#the arcades project
jareckiworld · 4 months
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Passage du Saumon, Paris [photo by J. Barry, 1899]
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saintmaudes · 5 months
It’s not that the past casts its light on what is present, or what is present its light on the past; rather, image is that wherein what has been comes together in a flash with the now to form a constellation. In other words, image is dialectics at a standstill. For while the relation of the present to the past is a purely temporal, continuous one, the relation of what-has-been to the now is dialectical: is not progression but image, suddenly emergent. – Only dialectical images are genuine images…and the place where one encounters them is language.
—Walter Benjamin, ‘Awakening’, The Arcades Project tr. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin
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soulmaking · 5 months
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Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project
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embolalia-poetry · 2 years
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Gallerie Vivienne, 2013, Sarah Oates
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kagamine-rin · 2 months
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Project Diva Arcade prize figures
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yyeojj · 11 months
Polysho week !! Day 2: arcade !!
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nipahnan · 8 months
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lyney-mp3 · 6 months
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-͟͟͞☆) arcade + rhythm game stimboard !! self indulgent
[ 🕹️🎶🕹️ | 🎶🕹️🎶 | 🕹️🎶🕹️ ]
[ got wayyy too excited abt going to the arcade tmrw KSDGHKJDGH made this to get some of that excitement out!!!!! ]
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yxorul · 6 months
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(lol exams are next week but Penny is more important 🙏)
Anyways, had a try on giving Penny a Team Star outfit very Eeveelutions themed, clearly. Complete with LED masks, yay :D
Yeah, I gave her a car too (her Starmobile is a bit smaller than the others though but the platform she stands on is wider) fitted with rhythm game pads
The moment I saw the clip of Penny shredding the dance floor in the DLC's epilogue, my immediate thought "Yep, this nerd goes to the arcade and plays every single rhythm game available"
I also just find it funny at the thought where in the middle of the Cassiopeia fight she'll just pause the battle and forces the player to play a rhythm game with her lmao (she for sure uses her own theme as the music for rhythm game match)
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saikyo78 · 24 days
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jareckiworld · 4 months
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James Welling — Morgan Great Hall. The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin (UV-curable ink on Dibond aluminium, 2014)
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retrocgads · 5 months
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UK 1987
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soulmaking · 5 months
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Dropping Torp in the Arcade ballpit now
(I'm just going to move your location. There we go. Into the theater.)
They're going to be sleeping on the theater stage. Probably interrupting a certain performance or rehearsal. Eclipse in a slight bit of irritation at... Well whatever happened. They sort of kick him in the corner behind some fake plants. Sending out a ping to the others that there's an intruder. Causing black star (and a Sun controlled Dim.) to rush in and also probably accuse him of stuff. He's going to have such a great time.
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arcadebroke · 3 months
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amphiptere-art · 7 days
But I'm hungry.
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A terrible screeching echoed through the alleyways. Irritated growls, and painful yelps were shared. Constellation sprinted through the maze of black alleys. It was always suspicious when Blue Moon was suddenly unfindable. It always happened after they sent them after a RC mouse. The thing always served away too quickly for any of them to really keep track. And so Blue Moon would disappear. Although it was always noticeable when the screech of tires stopped that they had truly disappeared.
Another pained screech gains their attention. Constellation whizzing down another alleyway where it echoed. They hoped Sky would be able to follow them. They were sending their best map with where they ran. But it was still a confusing maze. While constellation could make it quickly to the location. Sky was the one who could actually physically stop something happening. And it honestly sounded like she might. Judging by the irritated snarl that they just heard along with the slam afterwards.
Finally constellation turned a corner and saw something unique. A strange blue smoke. They weren't sure what to make of it, But they figured it meant they were closer. Following the smoke finally found them their quarry. The tall blue and gray animatronic stood his height. Wielding some fiery red animatronic by their leg. The thing violently lashing despite its injuries. Covered in a thick layer of muck. Their eyes were full of fear. Although their body language would have told you they were angry. But after a quick look at the poor target they glared at their charge.
Constellation: -... .-.. ..- . / -- --- --- -. / .-- .... .- - / - .... . / .... . .-.. .-.. / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- .. -. --. -.-.--
Almost everything froze. Well. Blue Moon did. There Target still was fighting back. But this year is silence only broken by exhausted pants and weak snarls was immense. Blue Moon stared at them like a dog that had been caught getting into something. Eyes blown wide with surprise and guilt. Teeth that had been leaning towards their targets foot slowly leaned away. Mouth closing into a thin line. Constellation only stealed his glare even more. Blue Moon anxiously swaying on their feet.
Blue Moon: I was hungry.
Constellation: -.-- --- ..- / .... .- ...- . / ..-. --- --- -.. / .- - / .... --- -- . .-.-.-
Blue Moon: But I'm hungry.
Constellation: -.-- --- ..- / .... .- -.. / .- / -- --- ..- ... . -.-.--
Blue Moon: but I'm really hungry.
Constellation: .-- . / .... .- ...- . / -- --- .-. . / .- - / .... --- -- . -.-.--
Blue Moon: This more filling.
Constellation: .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.-. .- .-. . -.-.-- / .. - .----. ... / -... .- -.. .-.-.- / -.. .-. --- .--. / .... .. -- -.-.--
Blue Moon whines. Still not dropping but terrified and scratching red animatronic. The thing clearly losing its steam, but still fighting. Constellation stepped forward. Hoping that Blue Moon will listen if they show their serious. Instead blue moon steps back. Still holding the poor animatronic. Consolation let out a staticy growl. They get that Blue Moon gets really really really hungry for a hunt. But attacking Innocents on the street is not a good way to fill it. Consolation couldn't really do much other than seem big and shout. Although luckily his salvation came running around the corner.
Sky: Blue Moon drop that animatronic this instant!
Constellation sighed in relief. Blue Moon once again freezing to attention. But this time actually dropping the animatronic. Sky came barreling around the corner. Clearly puffy from running around looking for Blue Moon. The poor red and yellow animatronic hit their head hard. Scrambling on the cement for a good second. Getting up and bolting only to hit a wall. Consolation sent out frantic beeps telling them to calm down. But the red and yellow animatronic was already bolting again before they could even hear them. Constellation looking down the alley after them as Sky dug into Blue Moon.
Sky: Blue Moon what have I told you about eating animatronics in the alleys!
Blue Moon: They won't be missed.
Sky: Yes they will! They either got people worried about them, or trying to get help from people.
Blue Moon: But I'm hungry.
Sky: We have mouses and even staff bots we can give you. That is no excuse too traumatize someone.
Blue Moon: They don't fight back like these ones do.
Sky: I don't care! You're eating your own people! If you could convince me they were a murderer themselves, or were a bad person. Maybe I could forgive you. But not just people wanting to survive!
Constellation: .. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... .- ...- . / .-.. .. -.- . -.. / - --- / .... . .-.. .--. / - .... . -- .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .-.. --- --- -.- . -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / -... .- -.. / --- ..-. ..-. .-.-.-
Sky: Yes. It would be better to actually offer those people help. Instead of chasing them off because you decided to try and eat them!
Blue Moon: But-
Sky: No more buts. You have options at home. Now we're heading home.
Blue Moon whined at the stern confirmation that they are going home. Bowing down to their more quadruped stance and sulking behind her. Constellation took one more look towards where the red and yellow animatronic had ran off to. The strange smoked dwindled. They were definitely far away. It was a pity. They would have offered them repairs and home. Constellation shaking his head as he took up his spot behind Blue Moon. Making sure they would all arrive home without them somehow sneaking off. They were probably going to have to figure out some way to help Sky calm down.
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