#the bibble
galaxywarp · 2 years
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iamfroggerzzz · 6 months
thick shake
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(anon request)
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missnorn · 8 months
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cabu12 · 2 years
Dear Lord, for a video this short it took to damn long. 
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decilla · 1 year
Remember that thou art moss, and unto moss thou shalt return
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marikinonurwalls · 11 months
the bibble
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Uhh idk I just saw that meme of the bibble and I wanted to do it lmao
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shadowbrightshine · 5 months
Hello and welcome to yet another youtube comment that killed me
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krongulous · 2 years
Jesus on the third day
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greekbros · 1 year
(can someone please strike me down.)
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(I'm in too deep, I want to go back to the loving embrace of the gods.)
(...well... hypothetically speaking I think Ares would sort of approve of this? Idk)
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fluffy-dragon-flame · 2 years
Why are you giving Ilias a chance?
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Everyone deserves a second chance. Maybe not the scummiest of people, but just about everyone
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wtf-tfw · 2 months
Life out in the Wasteland (Nastyville as they called it) was rough on Tinkle-Adam and Peeve. Nastyville brought many a surprise, which are best presented as a list.
The first bad thing to occur in Nastyville was the fleas. Tinkle-Adam had an absolutely incorrigible encounter with a flock of fleas. The fleas were total dickbags. Tinkle-Adam was like "Oh hello there, wonderful creatures!" In that corny-ass Australian way he spoke. And the fleas were totally disrespectful, even though they were in the presence of a lady. "Who the fuck are you? You look like me nan comin' back from the cleaners with her wig all fooked up mate! Get your greasy, kebab-sucking ass out of here!" the fleas replied, vulgarly, and in unison. Tinkle-Adam was agape. He had heard the swears of Gobbler back in the garden frequently, but these words felt bad... These words felt like they had never been heard by God's ears, and they were cruel and bitter and sharp, and they made Tinkle-Adam's tummy hurt. At these first cruel words uttered, Peeve knew that she must become hardened to the world if she was going to survive. So she decided to develop a New Jersey accent to keep herself safer. She started to repeat the forbidden words back to the fleas, but it was of no use. Tinkle-Adam had stood agape for too long, and the fleas had taken their opportunity. Into the wet, cavernous mouth they went!
The second surprise was the complete and utter lack of affordable birth control and contraceptives. Like what was this, the middle ages? It was a damned shame that this was God's world. God's sister would not have done them this way. One plus of wandering the dusty, sulfur-stinking dirty earth was that the shame inflicted upon the couple by the Real Normal Devil from the Bible was easy to forget. That bad memory faded away under the hot summer sun. In time, the two found other things to focus on other than their weird penises, for example, finding potable water and safe food to eat. Peeve popped in to a CVS to try and pick up her birth control perscription, but the damned snakes running the joint never seemed to have it in stock somehow. So they would instead buy a couple cases of bottled water. And they would wander the desert, going from drugstore to drugstore, plastic water bottles trailing behind them. Tinkle-Adam had become a thirsty little bugger since he was infected with Internal Fleas. "At least you aren't infected with Eternal Fleas", Peeve said, trying to keep things light. Tinkle-Adam found this casual funny remark to be extremely attractive, but dense as he was, he had caught on to the notion that getting freaky out here meant Consequences. The two decided that it was just too bad. They wept together, and decided that it was what Gobbler would have wanted them to do. So once more they freaked it, this time next to a cactus, and a Walgreens.
This surprise came in the form of two weird slimy monkeys that crawled out of Peeve's hoo-ha. "What in God's name are you?" Tinkle-Adam interrogated the little boogers. "I am the First One" one said. "And I am the Second," said the other, "We are yours now, and you must name us." Tinkle-Adam gasped. "Peeve, I didn't know that's how that worked. Is that how it works?" Peeve shook her head solemnly. "Aye, it is. You name the one on the left and I will name the one on the right." And so it was done. The one on the left, a rosy little cherub with toes like silver and a thorax like an angel, was called Cable, after something that Tinkle-Adam and Peeve always wanted but could never afford. The one on the right, a shivering wet anthropomorphic beaver-Yorkie crossbreed, was named Pain, after the feeling that Peeve felt when she had to look at him.
Those were really the main surprises in Nastyville. That and the fact that God? Was not here at all. It seems like he just made all this stuff and completely forgot about it. Which was kind of totally lame. There weren't even instant boyfriend capsules or sailboats or any of that awesome stuff out here. Just generally inhospitable architecture sprinkled into a vast, cartoonish chasm of sand and dust and plastic detritus.
Peeve began to get a serious itching in her stomach and brain. She thought maybe she was getting some sort of serious illness, but then she realized that it was actually just the feeling that she wanted to settle down, because trekking aimlessly through the desert, collecting sand on her thick eyelids was no longer cutting it, especially with these two greasy little ragamuffins dangling off her boibies at all times. Things were getting Domestic in Nastyville. So settled they did. After a brief discussion, Tinkle-Adam agreed to become the homemaker, feeding the babies a strict diet of milled cornhusks and Debbie's breast milk. Peeve got a job at the Godforsaken CVS, where she mined penis enlargement pills out of a hole in the backroom. Every now and then she would take home a few for her darling husband to nibble on. And that is how they ended up with three additional babies later on: another boy called Shitt, a sweet little girl named Epipen, and a fugly jaundiced shrimp named Crab.
But those three names matter not yet... for the next story that was worth a damn was about the young boys growing up in Nastyville. The ones known as Pain and Cable.
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ladybracknellssherry · 6 months
Why didn't anyone tell me this is a play on a bible quote? First time I regret being raised by atheists.
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Can't believe some gay ass show got me reading the bible.
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sosuaveh · 10 months
Sometimes I do things like read old books on my tiktok. Like it and want more? There's a link somewhere.
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Frollibble eliminated gidgette style...
amazing idea
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dookdizawsum · 1 year
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localfrogwitch · 6 months
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