#the air conditioning in my house is broken
kai-the-mad · 2 years
Current mood:
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sleepyseals · 1 month
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[Image Description: A digital illustration of Brittle Hollow from Outer Wilds rendered with various pixel brushes. The planet's crust is cracked open revealing the dark magenta geode-like inside of the planet and the black hole at the center. The planet's weak atmosphere is painted in a subtle deep blue. The space around it is filled with stars, some subtly colorful. Hollow's lantern is in the top right corner of the image, a meteor having just erupted from it. Dark Bramble is in the lower right corner, faded and small with distance. End Image Description.]
Brittle hollow I drew with the program tux paint :3 speedpaint link here
+ higher quality closeups:
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21 notes · View notes
bosjess · 7 months
I’m so hot and so nauseous
0 notes
comforting myself that the temperature over the next few days is only going up to 33 c so everything will be fine
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hollandsangel · 3 months
casual | m. sturniolo
i’ve been scheming for weeks !! (actually started this before move over AND voice. so.)
basically i’m obsessed with this song
summary: the most dangerous label is the casual one; or you both want more
warnings: matt x fem!reader, use of y/n, ANGST, cursing, happy ending bc i’m a sucker & a lost cause
wc: 6.5k
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the sun is dipping behind the horizon, painting the sky pink and orange. you have your window rolled down, letting the salt air breeze pick your hair up as you rest against the car door. matt has elmer’s new song playing on aux, something lofi with a bit of spanish mixed in.
“like what you see?” he speaks up, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look over at you. he stares for a second, your skin illuminated by the fading rays of the sun, kissing the tops of your cheeks and giving you a warm glow.
you press yourself up to sit properly and catch his hand resting on the center console. you always loved that he drives with his left hand, the right always close enough for you to touch. 
“it’s pretty,” you say, poking your head back out of the window, looking overhead at the passing trees, “the palms are so tall.” matt squeezes your hand, and when you look back up he’s already looking at you, smiling when you meet his eyes.. his hair looks lighter in the setting sun, the side of his face lit up all golden and warm. you bite your lip and smile, turning away with a slight flush.
“it’s green,” you tell him and he flicks his head back forward, muttering a curse under his breath.
“my bad,” he admits, refusing to drop your hand. 
it looked like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t, just takes a breath and lets it out before turning back to the road.
when the car pulls into the garage you reach to the back to grab your overnight bag. matt’s already out of the car, coming over to your side to open your door, “c’mon,” he says in that silly high pitched voice, just to hear you giggle.
you make your way to his bedroom, knowing the ins and outs of the triplet’s house like the back of your hand. matt follows behind you, his footsteps echoing amongst the hardwood floors. 
“i can’t wait to lay down,” you sigh, the effects of the sun's heat catching up with you now that you’re in the cool, air conditioned house.
“yeah, i’m feelin’ pretty tired too,” matt agrees, his voice heavy and suddenly cloaked by fatigue.
you’d been out all day, shopping on melrose, walking by the beach. dinner and ice cream and the beating sun soaked up all your energy. nothing sounded better than getting cozy in matt’s bed and watching a movie, maybe catching a bit of a nap before deciding to head home. you knew he’d insist on driving you, and that always hurt more than you’d like to admit.
the two of you weren’t dating, he wasn’t your boyfriend and you told yourself you didn’t mind. it wasn’t a very convincing lie though, most everyone around you could tell. it’s not that you hadn’t talked about it, you had, there were just things getting in the way.
matt was worried about how his fans would react, and he absolutely did not want it to be at your expense. you hated the thought of pushing him, like forcing him or asking too much, being too needy would only drive him away. all your friends had told you to stop, that you were only going to get yourself hurt, but you’d honestly rather have half of him and a broken heart than none of him at all. 
you never doubted that he cares about you, in fact you know he does. he always picks you up from classes, knows your order at all your favourite fast food places and keeps an extra toothbrush in the bathroom for you. it’s things like that that make the title of causal or just seeing each other sting a little bit more.
here though, all settled in matt’s bed, you try not to think about it too hard. there’s some liam neeson movie he insisted on showing you playing on the tv, and you’re happy to be watching it, but mostly happy to be watching it with him. his chest rises and falls under your head with each breath and it’s making you more tired than before.
“i’m so warm,” you say through a yawn, all comfy now in your sweats and matt’s crewneck, although the comfort comes mostly from his arms wrapped around your middle. 
“you can throw on a pair of boxers if you want, top drawer,” matt offers, his arms unmoving, keeping you mildly trapped against him.
“let me goooo,” you groan dramatically, making a big show of sliding out from under his arms and grinning to yourself when he laughs.
“come back,” he pouts, reaching for a stuffed animal to take your place while you cross the room to his dresser.
“just give me a sec,” you giggle, rummaging around in the drawer and pulling out a pair of plaid boxers. there’s something stuck to it, all tangled up in the mess of his clothes, “what the– is this my bra? i’ve been looking for this for like a month.” 
matt lifts his head just enough to see what you’re holding up, huffing when he hits the pillow again, “i dunno, sweetheart, you probably left it, you’ve got a lot of stuff here,” he sounds tired, and the words are pressed against his pillow now that he’s rolled onto his stomach. 
you’ve got lots of stuff here.
it digs into you, how casually he says it, an almost physical ache you feel beyond your ribs, right where your heart is. 
quickly you try to shake it off, shucking off your sweatpants and sliding the boxers up your legs so you can hurry back into bed before allowing yourself to think about what he said too much. 
“c’mere,” there’s a little smile on his face when he says it, arm outstretched for you to crawl under. immediately matt tucks you up against his body impossibly close, his nose stuffed into your hair and breathing you in. it feels nice, right, and you let yourself bask in it, like maybe the state of your relationship (or lack thereof) won’t be in limbo forever. he has to feel it too, the pull.
“i think you should just stay tonight,” he says quietly against your temple, leaving a little kiss there.
“are you sure?”
he nods, “it’s late, ‘m not gonna kick you out,” you can see his smile in the dark, his features lit up delicately by the dim light of the movie, “and i kinda wanna cuddle,” he admits sheepishly, trying to hide his blush when you turn to him.
“awe, matty,” you tease, scooching closer to him, hardly an inch away.
“hey,” he says all high pitched, making you laugh again.
“that voice always gets me,” you tell him, snuggling up under his chin.
“that’s why i do it,” he tells you.
it doesn’t take long for you to slip into an easy sleep with matt holding you, the mindless noise coming from the tv luring you deeper into unconsciousness. he’s being extra gentle, finger tips dragging along your waist under your top. you hardly feel him slide out of bed or tuck you in all snug under the covers.
nick’s in the kitchen when matt emerges from his bedroom for some water,  hunting for something in the pantry. matt rubs his eyes.
“hello?” chris leans forward on the couch, his voice startling matt.
“jesus, what– you’re just both out here at fucking two in the morning?” he grumbles, eyes squinted against the harsh lights.
“we ordered food,” chris stands up, walking into the kitchen.
nick nods, closing the cupboard, glass in hand, “we thought you were at y/n’s or something, i didn’t hear you come in,”
matt grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and a takes a sip before answering, “nah she’s here, she’s asleep,” he says, nodding towards his bedroom.
nick groans, “god, are you guys dating yet,” he asks, head rolling back against his shoulders, exsapertated.
matt’s eyes widen at the sudden outburst of noise, looking back at his door to make sure nick didn’t wake you, “dude, be quiet,” he urges.
you’d felt matt’s absence after a few minutes, the warmth of his body leaving the bed when he did. slowly you sit up, pressing the heel of your palm into your eye and swinging your feet to the floor quietly. you stand behind matt’s closed bedroom door, prepared to silently creep out and go to the bathroom when you catch his voice. 
“and no,we’re just casual,” he continues to answer nick’s question, who glances over and chris. “what— don’t look at him like that,” this earns him another sideye, “i mean it, it’s not serious.”
“matthew” nick starts, “isn’t she asleep in your bed right now?” nick points an accusatory finger in his brother’s direction, emphasizing his words.
it’s matt’s turn to look at chris, who holds his hands up in surrender, “don’t look at me, i’m with nick,” he says, looking away from his brother from where he remains on the couch.
“well she’s not my girlfriend, if that’s where this is going,” matt turns back to the fridge, not really looking for anything, just trying to hide from his brother’s judgmental, but justified, stares. 
it hurts to hear, even if you know it’s the truth.
“and why not, idiot,” nick asks, getting fed up. he can clearly tell how his brother feels and is getting frustrated, mad even, with the idea of him toying with your feelings. 
“i just—i just can’t do it.” that hurts more, a sharp pain you feel in your chest. you swallow dryly, and that hurts too. 
you decide you don’t have to go to the bathroom that badly anymore, and slowly sink back into matt’s bed. you know you and matt aren’t together, that he’s not your boyfriend, but a part of you has always clung to the idea that one day he would be, that he’d finally make the move. you thought he liked you enough to at least try.
tugging the duvet up to your chin you roll over onto your side to face the wall. matt comes back into the bedroom and you can hear nick and chris talking quietly for a second before the door closes again. you’re not too sure, but you think one of them mumbles your name amidst the conversation. matt slides back under the covers with you, coming as close as he can to wrap his arms around you.
it makes your head spin, his words rattling around in your mind, saying he “can’t do it,” but here is, body tucked perfectly against yours, holding you so tight you’d think he never wanted to let go.
matt seems notice that you’re a bit quieter than usual the next morning, but you try to hide it under the excuse of not feeling well. he offers to drop you off and you take him up on it, knowing that marinating in the misery you feel won’t solve anything but seems to be the easiest thing to do at the moment.
“text me if you need anything, okay?” his tone is concerned and you can feel him looking at you even though you’re trying to avoid eye contact. you know you’d cave, catching a glimpse of the light blue with all that worry clouding it.
“yeah, i will,” you sigh, reaching into the back seat to grab your bag. 
matt catches you, palm placed delicately along your jaw so you’ll look at him, “hey,” he says all soft, “c’mere,” he guides you forward slightly and you know what’s coming, you know it’s gonna hurt but you do it anyway.
he kisses you gently and you fall into it with ease, reaching out to touch his arm. when he strokes his thumb along your cheekbone you pull away, licking your lips.
“i’ve gotta go,” you whisper, afraid the full volume of your voice would shatter something, you’re not too sure what.
“yeah, okay,” he nods, pulling his hand away from your face and trying to smile as you open your door, watching you walk into your building.
he stays there in the parked car for a minute, wondering what’s wrong, pretending he doesn’t know that this whole situation hurts you just as much as it hurts him. he’s staring up at your apartment window, tapping the steering wheel and taking a long, deep breath.
“fuck,” he mutters to himself, pushing his hair back and putting the car in reverse.
you and matt don’t talk excessively for the next few days, only a few texts exchanged here and there and one phone call after he knew you’d just written a midterm. 
he called to ask how it went and tell you he was proud of you, and also to invite you out to dinner with his parents on the upcoming weekend. they were flying out to l.a. for a few days and he wanted you to meet them. it felt cruel.
“i dunno matt, i’ve got an assignment due sunday at midnight, i might not be able to make it,” of course you wanted to go, but the tug of self preservation was starting to become more equal to the pull you felt towards him. you were starting to lose sight of what was more important, him or yourself.
for so long it had been him.
“please, sweetheart, i feel like i haven’t seen you in forever,”  matt slumps into his desk chair, spinning back forth.
you cave and somehow your vision clears. it was him again.
“yeah, yeah, okay, i wanna see you too,”
matt smiles on the other end of the phone, “yay,” he says sweetly, making his joy obvious, “i can help you with your assignment if you want, too,” he offers, and you know he’s just trying to get a smile out of you.
you laugh without meaning to, “matt, you know nothing about the course,” 
“i’ll figure it out, anything i can do to make sure i see you,”
you bite your lip, trying to keep a smile at bay, “careful, you’re gonna make me think you like me or something,”
“aw, well i can’t have that now can i?” he teases, and it cuts deeper than he realizes it does.
“no,” you mutter, trying to hold onto the smile on your face even though matt can’t see you, “um, i should probably get going, if i wanna finish my assignment on time,”
“oh, yeah, okay. i could come by a little later with some food?” he poses it as a question, sensing your hesitancy.
“you don’t have to do that,”
“i know, but i want to,” he says it so easily, like there’s no reason in the world he wouldn’t come to your house after eleven pm just to sit on your bedroom floor while you do school work.
“canes?” you finally offer.
“be there in half an hour.” you hear the car keys jingle through the phone, the front door latching shut.
the triplet’s parents land on friday afternoon. you haven’t seen matt since wednesday night when he called and brought take out to your place, and you’re starting to feel a little nervous at the thought of seeing his parents.
you’ve spoken to them over facetime once or twice when matt had called them, but this is real, this is serious.
you think you’ve completely driven yourself insane with that, thinking of it as serious. for days there’s been a battle in your head about whether or not this means matt wants to make your relationship offical. it’s become such a problem that you’ve forbidden yourself from thinking about it.
taking a deep breath you refocus on yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and trying to decide on a lip product for the night when your roomate wanders into your bedroom.
“how are you doing?” she asks, leaning against the door frame. you don’t answer, just look up at her with what must be a miserable expression, because she chuckles sadly at you, “that bad, huh?”
you groan and clench your fists, “i’m just confused!” you exclaim.
“i know, but i think tonight should clear some things up,” she tells you hopefully, and you really want to believe her.
“i hope so,” you sigh, “i just really like him,” you whine, defeated.
your phone dings then, a message from matt of course.
matt sturn
be there in twenty
ive got the kids
you laugh sadly at the text.
“‘s that him?” your roommate asks.
“yeah, him and his brothers are on the way, they’ll be here soon.”
“you’ll do great, don’t sweat it,” she tries to reassure you, giving you an over enthusiastic thumbs up before shutting your door again.
matt, nick and chris have been in the car for about five minutes and already matt’s debating driving into oncoming traffic. him and his brothers have had the same fight at least three times since you stayed over last week, and if he’s honest, he’s getting really sick of it.
“enough of this ‘i can’t do that’ bullshit, matt, she’s coming to dinner with our parents,” nick says pointedly, running out of air at the end of his setence, “you don’t just bring your hook up to that shit, so fucking stop talking to her if it’s that much of an issue,” he continues, leaning froward against matt’s seat, staring holes into the side of his brothers face.
matt is clearly aggravated, gripping the wheel a little too hard, “shut the fuck up, nick— she’s not just a hook up,” 
nick’s eyes get wider at this and he leans over matt’s seat, voice exponentially louder when he says, “you just proved my fucking point!!”
“you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” matt mumbles in a deft tone, staring harshly out onto the road.
chris leans over from the passenger seat, gesturing in matt’s direction, “and you do? you never shut the fuck up about her, and she’s always at the house but you’re too much of a pussy to do anything,” he yells over matt all in one breath, words coming out too fast. 
matt’s mouth is set in a firm line and he’s shaking his head, “you guys don’t get it!” he finally yells back, signaling and switching lanes before he can finish his thought, “i can’t do that to her,” the car’s stopped at a red light now, allowing him to look nick in the eye from the rearview mirror. both him and chris shut up for a second.
“i can’t do that to her,” matt emphasizes again, making his point with his hands, bracketing the last two words, “the internet would chew her up and spit her out. you think i don’t want to make her my girlfriend? do you think i like doing this to her? every fucking day i think about cutting it off because i don’t wanna hurt her, but i’m too fucking selfish to do it.”
“it’s green,” chris mumbles.
“shut the fuck up,” matt says through his teeth as he turns back to face the road, driving through the light.
“so what are you gonna do?” nick asks, softer now, arm hung over the back of matt’s seat.
matt looks up at him in the rearview again, taking a deep, anxiety ridden breath, “i don’t know.”
the three boys are silent for the remainder of the drive to your apartment. matt puts the car in park and mumbles something about being right back before getting out and heading up to your floor, slamming the car door a little bit too hard.
“jesus christ,” chris breathes, feeling the tension finally break.
there’s a knock at the front door, and you take a deep breath before opening it. matt stands with his hair a little bit messy and his cheeks a little bit red, but he softens when he sees you.
“hey,” you say, “let me just grab my bag,”
“wait, y/n,”
“yeah?” you turn back around to look at him. he’s standing in the middle of your kitchen, looking a little bit deflated.
“can i have a hug?”
your heart nearly shatters. is he feeling it too?
“wha– of course baby, of course,” you cross the kitchen over to him and he already has his arms open. immediately he locks his arms around your waist, resting his head against yours. you gently rub his back and rest your cheek on his shoulder.
“is everything okay?” you wonder after a second, feeling him breathe heavily against you.
matt squeezes you a little tighter and kisses your hair, “yeah,” he sighs, “nick and chris are just annoying,”
“you love them though,” you remind him.
he pulls away but keeps you close, hands on your hips now, “sometimes i think about reevaluating that,” 
you laugh at him, fixing his messy hair, “no you don’t,”
its his turn to smile, “you’re right,” he leans in for a quick kiss which you grant him, letting it dampen your nerves and reservations on the evening.
“i know, now c’mon, we’ve gotta go,” you slide your hand down into his.
“you don’t have to be nervous, by the way,” matt says to you in the elevator, still holding your hand. 
you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and he squeezes your hand, letting you know he’s there for you, “it just feels serious,” you finally admit what you’ve been thinking for the last few days. you’re a little bit afraid to look over at him, so you keep your gaze towards the closed elevator doors.
matt gives your hand a quick squeeze and glances at the side of your face, you can feel his eyes on you, “it’s not serious, don’t worry,” it’s a little strained when he says it, as if he means something else but you can’t quite decipher it. it’s too much to think about now and yet it’s all you’ve been thinking about for days, how ‘unserious’ it all is to him.
when you do get to dinner, marylou and jimmy are already at the restaurant. marylou is being so sweet to you, asking about classes and how you met the boys, what you like do to in your spare time and things about matt that you tease him over. you feel like a girlfriend, you feel like his girlfriend and you don't think you can take much more of it. she tells you how much he talks about you when he’s home, that even justin has started making fun of him for it.
when you look over at matt he’s blushing but staring directly into his plate, avoiding you.
the smile you plastered onto your face fades and you dig your nails into your plam under the table.
“excuse me, i’m gonna run to the bathroom,” you say to no one in particular, catching nick’s eyes. he seems to notice your pleading gaze, and sends you a text after you’ve left the table
nick stromboli 
you okay?
you lock yourself in the single bathroom and stand staring at your phone screen.
this is brutal
your mom is being sooo sweet but matt won’t even look at me
i feel like he's embarrassed
nick stromboli
he's actually the biggest idiot that ever lived
chris is lowk giving him a death stare rn
nick was being serious, chris staring at matt as marylou goes on about how nice you are.
nick elbows matt in the side and he looks over, more than slightly fed up.
“i think you should go check on y/n,” he whispers, making matt perk up a bit in worry.
“i don’t think she’s feeling good,”
“oh, i hope she’s okay,” marylou interrupts herself.
“i’ll be right back,” matt stands from the table and walks to the bathroom, knocking on the door gently, “y/n/n? it’s me sweetheart,”
a slight panic drops through you as you push away from where you were leaning against the wall, trying to catch your breath.
“c’mon let me in, nick said you weren’t feeling good,” he knows you were nervous about tonight, and he’s hoping that’s all it is, that he can fix it.
you sigh, head tossed back to your shoulders as you breathe out before letting him in, hoping you look more composed than you feel.
“hey, you okay?” he asks gently, closing the door behind him.
“yeah, uh, i think i’m gonna go,” you mumble, looking away.
“what? d–do you want like a gingerale or something?” his brows are pinched and he’s reaching out for you. you step back without thinking about it. you don’t even notice you’d done it until you see the hurt look on his face. he reaches out again, slower this time.
something in you clicks, or comes crashing down when his fingers brush your wrist, “i’m not your girlfriend matt, stop worrying about me like i am,”
he's a little bit stunned at that and pulls back, saying your name again. 
“no, don’t do that, i heard what you said to the guys last week, and you keep telling me we’re causal and we can’t be anything but we’re at dinner with your fucking parents. i can’t keep prenteding to be your girlfriend, or–or that it doesn’t hurt, i just can’t do it anymore,” 
there’s tears in your eyes you don’t notice until matt whispers, “don’t cry,”
“i’m going crazy,” you tell him, voice so soft, so fragile that his heart breaks a little bit.
“no you’re not, c’mon– we can work this out,” the words are so comforting, and normally he’s the one you’d run to for comfort, but he’s hurting you.
“are we gonna make it official, matt? or are we just gonna keep sleepingover at eachother’s houses four days a week and tell all our friend we aren’t dating?” you ask, pressing your fingertips underneath your eyes, “are we gonna do this for real or are you gonna keep telling your parents about me when you’re in boston, and–and keep coming to my house after midnight with take out just because i don’t wanna be alone working on assignments,” he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a solemn look, so you keep going.
“i can’t take the sorry fucking look chris keeps giving me when i’m walking out of your room, it hurts, matt,”
he steps forward finally, trying to make up for more than the physical space that separates you, “no, c’mon, just–just come back to the table. i’ll stay at yours tonight and we’ll talk about this,”
you hold back a scoff at the irony of him mentioning he’ll stay over, “i need an answer now.” you tell him. he’s gone back to standing a few feet away from you, not touching you anymore.
“an answer for what?”
“can you commit to this now? to me?” you feel like you’re pleading with him and you hate how desperate it is.
“we aren’t having this conversation in the bathroom right now, can we please just talk about it later?” matt asks.
you shake your head, “matt, we’ve been doing this for four months, i don’t wanna wait any longer, i’m not a toy.”
he stares at you, licking his lips. you stare back, suffocating in his silence. it’s all the answer you need.
“i’m gonna go,” you mutter, “tell your parents it was really nice to meet them, and that i’m sorry for leaving,” you add, looking away when you walk passed him to open the door.
you leave the restaurant and call an uber, hardly sparing a glance in the direction of his family’s table on your way out.
“is y/n okay?” jimmy asks when matt comes back alone. 
matt shoves a hand into his hair to push it back, not meeting anybody’s eyes, “she went home, she wasn’t feeling good”
“and you didn’t offer to take her?” marylou scolds, sure she raised her son better than that.
“she didn’t want me to,” matt admits, defeated.
nick and chris share a look, knowing that isn’t the whole truth, or really the truth at all. 
a few days later, after their parents had gone back to boston, matt’s shuffling into nick’s bedroom, where him and chris are laying on the bed on their phones. 
matt looks a mess, hair wild and eyes sunken in. he’s been in his bedroom all day, blinds drawn and door latched shut
nick thinks he’s wearing a hoodie of yours, the faded smell of your perfume lingering when his brother walks in. 
“…you okay?” nick asks, glancing up from his phone. 
matt shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes with his fists, “i feel like fucking shit,” he admits, still looking down, “i hate that i hurt her,” he tells the two, as if his brothers weren’t already acutely aware, “i was trying so hard to keep from hurting her and i fucking did it anyway,” they wait for matt to finish, knowing he has a little more to say, “i was so fucking scared of making things offical that i lost her all together, she’s never gonna talk to me again,”
nick sighs and looks over at chris, the two of them sharing a sympathetic look before he moves forward and puts his arm around matt, who slumps against his shoulder, “that's not true,” nick says, “she probably should never talk to you again, but she’s a good person, and she’s our friend,”
“yeah, and she cares about you a lot, matt.” chris adds, sitting on the matt’s other side.
matt groans and covers his face, “i know, and that’s what sucks,” he wipes his palms over his face, “god, why was i so fucking stupid?”
“because you really like her,” chris offers, “and you’re gonna try and make it up to her…right?”
matt sits back up, staring at the wall, “i dunno, i want to, i don’t…” he takes a deep breath, willing the pit in his stomach to go away, “i’m more afraid of losing her all together than i was of any of that other shit, but i don’t know how to fix…this,” he says, dejected.
nick perks up, because he’s never seen matt half as lively as he is when he’s with you, or talking about you. he’s pretty sure matt was on his way to falling in love with you (if he hasn’t already) and refuses to let him lose hope,“i have an idea,” he says.
matt looks at his brother, desperate. the circles under his eyes a shade too dark, his cheeks sunken in, his lips chapped. nick continues.
“we’ll need waffles.”
it’s been over a week and a half since you walked out of the restaurant, and since you’d spoken to matt. nick’s been messaging you, asking if you’re okay and telling you he’s there for you. there’s been a bit of him telling you how stupid matt is, which you’d agreed with solemnly.
nick’s messaging you now. you’re posted up at your kitchen table trying to review for one of your exams, but more so warding off another wave of tears, pressing your fingertips into your eyes.
you pick up your phone to answer the message nick had sent, something about a sleepover at your place this weekend and a promise of a hannah montana binge, but there’s a knock at your door. you’re confused at first, wondering who’s at your door this late.
“did you order food?” you ask your roommate as you get up, looking in through the crack of her barely opened door. her headphones are on and she's hunched over a textbook with a highlighter, oblivious to any visitors.
your heartbeat speeds up a little bit as you begin to think about who’s on the other side. with a huff you look through the peephole, met with a slightly distorted image of matt anxiously shifting his weight from foot to foot.
he keeps looking down the hallway and biting the inside of his cheek. he’s holding something. a paper bag in one hand and a bouquet of delicately wrapped flowers in the other.
you turn the lock, hand shaking a little bit as the door swings open. he whips his head from where he was looking down the hall to the now open door, your eyes locking immediately.
“matt,” you whisper, not even meaning to say it.
he stares at you for a second, seemingly forgetting any words he would have said for a second before holding up the bag.
“i brought waffles.”
“please let me in,” he says breathlessly, as if he was holding his breath waiting for you to open the door. “i know i probably don’t deserve a chance, and you probably don’t wanna hear me out, but…but please,” he licks his lips, grip tightening on the stems of the flowers, (you didn’t think he was listening when you told him your favourites all those months ago) “i miss you,” it’s quiet, the way he says it. he’s pleading with you.
there’s an ache in your chest, you’re trying not to mistake his tenderness for pity. and yet you still find yourself letting him in.
“okay,” it takes so little convincing. you missed him too.
there’s little talking at first, mostly just you and matt grabbing plates down and dishing yourselves out. he went to your favourite diner, because of course he did. the waffles are still warm and are making your kitchen smells like butter and sausage. you move your books and laptop out of the way to make room for the two of you to sit, elbows touching when you start to eat.
you’re half way through your first waffle when matt speaks up. you could feel him staring, his body half turned towards you in his chair. some of your hair falls into your face and his finger twitches before you tuck it away. all he wants to do it touch you. hold you, kiss you, anything. he’s such a jerk. 
“i’m sorry,” 
you freeze for a second, still facing away from him. after you finish chewing you set your fork down and turn slowly, finally looking him in the eyes. the blue has grown a shade too dark, melancholic. 
“for what?” you ask stupidly, just needing to know how he’s felt about it all.
“fuck, everything?” he says, forcefully pushing his hair away from his eyes. 
you shake your head and turn back to your plate.
“y/n,” he sighs, “c’mon look at me,”
you do, but it hurts.
“i’m sorry for what happened at the restaurant, and i’m sorry things got so out of hand and–and that…this went on for so long,” he gestures between the two of you, fixing his wild hair again.
“this?” you ask, voice breaking, thinking the worst, that he regrets it all, that it’s over. it’s really over.
“this stupid fucking dance we’ve been doing for four months, it’s crazy. it was always crazy.”
you huff, probably a little bit too dramatically as you shift to face him fully, “matt, what are you saying?”
“i’m saying that i like you! and it was so stupid to fucking…dilute that becuase i was scared or some shit,” the latter end of his sentence loses volume, he’s getting shy again.
“but–but you just wanted to be casual–” you start, looking down at your crossed legs.
“no, i never wanted to be fucking casual, i was just…. fuck i was just scared.” he says around a mouthful of waffle. the air smells like syrup. 
“i wanna be with you all the time, i like you so much– i just– at first i didn’t want things to be weird between us, which is why i thought a relationship was the wrong idea, but then we started…doing relationship things and it only got better.” he starts, messing with his hair and pushing his food around his plate, “after i stopped being so afraid of that i just, i got scared of another thing,” he finally looks up at you, eyes a little sad, a little heavy.
you can tell that he knows how he’s made you feel, and despite that you hate that he’s sad. you never want him to be sad.
matt continues, “i’d hate for you to get hurt because of my fans, and i knew it was gonna be hard to keep things private, to keep things…ours. i thought that was something i didn't wanna do or i wasn't ready for but…” he sighs, cutting himself off and taking in another big breath. you want to reach out and rub his back, knowing he’s anxious and just trying to calm himself down. 
“you being mad at me i can deal with,” he starts again, “you being mad, or–or upset because of me, is harder to handle, but fuck, not having you at all? that's worse than anything else we’d have to face,” he looks up, dead into your eyes to make sure you understand the weight of what he’s about to say, “together.”
“matt…” you whisper. you’ve forgotten about the food. it’s getting cold but it doesn’t matter.
he shakes his head before meeting your eyes again, “i’d rather go through all that bullshit with you than go through nothing without you,” he sounds so sincere that you think your heart skips a beat.
“what are you—”
“i wanna do this. for real.” he nods once, watching you closely.
“do you mean that?” he hates how doubtful you sound and he hates that he’s the one to have put all that doubt there. he thinks you might cry.
“y–yeah of course i mean it. i should have said it a long time ago, and if it makes you feel any better nick’s been giving me shit for like, two months, and i think chris wanted to beat me up last week.” he offers you half a smile, hoping you’ll give one back.
instead you breathe out laugh. he basks in it.
“i want you to be my girlfriend,” you’re looking down again and your hair falls from it’s place behind your ear. he doesn’t stop himself this time, nimble, ring adorned finger pushing it back, “i wanna be your boyfriend,”
you look up at him, studying his face for a second before you speak. he looks tired and a little worn, like he’s been thinking too much and too hard and worrying even more.
“yeah?” you finally say.
matt smiles at you. he has such a pretty smile.
“yeah.” he nods, smiling now.
“so we’re not just casual?”
matt scoffs out a laugh and stands. you stand too and he wraps his arms around you, tucking his chin atop your head when your arms go over his shoulders. he kisses your hair and breathes you in, the lingering scent of your shampoo and your perfume and you. it’s all over his clothes and his sheets, but nothing beats having you in his arms again. 
“we were never just causal,” he assures you, as if you didn’t know.
tags ! @st4rswrld @urfavvev3lyn @mattsturnioloarchive @averysbestyears @its-jennarose @strnilolo @cherrypostsposts
also tagging some of my faves (writers & other creators!!) 🥹 @pettydollie @wcters @grimholic @floristmatt (if you don’t wanna be tagged lmk!!)
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estesphantom · 3 months
Ex-Husband John Price |
John Price headcanon
reader is she/her & works as a medic. John Price might be a little (insanely obsessed) love sick over his silly ex wife. He’s Joe Goldberg.
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The two of you didn’t divorce because you fell out of love, or someone cheated, or any true “marital” problems many couples would divorce for. In fact, divorcing him killed you as it did him.
Being in the military is a job that is very demanding and although you knew of that when you married, you didn’t realize how much of an effect it had on the both of you. Though it was wrong, you felt like you could have more from a man that didn’t have a job that required more attention than your marriage did to him. John told you he understood your decision and respected you. He took weeks to sign the papers, though, with an excuse of being too busy.
The truth was that he let you divorce him because he knew you wouldn’t find a man that was better molded for you than he was. He was right. Of course he was.
“Mm, and how are you holding up, love?” he inquires while you fill up a pot of coffee in the break room. His eyes peered up at yours while you took a seat across from him on the couch. You two were making small talk and it had been only a few weeks after your divorce.
John let you keep the house, the dog, everything you would ask for. You felt guilty and pleaded with him to take something, anything he hadn’t already taken (which was only his clothes and documentations) but he refused. He wanted to prove he still respected and loved you after the divorce.
“Just fine. And you?” your delicate fingers rubbed your temples as you tried to free the stress from the first half of your shift. He stared at your badge which still had ‘DR. PRICE’ printed in bold black with a picture of your kind face above it.
“Good for you,” he smiles at you kindly, the same warm, handsome smile he’d given you a hundred times before and the first smile he’d given you when pronounced husband and wife. He didn’t answer the second part of your question.
Your attempts of finding a man that had enough time for you, or even any ounce of attraction towards you was rough. It seemed as if any man at work you would approach would dodge your attempts at flirting like the plague.
Men in the military were like starved lions; desperate, needy, and impulsive. You were a very attractive, young woman, which checked all of the boxes for the dogs working in the military. Hell, before you and the Captain became a thing, you had to bring pepper spray every day to make sure none of the men tried anything.
The absence of attention made you think. Then, you thought of your ex husband. The influence he has. His love that withstood signing the divorce papers and moving out of his home for your comfort and happiness.
You remembered the way he would make you promise you would never replace him. You remembered his vow to always look out for you and to never let anything become between you two. You remembered sleeping over at his apartment for the first time and finding a collection of your belongings that you thought went missing over the past few months. You remembered fiddling with the dusty mascara, the acrylic nail that had broken off during a date, the lipstick, the panties. You loved John because of how much he’d noticed of you and how much he loved you.
So, when your shifts were over and you were scrambling to find him, you felt mistaken for the divorce in the first place. Your feet stepped quickly as you called his name. His broad shoulders turned to face you and his facial expression immediately softened. Your heart slowed.
“Can you come home with me? There’s a- my air conditioning doesn’t really work anymore,” your face blushed up immediately as you came up with a dumb excuse on the spot. You wanted to slap yourself square in the face.
John chuckled. He was amused. He crossed his arms and cocked his head slightly to the side, staying quiet for a few seconds while contemplating his next move. He uncrossed his arms and grabbed his keys out of his pocket, using his free hand to pull your smaller hand into his. He saw right through you.
“Okay, love. It’ll cost you, though,” his thumb rubbed against yours as if it were always home for him. You hummed in response as he led you out of the base’s office to the car park where you would approach his car.
As you climbed into the car, you realized there truly wasn’t anyone out there who was meant for you the way John Price was.
His love wasn’t obsession, it was gratitude.
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lure-of-writing · 2 months
Little Sister: I Promise
Summary: After the news of a lifetime is revealed you are left to deal with the consequences
Word count: 3.7k
The pain in your head was pulsing as if it had a life of its own. The thumping could rival the beat of war drums before a fierce battle. Between the raging pain and apparent dehydration, due to excessive amounts of crying, you had failed to notice the males lingering in your room. 
Sleep did not easily grace you with her presence during your many failed attempts at forgetting the very unforgettable night that was generously blessed upon you from the gods themselves apparently. 
The whoosh of the door first caught the attention of your still sleeping mind, followed by the loud bang of your door handle against the wall. The force of which the door was thrown open sends a waft of air barreling towards you. Jolting awake you first recognize your room in the river house. How you got there was still a little foggy but there were more pressing matters at hand apparently. Such as your body pressed against Azriels. Looking up you see him leaning against the headboard of your bed staring at who you could only assume was your brother. Time came to a complete stop as you took in your mate before you. There he was laid out on your bed, wings splayed out in a sign of comfort, a gentle hand against your back and the other resting on his bare chest after leaving your hair upon your arising. His legs encased you in a warm blanket of content and happiness. 
Less than sixty seconds had passed since the door of your room was unexpectedly blown open and you taking in all that Azriel’s appearance had to offer. Your guess of who interrupted your much needed sleep was proven to be correct. “I told you to stay away from her. I’m going to kill you.” you could feel the venom dripping off of his words. With a heavy sigh you glance up to Azriels face and gasp at what you see. Now that you're really looking and have since rubbed the sleep-covered fog out of your eyes, do you realize the condition he is in. His body was littered with dark purple, black and blue bruises, some bigger than the palm of your hand. You felt your heart constrict at the sight of your mate. With an uneasy stomach you dare to look at his face and you swore your heart stopped beating for a few seconds. One of his eyes was surrounded by splotches of red purple and blue from broken skin and veins. His cheek and jaw were also covered in bruises that matched the ones on his abdomen. 
You had so much to say but were so tongue tied. How in the world were you going to fix this extremely unfortunate situation? Mother knows you are going to need all of the help that both she and the gods can spare you. 
“Rhys don’t. You may be mad at him but, Azriel is my mate.” you found the words leaving your mouth before you could stop them. It wasn’t like there were any other words you had formed to say instead. Gently you turn around in between Az’s legs, careful not to knock into him in fear of causing him more unnecessary pain. With your back facing Azriels chest do you finally take in your brother. He was in better shape then your mate but not by much. If you knew anything it was that Azriel was holding back on your brother out of respect for him. You knew Azriel was a far better fighter than your brother. 
“Y/n I love you but move.” Rhysand barely spared you a look before focusing on your mate once again. “No.” This caught your brother's attention “No?” he asked “No” a gentle shake of your head accompanies your firm tone. “I will not ask you again, move.” In all of your life you couldn’t think of a time Rhysand used his power as high lord against you. Never had he allowed the power to rattle your bones, commanding them to bow to him and his superiority. There was always a first for anything. Even with the power radiating off of your brother crashing into you like the ocean crashes into a cliff side you do not waver under the pressure he applies. You would be the clift. Unmoving,unyielding, unforgiving. Straightening your back you raise your head leveling a look at your brother. He may be a high lord but he often forgets your power rivals his own and oftentimes is much more powerful than his. 
Slowly you released the rein you had on your powers allowing them to poke and prod at the feeling of your brother's dark energy engulfing the room. After mere milliseconds they started pushing back against him and the invisible force he possessed. “I am not some low level coward who you can push around as you see fit. I am your sister, a blood wielder and you will respect me as such.”  If Rhysands voice was the commanding tone of a high lord then you would match it. Far too often have you let your brother forget the powers you possess. Today you would remind him that not only could you fight your own battles but in fact you never needed him to fight them for you in the first place. 
You watched as your brother tried to not grimace underneath the push back from your own power and the threat of just what it was exactly that you were capable of. “You may be my brother but he is my mate and as much as you hate him right now this does not concern you. As much as that may be a shocker to you.” 
“You are my baby sister and he hurt you which means this does concern me, actually” Swiftly you move to the edge of the bed letting your feet touch the pulse carpet laid underneath your bed and march to your brother. Only once face to face with him did you come to a stop. “Let me remind you Rhysand that I never once gave my opinion or thoughts on your relationship even while Feyre actively despised you and repeatedly reminded you how much Tamlin was better than you. All I ever did was offer my unwavering love and support even while she broke your heart time and time again. So you should take note and leave me, my relationship and my mate alone!” Never had you yelled at Rhys. Often you yelled for him, about him, but never at him. This left everyone in a state of shock. “If that is how you feel then I suggest you find somewhere else to stay that isn’t one of my houses and leave me out of your life. I do not want to hear you come crying to me when he inevitably breaks your heart.” No longer was this the voice of a high lord but the voice of somebody who didn’t have a single ounce of care to give. Darting back and forth between his eyes you saw nothing but cold indifference. This was the male you saw at Hewn city. Never did you think the look would be directed at you. “I want you gone.” His voice left no room for argument. “Now.” 
Stepping back you scoff at who the male standing before you has become. Without another look you track back to Azriel’s side. Gently you grab his hand giving it a small squeeze before winnowing the two of you away. 
The smell of wind and salt and ocean was the first thing to hit your senses. The strong midday sun was the next. Finally after a few slow blinks you are able to recognize your apartment that resided in the summer court.  “I’m sorry you had to witness that.” you whisper quietly while releasing his hand. “Don’t apologize, please. This is all my fault.” With a tight lipped smile you look up to see Azriel is already looking at you. Once again your eyes dart over his face causing a frown to pull at your lips. Wrapping your hand around his wrist you tug gently, careful to keep your grip loose in fear of hurting him more, “Let's get you cleaned up. You look like you got into a fight with a depressed rainbow.” The sound of your mates laugh rings out against the wall of the hallway and into the bathroom. Softly you pat the edge of the tub in a silent order for him to take place there, which he does. 
While rummaging around the drawers and cabinets you feel the weight of Azriel’s stare against your back causing a shiver to run down your spine. You were used to being under the watchful eyes of Az but this time it was different. This time it was as his mate. “You're staring.” you mumble while struggling to read the weathered label on the bottle you possessed. “I know.” The slightly tired tone of his voice causes goosebumps to rise along your arms. That was definitely something you could get used to. Wordlessly you turn around and walk two steps to be in front of him again and summon a stool to sit on. Sighing once again as you take in the damage your brother inflicted upon your mate. Seeing him like this made you want to cry. Blood, bruises and all things that came with knowing warriors rarely phased you, even seeing your brother beaten up was barely cause for concern unless it was dire. But there had always been something about seeing Azriels body covered in anything other than his tattoos made you feel deeply emotional. Now you guessed you knew why. 
A warm hand gently cupped your cheek while wiping away the tears you hadn’t noticed escape your eyes. “Hey. I’m ok. I’ve been dealt much worse.” The gentle worried sound of his voice causes another tear to slip past your lashes. “How did you know I was worried about you?” You watch as he wipes the other rouge tear while quietly laughing. “Well for as long as I have known you, you have always cried when I get hurt, even if it's something like a paper cut.” he chuckles again. “So there is that but I can feel how worried you are through the bond.” subconsciously you feel your eyebrows raise “Right the bond.” you mutter. Pulling the cork off of one of the many vials you shrug “I’ll try to be as gentle as I can be.” you state before motioning for him to move his arms so you can lather the salve upon most if not all of his abdomen. 
Nothing about this was new to you, often times after missions or just a little too rough of a training session with Cassian, Azriel would seek you out in hope you would help aid him back to health and each time without any complaint, you did. “I guess we are going to have to talk about the obvious huh?” you tried to make it sound like it was no big deal, just like any other conversation you would have with the shadowsinger. “Only when you are ready.” Silence once again followed in the room while you held Az’s jaw in your hand, keenly aware of the pressure you apply “This whole being mates thing is weird isn’t it?” you ask while applying more of the salve on the bruise that covered his whole cheek that connected to his eye. “Why would it be weird?” Shrugging you don’t answer, instead choosing to focus on the task at hand. After a few beats of silence do you answer. “I have always just been Rhysands little sister you had to deal with. You get him, you get me kind of deal. And now we're mates and everything is super awkward and my brother probably is going to try and kill you the next time you step into his sight.”  Azriel nods while you speak but never interrupts. “You have never just been his little sister to me. You have always been your own person, capable of your own choices, capable of living your own life how you see fit. You have always been you. And I would pick you over him any day of the week-” “You're just saying that because we're mates”  You cut him off. With a shake of his head he continues. “While that may be true, the mates part that is. I would always choose you no matter what. Because you are everything I could ever need wrapped into one person. And yes your brother may want to kill me right now, but I am sure that will fade…..eventually. If not then I can handle another round with him.”
“You were holding back on him weren’t you?” Azriel shakes his head back and forth before finally giving up the answer “Yeah I was holding back” his sheepish tone has a laugh falling from your lips. “That's kinda what I figured.” Comfortable silence surrounds the room while the two of you observe each other. Finally Az breaks the silence. “You're right, you know? About how it was wrong of me to hide this from you. I should have said something as soon as I knew. And I will never try to give you  an excuse as to why I did what I did but I will give you a reason. After  we came home after the war and you were standing there I felt the bond in that moment. But all I could think about is what we just came back from and how I never wanted you to go through the fear and pain and worry that Feyre had experienced with Rhys. You of all people know what I do. Who I’ve hurt and those who are waiting to get their revenge. And the thought of you being subjected to that scared me in ways I’ve never felt before. I would do anything to keep you safe, even if that meant keeping you away from me. I promise that I was going to tell you but I was scared of the danger it would put you in or if you would even want to accept the bond and things of that nature.” You didn’t need the bond to tell that Azriel was being sincere, you could see it in his eyes, in the way he was looking at you. The silent pleading for you to believe him. “And I swear I did not plan on your cousin being the person to tell you.” You had stopped picking up the mess you made of vials and tins full of salves and tonics. “I can’t lie and say that the fact you hid this from me doesn’t hurt but I understand where you are coming from, well at least as best as I can. As for Morrigian being the person to tell me…yeah I would agree but hey at least we can say it was more unique than anyone else?” The rise and fall of Azriels chest as he laughed at your confused tone brought you a sense of peace that you didn’t even know you needed. “But,um, you know that I would never reject you right? I would never do that to you or our bond. I want this. As long as you want this.” you taper off at the end suddenly overcome with shyness. 
The smile that spread across the male's face was slow moving at first but within seconds it was in full bloom. “Baby you can’t be serious. You know that I have been waiting for this my whole life and now that I know it's going to be with you makes me want this that much more. I want this, I want you more than I want anything else.” At his confession you felt heat run up your neck and make your cheeks your home. Looking down at the rings on your fingers you begin to fidget with them nervously. At the nervous habit Azriel pulled the stool you were perched on closer to him. Gently he cups both of your cheeks between his hands forcing you to look at him. “I know that you're nervous sweetheart. This is a big change for the both of us, but you know me. I am the same Az that you have always known. You just get to know me in a different way now.” The blush that rested upon your cheeks deepened at the implication of knowing him in a much different way. Once again this caused a laugh to tumble out of your mates lips. Nothing went unnoticed by him. “Can I kiss you?” The thought had been bouncing around in your head for what felt like forever and how that you had asked you swore your heart could give out from how fast it was beating. “It’s cute that you asked. Just for future reference you never need to ask.” You couldn’t get a response out before he pulled your face closer to him and finally let your lips touch his.
This was not the first time you have kissed Azriel but this was unlike anything you have ever experienced. Suddenly it felt like your entire being was on fire but in the best way possible. All the racing thoughts disappeared and all you could think about was the feeling of his lips on yours. You would give up oxygen in return for being able to kiss him without ever needing to pull away for air. Everything in life up until this point was all to learn of your bond with him and you would do it over a thousand times if necessary. “Wow” the word barely made it past your lips before they were smashed by the lips of the spymaster. Finally after the both of you were thoroughly out of breath did you finally pull away. A giggle ruptures from within  you causing Azriel to simply raise an eyebrow in question. “I’ve never seen you look like this.” That was aside from the bruising painting his face, you had also never seen him like that. Pushing the stool away from him you stand and grab his hand pulling him to see himself in the mirror. There you watched as he took in the flush cheeks and swollen lips with dazed eyes. After a few seconds he started to take in your appearance. At first you didn’t even think about how you looked but with those piercing eyes directed at you, you bowed your head in an attempt to hide just how much of an effect kissing Azriel had on you. 
Apparently your mate decided to spare you more embarrassment. After taking in a long look around your apartment and you are sure, he was also given a report on the rest of the unfamiliar place from his shadows. Did he finally speak. “Since when did you get an apartment in the summer court? Also how did none of us find out?” smirking you gesture for him to follow you back to the living room of your home away from home. “You my spymaster are not the only one capable of keeping secrets, as for when? It's almost been two years.”  Stopping before two french doors you pull them open walking out onto the balcony revealing the view of the ocean from your little slice of peace along the shore. “I always wondered where it was you ran off to and now I know.” The sound of your laugh is overshadowed by the sound of the waves crashing against the beach below you. Walking toward your mate you wrap your arms around his waist careful not to cause any more pain and rest your head against his chest right over his heart. The feeling of his arms wrapping around you brought so much peace to your soul. 
It was later in the evening when you spoke up for the first time in almost an hour. You were laying in bed with Azriel resting on top of you. His head on your stomach and your hands in his hair. “Azzie?” The sound of his name pulled him from the realm of sleep. “Yes, my love?” His response is just as quiet as your question was. “Do you think Rhys hates me now?” looking up at the ceiling you pause getting lost in the throws of your argument. “He said to leave him out of my life. He has never said something like that to me before. And the worst part is I think he actually meant it. Do you think I made the right choice by standing up to him?” This isn’t your first time fighting with your brother but never in four hundred years has he said something so harsh to you before. And to go as far as to say he didn’t want you in his life was heartbreaking. You fear this may be the point of no return. Sudden movement on your stomach causes you to look down. The sight you are met with is beautiful. Azriel placed his hand over your abdomen resting his chin upon his hand. Stirking hazel eyes were already looking at you when you pulled your focus from the ceiling to the male in front of you. “I think he needs some time to process everything. I also think he said some things he doesn’t mean. You are the light of his life. Give him some time eventually he will come around.” The tear that fell from your eye was sudden and before you could wipe it away a shadow did the act for you. “I don’t know Az. I don’t think I mean much to him anymore let alone light up his life. What am I going to do?” The more tears that fell were met with an equally compassionate shadow fiercely whipping away stray tears. “I’m not too sure I agree with that but no matter what we will face this together. I promise.” Lifting his head he moves his arm closer to you and offers his pinky for you to wrap your pinky around. Azriel had never broken a pinky promise he made with you.
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andreas-river · 1 year
Hi I would like to request Ghost x König x reader angst/domestic comfort where the reader has a fight with Ghost, and König comfort them and after Simon cools of he joins in too
A/N: Hi, thanks for the request, I really hope you'll like it!
Warnings: polyamorous relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, description of female body, fem!reader, anxiety, fluff, a little of spicy at the end, MDNI
Disclaimer: I do not own any MW charachters. English is not my first language.
There are rare occasions where all three of you were together, relaxing after long missions or from the wounds gained. All three of you have your own way of reacting, but Ghost was the most complicated, so to speak-you can’t blame him. Even König became much quieter than usual. This time, Ghost was not silent.
He was like a loose cannon, his strings vibrating furiously even if you laid your gaze on him. You knew that you were not at fault, yet that thing, those eyes filled with a raging fire, manage to send you straight to the edge. The air was too tense; it was hard to breathe-not least because you were the only one wounded after the last mission, and the cracked rib complicated everything, but the one sentence he uttered just before leaving the kitchen-where you were sitting sipping tea-was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“You should calm down.” he said, the tone of his voice low, as if muttering to himself, but the glance that gave you with the corner of his eyes said otherwise.
“Me?” he stood still at your voice, barely moving his head toward you. “You’re the one who’s roaming around the house like...”
“Like what?” his eyes were cold while staring back at you, his body completely turned to face you.
The words died in your throat. The stinging pain on your chest made your breath even more ragged. It wasn’t the first time like that, having not Simon in front of you, but only the ghost of himself looming around: it wasn’t anyone’s fault, but you were too sensitive lately at his behavior, making it painful even if it was only a small talk. And now you didn’t even care anymore to hold yourself, to swallow the lump in your throat and act as if nothing had happened.
“You aren’t the only one’s hurt here Simon, and not only physically..”  your emptied lungs blocked your voice, not even realizing the tears streaming down your face, feeling their saltiest taste on your lips.
You rushed to the door of the bathroom, leaving Simon alone, his mind now racing with too many thoughts.
You heard him walking; the steps getting closer to the bathroom’s door, staying in front of it for second, minutes maybe? Who knows. Only when you heard him walking away, you finally let te tears go, your chest burning from the pain caused by the crying.
Those were rare situations. Simon wasn’t that furious, but somehow a cold side of him was omnipresent, putting you down mercilessly in a void full of regrets. It was his fault? Or yours? Technically, you answered him back, but in front of you didn’t have Simon, and yet, that question echoed in your head like a broken record.
“Like what?”
Nothing came out of your mouth. The truth is, you just said something even if it was nonsense, just to make him talk, just to take him out from his own pain. This time, unsuccessfully.
“I’m back!”
You froze, hearing König’s voice coming from the living room, but without obtaining any answers. You try to recompose yourself, but the mirror showed you in awful conditions: red puffy eyes, cheeks wet from the tears, all your body still shaking and stiffened from the nervousness.
You drag yourself outside, slowly walking and facing König, his blue eyes filled with concern.
“Liebling*... what’s wrong?” he runs to you, cupping your face, wiping away some tears from your eyes.
He takes you to the couch, sitting on it while leaning his arm on your waist, your head resting on his shoulder trying to calm down your crying. König remained silent and waiting for you to talk.
“It’s.. probably my fault. I-I was too nervous, I just can’t stand it and I think I’ve... lose it, even-" you started sobbing again, but König stopped you, barely understanding what’s going on.
Only your sobs can be heard in the room, your eyes filled with tears blurred your vision. You feel a weight on the other side. Another presence joined you and König on the couch. You feel two hands- Ghost’s hand on your hands, soaked from your own tears. He grips them tightly, forcing you to meet his eyes: they were red, he definitely cried too; but you didn’t know that after you ran away from him, he soon realized his mistake. He tried to move, but nothing happened. Everything around him buzzing while he heard your muffled cries from the bathroom. His heart shattered in a million pieces, a dull ache in his chest drowning him.
He knew he wasn’t easy. He always had trouble managing himself, and now he hurt you in his worst moment.
But you were hugging him.
“Simon, I-“
“Shush,” he gently pulled you even closer, your face completely immersed in his shirt, while feeling König’s hand gently stroking your back. “It’s not your fault-“
“It’s okay, really.” This time you stopped him, your throat burning with every word you say. “Everything’s okay.”
That’s when you heard König moving behind you, his chest resting against your back, nuzzling his nose on the hollow of your neck, his arms surrounding your chest, squeezing your breast on purpose.
Simon gently stroked your hair, pressing his lips on yours, his warm breath like a light breeze on your face.
“The bed would be a better place...” König whispered in your ear, making you giggling, goosebumps all over your skin.
You smile, giving him a quick kiss. “Well, you’re right...”
*Liebling: darling
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mrsevans90 · 7 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 1
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 3,502
Warnings: Abused animal, domestic violence, stalker ex-boyfriend, mention of nightmares/PTSD, smut in future chapters.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A big thanks to @shellyshellshell for encouraging me to write this story!
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
*Syverson POV*
It’s certainly difficult to leave the cool air conditioning of the house to head to work when the weather forecast predicts another scorching Texas summer day where the humidity makes your clothes immediately stick to your skin. It’s nothing I’m not familiar with having grown up in Texas my whole life and then spending two tours in the desert before returning home. You’d think I would move somewhere cold, but the south is all I know. I certainly couldn’t leave Nana and Pawpaw either. After finishing my last tour, I came home and bought an empty house in disrepair and spent the better part of a year ripping it to studs and rebuilding. I was really struggling with returning to civvy life after spending the majority last ten years in the sand pit. Originally, I had just planned to fix up my house so that it was comfortable and hell, livable, until I discovered what I wanted to do outside of the army. Remodeling my house taught me that I really enjoyed working with my hands and building things. I guess you could say taking a broken, outdated home and making it beautiful and functional again really resonated with me on a deeper level. I was lucky to leave the army with only some mild PTSD and nightmares. Hell, I had all of my limbs and was alive which is more that I can say I deserve. Staying busy helped me cope so after working towards getting my contractor’s license, I decided to start my own company, Syverson Contracting. It was still a small operation with only about seven employees including my cousin Alex, but we got by just fine.
After getting ready for the day and sipping on my cup of coffee on the porch with my German Shepard, Aika, I put my boots on and headed to the truck for the first day on a new worksite. Like usual, I called Nana on the way to work to check in. My grandparents lived about fifteen minutes away from me, but I still called to check on them every morning and make sure they’re doing alright. As I drive, Nana starts chattering all about how her friend’s granddaughter is single and I should be looking for a good woman to marry and settle down with. We’ve had this conversation umpteen times before but I can’t seem to get it through my stubborn grandmother’s head that it’s useless. I’ve been burned by too many women in the past as a young and naïve man and I just don’t want to bring someone into all of my problems. Yes, I go to therapy at the VA to help with my PTSD but it still doesn’t stop the sleepless nights and nightmares that immediately send me back to wartime in the desert. As much as I’ve always wanted a partner in life; a beautiful wife to come home to, a couple of kids and the proverbial picket fence, I just don’t see how it could be in the cards for me now. I’m too fucked up. Nana of course would never understand and I certainly don’t want to drag her into it so I just listen to her drone on and on about some chick named Susanne and then tell her that I’ve got to go.
After speaking with my team and giving instructions for the job, I went to Alex’s flatbed truck and we all started unloading the materials. The home we were working on was owned by a young couple expecting their first child. It was a simple job, replacing the flooring throughout the house, building a shed in the backyard for lawnmowers and other garden tools, and repairing some dry rotting siding near the fireplace. The great thing about my team is that I could get them started and didn’t have to micromanage them. After several hours in the walloping sun, we all broke for lunch. After cooling off and reenergizing at the local Wendy’s, we all headed back to the house to continue our work. Since I was used to being in these weather conditions, I decided to head out toward the edge of the woods in the backyard and start building the garden shed. When I went to lift up some of the plywood, I was beyond shocked to find a shaking and filthy little tan dog who appeared to be injured and terrified.
“Shit. Heya buddy, I ain’t gonna hurt you. It’s alright pal. Let me take a look atcha.”
As a true animal lover, I was immediately enraged. Someone had intentionally abused this poor defenseless animal and either abandoned it or it was able to limp off to the woods. The little male pup, couldn’t be older than a year was bleeding from four different wounds on the side of his sand colored body. The second I scooped him up, he was whining and cowering in fear.
“You’re alright little man. I’m gonna take care of ya. Let’s see if we can getcha to a vet.” I call Aika’s vet office and unfortunately there is no answer. Janet must still be taking her lunch break.
I see Alex walking outside to grab some of the flooring to bring inside and yell for him to come here.
“What’s up, Sy?”
“Just found this little guy beat to hell by the woods.”
“Jesus. What kind of bastards do that to an animal?” Alex ponders as he was looking at the injured and sick animal. 
“I’m gonna see if Dr. Robinson’s in. Hopefully I can get the little feller in today but I need you to run the site until I get back.”
“No problem, Sy. Didn’t she just have another kid? I’m not sure if she’ll be there but I know Jessica said something about them hiring a new vet so I’m sure someone will be around.”
The veterinarian’s office was only a fifteen-minute drive from the site so after giving the poor thing some water, I loaded him up and drove there.
On the ride over, he seemed to relax a bit and not shake as bad as he had been and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Oh Austin! How good to see you! Did your Aika have an appointment?”
“Hey Ms. Janet, is Dr. Robinson in? It’s not for Aika. I found this guy by the woods and he’s been hurt something awful.”
“Heavens to Betsy! Poor little angel! Elizabeth is out on maternity leave but we’ve hired a new vet. You'll like her. Let me check with her and see if she can work you in.”
“Yes ma’am.”
A few moments later, Janet scurries back and directs me to an exam room with the little guy. I guess I could have just dropped him off and went back to work but my heart just couldn’t stand it. Hell, I fought to bring back Aika from Afghanistan because of how quickly I fell in love with her and she’s been the best dog ever. I can’t imagine leaving this little guy to potentially die from his injuries without a friendly face nearby.
*Knock Knock!*
The door opens and my heart stops at the same time. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen enters while carrying a clipboard and a stethoscope. She’s a petite little thing only reaching to my shoulders with long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and crystal blue eyes that feel like they see straight to my soul.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Emma Miller. I hear you found this little guy in the woods?”
“Uh, yes ma’am. Hello there, I’m Austin Syverson. Yeah, I uh, I found him and he looks like he’s been abused.”
She smiles brightly and shakes my hand when I introduce myself and the moment I touch her soft skin, I can hardly think straight. Why the hell do I feel so jittery? It’s just a beautiful woman Sy. Get ahold of yourself. I tell her exactly what I found and she quickly starts examining him while speaking to him in a sweet voice.
“Hi sweet boy. You poor thing! I’m so sorry someone has been treating you so horribly. We’re going to take care of you, yes we are. You’re going to be good as new! I’m going to give you some fluids because you’re dehydrated little guy. Once we get some fluids in you, I’ll try giving you some food. How about that little man?”
I can’t help but smile as she baby talks to him while inserting an IV in his tiny arm and starting him on fluids. She examines the wounds more carefully before retrieving a pair of things that look like tweezers.
“If I had to guess, I would say this guy is about 10-12 months old. I suspect these wounds on his side are from a BB gun. Would you mind holding his head? I’m going to give him some pain relief in his IV to help him relax and then try and clean the area and see if I can remove them. We’re a bit short staffed at the moment with Dr. Robinson out and two of our techs calling in sick so I’ll need your help if that’s okay?”
“Fucking BB guns.” I murmur under my breath. Damn some people are just the worst.
“I’m happy to help.” I tell her quickly and take up residence next to the puppy’s head to hold him still.
“Thank you.” She replies quietly while concentrating on rubbing some brown cleaner across each wound.
I can’t help but watch her as she focuses on removing all four bb’s and placing them into a metal bowl. She’s so effortlessly beautiful and incredibly adorable as she works on the dog who seems to be feeling so much better with the medication and fluids that he has received. She sews up each wound quickly and efficiently. The pup seems to be almost as captivated by her as I am. When she’s done, he even attempts to wag his tail for her. Dr. Miller explains that he will need a flea and tick bath before she can dress the wounds because he has several fleas on him and she doesn’t want them getting into the incisions.
“Mr. Syverson, I hate to keep you from your day. Would you want to just come back for him in a little while? I have to do an exam on a yorkie with diabetes but then I’ll bathe him on my break and get his wounds dressed.”
“Sugar?” I ask.
“I’m sorry, pardon?” She responds a bit flustered.
I smirk as I see the blush tinting her cheeks. “The yorkie. Is it named Sugar?”
“Oh! Yes! Someone you know?”
“My grandma’s neighbor, Mrs. Clayton, has a yappy little yorkie named Sugar and I believe I overheard that it has diabetes.”
“Yes, well that would be her.” She smirks back.
“I don’t mind waiting with the little guy. Is it alright if I stay and help you bathe him? Since your short staffed and all?” I ask with my most charming smile.
Her beaming grin tells me all I need to know. “Sure, Mr. Syverson. Can you give me about twenty minutes?”
“Only if you’ll call me Austin or Sy. Mr. Syverson is my pawpaw.” I say with a grin.
“Alright Austin. I’m going to leave you with some wet food on the table for this little fellow, but can I trust you to only give him small amounts slowly? We don’t know when his last meal was so we don’t want to overwhelm his belly.”
“Yes ma’am.” I mock salute at her with two fingers and she giggles when she leaves the exam room. I swear the moment she did I was a goner. I need to find a way to hear that giggle more.
“Well little guy, it looks as though we are helping each other out, huh? You ain’t the only one broken and battered.” I say as I give the dog a small plastic spoonful of wet dog food that he almost swallows hole.
“What should I call you?” I hypothesize aloud while the pup continues eating sloppily from the spoon I’m holding.
“Since Dr. Miller here patched you up, how about Miller? We can call you Mills for short. What do you think about that? I like it.”
Emma finally returns to the exam room and is happy to see that the Mills has eaten the food I gave him and kept it all down. Due to the food, medications, and fluids he received you can already tell a slight difference in his demeanor.
“Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we?” She says while carefully picking him up and carrying him to the back of the building before pausing. “You coming, Austin?” She asks.
God, I hope I will be soon. I think before I rush over to open the exam door for her and follow her to the back.
“You know, I’m breaking rules by letting you back here so don’t make me regret it.” She says to me teasingly as she carefully sets Mills into a large stainless-steel sink and begins to bathe him with medicated shampoo.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Dr. Miller.”
“No, if I have to call you Austin, you have to call me Emma. It’s only fair.”
“Well, Emma is a beautiful name so that will be easy. If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from? We haven’t had a new vet in town since Dr. Robinson came and that was probably ten years ago.” I watch as Emma carefully removes three ticks from his fur and want to outwardly cringe. Ticks are the devil’s bug.
“I’m from Alabama. I’ve only been in Texas for about a month but just started working in the office this last week.” She tells me as she very carefully continues to clean Mills.
“What brought you all the way out here? Did your husband get transferred out here or something?”
She side eyes my question with a smirk. “Nope, just the job. No husband or kids. No boyfriend either in case that was your next question.” She remarks sarcastically.
My stomach flips with excitement even though she caught on to what I was really fishing for.
“Well, I’m certainly glad you’re here. For Mills’ health needs of course.” I add quickly while gesturing to the pup.
“Yup. Short for Miller, after the doctor who’s taking care of him.”
Her cheeks blush bright red as she runs a flea comb gently through his fur. “Well aren’t you just the charmer. I’m surprised Janet didn’t warn me about you. She’s been clueing me in on pretty much the entire town.”
“Ah, good ole’ Janet. She knows there’s no need to warn you about me. She’s known me since I was in diapers so that should tell you enough about my character if she didn’t warn you off.”
“That’s good to know. So, are you planning on keeping little Mills? Or are you wanting us to adopt him out once he’s all healed?”
“Oh, I plan on keeping him if that’s alright. As long as my girl, Aika, is okay with it I’ll keep him. Can’t imagine sending him off to a stranger after what he’s already been through.”
“Well, if your girlfriend isn’t on board with keeping him just let us know and we can see about arranging a foster for him until he’s able to be put up for adoption.” She says while stepping a little further away from me.
Girlfriend? Oh dumbass, you made her think Aika is your girlfriend.
“Aika’s my German Shepard. I don’t have a wife, kids, or a girlfriend either.” I said poking fun at her sarcastic comment from earlier.
Emma grins but just continues to rinse Mills off. She notices that one of his paws looks a bit swollen but she can’t find any cuts or wounds so she thinks it may just be bruised from trying to run from his abuser.
Once we get him dried off, I hold his head again for her to clean and dress the wounds on his side and I’m dreading leaving.
“So, I’ll need to see little Mills in 3 days to check his wounds and remove the stitches. I need you to clean and redress the wounds one time a day like I’ve shown you. I’ve got his medication and antibiotics here and a couple of cans of that wet food that you fed him earlier. I recommend continuing to feed it to him slowly so that his tummy doesn’t get upset. Nobody likes waking up to a dog throwing up or having diarrhea in the house. If he does okay with that food we can discuss increasing his food intake at the next appointment. Do you have any questions, Austin?”
“Just one. Can I get your number, Emma? You know, in case I have questions about your prodigy, Little Mills, here.” I add with a smirk.
“I’m sure you have the number for the vet’s office.” She smirks.
“That I do, but I’d like yours as well, please.” I ask with my most convincing smile.
“Alright, alright. Just don’t advertise it. The last thing I need is people like Mrs. Clayton calling me after hours.” She concedes with a giggle and I can’t help my boisterous laughter at the last part.
“Nobody wants someone like Mrs. Clayton calling them all the time. That woman would talk to a wall just to hear her own voice.” I hand her my phone and she quickly types her number and I save it under “Mills’ Future Mama” and smirk to myself.
I pay and make the next appointment for Mills and then head to the local pet store for a collar, leash, dog bed, and more dog food. Luckily, Mills sleeps on the ride home and I can’t decide if he’s finally realized I’m not going to hurt him or if he’s still drowsy from the effects of the meds he received. I head home and send Alex an update that I’ll be back at the site tomorrow.
When I get home, I bring everything inside before carrying Mills over to Aika and carefully introducing him. After the initial excitement wears off, Aika heads outside to the backyard and I’m relieved that she seems to accept him. She’s always been such a good dog so hopefully I can rely on her to show our little rookie around and teach him our routines.
I go about showering and eating dinner, but I can’t seem to get my mind off Emma. I obviously want to play it cool but she has infiltrated my mind to the point where I just can’t think of anything else. I know this is a bad idea but I can't stop myself. I decide to take a picture of Mills in his little bed and text it to her.
Sy: <attached image>
Mills’ Future Mama: I’m glad to see my namesake is adjusting to his new life. I take it that his sibling accepts him?
Mills’ Future Mama: Also, you’re lucky I opened that picture text. Typically receiving a picture from an unknown number is never a good thing 😖
Sy: Sounds like your mind is in the gutter or you have some seriously unhinged acquaintances, darlin. Aika has accepted him into the pack without hesitation.
Mills’ Future Mama: More like, men are nasty and will take any opportunity to send an unsolicited dick pic to even the most unwilling recipients. Glad you found the little guy. He seems right at home.
Sy: He is. You should come visit him sometime.
Mills’ Future Mama: Why would I do that when he’ll be in my office in three days?
Sy: Maybe to see his owner?
Mills’ Future Mama: I’d imagine his daddy will be the one bringing him back to my office though?
Sy: Alright then, how about I make you some dinner at my place? Say tomorrow at 5pm?
Mills’ Future Mama: Make it 5:30 and I’ll be there. Just know I’ll be sending your information to my best friend in case you try and murder me.
Sy: What type of people were you surrounded by in Alabama? 🤨
Mills’ Future Mama: I was actually in a super safe town. Just watch too many crime shows to make careless mistakes.
Sy: Smart lady. You can tell whoever you want, darlin’. I’ve got nothing to hide and I appreciate a woman who has some self-preservation skills.
Mills’ Future Mama: Trust me, I’m very skilled at many things. 😜
Sy: Damn woman, I’m trying my best to be a gentleman here. It’s not fair to tease me.
Mills’ Future Mama: Not teasing. Just stating facts. 🙃
Sy: Tomorrow can’t get here soon enough. Here’s my address. Any food allergies?
Mills’ Future Mama: Nope! I’ll bring dessert. I’m interested to test your cooking prowess.
Sy: You’re killing me.
Mills’ Future Mama: See you tomorrow!
Part 2
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal
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prazinos · 1 year
Give In.
Summary ~ Eddie comes home with an interesting idea that would take a lot of self control.
Pairing ~ Steddie x Reader
Warnings ! ~ Horny pills ? | Oral {F} | Overstimulation {F} | PiV | Masturbation {M} | Tbh Steve is like sub ngl | Desperation should come with it's own warning | Coming in pants |
WC ~ 2.1K
have fun Bozos
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You and Steve had been bored all day, there was a heatwave in Hawkins and you didn't want to go to the pool because you both knew that it would be packed. And although Steve's house was the only one with air conditioning, the air conditioning was broken
So, you decided to stay in, currently, you were walking around the trailer in black panties that were more than just a bit lacey, and as much as Steve would love to jump your bones right then and there, he was far too hot.
Both you and Steve turned to look at the door when you heard the lock being turned, and then in came Eddie, your shared beloved boyfriend, who was also your saviour as he was holding a large fan under his arm.
'Eddie our saviour' you said walking over to him.
'Now Y/N, sweetheart, darling, I love you and I'm loving this look but I'm sweaty, so don't hug me' Eddie said putting the fan down as Steve rushed over to plug it in and turn it on.
You practically shoved Steve out of the way getting in front of the fan, bending your knees slightly.
'Now, I got something else for us, and it will be fun I promise' Eddie said digging into his denim shorts, you and Steve shared a look of 'oh great'
And the two of you grew more worried when Eddie walked over with his wolfish smile and small packet in his hand.
Eddie ushered yourself and Steve over to the living room and you all sat down on the floor as Eddie opened the packet he was holding.
'You know how Stevie and I love our competitions, I was thinking this competition you could join in princess'
'perfect' Eddie said clapping his hands together, 'these pills I hold in my hand, will make us all very horny'
'oh god' Steve said dragging a hand down his face.
'The idea is, we all take a pill and see who can keep control the best' Eddie explained placing a pill in yours and Steve's hand.
You all look at each other before popping the pills in your mouths. You could keep control the longest. Easily.
The rules were simple, no touching each other or yourself.
Not ten minutes later the boys were dishevelled messes, you were as well but you kept it better hidden, plus they could not keep their eyes off your tits. Everybody now shirtless and in their underwear.
You were so going to win.
'god you two are terrible at this' you said picking at your nail.
Steve scoffs like he is totally unbothered,
'You're scoffing like you don't want to have a taste of Y/N right now Stevie' Eddie smiles, Steve practically whimpers shifting on the carpet, determined to make Steve lose, you spread your legs wider, so the two of them could get a look at the wet patch on your panties.
Then you realised something, this was so not between you Eddie and Steve, this was between Eddie and Steve, who would dare touch you first.
you smiled realising this as the two boys eyed each other down, you swiftly got up and walked upstairs to Steve's bedroom, grabbing your vibrator before going back downstairs,
'Giving up so easy sweetheart?' Eddie smiled at you.
'No, I just know that this is really between you and Steve' you said pointing the vibrator from Eddie and Steve.
you took your panties off, sitting on the carpet again against the couch.
You pressed the on button, smiling as the vibrator sprung to life.
dragging it up your slit before pressing it firmly against your clit. You let out a moan, slightly exaggerated as you watch your boys stare at you, nothing but lust in their eyes.
your back arches slightly off the couch as you turn the vibrator up higher, groaning looking at Steve, surely he would give in first.
You feel the coil tightening at a fast rate, this pill really did get you worked up.
'Eddie, Steve!' you moaned, hoping one of them would crack
'we're just enjoying the show baby' Eddie said with that same wolfish smile that got you put in this position in the first place. 'That's right, show Stevie how pretty you look when you cum, make him crack' he continued.
'Steve!' you moaned loudly as your orgasm crashed over you. The waves of pleasure consuming you completely, your hips bucked against the vibrator as you rode out your high.
As you came down from your high, you still felt that need for release. you whined as the vibrations continued on your clit.
you threw your head back as you circled the vibrator around your clit.
You wanted one of the boys to crack, to fuck you senseless. And you knew how stubborn Eddie was, Steve was stubborn too sure, but far less than Eddie.
'Steve' you whimpered, 'want, want you to-' your sentence is broken off with a high pitched whine, ones that drove Steve crazy.
'Aww poor baby wants you to eat her out, don't you princess?' Eddie asks.
'mhm!' you moan.
you could see Steve slowly losing composure, squirming where he was seated on the floor.
you plunged two fingers inside of your dripping hole, curling them, hitting that spot inside yourself that makes you see stars.
But you weren't seeing stars, because your fingers weren't as long or thick as Steve or Eddies, they didn't have that roughness to them. Your eyes closing in concentration.
You thought your prayers were answered when you felt a large ringed hand on your thigh, your eyes fluttered back open to see Eddie, and as you looked over at Steve who looked like pure relief flooded through him, Eddie spoke up
'Seriously Harrington? You were barely holding on? Waiting for me to cave?'
Steve straightened his back 'I'm not quitting, no way'
Eddie smiled at you before snatching the vibrator from you and pulling your fingers out of your pussy, having you lay down completely on the floor.
Eddie laid down on his stomach in front of your dripping pussy,
'Sure you don't want to give in Stevie?' he asked
Steve shook his head, clearly not trusting his voice. Eddie smiled before licking a broad stripe up your pussy. Immediately you moaned at the contact, and Eddie started devouring you.
You looked over at Steve with hooded eyes, moaning towards him as Eddie lightly bit your clit. You watched as Steve shuddered from the sight of the two of you, and it was hurtling you towards your orgasm, and you knew Steve's reactions were spurring him on. You watched as Steve licked his lips, desperate to taste you.
'Eddie, 'm so close, please don't stop'
Somehow Eddie doubled down on his efforts of pleasing you. and you were hurtling towards the edge.
Your hands shot down to Eddie's hair, gripping it tightly. Eddie groaned against your clit, rolling his hips against the carpet. That was your breaking point, rolling your hips against Eddie's face, whimpers falling out of your mouth, your back arching off the floor.
As you come down from your high, you started to become too sensitive on your clit, but you needed more, craved more. You pushed Eddie's head away from your pussy, and Eddie sat back on his knees, looking back at Steve, licking his lips
'She tastes so good Stevie, sure you don't want a taste?'
'No, I'm not giving in. This pill is doing nothing to me'
Eddie chuckles at Steve's fake confidence before grabbing your hips and dragging you towards him.
Eddie rids himself of his boxers and strokes his cock a few times before positioning himself at your entrance, the two of you moaning at the sensation.
'How hard you want it baby?' Eddie asked, thrusting slowly into your cunt.
'Hard, hard please Eddie, need you to fuck me so hard'
Eddie smiled before gripping your hips tighter and started pounding into you, you reacted immediately whining, trying to grab onto anything you can, the pleasure that was coursing through your body being almost too much.
key word, almost
You turned your head to look at Steve and he was looking anywhere but the two of you. You look back at Eddie and gesture your head towards Steve, Eddie snaps his head to look at him and clearly isn't satisfied with the fact that Steve won't look at you two.
Gripping your hips and throwing your legs over his shoulders he starts thrusting harder, to the point it was almost painful.
again, key word, almost
Your moans grew louder and Steve finally looked at the two of you again. And you could have sworn that you heard Steve whimper.
Your thighs started shaking at the amount of pleasure you were feeling. And that only made Eddie thrust faster and harder, you could have sworn he couldn't have sped up anymore.
Tears started streaming down your face and Eddie being the disgusting man he is, merely leaned down and licked the tear that was running down your cheek right off your face.
You were so close, so close to the edge, just a final push is all you needed.
And as if Eddie had read your mind he reached down and started moving tight circles around your clit.
You started clenching around Eddie's dick as you hurtled towards your orgasm, Eddie groaned and threw his head back as you did.
'Eddie please 'm so close, please don't stop please, please'
'Not planning on it sweetheart'
The overwhelming pleasure of your orgasm consumes you, screaming out as it did. tidal waves of pleasure hitting you. Your hips rolling against Eddie's, your walls clenching around him, making him come not long after you.
You came back down from your high and winced as Eddie pulled out of you slowly, trying his best not to overstimulate you.
You pull yourself back up leaning against the couch, the horny buzz you felt was still there but you could deal with it.
You whined as you felt Eddie and your mixed cum leak out of you, and Eddie groaned at the sight as you shut your eyes from your exhaustion
Then your eyes shot open to feeling a tongue lapping at your cunt.
You look down and see Steve, apparently watching your mixed cum was too much for him to handle. You grabbed Steve's hair, pulling tightly, and he whimpered into you.
Eddie just sat back and watched as Steve would moan and whimper into you, devouring and loving the taste of you.
Steve could never get enough of tasting you, quite literally. Steve had a bad day at work? Eating you out made his day ten times better. You had a bad day at work? Steve is in between your thighs as soon as you sit down. You and Eddie are mad at Steve because the customer at Family video was a little too touchy and Steve didn't do anything? Steve was tied to a chair and had to merely whine and watch as you sat on Eddie's face.
And Steve right now, all of his senses were full of you. Tasting you, feeling you pull on his hair, whenever he opened his eyes to see you writhing above him, all he could hear were your moans.
You were already sensitive from Eddie's fucking, but looking down to see Steve in pure ecstasy merely from eating you out, had you feeling ten times more sensitive and you were close to the edge once again.
You watched as Steve's hips grinded against the carpet, moaning into your cunt each time he did. resulting in your hips bucking into his face from the vibrations.
You let out a high pitched mewl as Steve started sucking persistently on your clit.
'C'mon baby, give Stevie what he craves' Eddie spoke out, causing your eyes to look at him, just to see him stroking his once again hard cock.
Your hips bucked into Steve's face again, causing him to push your hips down.
'Stevie please, please please, gonna come, please'
Steve moaned against you at your words, doubling his efforts to make you come.
'Steve!' you practically screamed as your orgasm came crashing down. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. And you felt Steve moan against your clit only prolonging your pleasure.
Panting as you came down from your high, you clamped your thighs against Steve's head pushing him away, Steve sat up and wiped his mouth.
'Jesus Christ' Eddie said, his softening cock still in his hand.
Steve got up and you noticed the large wet patch on his boxers.
'Don't even act surprised he came from eating you out sweetheart' Eddie chuckled.
Steve came back in new boxers and threw a new pair to Eddie, sitting down in front of you with a wet towel, cleaning you up before helping you put on a new pair of panties and pyjama shorts.
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Bye Bozos
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squishmyster · 1 month
What a Difference a Day Makes
Cooper Didn't know what to do when he saw you in pristine conditions after he had spent over two hundred years thinking about how you died. One thing he does know is that he's never letting yo go again. Post war! Cooper Howard/ Ghoul x Reader Warnings~~ Angst, Possessive Ghoul, mentions of death! and grieving, OOC! Ghoul????, pinV Sex, light nipple play?, Ghoul sex MASTERLIST
The Ghoul was wandering around the wasteland cowboy hat low over his eyes. He had been walking for more than two hours and decided it was time to find a place to camp for the night. After searching for a little he managed to find a little broken-down house with half of its roof missing and multiple little holes in nicks in the walls of the home. He unholstered his shotgun, made his way inside, and started clearing out the space for Rad Roaches or Mole Rats. Not seeing or hearing anything other than a light snore coming from a small closet in the back of the home.   He made his way towards it gun up and pointed forward, clocking the gun he slowly moved to open the door to the closet, and in one quick motion, he swung the door open and his instincts told him to shoot first and ask questions later which is what he was going to do. His eyes landed on your face and he had felt the air get knocked out of him. lowering the gun all he could do was stare at you. going to sit in a chair on the other side of the room he couldn't help the rush of emotions he felt. Feelings he had pushed deep inside himself at least a hundred years back. The grief of losing you, the pain he felt, the anger, and sadly enough jealousy that you got to peacefully die compared to his ghoulish hell, and then the memories of you too came rushing back into his head but one in particular stuck out the most. 
Both of you were in Cooper's apartment and Cooper was above you his hazel eyes looking over your figure under him with a look full of love and adoration. his hand cupping your cheek and his handsome smile out on display for only you to see. In that moment he felt like nothing in the world was wrong, like he could do anything or do nothing at all and it would be perfectly okay with him. If time had stopped in that moment he could have cherished every moment of it. The scent of you, the way your hair framed your face, the matching look of love in your eyes, the softness of your skin under his palm, the way the morning sun painted you to be the most marvelous thing he'd seen in years and what he would do to be back there in that moment is anything under the blistering hot California sun. 
You wake up to the sun on your face shielding your eyes as you get up, you hear someone clear their throat, letting out a shocked sound you whip around and face the stranger. Once your eyes adjust to the light you notice the shotgun idling in his hand. Not knowing what to do you put your hands up not wanting to get shot because that would fuckin suck and it's not what you need or want right now.  Tilting the brim of his cowboy hat just above his eyes he let his lips pull into a sly smirk to cover the pang of hurt he felt in his chest at the shocked and very much worried expression. Tips his head to the side, looks you in the eye, and lets his left hand rest on his thigh while his right is holding his gun in case anything was to pop off. " What don't tell me you don't remember my darling... thought I was more special than that considering I'm your fiancé".  Hearing his words you get a good look at him you see the bright hazel eyes you longed to stare into as you've through the wasteland, hell much longer than that since the moment you woke up in that cryo-chamber and called out his name crying almost begging him to come back to you and when he didn't you felt broken and torn to pieces. Now it feels hard to even mutter his name, voice breaking and tears threatening to fall at the realization he'd been alive all this time. " C-cooper? "  breath hitching as you struggle to get out the words any words shielding your face with your hands you start sobbing the overwhelming emotions hitting you like a freight train. Seeing how distraught you were Cooper couldn't help but let the gun drop to the floor and make his way over to you. Feelings and emotions more over forgotten started making their way up his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. One hand was placed on the top of your head and the other was rubbing soothing circles into your back. " Now darling why are you crying you should be celebrating". His voice was low with false enthusiasm he was trying to lighten the mood and he knew it was working when he heard the little laugh you let out.
After a few more minutes of sniffling in his arms, copper had dragged you over to the chair and had you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around his neck his groin dangerously close to your ass. He had one hand placed on your ass while the other ghosted over the curve of your spine. feeling his hands on you sent shivers down your spine. Not only did you want him, after so long you needed him. The feel of his hands on your skin, his lips all over your body, the feeling of him deep inside you, but most of all you just wanted him even if he wasn't the Cooper you remembered even if you didn't exactly know what he was. Looking into his eyes you see the man that's been in your heart forever. " I've missed you so much coop- I thought you were dead".  and before you could get another word in he was crashing his lips onto yours pulling you into a staggering kiss that had you melting into him. " I missed you too Darlin, much more than I thought was possible" Feeling his teeth lightly nip at your bottom lip you open your mouth and let his tongue slide into your mouth. The kiss was full of desire and longing it conveyed every emotion that couldn't be put into words. the want and need you felt for each other, feeling his going hard on you start to grind your hips against his. Cooper felt a low rumbling moan in his chest and let both of his hands roam over your clothed body. His hands found their way under your shirt moving to take the ripped long-sleeved shirt off you. Feeling his gloved hands on your bare skin sent pleasant shivers through your body and you let out a small moan as you broke the kiss letting him pull the shirt up over your head. the second the loose fabric was out of his hands he was back on you, lips placing sloppy kisses all over your neck, hand fully exploring your body like it was the first time he'd seen it. His kisses started trailing down your neck to the apex of your chest, hands coming up to cup and knead both breasts. Deciding it would be too much work to take your bra off he pulls it down almost ripping the fabric off your body. Tongue leaving hot, wet kisses down your chest before taking one nipple into his mouth letting his tongue swirl over the hardened bud savoring the taste of you and committing it to memory.  You let out a small moan feeling his mouth on you, hands holding onto his shoulders for dear life feeling overwhelmed at all sensations running through you. hearing your moans Cooper can't help but let a small smirk grace his lips and let his teeth graze over your nipple before moving to the other. The only sounds to be heard are your soft moans and the sounds of Cooper devouring you. One of his hands trails down and deftly unhooks the button on your jeans before letting his hand slip into your panties. His fingers find your clit and he lazily strokes the soft bud before picking up the past. Sliding his finger lower through your soaking wet folds, slipping two finger into your sopping wet cunt was all it took for you to let out a loud breathy moan. Cooper quickly ate all the moans you let you with a pleasantly mind-bending kiss. All while his other hand is alternating between pinching and squeezing both breasts. He's praising you for being so wet and ready for him, telling you about how much he's missed you, how you're still the prettiest thing he's seen out here in this god-forsaken wasteland, how badly he wants to fuck you and remind you who you belong too, and how he was never letting you go now that he had you back.
Cooper had you bent over the chair knees on the seat and hands gripping onto the top of the chair for dear life as he fuck you into next week, his hands gripping at your sides pulling you into him with every harsh thrust of his hips. He had brought his foot up and placed it by you, the angle causing you to moan out at the new position that caused him to brush against your g-spot with every thrust. Cooper couldn't help the low moan that left his lips feeling your tight wet walls clench around his hard cock. " Fuck darlin... just like that-... swear I'll never get tired of this sweet pussy...fuckin perfect" the words coming out as strangled moans and groans. His words made you feel all mushy inside and you start to feel that special heat deep within your belly. Moans mixed with fucks and pleads for him to fuck you harder fill the space for any words you have. Using what strength you do have you use it to try and match the pace of his thrust with some of your own. The sound of skin meeting skin, moaning, heavy breathing, and wet noises fill the space around you both. "Gonna be a good girl n cum for me sweetheart... hmm?". Nodding your head you beg him to let you cum wanting the sweet release only he can give you so bad. " Yes, Cooper!... please- Mmm faster please". Giving you a hefty smack on the ass Cooper begins picking up the pace of his thrust. Chocked moans, stringed along thanks, and curses leave your lips. One hand leaves your hip to grip and trace along your curves and his low, rumbling moans and expletives could be heard even if they were much more reserved than your own. The hand grasping at your curves moves towards the front of your body. Trailing its way down towards the clef of your cunt, once his fingers reach your clit he's rubbing vigorous circles along it. His other hand moves to pull to his chest, his mouth starts its attack on your neck, and the hand that bought you both closer was tweaking with your nipples and kneading both breasts." Go ahead Darlin cum on my cock... take what's rightfully yours ". His thrust never faltered if anything they increased, the sound of skin slapping was defining, and there was nothing you could do but let your orgasm wash over you with an earth-shattering wave. A throaty moan flows out of your mouth, your body is shaking from the orgasm, walls pulsing around his throbbing cock, but also the overstimulation from Cooper's thrust is sending you farther over the edge. He slowed down his thrust but his hips were still moving firmly, his cock brushing against your g-spot with every thrust and he makes sure he was pulling out slowly before slamming back into you holding his orgasm hostage. After a few more languid thrusts he lets out a strangled moan spilling his radiated seed into your gummy walls " Ohhhh- fuck sweetheart look at that pretty fuckin pussy milk my cock". Feeling him cum inside you a soft moan leaves your lips and your body gives out under you as you lay there fucked out of your mind and wholly pleased with the way things turned out. Pulling out Cooper pulls you up wrapping his arms around you before sitting in the seat and pulling you into his embrace. Curling up into his lap you leave a kiss on his cheek before laying your head on his shoulder. After a while of sitting in silence, he notices a far-off look in your eyes "You doin' alright there Darlin"? his voice was the most quiet and gentle thing you've heard since you started wandering the wasteland. " I'm doing great Coop, just thinking about what a difference a day makes... just yesterday I was all alone not knowing if would be my last but here we are... together". He couldn't the way his lips lifted into a smile, his fingers tracing along your jaw. " Yeah.. me too but now we got each other Darlin' and I'm never letting go of you again" Looking up into his eyes filled with love and devotion you give him a warm smile, voice giving away every emotion that swelled in your chest threatening to burst out " I'm counting on it, Cooper ".
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Thanks for reading from Squish<3
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whump-imagines · 6 months
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Will & reader (could be platonic or early relationship.)
900 words
For anyone else who was missing a certain red head on Wednesday...
You felt like Bambi trying to make your way across the parking lot toward the hospital. Between sleeping through your alarm and the icy road conditions you were running very late for your shift. In your haste to get out of the house, you’d thrown on your regular shoes rather than your boots.
About halfway to the door your tractionless shoes slipped and you took a full cartoon style fall– both feet up in the air to land hard on your back. The hit knocked the wind from your lungs and it took a moment to suck in a breath.
Seconds later, the pain registered. Your back and head hurt. Before you could even think of what you should be doing next, Will was kneeling beside you.
“Don’t move,” he said. He started to run his fingers down either side of your neck in search of any abnormalities. “You hit your head pretty good. Does it hurt?”
You coughed, your lungs still trying to function properly. “Uh, yeah. My back too, kinda like up between my shoulders.”
“Okay, can you squeeze my fingers?” He placed two fingers against both your palms and you did as he'd asked. “Good, and push against my hands like you're pushing the gas pedal.” Again, you did as asked.
“Fuckin’ ice,” you muttered quietly.
“Okay. Do you think you can sit up?” Will asked.
You took another deep breath. “Yeah.” He offered his hand and very slowly pulled you into a seated position. You closed your eyes tightly as dizziness set in. “Woah.”
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
You peeled your eyes open, locking into his concerned ones. “Just dizzy. Really dizzy.”
“You probably have a concussion,” Will suggested.
A shiver ran down your spine. “Yeah, well, won't matter if I freeze to death out here.”
Will chuckled. “We are going to move slowly. I don't need you passing out because you stood up too quickly.” He shifted so he could stand to help you up. “Ready?”
“Yup.” You winced as you straightened up, pain flaring through your back. You took half a step to get closer to Will and your feet slipped slightly. You gripped onto his arm so tightly your knuckles turned white.
“Okay, you're okay. I got ya.” He started to walk slowly and carefully towards the doors.
Once you made it to dry flooring, you sighed in relief. Will kept your hand wrapped around his arm as he headed towards the nurses station.
“Hey, Mags,” he greeted. “What's open? She took a hard fall outside.”
“Oh, sweetie.” She rubbed your shoulder gently. “Take treatment one.”
“Thanks,” said Will. “Can I get thoracic and cervical spine x-rays and a head CT?”
“And something for the pain? Please?” You asked.
“Let's get 50 micrograms of fentanyl, too,” Will added. “Oh, and a warm blanket.”
“You got it,” Maggie noted all the requests in the tablet she was holding. “Any blood work?”
“No, just the scans for now.”
About an hour later, you had finished all the scans and were trying your best not to doze off under your second warm blanket. April had brought a new one when she'd come to check your vitals.
Will came in with the tablet in his hands. “How're you feeling? In too much pain?”
You gave him a thumbs up. “I'm possibly too comfy. I'm fighting the nap hard.”
“Good news then. You can nap shortly,” he said.
“Yay!” You said lazily.
“You do have a mild concussion,” he explained. “As well as two bruised ribs. So you're stuck here for observation until at least tomorrow but you can sleep if you want.”
“Well that's gonna hurt tomorrow. Awesome,” you added sarcastically.
Will squeezed your hand gently. “At least nothing is broken. Get some rest, alright?”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed, already giving into the pull of sleep.
You had no idea how much time had passed when you woke up. It seemed a safe guess that the pain was what had roused you. It felt like someone was digging a knife into your shoulder blade and breathing made it even worse.
You groped around the bed for the call button as tears welled in your eyes. A moment later, you found it and proceeded to push it several times. April pushed the curtain back soon after.
“You're awake,” she stated.
A tear rolled down your cheek. “It hurts. It hurts a lot. I feel like I can't even breathe.”
She quickly moved closer and took your hand. “Just squeeze as hard as you need to. Take slow breaths.” Within a few minutes she had calmed you down quite a bit. “I'm gonna go find someone to get you something for the pain. I'll be right back.”
She leaned out the door and you heard her tell someone that you needed something for pain. Will came in a second later and gave April a dosage for morphine.
“That should help,” he started. “I'll make sure to get you a prescription before we send you home too. Sound good?”
“Thanks, Will,” you said. He took your hand. “What would I do without you?”
He laughed. “Probably would have just frozen to death in the parking lot. So my shift is over soon and you're getting moved upstairs. What do you say to some pizza and a movie?”
“Ooh, yes. Please! Hamburger, bacon and extra cheese for me.”
“Okay. I'll see you upstairs in an hour or so.”
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the aftermath
Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
part four of the prūmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: don't you love me? - part two: and what of your love? - part three: the flames that divide -- part five: never tear us apart
themes: injury, violence (choking/assault), language, dragonrider!reader (her house is not stated)
word count: 3.7k ▪︎ masterlist
The reader is left comatose after the curse inflicted by Alys Rivers. Daemon and the rest of the Blacks are determined to set things right. Aemond finally learns of what happened, and makes sure that the guilty pays the price.
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The gillyflower lies on the round desk in the middle of your chambers.
It has been three days since its arrival, and devoid of the solace of its earth, it has inevitably began to wilt.
Rhaenyra had been the one to pull it from the box in which it arrived, for its intended recipient lies unconscious on the bed. She comes back to check on you each day, opening the windows to let the morning air in. The ladies-in-waiting tend to you, running warm cloth over your face and body, cleaning and replacing the healing ointment on your injuries.
It has been nearly a week since the tragic incident, which still remains unexplained by everyone. You had sustained treatable injuries, including a broken leg and wrist, but you were also left comatose, after hitting your head in the fall. Thankfully, in a desperate effort by your dragon Fyraxes, the blow was softened as she did her best to minimize the impact in her final moments. She is afflicted with a similar condition, yet to wake again, just like you.
The door to your chambers flies open, and in enters Daemon followed by the maester. He has also been a steady visitor, making sure that all measures are taken toward your recovery. He had been the one to take you back to Dragonstone on Caraxes. Jace stayed behind with Vermax in Horn Hill to watch over Fyraxes, awaiting Baela on Moondancer to help carry her back on makeshift mesh netting.
Daemon’s rough hands carry an ebony box, and he need not open it to determine its contents. It’s the usual one, sent by your lover. He sets it down on the desk. It is left adjacent to the one previously sent, the contents of which have already grown much fainter in vibrance.
Gillyflower. Yet again. In its usual shades of red and violet. A secret call, another attempt to coax you back into his arms.
He knew nothing of what happened. If he did, it would only be reasonable to assume that Alys Rivers would take the brunt of his wrath.
If Aemond only knew, then there is nothing in this world that he wouldn’t burn to reach you.
Daemon’s low spirits intensify as he observes you, lying supine and unmoving in the room. He hates not understanding your affliction. This never should have happened; something clearly isn’t right. Both you and Fyraxes showed no sign of any ailment prior to the incident, and nothing could have overtaken you that quickly. You were laughing one second, and gone to the world the next.
He is determined to see this right. Daemon needed you to be well, as he’s grown to see you as a kind of younger sister, someone he would protect at all costs. And he couldn’t. He couldn’t even fucking fly his dragon fast enough to save you from the fall.
“Well?” Daemon irately questions the maester who looks over you, yet again, “you wanted to say something? Speak it plainly, then. If you have any idea at all as to how we can help her, hold nothing back or I will make sure you regret it.”
“My prince, it is hard to say-”
“Say it.”
“It is only a matter of possibility. A mere assumption. I, myself, do not claim to have any determinate method to confirm this, but the lady y/n may have been targeted with dark magic.”
Daemon pauses, not expecting those words from the maester. Dark magic? “Do make it clear how exactly you arrived at this assumption.”
“Well, if I may show you,” the master lifts your hand, palm upwards, beckoning to Daemon, “if one has been targeted by a spell or an incantation of sorts, it tends to leave a mark.” He traces the lines on your palm, “As you can see, the creases on her palm have been tinged with a shade of maroon. It is almost hard to distinguish, unless studied closely.”
Daemon lowers his head to detect the traces of this on your palm, as the maester continues, “There are records of similar traces from victims of such witchcraft in our histories. One being a lord who was seemingly branded with a murky red contusion on his back, and another lady whose iris morphed into a similar colour. A telltale sign of the work of someone who practices the religion of R’hllor. A disgrace to the one, true religion of the Seven, if I do say so mys-”
Daemon straightens, a fit of rage starting to resurface, "This must be the work of someone from the fucking Greens. It has to be. We must question any known priest or priestess from this Red religion. Anyone who might have any idea about the doings of these bloody witches," his lips curl in distaste, "Immediately."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond sits at the edge of the bed. The very same one that you shared nearly a fortnight ago. In this familiar cabin, in your secret field, he waits. He has been waiting for several hours, as he had waited several days ago.
And yet, you are nowhere to be seen.
The gillyflower must have reached you. He made sure that it would not be intercepted on its way to Dragonstone. It must have arrived in your chambers, for your immediate notice.
So where are you? When you did not arrive several days prior, Aemond tried to let it pass. You must have been preoccupied with other pressing matters. You are a trusted ally in the Black Council, after all, with your own duties to fulfill.
But again, you have yet to make your presence known. You have yet to come home to Aemond’s arms, where you belong. He tries not to worry, not to let it get to his head. Perhaps, it’s the same case. You must be occupied, or sent on an envoy to one of your allies. There must be a reason that would justify your absence. Surely, you would not choose to simply ignore him, ignore the constant arrival of gillyflower to your chambers.
He lets his fingers drift across the sheets, going over the memory of the both of you entangled in them. It’s been too long, and he’s just gotten you back. There is no way in seven hells that he would let another separation linger between you and him.
Perhaps it’s time to leave. His entire being pulls him toward staying in the cabin, perhaps just a little while longer. Just another minute, or another hour even. Maybe then, maybe you…
Out in the hills, Vhagar huffs impatiently. She feels distraught, struggling to maintain a sense of calm, mirroring her rider’s exact sentiments. Vhagar and Aemond have always been attuned to each other in this way, which has also led to the largest dragon’s affinity for you. She watches Aemond walking back to her, stone-faced and looking downcast. He certainly did not get what he came for. Silently, he clambers up onto Vhagar, and sits back, assessing the field and the skies. Trying to catch a glimpse of your arrival. Anything at all. Even a raven that holds a letter to explain your absence.
He's not certain how much more time passes, as he sits atop Vhagar. The dragon shuffles slightly, pulling him out of his thoughts. In a huff, he makes a split decision, voice sounding agitated, “Ivestragī's jikagon. Sōvegon.” Let’s go. Fly.
The field is enveloped in a massive gust of wind, grass and gillyflower whipped about in a flourish. Gravel and dirt are spread out from where Vhagar took off. Back in the cabin, candles are left lit around the room, casting a warm glow in the emptiness. The entire place - the field, the cabin, the skies above – seems to have lost its wonder, its defining spark, without the star-crossed lovers who have made it their home.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Rhaenyra Targaryen’s sworn knights escort a woman into the great, looming hall in Dragonstone. The elderly woman walks with dignity, her head held high, her modest red dress billowing slightly as she strides. The queen and Prince Daemon finally take notice of her, as the maester walks forward to announce her arrival.
“My Queen, my Prince, might I present the Lady Cerrah. She hails from Essos, but she currently resides in the Riverlands, in the employ of our ally, House Tully.”
“They have a fucking witch in their employ?” Daemon doesn’t mince his words, as always, eager to get on with the interrogation.
“My queen,” she bows her head in obeisance, before adding in response, “I am a respected healer in House Tully, Prince Daemon, and I do not appreciate your tone.”
Rhaenyra gives her consort a sideward look, advising him to take caution, “We welcome you to Dragonstone, Lady Cerrah. I suppose you have been informed of why you have been summoned?”
“Summoned?” The lady’s voice is shrill, disbelieving, “I was plucked out of my chambers in the middle of the night and dragged out here in a pathetic carriage-”
“You should consider yourself fortunate that you weren’t put in chains, witch.” Daemon snaps, “This is a matter of urgency, so the sooner you answer our questions, the sooner we can be rid of each other’s presence.”
Lady Cerrah doesn’t recoil at Daemon’s tone, already accustomed to men approaching her in a brutish manner, without any effort made to hide their prejudice. “The maester has already informed me of the Lady Y/n’s condition, and I’m afraid he is not mistaken. This is the work of a priestess, and quite the powerful one, might I add.”
Rhaenyra proceeds in a practiced, diplomatic manner, “We have reason to suspect that this might be the work of someone from the Greens. Perhaps they too, have a priestess such as you, my lady, in their company.”
The priestess does not appreciate having to be a mere tool, her religion clearly viewed as lesser by these nobles, “And? What do you require of me? The name of everyone who might potentially be a priestess who sided with the Greens?”
“Just one name would suffice. The name of the cunt who put a curse of Lady Y/n and her dragon,” Daemon fiercely says, matching Lady Cerrah’s derision, “Whoever they are, they’re likely to be under the command of the Hightowers, or any of the traitors in King’s Landing.”
Rhaenyra interjects, “Daemon, we can’t be certain-” but her husband does not cease his tirade.
“It must be. Do you know of any priest or priestess who may currently be in King’s Landing?”
“We followers of the Lord of Light know better than to be under the direct control of any of you Targaryens,” Lady Cerrah sneers, “You only seek to bring about the downfall of the Seven Kingdoms, simply because you wage war amongst yourselves.”
Just before Daemon angrily speaks up, Rhaenyra is quick to implore, in a comparably calmer tone, “I do not wish to antagonize you, my lady, and if you felt as if you were not properly treated as you were brought here, then I offer my apology.  But the Lady Y/n is quite dear to me, and to all of us. She is more than just an ally; she is my family.” At that, Daemon can’t help but sullenly nod in agreement. Rhaenyra continues, “If you know of anyone who might be rightfully suspected of harming her, then speak their name.”
Despite Lady Cerrah’s resistance, the queen’s genuine sincerity was something she could not ignore. She speaks again, her voice softer, “In King’s Landing, you say? Well, I suppose there is someone who is close enough to the royals, that it is likely her faith is being utilized to their advantage,” she pauses, making up her mind, “You must have heard of Alys Rivers. The consort…well, former consort of Prince Aemond Targaryen. She is the daughter of a devout follower of the Lord of Light, a true priestess who devoted her life to the faith. I came across her mother several times in our youth, before she was impregnated by the late Lord Strong.”
Daemon’s blood runs cold. He mouths slowly, “Alys Rivers is a fucking witch.” If she had anything to do with this, then it must only be at the behest of his nephew, and Daemon knowingly let you go to him. I let her go to him, to that fucking traitor, and now she lies unconscious, her fate uncertain.
Rhaenyra and Daemon share a knowing look, both aware of your history with Prince Aemond.
“Thank you, my lady,” Rhaenyra says, “That will be all for now. You will be given your own chambers during your stay here. Clear the room,” she hurriedly commands her loyal knights.
Before she is ushered away, the priestess adds, moved by the queen’s grace, “My queen, I wish to express my regret for what happened to the Lady Y/n. I shall look over my texts, and see if there is anything I can do.”
The room has just been emptied, before Daemon angrily speaks, "That one-eyed cunt shall pay for what he's done to her. He clearly has not learned his lesson after-"
Rhaenyra stops him with a single look, and Daemon knows better than to bring up the subject of her second son.
"If this is all Prince Aemond's doing, then why does he persist in sending gillyflower to her, in hopes that she might meet him? It does not seem like he's aware of her condition."
"It must be a trap," Daemon asserts, "or a diversion. To make it look like he's innocent in all this-"
"Daemon, you said so yourself that you believe them to truly care for one another. This is why you let her go to him. If that is true, then Aemond would not have done this."
"Well, perhaps I thought wrong," Daemon hissed, "If Alys Rivers is a priestess, then her connection with Aemond would deem her most likely guilty of the fucking curse our Y/n was put under."
Rhaenyra reaches for Daemon's hand, attempting to ease his agitation, "She will make it through this, Daemon. She's a fighter, always has been."
"I know she will," Daemon mutters, "but Alys Rivers must be dealt with, and I know just the way to see this done."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond absentmindedly plays with the sapphire-blue stone ball in the symbolic round dish set before him. His mind is elsewhere, fixated on you. The other members of the Green Council drawl on, and his mother Alicent’s expression grows dimmer as she sits at the head of the table. The proclaimed King himself is once again absent from the council meeting, no longer a surprise to anyone, for it was always clear that the Hightowers have been the ones to maneuver the plans of war. Figureheads in the shadows who are actually running the Seven Kingdoms.
Ser Tyland Lannister drawls on about the need for more resources in some battle, which of course, Casterly Rock would be more than happy to provide. Not unusual of their House which constantly leeches off of the power of the Iron Throne, through favours and self-serving flattery. Tyland poorly hides his annoyance when  Jasper Wylde interrupts, who claims to have good news from the Greens’ network of spies.
“Word has reached us that a very important player in this game for the Blacks has suffered a grave injury. As luck would have it, her dragon is in the same condition. The Lady Y/n is rumoured to be lying unconscious, and it is uncertain whether she will ever wake.”
Aemond freezes completely. His stomach twists and a sense of nausea threatens him, his eyes widening in shock. Rage quickly follows, when he replays what Jasper has just reported, his increasingly grating voice a mere echo in the background.
… suffered a grave injury… rumoured to be lying unconscious… It is uncertain whether she will ever wake.
“Wonderful news, dare I say!” the bumbling Lannister exclaims, unaware of the inner turmoil about to be unleashed from the Targaryen prince across the table, “And she rides one of their largest dragons, doesn’t she? A true loss for the Blacks, so this should…”
Alicent grows aware of her son’s distress, of his fist turning bone-white, tightening around the blue stone ball, “Aemond,” she implores, “Aemond, don’t-”
Tyland Lannister drones on, “…be a cause for celebration. But we should also make haste in considering our next-”
Gasps erupt around the table. Silence falls. Tyland Lannister’s speech was effectively halted by the same symbolic sphere, that shining blue implement, hurled from Aemond’s fist to his mouth.
The council members look from their prince to the Lannister, who stands in shock. His quivering hand covers his mouth, but blood has already begun to seep through his fingers. He makes a gurgling noise, and keels over, spitting a heavy clod of blood and several of his teeth on the stone floor.
“Fuck!” Tyland yells, muffled by the damage done, “You…you utter cunt…”
“Careful how you address your prince, Ser,” Ser Criston threatens from the side of the room.
Aemond stands tall, dominating the room with his silent, burning wrath. Lips tightened, jaw tense, fists curled at his sides. The very image of a dragon prepared to bring about destruction with his fire. He makes no move to excuse his action, and does not offer any semblance of an apology, both in word and in his expression.
Alicent is quick to act, fearing further escalation into violence, especially due to her son. “My lords, I must declare this council meeting over. We shall discuss any proceedings on the morrow.”
“What of… of what’s been done to me?” Tyland wheezes, blood still spilling from his lips, “I demand justice!”
Aemond’s head whips to him in a fury, “Justice would warrant that I have your head mounted on a spike, for levying insults against my-” He pauses. My love? My consort? My... my life.
The air is thick with anticipation and intrigue. The intrusive thought of Prince Aemond and Lady Y/n settle uncomfortably within their minds.
“Ser Criston, see everyone out,” Alicent instructs, “and have the maester see to Ser Tyland straight away.” Everyone shuffles out of the room, apart from Alicent and her son. She takes one of his fists, squeezing it gently between her palms, beseeching him to meet her gaze.
“Speak to me, Aemond,” Alicent pleads, “Why have you acted in such a way? You swore to me that you would never let your anger take over you again. Do you still care for the Lady Y/n?”
“Mother, I-” Aemond whispers, words failing him, “I…” He sits back down, leaning forward on one arm to steady himself. His hand is still curled tight, fingernails digging into his palm. Alicent sits beside him, pulling his fist close. Prying it open, she is saddened to see familiar, bloody crescent marks on his palm, from where his nails dug too deep. A memory flashes across her eyes, a sensation from her long lost girlhood, her hands defaced in a similar way. Of her own doing. And now her son has to suffer the same, and whatever pains have led him to this, she only wishes to take it away.
“Was this our doing?” Aemond says lowly, “Was this an attack orchestrated by our allies? I must know who dared harm Y/n.”
“I am not certain of this at present, Aemond. However, I will have Ser Criston report every detail he can collect about this incident. Rest assured, you will have your answers.”
Aemond envisions you, hurt, and he feels powerless to do anything to remedy it. His chest tightens with a pain he is sure he has not felt in a long time, not since he lost you the first time. Now, he could lose you for good. He refuses to entertain that possibility; he fears the monster he will become if that ever came to be.
He forces himself to nod to his mother in acknowledgement, before striding out of the council room, every step he takes bearing heavy. He was never a devout man, only playing the part of the dutiful son who upholds his mother’s beliefs. But a prayer repeatedly races through his mind. By the old gods and the new, let her be well. Let her recover completely. Let her return to me.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Aemond walks the halls determinedly in apparent calm. His face does not betray what simmers within. After Ser Criston Cole left his chambers, having reported everything he had gathered about your condition, Aemond sat transfixed by the flames. The amber flickers drew him back to one dark-haired bastard girl. The one who worships these flames. That witch.
It had been her. She was the one whom the Blacks have apparently determined as the likely cause. Aemond can’t help but concur. You had been allegedly been afflicted with a curse, the doing of someone who practices the religion of R’hllor. And who else would have reason to target you? Who better to suspect that his scorned former consort.
The door to Alys Rivers’ meagre chambers flies open. She had been sitting in front her mirror, running a comb over her long tresses, when she felt a cold gust of air from behind. She turns, finding the object of her fixation. The one-eyed prince, the love that had been promised to her by the Lord of Light. She was sure, he was meant to be hers.
She stands, excitedly at first, until she manages to observe him entirely. His entire demeanour is dark and menacing, his regal, austere face taking on a cruel edge.
“My Aemond,” she tentatively whispers, her hands reaching out to touch him. She lightly grips the sleeves of his tunic, but he remains unmoving. A long, torturous moment passes.
Then Aemond snaps, springing into movement, too quick for Alys to comprehend. His fingers tighten around her neck, cutting off any air in her windpipe. His fingernails dig into her skin, and her eyes widen alarmingly, begging him to cease his assault.
His seemingly dead eyes look right through her, numb to her pain. For once, the witch’s heart is stricken with fear caused by her true love. She can barely recognize the man in front of her.  
“Ae..mond,” a desperate croak, her slender hands scrambling and failing to urge him to release her neck.
Aemond finally speaks, voice dripping with menace, “What the fuck have you done?”
Sorry that you did not make an appearance in this chapter, dear reader. 🙃 I wanted to emphasize the gravity of the situation, and we simply can't have you just gallivanting around right away, if you're meant to have suffered a great blow from your nemesis, now can we?
I hoped yous understand the reference to the symbolic stone balls used during council meetings. No, Aemond does not have a blue ball he just brings around and plays with. (Lol)
And that's right, no smut in this one. This is kind of a filler chapter + you're in a bloody coma so simmer down for a while 😂
What to expect in the next chapter: you'll finally wake, Aemond will attempt to come see you (risking his head because Daemon will surely be out for blood the moment his nephew sets foot on Dragonstone), you might see Aemond in a new light (you'll be more distrusting, because it was his fooling around with that witch that led to your affliction after all) ...
the taglist continues in the comments, I sincerely apologize if I missed anyone. There must be nearly 200 of you that asked to be tagged so it's been insane! (in the best way) thank you all for reading!!! 🖤
taglist: @schniiipsel @thelastcitysposts @angel6776 @huntycola @sanguinalia @just-a-harmless-potato-05 @outundertheocean @dazecrea @ladystardvsts @afro-hispwriter @dudfahsn @poohkie90 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @lilostif16 @deeeeexx @nephitis @minicikasworld @livimulati @the-orions-belt @stillinracooncity @lawlerek @missusnora @wickedbutlovely @umavvitch @claudie-080102 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @puredicks @crazylokonugget @lj127 @icarusignite @mandyki @darylandbethfanforever9 @highexpectationsgurl @whitejuliana1204 @caught-in-the-afterglow @witchmoon @meilikki @carlottalhn @xcinnamonmalfoyx @writer-lee5 @solacestyles @noneedtosearch @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @vensidia @xinyourdreamsx @mikariell95 @cryztalline @fairaardirascenarios @aemondswh0re
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atths--twice · 3 months
Saw this on Twitter and had to write a little something. ❤️
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Their car began to overheat at mile marker 203, barely making it to the service station.
He sighed as he took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves while she called for another rental car.
“They said about thirty minutes,” she told him, hanging up as she joined him.
“Great,” he said with another sigh. “It’s blazing out, no wonder the car overheated.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, fanning herself and looking around. “Least we made it here and we’re not stuck on the side of the road.”
“Hmm,’” he hummed, as he also looked around. “Look at that.” He pointed to a dirt field with bases laid out to create a small baseball diamond. “Come on.”
“But the car…”
“Thirty minutes you said,” he told her, grinning as he started to walk toward the field. “We got time.”
She nodded, taking his offered hand to step over the path of half tires that had been set up as a barrier between the parking lot and the loose gravel walkway. He squeezed it as he let go and they continued to the field.
“Man,” he said, shaking his head as he looked at the dirty and stained up bases. “This takes me back.”
“You play a lot as a kid?” she asked, looking around with a small smile.
“Not really on a team as my folks couldn’t afford it, but neighborhood pick up games? Hell yeah.”
He spied a ball in the grass at the edge of the dirt lot and he smiled. Picking it up, he stared at it and then smelled it, his eyes closing. God, it smelled like summer and bologna sandwiches, warm sunshine and the tired feeling you got from riding your bike from morning till night.
It smelled like childhood.
“You ever play baseball as a kid?” he asked, smelling it again.
“Yeah,” she said with a small nod. “I was a pretty fast runner.”
“Smell that,” he said, holding the ball out to her. “What does it make you think of?”
She took a small sniff and hummed.
“Running through sprinklers. Eating sticky, melting popsicles. Riding my bike through the neighborhood and stopping by people’s houses without calling ahead.”
“Exactly. Like childhood,” he said with a grin and she nodded.
“Wanna have a catch?” he asked, popping the ball off of his forearm and catching it in his hands.
She stared at him and then looked down at her attire. He anticipated hearing a no and was taken by surprise when she nodded as she began to unbutton her blazer.
“Let’s see what you got,” she said, dropping her blazer outside the diamond without a care that it would get dirty. He grinned and stepped toward the pitcher's mound, rolling the ball around in his hand.
She stood at home plate, awaiting his throw. When he let it go, she caught it easily, tossing it right back to him. She smiled and he smiled back, throwing the ball once again.
By the time the replacement rental car pulled into the station, they were both hot and sweaty, but smiling from ear to ear. He tossed the ball up one more time as she collected her blazer.
“Thanks,” he whispered, setting it onto the middle of home plate and walking over to join her.
Their luggage and other personal items transferred to the new car, they got in and turned the air conditioning up to high.
Leaving the rental agent behind to figure out what to do with the broken car, they waved and made their way to the driveway of the parking lot.
They both glanced at the empty lot just as a group of kids rode up on their bikes. All of them dropped their bikes, shouting and laughing as they took out baseball bats and more balls from backpacks or even pockets. Two teams were quickly formed and they began a game, the ball making contact with the bat with a loud crack! and then cheering.
“Nothing replaces that feeling,” he said softly, turning on his blinker to turn left and leave the dirt lot in the rearview mirror.
She covered his hand with hers briefly and he smiled as he nodded.
Well, almost nothing, he thought, glancing at this new partner of his, wondering when it would be a good time to tell her he was falling head over heels for her.
“Let’s find a place to eat,” she said, turning the vent to blow the cool air more directly onto her. “I’m starving.”
“Me too,” he agreed, smiling with a nod, the memory of her happy laughter, as he ran the bases with his hands over his head in mock celebration, echoing in his head. “How about burgers and shakes?”
“Yes!” she agreed. “Something chocolate and deliciously cold.”
“Your wish is my command,” he said, stepping on the gas as her laughter rang out once again.
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oddlittlemiss · 1 year
✨House Cleansing✨
If you recently moved into a new space, you might want to consider cleansing your home of any negative energies that might still be there from the previous owners. Clearing your home from bad energy is also a good idea if you gone through a breakup, had a big life transition, or if you’re just feeling off.
A home should be a place where you feel relaxed and at peace. But when bad energy is lingering around, your home can become a place of hostility and negativity. This negative energy in your home can affect every other aspect of your life. Which is why house cleansing is an important practice to do regularly for your personal well-being.
There are many different ways to cleanse a home or even a single room in the house, and here’s how I cleanse my home/room.
1. First Thing’s First: Clean And Declutter Your House
Get rid of all the clutter by either putting things away or disposing them. Make sure to clean every corner! As you clean your home/room, know that keeping broken items (a statue with a broken arm put back with glue is fine but specifically ones that are irreparably broken) can bring down good energy. As well as items that doesn’t make you happy when you look or hold them. Use this time to get rid of it or donate if they are still in good condition and move on.
Then spend some time to dust, vacuum, and check for cobwebs. You don’t want the negative energy to have any reason to stick around.
Make sure to open all blinds, windows and if possible the doors. Let in as much light and fresh air as you can while you clean.
2. Remove Negative Energies From Your Home
When you cleared away the clutter, it is now time to start removing negative energies. A simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy is smoke cleansing. You will need;
~ A fireproof dish for catching embers and ash
~ Any cleansing herb (frankincense, rosemary, cedar, etc.)
~ A small fan or your hand
Begin by standing in the center of your home or at the front door of the room you want cleanse. Then light your herb bundle or incense and let the flame die out which is fairly quick. Let the smoke carefully waft around you first, beginning at your head and working down toward your feet. Walk clockwise going from room to room if it’s a home or just walk clockwise in a single room. Fan the smoke paying special attention to the walls, corners, floors, and even the ceiling. Envision the smoke absorbing bad energy and carrying it away through the open windows and doors.
Some people like to recite incantations or make positive affirmations as they are smoke cleansing. If you want, saying a prayer or appealing to a higher power for extra help with the house cleansing is perfectly fine.
If smoke cleansing isn’t possible, there are sprays you can use instead. Just mist carefully around you first and then spray around the home.
3. Further Protect Your Home
After smoke cleansing, I like to cleanse my home with salt. Pour salt (as much as you feel guided too) into each corner of your home/room. Ring a bell 3 times in each corner to break up any stagnant energy which the salt will absorb afterwards. After 2 days, vacuum or broom/dustpan the salt and throw it away. If your place has carpet or you want to clean up the salt easier you can pour the salt into a bowl and place them in the corners. If you don’t have a bell clapping with your hands works too.
Doors and windows are where outside energy can enter your home. Keep these spaces purified with a house cleansing solution. Mix a bucket of water with;
~juice from 5 Lemons
~1/4 cup ammonia or white vinegar
~1 cup of Sea Salt
Using a cloth, clean the doorknobs, doors, frames, and windows in your home with the solution and let it air dry. If you are cleansing a single room use 1 cup of water, 1/2 lemon, 2 teaspoons of ammonia or white vinegar, and 1/4 cup of sea salt.
4. After Cleansing Tips
Now that you’ve cleared the bad energy from your home, you can focus on attracting positive energy and protecting your cleansed space. Here are some things you can do:
You can keep cleansing and protecting your space with crystals. Place your chosen crystals in areas where bad energy seems to collect. Here are some crystals you might want to consider;
~Selenite can cleanse energy and raise the vibration in your home.
~Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that absorbs negative energy.
Many people like to keep salt lamps in varies rooms around their place to continue clearing bad energy.
Witches broom also known as besoms, can help sweep away bad energy and protect against evil. Place a besom just inside your front door or room, hanging with bristles up, to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. A small besom can also be hung over the door with the bristles down to help catch negative energy before it enters the home.
Rearrange the furniture and objects in your home in a way that makes you happy. You can also buy new things to make your home feel better.
Planting rosemary near the front and back door of your home is said to keep negative spirits away.
Consecrate a candle or buy a candle created to bring good things, protection, etc. and light it to invite good energy into your home.
It is important to be aware of the energy in your home - good or bad. If you notice a shift in energy as time goes by, consider cleansing your home/room again. After all, your home should make you feel safe and be a place you can restore your energy.
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Maybe Part VI #7:
"Let's find out how much you want it."
"Let's find out how much you want it." additional tags: playful dom ian, grumpy sub mickey, petnames, foodplay, stripping
Despite their air conditioner crapping out on them at the hottest time of day, Ian is positively buzzing with childish energy. Because of it, maybe. Perhaps the return of sunny, sweaty afternoons is bringing out the silly billy in him, just like old times.
Mickey doesn't have that problem.
Where Mickey has also known a stifling summer childhood, he differs in the way that he's grown very comfortable with their air conditioner now that they've got it. Which means when it's broken, he's got something to say about it. Loudly. He's bitchy and grumbly and Ian wants to mess with him so fucking bad.
So when the impulse flairs to strike, Ian goes for it, sneaking up behind his husband and snatching the popsicle he just took from the freezer right out of his hot little hands.
"The fuck-" Mickey's turning on his heels in a heartbeat, swiping at the air where Ian holds it just out of reach. "Get your own!"
"Both know this is the last one."
"Yeah, and I fuckin' had it, so paws off!" He goes for another attempt, one hand bracing himself against Ian's sweat-damp chest, the other swatting way up over both their heads.
But Ian's got the height advantage - has too many things working for him, the popsicle wrapper crinkling as he holds it out of reach. "How bad do you want it?" he asks, the playful curl of his grin betraying him immediately.
Mickey doesn't have that problem. "It's too hot for this shit, man."
"It's not that hot."
"It's a hundred fuckin' degrees in here."
"Thermostat says 84 - I just checked." Another attempt. Ian slips the prize out of reach just in time. "And since when do you care about a warm house?"
"Since you got my ass trained like a fuckin' air conditioned poodle, bitch. That's when."
Ian's eyebrows lift as he stares down at him. He's willing to spend some extra time on that imagery, he thinks.
Maybe a little later, though. There's a couple things he wants to take care of first - like his sweaty, shirtless husband getting all handsy and rubbin' up on him like this.
With a new dash of spice to his playfulness, Ian takes a step back, interested in how Mickey stays put.
Another then, until he's leaned back against the counter.
"Want it bad, huh..." he teases, enjoying how Mickey's eyes track the popsicle as he lowers it back to a reasonable height. "Let's find out how bad."
In front of him, Mickey has been given space to calm down. To simmer, simply, his hand coming up to rub over his eyes. "Man, I fuckin' told you I'll share the fan after I-"
"Oh," Ian interrupts, his slump backwards casual but decided. "I'm not talkin' about the fan, baby."
It's the tone shift of the century. Playful heat to rival the climbing thermostat. And no, his husband does not miss it.
Mickey lets out a great big sigh, but if he thinks he's hidden away the morbid curiosity lurking in it, he's dead wrong. "Whaddaya want." Simple. Cut and dry.
The corner of Ian's mouth quirks in absolute delight. "Take your shorts off."
The moment that stretches between them is dead silent - not even the hum of the air conditioner to fill it.
Then. "You fuckin' with me right now?"
"You want the popsicle?" Ian counters. And when Mickey makes a dramatic hand gesture that equates to a bitchy obviously, all he does is shrug, his brows bouncing in a clear then you know what to do.
It would be surprising, really, how quickly Mickey folds and starts shoving his shorts down. But there's just something in the air today. "Un-fuckin'-believable..."
Ian watches contently from his place against the counter, enjoying the reveal of those thick, milky thighs. Even when the discarded shorts immediately get tossed at his face.
He snatches them out of the air just in time. Drops them on the counter behind him. Nods down to Mickey's boxers, like it's the easiest thing in the world to say. "Those too."
And oh...that little spark in Mickey's eyes could catch flame and spread in a bunch of different directions right now. Ian can't wait to see which one.
"Better hurry, baby. It's melting."
Soon it'll be a juicy, drippy mess.
And so will the popsicle.
The huff that comes out of Mickey is supposed to be pointed - he just knows it is, because he knows his man. But even with all this room between them, there's nowhere to hide the rush in it - the annoyed horniness - especially as he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and then pushes them down to his knees, revealing what didn't even need to be said.
Ian grins to himself, tilting his head in amusement as he watches Mickey's cock hang heavily between his legs, before standing at attention right along with him.
"You happy now?" he asks Ian, standing naked and hard in the middle of their kitchen.
And oh! What an understatement.
Ian brings the end of the wrapper between his fingers but doesn't look away from Mickey - doesn't move a single muscle more than what he needs to pull the popsicle free.
It's definitely melting - sticky red juice dripping down the thawing sides of it.
"On your knees."
Mickey blinks. Flicks his eyes from the popsicle back up to Ian and his order. The spark has definitely caught.
And Christ, does he look beautiful as he does it, his skin flushed and sweaty as he gives in one more time and kneels right on the kitchen floor for him.
Ian hums, the urge to play with him finally too much to handle. Not when he looks like this. Not when those eyes stay on him as he approaches, just a step away now, and then says it. "Lemme see that tongue."
Because this isn't about the popsicle anymore, is it? It stopped being about the popsicle a while ago. The evidence of that is right in front of him, the wildfire in Mickey's eyes spreading downward as he blinks up and Ian, and then silently sticks his tongue out flat for him.
Just as he was asked to.
Ian takes a second to appreciate the sight, a nasty thrill jumping through him and between his legs. "Mhm... Definitely want somethin', don'tchya sweetheart?"
And really, he's waiting very patiently. Has done almost a complete attitudinal 180. So Ian is happy to reward him, holding the popsicle upside down by the stick and hovering it over Mickey's open mouth.
Slowly, the melted juice drips down the sides of it. Pools at the tip for a moment. Gathers, sugar and anticipation clinging. And then finally, it drips right onto Mickey's tongue in a sweet, chilly splash.
Mickey stays very still for it, only shifting a bit to save his knees. Ian will get him up off the floor soon. But for now he's having too much fun watching that tongue curl up - flick over the tip of the upside-down popsicle.
Ian's dick jumps in his shorts - the power of suggestion. "That taste good, baby?" It's got to with the way Mickey tilts his head up closer, wrapping his lips around the tip to suck at it without a word.
Yeah. This is definitely not about the popsicle anymore.
Ian grins, slowly twisting it...pushing just a little bit more into Mickey's mouth...pulling it away and loving how he follows after it, his lips cherry-red and probably oh so sweet as they try to stay connected.
He brings the popsicle all the way into himself, holding it right at lap level, dripping and begging for another lick. And yeah, it's 84 degrees in here, but god damn does it feel like it's about a hundred when Mickey knees forward and then wraps his hands around the backs of Ian's thighs - wraps his lips around the popsicle - bobs his head forward with a nasty slurp as he swallows the whole thing down.
"Holy fuck..." Ian smiles, practically giddy. He swears this wasn't what he was aiming for at the start, but he's more than happy to see it through, all the concentrated action getting him good and hard behind where he holds the stick.
Mickey must know what it's doing to him. Must be making these nasty, wet slurping noises as payback, his eyes never looking away from him as he pulls off and licks his tongue flat up the underside of the popsicle.
Jesus Christ, this is so hot. Ian can't help but play along - joins in and runs the juicy red tip all along his chilled tongue. "So fuckin' sloppy..." It's too much. He's too hard. He's way too into this, what started off as just a bit of fun now spiralled into something nasty and playful and- "C'mere," he gives in, pulling the popsicle away and helping Mickey to his feet so he can get in real close - immediately lick over his cherry-sweet lips and right into his mouth.
Micky groans. Melts. Is so pliant in Ian's arms and letting him do fucking anything, his breath hot as Ian sucks on his perfectly chilled tongue.
Ian won't remember setting the popsicle down. But when they come out of the bedroom later, it'll be nothing more than a sticky red puddle on the counter, dangerously close to Mickey's shorts.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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