#the bar for my standards is set on Akane
enigmaticmaki · 1 year
more tbhk doodles!
Aoi as the insect/flower hashira has been living rent-free in my mind ever since her evil arc lol
Also, the convenience store besties (midnight snack duo? late night bffs?? 2am buddies???¿¿¿) + akane doodles bc im still whipped for him
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questionguy · 9 months
hi nonnie!! i felt inspired and pretty much drabbled a small thing in notes for yew for my girls ayame/akane 🫶
i don’t know if you need any specific warnings since you’re anon, but ill give a content warning for mentions of drinking/alcohol!! alongside the fact that this fic takes place in an au! not much is very different about the two of them in here personality wise though, so dont worry !! hope you enjoy!!
(ftr, this au is pretty much is taking place in a very self indulgent notesapp chatfic ive been writing for myself for a bit now lol. i could explain more some other time :p)
// note: sorry if my writing isnt the best!! this is a lazy fic so… :3
ayame is a jewelery maker, and akane is a bartender 🫶
ayame sat at the counter of the empty bar quietly. she was waiting. patiently.
her meeting with people online was a completely new concept to her, but she already had high hopes.. being invited to a bar by the owner of said bar..? it was impressive. right before she begun to grow impatient- the door behind the counter opened. “-Hey! You’re real early..!”
the bartender chuckled awkwardly, clearly not exactly prepared to be in the presence of someone else. “I don’t believe i’ve seen your face yet. you are…?”
ayame smiled warmly, crossing her arms. the other girl’s eyes lit up. “really?! You’re so pretty..! i can’t believe I’ve never seen you before..” the bartender flushed, grabbing a few of the older glasses off of the bar.
this other girl was akane. of course, additionally known as t1ara on social media. even if akane didn’t already post countless selfies in their chat, she was the one who invited everyone. not to mention her personality shined through just as much offline than online.. her casual embarrassment over ayame being an early bird..
it could only make her keep her smile on her face… as she admired the bartender from afar. (2 feet)
“..yeah! i’m not the most active. you’d be surprised with how much i read rather than write to the group chat…”
akane held up a finger, quickly moving the empty and used glasses to the back. she returns, a new glass in her hand.
“would you like anything to drink..?”
a drink..? oh right. it wasn’t called a bar for nothing. ayame passed anything alcoholic. it just wasn’t for her.
“…..do you have juice? i dont drink that much.. believe it or not.”
“..mmyes! there’s only orange juice out though. i figured a few people would hold off on it. is that okay..?”
the bartender seemed a little intimidated,, at least from what ayame could see. it was a pretty normal thing for people to end up feeling that way around her.
she wished it wasn’t. she wanted to speak freely with akane. that’s what they did online..
of course, she would end up being a little hypocritical- she wasn’t going to risk saying anything out of line. a social media group chat was a lot different than real life.. and she didn’t want to jeopardize her relationship with akane..
but jeez…
“orange juice is fine!”
ayame lightly chuckled, deciding to act completely unbothered. orange juice is good! she eagerly waited as her glass was poured, unaware of how many times akane had glanced at her.
“you must be quite the professional. i really admire this set up you have here…” akane blushed further at the compliment, handing ayame her glass. she seemed ecstatic…
“thank you!! i really spent a lot of time keeping it clean. some of my regulars are quite the hogs. i wanted everyone to enjoy it here, without worrying about outsiders.”
hopefully akane didn’t burden herself too much. ayame wasn’t exactly confident in the abilities of their soon to arrive friends. having access to a group chat where the biggest alcoholics stay..? you see things. she figured this place was bound to get messed up… she’ll inevitably help clean it.
the two stood in silence as ayame took sips of her drink and akane finished preparing the bar, really pushing it past exceeding standards… once the bartender finished, she looked at ayame again, really unable to trail her eyes away.
“ahah.. i’m sorry. i just. i’m a little out of it, and you really look so…”
akane proceeded to take in ayame’s outfit: a slim maroon dress. a jacket for the wind outside. plenty of golden jewelry. she looked..
really hot. but akane had no idea how she was supposed to admit this in person.
“you’re just really beautiful. hahaha.. i’m so sorry, ayame….”
ayame felt. slightly awkward, but with no one else around… it was really flattering! having someone like akane honestly complimenting her so much..
it was exactly how she acted online… maybe there was no need to worry about them being too tense..
before she’s even able to react to the praise she’d been receiving, the door to the bar itself swings open. the two spare eachother one last smile at each other before the night began, and ayame turns a little red, mouthing something.
“…thank you.”
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Kokichi, Hajime and Akane x Prince like Male S/O
Kokichi Oma:
·       You took your sweet time closing up shop that night. As much as you cared for your employees, at times it was nice to just be alone with nothing but the pitter-patter of rain to keep you company. After wiping off that last glass you sighed, placing it back on the shelf. It was time to go. Still you did one last walk around, making sure the ovens, grills, burners were turned off, the wines, sprites, juices and other drinks were in their places on the shelf behind the bar or in the refrigerator below, that every last table and chair was dusted off, and last but not least that beloved piano still tuned before taking your long coat and umbrella from the rack by the door and taking your leave.
·       It was a cold night to be sure as the rain came pouring down and the wind ran about. If you didn’t know any better, you would have sworn it was hailing by the sound of how hard those droplets crashed onto the ground. You shivered and chattered, huddling into your coat. One could likely get sick simply standing out here you thought to yourself picking up your pace. You hoped your employees were able to get to their homes quickly and safely in this downpour, perhaps you should have sent them away even earlier than you had. Though it seemed you were not the only one having similar thoughts, a figure just up ahead on the path sprinting along. A-and they tripped!?
·       You cradled the person close having caught them from their fall, wanting to give them some semblance of balance. “Goodness you’re soaked to the bone! You’ll catch your death of cold! Here, my pub is just up this street. Please come and dry yourself off. I don’t care how close your destination may be, you need to dry off now.” And so, still holding them close you dragged them to your bar. Upon entering the establishment, you immediately took them to the kitchen placing them before an oven, opening it and turning it on. “Wait here a moment while I get you a towel and some extra clothes.”
·       You rushed back as quickly as you could fearing the person being cold and wet for even a moment longer. “I apologize if these don’t fit. I currently only have one extra set of clothes due to the others getting spilled on, but hopefully we can me these wor-” So preoccupied with trying to be of assistance only now as you approached did you get a good look at your charge. “Kokichi!?” Aghast the man placed a hand over his heart, just starting at you in exaggerated shock. “What!? My own boyfriend only recognized me now!? How could you! I guess you had forgotten all about me!” Dramatically he began walking for the door that led back to the dining area, making exaggerated poses as he did so. “Ko-” “No, don’t say anything! I know when I’m not wanted! I’ll just be on my way!” “NO!” A ‘Nishishi’ escaped Kokichi as you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around him, clutching him closely. “I didn’t think to see who you were. I just knew you were in trouble and needed help. Please don’t leave! Not at least till you’re dried off. After you can stay mad as long as you want.” He so brightly smiled, hugging you back, getting you wet. “Ok! But only because I know you mean well!” You gently pushed him away back to the warming oven, and went about picking up the towel, white button-up shirt, and black pants off the ground, placing them on the counter. “Please dry yourself and change out of those clothes. As for the wet ones… turn off and close the oven and drape them over the oven handle for now. We can talk after.”
·       Leaving the kitchen, you shook your head wondering why your partner was out so late, well, very early morning now, but still. You knew pranks were the man’s lifeblood but doing so in such weather was simply ridiculous. As much as you loved him, it seemed to be it was not often you heart could be at ease. You were always fretting over him or being so excited with him. Though… you couldn’t say it wasn’t worth it, there were just times where you wished for more peace with him. These thoughts drifted though your head as you milled around behind the bar, taking bottles off the shelves, and going about making your concoctions.
·       “Aww~ Thank you.” Kokichi stood on a seat before the bar, leaning over it giving you a kiss on the cheek before eagerly taking the hot steaming mug of hot cocoa. “No need for thanks. Your smile is enough for me.” With that said you took a sip of your amoretto sour minus the amaretto before going to cleaning the puddles and… flower petals and bouquet from the floor? You kneeled down, picking up one. “What are these doing here?” “Well…” Kokichi trotted to it, tenderly holding it close for a moment before presenting the wilting, drowning flowers to you. “Happy anniversary?” “Oh, Kokichi… I have nothing to gift you! Well, I do, but it’s back at my place, and NO, we are not going out to get it right now!” Kokichi scoffed at your words, already telling him to not bolt out the door before he could even entertain you with the idea. You so gently took the flowers, examining each and every last bloom. “Thank you so much, Kokichi.” “… But they’re destroyed!” “Maybe so, but you still took the time to even think to do this, let alone picking these out, getting them, and coming to give them to me at midnight, as early as you could, even braving the storm for me. Even just the thought means so much to me. You took the time to think of me, which means the world, especially for someone as loving as you.” Kokichi just stared at you for a moment, as if unsure how to take in your words. “Wow… you need to raise your standards, Love! Demand more from me, not just this!” “Oh? This coming from the man who’d do anything to get his crush to simply think of him and find that to be enough?” A light blush dusted Kokichi’s cheeks and he quietly giggled, recalling those early days where he’d threaten you, or pull pranks on you, or just do anything to garner your attention for even a moment. This was just one of the many things he loved about you, even back then you told him how you appreciated all the time he placed into pulling pranks on you, because of all the time and effort he had placed onto solely you. You always so appreciated the efforts of others, and never let even the smallest thing go unnoticed and make everyone feel special. “Besides if my standards weren’t so low as you’d put it, I’d never have chosen to be with you.” “… Wait, what?” That chuckled bubbled up from you, simply unable to contain it. “I jest, I jest, but I could not resist taking that shot, you practically walked into that one. Have you caught a cold already? It’s unlike you to get played so easily.” You were confused, Kokichi having placed his hands on your cheeks. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
·       You lifted up Kokichi bridal style, humming and swaying as you strolled over to the piano. “Come, let us get lost till the rain lightens up.” As you played Kokichi sang, making up lyrics no matter how nonsensical or off key. Perhaps it was nice to have more company than just the sound of rain, after all, you could imagine no sound lovelier than the joy in your boyfriend’s voice.
    Hajime Hinata:
·       “Uh, excuse me, sorry to be a bother but I need your help again.” “No need to apologize, I’d be more than glad to be of assistance.” Though true, your shift had technically ended half an hour ago so you just wanted to take your leave, yet this customer seemed to not be able to go a few minuets without assistance… and you already knew they wouldn’t accept help from anyone else. “What might you need help with?” You kept your posture straight, hands holding one another as you listened. “I can’t reach the clothes up there.” They pointed towards the T-shirts that were hung towards the ceiling.” “I see, allow me a moment to find the hook.” You immediately made your way for where the long hook should have been laying against the wall, and yet… “Hmm, not here.” “Is something wrong?” “I apologize, it seems the hook is missing, I’ll have to look at a different section for one. I will be but a moment.” “Oh, that’s alright. Just take your time.”
·       And it started again. “You’re like, really cute though. You could be a model.” “Ah, thank you. I do try to stay fit, but the credit must go to my parents. They’re such lovely, beautiful people.” “Oh, you work out?” They hugged your arm, pulling themselves much too close for comfort, pressing their body against it. “I’ve been meaning to get into shape. Maybe you could give me some pointers?” “I can give you some assistance, but I’m sure the trainers at the gym would be better than I, after all, everything I know, I learned from them, and I’m sure their knowledge on the subject far surpasses mine. Truthfully, not being an expert, I’d be scared of explaining something wrong and accidentally getting you hurt.” “Aww~ You’re such a sweetie!”
·       If you weren’t at work, you would have asked this person to let you go by now. You loved being kind and respecting others, but that didn’t mean you didn’t know how to stand up for yourself, but this was work, you can’t upset the customers, and though you shouldn’t be, you were technically still working.
·       “Even in this uniform you accessorize well, I’m sure you’d look so handsome all dolled up for a date. I’d just LOVE to see that.” Though they were tracing your watch they just kept staring at you with moony eyes. “My watch…” Their eyes sparkled seeing how you so tenderly smiled, before lifting up you hand. You softly sighed, running your fingers across the face for a moment. “Then you should compliment my boyfriend. He’s the one who gave it to me.” “… oh, boyfriend.” “Yeah! I can’t go anywhere without it. Well, I suppose I could, but I would never wish it. No matter how far or how long we are apart, I may keep this close to remind me of him. I can even count down the seconds till I reunite with him. He is truly an amazing man, so smart, so kind, he has this uncanny ability to be able to befriend just about anyone and he’s so emotionally intelligent, being able to tell when someone is hurting, no matter how much they try to mask it, and he helps them. When I first met him, I knew he was special! Or it was just love at first sight.” You sheepishly chuckled as a heat rose on your cheeks. “Ah, I was such a stammering mess when I tried asking him out, he didn’t even know what I was saying at first. It… took a few days before he figured out what I had been trying to ask him. It was rather comical how he came running for me, tripping over himself, telling me he liked me to! The blush on his cheeks and his flustered demeanor was just so adorable as he asked me for a date and apologized for no-”
·       “Y/N!” “Hajime!” There behind you but a few paces away your boyfriend stood. “Yes, he looked just like that when he asked me out.” Hajime took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves and wash away the embarrassment he felt causing his heart to race. “Uh, your shift ended half an hour ago, but you still hadn’t come out. Are you getting overtime?” “Oh no! No, I’m sorry. I was just going to be of assistance one last time before returning to you. I’ll be but a moment, Love. Feel free to wait at the café next door, aright? I don’t want you going hungry and as an apology I’ll pay when I get there. Get anything you like!” You merrily skipped along, not even noticing that the customer had let go of your arm, too preoccupied daydreaming about your café date with Hajime.
·       As soon as you got the items you excused yourself, and swiftly made your way for the doors of the little boutique. “Hajime? Why are you still here?” “You weren’t going to take long, so I… just didn’t go without you.” “… You’re so sweet. Thank you. So, let us be off!” You took his hand, intertwining your fingers together before leading the way. “… You know I just won that watch at the arcade, it’s not that special.” “I know, but you still gave it to me, and that is enough to make it one of the most precious items in the world.” “You’re a goof.” “Well, I’m your goof then.”
·       “Love, wait!” “Huh?” You held your arm out before him, stopping him in his tracks. You looked to your reflections in the deep puddle in the street. “Allow me.” Without a second thought you lifted up your boyfriend, carrying him across bridal style, only your shoes and socks getting soaked. “……… Thank you.” It was a cloudy day, the rainy season coming to an end. The world was of a mute pallet, the only true splash of color was the bright red smeared across Hajime’s cheeks. It may not seem special to others, but to you, it was. More special than anything else in the whole world
    Akane Owari:
·       “Hmm, Akane?” Though your shift at work had just ended, Akana was no where around to greet you. Did she have another competition and just forget to tell you about it again? Though she usually walked home with you to make sure you ate something on the way back, it was not uncommon for her to not show up, in fact she could have just forgotten, or lost track of tiem when battling with Coach Nekomaru. And so you left for home on your own. Though… You didn’t want Akane to worry for you, so you decided to stop at a fast-food place to pick up something. After sending a picture you ate your share of the meal, having ordered extra knowing she’d want some.
·       Once at your apartment you milled round, doing your bills, watering the plants, doing the laundry and other such chores you had yet to finish that morning before work. Before you knew it, it was already Two hours till midnight. And yet, you still had gotten no response, not even one for your ‘good morning’ text after you had woken up. No matter what she was doing, she must have been finished with it and texted you back by now, right? If she had gotten into trouble, she could easily run away so it must be disastrous if even she couldn’t escape. Or perhaps she was hurt? You slapped your cheeks trying to snap yourself from those ever-darkening thoughts… But even without thoughts the pit in your stomach still grew with each passing moment. “I’m just being needy, there nothing wrong………… Fine! I’ll indulge this just to prove myself wrong.” After re-heating the fast-food in the microwave, with it in hand you threw on your coat before marching out.
·       It was not a long walk to Akane’s apartment, but it felt like a journey around the world. “be still my heart, she is fine. She is strong. You know it just as well as my mind…” Still, something just felt off, and it was something you could not shake off.
·       Just in case you sent a text in advance saying you were coming over for a visit. Yet by the time you had arrived still no response. “Hey, my Love. Not to be a bother but I’m here.” You placed the spare keys to the apartment in a small dish before closing the door. Carefully stepping around the piles of canned food you delved into the apartment, hearing groaning, and a stifled cough. “Akane! You’re as white as a ghos-AH! Sheet! White as a sheet!” “I-it’s nothin’.” With heavy breaths she tried pushing herself off the wall, only to immediately lose her balance. You immediately took one of her hands, while you placed one of your hands atop her forehead for but a moment, immediately flinching back. “You’re burning! Akane get back to bed, you need rest!” “No! I-I don’t… just… ugh… just a stomach bug, I can walk it off.” “Oh no. You are not. Please, allow me to care for you, you are not well.” “I’m not weak!” You could see that spark, the roaring flame you always found in her eyes, that determination. “No, you are from weak, but even the strong can get hurt and injured. Please, you may make your own choices, and I will respect them, but I must insist that you allow me to care for you now.” “… Y-you’re not even strong enough to beat Coach Nekomaru in battle.” “Neither are you.” “Yeah, and you can’t beat me either!” “True, but that need not mean I’m not strong enough to protect you for a time.” Before she could respond, she clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to hide that cough. She looked to you with what seemed to be a glare before turning around, returning to her bedroom. “I n-never said you were weak either…” “Yes, you did not.”
·       Akane collapsed onto the bed looking so ragged, sending a pang through your heart. “Here, at least give yourself some energy.” Her eyes sparkled and drooled rolled down her lips seeing the bag. “I’ll be back soon.” After exiting the apartment, you immediately sprinted for the grocery store.
·       You came back as quickly as you could, immediately setting to work in the kitchen. Thankfully you had learned quite a bit about cooking under time constrains when working in a restaurant, so you were able to make a soup rather quickly. After pouring it into two bowls you returned to her room. “Here.” “Yes! Thanks babe!” You sat beside her on the bed, to which she immediately kicked you off. “You’re too scrawny. You’ll catch this too. Wash your hands!” “Okay, I will. And once I’m done eating, I’ll put on a mask as well, aright?” She didn’t even notice, happily enjoying her meal. That had to have been one of your favorite aspects of her, how she always cared for others. It was likely something she picked up having to care for her siblings.
·       You wondered if anyone ever cared for her when she was sick as a child. Her life was so rough growing up, you wouldn’t be surprised if no one ever did. With renewed conviction you were determined to make Akane better as soon as possible with all your power!
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tsunflowers · 5 years
anime featuring adult women
there are a lot of great female characters in anime, but sometimes it feels like they’re all supporting characters in shows about men or they haven’t graduated high school yet. I wanted to compile a list of some anime with adult women front and center
kidou keisatsu patlabor on tv:
in the sci-fi future as imagined in 1988, human-piloted robots called labors are used regularly by all kinds of people, including criminals. to combat labor crime, the police develop a special unit of patrol labors—patlabor. instead of following the prestigious division one, we follow a cast of quirky characters in second-string division two, as they solve cases ranging from mundane to dangerous to paranormal
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izumi noa, and why I love her:
she’s incredibly strong-willed and stubborn. she’ll stand up to anyone. she’s obsessed with labors, not just piloting them herself but repairing them and learning about new developments in the field. even though division two is primarily men and there is the “men at work” vibe of so much military and police fiction, noa fits in easily with the guys and no one excludes her. the few times people do question her skills bc of her gender, they’re immediately shut down
other women in the cast:
nagumo shinobu, the captain of division one. we never actually see her or her unit at work, but they have a great reputation. I just love her bc she’s very funny always shutting down the captain of division two and I like that in-universe there are women in leadership roles like this
kanuka clancy, a visiting cop from new york. her relationship with noa is very strong, definitely shippable. she’s adept with a gun, a sword, and a giant robot. she’s the serious member of the team who yells at the others for being dumb but there are still times where she goes completely off the rails and ignores the law to do what she knows is right
wotakoi: love is hard for otaku:
momose narumi is an office worker and a fujoshi. she wants to keep the fujoshi part a secret this time around because things went south for her at her last job once people found out she was an otaku, but it turns out several of her new coworkers are fellow nerds. most importantly, her game-loving childhood friend hirotaka works at the same company, and the two of them reconnect as friends… and soon more than friends. it’s a romance drama involving only nerds
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momose narumi, and why I love her:
she’s a lot like your standard high school girl protagonist who runs out of the house because she’s late for school, but this time she’s late for work. she’s really funny and straightforward, except she thinks she has to hide that side of her at her job. she and hirotaka have a great childhood friends to lovers relationship. she’s kind of rude to him but he adores her (though he’s kind of bad at showing it). I love a cheerful girl/serious guy romance that’s done well and I think this one really is
other women in the cast:
koyanagi hanako, narumi’s new coworker who’s a fellow fujoshi. she’s also a cosplayer, specifically a crossplayer who specializes in cosplaying as handsome guys. she and narumi only met each other under their fandom nicknames before, but they were big fans of each other and hit it off instantly when they meet at work. they’re cute friends even if they always argue about who tops in their ships
in a futuristic society, people’s mental health is constantly measured by “psycho-pass” readings which track their emotional state and judge the likelihood that they will commit a crime. naive rookie cop tsunemori akane leads a team of enforcers, people who are considered “latent criminals” too dangerous to live in normal society but who are still useful to the police. akane develops a close relationship with enforcer kougami shinya in particular, but kougami has his own intense relationship with the elusive criminal makishima shogo. as the team of detectives investigate him, they uncover secrets about the system they never wanted to learn and their fates become entwined with makishima’s
psycho-pass is written by urobuchi gen (madoka magica, fate/zero) and if you’re familiar with him you know what to expect. the show is pretty grim and gory. content warnings for rape, violence, gore, body horror, police violence, the predatory lesbian trope, forced institutionalization, and probably a lot of other things I can’t remember. not a light watch, is what I’m saying
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tsunemori akane, and why I love her:
she’s incredibly principled. she sticks to what she believes is right despite immense pressure. it’s precisely because she’s naive and doesn’t understand the system that she is able to fight against it. she grows a huge amount over the course of the series but she never loses her compassion or her sense of right and wrong. she’s pretty badass too
other women in the cast:
karanomori shion, a lab analyst at the public safety bureau. she’s your typical sexy and flirtatious anime character but I think her position within the setting is interesting. although she’s categorized as a “latent criminal” unfit for society, she seems to be valued more than the enforcers. she’s also bisexual and dating a woman, though she plays into the “bisexuals can’t settle down” trope a little. she is not actually the best character or peak representation but I’m pretty attached to her and a certain type of woman will be too
kunizuka yayoi, a lesbian former musician and the only female enforcer. she’s shion’s girlfriend. there is a predatory lesbian character in this series, but it’s not kunizuka. I think her being a lesbian is handled pretty well. she has romantic and sexual relationships with women that are important to her, but she doesn’t hate men or flirt with every woman she meets (traits I hate to see in lesbian characters written by men). she’s really serious and calm but still cute and I love to see her growing respect for akane over the course of the show
death parade:
two people wake up in a strange bar with no memory of how they got there. a mysterious man with white hair named decim and his assistant, a woman known only as “the black haired woman,” ask them to play a game. the games are both absurd and dangerous, and as the contestants play them dark sides of themselves are revealed. decim’s job is to judge them based on their behavior while playing the games, but the black haired woman’s influence causes him to wonder if he’s doing the right thing
like it says in the title, the anime deals with the topic of death, and death by suicide comes up as well. I don’t remember everyone’s backstories but I think violence and abuse come up several times. there are also mannequins that move around on marionette strings which is kind of freaky
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the black haired woman, and why I love her:
it might be wrong to say that she’s the main character when she isn’t introduced until the end of the first episode and her name isn’t revealed for half the show but listen. she’s the emotional core of the show and the person who sets the events in motion. she’s a very emotional person and that’s her strength. her relationship with decim is the classic “woman teaches cold-hearted man to feel” trope but I think it’s an outstanding example bc it centers her emotional experience and the two of them are not explicitly in a romantic relationship. I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers but for her it’s almost unavoidable. I love the way that her story is slowly revealed over the course of the show culminating in an incredible sequence in episode 11. I think her depression is handled so well too. it’s heartbreaking
other women in the cast:
nona, the boss of the arbiters. she’s a schemer who knows a whole lot of things she’s keeping from everyone else. I really like her outfit above all else. baggy pants with suspenders… a great look
mayu, a high school girl who is a contestant in one of the games. she tries to be cutesy but is prone to anger and makes incredible faces. I like that she’s an obsessive fangirl character who’s played for humor but is also shown as being noble and sympathetic
sakura quest:
koharu yoshino is a woman who moved to tokyo to find a job but has no luck. when she finally gets a job offer, it’s to become “queen for a day” of rural manoyama village. upon arriving in manoyama, she learns that she was only hired because they thought she was someone else but they still want her to work there for an entire year. now she lives in a small town and is tasked with both revitalizing the citizens and drawing tourists in, along with the help of four friends. it may not sound funny and heartwarming but it really is. it’s a good story about connecting and reconnecting and also the head of the tourism board wears a chupacabra mask sometimes
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the main characters, and why I love them:
koharu yoshino, queen of manoyama. her struggle in the job market is unfortunately relatable to many people today and I love that she wishes she could have a job as a queen. she’s great and she really comes to love the town despite everything
shiori shinomiya, a very sweet manoyama native. she’s almost too nice but it makes it all the funnier when she gets intense
maki midorikawa, an aspiring actor who is famous among manoyama citizens for a small role she played in the past. she’s serious about acting but her family wishes she would get a more stable job. she can be kind of rude but she does love her friends and her town
sanae kouzuki, a web developer who moved to manoyama to escape the intensity of city life and the negative effects it had on her mental health. the problem is she hates rural life and is afraid of bugs but is too proud to admit it on her blog. the only true city girl among the five
ririko oribe, my favorite of the five. she’s shy but loves cryptids and the occult. it’s very easy to read her as autistic and the other characters affirm her interests and behavior. her love of cryptids even helps the town out when Spanish tourists come in search of a local legend. her relationship with her grandma is really good as well, with the two coming to understand and love each other over the course of the show
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eryiss · 6 years
Offshoot: The Champagne Suite
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Summary: On the one year anniversary of their wedding, Freed and Laxus chose to go on a vacation to the beutiful town of Akane. Their love as strong as they day they wedded, they find themselves in the luxury Champagne Suite. [Fraxus Oneshot]
Hey all. This is set in the same world as my Gambler’s Luck multi-chap. You don’t need to have read it, but it may help to know Freed is a gambler and Laxus’ boss. Also, the third part of this is smut, so you might want to skip that part if you’re not into that. The rest is just fluff. ^.^
You can read it on Fanfiction, Archive of our Own, or under the cut. I hope you all enjoy it!
The Champagne Suite
"Here's your suite," The bellhop proclaimed as he opened the door. "Your luggage will be here momentarily. Enough time to acclimatise yourself to the room, I'm sure."
Freed and Laxus walked into the large hotel suite, looking around the room with interest. Laxus wore a small, subtle grin as he scanned the room that could only be described as luxurious. The swelling of pride doubled as he glanced up at his husband's face, to see a soft, unrestrained smile painted across his features as he walked over to the balcony and looked across the unrivalled view of Akane's coast. To be accredited to Freed's smile, Laxus couldn't help but feel proud.
He himself was happy with the room as well. They had walked into a modern looking living room, sofas pointed towards an open fireplace and wall mounted TV. Partially cut off by a waist high wall, a kind sized bed of pristine quality, well made and incredibly inviting. Behind a glass wall was a large bathtub that, according to website, was designed to fit more than one person in at any time. Attached to that was a black door that Laxus assumed connected to the more private – but assumedly equally luxurious – bathroom. The suite had looked fantastic on the website, but seeing it in person revealed just how awe-inducing it really was.
"If you need anything – food, an early turndown, or the concierge – you'll find multiple phones throughout the suite you can use to call down. If you're asked, the room is under the name Dreyar," The bellhop smiled, standing at the door. "On behalf of Lacrima resorts, please enjoy your stay."
"Thanks," Laxus nodded, handing the man a tip. Freed repeated the sentiment, and the man left.
Now a little more relaxed, Laxus looked towards his husband and grinned. The two were sharing their first wedding anniversary and Laxus had insisted he be in charge of how they would celebrate it; deciding on a weekend away at a luxury beach hotel. The room had been Laxus' main concern, so to have that worry quelled meant he could fully start to enjoy the weekend fully.
"So," He began, wearing a small grin as he walked up to his husband. "You like it, right? Up to your standards."
"Incredibly so," Freed mused, smiling as he felt strong arms wrap gently around his waist. "The view's beautiful, as well. Though pales in comparison to my husband."
The gambler turned around in the arms around him, leaning up and connecting their lips slowly. Laxus' grin turned to a smile as they engaged in a slow kiss, pushed slightly against each other in a moment of tranquillity shared between the two men. It was heavenly, and a thrill that Laxus didn't think he could ever tire of.
Although both men would be happy to continue the moment long into the night, Laxus forced himself to pull apart from his husband's taunting lips; though not too far, as he made sure their foreheads stayed together. He stared into the other man's eyes for a moment, before speaking.
"You're pretty damn handsome yourself."
"You think I need reminding?" Freed spoke with a taunting tone and a slight raised eyebrow.
Laxus chuckled slightly; a year together hadn't removed the gambler's snarky attitude. Or ego. That was more than fine, that somewhat cocky persona was part of the man he loved. The blonde simply grinned at his husband, leant down and delivered a short, chaste kiss to the smirking man; the kiss was accompanied by a mumbled 'asshole' against his lips.
They stood together, illuminated by the mid-afternoon sun streaking through the windows. Their lives were busy, somewhat metropolitan and often without break, so to have a moment like this – where time seemed unimportant and without repercussions – they would make sure to revel in it. To take the time to adore the other, relive every moment of their romance and remember exactly whey they were enamoured with each other.
Sadly for the two men, the moment couldn't last forever. A sharp knock came to the door, pulling them out of their conjoined trance.
Pulling away from his husband with a grin, Laxus delivered a final split-second kiss to the mans lips before walking to the door of their room. He opened it to see that their bags had been placed against the wall opposite, and the person responsible for it was half way down the hallway already. Impressed by the fast service – Laxus still hadn't fully become used to the luxurious side of life yet – the blonde brought the two bags into their room and placed them beside the door. They could unpack them later, they'd been travelling for most of the day and he would rather just relax for a short while.
Looking towards Freed, he pouted slightly. He had wanted to continue their kiss from before but saw that Freed had walked to the bed and was looking through a small catalogue that had been left upon it. Laxus didn't mind, they had all the time in the world to kiss each other.
Besides, relaxed and under a soft light, Freed looked damn fantastic.
Closing the door to the suite, Laxus walked to the bed and sat beside his husband. He slipped off his shoes and rested his head against Freed's shoulder, absently looking at the catalogue Freed was reading. The page he was on highlighted all the hotel's amenities, including the spa, pool, gym and personal theatre.
"Anythin' jumping out at ya?" He asked, stifling a yawn as he nuzzled slightly further into his husband.
"The pool and the spa are enticing," Freed mused, sounding just as tired as Laxus felt. It made Laxus nuzzle him further and press a kiss against his jaw. "It's been some time since I've been able to swim, I used to do it quite often. It was relaxing."
"You gonna leave me alone on our anniversary, huh?" Laxus teased softly, nudging his husband's waist with a grin. "That's cold, asshole."
"I suppose so. How could you handle it, sitting at the poolside bar, seeing your husband dripping wet in a swimsuit without anything to stop you," Freed smirked back. "I don't know how you're not demanding a divorce from me here and now."
Laxus chuckled, planting a kiss on Freed's jaw again and making sure to take Freed up on the offer. He brought his feet onto the bed and laid down, half-tempted to groan at how comfortable the mattress felt and how soft the sheets were against his exposed arms. He looked towards Freed with half lidded eyes, fighting back another yawn as he nudged the still-reading Freed with his foot. The gambler chuckled a little, resting a hand on Laxus' lower calf in acknowledgment as he placed the catalogue on the bedside table.
The moment Freed's hands were empty, Laxus grabbed one and tugged his husband towards him. With another small chuckle, Freed quickly removed his own boots and joined his husband on the bed, looking towards the other man with a soft expression that Laxus found himself melting into. God he loved the man.
They stayed like this for a short while, their limbs tangling slightly as they got themselves comfortable. Their foreheads came to touch again, and Laxus found his eyes straying shut every few seconds. Freed smiled at this, reaching up and removing a stray strand of his husband's hair, before shifting slightly so that he could look into the other mans clearly tired eyes without obstruction.
"If you're tired, why don't you just sleep for a while?" He suggested softly. "You look ready to pass out."
"Nah, just need a couple seconds and I'll-"
"Pointlessly try and stay awake until you realise you're being stubborn?" Freed completed, half smiling. "I'm not going to fly into a rage because it's our anniversary and you're tired, if that's what's stopping you."
"I know," Laxus mumbled slightly. "Guess it can't hurt, what time is it?"
"Nearly two-thirty," Freed supplied after checking his watch.
Good. He had yet to tell Freed, given that it was a part of the weekend that he wanted to keep as a surprise, but he had organised something for the two of them at four-fifteen that he hoped his husband would enjoy. It was his main gift for Freed – as it was paid from his own earnings rather than their joint savings – and he would be damned if he missed it.
Having made up his mind that he could sleep for a little while, he allowed his eyes to close fully. The yawn he had been restraining slipped out, loud and ferocious, and he wrapped an arm around Freed's waist to pull him closer. The gambler smiled and allowed it to happen.
"Make sure we're up by three thirty," The blonde mumbled, knowing Freed was better at sticking to a deadline when sleeping than he was. "Got a surprise for ya, don't wanna be late."
"Of course," Freed nodded slightly, and Laxus felt the shift on the overly-comfortable pillow they were both sharing. "I might look around the hotel if I wake up early – see what the bar is like and book something at the spa. So if you wake up and I'm not there, that'll be why."
Laxus made a small hum of acknowledgement, though lips tugged into a smirk. "As long as you ain't going to the pool without me."
"I wouldn't dare."
After hearing his husband's words, the blonde allowed himself to relax fully. He leant forward and planted a final chaste kiss on the other man's lips, before loosening his grasp around his waist and leaving his arm draped over him. This was the same position that they would sleep in at home – or at least try to sleep in, as they usually woke up having moved – and Laxus found himself smiling as he willed sleep to overtake him. It had been nearly a year since he had first fallen asleep beside the man he could call husband, and he still felt privileged to do so.
He was determined to make this weekend as good as he possibly could. Throughout their relationship Freed had often surprised him or treated him, and this was one of the few times he felt he could put as much thought towards Freed as Freed did to him. He wasn't intending to fuck it up.
His ear pricked slightly as he heard a small sound come from his husband's lips. The gambler often allowed all facades to drop when he was tired, and his inhibitions often went with it, meaning the man would allow small sounds of comfort, pleasure and overall enjoyment slip out without him meaning to. The sound that had just occurred was that of content and comfort, and Laxus found his heart beating faster.
Even if they did sleep over the surprise, or over the whole damn weekend, Laxus didn't think he would be annoyed. Because time's like this, with his husband by his side, was perfect in every conceivable way.
Freed hadn't been sure what to expect when Laxus said he had planned a surprise for their afternoon. The blonde had clearly been slightly anxious while planning their vacation – having come to Freed to check he was okay with his plans multiple times – so the fact they were doing something he wasn't aware of was a welcome treat. Although, the gambler would be lying if he said he wasn't confused as to what this treat could be.
It wasn't dinner, they'd eaten well at lunch and had reservations for a restaurant later in the evening. Nor could it be anything overly active, as Laxus had insisted he bring his anniversary gift so they could exchange them during the surprise. It was only when they reached their destination when Freed was given the answers to his questions.
They were in Akane harbour, and had walked to a small, luxurious boat.
After speaking to the person sitting beside the boat – it's owner and operator – Laxus climbed aboard it and held out a hand to Freed. The gambler laughed slightly at the gesture, taking the hand and allowing Laxus to help him aboard. He took a seat on the comfortable leather sofa as he adjusted to the gentle rocking of the boat. Laxus sat beside him, resting an arm on the side of the boat and smiling at Freed as the boat started to move from its parked position, assumedly piloted by the man Laxus had previously been speaking to.
"So, a boat ride," Freed spoke first, tone soft as they navigated through the harbour. "That's quite romantic."
"Yeah, well, you did a lot of romantic shit for me over the years. Thought I might do it back for you," Laxus shrugged slightly. "You like it, right?"
"Yes," Freed smiled, resting his own arm on the side and the boat and interlocking their fingers. "It's fantastic."
Laxus grinned, taking the action as an invitation to shuffle a little closer to Freed. He wrapped his arm around Freed's shoulders and melted into the other man, watching as the boat made its way into the extensive canal system of the town. Laxus had chosen this route as it seemed more interesting, romantic and overall pleasant. It was also longer and, if it went as well as Laxus hoped it would, then the boat ride would be something he wouldn't want to end.
As the boat started to float past buildings with beautiful, colourful architecture, Laxus found Freed's head fall against his shoulder slightly. It was a small action, but one Laxus found himself smiling about. Part way into their first year of marriage, Freed had confessed he felt more comfortable being openly affectionate with him than he had thought he could be, which gave the blonde an odd sense of pride.
"This is lovely," Freed reaffirmed, voice soft. "Thank you."
"It's barely started," Laxus chuckled, pressing his lips against Freed's forehead. "But I'm glad that you're enjoying it. D'you wanna drink? The whole trip should last for about an hour, so you might want one."
"Yes, please," Freed smiled, sitting up so that Laxus could move unhindered. "What do you have?"
Laxus smirked a little as he opened the small mini-fridge that was built into the underside of the sofa. He pulled out two glasses and two bottles of alcohol – one of scotch, the other of rum. It was a small thing, but Laxus had requested that the brands be the same as those the two had drunk the night they had met. He didn't expect Freed to identify this detail, but it was something Laxus did to make the afternoon more personalised. A testament to the night that had kickstarted their relationship, in a way.
After Freed asked for scotch, the drink that Laxus expected him to prefer, he poured him a half glass and handed it to him. The gambler smiled and took the drink, sipping at it as Laxus poured himself a glass of rum. Freed smiled at the taste, having recognised it as the brand from Mirajane's bar. He glanced at the bottle of rum Laxus poured, seeing it was also the same brand that Mirajane stocked.
It didn't take him long to realise it wasn't a coincidence and he smiled. The amount of effort Laxus was putting into his surprise was cute.
Leaning back with his drink in hand, Laxus returned his free arm around Freed's shoulders and smiled. The canals were busy with boats, and the streets crowded with people, but it was still scenic as hell. The sun was beating down on them, a gentle wind cooling them as they moved.
Both men sipped at their drinks on occasion, chatting idly as they traversed the beautiful town. They were leaning against each other, perfectly content as they were given a tour of the water ways that allowed them privacy and moments of calm. Time passed quicker than Laxus would have hoped, and they were soon floating alongside a decorative fountain that marked the half way point of their journey. He sat up slightly, causing Freed to look towards him questioningly.
"Seems like a good time to exchange gifts, right?" Laxus suggested, reaching down and picking up a small box.
Freed nodded, and reached to the other side of the boat where he had placed his gift for Laxus, which was considerably larger than Laxus'. The blonde had given Freed a questioning look after he saw the size of the box, but hadn't said anything about it, choosing to take it as a surprise rather than spoiling it.
The two had made a deal that their gifts to each other would be inexpensive. The vacation itself was expensive and acted as a gift to them both, meaning they didn't need to spend too much on further gifts. Laxus had been happy about this, partly because he could focus all his efforts into making the vacation as good as possible, and partly because he could have some fun with what he was getting Freed.
He handed the small, wrapped box to his husband, trying to restrain his grin. Freed noticed this, but didn't mention it. Instead, he unwrapped the gift, opened the small box and looked at the item inside. Laxus grinned at the frown presented in him.
"A monocle?" The gambler asked, laughing slightly.
"You know, to complete the whole 'extra in a Victorian detective show' thing you got going on," He teased with a small grin, nudging his husband slightly. Freed laughed, picking it up. "And you better wear it. Put a lot of effort into finding it."
Freed chuckled, picking up the eyewear and placing it in his right eye; Laxus found himself wondering if Freed had worn a monocle before, given how easy he found wearing it.
"I'll wear it whenever we're together," Freed smirked a little in promise. "In fact, one day you'll forget what I look like without it. It'll fuse with my skin and will be the next step in human evolution, all because of you."
Laxus chuckled, nudging his husband and mumbling a small 'asshole' in response. Freed smirked further, removing the monocle from his eye and placing it back into the box. He then picked up the large box that he had wrapped that contained Laxus' own gift. The blonde took it with a smile, sitting up fully so that he could better unwarp it. He made quick work on the paper, not showing the same amount of restraint that Freed had, and carefully opened the box.
What he saw was all the proof he needed that he and Freed were fated for each other. Because, just like Laxus, Freed had seen the no-expensive gifts rule as an excuse to get a gag gift for him. Though, Laxus had to admit, he had received the better present.
He pulled it out slowly, showing a large yellow dragon plush toy. He looked at Freed with a smile and raised eyebrow.
"You grandfather takes great joy in telling me how much you loved dragons when you were a child," Freed explained, smirking further. "Apparently you couldn't sleep without your dragon toy to protect you, I wouldn't want that to happen again."
Laxus chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm gonna kill that old bastard when we get back."
"You don't need to do that," Freed chuckled, before adding. "You've got your dragon to do it for you."
Laxus grinned, placed the toy safely on the leather beside him and pressing his lips against Freed's forehead for the umpteenth time that day. Laxus wrapped his arms around his husband, trying to ignore the fact that the way he was holding Freed slightly resembled the way he had held his dragon teddy when he was younger. He was half tempted to mention it, but he didn't need to give Freed any more teasing ammunition.
He relaxed where he sat, enjoying the time spent with his husband. Over their year of marriage, the blonde had grown to appreciate the small moments of domesticity that he had previously expected to find boring. Sometimes these moments came while the two tried to sleep – one memorable example was during a hailstorm where the beating of ice against glass was almost hypnotic to the two men as they tried to drift off – or simply when the two spent time alone together – again an example had spring to mind, this time being when Freed had a client who lived in the next city over and Laxus had driven him, the journey of two hours seemingly flashing by in an instant.
Sharing time with Freed was faultless. And doing so in such a heavenly place, with the knowledge that their anniversary was coming within the day, just made it so much better.
Laxus knew that this weekend wouldn't last forever, and time seemed to go faster within moments like this, so he would make the best of the situation before it ended. He nuzzled the crook of his husband's neck and intertwined their legs, feeling the slight rumble of Freed's chuckle reverberate through his bones.
They spent the majority of the ride in silence, enjoying each other's company and the views of the scenic location that surrounded them. They spoke on occasion, filling their drinks whenever needed, but neither wanted to break the spell that had occurred between them. It was perfect, an undeniable moment in their lives that Laxus felt proud of orchestrating. There had been so many parts of their relationship that Laxus looked back fondly on because of what Freed had done, and Laxus hoped that this would offer the same pleasure to Freed.
With a smile, Laxus leant up slowly, pressing his lips against Freed's in a soft, but passioned kiss. Freed returned it immediately, his hand landing on the man's thigh as he leant down further into his husband's embrace.
The kiss became strong faster than Laxus had expected, and he found himself resting his hand on the man's chest. He could feel the muscle under it shifting slightly – the same muscle that he had been witness to, and have used upon him, multiple times in their relationships – and leant further into the kiss. Freed's hand slid up his thigh slightly, and Laxus felt a chill go down his spine at the small movement.
Shit. This needed to stop.
Laxus gently pushed himself off his husband – a torturous task as they had made an effort to keep their hands off each other in the days leading up to their vacation – and sat back. They had just pulled into the harbour again, signifying the end of their boat ride, and they only needed to last the short walk to the hotel before they could continue their actions.
"I know you wanna hit the pool," Laxus whispered, somewhat huskily. "But, you maybe wanna go to the room first?"
"Definitely," Freed replied, smirking. Laxus happily matched it.
The moment the door to their room shut, Laxus found himself pushed against it by his husband. They were kissing a second later, passionate and without restraint. All pre-tenses of innocence and chaste were gone as they attacked each other, both men knew what was going to happen and damn did they want it immediately.
Freed's hands explored Laxus' torso without shame, his hips pressed against Laxus' in a way that pinned him against the door. Laxus leant into it, his hands tangled into Freed's hair and occasionally tugging at it. It was a small action, barely causing a reaction in the gambler, but the small sounds of pleasure that they elected were pure magic to both Laxus' ears and his crotch, which twitched in need in the tightness of his trousers.
Freed placed his thigh between Laxus' legs, gently rubbing the needy area and forming a small growl of both lust and annoyance in the blonde's throat. Freed smirked into the kiss after hearing it.
"Stop fucking teasing," Laxus grunted as their lips parted.
"I don't think you're in much of a position to make demands," Freed smirked, pushing his thigh up higher to elect another groan of impatience. "So let me take control, and I assure you that it'll be worthwhile."
The gambler didn't give Laxus any time to respond, pressing his lips against his exposed collar bones and leaving a trail of featherlight kisses across it. His hands returned to the blonde's torso, feeling the impressive expanse of muscle under his command and Laxus felt a moan ripple up his throat after the strong hands rubbed against his pecs. He glared down at his husband, knowing he was acting like this on purpose, and only earned a smirk in response.
Deciding to show mercy – both on Laxus and his own aching need – Freed stopped taunting his husband and moved his hands to his stomach. He peeled the bottom of his shirt up his body, taking a moment to admire the perfect abs that Laxus had cultivated, before continuing his removal of the clothing.
A moment later, Laxus' shirt was flung to the floor and Freed was gifted an unhindered view of the man's godly physique. Still after a year, those perfectly sculpted muscles, rounded shoulders and chiselled chest awoke something deep inside the gambler. Raw and hungry.
God, Laxus was flawless.
Freed was on him again a moment later, kissing him as passionately as he could. One hand had grabbed the blonde's waistband to pull him as close as possible, while the other latched into his short blonde hair and was grabbing at it as if his life depended on it.
The gambler passively became aware that Laxus' hands were over his torso as they explored each other's mouths. He soon realised that Laxus was unbuttoning his shirt when a cold blast of air hit his bare chest, followed by hands rubbing against the strong contours of his stomach. Those same hands quickly went to the gambler's arms, running the sleeves of his shirt down while admiring his large biceps. Freed unhooked his hands from the blonde and shook his shirt off completely, before returning to their kiss.
When they came for air, they pulled back. The two men took a moment to admire each other's bodies, eyes as hungry and needy as they had been the first time they had slept together. They ran off lust and need, and without the need to speak, they were kissing again a moment later, still pushed against the door they had entered through.
"Bed," Laxus growled before biting at his husband's neck. "Now."
Seeing no reason to deny the demand, Freed pulled away from his husband's lips. His right hand was still grabbing the waistband of Laxus' jeans and, rather than letting it go, he walked towards the bed backwards and dragged Laxus with him. Laxus grinned at his husbands' actions.
Laxus found himself on the bed a moment later, his husband straddling him with his knees. They kissed again, this time Laxus looking up to the man he adored as their lips connected and disconnected time and time again. Their hands were over each other like animals, and Laxus found himself enjoying the strong curve of muscle that made up his husband's back.
His hands slipped down further, groping Freed's ass without a semblance of shame. He felt Freed's breath hitch slightly as he did so, and the blonde's eyes shot down to see how obvious Freed's hard dick was poking against his trousers. He smirked, wanting more.
One hand remaining on his lovers perfect, awe-inspiring ass, he brought his right hand to the buckle of Freed's belt. He fumbled slightly, engrossed in the kiss, but managed to unbuckle it. He slid it off without mush difficulty, tossing it to the side in the same way Freed had done to his shirt, before unbuttoning his pants and undoing the fly.
Lifting himself off his husband slightly, Freed allowed Laxus to remove his pants fully. Once they hit the ground, Freed was back to straddling him again, now only wearing a pair of tight grey boxers that Laxus adored. The position he was in highlighted how damn hot the gambler was. His muscles glinting in the light with a small layer of sweat covering them; his underwear sticking against him like a second skin, moulding around his clear hard-on; and his slightly condescending smirk making him seem like a devil.
A devil who could do whatever he wanted to Laxus.
Mesmerized by the sight before him, Laxus found himself unable to move as Freed lowered his head again. He missed the mans face entirely, pressing his lips against the cross section of Laxus' strong pecs. He kissed down lower, then lower, leaving a train of taunting marks down his torso. Laxus' head snapped back slightly when Freed reached the small tuft of blonde hair poking above the waistband of his jeans.
With quick movements, Freed took the buttons that made up Laxus' fly and undid them one by one. He forced eye contact with his husband, daring Laxus to look away from the actions of Freed's tongue.
"Fuck," Laxus breathed, trying not to buck his hips in response.
Freed crawled up his husband again, using a hand to push Laxus' jeans down just enough to fully expose his black boxers. His strong hands rubbed against the clear, large bulge that Laxus had adorned, forcing a loud moan from the blonde that he had no intention of stopping.
With a smirk on his face, Freed wrapped his hands around his husband's cloth covered dick and started to pump it slowly. The pace was intentionally torturous but Laxus knew better to question it, so leant back on his hands with a constant steam of uneven panting leaving his lips as he looked to the ceiling, willing his sensitive dick not to react too badly over the light pumping. A task made harder by Freed's teeth attacking his neck, leaving what would become a hellish hickey in the days to come.
After a few moments of hellish teasing, Freed removed himself from Laxus' body; a whine following from the blonde due to the sudden lack of contact. The gambler quickly pulled Laxus' jeans off him completely, throwing them to the side and allowing his eyes to rake over his husband.
The man was godly. Every inch covered in muscle that rippled with every small movement. His skin slightly tanned, with black ink covering his chest in a tattoo that Freed had grown to adore. His boxers, black and tight, were tenting hard with a small stain of leaking pre-cum visible at the top. Freed found the sight drool worthy, and the animal like expression om his face was a testament to that.
"God your hot," The gambler whispered, eyes adoring his husband.
He acted quickly, crawling down his husband and kissing him with power behind him. Laxus found himself pushed fully against the mattress, Freed's strong thighs straddling his waist. Their hard dicks pushed against each other as they kissed, and it took all of Laxus' strength not to buck his hips hard to get more contact.
"Fuck," He grunted. "Stop fucking teasing, asshole."
In any other situation, Freed would double down on the teasing. But he felt the need as much as Laxus did, so ran his hand down the mans rippling stomach and towards his boxers again. He grabbed the tight waistband and quickly pulled it down, removing them fully. Laxus gasped as his needy, throbbing dick was released into the cold room. Freed smirked, pressing their lips together and rubbing their strong torsos against each other.
Laxus couldn't fight back the loud moan he felt as his husband's muscular body pushed against his. His eyes shot open when his hand slid down past his needy dick, going to his ass and slowly pushing in two of his fingers.
"S-shit," Laxus moaned.
Freed smirked slightly as he slowly fingered his lover, rushing slightly but relishing in the sounds that poured from his husband. They were now completely unfiltered and loud, the blonde seeing no shame in letting Freed know just how much an effect that he had on him. Freed felt his dick pressing against the tight constraints of his boxers, but didn't consider removing them when his lover was demanding attention.
The blonde's jaw went slack and his eyes all but rolled into the back of his head when Freed slowly inserted a third finger into his ass and started to stretch him out. A loud moan filled the room, and it went straight to the gambler's dick.
Wanting more than the fingering his husband gifted him, Laxus pushed down against the three digits that toyed with him. Feeling this, Freed smirked and gently scraped a nail right across his prostate, making the blonde moan loud and with passion. His eyes shot open and he looked right into Freed's eyes, begging for more.
"Sure you're ready?" Freed whispered, Laxus nodding silently.
Again, Freed pushed himself off of his husband. Laxus groaned loudly, sitting up and trying to keep his lover close. Freed chuckled, gave a quick kiss against the mans reddened lips and stood up. He maintained eye contact with the blonde as he slowly removed his boxers, grinning openly when Laxus gulped as his cock shot from the waistband of his boxers. He slowly pumped his cock for his husband's enjoyment, relishing in the hunger in the other man's eyes.
Moving with purpose, Freed opened the bedside cabinet and pulled out a bottle of lube supplied by the hotel – they obviously knew that this suite was used for young couples. He slowly dripped a large amount onto his hand, lathering his cock with the clear, strawberry scented liquid while looking directly at his husband.
"Fucking faster," Laxus demanded through gritted teeth.
Freed complied, moving to the bed and smirking. He leant down and gently dragged his tongue over Laxus' shaft, the moan elected sending a shiver down his spine. Freed continued to crawl down his husband's body, pressing their lips together with a smile.
He moved Laxus into a position that suited him. The blonde's legs were placed over his shoulders, bent almost entirely so that Freed could still kiss his lover.
Without warning, he thrust his weeping dick into Laxus' ass. It was a powerful thrust, and both men moaned loudly at the action. Laxus' jaw went slack again and Freed gritted his teeth, getting used to the warm, tight ass that he had come to love. He waited for a few seconds, allowing them both time to catch their breath, before raising an eyebrow at his lower in silent question. Laxus nodded, giving Freed all the acknowledgment needed.
He started to thrust fully into the blonde, bucking his hips and fully enveloping his cock into the tightness of his lover's ass, before almost removing it completely. With each thrust, he slammed into Laxus' prostate and sent a rush of lust fuelled electric through him.
Laxus moaned, pushing himself into the mattress and relinquishing all power over his body to Freed. Noticing this, Freed's grasp around Laxus' ankles tightened, and his thrusting's became faster, stronger and more erratic.
Both men were clear in their enjoyment, Laxus letting out a string of whispered profanity every time his prostate was breeched, and Freed unable to stop himself from panting and moaning as his dick was enveloped by the warm tightness of his lover's body. Seeing such a man – a god among men – under him and moaning so unashamedly was his idea of perfect. To have this amazing man writing for him, it was heavenly.
"F-Faster," Laxus demanded, feeling his orgasm fighting down his defences.
Freed did as told, quickening his pace to remove any elegance. Both men were running from pure lust, need and want now. Freed pushed their bodies together, beginning a strong kiss again between them both. His eyes were clenched shut as he tried to hold in his orgasm, determined to make sure his husband came before him so they could both finish with a powerful orgasm.
The thrusts became quicker and quicker. The urge to let go became faster and faster, orgasm encroaching on both men like a tidal wave.
Laxus broke first.
A shaking breath stopped their kiss as his balls pulled up and his pulsating, spasming cock erupted with a thick stream of cum, landing on both men's torsos. Laxus moaned loudly as spurt after spurt of cum left his dick, the orgasm wrecking his body and leaving him breathless.
Freed was quick to follow. The intensity of Laxus' ass tightening around his thrusting dick pushed him over the edge, forcing the gambler's own cum from his throbbing dick and into Laxus' tight ass. A low, elongated moan split open the man's mouth and filled the room, his thrusting slowing down as his orgasm made his body tense and relax at the same time. He was left panting, looking into his husbands' eyes with adoration.
After a moment of catching their breath, both men relaxed. Freed allowed himself to drop onto his husbands sweat and cum covered body, neither caring for the lack of hygiene. He carefully removed his half-hard dick from Laxus' ass, allowing the man to intertwine their legs and wrap his arms around him.
"Holy shit," Laxus panted, wiping Freed's sweat covered hair from his forehead. "Damn."
"Yeah," Freed breathed out, smiling slightly. "Worth the wait?"
"God yeah," Laxus grinned.
They stayed embraced in each other's arms for a short while longer, both somewhat exhausted from the intensity of their actions. Freed could hear the pace in which Laxus' heart was beating – his face resting against the man's strong chest – and he found a small amount of satisfaction from knowing that he was the only cause of it.
"We should get washed off at some point," Laxus suggested, though made no effort to move.
"True, but not now," Freed said with a small smirk. "I hardly think we're finished."
Laxus raised an eyebrow, smirking. "You're ready for more?"
"Is that a problem?"
"Hell no," Laxus smirked wider, hand sliding down his husbands glistening torso. "As long as it ain't a problem if I'm doing the work this time."
Freed smirked, pressed his lips against Laxus' and ran a hand over the other man's strong barrel chest.
"Not at all."
Laxus took the glass of champagne from his husband, taking a small sip of the luxurious drink and leaning back against marble bath tub. Both men were sharing the hot water, Freed leaning against Laxus' chest and their legs intertwined in a small act of intimacy. Steam filled the room, the hot water relaxing both of their muscles and creating a comfortable setting.
The two men had entered the bath recently, having previously showered and attended their dinner reservation. After eating, they had shared some slow kissing and, as they were both exhausted from their previous actions, decided they would share a bath and relax.
Freed must have suspected that Laxus would want to do it, as he had ordered a bottle of champagne and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries to their room, which arrived mere moments after they had returned. Freed had placed both the champagne bucket and the strawberries on a small table beside the large bathtub, so that they could enjoy them as they relaxed. Laxus had certainly been happy with that arrangement.
Now relaxed in the warm, soap filled water, the two men allowed the quietness of the room to envelop them. All tension in their bodies relaxed and they allowed their minds to wonder, though they still kept their attention on the other.
Seeing Freed eyeing the plate of strawberries, Laxus grinned slightly and reached over. He picked one up and gently brought it to Freed's lips. The gambler smiled, opened his mouth and allowed himself to be fed. Laxus grinned as Freed took a bite, obviously enjoying the sweet combination of flavours.
"Thank you for this," Freed said, resting his head against Laxus' shoulder and speaking softly.
"Just handed you something to eat. Not exactly hard," Laxus chuckled, though pressed his lips against Freed's slightly damp cheek.
"You know what I mean. Thank you for planning such a good weekend," Freed smiled, looking up to his husband with a loving expression across his face. "You clearly put a large amount of effort to make this perfect and it's been great."
"You don't need to thank me," Laxus said, blushing slightly. "I'm sure you could've done something just as good if you were in charge."
"Don't devalue yourself," Freed said with a small amount of authority. "You still did something incredibly thoughtful and I'm enjoying it greatly," He then grinned slightly. "So either accept the compliment, or I'll make sure that I take a picture of you sleeping with your new dragon toy in your arms and I'll send it to your grandfather."
Laxus paused for a moment, before smiling. "You're an asshole."
Persevering that as Laxus deciding not to refute the compliment further, Freed didn't press the issue and instead pressed his lips against Laxus' jaw. The blonde returned the gesture by placing a soft kiss onto the crown of the man's head.
Freed closed his eyes, relaxing himself against his husband as he felt a strong arm wrap around his shoulder. After placing his glass of champagne back onto the table, he let himself slope against Laxus completely and possibly attempt to sleep. He vaguely heard Laxus snort slightly but couldn't find it in himself to open his eyes to retort, deciding that the bath would act as his spa treatment for the day and that he would make the most of it.
They stayed silent for a short while, Freed enjoying the warm water and the occasional ripples that came with either man moving. Laxus didn't seem bothered by his husband's lack of movement, or at least didn't say anything, so Freed saw no reason to move.
The gambler's eyes opened when he heard a soft chiming coming from outside the bath. He frowned slightly, looking up to see Laxus push himself up in the bath tub and reach for his phone, the apparent source of the sound. He turned what Freed assumed was an alarm off, before placing his phone down again and looking at Freed with an expression that could only be described to as lovestruck. The gambler frowned, not sure what would have caused it.
"Exactly three-hundred and sixty-five days, to the minute, we kissed for the first time as a married couple," Laxus said in explanation.
Freed's pupils dilated slightly, wondering how Laxus knew the exact minute they had gotten married. He didn't doubt that he was correct though; he would hide it publicly, but Laxus was an incredibly romantic man and the type to know exactly when they had said 'I Do' to each other. He smiled, sharing the same lovestruck expression his husband did.
"Happy anniversary, Laxus," He whispered.
"Happy anniversary."
The two men raised their champagne glasses and clinked them against each other. The sound of their glasses carried a promise; this was to be the first of many anniversaries they would share, and they would each be filled with the same amount of love for each other. Forever and always.
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The PenPal
Sorry it’s been so long since the last chapter. Here is the next chapter of The PenPal!
New beginnings
A few days later
*back to Ikuto
               “Iku! Letter!” Shigure said excitedly running from the mailbox outside and into the bed and breakfast.
               “Thanks buddy.” Ikuto said scratching his mess of blonde hair before he bounded off to play with Akane. After Ikuto finished what he was doing he took a small break and rested on a lawn chair outside. “I hope she’s feeling better today.” He muttered to himself as he opened the envelope.
Dear Ikuto,
       I took a tumble down the side of a mountain is all, the doctors just want to make sure that I am perfectly healthy before they let me go. My eyes were severely damaged… so time will tell if I get my sight back. If my sight doesn’t return my dream will remain a dream…
               Ikuto wiped the tears that were streaming down his face as he heard Tsuki’s voice in the distance.
              “Ikuto-kun, you okay?” Tsuki asked her head poking out of a nearby window in the bed and breakfast.
              “I’m fine Tsuki.” He smiled wiping his tears quickly. “What do you need?” He asked.
              “You just look like you need a hug, so,” She grunted climbing over the windowsill and jumping onto the grass before bounding over to where he sat, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. “Feel better?” She asked her bright blue eyes gazing up at him.
              “Much better.” He smiled touching her nose playfully. “Now run off and play cutie.” He chuckled as she bounded off into the distance. Once she was gone he read the rest of the letter.
         It sounds like your parents have their hands full, and I’m sure your siblings like having you around. When I was Shigure’s age I ran around the yard looking for all the bugs and critters I could find to show my dad. He was never happy to see me on those days, but I guess all I wanted him to notice me. That’s another story all together, I don’t want to bore you with that story.  
       That’s a smart idea, you taking online classes especially if you work a lot. I have been so busy with high school and my college courses that I haven’t gotten myself a part time job.
          You write music, that’s really cool I’m kind of jealous I can sing well enough, but can’t write a single cord without it sounding like a dying whale. What genre of music do you write, I’d love to hear it sometime. I don’t doubt that you will be an amazing musician. When you make it big I’ll be sure to buy your first album alright? I’m finally feeling better; the flu has finally bit the dust and I’m on the road to full recover and hopefully out of this sanitary prison they call a hospital. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
          “Ikuto!” His dad shouted from the back door. “Can you cover the front desk while your mom and I go shopping?”
           “Sure thing dad.” Ikuto said as he slid the letter into his back pocket. “I’ll reply when I have some spare time.”
            A few weeks go by and Kyoko’s letter was still on his desk, waiting a reply. His parents surprised him that night when they came home from their shopping trip. Telling him that they were going to go on a vacation to Kyoto for their twenty-fifth anniversary, so that left Ikuto to take care of his siblings and run the bed and breakfast by himself. Luckily they did have several part time employees that helped take care of the patron’s needs and meals, but they were all still pretty new to the job so Ikuto was there most of the day supervising when he wasn’t otherwise chasing his siblings. With his finals coming up in online school courses he spent most every night after closing up the bed and breakfast studying and waking up to Akame’s nightmares.
            Every morning started with a large cup of coffee just to wake himself up before the chaos of the day. The moment his parents returned from their trip he went to his room for a much-needed nap. After waking up the next morning he finally replied to Kyoko’s letter she sent three weeks ago. “I’m so sorry Kyoko, please forgive me.”
Three days later
*back to Kyoko
               After her confrontation with her father Misaki demanded over and over for Kyoko to be released from the hospital to avoid further injury from him. The staff declined, because they didn’t want to get fired for disobeying Dr. Ootori’s direct orders to keep his daughter here until she is ‘fully recovered’ after a thorough examination by himself. Which everyone knew that he had some really high standards, so Misaki resigned herself to getting the permission to stay the night every night until Kyoko was recovered enough for a release.
               For the past few weeks every day that Misaki came back from the store with no letter Kyoko’s spirits dropped. Every day was a rollercoaster of emotions when she heard Misaki come in her hopes would rise and then quickly plummet, until at long last Misaki rushed in excitedly. “Ikuto finally replied Kyoko!”
               “Great.” Kyoko said gloomily with a hint of sarcasm.
               “Don’t you want to hear what he wrote?” She asked as she set the groceries she bought into the mini-fridge they had in the hospital room.
               “Whatever.” She said.
               “Just give him a chance, I’m sure he has a good reason for not writing you for so long.” Misaki said sitting in the chair on the balcony next to Kyoko.
               “Doesn’t matter.” Kyoko shrugged as Misaki ripped open the envelope.
Dear Kyoko,
         I’m so sorry it took me so long to respond to your letter, my parents went on a surprise vacation for three weeks, so I had to hold down the fort at home and the bed and breakfast while they were away. It was quite tiring.
         I’m so sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you can recover fully soon. Especially your eyes, those are needed to do most everything.
         I’m flattered to hear that you want to hear my music, but I have to say I’m not that good. My mom may call me her little superstar, but I still have a long way to go before I’m star material. I can play any genre on the piano and guitar. With my original songs I tend to lean towards calm and soothing melodies, my teacher calls it smooth pop. Sometimes I use my guitar and sing some big country hits just to mix things up at the bed and breakfast. If you want to hear my music maybe we could video chat sometime, but wait do they allow laptops in the hospital? Or when you are released you can always come over to the bed and breakfast, but we can figure that out later I guess.
         I’m sorry again that it took so long to write back to you, I was just so busy lately, please forgive me.
               After Misaki read the letter Kyoko sat their silently, sighing heavily.
               “You know we could go…” Misaki started.
               “No.” Kyoko argued. “I can’t….” She said pointing at her face, the scars across her eyes that she’s felt so many times she knew there is no way that the whole world wouldn’t notice them the second she stepped outside.
               “You look beautiful as always, and your dad will understand or at least accept your condition one day… we hope.” Misaki said as she walked to the microwave, placing some instant noodles inside. “On another note, I got a call from the service dog agency like you asked me to do, they have a dog that is ready for you to start going through the training with.”
               “Great.” Kyoko said, knowing at least in her situation having a new set of eyes to help her avoid obstacles would be helpful. “When?”
               “I told them to bring the dog here tomorrow as soon as they can.” Misaki said as she grabbed her noodles from the microwave. “This should hopefully help you get some of your independence back.”
               “Yea...” Kyoko sighed heavily. “Dad’s not going to like this.”
               “We can only hope he’ll come to his senses.” Misaki replied. “Hopefully before school starts.”
               “Yea.” Kyoko sighed, desperate to change the topic from her overbearing father.
               “Let’s eat, then we’ll write the letter.” Misaki said as she handed Kyoko her cup of noodles.
               “Ok.” Kyoko replied as Misaki placed a cup of noodles into her hands, handing her a fork since chopsticks are difficult for her.
                After the garbage was thrown away, Misaki pulled out her notepad and pen. “Ready when you are.”    
                Once the letter was written Misaki was so happy to hear from Kyoko’s tone of voice that she was starting to feel just a little bit cheerful. Since finding out what the accident did to her eyesight she barely spoke a word for that whole three weeks. She was still not her normal perky self but she’s at least been less snippy than she was when she first got the news from the doctors. Misaki was filled with hope for the future that Kyoko could have with her new friend that she couldn’t keep tears from flowing.
               “What’s wrong?” Kyoko asked, hearing Misaki sniffle a couple of times.
               “I’m just happy Kyoko.” Misaki said as she slid the notebook and letter into her bag. “Your mom would be so happy for you.” Misaki said.
                 “I hope...” Kyoko smiled gazing softly towards Misaki.
A week later
*back to Ikuto
               He had finally finished off his online classes for the summer semester and was ready to enjoy the rest of the summer writing songs and working when he was needed at the bed and breakfast. He went back to the song he wrote a few weeks ago that was inspired by Kyoko, trying to put lyrics to the tune. He racked his brain for several days whenever he had free time, but no lyrics came to him. As he scrubbed the dishes from dinner one day the mail carrier walked in and set the mail on the bar, seeing Ikuto at the sink behind it.
               “Thank you very much.” Ikuto said drying his hands off as the mail carrier walked back outside. He flipped through the pile of letters until he found one from Kyoko. He smiled as he slid the letter into his pocket, going back to his chores. “I’m hope she isn’t mad at my late response.” He sighed in relief.
               That night after closing up the bed and breakfast he went to his room to read Kyoko’s letter.
Dear Ikuto,
       I was so happy to get your letter, I was worried that you forgot about me…. My friends haven’t visited me this whole two months I’ve been here. On top of that my boyfriend dumped me before I was even out of surgery shortly after my accident, and now he’s married to my best friend. He’s the heir to a large company so the marriage was all over the news so if you have a television you probably saw it…. They both graduated at the end of this school year in May and now… I thought what we had was something special, he told me he would wait until I graduated to propose so my studies wouldn’t be hindered. I guess he only really loved me for my family’s money after all.
My family’s business is Ootori Medical Inc. My father is the CEO of the whole company, which is I guess one reason I’m stuck in this hospital, even though all my injuries have healed.
I’m sorry, didn’t mean to rant about something so trivial, but it’s nice to get it off my chest… I…haven’t really spoken much to anyone lately… The only one that I’ve really spoken to has been Misaki, she’s been like a mother to me since I was born. She’s been my scribe for my letters until my eyes heal.
       Misaki has told me time and again that singing was one of my mom’s favorite things to do. There was a rumor of my mom getting a record deal but was forced to give it up when she married my dad. When I would walk to school I would often sing to my favorite songs, I guess in a way it made me feel closer to the mother I never knew….
I’m sorry, this ended up being a letter of venting, I’ll try to avoid that next time it’s just been a rough three weeks…
Were you able to get any sleep while holding the fort down? If not you should take all the time you need to sleep, I’m sure you’ve earned it. You mother should be giving birth soon shouldn’t she?
I would love to visit the bed and breakfast sometime, I’m sick of this prison of a hospital my dad has forced me to stay in.  
           After reading Kyoko’s letter he sat there, unsure what to think or how to respond. He looked over at the clock by his bed and saw it was already midnight. When did it get so late? He thought to himself as he quickly undressed and went to bed, leaving the letter on his nightstand.
               A few days go by and Ikuto finally had a few minutes to sit down to respond to Kyoko’s letter.  
               “You writing to Kyoko?” His mother asked as Ikuto sealed the envelope, she sat down slowly on the couch next to Ikuto.
               “Yea,” Ikuto smiled as he set the envelope on the table. “Do you think it’s too early to ask her to meet in person?” He asked looking over at his mother.
               “Well you have only known her a couple of months so it’s hard to say, does she want to meet you?” she asked.
               “I’m not sure, she mentioned that it would be nice to get out of the hospital so maybe…?”
               “What is she in the hospital for?” She asked.
               “Well, I don’t know the details, but she was in an accident of some sort and her eyes were severely damaged, they aren’t sure if she’ll see once her eyes are recovered. I should ask her if her eyes are better.” He said as he jotted that down on his notepad.
               “Oh the poor thing…” She sighed.
               “Yea… she seems to be dealing with it in her own way, but I can imagine it’s really hard for her, she wants to be a doctor so she needs to be able to see.”
               “Yea she certainly does, I hope all is well. Any sort of serious injury is hard to deal with at first. Especially if you were in perfect health before.”
               “What should I do?” Ikuto asked.
               “Let me read.” She replied as Ikuto handed her the letter. After reading it she set it down, her hand rubbing the end of her chin in thought. “It sounds like she is in need of a friend Ikuto, her life has just been flipped upside down.”
               “Alright, thanks mom.” Ikuto smiled.
               “Maybe you should wait to ask her to visit till she’s able to.”
               “Alright.” He sighed. “I just don’t want to hurt her, it sounds like she’s been through a lot.”
               “You’re so cute when you worry Ikuto.” His mother chuckled.
               Ikuto’s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment, she was only partially right. He was worried about her, but it felt different than anything he had ever felt before. From his previous rejection he wasn’t ready to admit that this could be the beginnings of love that he was feeling. “I just care for her as a friend.” His blush deepened.
               “Whatever you say Ikuto.” She winked as he left to put the letter in the mailbox.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
NIGHT HEAD 2041 – 01 (First Impressions) – It’s That Kind of Night
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I’ll give NIGHT HEAD 2041 this: it gives you bang for the buck. There’s a metric fuckton of stuff to look at in its 22 minutes, and a pulsing, pounding score by Yamada Yukata (Vinland Saga, Great Pretender) adds weight and dignity to every one of those minutes. The CGI modeling of most characters is akin to Knights of Sidonia, a show I enjoyed quite a bit, and like that show’s sci-fi setting, the sometimes off-putting style fits the cyberpunk milieu like a glove.
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The thing is, it’s not just visuals and sound that NH2K41 has in spades; it’s characters, factions, and ideas. It’s not lacking in ambition, but it often feels scattered, like it’s trying to say too much to fast. I’m reminded of the 2004 live-action Casshern film, which my friends and I love, but also joke that it’s about “absolutely everything, all the time, only louder and faster”.
Perhaps that’s a side effect of having to introduce us to this world, its pair of protagonist brothers on opposite sides of a post-WWIII conflict between the hyper-atheist, rationalist powers that be and anyone and everyone who believes in higher powers, the supernatural or the occult, or any kind of fiction. That last part is a bit hard to chew; but fine.
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I can totally believe that society has put all of its eggs in the pseudo-military police industrial complex that is Special Weapons Enforcement, to which the Kuroki brothers belong. There’s a distinct vibe to both them and their two comrades that made me think they were criminals going after other criminals a la PSYCHO-PASS. But the less this is compared to that, the better; at least for now.
P-P could go off the rails at times, at least had some focus to its bold brash ruminations on society. It was also anchored by my avatar of many years, Tsunemori Akane, one of my all-time favorite anime characters. Night Head has a lot of characters, including the aforementioned pair of brothers, but they’re not exactly brimming with personality or originality.
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One thing I did like was how the episode suddenly changed gears after one of the Kuroki Takuya accidentally conjured an EMP to save his little brother Yuuya, basically committing a crime by doing something that shouldn’t be possible. That segues smoothly to the Kirihara brothers, Naoto and Naoya, a psychokinetic and a clairvoyant, respectively.
Freshly sprung from some kind of lab where they’d spend an untold portion of their lives and with a fast car and a stack of cash in their possession, Naoto continually assures his adorable little brother that the time is now, as in, for people like them to step out of the shadows and join the world community without fear of ostracization or oppression.
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Unfortunately, when you and your brother are essentially X-Men, it’s hard not to make ordinary humans fearful, angry, or a combination of both simply by existing. That’s what happens when the brothers dare to grab a bite to eat—though it’s at least partially their fault for waltzing into a bar where there’s an obvious shit-starter lounging on a couch with his honey.
Weirdly enough, these two are rendered in the anime-standard two dimensions instead of the three of our superpowered brothers. I’d normally cry foul but it makes sense thematically, so I’m going to allow this. Still the interaction is awfully pat, and drags on a bit too long, such that I left the scene less worried about backlash for the brothers, and more upset that what was probably a pretty good pizza went to waste.
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After the Kiriharas’ pub crawl, we return to the thought police in the aftermath of the EMP, which erased all records of what happened during the raid to capture “Miracle Mick”, who may just be a money-grubbing charlatan or could actually have powers. Heck, Takuya clearly has the power to create an EMP—a super useful ability if you don’t want anyone to know you have an ability, owing to the overreliance on electronic tech.
While it’s usually a good idea not to expect every episode to look as good at the first, both Sidonia and the more recent Akudama Drive are exceptions to that rule. But it’s not consistent production quality I’m worried about. I know Night Head 2041 is probably going to look and sound awesome every week. But will it ever get around to organizing its myriad ideas and scenarios?
Learning that the girl only the Kuroki bros saw during the raid astral projected into the future is the kind of hook that ensures I’ll be back next week and probably the week after that. I just hope there’s more in store than eye an ear candy…but some head meat and potatoes, too.
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By: braverade
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Tu dia..3 MB Kedah baru...
Tu dia..3 MB Kedah baru....
Hangpa lambong buah dadu tinggi2 tengok ataih 
kepala sapa ia jatuh. Gasak kat hangpalah...
Kerajaan PH di Kedah tumbang petang ini... 2 orang Adun PKR umum keluar parti.Negeri Kedah hanya dibiarkan sebagai taruhan rundingan team Muhyidin dan Tun Mahathir.. Semua orang dah tahu pun 2 ekor adun Kedah yang keluar PKR siapa bos mereka. Baru beberapajam depa ambil alih negeri Kedah guna pintu belakang, dah bergaduh sesama sendiri berebut kuasa masing2 nak jadi MENTERI BESAR...tengoklah sendiri, betapa rakusnya manusia2 bangsat ni... Apa jaminan nanti PAS, BERSATU dan UMNO takkan berebut kuasa sesama sendiri lagi... Biarlah mereka bergaduh..Bila jatuhnya Kerajaan Kedah.. bermulalah pertarungan sebenar...
Dan melepaslah jawatan exco untuk YB yang sanggup sokong pengkhianat. Sudah karma dunia, yang khianat akan di khianati. Silap hari bulan Chedet dengan boboynya akan ditendang keluaq dari Bersatu.
Selepas berjaya menawan Kedah, PAS dikatakan sedang menggerakkan jenteranya utk menawan Pulau Pinang pulak...Tapi sebelum nak tawan Penang...minta lebai2 uruskan Kelantan kasi elok dulu terutamanya bekalan ayaqnya yang rupanya cam teh tarik kedai mamak Restoran Kayu,Penang... - f/bk
Mitos DAP menguasai Pakatan Harapan adalah ciptaan Umno setelah kalah kepada PH dalam PRU 2018. Sekarang mitos ini digembar-gemburkan pula oleh pengkhianat PH yang bersekongkol dengan Umno dan Pas. Mereka ini menang atas tiket PH, yang termasuk DAP, tetapi kerana gilakan kuasa dan dendam kesumat, sanggup berpakat dengan musuh. Bacul dan hinalah orang Melayu yang ramai bilangannya tetapi percaya bahawa DAP lebih berkuasa daripada mereka. Apakah Melayu yang berjaya menyelamatkan Raja-raja mereka daripada tipu helah penjajah Inggeris, menentang Malayan Union dan memperjuangkan kemerdekaan boleh diperintah dengan begitu mudah oleh DAP?  Melayu yang percaya cerita dongeng ini adalah Melayu yang dayus dan mudah diperkotak-katikkan. - a.kadir jasin Pemikiran politik Bani Melayu adalah "Aku tak kisah perangai dia macam anjing ke, macam babi ke ... yang penting dia mesti Melayu"  Benarkah DAP hancur Melayu? 
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Nasi dah jadi bubur.We have ourselves to blame,but we prefer to blame others.Problem is,these so call Malay nationalist are nothing but opportunists waiting to line their pockets. Pinning the blame on the Chinese works in their favour.  Sebab tu aku bilang "Melayu bangang." There's no better words to describe them. I make use of my Chinese friends to benefit me not to hentam them.They helped me without asking for favour in return. - Fatholzaman
Sue C4, but MoH still has to come 
clean on RM30 mil scandal...
Health Minister Dr Adham Baba has threatened to sue the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) today after the organisation linked him to a company being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) over a contract worth RM30 mil. C4 ran a damning statement yesterday, calling to question the minister’s integrity in the whole controversy by linking the man, through his private clinic chain Klinik Adham Sdn Bhd, to a certain Iskandar Miza Ahmad, then former director of South Asia Noble Sdn Bhd (SANSB). The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Khazanah Jaya Sdn Bhd, the property developer at the heart of the scandal. SANSB and Khazanah Jaya are both controlled and owned by Tan Boon Keong and Tan Jiat Jui. And Khazanah Jaya, an obscure property developer, has been allegedly involved in the controversy. Iskandar Miza is also a shareholder/director of Klinik Adham. Now, for a country that has raged over RM2.6 bil (think: 1MDB), RM30 mil seems a bit small to be a tinderbox for national uproar but that is the case since the controversy is over the procurement of lab equipment to help mitigate the impact of Covid-19. And that is the charge: misappropriation. To add to that drama is the MACC swooping in to investigate five companies. There are no official names for now as MoH and MACC have been silent; the latter due to its standard operating procedures since investigations are ongoing. But silence is never golden. And in that space, many voiced their concerns and discontent. C4 was among them. But the organisation built its argument on a weak premise. Sure there was some relationship but did that relationship lead to the financial scandal we are witnessing right now? While MACC decides these things, Adham has distanced himself from the problem, saying what C4 did was “character assassination” and that he has no vested interest in procurement matters. He has also sent a letter of demand to C4 and if the organisation failed to comply, he will sue.
The link between the directors and/or shareholders 
and companies involved is shown above...
I’m not really bothered about these two and the outcome. Sure, who wins this fight would set legal precedence of some sort and will be quoted in textbooks and journals. But I’m going to hone in on the bigger picture: the lack of accountability and transparency. You might cite emergency and the need to expedite things, but it doesn’t mean you lack the time to address some of the important points related to the country’s public coffers. What has happened here is that RM30 mil has been abused, hence the investigation. Cooperating with investigators is one thing but what also needs to be in place is a system that ensures sufficient public scrutiny. That is lacking. And the problem is that if this misappropriation of funds can happen under Adham’s watch once, it can happen again. And a lawsuit will not change that. Instead what Adham needs to do is address the crowd and explain and clarify. Sure, we will be sceptical but that’s the nature of communications. And to also make available the statements, findings and reports, including procurement contracts, especially those negotiated during an emergency, for public scrutiny. But even that, too, he is not bothered. In fact, I found out that, for the first time in my journalism career, a ministry’s WhatsApp can be “full.” That was what I was told by Adham’s press secretary when I requested to be included in the group yesterday to access his statements, speeches etc. In effect, I, a member of the media, had been barred from a ministry’s media WhatsApp group. To put in context, I’m in the PMO’s WhatsApp group. No problems there. I’m also in other various ministries’ groups. But the Health Ministry is an exception. I wonder why. Maybe it’s because it’s full with journalists from 500 countries. So, yes, sue C4. But that is not going to change anyone’s perception of how secretive and troubled MoH is. – Emmanuel Samarathisa,Focus Malaysia
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claraoswald81 · 5 years
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Paying consideration to the seats and chairs and updating with contemporary padding, springs and addresses. Aku menyandar pada dinding batu. Garden and Patio Furnishings Cushions, eBay. I have been a total of 4 moments, this past Saturday getting my 4th. A substantial chair normally features a frame of molded plastic or metallic tubing and an connected seat with a stability belt and a footrest. I hung all over following the rave this time, and 1 of the witches went to the bar and proceeded to continue on dancing topless on the bar. There should really be at least 32 inches clearance involving the edge of your dining room table and the nearest walls and other home furnishings. Material made from bamboo fibers is obviously Mild, has dampness-wicking (it is really three moments as absorbent as cotton) and insulating properties, and is breathable and considerably antibacterial and therefore naturally odor resistant. Begitu ayu dan manis pada pandangan ku. Aku mendekatkan wajah ku ke wajahnya lalu bibir kami bertemu. Sherrill pieces all have the coil springs as a standard construction aspect. You can even obtain sets that seat as a lot of as ten at just one table. When people occur they acquire mad and certainly take stuff out on us. We have had the house blessed, sage d ,tobacco ,cedar, even ghost feedings. Aku cuba memujuk hati bahawa keadaan yang akan diharungi adalah sama seperti malam-malam yang lain cuma situasi yang berbeza. One more interesting point is that not all shadow folks are found out of the corner of the eye, but sometimes are found specifically on. Listed here you will learn how to get paid folding chair addresses devoid of sewing. Boleh I ikut?” aku menggodanya. From his childhood he claimed to see visions and hear voices, and became a Baptist preacher of excellent influence among the Black(African) Slaves. Most patio tables come equipped with holes for them, but you can also earn stands to hold them up devoid of the aid of a table. Right now I have material Queen Size Sleeper Sofas Furniture in my bedroom, material in a closet and my cutting table and sewing tables in the living room.
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analiecious · 6 years
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Paying attention to the seats and chairs and updating with clean padding, springs and covers. Aku menyandar pada dinding batu. Backyard garden and Patio Furnishings Cushions, eBay. I have been a total of 4 times, this outside of Saturday currently being my 4th. A large chair ordinarily consists of a frame of molded plastic or metallic tubing and an connected seat with a protection belt and a footrest. I hung all around immediately after the rave this time, and a single of the witches went to the bar and proceeded to proceed dancing topless on the bar. There must be at least 32 inches clearance between the edge of your dining room table and the nearest walls and other furniture. Ooo ambil peluang ye, tak baik zaidin buat macam tu, tegur ku. Habis tu kalau mintak nak tengok mesti mak ngah tak kasi punya, jadi peluang yang ada tadi memang saya tak lepas punya, jawab zaidin. Kitchen chair cushions are browsing be procured for convenience. Sherrill pieces all have the coil springs as a standard construction element. You can even locate sets that seat as many as ten at a person table. When people appear they earn mad and really acknowledge stuff out on us. We have had the dwelling blessed, sage d ,tobacco ,cedar, even ghost feedings. Aku cuba memujuk hati bahawa keadaan yang akan diharungi adalah sama seperti malam-malam yang lain cuma situasi yang berbeza. One more appealing fact is that not all shadow people are viewed out of the corner of the eye, but from time to time are found specifically on. Make your dining room, classy with effectively developed dining chair cushions and chair covers. Home furniture of America Oskarre III Brown Cherry 9-Piece Formal Dining Set. Place the previous covers on the fabric and mark about them with some chalk, common blackboard chalk will do. Just guarantee the addresses are nice and flat and do not move when you mark close to them. Most patio tables occur equipped with holes for them, but you can also gain stands to hold them up without the need of the aid of a table. Right now I have fabric Buy Latium 3-Seat Sofa Furniture Design Trends 2019 in my bedroom, products in a closet and my reducing table and sewing tables in the dwelling room.
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Paying awareness to the seats and chairs and updating with contemporary padding, springs and addresses. Aku menyandar pada dinding batu. Backyard garden and Patio Home furniture Cushions, eBay. I have been a total of 4 situations, this outside of Saturday currently being my 4th. A high chair usually features a frame of molded plastic or metallic tubing and an connected seat with a safety belt and a footrest. I hung all over following the rave this time, and one of the witches went to the bar and proceeded to continue on dancing topless on the bar. There should be at least 32 inches clearance involving the edge of your dining room table and the nearest walls and other home furniture. Uncle samy begitu baik dengan keluarga ku. Aku seorang isteri yang bekerja dan mempunyai dua orang cahaya mata. Home furnishings brands use two primary kinds of spring assistance programs: standard springs, zig zag Springs and eight-way hand tied springs, coil springs. Even if you you should not have the price range to invest in fresh new dining chairs just about every time; refurnishing old dining chairs with applicable stuff and hardware is a high-quality thought. To help finish a toddler from slipping out under the tray and getting his or her head caught, superior chairs now typically have a heart crotch post attached to the tray or to the seat. Aku cuba memujuk hati bahawa keadaan yang akan diharungi adalah sama seperti malam-malam yang lain cuma situasi yang berbeza. An additional attention-grabbing truth is that not all shadow people are viewed out of the corner of the eye, but once in a while are observed straight on. Right before you "retailer" at IKEA or in a catalog, take into account acquiring some made use of heirloom high quality home furnishings at your area antique shop. And his was the to start with African governing administration to publicly identify the AIDS epidemic as a major threat to Africa. There are blow-molded plastic folding chairs and tables that are very well suited for outside applications which include these. - kitchen, on dining table and chairs. Africans communicate Buy Hartfo Sofa Modern Furniture 2019 at minimum 1,000 distinctive languages, practice a variety of rituals and traditions, and foster very clear cultures.
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kenbinru · 7 years
I Can’t Believe I Have the Girlfriend of My Dreams! (An Unromantic Love Comedy LN) Chapter 12
Akane pulled out her cat-shaped planner. There were so many little notes and post-its scrambled all over today's date. I still couldn't believe that Kaneko-san and Daisuke are a couple! That's almost as preposterous as me being with Akane! Akane said this would be great practice for Yuki-san in my original world. But, I'm glad that my partner in crime would be here to help me. I just never expected his help in this way. We were walking towards the entertainment district of town. Our first stop was a movie. One of the newest releases was the new Masked Avenger remake. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of them remaking the original TV show, but nevertheless I was still interested in seeing it. I look at Kaneko-san and her eyes lit up the moment she saw the poster.
She has a terrible poker face…
"Oh hey! The new Masked Avenger movie is out. How about we see that Kazuki? Are you two cool with that?" asked Akane.
She knew!
Daisuke wasn't as adamant as the rest of us. He grew up from this kid stuff.
"Eh…it's a kid movie right? How about that new horror movie That? I've heard good things about that spooky killer clown!"
Kaneko-san gave a light punch to Daisuke in the gut.
"I-I hate horror movies idiot Daisuke!"
Akane interjected, managing to pull back Kaneko-san from her flurry of pouty punches.
"C'mon Daisuke, Masked Avenger has better reviews. Besides, That jumped the shark when they did that cross-over movie with The Circle series.
Somehow, I'm not surprised Akane was a fan of horror movies.
Daisuke, shocked by Akane's knowledge of the cheap horror movies, accepted his defeat.
"Fine… Let's see Kaz's and Mary's favorite kid show. It's like you two never grew up…" as he grabbed me in a headlock again.
The women decided to save our seats while Daisuke and I went to go get the snacks.
It wouldn't be a movie without popcorn.
Walking past the line, I could see kids with their moms eagerly awaiting the movie to start. The kids were enthusiastic since they were handing out free paper Masked Avenger masks. I would have totally taken one, but was too embarrassed to. It was a bit awkward, since the four of us were the only teenagers that were going to watch the movie.
"I guess everyone else is watching That." said Daisuke.
We reach the busy snack bar, and Daisuke gets the regular size for him and Kaneko-san. However, I get the large since Akane could probably eat the entire bucket of popcorn by herself.
Where does all the food go?
The popcorn bucket was almost bigger than my body, since I decided to play it safe and order the "kaiju-sized" one instead of the large one. Despite being full of popcorn, it was heavier than I expected!
"Uh…do you need some help?" said Daisuke.
There was an awkward silence between both of us. Usually Daisuke and I would be fanboying the movie we were about to see, but we weren't alone together this time. This was the first time I've ever seen him with a girl, and my curiosity peaked since Daisuke never seemed to be the type of guy that would be in a relationship to begin with. Kaneko-san would have been the last person I would have thought of to be with Daisuke.
"Go ahead, ask why." said Daisuke.
He read my mind!
"Haha, that's why we're partners in crime I guess."
"So how did you and Kaneko-san get together?" I asked.
We were stuck behind a huge wave of people that were trying to get into the viewing room.
"Well, after Valentines' Day she confessed to me about her feelings. She gave me some chocolate and one thing led to another we got to know each other pretty well. We sat next to each other anyways in Class 2-A. Turns out we have a lot in common, you'd be surprised Kaz."
I couldn't believe that Kaneko-san was hiding her feelings this whole time. The roadrunner of the school could literally have any boy (or girl) she wanted, but I guess she saw something in Daisuke. They seemed to be polar opposites from each other, but at the same time, those two seemed like two sides of the same coin. I never would have noticed, but then again, I'm one of the densest people you'll ever meet.
I wonder if Kaneko-san in World B has the same feelings?
Finally it made sense to me - that's probably what was bothering Kaneko-san the whole time! From what I remember in my original world, Daisuke never received chocolate from Kaneko-san, hence them not being a couple. Or at least that's what I'm aware of since she avoided me the whole day.
Maybe that was a clue to solving Kaneko-san's problem from World B?
"She's not like any other girl I've met. Ever since we've become a couple it's like I see the world in a different way. Although some things she could improve on like her mood, temper, whining, the roadrunner's cute man. To be honest…I-I've always had a crush on her! This must be how you feel with Akane right?"
This was a different side to Daisuke I never knew. I've never seen him blush either! Hearing his feelings for Kaneko-san for the first time almost made my own heart skip a beat.
Who knew this dummy could be caring?
We return to our theater with our food and try to find the girls in the dark room.
"Oh. Before I forget, you don't have to be so formal Kaz, call my girlfriend by her first name. She'd appreciate it."
Daisuke holds his small bucket of popcorn over his head as he tries to lead the way through the aisles. It was hard to see past my gigantic bucket, but I noticed the kids sitting around were looking at the giant popcorn in astonishment. Finally, I see Mary waving her short arm at us from above. We finally get to our seats. Daisuke hands Mary their popcorn, and she starts munching on it.
"Thanks Mary-chan!" said I.
Mary spits out her popcorn, while Daisuke started to vigorously pat her back.
"W-what did you say?!"
I couldn't tell if her face was red from almost choking on popcorn, or was it the first time I called her by her first name.
"Good grief Mary, chew before you swallow!" said Daisuke.
Akane was watching the whole situation next to me with her giant popcorn bucket.
"You two are so perfect together!"
The theater's lights started to dim and Akane almost instinctively grabbed my hand. The rowdy kids running around the place returned back to their seats. I can hear the projector turning on, and the movie starts.
"It was amazing! The villain had the Masked Avenger by the ropes, but justice always prevails!" said Mary.
"There was no way he was gonna lose, they already set up the sequel. Besides, I'm looking forward to the sequel when he comes." said Daisuke.
Overall the movie was faithful to the source material, but I would have personally liked it if it took some creative liberties. Mary on the other hand, was on the edge of her seat near the end. It was good to feel like a kid again.
"I know you liked it a lot right Kazuki-kun? I think you were even more invested than Mary-chan!" said Akane.
I try to hide my embarrassment, but she was right. The movie blew all my expectations away! I didn't even eat any of the popcorn since I was so enamored! But it didn't matter since Akane finished it for me.
"I'm glad everyone had fun. Onto our next destination!"
Akane led the four of us to our next stop.
Up next on our double date was some time at the Purrfect Café. It was strange to be back here since last time. Being in World A(kane), it was also technically Daisuke's and Mary's first time here. Upon entering the café, there was Felix, the black cat that saved my life (or at least World B Felix technically did). I purr at the tubby feline.
"You two seem to know each other well…" said Akane.
A tubby man in a suit walks up to us. It was manager-san!
"Ah Akane-chan! My formerly favorite employee! Oh what I would do to have you back here. I'll do anything. Anything."
I give the old pervert a death stare. He gets the message.
"Oh my manager-san, stop it you're embarrassing me!"
The manager and employee laughed on the old times, until Akane quit her charade.
"But I'm done working here old man-"
Akane grabbed Manager-san by the collar and got right into his face.
"And stop calling me for advice!"
Oh Manager-san!
Akane let go of Manager-san, and fixed his tie for him with a smile. She walked past him towards one of the bigger tables in the back. Manager-san loosened the tie back down a bit, and prompted the rest of us to take our seats.
"A-alright you youngsters, pick any table you want. S-someone will be right with you."
Manager-san leaves us to our own care, and we decided to pick a table that seated four people, and it had pictures of cats all over it. Akane and I sat on one side, with Daisuke with Mary on the other.
"You used to work here Akane-chan?" said Mary.
Akane's face turned red.
"Y-yeah…for a while! I needed the money and this place seemed "purrfect" for me!"
Akane curled her hair and gave a wry laugh.
"I can't imagine someone like you working at a place like this." said Mary.
"I would've totally taken a picture of you Akane-chan!" said Daisuke.
Mary slams her tiny fist on the table. Our table rocks a bit to the side, and we notice a young girl around our age just accidently bumped it too.
"Ahhh! Sorry-nyan!"
Oh boy…
The clumsy girl was wearing the standard uniform of the maid outfits – but with a twist. She was wearing cat ears and had a tail sticking out behind her. Her maid outfit had white frills and her rather busty chest had a small cat-shaped window that one could see through. She had black hair that was tied into a bun. I also noticed that she was wearing colored contacts along with her large black-rimmed over-sized glasses. Her whole costume was on pointe.
Eh. Akane wore it better.
Akane lightly pinches me on my arm!
She knows!
Mary was red from how provocative the uniform was, and Daisuke was about to pull out his phone for a photo, but I signaled him to stop unless he wanted to be killed by our girlfriends.
"H-hello master-nyan! You can call me Neko-nee! I'm your servant for today! What would you like?"
Looking through the menu, it seemed familiar to what I remember. I was about to get the omelet rice, but with Akane being here, she would of course ask me if hers or Neko-nee's was better.
Better dodge that bullet!
Instead, I went for the coffee and sandwich plate. I wasn't feeling as hungry after all the excitement from watching the Masked Avenger movie.
"I don't know what to pick!" said Mary.
Daisuke grabbed her menu and closed it.
"We'll have the couple's deluxe please." said Daisuke.
Mary was visibly embarrassed, but she appreciated Daisuke being able to choose something quickly.
"I'll have the manager's special, extra-large please!" said Akane.
Neko-nee dropped her pen and server-book.
"N-no way…"
Neko-nee's natural voice was much deeper than I expected. She picked up her pen and server-book, and adjusted her glasses once more.
"Hawawawa! Neko-nee wasn't sure if she heard correctly-nyan. Manager's special, extra-large?"
She was back in character. Her hands were still shivering, and even her glasses were becoming foggy.
"N-no one's ever finished it, let alone extra-large!" said Neko-nee.
Akane gave her unopened menu back to Neko-nee.
"Don't worry, I made the challenge after all." said Akane.
Neko-nee's mouth was wide open.
"Y-you…y-you're Akane-chan?! The one manager-san always talks about?!"
"Yep…that's me…" Akane said. She gave a big sigh at her reputation at her former workplace.
"C-coming right up!"
Neko-nee dashed off into the back of the restaurant. We could hear some small bickering between her and the chef, followed by a loud manly gasp. My mouth began to water by the scent of various dishes being cooked in the back of the kitchen.
Akane's face became serious. She was going to finish all of it. At least I hope so. It was so much that we had to help Neko-nee bring all the food over. Her plate itself was almost the size of the table we were sitting at. In fact, it was probably more food than a buffet on a Sunday morning.
Where does it all go?!
"Where…does it all go? said Daisuke.
You read my mind again partner!
"Don't worry; I had a light breakfast everyone." said Akane.
She just had a large bucket of popcorn, and now this?!
She rolled up her sleeves and picked up her knife and fork. The regular manager's special today was only about a small plate of hamburg steak and some fries on the side. However, this being the one that Akane herself made during her time here, it included not only the hamburg steak and fries on the side, but also every other manager's special for all the other days. It included a 2.28kg cat-shaped bowl of ramen, 10 sandwiches, 10 soufflés, 10 double cheeseburgers, pizza, rice, and pasta. Oh, and free refills on drinks of course. All in all, it wasn't a question of whether or not Akane could do it, but rather how long it would take. When she finishes it, she would have a picture of herself on the wall of the (currently empty) challenge winners, along with the whole meal for free. Needless to say, my wallet really hopes she finishes it. Mary was in a catatonic state just looking at the sheer volume of food.
"Your girlfriend's got some appetite Kaz…" said Daisuke.
I know…
"Let's eat!" said Akane with a smile on her face.
Akane was patting her belly, which had grown almost three times in size.
"Just…how was that possible?!" said Mary.
The three of us witnessed something special today. At first it seemed like Akane was struggling to finish half-way through the food, but she just kept going, and going, one bite at a time. She even managed to finish all of her food before I did!
"I'm stuffed for today everybody…" said Akane.
Neko-nee and Manager-san were watching the whole time at the table beside us. Manager-san had his instant camera ready for the moment Akane finished her meal, but Neko-nee took the camera away from his perverse eyes.
"Alrighty! Let's take a photo master-nyan!"
She readied the camera in front of Akane to take the picture.
"Ready? One, two, three, cheese!"
Just then Akane in her food-drunk state grabs me by the neck making me be in the photo with her.
"Kazuki…you're the best boyfriend-"
Neko-nee grabs the photo from the instant camera and starts waving it around until it develops. She takes a look at the photo and starts to laugh.
"Aww…my masters are cute-nyan!"
The photo was me basically looking terrified by Akane's sudden drunk strength and Akane smiling in a dumbfounded fashion. Daisuke and Mary were face-palming hard.
This is too embarrassing!
"You guys are really two peas in a pod Kaz…" said Daisuke.
We leave as soon as the photo was posted and I carry Akane out with her arm over my shoulder. She was barely able to move.
We should probably walk this off…
"Come here you punk kid!"
I'm too old for this…
We found a park nearby and decide to relax a bit from all the chaos today. Unfortunately chaos was present when Mary and Akane encouraged us boys to play with the local kids. It's a nostalgic feeling to be at this playground, since I remember Daisuke and I would frequently come here. As kids, we thought the slide was super high like a roller coaster, but looking at it now, it was pretty tiny. The playground equipment was getting old and rusted, but I had fond memories of running around with Daisuke and pretending to be the Masked Avenger. It's a good feeling to see the next generation still pretend to be the Masked Avenger, even if it was the remake version.
"You can't catch me old man!" said one of the punk kids.
"Then you better run from Danger Daisuke!"
He's getting wayyy into this.
Daisuke started chasing the kids around the park, but due to their small size, they were surprisingly nimble enough to evade getting tagged by Daisuke. I could barely keep up with running around after helping Akane walk off her manager's special. In the meantime, Mary was sitting on the park bench with Akane to the side, since she was still tired from eating a week's worth of food. Mary promised to keep watch of her just in case, but Akane was starting to get back to normal after walking around a bit. Suddenly I feel someone slap me on my behind.
These kids are gonna pay!
I'm fired up!
"I'm gonna get you kids!"
Akane-chan is calmly observing the two idiots running around with the kids. I can feel the warm air of the afternoon blowing through us. It was like she and I were paused in time, looking on from Kazuki-kun and my loveable idiot Daisuke running around with the kids.
It's been a while since I've been here…
Even after eating all that food, it seems she has returned back to her energetic self. To be honest, she and I haven't spoken much before this day, but we had a mutual friend through Kazuki-kun. She's a lovely person up close, with her skin pale and almost looking like a mannequin from the clothing stores. Her chest was larger than mine, but she wasn't too busty (I think). Even though we were rivals since she came to Kasumigaeski High, there was a mutual respect I had for her. She just made everything seem effortless, even though I would work hard and tirelessly for hours.
"S-so…uh Mary-chan, how did you and Daisuke get together anyways?" said Akane.
It looked like she summed up all of her courage to ask me that question. I'm flustered by her sudden bluntness! The memories are flooding back to me with my confession and it's making me feel anxious in my chest!
"E-Eh! Oh! We got together soon after Valentines' Day…but we've been in the same class all year anyways. I guess we were both hiding our feelings from each other."
That's my genuine response.
I think that was the first time I ever explained to anyone about how Daisuke and I got together.
"Daisuke may be annoying, an idiot, and seriously cheap, but he's a loveable fool. My loveable fool that accepts me for who I am."
I'm still embarrassed though nghrnghrnghr!
Quick! Think of a question Mary!
"H-How about you Akane? What do you see in Kazuki?"
I'll admit that at a time I really did have feelings for Kazuki, that idiot. There were days when we studied together that made me really feel happy. It was in the past of course! However, once I realized he was perfect for Akane, I moved on. I hope one day Daisuke and I can be like them.
Akane took a moment to compose her thoughts. I think one of the main differences between her and I was that she never seemed to immediately respond whatever came to her mind like my impulsiveness. Like her previous "Ice Witch" reputation, she was cold and calculating, but still one of the most nicest and pleasant people to be around.
"Well, he accepted me when everyone else seemed to be distant or afraid. I know people called me the "Ice Witch" of Kasumigaseki High, but Kazuki-kun kept trying. He makes me feel warm when everyone else was cold. He can be stubborn sometimes, but I really like him."
Her response to what she sees in Kazuki would have probably melted the idiot's heart. It just further cements my thoughts that Akane really is more than what she seems.
"I'm glad we are friends Mary-chan."
It was the first time that I saw her smile up close. Truth be told, that smile could've won any idiot over.
"Me too Aka-nee!" as I smile back.
"Found you punks!"
Daisuke and Kazuki were still running around with the kids.
Those idiots.
I'm tired.
Today was draining from chasing all those kids at the playground. Daisuke and I managed to eventually wear down the kids enough that they got bored and left us. By the time the kids left, it was already getting dark so our double date ended on that note. Right now I'm in bed with Akane, who still managed to have enough room for dinner despite completing the challenge. You think she would be tired of hamburg steak but nope! I submitted to my girlfriend's request of more hamburg.
Just where does it go?!
When I go to sleep I will be back in my original World B. But despite feeling tired, I couldn't exactly fall asleep. I just wondered whether or not whatever we did today would help me get closer to Yuki-san. I just have to remember whatever happens here will not carry over to the other world.
"Hey Kazuki? You asleep?" said Akane.
"No." I said.
Akane rolls over, staring up at the wall.
"I can't sleep either, too full." she said.
I chuckle at her ridiculous achievement.
"Did you have fun with Mary and Daisuke today?"
She turned back to face me, with her eyes indicating she was waiting for a response.
"Yes, in fact I thought of something interesting Akane."
Akane rose from lying down to turn on the light.
This must be what they call "pillow talk."
"What is it?! Tell me!"
It's like 1 am and she still had energy to pout!
"Well, you know how some things from this world and my world correlate together? Well since Daisuke and Mary are a couple here, it's weird that they aren't in my world."
Akane's eyes lit up brighter than my lamp on the bed side counter.
"Really?! Mary-chan mentioned to me about her hidden feelings and how they had the same feelings to each other but never did anything until Valentines' Day when she confessed!"
She had a point. Kaneko-san from my world was acting weird that day from what I remember, and I definitely don't remember Daisuke ever getting confessed by Kaneko-san.
That must be what's bothering Kaneko-san!
"Let's call it Operation Maiden's Heart! Consider it like a side quest to your main quest of getting with Yuki-san. Help out your partner in crime and Mary!"
This is real life Akane, not a game!
Otherwise, she had a good idea. I should help those two dummies admit their feelings since they're both dense. Besides, all I want is for my friends to be happy, and seeing them together in this world makes me think that they're meant for each other.
I'm just gonna nudge them closer together, that's all!
"Good night Akane."
"Sweet dreams, Kazuki."
She turns off the light and we drift off to sleep.
"Yes sir. I'm sending you the photo now. We've finally found her." I text.
It was after hours, and I can't wait to get out of this stupid cat maid costume. Although maybe I should keep it just in case for him…? I press send on my phone to him and await further orders from him. I put my thick glasses down and start to take out my uncomfortable colored contacts.
"He's calling me?!"
I juggle my phone out and try to press the answer button with my blurry vision.
"It's her, no doubt about it. Turns out my information was correct. Keep on standby just in case she comes back. Keep observing her like you have." he said.
"R-Roger, just how long will I be working here?!" I ask.
"Until we can pin-point just where she lives. We need to be careful about this."
I hear a dial tone. He hung up!
"That jerk!"
I guess I'm stuck here for a while more. I didn't sign up for this! I hear a buzz from my phone and look at the new message.
"Oh! And good job. Keep it up! J" he texts.
Thank God this is through a phone, otherwise he would've seen me in this embarrassing state! I take off the tail on my back and begin to change out of my maid uniform.
"He's finally found her - Akane Yuki.
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