#the black streak is so thin that I keep second guessing myself am I just going crazy is it just shading??
rotisseries · 10 months
just saw pictures of atsushi in the bsd manga who was gonna tell me he has a black streak in his hair
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The two of you get closer in this latest installation of Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic
Warnings for this section: Cannabis (weed)
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 5/?): Stoner? I Hardly Know ‘er!
After being cleaned up with some soap and a rinse, your new bong is filled with water and at the ready - you just needed to pack a bowl. Walking over to the couch, you see Rhea sprawled out across the entire thing, vest on the ground, brow furrowed in thought, phone face down on her stomach.
“Where am I supposed to sit?” you ask, feigning offense.
“Sounds like a “you” problem,” she quips back.
“Then I guess I’m going to go pack and smoke this bowl aaaall by myself in my bedroom,” you pretend to head to your room, looking over your shoulder. Rhea sticks her tongue out at you before sitting up and setting her feet on the ground, freeing up the space next to her. Triumphantly grinning, you set up your supplies and sit down to pack a bowl.
Placing the flower, grinding it up, packing it in: the movements were second nature to you, a welcome task for hands you might not otherwise know what to do with. Once you’ve finished, you take a second to look at the piece as a whole, still struck by just how clean and new and pretty it was. Carefully eyeballing the volume, you’re sure this can hold more smoke than your last piece. Lighting the bowl, you inhale more slowly than usual, pulling the bowl and clearing up the thin smoke.
Turning to face Rhea, you see she’s ready, but before you can lean forward, her lips are pressed against yours. Blushing, you start exhaling as she inhales. Moving to pull away once you’ve expelled all your air, a strong, steady hand holds you in place. To your surprise and delight, Rhea slides the tip of her tongue past your lips, sending waves of electricity through your body. She gives your lower lip a bite, making you moan softly as she keeps kissing you hard. Time has stopped, the earth has fallen away, and the only people in existence are the two of you; at least, that’s what it feels like with her lips against yours.
A sensation like every atom in your being reaching to move with her takes you over as she pulls away. Opening your eyes, you see Rhea grinning at you, lipstick smudged, surrounded by thin smoke, and she starts to chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” you somehow manage not to sound flustered, but you’re probably still blushing.
“You should see your face. I sort of.. accidentally did your makeup,” she says between giggles.
You immediately pull out your phone, turn on the camera, and switch to the selfie option. One look at the lopsided black smudges all over and around your mouth and your laughter harmonizes with Rhea’s.
Bringing a tissue up to your mouth, you do your best to clean off the smudges while looking at yourself in your phone camera.
“What’s the matter?” Rhea joked, “Not liking your new makeover? And after all the hard work I put into it” she shakes her head.
“Guess you’ll just have to try again,” you grin, trying to seem nonchalant as you wipe off the last of the lipstick, despite wanting nothing more than to get lost in another kiss.
“Are you planning on keeping the messy look, then?” you glance at the streaks and smudges still sitting around her lips.
“Actually I was hoping I could borrow some makeup remover so I can go all-in on some good food,” she stands up, stretches, and saunters away, “It’ll help if I decide I want to kiss you more later, too.” Watching her disappear into the bathroom, you can’t tell if she’s joking or not.
A few minutes later, you look up to see Rhea exiting the bathroom, face completely without makeup. Her face looked so much softer without the hard lines and sharp contrast; even her eyes seemed kinder.
“Got any sunglasses I can borrow?” she asks, “I’m tired of being recognized and I want to go out to eat.”
“You know, you wouldn’t be recognized so easily if you wore more colors,” you suggest, half-joking.
“Not even an option,” Rhea responds stubbornly, arms crossed.
Getting up to rifle through your accessories, you grin and notice the small tug at your lips hurts your cheeks. Had you really been smiling that much?
As soon as you find a pair of sunglasses and hand them to Rhea, she asks, “So, where do we go to get some good food around here?”
[end part five of ?]
Part 6: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/723670163896041472/absolute-smokeshow-part-6-expectations
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I know I'm just posting incorrect quotes but I wrote this on Sunday after more than six months without writing anything and I liked it, so I thought someone out there may like it too. Enjoy! :D
Pairing: Jake x Charlie (my MC)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, spoilers for ep 8
Charlie walked up the steps slowly, her backpack weighing down her shoulders, the take-out bags of Chinese clenched tightly in her left hand. She checked her phone the hundredth time since leaving her house, making sure she had gotten the right address. The restaurant in front of the motel was a pretty compelling evidence that yes, she was in the right place, but she couldn’t help but wonder if she had gotten something wrong; if she did, this was going to be a tad awkward for whoever was on the other side of the door.
Reaching the number 543, Charlie finally put the phone in her pocket, letting out a shaky breath out through her mouth. Pushing her hair out of her face, she closed her eyes and counted to five.
You’re fine. You’re in the right place. He’ll be happy to see you, you know that. Pissed maybe, but certainly happy too. Just knock on the door and everything will be okay
Finally, she knocked twice on the door, quiet enough so others wouldn’t hear but loud enough for him to hear; she only hoped he wouldn’t think she was one of the people that were after him. Time seemed to pass slowly and Charlie started to get restless. She tapped her foot on the floor, her breathing getting shakier with each passing second that she didn’t hear anything on the other side of the door. The bags in her hand were hot enough to warm her hand and she changed them to the her right hand, rasing her left one to knock again when there was finally shuffling in the room. Quietly, she waited for something to happen: for him to ask who it was, for him to start packing all of his things in a rush or for the door to open, she wasn’t sure which one.
Not bearing the silence and the lack of reaction, she finally talked, “You know, it’s kind of rude to leave a friend waiting outside in this weather. Specially when she has brought food.”
That, at last, got a reaction from him. Charlie heard footsteps, a loud noise followed by a curse, and the sound of the lock of the door. It didn’t open but she knew it wouldn’t take long anymore. He may not have known what her voice sounded like but he would know what to ask of her to know he’s safe; and she knew exactly what to answer.
“It’s also rude to just stop by the door when we both know you want to ask something so I’ll prove who I am.” No answer. With a sigh, she continued, “What was the first thing I asked about you when we started talking?”
Silence followed by some shuffling. Then, “You asked what kind of hack programs I use and I listed four of them to you.” Charlie smiled. I knew it was him. “What did you tell was your imagination about meeting me?”
“I imagined you were wearing your black hoodie, like you probably are now. I imagined your eyes looked so familiar because you are so familiar to me already. I imagined you would hold me in your arms and tell me everything would be okay because we were together.”
It took five seconds for the lock to turn and the door to open. Charlie stared at him with a soft expression, looking for his eyes to see the familiarity she knew she would find and learning what he really looked like; Jake was tall—a lot more taller than her—his long hair was as black as a moonless sky, his eyes a clear grey, dark bags from sleepless nights under them, his skin thin and pale from being closed off for so long. He was indeed using a hoodie, but this one was a dark blue instead of black, a Metallica T-shirt badly hidden under it.
Charlie knew he was staring at her just intently, memorizing her face, and she let him. She watched his eyes wander through her face, the lines around them softening and making him look a lot younger than he actually was. Amazement was etched in his face, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, and Charlie thought she had never seen someone as beautiful as Jake; she wasn’t sure if it was because she was finally seeing him in front of her, or if it was because of the way he was looking at her, or if it was just the fact that she was so goddam happy for having found him. Whatever it was, Charlie was certain Jake was the most amazing human being she had ever seen.
After a few minutes, Jake finally let out a shaky breath and tentatively raised his hand towards Charlie, hovering it over her left shoulder. She gave one tiny step towards him, placing her own hand on his shoulder and softly pulling him towards her; it was the action Jake needed to pull her hard to his chest and bury his face on her hair, his arms closing tightly around her shoulders. Charlie moved her free hand to Jake’s hair, threading her fingers through it, and pressed her ear against his chest, listening to his heart beat as fast as her own.
She lost count of how long they stood there but, eventually, her bag started to weigh a lot more than it already did and she gently pushed Jake back enough to look at his eyes. “This is all good and great but we should probably get inside. It’s freezing, my bag’s heavy and the food is just getting cold.”
Jake chuckled, his cheeks blushing as he scratched the back of his neck and gave a step back. “Of course, I’m sorry. I guess my surprise overpowered me. Come on in,” he waved his arm towards the room, waiting for Charlie to enter before closing the door and locking it once again.
Placing her bag on the floor, Charlie looked around the room; the curtains were drawn shut, the bed was a mess of pillows and blankets, there were two duffles by the foot of the bed and an array of laptops and wires on the table. Nothing unlike what she had expected from Jake. She turned to him with a smile and offered him the take-out bags. “It won’t be exactly like you wanted but we do get to eat Chinese food.”
“I think the least of our problems are not being at the restaurant.” Jake took the bags from Charlie before placing them on an empty space at the table. He kept his back to her, seeming to be clearing some more space on the table. Charlie frowned, watching as Jake avoided her eyes when he closed the laptops and put them together on the bed.
“Jake? Are you okay?”
Jake’s shoulders tensed before turning back to her, his eyes shielded by a strand of her. “What are you doing here, Charlie? How did you find me?”
Charlie sighed, raising a hand to her shoulder to press on a tense muscle. “It wasn’t easy, I’m gonna give you that. But I knew what to look for and how to do it.”
“How? I mean, I didn’t know you could hack someone if you wanted to.”
“Well,” Charlie smiled, walking to one of the chairs. “I do have a few aces up my sleeve too. And after everything that happened, Richy, Thomas and Jessy finding the kidnapper and being so close they could’ve gotten caught, that last call from the kidnapper, I just…” Charlie sighed, burying her head in her hands. “I just needed not to be alone. And seeming as I promised you I wouldn’t go to Duskwood, I’m here. I’m sorry.”
She heard the other chair scrape the floor before she felt Jake’s hands on hers. He held them on her knees, his eyes staring at her. There were a few streaks of blue in them. “You don’t have to be sorry. I—I know it’s hard to be alone, believe me. And you’ll always be welcome by my side but Charlie… You’re putting yourself in risk by coming here.”
Charlie laughed humourleslly, pulling her hands from Jake’s and standing up. “Putting myself at risk? More than I already am? Have you seen everything that has happened since I joined the group? Richy being marked and then stabbed, Jessy getting attacked, Phil going to prison. Even you, Jake! I mean, they only found you because you were helping me, otherwise, Lilly wouldn’t even know about you and you wouldn’t have been included in the video. Did you listen to that last call the kidnapper made to me? Did you hear him saying he’s going to kill all of them and then me? How much more at risk can I be in after that?”
Jake didn’t say anything but Charlie could feel his eyes on her as she started to pace around the room. She avoided looking at him, breathing deeply to keep her emotions in check; the last thing she needed was to break down now. They still had a lot of work to do and she hadn’t heard anything from the others for hours and it was all starting to get too much. What if Jessy and Thomas were caught in the end? Did the Man Without a Face know where they live? Would he go after them like he said he would? What if the only thing she would find out would be the police calling to tell her all of them were dead? What she would do them? It would all be her fault, she would have let them all get killed and—
“Hey! Charlie! Look at me.” Jake’s hands were on her face, forcing Charlie to look into his eyes. “Breathe with me, okay? Come on. I don’t want you to pass out.”
Charlie took a deep breath, following Jake’s movements, looking into his eyes and trying to count all the different colours in them.When she finally calmed down, Jake helped her sit back on the chair, squeezing her shoulder caringly. Charlie watched as he opened the take-out bags, getting a little of each container on a plate before placing it on her hands. He then did the same with another plate and sat in front of her again, their knees touching as he stared into her eyes.
“I always find it easy to do things if I’m not hungry or even if I’m eating just because. I know it can also help with anxiety if you’re the type of person that eats when anxious, which, and I’m making an educated guess here, you are.”
She chuckled softly, looking down at the plate. “You do know how to make educated guesses. I’m guessing you like to eat while you hack into things?”
Jake shrugged, taking a bite of his food before replying, “I do. Clears my head and makes me less anxious.” Charlie nodded, trying some of the fried rice while ignoring Jake’s gaze. “Charlie, you know you can trust me, right? I know I’ve some mistakes along the way but it was never my intention to put you or any of them in danger. Whatever it is you’re feeling, I want you to know I’m here for you. You can tell me anything.”
“I know, Jake.” Charlie gave him a small smile and shrugged. “It’s just… I have never felt so powerless before, you know? I’m not the kind of person that likes to be controlled, that’s why I know how to fight, why I try to learn a little of everything to have at least some kind of knowledge if I meet someone that wants to talk or do something I’m not familiar with. But now?” Sighing, she looked back down to her food, pushing it around with her fork. “When Jessy was attacked, I couldn’t do anything but watch. The same thing with all the threatening calls and the in-site search and then with Richy—” Charlie’s voice broke and she swallowed back a sob. She felt Jake put a hand on one of her knees, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I had to hear him struggle without being able to do anything. Then I had to watch him choke on his own blood as he tried to tell me something I have no idea what it is. After he dropped the phone, I stared at it for so long, just looking at the sky, waiting, wishing for him to take the phone back, to say it was a joke.” Charlie’s eyes filled with tears and she put the plate on the table. “God, I wish this was all just a bad joke. A really, really bad joke.”
Arms closed around her shoulders and Charlie buried her face on Jake’s stomach, finally feeling the dam break. Jake only rubbed at her back, not saying anything.
“How many of them am I going to have to watch get attacked, Jake? Or killed? Jessy and Thomas barely escaped without any scratches from that house. Dan almost got killed in that accident. Even Cleo’s mom was threatened because of me. How much guilt do you think I can still take it? How much suffering can I put people through because I’m the one who’s a threat to the kidnapper?”
Jake let out a heavy sigh, hugging her tighter before letting go and kneeling in front of her. He took her face in his hands and raised her head so he could look straight into her eyes. “Charlie, I can’t answer that. Not so long ago, you asked me if I thought we had gone too far and I answered how far was too far when it came to someone’s life. You told me it was as soon as someone else was in danger and I see now that you were right. I’ve been so preoccupied with Hannah because she’s my sister and she and Lilly are my only family that I didn’t stop to think that everyone in the group mean something to you; they’re your friends, too.” Charlie nodded, feeling Jake clean a tear form her cheek. “And I should’ve seen that. I know I’m not the best at… understanding other people but I should’ve realized that everything that has happened had to have taken a toll on you just as it did when I saw Hannah getting kidnapped. Even worse because you had to experience things no one ever should have. And I’m so sorry, Charlie, I truly am.”
Charlie smiled sadly, placing a hand on Jake’s cheek. “You remember when I said I thought your eyes would look familiar to me?” He nodded, his expression changing to confusion. “This is what I meant. Even with everything that has happened, I can see everything you’ve shown me through the texts in your eyes. I can see your empathy, I can see how much you care about Hannah and finding her, and I can see your guilt too. Because you also feel it, don’t you? You feel like it’s your fault Hannah was kidnapped; because you weren’t fast enough to call to her.”
“You know,” Jake smiled, turning his head so he could kiss her palm. “You never cease to amaze me. You sometimes understand stuff in a way I can only dream of. Sometimes you know things I’d rather not have anyone know to not let them get too close but I can’t hide anything from you.”
“Well, you actually can hide things from me, for a while. I’ll just end up finding out anyway.”
“That is true. Just like you found out where I was. I’m still amazed by it, to be honest.”
“Okay, it actually wasn’t that hard either.” Jake raised an eyebrow at her and Charlie laughed, gently pushing him away so she could stand up. “I shouldn’t explain just to leave you curious about it and see what it’s like when you keep things from me. But I’m not that mean.”
Jake smiled, following her towards the kitchen. “That you really aren’t. Sarcastic, yes. Stubborn? Don’t even need to answer that. But mean? No, not really. So, how did you do it?”
“Well,” Charlie toyed with the glass in her hands. “Nym-0s is already connected to my phone, that’s why he was able to warm me of the attacks, right?” Jake hummed. “Which means it’s easier for me to actually get into your phone. And considering you weren’t expecting me to hack it, it means there are fewer protections against me. I only needed your location, which is fast to find, and here I am.”
“Who would’ve thought? Tricked by my own program.”
Charlie chuckled, placing the glass back on the sink and stepping towards Jake. “I’m happy you did or I wouldn’t have found you. And I really needed to find you.”
Jake’s expression softened and he opened his arms. Charlie didn’t hesitate before stepping into his embrace. “I think I needed you to find me too. You have no idea how many times I thought about asking where you were or for you to come to me, just so we could meet. Going through all of this alone is incredibly hard.”
She scoffed, shaking her head against his chest. “You can say that again. It’s also, like… I could’ve gone to Duskwood. I know I promised you I wouldn’t, but you wouldn’t be very surprised if I did.” Jake chuckled and hummed. “But I don’t know… I know everyone there is suffering too and would help and comfort me as much as they could, but none of them are you.”
“I know how you feel. I could’ve gone too. I mean, my two half-sisters are there and Lilly is probably suffering a lot more than I am, but it wouldn’t be the same as if I was with you. I felt a lot better talking to you by text than I would’ve if I had gone there. But now that you’re here,” Jake raised her head and Charlie could feel the ghost of his lips on hers. “I feel like I can take on the whole world and win.”
“You do know I don’t make you invincible, right?”
“Certainly feels like it.”
Charlie chuckled, shaking her head. “I feel invincible by your side too. Anyone comes our way, I’ll kick their asses.”
“I know you will.”
They stared at each other, their lips so close it was unnerving, and Charlie wasn’t sure what to do; she wanted nothing more than to just close the damn distance already, but she wasn’t sure if she could. How would Jake react if she did? Did he want it as much as her or would he panic and run away? She sure wouldn’t be able to take it if he did.
In the end, she didn’t have to do anything: Jake bent down and pressed their lips together, so softly Charlie sighed and melted against him, putting one arm around his waist and the other in his hair. Jake’s arms sneaked around her waist, pulling her even closer to him, and Charlie was sure they’d soon become, though she would never complain.
When they let go of each other, Charlie stared up at him with a smile, giddiness bubbling in her chest. Jake mirrored her smile, which only made her heart beat faster. Things weren’t okay yet and they still had a lot to do, but, like she said, as long as they were together, they were invincible and they would find a way to fix everything.
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
38. “Wow, you’re hot.”
When we had learned that one of the games in Sae’s Palace was a battle arena, I never would have guessed that I wouldn’t be participating. Unfortunately, the rules state that only one person can participate, and, as much as I hate to admit it, Joker’s versatility with his Personas makes him the best candidate. I can’t reveal my secrets now, can I? It would certainly be interesting to see how far I could go massacring my opponents alongside my Persona. That will have to wait for another day.
Instead, I find myself among a cognitive crowd of people and the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The room encircles a central area that likely serves as the battleground for these three fights. I’ve distanced myself from the others, preferring to watch this fight alone. This is the best chance I am going to have to truly watch Joker fight without any distractions. I don’t need the Thieves’ prattling to get in my way.
The simulated crowd erupts into cheering. It’s obvious why. Joker waltzes into the arena like he owns the place. He’s playing the part up for all it’s worth.
“Now then, our gripping battle is finally here! The idiot leader of the adult-defying thieves has come!” an announcer’s voice calls out from over the loudspeakers. Oh, this commentary is going to be good. “Odds are 1.1 to the house, 23.0 to the Phantom Thieves! Wow, the Phantom Thieves are surprisingly popular! It’s rare to see odds in the double digits! Now, let us begin our serious one-on-one battle! Bring out the first contestant!”
The first opponent, or should I say, opponents, appear in the form of two human-sized bipedal elephants. These are the same as the one we fought to get a member’s card in the first place. Joker had called it Ganesha. “Uhhhh, what the hell!?” Skull yells loudly enough for even me to hear him. “There’s two of ‘em!”
Clearly, they weren’t planning on giving Joker a fair fight from the start. That’s not surprising. I had anticipated this happening. I just hope my faith in his skills isn’t misguided. You better not lose, Joker. I did bet a lot of coins on you.
“Now then, it’s time for this hellish trio of battles to begin!” the announcer continues. “Ready...”
Joker’s eyes unerringly find me in the crowd.
He grins, mouthing “watch this” before turning his attention back to the two Shadows he has to face.
The Ganeshas waste no time rushing at Joker, swords at the ready. He just...stands there, looking around the room. What is he thinking!?
He waits...and waits...
Only when they’re nearly on top of him does he take action. He spins in a clockwise rotation, a thin, nearly invisible line shooting away from his extended left hand and latching onto a beam on the ceiling. I recognize what he’s doing just as he’s lifted into the air by the grappling hook. The Ganeshas end up swiping at empty air, their inertia causing them to nearly trip over their own feet. Joker releases the grappling hook well before he reaches the ceiling, doing a couple of front flips as he lands. He’s already showing off an awful lot. That’s saying something when it comes to Joker, who constantly does a backflip before going into what the Phantom Thieves call an “All-Out Attack”. Not that I can say anything, considering I’ve taken to doing the same. Turning his head to look at me, Joker has the audacity to wave at me during this fight. Is he even taking this seriously?
One of the Ganeshas rushes recklessly again, likely hoping to catch Joker off-guard. It’s too bad that Joker sees it coming and backflips into the air, sailing high over its head. He cocks his gun mid-flip, firing bullet after bullet into the Shadow’s back. I can feel a murderous intent from the two Shadows. Joker deploys his grappling hook and flies clear out of the way of the other Shadow trying to avenge its injured comrade.
It’s impossible not to laugh at the pathetic Shadows stumbling around, making fools of themselves as they try to land a single hit. Using his trusty grappling hook and acrobatic skills, Joker moves all over the arena, confusing them tremendously. It’s almost a show. The thief flips and spins as he goes like he has to show off at every possible moment. I for one can’t take my eyes off him. His movements flow one into another, captivating the cognitive audience as well. These weaklings are no match for him. So why doesn’t he just finish them off quickly as he should? He’s wasting time.
As if hearing my thoughts, Joker’s hand reaches for his mask. Playtime’s over. He summons the paperlike Persona Shiki-Ouji. “Ravage them!” he yells as a myriad of pink and cyan blobs assault his opponents. The two Shadows collapse under the barrage, one of them being taken out by the attack. The other one struggles to get back up, but it’s no use. This Ganesha is as good as dead. Joker uses his grappling hook to swing around the Shadow, his dagger cleaving right through its neck. He lands right where the Shadow is as it explodes into black dust. Joker stands right in the middle of it, looking cool as ever.
I know that I’m staring right now. I don’t care. He made that fight look simple, and he looked good doing it. “Wow, you’re hot,” I whisper to myself, hoping the announcer’s derisive voice echoing through the room will drown out my musings.
Oracle walks up to me a few seconds later. Thank goodness I- “Mwehehe! I’m gonna tell him.”
“What-” I start to ask, only to realize she had heard me after all, despite my precautions. “No.”
“I’m gonna tell him,” she repeats with a mischievous grin.
“Please don’t tell him.” The last thing I need is for Joker to think I find him attractive. Granted, he is quite attractive, but that’s beside the point.
“He’ll find it cute after you guys were holding hands!”
“What are you talking about?” I can hear my voice pitch higher. There’s only one event she can be referencing, and if she saw that...god, I hate how worried I sound.
“In the House of Darkness!”
She had noticed after all. Joker had sensed my...unease upon first entering the maze and had grabbed my hand to calm me down. That was all it was. It meant nothing, even if he had continued to hold my hand through the entire thing except in the rare instances we had to crawl through the vents. Not that trying to convince Oracle of this will help. “Don’t tell him or else,” I say, trying to sound confident once again.
“You can’t stop me. If you try, I’ll tell everyone you’re so scared of the dark you held Ren’s hand!”
“Are you...blackmailing me?”
She laughs. “Maybe.”
“Damnit,” I hiss.
Seeing no way out of this predicament, I turn my attention back to the fight just as Joker slaughters three Rangdas all at once with a well-timed Makouga from Isis. They certainly didn’t last long. He laughs jovially as he remarks, “Now that’s comedy!” He sounds slightly surprised as if he himself hadn’t expected them to be destroyed so easily.
“Bullshit! Why the hell aren’t you dying, you goddamn Phantom Dweeb!?” the announcer yells, clearly annoyed that Joker simply refuses to lay down and die. Wait, when did the announcer start calling him a ‘Phantom Dweeb’? What even is a dweeb? Never mind; that’s not important. “I have a bet on this too! Grr, there’s no way in hell you’re getting away with this! Time for our final contestant!”
What an inane fool the announcer has to be to think the cocky, rebellious boy that is Joker is going to accept defeat. He’s been defying the odds stacked against him since April, and that isn’t changing now. He’ll keep fighting.
Even if the enemy that materializes in front of him is a hulking humanoid at least three times his size.
“Yowza... That’s a big one,” Oracle says in shock. At least Joker’s final foe takes her focus off of me. Hopefully, she’ll forget my little comment from earlier.
“Go, grind his bones to dust! Let the extreme third battle begin!”
Thor looks down at its foe. “Let’s get this over with,” the Shadow says. To it, Joker must look like a puny opponent. It’ll learn soon enough not to underestimate him.
Joker looks like he’s still chuckling despite his opponent’s size. He takes off his mask, but the Persona he summons isn’t Shiki-Ouji. “Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro!” he calls. Something about this Persona’s appearance feels...familiar, somehow. Perhaps...? “You need proper punishment.”
I raise an eyebrow because, even though he’s looking at Thor, the way he’s positioned makes it seem like he’s directing it at me instead. Does he not understand proper phrasing?
A black and red mandala appears on the floor right under Thor’s feet. The Shadow is surrounded by red symbols swirling faster and faster around it. The symbols are impossible to make out from this distance. Whitish-red streaks of light build up in intensity from all sides before a large beam shoots down on Thor in an explosion of energy. “What a powerful attack,” I remark idly to myself.
In a completely unnecessary move, Joker uses his grappling hook to move in my direction and away from Thor. The Shadow is preparing for an attack. He once again does nothing to stop the Shadow charging head-long at him. I soon see why. Shiki-Ouji suddenly materializes in front of Joker and grabs Thor mid-rush, holding the Shadow back before Joker commands his Persona to use Dormina.
Thor falls asleep almost immediately while standing up. It still amazes me how Shadows can be so dumb as to fall asleep in the middle of a fight. I nearly start as Joker walks right up to me and leans against the glass separating the two of us. “Hi, Akeppi.”
“What are you doing, Joker?” I respond.
“Nothing yet.” He hums in thought. Like the shameless flirt he is, he asks, “Enjoying the show?”
“Perhaps you should save your questions until after the battle is won. You’ll have plenty of time to ask for my opinion later.”
“Fine,” he says, whining a little as he turns around. Just in time too, for Thor is starting to stir from its forced slumber. He casually takes his mask off, resummoning Shiki-Ouji to attack with Mapsi before his opponent fully wakes up. It doesn’t bring Thor down as it did previously with the Ganeshas, but it still must have hurt. Just as it gains lucidity, Joker has Shiki-Ouji use Dormina again. He doesn’t waste time talking to me again. Instead, a bunch of circular pink, yellow, and cyan beams surround Thor before striking all at once and send the Shadow reeling onto the ground. With a cocky grin on his face, he uses Psio again for good measure.
“Yeah, keep smiling, buddy,” Thor growls as it pushes itself to its feet. It swipes its electrified hammer at Joker, who deftly backflips away. However, the electricity shoots forward and hits him head-on.
Joker, you fucking idiot. Sure, other than looking a little disheveled, he’s no worse for wear. He’ll be okay, but he shouldn’t have let such an obvious attack hit him.
Something inside Joker seems to snap. The glare on his face is fiercer than I’ve ever seen from him. He looks utterly enraged...and somehow even hotter at the same time. His Persona disappears, but even with the mask, I can sense the fiery rage in his eyes. Pulling out his gun, he jumps to his right, twirling in mid-air as he shoots a couple of bullets. He somersaults as gravity brings him back to the ground. However, he isn’t done. He leaps straight into the air from his crouched position. It’s almost impossible to perceive what happens, but he seems to combine the twist from earlier with a front flip, followed by another spin in the air as he proceeds to fire bullet after bullet in mid-air while upside down. He uses his feet and left hand to take the brunt of his fall. Thor collapses to its knees shortly after, the continuous gunfire too much for it to handle.
Joker stands up and looks contemplatively at his left hand. Is he seriously thinking of using the grappling hook now? With a shrug, he looks back at Thor and does a running leap into the air. He performs a couple of front flips before his momentum brings him to Thor’s head. With a level of dexterity only Joker could pull off, he straddles Thor from below, his legs wrapped around the Shadow’s neck. His left hand grabs a hold of one of the horns on Thor’s helmet while he points the gun right at Thor’s face. “You’re done!” Joker yells as he shoots at point-blank range.
The Shadow crumbles into black dust, but not before Joker pushes himself off its body, twirling in the air and backflipping so he lands crouched on the ground facing me. He grins as he hops to his feet, pirouetting before he poses, right arm outstretched and left hand resting on his chest.
I blink, startled. I know exactly where that maneuver came from. I’ve done that exact same thing once or twice in those All-Out Attacks. How did he manage to figure out how to copy it so quickly...?
The announcer groans in disappointment, having no comment on the fact that Joker just won their rigged game in style. I can’t help but grin as I give my own snide remark.
“Once again, justice prevails.”
Prompt list
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mother-snake · 4 years
self-destruction pt.1
(welcome to a new series! this will be angsty... but thats to be accepted by now...) tags: @idkanameatall warnings: self-hurt, crying, tears. general angst thrown out the window words:4646 next: n/a
-janus wakes up to a voice in his head he hasnt heard since the day he was created. things can only go down hill from there, cant they?-
She asked me, "Son, when I grow old, Will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, Will you take care of me?"
Nothing had been okay for a while. And no one had realised how much it had been affecting a certain side. the split… Virgil leaving… Remus leaving…
And now he was alone. Something he wished he never was. it had hurt to wake up each morning and make breakfast, only to call on Remus to remember that he was gone. he didn’t know how long he cried when the deep green door wasn’t in its place. The three dark sides had promised each other that no one would be left behind… yet… here he was.
Alone, cold and done. The lines on his arms showing the pain that seemed to break over the surface. maybe that’s why it hadn’t been such a surprise when he woke up late one day, a heavy weight draping over him.
He had laid there for a while before standing up to at least make himself look presentable despite the fact no one was there… old habits die hard.
And when he looked into the mirror. He had been surprised. His once shiny brown hair was duller, grey streaks mixed in, making him look like he had aged years over night. even his scales had matched his grey hair, just darker… his eye was still yellow. Just duller.
He stared at his reflection curiously. Reaching up and running his had along his scales. He flinched as he felt how cold they were. Not warm like they used to be. But now ice cold.
Then he froze in place. A small voice. One he had not heard since the day he was created. But it had stuck with him. And it spoke something that sent a shiver down his back.
“I’m sorry self-destruction,”
And just like that…it was gone.
Had that really been what had happened… had his core shifted? Become something new? this… wasn’t like a split. He would have known if there was one present. Anyone would have.
A weak smile grew on his face. he truly had changed. There was no way the others could trust him when he looked even more like a villain.
he looked around his room. Nothing had changed much to his confusion. Everything was still bright yellow and pitch black.
His eyes landed on his hat. He walked over and picked it up. he brought it up to his chest and held it tight. it was a gift. From the one person who hadn’t deliberately left him. The one gift he had ever gotten… and it had been from Romulus.
He placed it back on his vanity. It was time to retire the hat… things were changing. And maybe it was time to start from fresh. Completely.
“just listen to me!” he jumped at the voice that screamed in his head with such agony. this… was Logan’s voice? What?
He felt himself sinking down before he knew what was happening. Drawn like a moth to a flame. His mind reeling from the sudden noise and overwhelming sensation of sadness that had swept over him.
When he arrived. he had been rather surprised. He was in Logan’s room. The walls covered in graphs and papers. It was bigger than his room. Almost double.
His eyes landed on a figure hunched over at a desk. The light sound of tears made his heart ache. But… that was it. he didn’t seem to care as much as he used to. Maybe it was the lack of feeling in his chest.
“Logan?” he said. the logical side seemed to tense at the spoken word. “Logan, are you alright?” Janus said as he made his way over, trying to avoid knocking over the several towers of books.
Logan took a breath and looked over to where the deceitful side was. he blinked and rubbed his eyes… what the… what had happened?
He wasn’t sure what to focus on really.
His hair, scales, eye or the thin lines on his arms that were scabbed and fading. “Janus… what happened to you?” he said as he stared at the other. “that’s not why I’m here,” Janus stated coldly, sending a shiver up Logan’s spine, “I want to know if you’re alright.”
“I… I am fine Janus, I assure you?” “really then?” he said as his lips twitched up, “so you’re not bothered by the fact the others wont listen to you then?”
Logan froze as he turned back to his computer. “what?” his head snapped over to look at the other.
“you’re being ignored by everyone… and its causing you stress. But instead of facing it, you’re over working yourself,” Janus stated. “why do you care deceit,” he spat back. “one, that’s not my title… two because I care. If Thomas’s logic burned himself out due to over working, things could get bad. That and despite the fact you say you have no emotions; there you were not just five minuets ago crying due to the others not listening and messing up the schedule.”
Logan was at a loss for words. He glared at the snake. “falsehood,” he said as he stood up, “im logic. Emotions don’t matter to me. they only get in the way. if this is an attempt to make me join the dark side, I suggest you leave.” he glared at the other. Anger boiling in his chest.
“go talk to the others,” Janus muttered as he cast his eyes away, “tell them that they are making you work over time. That’s all I want to say.”
The small smile was replaced with a blank stare. And he was gone just as quickly as he had come. leaving a puzzled Logan in place. Wondering one thing. what had he meant by deceit no longer being his title…
She asked me, "Son, when I grow old, Will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, Will you take care of me?"
 Janus sunk to his knees when he arrived back in his room. Silent gasps filled the air as tears poured from his eyes. he thought that maybe Logan would be able to see past all he had done. Think logically about why he was there in the first place.
He guessed wrong. And the words that had fallen out of Logan’s mouth were like knives to his soul. He would be telling the truth when he said that it had taken so much energy not to break down at his words then and there.
Why had it hurt so much? was it because after several weeks of being alone, that was the first thing anyone had said to him? or was it because of his new core… he didn’t know. But he just wanted to stop crying.
 it had taken half an hour before he stopped crying. He moved himself off the floor and onto his bed. he laid sprawled out, weakly holding onto the blanket under him. Burying into the fluff and warmth.
Little to no energy left. The lack of sleep from the previous night getting to him, making it hard to keep his eyes open. soon he caved in, grasping onto the sleep.
Logan had been concerned, the more he thought about what Janus had said. and it was slowly getting to him. “Logan? Are you alright?” Patton asked.
Ah. He was just staring at his toast. Had he been so caught up in thought? “after breakfast I would like to talk to you all, if that’s alright. But I will have something to do first,” he sighed, slumping his shoulders. “of course! But may I ask why you’d like to talk to us dear nerd?” roman asked. “it’s about the schedule. With everything that keeps coming up I’m constantly trying to fix it. and at the minuet I don’t know how Thomas is going to get everything done,” “so you need help cutting some things out?” Virgil said as he took a sip from a purple cup. “basically… yes.” “no problem specks,” Virgil said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“anyways, where will you be going?” “ah… I will be visiting Janus later,” roman and Virgil froze at his words. “why?” roman said with a raised eyebrow. “he… was the one to bring up the fact I was burning myself out. I said some harsh things. I also have a question to ask him.”
The other four sides looked between each other with confusion and worry.
 He was outside Janus’s door sooner than he would have liked. But he was okay with that. Patton had sent him away with a box of cookies for the snake. Worried about him as they hadn’t spoken since the Lilly-Patton incident. he unconsciously rubbed his neck.
He sent three sharp knocks on the door. But much to his surprise, the movement had pushed the door open, the deceitful side must not have closed the door properly.
He nudged it open just enough to peek inside. A sharp pain filled his heart as he saw Janus sprawled on the bed that sat in the furthest corner of the room. another thing he realised was just how cold it was. like an icy blanket that covered the entire room.
He entered cautiously, placing the tub of cookies down by Janus’s hat. he looked over to the sleeping side with worry. He had never seen him looking so peaceful. It was kind of worrying truthfully.
He summoned a blanket and draped it over Janus, hoping it would keep him warm for now. he reached into his pocket. A small sorry letter he had written in case Janus wasn’t in. but sleeping was also another reason he hadn’t thought about.
He placed it at the end of the bed. Hoping the other would find it when he woke up. and if he didn’t, that wouldn’t stop him from apologising in person. he knew when he was wrong about something. And he knew he was wrong to say the things he had.
I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease.
He had been surprised when he was slowly waking up. something warm was covering him like the worlds best hug. He would be lying if he said he didn’t pull it further over himself.
But as he slowly woke up, he cracked his eyes open and almost broke. He stared at the blanket that was covering himself only to see the deep blue colour. Logan had been here?
He sat up quickly, scanning his room quickly to see if the side was there. Not to his surprise… he wasn’t there. his alarm clock told him he had been asleep for a while. Lunch rolling around the corner soon.
He pulled the blue blanket over his shoulders and tied the ends like a cape. He forgot how cold he was for a couple seconds.
He looked over to his hat, a small plastic box sitting next to it. a small part of him thought he was asleep. There was no way that a light side would willingly come over… right?
He picked up the container and opened it up. chocolate chip cookies stared back at him. yes… he was definitely still asleep. There was no other way this was happening. Yeah… he would wake up in a couple seconds and he would be alone once again. None of this would be here.
He sighed and reached into the box, pulling out a cookie. a tiny smile formed on his face. he knew Logan couldn’t cook. So, there was a high chance that it was Patton’s or romans cooking.
He placed it back into the box and closed it over. But he held the container in his hands a little longer before placing it down.
Any warmth that had filled him before seemed to dull down as he realised that despite everything. He was still alone. For all he knew they were doing this to keep him away for a while longer…
“why can’t I do anything right!” the voice yelled in his mind. this one he could tell was Patton’s.
He sighed. Today was going to be a long day. He could already tell. he snapped his fingers and changed out of his pyjamas and into something else.
Black dress pants and a yellow button up. his caplet draped over his shoulders. Logan’s blanket still tied around himself like a cape.
And soon he found himself sinking down.
Let's say we up and left this town, And turned our future upside down. We'll make pretend that you and me, Lived ever after happily.
Janus arrived in the light side’s kitchen. Patton stood staring at the wall. he let out a cough, grabbing Patton attention almost immediately. “oh! Hello Jan- “he cut himself off as he looked at the snake with shock, “you…seem to have changed quite a bit there,”
Janus simply rolled his eyes, not as bothered as he felt he should have been by morality’s words. “anyways… I came to ask if you were okay,” he moved himself over to Patton's side.
“I’m… I’m okay kiddo,” Patton said, plastering a fake smile on his face.
Janus returned the smile with a blank look on his face,” that’s a lie. Isn’t it?” he sighed. “I don’t know what you mean?” “you’re bottling it up. you feel like you keep hurting those around you with everything you do,” Janus felt like such a hypocrite, “and you feel like you’re driving them away in the process. Am I wrong?”
Patton felt tears pricking his eyes as he looked at Janus. “what do I do?” he said, “I don’t want to lose them…”
Janus stayed silent. His face scrunched up in thought. His fingers rapped over the counter. “I don’t know truthfully… but maybe you should just confront it head on. Don’t skirt around the issue…” don’t do what I did, that’s what he meant.
Patton looked at him with a sad smile. “would you like to join us for lunch Janus?” he said as he rubbed his eyes, getting rid of the tears that messed with his vision. “as much as I’d love to, I know roman and Virgil wouldn’t want me there,” he said sadly. Patton could feel the small amounts of sadness coming from him. But it was blocked off by something else. As if it was being hidden by something else. Whatever it was, he couldn’t sense it. “well, if you change your mind, you’re welcome to join us.”
Janus gave a weak smile in Patton's direction and turned to leave but froze as he saw who was standing at the door.
Virgil glared at him but he could see the confusion in his eyes. “why are you here deceit,” he growled. “one, that’s not my title any more. And two… Patton simply needed some assistance. I was happy to help,” he said, keeping his eyes of the anxious side.
“excuse me?” Virgil said startled, “what the hell do you mean deceit isn’t your title anymore?” Janus shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the other. “you can call me self-destruction from now on,” he said coldly, glancing up an connecting his eyes with the purple of Virgil’s.
Neither side knew what to say at what the now self-destruction side had said. This was new. sure, there had been splits… but never a full core change… “Janus…” Patton said as he took a step closer. “don’t,” Janus said, holding a hand up. Patton stopped walking towards Janus. His concern for the side growing even more.
Virgil didn’t know what to do, he just stood there dumbfounded. This was the last thing he had been expecting. Okay sure, he had been startled when he saw Janus’s new look. but this… his title shifting to something new. something like that? he didn’t know what to do. And he didn’t like not knowing things…
“how long,” Virgil said as he stared at the snake. “only this morning… no one else knows,” Janus said.
They shifted uncomfortably for a couple more seconds. “well… if you don’t mind, I think it would be best if I left for now,” Janus said, making his way over to the door Virgil had been blocking.
“no,” the anxious side said, “we don’t know what you can do now. How do we know if you wont effect Thomas,” he said staring at Janus. “please, you didn’t care about me before, why change that now?”
Virgil felt his chest tighten at the words spoken by Janus. “as much as I hate to say it… Virge has a point. With a new title… you will have to learn new things about yourself. And having people around might help,” he said carefully, trying to block out the words Janus had previously spoken.
“just let me go,” he muttered, swaying as he stood as still as possible. “Janus are you- Janus!” Patton yelled as he caught the side who had toppled over.
Janus was unconscious before he heard Patton yell his name.
Virgil was by their sides in seconds. Panic spreading through his veins. “Janus… Janus,” he said as he shook the snake, hoping to wake him up. “he’s like ice!” Patton said as he jerked his hand away from his head.
“get the others and tell them that Janus will be staying with us for a while,” Patton said as he picked Janus up bridal style. Trying his best not to shiver under the coldness of the others skin.
She asked me, "Son, when I grow old, Will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, Will you take care of me?"
Virgil gave a sharp nod before bolting out the room and making his way to the bedroom hallway. the first door he came to was Logan’s. he pounded on the door, hoping it would startle Logan out of his work. he heard shuffling on the other side before his door creaked open. Logan looked at Virgil rather surprised.
“get your ass down stairs,” Virgil said before shooting of to the twins shared room and pounding on the door in a hurry.
The door opened on its own and he flung the door open irritably. “get your asses down stairs, now,” he said as he looked at the twins who seemed startled by his sudden appearance, most likely thinking he was Patton.
But non the less they both stood up and made their way down the stairs after Virgil and a rather confused Logan. the three of them got closer to the living room. The sound of shuffling and Virgil pacing was all they could hear until they reached the room.
Patton was draping a blanket over something on the couch as Virgil moved something, placing a pillow underneath. and as the three of them got closer. They stopped moving.
“Janus,” Logan said before making his way over to the other two sides. he knelt down next to the unconscious side, “what happened?” he asked looking at the moral side. “we don’t know, we were talking and he started to sway before falling unconscious. I managed to catch him before he hit the ground, but he’s so cold. Almost like ice,” Patton muttered.
Logan reached his hand and placed it gently on the sides head. Patton was correct. He was cold as ice. “keep him wrapped up in the blankets,” he said before turning to the twins, “can one of you come with me to Janus’s room? I need to check something out from earlier,” he said as he stood up. “oh, and Virgil. Go into my room and get the medical box from under the bathroom sink. His arms need to be covered,”
Virgil stared at Logan, “what do you mean by that specks,” he whispered. even Remus who was normally loud and yelling, his eyes glazed over at his words, “he said he stopped…” he whispered horrified.
“ill come with you then dear nerd, we shall be back soon,” he said as he sunk out with Logan not too far behind.
I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease.
 Logan and roman appeared in Janus’s room. The first thing roman did was curse under his breath at how cold it was. “no wonder he was so cold specks… his rooms colder than the artic!” “but why…” Logan said as he began to look around.
The room was much smaller than his own. But it was much more cluttered. A wall of trophies Thomas had won sat high and on display. musical posters and photographs hung the walls. a bookshelf sat facing Janus’s bed. Filled to the brim with books on philosophers and snakes.
Then his eyes landed on something. A small leather-bound book that looked far older than anything on the book case. “roman,” he said, causing the side to look up from his position, looking in a small wooden box. he made his way over as Logan removed the book. it didn’t take too long for him to realise what he was holding. “looks like a diary,” he muttered.
What had caught roman was the symbol printed into the front. One he hadn’t seen in on much. but knew all to well. “why does he have Romulus’s diary?” he said to himself, but it didn’t go unheard by the other in the room.
“no… its Janus’s,” he said as he flicked through the pages, “each one was signed of by Janus. Not Romulus- wait look here,” he said.
The hand writing and use of pen had changed from black to a multi coloured one. Red and green ink swirling on the page. he read over what was written.
They re read what was written. Guilt seemed to flood into them as the read it over and over again. had Romulus and Janus been that close that… oh god… a sick feeling laid planted in romans chest. he didn’t know much about the person he had split from. But he knew that Janus had always played a part in his past. He thought that maybe he had been the cause of the split.
Not that Romulus split on purpose in hopes to better balance out the mind scape for everyone’s sake. Maybe… he would discuss his plan with his twin later. “we should keep looking. And if we don’t find anything… we can put it down to his core shifting and messing with his room,” Logan said; he only getting a nod in response.
Ohhhh... And since we know that dreams are dead, And life turns plan’s up on their head, I will plan to be a bum, So I just might become someone.
Janus needed to stop falling asleep. He was going to mess with his sleep schedule. he noticed three things as he began to wake up for the third time that day. one, he was warm. Not Logan’s blanket, just keeping out the cold. This was full on Patton hug level of warmth. second was the smell of cookies that hung in the air. It was comforting to some extent. Only he knew he hadn’t done any cooking in a long time. third was that he was lying on something soft. His bed had always been stiff and hard. This, he was able to melt into like putty.
He didn’t want to move. He was perfectly fine being here for the rest of eternity. but he was curious as to where he was. so despite his body complaining against waking up, he tried his best to crack his eyes open. A bright light filled his vision, causing him to et out a small hiss of pain.
Then noise filled his ears, the sounds of people shouting and moving filled his head as he finally got his eyes open. he didn’t expect to see all the light sides surrounding him.
“Janus! Are you alright?” Patton asked. he didn’t know what to do. His mind ran at several miles an hour, a light panic setting into his chest as he realised how close they were to him.
Virgil seemed to know the look on Janus’s face, “everyone back away, you’re crowding him. He’s already starting to panic,” he said as he shuffled away slightly.
The others followed suit as they realised Janus was indeed internally panicking. they waited a couple minutes before Patton turned to Logan who gave him a quick nod. He stood up and made his way out of the room. “sorry,” Janus muttered as he bowed his head down. “it’s alright Jannie,” Remus said as he smiled at Janus.
He looked around the room once again. Still confused as to why they weren’t being hostile as before… “what happened?” he asked as he looked at them. Virgil shifted uncomfortably, grabbing Janus’s attention, “you fell unconscious after I confronted you in the kitchen. Patton caught you before you hit the ground,” he said, keeping his eyes away from Janus.
The room fell quiet. But it wasn’t bad… it felt calm. “well, should I put a movie on in the mean time?” roman asked everyone. “I have no quarry with that,” Logan said as he adjusted his glasses. “same here princy,” Virgil said. “sure thing bitch,” Remus said punching his twins arm getting a wince in response.
Janus nodded, moving his hand to rub his arm before looking down, realising he wasn’t touching his coarse skin. Once again, he felt himself freeze in place. They had seen them…
Well he was fucked. “Janus- “he looked up from his arms and towards roman. “is there anything you’d like to watch?” Janus didn’t respond, he only looked at roman before casting his eyes back to his wrists.
It was at that moment Patton entered the room with a bowl of soup. He gave it over to the grey scaled side with a smile. “you missed lunch and dinners still a while away, I thought you might get hungry,” he said cheerfully.
He held the bowl staring at it for a couple seconds. The soup seemed to ripple for a couple seconds. And it was then that he realised he had begun to cry. a pair of hands moved the bowl from him and someone wrapped him up in a hug. That only seemed to make him cry harder despite the fact he had clung onto the person.
“I’m sorry,” he hiccupped as tears continued to pour. he tried to stop crying, but the tears continued to pour despite his best efforts. “it’s okay Janus, you’ve been too strong for a long time, its our turn to return the favour,” Virgil whispered into his ear. another several sets of arms wrapped around him to the best of their abilities.
She asked me, "Son, when I grow old, Will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, Will you take care of me?"
Things were far from fine. That was for sure. But in that moment… he knew why he was crying and it wasn’t from sadness or loneliness or the never-ending coldness that laid over his heart that slowly seemed to be filling up with something warm.
The tears were from the overwhelming love he felt the others giving him despite all he had done. the warm looks given his way. he didn’t deserve them. But it felt so nice.
I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease.
He himself was by no means going to be okay for a long time… but this?
This was a start.
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antihero-writings · 4 years
Stolen Sunlight
Fandom: Tangled | Tangled the Series | Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
Summary: Arianna never thought she'd find herself afraid of a fourteen-year-old boy, but the events of Secret of the Sundrop won't seem to leave her.
She needs to talk to Varian in prison. Not for his sake...but for her own.
Character focus: Arianna and Varian
Notes: This is a fic I started writing many many years ago, during the hiatus between seasons 1 and 2. I intended to post it way back then, as a long one-shot. I continued to occasionally work on it over the years, however, it's proven one of the hardest fics I've ever written to edit, (mostly due to the amount of internal monologue).
I finally decided that probably the only way to get it actually edited and posted is to break it up into multiple chapters, despite the fact that it's essentially only one scene, and I feel like that messes with the format. Hopefully it'll help me edit, and end up making it easier for people to read too XD I might post the full version of this, unbroken up, too after I finish it. But I finally got fed up with my editing process and decided this was the only way.
I'm aware that plenty of other people have written Varian and Arianna fics over the years, but at the time I started this there weren't that many yet, and I worked so hard on this, I still wanted to post it, even if others have done things like it. Plus, I'm not sure how many people have written it this heavily from Arianna's perspective.
I hope you all enjoy it, either way! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment to let me know, if so!!
Chapter 1: Fractured Memory
Sun splinters through the castle windows, designing reflections on the newly polished floor.
When she walks into the library, her mouth drops open; The entire room gleams. That Corona sunlight bounces between the tiles, tables, and shelves like a little boy full of energy, laughing as he leaps around the room. 
It may be a royal library, but there’s usually still a layer of dust draped over everything, sealing up the gaps, and clogging up the stories. The servants try their best, but it’s hard to get into all the crevices between the shelves, the cracks between the pages. 
The tiles glitter, the shelves look new, the books don’t cough up dust when she lifts them, even a few of their bindings are mended. 
She stays a while to admire it before heading back for her room, and as she does, Arianna smiles, her gait almost dreamy—so like her daughter’s. 
Who would take such care to polish her library? She appreciates the gesture more than words can express, but she would like to say ‘thank you’ at least. 
A curious sight down the hall interrupts her wondering; a laundry cart, moving on its own. 
A very full laundry cart, that is…Cassandra doesn’t usually fill them so much.
“May I…help you?” she walks up to the cart, tilting her head, strands of hair falling to the side. 
“Oh, no, it’s fine! I got this!” the laundry cart replies. 
The ventriloquist reveals himself: a boy steps out from behind it. She guesses he must be one of Rapunzel’s friends, since she doesn’t remember seeing him here before, and he doesn’t exactly look like a royal servant, (despite the fact that he’s performing one of their jobs).
He pushes back his hair—black, with a streak of turquoise at the front—and smooths out his apron. Upon seeing her, his eyes widen with shock.
 “Oh!” he stumbles, attempting to bow too low, too quickly, “Your majesty! I-I am so sorry! I didn’t realize—!”
She laughs, holding out a hand to steady him. 
“Don’t worry. Please. I’m Arianna.”
“Oh—O-Okay. That…seems to run in the family,” he mutters beneath his breath. “I’m Varian.” He leans confidently against the laundry cart…which starts moving, so he pulls it back with all his strength before it gets out of hand.  
“Oh! Varian! Rapunzel told me about you!”
He freezes, his eyes trailing back to her, like people talking about him is usually a bad thing. “She…She has?”
“Of course!” she steps closer. “You’re the alchemist, right?”
He pauses, blinks, then his face breaks into the biggest grin. He clears his throat, rubbing fake dirt off his gloves, trying to hide his joy, as he looks back up at her. “Ten points to the lady in the crown.”
She smiles.
“Are you here for the completion today?” 
He nods. “I think I’ve got a pre-tty good chance of snagging that first prize if I do say so myself,” he pulls on his apron straps, then pauses, realizing how arrogant that sounds. “Not to uh…toot my own horn or anything. But it doesn’t seem like there’s anything like my invention in the running, so I think once Master Doctor St. Croix sees it he’ll be impressed! At least I hope so.”
“Well, if your invention is anything like the ones Rapunzel has told me about you’ll have no trouble snagging that blue ribbon.”
“Oh stop,” he flicks his wrist to wave her off, but is beaming from ear to ear. 
She notes that she may be encouraging him a little too much. The experiments Rapunzel has told her about aren’t exactly all blue-ribbon worthy. Or, perhaps they would be…if they all worked properly. At the same time, she isn’t sure labelling him as dangerous, and reckless is really fair. She and Willow had tried out their share of inventions, which often failed in a grand array of explosions. If they had worked properly, growing up wouldn’t have been as colorful. At least he was trying his best to help people with his inventions. Without the explosive failures, there was no room for fiery success either. 
 “Wait, shouldn’t you be there with the other contestants now?”
“Oh, yeah.” He says nonchalantly. “But I figured since I’m going second-to-last I’ve got a decent amount of time before I have to present. Cassi—Cassandra has agreed to be my assistant, so I’m helping her out with her lady-in-waiting duties first.”
“Don’t let her make you do all her work.” She says in a motherly way. Then gasps, “The library!” 
 He winces. “Did I do something wrong? I-I can fix it, don’t worry!”
“No, no!” she puts her hands on his shoulders, “So you were the one who cleaned it?”
She pulls him into a hug. “Thank you so much.”—his eyes widen with shock—“I’ve never seen the place look so beautiful.” She releases him. 
“Oh!” he rubs the back of his neck and the smile turns sheepish.
“That must have taken you hours!”
“It was no big deal. Nothing a little home-alchemy can’t fix.” He says like a salesman.
“How did you do it?”
“Just a compound of my own invention,” he digs in his pocket and holds up a little, blue orb between his thumb and forefinger. “Most people don’t understand the more practical uses for alchemy.” he marches forward, hands on his hips, in a hyperbolic show of pride, making his voice sound deep, “that’s why I make it a mission to show the world the value of alchemy! To boldly go where no man has gone before!” he laughs, his pose collapsing, “Or something like that.”
No wonder Rapunzel had such nice things to say about him. There weren’t a lot of people out there who were so…genuine. People who cleaned libraries because they needed cleaning, who created solutions for problems simply because they needed fixing. 
 “Maybe one day you can teach me.”
“Really?” He drops the ball and it explodes into a sudsy mess on the already polished floor. “I mean, not that I think a queen should be doing housework! But…really?”
“Please,” she waves him off. “I wasn’t always a queen, you know. If Willow and I had had tricks like this maybe our house would have always looked like a pigsty. Sometimes I think we started going off on adventures just to get away from the smell.” She leans in closer, whispering behind her hand, “One time, I set the kitchen on fire trying to bake a birthday cake for Frederic.”
He laughs, then pauses like he isn’t sure he’s allowed to. “I guess not every queen is scared to get her hands dirty, huh?”
“Uh huh,” she puts her hands on her hips, “You should have seen the look on his face.”
“Happy birthday huh?”
“Now make sure to always send someone to Monty’s for his cake…spare us all.”
He fails to keep himself from laughing again, then pauses.
“Well… I really should be getting back to these chores. This laundry isn’t going to clean itself, amIright?” he bobs his head and walks backwards to the cart. “But it was really nice talking to you, your Maj—I mean,” he points, “Arianna.”
“Let me help you! This cart is too heavy to carry on your own.” she rushes over to the other end—he’s so thin, she’s afraid he’ll snap in two if he does all the chores by himself.
“No no!” he comes dangerously close to slapping her hands away. “I mean,” he smiles nervously, pulling his fingers close to his chest, realizing his outburst to the Queen. “I wouldn’t want you to get your…er…royal hands dirty…Right?”
She smiles. 
Well, if a little stubborn. 
“As long as you’re sure.” 
* The scene shifts, smearing like a painting left out in the rain. The reflection becomes more sinister; a glowing tower of amber, and encased within, a man reaching to the sky as if trying to catch rays of sunlight; as if light alone can break himself out of his prison of stained glass. The curtain to this godforsaken show is crumpled at the bottom. A giant machine stands in the middle of the room, made of metal, lightning, and cold, haunting music. 
The room smells like sulfur, and rust, and a lot of other chemicals she can’t quite place. Things from the earth which don’t smell natural at all. 
The same boy stands before her. The same, and yet…not the same at all. Along with the light from the windows, so too has disappeared the light from his eyes. The blue is something akin to moonlight; less the gleam of day, the reflection of the sunrise, full of hope, instead, more an eclipsed glow, shrouded by darkness. 
She feels that rusted metal, the cold in his eyes, wrap like icy hands around her ankles. 
She looks quizzically from her cuffed ankles to him. Doesn’t the warden usually cuff the prisoner’s hands? 
He seems to understand her confusion, because he answers her unasked question;
 “Please,” he scoffs. His eyes meet hers, and he smirks. The words, the smile, no longer contain compassion, they are manufactured with bite and scorn; “I wouldn’t want you to get your royal hands dirty.” 
He tugs hard on the chain, showing that it’s connected to the lab’s floor, as if saying to a toddler You’re stuck here, understand? He walks back over to his desk—littered with bottles, liquid bubbling and seething like his emotions, an array of colors that tell nothing of what they contain. 
If the color green is sleep, then what color is death? 
She looks up at the golden tower in the center of the room. She doesn’t want to, but she can’t look away. 
—Look away…like Frederic did, when people like Varian were crying out for his help against the rocks. Look away, like Rapunzel had to when the storm was coming, and Quirin was being imprisoned. Look away, like they all did after the storm passed.
 She still couldn’t believe her husband would, could do something like that. That was the reason she was here, the reason the boy was hurt, the reason…the mistake, the poorly made choice. 
No, she couldn’t think that way. Besides, she knew he had his reasons, that he wanted to make sure people didn’t panic, and he wanted to keep Rapunzel safe. It wasn’t his fault he didn’t fully understand the situation. 
And she would never blame Rapunzel. Rapunzel had had to make one of the most difficult choices of her life that day, had had to learn too much about being queen, too soon: that it was about choices, and sometimes those choices would be leaving behind the one, for the sake of the many. 
And the amber was the other reason, and that wasn’t Frederic’s fault...The amber Varian himself had mistakenly made.
Still, it would have been so easy. So easy to come back to him once the storm had ended. So easy...
So where did the fault lie, really?—
Was it amber? Was amber the color of death? Or just another kind of sleep? 
The boy’s eyes shift, glaring at her with nothing more than bitterness. 
Or was it blue? The color of the moon, a well-timed strike of lightning, an icy landscape. Was blue the color of death?
 “What are you going to do?” 
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “I’ll reveal my whole plan to you. Let me go into the tragic backstory of Varian,” he waves his hand grandly, “The poor boy, who lost his father to an experiment, a few rocks, a storm, and a princess’ broken promise.” He leans on the desk, resting his cheek in his hand in some mock-loving fashion, his eyes aimed on her like gunfire. “It’s simple; Rapunzel broke her promise.” He stands back up to his full height—which, admittedly, isn’t very high, but it’s more impressive from her place on the ground. “I tried asking nicely for her help, and I was denied.” He jabs a finger on the table to emphasize his point; the first sign of violence. “Now I’m going to ask” he smirks, tilting his head to the side, his eyes half-lidded in the dark, “not so nicely.” 
He pauses a moment, glancing at the chemicals on his desk. 
“I once said I’d teach you the ways of practical alchemy.” He reaches forward and takes up a flask. “Well, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but I will show you something.”
He walked over to her, holding the flask full of something green and frothy that smells like dog breath.
Was it green? Was death’s color the same as sleep? The colors of leaves and grass and everything everyone thinks is a sign of life. ...It would be a cruel joke.
“This is a little solution I like to call…Varium.” There’s something hurt in his eyes when he says the word. “You see, when it reacts with the rocks,” he runs his fingers along the black spire jutting through the wall between them—one could be fooled into thinking in an intrigued way, but there was something harsh in his touch, resentful in his eyes, “it has this tendency to—” he held it over the stones, the liquid trickling slowly downwards in the flask, teasing her breath to catch itself and fall. He turns the bottle upright, and bites his lip, closing his eyes, willing himself not to turn around and look at what this has done before. 
What he’s done. 
“Well, you get the idea,” he mutters, returning the flask to his desk.
She doesn’t have to ask, and he doesn’t have to finish. 
“You think if you threaten me Rapunzel will work with you?” there’s a bite to her words. 
 “Ten points to the lady in the crown.” 
She pauses as he returns to work, her eyes trailing along the chain, the floor, jumping onto the windowsill—the rocks interrupting her gaze at every bend and break of the room—searching for any way out, any chance at rescue, anything her husband and daughter could use against him.
Was death black? The color everyone thinks it is. The black of these rocks, the low blue glowing beneath them, destroying his home, destroying their hearts, their chances at friendship and…It surely seemed like it. 
“She won’t, you know.”
He raises an eyebrow as if to say oh, you think?
“Rapunzel.” She tries to urge her confidence, like a stubborn pet, to come out, but it shies away by the second. “She won’t help you.”
He smiles. “You make your hypotheses, I’ll make mine.”
“And what are yours?” her own eyes are half lidded. 
He thinks over his words. “She can’t…help but help. She always had this sick compassion about her.” After a moment he adds softly, “…but only for her kingdom.”
Anger, injustice, bubble within her chest. 
 “You don’t have to be like this, you know.”
“And she didn’t have to break her promise,” he tilts his head, “ya know.”
She grits her teeth, clenches her fist. “I met you once. What happened to that boy who—”
He laughs a little, cutting her off. “Yeah, well, he learned a couple things about the real world.”
For a moment, just one brief moment, there is something there. Something in his eyes, a memory, a reaction, like the chemicals. Something real, something lost, something hurt, something…something not this. Incased within a prison of blue—
And then that moment ended.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Chapter 22: the child of the devil
There is a major reveal this chapter... I would love to know if anyone predicted it.
Two minutes remain
I sit there, for what feels like an hour. I know it’s not, but at this point, time doesn’t even exist. At least, it shouldn’t, for all intents and purposes. 
What is it? Supposedly, the nature of my magic. No… not magic. I didn’t make this magic my own… I assimilated it. I forced it inside myself and appropriated something beautiful, something that belonged to someone beautiful.
I’m out of time…
I feel like a vase, filled with enough water to crest over my top lip. The only thing keeping it together is surface tension, stretched farther and farther as more and more pressure mounts upon me. At any moment, it will snap, and my life will bleed out of me and be lost in the winds of time itself.
But time is useless. 
I couldn’t use it to win. 
I couldn’t use it to save them.
All it did was act as a fertilizer for the Tree of Qliphoth, accelerating its growth until it passed the point of no return.
This isn’t how it was supposed to be…
What was my purpose here?
I am a Simulcian. The enemy of the Devil.
But in the end… I couldn’t do what Simulcia managed to do. And now, I’m not so sure she even existed.
That’s right… there is no God. There is no Simulcia. There is only Hell, and now I’ve brought that Hell to our own Earth.
There are footsteps drawing closer. My hands lay limp by my sides, unable to even twitch to defend myself.
Maybe… now… 
Part of me wants to jump to my feet, to turn around and take out my anger on those approaching me. Then, I want to fly right home, and defend Adeline, Marx, and Joy for as long as I can from the horrors that have been unleashed.
… but it’s all useless.
I already know in my heart.
The footsteps stop. Slowly, I finally move, twisting only slightly to stare back at the man behind me.
No… not a man.
It’s Dante Zogratis, but he isn’t alone. His body is almost limp, zombie-like, and his shadow raises behind him like a horrible black wave. Four horns grow from the shadow’s head, with two red eyes, and a grinning, dagger-filled mouth. It’s…
A devil… with the gates all open, it must be able to manifest now.
With every passing second, it becomes more and more solid, its body huge and thick. It gives off the most oppressive magic I’ve ever felt, something grotesque and unearthly the likes of which no one on this earth has ever encountered. This Devil… In any other situation, I would have been shocked, but there isn’t enough energy left in my body to bring myself to blink. … it’s the King of Devils, the one Nacht mentioned before… 
For a moment, an image of Nacht passes through my head. How cruel he seemed back at the meeting. He knew something about me, he knew that I was a monster. He knew that I was dying. Did he learn that from Spade? What more do they know about me, then?
Not that it matters… they have me cornered.
“I see that you’ve given up.”
His voice is low. It holds no malice that I can tell, despite the fact that it oozed from Dante’s.
“And rightfully so… you’ve lost. At this moment, Devils are making their way into this world. In mere minutes, they will overrun your Kingdom. All those not strong enough to escape will die.”
… Adeline and Joy… Marx-
At the thought, emotion sparks in my heart. 
No… it’s too late. I can’t save them… I can’t save anyone.
“But… you shouldn’t be so sad.”
Lucifero’s next words pull me out of that thought and back to the present. I look back up at him, not sure when I had lowered my gaze back to the ground. 
Not… sad?
In what world would I not be sad?
His grin widens, bloodlust finally leaking through his expression. 
“I’m surprised… the pieces were all there for you. Didn’t you look back through the Simulcian consciousness?”
I blink slowly, only hearing him slightly. 
Simulcian consciousness? How does he know about that? What do Simulcians have to do with this?
His chuckle grows louder.
“I thought you would have seen the truth… but perhaps not. Your so-called Goddess, Simulcia… do you know what her Will really was?”
I don’t do him the pleasure of answering, but my heart starts to pound.
Her Will?
Lucifero’s eyes narrow at my lack of reaction, but he finally goes on.
“Her will… was to control this world.”
Recognition flickers in my mind.
Mikael… my uncle Mikael wanted to control the world through our species. But… that was just him, right? Does that have something to do with Simulcia’s will?
“Through you and your species… Simulcians are nothing but a vessel, meant to unite and carry her rotten soul forward into the future, so she may one day rule this world. But… she failed. She would have been much better off following the original plan.”
What? What original plan?
For the first time, I react. My eyes widen as a horrible conclusion blossoms in my mind.
… no… there’s no way-
“Simulcia came to this Earth when the Qliphoth was opened for the first time, thousands of years ago. But she destroyed it, locking us all back in the underworld so she could enjoy it all herself.”
No… NO- Please, God, not this-
“She was a Devil who wanted to destroy the world… and Simulcians are her children.”
My blood freezes, and suddenly everything makes sense.
My pain, my loathing, my wrath for this world, Mikael’s actions, the existence of Simulcians, our shared consciousness… it’s nothing but a vessel for a Devil. 
That’s right… that’s why it was so hard for me to think that a human could truly be evil.
Because… Simulcians are evil. We are nothing but a failed plan to unite the world under Simulcia’s rule.
For some strange reason, that truth settles within me easier than I thought. Lucifero’s brow furrows as I turn away again, my shoulders slumping as my body relaxes.
I… I can’t feel… anything right now.
Sitting here, with the world caving in, with the bodies of my best friends before me, and with the knowledge that I am a child of the devil, I can’t even bring myself to feel sad.
In the end… it doesn’t matter what my identity truly is. Because it’s something I lost long ago.
Lucifero sighs, then takes a step forward. “I see we have nothing left to say to each other… so I’ll put you out of your-”
His words cease as I suddenly move. Slowly, painfully, I stand up.
Nothing matters… absolutely nothing.
I’ve ruined everything. Yet I’m the only one who can fix it.
Everyone… please forgive me.
“Sealing Magic… release.”
Maybe I’m lucky. Lucifero and I are alone. There’s no one to back him up. And I just lost anything that I had to lose.
Power flows through me, like a flood finally free of a dam that contained it for centuries. But along with it, my very life is torn apart. And not just my life; whatever I had left of my humanity is extinguished. My mark glows black, and suddenly, two sharp tracks of black streak down my cheeks, as if my face itself were cracking. Two spots on my head start to heat up, and there’s something thin and fibrous growing from them.
I guess that makes sense… Simulcians who use forbidden magic will be marked with the same horns as their origin.
I finally turn around to look at Lucifero, my face and mind still blank. I know that my life could end at any minute, but not before I am done with him and the rest of this god forsaken world.
“Lucifero… thank you.”
He sees the markings on my face and the two antennae on my head, and recognition flashes through his eyes. Maybe long ago, he faced Simulcia as she fought the other Devils, locking them away in Hell once again. I am not Simulcia, but her Will courses through my veins. Her Will to destroy the world now controls my every move.
“Thank you for giving me a reason to be selfish.”
I spread my arms as Gravity crashes down on me from all sides.
Shit! She’s going to try something- Lucifero took a step back as he activated his spell, hoping to crush me under the weight. But it doesn’t matter! Her time magic will never reach me! Because time is slowed by gravity-
However, it’s not time that I send towards him.
Time may be slowed… but the speed of Light is constant, no matter what the gravity is.
Spears of light appear everywhere around the Devil, and pierce him from all sides. Lucifero lets out an angry roar, caught completely off guard in that moment. What? She surprised me there, sure, but-
In an instant, the light clears, but he’s still stunned from the brightness.
No matter- next time, I’ll finish her-
It’s too late. In the moment that he released his spell, I lunged at him.
Neither of us react. My face is devoid of all emotion; just two, empty black eyes set in a sunken face, inches from death.
I reach towards Dante, to which Lucifero is attacked, my hands dragging my face up to his.
One minute remains
Blinding light emanated from the room, right as none other than Zenon is running back to it. Unlike Dante and Vanica, for whatever reason his Devil did not take full control of his body. He wasn’t surprised; he was smarter about his contract than the two of them. But that’s not the issue right now; the problem was that something big was happening. Without a second thought, he bursts into the cavern, and freezes in place.
Lucifero’s growing body is gone, once again completely contained within Dante. The poor man twitches but mostly hangs limp as my hands clench his head, harder than a human skull should probably withstand. But I have him… my mark is emblazoned on his forehead, shining bright in the darkness. Lucifero’s mark burns on my chest as I stand there, slowly but surely sucking away his power and assimilating it into my own.
Zenon stands there, shocked, as he looks upon the newly formed Triad. Both my power and Julius’s tugs and tugs at Lucifero’s magic. Dante’s horns are slowly growing on my own head, and my antennae wrap around the black material and glow even brighter.
I look over at the man, my eyes glowing. 
“... You’re too late.”
I clench my hand tighter, drawing out more energy.
This is what I was made for… to steal. To assimilate. All for Simulcia. 
But now, I’m doing this for myself. To finally create the world I longed for. A perfect world…
“Lucifero’s power is mine.”
The mighty devil was no match for the power of his oldest foe. 
“I now contain a magic formed from both Gravity and Time… with this, I will create a singularity that consumes the fabric of spacetime. Through brute force, I will destroy time up until a point that I see fit. I will destroy any chance that you had to win, Zenon.” 
There’s no joy on my face as I tell him this.
“You’ve lost.”
Zenon stands there, still, for just a few more moments. Then, his face hardens.
“No… I haven’t given up. You haven’t won!”
His bones are forming around him, in a last ditch effort to defeat me. With a desperate yell, he sends them flying at me.
I simply raise my hand, and it all comes crashing down on him. Zenon gasps in pain, flying back to the ground as gravity pins him there.
My skull throbs.
I don’t have much time.
“Goodbye… Zenon.”
The transfer is complete. Lucifero is trapped, his magic in my grasp.
I hear his voice echoing in our heads.
Shut up, Devil.
I close my eyes, and prepare to use my new spell.
A moment passes. Then another.
They drag on and on.
Is this… really how it is?
My hands are shaking as I grasp Dante’s head, but he’s slipping away. My control over Lucifero is slipping away.
All of this… was for nothing, because in the end…
I can’t do it.
The strength to destroy the world… it’s something I never had within me.
I can’t do it.
Next time: the Joy of Death. Sometimes you just have to know when to give up. Will Lisa go through with her time travel plan? Or is she not strong enough to abandon an entire world? We’ll see tomorrow...
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savedbybangtan · 4 years
Let Me Love You
Summary: She lucked out one too many times. Luckily, Jimin was there to ‘save’ her.
2,916 words
Warning tags: smut, dubcon, stalking, possessive, unprotected sex (wrap it up yall), slight yandere?
                                         Let Me Love You
 Three things immediately popped out in your mind that you begged for, that you needed.
These days, the pain in your body didn’t even allow you the few seconds to fantasize that you were in your parent’s home on a weekend morning where you did not have any work today. The pain was too great for you to ignore so that, as soon as you woke up, you were reminded of your grim premise.
You open your eyes, too tired and weak to be disgusted by the scent of yourself, vomit, and reliefs that were soaked into the naked mattress in the floor. There were two small windows on one wall, short and almost reaching the ceiling indicating that you were in a basement, but sunlight never shined through them. They were being blocked from the outside.
Footsteps could be heard on through the thin ceiling. It sounded as if he were entertaining guests with given the thumps of the music and feet.
If you called out right now, you may be able to alert one of the guests to help you out this situation.
You knew it wouldn’t make any sense. He would find you. Besides, your throat was too weak to make any sound above a hoarse whisper and the music was too loud.
Someone opens the door (the only entrance to the basement) that sat on top of a long staircase. Dim lights filtered in and you squinted at it, sensitive to the light.
The door is closed but you made out the silhouette before you were engulfed in darkness again.
“Hi, sweetheart. I’m entertaining upstairs – so I can’t stay for long – but I really missed you and wanted to see you,” you heard the angelic voice apologise to you.
“…min…Ji-min…” you managed to hoarse out.
“What is it, baby?”
“Already? I just gave you water and food two days ago,” he chuckled. I couldn’t see him, but I could tell he had that wicked glimmer in his eye that did not go with those rose powdered cheeks he sported by now.
He walked to a corner of the room, far from where your chain would allowed you to reach, if you were even able to walk. The light from the fridge illuminated his outfit. He wore a black turtleneck, black jeans and of course, black boots. When you had first met him at that bar, he wore the same colour palette. If you only knew.
He came back with a bottle of water that he poured slowly into your mouth as you drank in large gulps.
“What do you want to eat,” he asked sweetly – the same tone he used when he asked what you were drinking that night.
You hesitate to answer.
“I can promise you I will probably have anything you ask of me. I know all of your favourite foods and bought them.”
The blue and lime green lights darted manically about the bar. It was loud and filled with cigar, weed, cigarette, and hookah smoke. The scent, four gin and juices, and bottle of wine (that was finished before you even entered the club) had you feeling free. You didn’t want to think of your dumb boyfriend who broke up with you because of a few male friends you kept.
You didn’t want to think about your so called “friends” who had taken his side.
You definitely didn’t want to think about how you were fired, yet again, for rejecting the advances of yet another coworker. They tell you to report the matter to HR, but you believed in an eye for an eye. Someone who smacks someone’s ass should get smacked across their face – not relocated to another desk.
You danced crudely to the music, obviously drunk.
It wasn’t safe for a girl, wearing such a revealing and tight lavender dress to go out by herself. Especially not in this crowd.
Still, you needed to get lost in a crowd of people and let loose. You were sick of your parents breathing down your neck about moving out now that you finished college and secured another job. There was no way you were telling them how you were fired again. You needed to get out of the house.
The upbeat tune of Raising Hell by Ke$ha was exchanged for the smooth beat of BMO by Ari Lennox. You were too drunk for this song. You started to slowly grind your hips into the air, trying to mimic the moves of an exotic dancer.
A pair of soft hands grabbed you by the waist and danced against you, obviously having trouble trying to keep your nonexistent rhythm.
It was hot.
His hands were all over you. You glanced back and saw juicy lips that you suddenly wanted to kiss, but you were already short of breath. As if the final ounces of alcohol had finally ran through your bloodstream, the room swayed and it got dark.
“Shit,” you heard someone say. You couldn’t tell if it came from you or him.
You felt yourself being dragged away, too weak and too inebriated to care.
Before you could even reach an exit, you passed out.
You woke up and could tell you were in a moving vehicle. You saw the same stranger driving, but that “new car” scent put you back to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of keys jingling about, you noticed that this was not your house and that the man carrying you was that same stranger from the club. “Hey! Where are you taking me!” You slurred, fighting the urge to pass out once more.
You shouldn’t have estimated the power of that wine you drank in one sitting.
He flashes you a perfect smile that oozed excitement. “I’m taking you home, y/n.”
“This isn’t my…home.” You let the darkness engulf you as it was getting too hard to fight.
You were too drunk to question how he knew your name.
Minutes, hours, or days passed before you woke up in a crisp, white bedroom.
You spat some of your hair out of your mouth.
With a stretch, you take in your surroundings.
What happened last night? The last thing you truly remembered was chatting up the handsome bartender.
You scratched your head and that’s when you realise you were in nothing but a large tank top, obviously male.
Not again, you thought. You can’t believe you were in this situation again.
You spotted a bathroom through the open door and ran into it. There were no love marks on your skin. Your make up was removed pretty well and the clothes you wore last night were folded neatly on top of the counter, including your panties which you found a little embarrassing, imagining someone folding them.
You slowly brought your hand to your entrance, feeling for any kind of tenderness or fluids that would indicate anything out of the ordinary.
If something did happen, at least they weren’t rough.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to you. I didn’t want our first time to be like that.”
You removed your hand and spun to look at the owner of the voice.
Who the hell was this? You eyed him wearily.
Ignoring your glare, he spoke again, “I washed your clothes for you! They might be uncomfortable, so you can wear my shirt instead if you like.”
“Um, do you mind telling me who you are?” I couldn’t sense any danger from the angelically handsome silver haired man who spoke to you so innocently.
“Oh, I’m Jimin. Park Jimin. I’m 25 and I work as a police officer.”
“I meant, why am I here?”
“You fell out in the middle of the dance floor last night.”
He laughed again, turning his eyes into little upwards crescents. “I think that’s enough questions before we eat. I cooked breakfast. Its downstairs. Come down once you’re done in here.”
With that, he left.
Oh, he’s a police. That explained why he would bring me home. He felt the need to serve and protect. You were lucky this time, but this will have to be the last time you go out drinking alone. You quickly chucked off his tank top and got dressed in the same clothes as last night. You were indifferent to the walk of shame by now. Walking outside in club attire in broad daylight was bound to catch a few stares, but you didn’t care what people think.
You searched for your shoes and realized he probably had them downstairs.
By the time you gotten down and found the kitchen, he was just about to sit down.
“Look, I really want to thank you for saving me. Something really bad could have happened last night. I tend to have this self-destructive streak about me that I can’t quite shake off, but I promised myself this would be the last time I pass out from drinking.”
He smiled at your words. “That’s great. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are never that careless again. Please, have breakfast.”
“Oh no, you’re too kind. I’ve already bothered you enough.”
“Come on, now, Y/n. I’ve already cooked it. I don’t want to waste it.”
You shrug and sat. “Fine, if you insist.” You start to dig in immediately. It was amazing and settled your stomach. You could already feel the hangover nausea kicking in.
You horsebacked the rest of the hot tea and stood abruptly. “Thank you so much! That was really delicious. I hope one day I can repay your kindness.”
All of the joy in his eyes dissipated as you moved to leave, but you didn’t notice.
“Can you tell me where my shoes are?”
“How about you stay for a while longer?”
“I couldn’t possibly.”
“Are your parents waiting back for you?”
“No, I tend to not even come home most weekends and- wait,” you stopped, eyeing him suspiciously thinking it was weird that he assumed you lived with your parents although you were obviously an adult. “I’m a grown woman, you know. I may act like a teen, getting drunk like that, but I’m 21. I can do what I want.”
“And you were fired recently, meaning you don’t have anything better to do, right? Please, stay with me.”
Before you thought to wit your way out of danger, you stammer.
“How did you know I was fired from my job?” You started to slowly back away.
If you were not in the current predicament, you might have noticed how beautiful and genuine his smile was. “Oops, looks like I blew my cover! I guess I can drop the façade. I love you, y/n. I had for a while now, but I couldn’t talk to you because I know someone boring like me wouldn’t stand a chance.” His eyes furrowed in mock sorrow, but those plump, tempting lips pulled into smile. “If you’re good, I’ll let you stay in the house…I really do not intend to hurt you.”
He reached and arm out for you slowly, but you evaded his touch as if he was fire. “Let me out of here! You stalker!” You dashed to what you assumed to be the front door with the crooked cop trailing behind you slowly.
“I don’t want to hurt you, y/n!”
You looked back for a moment as you grab frenetically for the door handle. He waltzed toward you with his hands in his pockets. He had on his uniform, the only thing missing was the hat and shirt.
Clammy hands finally got the door open and you charged through it without taking your eyes off the monster behind you. Even when you fell down the stairs, you did not turn your neck to see that the door you took so long to open was your personal gateway to hell.
Instead of seeing the bright lights of morning, you are greeted with darkness. When your eyes adjusted, you realised that it’s a basement.
“FUCK!!!” You screamed in agony clutching your broken leg.
Park Jimin tutted and cooed toward you. “See what you did to yourself? I told you that I don’t want to hurt you. Let me see…” He reached out for your leg but you pull away from him quickly, the action eliciting a groan from you. “Hey, I’m trying to help.”
“Then take me to a fucking hospital!”
“You probably don’t even need one. The fall wasn’t that high. It was about seven steps. I took a course in first aid.” His voice was something lethal. How was he so calm with you shouting at him? You gave him your leg.
Gently, in his crouched position, he rotated your leg, massaging it to assess where it had broken. “Shh, shhh, shhh, its okay,” he cooed at you mindlessly. With a deep gulp and wide eyes, he warned, “Suck in your breath…” You did as he said, in too much pain to argue. “It’ll take a sec…” He snapped your leg again with a grueling sound similar to a branch breaking from a tree during a hurricane.
You screamed.
And screamed,
And screamed,
And blacked out from pain.
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keytomythoughts · 3 years
Eleutheromania | Chapter 03
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Chapter Index
A day never went by where I wasn’t thinking of Jaeun, longing to be with her. Even if it was for just a second, it would be more than enough to feel her touch, to see her beautiful face. The way her emerald gems would light up when she smiled, or how the corners of her eyes slightly crinkled when she laughed. God, did she have an amazing laugh. 
Looking down at my phone at the messages we exchanged only a few minutes ago, I can’t help the smile that comes to my face despite the pang in my chest. I know it isn’t fair of me to keep asking her to wait, but this is the only way where I can guarantee her safety. I’m lucky my captain is so understanding of the situation I’m in, allowing me to contact my girlfriend even when outside contact is essentially forbidden. Even going as far as stalling for me, a mere soldier. I’m forever in his debt, a great one.
“Was that enough time, Lieutenant Wong Yukhei?”
Upon hearing my legal full name, I immediately rise to salute the man whose voice I recognize far too well. Quickly pocketing my device, I look straight ahead and see my superior officer standing a few feet away from me still clad in his military gear and vest. Captain Lee Taeyong, the army’s finest and youngest captain to ever surpass through the rankings of previous men that served in the army. Like me, he was drafted relatively early, but it was a year prior to mine. Rumors of him spread during my first few months of enrollment. Naturally, I was intimated of the male and found myself even more motivated to leave a good impression on my senior. Yet, that didn’t seem to be necessary. Though his dark brown eyes shone with flames of fierceness and his words held such command in his tone, he had a big heart. A side often shown to very few. It’s lucky that I’m one of them.
“Yes, Captain, more than enough. Thank you, Sir. I’m truly grateful.”
The blonde instantly smiles. “At ease, soldier.”
I lower my hand back to my side, a small sigh escaping my lips. Raking a hand through my coarse hair, I sit back down on the bench away from my barracks. The evening air had gotten much cooler, considering the sun had set only a few minutes ago. 
Even so, I still continue to think of her.
“Taeyong,” I start, his title being lost as the emotions slowly start to cloud my judgment.
His head jerks up, signalling his full attention.
“What do I do?”
Perplexed, the older male walks closer, setting himself down right next to me. 
“About what, Lucas? Is something wrong?”
Worry isn’t something us soldiers are used to when talking to our superiors, whether they be the ones overseeing our regiment or facilitating the entire force. But Taeyong had always looked out for me. Sensing the concern in his tone and furrowed brows, I almost want to take it back. But knowing Taeyong, he would just beat it out of me until I told him enough.
And despite our four-year age gap, I found myself trusting of him. It wasn’t only me, though. It was for Taeyong as well. We didn’t see each other as senior-junior; rather, we were just two men trying to survive in this city of blinding truths and warped lies. 
“It’s just,” I pause, choosing my words carefully, “day after day, I find it hard to fulfill my duties. I question when this will be all over so that I can go back home to—”
“To your girlfriend, yeah?”
My mouth closes, but my head nods in affirmation. I sigh deeply. “This guilt, Taeyong, it’s eating at me..”
I drop my head into my hands, the confusion, despair, and longing all creeping up on me, like bottles of ink spreading to corners of a canvas before drawing it in a pool of black. I didn't know what to make of this, but I realized that I had to straighten myself if I ever wanted to see Jaeun again.
Just then, I feel a hand rest firmly against my shoulder. I glance to see Taeyong with a somber expression, lips pressed into a thin line. 
“Lucas, this isn’t your fault. Neither is it hers. You just have to hang on, okay?” He gives my shoulder a slight squeeze before letting go. 
“But what if I can’t?”
Taeyong leans back against the bench, his face angled towards the now dark sky. Above us, stars had already begun to scatter and shine across the darkness. The twinkling reminds me of Jaeun’s smile, and the way her eyes would sparkle when I told her how much I loved her. And when she told me the same thing back. 
Shit, I miss her so freaking much.
He sighs. “You’ll find a way, Lucas. As much as it pains me to say this, there’s not much you can do given the situation you’re in.” He pauses briefly to scour the area for any soldiers nearby, which there weren’t. Then he continues, slowly.  “If they do catch on to your relationship with Jaeun, you know how it’ll end, don’t you?”
I shudder picturing Jaeun’s lifeless body and my own, both of us incapable of reaching each other. Not being able to cherish each other’s embrace, not getting a chance to whisper words of love and comfort to one another. To not be able to see the face I’ve grown to love so much over the years.
“I know.” My shoulders slump, hands going up to grab my coal-like strands out of frustration. “God, I know, but this—I can’t help but feel so lost, Hyung.”
I hear Taeyong shift slightly, a hand passing through his hair. “When I first entered the military, it was the same. I resented the fact that I was chosen early. That I had to leave my life behind. And for what? Just so I could please the rulers’ wealthy asses?”
Hearing that, I snort. Of course he wouldn’t. None of us who really understand what it means to live in this sectored city would be so willing to give up their own lives for this cause. It just didn’t make sense. Yet, here we are, resenting the state we’re in because of the higher-ups looking down at us like dogs. Their very own dogs of the military who would answer their calls at any time. 
It makes me sick.
He continues, “Lucas, you and I both know how unjust and shitty this system is. They fear rebellion, which is why they keep us in check like this.”
I feel my hands slide down to my lap as my head slowly lifts back up. I know far too well what it would mean for this city to undergo a rebellion. Whatever check-and-balance system they made to keep things in order would come crashing down. Thousands of civilians will be swept up in this byproduct of anger and war. People would turn against one another, questioning just how long they had been fooled with the illusions of a lavish life in one of the largest prospering cities in the world. In short, it would be catastrophic.  
After all, it happened once before. What’s to stop another one from occurring?
“To hell with this city and it’s shit rules. This isn’t some show they can watch from the comfort of their homes.” Another sigh. “Hyung, this isn’t fair.”
Taeyong lets out an airy laugh. “It’s exactly why I look out for you. I know you share the same ideal as me. I empathize with you greatly, Lucas, I really do, but this is something you have to get through. If it ever means getting out of here, there’s no other way.”
I nod approvingly, letting his words sink in. I guess there really is no other way..
Suddenly, he turns to me, his eyes as hard as stone. That gaze fixed with resolve. “But, I swear on my life, I won’t let them do to you what they did to me. If I can, and am able to, I’ll find a way to get you out of here.”
“But, Hyung, that means—”
“Don’t mind what it means. Just accept this as my promise to you. So long as you promise to continue hanging on.”
“The only way is—”
“This is an order from your captain, Lieutenant Wong,” he drops the informality in his tone effortlessly, “I won’t repeat myself.”
Glancing at him, even in the dark, I can see the fire in his sea green orbs. The glint of superiority pushing past the compassionate person I was talking to just moments before. 
Now I know. This is why he is feared and respected so much.  
Which is why in this situation, I only nod, the words suddenly lodged in my throat. Talking back to him in this state only meant death. And I didn't want to die just yet.
“Good,” he rises from the bench and runs a hand through his streaks of blonde before stuffing them in his pockets. He glances at the sky once before turning to me. 
“Come on, it’s our turn to make rounds today.”
“Right,” I reply curtly. Standing up, I fix my dark maroon uniform before walking behind Taeyong who had already started moving away from the barracks and towards the main base. Even as I follow the captain to areas of the base I’ve become accustomed with in the years already spent here, I can’t help but think of his last few words. Surely he knew what that meant, right? There’s only one way, only one circumstance, where I would be granted pardon from my duties.
But the cost..
Shaking my head, I look up to realize I’ve slowed my pace and now am far from where I was supposed to be a while ago. Quickening my steps, my thoughts continue to consume me until I make out Taeyong’s figure from the tent’s oil-lamp. 
Taeyong, you can’t really be considering that… 
The captain turns to me, a small grin etched in his face. And even as I return the expression, the inner turmoil only seems to grow. 
Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 |    
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ohfrickfanfic · 5 years
Blow Jobs and Black Holes
Pairings: Jenshler/Joshler
Warnings/Tags: semi public, blow jobs, not edited.
Nothing but the sound of summer crickets can be heard as Tyler and Jenna lay in the damp grass basking in the moonlight on their perfect date night.
“Whoa!” Tyler exclaims breaking the silence as he watches a shooting star rocket through the night sky while lying on his back in awe. “How’d you find this place, Jenna? I’ve never seen so many stars in my life! I wish Josh was here to see this — He’d love it!”
“Josh is the one who told me about it actually. Apparently, you can see more stars than normal here because we’re far from the city, so there’s no light pollution.”
“Josh told you about this? He’s never mentioned this place to me before.” Tyler turns to look at Jenna laying next to him. He feels slightly offended that his best friend would share this place with his wife but not him.
“He told me it’s kind of his personal little sanctuary where he comes to clear his head,  but he thought it would be the perfect spot for tonight. I think he was right. I should've known you would  wish for your best friend to crash our date night.” Jenna says with a playful shove to Tyler’s shoulder.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tyler questions.
Jenna sits up pulling her knees to chest and crosses her arms over them “Tyler, do you think it’s possible to know someone better than they know themselves?
“I-I mean I guess. What does that have to do with anything?”
“I don’t know any other way to say this so I’m just gonna come out and say it — I think you’re in love with Josh.”
Tyler flies up from the grass, his position now matching Jenna’s. “Excuse me, What?” he twirls his hair nervously trying to process what his wife just said to him. “Jenna, Josh is my best friend. I’m not in love with him. Are you — are you being serious right now? You’re my wife, I love you.” he emphasizes, moving to cup her face in his hands. “Besides I’m not gay.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you but just hear me out okay?” she shakes her head. Tyler crosses his arms across his chest giving Jenna a look that says ‘I’m not happy but I’m listening.’ “First of all, yes I am being serious, and I know you love me. I’m not questioning or doubting your love for me — I think it’s possible to have room for more than one person in your heart. And there are other sexualities besides just gay and straight, ya know?”
“I know me and Josh have a really special friendship and we’re closer than most friends, yes. I do love him, and I care about him a great deal but I’m not IN love with him, Jenna.
“Tyler what are some of your favorite things about me?” 
“This conversation is all over the place. I’m so lost.” Tyler says bewildered running his hands through his hair.
“Just answer the question?”
 “I guess I’d have to say the way you support and encourage my crazy ideas, and how just one look from you can settle all my nerves.”
“Now what are some of your favorite things about Josh?”
Tyler takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes. “I dunno Jenna, uhh ...I guess how we’re always on the same page with things. Like when I was working on the Dema storyline, he had my back every step of the way and trusted me that it would all come together and pay off the way I wanted it too. And on nights when my anxiety gets the best of me on stage and I’m feeling really anxious I can just look over to Josh and remember that we’re a team and we’re in this together and I can just feed off his energy.
“You do realize you basically just gave the same answers for both me and Josh, right? Just worded differently.” Jenna gives Tyler a teasing look.
“Did not.”
“You did, but whatever… What color are my eyes?” Jenna asks another question.
“Blue.  Glacier blue but the outer ring of your iris is like dark denim  — the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” he smiles leaning to the side to kiss his wife. “I love this little floral sundress on you,” he states pinching a piece of the floral printed fabric between his thumb and finger. “ The little blue flowers bring them out even more.”
“And what color are Josh’s eyes?”
“I feel like most people would say they’re brown, but sometimes when the light hits them just right you can see that they’re really Hazel with warm chocolate brown spec — and ohmygodIaminlovewithJosh” he blurts out, the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks.
“Jenna, what the fuck! What do I do?” Tyler shouts panic-stricken, springing up from the grass and beginning to pace wildly, tugging at his hair. 
Jenna stands “Tyler... TYLER!” she struggles to get her husband's attention. “Tyler, look at me.” She tries to ground him, placing her hands on his shoulders. Tyler looks up, getting lost in her eyes--he expects them to be rough tumultuous seas but is surprised when he’s met with the same still waters and glaciers that feel like home. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” Jenna reassures him pulling his head to her chest.
“It’s not okay. You’re my wife.” Tyler sobs
“You still love me, right?” Jenna questions.
Tyler nods against her cleavage.
“Then that’s all that matters. I meant what I said earlier — I think it’s possible to have room for more than one person in your heart. I know Josh means a lot to you and I’m not about to stand in your way. I think you should explore your feelings more — talk to Josh about it”
“Are you crazy? He would probably never talk to me again!” Tyler exclaims, lifting his head and wiping fiercely at his eyes
“See that’s where I know you’re wrong — the feeling is mutual Tyler.”
“What? No, it isn’t. How would you even know that?” 
“Because I told her,” a third voice says.
“JOSH?, What are you doing here?”
“I-I planned this. Tonight. The three of us.” He speaks nervously in choppy phrases as he joins them on the grass. “I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. I couldn’t keep my love for you a secret.” Josh looks to Jenna for reassurance and she nods encouragingly for him to continue. “Last night after you surprisingly crashed early for once-” he lets out a small laugh, “Jenna asked me if I was okay as I was leaving, said I seemed like I was hiding something. I broke down and told her everything I had been feeling about you.” he briefly flicks his eyes to Tyler, who’s listening intently, while anxiously plucking at the grass by his side. “I thought for sure she was gonna hate me; I expected her to be angry with me but for some reason, she looked relieved. She explained that for quite some time she felt that you were in love with me too. ” Josh paused placing a comforting hand on Tyler’s thigh. Tyler’s eyes flicked from Josh’s hand to his face then to Jenna and back again trying to process if this was really happening. “She said she wasn’t upset because she felt that you very much still loved her, you just simply loved me as well. Is that true?”
Tyler took a deep breath in, “Yes” he exhaled, looking Josh dead in the eye. 
His answer was simple but it was all they needed to move things along. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long — can um- can I kiss you? Josh asks scooting closer.
Tyler quickly looks to his wife for permission and Jenna nods encouragingly. Even as his plump lips near Josh’s he feels unsure if this is what he wants. Finally admitting to himself that he was in love with Josh was one thing, but sexual attraction was a whole nother level. He’d honestly never thought of Josh  — or any other man — in that way before, and he’s not sure he’s ready or even comfortable exploring that aspect of this, yet his lips are still drawn to Josh’s like a moth to a flame. The second Josh’s lips are oh his, he knows he wants them there — in fact he wants them all over him, the warmth of the kiss rushing into his jeans making them bulge.  
Josh takes notice. “Mmm can I?” he asks, cupping him lightly and beginning to trail kisses down Tyler’s neck, making him weak.
His hips cant up, keenly pressing himself into Josh’s palm in a wordless “Yes” and relaxing back on the grass before his eyes even get the chance to once again ask his wife’s permission. She doesn’t seem to mind though; Tyler catches the corners of her lips curl into a smile just before his eyes flutter close squeezing the surrounding starlight into thin streaks— Josh now welcoming him into a warmth he’s only ever felt from Jenna.
It’s good — different. For one Josh’s eye teeth are a lot prominent than Jenna’s, grazing teasingly up and down Tyler’s shaft with every bob of Josh’s head. His tongue traces expertly around the bell-shaped tip leaving Tyler wondering if he’s done this before — and with who. 
He quickly pushes his questions of Josh’s sexual experience to the back of his mind, allowing himself to focus on the pleasure he’s receiving. His fingers dig into the grassy earth at his sides, dirt making its way under his nails as he lifts his hips, desperately pushing himself farther into Josh’s mouth. Josh smiles at his neediness before taking him deeper. 
Tyler’s breathing grows more ragged with each bob of Josh’s head, and he can’t help the noises that hum in his throat and slip past his lips. Jenna lets a noise of her own slip-free as she watches her husband coming completely undone at the hands of his best friend. Tyler quickly jerks his head in her direction, reaching a hand out towards her as he whispers “Thank you.”  
Jenna nods with a warm smile, grabbing her husband’s hand and squeezing it tightly.  Her peircing blue eyes lock with Tyler’s, his wife’s face coming in and out of focus as he fights to keep them open. He does his best until  — 
“J-osh” Tyler says in a barely audible whisper. “I’m gonna cum!”
And with that he fills Josh’s mouth, his head spinning like a galaxy as he rides out his high. Josh swallows, then coaxes Tyler back to earth with soft slow licks until he twitches with overstimulation.
“You still with us?” Josh laughs, wiping at his mouth.  “I thought maybe I sucked you into a black hole there for a second” he jokes.
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nixalegos · 5 years
With Good Intentions
AUTHORS NOTE: I put a read more, as this story blurb has alot of squick in it, and it’s also likely my LONGEST story to boot, and nobody wants their dashboard cluttered up. Body horror, death, all that. Darker then usual for me, maybe not for most of you, but wanted to give the heads up anyway.
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Somewhere in Jade Forest
“Never had to knock to be let in before, why is the whole town locked up and boarded?” He asked as he was finally let inside. “Oh, we’ve got troubles.” The barkeep said with his warbling tone, the Jinyu who owned the joint coming to double lock the door behind the familiar warlock. “One of the gatherers came back running, saying a dark ripple was spiralling in an open field, not less than half a day away.” They explained. “A dark portal? Is that why the call came out for the willing to get to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms? Are void portals forming on Pandaria? What of the Shado-Pan, surely you called for their help.” The hooded elf said as he pulled back a chair at the bars slightly damp counter. “Oh sure, sure, the mayor did...but they didn’t say when they’d be able to help.” Nix considered, the Shado-Pan were notoriously curt and dismissive of outsiders, and not without reason...and if a general call for -anyone- to come aid the Golden Fields...it was likely Pandarias shadowy defenders were already out-manned and unable to respond to something as petty as a small village way out on the coast. The hooded man looked at the Jinyu who for the first time since he met them, nervously washed and cleaned a glass, over and over. Such expressions had only recently been seen, the fear of the Sha manifesting from such negative emotions more than enough reason to suppress such displays in the past. “We’re just a fishing village..” “Tell you what, I’ll go check it out, make sure nothing crawled out, see if I can’t close it.” “You will?!” The jinyu replied, hope in their tone. “Sure, and in exchange, you have an order of that fried calamari waiting for me, alright?”
“Oh hells, thats a larger portal then I expected.” Nix said outloud. “I’m measuring seven by six, and it’s stable.” He said as he clamped the spyglass shut to look over to where his Shivarra was still cloaked by magic. “But no cultists, no monsters...no ritual implements. Thoughts?” “Reality is weaker than you imagined, and whatever is going on in this Valley you were suppose to head to is a dire situation that is starting to spill out as far as out here, like ripples in water.” He grumbled and looked back they way they’d come, to the lush rich healthy greens that gave the forest its name. Then back towards the portal. “I keep my bargains.” “You should abandon such foolishness.” Nix considered the demons chastisement, then looked back again. “What better way to cause havoc then opening a second front with only civilians in your way? If a single void creature crawls out via this hole who knows what ruin they’ll bring after finding it. No. I’m shutting it down.” He said with an air of finality. “How, you said it was stable?” The demon said as it strode after its master. “I’m going to go in and sabotage whatever is keeping it open on the other side. There’s nothing out here powering it.” “You are not one of the Faithful, you’ll go mad.” The demon stated. Nix scoffed. “Still think the Big S had the right idea huh? Protected you from the nightmares? Weird to think we actually share an enemy.” “My first coven sisters died being dragged into such a portal, I am not following suit to die along a mortal fool I want to gut myself.” The demoness snarled with contempt dripping in its voice. “I can’t summon Negatrax to hold this end. Anyone else who stumbles on this portal with a Voidlord standing guard might do something stupid. You at least can’t be seen and the portal is still more a curiosity than a threat, and Vilynn would throw herself to follow me, which does me little good if the portals set to close behind me.” He explained. “So what is your plan?” The demon countered. “I jump in, destabilize it just on the other side. If it starts to close early, you reach in, and pull me out.” “And if there is the might of the Void on the other side?” “Then I leap out and we warn the village to evacuate.” Nix looked over himself, gauntleted hands roaming over his gear, double and triple checking his armaments. “Ok. Here goes nothing.” He stepped forward.
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He was expecting shadows. Nightmares. Monsters. What he wasn’t expecting was stone walls that seemingly reached higher than the sky. He wheeled around..only to be met with another wall boxing him in. There was no portal to jump out by. “Oh fuck me.” He swore to himself as he realized he just how much trouble he might be in. He raised his hands, fingers curling as he sought to cast his own magics back to the real world. And nothing happened. He reached for his emergency teleporter. It wouldn’t turn on. His dimension rippers too bore no power. Even his hearthstone lacked its normal cooling blue glow. He was stuck. He turned around and slowly, carefully made his way down that seemingly unending corridor.
Hours passed. Even his pocket watch, the first gadget he’d built and been proud of had frozen still. He tried to keep time by counting in his head. He soon realized that the hall bore an end, but it was a maze, an oubliette, lefts and rights and over again.
Hours turned to days by his best guess, and it wasn’t until hunger drove him so that he made due with lichen that clung to those too high walls, and fetid water that pooled in low spots on the stone floors to soothe his thirst. He gagged, his body tried to hurl it back up, but it clung and slid into his gullet like lead. But it wasn’t enough after the week mark. 
Even starving, he walked, he was half tempted to chew some of his own flesh clean off, if it meant keeping the hunger down long enough to get out. Something had to be keeping him here, something had to be aware enough to keep his magics and means from working.
That was when the torture started. Light filled his vision. Colors that were -wrong- somehow. Colors the warlock had never seen before, never considered possible danced and strobed and cavorted inside his eyes, penetrating his thoughts, and as he discovered as he tried to sleep, his dreams. His hands covered his eyes and it did nothing. He slammed his head against the wall for unconsciousness and it did nothing, even as he felt his blood running down his face still those foul colors were all around him, forcing him to walking by feeling the closest wall for support. ‘Do you remember how many of our Eyes you blinded?’ A voice just like Nix’s said in his mind. The warlock, throat too dry to scream gave a dry hack, and he fell to the stone floor as his vision returned after days of being flooded with light. He sputtered and tried to push himself up, tried to blink the memory of those awful distortions away.
The sound of a hundred hundred goblin designed cannons went off next to his head when he realized he couldn’t cry, leaving him falling back onto the stone floor. ‘Do you remember the words you silenced from the mouths of our Speakers?’ That voice said, louder now. Loud discordant sounds flared and whizzed and banged in staccato misrhythm. Worse was when they stopped, and snarls and chattering sounds of claws scraped along the floor behind him, half starved warlock limping his way faster despite how tired he was. He didn’t want to stop and let the sounds catch up to him, knowing in his heart it was worse then moving forward. Time passed, and Nix shuffled his way onto stone colder than the crispest mountaintop. The air so frigid his breath spooled out in white waves, and his lungs hurt from trying to take it in. Only to stumble into a literal oven. Despite the fact the stone corridor never changed, showed no heat distortions, he knew his flesh was cracking from the temperature. ‘Do you remember how many of our hands you broke?’ The voice taunted now.
“I’ll kill you.” The warlock whispered between cracked and bleeding lips, still going forward despite the effort.
A day, or a month had passed. It was impossible to tell when he stumbled upon the others. A woman holding two bundles in her arms stood with her back to him. Despite knowing it was a trick. Despite knowing it would hurt him he reached up, tried to call out, to hail them.
The woman turned around, both it, and the ‘children’ it held were faceless. Nix stopped then, paralyzed on his journey for the first time at the otherness they radiated. A sickening parody of something that itched in the back of his mind, like Deja Vu. The children melded into piles of bloodied jelly and teeth as the thing pretending to be a woman glowed from the center of her forehead, red hot. Its skin turning to ash around the new thumb sized hole in its head, flaking away and floating towards him. He tried to lift his arms up to cover his face, but his gauntlets were too heavy for him now to react in time. He could only meekly sputter to keep the remains off his lips and chin. ‘Yes, kill is all you do isn’t it.’ The voice said again. ‘It’s all you ever wanted to do.’ The stone floor and high walls suddenly weren’t. He was free falling, his ash covered limbs splayed helplessly. Even the dark was wrong, the inky blackness he was streaking down was off color, echos of that first torture glimpsed in that midnight that he prayed was delusions brought on by adrenaline, the oily rainbow caught in a storm drain. ‘If you do not serve us, then we will hollow you out...and let the new you crawl out.’ That voice boomed in mocking parody of Nix’s own. He was falling faster now. Dust perhaps, slapped and strung across his paper thin skin to leave dots of his blood trailing behind him. His robes slowly, grew tattered, flecked, ripped by the micro impacts of invisible objects too tiny to possibly see. If they even existed. ‘We will give you purpose.’ The voice Nix couldn’t tell was his own head or not said as he landed in water. He knew he tried to scream as his legs broke upon impact the pain had been so great. ‘We will fill you with vision’. The escaping content of his lungs was the only screen he had from a sickening gaunt face staring back from those liquid depths. Its eyes a frenzied red, but its face...was the same one Nix had seen in every mirror, but drained, withered and thin. A mockup of flesh and skin that clung cheaply to the bone under it, but not mistakable for anyone else. ‘We will give share our words with you to speak’. A tendril of mightnight the color of oil slithered up and pried the warlocks mouth open, its tip gripping his tongue. He felt pincers cut his frenulum and insect like legs crawled along the inside of his mouth from that oily tentacle. He wanted to thrash. He wanted to fight back. Some instinctive animal part of him tried. Other whip thin shadows now raced up to join the first, hideous abominations of tendril and eyeless piranha and beetles, coiled and bit into his flesh. Each one nibbling and devouring in tiny all too painful bites from sphincter like mouths with too many teeth. ‘You cannot fathom how long we have waited for this’ The voice spoke so loudly in his mind he couldn’t think straight. ‘You’ve barely touched what eternity feels like’. Nix’s eyes widened in horror as he tasted meat upon his tongue as one tendril burrowed into his stomach with a sickening glee that wasn’t his own. He was being fed the taste of his own entrails, and the enjoyment the tendrils had for it. He couldn’t even weep nor drown properly as that gaunt face floated closer, more flush with stolen vitality. You will soon be me, don’t struggle. It’s not as if a single soul would have ever come to rescue -you-.’ That self same voice said smugly. He lacked the strength to even bite down on the crawling horror filling his mouth, no last biting remarks, no threats. He felt himself convulsing from the pain the bites and their psychic torment was inflicting, that sick gooey rush of pleasure from his own flesh. He was going to die here, alone, forgotten at best… And at worst another monster to be killed on the other side. A strong hand gripped him by the shoulder, narrowly by chance alone not grabbing where a tendril dug in, hauled with infernal strength. The gaunt face contorted in sheer rage and bellowed “NOOOOOOO” as Nix was dragged out. The shivarra grunted as she retched her...screaming, convulsing, sweating master from the closing portal to the glades lush floor, the shadowy edges of manifested darkness swallowing upon itself shut. Only to look and see he was throwing up what looked like coffee grounds...and a thin line of blood from his nose. Every one of his gadgets blaring in warning, discharging and failing and then she realized as Azeroth faded from their perception, his grip on her the only link she had to Azeroth, that she was back in the Nether…what had happened? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Jade Forests northern climbs was rustled with a cool breeze and the occasional falling leaf. The corpse, clad in dark purple robes laid there undisturbed until pin pricks of light started to show in the sky. The corpse coughed, sputtered, and wretch on itself as what was dead by foresight of magic alone brought it back to the world of the living. He tried to scream as he awoke, but could do little more then empty the contents of his stomach onto himself, and collapse on his side into the pile of dried long dead grass that encircled him. He spat his mouth clear of backwashed acid, and reached for his stomach...where he was whole, even his robes, despite their foulness, was still intact. The man lay there, and tentatively checked the rest of his body between breaths. He rolled over back onto his back and sat up, looking at the nearby corpse of dead trees near the glades edge that met the dead circle he sat in. He reached up and snapped, a flicker of will behind it as hellish fire lit between forefinger and thumb, and was just as quickly dismissed. His tools, intact, but mostly useless. Everything that had boasted a battery was drained. The warlock came to lay back down, grip the dead grass and leaves between his fingers and idly tossed a small handful of them up. He wanted to cry, to scream in rage, to burn everything around him to cinders and soot...but he needed to know. So he dragged himself, half pushing with solid legs up til he back was against the tree, and called upon his only witness to ask a single question. “How long…” He asked as soon as his summon went off. “What do you mean how long, you didn’t go anywhere.” The demon replied. “Didn’t...go?” The warlock asked as his blood ran cold and his stomach dropped. “You leapt in, the portal started to close, I pulled you out. Three, maybe four seconds. Then you seemingly suffered a heart attack, a stroke, and suffering from hypothermia and you died? What happened in there?” The warlocks reply was a half mad laugh, that broke into sobs as he slid onto his side. “Well, get up, you’ve your calamari to collect.” The demon said exasperated. The warlock threw up again in reply. He didn’t leave the glade until the morning light.
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gaamagirl565 · 5 years
Matters of the heart Ep 3
WARNING: FOR BLOOD AND VERY MILD LANGUAGE Matters Of The Heart Episode 3: Festival Follies {OPENING CREDITS} {the sun rises over old corona; cut to Varian peacefully asleep in bed. The bed shakes a bit and we see Varian smirk a bit. 6-year-old Isaiah comes into frame and climbs on Varian} Varian: *chuckles* augh! Isaiah...can I help you? Isaiah: It’s harvest day daddy! We gots ta help grandpa! Come on! Up! *pulls on his bangs* Varian: augh! Okay okay! Easy on the hair buddy! {he playfully grabs Isaiah and they get up and it cuts to Varian making breakfast and serving it} Isaiah: *sees Ruddiger on the table* Ruddy! Ruddiger: *chitters happily* Isaiah: *plays with him* Varian: boys come on now...settle down. Isaiah: yes daddy…*sit and eats the eggs he’s given* {cut to Varian and Quirin out in the field; they’re talking about how to expand their crops} Isaiah: *runs over* DADDY! Daddy! Look what I found! *holds up snake* Varian: AAAHH! ISAIAH PUT IT DOWN!!! Quirin: only your kid would go near a poisonous puff adder… {Cut to Varian doing alchemy and mixing herbs} Varian: this should cure miss Balman’s gout. {he adds a drop of a chemical and it blows up in his face} Isaiah: Thar’ she blows! Varian: *hacks and coughs* and that’s why I have the goggles! {Cut to autumn with Varian Helping Quirin by the barn and Isaiah playing in the straw} Quirin: *looks up* VARIAN! 
 Varian: huh?  *looks and sees Isaiah on top of the barn roof* AHHHHHH!!!! ISAIAH! STAY.RIGHT.THERE!
 {Isaiah gets closer to the ledge giggling} 
 Varian: ISAIAH!
 Quirin: *drops shovel* ISAIAH!! 
 {Isaiah falls off the roof into a hay bale} 
 Varian & Quirin: *run over in a panic* 
 Isaiah: *giggling* daddy I almost flew! 
 Varian: *looking him over realizing he’s not hurt before embracing him* oh thank god… my boy….
Quirin: …..100% your son. 100% {cut to winter} Isaiah: *playing out in the snow* Varian: Son, come here for a second! Isaiah: *runs over* yeah daddy? Varian: *gives him a wooden sword* happy birthday… Isaiah: WHOA! Just like the real guards! I declare myself the protector of old corona! {snow falls on him} Isaiah: I’m okay! {cut to night time; Isaiah being tucked into bed} Isaiah: goodnight daddy! Varian: goodnight buddy… *blows out candle and he kisses his head* {sun rises and the camera pans from the window over to the bed where Isaiah now 12 years old is sleeping. the rooster crows, and Isaiah wakes up} Isaiah: hmm? Yes! {cut to Isaiah peering around the corner and sees the front door to the lab} Isaiah: *smirks and starts sneaking to go out* Varian: Oh no you don’t! {Varian picks him up} Isaiah: Auughh! Dad! Varian: And where are you off to so early may I ask? Isaiah: to the orchard! Augh! No noogies! Varian: The orchard? Isaiah no one is there at this hour. Isaiah: Exactly! Perfect time for me to practice! Varian: okay okay...just be careful. Your grandfather and I will be in the south fields if you need us. No running with your arrows, and Take Ruddiger with you! Isaiah: whhhyy!? Varian: I don’t like the idea of you being completely alone. Old  Corona may be nice but it can be dangerous when it wants to be. Isaiah: yeah okay...come on Ruddy… Varian: Don’t forget your bow! {Isaiah grabs his bow and arrows and runs out the front door and down the road running past Quirin} Isaiah: Hi grandpa! Bye grandpa! Quirin: huh-wha? Haha. Morinin’ Isaiah! {Isaiah runs to the orchard with ruddiger and over to a tree with various arrows lodged in it} Isaiah: *deep breath and looks up at big shiny red apple* Ruddiger: *chitters happily* Isaiah: oh no you don’t! That one is mine! Ruddiger: *angry face* Isaiah: oh get over it...here we go... {he sets his arrow and aims at the apple; he fires and nails it perfectly} Isaiah:....I did it...I DID IT! Ruddy did you see that!? Ruddiger: *shocked face and chitters angrily* Isaiah: It’s just an apple Ruddiger! {Nathaniel walks into frame with two other kids} Nathaniel: nice shot, loser… Isaiah: oh no...hello Nathaniel… Nathaniel: practicing archery are we? Pfftt...why bother? No Captain in his right mind would accept you into their ranks. Isaiah: you act as if they’d accept you. Nathaniel: they probably would! Considering my father isn’t a traitor. Ruddiger: Hiss! Isaiah: *gets closer* You dare insult my father in front of my face? Nathaniel: why not? It’s not as if you’re any better! My father says his traitorous blood runs in your veins and one day you’ll prove to be just like him! Isaiah: hold your tongue, Nathaniel! Nathaniel: haha! Striking a nerve? Your father is nothing but a pathetic knave! I seriously wonder what kind of Fusty lug it takes to love a traitor. You’d have to be an idiot! Guess that explains your mum! {Isaiah yells in rage and he tackles Nathaniel; The two throw punches and tussle in the dirt} Isaiah: *punches him* You filthy muck spout! Nathaniel: Only telling the truth ol’boy! Ruddiger: *jumps on the boy and claws at him* Nathaniel: AUGH! get him off me! *kicks ruddiger off* Isaiah: Ruddiger! *runs over and picks him up* Nathaniel: bloody beast bit my foot! You’re lucky this time Isaiah! But one day your rat won’t be around to save you!... let’s go guys… {Ruddiger chitters sadly and nuzzles into Isaiah} Isaiah: *angrily tears up and hugs ruddiger* Varian: maybe you should move the crop to the north...
Quirin: good ide-Isaiah!?
Varian: Isaiah! *runs over* what happened!?
Isaiah: nothing...I’m fine...
Varian: Isaiah those bruises didn’t come from thin air...
Isaiah:....You wanna know what happened!? I HATE NATHANIEL! 
Quirin: Joseph’s boy? He did this?
Varian: Isaiah it’s gonna be okay I promise...he’s just a bully...why not go w- {a goo bomb goes off on a rat}
Varian: not again! I hate rats...anyway why not go wash up for dinner...I’ll make some stew ok? Besides, tomorrow is the sunflower festival! We’re gonna have lots of fun tomorrow! Forget about those jerks!
Isaiah: *staring at the goo bombs* Yeah..okay...
Varian: that’s my boy...
 (Isaiah gets an idea. Cut to Varian in his lab, working on what appears to be fireworks for his contribution to the festival. Isaiah enters the lab)
 Isaiah: Say uh, dad?
Varian: *distracted* wha-huh-yeah buddy?
Isaiah: I was wondering....if perhaps....ok, so you know how, Queen Punzie always says, live your dream, right?
Varian: *clearly not listening* uh-huh, yeah, puzzles are mean, they’re the worst-
Isaiah: That being said, I’ve come to... an aspiration of sorts.... *dramatically* father, i yearn to be your spitting image. *more seriously* I want to learn to do what you do.
Varian: *now interested* wha-?
Isaiah: *mutters to himself quietly* and I got his attention, good one Isaiah. I want you to teach me how to do alchemy.
(Varian sits there staring at him. Isaiah appears confused)
Isaiah:*chuckles nervously* un-unless that falls under the no-no category, because if that’s the case then NEVERMIND.
Varian: *gets up from chair. He walks towards Isaiah, SLOWLY*
Isaiah: *gets nervous and backs away slowly* y-you know what?? A joke! I’m joking! That was a joke on my part, sorry! *chuckles nervously* just a—Oh!
Varian: .......you want me to teach you how to be an alchemist?
Isaiah: ........yes?
Varian: *begins to tear up extremely, with joy*
Isaiah: uhhhhh—-
(Varian’s face is GLOWING with silent tearful joy)
Isaiah: ......is that a ye-
Isaiah: GREAT! Can we start right now, perhaps?
 (Que montage with spunky background orchestration of Varian and Isaiah gearing up with STYLE. We end the montage on a shot of them standing out in the alleys. Varian’s doing a superhero stance. Isaiah notices and sloppily attempts to follow suit. Varian is wearing the SAME outfit that he wore when he met Estelle; his adventure attire from the old days: teal alchemist coat and golden goggles. Isaiah.....Isaiah has on a neon hoodie with a scarf and bubbled up hair dyed black with a blonde streak....)
Varian: *glances at Isaiah*......wha-what are....what is this???
Isaiah: oh i just thought I’d pay homage to younger you! Black hair with a streak!
Varian: that looks nothing like me.
Isaiah: oh? What, too punky?
Varian: very.
*both glance at the screen in self-awareness*
Isaiah: fine I’ll go change—(walks away to the left offscreen. Varian is left confused)
{cut to them standing outside}
 (Musical number of Varian teaching Isaiah alchemy. “Legacy”} {VARIAN} Don’t look so nervous you’ll be alright
Keep your legs apart and stand upright It’s time you know how I became who I am You’ll be the jealousy of every man It’s time to lead your legacy Feel the energy inside your veins
With each new chemical reckoning A spark so bright it’s like a glowing star Even if hard the answer is never far Don’t you worry it’ll be just fine
Don’t forget you have me right by your side Keep this memory you’ll find your destiny As It’s time to lead your legacy
 (They both parkour across the kingdom above the streets. They look SO happy together . They soar into the moonrise)
 (Cut to a bit later: they’re heading on home)
 Varian: *out of breath* OH MY, *hyper breathing* THAT-TH-THAT WAS—*heavy breathing*—I-*stammers* I CANT FIND THE WORDS—
 Varian: *appears shocked with surprise. He then proceeds to kiss Isaiah on the cheek.*
 Isaiah:—*annoyed* ughh, dad.
 Varian: Ok! GAAHHHHH THIS IS GREAT! Now, we can *stutters* we can go on adventures TOGETHER! Giving one-twos to all those crooks out there! *laughs excitedly* I haven’t felt this starry-eyed in YEARS, not since.....*detracts. He digresses* Ahhh, alrighty, how about we have a nice meeting with the man on the moon? (He means sleep) Pun intended!
 (he stands by the door opening it for Isaiah, with a cheeky smile on his face, expecting a high five or something. Isaiah just walks in and goes to bed. Varian meets this response with simple bliss. He’s just too happy. they all go to bed. Isaiah lies in bed, with a determined game-face. He knows what he’s gonna do now. He glances at the table of alchemical substances, and has this, determined, yet dark look on his face)
 Isaiah: Just you wait, Nathaniel. You’re in for high-water. (He goes to bed)
  {cut to outside and night turns to day; cut to Isaiah in the wagon with his father.} (We open on Varian and Isaiah arriving to the festival in a carriage)
 Varian: *laughs excitably* oh my gosh I’m soo excited, I actually cant contain my-GAHHHHHHHHH SO EXCITED! *viciously turns to Isaiah* JUST LOOK AT ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME YOURE NOT EXCITED????
 (Varian awkwardly stares at Isaiah. He’s basically ONTOP of Isaiah here . They’re legit FACE TO FACE. Isaiah nervously responds—)
 Isaiah: *laughs nervously* yes! Yes-yes, yes, Uh—OHH! Gosh I spent this whole time excited over our lessons-
 Varian: -which aren’t finished.
 Isaiah:-which aren’t finished, but yeah, anyway, I forgot to ask-what IS your contribution to the Sun and Moon Festival?
 Varian: ohhh buddyy just you wait  IM IN CHARGE OF THE LIGHT SHOW OF THE COSMOS!!!!!
 Isaiah: Uh-huh....
 Varian: *annoyed* fireworks.
 Varian: riiiight.  you look like you just saw death.
 Isaiah: PPFFFFT. 
 Varian: you’re more blue than my hair. 
Isaiah: N O. (Scoffs) I just....yesterday was really...really cool.
 Varian: oh heh...yeahhhh....it was, I won’t ever forget it.
 Isaiah: mmm..
Varian: I feel 18 again.
 Isaiah: well you DO look younger than ME-
 Varian: PFFT YOU LITTLE COMET, YOU! *Tackles Isaiah*
 Isaiah: *laughs* OK! Ok,ok!.......dad what do you do when someone just...does something to you, something awful, and you wanna just....WIPE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH FROM EMBARRASSMENT?
 Varian: .....can’t relate. 
 Isaiah: Really? Haven’t you ever felt like just.....CRUSHING them under your fist? Do you think they deserve it?
 (Varian appears feeling somewhat ...called out by this. His face seems guilt-ridden.
Varian: uhhh—*nervous chuckle*....this—hypothetical guy seems like someone actually deserving of it—haha...On that part I can’t relate...Ehhh-haha, but of course you gotta forgive them! Forgive them even BEFORE they apologize. You gotta come to terms. Or else you’ll.........you’ll explode *looks at Isaiah*...
 Isaiah: ........dad—
 {They have arrived}
Varian: Oh-OH! W-We’re here! Haha! Ok, um—-I almost forgot. *turns to Isaiah, who is yet to get down from the carriage* Isaiah, son—operate the light show with me. A Star-studded act! All we need to do is get you in the designated outfit for the act and—
Isaiah: but dad—
Varian: OHHHH! You’re right! Let’s inform the king of the last minute additions! *to Eugene* YOUR MAJESTY! SIR!
(Varian is about to head out to Eugene, but not before he looks back at Isaiah. They share one last glance—-with a contrasting emotion on the other’s face. Varian? Pride and excitement. Isaiah? Guilt and inner turmoil) 
Isaiah: Dad…
Varian: I’ll see you later buddy...
 (Varian leaves. He goes off into the festival crowds to go meet with Eugene. Isaiah feels bad for a minute, but then he pauses and thinks)
 Isaiah: (glancing at his alchemy bag)....You’re doing this for mom. For dad. I’ll avenge both of you. *determined face* 
 (Isaiah then goes off to find Nathaniel. He goes through the heavy crowds, squeezing his way through the many people. There’s nothing but a determined look on his face. Isaiah then suddenly gets pushed over by an adult and trips and falls onto the ground, back-to-the-ground, facing up. He looks up to see Nathaniel, who is looking down on him. LITERALLY)
Nathaniel: well well, actually decided to show your ugly mug around here huh? Isaiah: yeah...we have a score to settle… Nathaniel: oh really? I see you didn’t bring the rat… Isaiah: Ruddiger is a raccoon...the only rat I see is you... Nathaniel: you bloody cur...you dare speak to me like that!? Isaiah: people who speak ill of my parents don’t deserve respect… Nathaniel: oh really? Isaiah: The only thing you deserve….*takes out goo bomb*...IS HUMILIATION! {Nathaniel gasps as he throws the goo bomb; a large explosion happens and it cuts to Varian and Eugene as screaming is heard} Eugene: What on earth was that!?
Rapunzel: (arrives) WHERES LILY!?
{Varian walks ahead of the two—who are both talking, inaudibly. Varian recognizes a chemical in the atmosphere of the blast....it’s one of his own alchemical formulas. There is no other possible cause...it was Isaiah. It couldn't POSSIBLY not be him. Varian then realizes....HIS SON USED ALCHEMY ON PEOPLE. Varian almost comes close to crying.). He realizes......his son used him).
Rapunzel: LILY?!! LILY!!! Lily: MOTHER! *runs into Rapunzel’s arms*
{a few guards run past Varian and Eugene into the marketplace} Varian: *runs past destroyed kiosks and frightened people* ISAIAH!?...ISAIAH WHERE-....... {Isaiah lays unconscious in the middle of the road in a puddle of blood and not far is Nathaniel gripping his arms in pain} Varian:...no...no! *runs over and picks him up and gags at his maimed face* Isaiah!? Can you hear me? *tears up* Isaiah!...please...open your eyes, buddy...Isaiah...My baby…*sob*...please don’t do this to me...not him too... Isaiah: *groans* Varian: ISAIAH!? Eugene: *runs over in shock*...GUARDS GET A MEDIC! Pete: *runs* MEDIC! MEDIC!!! Varian:...isaiah…. Eugene: *tears some of his clothes and placing it on Isaiah’s eye* Isaiah: Augh! Varian: I-I know buddy! But we need to stop the bleeding! Eugene: it’s not enough...he needs proper bandages...WHERE'S THAT MEDIC!?
{Isaiah whimpers and grips onto his father}
Varian: It’s okay Isaiah! Daddy’s here…*brushes hair from his face* {Medic runs over and checks both boys} Medic: dear lord ...these boys need immediate medical attention. Get the surgeon! Varian: SURGEON!? {The medic picks Isaiah up} Medic: I’m sorry sir. We’ll tell the king where you can find him! *runs off with Isaiah* Varian:....Isaiah... {cut to throne room} Eugene: *pacing the floor* Rapunzel: Eugene please calm down you’re scaring Lily… Eugene: *looks over at his daughter* sorry sunshine...daddy’s just upset is all… {Varian Bursts into the throne room and runs over to them} Advisor: A-ah! Varian of Old Corona! Eugene: Varian!? {Varian bows down on his knees} Varian: Your majesties! Please accept my humblest apologies for what happened! My son knows not what he does! Please forgive- Eugene: Varian!...calm down...first things first is he alright? Varian: *looks up and rises*...he’s badly injured...the entire left half of his face is burned...charred really... Rapunzel: how did this happen? Varian: I’ve examined the explosion aftermath...he wanted to learn alchemy s-so I taught him...I had no idea of his true intentions...he seemed to have tried to make one of my goo bombs but...he made it explosive by accident..Your majesties I would never have allowed- Rapunzel: Varian...calm yourself...what happened is bad, I'm not going to lie. But no one else was seriously hurt. Punishment will be given in due time but first we need to wait for wounds to heal and We need to keep our sanity. Marketplaces can be rebuilt... Varian: Rapunzel? Rapunzel: Varian... I remember a boy who made terrible mistakes because he was angry...don’t be too hard on him Varian. He needs you now more than ever. {Varian looks at her with wide eyes; Rapunzel hugs him} Varian: *hugs her and cries* {cut to his house late at night; Isaiah lays in his bed heavily breathing with bandages covering the left side of his face} Varian: *sitting by Isaiah’s bedside dabbing his head with a cloth* Isaiah: *coughs and groans* Varian:.....what were you thinking…why would you-...*pinches bridge of nose* Isaiah: *coughing fit then whimpers* Varian: shhh...I’m here!...it’s okay buddy i’m here...Close your eyes and dream of fireflies
as they light up the sky.
Let me sing you this lullaby
as your dreams come alive.
T-There is no room for...Fear…*sniffles* {Varian looks out the window and groans at the sight of a mob approaching his door* Joseph: OPEN UP TRAITOR! WE HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YA! Crowd: YEAH! Varian: *sighs* daddy will be right back… {he walks to the front door and opens it} Varian:....Joseph...how can I be of service? Joseph: That little runt almost killed my son! Have you seen Nathaniel’s arms!? They’re burnt to a crisp! That child is insane! if the crown won’t punish him, we will! Varian: And what would you do? I realize what Isaiah did was wrong, I realize he could’ve God forbid killed someone but he didn’t and wouldn’t you say he’s been punished enough!? Quirin: Varian is right Joseph, what would punishing him even accomplish at this point? Joseph: Are you kidding me, Quirin!? what? are you letting him off the hook because he’s your son!? do you not remember the things he did as well!?
Varian: Don’t talk to my father and your leader that way! Joseph: Why don’t you shut your bloody gob Traitor!? figures your runt would take after you. How a grand lovely Duchess such as Estelle agreed to give birth to that pathetic whelp is beyond me…perhaps she was just as mad. {Varian lunges at him only to be held back by Quirin} Quirin: Varian! calm yourself son! Varian: You take that back! You muck spout! I’ll end you! Joseph: you’re still just as insane as when we were kids, alchemist! Quirin: Joseph! ...That was out of line Joseph. we do not speak ill of the dead and may I remind you Isaiah is still my grandson.:. Joseph: tsk...As you wish Quirin…come, everyone…let us leave the rabble. Physician: You had best hope he doesn’t get an infection…for I will not be the one to heal him. {they all begin to walk away. Leaving Varian and Quirin alone} Quirin: Varian? son...Are you okay? {Varian screams and punches a wall} Quirin: Varian! Varian stop! *grabs his arm* {Varian shakes and looks up at him sobbing} Quirin: oh my son… *hugs him* Varian: *sobs* {END CREDITS}
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fanfics-await-you · 5 years
Sometimes It Comes Down to a Choice (Part 4)
Pairing: Christopher Pike x Female OC
Takes place some point in the future after the events of the Red Angel
Summary: Alina has always carried a secret flame for her Captain and she's always known that it could never lead anywhere. However, the combination of a party and some drunken words might just make that a little more complicated. The only problem, everything just seems to be going wrong. Who knows, maybe a proper goodbye is just what they need.
Tags: angst, injury, a pair of dumbasses unnecessarily complicating things, mild blood
Notes: I like my characters to be strong and have stories and relationships in their own right. Like, I just don't like writing stories where they justs exist for the romance. I find it…eh. also, i've been without internet so i still haven't seen the finale!
Also, thank you everyone for the kind reviews and support! I've really appreciated it!
Word Count: 2,328
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
All I can grasp is agony. It's in the strands of my DNA, it's the only thing holding me together, it's all I know.
My heartbeat is as loud as a pulsating thunderclap.
I can't move. Not a single finger. I can't tell if it's the pain or the weight of the sky.
The world becomes a maelstrom of indistinguishable sensations.
Echoing shouts of meaningless sound drill into my skull.
Without warning, someone touches me. A choked shriek more animal than human pierces the air. Somehow, I realise it must be me.
I'm being touched all over and the only reason I don't scream again is because my lungs won't fill.
The thunder is fading.
I can feel the great black swallowing me but I want to stay.
As much as it hurts, I want to stay.
The dark doesn't care. It devours me anyway.
I'm warm.
It's the first feeling that my mind conjures. Slowly, the physicality of the world comes into focus underneath my skin. The tickle of my hair against my neck, the light press of a blanket across my legs, my fingers curling into a weak fist against the sheets; I allow the sensations to wash over me without judgement. The absence of pain is a welcome but deeply alien lightness. Once I've taken some steady breaths and feel sure that I can take whatever lays beyond me, I open my eyes.
A medbay?
No, not a medbay. I recognise this place.
Everything is still too foggy for thoughts to come easily but any panic that had been growing in my chest dissipates. It's safe and it's home and that's enough.
"Hi Alina."
I turn to blearily look at the man next to me. Dr Culber…
His face breaks into a huge smile like I've performed some miracle.
"You have no idea how good it is to see you awake."
…Maybe I have.
"What happened?" He helps me sit up as my muscles ache from disuse.
He scratches his head apprehensively before starting, "I should alert the crew…Shit, the captain."
I shake my head before I find my voice, "No, not yet. I-I need answers first."
Hugh seems unsure but sits next to me on the bed anyway, "I guess there's the question of how much you remember?"
I furrow my brow, "I remember running for the surface and then-" my fingers go to the bandage on my forehead-"something hit me. I went down. Then there was a lot of pain, and now we're here."
He brushes my hair away from the bandage gently, "It's mostly healed but I wanted to wait for your permission to remove the scar…I know how much they can mean to people."
I nod gently but say nothing.
Hugh continues, "We found you not long after the bunker's collapse. We managed to track your bio-sign and use the Discovery's tractor beam to clear away the debris. Almost all of your bones and organs had sustained trauma and you were clinging onto life. You've been in a coma for four days to give your body time to heal and…"
"To see if I would wake up?"
"Yeah. I knew you would, though. You've always been a fighter, Alina."
He pauses to take a deep breath and it settles like a heavy weight in my throat.
"If you hadn't stayed conscious for so long, or had been much deeper underground or any number of things, we wouldn't have been able to find you. But you'd nearly made it to the surface all by yourself…Your fingers were bloody from trying to climb out."
The quiet admiration on his face is enough to make me tear up. I feel him take my hand.
"You saved yourself, Alina."
A little hiccuping sob sneaks out.
"Not that anyone was surprised by that."
This time, a breathy snort slips out.
A silence settles between us for a little while as Hugh holds my hand and I find my calm.
"Can I go back to my quarters?"
He seems surprised, "I mean, yes, after some tests…People will want to know you're awake."
I close my eyes for a moment, "I know but I-I just can't right now…I need some time to process first. Just say that I'm okay if people ask but that I need some space."
"…I understand…Well, sit still and I'll go get my diagnostic tool."
I lean back against the pillows.
"So, first question: the scar?"
"How does it make me look?"
"Like an absolute badass."
For the first time in a while, I feel a smile curl across my face, "Well then I've got to keep it."
Sleep is elusive with dreams of my dirt-filled lungs keeping it at bay. So instead I'm sitting by my window and try to piece together some answers from the stars before me. Unfortunately, they're not saying much.
I survived.
It just doesn't feel concrete, like this is my mind's final comfort and any minute the world will fall away. Absentmindedly, I trace the thin scar mirroring my eyebrow. If anything, this mark is the only thing grounding me right now.
The gentle ring of the doorbell breaks my trance. I quietly sigh. The ship's day-lighting had flared not long ago; I knew someone would come past soon enough.
However, I am not prepared for Chris to be on the other side of the door.
For a couple of seconds, he doesn't move. His expression is somehow two parts admiration, one part grief. I feel the weeks apart slip off my shoulders like sandbags. I don't care that he won't- can't -choose me. The sliver of me concerned about pride or dignity has melted away. I don't know if this is forgiveness or simply acceptance.
"Chris?" the word is both pleading and unsure.
I stand too quickly and the room becomes painted with technicolour streaks of black. The fear that everything will dissolve into darkness surges up my throat and I squeeze my eyes shut to stave off the panic. Before I can fall, strong hands are holding me upright. Instinctively, my hands go to his shoulders and I lean closer. It's a couple of darting breaths before I can open my eyes. I'm met by vibrant blue eyes lined with warmth and concern.
"Are you alright?" Chris' voice is interwoven with worry.
I nod, unable to find words or take my eyes off him.
The strong grip at my arm and waist are an anchor but I still don't know what to say to him. There's so much that I couldn't say but now can that is haunting the tip of my tongue.
"I am so sorry, Alina."
"I should never have pushed you away."
"I should never have put you at risk."
"You should never have had to put your life on the line."
"I made-"
"A choice. I know. But-"
"Chris," I cut through his flood of words.
I cautiously brush a thumb across his cheek just to feel his skin. His eyes search mine- for what, I don't know.
"There's no need to apologise. There never was. You've always done what you thought you had to. It's something I've always…respected about you." I don't stop drawing patterns against his cheek.
Chris closes his eyes and lightly leans into my hand. I take the moment to study the lines of his face. The bone-deep weariness drawn across his features cracks something within me and finally the words find a way out.
"When I was down there, waiting for the countdown…I only thought about one thing."
Chris' eyebrows furrow and his eyes open to meet my gaze in silent question.
What I would give to kiss him one last time.
I would truly give anything just to have him here, holding my hand, as the world ends.
I lean forward until our foreheads meet. He gently nudges me back, brushing our noses together, in a familiar, simple movement that ruptures the floodwall. Tears begin to fall before I find the strength to speak.
My voice cracks, "How much I wanted to come back to you."
Chris' hands come to frame my face but I screw my eyes shut. I can't bear to look at him anymore. I can't bear to know that he will always be right there but never mine.
The words cascade out of me without regard, "I know that this can't happen but I need you to listen, to know what you mean to me. You gave me the strength to stare death in the face. You were the one I wanted to run back to, those weapons be damned. You were the person I wanted by my side when I thought my time was up…I choose you, Chris, even if you can't choose me."
"Chris, please, I don't want pity, I coul-"
"Sometimes it comes down to a choice," his voice is quiet but steady.
I dare to open my eyes. He bears a tentative smile that I can't help but gently return through the persisting tears.
Please, please, please.
"Sometimes you make the wrong decision. Sometimes you lose the only thing that ever really mattered and you have to bear that regret for the rest of your life…but sometimes, if you're truly lucky, you get the chance to try again."
The hope in my chest is expanding with every breath. I'm trying to not grin, to not prematurely celebrate a moment that's not yet mine, but I'm failing. Instead, I take one of his hands in mine and gently press it to my mouth in a lingering kiss to hide my budding smile. Chris tucks back a stray strand of my hair as his own grin grows from hesitant to glowing. I am suddenly struck by the symmetry of this moment with the last time we were this close and find myself praying that this story will end differently.
"Alina, it was unfair of me to think that you would ever make me choose between you and our crew. I underestimated you and for that, I am sorry…I also know that I caused you pain and I know that you said you wouldn't wait around for me to come to my senses but-"
I don't let him finish.
I pull Chris tighter against me as I bring his lips to mine. This time he tastes ever-so-slightly of honey and I want to drown in it, in him. He presses back against me like he's the one drowning and it gives me a little thrill that I am so wanted. Chris' hands dig into my shoulder and back, and his strength is probably the only thing keeping me on my feet. I can feel every line of his body against me and the pressure against the aches of my injuries is nothing short of delicious. The fevered beat of Chris' heart echoes beneath my fingers and every pulse further washes away my fears. This is real, I am alive, we're going to be okay. I break away first but the very welcome cage of his arms means I don't go far.
"I know you Christopher Pike, you don't need to apologise to me for trying to do the right thing."
Maybe I'm forgiving or risking more than I should but I love Chris. With every fallible, mortal, and adoring part of me, I love him. He nods, his face still unsure. Gently, I brush my thumb across his brow and smooth out the worry lines before going up on my tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. Chris' arms tighten at my waist but his eyes are bright. He leans in for another kiss but I place a single finger against his lips, making him pause. His puzzled expression is enough to make me laugh but what I need to say sobers me slightly. I take a step back as Chris continues to look on in confusion. Slowly, I place a splayed hand just above his heart and take a moment to admire how alive he feels beneath my fingers before I speak.
"I choose you, Chris. In this life, the next, all of them, whatever I don't care- I choose you. I-I love you."
His expression almost makes me cry again simply because no one has ever looked at me like Chris does, like I put the stars in the sky. Steadily, his hand comes to mirror mine and rest just above my heart.
"I've loved you since you saved me back on Kaminar. I choose you, Alina Osborne, and I'll follow you to the ends of the universe if you let me."
This time when Chris leans in for a kiss, I don't stop him. The taste of his smile against mine is enough to wash away the weight of the world.
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sleepychai-fics · 7 years
Darkiplier x Reader - Stay Here (Part 2 of “Why Stay?”)
Part two for those who wanted it. hope you enjoy it!
Words: 2161
My senses whirl around my mind, too fast for me to comprehend what is what. My body tenses defensively in fear and caution, my arms rising as some form of protection. 
I back away in small steps, my knees bent and shaking with adrenaline. My gaze shifts between the knife and my now ex-lover.
“I ask you to do one thing for me the moment we met. Respect me and give me your loyalty.” They say as they inch closer and closer to me.
I continue stepping back, keeping a safe distance with the knife. “This has nothing to do with that.” I say quietly.
They scoff and swipe the knife at me. I barely miss it as I duck behind them. My breathing accelerates with my heartbeat, my lungs and heart almost throbbing in my throat.
“This has everything to with it! You made an oath to me!” They slashed the knife at me as I ran over to the kitchen, using the kitchen island as an interceptor.
“I never made an oath and I never would!”
They growl at me and throw the knife at me. I duck down and scream before being yanked up by the collar. I gasp and throw my elbow back, connecting fiercely with their jaw and causing them to release their grip on me.
I use this opportunity to scramble out of the kitchen and bolt towards the stairs.
“Dark!” I scream, reaching the top of the stairs in record time and dashing into the closest room, slamming and locking the door behind me.
I lean against the door, putting all my weight on it as I hear the thumps of feet closing in.
How did this happen you may ask? Well it’s a simple question. You know how I told Dark I’d break up with my partner throughout the week? Yeah, turns out on the third day of trying, they had enough and now they’ve gone yandere. So that’s fun. Now just to wait for Dark too sh-
A loud bang causes my body to jolt from the door but I quickly recover and press my body further onto the door.
“DARK!!!!” I scream once again as the bangs and jolts continue.
“You scared of the dark?! Well I’ll make you scared of so much more!!!” They hit the door once more and breaks open the door.
I let out another scream and pounce away from the door, crawling to the nearest corner and pushing myself into it. Tears pour down my face as I turn around, looking at my death as it creeps closer to me with a chef’s knife poised in the air.
“Oh (Y/n), I’ll make sure you never disobey me or disrespect me ever again.” Their smile is sickening and their eyes only show the killing nature in them.
I lose all hope and cradle into myself, hugging my knees whilst holding my shaking hands up, protecting my head. My shoulders block my ears, not wanting to hear the impending death.
A few seconds go by silently, with only muffled noises, like screaming and banging being heard. A rapid chill encases the room as if icy fans suddenly appeared. My breathing and heartbeat refuse to calm down along with my tears and sobs. I shake uncontrollably in the corner, my mind set on the death that is sure to come.
A gentle hand graces my hand and I flinch and scream, swinging my arms around on instinct.
“(Y/n)! Calm down (Y/n) it’s just me. Your safe now.” The soothing voice is familiar, my muscles simultaneously relaxing as the hands caress my legs.
I stop my flailing arms and open my eyes, staring into the black hues that swirl with concern and regret.
My arms move on instinct and wrap themselves around his neck. He responds immediately and brings me closer to him, cradling me in his arms.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner; I hope I was on time.” His calm and deep voice soothes me and welcomes me in the safety of him.
I sigh and hug him tighter. “It’s fine, as long as you made it here.” I wince in pain as I shift my elbow and hit my rib.
Dark pulls away and inspects me as I cradle in on myself, my hands covering my rib and applying pressure on it. He’s quick to notice the problem and covers my hands with one of his own and the other guiding my head to face his.
“Rest now, I’ll take care of you. That is my absolute promise.” Dark’s words are slow and his eyes stare into mine, diluting at me. I seem to lull towards sleep as his hands graze up and down my arm. All thoughts of pain are erased as I allow his manipulation to take control, muscles relaxing and letting the streaks of darkness take over my mind and consciousness.
When I wake, I notice I’m no longer in my house, no longer in the dark room that I had been trapped in. Instead, I was met with white walls and some sort of doctor’s equipment.
There were curtains that closed halfway, letting me see into the clean white room. Beside me was a table with a tray full of food and a glass of water.
My mouth goes dry after seeing the water and I go to sit up but pause once a wave of pain pulses through my body. I wince and barely manage to swing my legs to the side, letting them droop off the bed.
I take in deep breaths as I apply pressure to my rib, feeling a thick bandage on it. I lift up my shirt slightly, which I’ve also noticed has changed to an oversized white top. I graze my fingers along the skin until they hit the fabric of the bandage.
I curse under my breath and let the shirt drop back into place. I reach over and grab the water, nearly sculling the whole glass. I carefully set it down and slide off the bed with ease. I make small steps and peek around the curtain, confirming the emptiness of the room. I glance at the door, seeing it slightly ajar, and slowly walk towards it.
Just as I open the door fully, I hear a voice, almost as if the door was a barrier of sound. The voices sound concerned and acknowledging. I peer my head through the corridor and recognition hits me like a brick.
The walls and floors are familiar as well as the vast variety of decorations. It’s the Iplier house. I smile to myself, content with the overwhelming safety that reliefs me. I step out of the room, closing the door, and steadily head towards the voices.
Each step I take the voices seem to get louder. My hands wrap themselves around me with one over my rib.
Finally, I reach the room I’m looking for. The voices don’t stop and I’m able to recognise them. I breathe in and open the door and almost lose my balance.
The Jim brothers pounce out of the room, completely knocking me over and pushing me into a wall. I grunt loudly as the impact, slapping a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I screw my eyes shut, not ready for the unexpected pain. I slide down the wall, my legs giving out on me.
I hear footsteps and hear panicked voices. A large, warm hand gently pulls on the hand covering my mouth. I tightly seal my lips, holding my breath as I squeeze onto the hand. Another hand gently rests on my other hand. I tense before I feel a cool sensation emit from the hand.
In seconds, the pain evaporates and transitions to contentment. I let go of my breath and take in deep intakes of air.
I open my eyes and look up to find a very concerned Dark caressing my hand, Dr Iplier hovering his hand above my injury with a faint pale blue glow emitting from it and Wilfred standing to the side scolding very miserable Jims.
“(Y/n), are you ok? Are you hurt?” Dark asks, eyes inspecting me.
“I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore.” I can feel Dark relax after I say that, his thumb scraping over my knuckle.
“You shouldn’t have gotten out of bed. Your wound is fragile and could open up again at any moment.” Dr Iplier informs, removing his hand from mine and standing up.
Dark grabs both my arms and carefully helps me up with him. I grunt at the small movement. “Yeah well I didn’t expect the Jims to crash through the door at that time.”
Dr Iplier shakes his head and looks at me with a seriousness that normally is directed at his patients, which in this case I guess I am. “You should not be moving your body at all, you need to allow it time to heal.”
“Oh well too ba- Whoa, hey! Put me down!”
Dark swings his arms under my knees and catches me with his arm on my back, carrying me down the halls in bridal style. We leave the rest of the egos standing there as Dark walks with silent feet through the halls. I already know where we’re going.
It doesn’t take long to get there as it’s only a couple of turns. The door opens automatically when we’re only a few steps away from the door, and closes once we walk through.
Dark walks straight to his bed and gently lays me down on it. I immediately attempt to get up but Dark’s arms pin down my shoulders. I struggle against him, having no strength on him.
He stares down at me, eyes intensifying. “Stay on this bed.” I growl at him as he stands up and off of the bed. I go to move off of the bed but an invisible wall stops me from doing so.
I glare at him. “Fuck you and your stupid fucking manipulation.”
Dark smiles smugly. “My manipulation is what helps you my darling. It’s especially useful when you are being your particular stubborn self.”
I cross my arms and look away, huffing and dropping my bottom lip. I hear a slight shuffling but pay no attention to it. It isn’t until I feel hands slide around my waist do I let out a squeak.
Dark pulls me into his chest, his blazer carefully placed around a chair leaving him in his thin, plain white shirt that hugs his body and lets me feel every single refined muscle of him. I unconsciously snuggle into him and weave my arms around his neck, lying my head on his chest with my ear pressed against it, allowing me to hear the faint, irregular heartbeat of his.
For a minute, it’s just the two of us and the silence. Him and I, two unlikely best friends enjoying the company of each other. It’s like the world has been put at peace for this one moment.
“Can I ask what you were discussing?” I ask, curiosity lingering in my voice.
I physically feel Dark staring at me so I look up and confirm my feeling, locking eyes with his obsidian ones. “What? You’re not letting me leave this bed and I’m bored.”
Dark sighs through his nose before looking up and pushing me back into his chest. “We were discussing room arrangements.”
“Room arrangements? What do you mean? Is there a new ego coming?”
“Not necessarily.”
Silence submerges the room. I mindlessly begin to stroke my across Dark’s neck, feeling the skin rubs against mine, almost lulling me to sleep. I squish my nose into his chest and close my eyes.
“How would you feel if you made this mansion your own?’
My eyes shoot open and I push myself off of Dark, slightly disturbing my wound. I stare at him, eyes wide open. Dark isn’t much different, his eyes also wide and his face open in shock.
“You don’t have to. It was just a suggestion. I figured that you would like to stay here, stay in your safe place. But it’s in your full control. If you want to move in, we are more than happy to allow you to. If you don’t then it’s fi-“
I throw myself at Dark, tightly wrapping my arms around his shoulder and burying my face into his neck, tears falling down in happiness.
“Of course I’ll move in.” My voice cracks but I don’t care, relaxing into the comforting arms of Dark. “Thank you, Dark.”
Dark eventually relaxes and envelops my body in his arms. “Your welcome. You deserve nothing but the best from now on.”
He cradles me in his arms as I sob into his neck, leaving ugly tear marks on his shirt. But neither of us cared, all we cared about was the safety and serenity of each other.
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squiddybeifong · 6 years
The Capture
Continuation of the pirate au:
“Damn it, damn it, damn it.”
Raven furiously looked around for her necklace, doing her best to keep her composure at all the commotion on the deck. A yelp nearly bubbled out of her as a powerful boom! echoed from the starboard flank and the chorus of angry roars of her father’s men sounded back. The ship tilted a bit too far for comfort, not far enough to capsize but entirely too far for any wave in this weather.
Pale hands fumbled through the desk’s contents, sliding along a thin gold amulet. “Aha!” Raven pulled the necklace out and hastily yanked the rings off her middle fingers. She undid her belt, pulling her tucked shirt out of place and stuffing her jewelry into her undergarments a moment after. The heavy thud of waterlogged boots sounded just down the hallway and she quickly retucked her shirt, stumbling along with the ship’s movements to her bedside.
Properly dressed, she grabbed her rapier and turned as her door was kicked open. A small, petite figure snuck in faster than she could blink, the shadow barely avoiding the swing of the taller woman’s sword. Raven sucked in a breath as she was hit in the stomach and then right across her kidneys, a cry escaping as the shadow landed a firm kick to the side of her knees. A burlap bag was fastened over her head half a second later and her fingers creaked as the shadow pried them off her rapier.
The shadow firmly pressed against her neck and soon everything went black.
A bucket of water was splashed onto her face. Raven awoke in a start, abruptly gasping and arching her back as she became all too uncomfortably aware of the pain. She twisted the opposite way, curling into herself as her stomach throbbed, the bruise already developing. Raven roughly bit the inside of her cheek; she must’ve been out at least a quarter of a day. She tugged at the chains attached to her wrists, shifting as the rope around her midsection bit down through her clothes.
Shaking her head from the fogginess within, Raven rolled her shoulders and looked up, tensing as she noticed the pirate lounging in the shadows. The woman was leaning against the wall, her dark hair shielding most of her face.
But not her eyes. No, they were dark as chocolate and intensely trained on Raven, so intense that the merchant felt the need to stare at her knees. She didn’t let her gaze waver away from the woman, but the urge was there.
The pirate seemed to be impressed that she didn’t back down and stepped out of the shadows. At the sight of short, messy hair, tanned skin that had been scarred from who knew how many knife fights, and a dagger strapped to her garter, Raven tried her damnedest to keep the surprise (and the awe) off her face, but she had a feeling that she failed.
The woman turned to the door as boots sounded outside. The knob twisted and a man stepped though, “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Raven's eyes flicked from the woman to the incredibly large man, somehow just as intimidating and even more scarred than his partner. Curiously enough, a streak of white marred his inky hair, only to say it was 'marring’ was to lie about how the streak looked on him. She bit her lower lip, her gaze darting between the two.
They were pirates, for goddess’ sake, why were they both so attractive?
She shook her head at that, trying to keep her head clear (and herself not stabbed). She managed not to gasp as the small woman strode up until they were nearly flush and pressed the blade against her neck. Raven swallowed as the scent of blood and soot and seawater invaded her senses, tilting her chin up at the pirate’s silent command.
Despite herself, Raven stared into her captor’s mahogany eyes, glancing down at her lips. “The violence isn't all that necessary,” she forced herself to drawl, noticing the nearly hair-thin lines of scars that stood just above the woman's collar, “I'm willing to tell you whatever you want.”
“Good,” the man smirked, letting his blade hang on his belt's loop, “Now tell us where and how your cargo was going to be distribu--”
“Slow down a bit,” Raven interrupted, her gaze never leaving the short woman's face, “I'm willing to talk to her. Especially if I can get a name.”
He clicked his tongue and the woman turned to him. Raven watched as they seemed to talk without speaking for a moment, their shoulders tilting and their fingers tapping against their blades. After a particularly long pause he smirked, amusement flooding his face as he nodded and turned for the door. Admittedly, Raven watched him go (because what a sight it was) and once the door shut turned her attention back to the most gorgeous view the gloomy room had to offer.
The pirate smirked at her momentary prisoner, careful not to press her blade too hard under the pale woman’s chin. Bright grey eyes shined up at her and the raider fought the urge to tuck her messy hair back behind her ear. Shifting around in her restraints, the merchant woman cleared her throat and introduced herself, “Raven, daughter of the merchant Trigon and overseer of the ship you just pirated.” Her gaze travelled from brown eyes to tan lips and back up again, “It's certainly a pleasure.”
The pirate looked amused. “Cass,” Was all she said, her stance loosening as she tucked her machete away.
“Oh?” Raven's eyes lit up, “So, tell me, Cass… is there any way I can at least get untied? Maybe for good behavior?” Thoughtfully taking in how stunning Cass looked half covered in soot and someone else's blood, the pale woman amended, “Or maybe bad behavior, if you'd prefer that.”
Cass smirked at that, glancing away to keep the merchant from seeing the amusement on her face. “Cocky bird,” Cass murmured to herself, savoring how Raven bit her lip and watched her as she pulled up a stool and sat down.
“I'm not, actually.” Raven moved her knees apart an inch, batting her lashes at the pirate, “That's part of my appeal.”
“Hmmm,” The pirate looked her over once and pulled a dagger out of her boot, easily slicing through the rope that held Raven upright. Cass leaned back on her stool as Raven stretched to the best of her ability, the chains on her arms rattling against the floorboards.
As she slumped back against the wooden pole, Raven arched a brow at the woman, a lazy smile curling on her face as they settled into the silence. The merchant allowed her eyes to shut as she listened to the steady pound of waves against the ship and lazily swayed in time with the rocking movements.
She felt the weight of Cass’ stare and heard the unspoken question in the air. She let her answer roll on her tongue for a minute, then lazily tilted her head back. “I am not entirely aware of all of my father’s cargo or his assets. I just ensure that everything is transported correctly and on time.”
“Not surprised to see us,” Cass noted, her head tilting in suspicion.
“Of course I'm not. Father can be an idiot, especially when his greed gets in the way.” Raven licked her lips, her lashes fluttering open to stare at the ceiling. Her nose scrunched up; the far corner was beginning to rot and speckles of black mold had survived the scrubbing. Re-adjusting herself to stare at the pirate that was as gorgeous as she was deadly (entirely too much for both instances), Raven added as an afterthought, “I’m guessing someone tipped you off?”
Her brows furrowed in thought, not bothering to gauge Cass’ reaction, “Father’s relations with the jewelry appraisers has been rocky lately. Wouldn’t surprise me if one of them tried to dip their fingers in the piracy business.”
Grey eyes flicked to the short woman again, “Although, they probably didn’t have such fine company when they decided to stop being such nervous patsies, eh?” A particularly large wave led to Raven tilting onto the floor. She just barely braced herself, glancing longingly at the thin mist of water that splashed against the window.
“Hey, Cass?”
The woman didn’t speak, but her chin rose an inch. Taking that as an invitation to continue, Raven huffed as she sat upright again, “Do you think we can talk some more out on deck? The weather’s too nice to be stuck in this cramped room, don’t you think?”
Mahogany eyes narrowed and Raven raised her chained hands, “I’m nowhere near desperate enough to throw myself overboard and besides that, I can’t exactly escape.” Her eyes rolled over the pirate’s warm features and a smirk curled her lips, “Wouldn’t want to with you here, anyway.”
Cass considered her request for all of three seconds, “Sure.”
Raven let out a happy little sigh as she leaned against the slick railing, her face morphing as she beamed at the spray of salty sea air. Cass stood next to her, a grin on her face as she watched a wave crash against her ship’s hull.
The pirate rolled her jaw once, twice. She tugged on Raven’s chains to get her attention, “You’re used to pirates, then?”
The tall woman let out a bark of laughter, playfully touching their shoulders together, “You Bats aren’t the only swashbucklers around, you know.”
The fighter merely raised a brow in question.
Raven bit her lip, considering her options. Her eyes met Cass’ and she decided to be honest, “... The Ravager usually aids me in my father’s dealings.”
Cass’ jaw tightened at the name, “You know her?”
“I do.”
Cass’ eyes furrowed and she shifted her weight to her other foot. For a bold, shit-kicking woman like Raven, much less a woman like the murderous, ‘dreaded’ Ravager of the Pacific, their relationship couldn’t have only been professional. Still, she smirked, a brow arching in question, “Only deal with her?”
“Pfft,” Raven casually leaned her elbows on the railing, smirking out at the sea, “Do I seem like a woman who’s only been with one pirate?”
Brows jumped over mahogany eyes, “Are you?”
“Yup.” Blinking at the merchant’s honesty, Cass turned to look at her as she continued, “But I’m trying to make it two. Maybe even three later on, although I haven’t gone for those who don’t like sailing in quite a while.”
Cass snorted at that, moving her gaze back out to sea. She felt Raven’s gaze on her, but not the weight of any question. No, the tall woman was merely observing her, admiring her features and the way the salty wind blew through her hair.
Finally, Raven spoke up, “I assume that you are the mighty Bat that rules this ship?”
The pirate raised a brow but didn’t bother responding. Lazily, Raven sidled up next to her. She made no move to try to free herself, instead lightly knocking their hips together, “The man I met earlier, with the white in his hair, he seems more of a land dweller than anything.”
“You would know?”
Hearing the question for what it was, Raven flipped her hair over her shoulder, an annoyed scrunch to her brows at how disheveled her bun had become. Still, she smirked at Cass, “Why do you think I work for my father?”
She licked her lips, watching as a particularly rough wave tossed a clump of kelp into the air. They floundered in the air, like a bird just learning how to fly, before gracelessly toppling back into the foaming waves once again. A chuckle slid its way out of the merchant’s throat, “He couldn’t tell you the difference between a swell and a tsunami. Farthest off land he gets is when he checks that all his cargo is secured correctly right before I set out. Works out for us both, really.”
Raven shrugged her shoulders, “I prefer the sea, myself. Way more interesting characters to stumble upon.” Her eyes flicked to Cass again, “Way more beautiful, too.”
A laugh slipped out of the Bat despite herself and she bit her lip, sizing the merchant up. Raven winked at her and Cass lazily fiddled with the key tucking into her belt, “Must admit, you’re persuasive.”
“I thought you’d think so.” A confident smirk had curled on the merchant’s lips and Raven flirtily batted her lashes at the pirate. The chains around her wrists rattled as she flipped some more of her loose hair over her shoulder.
“Oh?” Scarred, tan hands reached up and freed the woman’s long hair from its failing bun. Slowly, so Cass knew that she wasn’t up to anything harmful, Raven tilted her head and pressed a kiss to the Bat’s palm. She ignored how some of her hair got in the way, instead keeping her stare on Cass’ face, watching as her cheeks darkened at the move.
“If I can tame the mighty Ravager of the Pacific, I’m quite sure that I can properly satisfy the terrifying Bat of the Atlantic as well.”
Cass felt a smirk curl her lips, too captivated to move her blushing face away from Raven’s view, “Cocky bird!”
Raven chuckled, baring her teeth in a smile, “Didn’t you check me for weapons? You should know I don’t need any cockiness when I’m charming a pirate.”
A peal of laughter wormed its way out of the Bat and Raven snickered along with her, a surprised gasp escaping her when Cass pressed a hot kiss to the underside of her jaw. The pirate softly removed her lips, murmuring against pale skin, “I really shouldn’t let you out.”
“But you’re gonna, aren’t you?”
Cass lazily tugged at a heaping strand of inky hair, smirking as Raven let out a little groan. “Cocky,” She reminded, reaching into her belt and taking out the little copper key. The Bat let the metal twirl through her fingers for a moment before she made up her mind, definitively unlocking the chains a second later.
Raven grinned as she rubbed her now free wrists, languidly leaning her hip against the railing. “That’s very kind of you,” She bowed her head an inch to Cass, her wicked grin still in place, “I’ll be sure to thank you properly later.”
Emboldened at the weighty thud! of the chains on the deck, the Bat raised her face and tugged at Raven’s hair again. Her fingers slid up to firmly tangle near her scalp and Raven eagerly leaned down, pressing a firm kiss to her lips.
Cass pulled away when another wave splashed up and onto them, drenching their sleeved and the ankles of their boots. Narrowing her eyes, the pirate kept her fist in Raven’s hair as she began leading them down the ship. The merchant was quiet as she dutifully followed, stealing quick kisses to the sides of Cass’ neck and shoulders as they hastily made their way to the captain’s quarters.
Slamming the door behind her, Cass hummed as Raven pinned her to the door and stole her lips in another kiss. The Bat let her eyes slid shut as she mumbled into the tall woman’s mouth, “Don’t think I’m not still wary.”
“You should be, I’m a crafty woman,” Raven’s words were more of a growl than anything. “But you,” A firm kiss to the center of Cass’ throat, “You’re dangerous.” Pale fingers roughly yanked the pirate’s belt out of place, grinning as she licked at a scar on the corner of Cass’ mouth. Her breath was hot as she whispered out, “Show me how dangerous you are.”
The Bat pulled out her machete, slicing away the knot that secured Raven’s vest. The merchant purred at the blade tore through her shirts and pressed against her stomach, giggling as Cass captured her lips again.
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rekarra · 6 years
Breaking Through Shadows | Chapter 1
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Plot: What has started as just a dream would end up changing the course of my life. But what else could I have expected when vampires get involved.
Genre: Fluff, angst, eventual smut.
Word Count: 3.2k+
Pairing: Leaving this blank for now, for plot reasons, or something.
Point of View: First person oc
Warnings: Language, medical talk, nothing too intense
Rating: Teen but eventually 18+
Author’s Note: Well, here’s my first chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. I’m not sure when chapter two will be up as I have some real world stuff going on in the next week, but I’m hopeful I’ll have it up by the middle of next week. A quick shout out to my beta reader, best friend, and my own personal Bunny, @xxfxckitxx, who is also my number one hype woman and my constant support. Thank you for pushing me to do this, even if I drag my feet on occasion.
| Prologue |
Reaching over to my phone, fingertips just brushing the thin piece of glass, circuitry, and metal. I silenced the obnoxious blast of my alarm with a slight thought. I knew what the time was, what the weather was going to be, how a friend from high school had posted a picture of her newborn baby to social media, and several other things from just that one brief touch of the phone. Being a technomage did have its advantages sometimes.
Technomages were the natural evolution of witches. It seemed that as technology advanced in the mundane world, magic needed to keep up. We were no longer bound to the stereotypes of having to brew potions. I still did, though, as a matter of practice. Most everything a magic user needed to be able to do is done through the ever-growing world of cell phones and computers. Most every human interaction, magical or not, had an element of technology to it. Everyone in the modern world either always had a cell phone on them or they are attached to their computer, both for work and pleasure. Magic had to adapt. So here I was, hand hovering over my phone as the dream I had just woken up from streamed on to my private server, just like uploading a YouTube video. It had only taken a small thought for it to happen, but I wanted to be able to reexamine this dream, just like I had the past three nights. Always the same dream. Always ending before I could see their faces. There was a reason I kept dreaming about this, and I was going to figure it out. It had that feeling of a life-changing event, like the way a major thunderstorm can be felt in the air. An almost electric feeling that set my teeth on edge and put a small buzz just behind my eyes. As if on cue, my phone rang just as the stream of my subconscious events ended. I would have known who it was in an instant, even if my magical abilities had rendered caller ID useless, just like if Chyler was not psychic, the fact that she was my soulmate would have let her know that I was awake and slightly on edge. With nothing more than a thought, I answered the phone. “You had the dream again, Mallory.” It was a statement, not a question, as Chyler’s voice drifted from the speaker. I sighed loudly. “Yeah, for the third night in a row. I just got done pushing it to online storage, but I don't have the time to go back over it now. It feels weird though, doesn't it?” I paused, considering why it felt odd. “Like, I should know who they are or something. We are never that hyped for that kind of show. Hell, we don’t even go to shows like that! When was the last time you saw that many preteens with their parents at Slipknot? We’re usually dodging guys wearing too much black leather and metal.” I racked my fingers through my hair, getting out of bed to get myself a cup of coffee, leaving my phone where it was, knowing I’d still be able to hear Chyler, and her, me, from anywhere in my apartment. I pulled a cup from the dishwasher and turned on the coffee maker, not wanting to waste the small amount of energy it would take to turn it on with my magic. “Have you been able to catch anything from it, Bunny?” I asked the girl on the other end of my phone. She didn’t have to see what I had uploaded to my private server to know what I had dreamed about. The bond between our souls and her abilities meant that she didn’t even need to be in the same room with me, let alone touch me the way she had to with others, for her to “see” my dreams. She only had to send out the conscious thought to pick out the dream. Her breathing increases for a few seconds before she let out a shuddering exhale. “No, Mal. Nothing that you haven’t already felt. But it does have a flavor of something familiar. If you could get a look at their faces....” She trails off her sentence. That is how Chyler’s powers work. She either needs to be touching someone, or she must see their face, and with a bit of concentration, she is able to know everything about them. I was the exception to those rules. We had discovered it not long after we had met. We had become friends so fast, feeling like we had known each other forever. Chyler had confessed to being a psychic and had requested to read me, wanting to know herself why we had this instant connection. Agreeing, she took both of my hands into hers and looked up at me, her normally brown eyes turned a breath-stopping shade of blue as she saw my past. And not just my past in this life because when her eyes turned back to their rightful color, she blinked back tears, asking me if I wanted to see too. I had quirked an eyebrow at her but nodded anyway. She had settled her hands in a slightly different place, her middle and ring fingers placed on the pulse points on my wrists. I had just been able to ask her what she was getting at when her eye changed again, and suddenly I was seeing what she had seen. It felt like an eternity, but it was only a few seconds. I relived my life in reverse. From sitting down in the little mom-and-pop cafe we were in, to meeting Chyler for the first time, back to high school and the insignificance it was to my life. Back to when I had learned about my abilities and I had accidentally blown up the T.V. in a fit of puberty induced anger. Back to being a small child and not having a care in the world, back to my first breath. But it did not stop there. I saw my death in my most previous past life, all the things I had carried out then. Seeing all those events, up to the first breath. Then, again, seeing my death in the life before that one, and the one before that, and before that. All of them. And in each one of them, there was one defining spark in each one. Chyler had always been with me. Always there. We had been everything to each other over our lifetimes. Friends, sisters, mother and daughter, lovers. From the moment our souls sparked into existence, the link between them became iron-bound. With tears streaming down my face, I came out of the trance and just stared at the woman sitting across from me, her hands still in mine. She searched my eyes, her own the size of dinner plates. “Well, I guess this explains why we’re so close.” I had laughed as I gently removed my hands from hers to wipe away the remaining streaks of moisture from my face, hearing her own laughter on the heels of mine. “And now you know what I am now and why I’m always so good with electronics, huh?” I had asked her while still laughing. “I’ve actually always known, Mallory. I was just waiting for you to tell me.” She smiled softly at me. “But we know why it seemed like we have known each other forever. We have. Literally! And I think that’s the first time in my life I’ve been able to use that word properly.” She was in full-out belly laughs now, doubling over on herself as she laughed with her whole body. “Mallory!” The voice over my phone snapped at me, snapping me back into the present. “Mal, your focus back with me again? Unless you can get a look at their faces, I can’t do anything other than say it tastes like something I know but can’t put my finger on what it is.” That is how she would describe it when she couldn’t see everything. It “tasted” in some way. “Well, fuck, Bunny....” I whined slightly out of frustration and the need for caffeine. “What if this is something really big? You’ve always been able to see what comes our way. Why is there a block on this?” “I don’t know, Mal, but I’ll keep going back on it and see if I can figure anything out. Also, your coffee is done, you addict,” she chuckled. “Go get ready for work and I’ll come over once you get off, okay? I know I don’t need to touch you to pick everything up, but maybe I’m missing something for some reason” I nodded before remembering that she couldn’t see me. “Sure Chyler, I’ll see you when you get here. Love you, Bun.” “Love you too, Firefly.” And with that, she hung up. I smiled softly at her pet name for me as I finished pouring my coffee, leaving just enough room for the vanilla creamer. This will be the only good cup of sweet, glorious caffeine I will get before getting to the hospital, and I intend to enjoy for as long as I can. As soon as the first sip passes my lips, I felt the buzz of the brew on my tongue, just sweet enough to cut the underlying bite of the bean’s bitterness. I took a few more sips, humming softly to myself before taking my cup with me into my bedroom. Setting the mug down on my dresser, I walked into my modest closet and set about readying for the day, picking out a scrub top that had all the Marvel comic book characters on it and matching teal scrub pants. This was the part that was so off-putting about the dream. There were aspects of it that were real to my life. I was a first-year nursing student when I had first met Chyler, and we both had received outstanding job offers when we had graduated. Outside of the concert and the seven mystery figures that were on stage, that was my life. Rolling my shoulders back, I left the closet, clothes in hand, and reached for my cup. I drained the contents before tugging my scrubs on. Another 15 minutes of getting my hair to look suitable and putting on light makeup, I was out the door. My drive to work was always a curious one, the 7pm to 7am shift means that I leave for when most people are just getting home, their workday ending as mine begins. I had just finished locking my door when my neighbor came walking up the pathway, her 2 kids in tow. She smiled at me as her little boy, who couldn’t have been any older and 6, looked at my shirt and started excited babbling over all the superheroes on my shirt. Bending down to his level, I asked him if he could name them all off, which he did with unexpected speed. I laughed as he started talking about who was his favorite and why. His mom smiled at the exchange before softly telling her son that I needed to get to work, so I could help save people who were hurt, just like all the characters on my top. She picked the small child up while he stared at me in wonder, wishing me a safe and uneventful night. I said my goodbyes and headed towards my car. The freeways heading into downtown were clear, just like they always are for me when I headed into work. It was moving out of downtown that the traffic was bad at this time of day. It would take me an hour or more to get to work if I had the normal 8-to-5 schedule that most people stuck to. As it was, I pulled into my parking stop at the hospital a mere 30 minutes after I had left my apartment complex. I walked into the building, heading to the emergency room staff locker room. As I was putting my backpack and lunch in my locker, the charge nurse for the ER, Mark, approached me. “Ms. Adams.” I cringed slightly at his use of my last name, knowing he was about to stick me with something I probably wasn’t going to like. “I hope you’re ready for this evening. We have a VIP coming in and while I normally wouldn’t assign anyone to it and let whoever gets it, take it, but you are the only nurse I have who knows multiple languages and it seems our patient and his manager only speak Korean. We won’t be able to get a translator here for some time. You don’t happen to know Korean, do you?” I didn’t actually, right now anyway. A simple touch of the phone in my pocket and a muttering of the Romanian word “Traducere” under my breath and I was a fluent as a native-born immigrant. I nod as I look up at my head nurse, confirming to him that I was able to communicate with whoever it is that will be coming in. “Who’s coming in, Mark?” I asked the middle-aged man in front of me. “I really don’t know, Mallory.” He answered. “He’s supposedly come famous rock star or something, on tour with the rest of his group. The whole thing is being treated as quiet as we can. These guys are important enough to garner full security measures. They contacted the hospital director to make sure there were enough guards in place to keep anyone who isn’t supposed to be here out.” The tension in my shoulders pulled them back a little straighter as Mark filled me in, my nerves getting to me slightly as I began to feel the weight of the situation that was about to be placed on me. Trying to relax them, I asked, “What is he coming in for, Mark? What should I be expecting and what all do I need to get prepped?” “It seems he fell off the stage during rehearsals and might have a concussion as well as potential broken bones. He’ll need x-rays as well as a CT scan and a full blood workup. We should also check for any internal bleeding, potentially broken ribs, and if there are, a scan of the lungs just to make sure there’s nothing that’s going to hinder his breathing.” My eyes widen slightly at everything Mark was telling me as we walked on the emergency room floor. “Shit, Mark. How big was this stage he fell from?” Mark sighed. “I don’t know, but the hospital administrators want everything on this guy checked. If everything goes well, this will be an amazing boost of publicity for the hospital. And I don’t even want to think about what would happen if something went wrong while this guy is under our care.” I could understand Mark’s worry. It wasn’t that long ago that an actor had died in a hospital in California and the hospital had taken a serious hit in benefactors for it. I took a deep breath, holding it for a moment in hopes it would help me calm down. Letting it out, I slipped into “work mode” where anything that was not an immediate concern about the patients who would be under my care faded away. “How long before he gets here?” My voice has gone a bit softer with a calming cadence to it. “He should be here in the next….” Mark was interrupted as an ambulance pulled up, the paramedics getting the occupied stretcher from the back, rushing inside. I glanced at Mark with a slight smirk. “You were saying?” Turning to the paramedics, I told them to take the patient into room 7 quickly, a tall man who was wearing a breathing mask following close behind them. I nodded my head slightly in his direction, hoping he would take it as a sign that I was to be the one taking care of his talent. “Well, I guess it’s time to get to work.” I said in Mark’s general direction before heading off after the group that had just passed me. The paramedics had just finished moving my patient on to the examination bed as I approached the door to the room, two security guards heading towards me. Smiling slightly, I showed the guards my badge before they had a chance to even question me. I was waiting for the paramedics to leave, with the stretcher before entering the room. Walking in, I smiled warmly at the two men who were left. “Hi there. My name is Mallory and I’ll be your nurse this evening.” I said in nearly flawless Korean, intentionally making a mistake or two to keep suspicions down. I walked over to the man lying in the bed, my calm and professional demeanor taking over me, pushing the last bits of nerves from me. “What would like for me to call you?” “You can call me Taehyung.” My patient told me in a muffled but surprisingly deep voice. I couldn’t see much of his features as he, and the man behind me, both had on masks that covered the lower half of their faces, but Taehyung’s eyes were among the most striking I’d ever seen. The mop of obviously dyed blonde hair was tousled in such a way that, even with the intensity of his eyes, he had boyish quality to him. Nodding, I quickly reached for the in-room computer so I could start filling in his information. “Okay, Taehyung. Tell me about what happened and why you came in to see me tonight.” I smiled brighter, trying to make him feel at ease so he’d tell me everything I needed to know. He started to recount the fall from the stage, looking at the man behind me as if for confirmation of the events. I turned and addressed him. “Were you present when Taehyung here fell, Mr….?” I trailed my sentence off, waiting for him to fill the bank in. “Mr. Sejin. And yes, I was there. I’m the boys' manager.” He said. “Okay Mr. Sejin, how about you tell me what happened while I start getting Taehyung’s vital signs?” I asked of the man.
Mr. Sejin began to tell the exact same story that Taehyung had started telling me as I turned away from them both to grab the cart that housed the blood pressure monitor. I closed my eyes to keep from rolling them while taking in a deep breath. They were hiding something and I wouldn’t be able to do my job unless I knew everything.
I turned back to Taehyung, reaching out to grab his arm. As soon as I made contact with his skin, I knew what it was they were hiding. My eyes widened as my fingertip touched skin that was much too cold for the ambient room temperature and as I watched, Taehyung’s eyes flashed the pure and blinding green that could only mean he was one thing. Vampire. I sucked in a sharp breath at the realization, knowing my heart rate had increased as a small pang of fear cut through me. Taehyung, however, seemed to be mesmerized by me, grabbing on to my hand with a gentleness that would only be reserved for you had spent a lifetime caring for and loving. I quickly leaned in, whispering, "I know what you are and I know you're not hurt. Why are you here?" When he spoke, it was but a breath and it held the same respect and softness with which he was holding my hand. “I found you again.”
| Chapter 2 |
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