#the back carriers are bugged so he can't sleep in those.
pumpkin-simblr · 8 months
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The Gauthier household is very chaotic at the moment, and things at Goodwyn House aren't much better--early in the morning on the final day of 1307, Avice goes into labour. The birth is her most difficult labour yet, and takes several hours, but eventually she delivers a robust and healthy baby boy, later named Malcolm Goodwyn once she has the chance to rest and recover a bit.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 9 months
Baby!Dragonet!Reader, with Parent!Dragon!Logan Edition!!!
For this, I imagine Logan as either a full-blooded HiveWing, or a HiveWing hybrid. I am using the X-Men Evolution version of him, because he is great dad material (watch the show, you'll see what I mean)! He would probably have bands and stripes of tangerine orange and iridescent green-black scales. If he had a HiveWing ability, I would say he has long wrist stingers that contain some form of sedative/weakening venom. Is larger than some dragons, due to being older (even though he is still small compared to those older than him, such as Sabretooth/Victor, and those who were already big at a young age, like Beast/Hank). Gruff, closed-off, and dealing with amnesia, he never planned on taking care of an egg, let alone a dragonet...
And then he ends up with Reader's egg... and for some reason, he keeps them...
Protecting the small egg he ended up with, he grows fonder over it the longer he has it. Whenever he moves it, he can feel a heartbeat beneath the shell, and can't help but be in awe. Something so little, so breakable.... and they only have him in the world to care about them... When he would have to travel (read: run from enemies/dragons he doesn't remember) he would have an egg-carrier with him, a sling/harness that strapped the Reader's egg snuggly against him, preventing any slipping or falling. As they go from place to place, he grows more and more fascinated by the life in his talons. He can hear small noises coming from the egg after a few months, and only grows more excited as the dragonet inside grows...
And then they hatch, and he's left with a tiny baby in his claws... He could leave them, yes, give them to another dragon or leave them at an orphanage... but... he wants to keep them. He's spent months, even a year, watching over this egg, and he can't- he won't - give it up. As far as he's concerned, he is their dad, and he is staying with them. He doesn't care if they're a HiveWing like him, or another tribe, or even a hybrid: They are his little dragonet, and he won't let anything happen to them.
Naming them takes a moment, but then he remembers something, an animal or color or gem or phenomena that meant something, that had been a sign to him that he and the egg would be okay, that they were meant to be together... and that is what he names the Reader, earning a small giggle from the newborn dragonet...
Over the next year or two, he and the Reader travel between the Hives of Pantala, hiding out and learning about each other and the world around them. Teaching the Reader about colors and animals and numbers is full of tenderness and care, Logan making little books specifically for Reader with A-Z animals and colors, touch-and-feel books with different dragon tribes and unique animals, even finding little stuffed animals/dolls that the Reader never sleeps without... Reader likes to toddle after Logan, happily mimicking him (which he finds adorable). But whenever he has to run an errand, they never want to be alone, so they always come with him... It definitely earns them favors, having a single parent and their only baby visiting shops and looking sweet together. Reader likes to explore, and whatever their dad does, they want to do, too. Whether it is eating something, messing around with scales (Pantalan money), or looking at books or weapons, they want to do it, and will do what they can to accomplish that.
When they one day wander off, while Logan is busy trying to barter with a stall vendor over food, the Reader runs into the other Dragonet!Kids. (The X-Men and Brotherhood teen members, but as young dragonets, like Reader). Cue making friends, catching bugs, and playing around the Hive they are currently in, until the Reader eventually wanders off to head back to where they think Logan is... Only to stumble into Dragon!Victor, who is surprised to have a literal baby/toddler hand him a shiny rock, call his scales "pretty", and then wander back into the throngs of passing dragons... And only after a few moments of processing that does he hear a familiar voice yelling at the top of their lungs... (HiveWing!Parent!Logan, searching for Reader)...
The moment Logan gets Reader back, he is checking them over, asking if they are okay, and warning them not to wander off like that, as it is dangerous... Reader nods vigorously, hugs him, and tells him they made friends. Which he is confused over... How... How did they make friends with someone in three hours? Were there other dragonets left unattended in the Hive?! And then, as they go to leave, a voice shouts, and suddenly there are a herd of little dragonets and a small hoard of older dragons approaching them... along with Dragon!Victor...
And Logan learns exactly how many friends his dragonet made, and now has to deal with their parents/guardians trying to get him to join their groups... Then he sees Dragon!Victor, promptly bolts, grabbing Reader and flying for the closest exit. Reader is squealing with joy, thinking they're playing a game, and Logan is stuck wondering how the blazing suns the X-Tribe (Dragon X-Men) and the Brotherhood of Talons (Dragon Brotherhood) found them, along with the crazy loon who has hunted him for as long as he remembers, who claims to know him (Logan has amnesia, doesn't remember his brother Dragon!Victor, nor the X-Tribe or Brotherhood of Talons adults)...
And this kicks off his endeavor of keeping him and Reader hidden from what he views as a group of fanatics, and the insane HiveWing who has hunted him for years, all while Reader sees it as a silly game...
(Any ideas what dragon Reader should be? I've just imagined them as a HiveWing...😊💛)
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roanniee · 3 years
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Let's try this again🤸🏻
Also Idil vibes strong on this one. I can't say Gil bc Gil calls Ate Sel smth specific like she does with me.
Ship the @mythos-blogs Crew
ps. here's the server <3
Baby Sam is very hard working and focused on whatever she's doing that sometimes, she forgets to take care of herself. So, I see Sugawara Koushi with her perfectly, someone caring and understanding, but knows better than to let her overwork and tells her when enough is enough. The both of you do struggle with a few things, and when you fight or have insecure moments, you sit down to talk about it instead of shouting at each other. Overall, a really good match I say.
Baby Sam also kins Oikawa and I ship Oikawa hardcore with Suga LMAO
Me. That's my wife <333
Okay but for realsies. I ship Idil with Bokuto Koutarou. Bokuto and Idil would be just... soft love. I see dancing in the rain, bathtub relaxation hours together and cuddling in bed. Idil knows that Bokuto is a busy man, and Bokuto knows he is a busy man. But that doesn't mean that they were gonna let the relationship go. Oh no. Those two will hold on like a cat with his claws on the couch. A really really soft, supportive and strong love.
I actually had a hard time with Ms. Zizi. See, I haven't interacted with her much. But, based on the interactions of hers that I see on my tl, I can see that she is very playful but also can be serious. Hence, why I say that she'd be amazing with Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo is playful and an overall gremlin, but he's very caring ang knows exactly when to be serious and how serious. He'll help her with anything he can help her with, but he also knows when no to because it's something Zizi needs to do for herself. Likewise, Zizi knows when to be cheery to make Kuroo smile, but also when to sit and talk to Kuroo about a delicate matter. They'd both ground each other, while matching the same playful energy.
anyways hehe. Gly. Lovely, sweet, Gly. She's very caring, but my god does she also enjoy chaos. Hence, I'm putting her with Hoshiumi Korai. We all know Hoshiumi is a little gremlin with a heart of gold. The way these two are together would be immaculate. They're chaos together, but even with all the chaos, they have time to look at the other to make sure they're okay. PLUSSS! Hoshiumi will always unconsciously be touching Gly, just to make sure that she's there. Gly would unconsciously make sure that Hoshiumi is in her peripheral vision too.
Ooooh Raya! Raya is so damn sweet and caring and uplifting. I love her sm. Hehehe anyway I ship her with Tsukishima Kei. The Tarot cards said so, and so did the zodiac signs. SKSKS Anyway! Yes, a really good match. Raya's got a really good head on her shoulders, but I see her watching all the chaos from the sidelines, much like Tsukishima. When they're together, they'd start the chaos and then sit back and eat popcorn as they watch the world burn.
Ate Laine? Some will definitely say Kita, because it's Ate Laine, but I say Hirugami Sachiro. Hirugami would be such a good man for Ate Laine. I imagine them sitting down in the living room, books spread out on the table. Just silence while studying, but every now and then, one of them would look up to look at the other, smile and then return back to what they were doing. Ate Laine makes sure that Hirugami takes breaks and Hirugami makes sure that Ate Laine isn't stressing so much. Just so cute honestly.
Ah, Adult Sam. Hmmm. Adult Sam is a whirlwind of chaos and sweet, sweet angst. I definitely see them with darling Yamaguchi Tadashi. I see them in bed, Sam on his laptop, and him just hugging them tight when something they were writing was choking them up. But, Sam is just overall an amazing person that they deserve someone so sweet and caring like Yamaguchi. Obvi, it is reciprocated, and I see such a sweet love in the works.
Oooh. Alice.
Melian and Matsukawa Issei would make a very interesting pairing. Both independent yet still co-dependent on each other. Melian knows how to calm Matsukawa after a tough day at work, and Matsukawa knows how to keep Melian from stressing. Matsukawa would also hype Melian up so much?? Like any outfit Melian wears, Matsukawa's right there telling them how good and amazing they look and how well they matched the outfit up. Honestly, just a very functional household and I love that.
oh oof Lavi. I want to say Meian but for reasons I cannot disclose, I won't say that for now. I will say though, that she will be so good with Dabi. Lavi has a few things she needs to work on, and Dabi is always there for her. Actually lbr, they both have issues to work on, but I feel like together, they'd overcome that. I feel like they'd?? Actually be so understanding of each other that it shocks and confuses others bc?? hello it's Dabi?? but yes, a really good match.
Me <3
Severus Snape. Ate Tes is chaotic. I'm sorry but her default in the server is chaos, especially with the bot around HAHAHAHA but anyway! Severus would be so good to ground Ate Tes, keep her from getting a little too chaotic BUT ALSO, he can help her when she's not taking care of herself. She also helpes him with his potions, and it makes the job easier on him. But of course, Severus is a slytherin, and most of the time he'd be the one inciting the chaos and we just don't know it. Anyway, Ate Tes is honestly so wonderful and I love her sm and she deserves someone to tame like the serious, bratty, angsty Severus Snape. <333
Nozel Silva. Nozel and Ate Sel. Oh gosh what a thought. Nozel is....arrogant, prideful, and he sees himself as someone more important than others. But, the man does know respect and he does care for people, especially Ate Sel. I have no doubts that Ate Sel can make that man kneel and follow her wishes, but I also know that Ate Sel would not let this man get away with his arrogance and pride. Nozel cares for her a lot. She's his partner, the carrier of the future of House Silva, and the only one that has caught his attention. He loves her, and that man would drop nearly everything for her.
Eris! Eribabe and Ojiro Aran. Idek why. But the vibes would be so immaculate. I see road trips and early morning dancing in the kitchen to an indie song one of them is hyperfixated on. I also see late night walks to the convenience store, holding hands and just silence? Basking in each other's prescence. Eris definitely steals Aran's sweaters to the point that Aran buys two of his sizes so he can interchange them. One to give to Eris when the one she took doesn't smell like him anymore. Love all over the place.
Mel. That's it.
Okay but also, I see Iwaizumi Hajime. I was thinking about Suna but the more I think back about the things I know about Ali and our interactions, I see Iwa. I feel like they'd understand each other so much. And the love isn't seen much, not because they don't love each other, but because it's something they need to say really. It's more shown in the touches and kisses and cuddling. They know that they love each each other, and that's enough for them.
Honestly I want to say Kuroo but.
Kozume Kenma. Gwennie works so hard and stresses so much. Her sleeping sched is unavailable lmao. Kenma would be so good for her because he knows how it is, to be stressed and not have an actual sleeping sched. I feel like they'd be good together. In all honesty, they'd probably take care of each other more than they would themselves but no one is complaining really.
I ship you with...
Azumane Asahi. Why? Because you remind me of Noya sometimes. Very energetic, a little bit of low moments and just a ball of sunshine in general. Asahi is perfect for you, Mija. He'd be able to just connect with her in ways others just don't understand. People would say that Asahi is too...soft? They'd say someone like Daicho or maybe Bokuto would be better for you, Mija, but really, he's perfect. Asahi and Gil. He balances her out in so many ways, even if no one else can see it.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. Really, the two of them are perfect. Stoic, quiet, can be chaotic. Very protective, even if the two deny it. Nia, you and Ushi are like...pillars? Support? Quiet, unmovable, but still, everyone knows you're both there, and you don't really leave people's minds. I see the two feeding off of each other's energy, especially when it comes to protecting others that they care about. (Looking at you, Lavi) I see hours where it's just her watching him playing in the background and he just looks at her, smiles, and then goes back to playing. It's really cute.
MAIA! HI! We haven't interacted much, I'm so sorry for that sweets. bUT BUT BUT!!!!
You're so sweet and caring and loving??? I really see you with Miya Atsumu! I see Tsumu bugging you to take a break and give him attention. BUT! I also see you?? Bugging him, telling him to get off the court or he's sleeping on the couch HAHAHA I feel like you two really just? Connect. Both playful, both caring, both are busy with their own things so there's not too much expectations that cannot be met for now. Idk I really see a love that's always there, no matter how busy they get.
I love Devon and their writing so much??? Omg. Yknow who would be amazing with them? Akaashi Keiji. Akaashi is very articulate and just overall book smart in my opinion, and I see that him and Devon would fit so well. He is Devon's personal beta reader HAHAHAH BUT!!!!! Devon also watches Akaashi edit and points out anything that he missed. I see days when they're just sitting there, talking softly to each other that the sound of typing was louder. But that's okay bc you both are content and happy and in love.
I just met you not even 24 hours ago hehehe HIIII
I will not lie.
I asked for help from Ate Sel HAHAHHAHA
But!!!! She says Ukai Keishin, and honestly I see it. The nsfw-rp channel is the reason why and I'm not saying more HAHAHAHA I see nights when it's Keishin and her just? Idk having fun and being kids bc lbr that man can be a kid sometimes. I also see them taking care of each other in unconventional ways, ways that would not be okay for others, but it's her love language with him. V v v domestic.
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