#the arven debate
dipplinduo · 5 months
Man, I agree that Kieran needs to get himself together, but I don't like that Arven called him a project. He's basically saying that Juliana doesn't actually love Kieran and she's only with him because she has daddy issues. I guess that's the only reason you two became friends then, huh Arven?
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(Context: Sweet & Sour Dipplins, Chapter 19)
Live footage of me being wildly entertained by this divisive point in S&S D LOL. But this is such a good take too!! Because yeah, calling Kieran a "project" was def more of an insult than an expression of concern. These poor characters are going through a lot of emotions. :')
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nyaagolor · 1 year
The SV characters are written as such realistic teenagers that headcanoning their ages even a few years apart makes for such hilarious dynamics. I always defaulted to putting all of them at around 15-16 but playing around with ages and how it might impact their dyanmics is so fun AND funny
The idea of a really traumatized 19 year old Arven hanging out with a bunch of 15 year old girls is actually a genuinely hysterical concept to me. All these high school sophomores are just hyping the fuck out of this loser boy they picked up off the side of the road. He's part of the girlies now. He's their special little guy. He's the only one of them who can legally drive or buy lottery tickets so he's practically a god to them and they treat him exactly like they would any other 15 year old girl
Nemona being older already kinda slots her into a mentor-esque position and I think it's really fun to explore how her dynamic with Geeta intersects with her dynamic with the protagonist, and how the person that Nemona tries to guide ends up surpassing her and becoming a worthy rival. Also her and Arven being the older teens looking at the protagonist meeting the "formidable boss of team star" who turns out to just be this really rude 14 year old is really really good
Having the protagonist themselves be the youngest of the group, especially if it's by a few years, is another one of my favorite concepts, because all these older teens being so desperate for help and attention that they see a random freshman and are like YOU is really good. Also with the eventual realization of Oh My God the person helping me out with all this heavy stuff is so young what am I doing.
On the flip side, adult protagonists are not taken advantage of as a possibility in this game. The academy has adult students and also Clive exists so it isn't out of the realm of canonicity. It's extremely possible that Arven is like "hey little buddy can you help me find Herba Mystica" to a 45 year old office worker who is going back to school during his sabbatical. A fully grown man can just be adopted into this gaggle of emotionally unstable teenagers. They don't discriminate
Just generally speaking, these tiny tweaks can put some incredibly fun twists on character dynamics and I think it's really cool when people play around with the concept more
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starlight-miraidon · 9 months
Not ONLY did I get Detective Pikachu Returns for christmas but I ALSO got the dlc for Violet. Sufficed to say. Hi lads.
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yams-here · 8 months
Third version of gen 9 where everything is tilted a little more to the side (Pokémon Verdant or something like that)
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In this universe, both of his parents are professors, and are constantly arguing about the direction of their research (if they go for past pokemon or future pokémon). They've gotten pretty distracted by this debate, to the point where Arven has been doing literally whatever for a few years and they have yet to notice. (He's more annoyed by his parents than hateful if anything.) He avoids that high stress enviroment as much as possible but it still get to him sometimes so he smokes to take the edge off. He does not know how to smoke. Since Mabosstiff is good and healthy he doesn't really have any objectives that he's putting it all in, but he has heard about the Herba mistica, and deep down he would like to make something exceptional of himself someday, so he can finally get out of the shadow of his parents. He still likes small and cute things.
Lived a completely sheltered life from pokémon battling and such things up until this day. All she knew about pokémon are the ones she'd had to deal with as pests and her mom's skwovet. So thanks to that she's usually getting in trouble by just going up to random wild pokémon and asking if she can capture them. Her degree of success is way too high, which includes a Cyclizar that she caught when she heard she could use them to go to places more easely. She's way too nice for her own good, but thanks to that more sheltered life she's more emotionally intelligent that her average peer. small and cute
Just transferred to the academy from Galar, where she had a terrible experience with being bullied, so she's determined to not let it happen again. In a certain way, it lead to her acting meaner than she usually intends to. She says it's so people don't see her as a weak target, but sometimes she comes off as the bully and she very often regrets it. Yes she still needs glasses, Yes she's still nerd trash. Has a very reluctant crush on "La princesa" of Lima academy, and tries to act like a bitch to ward her (and the feelings) off (it doesn't work)
Her parents, in this version, focus on her instead of her sister. So thanks to that she's expected to be the perfect student (and by proxy, heir) even if putting her emotions and social life in jeopardy. This nemona is a lot better at reading people, but a LOT more restrained in her emotions. That includes her bad arm, that she hides behind herself. Kind of disliked by most of the student body, who all derogatorily call her "La princesa", for being a teacher's pet, But secretly she hates that just as much as them. Had a tiny (not) gay panic after a certain delinquent was a bitch to her, which she is scrambling to not let fester because she knows her parents would be MAD
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roxannarambles · 10 months
Title: The Bloodmoon Graves (Part 7/7)
Summary: Nemona learns about the rumors of a fabled "Bloodmoon Beast" and decides they should all go for a camping trip out in the Timeless Woods to search for it. They end up finding a bit more than they bargained for.
(See Ch 1 for tags & other info)
Chapters: Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Epilogue
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Fortunately for the exhausted group of travelers, their camp had not been disturbed since they left it. As tired as they all were, it was almost tempting to try to go back to sleep, but there was no telling if the Bloodmoon Beast would be able to take care of all the wolves– and whether it might decide to come after them once it was done. So after a short rest, they hastily packed up camp and left, hiking back into the Kitakami Wilds.
Once they were out of the woods, they pitched their tents again and tried to get some rest, Mabosstiff standing guard, just in case. The next morning, while eating breakfast (which was whatever was left of their food supplies), they debated whether they should go back into the woods to track down the rest of their missing supplies– their cell phones were the things they wanted most to find. Eventually they decided they would return later for them. For the time being, they hiked the rest of the way back to Mossui Town. The hike felt much, much longer on the return trip, and it was a relief when they finally rounded Apple Hills and spotted the buildings of the little town.
The first thing they did was hand their pokeballs off to the nurse. She was able to clean the awful mess off their pokeballs and get them back to normal, but the job did take her several hours and some helpers. In the meantime, the kids got a proper meal at the Community Center and then just crashed for most of the remainder of that day. They definitely needed the rest.
The following day, Juliana felt a hundred percent better, and it seemed Nemona did, too. After breakfast they took a walk to Loyalty Plaza and planned out their return trip to the Timeless Woods (they were going to fly on Juliana’s Corviknight, this time). When they returned to town they finally found Arven and Penny awake in the Community Center. 
“Heyyyy, there they are!” Nemona said, dropping down on the bench beside them. Juliana sat down too, saying,
“We thought maybe you guys were gonna sleep all day.”
“I wasn’t asleep. Just didn’t feel like leaving my room,” Arven answered curtly, sipping some coffee and petting the dog lounging by his feet. Juliana teased,
“Wait, seriously? Arven staying in his room all morning? That doesn’t sound right. You okay, Arven? Did this trip turn you into Penny?”
Nemona laughed a little. Penny had her nose in a laptop and barely had the energy to send them both a withering glare. Arven replied,
“I’m fine. Jeez, I can’t take it easy for one morning? We’re on vacation, aren’t we?”
Juliana shrugged,
“It’s more of a field trip, but sure.”
She leaned down and pet Mabosstiff for a few moments and then looked back to him. In a softer tone, she said,
“But . . . um, are you actually okay? I just wanted to make sure, after . . . well, everything.”
Nemona watched quietly, also looking concerned. Arven sipped his coffee and sighed. After a while, he said,
“Yeah. I won’t claim that was my favorite trip, but I’ll be fine. Mabosstiff and I have faced worse. And it’s gonna take a lot more than some pesky ghost types to turn us off from camping.”
He patted Mabosstiff’s head and the dog’s tail thumped the ground.
“Good,” Juliana said, smiling. He gave her a smile in return, small but genuine. 
“What about you, Penny?” Nemona asked, turning to her. 
“Yeah, no, I’m never stepping foot outside again,” Penny replied blandly. Arven snorted.
“Aw, Penny! Don’t say that . . . I know you didn’t have much fun, but it wasn’t all bad, right?”
Penny didn’t even hesitate to reply,
“Yeah it was. You trying to tell me there were parts of that you enjoyed?”
Nemona exchanged a look with Juliana, then answered confidently,
“Well, yeah! I mean, not the almost dying parts obviously, but, think about it. We got to see a brand-new pokemon nobody’s ever heard of before, and all those weird tar pits, and that’s pretty cool, right? It’s like we’re on the cutting-edge of discovery and stuff!”
“I think I’ll stay away from the cutting-edges, they’re a little too cutting.”
With an excited gleam in her eyes, Nemona added,
“Plus, we saw the Bloodmoon Beast! And it was every bit as awesome as we thought it’d be!!”
Juliana chimed in,
“Yeah, I think it finished off that entire hoard all by itself, it was unreal! I can’t believe we got to see that.” 
Penny shook her head, returning her focus to her laptop.
“I’m not saying I’m unhappy it saved our butts out there, but you two are still crazy. That is not something I want to get near again, not by choice.”
“Honestly, I’m surprised you’re both not already back there trying to catch it,” Arven chuckled dryly. Nemona hesitated, looking thoughtful.
“Well . . . I dunno.”
They looked to her, waiting for her to continue. Eventually Nemona ventured,
“I kinda got the sense maybe the Beast was sorta . . . the guardian of the forest, in a way? He came in and saved us right when we needed it most. I don’t think he wants to hurt anyone, not really. Maybe he’s happy where he lives, and just wants to be left alone. Maybe . . .”
She smiled self-consciously,
“Maybe not every super strong pokemon needs to be caught?”
Arven’s phone made a little bleep and he checked it. Juliana could see the screen display:
carminesandiego: what the heck is this crap
Arven typed,
its the ursaluna we saw when we were camping in the timeless woods
carminesandiego: sure arven whatever you say
what? its true
carminesandiego: what did you do, strap a flashlight to your head and take a pic of yourself in the bathroom with the lights off
carminesandiego: cant see shit
“That’s actually a nice outlook, Nemona,” Penny said with a smile, 
“So I take it once you guys find the cell phones you’ll be leaving right away then?”
“Oh no, we’re still gonna try to find one of those ghost wolves to catch.”
Dismayed, Penny stared at them.
“What happened to letting sleeping dogs lie?”
Nemona shrugged, “I dunno. Those things were freaky, I gotta learn more about them.”
When Juliana and Nemona later returned to the Timeless Woods, they were able to recover their phones and a few other odds and ins that had been missing. They combed the forest thoroughly, searching for the strange tar pools they had seen a few nights ago. They also went back to the cave where Ogerpon had discovered the original tar pool.
However, all signs of the tar pools and the ghostly wolves had vanished . . . without a trace. 
Bonus Content: Official Stats Sheet
Name: Oozing Bones - Ghost/Ground (Past Paradox Houndstone)
Abilities: Liquid Ooze/Sticky Hold/Prankster (Hidden)
(Dire Form) - A ghostly wolf (based on a Dire Wolf, Aenocyon dirus), around the size of a Mabosstiff. Its fur is pitch black, oily, and drips in some places. In a few spots, there are bare patches that expose bone beneath, including on the tail, by the ribs, and a leg. Its eyes are open eye sockets that are empty, but a flickering, ghostly purple light is inside them to act as pupils. It has very large fangs.  
(Desiccated Form) - Mostly a bare skeleton of a wolf, dripping in dark, sticky tar in many places. Its eyes still have the purple light.
Shiny Colors: Dark purple fur with orange lights for eyes
Dire Form: HP (72), Attack (111), Defense (95), Spec Attack (55), Spec Defense (122), Speed (45), 500 total  
Desiccated Form: HP (72), Attack (130), Defense (37), Spec Attack (120), Spec Defense (122), Speed (19), 500 total
Start Moves: Lick, Tail Whip, Smog, Sand Attack, Destiny Bond
Lvl 1: Tackle, Growl, Tar Shot
Lvl 4: Mud Slap 
Lvl 8: Bite 
Lvl 13: Howl 
Lvl 16: Curse 
Lvl 20: Dig 
Lvl 25: Sand Tomb 
Lvl 28: Crunch 
Lvl 32: Echoed Voice 
Lvl 37: Shadow Bone 
Lvl 40: Shadow Sneak 
Lvl 44: Toxic 
Lvl 49: Phantom Force 
Lvl 52: Spikes 
Lvl 56: Bonemerang 
Evolution: Tar Ooze (Signature Move, changes forms between Dire and Desiccated, also drops foe’s speed 1 stage, Basepower 10/Ground move)
TM Movepool:
Mud Slap, Scary Face, Protect, Mud Shot, Confuse Ray, Bulldoze, Hex, Snarl, Night Shade, Endure, Sandstorm, Sand Tomb, Dig, Sleep Talk, Rest, Stomping Tantrum, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Crunch, Phantom Force, Earth Power, Will-o-Wisp, Sand Tomb, Toxic, Spikes, Roar, Poltergeist, Toxic Spikes, Venoshock, Acid Spray, Fling, Rock Blast, Taunt, Imprison, Leech Life, Stealth Rock, Fire Spin, Fire Fang, Tera Blast
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Poké-OCs: Chrys Anthem!
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Chrys is the mc I’ve created for Scarlet! The cutiest patootie, isn’t he? In Japanese, his name would be Kikuo (キクオ)
Age: 14 (Scarlet/Violet)
Hometown: Montenevera, Paldea → Wyndon, Galar → Cabo Poco, Paldea
Trainer Class(es): Naranja Student, Paldea Champion, (Honorary) Blueberry Champion
Chrys’s grandmother is none other than the MC of RIP, Ryme! That makes Tyme is great aunt, or as he likes to call her, “Grantia!”
His father, thus Ryme’s son (at least one of lmao), is Pomelo Anthem— a famous actor for films and TV! Pomelo tends to star in a lot of action-packed roles fitting his naturally charismatic personality. He’s often quite the busy combee, but he always does his best to make time for his beloved family.
Chrys’s mother is named Asoka! She’s from Galar and has the biggest green thumb! Berries, veggies, herbs— you name it, she can cultivate it! Usually sells her produce at farmer’s markets, though sometimes she’ll be commissioned (would that be the right term??) to grow/harvest specific items for more private use (such as rare berries).
Chrys himself is a very friendly and sociable boy, who finds it easy to talk with just about anyone and loves to make new friends! Even if he wasn’t related to celebrities, he would be incredibly popular, lmao.
Chrys was born in Paldea (Montenevera specifically), but moved to Galar (Wyndon) when he was about 6. Pomelo was hired for a smash-hit TV series that was filmed there, and Asoka wanted to spend some time back in her home region. The Anthems ended up becoming good friends with Peony and his wife (I named her Daphne and have some thoughts on her I hope to share soon), and thus Chrys became befriended with Peonia (or Nia as I usually call her for more distinction) and Penny! Since Penny and Chrys are closer in age, they were often in classes together for most of elementary and middle school, as well as Trainer’s school. They have an incredibly close, sibling-like bond— Chrys is one of the few people that can encourage Penny to come out of her shell without sheer force or an Eevee-related incentive.
Chrys would often tell Penny about his dreams of going to the same school his dad attended back in the day: Naranja Academy! Penny was so fascinated by Chrys and Pomelo’s stories of the academy, she eventually wanted to go to Naranja with Chrys too! They were planning to enroll together at the eame time… but Pomelo wouldn’t be able to move back to Paldea until his tv series fully wrapped up. So, 12 year old Penny wanted to try Naranja out for herself to gain more independence… but we all know how that went. After the Team Star incident, Penny came back to Galar and ended up telling her family and Chrys everything that happened. While they were all understanding and never mad at her or anything, Penny always placed a lot of guilt on herself.
When Chrys and Penny became 14, Pomelo’s show finally wrapped up, allowing him and his family to move back to Paldea! Since Penny’s retreat was wrapping up as well, the two decided to take the plunge and follow on their promise to go to Naranja together. So this deters a bit from canon where Penny just... hacks the player's phone as Cassiopeia and all that. Instead it's more like Penny lets Chrys in on her Starfall plan from the get-go since she knows Chrys is great at battling, and Chrys goes along with the plan (even though he keeps insisting Penny should just come forward and tell Team Star everything herself).
Chrys also meets Nemona and Arven and joins in on their story routes from the game too! I'm debating on if Penny might have stayed at Chrys's house in Cabo Poco the night before they started school, so Nemona (and Arven?) might meet her a little earlier? But regardless, Nemona is immediately ecstatic about Chrys being such a good trainer. Chrys was already planning on trying out the gym league, so having a new big sister friend cheering him on is all good!
Chrys meets Arven and Koraidon the same way the players do in the games! Here's a little dialogue thing I've written up when Arven asks for his help with the Herba Mystica.
Arven: Oh, hey! So we meet again. You remember me, right?  Chrys: Yeah, I do, from the lighthouse! I don’t think I ever got your name though.  Arven: Oh, did I forget that? Well, the name’s Arven.  Chrys: Nice to meet you, Arven! I’m Chrys.  Arven: So I’ve heard! You show up with the Student Council President, and you’re the great nephew of Ms. Tyme— not to mention your grandmother and dad are also pretty famous. The whole school’s been talking about you nonstop.  Chrys: All good things, I hope.  Arven: Nah, don’t worry. You’re basically Mister Popular from the jump. Actually, I’m glad I can talk to you more one-on-one. Normally I don’t show up super often for class, but… well. Since you know about you-know-who, and you’re already really strong… I wanna ask a favor Chrys: Favor? Arven: You’ve gotta help me out so I can finally make my dream a reality! Chrys: … What dream? Arven: Caught your interest, have I? Well, this might come as a surprise, but I’m all about that picnic life: the great outdoors, the perfectly prepared sandwiches, all of it! Chrys: Really? Judging from the massive backpack you got… I never would’ve guessed.  Arven: You wouldn’t? Chrys: That was sarcasm  Arven: Oh. Right.  Chrys: But anyways, that sounds fun! Do you like cooking and hiking and all that too? Arven: You bet I do! I’m not half bad at cooking either, if I do say so myself. Right now I’m researching new recipes that’ll help pokemon feel better. Real health food, see. Chrys: Isn’t that almost all food, though? It all helps pokemon regain energy and recover from status conditions in one way or another.  Arven: I mean yeah but… I’m looking for something a little more specific. I found this book the other day, and it has a whole section about something called Herba Mystica. Basically, they’re special herbs that come in five different types, and supposedly just one lick of them as powder can get blood flowing, provide nutrients, prevent aging— it’ll even boost the immune system! They seem like the real deal. Only found in Paldea, and rare to boot!  Chrys: Oooooo! Then you want a foraging buddy to help you look for them?  Arven: Well… not just that. The book says the herbs are all guarded by Titan pokemon, meaning it’ll be pretty tough to grab even a few sprigs. Because well… look at ‘em. Chrys: Oh wow.  Arven: Yeah. I really want to get my hands on some of those herbs, but… I’m not very good at pokemon battles, as you saw this morning. I don’t really know anyone close enough with strong pokemon to lend me a hand, either. I do not want to crawl to the student council girl because I’d never hear the end of it. But here you’ve waltzed in, and you’d be perfect for it!  Chrys: I mean… truth be told, I am pretty curious about this Herba Mystica stuff. It might be cool to even try and collect some for my mom to try and cultivate!  Arven: Your mom’s a gardener? Chrys: Yep, she loves figuring out what different plants need to thrive properly. Arven: So… you’re willing to help me?  Chrys: Yeah, I don’t mind! Plus, you’re Koraidon’s… trainer? Owner? Technically? Arven: Eeeeh, I wouldn’t say that. We have some… history, though. I don’t want to get into all of it.  Chrys: Sure, I get it. No pressure. 
I'm still playing through/wrapping up Scarlet, and some stuff like Chrys's trip to Kitakami will probably be it's own separate lil posts, but!! I'll include various notes on the blorbo
Has a tendency to pick up every little item he sees, follow rivers to their source, and generally take his time exploring all the little nooks and crannies he comes across!
Loves to take cute pictures of himself and pokemon he finds on his travels (even if he doesn’t catch them)... Photography becoming his main hobby/passion would actually work really well jk unless 
… Kalim Al Asim and Yuji Itadori kinnie /neg /hj - Doesn’t really have his own identity outside of his family or what he can do. Like he knows who he is as an individual and stuff, but doesn’t really think that’s enough? As much as he knows his family loves and supports him in whatever he decides to do, he doesn’t really know for himself at all. He likes training and looking after pokemon, creative pursuits (art, music, photography), and homemaking skills like gardening and cooking— but he’s not sure what he wants to do with those skills other than use them to express himself/help others.
Has no idea what to do about being this “chosen one” (Legendaries flock to him for whatever reason lmao) 
He tends to bottle up his negative emotions (especially if something really shakes him up) because he doesn’t like causing other people to worry about him. 
Terrified of the Paradox Pokemon… Koraidon is like the only one he likes. 
Sees Arven and Nemona as older sibling-type of friends! They fight over that custody a lot though 
Chrys and Kieran will be boyfriends… eventually (They gotta get through the divorce arc first /hj). Their main ship name is PinkUpdoShipping (because I have the cute idea Kieran ties his hair up as BB Champion partially inspired by Chrys usually having his hair in a short ponytail too). Another alt name is AppleOrangeShipping (Since Kieran is associated with apples, and I associate Chrys with oranges quite a bit)
Here are the pokemon Chrys has in rotation as well (at least so far!)
Chompers - Chewtle → Drednaw
Lychee - (Bounsweet) -> Steenee -> Tsareena
Elton - Fuecoco → Skeledirge
Soufflé - Wooper (Paldean) → Clodsire
Brioche - Fidough → Dachsbund
Hanako - Hoppip → Jumpluff
Fuji - Makuhita → Hariyama
Jamba - Phanpy → Donphan
Clyde - Mudbray → Mudsdale
Canyon - Rockruff → Lycanrock (Midday)
Zira - Larvitar → Tyranitar
Hydrangea - Flabebe → Florges
Prower - Buizel → Floatzel
Robin - Fletchling → Talonflame
Fabara - Shroodle → Grafaiai
Venus - Shinx → Luxray
Beacon - Mareep → Ampharos
Bismuth - Tinkatink → Tinkaton
Avo - Tadbulb → Bellibolt
Gossymer - Swablu → Altaria
Mamba - Toxel → Toxtricity
Nubbins - Snom → Frosmoth
Rudy - Eevee → Sylveon
Loki - Zorua → Zoroark
Wuko - Chimchar -> Infernape
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barbedwireheartz · 1 month
hey, my name is valentino - but some people just call me val. i was born and raised in galar, having come from the isle of armour specifically. i attend naranja-uva academy. i’m also an exchange student at the blueberry academy and am part of the league club there.
i am a champion within the paldea region, as well as a black-belt dojo trainee back at home. i live with my three sisters, though i highly doubt they’ll join rotumblr. i’m just here to blog random shit tbh, so don’t expect much from me.
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male (he/him)
pansexual & ambiamorous
born & raised in the isle of armour, galar; currently live at the outskirts of the south province (area four)
son of dojo master mustard & dojo matron honey; black-belt of the master dojo
taken <3 marcy & arven
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fuilech the seviper - ♂- ✨
tera fire
adamant (+ attack / - special attack)
poison jab / coil / ice fang / fire fang
i found him fighting a zangoose in south province area one, and he ended up being injured (though he did win). i patched him up afterwards, and we ended up getting along beautifully - so, i took him in and added him to the team. he’s definitely a trickster, constantly causing mischief. he loves being up on my shoulders whenever he’s out, i think it makes him feel powerful haha.
aurelia the hydrapple - ♀- ✨
grass dragon
tera steel
loaded dice
supersweet syrup
serious (no effect)
bullet seed / fickle beam / recover / tera blast
i discovered her as an applin whilst training in tagtree thicket, and i thought she was so adorable so i added her onto the team. she wasn’t going to be a part of my battle team, but i found out about the hydrapple evo line whilst at kitakami and one thing led to another. she’s a very sleepy pokémon, whenever i set up a picnic she’s asleep 90% of the time. she is also incredibly affectionate, debatably more affectionate than an arcanine.
koray the ursaluna - ♂
normal ground
tera normal
wide glasses
mind’s eye
modest (+ special attack / - attack)
blood moon / earth power / protect / hyper voice
i discovered him on accident whilst in kitakami’s timeless woods - i accedentally pissed him off, and after crayola swiftly defeated him he ended up joining the team. most of the others see him as a father figure, whilst he’s mated to ilayda and highly idolises crayola. he’s extremely hyper-vigilant, and is always the first to notice when something is wrong.
ilayda the primarina - ♀- ✨
water fairy
tera psychic
throat spray
liquid voice
modest (+ special attack / - attack)
sparkling aria / moonblast / hyper voice / psychic
ilayda actually found us as a popplio, when the rest of the team was having a picnic and verena was dancing to my singing - ilayda joined in out of curiosity and excitement, and she hung out with us for our entire picnic before i ended up catching her and adding her to the team. she and koray are mated partners, and she’s seen as the mother figure to almost everyone else. she loves being given attention, and loves showing off.
verena the bombirdier - ♀- ✨
flying dark
tera rock
rocky helmet
rocky payload
jolly (+ speed / - special attack)
dual wingbeat / foul play / roost / rock slide
verena approached me whilst i was training in alfornada to take on gym leader tulip, drawn in by my appearance i’m assuming - she decided it was worth sticking around, and after helping me obliterate tulip’s team she officially joined as a team member. she loves to relax, unwinding by dancing to music - whether from the phone or from me singing. she is still easily enamoured by other people’s appearances, and loves to look at people; observing and taking in their physicality & fashion choices.
crayola the slither wing - o - ✨
bug fighting
tera bug
booster energy
jolly (+ speed / - special attack)
first impression / body press / leech life / wild charge
i actually found crayola during a week-long vacation to paldea with my family before officially moving, being unaware of the rules around the great crater (trust me, arven’s already given me an earful). i found her injured, and the others were continuing to ostracise and attempt to harm them - so i caught them and patched them up before they officially became my partner pokémon. crayola is hard to budge, both personality-wise and in battle a - not a lot phase/ them. they have incredibly endurance, and love to battle.
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bunny the breloom - ♂
grass fighting
tera grass
i found them injured outside of medali, and they ended up being permanent - so it was more dangerous to let them back out into the wild. they don’t battle, simply hang around. the rest of the team and i love him though.
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OOC //
hi!! my name is domino, aka @w0nderl-ust !! this is a side blog, so follows and likes will likely come from my main. some important notes:
based in canon within games, but not anime - some personal headcanons may also be thrown in
content with interacting with other gimmicky stuff (sentient pokémon, hybrids, crossovers, etc..), but will not be taking part in them myself
most posts will be in-character, the only exception being if i reblog art from my main that relate to valentino and/or his team!
speaking of in-character, valentino is not terribly friendly to most; he’s sassy, a bit egotistical, speaks his mind with no filter, and a bit bitchy
this blog is just for fun, so whilst valentino has story elements this blog will not delve too far into those itself
unless stated otherwise, all art belongs to me!!
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pelipper mail: ON
musharna mail: OFF
magic anons: OFF
mystery gifts: ON
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even though both valentino and myself are adults, i will not allow nsfw on this blog
any pokéirl blog can interact!
in-character banter/dislike is perfectly fine, just be respectful about it
triggers will be tagged
you will be blocked if: you look like a bot account/your account is blank, you’re an nsfw account, bring hate or malice of any kind, are a creep, actively post about harm to yourself or others, romanticise or demonise disorders, support shitty people
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gender apathetic [any pronouns]
queer & ambiamorous
host of a DID system
dating our arven alter (who is the big inspo for our version of arven) & aster’s owner baetyl, another alter in-sys
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#💌 val posts -> posts made by champion valentino
#💌 val shares -> valentino reblogging
#💌 val answers -> ask box responses
#💌 team member [name] -> posts about specific team members
#🗝️ ooc dump -> posts that are out of character
#🗝️ ooc rb -> reblogs that are out of character
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[ in progress ]
❝ Some kid named “Clive” is pestering Valentino & Arven about Area Zero.. but why?❞
#𝓪𝓷 𝓾𝓷𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭
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kplays · 11 months
Round 1 had silver, Barry, Blue, and Wally
Round 2 had N, Gladion, Hau, and Bianca
Time for round three, before we go to finals.
I debated adding Arven and Penny, but decided that they just don't fight you enough to count as rivals in the traditional sense. By that logic I might as well add Leon. Some other poll I guess
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chazzthegreat · 2 years
“You want some more lunch, buddy?”
Mabostiff barked an affirmative, wagging his fluffy tail in excitement. Arven laughed, “I thought so, you greedy mutt. Here.”
He sighed contently and relaxed back into the couch as Mabostiff munched away on the rest of his sandwich. The living room was quiet, besides his pokemon’s little snuffles, so he switched on the TV and didn’t bother changing the channel from whatever cooking show he’d been watching yesterday.
He loved winter break. Days of pure bliss; peace and quiet and quality time with Mabostiff in his own home. Even with all the shit that had gone down only months ago, somehow he’d managed to pass all of his mid-terms. He suspected it was mostly thanks to Nemora’s rigorous enforcement of a studying schedule, but when it yielded these results, could he really complain?
(Yes, he could. Very loudly and very frequently. It was a miracle Nemona had put up with it, but Arven was pretty sure it was just because she was actually enjoying his suffering.)
Lo and behold, the exact same show was playing, some Porto Marinada seafood competition with too much drama and not enough actual seafood. Unfortunately, he had become invested in the “too much drama”, so he’d just been putting up with Linda’s incessant crying and Kofu’s shitty attempts at humor for the past couple of weeks.
At some point, when Linda was shockingly crying again, Mabostiff finished his bowl and started shufffling toward Arven with that face he knew the mutt used just to manipulate him.
“No, buddy,” he said sternly. “Don’t even try it, I know what you’re doing.”
Mabostiff whined in response, looking up through his mane of fur with huge eyes.
“No.” He absolutely refused to give in.
Mabostiff seemed to cut his losses and started shuffling towards the couch instead, slow steps that got faster and faster until Arven realised, too late, what was about to happen.
“Wait, sto-!”
He was cut off by a loud involuntary oof as Mabostiff pounced, landing his front paws directly on top of his chest, and therefore his lungs.
“Ughh, get off, you huge mutt, you’re not a puppy anymore! You weigh like a ton, maybe I’ll stop feeding you as much, huh?”
At those blasphemous words, Mabostiff began his blatant protest by attempting to cover every inch of Arven’s face in doggy saliva. Unfortunately for Arven, Mabostiff’s significantly larger size and strong determination meant he succeeded.
“Ew ew ew, stop!” He couldn’t help but break into laughter, pushing futilely at Mabostiffs huge face. The big lug just woofed and continued slobbering all over him.
Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell chimed through the house, and Mabostiff paused his attack.
“Who could that be, buddy?” Arven muttered, pushing at his paws. Mabostiff gave one last lick for good luck, and reluctantly jumped down, trotting towards the door. Arven followed, slower, trying desperately to wipe all the slobber off his face.
He swung the door open, greeting on his lips, only to be cut off at the sight before him.
“Director Clavell?” He asked incredulously.
Because there, on his doorstep was the director of his school. Sure, he’d seen him around now and then after the events in the crater, but the most they’d communicated had been, like, friendly nods and greetings.
“Master Arven, good evening,” the director greeted with (surprise, surprise) a nod.
“Uh, hello, sir.”
There were a few moments of awkward silence as Arven debated whether it’d be rude to demand why Mr. Clavell was here right after saying hello, until the director spoke again.
“May I?” He gestured towards the door.
“Oh! Uh, yeah, would you like to come in?”
“If this is a good time?”
Looking back down the hallway, Arven hesitated.
Yeah, sure, it’s not as if Arven had any plans or anything, but… he hasn’t had someone in the house since-
Well, it’s been a while.
And, he’d spent so many years finding a cure for Mabostiff that he’d kind of, uh, slackened off, in the housekeeping department. The dishwasher had been broken for who knows how long, almost all of the rooms were covered in a thick layer of dust, and he’d been avoiding looking outside towards the garden for as long as possible because he didn’t even want to know about it’s current state. Pretty much the only liveable rooms were his bedroom, the kitchen and the living room. And even they were still kind of bad.
Sure, he could pay someone to come in and fix it all up, but he just hadn’t gotten around to it yet!
(That was a lie. He just didn’t want to put his many… shortcomings on display to be judged and scorned by random people.)
It wasn’t as if he could just leave the director outside, though, especially since he’d already invited him in. Plus, if they just stayed in the- respectable rooms, it’d be fine. Probably.
“No, of course, it’s fine, uh, I mean, now’s a good time!”
Arven flushed, stepping backwards in the hope that Mr. Clavell wouldn’t acknowledge his word vomit, and gestured the man inside. With an incline of his head the director walked in.
Only to be assaulted by the dog, as Mabostiff made his very friggin’ large presence known.
“No, down, buddy!” Arven cried. Miraculously, the director didn’t fall over. He simply chuckled and patted the pokemon’s head; greeting “Why hello there, Mabostiff.”
After finally getting his dog under control with a muttered “No sandwiches for you, you dumb mutt!” that he hoped the director didn’t hear (he definitely heard, if his knowing smile was anything to go by) Arven lead him through the hallway, hastily closing doors as he went.
“Here, come through here, it’s the living room. Would you like some, uh, tea? Or anything?”
He didn’t even have any tea.
“No thank you, young man.”
Thank god.
“Cool, cool.” Arven nodded. Another awkward silence reigned as the director sat down on the couch, and Arven just kinda stood there, Mabostiff leaning against his leg.
Finally, the director looked up with sharp eyes, and began to talk.
“I suppose you’re curious as to why I’m here.”
It wasn’t phrased as a question but Arven nodded anyway, petting Mabostiff’s head for comfort.
“Well, it has come to my attention recently that some information brought to light a few months ago has been… overlooked.”
“What do you mean?” Arven had no idea where this was going.
“Regarding your living situation, essentially. It’s my understanding that you’ve been staying at the school during school terms?”
“And when school is off, such as now, you’ve been staying… here?”
“Uh…” Oh. Uh oh.
When Arven didn’t answer, Director Clavell continued.
“Please excuse my insensitivity, but has Proffessor Turo- your father, has he not been… gone, since you were young?”
He didn’t respond. Involuntarily, his grip in Mabostiff’s fur tightened.
The director sighed, “Master Arven. I’m not quite sure how to put this, so I’ll just say it. I can’t even imagine what you must be going through, especially so young, but I cannot allow this to go on unnoticed any longer- the safety and wellbeing of my students is of upmost priority to both myself and my duties as school director. The issue, which I’m sure you’re aware of, is your age, as the legal age of independence in Paldea is 18, and you’ve been living completely alone since you were only fifteen.”
Mabostiff whined, sensing Arven’s anxiety.
He didn’t know how to respond. What was going on? The director just- waltzed in here, brought up his dad and was now making accusations? Sure, they were true, but-
“Now, don’t worry, I don’t plan to force you to leave or anything as drastic- in the case, of course, that you are properly looking after yourself. I just need to know how you’ve been… surviving, on your own, for two years.”
A little tension left Arven’s body, even though he couldn’t help but be annoyed at the director’s interrogation. Who was he to say whether Arven was “properly looking after himself”, whatever that meant?
“Uh… okay, Sir, first of all, I haven’t been on my own, I’ve had my buddy here.” He patted Mabostiff’s head fondly. “And I guess mom made a fortune on those TeraBalls, so I’ve been paying the bills and food costs pretty easily. It’s not like I haven’t had the practice,” he tried to joke.
The professor didn’t even have the decency to laugh. “What do you mean by ‘practice’?”
Arven sighed, frustrated. “Look, Professor, my… my mom was a very busy woman, she had a lot to do. That means she wasn’t around much, but we managed! I learnt how do to all the boring stuff pretty young, so really, there’s no need to worry about us, or anything. All due respect, but it’d be pretty dumb to- I don’t know what you’d do, put us in the foster system? -for living alone when we’ve been doing that pretty frequently since I was seven. Plus, I’m only a few months away from being eighteen, when it’ll be legal anyway.”
Arven flushed after his little speech, a bit embarrassed. He didn’t take back any of his words though, just stood there under the assessing eyes of Director Clavell. It felt like the man was staring straight into his soul.
Whatever the director was searching for he seemed to find, as he let out a short breath and clapped his hands once.
“Very well, master Arven. Please believe that I never doubted your capabilities- or, of course, Mabostiff’s. Now, I believe I’ve taken up enough of your precious holiday time. Thank you very much for inviting me in.”
“Oh, um, sure.” Arven had gotta admit, he was pretty relieved the man was leaving.
Director Clavell stood up, brushed off imaginary lint from his suit, and followed Arven to the front door. He patted Mabostiff’s head in goodbye, but right before he left, he turned back around. He looked determined.
“Master Arven- I can’t convey how sorry I am that you didn’t feel you could ask any adults for help, even if you didn’t need it. I would like to mention that should you want support, or help, in anything at all, even if you don’t strictly need it, I would be more than happy to offer my services. I’m sure many of my colleagues would agree.”
For what felt like the millionth time that evening Arven had no idea what to say. He nodded. For some reason, his throat felt a bit closed up.
The proffessor nodded back, and finally turned to leave, phone already in hand to call a carriage. With that, Arven swung the front door shut in relief, slumping back against the door and sliding to the floor.
“That was one of the weirdest moments of my life,” Arven confessed to Mabostiff as the pokemon came over to lie his head in his lap. “Thank Arceus it’s completely over!”
Mabostiff shot him a doubtful look, but Arven ignored him and stood up. “C’mon, buddy. It’s about time for an afternoon snack, how ‘bout another sandwich?”
That very night, in a big office at the academy…
“Ah, Proffessor Saguaro? Yes, it’s Director Clavell. Listen, I have a small favour to ask of you…”
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indigodiskmybeloved · 3 months
Hey man you doing alright? Like I noticed your art and fics have kinda dark themes and such in them, and I'm wondering if you're doing okay!
It's a debatable question.
Mostly, yeah I'm doing alright! But some days I'm not feeling the best.
The reason why my fics/art have dark themes in them because they were part of my own experiences in my life.
And I do my best to cope with them by writing them out.
Hell, one of the moments in Visions fic was when Arven was knocking on Turo's door, and Turo yelled at him? That was from my own experience with my stepdad.
Of course, there's a LOT of other shit that he did that I don't know how I would implement into Visions without making Turo seem too out of character. But I do my best.
Now, I'm not trying to romanticize it all and play it as a cute fun ship dynamic or whatever.
I'm not like that. Abuse is a terrible and downright awful for someone to go through, and I draw and write it as a way to show that "Hey! This is terrible!"
Though, side note, if I am (somehow) romanticizing the abuse Arven goes through PLEASE tell me and teach me what I can do different. I do not want to romanticize something as awful as that.
But back to my main point. I am doing okay, just my mood kinda has ups and downs, y'know? Not to mention anxiety comes and brings back bad memories and then I overthink stuff and it's just.... No.
Sorry for rambling a bit. My thoughts are a bit messy.
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dipplinduo · 5 months
S&S D Chapter 19 thoughts:
(Ngl I cannot remove that mental image of Shady Briar T posing menacingly out of my head thanks to the ao3 comments 😂😂🤣🤣)
2. Lacey, please understand that Crispin burns the food he's trying to prepare for you not because he hates you but because his true feelings for you got in the way that leads to him messing up his cooking process... 😅😅😅
3. Not Crispin asking for love advice from Kieran- 😂🤣😂🤣😂
4. Not Juliana saying the "I can fix him" line 😭😭😭😭 (Also I agree with the ao3 comments. Arven does get his point across. While I understand where he is coming from, the way he's executing it is not really the best way to do it. At least Juliana tried to listen and proceeds to call her mom.)
5. I hope Juliana can pull herself together and talk things through with her mom. I also hope that the upcoming Movie Night could get everyone to chill down even though Carmine may not be able to be there if you plan on having it before she returns from Kitakami that is.
I am still a little scared of what might happen to poor Ribombee... I am also a bit worried about what Carmine might face later on in her investigation but at least she has Ogerpon and her own Pokemon to help out...
There is plenty of things to think about in this chapter and I am looking forward to see what might unfold from this point onwards.
- ☕️
They are an interesting duo for this scene here and frankly I could've given more context as to how they were around but eh xD glad it was enjoyable!!
LOL the second I learned that that's canon, I had to sneak it in somewhere. It's too funny/adorable for that ship. Poor Crispin is trying HIS BEST.
Definitely not a fallible idea LOL
I have been WAITING to write in that "I can fix him" line. Because look, as much as she has been sweet and caring, there definitely has been an underyling aspect of Juliana's developing mentality toward Kieran that I plan to address THROUGH BOOK TROPE DECONSTRUCTIONNNNNNNNNNN lez go B). And yeah, I love love love that the argument scene went down well enough for people to see the strengths & flawed perspectives of both Arven & Juliana.
.... :) laughing in Chapter 21
Yeah, there's a lot of moving pieces with Ribombee & Carmine, too. Trust me, something special is in store. <3
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 3 months
Still debating on those other immortal characters and right now I’m like also settled on like . Burnet, Oleana, and Arven being immortals in pokemashe I think.
Burnet and Oleana I can’t really explain properly but like genuinely I think them taking up roles as storytellers who help never let the lore of the universe go untold would be really cool. Oleana especially as like, a villain character being put in this role would be neat.
Arven I’m just thinking mom dad holy fuck what did you do
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starseaweed · 8 months
Continuation of this— Okay, if I do write a submas in Paldea fic, what trainer would you want to see taking the place of the player character/Arven, Penny, and Nemona's friend? More info about each under the cut!
Juliana & Florian: A pair of Paldean siblings who were homeschooled until their mother thought they were old enough to attend Naranja/Uvas Academy. Juliana's partner is Floragato while Florian's is Quaquaval. Florian is two years older than Juliana and in the same class as Nemona! He attends Uvas Academy while his sister goes to Naranja Academy (both are run by Clavell, of course. They differ by age group and study subjects, for the most part! No, I have no idea how the main story works if both Scarlet/Violet happen in one universe. But this isn't about the main story!)
Juliana is just begining to date Arven while her brother cheers her on from the side lines! I was debating between having Juliana/Nemona or Juliana/Arven, I settled with the latter since they're closer in age and attend more classes together.
Reader/YN: Typical reader insert, though they'll likely have a bit of spice to them rather than being the stereotype shy Y/N-chan. Their partner is Skeledirge, and they only recently came to Paldea, likely just for the education. If I end up writing a reader insert, there will be future polls deciding things like what their pronouns are, what their home region is, what school do they go to, what the rest of their team consists of, and etc!
The fic will also have a heavier focus on the reader's pov and bonding with the Unovan dragons— Platonically, because this is not a submas/reader fic. There might be pairings with other students, though!
Original Character: To-be-named. She will likely be based off my own experiences playing Pokémon— I started with Moon, so she'll have moved from Alola and be an official Alolan champion. She's a wild spirit who's Naranja dorm is overflowing with Pokémon. Frequently, she hosts picnics in Area Zero despite the laws against it and entering the area in general. She also he gets along splendidly with Nemona because of their shared passion for battling, but finds most people in Paldea to be frustratingly weak— *cough* Geeta *cough cough*. However, she does meet her match in Blueberry academy.
A large amount of the DLCs plot was altered because she was extremely forward with Kieran, insisting he date her immediately if she won against him in battle. (Which she did.)
If I end up writing her, she might critique in-game problems like the inability of most Pokémon to keep up with Koraidon/Miraidon, and otherwise break the fourth wall.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Arven and Nemona
Aught guys, so my homies and I have been debating something. So when I was first introduced to the characters in the series, I was like "If they're in the academy, then they're underaged." but as I played I realized the academy has all ages. Toddlers to grown adults.
Originally I was thinking, due to this wrong assumption, that Nemona and Arven were maybe like 16/17 in age. After playing the game some more I kinda was thinking that these guys acted more like late teens/young adults. So I'm thinking this:
Arven: 19ish, maybe 20? Clearly he's older than the MC since he legit calls them his little buddy. I've personally called younger kids little buddy in the past when they're like super young compared to me so?
Nemona: 17-19 age range? She strikes me as a late teen without a doubt, she always has.
I was wondering everyone else's opinions on the matter. I've had a lot of romantic/nsfw requests for Nemona and Arven so clearly others see them as adults as well. I made a poll; it's totally an optional thing, but depending on how it goes, I might be adding Arven and Nemona onto the writing list for romance.
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shinyhappydigistar · 2 years
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This artist on Twitter has been making Pokémon out of all the Paldea trainers (as of this post, just the PCs, Nemona, Arven, Penny and the Professors have yet to be made), based on their personalities and type specialties. As soon as they did the teachers, I immediately got hungry for plain donuts. 🙃 So have some Normal/Flying Larry and Grass/Fairy Saguaro who “really seem to like hanging out”. 😉
Also an update on my experience with the iPad: this is my first piece done completely with it! I think I’m getting the hang of Procreate (SO MUCH EASIER TO FILL COLORS), though I’m debating getting a CSP subscription for it too, just to see if it works better there. Mostly for the 3D models as I’m having a really rough time with humans and proportions lately.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Emolga!Elesa: What Reader needs is someone cute they can wake you next to! And Volcaronas are brilliant and adorable mates! Koraidon!Sada: Silly Emolga, why would someone waste the opportunity to have a strong mate! Reader wouldn't care about cuteness when they can wake in the protective and primal embrace of a Slither Wing! Miraidon!Turo: ... Iron Moths have a vibrant mode... No you are not allowed to ask me how I know...
There's a joke there about Miraidon being able to vibrate and Arven's parentage.
I like to imagine they're having this debate about the best features to a mate while the actual moths are just brawling it out. S/o is just standing there looking at this madness (with poor Arven).
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