#the biggest no no of clone beans is definitely not trying to take them from their troopers
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mwolf0epsilon · 10 months ago
Is there anything that you should avoid doing with the clone beans? Like how you can’t feed a Gremlin after midnight?
Also, are there things that beans universally love? Like a type of food or anything like that?
Aside from stealing them?
Hm, I'd say respect any and all boundaries/rules any of the troopers immediately stipulate if they entrust their Bean to someone other than another clone. As more animated extensions of their being, the Beans often have quirks that reflect their trooper. So if their trooper isn't overly fond of something, their Bean will have a more extreme reaction to it.
Example: Rex doesn't like heights, Rex Bean hates heights so much that seeing anyone near a ledge will cause him vertigo and he will become extremely anxious (Ahsoka found this out the hard way when she climbed up the rafters on the training room, and immediately had to come down because Rex Bean started wailing in a puddle of his own tears out of sheer stress).
There's also the fact some Beans do go outside of their trooper's parameters because they're emotional outlets. So their behavior is a little more hard to predict. That said, no trooper is foolish enough to leave someone with their Bean unprepared!
Example: Dogma very rarely entrusts his Bean to anyone that isn't Tup, but if he really has no other choice he will also entrust them with a datapad full of puzzle games to keep Dogma Bean occupied (otherwise the little guy will run off and proceed to inconvenience anyone that he thinks has been unpleasant to Dogma in the last 24 hours). He also says that if a mouse droid comes looking for him, to let the lil fella go with them.
As for something the Beans universally love...
Well I'd say the only thing the clones all unanimously love is to be in each other's company. They are very social and really don't like being alone. In fact, for a Clone Bean to want to be alone takes something quite extreme, such as the loss of their trooper or their conversion into a Vestige. Although the latter is less so by choice and more a result of Vestiges being so disconnected from the world around them.
The only outlier is Coh, who not only seems to ground himself by continuing to remain by Cody's side despite not having as strong a connection as he used to before the commander got reconned, but also actively tries to engage with other Beans in play and other social activities (failing miserably at it since he freaks them out considerably).
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ixylit · 5 years ago
This weeks episode was waaaaay more than everyone thought it would be and that’s fucking fantastic
Even with the knowledge that Rex and Ahsoka survive this there was still so much stress, like imagine if Rebels was never a thing and we had no idea what the outcome of this episode was
At the beginning of the episode Maul speaking with the Jedi council and Yoda asks her if she did this as a jedi and she’s like “No. Not yet.” SHE WANTS TO GO BACK BUT SHE DOESN’T TRUST IT, and then Mace is like “mm well we won’t tell you about the chancellor then hmmph”
Poor girl is just trying to help them and had they been privvy with the information that the dark side surrounds the chancellor then surely Ahsoka would have put two and two together and realized that Maul was right
She just wants to save her best friend and big brother because she knows something bad is going to happen regardless of whether she believes in Maul’s vision or not
The fact that she knows anakin’s passcode too later in the episode, just goes to show you how close they were that he would let her use his code so she would be able to have a bit of a leg up on clearance, such a good big brother
Then after order 66 gets popped and the clones are hunting her down like a wounded animal she goes to the only one who she knows can help her, but she definitely doesn’t want to, BUT she believes that this isn’t Maul’s doing because why would he lie to her he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by spilling the beans on Sidious’ plans
Maul legging it terminator style down the corridors while the clones flee in terror from a PHANTOM MENACE that they can’t hit and is just taking them out one by one, using their ship against them
Also I’m really enjoying the doorcapitations and doorsmemberment that the team has decided to embrace after that clone in the citadel
And then comes the biggest most heart wrenching part of the episode, her absolute determination and desperation to save Rex
Rex has been one of her best buds and closest allies since the war started and she was thrust into it as a padawan and now he’s trying to kill her
She kills a lot of other clones but MAKES A SERIOUS EFFORT NOT TO KILL REX, she pulls all the stops just to try and get him back because he is the one person on the ship who she cares deepest about,
Not the one clone, one person
I’m dying to see what happens in the final episode in 3 days... But it’ll feel like losing someone close to me when the show ends
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gizmosisbuttons · 7 years ago
Episode 4 was a fandom wide callout post.
all you fools too busy being pissed bc Coran went all show crazy and basically re-characterized the paladins to what the masses found entertaining, to notice that the entire episode was literally a fandom wide call out post. they literally called us out guys. 
lets go over the list of things Coran said/did in ep 4 and compare them shall we?
let me preface this by saying he literally wasn't himself and i still love him just as much as before, my gorgeous man.
”I worked up very specific personas for each of you. This is going to help the audience connect on a much deeper level with each team member.” 
as if they didn't already have defining personalities that make them very likable and awesome? sounds familiar right? its one thing to speculate and theorize based on what we know about a character especially if we don’t know a lot about said character. the writers put a lot of time and effort into developing these characters and even said during an interview once that one of the things that bugged them about og Voltron was that the only properly developed character was Keith. the other guys didn't get a chance to be loved. and that was what they aimed to do, to give every paladin and character the chance to be loved. since the beginning the fandom has been bad at this. taking one teeny trait from each character and twisting them so that the only thing that matters is that trait. 
         “lover-boy lance”
throughout the series lance is known  to flirt with...pretty much every cute alien girl. of course. hes handsome, charming, girls love him. Coran wipes away all of the actually relatable things about his personality in favor of this charming flirt who would win over girls. Lance is insecure, he’s witty, he is the freaking sharpshooter, the teams sniper and their glue. he’s voltrons right hand now for a reason. he got into the garrison which is a military space exploration base, not just anyone gets in. hes incredibly intelligent and a great pilot. amazing really. bc simulations are always absolutely terrible and rarely help. oh yea, and hes charming.but god forbid anyone forget that hes a flirt. who cares about the other stuff that will actually help the audience connect with him. 
        “science wiz pidge” 
its no secret that pidge is incredibly intelligent. she is one of the characters who haven't gotten their developing points until this season. in one of the first flashbacks we learned she nearly gave up studying because some kid decided to be a dick and bully her. Matt pulled her out of it and encouraged her to work hard. later on in ep 4 coran says that her science doesn't need to be factually correct because noone will understand her either way. he undermined her intelligence because . well. noone cares what she says as long as it sounds smart. fanfic writers do this a lot. like. a lot. i understand that you may not have the same knowledge that the girl who hacked herself into a military school base undercover at he age of 14-15 (if the theory that the garrison is a high school program is correct) because she had gotten banned for sneaking in and hacking into the computer system, but if you really do insist on focusing her on her smarts, do some research. no to mention. pidge may be the youngest, but she really is more than science and calculations. shes intelligent yes, but she can hold her own in battle (at the age range of 15-17 with no prior battle training), shes afraid of the possible reality that all her efforts are wasted and Matt and Sam are dead, she is actually pretty social with the paladins (she can even be seen hanging out in the kitchen while hunk makes glass cookies.) and beyond her intelligence, shes wise. shes not just random science facts, she knows how to hold her own in situations outside of battle and books. shes street smart. 
       “lone wolf keith”
now i know this was said to allura, and ill get to that. but if the keith vlog showed us anything, its that  hes not just a moody loner teenager.  i am very guilty of this myself. i portray keith as a human disaster. we don’t know hen he was left alone, we don’t really know much of his story. i head canon that his dad left him to fend for himself but every month woul drop off food or money or something. i head canon hes terrible about taking care of his body. but at least i don’t call him moody and move on.  i give him a background to fill in the blank space, but sometimes i forget and focus too much on his folded arms and  pouty face. he smiles. he laughs. hes an actual precious bean.  but hes also afraid of being pushed away. hes guarded and does his best to be strong. he hides his feelings and protects his heart with everything he has. (geez boi who hurt you). he is not the human embodiment of “teenagers” by mcr. aka he has feelings too. not to mention he also got into the garrison, and was the top pilot regardless of how he got in, if it happened to be by recommendation like most people think. 
      “humourous hunk”
as a hunk stan this one annoys me the most. throughout the episode hunk is consistently embarrassed, and even protests the fart noises, fart jokes, etc. he is purposely tripped for laughs. the fandom forgets that hes not just the fat funny guy, or just the personal chef. hes overcome so much since babies first lion flight, he used to get sick, constantly had to be the voice of reason to keep his teammates out of trouble,  he is just as intelligent as pidge and is actually one of the only people that can keep up with her science stuff. keith and lance even stated that they didnt understand anything they'd said. hes a fantastic engineer even if he had a few tummy mishaps. hes an amazing pilot too, and extremely sassy. he and pidge probably rigged the game console to work in space, And hes pretty friendly and cautious. he is NOT meant to be the comic relief. (say it louder for people in the back)
     “shiro the hero”
a lot of the fandom has taken to calling shiro daddy, sexualizing him (”now put on this tight shirt”) and focusing on shiro and only shiro (shiros the “favorite character” of corans little show). hes great. he really is. and the man needs a break. voltron is a kids show. he isnt meant to  be sexualized, none of them are. hes more than his arms and his leadership abilities. the biggest issue i have with the whole shiro thing. regardless of if hes a clone, when shiro returned he cut his hair differently, and wore short sleeves. everyone i know, including me, said they'd be fine with the clone if he had kept his hair long and “as much as i love the arm view” and didnt change his outfit. its a kid show. his body shouldn't matter.i am also guilty of this, and ep 4 opened my eyes to it. coran lifted shiros arm as if to prove that thats what the audience really wanted. he treats shiro differently bc hes the real star here and everyone should know it. ofc, hes the black paladin. (i wonder where the whole “the black paladin is the only one who really matters here” mindset came from. looking @ u ‘84). shiros may have ptsd, and hes constantly trying to hold himself together for his team, and its obviously not easy. maybe thats why hes got a cute white floof. the stress. 
      alluras erasure  
another point that always bugged me. the fandom either forgets allura exists, or that she is just stealing lances place temporarily. Allura is the blue paladin. while keith is gone, she is not filling in. shes a paladin now too. for coran to call her keith, and constantly call her keith, even though she obviously has a few choice words to say about it, its distrespectful. she says his plan is working and he replies with “why thank you keith...i like to keep you in character” once again, erasing her existence. now im not as well versed in this particular topic, but id like you to keep in mind that he talks to his princess with that mouth, and that she IS the princess and not a fill in while keith leads. feel free to elaborate on this more. 
     coran “fires “ team voltron. 
this. i find extremely entertaining. remember that legal trouble last year bc of the leaks? and right around that time the klance shipper started threatening them if they didn't make it gayer and put keith and lance together? the  fandom, who wanted all of this to happen their way, were threatening to get it cancelled and such just because things didnt go their way. shiro, the leader, disagreed with coran and tries to shut him down. and coran in fit of rage says:
you're a bunch of quitters! quitters! i’m a visionary! i have thoughts, ideas, i dont need you anyway. ill rewrite the show, get rid of the whole lot of you, replace you with new paladins! and the show will be better than ever before!...except for you shiro, ill never get rid of you, you're our most popular character!
this is essentially what the fandom was saying. now, was this definitely their plan, to call us out with this bit, in not sure, but honestly, its almost too coincidental.
the writers have made it clear that they heard us, and have always been listening. and really, thats why i love ep4. you're angry because you know you got called out but haven't admitted it to yourself. the writers do their best to bring us the best show possible, but they cant satisfy everyone. why cant we just be happy about Actual Meme (tm) Matt, and look forward to season five instead of fighting them because we got our shit handed right back to us. weve gotten a  taste of our own medicine, so chill. i enjoy them keeping us on our toes, surprising us with every turn, theyre great writers.who cares if one or two things pissed you off? we both know youre not gonna stop watching.
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the-ladyguinevere · 7 years ago
Part 1
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I prefer closed, but we have a cat that will wake us if it is closed. So open.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Not usually unless they're actually good quality.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, but I don't see a moral issue with it
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
I love them but only use then to keep track of HP and MP in tabletop games
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
BEAR. I have a near crippling fear of bees even though they're just dumb chill fuzz buddies.
8: Do you have freckles?
Not that are very noticeable, and only really on my arms.
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
I can't remember a single pet peeve that isn't happening to me at the exact moment I try to remember.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No but I did when I was a kid.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
No, but once in a lake while I was like 6.
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
Queen, but I don't own it.
18: What is your Song of the week?
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Yes, currently Clone Wars
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Most of them. I hate a lot of things.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ketchup, Barbecue Sauce, Honey Mustard, Ranch, Idgaf
25: What is your favorite food?
Straight up a Burrito from Qdoba. White tortilla, white rice, black beans, chicken, queso, wrap it and smother it with more queso, cheese, sour creme, salsa Verde, and cilantro.
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
The Princess Bride, The Star Wars movies.
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
One of my partners, who does not have a SFW account for me to tag.
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
I was a boy scout, which is double fucked up because A) I later came out as trans and B) Our troop leader murdered both her kids, one of whom I was close friends with in 3rd grade.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Dude it is so fucking easy to get nudes out of me, if I wasn't at work I'd be naked rn. Like I would pose naked for no fucking reason so HELL YES I would do it for a magazine.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
No idea
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Cubabo followed closely by Reuben
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
36: What is your usual bedtime?
A nebulous and ever evolving mystery
37: Are you lazy?
Depends on your definition. Anxiety prevents me from quickly doing many things
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A vampire, a race car driver, a clone trooper and, once, "Juan, the monster who hasn't yet.... Found Himself"
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Dog, which is suiting
40: Are you horny?
Pretty much always, I have two NSFW blogs, one @MyPussyIsAnOuttie and one that is a secret.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
No but only because I am poor
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Don't give a shit
45: Ever watch soap operas?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
Yes, but I force myself to experience them
47: Do you sing in the car?
Usually I rap in the car
48: Do you sing in the shower?
When no one is home
49: Do you dance in the car?
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Other OCs' Role in the Main Story/Events
Adahy Haida 
Chapter 2: Adahy is first seen in the main story coming shortly after Jack states he won't be targeted. Adahy claimed he was going to be find Quentin because he had a gift for him, which was a box full of macrons. Adahy then apologized to Quentin, saying to her he's been busy with schoolwork and stuff and he's probably going to be busy for a while, but he did get this gift from Masawa that he says is for Quentin. When Quentin asks why Adahy is going to be busy and why Masawa wanted her to have a box of macrons which may or may not be poisoned, other Savanaclaw students come up to Quentin and the group she's with and pick a fight, stopped by Leona and Ruggie who later challenged the group to Magrift, which Adahy is seen playing thanks to Leona asking him to do so since he does nearby. He seemed to be somewhat listening to Leona's orders, but he seemed to not really be trying. Which afterwards, Ruggie does say something about and Adahy says it's because he was distracted by his homework that day. Later, Quentin discovers the macrons are drugged by eating one, and ending up in the infirmary for an few periods the next day because of extreme dizziness. Where, in her extreme dizziness she hears Savanaclaw students nearby her asking if this was intentional to each other. Some saying yes because Quentin is way too smart not to figure it out, and others said no it wasn't because Leona didn't mention Quentin at all when discussing targets. Later, Adahy, Ruggie and Leona visited Quentin about lunch time and Ruggie comments that Quentin being down for the count doesn't really effect Savanaclaw performance, as he's not involved this year, if anything it makes the Savanaclaw look suspicious because of magical food poisoning from the dorm. Which, will interfere with the dorm's plans. So, the group made Quentin an antidote for her sickness after Leona said Adahy is definitely the one who did it because he gave her the food. Quentin after an hour of receiving the antidote says he can't remember anything (which is later proved total B.S.) about what happened to him, and Adahy, who claims he couldn't go to classes because he was worried about Quentin (which was true), says Quentin must have pushed himself to exhaustion or something. Later on, Adahy is seen with Ruggie when Ruggie was a group of innocent people stampede Cater's clones as protection. He is later seen when Savanaclaw is caught by the main Heartslabyul, Ramshackle and Diasomnia characters, and seems unapologetic about his lack of care toward his dorm's actions and his own attempt at poisoning another person when questioned by Quentin, Adahy saying he had good intentions of getting Quentin out of the equation so he wouldn't get hurt. Which Quentin said was definitely a lie, because he wasn't even targeted by Ruggie according to several other Savanaclaw students, but their fight is interrupted by Leona giving up on his attempts to win the Magift tournament. The two have a fight about Adahy's actions later off screen after Leona Overblots and Quentin mentions that it has been the only time he's ever fought with Adahy, and it actually was pretty serious, as Adahy seemed to try to be conveying his actions (which had good intentions) towards Quentin (who can't see the incident for what it really is due to her time as an Andalasian nobleman). She says they probably won't talk for a while, but hopefully they'll make up soon. 
Chapter 3: Adahy is first seen with Leona and Ruggie when Jack brings MC and Grim for a place to stay, saying Leona's comment was blunt. He does say while he does owe Quentin a favor for him being poisoned by Adahy and he really can't deny Quentin's favor right now, Leona has a point that the spare room is full of crap. When Ruggie brings up Leona's room, Adahy agrees saying Leona's room is the biggest out of all the dorm rooms because he is the dorm leader. He sighed at Ruggie's successful attempt to lighten his own load and says he normally helps Ruggie out, so he'll help MC and Grim out. Which Ruggie quickly commented is purely because Quentin is not someone you want angry with you because it's pretty scary what he can do, to which Adahy tells Ruggie to shut up. The next day, Adahy is seen at Magrift practice and plays with MC and Grim so it's evenly matched with the main characters, and he plays decently well. Adahy isn't seen for a while until Savanaclaw invades Mostro Lounge, where Adahy is seen calling for drinks pretty rudely for Quentin and himself. Adahy is not present when Azul Overblotted, as Quentin says he was probably moping about losing his Unique Magic. 
Chapter 4: Adahy is first seen with Quentin and her group of friends in the Mirror Chamber, speaking with each other while the first year squad discusses them. Grim calls Adahy "The bear-like guy Quentin yelled at to help us out!" Adahy is the second to last to go through the mirror and seemed somewhat concerned about Quentin before he left. 
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Happy Beans Day!: Adahy is seen with a Beast Team crest on his gym uniform and seen when Cater, Grim and MC go to get the supply box and is fought with by the player but afterwards is not seen again. 
Fairy Gala: Adahy is first seen coming in with Ruggie and Masawa to watch Leona practice and laughs with Ruggie when Leona keeps failing, but other than that, Adahy is not present in this event but is mentioned a few times by Ruggie and Leona.
Ghost Marriage: Adahy is first seen with Leona and Das, saying he was in a classroom helping Das study for a test and was kicked out of it and bumped into Leona while being chased out. Adahy is selected to in the first group of boys to go as a suitor to get back Idia and he didn't get a chance to go before bursting out laughing at other people's failed attempts, namely Leona, Vil and Dorji's attempts. Adahy burst out laughing after Dorji's terrible attempt and then Eliza noticed him and said Adahy was mocking her and slapped him, but he continued laughing which the other ghosts kicked him out for. He is later seen outside with Ruggie popping his head out to say food's ready, and then quickly closes the door when he sees MC and crew trying to convince Ruggie to help out.
Wish Upon A Star: Adahy is first seen at the school wide assembly with Ruggie and Leona, but seems to keep quiet throughout the assembly, which Leona and Ruggie comments is weird, since he was talkative this morning, which Adahy explained as him being relieved from a project. Adahy does get his own wish scenario that explains why he was so distant he was, and later he is seen with Quentin's friend squad talking on the phone with Bucky about his gift that was given to him.
Scary Monsters: First seen with Jack at the first steering committee meeting, but doesn’t say anything for that meeting expect for one comment about how he’s not sure how he feels about taking a shower every time he comes back from the set just because Vil ordered him to. When visiting the other dorm’s sets and seeing their costumes, Adahy doesn’t make much commentary besides on the costume, saying he likes them. When Savanaclaw’s turn comes, Adahy disappears with Jack to change outfits. When he comes back, Adahy is seen with a costume with noticeably more black than Jack’s and resembles Blackbeard’s outfit. Adahy, along with the rest of his dormmates, helps explain the theme of the set that year, and commenting on Leona and Ruggie’s behavior. After Savanaclaw’s turn, Adahy doesn’t say much besides speaking with Quentin and some more compliments on the costumes. Adahy then isn’t seen until the second committee meeting, where once again he doesn’t say anything and leaves when he’s dismissed from the meeting with the other younger years. Later on, Adahy is seen trying to mediate conflicts between his fellow dormmates and the Magicam Monsters and trying to reason with the Magicam Monsters, which does not work out to well since it is there first time dealing with these people. He is the one who approaches Vargas and Jack instead of Ruggie and replaces Ruggie’s role in that part and agrees to help Jack calm the two parties down with magic. Adahy surprisingly doesn’t say anything while the Savanaclaw students explain their grievances with the Magicam Monsters, until Ruggie makes the comment the group needs to be sneaky with what they do, which earns a “You’re not helping!” along with Vargas’ comment. When tasked with watching over his dormmates with Jack to make sure they don’t cause any trouble, Adahy agrees with sigh saying, “This is going to be hard.” Adahy is later seen at the third steering committee really, really exhausted because of which he doesn’t say much which he doesn’t say much during this meeting until he sees Scar’s statue on the ground, which he seems really depressed about, saying, “I look up to the King of Beasts for his emphasizes on equality and his intellect. It’s sad to see this.” which, makes him happy to agree to the student’s plan of getting rid of the Magicam Monsters. While Adahy doesn’t have a major part in Jack’s plan, he does replace the Savanaclaw students that chased after the Magicam Monsters in that part. After the plan went well, Adahy thanks the group for their hard work and then praises the group, most notably Jack. He does sigh at Ruggie’s comments about stealing from the Magicam Monsters. Adahy then isn’t seen until the forth steering committee meeting, and seems super happy the party is back on. Later on, Adahy is seen walking at the parade holding a pumpkin lantern in front of his dormmates and then at the party first speaking with most of the second years and trying to keep Ruggie under some form of control, and then with Quentin’s group of friends. 
NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~: Adahy is not one of the participates in the Master Chef class, but he is one the people who can judge, and he judges pretty fairly, considering everyone else’s judgements. 
First Anniversary: Adahy is not seen nor mentioned in the First Anniversary Story 
Vargas CAMP! ~Spring Happening~:  [ To Be Determined When the Full Story Comes Out ]
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Das Mana-Alvah 
Chapter 3: Das is first seen in Azul's first meeting with the people who have gotten help for final exams from Azul's guidebook and failed to meet the guidelines he set up. Das isn't seen with an anemone on his head, but is seen with a dark green Valonia ring around his neck and wrists, which most of the new people comment as really gross looking. Which causes Jade and Floyd to burst out laughing and Floyd agrees with the newbies but says that's what Das and Azul agreed on. Azul says Das will be a person who helps out Jade and Floyd and the second in command of sorts to the group. Which, when Ace, Deuce and Grim mention Das say he's really laid back compared to Azul and the Leech twins, and he's always checking a memo book and texting on his phone which the Leech twins let him do, they say Das seems nice because he offers to cover Ace, Deuce and Grim while they where trying to fulfill MC's deal with Azul. Das is seen when Savanaclaw invaded Mostro Lounge, looking surprisingly not very stressed as he waited tables, but he did say to Azul that the kitchen is out of ingredients. Das was seen coming towards Azul when Azul was losing control of his power, and then was hit by a rock (which Quentin says was his doing) and knocked Das out until Azul finally comes to his senses. While Jade and Azul chat, Das asks Quentin what happened and Quentin says a rock hit him square on the head and he healed his injury a few seconds ago. Das is later seen in Mostro Lounge helping the group serve drinks. 
Chapter 4: Das is seen with Quentin and her group of friends when the first years say goodbye to each other in the Mirror Chamber. Deuce comments Das now has a scar like thing on his neck and Grim calls Das "the nice guy with the gross looking choker". Das is the first one to go into the mirror and didn't seem to talk much with the group. 
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Happy Beans Day!: Das is seen with a Beast Team crest on his gym outfit, and he appears along side Dorji after Adahy leaves the scene and chases down Cater, MC and Grim until Jade shoots him, to which Das mutters something about Jade hitting him too hard, and then he is not seen again. 
Fairy Gala: Das is not in this event due to Azul running away before he was selected to do anything and he is not mentioned.
Ghost Marriage: Das is first seen with Adahy and Leona, and he says the ghosts said something like, "Get out! This is a storage room and we can't have people stealing our things!" before kicking the two out of the classroom. Das goes with the second group as help for Azul, but after seeing his other dorm members failed attempts he then froze up when it was his turn and really messed up his chance on top of having no courting experience. Eliza eventually slapped Das for not being great with women, which he got a lot of sympathy from his dorm members from. He is seen at the wedding party but he's really quiet and doesn't talk much. Das is also seen in Ace's Personal Story helping the first years clean up, which he doesn't seem to talk much either and doesn't interact with the group unless they ask him a question.
Wish Upon A Star: Das is seen not far from the Leech twins, and surprisingly is really excited about the event, which his senior dormmates comment is somewhat childish, but Das says it's one of the few things he remembers well from his childhood, which immediately causes the seniors to soften up. He does have his own wish scenario that is really touching and later on at the ceremony Das is seen acting very childish with Quentin's friend group with Quentin not far behind him, and saying this is the most fun he's had on this day his whole life.
Scary Monsters: Das is first seen at the Octavinelle stamp rally with Floyd at the steering committee’s check on his dorm’s stamp rally, setting up something but after noticing the group greets them and comes over. Das doesn’t make as much commentary until Azul says the dorm is busy with the menu, which Das immediately says means it’s now his problem since Azul didn’t want to do it, which earns a confused Azul and Kalim, the latter which actually asks a questions about it which Das brushes off. Das then isn’t seen until his dorm’s first encounter with the Magicam Monsters, where he is seen trying to stop the Magicam monsters from doing anything else and cleaning up the knocked over potions, of which his actions earn him getting yelled by Floyd for ruining his fun, and then by Azul and Divus for recklessness cleaning up the potions without considering him own safety which doesn’t seem to help Das’ stress, causing him to get injured which after the Magicam monster are chased away is treated for while Das also tried to explain why Floyd was so mad, replacing Octavinelle student A and B in that scene. Das is later seen when the cast discovers the statues of the Great Sven are knocked over, but he isn’t as emotional as everyone else is which is noted by Grim casually, Das also doesn’t comment on the cast’s plan to get rid of the Magicam monsters, but he seems on the fence with it from his reaction. Later on, Das is seen at Octavinelle’s part of chasing away the Magicam monsters, using wind magic to damage the tank and then replaces Octavinelle student B for the rest of the scene. Das is also later seen at the parade behind Azul and Floyd, holding a pumpkin lantern. Das is also later seen at the party, first being dragged over to where to the first years are by Ortho despite his protests, and not saying much to the group besides a comment if Idia making Ortho eat is practical for a robot like Ortho, Das is later seen with Quentin’s friend group, noticeably less awkward then he was with the first years.  
NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~: Das is not one of the participates in the Master Chef class, but he is one the people who can judge, and he judges pretty fairly, seeming rather objective about taste than anything else. 
First Anniversary: Das is first seen in Main Street with the other first years, but doesn’t say anything until Sebek calls out to him. And surprisingly, Das and the first years are on good terms, even inviting Das to the party outside Ramshackle. 
Vargas CAMP! ~Spring Happening~: [ To Be Determined When the Full Story Comes Out ]
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Dorji Medusa
Chapter 4: Dorji is seen speaking with Quentin and her group of friends and checking his phone a lot when the first year squad is in the Mirror Chamber to say goodbye to each other. Ace comments Dorji seems pretty full of himself and is probably in Pomefiore with his looks and how he talks. Grim calls him "A sassy looking drama queen". Dorji is the last one to leave, seeming really concerned for Quentin and seems to leave with a heavy sigh. 
Chapter 5: Though Dorji does not appear much within Chapter 5′s story until the end, Quentin Nighty-Sallow and Vil Schoenheit speak about him throughout the Chapter, implying what he’s doing this Chapter, and in a Personal Story, it is confirmed what Dorji has been through and a small portion of what happened to Dorji during Chapter 5 is seen. Quentin first mentions Dorji at the beginning of the chapter while the first years are practicing for VDC, when she says if her source from Pomefiore is correct, Vil can get into serious trouble for his behavior, Quentin also mentions Dorji later when Jamil asks why Quentin forgot to tell their juniors, to which Quentin states that they’ve been busy helping a friend go through some hard times. Which is fully explained in Dorji’s Chapter 5 Personal Story, which showed Dorji gaining two shapeshifter guardians he named Claudius and Hadrian and learning about what happened to his family after he was abandoned. Dorji is first seen in Pomefiore’s lounge area in his modified dorm uniform asking the hell was happening, and after his dormmates lied saying the VDC members trespassed into Pomefiore property and the VDC members and Quentin said they came because they where summoned, Dorji beats up his dormmates and offers to escort the group to Pomefiore’s ballroom, since he says Epel, Rook and Vil aren’t dealing with this at all, which the VDC members happily agree to take up. Dorji successfully escorts the group to Pomefiore’s ballroom with his dormmates asking why he was helping the VDC members and calling Dorji at traitor without any response from Dorji himself, and gets into Pomefiore’s ballroom with the group and after learning the situation is given the title of Temporary Dorm and Vice Dorm Leader by Crowley, which Vil strongly objects to but Rook, Epel and Dorji agree to. Dorji is seen also helping Quentin hold back her anger, offering things like a hour of a coffee trip the two share and some time for the two to just hang out in an effort to calm her down, which does seem to work in some small way. Dorji then isn’t mentioned until Vil and Quentin’s agreement, to which they both argue over Dorji’s role as Dorm Leader which gets super personal as Vil brings up his past with Dorji, and Quentin brings up Dorji’s efforts to keep the dorm running like usual despite issues he’s going through. Which, Vil was unaware of and then switches subjects upon Quentin telling Vil what Dorji’s going through. Dorji isn’t mentioned or seen until the VDC rehearsal much later in the chapter, to which Quentin says he knows a place to sit while watching Royal Sword Academy’s rehearsal, to which Quentin escorts the group to where Dorji and Masawa are sitting, to show Dorji is wearing a platinum circlet that looks like a laurel wreath with his school uniform, to which Vil comments he hasn’t seen that crown since he spoke with the last dorm leader, to which Dorji comments Crowley pulled it out of storage and forced him to wear it and he hates it since he had to figure out how to make it work with his hairstyle. Dorji comments his club got done with their work early so he’s got nothing better to do, which Masawa says happened to him as well. Dorji doesn’t speak while RSA performs their song, but he is seen sitting next to Quentin and Masawa, and he doesn’t seem to really care about the performance. And after RSA’s performance, Dorji comments he thought it was alright, it reminded him of a play with school children. After Quentin rushes out of the area, Dorji’s attitude seems to change from careless to worried, even standing up to go after Quentin before then sighing and pulling out his phone and saying he’s going to take a walk, which Masawa follows suit. Jamil later mentions Dorji when Quentin comes back with Neige asking for her to go find him, which Quentin says she found Dorji with Claudius and Hadrian going from door to door asking people to evacuate the premises under a possible threat, which Dorji claimed was a gas leak. Dorji is later seen with the first years and Masawa, with Masawa saying they evacuated everybody saying there’s a possible gas leak. Later on, when an Overblotted Vil shows himself to the group, Dorji makes a comment he’s kicked Vil’s butt at everything once before, and he’ll do it again since Rook and Epel are worried about him and Vil doesn’t seem to get that. Dorji is seen in the battle with Rook and Epel, and even makes comments during it. During the first cutscene in-between the battle, Dorji calls Vil pathetic for being so angsty and showing himself being so sad after Rook and Epel ask Vil to stop, which earns an angrier Vil. During the second scene, Dorji is the first one to comment, asking if that’s all Vil’s got to offer despite Dorji and his dormmates being in bad shape, and after Rook encourages Epel to keep fighting, Dorji does the same, saying Epel will definitely beat Vil this time because then Epel will no longer have to put up with Vil’s fancy etiquette lessons, which does seem to motivate Epel a little bit. After the battle, Dorji is seen trying to get up, and taunting Vil despite how badly injured he is which Rook and Epel try to stop Dorji from doing. Like everyone else, Dorji does see Deuce’s unique magic. After Vil comes back to normal, Dorji is seen nearby Vil with Rook and Epel, and speaks with Rook and Epel about Vil’s behavior mostly with Dorji laughing at Vil, which Vil doesn’t fight back against. Dorji doesn’t speak much afterwards, but his reactions are seen. Dorji is later seen in the stands, voting for Night Raven College and he’s also seen recording NRC’s  performance while trying to not to laugh that Masawa follows suit. 
Dorji Medusa’s Chapter 5 Personal Story: Dorji is first seen in the lounge of Pomefiore at night calling someone until his head starts to hurt and he hears voices in his head calling him ‘Master’ and asking where he is. Dorji is seen having problems even holding his phone, and eventually lays down on the couch to steady himself, several people also in the room ask if Dorji is alright before the people in the room suddenly disappear and all the lights and technology go out. Dorji, after a few seconds of his dormmates disappearing and power going out, actually doesn’t seem to alarmed by the event and half-heartily laughs and mockingly says he’s scared and that was a good prank. But, upon receiving no answer back after a few seconds, Dorji sits up while still holding his head and seriously asks his dormmates that come out because they’re kind of scaring him with the prank but once he gets no answer back, Dorji gets up from the lounge’s couch and walks into the hallways and calls out to dormmates but gets no response back, he even checks a few rooms before he realizes whatever is happening isn’t a joke. Dorji then really seems frightened but quickly calms himself down saying that maybe somebody’s spell went wrong and he happened to not get in the crossfire, or saying Diasomnia’s doing something and Pomefiore got the negative consequences of it and decides to go outside to wait for the teachers to show up. But as Dorji is about to leave the building, a masculine voice kindly asks Dorji not to leave the building because they would like to speak with him to which Dorji pulls out his magical pen and sees a pair of identical tanned middle aged men with white hair and yellow eyes wearing green and brown suits with the only difference between the men being a gem the two wear on either side, one of the men had a dark purple gem on their left pocket while the other had a light purple gem on their right pocket. Dorji questions the two men asking what the hell is going on, and the man with the dark purple gem steps forward, bows and introduces himself as Dorji’s personal attendant without saying his name and says him and the other man are there to become his guardian, which Dorji laughs and says that’s some upper class bullshit he hates hearing and there’s no way that’s true since he’s not in any old wealth families. Which the man with the dark purple gem states is a lie saying that Dorji was born into the wealthy family of the Medusa in the Gorgon bloodline, but Dorji’s immediate family disowned him because of their obsessions with wealth that led to a gamble involved everything the family had as well as Dorji’s life. Dorji denies this saying he’d definitely remember something like that, which then the other man steps forward and questions if Dorji is lying to which Dorji says he’s not and asks why he would lie about something like that. After the two older men share a look of worry, Dorji gets worried and demands what they are so worried about, to which the man with the dark purple gem says if that’s true then they’ll need to restore his memoires, which Dorji asks how the hell that will happen before the two men instantly appear before Dorji and cover his eyes simply saying, “Everything will make sense soon, please just don’t hurt yourself remembering.” to a vision it’s revealed Dorji was born from a wealthy family with a big family. Dorji has lots of cousins, aunts, uncles and more distant cousins, aunts, uncles, and even grandchildren that he didn’t know about. Dorji learns he had an older sister, whom Dorji learns died of a combination of an anxiety attack and food poisoning who was really an manipulative spoiled brat that become disabled by anxiety and guilt from her actions. Dorji learns he also had parents, and learns his mother died of a drug overdose, and his father was shot and died of blood loss and his parents where not great people, as his parents where both incredibly selfish and conceited people that seemed borderline psychopathic that had an obsession with money that spiraled out of control, which led to Dorji being gambled away at the age of 5 and ending up on the streets. He also learns about his grandparents, finding out his grandmother was a strict and stern woman who really valued work over family, and a grandfather that was super smart but more often than not had to use tough love on his children and siblings. After learning of his family, Dorji wakes up in his bedroom in tears which seems to scare the two white haired and golden eyed teenagers, who tells Dorji they are the older man from earlier. After Dorji cries for a few minutes and the two creatures try to comfort him, Dorji says he didn’t ask for his family being so fucked up and he doesn’t want this, to which one of the teens agree saying that Dorji wasn’t given a good hand at life, but now that the two are there, they can change that. Dorji says he doesn’t completely believe he’s a member of the family the two serve, to which one of the teens pull out some documents that prove Dorji’s true name, and the existence of his family and their deaths which does convince Dorji. After Dorji is convinced of his tie to the Medusa family, the two teens says they are shapeshifters who owe Dorji’s bloodline a great deal which they are paying off with him, and Dorji is now the head of the Medusa bloodline, because he is the only child left of the first family of this Medusa generation and thus the two are now must protect Dorji to protect his bloodline, which they do by becoming familiars. Dorji, while he doesn’t get the whole family succession and why the shapeshifters would serve a bloodline, Dorji agrees to allow the two to become his familiars for the sake of his family. After which the two shapeshifters set up and preform a soul-binding ritual with Dorji’s help and bind the three to each other. After which Dorji claims to feel different than before and the two teens ask Dorji to name them, to which Dorji names them Claudius and Hadrian Medusa to which the two teens change into a hybrid of crocodile and bloodhound beastman with Pomefiore school uniforms and than a shattering noise is heard. After the shattering noise is heard, Dorji’s surprisingly calm face changes to a worried face and rushes out of the his room to the entrance of the dorm only to run into the dorm leaders and Masawa wearing a fire opal and nickel sarpech in his hair with the teachers in tow rushing inside with Quentin in front of the group with a worried look on their face. After Quentin and Dorji’s eyes meet the two stop and Quentin asks if Dorji is alright to which Dorji says he is all things considered, to which Mozus Trein asks what happened before the barrier was set up, but before Dorji can say anything Claudius and Hadrian appear saying that they used a spell and it seemed to have set off something in Pomefiore’s security system. When Trein asked what that spell was, they said they don’t know, but they brought up an old sheet of paper, which Trein looks at and says is an old alchemy spell that creates something on mass until it runs out of supplies, which Divus Crewel agrees with after looking at it and the two teachers scolds Claudius and Hadrian for, saying no wonder Pomefiore’s security went off because that spell costs lots of magic and Mana to pull off, more than most people have at NRC. After which, Claudius and Hadrian are scolded by the teachers while Dorji is checked on by the dorm leaders and the temporary leader Masawa, including Vil and Kalim, whom Leona comments shouldn’t even be here due to VDC.
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Happy Beans Day!: Dorji is seen with a Beast Team crest on his gym outfit, and is seen along side Das right after Cater, Grim and MC discuss their box contents and chases them around until Jade shoots him and Dorji says it was better than being hit by Vil, and then goes off with Das and is not seen again. 
Fairy Gala: Dorji appears a few times to hang out with Quentin, but is mostly mentioned as an insult with Vil saying things like, "Dorji has more balance than you, and he's the worst at these, Kalim, Jamil!" "Leona, if you don't shape up you're doing to Dorji and he can't do anything!" "Crewel-sensei, doesn't Dorji suck?"
Ghost Marriage: Dorji is seen not long after the main Pomefiore characters show up, saying he was in the dorm playing with his dogs before he was kicked out by the ghosts saying, "This is the princess and prince's house! Get out! And take those dogs with you!", and then a shot of Dorji's two dogs are seen. Dorji is sent with the first group as most say he might fit Eliza's expectations if he plays his cards right, which Vil is not happy and and starts a competition between the two to see who will win. But that didn't work out when Vil got slapped after a while and that got to Dorji's head and because of how cocky he acted, Eliza slapped him. He is in the wedding party and is seen bickering with Vil and betting with Cater. 
Wish Upon A Star: Dorji is first seen with his dogs at the assembly on the sidelines with some teachers and he seems indifferent about the event, as he seems more concerned about his dogs who are very excited at the event for some reason. Dorji later gets his own wish scenario, and at the ceremony is seen playing with his dogs and somewhat paying attention to the event, which his dogs love.
Scary Monsters: Dorji is first seen playing with Claudius and Hadrian when Rook calls for him, which causes Hadrian to rush over to the steering committee and bark happily at the group, with Claudius and Dorji following suit. Claudius then showing off the new collar he got, which Rook says Epel made for Hadrian and him. Dorji doesn’t say much until Rook says to look at Pomefiore’s decoration, which Dorji mutter they don’t have any, which Rook asks what Dorji said but Dorji says he didn’t say anything. When Vil and Epel come out with their costumes, Hadrian circles Epel as if to show him off until Vil asks Hadrian to stop. Dorji then seemed annoyed at Vil’s lecture on makeup, and seemed noticeably more alert when Vil scolds Epel. Dorji is then later seen after Epel gives out a stamp to the visitors of Halloween week, speaking with people about his dogs and giving permission to pet his dogs, which is only Claudius at the time. Vil notices this, and goes to look for Hadrian, and find him with a lost boy. Which Hadrian is seen doing tricks with to cheer up until Vil comes, which Hadrian then barks to get the boys attention and runs up and nuzzles Vil with his head in an effort to make Vil seem friendly, Hadrian also goes with Vil and the boy to find his family. Later on, Claudius is seen as one of the people to greet the group of three when they walk into the mirror chamber, Claudius then tried to get Boy A, but it fails since he is bust admired the chamber so he instead goes to Rook, who happily gives him attention, and Claudius barking also helps Vil find Rook. Dorji is then seen with his fellow dormmates upset about the Magicam Monsters, as he doesn’t stop his dormmates picking a fight with the Magicam Monster despite Rook telling him to stop it. After Vil comes upon the scene and people notice him, Hadrian and Claudius are the first to respond by trying to get the Magicam Monsters’ attention by jumping into photos and tugging at their clothes, which don’t work, as the dogs are pushed away with the Magicam Monsters saying “I’ve already given you attention! Stop being so clingy! Vil is here and better than you two!” which Dorji is defiantly not happy about, as he steps in with Rook and Epel and demands they apologize to him for a rude comment, and after they try to justify their actions, Dorji is seen super upset and uses magic on the Magicam Monsters before Vil can, earning shook from Vil. After the Magicam Monsters are chased out, Vil scolds Dorji for his actions and then asks what happened, which Dorji angrily explains with his dormmates the situation, adding they’ve treated Claudius and Hadrian with disrespect and that’s definitely not okay since Claudius works so hard to hold back from attacking them in anger and sayin their just wouldn’t shut up about Vil. Dorji sighs at Rook’s comment at Epel’s cursing at the Magicam Monsters, saying he curses all the time why does Epel need a scolding. Dorji is later seen when the cast discovers the statues are knocked down, and he is seems too angry to speak according to his dormmates and saying he needs to take a walk to clear his head, which Claudius accompanies him on, with Hadrian staying with the rest of the cast. Hadrian is seen approving of the student’s plan to get rid of the Magicam Monsters. Dorji is later on seen taking part in Pomefiore’s plan to get rid of the Magicam Monsters, replacing Pomefiore student A and B. Epel is pretty aggressive when he calls for Dorji despite Dorji spitefully coming over of his own accord after he seemed to have problems moving away. After Vil says Dorji’s ready to devour, Dorji makes a ‘tch’ sound and says he knew it and calls Vil a monster and a cannibal, which Vil angrily corrects as him being a vampire, which seems to shock Dorji saying that’s impossible. Then Claudius and Hadrian come out of nowhere to attack Vil, but are easily dodged by Vil and Epel and then the two dogs are seen passed out on the floor. Vil says he pities those dogs for at least trying to hurt him despite that being impossible, so he’ll spare them but Dorji will have to pay the price in their stead. To which, Dorji snorts and says then everyone in the room going to end up dead he Vil so much as touches him, so Vil had better be prepared to die. To which Vil laughs at as Epel takes a chomp out of him, causing Dorji to hold back a scream in pain. Before Vil sighs and says Epel shouldn’t try to eat Dorji, just to drink his blood and then shows Epel an example which seems to majorly weaken Dorji as he weakly tries to push away Vil and Epel, saying they wouldn’t get away with this. Which Vil says it’s bad, because they already have before he tells Epel to give it a shot. Epel then bites Dorji, which seems to make Dorji pass out. Vil then comments Dorji was a threat to their existence, since he knew, and that if there’s a threat, it’s better to get rid of them then let them run amok. After the Magicam Monsters are chased off, Dorji gets up with Claudius and Hadrian, laughing super hard saying their faces where hilarious to watch. Dorji is then slightly scolded by Vil for pushing him and Epel, saying it will ruin their clothes, which Dorji sarcastically apologizes for saying he got too into the acting. Claudius and Hadrian then seem to praise the Pomefiore students, which seems to mellow out the group as the group stops arguing. Dorji, Claudius, and Hadrian are later seen walking at the parade in front of Epel and Rook with Dorji holding a pumpkin lantern and the two dogs walking beside Dorji happily. The three are later seen at the party, as Vil states Agat and him are talking so he can’t call them over and is later seen with Quentin’s friend group. 
NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~: Dorji is not one of the participates in the Master Chef class, but he is one the people who can judge, and he judges pretty fairly. 
First Anniversary: Dorji is not seen nor mentioned during the First Anniversary Story. 
Vargas Camp! ~Spring Happening~: [To Be Determined When the Full Story Comes Out]
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Masawa Naran 
Chapter 4: Masawa is first seen loudly talking with Quentin and her squad while the first year squad watches in the Mirror Chamber. Deuce and Ace comments Masawa looks like a rich guy because of how much jewelry he wears and Deuce says he might be from Heartslabyul but Ace says he's from Scarabia because of his uniform. Masawa is the first one to go into the Mirror, and he makes a big show out of it that Grim says is annoying and calls him "That loud and annoying rich guy".  Later, Masawa is seen with Quentin at the party when the Ramshackle residents first appear sitting close by her and showing her things on his phone. For most of the night, Masawa is at Quentin's side and makes comments here and there to the major characters. He doesn't appear afraid of Kalim's aggressive attitude at all. But he seems very trickster like Jamil, who Jamil often comments not to do anything stupid with Masawa giving Jamil sass in return. Kalim greet Masawa warmly as "Masa-kun" and Masawa seems really proud for and shoots a smug look at Jamil. Grim later recognizes that he saw Masawa earlier going it the Mirror and remembers the nickname he gave Masawa "Annoying and loud rich guy", which Jamil and Quentin get a good chuckle out of, with Kalim stating that it's true. Masawa says Grim's a rude little gremlin, and he went through the mirror because forgot to tell his older brother about him staying over the holiday break, so he went to do that before he gets in trouble. He also says he didn't want to leave Quentin by herself, which Quentin immediately disproved by saying, he's pretty sure Masawa called him a loser earlier for staying at school with his juniors. To which, Masawa says that he was kidding and gives Quentin puppy dog eyes. Masawa later seems to be noticeably paying close attention to Jamil and Kalim's interactions when Kalim and Jamil argue about the magic dual they should be doing. But, Masawa seems to get bored halfway through Jamil and Kalim's conversation and loudly says he's gonna fight the Ramshackle residents and drags Quentin, Grim and MC off and fights them despite Jamil's complaints when he noticed Masawa was taking the other dorm residents. Masawa is seen in the actual battle with two other minor students and he fights decent well. Masawa is next seen after MC, Grim and Kalim come back from their carpet ride with Quentin, to which Grim asks Quentin if Masawa is always close by him. Masawa immediately shoot back why does a weak and lame dish rag care about who his dorm leader hangs out with when he made a deal with Azul. Which Grim is not happy about until Quentin sternly tells Grim and Masawa to calm down before Kalim under hypnosis comes in and declares that the whole dorm is going to work harder and the Ramshackle residents are going to be a part of it. Masawa is seen looking somewhat shocked, but then calms down and looks at Quentin, who seems very alarmed and says all to cheerfully to the hypnotized Kalim Quentin is sleeping in his room tonight, which Kalim sighs but agrees to do. Masawa is seen later in the parade in front of Quentin and Grim and behind Jamil, and is seen close by Quentin, barely noticing she's becoming very panicked as Kalim becomes hypnotized but seems pretty happy when she calms down when Kalim comes out of it. Masawa is present at the meeting to discuss Kalim, and while he isn't an active participant he does make some noises that show approval or dissatisfaction. When a hypnotized Kalim comes in and gets the group more training, Masawa says Kalim's a spoil sport and because of that get really pushed to his limit by his dorm mates on Kalim's orders. Later, when going to his room with Quentin, Kalim makes a comment about Quentin being a lazy nobleman and that pushes Quentin into a panic attack, which after a few violent spurts of wild magic Masawa figures out first. He then immediately curses at his dorm mates that they better back the fuck up from Quentin and him or he's going to smack them the fuck up for causing Quentin to have problems. Which is enough to scare most people to give Masawa enough room to move Quentin to the lounge area, where Kalim and Jamil follow him to ask what's happening and Masawa punches the two of them in the gut enough to knock the two back, which is enough for Jamil to let Kalim out the his hypnotic trace. Masawa slams and locks the door to the lounge on his dorm mates saying if anybody comes in Masawa will beat the living daylights out of them. And, then sets the panicked Quentin on a bunch of pillows and tries to speak with her about how he's safe and nobody in the dorm is going to hurt him, which doesn't seem to work after a few tries so he simply moves the pillows around her and turns on the lights so she can see and carefully tries to hug her (which works) and tells Quentin that he's doing amazing. After a few minutes, Quentin calms down enough to speak with Masawa, and Masawa seems very relieved Quentin's okay now and offers food and water, which she agrees to. To which Masawa opens the door and Kalim rushes in to see what happened to Quentin, despite Masawa's stern protest. He sighs as Jamil and his other dorm mates rush into see what happened to Quentin, and comes back with a decent spread of sweets and a pitcher of water that he says is for Quentin only and orders that nobody but him gets to be too close to Quentin. While he does seem angry at Jamil and Kalim, he does allow them to speak with her after she says he can speak with them. After a good long conversation between Quentin, Kalim and Jamil that lasts a while, Masawa simply suggests Quentin get changed into something else and he can sleep in the lounge tonight, which Kalim immediately says he's doing too and Jamil says he's staying in Kalim tries to pull an all-nighter with Quentin. Which Masawa begrudgingly agreed to after Quentin said he'll be alright and Masawa's room is not too far away. Masawa is seen off and on as the chapter comes namely nearby Quentin, but doesn't make an actual comment until Jamil is discovered as a traitor, where he appears as one of the first people and calls Jamil a manipulative jerk, which Jamil seems to become even more angry at. Masawa is later hypnotized by Jamil's magic despite Quentin's attempts to stop that from happening and is seen attacking the group with hypnotized eyes. After Jamil comes to his senses, Masawa is seen near Jamil despite Jamil's disgust and protests and says if Jamil didn't wake up he's have to clean up the mess Jamil made. Masawa and Jamil also bicker back and forth between each other for a bit until Kalim steps in. Masawa does make an appearance in the parade and party, seen not that far away from Kalim and sassing Jamil.
Chapter 5: Masawa does not have a huge role in the chapter until the end, but through dialogue between Quentin Nighty-Sallow, Kalim Al-Asim and Jamil Viper, it’s highly implied Masawa became Scarabia’s temporary leader while Kalim and Jamil where dealing with VDC, despite Masawa’s lack of appearance and lack of being mentioned during Chapter 5. Masawa is first mentioned very early on in the chapter alongside Dorji, as Dire Crowley says Masawa will take over Kalim and Jamil’s role as leaders of Scarabia, which Jamil strongly protests to saying Masawa is not capable of such a role before Crowley tells Jamil Masawa is the Grand Prince of the Kingdom of the Sun, which shocks everyone in the room. Jamil, Vil, Grim, Ace, and Epel asks if Crowley is joking, but Crowley says he’s not and can ask Masawa himself about it. To which, Jamil mutters he thinks is a joke which Vil and Ace seem to agree on before Kalim suggests they call Masawa about it, to which Kalim picks up his phone, puts it on speaker and bluntly asks if Masawa is the grand prince of the Kingdom of the Sun, which earns some comments from Jamil and Ace about subtly, before Masawa says, yes he is a grand prince. Jamil asks why he didn’t tell anyone, Masawa says he did, listing Crowley, Quentin, Dorji, Adahy, and Agat who know of his royal blood and Rook, Sam, and Leona probably know and he’s genuinely surprised Jamil didn’t know. Which, then Jamil says he needs to speak with Masawa about this later and forces Kalim to hang up. Masawa then isn’t mentioned until very late in Chapter 5, when Quentin is asked by Cater who they invited to which Quentin says they invited Masawa as thanks for his hard work. Masawa is first seen after Night Raven College’s rehearsal for VDC in the stands wearing a fire opal and nickel sarpech in his hair like a hair clip next to Dorji, who is wearing a platinum circlet in the shape a of laurel crown. Masawa is first of the two to greet the group, even waving at the group, though when Jamil asks who he was waving at, he says he meant it for Quentin. Kalim asks about the sarpech Masawa is wearing, to which Masawa says the headmaster gave to him to wear until VDC is over as a sign of power. Which Kalim says is cool, while Jamil asks why the headmaster would do that. Masawa is seen throughout Royal Sword Academy’s rehearsal seemingly decently interested. At the start when Dominic and the rest of Neige’s group appear, Masawa asks Quentin what a dwarf is, to which Quentin says is a type of fairy, which Masawa seems to understand. When Quentin quickly rushes out of the stands with Vil behind her, Masawa seems worried, but then Yuu has a vision and he switches worry to Yuu, simply suggesting the first years should get some food, which the first years agree to. After says he’s going for a walk, Masawa says he’s going to use the bathroom. According to Masawa, afterwards Dorji met up with Claudius and Hadrian and said they needed evacuate everyone from the area, and Jamil mentions Quentin found Masawa evacuating people, claiming there was a gas leak. Masawa is later seen with Ace, Deuce, Epel and Dorji after everyone was evacuated, telling Jamil they what he asked before an Overblotted Vil appeared. Masawa is also seen fighting in Overblot Vil’s battle, despite not saying anything standing by Dorji and Quentin. Masawa is also seen when the group is out of magic to use Masawa is seen having a hard time getting up with an injury on his legs, which Kalim and Jamil comment about asking if he’s okay, to which Masawa simply stands up and says of course he is. When Deuce and Epel asks the group to duck, Masawa asks why but is quickly knocked down by Jamil, saying they don’t have time for that. After Vil comes back to normal and Kalim and Jamil speak, Masawa is seen looking relived, but he doesn’t say anything. Masawa is then seen loudly laughing at Jamil and Kalim’s performance of “Ya-Ho!” while Dorji records, which earns a glare from Jamil that Masawa does not see. 
Masawa Naran’s Chapter 5 Personal Story: 
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Happy Beans Day!: Masawa is seen wearing a Beast Team patch and is along side Jamil when Kalim is caught by Jamil, he is seen teasing Kalim in a childish way and after a fight, Masawa is not seen again. 
Fairy Gala: Masawa is seen coming in with Ruggie and Adahy once to check on Jamil and Kalim, and encourages Kalim to keeps trying but mocks Jamil and is kicked out by Vil for causing a disturbance in training and for mocking him. 
Ghost Marriage: Masawa is first seen with Jamil as Jamil says while Kalim and him can't do anything, but Masawa certainly can try to court the ghost, which Masawa is not happy about and complains before Jamil says Masawa owes him for mocking him earlier, and after more bickering, Masawa agrees to help. He go into the wedding with Agat and upon seeing what has happened thinks it is best to let Agat handle it and subtly bribes Eliza, until she figures out she's being bribed and slaps Masawa for trying to convince her something was better than Idia, and kicks him out for that, which Masawa is more than happy to leave over.
Wish Upon A Star: Masawa is first seen next to Kalim and Jamil teasing Jamil, and commenting he personally doesn't care too much about the event and it glad he got out of class. Masawa gets his own wish scenario that is a lot more lighthearted than most, especially compared to his dormmates, but he seems to respect Deuce, Trey and Ortho's work. He is later seen at the ceremony, simply standing next to Agat talking about how nice the ceremony was to experience. 
Scary Monsters: Masawa is first seen with Kalim at the steering committee meeting, muttering something about how Jamil tricked him after being asked about it by Kalim says it’s nothing. Masawa doesn’t makes much commentary during the first meeting praising his dorm’s hard work, saying it’s one of the best sets he’s seen. During the steering committee’s visits to the other dorms, saying it’s fine. When it’s Scarabia’s turn, Masawa and Kalim goes to change and comes back saying that his dorm worked very hard on the set and costumes, with Masawa wearing a costume that seems more realistic than Kalim’s, but when it’s commented on by Azul Masawa says “Ah really? I don’t think so.” He seems very enthusiastic about his dorm’s work, even praising Jack for knowing what a werewolf is. When Kalim tries to scare the group, Masawa seems super conflicted, like he was wondering if he should be laughing or cuted out. Masawa is also seen encouraging Kalim to explain the reason behind Scarabia’s Halloween theme, even giving him a hint to help him ‘remember’ and when Kalim reveal Jamil was the one to come up with the idea, Masawa seems confused until Masawa snorts, making Jamil insult him. Ruggie and Leona later mention Masawa when they visit Sam’s shop, saying he’s working hard during such a busy time and it’s amazing to see Masawa of all people trying to act nice. Masawa is later seen at the second steering committee meeting and doesn’t do or say much even after he’s dismissed. At Scarabia’s encounter with the Magicam Monsters, Masawa is seen threatening Jamil saying things like, “I swear to the Gods if you don’t stop right now Jamil I’m going to burn all your spices in a bonfire in the lounge!” in an effort to get him to stop and passive-aggressively telling the Magicam Monster they need to leave before they get hurt. Which none of his efforts work in his favor. After Jamil says he’ll burn down everything, Masawa threatens him again saying he’ll smash his jukebox. Sam calls out to Masawa to help Kalim protect his shop in exchange for a candy Masawa he likes, which Masawa agrees to then convinces Kalim to use magic on the Magicam Monsters, saying if Jamil’s going to hurt someone with his magic, they have to defend the visitors with their magic. When the Magicam Monsters are chased away, Masawa doesn’t help his dormmates explain Jamil’s anger, he comments how gross the Magicam monsters are. Later on, Masawa laughs at Kalim’s explanation of why Jamil hates bugs and mocks Jamil for hating insects, which Jamil says he now gets kitchen cleaning duty for the next week for saying to his face. Along with Trein, Masawa also tells his fellow dormmates that they shouldn’t burn down Sam’s shop and their hard work because it’s not worth the money to pay for damages. After Trein sees the situation, Trein also asks Masawa to watch his dormmates which he does. Masawa is later seen when the third steering committee meeting looking super tired and doesn’t say anything seemingly because of it but when the cast finds the Great Seven’s statues knocked over and he seems really depressed from it despite not saying anything but he doesn’t comment on the student’s plan to get rid of the Magicam Monsters, saying it’s a pretty good plan. Masawa is then later seen with his dormmates when the Magicam monsters outside of costume. He replaces Scarabia students A and B during the plan. After Jamil breaks his Snake’s Whisper on Kalim and Jamil asks who helped Kalim with his werewolf act, Masawa passingly makes the comment Jamil really is a anxious person for Kalim. After both Kalim and Jamil compliment each, Masawa stops the two saying, “We don’t have all night to listen to you two praise each other, you’re both pretty. let’s move on.”, After the forth steering committee meeting, Masawa is seen at the parade in front of Kalim and Jamil holding a pumpkin lantern. Masawa is later seen at the party talking with the second years mostly mocking Jamil for being a busybody and worrywart, and then with Quentin’s friends group. 
NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~: Masawa is not one of the participates in the Master Chef class, but he is one the people who can judge, and he judges somewhat unfairly, like Malleus Draconia’s judgements. 
First Anniversary: Masawa is not seen nor mentioned during the First Anniversary Story. 
Vargas CAMP! ~Spring Happening~: [ To Be Determined When the Full Story Comes Out ]
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Agat Circe
Chapter 4: Agat is seen with Quentin and her group of friends in the Mirror Chamber while the first years are looking around. Agat is seen chuckling to himself and speaking softly. Ace and Grim says with how Agat looks he is definitely a girl in disguise and in Pomefiore. But Deuce points out Agat is wearing Diasomnia clothes and this is an all-boys school but doesn't deny Agat might actually be a girl. Grim nicknames Agat "the pretty Diasomnia student" 
Chapter 6: [ To Be Determined when Chapter 6 comes out ] 
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Happy Beans Day!: Is seen with a Farmer Team patch and is seen eating Kalim's Kebabs with other people, and when Jamil comes manages to escape from Jamil's grasp. But afterwards is not seen again. 
Fairy Gala: Agat is not in this event because Malleus quickly running away, so he didn't get involved or mentioned.
Ghost Marriage: Agat is first seen by Silver and Malleus when MC asks for their help, and Agat agrees to go in Silver and Malleus' stead. And, Agat goes with Masawa and does a decent job at wooing Eliza until she slaps him out of the blue for being too feminine and cute, which Agat simply sighed at. But, he did seem happy that Sebek and Lilia were alright and speaks with everybody on how they are doing and afterwards falls asleep due to how boring the wedding is. 
Wish Upon A Star: Agat is first seen at the school assembly and seems to be enjoying everyone's reactions to the events, and says this gives him nostalgia as he did this in his hometown because of his magical lineage. Agat does have his own wish scenario, and is later seen at the ceremony with Masawa standing around chuckling at Das and Quentin's childishness, and speaking with Masawa.
Scary Monsters: Agat is first mentioned by Lilia, saying Agat’s helping out with the decoration, to which Agat is then seen with his dormmates in his gym uniform helping setting up the cloud and lotus pieces. After a bit of Lilia and the Ramshackle residents talking, Agat comes over to the group and greets them warmly. Later on, Agat helps Lilia explain the traditions of Twisted Wonderland’s Halloween, explaining in his hometown they throw a huge party that lasts a whole week and also helps Lilia explain the ‘evil spirit’ aspect of Halloween, saying his hometown still believes it. Agat seems happy that the ghosts got a Magicam and a phone, saying it could really help them out. Agat is later seen at Diasomnia’s introduction to the steering committee meeting, greeting the committee warmly with Silver, as well as trying his best to settle Sebek down to let him speak okay with one comment on Sebek’s praising of Diasomnia’s decorations, saying all dorms get something like this. Agat is then later seen guiding visitors to both the Diasomnia attraction, operating the stamps, and pointing out where Ramshackle’s attractions are while Grim, Yuu, Cater and Deuce talk about Night Raven College trending on Magicam. Later on, Agat is seen trying to calm down an angry Sebek when Diasomnia encounter the Magicam Monsters, while trying to get the Magicam monster to leave before Malleus appears besides him and asks Agat to step back because he’ll handle this, which Agat respectfully does. But when Boy A touches Malleus’ arm, Agat surprised with the other Diasomnia cast and then asks the Boy to let go, which the boy does after sometime. When Malleus summons thunder, it seems to kind of scare Agat and he also helps Silver and Lilia chase the Magicam monsters away Agat helps explain why Sebek was so mad, saying he’s also angry at them too and helps Silver explain things clearly with the Magicam Monsters going inside Ramshackle dorm before Grim is heard yelling which Agat says he’ll do it and is heard trying to get the Magicam Monsters out. Later on, Agat is seen with the cast when the Great Seven statues are knocked over, seeming depressed when he sees Maleficent on the ground, saying he really looks up to her for her knowledge of magic and this kinda upsets him but it must hurt Malleus more, since they’re related and he agrees to the student’s plan to chase out the Magicam monsters. Agat is then seen at Diasomnia’s plan to chase away the Magicam Monsters, and while he doesn’t have a huge part as he’s simply holding a window from what Sebek mentions, he does praise his dorm for their hard work when the plan works. Agat also in one the photos Lilia takes, and then offers to take the rest of the photos since he doesn’t want Lilia to do so and not have any photos without Lilia in it. Agat is later seen just handing out stamps at Diasomnia’s stamp rally when the teachers come to check on them. Then, Agat is seen at the parade with his dormmates behind Lilia and Malleus, but in front of Silver and Sebek holding a pumpkin lantern. Agat is also later seen at the party taking with Dorji and later Quentin’s friend group.
NRC Master Chef ~Bliss of Meat~: Agat is not one of the participates in the Master Chef class, but he is one the people who can judge, and he judges pretty nicely like Trey Clover. 
First Anniversary: Agat is not seen nor mentioned in the First Anniversary Story 
Vargas CAMP! ~Spring Happening~:  [ To Be Determined When the Full Story Comes Out ]
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