#the amount of l o v e in it is gut wrenching
balanc3d-p3nguin · 8 months
✨🐠 [beach boy & orange zest ]🍊✨
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[i'm losing my mind over our life i cried so hard during Reflection and basically throughout the rest of the game]
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quiescentgale · 7 years
「       ※          Winds && Stars carrying on
                                                  ⋨ ⌣  x ⌢ ⋩    @dethiux                 ※        」
   Garlic. An essential part of an Italian family home where cooking is the utmost best way to show love. An interesting ingredient that could be used for various amounts of sauces for their ever loving pasta dishes. Not to mention, it could have been used in so many other dishes or medical remedies! However, when it came to the elements of ice scream, Vanitas could have sworn off the stuff for the rest of his life. The male before him might have meant well, and he wasn’t the type to turn down a wholesome gift. Though, a man’s limit was his (limit )!  ❛ What the hel– who decided to make a garlic flavor?  ❜ Accent thick as the day he was born, the male wondered was the other trying to make a joke out of something or rather he really wasn’t meaning no harm by giving him all of these treats. Either way, Vanitas took the offered items within his glove covered hand and proceeded to open at least one of them.  ❛ I guess I should thank you.  ❜
  Did he usually accept gifts from strangers, especially food? Well, no, but the fact that the other looked so much like his younger brother ( Ventus ) made the raven want to trust him. A sigh slowly moved past his lips, as he opened the first flavor. Strawberry was his favorite, and not because the fruit was implied by so many people to be something of sexual manner. No, no and no. He loved it because it reminded him of his childhood, back when his father took him to the vineyards where he grew up. Back to when his mother wasn’t sick like she was now, and back to when his life was so much easier to handle. How odd such a small gesture of a treat could bring back so many fond ( memories ) of a time where he was the most happiest. Lately, he’s done nothing but live in the past, worship the people that no longer exist in his perimeter, and get caught up on the so many ‘ what if’s ‘. It was nice to leave all of that behind for but a simple moment.
  ❛ I can’t remember when I stopped to have ice cream like this.  ❜ Silly, of him to allow himself to drift along like this. What if the other could have been a spy? What if he was just using  ( prosthetic’s ) to make himself look like an older version of his kid brother!? It could have been done, it has been done before! People within the assassin bureau has come up with many different ways to out do each other! Vanitas paused while eating, lowering his golden orbs towards Ven before taking another bite.  ❛ Come to think of it, who might you be?  ❜  No, he wasn’t going to attack him, not when there were so many people around. Too many witnesses to make a fatal attack now, and it wasn’t wise to tarnish his work ethics now of all places.  ❛ It’s not ‘a every day people give others ‘a treat ya see. .  ❜
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  The other would understand, no? He was after all, the head of his father’s clan. A natural born heir to the whole Vaniti era. He had to be cautious, especially until he had born an heir for himself. And most importantly, what the heck was up with that darn garlic flavor? ‘ Who the hell in their right minds would give me this?’ He thought, over and over while finishing the other treat. Now working on the banana flavored one, a complete  ( glutton ) even if he would have denied it until the day he died. ‘ Maybe I am being to conscience about this, he’s just a dude who gave me something nice. .’ Ugh, since when did he become such a fking sap?  ❛ Ya know, don’t even answer that question. Most of all, you didn’t see me. ❜ He slowly got up from the bench he was sitting at, ready to head for his car still waiting at the parking meter. A nerve twitched as he paused, looking back towards the other – serious, but not really.
❛ Tell anyone about this and I’ll kill you.  ❜  
▹ ☆ Vanitas ☆ ◃
                    ✣ 「 ヴェン」 ❦❧ ─ Something about this ‘Vanitas’ that sounded so entirely wrong in Ventus’ ears, yet the blond brushed it off, as he was too much eagerly seeing the man, his darker half here, and  A L I V E  not like when Ventus have shattered them both, and crushed his hope; no matter what beautiful lies Xehanort had promised. The desperate hopelessness within his eyes were enough to break his fragment of a heart a thousand times over. Poorly in misjudging his other half, if only the Wayward Wind Master had understood him more... looked passed the threats, the insults, the bitterness, and anger... there was just someone who wished to be whole, someone who wanted  with great desperation for the pain to stop... and Ventus being black and white, had not seen the hurting... had been nothing but cold stone   C R U E L  rejection, upon rejection... and ended him. And that... had no way been 「  S a l v a t i o n 」, no way Vanitas had deserve any of that and... It was just plainly out of necessity...
                     “W-Wait! Wait a minute!” Snapping his head up, realizing that he was leaving and Ventus... Ventus have so many questions. So many times to say. A thousand words begging to be spoken... yet, his throat constricted and clamp up. Sputtering and stuttering, nothing came out nothing but unintelligent and dumb questions. “You’re... You’re Vanitas, aren’t you?” Of course he is, you dummy! Reprimanding himself in his own head. Nervously eclipse the friendliness mannerism prior. “Please don’t go,” Not again. Not before he could ushered out those words from his Hearts. Ventus needed to say those words before he can rest at ease. “I was... really surprised that you’re... a-alive,” but how could he? ‘I struck him down didn’t I?’ Someone please explain to him how can there be more Vanitas around if not THAT him? His looks were the say. His speech pattern, the death threat,  his awkwardness in mannerism, ( Even if his accent was a little strange )  lack of friendliness and usual crude usage of words, how can this  N o t  be Vanitas?
                     “But, you’re here! And I’m glad,” Boldly, something Ventus had never done before,  taken ‘Vanitas’ arm in his, halting anymore steps to move away, staring hopefully up at his taller darker half, continuously convincing himself, this is him. Blindly seeking out that single forgiveness. Not out of selfish self satisfaction, but he needed his other half to know the truth, needed him to  U n d e r s t a n d ,  had Ventus had another option, never forced into that no way out corner... then things would have been different. “I know it is a little strange. Especially coming from me, but please, I need you to hear me out.” Ignoring at the by standers or passing by crowds, watching as if they were watching a novelty movie being played in front of them; Men and women seemed to find the scene more a little romantic misunderstanding, but Ventus ignored them all. His world, zoned onto this single person here.
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                                                “Can’t you... just please give me a chance?”
                    To make up for the pain he’d caused, the suffering silently inflicted upon, and the tears he’d seen Vanitas shed. The gut wrenching feeling doubled and it wasn’t just an echo anymore. Just was deafening. A hollow aching that won’t leave, but the  V o i d  becoming larger. Wider.  C o n s u m i n g . Eroding away at what’s left of his fragment of a heart. even now, Ventus can feel it crumbling away underneath his feet. It was repentance for the Light that ended his Darkness. No Yang can live without their Yin, Ventus had finally understand the full gravity of it now. “Please?”
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