#the avaricious meddler
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I like this version better
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There's only two types of Imp: The Thing in the Attic (@the-avaricious-meddler) and Mountain Dew Baja Blast. There's no middle ground.
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Take my cringe meme
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neathyingenue · 1 year
thanks to @the-avaricious-meddler's journal i can now explain just a few reasons WHY this es is so bad!!! brought to you by my not-even-that-extensive knowledge of maya history (my dad is central american, i majored in spanish, and i spent a semester in mexico)--
(1) the jaguar is not a villain just because it's a carnivore! it's a symbol of power and beauty made even more poignant for indigenous people in the wake of the conquista!
(2) the lords of xibalba weren't seen as these great guys! in fact, the popol vuh, the mayan creation myth, features the heroes defeating the lords of death (xibalba) in a ball game!
(3) yes, there were ritual killings in the pre-conquista americas, but they were way rarer than colonial history would have you think. also like literally every culture has ritual killings, it doesn't make a culture inherently violent
(4) holy shit the idea of a deferential indigenous leader who turns out to want your blood is so pervasive in racist conquistador accounts (if you haven't read hernan cortes's journals, don't, they are disgusting) holy shit
tl;dr the es puts its own assumptions onto maya culture! like thinking jaguar=scary=bad, or existence of underworld gods=people worship those gods=people worship death=people are bloodthirsty, or colonial-era accounts of indigenous people=how it actually was back then. at best that's ethnocentric, at worst, it's white supremacist!!
(anyway i'm a sensitivity reader on the side so failbetter hmu if you want to do BETTER and not FAIL (ba doom shh) )
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fallenlondonficswap · 12 days
2024 Participant List
1. @thedeafprophet
2. @house-of-mirrors
3. @violant-apologia
4. @thedandy-detective
5. @the-dye-stained-socialite
6. @half-life-citizen
7. @the-masterless-press
8. @existentialcrisisetcetera
9. @superoffbatter
10. @artisanoftheredscience
11. @calamity-calliope
12. @alexis-royce
13. @neathbound
14. @the-insouciant-scientist
15. @e-jewel
16. @zeebreezin
17. @starryeyed-seer
18. @sparingiscaring
19. @wingedcatgirl
20. @bizarrebazaar13
21. @lord-emerson
22. @caperingcryptid
23. @the-noted-collector
24. @indefinitely-sealed
25. @bubblyishyoshi
26. @mad-voidling
27. @squadron-of-damned
28. @the-avaricious-meddler
29. @convolutedperson
30. @neathyingenue
31. @iamnottoph
32. @anyboli
33. @awordbroken
34. @the-clay-quarters
If you don't see your name on the list, let me know so I can make sure the google poll didn't eat anything.
I aim to post pairs on the 12th. Let me know by the 11th if there's anyone you'd rather not be paired with. Info will be kept private. Thanks!
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im-ej-arts · 1 year
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first three of my bag a legend lineup! this i would like to affectionately call "doesn't matter if they're out of their prime they will kick a millennia old bat's ass"
more to come soon!
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rowan asher, the frigid-hearted professor, owned by @the-avaricious-meddler
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samuel weatherbee, the laconic captain, owned by @house-of-mirrors
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and finally; betty horvat, the bumbling pugilist, owned by me!
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toffee-biscuits · 2 months
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Artfight piece for @the-avaricious-meddler! Why the [-----] face?
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
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@the-avaricious-meddler I'm on my phone right now so perchance to the formating but yea! The whole concept of Laundry Day is a thing because Laundry quite literaly took a whole day. It was a whole process starting in the morning (usually done by the labour of women in the household) and was a major endeavor! There were varying chemicals invented and sold to aid with it in the 19th century, esp as commercialization rose. New technology came about to help with the manner, but a lot of it was done with a spoon and a big pot beating the fabric.
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The concept of a clothing iron then was a literal piece of metal heated in hot coals that was used to dewrinkle clothes!
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Supplementary Video Material:
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Incident Reports From An Unidentified Revolutionary
@fallenlondonficswap @the-avaricious-meddler
Hi Void! I'm the person who got you for the Secret Swap! I had a lot of fun with this prompt, so I hope you enjoy the fic! :) I've also posted it to A03, which you can find here. The fic will be under the cut. Enjoy!
Prompts Used: The Masters, Revolutionaries, Light Fingers related content, Games
Incident Report for March 18XX 
Writing this from an undisclosed location. Please destroy your copy of this once you’ve read it. Can’t afford to blow my cover. 
I’ve ingratiated myself into a Ministry’s internal affairs department. I won’t say which, for security reasons, but let’s say that it has provided me with much closer access to the Bazaar. I hope to study their movements and provide clearer information about the suspected activities of MF.  MF’s sudden interest in certain industries must mean something, though as of yet I cannot determine what. I am under the impression this may be an attempt to encroach on MSP’s territory- infighting, perhaps?  Given that MF and MSP have not been outwardly hostile before, I can only imagine there is more going on there. 
Infighting could be good for the cause, but I worry too much will destabilise London before we are ready to deal with the consequences. Total liberation cannot be achieved if half the city is obliterated by a tyrant’s temper tantrum. Again. Back to the usual reporting- today under the guise of delivering permits, I snuck into the back of one of MF’s processing plants and witnessed an unusual altercation. MP had apparently been visiting; abnormal behaviour, as MF and MP are not allies as far as we are aware. We may need to look into that- I will see if some recent censorship has MF’s grubby fingerprints on it. The Ministry of Public Decency has been used for governmental overreach by other Masters before. Perhaps MF needed something covered up. Then again, no such conversation was had. It was mostly pointless, unnecessary bickering. Perhaps the two have some dispute. I will have to ask those who keep a closer eye on MP if it has been acting strangely lately. Perhaps something to do with the printing presses? They are technically machines- MF may have some claim, whether real or imagined. That could be an interesting angle to work if we wanted to pit them against one another. 
Regardless, the conversation was mostly whispered, so I did not get a clear picture of what exactly they were arguing about. I have a feeling it may come in handy to get a better idea later.  I will have to ask around and see what I can find. 
I will report with more information later. For now, au revoir. May the month serve you well. 
Collected Notes on The Frigid-Hearted Professor
I have been hearing reports through a mutual associate that there has been reported engagement between MW and The Frigid-Hearted Professor (henceforth abbreviated Professor FH). Professor FH is not usually the type to become involved in any of MW’s ventures, which is why this stood out to me. 
His history is much easier to find than I would have expected. Respectable background, sudden and intense fall from grace alongside the fall from the Surface, a rocky history, a brief period of something resembling a normal life, and then he completely fell off the map. It’s a tale as old as time, down here. The Neath takes as much as it gives. In this case, it has definitely given more than it has taken. I will admit I feel a bit sorry for the poor fellow. I cannot imagine the isolation is doing him any favours. Well, I would feel sorry for him. He has been, according to various sources, buying up a great deal of Black Wing Absinthe. Which is likely not a good sign. I am not as familiar with the stuff, but I have a contact who has dealt with past Vake Hunters. They are… not the easiest people to get along with. Something about that one specific bounty drives people to lengths most would consider untenable. The reward money is a great deal of money, enough for most people to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, and for future generations to do so as well.  Still, I don’t think I believe that is what is drawing Professor FH to this particular hunt. From what little I’ve learned about him, I don’t think money is a particularly strong motivator. I mean, he lives in the Marshes. I can think of few places worse to live in than those awful, awful marshes. 
I digress. When I discovered the issue of the Black Wing Absinthe, I presumed that MW had been keeping an eye on his purchases and was perhaps monitoring the situation itself. Which would be unusual, but alcohol of all kinds does fall under its domain. Perhaps MW suspects some sort of illegal smuggling? Given Professor FH’s history of (admittedly petty) crime, that is not entirely unlikely, though I doubt it would have been enough to warrant such personal attention. MW is not the kind of Master to do its own work. It has servants for that. 
Perhaps some other plot of its has Professor FH as a key element? Who knows. It may very well simply have hired him for some sort of work. It would not be the first time for such things. Either way, I suggest we keep an eye on their interactions until we can know for certain. Whatever Professor FH and MW are getting up to, it could be troublesome. I would not like to have to work around the two of them if they were in league with one another. 
Either way, however, there’s nothing much I can do for now. I will send a follow-up if I learn more. May the month serve you well. 
Incident Report for May 18XX
I’m sending this letter more as a warning than a formal report. Please follow standard protocol with this missive once you’ve read it. 
MW and MSP are fighting again. It appears to be more viscous than their usual fare, which leads me to believe it will begin to bleed out across several areas of London. Commerce, at the very least, will likely be tense for some time. I’d also suggest informing any operatives working closely under/around either to take caution. Now seems like a very good time to get one’s head severed from their body for minor offences. MW and MSP were spotted in a small stretch of processing facilities in Spite; I believe there was disputed Ministry territory nearby, and they had come to sort something out, only to end up in a conflict. They left the area rather disturbed- I believe that factory will remain abandoned for some time. 
I managed to get close enough to record their conversation. Below is a transcription of their conversation. Read at your own risk. 
MW: We think you are being purposefully obstinate to get a rise out of Us, and We will not be falling for the bait. We have better things to do than feed into your delusions. MSP: I’m the delusional one? Me? You must have hit the bottle too hard today. I am being perfectly rational in my demands. 
MW: We will concede nothing! You have not won. You are the one insisting that We give up something that is rightfully Ours. 
MSP: You are such a sore loser. One would think with how often one has lost in all things, that you would have gotten used to it by now. MW: We are- no. We have already said our piece. You are pressing your luck. You always do this! You always insist on being covetous- first with your encroachment on our territory, and now with this petty dispute of yours. It is a bad look on you. MSP: You are just too frightened of facing the consequences of your own failings. I suppose I cannot have expected better from you of all people. Your own failings got you stuck down here, and you’d rather play at being allies than actually-
MW; We are done with this conversation! We have nothing else to say to the likes of you. If you wish to whine some more, we suggest finding someone who will care to listen, because it will not be us. 
MSP: You are running away with your tail between your legs! Again! Upset because I am right-
MW: Good day!
After this exchange, MW stormed off and MSP began to look a little twitchy, so I made the decision to get out of the building before it started on a rampage of its own. As you can see, something has definitely happened between the two of them. I am unsure as to what, but it spells terrible things for London’s immediate safety. I will report back with more information once I’ve determined what has caused such intense conflict.
May the month serve you well. 
Compiled Notes on The Avaricious Meddler 
Recently I’ve received reports of rumours involving supposed fighting between The Avaricious Meddler (henceforth abbreviated AM) and MF. This intrigued me, so I have decided to do some digging into the matter.
The first thing I ought to note is that it is extraordinarily hard to pin down a consistent history for AM. Frankly, I could not even tell you how old they are. It does not help that AM has a decent enough cover-identity that discovering what they are up to at any given moment is near impossible. Though, I do find that particular skill of theirs highly intriguing. Would that half the people I know were so good at blending in. We’d lose far less operatives, surely. 
Regardless, what I can tell you is that they appear to be causing MF a world of trouble. I have never seen MF so obviously irritated. Well, more so than usual. MF is always irritated. I cannot speak to what AM is doing to cause this- I have noticed one of MF’s usual henchmen, whose name I dread even abbreviating in case it summons him like an evil spirit, has been suspiciously active. Not in his usual ways- activity at the Docks has slowed down considerably. No, something else is going on there. I would bet both my arms that it has to do with AM’s sudden uptick in activity. Perhaps AM has stolen something? Foiled some plan? Skipped out on coal taxes one time too many? I will have to ask around some.
Perhaps I will ask around the University. There has been some kind of hubbub in those circles as of late. I cannot say for sure any of these facts are connected, but one never knows? In this line of work, I’d not rule anything out. 
And until I get confirmation on just what AM is planning, I will have to discreetly keep an eye out for them. I wonder if I can get into some of their usual haunts. I’m not one for the rooftops myself, but they have been spotted around Urchins a number of times. Maybe one of them will speak to me. That is all I have to share for now. May the month serve you well. 
Incident Report for June, 18XX
I witnessed today an encounter between MH and MV that may be another sign of the increased infighting between the various parties in London. 
MH and MV are not a pair I usually see in my observations. MH is not the most sociable of them, from what I have gathered, or at the very least keeps odd hours, and MV is volatile enough that most of the others avoid it. And yet there they were, outside a set of factories in Spite, conversing. If I did not see it with my own two eyes I would not have believed it. 
I immediately set myself up to continue observing. In Spite, pretending to be engrossed in the fabric market is an excellent way to keep oneself faded into the background. I did end up having to buy several yards of cheap linen, but it was worth it to get a sense of what they were talking about.
It seemed to be a rather heated argument of some kind. I couldn’t get enough of it to compile a transcript- MV speaks rather low at times- but the gist of it seemed to be about a debt to be repaid. Perhaps those rumours of MV’s struggling factories were not too far off. I ought to look into it. Another project for the list. Whatever the case may be, the reminder seemed to upset MV, worse than usual. MH was as jovial as ever, perhaps moreso. It must be owed a great deal. Or it delights in causing its companion grief. 
It said something further to its companion, and this seemed to be some sort of tipping point. MV got in extraordinarily close, and then it appeared to bite MH.  Admittedly I nearly blew my cover out of shock. I know that MV has never been the most sociable of the Bazaar, but I never in my life would have expected to see it bite another of its fold in public. It must be under a special sort of duress. 
Whatever this debt of its is, it must be causing a great deal of trouble. Perhaps we can use this. I will endeavour to find out what is going on so that we might use it to further our own goals. Until then, may the Month serve you well.
Incident Report for July, 18XX
I am going to quit this life and flee back to the Surface to raise goats in some far-flung mountain. 
I have been investigating the aforementioned incidents that have been plaguing London as of late. It’s tedious, stressful work, wading through records about trade and any odd rumours about their activities. It’s been a lot of work, but I hadn’t made much progress. Until today. I met up with someone who works rather closely with one of the Masters. They’re by no means a confidante, but they hear much more than the average Londoner. I chanced asking them about my research, and they looked rather tired for a moment. They then proceeded to explain that for the past several months, the Masters have all been at one another’s throats over a disagreement. I asked what kind, and after a long period of silence they explained that the Masters had, in a moment of unexpected levity, deigned to play a game of cards together. This had, apparently, gone horribly. As in, broken furniture, bones, and alliances horribly. Some of them are still not even speaking to each other. Every Ministry has felt the effects of their terrible moods. 
Hearing this admittedly made me want to slam my head through the table. Which means all of this infighting, all of these strange shadowy movements, all of the anxiety I have experienced in the past few months, all of it was because of a game of cards!? And not even one of the important ones!?
What a waste of time. Well, at least now we know what has been happening. Perhaps they will get over this petty squabble soon. Perhaps something new will have them all taking sides again, and the cycle will keep continuing until the next city falls on our heads. It doesn’t matter. All we can be sure of is that they will continue to be a problem until our plans succeed. 
I don't even know who will read this. My lines have been dead for weeks. I may be the only one left in this circle. No matter. I will keep doing my job. I will keep my eyes on the shadowed movements of our oppressive tyrants and my fingers in every plot to thwart them. For all of London’s sake, the show must go on. May the month serve you well. 
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Finally making a pinned post
Hiya! I have blogs. I am blogs. Good day.
Mostly reblogs. Like 99%.
Art blog: @voidilite-singulartis Aroiis blog (unreality tw): @aroiisbelladonna Star Circuit bracket (unreality tw)(hiatus): @starcircuitultimatebracket Fallen London blog: @the-avaricious-meddler ClanGen challenge blog: @lotusclan-extended-universe
Artfight Toyhouse Ko-Fi Redbubble YouTube Itch.io
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Wretched thing
Equipment featured: Strange-Shore Parabola Suit Loomweavers Kingscale boots Nuncian pocketwatch
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waterlogged-detective · 3 months
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Artfight attack towards @the-avaricious-meddler of their very normal character Namkuzu who is very normal. So normal.
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Filled out for Namkuzu the wonderful template by @t6fs
Flower: morning glories may be beautiful, but like any vine it grows rapidly and over anything it can grab- including itself.
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what is that thing
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Smash or Pass: Namkuzu, The Avaricious Meddler
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Age: 4000+ 30s Gender: None gender with left Mithridacy  Sexuality: Yes (pansexual)
🐍Propoganda For: 
Attractive. I mean, have you SEEN that hair? Absolutely stunning.
Intelligent with a strong sense of curiosity 
Shapeshifter, so extremely versatile
Will shower you with interesting and/or expensive gifts
Knows how to get freaky with it
Owns a zubmarine, and that's cool
Will cover for you if the constables come knocking
❔Neutral/could be a pro or con depending on who you are:
Monstrous anatomy
You'll be sharing with their giant polycule
Thinks going out sinking ships makes a good date
Might experiment on you (We both know this isn't strictly a red flag to you guys)
🚩Propoganda Against:
[Scandal is increasing...]
[Nightmares are increasing...]
Extremely manipulative, has no qualms about it
They might kidnap you
You will be subject to Irrigo exposure
The Loathsome Chimera
Criminal mastermind who loves making or finding trouble
Far too many weasels-possessed-by-snakes for comfort 
Uses their newspaper to spread misinformation for fun and profit (cardinal of conspiracy)
Has a habit of randomly betraying people who they get too attached to
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Before and after the dawn machine + Irrigo
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