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Her Highness and her knights welcome you to the deepest part of the ocean, the Kingdom of Atlantis. We hope you enjoy your stay, and we pray that you stay permanently. May Poseidon guide you on your endeavours and journeys.
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roanniee · 2 years ago
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Genre: Humor, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
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roanniee · 2 years ago
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Genre: Drama, Angst
Warnings: Swearing
Y/n felt her heart rate increase as she took in the sight of Himiko’s grandmother. “Mimi, what are you doing here?” Himiko simpered, fluttering her lashes at the older woman. “Don’t give me that bullshit Himiko. I heard everything you were spittin just now. Always knew you were a little bratty shit.” The old woman hissed, stepping further into the restaurant. Looking over at Y/n, Himiko’s Mimi smiled. “Come here sweet girl.” She called, ushering the woman over. Y/n made her way over, pulling the old woman into the tightest hug she could muster. “God, It’s been a while Mimi.” She laughed, her eyes watery. “It sure has. I hear ya been busy, makin a life here in the big city.” Y/n nodded against the woman’s shoulder as Osamu’s mother gave her a friendly squeeze on her arm. 
“After ya called me, I had to go get Mimi and bring her here. There’s no way I’m lettin that witch, her parents, or your shitty parents ruin all the hard work the two of ya been puttin in here.” Osamu’s mother stated, glaring at the other occupants in the restaurant. Mimi let go of Y/n, and motioned for Osamu to make his way over. “It’s nice to meet you Osamu, I’m that wretched girls grandmother. Y/n’s Nana was my best friend.” She informed, as Osamu bowed. “No need for that. You’ll be my grandson-in-law someday if I have anythin to say about it.” She teased as Y/n let out a noise. “Mimi! You’re just as bad as Nana.” The woman scoffed shaking her head. For the first time all morning, Osamu smiled. “Can I get ya anythin to drink while we wait for the police?” He whispered, leaning down so he could hear her better. “How bout some tea and a plate of your best Onigiri. Throw some dumplings in there too sweet boy.” She stated, giving his cheek a pat. “You idiots find a chair and park your asses.” She bellowed, causing the other adults in the room to shudder. “We’re dealing with this dirty laundry now.”
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roanniee · 2 years ago
*cackles maniacally*
i knew you saw it, but apparently you needed a least 3 business days to process it 🤣
Glad you enjoyed it 👀
Also can you like... ss that and send it to me bc bb has no brain and can't remember shit to save my life. All I remember is that it was kuroo and in the bathroom
Also, Kuroo as Dilf. That's all. Send tweet.
and it took me 3 (more???) business days to process this oml
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roanniee · 2 years ago
I just finished reading "Who made me a princess" and literally... my thoughts almost half the time was
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roanniee · 2 years ago
HI! I'm back on Tumblr and I missed youuuuuu
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roanniee · 2 years ago
Text brother in law just called Oikawa a turtle😭
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roanniee · 2 years ago
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Word Count: 1.7k
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Tsukishima being protective, angat but also, kinda fluff? happy ending.
I hope you enjoy!
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As you watched the Youtube video, you remembered the moment that you finally had the courage to confess.
You never imagined that you’d be standing where you were back then, hands shaking as you held the dark green letter in your hands, addressed to one Hinata Shōyō.
You’d seen him long before you started in Karasuno High. It wasn’t your older brothers that made you choose to go there. It was the determination and drive that Hinata Shōyō showed in the first ever high school tournament that you had attended in support of Kei. 
It was that very same determination and drive that made you fall in love with him in your first year of high school. 
You still remember slipping the letter in Hinata’s shoe locker with shaking hands and walking away before you could convince yourself otherwise and take back the damn piece of paper that took you all night to write. 
As that day went by, you remembered just how long you waited, despite knowing that it was going to be hopeless. No, not with your brother’s antagonistic nature towards Hinata. Oh he hasn’t been as bad, as the arrival of Yachi Hitoka in their lives had mellowed him out a bit, but Kei’s still not entirely good with people either. 
It didn’t help that you didn’t talk much either, and you haven’t talked to Hinata much either, too shy to even face the red-haired male. There’s also the fact that Kei, as antagonistic as he is, is very protective of you, glaring at anyone that talks to you in any sort of romantic way. 
You knew that nothing, absolutely nothing, would come out of that confession. But you still somehow hoped that Hinata would at least glance your way, or acknowledge your confession, but when the school day ended and your red-haired senior never said anything to you nor did your confession ever come up. 
And when their graduation came up, your heart broke. Not long after that, you received the news that the very man you’re in love with is moving to Brazil to be better at volleyball. With a heavy heart, you finally, finally acknowledged that the man of your dreams is so far out of your reach. 
Your attention returned to the present with the cheers form your laptop's speaker and held your pillow tighter as you watched the red hair sway in the Brazilian breeze, his ripped arms were shiny with sweat and slightly rough with the sand that’s sticking to his skin. The Hinata you’re seeing on the screen is a far cry from the boy you’ve fallen in love with in highschool. 
It had been three years since Hinata left for Brazil, but your heart still yearned for the ginger. You still yearned to see that toothy grin aimed at you instead of his teammates at MSBY, the team he joined when he returned to Japan nearly a year ago. 
Your heart still yearned for him. 
“You’re seriously still pining for him?” Kei said as he leaned on your bedroom door frame, your laptop screen in his direct line of sight. He had come for a visit with the family, knowing that Akiteru, his wife and kids, as well as yourself, would be home. 
The Sendai Frogs Middle Blocker crossed his arms in front of his chest as he watched you scroll through videos and decide on watching the MSBY wing spiker’s latest practice game with the Tachibana Red Falcons. He could see in your eyes that you are still hopelessly in love with his old teammate. 
He’s watched you pine in silence for Hinata, always watching the ginger from a distance, always too shy to approach him. 
And now he's watching you silently and painfully support the man your heart had belonged to for years.
With a sigh, Kei held up the three tickets that he had in his pocket. The tickets were for the finals of the Division One Tournaments next week, and  Bokuto had given it to him for free, hoping to surprise his beloved little disciple who hadn’t seen his friends since a week after his return to the homeland. He was hoping to take Yamaguchi, and Hitoka with him to the game, but he knew that it’s about time that you finally see Hinata in person again. 
Luckily, you’re also off school on the day of the tournament. 
He can just ask Bokuto for another one.
“Get ready by 9am next Thursday. Hitoka and I will be coming to pick you up.” He said as he began to walk away when one of your nephews called for him, making you raise your brow. 
“And where are we going, exactly?” 
You can only sigh in frustration when Kei ignored your question entirely, and you can only hope that it would be somewhere quiet and uncrowded. 
But you never expected him to bring you to the stadium and had the MSBY vs Adlers banner at the very front of the entrance. You definitely didn’t expect the guards that saw your tickets to lead you all to the side entrance and towards the team locker rooms. Your heart skipped a beat at the orange hair that flashed in your vision and tackled your older brother to the floor, with Kageyama Tobio in the back, his head shaking at Hinata’s childish glee. 
“Tsukkie! You came! You brought Tadashi and Hitoka too!” Hinata said, and your heart clenched at the grin you desperately hoped aimed at you. 
Yachi laughed and helped her old friend and boyfriend up, poking Hinata on the side and discreetly pointed at you. 
Hinata looked at you and blushed redder than his hair and you looked down, embarrassed. You had grown so much since he last saw you when he left three years ago. Granted, he had… kinda sorta maybe checked stalked your socials every now and then, but he hasn’t talked to you since the last time you brought your older brother’s lunch in the gym sometime in your first year of high school. 
Before you can even open your mouth to say hi, he looked away from you and looked at Kei, his eyes serious yet pleading. 
“When my team wins today’s game… When MSBY stands up on the podium as first place and receives the trophy… When I finally get the damn gold medal around my neck, will it finally be enough?” Hinata said, staring at Tsukishima. “Will I finally be good enough, Tsukishima Kei?” 
You had no idea what they were talking about and still, your heart skipped a beat. Kei looked at you, then back at his old friend, before sighing.
“Show me that damn golden medal, and you’ll have that damn permission you have waited years for.” 
Hinata whooped in joy and ran towards Kageyama with the same determination and drive that made you fall in love in the first place. 
Watching their backs as they walked away, you couldn’t help but wonder exactly just what is in store for you. 
And when the game ended with Hinata’s quick attack that he somehow developed with Miya Atsumu, earning them the last point MSBY needed to win gold. 
The silence and the shock of the gym had been broken by Hinata himself, cheering so loudly that it echoed for a moment until it was covered by the screams and shouts of everyone else in the stadium, some of the loudest cheers being yourself. 
After a moment of rest, the awarding ceremony commenced, each member of MSBY getting a gold medal while Adlers got their silvers. Before anyone else can even comprehend what was going on, Hinata Shōyō ran from the podium, towards his coach on the corner and grabbed something off his hand, and ran away from his celebrating teammates towards the box that you and your brother sat at. He was breathing heavily, face slightly flushed from the sudden sprint he just made. 
He took a deep breath, well aware of the silence that was caused by his actions and the eyes that are on his form, especially yours. He can feel your curious gaze, on that he’d seen you give him since he first saw you beside Tsukishima Akiteru during the Spring Interhighs in his first year. The same gaze that turned into longing as the years passed. 
“In the two years that I’ve been in high school with you, I… I never thought I would catch your attention. I knew exactly how protective Tsukkie was… IS… with you, so I never tried to approach. Despite my own feelings, I couldn’t. I knew I wasn’t enough, not yet.” He shook his head as his hand shook, drawing your attention to the letter he held in his hands, causing you to blush.
Has he held on to your confession letter all these years? 
“And then I got your letter in my locker. God, I was so happy. I wanted to approach you… but Tsukkie got to me first. He caught me reading the letter in practice. He said that I don’t deserve you. And he was right.” 
You glared at your brother and tried to tell Hinata otherwise but the ginger just shook his head. 
“Please, let me continue. He’s right. I didn’t deserve you. Not yet. I was just a country boy, and despite my dreams and aspirations, I had nothing to offer to you. So I worked hard. From the ground up, I worked hard, hoping that you can wait for me until I have something to offer you, until I can be someone deserving of you.” Still with shaking hands, he removed the medal from around his neck and presented it to you. 
“Tsukishima Y/n, I know it may be too late, but will you please accept this medal and I?” 
With tears streaming down your face, you bowed and let Hinata place the medal around your neck before kissing his cheek. 
“Despite what my brother had told you and what you thought, you only ever needed to be yourself for you to deserve me, and offer me your heart in return.” 
And when you finally kissed Hinata, you could barely hear the cheering of the crowd over the sound of your own heartbeat that matched his.
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©Roannie 2023 Please do not plagiarise or reblog my works.
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roanniee · 2 years ago
Having a little bit of a crush on Nishinoya rn
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roanniee · 2 years ago
Oooh! How long is your hair now? And I'm sorry your Monday hadn't been as good :(((
Tiktoks?? Hand over the handle plssss and I'd like some recipes....
That's understandable, finding energy to do new things are tiring, honestly 😅
Hiatus has been a mix, honestly. Work has been hectic, and life hasn't been as good either, but I've had little pockets of sunshine too.
(Like being in the most healthy relationship I've been in...ever.)
Hi, mama. How are you doing today? What have you been up to?
i'm rewatching Haikyuu in the hopes that I'll be inspired to write again and I'm just reminded on how much I love Tendou and Semi and how much I ship Hinata with E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
I cut all my hair off today. It’s nice since it’s been 100+. Before that I had the worst Monday yet but a 2 hour nap really helped😂 I haven’t been up to much! I’m trying to get into crafting. I have TONS of supplies, and I have some really good ideas. I’m also debating doing food tiktoks. I like cooking and I make pretty bomb food.
I wish I could find the energy to watch anything new. I’ve been so mentally bent out of shape that the idea of watching anything new is tiring. What about you? How was your hiatus?
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roanniee · 2 years ago
Hello...? Ehehe
I might do a whole rework with my things in here, so bear with me. Sorry for being away for a while 😅
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roanniee · 3 years ago
So uh.
Hi? 😀
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roanniee · 3 years ago
Hehehehe Hi Niaaaa~
First of all, congrats on 400 I'm proud of you 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Second, hehehe...
3 things about me? I'm chaotic, Cat lover, and a foodie :)))
Semi, Shirabu or Tendou, your choice hehe
Ooooh ocean based colours, like blue and green, but also purple.
Three kids lol. Male firstborn and the rest, up to you 😗✌🏻
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You and Semi Eita will have 3 KIDS (2 boys and 1 girl on the way)
Here’s the thing , Semi does the whole redecorating of the nursery room because he doesn’t want you being all over the place and suddenly stumbling down.  It only happened once, but he won’t be taking the risk.  Therefore, he does the redcorations.  He makes sure it is something that is perfect for her daughter on the way.  He won’t let it look like that the nursery room has always been a room for boys (considering that you two had two boys).  He already has painted the walls in no time with the colors you like (blue, green, and purple).  He also bought a few more customized clothes for his daughter and also new plushies as well (even if you already insisted that you have enough).  Semi is the kind of person that is organized in everything, but gets a little problematic when one of your cats suddenly goes in the empty boxes in the nursery room that he had to throw.  Though, nevertheless, he gets to finish everything but one thing. The crib.  After the previous crib breaking because of an unforeseen incident, you two have to buy another crib. Hence, he has to go through the trouble of assembling it once more.  It’s the only thing that needs to be done, but he sure is becoming impatient with all the specific instructions that he couldn’t understand.  Though, it may or may not be a delicious sight of him with sleeves rolled up to his shoulders and his arm flexing as he tightens the screw with a screwdriver.
“What a delicious sight,” you’ll say as you stand by the open door frame to the nursery room. He then looks at you with a chuckle. He sees you holding a plate of pancakes.  He comes closer to you and gives you a sweetest kiss on the lips. Though, as he pulls back he notices flour on your hair.
“Why do you have flour on your hair?”
“Oh, the kids helped me make the pancakes,” you said with a smile. Just in time, your cats with sprinkled flour on them and on their feet enter the room.
“Wait. Wait. No!” Semi watches the cats leave flour paw prints on the floor.
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Here ya go! Hope you like it lol. Thank you for joining, Ro :))
Hello Baby event
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roanniee · 3 years ago
pssst. If I owe you a collab fic, message me please. AHAHAHAHA I'm so sorry. Between work and school, I had very little time to write them and as such, have forgotten. so please let me know <3
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roanniee · 3 years ago
Just to celebrate my return.... that is hopefully more regular and permanent 🤡
Handwriting Asks
Send me a number and I’ll handwrite the answer for you!
1. write your URL
2. write the URL of the person who sent the ask
3. write your blog title
4. write the blog title of the person who sent the ask
5. your name
6. your birthday
7. where you live right now
8. where you were born
9. today���s date
10. current time
11. relationship status
12. the first 5 words that come to your mind
13. your number of followers
14. the number of blogs you’re following
15. the URLs of your tumblr crushes
16. draw your tumblr activity graph :)
17. describe the latest post on your dashboard
18. favorite band(s), musician(s)
19. favorite song(s)
20. favorite lyric(s)
21. favorite album(s)
22. favorite color(s)
23. celebrity crushes
24. favorite food
25. favorite beverage
26. favorite TV show(s)
27. favorite movie(s)
28. favorite actors or actresses
29. describe what you’re wearing right now
30. write something for the person who sent the ask
31. ships?
32. favorite season(s)
33. favorite ice cream flavor(s)
34. a place you wanna go on holiday
35. favorite number
36. favorite meme(s)
37. favorite animal(s)
38. favorite quote(s)
39. a random fact about yourself
40. write your name with your non-dominant hand
41. handwrite a message to your followers
42. something of your choice (specify in ask)
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roanniee · 3 years ago
@laineeey00-ontherun WHAT IS THIS
hearts hurt; you should know by now.
a/n: happy birthday to my 11/11 twin ♡ :D
content: angst
word count: 726
[ semi x reader ]
“Did you ever love me?”
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roanniee · 3 years ago
u are loved <3
And so are you <33
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roanniee · 3 years ago
and thank you, for being patient. Take care of yourselves <33
I'm okay. Just needing a few moments off and away.
I was in a dark space in my mind, and I needed to take a step back. I'm so sorry for disappearing.
I'm doing better, so please be patient with me. I'll work on everything as soon as I can.
Again, I'm so sorry. Love you all <333
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