#the beaches of the city where i used to live had the roundest stones. before that i lived in a city without a view of the ocean and
fraudue · 3 months
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happylilraichu · 6 years
i want. you to answer all the pokemon asks. is that greedy xD i can just send a few if its too much!
Of course not!! I love getting asks and this gives me the perfect opportunity to babble more about my self-insert life in the pokemon world!!
@xzienne​ sent me a bunch too so I’m just gonna answer all of them at once here! Sorry it took so long - I was halfway done and then my computer restarted itself and I lost all the work I’d done oops ^_^”Here we go!!
fresh water: which pokémon would be your main partner (starter or not)?
The biggest, roundest Raichu the world has ever seen! He used to ride on my shoulder as a Pikachu but now he’s a bit big for that, so I give him piggybacks instead! 
rare candy: would you travel alone or with other trainers?
Ideally, a bit of both. I love the idea of having a bunch of human friends to journey with and support each other, but sometimes I just need my own space, so I’d be just as content going off with my pokemon and meeting up with people occasionally in different towns. Cause after all, you’re never alone when you have pokemon with you! 
soda pop: how would you spend your money?
I’d probably do what I do in the games and buy healing items in bulk, even those you don’t think you’ll need super often, cause it’s always better safe than sorry! Otherwise, probably a good chunk would go on food and on pampering my pokemon with fancy treats and ribbons and things ^_^
lumiose galette: what would you wear on your journey?
I want to be comfy, so it wouldn’t be the most elaborate, but I still think it’d look cool. High waisted jeans, a black tank top, either a green or yellow jacket covered in a heap of pins and patches. Good sturdy boots. Though a part of me wants to get myself a big pair of chunky heels so I can be Tall and Fancy ^_^ Maybe I’ll carry those as backup shoes! Big satchel to hold everything with a couple of charms hanging off it! A Z Ring and Keystone (I’d wear it as a necklace)
lemonade: what would your battling style/strategy be?
My main battling team are all electric types, and I run double battles with them! A surprising amount of electric pokemon can lean Rain Dance, so combine that with Electric Terrain, then you’ve got a speed boost for certain pokemon, nobody can fall asleep, electric moves get a boost and Thunder has 100% accuracy! On top of that, some of my pokemon have the Volt Absorb ability, so field sweeping moves like Discharge actually benefit them to be hit by! 
casteliacone: where in the pokémon world would you go for vacation?
I’d love to explore the Orange Islands!! Otherwise, I feel like Kalos would be a really lovely place to take a holiday! Also Fula City!! It looks so lively and bright!!
moomoo milk: how often would you visit home?
I’d probably try and go home every few months or so, depending on where I was travelling at the time, though I’d most likely only stay for a few days at a time before hitting the road again~
lava cookie: what would be your most-used key item?
Excluding Z Rings/Mega Stones here, and considering I can’t ride a bike to save my life, probably the Berry Blender and Pokeblock Case honestly! I love to spoil my pokemon and while Coordinating isn’t my primary focus, it’s definitely something I do and enjoy~ 
berry juice: what would you pack with you on your journey?
Pillow, blanket, first-aid kit, matches or a lighter,  big water bottle, one of those tiny picnic sets where you get a plate/bowl/cutlery, notebook and a handful of pens, phone and charger, needle and thread, polaroid camera, bag of toiletries and a few spare clothes (I’d wash them in rivers or at local coin laundromats), pokeblock case (I’d use the public berry blenders cause I imagine those things are heavy!!), headphones, a giant mixed pile of healing items and there’d always be handfuls of loose change, dried berries, trail mix and candy at the bottom of my bag!!… I feel like I’m forgetting stuff, but I should draw one of those “What’s in your bag?” things for this
old gateau: which city/region would you choose to live in?
Johto!!! Specifically, Olivine City!! I’ve always been in love with the place, and I think it would a wonderful spot to live! Alternatively, Lilycove City in Hoenn is also wonderful~
tea: when you’re not battling/coordinating, how would you spend your time?
I’m a breeder!! I breed Pichu and make sure I find good homes for all of them! Otherwise, I go traveling around the coastlines, swim with my Vaporeon and surf with some of my Pikachu who know how! We just take a week or two to camp out on/near a beach far from home and relax, collecting shells and taking photos of Wingull. It’s always a good, chill time ^_^
ragecandybar: who would be your rival? tag them!
As a league challenger, my rival is 100% @petticoat-swashbuckler​!! We’ve legitimately had IRL conversations about pokemon where we sounded like arguing anime characters! We have very different ideas about how to raise pokemon, which means we tend to butt heads a fair bit, but she’s a strong and confident trainer who I really respect, our differences aside, because I know she really does love her pokemon and I always enjoy our battles, even if our paths don’t cross too often out on the trail~
In the coordinating circuit, @musashi​ is my rival!! We’ve come head to head a few times now and while I’ve won a few ribbons, none of them have been from beating her. One day I will though! She inspires and encourages me to push myself as a coordinator and I always look forward to seeing her in the contest hall~
poké puffs: what would your favorite traveling snack be?
Trail mix is good!! Anything I can spend a long time chewing on is also a favourite, so stuff like jerky or dried fruit are definitely a go-to~
honey: how would you pamper your pokémon?
Lots of pokeblock! Poffins and pokepuffs too when I can get my hands on those. I’d take them to specialist groomers as often as I had the money, and we’d take trips to carnivals and fairs whenever we got the chance, were I’d buy them all the treats they wanted and take them on as many rides as would allow them on. Fancy little ribbons and costumes for those who like dressing up, lots of trips to the beach!! They’d all be so loved and spoiled! 
aprijuice: what would be your preferred method of travel?
As I said before, I can’t ride a bike to save my life, so a lot of the journey would be on foot, or flying on my Pidgeot if I had really big distances to cover and limited time to do it. 
sweet heart: would you be a league challenger or coordinator?
Both, though I’m a battler at heart~ I’d try and dedicate and equal amount of time to both, though if I ended up missing a contest season for one reason or another, it wouldn’t be the end of the world for me - there’s always next time and it means I can redirect my energy into working on battle strategies rather than appeals
poffin: would you sleep on the trail, in a hotel, or in the Pokémon Center lobby?
So long as I have something decent under my back, I can sleep anywhere, though I’d definitely prefer being indoors when I can. Hotels would probably be a luxury I’d save for traveling for contests, so Pokemon Center lobbies for sure! They always seem really cosy and inviting anyhow~
berry: what would your trainer class be?
Ideally, I’d become a gym leader!! Though other than that, probably Ace Trainer!!
shalour sable: which evil organization would you take down?I’m setting up a facebook event called “Team Magma Meet Me Behind The Pokemart Dumpster At 3:15am For An Ass Kicking” as we speak xD
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