̅ ̵̹͇̃f̵̤͆̀à̴̤͗t̴͓̯͋e̴͙̥̾̌ ̵̮̝̈́l̷̞͚̄í̷̥͍͆ě̶̢͆s̶̛͍̉ ̵̧̝̀ị̴̈́n̶͍̕ ̸̨̥̀̾y̴͓̓͂o̶̟̫̒͂û̴͍̖r̵̗̔ ̶͎̍͗ḥ̶̫̂̽a̸̪̚n̶̢̈́͐͜ḑ̷̪͐̚s̶͖̔̕!̷̖̙́͝ ̴̳͗̇
what...what was that voice? Fuck it was getting worse, a ringing in my ears blocking out Gil's voice, letting only that voice in my head be heard.
I̶͎͒ͅt̷̥͚̀͝ ̵͎͎͒ḯ̴̝̉s̴͇̐ ̶̲̺͂y̷͈̔͘ơ̷̪̽u̸̜͑r̷̙͕̀ ̷̰̓̈́͜d̸̖̎è̸͙̭̔s̶͜͝t̸̺̕i̷̤̠͗̒n̸̛̠̖ỹ̸̖̫̐!̵͎̐͝ ̴͜͠
D̴̢̫̯͎̝̊̓́̕̕͝O̵̢͖̯͌̈́́̒̊͋͜ ̴̣͕̒̉̇̈́̐̔N̴̩̙̞͊̍̓Ȍ̶͕̣̩̫͘T̸̆̊͛̌͋͑͜ ̷̙͕̲̈̀͋́͠F̶̖̬̺̯̒A̵̢͔̖͉̖̤̓̎̓̈̍͠I̵̘̖͛L̴͉̄̒͊ ̸̡̬͉͋̒M̴̢̢̳̤̫̱̽̽͐͋̿Ĕ̷͖̻͝ ̴̘͚̲̒B̸͉̈̈́́̓̾̂O̴̗̟̰̞͉̥͑̉͑Y̴̜̌̂͐̂̏͠ͅ
I blacked out, my fathers voice echoing in my ears.
--end of part 2--
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oatsn-honey · 6 years
simple words
Summary:  Zelda was concerned for him -- he had been awfully quiet that day. She wondered, "Is this the breaking point?" (zelink, post-botw, zelda pov)
Hiya! So, I just got botw, and I am now officially o b s e s s e d (seriously, send help). I thought that I would give writing for this amazing game a shot, so without further delay, enjoy!
We had been sitting outside his home for a while, listening to the fire crackling and watching the sun slowly disappear off the horizon. While it was indeed serine, I still worried. He had been awfully quiet today -- since the fall of the poisoning malice, he had begun to open up more, acting silly and showing his emotions. I tapped my wooden pencil against my leather-bound notebook, sighing softly and turning to gaze at him. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and he had his arms wrapped around them. His head rested against his knees, disheveled blonde hair cascading down.
I stared a while longer, my eyebrows furrowing, studying how the fading sunlight illuminated his body’s outline and grazed his face with ethereal glow, bouncing from his freckled skin. I turned to a blank page in my notebook, hoping to capture the picture. I bit the inside of my cheek, and with silent fervor began to doodle. I managed to finish sketching out the drawing just as the first stars began to litter the sky. I wanted desperately to show him, but felt off about doing so. So instead, after refining the drawing somewhat, I began to aimlessly map out some Guardian parts.
Suddenly, accentuated with a shaky breath, he turns to me, “Zelda,” he whispers, glancing up at me through his long bangs, “Do you ever feel your chest and heart convulse with the need to cry… but you just… can’t?” I inhaled sharply, surprised by his abrupt words, but remained silent. I could tell there was something else he wanted to say.
I stealthily slid closer to him, leaving my book and pencil behind. My body gently nudged his, and I felt him flinch, but I did not back away. “W-well, I guess I do know what you mean,” I started awkwardly, gulping, “kind of.” He spared me a questioning look. I continued, “What makes you feel this way, Link?” I knew I was never the best at providing comfort to others, but I would try. Before he could start speaking, I tagged on a firm, but kind reminder, “I’m always here to listen to you.”
He hid away, his words muffled, “I-I just… I’m- I’m so l-lonely,” he stuttered, voice weak. “I don’t even know w-why. I have you, and- and I just…,” his voice broke, “I’m so…”
My lips made a grim line. Sighing softly, my silky strands moving with the exhalation of breath, I closed the small gap between us, my hand nudging his leg. Several silent moments passed.
Eventually, my fingers brushed his cheek. I tenderly cupped his face, and he lifted his head just enough for his eyes to peek through his messy bangs. We locked gazes and I stared, entranced, into his ocean orbs, the sea color crashing with waves of built up emotions trying to spill over the edge of a wall. Tears pooled in the corners, and I felt my stomach clench and heart ache. He took a shuddering breath. “Zelda, I’m so sad.”
I dropped my hand from his freckle-splattered cheek and I swallowed, unsure of what to say, “I-I’m,” I snapped my mouth closed. My silence was deafening, and soon he was curling further into himself, shoulders quaking as silent cries racked his body. Tears dripped slowly down my face as I stared at my trembling hands. What was I supposed to do?
I couldn’t take it anymore. I launched myself forward, wrapping my arms around his shaking body and pulling him into me, “Link, Link, I’m so sorry,” I whispered into his hair as he clutched the front of my shirt.
The dam broke. Tears spurted from his eyes and his body trembled with labored, rapid breathing. He rubbed his palms on his face, sobs racking his body and making his voice jump, “Zelda, help, I’m tired of being sad! I’m tired of feeling alone! Nothing matters and everything matters! Everyday is a struggle, and I just can’t keep going! I-I,” He choked on his words leaning into my embrace, “I’m not good enough! Everything is always my fault! Maybe if I had trained harder or had been more careful, none of this would’ve happened -- I would’ve stopped Ganon one hundred years ago, and then maybe-maybe I wouldn’t be so lonely!” He tried to breathe, chest heaving.
“I’m so afraid. And I’m so confused.” He weeped into my shirt, soaking it with his tears.
“I know,” I uttered, trying to silence my own crying.
“Where are all of these emotions coming from?! There are so many of them!” He yelled, causing my heart to wrench painfully.
“I-I know.”
“They’re eating me up! Controlling my life! They make my heart burn, and they make me sick,” He gasped into my drenched shirt, “I make myself sick. I hate myself so much. Why am I even alive? I don’t want to live like this anymore, I don’t want to live, I-” He couldn’t say anymore, and curled into me, hands clenching the material of my clothes tighter. After several minutes of grieving, with whimpers falling from his lips, he spoke hoarsely, “What do I do, Zelda?”
“I don’t know,” I sniveled, failure and helplessness bubbling in my chest. I hugged him tighter, crying into his golden locks.
He looked up at me, eyes swollen and bloodshot, tears dripping from his chin, face flushed, and eyes so pained, and breathed, “I just want to be happy.”
“Zelda, I’m so sad,” Is what he had said, broken down and sobbing openly for the first time in our long lives. I had told him, “I know,” and tried to convince him (and myself) that I truly understood what was happening. But, did I? I don’t think I did fully, no. I was confused, just as he, and didn’t know how to help. I had certainly felt that, the helplessness, before. Perhaps it was the most common emotion in my life. But, knowing that I had no way to provide true, immediate comfort to my friend, my love, was truly heartbreaking. Even more so, I had to accept that these feelings of his weren’t new, certainly not. They had been present long before the Calamity. He had been suffering this for longer than he could literally remember. And I was utterly oblivious. That was the epitome of uselessness.
Dismal. Sorrowful. Despairing. Despondent. Heartbroken. Distressed. Doleful. Grieved. Somber. Wistful. Dejected.
There were so many words he could’ve used. So many words that conveyed so much more. But, he said “I’m so sad.” Sad. What does that word even mean? What does it mean to be truly sad? The way it seemed to me, that small snippet of a word was a mashed up combination of every word, and so many more, listed above that could only be described as the word it was; sad.
That three letter word held more power than the Calamity itself. It could break the strongest of soldiers with a single, undetectable blow. Did it break my knight? I wondered if there was any word that was strong enough to combat it. A word capable of overpowering it and bring another simple word to light; happy. That was another word he had used -- “I just want to be happy.”
Could a word even simpler than sad prevail? That would be the test, the hope. For the word that was put against the formidable three letters was I. I would fight his sadness. I was determined to see him smile and hear him laugh. I was going to piece him back together, even if it was the last thing I did. I was going to love Link. And he was going to be happy.
Hopefully it wasn't too sad haha. Also, this is a bit of an experiment, because I’ve never written in a character’s pov, so hopefully it wasn’t too bad. To be honest, this was a vent fic I wrote at 3 am, so I don't expect it to be all that good. But, I do have another Zelda fic coming out, so stay tuned! Well, that's all for today. Have a great day, and eat and drink plenty! <3
(p.s. let me know if you're interested in a second chapter for this)
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bethesdaglitch · 6 years
1-70 do em all! 😁💙
I’m seriously so sorry this took so long, but it was so much fun!! thank you!!! Also it’s super long so I’m gonna put it under a readmore!
1. First game you played obsessively?
Jak & Daxter! 2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.Lmao I’m not exactly a creative person, but when I was little I tried coming up with and drawing my own pokemon. They were… bad3. Who did you play with as a kid?My brother! At first I stole his Gameboy Color whenever he wasn’t using it, but then he saved up and bought a PS2 so we could play games together4. Who do you play with now?No one really lol. I kinda prefer to play single-player games now? But I’ll play with various friends when we hang out.5. Ever use cheat codes?When I was little, yeah! Especially in the Sly Raccoon games 6. Ever buy strategy guides?Before the age of unlimited free online strategy guides I did, now I just use said online ones7. Any games you have multiple copies of?Yep, I’ve “lost” games only to find them again after replacing them like… four times? It happened with Oblivion, Fable 3, DA: Origins, and, weirdly enough, that one obscure (but fun imo!) wii game, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?This one was hard! After a teeny bit of research, I narrowed it down to either Rule of Rose, LoZ Collector’s Edition on Gamecube, and pokemon red and yellow9. Most regrettable purchase?Hhhhhhhh I bought the video game for the 2006 Dreamworks movie Over the Hedge. I was only 12, but I still should’ve known better :(10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?I’ve gone to a few midnight releases, but none that have lasted for hours, luckily. I only started going to them in the last few years, so the only ones I’ve been to so far are Fallout 4, DA:I and uh… ME:A (I KNOW)11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?Nah not really, I don’t play online games, so. I have friends who play video games, but I’ve never met someone BECAUSE of video games12. Ever get picked on for liking games?Lol no?13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?Overwatch14. Favorite game music?NIER, hands down. 15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?Probably something cute and harmless like the leaf from Animal Crossing lol16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL?Lately we’ve been really into Towerfall: Ascension and Screencheat17. Ever lose a friend over a game?Wh—no????18. Would you date someone that hates gaming?So long as they didn’t try to “forbid” me from playing and so long as we had other interests to bond over, then sure. It’d be kind of a bummer though lol19. Favorite handheld console?Idk that I have one! Maybe the Switch, since that’s the most recent and popular?20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?Silent Hill 3 and DA:I21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?The Civilization games22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories?Sometimes, yeah. Nothing too embarrassing, though. 23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?What, like… ever?? Geez, I dunno… probably Oblivion?24. First Pokemon game?Yellow!25. Were you ever an arcade game player?I actually wasn’t really :/26. Ever form any gaming rivalries?Oh yeah, with my brother. He’s 6 years older than me, which pretty much guaranteed I got my ass kicked in every game we played when I was younger27. Game that makes you rage?Bloodborne and Dark Souls!!!!!! I swear I try to go back and play them at least once a year, and I can never get past the first hour :(28. Ever play in a tournament?Not like an official one, but ones with friends, yep29. What is your gaming set up?Imma be real with you chief I don’t know nearly enough about computers to answer this question with anything other than “a computer”30. How many consoles do you own?Ohohoho far too many31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?I’ve never had the 3D slider up long enough to tell, but that probably means yes lol32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic?BOY when I was in first grade I played Spongebob: Supersponge on Gameboy advance so much I STILL remember the password that lets you skip to the final stage (it’s WMBT) 33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?nah 34. Do either of your parents play video games?PFFF GOD NO. Although my mom does love Animal Crossing. Not playing it, but just like it’s whole deal. 35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?No and no, tbh36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game?I… don’t think so? Maybe I’ve cried over a game, but blood?? Put the controller down, y’all37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?NO NO NO OVER THE HEDGE (2006) FOR THE PS2 IS THE SINGLE WORST GAME EVER MADE FIGHT ME ON THIS38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like?Oh lord… idk if anyone’s ever played any of Ambition’s dating sims (Dream Girlfriend, Dream Boyfriend, Animal Boyfriend, and Moe Can Change) but I’ve literally been playing them for about… 5-ish years now? They’re seriously the worst, I fucking love them 39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?Hmm… Maybe a new Kingdoms of Amalur game would be cool? 40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls?I love VR but the last time I tried it at a friend’s place I fucking faceplanted after leaning on a counter I forgot was also virtual and the first thing my friend asked was whether the headset was ok, so that stung. As for motion controls, they’re fun but they can be a real pain41. A genre that you just can’t get into?Sports games 42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness?The path to what43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?Oh yeah, who hasn’t?44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters?Idk if this counts but I am a MASTER at the claw machine and that stacker game. My closet is full of useless shit I’ve won from those things45. How are you at Mario Kart?OH SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon?yesssss I love them47. Do you like competitive games?I mean like I said, I mostly prefer single-player games, but I do enjoy the occasional co-op game48. How long does it take your to customize your player character?about an hour49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?I actually don’t! If it’s a game I’m not confident I’ll be good at, I pick whichever class is recommended for beginners, and that changes from game to game. Alternatively, I just go through phases where I prefer a specific class above others 50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create?Christ I have no idea. Maybe a first-person escape game? idk51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?NO?? DAMN ARE Y’ALL OK????52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid?Literally any M game; my parents were strictly “No M games until you’re old enough!” I just got my brother to buy them most of the time though lol53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?Most DLC is fine, it’s microtransactions in “pay-to-win” games that I fucking hate. 54. Do you give in to Steam sales?HAHAHAHAHA yeah absolutely 55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?N-No??? 56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests?Ok yeah I did do that 57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?Ew no58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?Ooooh… ok, Oblivion, My Time in Portia, and Divinity 259. Do you play any cell phone games?I do! I play a lot of escape games, and uh… the Ambition games mentioned previously60. Do you know the Konami Code?Is that the up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A? Huh, I never knew it had a name!61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever?I used to trade them in occasionally, but mostly I keep them 62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game?Yeah the Switch for BotW. Not proud of it, but it was worth it63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? nah64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming?Yep! 65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?OHHHH MY GOD YEAH, I’M STILL FUCKING PISSED ABOUT IT. I had GameShark for Gameboy and PS2, but that one was fine, it didn’t cause any problems. It was ACTION FUCKING REPLAY that fucked me over. I used it for KH2 and it worked the whole time until literally THE VERY LAST XEMNAS FIGHT, when my HP bar suddenly dropped to 1??? Not my HP, mind you, the HP BAR. Meaning 1 HP was the most I could have. Literally fuck action replay >:( 66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it?nope67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?I do! The very first thing I ever saved up money for to buy myself was Pokemon Crystal version. Until then I’d just been borrowing (re:stealing) my brother’s, but when I was 5 and Crystal was about to come out, my parents made me a deal that if I saved up $15, they’d pay the other $15 and I could get it! It was the first time I was working towards a fun goal, so it was all pretty exciting for 5-year-old me lol. It’s dumb, I know, but it’s something I look back on fondly68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool?Lol nah, I think the best thing I ever got with tickets was a cheap snowglobe 69. In your opinion, best game ever made? UHHHH GOD. That’s… super tough. I’m genuinely not sure I have an answer tbh. I’m really into Divinity 2 right now but best game ever made?? Idk! that’s a hard one!!!! 70. Very first game you ever beat? I won’t lie, it was Spongebob: Supersponge on GBA
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sweetchcolate · 7 years
i can def see botw zelink for “would it be alright if i borrowed your sweater? it smells like you..”
HEEERE IT IS! It was fun to write! Hope you enjoy it :>
Link offered Zelda a hand and she gratefullyaccepted the offer. In a show of strength, he lifted her to sit in front ofhim. Her dress proved much of a hindrance and Zelda settled to sit side-saddle,safely tucked by Link’s arms as he reached for the lead.
Her feet off the ground, exhaustion finally hitZelda. A bone-deep ache spread through her body and her mind turned sluggish,as if she was stuck in sinking sands. Her eyelids closed without her permissionand Zelda felt herself sag against Link, drawing warmth and comfort from him againstthe chilly morning breeze.
Hyrule smelled of damp grass, mud, and nature, a faint hint of orange waftingup her nose. The soft fabric of Link’s clothing rustled under her ears and thelulling beat of his heart soothed her…
When Zelda awoke, she was cocooned undernumerous blankets. It was warm and she relished in the safety and comfort ofher little nest, much like one was wont to do upon waking to a frigid wintermorning. She listened to the faint tinkling of a wind chime, the clucking ofhens, the neighing of horses, and the sigh of rustling leaves.
It was so peaceful…
Drowsily, Zelda opened her eyes, scanning hersurroundings. Her bed was surrounded by dark curtains, most likely for privacy’ssake. Some light filtered through the fabric and outlined the figure of someonestanding near the end of her bed.
Stretching, her muscles briefly tightening toan almost painful degree before relaxing, Zelda threw her comforters off andregretted her hasty gesture. It was so cold! Shivering, she noted she wasbarefooted, her sandals by the side of her bed.
Looking at herself, she found her dress completelycrumpled from her sleeping hours. Patches of mud, blood, grass, and sweathad also dried over her arms and feet and dirtied her pristine white outfit. Liftinga hand to her head, her fingers fluttered through the greasy unruly mess that washer hair.
She had some cleaning up to do.
Standing, she walked over the figure she hadspotted earlier. She drew the curtain back and Link, ears perking up at thesound, twisted his eyes to look at her through the corner of one eye beforefacing her.
Outlined by the bright light, Link’s hair framedhis soft blue eyes and curled around his jaw. He was sporting a deep bluetunic, which contrasted well against the deeper tone of his skin. He smelled oforanges.
“You look much better than you did when I lastlaid eyes on you,” Zelda whispered with a smile, unable to curve the desire totouch him. Her fingers rose to his face, and seeing he did not flinch or moveback, she allowed herself to trace the roundness of his cheeks.
While marvelling at the reality of it all, eyesshining in wonder, Link smiled lightly. The muscles of his face moved under herfingertips. Allowing herself one last touch, Zelda retracted her fingers,clasping her hands. “Is there a stream nearby? I would like to bathe if that ispossible.”
Link nodded.
“Wonderful. Ah, also,” she added, seeing himabout to part ways of her, “may I borrow some of your clothes in the mean time?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you, Link.”
Soon, the two dropped off at a nearby lakesurrounded by a cliff side on three fourths of its circumference and hiddenbehind a dense cluster of trees. Link offered her his packs before turning around.He stood not so far he couldn’t assure her protection, but enough to ensure herprivacy.
Zelda looked through the bag for necessities.On top of the clothing she noticed a small comb, a rolled-up towel, and a slabof orange-smelling soap.
How thoughtful of him.
Reassured she had everything need, she shucked off her undergarments first, scrubbing them. As much as she appreciated a clean set of clothes, courtesy of Link,she would not hop in them without proper underwear. She also doubted Link wouldbe in possession of feminine lingerie (and if he did, there was no way shewould wear someone else’s intimate pieces).
As for putting dirty undergarments on afterbathing? Simply out of the question. She would rather deal with a wet pair thana dirty one.
Setting the soaked pieces on a rock to dryunder the sun, Zelda stripped and dipped in the water. It was a pleasanttemperature, warmed by the noon heat and protected from the chilly wind by thecliffs surrounding the lake. Soap and comb in hand, she proceeded to scrubherself raw, skin turning pink from irritation.
Quickly toweling, Zelda slipped on herundergarments: they were still damp, but not uncomfortably so. Unfortunately,she encountered some difficulties with Link’s pants, as their cut was not madeto accommodate the female body’s more curvaceous form: the fabric clung tightlyto her hips and rear.
Finally, Zelda drew her pick for a top: Link’schampion’s tunic. The fabric was light and airy, but a long-sleeved white shirtunderneath would offer warmth and coverage of her forearms. It was likely themost comfortable top he owned, as Link had worn it so often that the threadshad softened and plied easily around the shoulder and elbow area.
Still, Zelda held some apprehension to wearingthis particular set of clothing. It was a piece that Link had worn daily beforehis fall and on a consistent basis after his awakening. It was, at this point,a piece of her hero himself, and so Zelda wasn’t sure how he wouldreact to seeing her wear the champion’s tunic.
Zelda buried her face in the top. Hylia, what was she thinking? She shouldjust pick another tunic and be done with the dilemma. Breathing deeply, Zeldafroze. The champion’s tunic smelled… like oranges. Like the soap Link handed toher.
And why would he carry around soap if not touse it himself?
Oh Hylia.
She realized, in that instant, that her skin,her hair, and her clothes, smelled like oranges. Smelled like Link.
Her entire bodysmelled like Link.
A vicious blush overtook her face and ears.Suddenly, Zelda felt too warm, heart thrumming in her chest. She lowered thechampion’s tunic to look at it accusingly. Would Link realise she smelled likehim, like his soap? Could she face him with this new-found knowledge withoutbetraying her embarrassment?
“Milady,” Link called, startling Zelda. It wasn’tas if he could hear her thoughts, right? “Some people are approaching.”
“O-oh. I see. I’m almost done.”
Swallowing her apprehension, Zelda slipped onthe blue tunic, rolling her old dress in the towel and placing all hernecessities back in place. She made her way to Link, who offered to take thepack, and she swore she saw one ofhis brows rise at her choice of outfit.
Zelda didn’t know whether it was infuriating orreassuring that he didn’t comment on it.
In silence, he attached his pack to the horse,climbing first. He held out his hand for her and Zelda swung behind Link, armsloosely wrapped around his waist as a blush stained her cheeks once more.
She long debated in her mind whether to ask him a certain question or not, chickening out at the last second whenever she opened her mouth. Itdidn’t help that Link was looking at her curiously, confusion etched on hisface. Even he sensed there was something on the tip of her tongue.
Mustering her courage before it failed heragain, Zelda asked, “Link, may I borrow your clothes until I acquire some of myown?”
“Sure, milady,” Link shrugged, the muscles of backshifting in interesting patterns under his dark top. With each breath she took,Zelda took in the smell of oranges emanating from the man in front of her.
“You smell really good,” she muttered under herbreath.
“Nothing! Nothing at all…”
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