#the amount of fun I'm having writing this fic is unreal
buckera · 1 year
Tease Tidbit Tuesday ☔️
I was tagged by the lovely @daffi-990 mwuah 💛 So here, have a little tease from the mudslide fic yet again~
“I’m going over there.” He cut him off, barely parting his teeth with the words.
“Are you sure?” He could tell that Bobby was concerned, but he didn't look like he wanted to stop Buck, which he appreciated, because there was nothing and no one here who could've stopped him now.
“I’ll let Chief Williams know. And take Ravi with you, just in case.”
In case of what Bobby didn't say and Buck didn't want to ask.
no pressure tagging: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @jesuisici33 @callaplums @ladydorian05 @disasterbuckdiaz
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xoxoemynn · 1 month
I spent the night catching up on reading some fic after taking a bit of a breather to focus on writing and omg, it felt SO GOOD. The amount of TALENT in this fandom is unreal. Un. Real. For the past few hours I've been immersed in so many different worlds featuring my favorite characters and it was BREATHTAKING.
And now I'm sitting here thinking about how much fun that was and how I need to do that more often because oh my god the EXHILARATION truly I am just LIVING right now. I felt SO MANY EMOTIONS and I didn't even leave my couch?!
And it's so cool because I was reading one fic and losing my mind over it and mid-way through I went "wow, I want to write a fic Like That." Because it stirred a kind of emotion in me and I'd love to stir that kind of emotion in others and it's got my brain buzzing in a new way I doubt it would have buzzed on its own had I not read that fic and it's just SO. COOL. how creativity begets more creativity and how we all inspire each other.
And it's all because we found This Show and loved it and couldn't let it go, and there are still countless stories to be told and universes to play in and it's SO EXCITING and I love you all and I'm so grateful.
Thank you for sharing your love for OFMD however you share it, thank you for your fic and your art and your text posts and your tags and your comments.
Thank you for being here. 💕
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mariequitecontrary · 2 months
2024 TF Reverse Mini Bang Memories Part 1
With the @tf-bigbang discord server closing today, I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite memories during my first community fandom event :)
Not to be dramatic, but this event changed the trajectory of my part in the transformers community for the better. It felt like I was at a 4 month long summer camp! I had so much fun talking to everyone and making so many precious, precious friends that I truly hope to stay in touch with.
So buckle in and grab some boba or your preferred drink of choice, because this is going to be long and sentimental.
A Welcoming Start
I joined at the beginning of April, due to someone reposting the Big Bang's twitter post about how writers were still welcome to join. I thought, "Only 5k word requirement over the course of a few months? Yeah sure. I can do that." Little did I know I'd actually committed to writing a fic almost 5 times that length
The vibes in the discord server started out with a bang (heh). Everyone was immediately kind and welcoming to one another. It was an immediate safe space to be excited, let loose and show our freak XD I loved how ferally affectionate we were with bringing new friends into the fold.
A sketch by @nepetacataria-art perfectly shows this I think XD
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The Support and Love Shared
The sheer amount of love, comradery, and support shared with one another was astounding. Almost 200 writers and artists shared tips and tricks and offered advice and encouragement to each other! It was unreal and I learned so much. It truly encouraged me to improve in my craft and even inspired me to want to learn how to draw again!
Oh, and the RECS everyone shared!!! Everyone shared so many fics and art pieces that I am now obsessed with! I have been blessed with a LOT of quality, amazing content that I never would have seen otherwise! My tbr list grew from large to neverending haha <3
Teasing the Artists Before Match Ups
I'm ngl, I had WAY too much fun once the sketches were released to the writers and the secret-authors-corner channel was made. We all OBSESSED over all of the art and fangirled over each one! But we also talked, and talked, and talked. And dropping out of context messages into the public channels for the artists to see was too much fun!
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Talking Transformers
IT WAS THE BEST THING EVEERRRRRR!!!!! WOWOWOWOWOW! I loved raving about characters and lore, both canon and fanon! Even when I wasn't a part of the conversation, just lurking and reading what people talked about whether it was AUs, comics, shows, character breakdowns, brainstorming ideas...it was all so cool and so fun. Everyone is so creative and thinking about the sheer amount of fun we all had makes me tear up.
Like, SO MANY plot bunnies were made with everyone! Myself included! Sometimes people would just say a random ass thing and then five others would hop on, riffing against each other and developing that little idea into something concrete and so so JUICY.
Two out of many MANY conversations that I personally loved were the video games x transformers ideas and talking tentacles and transformers in the nsfw channel XD
Writers Panicking, As We Do
It was all in fun, but it was very entertaining and validating to be in a space where we can all stress about our writing, our fics, and approaching deadlines.
The mods clearly enjoyed adding endless fuel to the fire and (lovingly) watched us all scream and run around in a fiery chaotic panic over every little thing.
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I didn't get to join many, but it was always so cool watching artists draw! I also had a lot of fun streaming Hades 2 with a few friends with it was first released :)
Team 0 - A King Julien Starscream Fic
It all started when Writer's Choice Period began...and the example inspired many of us writers to obsess over this...I'll let the screenshots tell you XD
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A King Julien Starscream fic just WORKS and you can't tell me otherwise! @mendely's sketch REALLY sold it to me as a thing that's GOTTA happen.
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Madagascar AU FTW
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@useless19's king julienscream puppet owns my soul and their little vid is possibly the finest piece of silent cinema I've ever watched in my entire life. I was ENRAPTURED.
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@sxpaiscia's art KILLS ME. PUTS MY HEART IN A CHOKEHOLD. Julienscream lives in my head rent free and 50% of it is imagined with their art in mind.
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The sad end to the story is...the Team 0's fic wasn't completed within the time requirements to be posted with the rest of the Mini Bang's fics :( Do we still plan on continuing and finishing it? HELL YEAH WE ARE!
To Be Continued...
Did you know that there is a limit to the amount of images you can share in one post? SMH.
Link to Part 2!
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hebuiltfive · 4 months
Hi! A bit for the ask game!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you anticipated.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Thank you for the ask @edutainer2022!
I ramble a lot so I'll put most of this under a cut!
5. Ooh, this one is hard! I try to 'never say never' with any idea. Usually I'll work it into another story somewhere or just put it on a shelf of indefinite hiatus, but rarely do I look at an idea and say never. That being said, there are a fair few ideas that have yet to see the light of day and it's very possible that they never will.
The first one that comes to mind was my very first Thunderbirds fanfic I began to write but was never fully realised: a catastrophe on-board Titanic 2, an unfortunately named cruise ship that would catapult IR into intense media scrutiny and legal issues.
Another example might be Penelope taking Gordon on a trip to the Maldives for his birthday. It's been over a year since that idea was first formed and I've yet to actually write it out. I feel like it may never see the light of day!
Then there was an idea of the boys playing around in the pool too, but again, beyond a cliche title, nothing more ever came of that one.
There are plenty of others, I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. Some may one day be weaselled into other fics, but there are plenty that have been shelved!
10. A fair few actually! I usually expect a couple of likes on my things and that's it. The Thunderfam are always so supportive though, which is something I'm still getting used to even after a year and a half of being here, because previous fandoms were often the opposite.
I think I was surprised by most of my Thundertober pieces from last year, especially Hospital. I hadn't thought anyone -bar a few, including your good self! - would be interested in a Havoc POV. I'm working on a sequel (of sorts) still, but holding back mainly because of that same thought. Maybe I should return to it at some point.
Also, WSHSB. The amount of changes to the plot of this story (it's so different to when I first started writing it last year!) is unreal and I honestly was just writing it purely for myself, thinking no-one would be interested in it at all! The reception is always very heartwarming whenever I post anything about it because in my head it's still just my silly little story 😂
18. This is another tough one. It took me a while to find a couple.
Maybe “I’m mad as hell that you would dare to stoop so goddamn low, is what I am.” / “I’m the villain.” from Seeking An Absolution purely because I'm biased as it was so much fun writing Jeff and the Hood, but also because the Hood is unapologetically evil. And he's more than happy to admit that. Exploring that was entertaining aha!
Also: "And who is going to save you?" which is from a piece that's still a WIP on my notes app. I think it's an important question that no-one in IR ever really considers - they're just doing their job, well aware of the risks and have made peace with that mostly - but the people close to them might want to ask on occasion.
I have a few others but I feel like I've rambled on for quite a while now. Thank you again for the ask! This was fun!
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years
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Noot Special!
Hello hello hello! Welcome to a very special edition of the Bedtime story project!!! this could be read a love letter to all my beloved noot friends (it absolutely is btw) but also as a collection of some truly incredible fics by some equally incredible people. For those of you seeing this for the first time, this is not-quite regular post wherein i rec shorter, usually fluffy, fics in the hopes that you too find something to make your bedtime that little bit sweeter!
✩Suburbia by @fruitcoops (T: rated by me)
Starting off so so so strong with Eve's wonderful writing. This fic feels like a big hug and I love it to bits oh gosh <333 Anyone that knows sweater weather knows Eve is an absolute GOD in this fandom and the fact that I get to interact with her on the daily and call her my friend still feels a wee bit like a fever dream. she's out here writing utter magic like countermoves and Land of light both of which have me climbing the walls and chewing at the floorboards cause holy SHIT (whoops, back to the fic) I'm not going to lie, it was so hard to pic just a few fics to rec, but I went with the one I'd read this week for the wee oneshot because oh GOSH it is so somft and lovely and adorable, i love it.
✩Frosted windowpanes by @heyitssmiller (G | 13.8K)
Piercing, bitter cold greeted Logan as he stepped outside for the first time that day. The kind of cold that made the entire body tense up and the breath hitch. It was a quiet early morning, with a stillness that only freshly-fallen snow could bring. Logan took a second to pull his toque further down over his head as he grabbed the chainsaw by the door before heading out to the truck, passing the sign with red, clean lettering that read Tremblay’s Christmas Trees.
Now anyone that's been on this blog for a while knows just how much I ADORE mills and her writing (hello my lovely E-fiancee!!) And this FIC oh GOSH!!!! Frosted wondowpanes recently had its two year anniversary (!!!) which is when it was published on Ao3. I won't lie, this au still lives in my head RENT FREE along with clandestine and also Rendezvous with destiny (both of which I am definitely NOT reccing in this list no sir, not AT ALL nuh uh please dont have the links to them (they're on the names) and also whatever you do DONT go and yell in milo's comments about how MAGNIFICENT her writing is, no sir, definitely not suggesting that) Because of just how adorable it is, so much blushy flirting and idiots in love, 100/10
✩Leo's plant corner by @we-are-swearwolves (G)
Finn/Leo/Logan: plants and domesticity and social media mishaps 
Oh lord, oh jesus. Anyone that's ever interacted with me for any amount of time on the SW discord know I am absolutely FERAL for Em's writing. This is one of her shorter fics but you should absolutely definitely decidedly NOT go read her other works which I am NOT rec-ing because they definitely did NOT make me cry sob eat my heart out and feel shrimp emotions like Québécois and also "Smile, Soleil." nuh uh, not at ALL ;)
✩I've got my love to keep me warm by @arrowofcarnations (M | 1.7K)
Okay so, most people know Kim as the incredible author behind the fandom classic Inked but oh my GOSH the way kim writes makes me so EMOSH it is unreal, her characters are so fleshed out and tangible and so so gorgeous and also i get to watch her to her magic word thing on the discord??? like hello??? little old me witness to this absolute SORCERY??? genuinely insane, i adore it so much. Alsooooo cute little fun fact: Kim and Em worked together to write the masterpiece that absolutely BROKE me Like Real People Do just flipping INCREDIBLE. absolutely showstopping. I love Kim and her writing so so much.
✩Regency AU by @peggyrose19 (E: rated by me)
oh my god oh my god oh my GOD. Audrey's writing is so fucking *chef's kiss* and watching this magic story come to life in the SW discord was an absolute DELIGHT. utterly filthy, completely delightful and wonderful in every single way. Of course, Auds is also our local St.Tweedle whisperer with fics like this one and also hold me closer. oh my GOD audrey's brain is so so big, i honestly have no idea how she comes up with all these incredible aus and fic ideas, such a cool human i love her &lt;3
Coops/ wolfstar
✩Christmas is home by ithilielthechosenone (T | 1.5K)
Remus gives him a mock shove with a shake of his head. “You are hopeless.” No, Sirius thinks. I was. I thought I had to be. I wrestled it down until I myself could no longer see it. You took my hand and gave it back to me. You all did. My hope lives within each and every smile of yours.
- Sirius and Remus enjoy the snow
Oh good gosh, oh jesus, oh boy, it's Ami's writing, my KRYPTONITE. The way Ami writes is like music. there's no other way I can think of to describe it. It flows so beautifully and the way her writing reads like lyrical prose and poetic storytelling has me weak in the knees EVERY single time. This fic was part of the SW discord winter fic exchange and it had me looking at my phone like 🥺🥰the whole time. Ami's writing is just INCREDIBLE and she blows me away with the way she words everytime she blesses us with her writing :)
✩First Burn by @fruitcoops
Okay folks, we've already established how much I ADORE Eve's writing but also oh my GOD I just had to bring up this au, which left me completely shooketh right from the moment the idea came up in the discord to the finished product of Eve's wonderful fic. I LOVE it so so much and I still reread it on a semi regular basis (but shhhh) bottom line, everyone needs to read this.
✩Washcloths and Wishes (A Sweater Weather Fanfic) by @veryspacecowboy (E | 1K)
oh goodness M's writing (and M themself) Is so flipping wonderful and this was one of her first fic's I've ever read (I think it might've actually been their first published fic I read) the way she writes is so flipping incredible and the way they weave all the character's stories together is so magical to witness, and to watch them do this wizardry on the discord (parkouring through allll the threads, so many of which are her brainchild because M is big brain and they are so so cool) has me making heart eyes at my phone/laptop. This fic is somft and also hot (which they are a MASTER at, the duality of M(tm)) and every SW fan HAS to read it, I promise you'll love it.
✩Sirius gets Re to communicate by the wonderful @tetedump/@arewelonely
LAUREL WRITING LAUREL WRITING OH MY LORDY. Laurel is such an incredible human oh my gosh my HEART!!! we haven't spoken very much but she's such a bright, kind, and comforting presence on the discord and I always have a little !!! moment when I see her in my notifications :')) This fic oh my GOSH this fic is EXACTLY what it says on the bottle, Sirius gets Re to communicate because he's a sexi sexi gentleman (Laurel's world not mine) She's such a lovely, caring human and honestly, you can really see that come through in her writing and it makes me so so 🥺🥹 I adore every single inch of it &lt;3
✩Neon moon podfic, written by @fruitcoops and read by @itsaash
So we all know that Ash is our resident podcast GOD, who's read and orchestrated the wonderful Sweater weather podfic along with a bunch of other noots (which everyone collectively lost their minds over) and also the podfic of the system which was originally written by @heyitssmiller (ahahahah triple noot whammy hehehe) but oh my GOSH Ash is so so cool, and such a delightful person to talk to and interact with, I adore her to bits, she's always so nice and kind whenever you interact with her and she's so wonderful about raising peeps up with her podfics, it makes me very very 🥺🥰
Thank you so so much to the lovely noots for putting all their wonderful works out there into the world and letting me rec their works in this silly little list :) I love you all so so so much, and AHHHH thank you so much!  Thank you, lovely reader for going through my first ever reclist! feel free to come yell about these lovely works with/at me, and you can send in your recs on the comments of this post, or my inbox!
Happy reading!
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doodle-pops · 11 months
OMG, I was a few days late to your Feanor x Reader fic (exams and family drama lol), and I just want to say... I'm down bad.
Buuuuuut: I really went down bad bad when Feanor has the power to take control but he respects his lover's wants... Like, he is clearly seen wanting to take control, but for her sake he's holding himself back... The amount of love I hold for him is so unreal.
And it's not even that. It's the way you write him. The way you portray how he (even in the midst of lust) is willing to let her have her fun, and he enjoys it as well. The power of MINA.
Just wanted to thank you for giving me that little fic honestly. Weird way of thanking, but it's a good thing it's not in person, or I'll be even more mixed up and awkward.
Let's be real though, I don't think he'll let her take control for another hundred years lol.
Firstly, I hope your exams passed well, I know around this time are mid terms. So, best of luck in the others 💞. I also hope the family drama can be eventually solved and it doesn't bring too much stress.
Secondly, asdfghjkl. I'm squealing—you enjoyed it!! 🥺. I had lots of fun experimenting with a switch in their dynamic—so thrilled to hear that it was able to make your day 🤗. And yeah, Feanor probably isn't going to give control for another hundred years. Gonna have to fight to tie him up again. 😂
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PS: Awkward meetings may be a long-lasting (painful) memory, but it's something to reflect on and laugh (and die on the inside)
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slidersimp · 2 years
i just wanted you to know i think about “at my side” every day. how adorable Tess is how amazing the usage of ASL is, plus found family and dealing with trauma and icemav and mavdad 😭 it’s a fic specifically catered to me!! i’ve been trying to make my way through your other fics but at my side gives me comfort so i’m rereading it yet again. i love that you included the picture of inspiration for piper and tess theyre BEAUTIFUL animals
Me, looking at the absolute devastation I have in my docs to kick off chapter 4: haha angst who???
But seriously though, thank you so much!!! You've really got me crying at the club rn omg this is so sweet! Honestly I feel very similarly about this fic, I'm the one who wrote it and it still feels catered to me, it's very funny. My sister has made fun of me so much for it, the amount of tie-ins to my real life is unreal. The ASL is less personal but definitely something I'm very into as I'm studying it at the moment but omg the trauma and the found family is sooo close to me. A lot of the stuff I've been writing about with Mav is very informed by my dad's experience with PTSD, Mav has it worse but that experience has definitely given me a window into seeing what if might be like for Mav. For people with PTSD, community is really important to the healing process and just making them remember they have people around them, and for Mav I think that would be getting his family all together which is what I'm trying to do with this fic. Hence the found family, which is also one of my favorite tropes.
Not to mention, I think my experience with my dad also informed me on how PTSD doesn't just affect the person who has it, like obviously Mav has it the worst but it hurts to see someone you love in a state like that, so Mav's family is going to do everything they can to help him. Some of that works itself into the fic unintentionally on my part, but I see it there in the moments with Bradley and especially in how Slider is acting around Mav. (Omg Slider in this fic too, I wrote it and I'm still like what the hell, how did he get such a main role in here?)
And then of course the animals! I'm so much more of a dog person than I am a cat person (I love cats, I have absolutely nothing against them, I think they are wonderful, lovely creatures) but DOGS. Omg. I have had dogs that have been so fucking smart they could probably do math better than I could and I have had dogs that are funny and silly and sometimes a little stupid but I love them!! I love Tess and I love the idea of her being a wonderful conniving genius and I love the idea of her supporting Mav and helping him and just jakghkjskjsd. Also I'm glad you liked the pictures! I had to include them lol, they're so beautiful, I think if I saw Tess (the real one because I stole her name too) in person I'd just die on the spot. She's gorgeous.
I just realized I didn't talk about Icemav! I have so many feelings about them because their situation seems soooo difficult to me considering their work and their shared trauma. The end of the last chapter was me kind of trying to address those complications but I'd really love to get into that going forward. I will be writing some solid Icemav fluff for this fic I swear.
Omg okay I need to wrap this up but thank you soo much you've inspired me to keep writing and I really hate that I have to do homework today instead of just writing this fic omg. I'm so sorry chapter 4 has been taking me so long but I am trying and I can't wait for you to read it!!
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clearwillow · 2 years
For the yet another writing ask 🤓 21,28,30,35
Hi @liz8080 💖
21. Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?
I...cannot 🤣 not without forcing it, and I think we can see that in the A Not So Far Quest series. I thought "ok it's gonna be just three chapters" and sometimes I wonder if it shouldn't have been closer to 5 for each...
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
YES - write what feels right to you. Always go with your gut instinct; if it doesn't make you want to reread it, try something else. Unless you're writing it for someone else specifically, make it so you want to come back and reread it. You don't have to follow trends. Don't let people try to lead you into creating something you're not up for. This has happened to me many times, and there's some instances where I look back at the piece and remember that I'm not satisfied with it.
Don't be afraid to branch out either, but do it on your terms. Once that clicked for me, I've enjoyed writing so much more than I did when no one was reading my stuff at all. I'll still get the comments of "I wish you'd have done this" or "why couldn't X have happened instead" but it's written for me at the end of the day, just like any art I create (outside of work of course).
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
I think...the small town reverse harem idea I once thought about? I dunno I'm still on the fence on it because a) there's probably a lot like it already, b) there's not much of a plot, c) the "harem" may be too misleading because I once got told that they thought Mating Fever would be InuKagKogSess... Since I'd planned for all three sides of Inuyasha to be three different men, there were details I never settled on, and I didn't want people thinking it was an AU of Mating Fever either.
If I ever figure it out it might still happen, but right now? It's like...bottom of the idea box...
35. Thoughts on writing challenges/contests.
I think they're fun! I've never done a writing contest before, so I can't say much for that, other than I wouldn't stand a chance - BUT - I think the challenges are fun to exercise skills. If time allows I like to try to take part, but I've also got to be sure I can commit before I sign up. The amount of guilt I'd have if I had to drop or disappoint someone because I couldn't deliver is unreal.
Writing Asks
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Why should I play along
Summary: Dave spends another amount of time with The Narrative hes become aware of, in that time, hes gifted something hes never been gifted before, a choice of fate.
Warnings: Unreality (?), semi fourth wall break, eldritch traits, body horror, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: I'm really getting the hang of the whole, existential narrative dread thing, its quite fun as well, hard to write though, and one of the fic titles mentioned I am actually working on, once again, I take reblogs as a form of currency over likes.
You know better now.
You can see your nothing more than a role in a stupid story, and that you've played roles in countless other stupid stories made by so many people.
But you can't escape fate.
You've crawled through hell and back, you've been happy you've been sad, you've been mad you've been glad, you've murdered you've been murdered.
You can't escape fate, its an encroaching doom and you can feel that same twist of fate grasp your shoulders again and pull you into the light.
The light of a new story, a light you've seen millions of times really.
And you can see again
[Broken, chapter four, 1334 words]
This is new.
[Rip and Tear, 3897 words]
You've never seen this in the light.
[It was Terrible John, 846 words]
Are these... Choices?
[Half a man, chapter seven, 2040 words]
You've never been given a choice before.
The Narratives grip eases on your shoulders and you can walk and stare in amazement at the sights you're seeing. You know its a trick, it has to be, how, how come The Narrative would give you a choice, they must all suck. You're willing to bet something truly horrible happens to you in one them, It was Terrible John, that one holds the most horrors you're sure of.
You walk up the titles that hover around you and you gently press on one of them and it gives under your touch with a tactile click sound as you your hand.
"Why would you give me a choice?" You asked, eyes closed as the world starts to brighten, and you swear you can hear an answer, you swear you can hear it fading as the world comes into color, the muffled drone of The Narrative answering your call.
You shoot up, screaming, oh god, fuck, it was just a dream, it had to be, you're home, you're safe.
And not only that but you hear the pitter patter of steps as someone approaches your room and you seize up, drawing knees to chest and shoulders to ears.
The sound kept getting closer and closer and you kept inching further and further back, did you forget to do your homework, did the teacher call, whys Bro coming to you?
The Narrative, why, why does it hate Dave you, is it even real?
You could hear the door handle click two times as it turned.
it was a MISTAKE-
The door is opened and you see a young woman your age walk in, she's normal, yes, thank fuck, she's perfectly fine, she isn't Bro, she isn't mad, she closes the door.
She steps closer and the darkness follows her into your room and the uncanny flaws in her perfection become clear.
Her eyes are wrong, they aren't right, and theirs to many on her face, on her body. Her skin is tearing in some spots, its melting even and you can see it sag around her eyes. Some of her eyes are fully detailed and developed human eyes, others are glowing, violet orbs that even though their isn't a pupil you know are darting about. She steps closer and closer and you realize she doesn't have fingers, did she ever have fingers anyways?
It doesn't matter now as they've melted into conglomerated masses of flesh seemingly without bone and slimy like tentacles. She opens her mouth and much like Bro after your first meet with The Narrative, she has so many fangs running down her throat, and they glimmer coated in jade. By the time she reaches your bed and sits down beside you, all of her eyes, how many, you don't know, but they all stare at you even as her human eyes stare at the door.
"Dave," she begins softly, her voice is perfect, there isn't any discord, there isn't any flaw, no uncanny valley in her voice, its secure, "they're coming."
What could that even mean?
"You need to escape."
Shes spouting nonsense and you know it.
"Dave, why do you listen to The Narrative?"
You go to speak, but you can't, you aren't allowed.
"You don't have to listen to it."
You nod. you shouldn't've
"You need to break free."
You don't even know what that means.
"I promise I'll be there waiting for you on the other side of the story."
Why would you want this eldritch bitch hanging around anyways.
"Dave, its smoke and mirrors."
Speaking in riddles, you roll your eyes.
"You have a choice."
And then shes gone, leaving you to contemplate what she said before just evaporating like that. Your minds are stuck on the track of how she appeared, so many eyes, to many eyes, in all the wrong places, and the jade in throat, didn't she love someone with blood like that?
And that you have a choice, is what she said, and she said it so firmly you can't help but believe.
The door is wrenched open, the handle coming loose and horror shoots through your veins, tearing apart existential dread at the horror of organ loss. In filter your friends, in comes John, in comes Jade, in comes Karkat, in come so many more, and they all have uncanny flaws like the girl. The girl was Rose, it clicks in your head, it all makes sense, of course she would know if its all a stupid story, maybe you do have a choice.
You say it out loud, you say it firm enough to make it true that you have a choice.
But do you really, Dave?
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Thoughts on each TDI Reboot episode, finally the finale at 13! SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
This also has my final thoughts for the season!!
Feels unreal that this is the last episode. 7 years of nothing besides Dramarama, and now I've watched an entire new season fresh out of the oven.
Millieeeee noooooo ;n;
The bracelet!!!
Bowie I love you (platonic), but the bestieesssss nooooo
Priya calm down please, Millie is a wreck, can't you tell she's not proud of what she's done?
Raj is so happy to see Bowie again.
Eewww Chase and Emma making out ickkkk
Bowie immediately picks Raj :'D
Ohhhhh the wheel feels like a callback to the semi-finals in og Island. But without the torture
Zee is still my sweet dumb boy
Let's go Damien!!!!
Die Ripper Die Die Die
Nooooo let Bowie have Raj, not Julia
Omg they're making a contract. Hope it's not legally binding for Bowie's sake 😬
Ripper go away your plan is shit
Lava lake. Fr, how is the EPA not all over Chris again.
Bowie use your little twink arms and go go go!!!
Chris leave Bowie alone
Damn Priya actually gonna kill Millie.
Raj!!! He's so adorable how much he cares for Bowie.
Wayne stealing Raj's popcorn while his bestie's bf might die. Lmao
Oh noo where Chef Hatchet's Chris Leash.
They need a snack, Bowie, let the goats be.
Chef what happened to you. I thought you were the good one.
Wonder what Zee's reaction to the goat milking is.
Ohhh the milk balls is how they're gonna do the alternate ending.
Raj crossing his fingers for Bowieeee
At least now she can go to med school hopefully.
Firstly, Raj comforting Bowie over his loss while Priya is celebrating her win is so sweet. Second, yipiiieie new season confirmation!!!
A short but sweet ending!!! Excited to see what the alternate ending for Bowie will be like. Hoping it's the canon ending lol.
This season has been so much fun to watch, and has been soooo refreshing compared to previous seasons. As much I love Revenge of the Island (my favorite season overall) and enjoy All-Stars (my childhood favorite season), they can feel a bit... much, at times. This season kept everything simple by going back to basics, using the old formula from og Island, while still using everything the writers have learned from every other season. And then improved all of that. Despite the characters being based on stereotypes as always, most of them have been shown to be waaaay more than what they were based on. And it creates good representation for more groups of fans like queer and disabled people, as well as adding even more good bipoc representation. And for me the cherry on top of the writing is making the main couple of the season be a friendship instead of a romance. I won't deny potential lesbianisms are afoot with Priya and Millie, and I'll probably looking for fic of the two when I'm not scouring Ao3 for RajBowie lol, but their friendship is so sweet and wholesome and such a breath of fresh air.
The art and animation are the best they've ever been for the series. I can feel the amount of love and care that went into making this season and am very excited to see what's in store for the next season. So many of the drawings and perspectives have blown me away. And the 3D!! Genuinely it's some of the best bits of 3D work I've seen incorporated into 2D animated TV. They matched the style to the 2D artwork so well that it just blends in, and without a keen eye or closer inspection, you wouldn't even know it's 3D. Really hoping they experiment with more 3D and even try bigger scenes in the next season.
Despite my praise for this season, there's still a few hiccups. As much as I gush over Raj and Bowie, their relationship still feels a bit shallow. The characters themselves are great, much more fleshed out than I thought they'd be for their introductory season. But Raj's elimination felt like it cut off all development between the two way too soon. I know they agreed to put any relationship at all on hold until after the show ended, which is the smartest thing any couple in this series has ever done, but I still feel like they could have developed a bit more of a hook to get viewers invested and wanting more for next season. Instead of the hook mainly being them sharing some looks and a few kisses, and that RajBowie is the show's first canon gay romance, y'know? Beyond that: the entire farting episode is just disgusting toilet humor at best and a poorly disguised fetish at worst. Emma's entire arc was thrown right down the drain at the last second when she went back to Chase (TWICE). And the early boots, as always, didn't get any chance to shine. Rip all Caleb, Axel and Nichelle fans, y'all were robbed as soon as they handed you something.
All in all, setting my biases aside for my personal favorite season, Island Reboot has probably been the best season of the series since og Island. Personally, I don't think it tops Revenge of the Island for me, but its pretty darn close. I haven't felt this much joy watching Total Drama since I watched ROTI and All-Stars for the first time. It still feels unreal that we have a new season of the show AND another one on the way. My hyperfixation of the show came back at the perfect time and I can't wait to make and reblog fanart and fics!!
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miabrown007 · 2 years
23, 37, 41
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
already answered here :)
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
get away (that is all I can do) is essentially a Ladrien spy AU and it touches on some topics that made me possibly overtag it for content warnings, so it kind of slipped under the radar. despite that it's one of my favourite things I've ever written. it has more plot than I usually operate with and I really like the way I built it all up. I'll say I think it's clever and also emotional, but I love all the twists I put into such a short fic, considering the amount of plot it covers. it has this 'only glimpses, no bullshit' kind of style which made it a lot of fun to write, and every chapter is based on a Taylor Swift song which is a plus in my book haha
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
this is a bargain, a bunch for one!!:D
Those Benevolent Stars (it's been too long since I read this fic but I remember its style being immaculate, and honestly, can I just link Peach's whole profile?! hypothesis is one of my favourite fics ever, it somehow caters to my taste perfectly, and metamorphosis ruined me and put me back together with a gently question of 'don't you think you should look for a therapist?'. the answer has been well, now that you mention it. fiction alters reality.)
find the truth, introduce it with a hundred proof (idk if you know this author, they are amazing, astonishing, incredibly clever and funny and have such a way with words that I keep making grabby hands at their phrases and referencing them because !!! yeah, I'm so normal about them)
Don't you know? Ladybug and Marinette don't get along (I distinctly remember adoring this fic for its humour when I first read it (which has been when I just joined the fandom and only started writing so I didn't really look at fics with a writer's perspective) but I love the author's other works too -- again, the humour is very on point which seems to be a crucial element for me -- and they just nail that every time)
From Wiltshire, With Love (the best DHr fic I know, I thrive to write plot in a so compelling way and also explore so many serious topics)
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love (DHr fic, I want the eat the vocabulary used here, it's unreal, how do you write like this)
from the fic writer ask game
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lostinfantasyworlds · 3 years
Can you give me a list of the smuttiest InuKag fics you can think of? It’s, uh, for my friend. 😏
OOOOOH anon you have no idea how excited I was to see this ask in my inbox!! We are truly blessed in this fandom with soooo many talented smut writers, and I feel like I still haven't even read enough to be qualified to give a complete answer, but I will do my best with what I've read so far!
P.S. There are so many stories I adore that have AMAZING smut, but since you specifically asked for the smuttiest, I'm only going to include stories where sex is the main focus of the story. Also, so as to not make this too long, I tried to limit myself to only 5 stories per category, and only one per author (with one exception).
PWP One Shots/Quick Reads (<10k word stories focused almost entirely on the sex)
Lesson by @akitokihojo - (AU. Light BDSM) Akitoki's summary: "After a long night out, tensions begin to build. Kagome gets herself into a little trouble with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha is more than happy to teach her right from wrong." Listen...this fic changed my life. I actually had little to no interest in smut before joining this fandom, but then I decided to read this and it was SO HOT that it unlocked a slutty side of myself I wasn't even aware I had. I have been having SO much fun reading/writing all kinds of smut ever since, and it is in part thanks to this fic!
The One With the Fantasy Type Thing by @shinidamachu - (Canon) Inuyasha and Kagome share their sexual fantasies with each other (and then act on them, of course😏). Words can't describe how much I love this. Sid's writing is phenomenal and I can 100% see this happening in a post-canon world. 100/10 HOT AF 🔥
Heavy Petting by @intoevernightfanfic - (Canon) Kagome discovers that Inuyasha's ears are an erogenous zone. This story was nominated for FC a few quarters back, and I remember being blown away when I read it because of how well written and in-character everything is, and of course how incredible the smut is!
Make Me by @keichanz - (AU) It's extremely hard to pick just one of Heather's stories, because she has SO MANY amazingly smutty fics (she's called the Smut Queen for a reason!!). This is just the most recent one I'd bookmarked, and it is (as usual) stunningly written and sexy as all fuck. But be sure to check out her other NSFW InuKag stories because there is SO much gold there!
Underneath It All by @superpixie42 - (AU) A wonderfully fun and sexy story that also features some incredible NSFW art by @kalcia!! Pixie has a way with words that is just so freaking enjoyable and makes me smile every time I read one of her fics. You'll also definitely be fanning yourself after this one! Again, be sure to check out her other NSFW InuKag stories as well. You won't regret it 😉
There are sooo many PWP one shots out there, and I feel bad because I know I'm leaving some incredible ones out, but I have to stop somewhere. I do need to give a quick shoutout to @lavendertwilight89 though, who has so many fantastic PWP (some with plot) InuKag stories that it was impossible to choose! Also @mamabearcat who has a plethora of amazingly smutty InuKag stories that I just haven't gotten the chance to read all of yet!
Sexy Short Stories (Fun 10 - 40k word stories that have a decent amount of plot but the general vibe is consistently sexy)
Breathless by @witchygirl99 - (AU) Witchy's summary: "Horny Non-Runner Kagome seeks Scowling Adonis Inuyasha who is Equally As Horny. Things happen." My god Witchy's writing brings me so much joy it's unreal. This story is sexy and funny and amazing from start to finish with some of the hottest smut I've ever read to top it all off! You will 100% need a cold shower to cool off from this one 🔥🔥🔥
I Do(n't) by @ninmenkaspeaches - (AU) AHH I love this story!! Not only does it have an amazing plot (best friends to lovers ONE OF MY FAVS), but there is a sexy undercurrent throughout (including Inuyasha's ✨secret occupation✨) and of course some wonderful smut! This author also has a few other smutty InuKag stories which you'll definitely want to check out 😏
Thirst Impressions by @fandomobsessions016 - (College AU) I finally read this the other day and now I am wholeheartedly OBSESSED with this story. The writing is flawless and there's so much fun flirting and sexual tension buildup between Inuyasha and Kagome that progresses so enjoyably and has a very satisfying conclusion 😏. Plus the entire premise is Kagome finding Inuyasha to be ridiculously attractive, which, I mean...same.
Three's Company by @anisaanisa - (AU. Poly InuKagSan at first) If you like the idea of adding Sango into the mix with InuKag (TANDEM👏🏻BLOWJOB👏🏻) then you'll definitely enjoy this story (with endgame InuKag!). The perfect mix of porn and plot, sweet and sexy, this is such an enjoyable read from start to finish. Also be sure to read the follow-up Two for the Show for more glorious InuKag porn that is just 🔥🔥🔥
The Right Wrong Number by @neutronstarchild - (AU) Kagome accidentally texts a random number (which just so happens to be Inuyasha's) a picture of herself in a bikini that was meant for her ex. Inuyasha responds with a picture of his own, leading to a sexy back-and-forth resulting in phone sex (and actual sex, of course!). Such a fun and smutty story that also features some absolutely drool-worthy STUNNING art by @nartista!! We are blessed by these two, I tell you.
Smutty AF Long Format (If you like a healthy dose of plot with your porn. In all of these, a  good chunk of the chapters have smut)
Pennies and Dimes by @witchygirl99 - (College AU. Complete) Kagome is a phone sex operator to help her pay for college. Upon meeting Inuyasha, they begin a hate-fueled sex-only arrangement that slowly turns into friends-with-benefits and then leads to falling in love. I said I was going to limit myself to one story per author, but I had to make an exception here because a list of the smuttiest fics just wouldn't be complete without this story!! I'd had this on my Marked for Later for a while, and made a point to finally read it specifically for compiling this list and I am SO glad I did. SO. MUCH. MAGNIFICENT. SMUT. With a side of adorable feelings. 100/10 🔥
A Worthy Sacrifice by @lemonlushff - (AU. In progress) Lemon's summary: “They call me the ‘Goddess of Death’...but you may call me ‘Mistress’.” This is definitely another one that earns its spot on this list! I just LOVE this story and am so excited to see where it ends up going. Such a cool, creative plot with so much wonderful wonderful smut it's just...*chef's kiss*
Hit the Like Button by @omgitscharlie - (AU. BDSM. In progress) Kagome is an influencer coming out of a painful breakup and Inuyasha is a mechanic who rubs her the wrong way at first. The plot in this is fantastic, and once the smut begins there is plenty of it and it is all wonderfully filthy in the best way! Please heed the tags, as there are heavy BDSM elements and kinks in this story in case that's not your thing. If you're good with that, you will certainly enjoy! This author also has all kinds of insanely hot InuKag stories/one shots (some within this universe, some other AUs, and some canon-based) that will definitely satisfy your smut craving!
Mating Fever by @clearwillow - (Canon divergent. Complete) Carra's summary: "Inuyasha has a problem - it's mating season for youkai - and he's doing everything in his power to ignore the call. When the new moon comes and goes, Inuyasha is faced with two more problems, and they're both eyeing Kagome." An absolute classic in the Inuyasha fandom that I finally read in preparation for compiling this list! Such a fun scenario to imagine (that Carra absolutely knocks out of the park), and the smut is plentiful and incredible (Kagome getting to enjoy sexy times with three versions of Inuyasha...at one point even all at once?!?! HELL👏🏻YES👏🏻)
The Real Me by @fawn-eyed-girl - (AU. In progress) Sexy tatted rockstar Inuyasha finds his mate in equally sexy journalist Kagome. There is sooo much more to this story than just the smut, but since there is an abundance of it and it is all amazing, I had to include it here!! Sex against a wall in semi-public, sex bent over a table, marathon all-night sex, romantic lovemaking, you name it! This story has it all and it is GLORIOUS. Plus a fantastic plot with plenty of romance as well!
Well there you have it! I encourage anyone who has any other smuttiest InuKag stories to recommend to please add on (going to tag @inukag-archive)! I'm still relatively new to this fandom, so I've only just scratched the surface as far as reading fanfic goes. If I left anyone out, it's most likely just because I haven't gotten around to reading everything I want to read yet, sorry!!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to indulge, anon!! ❤️
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samrieimg · 2 years
I'm shook by your reading habits. Not in a bad way, just surprised you don't really read Wilbur/Schlatt or Wilbur/Quackity. Majority of Dre/grge in makes me cringe bc they make them both OOC. Sounds stupid of me to say because all fanfics shoehorn their personalities in some way. I usually stick to Wilbur stories. I think when I gave a chance to your DNF series, it was the only enjoyable portrayal out there. What sort of DNF stories/tags do you enjoy? Are you disappointed by the offerings out there?
Oh yeah, I'm disappointed a lot. I'm picky.
Special interest rant below >:). Long af.
Color code for sections.
How i read fanfic
Manhunt D/NF
......How I read fanfic......
What I do is go through a tag, choose random filters based on the day, search by bookmarks then go through 8 pages, opening fics in a new tab I might read. Then, go through what I collect and see if I'm hooked. Usually out of 15 fics chosen I'll find 1 or 2 I'm like "hey, this was pretty okay." Rarely ill find something I'm like "gonna subscribe and camp this."
Manhunt D/NF
I do love DN/F Whump. If no one is hurt, it's hardly as fun.
I'm not going to lie, Manhunt!Dreem is my favorite. I really love him being a scary, but still funny and morally grey wisecracking man, but finding a fic where they don't make George a woman in a George disguise is hard. Why did you castrate him? Where is his feral energy, rude tone and the fact he's a 25yo man, writers?! If an author doesn't let George sound just as dumb as Spnap and half as cocky, I click off. The amount of authors writing themselves as George is unreal.
DSM/P Verse C!D/NF
I love XDN/F and love c!D/NF, but can't ever find fics I like of either.
So, with c!DN/F, I really search for a fic honestly written by what the fandom terms "apologist", but also, it can't defang him. Dre has to be bloodthirsty, but likable and charismatic. He needs to care, but do an awful job showing it. He has to be full of character!
But whenever I find fics that nail him, they fail at Gog or vice versa. Half the time I see "Gogy fixes him :)" No, Gogy does not fix him. Gogy is also just as messed up.
There is not an ounce of c!Gogy lore I've seen that would make me think he's not going to kill someone too. Have we all been watching the same man? He kidnapped Michael with Surpnurp and that was the funniest shit ever and the fact it got retconned I'm so sad about. C!Gogy is a nightmare. He's batshit, he's unhinged, he likes chaos. He's cold and standoffish to everyone outside his friends and a gremlin. But he also cares so much. Underneath that he's caring in odd small ways. He's going to steal your flower garden and then come back with a sandwich, hand you half, and then tell you a story about a cat he saw in the woods. He's lazy and a coward, yet cocksure and a persistent stubborn ass when he wants to be.
Yet fics write him like a victorian woman pining at the window for their love. Locked in a prison. How sad. He's going to criticize c!Dre for his wrongs? No. He's going to criticize c!Dre for not getting him armor and helping him and dethroned him and not giving him attention.
A fic I crave is a villainous c!Q (that's still sympathetic, and clearly written morally grey) killing c!Gogy. I want c!Q to taunt c!Dre. I want c!Q's obsession with power to push past his obvious love for his friends and I want there to be casualties. I want c!Gogy to be a price. I want his blood.
XD/NF Ramble
Now XDN/F. Oh man. My old writing long before DSM/P was in a fandom with Greek-like gods and I found myself pouring hours, and hours, and hours into researching religions as a teen. I came away with so many stories of gods who always were too inhuman, too powerful. Even out of love humans were hurt. Like many kids, I'd read Percy Jackson, but I saw a world of possibilities. I saw stories of humans falling in love with gods ending tragically.
But I haven't EVER dropped my obsession with stories of gods' and their human followers. I am so deeply in love with the concept.
But I fell in love with XD/NF because it was what I'd wanted, and honestly, George's lore eps are a HELL of a lot like the old media. You have to make sense of what's canon and not yourself and it's such what I wanted.
But...one AO3s filtering is limited by what people tag, and XD/NF isn't separated from D/NF in searches. And the fandom largely discards c!Gogy...just like they did for well...my old blorbo.
But anyway. I do actually have a super vested love for DN/F. Mostly AU fantasy verses, but I've read that one popular more RPF-esque one.
But the fandom lets me down ;-;. Mostly how they wrote Gogy.
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dethkomic · 2 years
Is Abigail gonna eventually make an appearance here?
Man I want Abigail to be in Dethkomic so bad it's unreal. But, at the time this story is taking place with regards to canon, we're two seasons too early and I don't have anything written that requires a flash-forward.
You'll see at the end there is room for me to continue a lot of threads I've started. I've actually already come close to having the backbones of a story treatment which would continue into the seasons we've seen since the Baen-Shee story was penned (which was also before season 2 wrapped) as well as span the major events of my old AU, here. In fact, of the original fanfics I wrote, all 6 of them were mostly completed before season 3 began. I think I was literally writing the last chapters of the last book when we hit the mid-season break, in fact. So a lot has happened canonically that I think would be awesome to explore.
Things I'm considering:
The Dethkomic sequel happens, canonically, after the movie: This is the biggest "what if" on the table, possibly. I am looking at a possible break after Chapter 4 which might take us to the time after the movie has premiered, so that'd certainly allow for a good amount of breathing room, but I have a feeling if I do want to continue these stories, I'm going to want to do so sooner than that and hey... who the hell knows what'll happen during the finale? Still, Abigail would likely make an appearance.
The Dethkomic sequel happens sometime after Season 3 and before Doomstar: My favorite option for including Abigail and a whole butt-ton of lore that we've learned. Especially if I wrote it as happening after Charles' big reveal about the Church of the Black Klok and all that. Especially-especially because in writing my fics all those years ago, we only knew that *something* was going on with ol' CFO's interactions with some supernatural craziness, and no details. With a few of those blanks filled in, I'd have a lot of fun merging old stories and speculation with what's come about since.
Or, you know... it could also just be a huge pain in the ass. Still, this is probably my favorite idea of the three.
And finally... The Dethkomic sequel(s) happen(s) as a series of flashbacks: Post-Doomstar, maybe post-movie, but Abigail is getting caught up on things that happened before she was involved with the band. This idea came as a means of tying my follow-up fics together into a sort of clip-show, and I'd likely do them as one-shots, and each one not nearly as long as Dethkomic. Appealing for how "complete" I could make something, but feels kinda cheap at the same time. An idea I'm not disregarding, but my least favorite so far.
But yeah, in all three aspects, we're looking at including Abigail and a lot of other characters we've met from Season 3, onward. Up until a few months ago, I wasn't even sure I'd go into sequel territory (beyond Harmonic Odyssey, that is), but the series has maintained its popularity to a point where people are starting to ask about things that I can't explain in 80 pages or so... and I'm motivated and would really like to explore them.
Also, I realize this was probably way more than you cared to know, OP, but, hey! There ya go :)
Thank you for the question! Dethkomic loves you!
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lady-of-disdain · 2 years
Hello! I'm the same anon who gushed about your fic and you responded that it enouraged you in your writer's funk (which I'm so happy it helped fuel your fire!) I just finished reading the recent chapter and boy was it worth the wait!
I mean, Killer's practically moved in at this point, and Greenie is so chill about it even giving him his own pillow, that's so precious??? And of course Killer takes full advantage cuz he's an ass, but he does it in such a charming way.
Like, I was kind of scared he might get forceful with her when she kept declining his offered ride, but you're such a talented writer and I've clearly underesstimated you, because his actions at the end were so in character and a big veer from douche to fondly exasperating. I mean, he's kinda both, but the point is it was way better and funnier than I anticipated. This boy is so attached right now, it's unreal.
Your fic lives rent free in my head, kudos again to you, hope you're doing well!
*Grabs you and tucks you into my nest for safekeeping* HI! Hello! Did you know you own my heart Nonny???
I really love your messages they, and you, are a true delight! I'm glad you are enjoying the obnoxious trash gremlin, he really is horrible amazing isn't he? *swoons*
You know it's funny because I do also love it when Killer is written as very forceful, and dominant, and I think in certain situations he would be more so. But when I write him sometimes he just comes out much softer, and I feel like that's just a side of him he doesn't even realize he has sometimes. A side that certain situations happen to bring out of him. Sure he could just grab our dear Reader and shortcut her anywhere he wants. But tagging along with her and annoying her means he might convince her to go along with him next time, and anyways, he still gets to hang out with her, so he wins either way. uwu
(Heheheheehehe, dominant, boy howdy just wait until the smut happens because whooooooooo.... I'm going to be having immense amounts of fun)
Anyways, thank you again for your encouraging words. I'm about 3/4ths of the way through chapter seven now at this point too, and I SUPER cannot wait to get to writing chapter eight because it's going to kick off with one of my favorite Undertale fanfic tropes! >:3c As a thank you for your lovely comments, here is a sneak peek at chapter seven, under the cut.
Your morning commute to work was anything but relaxing. Between an unexpected traffic jam, and Killer changing the music every 30 seconds like a 5-year-old with the world’s shortest attention span you were deeply regretting your decision of turning down his offer for getting teleported to work. You weathered it all pretty well you think, up until someone cut you off and break-checked you.
“haha! wow, that sucked.”
“Why yes, thank you Killer, that sucked quite a lot and nearly caused a wreck, astute observation- IF YOU TOUCH THAT SKIP BUTTON ONE MORE TIME I AM EATING YOUR FINGER BONES!”
Killer snickered but left the song. For the first time the whole drive you got to listen to a full song.
“i thought you said your commute was relaxing nurse? Not very relaxing from where i’m sitting.”
You caught that distinct shit-eating tone of voice of his when he was fucking with you, which was often, so you were starting to get used to it by now. Of course, he’s at least half of the reason for your miserable commute today, but you couldn’t blame all of it on him.
“Life’s hard and sometimes traffic happens,” you grind out. “Would be a lot easier to get through though if you didn’t keep skipping all my favorite songs.”
“life’s hard and sometimes you miss all your favorite songs. would be a lot easier if you could just skip the commute altogether,” he threw back at you smarmily.
You… did not have a response. Already you are feeling silly for having turned down his perfectly sweet offer. And why? So you wouldn't feel like you were taking advantage of him? So that you can continue to struggle all by yourself? Ok, so maybe you have a little bit of an issue asking for help from others, but why did you also have to turn it down when help was freely offered?
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pawapoppet · 3 years
Jjk for them blorbos :D
Tumblr media
Oh! I hadn't thought I'll answer in one go, and you guys only know like, 2 fandoms I'm in lol
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Gojo Satoru; He's just- so earnest, that's what most endearing for me, and I love everything he puts on display especially how little shit he gives. Also, what he symbolizes in the story's overall writing. Worthy of analyzing and brainrotting 10/10 for tragedy 11/10 for his coping mechanism
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Geto Suguru; He makes me so sad and the amount of times I've cried over him is unreal. Including the time I lost his plushie, took a clip throwing him to the wall. 10/10 satisfying recommended to try. Also, Geto centric fics singlehandedly make me take a break from reading because I bawled my eyes out uncontrollably
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Haibara Yu; There's NO CONTENT of him at ALL, not his curse technique, not his alt outfit, I have nothing to make content of *shakes Gege* I will do it myself HE'S SO IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO ME
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Rika Orimoto, I love her a LOT more than I thought after reading vol 0, I know she's gone and we don't know if the current Rika is her but her side by side with Yuta is everything to me, and I like her seiyuu a lot! Hanazawa is as precious ;;
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Yuki Tsukumo, I can only think of her as controversial? I love her plan and I love her personality + attitude + aesthetic, I hope she succeeds in whichever path she chooses, I hope she gets the spotlight in the plot she deserves, I'll voluntarily build a cult for her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Kenjaku, I love seeing him succeed as much as seeing him taken by surprise, he's so entertaining as an antagonist
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Ryomen Sukuna, I've read a lot of fics with him included but I can't seem to see his appeal even though I like the way his character is built
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