#the WEIGHT of gender confusion has been LIFTED off of my shoulders
gerard-ways-left-sock · 9 months
guess which gay sock transed their gender tonight
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thebisexualdogdad · 9 months
Hello my good sir/person! I was wondering if you wrote for Transmasc!Readers? I kinda got my idea based on your One Piece characters reacting to Reader changing so. If you do write for Transmasc!Readers then could I possibly request a Zoro x Transmasc!Reader where he walks in on Reader changing and he's either wearing a binder or has top surgery scars (whatever you're comfy with), Reader freaks out a bit about Zoro seeing him this way but Zoro reassures him that it's okay?
Idk it sounded kinda cute 👉👈
Feel free to ignore if it's not your jam, I won't take it personally.
Have a good day/night!
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Roronoa Zoro x trans male!reader
Standing in front of the full body mirror propped between yours and Zoro's bunks, you remove your shirt to inspect yourself after a fight against some pirates on the island you were docked at.
You fought alongside Zoro and your crewmates, successfully dodging their swords and bullets but you did find a bruise blooming on your ribs where one of them had sucker punched you.
Raising one arm in the air you examine the bruise, running two fingers along it making you wince but then the scars on your chest catch your attention and your fingers trace over them as well.
You were going to have to tell your friends the truth about yourself eventually but you had only joined the strawhats two months ago and weren't quite sure how they would react.
This wasn't exactly something openly talked about in the East Blue afterall.
You're lost in your train of thought and taken aback by the sound of Zoro’s voice behind you, “damn man what happened to you?”
You instantly knew he wasn't talking about the bruise.
You had gotten quite close to Zoro over the last two months but you hadn't yet found the courage to tell even him.
Despite sharing a room you always made sure to be clothed when he was nearby only changing with the door locked or in the ship's bathroom.
Turning around your hands instinctively cover your chest and you sputter out, “it's-it's nothing.”
“Did someone do that to you?” Zoro questions stepping closer to you.
“No I… I did this to myself… well I mean I choose to do this,” you ramble nervously.
“What are you talking about Y/N?” He says confused.
“Zoro I- I need to tell you something,” you say, removing your hands and exposing your scars, “I'm a man but… I was born a woman.”
He stands there staring at you for a moment before it finally sinks in, “oh… so your chest… those scars-”
“I found a doctor last year in a village known for their practices in experimental medicine, he performed the surgery and made my chest look more like a mans,” you explain.
“Wow… that's actually pretty cool,” he says.
“You think it's cool?” You say surprised, “you don't care that I wasn't born a man.”
“I believe people should be free to live their most fulfilling lives regardless of gender, if you say you are a man then in my eyes you are one and it has been an honor to fight by your side the last few months and I know everyone on the crew would say the same,” he states.
You gulp, holding back the tears welling, “thank you Zoro.”
“And don't worry, I won't tell any of the others but I promise whenever you’re ready they are going to be just as proud of you as I am,” he continues.
“You don't know how much that means to me,” you tell him.
It's quiet for a second before he chuckles, “anyways, Sanji sent me in here to tell you dinner is ready.”
“Right, let me get dressed, I'll be out in a minute,” you smile.
Zoro leaves you alone and you look at your scars in the mirror again, this time feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Very few people in your life knew about your secret but you were glad Zoro was now one of them.
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br-kker · 2 years
Guess who's birthday it is? Spike Spiegel's, baby! Time for some headcannons on Meeting and Dating Spike!
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Pairing: Spike Spiegel X Reader (gender neutral).
Media: Cowboy Bebop.
Content and/or Warnings: Smoking, violence, guns, mentions of sex, blood, language one or two mentions of Spike's past, vulnerable Spike anything else that comes with Cowboy Bebop.
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The Meetup
I gotta go with you being a bounty that the Bebop needed to get.
I'm not sure how you got that bounty, but it's for a FAT amount of Woolongs.
And here you are running for your life for the sixth time this week as some guy is chasing you.
You're not sure who they look like, but you got a glimpse that the dude is wearing blue. That doesn't matter, it's another Cowboy after your ass.
You finally found a bit of relief as you turned into an alleyway and couldn't see him. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, you leaned against the wall, your legs aching and-
"Thought I lost you there. You're a quick one."
Son of a bitch.
You turned around to be greeted with a lanky, green-haired man in a blue suit twirling one end of handcuffs around his fingers.
He snuffed out his cigarette and said, "Turn around, babe. 'S nothing personal."
Rolling your eyes, you faced the wall as he cuffed one of your wrists.
Before he could cuff the other one, you launched your heel into his groin, causing the weight of his hand on your arm to disappear.
You turned around to look at the man who had the higher ground. You smiled at him on the ground in seven different languages of pain.
"Buh-bye!" You gave him a two-finger salute and ran off, ditching the handcuffs.
This was the first, and most certainly not the last time you would see this man.
"Want to Join Our Crew?"
It's been a few months, and you and this mysterious man have been playing this game of cat-and-mouse.
It's like clockwork; every other day you two will be running down the street jumping over stuff and pushing people out of the way.
Literally a "same shit, different week" thing.
This all changes when you run into another alley and your phone beeps.
You check it and the bounty on your head has been lifted!
You throw your fist in the air in happiness, but don't start celebrating now, because there's a pistol pointed onto your head.
"Don't think about running away now." He chuckled.
"The jurisdiction is gone, friend. I don't have a bounty on my head anymore."
"That's a load of bullsh-"
"They're right," A gruff voice came to life from the man's ear. "Their database has been wiped clean, Spike."
You tossed the man now known as "Spike" your phone so he can look at the database, and sighed when he couldn't find your mugshot.
"Well gentlemen, this has been fun. I'm afraid our time together has ended." You gave Spike a pat on the shoulder and started walking away.
"Want to join our Crew?"
You turned back with a confused look. "Crew?"
He started explaining that he works with three other people and a dog, who all work as Cowboys together.
Without a doubt, you accepted his offer with a handshake and knowing that this is going to be better than your current living situation.
Love Life on the Bebop
What the hell were you thinking?
Life isn't all bad on the Bebop, when you have enough food and money to last you another 12 hours.
You're able to get along great with everyone; Jet is like a dad to you, Spike is your partner-in-crime, Faye is a badass sister, Ed is the zany, cool kid, and Ein is a fluffy dog.
However, this all comes with downsides: Jet can be too forgiving sometimes, Spike is lazy and arrogant, Faye is unreliable, Ed can be a bit too zany (don't lie, you love her for it), and Ein is a dog, therefore he can't contribute much.
In all, the Bebop is a solid 3/5 stars on Yelp.
Would you say you care for these people? Yeah, but not to an extreme level.
Until today, that is.
You and Spike are tracking down a drug dealer with quite the bounty on his head. After many leads, you two back him into a wall.
"Nowhere left to run, scumbag." You smirked, cocking the hammer of your gun.
"Now, turn around and-" "GET DOWN!!!"
In an instant, you both dive to the ground as a sniper shot and the explosion of a grenade rang out.
You both crawl towards a hiding as the bounty runs off. You look to see the guy once on the loose now lying dead on the concrete.
'Not the first time the bounty died, and not the last,' You grimly thought.
A hiss diverted your attention to Spike, putting pressure on his thigh with clenched teeth and tightly shut eyes. You look closely and saw crimson fluid turning his pant leg into a grape color.
"Shit, you're bleeding!"
"Thanks for-" A groan of pain interrupted him. "-informing me."
You rolled your eyes and searched yourself for any sort of first aid. With no suck luck, you ripped a bit of your shirt off and moved his hands to wrap the cloth into a majestic tourniquet.
"You got a little something..." He moved his hand to your cheek, wiping off the blood that was slowly oozing it's way down your face with his thumb.
You breathed out a chuckle; You had been so worried about Spike that you didn't realize a piece of shrapnel from the grenade grazed your cheek.
His hand lingered on your cheek, and you leaned into his touch. Your other hand, still atop of his when you moved it from his thigh, properly moved to be interlocked with his rough one.
The pain from the injuries both of you sustained seemed to diminish as you both basked in this newfound feeling for each other.
Love on the Bebop
From there, you both entered into a low-key relationship. PDA is maybe a 5.
You guys will always be next to each other either in a handhold, leaning into each other, or the arm around the shoulder.
Roughly nothing else, especially in front of other people.
Don't get me started on being drunk.
He's using all the Wild West Southern USA nicknames to call you: Darlin', Sweetheart, Honey. The more it sounds straight from a John Wayne movie, the better.
Loves it when you play with his hair. He'd never admit it, though.
Movie nights are top tier. Cuddling each other wrapped in blankets? He might as well die a happy man.
We gotta address the elephant in the room. Well, maybe two: Spike's past and Spike's way of showing affection.
Because of Spike's past, he doesn't really show affection much.
What I mean is he does love you, yes, but he doesn't tell you or show you a lot. Think of it as if he's afraid to.
Thanks Vicious and Julia I love you guys.
How he shows you he cares about you is staying with you if you get injured, giving you some of his share of Woolongs, and letting you sob into his chest at night with a death grip on him.
That's not to say he doesn't tell you the L-word and hugs you randomly. He does, but not as frequent as some other people would.
Spike will tell you his past when he's ready. Don't try to nag him constantly about it.
This brings me to my next thing: Sex.
Sex with Spike can go one of two ways: As a way to fully express love for each other, or one/both of you need to get rid of pent-up frustration.
I feel like Spike would like quickies, especially if it's to release frustration and/or it's in some bathroom at a bar.
He definitely lights up a cigarette after sex (and depending on your opinion on them, you either share one or you snuff it out on the wall).
I mention sex so I can go into how you find out about Spike's past, because sex has something to do with it.
You both got done having the former version of sex you guys have (see five bulletin points up) and now your unwinding.
He's lighting up a cigarette, your laying your head on his chest, legs are tangled together, hardly any light in the room, you're both fairly sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, Mom's spaghetti.
"Spike?" You ask, earning a 'Hmm?' from him.
"You're very dodgy about your past. May I ask why?" You drew shapes on his chest with your finger.
He sighed, exhaling smoke from his cigarette slowly. And then, he began explaining his time with the Syndicate and with two characters named "Julia" and "Vicious."
After he finished, you felt his chest shake a bit from underneath him. You may never know how hard it was for him to get that off his chest, but you understand.
You climbed on top of him and kissed him, long and slow. It was to tell him that you're here for him and it's okay.
He might have realized this too, because small tears fell from his eyes.
Overall, just show this man every ounce of affection, and dating him will be a pretty cool time.
Birthday Special!
Spike never really celebrated his birthday.
He ran the streets of Mars as a kid, got into the life of crime as a young man, and is now a bounty hunter. You think anyone actually cared about his birthday?
The answer is someone does. That someone is you.
Because all of you are broke, nobody can get each other really nice things for birthdays or holidays, so you're all used to getting a fistful of Woolongs and a 'Happy birthday.'
However, you're determined to get more than a pack of cigarettes for the man you love. You've been saving up money to buy everyone a nice thing for their birthdays, unbeknownst to them (they'd all murder you if they found out you were keeping a ridiculous amount of money).
Once the Bebop was grounded, you perused the streets in search of a store that may have a gift for Spike.
After finding little to nothing, you turn to walk back to the Bebop when a store caught your eye: A gun store.
God knows how long Spike's been using that pistol of his, so you decided to get him a new one.
You settled on a Jericho similar to his, and cruised your way back to the Bebop.
You find him and hand him the gun. In utter confusion and love, he hugs you and lets out multiple 'I love you's.
Now, for your birthday, he's fucking clueless.
He's asking literally everyone what to get you, and they all say 'Something from the heart.'
That could mean anything! Could he just give you a pack of cigarettes and say "It's from the heart."?
Hell no! After thinking a bit, he finally came to a conclusion: A record.
In your shared room, there's a record player in the corner that you sometimes listen to music on. Spike goes through your collection of records to get a feel of what you like.
He goes out, gets a record, and comes back whistling the tune that was playing in the record store.
He enters the room to see you taking a nap, so he puts on the record and lays down next to you.
Feeling the bed sinking in and smelling the scene of cigarettes, you open your eyes to be greeted with Spike with a dorky smile painted on his face.
"What's the smile for, baby?" You ask, sleepily. He doesn't say anything, but instead waits until you hear a song not in any of your other vinyls.
"Did you..?" He nodded, in which you planted a kiss onto his lips.
"I'm glad you liked it," He pulled you in for a hug. "Happy birthday, Darlin'."
(A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I'm not done yet, because I got another round coming at you!)
Free Hugs
To say you hadn't been feeling too good was an understatement.
Not only was there barely any money, it's dead silent because Faye and Jet aren't on speaking terms for right now, but also Spike's been chasing this bounty for days.
The entire vibe of the Bebop is in the can, and not even Ed's high spirits can solve that.
So when Spike came back, he couldn't find you on the couch lounging around. In fact, he couldn't find you anywhere in the Bebop.
Ed went to him and said, "Spike-Spike! (N/N)-(Y/N) is very sad!" She pouted, before running off while saying "Give them hugs!"
So Spike, doing something he might regret, writes a sign (also known as a piece of paper with a shoelace glued to it) that says "Free Hugs" and throws it around his neck, waiting for you to come home.
After a few hours and several remarks about the sign, you return to see Spike in the hallway with his arms outstretched and a big smile on his face.
You literally jump into his arms, almost knocking him over. You both hug each other as tight as possible as you celebrate your reunion.
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(A/N: You all have permission to kill me if I got Ed completely wrong. Ed is such a hard character to write, but she's so fucking cool! I also hope I got Spike right, because it's been a hot minute since I wrote for him. This is by far my longest and detailed headcannons I've wrote, but like I said they were fun to write. I'm dreading the next few days, because on the 29th is birthday headcannons for Denki Kaminari and July 1st is birthday headcannons for Hitoshi Shinsou, both from My Hero Academia. One day, two to go! Stay tuned, and happy birthday to Spike: Someone who won't be born for another 22 years!
Signing off for now,
(Important Notice: As of 07/09/2023, all my work will have red dividers on them. Some of y'all know that I used to have fan art that correlated with the headcannons, and you'll notice some comments/reblogs on this specific one about the artist. What happened was I did not give credit where credit was due, and the artist rightfully called me out for it, but now this and all my other works won't have fan art. I'm putting this hear to avoid any confusion, and also to give credit where credit is due).
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udretlnea · 2 years
I Get A Little Jealous, A Little Selfish, You Know That It's All Good
Title from the song, “A Little Messed Up” (2020) by june
Author’s Note: Mm. It’s been a long time since I’ve updated. My apologies for disappearing-my routine was getting dull: Wake up, draw/write, eat, sleep, repeat-so I had to mix things up. Good news, I’ve got a bunch of prompts in the backlogs which MEANS I’ll be busy writing for quite awhile. Bad news: I’ll be leaving to attend an event in San Francisco which means I’ll have to leave my laptop behind-and I won’t be able to work. Anyway have this piece that I cooked up in a couple hours. (comments & constructive criticism welcomed).
 gender neutral reader
Content Warning: anxiety, disassociation
Rosaria was heading home one night after taking care of her nightly duties, which consisted of patrolling parts of Mondstadt that could hide Treasure Hoarders and bandits. There weren't any signs of them, so she decided all was fine and went home.
As she shut the door, she thought she heard noise coming from the bedroom, which was odd since you were usually asleep by now.
She opened the door enough to peek in and what she saw confused her.
You were pacing back and forth in the middle of the room conversing to thin air-no, to yourself. But why-?
She needed put a stop to this, whatever you were doing it was clearly unhealthy.
She gently swung the door open and walked to you while you had your back to her. She could catch a snippet of what you were saying just as she was about to lay a hand on you.
“We cannot afford to wait any longer. Can’t you see how much pain they’re in! I don’t care if we have to hurt others just to feel a semblance of emotion-!” You were cut off from your train of thought when she turned you around and lifted your chin up to look at her.
But you weren’t there. You were somewhere else-somewhere far away. Your eyes reflected that as you stared past her and into the distance. Suddenly you felt as if all the blood rushed out from your head, leaving you light-headed.
“It’s…not fair…why do…why are they all happier than me? When is it my turn to be seen? When…when…?”
That was enough of that, thought Rosaria.
“Hey, wake up. You’re home,” she said, cupping your cheeks and forcing you to stare into her eyes. “Can you hear me? Come back. Look at me and come home.”
Slowly, you blinked again and again until you could focus on her pale magenta eyes. You took a shuddering breath, closed your eyes, and finally found yourself.
“Rosaria…? When did you get home?”
“Just now. I finished early.” She lowered her hands, only to grasp yours gently, rubbing her thumb against the back of your hand. “...Do you have something you want to say to me?”
You ducked your head to collect yourself; taking a deep breath, you looked up at her. You tried to speak, but it felt as if your throat was clogged. Desperately, you moved your mouth, but still nothing. 
Rosaria sensed this and put a hand on your shoulder.
“Can we continue this on the bed?” You nodded. She took you by the hand to lead you to the bed. Once there you both sat down, not daring to let go of her hand else you slipped back inside yourself.
“I feel like…like I’m trying to keep my head above water. That I can’t seem to leave my mark no matter where I go. I can see myself, adrift in the water like a wooden plank, separated from the rest of myself. Unable to control where I end up.” You chuckle softly, though nothing seems to be funny. “And...I just feel so impatient-
“Ah, it’s odd. It feels like a weight has been cast from my back…”
Rosaria scoffed, but there was no sharpness to it. “Congratulations, you’ve done what’s known as expressing your feelings.”
You smiled at her knowing that sarcasm was one of her ways of communicating. “Yeah. Thanks.”
You laid down on the bed and yawned. “I feel…tired…? I didn’t know it was possible to get exhausted from getting emotional. Haha…that’s not funny. I mean, I actually feel like I just got finished with so many training drills as punishment from Captain Eula. Ugh, I guess that means I need to practice feeling in general.”
You glanced at Rosaria.
“I almost forgot to say this, but…thank you for listening to me Rosaria. You’ve no idea how much I appreciate it.” You smiled-a genuine smile.
Rosaria felt a tug on the edge of her lips; she put on her best poker face and stared into your eyes. “Just don’t be afraid to come talk to me about anything. I may not give out advice, but I can at least listen.”
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Hello! Was hoping to request a Thackery Binx x reader (male or gender-neutral :) I’ll let you decide). The reader was apart of the whole Sanderson sister ordeal and helped turn Binx from a cat to a human, and binx has had a crush on them since then. Reader gives Thackery his first kiss ^_^.
Thank you!!!
There’s A First Time For Everything
YOU GUYS I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET THIS OUT. i was almost done, but then it deleted itself. so i started again, and then school got super rough for me. then i got sick and missed some school which made school hard again and then i got busy and then i got writers block and then and then and then… BUT ITS OUT NOW AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS. I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!
summary: just the request! (gn!reader)
words: 1,539
warnings: possible spoilers for the movie if you haven’t watched it yet and are planning too, one mention of making out, other than that i don’t think there’s anything warning worthy
a/n: okay, i had to change something in order for this to make sense. so this is what i came up with. when the sanderson sisters turn to dust, thackery just turns to a human rather than his “soul being set free” or whatever, and he continues to live a normal human life afterwards. also my inbox is now empty! be sure to check the characters i write for and make a request! it won’t take this long to get out i promise lol
It was over. It had really only taken a couple of hours, but it felt like it’d taken years. You, a virgin, his little sister, his girlfriend, and this random talking cat you found in an old abandoned house had just defeated 3 witches who were trying to steal the souls of children. Crazy, right? They’d turned to dust no more than a couple of seconds ago, and you felt the biggest weight ever lift off of your shoulders. No more witches, or zombies, or black flame candles. As you took a deep breath and tried to process all that had happened, you realized that you didn’t see a certain black cat anywhere. You took another breath, and then walked around the cemetery you were in trying to find him.
You’d barely started looking when all of a sudden you heard Dani scream. You rushed over to her to see what had happened, and gasped when you saw her standing next to a tall, blue eyed boy, with dirty blonde hair, who seemed to be about your age. He was wearing what looked like bedsheets, and was barefoot. You’d never seen this man in your life, and you had no clue who he was or what he was doing in a cemetery at 5:30 in the morning.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” you said worried, pulling Dani so she was behind you. By now, Allison and Max had heard the ruckus and had come to see what was happening. They too were shocked to see someone new in the cemetery. “It’s me, it’s Thackery! Thackery Binx!” he said, throwing his hands up as to tell you he didn’t mean any harm.
You were too busy to realize Max and Allison also behind you, so you were startled when Max finally spoke up. “The curse! The curse the Sanderson sisters put on you is broken! You aren’t a cat anymore!” Max ran to give Thackery a hug, during which Thackery looked a mix of confused, shocked, nervous, yet also happy. It had been over 300 years since he, as a human, had hugged another human. Allison ran over to join in the hug, followed by you, followed by Dani. The group hug lasted longer than any other group hug you’d ever been a part of, but deep down you wished it never ended. You knew these were your friends, the best you’d ever had, and would ever have.
When everyone pulled out of the hug, Max and Allison started asking Dani a million questions “Are you okay?” “Are you hurt?” “Are you scared?” “Why did you scream? You really didn’t have to scream.” Thackery just kind of stood there, looking at his hands, his legs, feeling his hair and his face, almost as if he still didn’t believe he was no longer a black cat. He had the biggest smile on his face, the biggest you’d ever seen on anyone. He laughed a little, too happy to contain it. He suddenly looked up at you, and if at all possible, smiled even bigger than before. “You know...” he started, all while admiring every facial feature on you he couldn’t quite see from cat height. “Your face, your smile, your eyes... they’re all so beautiful. I hope you realize that.” and then proceeded to pull you into a hug, just the two of you.
It felt like you were the only two people in the world in those couple of seconds. All noise seemed to fade away, even though Dani was screaming like a crazy woman at Max for being too over-protective. You never thought you’d feel this way towards someone who was a cat just moments ago. Your entire journey he was nothing but a friend, a brotherly figure, a helpful guide. Now, something had changed. His appearance had changed drastically, but that wasn’t it. You just never realized how sweet, adorable, and happy he was before.
This only became more evident over the next few months. You, Max, and Allison had spruced up the old Sanderson house for him to live in, gotten him enrolled in school, and taught him everything he needed to know about how to live in modern times. While he was best friends with Max, Allison, and even Dani, he too just felt something different towards you. You two would always hang out in his new home. You’d go out and do stuff, just the two of you. It was just, different. That’s the only was he knew how to explain it.
Not long after he became human, you two had started something you liked to call “Thackery’s List of Firsts.” It was a check list with everything you, Max, and Allison thought Thackery just NEEDED to do since he was a human now. Some things on the list were silly, and only on there to joke around. Like, “Thackery’s first steps” which had been put on there by Max. Another hit was, “Thackery’s first time playing jump rope” which had been put on there after Thackery nearly lost all his limbs and both eyes all while playing with Dani and her jump rope. Another thing put on there, by Allison this time, was “Thackery’s first kiss.” She just knew you two liked each other, and had to do something about it. It was little, but she hoped that maybe it would give whoever saw it first a little push to finally say something.
So now, we’re here. It was a Friday night in February. It was chilly outside and you two were wrapped in blankets by the fireplace in the Sanderson house. You were looking through the house to find something to do, and stumbled across the list of firsts. “Thackery! We should find something to cross off your list!” You said as you sat back down next to him near the fire. You started flipping through the pages, trying to find something you could just check off really quickly. “We have frozen chicken nuggets. I don’t get why ‘Thackery’s first chicken nugget’ isn’t crossed off yet.” You giggled after you’d said that. You remember when Max had written it down and Thackery went off about how he refuses to try one because they look like rubber. “They look like rubber!!” He shouted, starting to laugh after he’d said it, just because you were laughing. Your laugh made him so happy, he couldn’t not laugh along with you. “Well, what about, ‘Thackery’s first time riding a bike?” There was a scared look on his face. “Those things look like death traps.” He said, completely serious. You started to laugh even harder than before. “Okay, okay, not today. What about...” You were scanning the pages once again, looking for something quick, safe, and easy. Suddenly, you saw what Allison had written down.
“What about ‘Thackery’s first kiss?’ When do you plan on crossing that one off?” You teased him. “I still can’t believe you’ve never kissed anyone.” He blushed, and went on one of his adorable little rambles. “Well, I don’t just want to kiss someone to say I’ve kissed someone. I want it to mean something. I want the person to be special and I want something special with that person, before and after I kiss them. I don’t want just a hit and run, I want someone who really likes me, loves me even. There is this person I’ve been thinking about. Their hair is so...ugh. And their smile, and their eyes, and their face, and their sense of style, and their jokes, and their laugh. And they’re so kind and they’re so special to me. But I could never kiss you because I don’t wanna ruin the friendship I have with you.” All it took was his one little slip up, and you were sat up straight with your eyes wide and the dumbest, goofiest smile on your face. He felt the same. He felt the same and he had just admitted it.
“You do realize what you just said, right?” You asked, still staring at him. He looked confused. “No, sorry, you know how I get. I start to talk and then I start rambling and then I just don’t even know what I’m saying anymore and then-“ You cut him off by pulling him closer to you and kissing him. It wasn’t a long kiss, or a heavy make out session. It was a sweet, short, yet meaningful kiss. You pulled back, and quoted his words from before. “You know, I really like you. Love you, even.”
The next time you’d gotten together with Max and Allison, which was a couple days later, you guys were looking through the book. Allison flipped through the pages, checking to see if the one she’d put down had been crossed off. The second she saw the check mark in the little box next to it, she screamed. “OH MY GOD!! Y/N AND THACKERY KISSED. I’M A GENIUS. I KNEW IT. YOU GUYS ARE SO STUPID.” she went on like that for a solid couple minutes, all while Max looked like he’d seen a ghost and you and Thackery held hands under the table the four of you were sitting at.
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cornfarm · 3 years
summertime cicadas
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 1.6k
synopsis: you go to saiki’s place to play some video games. saiki learns a bit about your dirty laundry.
cw: suggestions of past sexual abuse. it’s not explicitly stated but it’s heavily implied.
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
reader is gender neutral!
i’ve had this sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now, but i was never happy with it.
it’s implied that you and saiki are in week 2-4 of dating;;;
i have some other stuff in the works but im tired so notes r boring today
enjoy waaaaaa
When Saiki and you were left alone together, the tension that hung in the air was fun and playful. Coy glances, the heart jittering brushes of skin, and the almost knowing smiles you two would shoot each other. This time around, it was heavy, and it weighed hefty on both your shoulders.
It was your first time over at his place since you had begun dating.
You had texted him: can i come over? i bought a new game i wanna play it with u
He was very happy you decided to make the first move, he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. 
Immediately, the “devlivered” at the corner of your text changed to “read”. He hastily typed back: Sure, let me know when you’re here. My parents aren’t home.
You saw letters on your screen, but you squinted your eyes shut upon them entering your field of vision. You had thrown your phone across the room, too nervous to look at his response. Tentatively picking it up, your heart nearly exploded at his words. You quickly respond: okay! be there soon :)
Saiki suddenly felt a bit on edge, realization finally striking him that you were about to be in his presence. In his bedroom. Alone. 
Saiki Kusuo never really felt things too intensely, so to feel it strike at his heart and stomach was almost a bit too much for his liking. 
Saiki wound up sitting patiently at the dining room table, using his telekensis to pick things up, rearrange ornaments and fine china, and clean up trash. The last thing he wants is you coming over when the place is a mess.
The doorbell rang, not that he needed it to know you were here. Beckoning you in, you pull out a small disc box from your bag. 
“I heard really good reviews from it. I was interested in it since I liked the art style but I wanted to wait until people played it and reviews came out before I committed.”
He takes it from your hands to inspect it, “I’m not super interested in recent games, I like older ones a bit more. Indie ones too. I’ve heard that the gameplay is really compelling.”
“That’s okay, we can still play together, right?” You almost look a bit nervous. Saiki gnawed at the inside of his lip.
“Sure,” you don’t look satisfied, “I don’t mind, doing things with you is nice.”
The content expression on your face satisfies him. You follow him upstairs.
Then the tension settles. You’re so close, the pleasant floral scent from your detergent lingering where you walk. He peers behind you as you take in his room: simple, clean, minimalistic. It’s painfully in character. You smile, flopping face down on his bed.
“I’ve only ever been here with everyone else, it was so lively then, but it’s so different when it’s quiet!” You situate yourself so you’re sitting at the edge of his bed, legs dangling off the side.
“It’s the same room.”
“Yeah but, now it’s just me and you.”
“I suppose so.”
You watch as he peers to the wall, a bit away from you.
“What, you’re not nervous are you? Do I make you, THE Saiki Kusuo nervous?”
He clicks his tongue, and begins stalking towards you. He stops right in front of you, shins nearly touching the mattress of his bed. He looks down, expression deadpanned like usual. Perhaps thats precisely why you got so flustered. Your hands coming to clasp politely in your lap, you look up at him, determined to hold eye contact.
“Mhm,” he smirks, “you do. What will you do about it?”
He watches as your lips part into a small ‘o’, before you turn your head down and begin to pout. He’ll spare you this time. The small proximity between you settles in; he should get out of here, nervousness is finally catching up, it’s a bit too much for him to handle. For such a cocky one-liner, he really can’t keep it together. He exits his room for a moment with a brief “wait here”.
He hears you let out a sigh down the hall. Taking the chance to inspect his belongings, you peer under his bed, nothing suspicious there, before making your way to his desk. There’s his computer, a nice leather desk chair, a lamp, and a small empty mug that holds pens, pencils, and highlighters. You thumb through them.
He re-enters his room, quietly opening the door, but just enough so where you hear. Outstreching his arm, he hands you a bottle of iced tea.
“This is,” inspecting the label, “you don’t usually drink these, right?”
Saiki stays quiet.
“So you got it for me? You remembered I liked it?” 
He nods.
You beam at him, mutter your gratitude, and pull out the games box.
Placing the disc onto the disc reader, and pushing it in, you start up the game, and watch the intro animation. 
“Yeah, the graphics are really nice,” he comments.
You adjust yourself, sitting on top a cushion on the floor, he moves a bit closer. 
Skipping though dialog, tutorials, and the first few levels of the game, Saiki controller finally begins responding. 
“I’m sorry, I thought the multiplayer feature would be available from the start.”
“It’s okay, you can pick first”
“Hmm...” you pause, brows furrowing in focus as you look through the different player avatar options. Finally, you turn to him and smile, “this one! Your turn.”
Saiki bites at the inside of his lip, again, moving his thumb over the joystick, he picks his avatar.
It’s nice, it’s quiet, the sound of cicada’s chirping outside his bedroom window, and the soft hum of his fan are gentle. Neither of you are talking about grand things like aspirations and inhibitions, but you didn’t have to. The soft, casual tone of conversation is something Saiki’s making sure to cherish. The game’s fun, Saiki is enjoying himself, he enjoys you. 
But tension still looms heavy overhead. You aren’t the only one who was thinking about it, how close you two were, how your elbows kept bumping, the small,and the way you both tried to get just a millimeter closer.
Saiki knew what you wanted, but he couldn’t pull himself to take initiative. Why? Was nervousness just another curse set out to plague him?
He’s reading your mind, he knows without a doubt you want to, so why is he so nervous to reach out and touch you? He wants to run away.
Your voice broke his thoughts, he turns to you. “Are you okay?”
He does it without thinking, slowly placing the controller down and putting his palms on your shoulders. 
“I’m just not used to this,” he finally says, “like, dating and all that.”
You wrap your fingers around his wrists, “that’s okay, I’ve never dated anyone either, we can just take it slow. We have time.” You reassure, “I’m nervous too,” voice smaller than before. He lifts his hands off, hovering them in front of you, debating on where he should put them. Should he put them back on your shoulders, or would that be weird? Maybe it’s okay if he takes your hands into his, but right now your hands are...
His vision finally focuses, and he looks at your hands, defensively positioned in front of your chest with your palms facing him. You’re looking at him with a half smile, but your brows are pursed down. You’re watching him very carefully.
Your thoughts still, pausing until he moves again, taking your hands in his own. He’s confused, why do you look so skittish?
You look visibily confused that he takes your hands. He’s granted one thought:
He’s not gonna do anything, see? He’s just holding my hands, that’s it. He’s not gonna do anything.
Do what? What do you mean? Do what?
“What do you mean?” He blurts out, voice ringing through your head.
Astonishment paints your face. Shit, you didn’t think you said anything out loud. Could he read your mind? He chooses not to say anything.
You shake your arms, he retracts his hands.
“I’ve just had bad experiences with people in the past, I got nervous, that’s all. I’m sorry.”
Oh. Your internal dialog isn’t as pleasant as the words you choose to say. 
“Maybe I’ll tell you about it more in the future,” you still have the strength to smile at him?
He reaches out to touch you again, but never connecting. He hesitates this time, fingers hovering over your forearm. 
“I’m not really interested in that sort of stuff. I wouldn’t do that to you. I won’t do that to you,” he corrects.
With a smile pained with melancholy, you shift yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your face into his shoulder, legs finding their way between his. He wastes no time wrapping his own arms around your back, pressing your chest closer to his own. Your hearts pound against each other, breathing syncing as you both exhale a sigh. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I know,” your voice is muffled. 
You stay like that for a few moments. Cicada’s chirping, fan blowing, there’s nothing to say- the silence is comforting in it’s own way.
You finally pull away from him, voice much brighter, “but I’m not ready to kiss you yet, I think my heart would explode!” He flushes red. Adjusting to sit back onto the cushion, you lean your weight onto his side. He tension has finally settled, and Saiki sighs contently. 
Saiki only uses his powers in ways to convinience himself. Fortunately, keeping you safe was more than convinient to him: it was the bare minimum- an absolute necessity. 
As soon as you leave, he’ll find the bastards that did it. 
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enhalovebot · 3 years
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moonlight ੈ☪⋆。
➻ yang jungwon x reader (gender neutral)
➻ fluff
➸ ˗ˏ ➶ [☁️]. ✧ ˚
⤷ over the course of your relationship, you never thought you’d love the nicknames that came with it. no matter how cheesy they can get.
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Never would you have thought that you’d end up with Jungwon. The boy was so reserved and quiet when you first met him that you didn’t notice just how cheeky and playful he could be. At first, it wasn’t noticeable at all, but after some time, it gradually became very apparent. It started with something simple.
It was a lazy afternoon, and the rest of the boys were out, claiming you both deserved some quality time. Either that was the reason, or maybe Jungwon might have shoved all of them out the door. We will never know. But you’re just happy to spend time with your boyfriend.  
“Hey, bubs? Can I lie down there?” Jungwon pointed at your lap. He didn’t notice the nickname. It just slipped out. But judging by your reaction, he may use it a couple of times until you're ready to blow up from the heat flowing in your cheeks. 
“Yeah, s-sure.” You adjusted from your previous position, allowing him to lie his head on your lap. The moment his soft hair made contact with your pajamas, you knew you were doomed. Jungwon made himself comfortable on your pajama-clad thighs, enjoying the feeling of being loved as he is. 
“We should do this more often, bubs.” There it was again. It was a simple nickname, yet it brings so many emotions you can’t control. “I agree,” you replied as you carded your fingers through his soft hair.
It has been a while since you’ve seen Jungwon since both of you have different schedules, and finding time together is starting to get a little bit difficult. And now, for the first time in months, you finally found the time to visit the boys. 
“y/n’s here! Make way losers!” Ni-ki excitedly pushed the door open to let you inside. Sunoo pulled you in by the arms in an attempt to hug you but was quickly interrupted by Jungwon, who whisked you away from the other boy’s arms. And the next thing you knew was the smell of familiar cologne. 
His cologne. 
“That’s not fair. You always hog y/n all to yourself when they visit.” Jake called Jungwon out from the couch, while the others only smirked in return. It was obvious the boy missed you. He missed you so much that he didn’t mind the countless teases thrown at him. 
Whatever, Jungwon thought. He’ll deal with them later. 
“I missed you so much, babe.”
There folks, is an arrow straight to the heart.
You stood on the pavement waiting for Jungwon to meet you at the bus stop. He initially planned out a date, but it seems like he’s running late. Tirelessly, you sat down on the metal seats, moving your feet back and forth. Sounds of vehicles passing by kept you occupied as you waited for him. 
You were expecting to wait for another ten minutes for Jungwon. However, sounds of aggressive panting came your way, followed by frantic footsteps. You glanced up to search for the source of the noise, and lo and behold, there he was. His hair was a mess, strands all over the place. His navy blue sweatshirt was ruffled and disheveled. And his shoelaces came loose by his furious running. And to top it all of, his flushed face matched his flustered state.
“I’m here, present.” Jungwon bent down, putting his hands on his knees, taking in massive inhales as he caught his breath. 
“What happened to you?” You patted his back. 
“Just took care of something.The guys were chasing me, kept asking me where I was going on a Saturday.” Jungwon met eyes with you, lifting his hand to caress your cheek.
“Glad to see you made it out alive.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, darling.” He slyly wrapped his strong arms around your waist as he emphasized the word ‘this.’ “Let’s get going, yeah?”
“Hey, y/n?” Jungwon’s booming voice resonated from your doorway, feet planted on the floor in a stiff stance. You hummed, not looking up from your laptop. “Hmm?”
“Can you do the thing?” Jungwon drags his feet on the ground, shoulders slumped. “Do what?” Your eyes connected with his. There was a pregnant pause in the air as he carefully chose his following words.
Jungwon fiddled with his shirt, wringing the material in nervousness. He didn’t know what’s happening to him. His heart was going crazy. “You know..” He shifts from his weight on his heel. “Can you do the thing?”
Your eyebrows arched in confusion before it finally clicked.
Oh. The thing. 
A smile slowly formed on your face as you stared at Jungwon, who was now sitting on your bed.  He leaned in, eyes sparkling in admiration. “There it is. There’s the thing.”
“You feel better now?” You raised a hand to brush away the strands from his eyes.
“Yeah. Thank you, cheeks.” He suddenly stood up, racing out the door. But he made sure to give your cheek an affectionate squish before exiting the room.
“Jungwon, have you seen my blan-” You paused, cutting yourself off as you saw Jungwon wrapped up in your favorite blanket on your bed. “Nevermind, I found it.”
Jungwon rolled on his side to face you with his face squished on the mattress. He looked adorable. “Sorry. It’s so soft I couldn’t help myself.” He paused and looked up at you in realization. Jungwon slowly raises the blanket, “Wanna share?” 
A chuckle left your lips, shaking your head at his cheekiness. Jungwon happily invited you in his warm embrace once you started getting comfortable in his arms. “This is nice,” you yawned. 
“Right? I could get used to this.” Jungwon hugged you even tighter.
Your breathing evened out as time passed by, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Jungwon. “Sleep well, honey.”
You were laid down in the middle of the living room, bored out of your mind. “This is so boring.” You said, dragging out your words. 
Jungwon, who was sitting down on the sofa, judged you in your current state, his eyes full of judgment as he looked you up and down. He didn’t mean to do it, he just loves seeing you react with just his eyes. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” You snapped at him.
“Like what?” He grabbed the remote, switching to different channels as he did so, searching for something good to watch. Jungwon doesn’t meet your eyes, though he feels like burning from your gaze.
“Look at me, Won,” you sat up, arms folded over your chest. 
Jungwon mindlessly allowed his eyes to meet yours. “What?”
“See? Stop looking at me like that.” You pointed out the way his eyes stared at you with so much judgment.   
Jungwon laughed upon seeing how you reacted to his staring. “You’re cute, buttercup.”
Sounds of sheets shuffling emitted from your phone speakers, “Why aren’t you asleep yet, angel?” Jungwon placed his phone on his bedside to see your face better. 
You released an exasperated sigh, “I got a lot of work to do.”
“You can continue doing it tomorrow. You need your rest.” Jungwon insisted on the other side of the screen. 
“But I can finish it tonight if I stay up a little longer,” you took a glance at your screen to see, Jungwon already looking at you with a stern gaze. 
“Go to sleep, angel. It’s past two am already.” He reasoned with you once more. 
You bit your lip as you contemplated the consequences. If you get to sleep now, then maybe you’ll have more time to do your task. Then, on the other hand, if you don’t go to sleep now, you’ll have to face headaches the next morning. And for sure, you also have to face the never-ending speech Jungwon prepared for you.
“Fine, I’ll go to sleep.” You settled your things away, cleaning your desk of the mess you created. 
“Goodnight, angel.”
“Goodnight, Won.”
“Don’t come near me!”
“Love, you’re being a dramatic mess right now. It's just a cold.” Jungwon placed his hands on his hips as he stared you down from six feet away.
“You’re gonna get sick if you come any closer.” You dramatically swatted your arms in the air. 
Jungwon howled in laughter, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. He loves you so much, honestly. 
“Nothing will happen to me, love. Put some faith in me.” Jungwon ignored your protests as he brought himself closer to you, not stopping until he was face to face with you. 
Heat came rushing to your cheeks when you noticed him come closer to you. So, you lifted the sheet up to your face, hiding from the boy in front of you. 
A teasing chuckle slipped from his lips. Jungwon slightly tilted his head to the side. “Hm? Why are you hiding from me?” His hand came up to gently tug the soft material off from your face. 
You mustered a weak reply to save yourself from embarrassment. “No... I’m sick.” Your voice muffled under the blanket.
“Don’t get all shy with me now.” Jungwon grinned at your actions. All he got in reply was a slight nudge, indicating you said ‘no.’
Feeling his lips on yours left you speechless because it wasn’t really a kiss. But it had the same impact. The things Jungwon does to you.
Again, he shakes his head while giggling like a fool. Jungwon tipped his forehead on yours, pressing a soft kiss on your lips, which was covered by the sheet. “Get better soon, love.”
Music blared from the studio, booming like there was no tomorrow. Noises of shoes squeaking against the floorboard kept you going. But mostly, it was because of the boy dancing in the middle of the room. He had a smile painted on his lips, his eyes full of love, and his hands were reaching out to you.
“Come dance with me!” Jungwon ran to you, his hands holding yours as he spun you around. 
You laughed at his antics. There was no other place you'd want to be. Being here with him was enough. Maybe more than enough. The both of you continued jumping around the room, not counting it as dancing anymore.
The song soon goes somewhat quiet, building up to the beat drop. Jungwon drew closer to you, preparing for the right time for the bass to drop. You stared back at him, confused as to why he also went quiet.
“Baby, you’re my starlight,” he perfectly timed his actions to the beat. And as the beat drops, Jungwon tugs you closer, giving you a light peck on the nose. Then, the sudden urge to get him flustered washed over you. “I think you missed,” you pointed to your lips.
Jungwon chuckles at this, but nonetheless, he still pulled you in for another kiss. This time on the lips.
It was late. 
Like, really late. But that didn’t stop Jungwon from dragging you out to the night. “Isn’t this fun?” Jungwon spoke with a mouthful of noodles in his mouth, making his cheeks look even more adorable than it was before.
“Chew your food, love,” you patted the stains away from his cheeks. Jungwon’s heart almost leaps out of his chest from how beautiful you looked under the convenience store lights. Simple is a word he associated with you. He loves the simplicity looming around you, reminding him that he is human too.
Both of you were in some 24-hour convenience store, spending your extremely early morning together. “Want some?” You pushed a plate of sandwiches. Jungwon shook his head, instead, he picked up a napkin and proceeded to dab away at the stain you didn’t notice you had. 
“You got a little something…” Jungwon’s voice faded into a soft whisper as he concentrated on wiping away the mess on your chin.
“And... Done!” He threw the tissue, shooting it straight in the bin. You continued to stare at him while Jungwon went back to eating his meal. He didn’t notice you until he peered back at you from the corner of his eye.
“What?” Jungwon asked, unknowingly tilting his head a bit to the side. 
You shrugged, “Nothing.”
“What is it?” Jungwon scooted his chair closer to yours.
“I’m just glad I met you.” You couldn’t meet his eyes. So, you fixed your gaze on the table in front of you while you fidgeted with your long sleeves.
There was a profound silence.  
“I’m glad I met you too, moonlight.” 
You almost flinched at his voice, seeming that it was so quiet before he spoke up. But something felt new.
“Moonlight?” You questioned. 
Jungwon nodded, “You make me want to give you my heart, y/n.” 
“Well then, you’re my moonlight, too.” Your hand traced the dimples slowly revealing themselves as Jungwon smiles at you like you’re the only person in the world. 
They call me moonlight, too. Jungwon smiled at the thought. 
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all rights reserved © enhalovebot
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Christmas Figurines and Mistletoe | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x gender neutral!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.4k
✦ request — Could you write something about being caught under the mistletoe with Damian Wayne? Fluffy and really mutty.
✦ warnings — nsfw, reader has a vagina, making out, vaginal sex, pouty Damian, jealousy if you squint, fluff.
✦ author’s note — I assumed anon meant smutty instead of mutty.
Damian was driving you crazy. And not the good kind of crazy. You were regretting staying at Titan Tower instead of going Christmas shopping with your friends.
You had assumed they would need the bonding moment on their own. They would spend Christmas at the tower while you would do so at home, it was only fair.
The problem was that you didn’t think Damian would come to the tower so early. He had said he’d come by that evening to make sure everything was perfect for the Christmas party you all convinced him to throw.
He hated almost everything. And you were terrified of showing him the Christmas tree because it was... a lot.
Explaining to him that Christmas was supposed to be colorful and that meant things looking tacky here and there would be pointless. He had been clear on what he didn’t want to see.
Damian clenched his jaw as he stood in front of the tree. “Why are the lights off?”
“The Tower’s empty.”
“You are here,” he said drily. “What did you do?”
You immediately defended yourself, “I didn’t do anything! I wasn’t here when the tree was decorated. You sent Jon and me on that quick mission, remember?”
Damian grunted, nodding. To your horror, he lit the tree up himself. A strange sound spluttered from his throat, and he turned to look at you with narrowed eyes.
“Damian, come on! It’s cheerful.”
“Who was the genius who decided that colorful lights and colorful ornaments were a good look?”
“I don’t know... Christmas trees come from a German tradition, and—“
He interrupted you, exasperated, “This specific tree!”
You shrugged. The tree had already been decorated when you came back, just like the kitchen.
Oh, the kitchen. Damian hated it, it looked cluttered according to him.
He picked a ceramic figurine and examined it. “This is the sloppiest paint job I’ve ever seen.”
“Most figurines come like that. Or with deformed faces.”
He placed it back in its place, turning around to examine you. “I find it interesting,” he mused, dragging his eyes to the microwave which was decorated by a Christmas themed microwave cover, “that you seem to know a lot about figurines and their flaws.”
“I didn’t buy them if that’s what you’re implying.”
“You bought Christmas mugs for everybody.”
“Yes, but I didn’t buy those!” Seeing him incredulously lift his eyebrows, you groaned. “Look, those figurines are common in most households. My mom loves them. That’s it, that’s how I know how flawed the come.”
“What will you do if I inspect your bedroom and more of those ugly things are there?”
You slanted your head, making a motion for him to exit the kitchen with you. “Come. Inspect it.”
You lead the way, more relieved than exasperated. He would drop it once he realized you didn’t have anything to do with it, he always did.
Before he could cross the kitchen’s doorway, Damian halted his steps behind you, grasping your hips and pulling you closer to him. You turned around, now confused.
He looked up to the top of the doorframe. His eyes stayed there and he remained silent which prompted you to look up too.
You shifted as mistletoe came to view. “I— I didn’t put that there... I didn’t even know somebody had bought it!” You attempted to move, hoping he would drop his hands. When he didn’t, you said, “I’ll get it off.”
Damian’s grip on your hips tightened. “Not following the tradition would bring us bad luck,” he explained with ease.
Your stomach flipped. Damian wasn’t superstitious.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “you’re right.”
You half-expected a comment along the lines of ‘I’m always right,’ but instead, he slowly leaned in. You did the same, meeting him in the middle. His lashes brushed your skin when his eyes lidded closed, prompting yours to flutter.
He kissed you softly, taking his time to map your lips with his own, somewhat afraid of kissing you wrong. You tentatively placed your hands on his arms, ever so slightly tilting your head.
Pulling away, you nervously watched him. Damian slowly opened his eyes, not helping your case and making you feel giddy as he gazed at you.
He brought you in for another kiss, resting his lower back against the counter. Damian swiped his tongue along your bottom lip, and you eagerly opened your mouth for him.
His pleased hum sent shivers down your spine. As if it wasn’t enough to have you breathless, his hands lightly wandered to your back. His touch and kiss didn’t match in rhythm, and it only drove you crazier.
One of his hands fell onto your ass, then the other. You instinctively pushed your hips forward, hands flying to his shoulders. He grasped your asscheeks in both hands and pulled your hips flush against his.
A low whimper left your mouth, going directly down his throat as he swallowed it by kissing you harder.
He pushed you back. Assuming he needed space, you withdrew your hands from his shoulders. Damian briefly frowned, yet his grip tightened on you as he tried a different approach by walking you backward instead of pushing you.
“I still need to inspect your room,” he said, voice low as he analyzed your reaction.
You didn’t trust your voice so you merely nodded. It would have been easier to walk to your room by yourself, or with his hands still on you but actually looking where you were stepping.
The thought of walking slowly so you could savor the weight of his hands on your body was tempting. But Damian hated wasting time. And slow walkers.
Your room was underwhelming in comparison to your teammates’, in part because you didn’t have time to decorate and in part because you didn’t know what to do with the empty wall near the window therefore you couldn’t make up your mind about anything else.
“You can open any drawer you want,” you told him, ready to put the moment you had just shared to the side.
Damian gave you an incredulous look upon realizing you were being serious.
His eyes were as green as ever, watching you carefully as though he expected you to read his mind. Not for the first time, you wished you could.
His hands twitched on your ass. One of them softly caressed the area, drawing random patterns on your clothed asscheek.
“You can’t possibly think I brought you here to look for a stupid Christmas ornament.”
“So you brought me to my bedroom just to make out?”
”Let’s go with that,” he conceded. “I didn’t want us to be interrupted.”
“Can’t let the team know about your crush on me?” you teased him before you could fully realize what you were saying. It was fun banter, meaningless.
Damian turned serious. “I’m certain they know by now, but I would rather not get caught groping your ass in the middle of the kitchen.”
“Wait... so you hung the mistletoe?”
“No. But I’m not above admitting I should thank whoever did it.” He firmly rested his hands on your ass, pushing his hips against yours. “Now, can we stop talking?”
“Sure.” You kissed him this time, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Soon, he had you on his lap as he sat on your bed, humping him while he kissed your neck. He inched your sweater up, brushing your belly with his fingertips.
“I want you,” you whined, aware that he would leave marks on your neck.
“I’m here,” he deadpanned, nipping at your throat as he continued lifting your sweater.
You stopped moving your hips, lightly shifting on his lap in order for your hands to reach his belt. He didn’t stop you, so you went on and unbuckled his belt before undoing his pants.
Damian made you stand up, not for a moment taking his hands off you. In contrast, your neck already missed his plump lips.
He undid your jeans in a hurry, lowering them down your knees along with your panties.
Bluntly, he asked, “You need me to finger you first?”
Feeling your face heat up as he intensely gazed at you in expectancy of an answer, you pulled one of your hands off his body and parted your folds.
You found embarrassing how wet he made you. Only able to shake your head, you avoided looking at him directly.
“Use your words,” he commanded softly.
“No,” you whispered. He shuffled, lifting his hips to get rid of his pants and boxers. The gesture made your skin tingle, and as you kicked your shoes and jeans off, you added, “I don’t need you to finger me.”
Hissing, Damian held his cock for you, looking down as you placed your palm on top of the back of his hand. Your hand replaced his, and you softly caressed his cock.
He stretched his arm, slanting his body to the side as he reached for his wallet. He handed the condom to you without a word, throwing his wallet onto the floor.
Once you had rolled the condom down his cock, his gaze lifted. You straddled him again, slowly gliding down. A groan spurted from within him as you took your time to push inch after inch of his cock inside you.
Damian’s eyes were on your face, refusing to lose any detail of your reaction as he entered you for the first time.
You moaned, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. He held you by the waist, holding his breath as you ever so slightly drove your hips forward.
The more you moved, the less he cared about whether he was loud or not. There hadn’t been signs of the team coming back, but you were certain Damian wouldn’t have cared either way.
He began moving his hips at your rhythm, only prompting you to roll your hips more enthusiastically as you sucked on his neck.
You tried to push him to lay down on the bed, but he stopped you, speaking softly. “Wait. It’s hot in here.”
Feeling empty as you moved away from his lap in order to get rid of your remaining clothes, you entertained yourself by admiring his body as he did the same.
Damian grabbed your hand, bringing you on top of him as he laid on his back. He kissed you, holding the back of your head with a hand as the other rested on your lower back.
Such placement made it extremely easy for him to roll you over so he could be on top, and the distraction his lips bestowed upon you a calculated move.
“Meanie,” you lightheartedly panted on his mouth.
He huffed a laugh, giving you a short kiss. “You seem to like it.” Damian dragged the tip of his cock along your folds, briefly teasing you before shoving it inside you.
He caressed your thighs as he started to thrust in slow strokes, teasing you some more as he controlled his breath.
Bottoming out, Damian tightened his grip on your thighs. He rolled his hips, and by your request started going faster.
You dropped your head onto the pillow, whimpering freely. This time you were the one who didn’t care if the tower was still empty.
His mouth hovered over yours. You were struggling to keep your eyes open, and by the way he was smiling at you, he surely knew.
“You look so beautiful right now,” he told you, lips brushing against yours. “Even more beautiful than in my imagination.”
You canted your hips up, desperate for more. More of him, of his voice, of everything he was willing to give.
And he granted you such wishes, picking up his pace, kissing you, gripping your thighs just the way you liked it even though he had no way to know.
Your nails dug into his back as you attempted to have him closer. It was impossible to do so, yet you had to give it a try.
“You’re gonna make me come,” you announced.
As though your words had been a demand for him to make you come already, he pressed his fingers on your clit and started rubbing as he thrust inside you.
Tired and spent, you felt his weight fall on top of your front. Damian kissed the side of your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily.
Eventually, you softly pushed him off you and begrudgingly left the bed in direction to the bathroom.
You were washing your legs with the showerhead when Damian entered the bathroom. “There are clean towels in the second drawer if you also want to wash yourself,” you informed him.
He opened said drawer as you shut the water. He didn’t make any move for a moment, but he took a clean towel nonetheless.
You patted your skin dry, moving out of his way so he could use the shower.
“You had condoms here,” he observed.
“Well, I didn’t know which type of condom you preferred...”
“Oh, are those somebody else’s preferred ones?”
You slipped a clean pair of panties on. He watched you. “Please tell me you’re not actually angry because of this.”
“Your shower gel smells nice,” he opted for saying.
You hummed. “It’s new. I got tired of the blue one.”
Giving him privacy, you exited the bathroom and decided to check the mattress in case you needed to change the bedding.
Back in your bedroom, Damian silently put his boxers back on. He didn’t bother with his pants nor his shirt.
“I’m not angry,” he finally stopped avoiding the subject.
You tried not to frown. “You’re pouting.”
His expression turned blank. “I don’t pout.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Come to the Christmas party with me.”
“I’ll be at the party either way.”
“Yes,” he gritted before inhaling deeply. “But I want you to be with me. As my date.”
“What would the difference be?” You didn’t understand why it was such a big deal. “We know everybody already.”
“For one, it would help me sleep at night.” He took you by the face with one hand, looking straight into your eyes. “Yes or no?”
“Yes.” Your voice sounded weird due to the pressure of his fingers on your cheeks
Damian gave you a sweet kiss, loosening his grip on your face to cup your cheek. You softly placed your hand on the back of his head, giving him another kiss. And another, and another, until you lost count.
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imarvelatthesight · 3 years
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A/N: I’m trying to branch out to more Marvel characters :) let me know if I should start adding a fic summary
Summary: Reader fights Thor on Saakar.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Avenger!Reader
Pronouns Used: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Recommended Song: Tia Tamera by Doja Cat ft. Rico Nasty
Word Count: 1,578
Warnings: fighting, one mention of blood, reader has super strength and partial magical abilities, mention of alcohol, swearing, it’s kinda sad in places
   The day you had been brought to Sakaar had been possibly the worst day of your life. And that was truly saying something. Being in a relationship with a god-- never mind the fact that he was also an Avenger-- was a trick in itself. Trying to have a good relationship with his adopted brother? Well, that’s how you ended up in this mess. Get caught snooping around his room once and suddenly you’re on a different planet.
Your clothes were uncomfortably tight and the decorative paint on your face had you dying to itch it. Every week for the past two years you’d suffered this same treatment. Though, the fact that you had survived your rounds in the pit meant you were treated more well-off than others. A nice room, any alcoholic drink you could wish for (but because you were from Earth, more than a couple of sips would have you off your ass in moments). Even with all of your so-called luxuries, you felt empty. Why had no one come to rescue you? Did the Avengers even notice you were gone?
The door opening in front of you interrupted your thoughts. There was no time to think about anything else other than trying to survive. The roar of the crowd above you had your ears nearly ringing. “My champion!” You heard The Grandmaster announce. You burst out into the area, the crowd seemingly getting even louder. Before you had time to revel in the applause, one of the few advantages of your predicament, your eyes settled on your opponent. “Oh shit.”
“Yes!” The god of thunder boomed, excitement covering his face. Silence befell the crowd. Your features softened for a moment, happy to see your lover. You knew, however, you would not be able to express it. If you showed any fondness for each other it would surely compromise your life. “They’re my lover!” He threw his hand in the air, swinging his weapon up with it. “This is great, Y/N! I’ve been looking for you- Loki’s alive. Loki!” 
Your eyes snapped up to the god of mischief. You scowled. You could faintly see him gulp and mouth something. “Thor.” You turned back to him, leaning forward slightly. “If we don’t fight, they’ll kill us both.” 
“Nonsense, come with me and we’ll go-” Thor’s words were cut off by you grabbing him and flinging him away from you. His body slid through the dirt, a pained groan leaving him. The stands erupted with joy at the battle beginning. Thor jumped to his feet, brushing himself off. “Love, this is embarrassing! I told them we’re lovers!”
His words made you hesitate. You didn’t want to hurt Thor. But you couldn’t risk both of you dying. Someone would figure something out. Hopefully. You raised your hand and Thor’s weapon flew out of his grip, finding it’s home in your palm. The mace was in your hand for a fraction of a second before you flung it back at your partner.  Your eyes clamped shut, not wishing to see if it struck him. After a few seconds you opened them and watched as Thor caught the mace and swung it back in your direction. Quickly, you raised your hands in an attempt to catch it again, but the tip of the mace nicked your cheek. You dropped the weapon, your thumb sliding over the wound to collect the blood from it. 
Your feet carried your body with agility as you leapt through the air. Thor threw a swift punch to your abdomen, throwing your frame into the wall where it dented from the force you landed with. Fuck, that hurt. A collective gasp filled the arena. 
The sound of quick footprints coming closer caused you to groan and assume a pleading position with your hand outstretched in front of your face. “Y/N, sweetheart?” You lifted your head, watching as Thor crouched to your level and extended a hand to you. “It’s alright. I won’t hurt you anymore. No one will.” The god of thunder cooed. Timidly, you reached out to him. “There you go, c’mere darling.” He smiled and pulled you into a hug, practically purring.
You melted into the contact. You were home. Anywhere with Thor was home. But part of you couldn’t resist looking up to where The Grandmaster sat. A frown soured his expression, Loki bouncing his leg at the opposite end of the couch. “Shit.” You whispered, though your Asgardian boyfriend didn’t notice as he placed a tender kiss to your forehead. The crowd was growing restless. Reluctantly, you pulled out of his hold. You grabbed his biceps, mentally admiring the way the muscle rippled under your touch, and lifted him in the air--using both your strength and your magic to assist-- before slamming him into the ground again. 
Your fists found purchase on his face, tears filling your eyes and a scream tearing through your throat. To the crowd, it was a war cry. To you, a plea of mercy to whatever higher being was listening, and a shriek of forgiveness from Thor. The god laid there, your punches landing blow after blow on his cheeks. Within moments, his body and eyes flowed with electricity, and he returned your action, the lightning launching your body into the air and backwards, where your head made contact with the loose dirt. 
Both astonishment and horror ebbed through you at the sight of Thor, covered in lightning, walking in your direction with purpose. You thought to do the same move you’d tried previously and leap at him. Only this time, he copied your movement and delivered an uppercut to your jaw. The sonic boom that erupted from Thor’s fist had your ears feel as if they were bleeding. Luckily, you’d managed to gather your bearings and land in a three-point stance. As Thor paced toward you, blue flashes decorating his muscles and dancing from his fingertips, he suddenly began to convulse and fell on his side. “Thor!” You cried, falling on your knees beside him. 
Your gaze shot to the large window again. The Grandmaster slid his finger back on a device and Thor stopped twitching. Of course. He couldn’t afford to lose. You stroked your lovers face. His hand covered yours. “My love, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t want to hurt you.”
He chuckled. “It was quite a fight you put up. I’m sure Tony would have liked to see.” 
“We’ll tell him when we get back to earth.” You muttered. As Thor went to speak again, he started shaking again, the veins on his face darkening. Mere seconds later, an electric jolt shot through you and your consciousness slipped away.
When you awoke, it was with panic. You recognized the room as the one you’d been forced to stay in for so long now. You groaned and attempted to roll over, being stopped by the weight of another person. Your breath hitched and you tried to move away, only for an arm to be wrapped around you and pulling you closer, a deep sigh escaping the person.
“My love.” Thor rasped out as you flipped over to face him. He playfully rubbed his beard against your jaw. His contentedness left as his hand gently grasped your face, his thumb moving over the scratch on your face. “Oh, Y/N. I wish this had never happened. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to find you.”
You turned your head and placed a kiss on his palm. “A few years is quite a long time.” You agreed.
“Years? You’ve only been gone for a week, dove.” He cocked an eyebrow at you. “Though according to Loki, time does move quite differently here.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh, Loki. That fool is the reason I’m here in the first place.” You snuggled into Thor’s chest and he pulled his arms tighter around you like you would disappear. “I want to go home, Thor. I want to listen to Steve complain, and I want to watch TV with Wanda, and I want out of these stupid devices-” You barely noticed the sobs leaving you as you tugged on the technology implanted on your neck.
Thor took your face in his hands. “We will get out of here, sweetheart. I will be sure of it. And Loki will right his wrongs, I swear it.” He kissed you softly. You nodded, silently acknowledging his words. “I love you, Y/N L/N.” Another kiss. “The light of my life.” Another. 
You held back a laugh in favor of burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Stop, you big sap. I love you, Thor Odinson.” You suddenly pulled away with wide eyes. Thor only smiled in confusion. “Valkyrie! She and I get along quite well, she’ll help us. I know it!”
Footsteps from down the hall had Thor scrambling out of the bed, standing politely with his hands folded. You rushed to the door, where Valkyrie nodded in you greeting. “Y/N. It was quite shocking to learn that you are romantically engaged with our lord of thunder here.” She motioned with her hand.
“It’s god of thunder, actually-”
“We must get to training, Y/N. You two can kiss it up later.” She looped her arm through yours. You cast a look over your shoulder at Thor, who gave you an enthusiastic thumbs up. 
“So, Val, I must discuss a proposition with you...”
“Does it involve drink?”
“It can.”
“I’m listening.”
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Okay Elsa is annoying but … any Elsa thoughts on the future?
i also agree that elsa is annoying but u know shes a good mom honestly. also we all know casey is non binary in our hearts so. here's something i guess :) also on ao3
the morning gates stay open (i’d be there)
i’m born to be somebody, then somebody comes from me i’ll tell you about the rabbit moon and when to keep walking
— clairo, ‘reaper’
you see izzie — and no one else — waiting for you when you head out of the terminal at lax.
‘hey elsa,’ she says, giving you a hug when you open your arms, even though you’re a little confused. ‘casey’s in the bathroom,’ she rushes to explain, rolling her eyes fondly. ‘they had like six la croixs today, even though i said it was a bad idea, and —‘
you don’t really process much else because then casey is barreling into you, even though ever facetime call has ended abruptly with an adamant refusal to return any sentiment about missing each other. ‘hey mom,’ casey says into your shoulder, and when you back up you have to smile at the sun-kissed freckles and cutoff shorts fraying at the hem, even though it’s february and snowing in connecticut. casey looks happy, and links hands with izzie, who tries to take your suitcase for you before you glare at casey, who sighs and takes it instead.
you’ve visited before; you helped both of them move into their dorms, and then you’d flown out with doug for a weekend in october. casey and izzie came home for thanksgiving and winter break, but you have some miles saved up now and casey hadn’t sounded too annoyed at the idea of you visiting for a few days to get out of the cold. they drop your things off at the hotel you booked near campus, and then izzie levels casey with a look and then says, ‘i have to meet with a group for a midterm presentation, but i’ll see you for dinner.’
you give her a hug and she kisses casey easily, quickly, and says, ‘i love you,’ far too seriously for an afternoon apart. you don’t know what’s going on but you think back to what izzie had said earlier — not about casey drinking too many la croixs; listening to rules has never been a strong suit, after all — but, you think, if you were listening, maybe izzie didn’t say her, which might mean—
‘let’s go to the palisades,’ casey says, then starts to ramble nervously about how they’re closer to the west side than laguna or manhattan but not as crowded as the pier, and who wants to be around that many tourists anyway, and there’s a little cafe if you wanted some snacks. you listen patiently and agree to any plans, because it’s a beautiful day and you don’t, actually, want to drive that much in la traffic or be by so many tourists. eventually casey runs out of things to say and turns on the radio to some music you don’t know but honestly don’t think is half bad. the windows are down and the sun is bright and you’ve been to pflag meetings in new haven for over a year now; you think you’ll knock it out of the park if casey tells you anything.
you do stop by the cafe, which is cute, and pick up a few snacks. casey had packed a big beach blanket, one you’d given as a joint gift to izzie and casey for christmas, which makes you smile. casey’s hands are shaking, a little, though, and so you don’t mention that it was, in fact, a great present that apparently they use all the time, according to izzie, who always politely and enthusiastically returns your texts and calls with all sorts of updates.
you sit down in the warm sand near the water and you know casey; sometimes, you just have to wait it out.
casey fiddles with the edge of the blanket and then with some of the fruit you got at the cafe, before staring straight ahead at the waves. ‘i’m, uh. whew. well.’
you don’t laugh, will your body not to. instead, you squeeze casey’s hand, just once.
‘i’m just your kid, okay?’
you sit with that for a moment, try to process what you think casey is saying, but you don’t want to get anything wrong or jump to conclusions. ‘today, at the airport, izzie said they, when referring to you.’
casey sits for a second, shoulders tense all the way up toward the sky, and then says, ‘oh.’
‘i don’t think she was even thinking about it.’ casey nods. ‘but, is that what you’re talking about?’
casey sighs. ‘yeah. i guess. is that — is that okay?’
‘of course it’s okay,’ you say, because it definitely is okay, and also it’s not the most shocking news you’ve heard. casey hasn’t wanted anything to do with femininity, really, for as long as you can remember; you’ve grown used to, and proud, so often, of having a queer child — and another bonus queer child, too, which is what you consider izzie now, no matter what.
casey sniffles and then leans into your shoulder. ‘i know you’re, like, bursting with questions.’
you laugh, just a little, and feel a small smile against your skin. ‘not if you don’t want to answer them.’
‘depends on the questions.’
‘do you have any term you like, or any concept or something? i’ve been doing a lot of reading, and i’ve met a lot of other parents in pflag who have children who are also gender non-conforming, and—‘
‘whoa, slow your roll,’ casey says, but seems to deflate a little in relief. ‘non binary is fine, i guess. i’m just — not a girl. i’m just casey.’
that makes you smile. ‘your name is still casey, then?’
it produces an eye roll but then a begrudging, ‘it’s a good name. i like my name,’ so you’ll take it as a win.
‘i have great taste.’
‘you use they/them pronouns?’
‘yeah,’ casey says. ‘but, like, it’s okay if you don’t always get them right or whatever.’
‘no, it’s not,’ you say gently. ‘i’ll try really hard. i’ll get them right. it’s important.’
that produces a fresh round of tears that they try to dismiss by saying the sun is really bright and they have a hangover, which you know is false because casey had been asleep by 9 last night after an all-nighter and cross country the day before. but you let them have it, eat a few grapes and then toss one their way.
it elicits a reluctant laugh but it works all the same. ‘izzie corrects people all the time so she’ll love you more than she already does.’
‘i’m so glad you brought my favorite child into my life.’
‘wow, thanks elsa,’ casey deadpans, but then digs their hand into the sand and smiles. ‘izzie’s been so awesome, with all of this. i really love her.’
‘i know you do,’ you say with a smile, pat their hand.
‘and i’ll tell sam and dad eventually, but i want to tell them in person because sam won’t care, i’m sure, but dad is… you know.’
‘he loves you,’ you assure them. ‘i won’t say anything, of course.’
they look at you suspiciously.
you hold your hands up. ‘i swear i won’t. i know i love to meddle but i would never out you.’
casey sighs and nods. ‘i believe you,’ they say. ‘but, for the record, meddling is your most toxic trait.’
‘yeah, yeah.’
‘i don’t really want to talk about this anymore,’ they say quietly after a few moments. ‘it stresses me out, sometimes.’
‘okay. any time you want or need, though.’
they nod. ‘love you, mom.’
‘love you, casey.’
they pop up off the blanket, then, which whips sand into your face and all the food, and then take off toward the waves, laughing. you let them have a little space for a moment, watching your brave child chase off into the surf, fearless as always.
you take izzie to lunch the next day; casey has class during that time and you like to spend time with izzie anyway. she sits straight and proper but you see how she’s relaxed a little too, here, maybe getting to have a childhood for the first time ever. her hair is long and perpetually wavy from her runs by the ocean, and her eyes are bright.
‘thank you,’ she says, ‘for being so good with casey yesterday. they told me that you were awesome.’
‘casey, my child, said those words about me?’
izzie laughs, delicately takes a bite of her quinoa bowl, then shrugs. ‘not those words exactly. but they meant it. and they were so happy this morning, like a weight was lifted or something. i told them they didn’t need to be that anxious to tell you or anything but it’s been a process, you know. i think it’s been hard for a while.’
‘they like to let things stew, don’t they?’
izzie huffs. ‘it’s the worst.’
‘welcome to my world.’
‘casey is… quite the person, that’s for sure.’
‘thank you, too, izzie. for loving them so completely.’
izzie blushes, looks down at her hands. ‘impossible not to, i think.’
you think back to all the times casey has driven you up the wall over the years, the tantrums and fights, and then reach out to squeeze izzie’s hand. ‘impossible not to,’ you agree.
casey and izzie come home for spring break, and casey is pacing around and so you order food, send izzie to go get it, who thanks you quietly with a little squeeze to your shoulder.
you sit down on the couch and make sure that sam and doug are actually paying attention and then casey sighs.
‘is this an intervention?’ sam asks when casey doesn’t say anything. ‘i don’t know who it would be for.’
casey sighs again. ‘it’s not an intervention.’
‘okay,’ sam says, ‘good.’
casey tries to still their hands on their thighs and then says, ‘i’m not a girl. or a boy. or anything else, really, i guess. uh, if that makes sense.’
doug looks genuinely baffled but sam just nods.
‘there are many animals that don’t fit into a gender or sex binary. most commonly, it’s referred to as sequential hermaphroditism.’
casey nods contemplatively and your heart warms a little.
‘one of my friends is trans,’ he says, then takes out his notebook. ‘what are your name and pronouns?’
you can tell casey is trying not to cry, but they just clear their throat. ‘uh, casey, and they/them pronouns.’
sam writes something in his notebook and then nods. ‘got it. sibling? is that okay?’
casey is really trying not to cry now. ‘that’s great, sam.’
‘cool,’ he says. ‘is that all?’
‘oh, uh, yeah,’ casey says, ‘thanks, sam.’
‘sure, i’m just glad this wasn’t an intervention,’ he says, then stands and leaves the room without another word.
casey is smiling but then they turn to really look at doug, who has a furrowed brow.
‘i’m sorry, case,’ he says, which might not be the best start, but you’re fully prepared to jump in anytime they need. ‘i don’t — i don’t understand fully.’
he doesn’t sound angry, and he gets up to sit by them on the couch, squeezes their shoulder once.
‘i love you, though, and i guess, uh. you’re my kid. i just want you to be safe and happy. i’ll try to learn, okay?’
casey swallows once, and then again, and then hugs doug tight. ‘please never quote this, and only remember it for your sake and not mine, but mom knows a lot. she can definitely help explain stuff.’
you beam and doug nods. casey rolls their eyes.
’not now, though,’ they say. ‘izzie’s back with the food.’ they flash their phone. ‘she’s just been waiting outside until we were done talking. elsa, i see what you did there.’
‘you’re welcome.’
‘that pizza better not have pineapple or else i’m taking back everything i just said.’
‘extra pineapple, believe it or not.’
casey stomps off, and then makes a little noise of satisfaction from the kitchen when they discover that, in fact, you had actually ordered pepperoni. you hear izzie laugh.
‘so… we don’t have a daughter anymore?’ doug asks, quietly. ‘that’s not what i should call …’
‘them,’ you supply. ‘casey is our child,’ you say firmly, ‘they’re just casey.’
he takes a deep breath and then nods. ‘okay.’
‘we can practice. i’ve been practicing.’
doug looks relieved. ‘okay, good.’ he waits a beat and then laughs, just once. ‘you know, of all the things casey has ever come to us with, even though i don’t understand the details, really, this might be the one that makes the most sense.’
you smile, lace your fingers together. ‘i thought the same thing.’
when casey and izzie come home for a few weeks in the summer before preseason training begins, casey has a few more tattoos and a buzzcut and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. izzie is in a crop top and long, flowing skirt and they’re both as enamored with each other as always, sweet and considerate and happy. you make peace with it all, because casey is kinder by the day, it seems, even to you.
zahid comes over one night and smiles and says, ‘sick shoes,’ to casey and leaves it at that, even though earlier you had told them that you thought they looked like geriatric shoes — not even in jest, you were worried about arch support or something — and izzie had laughed and casey had spluttered, ‘they’re jordans.’
it’s not hard to realize, as the weeks pass, that casey is better than they’d ever been; you’d read that a lot of trans and non binary teams have a really hard time during puberty, especially, and casey had been going through so much on top of trying to process this part of their identity. you fight the urge to wish you had known more then, even though they’re healthy and thriving now, it seems.
they get everyone to help organize a slip n slide in the backyard made with tarps and soap and water, and it’s genuinely hilarious when they set up an obstacle course. for two division i athletes, casey and izzie do terribly, falling all over each other and getting bubbles everywhere. you’re pretty sure casey is wearing a binder instead of a swimsuit or sports bra, and when they finally finish their ridiculous game, they lie back on the grass with izzie.
they’re both breathing hard and laughing periodically, not really talking. you bring them popsicles and it’s been a while since you’ve seen casey look this young.
things settle.
you miss your kids, of course, but they seem very genuinely happy. but one night in the fall, you’re just sitting down with a glass of nice merlot, ready to watch the newest episode of the bachelor even though casey relentlessly tells you it’s ‘misogynist garbage’ — which you know, obviously, but it’s mindless — when your phone rings.
it’s casey, and casey never really calls you for a good reason, and your heart jumps in your chest. you put down your wine and pause the tv.
you hear them sniffle on the other end of the line.
‘what’s wrong?’
your mind runs through a million different scenarios, each worse than the last.
‘izzie’s hurt,’ they say, finally, and casey has been known to be a little dramatic so you don’t know how hurt, or what you need to do.
‘what happened, honey? what do you need from me?’
’the trainers are taking her to the hospital for an mri right now but they think she tore her achilles in practice today. i don’t — she was running next to me, just intervals, and then i heard a pop and then she was screaming and — can you come? i’m sorry. they think she might need surgery, i guess, and, i just. please? can you come?’
you put down your wine and walk to your laptop. ‘i’ll look up flights right now, case. i’ll be there as soon as i can, okay?’
they let out what you can tell is a very relieved breath. ‘okay.’
‘i found one that can get me there tomorrow morning. i’ll find a hotel and keep you updated.’
‘mom,’ they say, ‘thank you.’
‘i love you, and i love izzie.’ it’s firm, but you mean it like that: there is no question; you will be there. ‘i’ll see you both soon.’
izzie does need surgery, you find out by the next morning when you uber from the airport to the hospital. casey is hunched over in a hoodie, trying to stay awake with a cup of coffee, but izzie smiles sleepily and happily when you come into the room quietly.
‘i’m high,’ she says, giggling a little.
casey rolls their eyes, clearly exhausted, but gets up to hug you tight. izzie squeezes your hand back when you kiss her cheek.
‘you didn’t need to come,’ she says suddenly, a little furrow to her brow.
‘of course i did.’
her lower lip starts to wobble and casey rolls their eyes but huffs a little laugh anyway. it’s an uncharacteristically chilly, rainy day outside and it’s surprisingly easy to convince casey to go back to the dorm to shower and nap for a few hours before they come back in the afternoon. izzie mostly sleeps, but you take careful notes when the surgeon comes to speak to you, because izzie really is out of it and, although they promise to come back and explain things later, you don’t want them to be missing any information. plus, they always process information better when it’s written down anyway.
izzie eventually gets discharged and has to come back a few days later for surgery. you have savings, so you’re lucky enough that you can stay for a bit. izzie is groggy but gets to have an outpatient procedure, and you help casey get her situated back in her dorm afterward. she has a big padded boot on her foot and ankle but you picked up pain medication for her and so she mostly sleeps. casey settles in next to izzie on the small bed and kisses her forehead, then looks at you, eyes big. their hair has grown out so that it falls floppily over their brows; it makes them look young and you have to fight to not want to kiss their forehead or hold their hand.
‘just — thank you, mom.’
you leave after a few days because izzie is doing better, taking just tylenol and very coherently getting around fine on crutches and so therefore casey has relaxed as well, their easy smiles back and their posture relaxed, slouched like normal.
they both come to see you off at the airport, casey doting carefully and izzie swatting away any attempts. you kiss izzie’s forehead and then do the same to casey, even though they fake gag.
within a few weeks, izzie is walking again, tenderly at first but then without any pause. casey actually gives you studious updates about her recovery; from what you can tell, they go to every physical therapy session they can possibly make it to. you know izzie has gone to therapy for years, now, and all of the drama from when she and casey first started dating seems to have faded into the background. but injuries are difficult, you think — scary and painful, especially because of what running has been to izzie. but eventually she sends you a selfie of the two of them by the beach, clearly having just run, with fly away hair and casey’s cheeks flushed red, huge smiles squinting into the sun.
a year passes, full of holidays and casey complaining about finals and izzie sending you pictures of pies she tries to bake in the tiny dorm kitchen. they run; sometimes when you’re pretty sure they’re a little high, casey will facetime you just to say hello. you and doug help them move into a small duplex together at the beginning of junior year, a bright sunny kitchen and the breeze from the ocean floating through the windows.
casey takes you to get coffee when they visit for thanksgiving — so you know something’s up, because they would never voluntarily spend time alone with you unless they really needed to talk — and when you sit down they smile at you, gently and openly, a rare occasion, and say, ‘i’m gonna have top surgery in the spring.’
you’re not surprised, and you’ve done casey’s laundry enough times when they’ve visited that you know they’ve been wearing a binder most days; you know they love being an athlete, and izzie has sent you enough articles about non-binary athletes in women’s leagues that you know casey has a place in sport.
that this surgery is happening, though, is a little different. you feel scared, because casey is your child, but mostly you feel excited for them. relieved for them.
‘that’s so wonderful, casey,’ you say, and they blink just once and then a grin lights up their face.
they tell you about their surgeon, and the type of surgery they’re going to have, how izzie has gone with them but how, they admit, they would love if you facetimed in for their next pre-op appointment in a few months.
‘can you help me explain it to dad? sam and i already talked, to be honest, because he asked me. which is, like, inappropriate from anyone else, but he’s sam, so it was mostly just so he could research statistics and stuff.’
you laugh, squeeze their hand. ‘i’ll help, absolutely.’
you go out to la a few months after casey’s surgery with doug and sam; everything had gone well and casey had cried in joy and relief when they’d seen their chest afterward for the first time, which had set izzie off, which had set you off too. you’re pretty sure doug had even sniffled.
when you’d left, though, they still had bandages and bruising but now it’s almost the beginning of their senior year and when you go to the beach they take their shirt off and then shove sam into the sand with a laugh. sam grumbles but gets up to dust himself off, izzie rolling her eyes as she helps you set out the blanket.
casey races off into the surf, turning back and yelling at all of you to come join them. you always have; you do.
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en-worlds · 4 years
you have each other
➵ ni-ki x gender neutral reader
➵ established relationship, jealous ni-ki, soulmate???
➵ 1044 words, lowercase intended
➵ warnings: none that i could think of
➵ last member for my valentine’s with enhypen series
➵ a/n: here it is aaaaa 
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“get up, we’re going out today,” ni-ki walks into your room and immediately dives onto your bed, the weight of this giant baby waking you from your nap. he rips off your comforter and aggressively shakes your shoulder.
“we have plans?” you squint at him, barely able to process anything. if this were any other person, you’d raise hell for waking you up from your beloved sleep. but this is ni-ki, who could ever get mad at him?
“don’t tell me you forgot about today?” he lifts his head and looks at you with disbelief. you blink.
“...no?” the confusion in your tone makes ni-ki gasp. “it’s literally valentine’s!”
ooh was ni-ki obviously pouting. you knew this was him trying to act cute, which was pretty rare, but if acting cute meant you clinging onto him for the rest of the day then a little pout wouldn’t hurt anybody.
so when the two of you finally arrived at the arcade, you knew the best way to cheer him up was to play along with his antics. when he asked you to play that scary game with him, you immediately said yes even if you get startled easily. ni-ki obviously knew this, and he also knows that you have the tendency to hide behind the next thing you could grab. hmm what does he do with this information? drags you to the zombie-themed shooting game and enjoys every single moment of you desperately grabbing onto him every time the screen flickers.
“it’s over i think,” ni-ki tries to make you look up but you only hug him tighter. he’s still laughing at the sight of you being scared, finds it absolutely funny how you won’t let go of him. “it really is over look, they’re gone.”
you could hear the sounds becoming less intense, so you assume it really is done. dumbass. as soon as you look towards the screen, a final jump scare appears. you immediately latch yourself onto ni-ki again, him laughing even louder as the game ends.
“you said it was gone!” you say as you playfully punch his arm. “i said the game was over, i didn’t say the zombies would be gone.” you couldn’t even stay mad, so you laugh along with ni-ki. he pushes your disheveled hair away from your face and places a light kiss on your forehead.
ni-ki has the tendency to be competitive. add jealousy to the list. you two were having fun trying on different games until he spots a guy who was obviously checking you out. you two were playing the whack-a-mole game when he realized a guy had been glancing at you for the past couple of minutes. once that guy sees that ni-ki could see him checking you out, he aggressively hits the game - not even breaking eye contact.
you were oblivious to this, of course. but you did notice ni-ki become more aggressive with the game, so you suggest trying another game to calm him down - absolutely clueless to why ni-ki suddenly going all out with the whack-a-mole.
“wanna go for the basketball game?” you look up at him after collecting the tickets. he looks at you and nods in agreement.
that guy just doesn’t know how to back down huh? ni-ki thinks to himself as he also heads towards the basketball game. you, completely unaware, were placed between the two. in your head, it was only ni-ki. but something about the way the guy looked so smug pissed ni-ki off.
keeping his focus on the game, ni-ki aims and shoots ball to ball. he almost never misses. with that concentrated look on his face, he reminds you of a cub. basketball wasn’t his forte, but somehow he’s able to move towards the next round. you cheer him on, of course, but he was more determined on making sure he beats the score of the guy next to you. you weren’t even paying attention to the other dude, ni-ki was just really annoyed at the audacity of this guy to look him in the eyes with a look that yelled bring it on.
it only sparked ni-ki competitiveness more. he kept shooting ball after ball and you make it a point to cheer him on as he proceeds. ni-ki notices the guy keeps on missing his shots, to which he cracks a smirk. as he continues on with his game, you cheer for him even louder. he’s finally smiling once he notices the guy lost to the next round.
“that’s my boyfriend!” you yell as the game closes up the second round. ni-ki looks back at you and smiles even brighter, you proudly calling him your boyfriend made him forget why was he even so bothered by the other guy in the first place.
you were his, just as much as he was yours. there’s no worry or hesitation - you have each other.
he proceeds to the final round and even sets the high score. as he perfectly scores the final shot, he turns to you and lifts you up. it was just a simple arcade game, but ni-ki felt like he’s won everything in life seeing you smile so bright in his arms.
the two of you decide to pick up some food before heading back to your home. you couldn’t stay out too late because you still had classes the next day, but ni-ki wanted to spend the entire day with you so he insisted on a movie night.
the living room was a mess with the two of you attempting to create a pillow fort. with pillows, boxes of food take outs and tissues around, the two of you decide to have a disney movie marathon.
a movie and a half in, you ask ni-ki a question. “do you think two people are actually destined for each other like that?”
he responds with a hum, so you assume he was awake and proceed in explaining your thoughts, rambling about fate and destiny; how you think having soulmates is such a foreign concept. but once you look at your boyfriend who was peacefully resting his head on your lap, falling asleep as you play with his hair, you think that maybe soulmates are real. you think you’ve found yours.
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bump1nthen1ght · 4 years
Deep Blue Sea (Shark Merman x Reader) Chapter 1
Pairing: Gender Neutral! Reader/Shark Merman
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Soulmate AU
Warning: None
Word Count: 2682 words
Summary: You have a chat with your soulmate
“So, you want some?”
He  takes your stunned silence as no, checking that the crab is fully dead before pulling off a leg and biting the meat inside. His teeth catch the light of the setting sun, glinting white in between chunks of crab.
“So were-”
“Soulmates? Yeah, looks like it.” He, your soulmate, cracks off another leg and begins to chew. You find yourself transfixed watching him, mind reeling with questions. He uses the sharp claws on the tips of his fingers to dig out more meat. You’re not even sure where to begin.
“What do we do know?”
He shrugs, sucking out the last of the crab leg and tossing it aside.
“Dunno, guess this mystery is solved though.” He taps his wrist and you get a closer look at his soulmate mark.
It loosely resembles a human compass, yet alien in it’s design.There’s eight large symbols, none of which you recognize, and the arrow is slightly misshapen before straightening to a point.
“I always assumed my soulmate was in the Atlantic or something, maybe even a selkie. When that thought always drove my ma up the reef.” He sighs, pressing his chin against his palm as he lays against a rock. “Wonder how she’ll take this. Maybe she’ll turn a whole new shade of blue.”
His chuckle is low, rough against your ears, but not entirely unpleasant.
You can see more of his backside as he scoots closer into the tidepool. The first thing you notice is just how big he is, his tail stretching from his hips to the open ocean. The second thing you notice are the defined muscles which stretch and flex along his back.
Okay, what the fuck.
There’s a pressure building in your temples and you think you're beginning to overload. Your fucking soulmates eyes wander, looking nonchalant as can be beforeperking up when he sees another crab. His body slithering away from you to snatch it up snaps you out of shutdown mode.
“Uh, I guess….what’s your name?” He doesn’t take his eyes off his soon to be snack, only humming to acknowledge he even heard you. “I think that’s a good place to start, don’t you?” That at least gets you a chuckle, followed by a tiny crack!
“Cruz, you can call me Cruz.” You make eye contact as he takes a long, languid bite of crab. Your furrow your eyebrows, face unimpressed. He lights up with a mischievous grin.
“Is that your real name?”
“Nope,” Cruz says, popping the p and breaking open a claw, “But I don’t think you could pronounce my name so…..”
The tension in your jaw tights as he turns away from you once more,humming to himself and letting out a soft “Oh!” as the other leg reveals quite a bit of meat. You rub your brow and sigh.
“My names _____”
In high school, your mom got the yearbook epithet “biggest social butterfly.” Your dad, however, was barely presentable on picture day and a social circle consisting of the three fellow chess-club members. You were a lot like your dad in many ways.
The conversation, to say the least, seemed to float on the water like a dead fish, and you had no idea how to resuscitate it. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t natural, it wasn’t that missing piece yoru guidance counselor said it would and dammit, it’s kind of pissing you off. You’re pissed off that it’s pissing you off, because when has making first impressions ever been easy for you? Did you think this was going to be different, because what, a stupid mark on your wrist? That has no basis in logic, not even a little bit.
You refuse to dignify any emotions similar to disappointment which begin to well inside you, because it’s ridiculous. You worked hard to get to California, you’ve worked hard your whole damn life, what's stopping you from working now?
“Welp, seems I scared away all the other crabs.” Cruz huffs and places his hands on his...hips? “Been nice chatting _____, but I got dinner to catch.” Cruz looks back at you as he slinks into the water, sending a salute and a wink.
The words bubble up in your chest before you can catch them as he begins to swim away.
“Wait, but, um, I-” Your commands fall clumsily out of your mouth and barely leaves a ripple on the water. Cruz doesn’t turn around.
You feel the heat sizzling up your neck and face as you look at his back. Flashes of him, the arrow, your mom, that stupid guidance counselor paint the inside of your eyelids.
“Will you wait a second!”
The scream barely echoes in the small tidepool, but it’s enough to catch Cruz’s attention. He whips back to you, eyes slightly wide. You realize just how hard you’re breathing.
“I-, just, can you meet me here? Tomorrow?” Cruz's expression stays still, only the slightest bit of confusion crossing his eyes as he raises his brow. “I want to get to know you better.”
“Oh, um, okay.”
“What time….. do you want to meet up?” Cruz looks far less mischievous and much more sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck with a clawed hand and looking up at you from under his eyelids.
“How about 5PM?”
Cruz narrows his eyes.
“I don’t know what that means.”
Ah, right, merman.
“About three hours before sunset. I mean, do you know how long an hour-”
“Yes, I know how long an hour is. I’m not a pup.” Cruz rolls his eyes
Well, the sass returns.
The two of you stay in that position for a little too long. You begin to rub your arms as the cold of the sea breeze and your social anxiety slowly come back to you.
“See you tomorrow, I guess.” With a hesitant nod, his black-blue eyes looking pensive, he submerges. Your breath comes back to you in a wave as your soulmate swims into the open ocean.
The walk back to civilization is a blur, the pounding voice in your head drawing out all other noise yet barely making sense itself.
You’re not sure what you expected of the first meeting with your soulmate, but it certainly wasn’t that.
The next day, Cruz is waiting for you at the tidepool by 4:55 PM, shucking an oyster with one of his claws. He looks up as your feet splash into the tidepool. You wave.
It’s an understatement to say the silence is uncomfortable. You take a beach towel out of your bag and begin to lay it on a large rock. The task helps keep your mind distracted, but you feel Cruz’s eyes burn into your back.
“So, I guess, what are you exactly?” You say, sitting yourself down.
“Merman’s best word I’ve heard you humans use, so that.” Cruz has shifted his focus  back on his oyster, which he then downs with one swallow.
“I see, I see. Are all mer-folk as big as you?” That catches Cruz’s attention. A self-satisfied smirk grows on his face as he puffs out his chest.
“Not at all. I’m a Great White and we’re one of the…” Cruz extends his arms art in front of him, flexing his fingers and his biceps in a decidedly braggadocious manner, “bigger species out there.” He finishes his statement with a playful wink. A tiny smile crawls on your face.
Interesting. Male Great Whites are typically around 12 feet, but Cruz is only about 9 feet. I wonder why that is?
“I can see that.” Cruz shifts, ego now lifted, and lays his weight on his right elbow, facing you. “You mentioned a mother, do you have a clan?” Cruz nods.
“Yup. It’s my ma, my dad, my two older sisters, and me. Plus two other families. My ma’s parents were from this reef.”
It’s difficult for you to fight the instinct to whip out your notebook and jot all this down.Your inner scientist screams to pry into the complex social hierarchy and behaviour patterns of this new species. But the more sane part of you knows that would probably be pushing some boundaries.
“Wow, so you’re a true Californian, huh?” Cruz squints his eyes at you. “Uh, that’s where we are. The territory Santa Cruz lies in.”
He gives a low hum, reaching for another oyster  nearby. This movement is far more natural than his earlier show, but you still get a full glimpse of his cut shoulder muscle and tight abdominals. It stirs something in you.
Would he have the swimmer’s V? Okay, stop, focus.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” He pries open the oyster, staring at the soft meta inside. “A member of the clan, born and bred.” Cruz brushed the pad of his finger on the shell, his voice holding a quiet bitterness, tinted somber.
Should you comfort him? He’s within touching distance, but the thought of grabbing his hand feels too intimate, soulmate-ship be damned.
Before you can make a move, Cruz throws his head back and gulps down the oyster. He shakes his head and lets out a small “Ah~”, then pushes his short hair back against his skull. Whatever emotion that was there before, it’s gone.
“Where are you from?”
“East Coast, bordering the Atlantic. So you weren’t too far off.”
“Well, I’m not just a pretty face.” Cruz winks at you, but his eye catches a scuttling crab nearby. He gets low in the water, moving slowly to catch it by surprise. You don’t hum the Jaws theme, despite how much you want to.
“No siblings, just me and my parents.” Cruz doesn’t look away, even as he kills the crab.
“Lucky. How big's your clan?” The familiar crack of the shell follows.
“We don’t really,” crack “...have those. Humans can-” crack “We typically live near each other-” crack “but don’t get that-” crack “....close.”
Cruz hums contently, but you can clearly see it’s from the crab and not your one sided conversation. He sucks juice off his fingers. Seems you’ve lost him once again.
I didn’t expect this to be so difficult.
“Have you ever had cooked crab?” Cruz perks immediately, slowly turning back towards you.
Got ‘im.
You return with two warm lobster rolls, a bag of crab legs, and some shrimp scampi. Cruz’s black-blue eyes just peak out of the water, suspicious.
“So these two are lobster, actually, but this,” You shake the crab-bag, “is all crab. I thought I ‘d get you a couple things to sample.”
Cruz’s nose (Is it a nose? There’s a ridge but you’re not sure if the slits count as nostrils. Questions for later.) just breaches the water as you set the crab-bag down and settle on your rock. You grab a couple of legs for yourself before nudging it  closer to him. “Have at it, it’s pretty self-explanatory.” You say midst a large bit of your lobster roll. The whole meal was not cheap, so you decided to indulge in this treat as much as you can. You’ve had a stressful couple of days.
Cruz slowly approaches the plastic, snatching it up quickly before looking inside it. His eyes widen and there's a small smile on his lips as he pulls a long leg out. His smile only grows bigger.
“Oh, also!” You clap, pointing towards the bag and jolting Cruz out of his food-induced joy. “There’s sauce, garlic butter, shit like that in those little plastic containers at the bottom. You dip the crab meat in them.” You take another large bit of lobster roll and hear Cruz break into a crab leg. Cruz gets his mouth ready to take a big bite before pausing. His eyes flit between the lef and the garlic butter, before he slowly pulls the lid off and dips the meat in. Cruz then takes the tiniest bite possible.
His eyes, black as they are, light up. He quickly takes another, larger bite. It’s quite adorable, like a baby trying ice cream for the first time. Cruz devours the leg quickly before snapping into another sauce.
“You like it?” Cruz nods, cheeks stuffed with crab meat as you giggle.
“What kind of craf is fiss?”
“Dungeness. That’s commonly eaten by humans. They’ve got some of the highest meat value and they're all over  the West Coast.” Cruz nods, though you’re not sure he understands parts of your sentence. “They’re also pretty sustainable to fish, although ocean acidity is kinda fucking with their babies. It’s also been fucking with Red King Crabs, which sucks because their only found in like, four places and are so beautiful and also sustainable and-” Cruz has stopped eating and is staring at you. After a big, long breath in you realize how fast you were talking. You feel the what of your blush on the base of your neck. “Sorry, I’ll let you eat. I just...really like crustaceans. A Lot of aquatic animals, but crabs especially are… I’m doing it again. Sorry.” You take a large bite so you won’t have to talk for a couple of seconds, avoiding eye contact with Cruz. You’re sure your chest and arms are bright red; It’s an embarrassing symptom of when you get too excited.
Cruz just keeps staring at you. Frankly it’s the longest he's looked at you and not a nearby snack. You chew the slowest you possibly can, the brioche bun becoming mush in your mouth, to fill the silence.
You don’t see it, but a small smile widens on his face. He picks at his empty crab shell.
“I think those facts are crab-tastic.”
You immediately choke on a bit of lobster roll, pounding your chest as you sputter between mouthfuls. When your eyes stop watering, you see Cruz has moved closer to you, hand outstretched and a couple inches from resting on your calf. He jerks it back when you look down at him.
“Wow, thanks, but puns aren’t really part of my vocrabulary.” You obnoxiously wink, scrunching up the left side of your face. Cruz laughs. Not a chuckle, but a full, belly laugh.
“Well I find them quite crab-tivating.” A larger laugh bursts from your chest as he mimics your wink and shoots you another big smile.
The sharp teeth are beginning to grow on you, adding to Cruz’s boyish charm. You feel the hot blush in your chest crawl up your neck once more.
Oh fuck.
Cruz reaches for another crab leg but hits the bottom of the bag, a playful pout now on his chin.
“Here, try this next.” You hand him the second lobster roll. “Probably don’t want to get this one wet, it’ll be soggy.” With no hesitation Cruz digs in, perking up once more and going to town. His teeth serate through the bread like butter. Within 4 bites, the entire roll is gone.
“Dang, I’ll make sure to bring some more food next time.”Cruz pauses, mid-lick of the butter on his claws and looks up at you.
“Next time? You want to meet up again?” You raise your eyebrow.
“Well yeah, don’t you?”
Cruz stays quiet, no sassy comment or a sarcastic look. Just staring, mildly shocked.
Your embarrassment bubbles back, screaming you’ve misread this whole situation and the last few minutes. “I mean, we are soulmates. Shouldn’t we meet up again?”
Cruz's eyes narrow as a barrage of thoughts seem to flit across his head. His smile recedes back into a straight line, that little spark leaving his eye.
“Yeah, I guess we have too.” He crinkles up the plastic bag, shoving it against your calves. “See you tomorrow.”
A pit rolls in your stomach as he quickly moves to leave.
Did I say something wrong?
“Uh, I’m actually busy tomorrow. Can we do Thursday-er, 3 days from now?” Cruz nods, not turning around to face you before slipping back into the water and swimming away.
The pit doesn’t leave your stomach, an empty sauce container rolling across the rocky shore.
What just happened?
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solarsunsimagines · 3 years
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Warnings: Nope
Request: Nope
The last few cords of 'For you' sounded out through the living room, it had become almost a tradition for the band to have their rehearsals at my house, considering the room was known for its amazing acoustics.
"Whooooop!" I shouted out, specifically looking at my boyfriend sitting on the couch next to Jonah. He smiles at me before removing the bass and walking over to me. He sits down on my lap teasingly and gives me a quick kiss. "Amazing as ever." I say to him as he pulls away.
"Thanks y/n you know we're in the band too." Daniel jokes, which results in me giving him the finger while he blows me a kiss.
"Alright, who's hungry?" Zach asks, finally getting the break he's been wanting for the last hour.
"Me!" Jonah shouts, raising his hand like a 5 year old, making Jack and I laugh.
"I could eat." Daniel agrees, getting out from behind the drum set and following the other two out the door. "You two aren't coming?" He asks.
"We ate before you guys arrived, we're good." Jack says, half lying.
"Alright, we'll see you later." Corbyn walks out finally, following the other three toward whatever fast food restaurant they could find.
"Well, they're gone now." I look at Jack, leaning back on the chair I was sat on.
"And we're alone?" He smiles, leaning toward me, taking my lips in his as he places his hands on my chest.
I place my hands on his legs, pulling him slightly closer to me, as we continue kissing.
Over the last few weeks, we've barely had any time together. Jack and the band have been away a lot recently due to their growing popularity, which means that I'm left alone for months, not being able to see them. Now that they're home, it feels like every time I do get to see him, the guys are with him, which isn't a problem usually, but when I want to spend quality time with my boyfriend, it can get rather annoying.
Although I can't really see anything other then the negatives of Jack being away, it has given me some time to figure myself out, which I still haven't really discussed with Jack, but now that we're finally alone, I suppose Now is the best time to bring it up.
I hesitantly pull away from his lips, not entirely devoting myself to the idea of coming out to him, but knowing that I had to do it before I chicken out.
"I need to talk to you about something." I say, looking into his eyes, he instantly flashes a confused face, but stays quiet, urging me to carry on talking. "While you've been gone with the band, I've been thinking about myself a lot, and I figured something out and I need to tell you before I freak myself out and get out of actually telling you." I explain.
"What is it?" I could already see that he thought I was going to break up with him, which would never happen in a million years.
"I've always admired certain celebrities for being so open about their sexualities and being open to expressing themselves when it comes to gender and sexuality, and after watching a lot of interviews of those musicians while you were away, I've realised that I've never really explored that side of myself. I knew I like guys,, but I started thinking about how I would react if I was single and got hit on by someone who wasn't male, and honestly I don't think I care who's hitting on me in this metaphorical situation."
He smiles at me as he realizes what I'm trying to do.
"I think I'm pansexual or bisexual? I haven't figured that pet out yet." I finally say, and although saying those words was like lifting a weight off my shoulders, the lead up was honestly painful.
"Thank you for telling me." He gives me a kiss once he finishes speaking. "So, who made you realize that you might not be straight."
"Whattttt?" I say acting oblivious to the fact that I had a sexual awakening at 21.
"Come on! Who was it? Was it Sydnie?" He teases me making me laugh.
"Unfortunately not, although I know she would definitely flirt with me every chance she got, if I said she was."
"Then who was it?" He says kindly, tracing my chest as he looks at me.
"Why Christina?"
"I don't know, why Harry styles?" I ask him.
"Touché. I'm definitely telling Corbyn when he gets back." He tries to get off my lap but I quickly wrap my arms around him and pull him down with me onto the floor.
"No, you can't, it'll be so awkward, that's his ex!" I practically beg.
"I'm going to confront the man who's ex is stealing my partner!" He lays on his back.
"Firstly, she's not stealing me, I'm still very much in love with you, and secondly, the only reason you wanna tell him is to see me embarrassed." I lean on my arm, so I'm looking down at him on the ground.
"That may be slightly true." He teases, I lean down, reconnecting our lips as we almost completely forget about our previous conversation.
"Ahhhhh, porn!" Zach yells as he walks in the door, spotting us on the floor. Jack pulls away, looking up at the guys as I groan over the fact that the time we finally had alone together was now over.
"We weren't doing anything." Jack laughs.
"Thank god, I don't need to see that." Corbyn walks behind the drums again, getting in position.
"Yeah, but Y/n has someone else she wants you to do it with." Jack says mindlessly. I instantly snap my head toward him, not believing that he already let the secret out.
"What?" Corbyn asks.
"Y/n is in love with your ex." Jack says, clearly teasing me for no other reason the to entertain himself.
"I'm not In love with her!" I roll onto the floor, starfish position, as Jack jumps up, ready to play music again.
"The things that happen when we're not here always confuse me." Jonah says as he leans on Daniel.
I sigh over my boyfriend finding joy in making fun of me, but thank everything that the whole ordeal never changed the relationship between Corbyn and I.
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crowtrinkets · 4 years
Wooden Brush
ty @alexaplaysgames for giving me this prompt idea 😏 Gender neutral MC, as always
Word Count: 1,824
MC goes to return a book to Felix but ends up doing more than just that.
I trudged the hallways of Fathom allowing a rather large yawn to catch me by surprise. I finally finished one book given to me by Felix. A history book nonetheless, it was interesting but about as dry as any Earth history book. The moon wasn’t too high in the sky so I figured Felix was awake and I could return his book. Oh, who am I kidding of course he's awake. I finally find the door to his office and softly knock.
“Felix? Can I come in?” No answer. I take that as a yes and gently push on the door, wincing when the hinges squeak. I look around the darkened study, barely illuminated by a few candles. No Felix. Not at his desk, not at the kitchenette. The only spot left is the couch. I approach the soundless mound on top and find it to be Felix, fast asleep, with Stella resting on his stomach. She must have hopped up after he fell asleep. I stand behind the couch leaning forward so I can pet behind Stella's ears, earning a trill from her.
“Stella, I don’t think Felix wants you sleeping on him,” I whisper. Felix stirs, moving to lay on his side causing Stella to jump off and find a better sleep spot. I round the couch placing the book on the desk and approach Felix. Crouching down so I'm at his eye level. I examine his face before waking him. His soft features are barely illuminated by candlelight, the warm yellow dancing on his face, contrasted by the cool moonlight poking through the window. His usually furrowed brows are still and relaxed, and his signature smug smile is nowhere to be seen. Replaced by a slightly opened mouth, drooling on his sleeve. Oh if I had a camera I would take so many pictures. But all I can do is stare and capture this moment to memory. I decide I’ve looked long enough. I place a hand on his shoulder and slightly shake him.
“Felix… Felix, wake up. Don’t you think you should be sleeping on in your bed?” He grunts a response and turns to face the other way, wrapping an arm around his face, attempting to continue his slumber. I huff in response and move to the other side of the couch. Leaning on the back so I can try to look Felix in the face.
“Felix! This cant be comfortable you may be short but this couch isn't that big,” He mumbles into his arm making it hard to understand what he's saying. “What?” This time he removes his arm, and looks up at me, eyes half-closed.
“I am perfectly comfortable where I lie, there is no need for insults,” he grimaces at me. I chuckle a little.
“You’re comfortable on the same couch as your skin book? Stella's favorite spot?” I question.
“Fair enough,” he remarks, sitting up. He attempts to run a hand through his hair but stops and winces. “Ah! My hair is a mess, Stella must have been trying to groom me again,” He looks around the room for her. I turn and spot her sitting in a loaf position on a chair. I give her a wink letting her know that I won't give away her position. I reach over and run a hand through his hair, but then my hand catches in a knot to which he winces.
“I have a comb somewhere around here, would you mind finding it for me? I’m afraid my eyes haven’t adjusted from being roused from my peaceful sleep,” Oh man he’s grumpy when he’s just woken up, I’ll humor him though I am the one that woke him. I scan the study, looking for anything that might resemble a comb or brush. I open various cabinets and draws. Only to find it being used as a bookmark in one of the many tomes piled in a stack. I turn the object in my hand, it’s wooden and has intricate carvings of flowers on the handle.
“Found it!” Felix is now standing, attempting to tidy his mess of books, but his idea of cleaning is just stacking them in a pile. I approach Felix and observe his absolutely destroyed hair. His hair is always a little messy. Maybe more like messy cute, but it’s especially bad at this moment.
“Can I brush your hair?” It comes out before I think about it. He whips around to gawk at me, cheeks flushed pink. "I-I'm sorry I didn't"
"Ok," Is all he manages to say.
"…Ok," is all I can manage to respond with. I walk over to the couch and sit, making space between my legs. "It would be easier if you sat on the floor," I say. All he can do is nod and move to place himself between my knees. My hands start to tremble. Is this actually happening? I take the comb and start at the bottom of Felix’s hair, untangling the knots as I go. The quiet sound of the wooden brush running through Felix’s soft hair acts as a metronome. Repetitive and almost hypnotic. I can feel his shoulders relax as either of my knees bump them while I work through his hair. I get caught on a knot which earns a pained groan from Felix.
“Sorry! You um, you have quite a lot of hair,” I attempt to make conversation.
“Well yes, I have not had the time to visit a hairdresser,” he deadpans.
“R-right,” I continue to brush through his hair, hands still shaking as my face warms with a blush. “Have you ever had your hair braided?” Felix cranes his neck to look up at me.
“You want to braid my hair?” He says, utter confusion twisting his features.
“Well, it might be fun,” I say. He gives me a nod and turns around.
“I don’t know if I would call it fun, but… it may be interesting,” I take that as a yes. I run the comb through his hair once again and set it aside. I run my fingers over his scalp from front to back, bringing his hair back so I can braid it. I can't tell if I imagined it but I think I can feel his body shiver as I do so. I run my index fingers from his temples and back, bringing his hair where I want it.
“You uh, don’t have as much hair as Sage so it might be a little tight,” I say leaning forward towards his right ear.
“N-no matter,” his voice hitches slightly. I can't tell who is more flustered at this point, but it is a bit of fun teasing him. I begin to section his hair accordingly, leaving his bangs out. I start to French braid his hair, being careful not to pull on it. His hair is soft in my fingers, almost too silky to keep a hold on, catching whiffs of morning dew and tea as I braid his locks together. I lean to the side slightly as I work, hoping to catch a glimpse of Felix’s face. I can see a tinge of pink in his ears that spread to his cheeks, his eyes closed, and brows relaxed. Is he enjoying this? I hope he is. He opens one eye to look at me, to which I sit up turning my attention back on his hair. Once I finish braiding down, I grab the trusty hair tie, that always sits on my wrist, and I tie off the end. Securing his braid. I clap my hands on his shoulders.
“All done!” Felix yelps slightly. He stands, stretching his legs after sitting on the floor. “Oh wait, actually sit here I need to fix your bangs,” I pat the spot of the couch next to me and Felix sits without protest or comment. I run my fingers through his bangs, adjusting them so they sit properly on his face. Framing it nicely. I find a stray strand and groan, I must have missed it. I take it and tuck it behind his ear with slow movements. I then spot Felix, staring at me intently. I keep my hand hovering by his ear, too scared to move. Up close I can see just how stormy his eyes are, they look like they carry the weight of a thousand burdens, his cheeks are flushed pink, and his mouth slightly agape. I then rest my hand on his cheek. His eyes flick down to my lips for a split second. I don’t even realize that I'm moving. Moving ever so closer to Felix’s perfectly, adorably flushed face. His half-lidded eyes drawing me in like some sort of spell.
“Felix,” I whisper, mere inches from his lips touching mine, and then-
“Hey Felix have you seen-“ I jump away from Felix so fast, I'm surprised I didn’t open a wormhole that sent me back to Earth. Felix also lept back, but miscalculated and landed on the floor with an oof. I turn to see Sage, standing in the doorway. I try to cover my blush with my hand, hoping it’s too dark for Sage to see. Felix stands quickly, straightening his clothes, and clears his throat.
“Sage! Have you ever thought to knock for once in your life?” Felix’s voice waves slightly high as he scolds Sage. Avoiding eye contact with either of us.
“Oh my, was I interrupting something?” Sage leans on the doorway. Eyes shifting between us both, a shit-eating grin growing on his lips.
“I-I was returning Felix’s book,” I lean over and pick up a random book, lifting it in the air hoping a prop makes my story more convincing. I mean it was the truth. Was.
“U-Uhm, yes, MC came to return my book, yes, thank you, I will give you a new one tomorrow if you'd like,” Felix says to me, still avoiding my eyes. I nod in response. Standing from the couch handing his book back.
“Well, why is your hair braided? Trying to go for the sexy dangerous look I got going?” Sage says, raising his eyebrows suggestively. “Cause they don’t seem to be into it, trust me I tried,” Sage points to me as he speaks. I can feel the embarrassment bottle up inside me, threatening to explode.
“Goodnight!” I shout. I then stormed out of the room, trying to escape my embarrassment. Did that just happen?
The next morning Felix and I don’t bring up the, ahem, events from the previous night. However, he still wears the braid I did for him when I see him. He offers to return my hair tie but I tell him he can keep it, I have plenty. But really, I think the French braid is a good look for him, and I want him to keep it on longer. I should return his books late at night more often.
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saphirered · 3 years
Hi I was wondering if you would write an Essek x reader (gender neutral) where they are having a relaxing day out and the reader teaches Essek to make flower crowns, and it just allot of fluff and wholesome stuff.
Here you go! Enjoy. I really needed this type of wholesomeness. Thank you for the request. 😘
Seated among the plants and flowers at the base of the tree inside the Xhorhaus, you’re focussing on your surroundings, eyes closed. A meditation-like state keeps you grounded and aware of all around you regardless of lack of visual. Every breath you take makes you feel much lighter, floating in your own consciousness. It’s a comfortable and familiar feeling.
It could have been minutes, or hours. You’re not entirely sure but at least you know if someone needs you or you’ll be going somewhere, your friends will come get you. For now you were blessed with a moment of peace, away from the troubles of the world outside, shielded by the colourful flowers, fresh smell of herbs and the soft glow of the fairy lights.
But your peace and quiet was interrupted. Usually you’re very much aware of footsteps approaching, but when the individual doesn’t walk, taking care to avoid the greens, you’re left a oblivious to the presence. The clearing of a throat makes you nearly jump out of your skin.
“My apologies. I don’t mean to interrupt you…” You see the sheepish expression of the white haired wizard floating at a comfortable distance, turn apologetic.
“Essek!” You breathe trying to calm your pounding heart, hand to your chest.
“I am so sorry. I did not mean to scare you. I should have announced my presence.” The mixture of embarrassment and regret remain present in both his behaviour and voice as you get up and give him a once over.
“It’s quite alright. I didn’t expect any visitors.” You smile assuring him no harm was done as you get to your feet brushing off your trousers. Essek is a hard to read individual but even the most oblivious of people could tell something is off. Strange. You tilt your head pressing your lips together.
“Is everything alright? You seem a bit out of it if I’m honest.” Essek’s eyes fall to the floor in front of him trying to find the correct words to answer your question; unusual for someone usually so quick with words. You take a few steps closer to him and take his hand in yours giving it a squeeze letting him know you’re there as you wait for his reply.
“I… I am unsure how to phrase this correctly nor in an appropriate way.” He speaks caught in his own mind still. His eyes are searching still focussed on the ground and your entwined hands. You place your free hand on his shoulder, the gesture pulling him out of his head and instead focus on you.
“Try me.”
“I-. This day- These last few… weeks, have been absolute chaos. With everything going on I have not had a moment of peace in a long time.” Essek’s shoulders drop and his feet touch the ground with a soft tap muted by the mossy floor. You pity him. So young and so much pressure, people depending on him. No one should have to deal with all of that alone.
“I’ve always found diving into my work head first ignoring the world contained the chaos and turned it into order instead, something I could control but now I cannot even read a single sentence, transcribe a single equation or confront a single person without feeling like my mind is about to explode.” A weight lifts by the mere vocalising of the words, tension dropping from Essek’s physique as it does from his mind.
“I didn’t know who else to turn to. For some reason, you always have an air of calmness, around you. Whenever we are in the same space, you radiate peace. It’s strange to admit but I think even only spending but moments in your presence now has done more than any and everything I have tried to achieve even a semblance of rest.” You’re not used to Essek being so open and upfront with anyone but you’re glad for it. Knowing you can confide in someone and trust them is one thing. Actually doing so, something else entirely.
“Thank you for your time and once more my sincere apologies for scaring you. I will leave you to your business once more.” Essek is about to pull his hand from yours taking a step back but you don’t let go and step with.
“When’s the last time you’ve taken a break, Shadowhand?” You’re sure you already know the answer or have enough of an idea to estimate but you ask nonetheless. Essek thinks for a moment and frowns.
“I can’t recall.”
“There’s your problem then. You’re stressed, overworked and in desperate need of a break. Come on. I have an idea.” You lightly tug at his hand pulling him along to the base of the tree and sit him down. You take one of the garden scissors and begin cutting some flowers, branches and other things and collect them in a wicker basket as Essek watches you move from planter to planter and pots making sure to leave enough behind and take only what the plants themselves allow you to take.
It might seem a little strange to some, as you’re standing there, a nonverbal conversation with plant life. Some might think you’re crazy but you only acknowledge life in all forms and while you surely could wave your hand and restore what you took, there’s beauty in the natural order of things as your Firbolg friend might agree.
Essek watches you go in awe, studying your every action with an admiration. Before, as he admitted, there had been the radiating calmness from you that could affect those around you but watching you interact, for the lack of a better word, with the greenery, gave that a whole new meaning. Serenity. You are serenity itself.
You take the wicker basket, now filled with flowers of every colour, branches of green and brown of varying lengths, set it down at the base of the tree taking a seat next to Essek.
“What’s this for?” Essek picks up a yellow flower spinning it between his fingers.
“This,” You refer to the basket and the flower held between his fingers. “is how I clear my mind when the pressure of the world becomes too much to handle.” You take a couple of the branches, check the lengths and start twisting and weaving them together adding flowers into the coil as you go.
“This is how you keep the chaos at bay?” Essek questions watching your fingers work braiding together the delicate material.
“People often assume peace is the absence of chaos but it’s not. Nor is order. If you build a dam the pressure of the water will continue building as long as the water flows. You can’t stop it. You can’t prevent it. You can however shape it in such ways you gain more from it than it from you. It can be found in the simplest of things.” You weave in some deep red roses, your pride as the Xhorassian environment is not kind enough for them to survive.
“Whenever the world comes crashing down and I wish the ground would swallow me whole I find a place to sit down and let myself be consumed by my surroundings. Sometimes I just sit doing nothing at all. Other times I draw, or sing or write, and when I’m lucky enough to find just the right place, I’ll make as many of these as it takes me to return to my peace.” You come to the end twisting the final branches to complete the final circle shape, inspecting your work and adjusting as necessary until you deem it truly completed.
“Whenever I use the chaos to create, little by little serenity comes along and I try to bring that feeling along, passing it on to those around me, because gods know, they can use it.” The both of you smile and with a last adjustment of a flower you place the flower crown on Essek’s head.
Confusion, happiness, delight, peace. All emotions running through Essek’s brain throughout this conversation enhanced the moment you place the ornament of braided and woven flowers onto his head, as light as a feather. Who knew something so small and… insignificant could mean so much, do so much?
“Why don’t you try it for yourself? See if this works for you? Or perhaps if not, it might give you inspiration to find something that will.” Essek nods taking the red crown off his head and inspecting it closer. While he certainly has an eye for intricate patterns and structures the construction of such a thing as a simple flower crown goes far beyond him and instead just leaves him completely oblivious and confused.
Seeing Essek trying to figure out the collective of braided flowers and branches might have been one of the funniest things you’ve seen from the man. The intricacies of Dunamis and the most difficult of equations or studies prove next to no problem for the wizard, but a flower crown manages to break him? How could that not be funny. You laugh even though you tried to fight it and Essek sends you a playful glare.
“Since you seem to find this so funny perhaps I should teach you the many complexities of advanced Dunamis? As a thank you of course.” You can see the hints of a smile.
“However much I’d love that, for the sake of both of our peace and sanities, I’d hold off on that for now. We’ll start with something much simpler. Like a daisy chain.” You begin pulling out a pile of white flowers and putting them next to the basket.
“This is how you start…” You begin explaining how to loop the stem of the flower around the one that came before it, the closer together, the denser the chain will become.
While Essek struggles at first, your explanation and guiding hands and pointers as he works result in a decent looking daisy chain. You slowly work your way up to more difficult flowers and eventually the branches, spending the next several hours going through the motions, Essek’s troubles long since forgotten. This may have been the first time but won’t be the last time both of you find your serenity and comfort in colourful soft petals.
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justsassysworld · 4 years
Inspired by this post by @obsessive-ego and @saucymangos .
You're just trying to enjoy a peaceful Friday night, but someone else has other plans.
Invisible!Beej x Reader
I tried to keep it gender neutral, so please let me know how I did.
Oral sex, penetrative sex, surprise sex.
I. H. N, F. T
An average Friday night sees you relaxing on the couch, chest down, legs kicking while you kill time. There's a random show up on the tv, you're in some comfy lounging clothes, and you're loving the peace.
A small noise has you looking over your shoulder. It sounded like someone just stepped on a creaky spot, but when you turn to see, there's nothing. Tingles run down your back as a spike of fear shoots through you.
Shaking your head, you refuse to let your mind go down that path. Your doors and windows are locked. This isn't a horror movie. Buildings settle.
Your attention moves back to what you're doing, though the hairs on the back of your neck refuse to settle down.
As the time passes, you settle back down. Your eyes grow heavy, head harder to hold up.
What feels like moments later, you jerk up. Checking your phone, you see it's well after midnight.
Confused, you wonder what woke you, when a heavy force hits your back, forcing your chest into the cushion. You let out a startled squeak. Your hips are yanked up, bottoms and panties pulled off before you can even think to fight back.
"Ah, ah, ah," a dark voice growls from behind you. "Don't bother fightin', breather. You ain't going anywhere before I've had my fill."
Firm palms crack against both ass cheeks, before pulling them apart. The unseen person stares for a moment before you feel a tongue and fingers start to explore.
Moans and squeals are muffled. Your hips jerk, to get closer or a way, you're not sure.
A finger circles your hole as the tongue and mouth lift, suckle, and nip at your most sensitive spots.
"Oh god," you groan into your couch as you're fighting against the pleasure.
"No god here, babe," he growls against you. "This is all me."
The finger he's been using to tease your entrance disappears, only to return a moment later, slicked with his saliva. Instead of a circling tease, there's a probing pressure, before you feel him breach.
At the same time, he doubles the suction at your most sensitive spot. There's no more fighting as the pleasure crashes over you. Your body shudders and shakes as you come, and you notice his grip soften.
Moving quickly, you jerk your hips away, his finger slipping out as you tumble from your couch.
You stumble a few steps before you turn, your back hitting the wall, as you search for your surprise orgasm giver, but no one's there.
"What the?" you whisper.
Before you can figure out what to do, your shirt is shredded down the front as your hands are pinned to the wall.
Your mouth opens in shock right as another one slants over yours, the tongue that played with you earlier now dueling with yours. He has his tongue halfway down your throat, but you still just see your living room.
Shutting your eyes, you surrender.
As suddenly as it slammed onto yours, the mouth is gone. It glides down your neck, stopping to nibble at your collarbone. He draws a wide spiral around your nipple, making you anticipate his next action.
Unable to help yourself, you find yourself watching. Following his movement, a line glistens on your skin.
As you see both his spiral and your bud tighten, he disappears for a moment before something hot and wet latches on to your other nipple. A gasp of shock, and pleasure escapes as you watch your nipple twist and pull, seemingly on its own.
Your attention held elsewhere, you're caught completely off guard when your legs are hoisted up and spread, a thick appendage rubbing and thrusting against you.
He pulls back slightly before you feel the head lineup. "Get ready, my sexy fucking breather," the voice purrs against your ear. "I'm about to rock your fucking world."
With that, he starts thrusting inside you, going-achingly slow, letting you adjust, feel every bump and ridge. Your hips try to thrust, to speed him up, but he stubbornly refuses.
Forfar too long, he teases you with his cock, setting a pace that's just fast enough to build you up, but its not enough to allow another orgasm.
Without conscience thought, you hear yourself mutter, "Please, please, please, please."
Unable to see him, you can't see his reaction, but you know your pleading is getting to him as he picks up his pace. You feel a hand slip between your bodies before you feel him start to play again, stroking you perfectly for your orgasm to start building in earnest.
As he grows more irratic, you start seeing him almost shimmering into existance, almost like a mirage.
The first thing you notice is his bright fuscia hair, then you catch the gleam of his fangs, before your eyes slam shut as your orgasm chrests. Beetlejuice lets out a tremendous growl as you dench around him.
The fangs you had just noticed are buried in your neck as he roars out his climax, his cum shooting deep inside you.
Your hands fall to his hair as your ragged breathing mixes. In an instant the hard wall at your back is replaced by the softness of your bed and you feel the amazing weight of your undead boyfriend against you.
Not only did he effectively get you to bed, he also cleaned you when he did, letting you relax for a moment and process.
"Was that good for you?" he asks, sounding much softer and more like himself.
"Fuck yeah!" is your immediate response before you turn and capture his lips, pouring all your love into the embrace. "You were and are absolutely perfect."
His hair seems to glow in the darkness, showing you his contentment. "So, should we add I. H. N. F. T. to our routine?" he asks.
"I. H. N. F. T.?" you shoot back, brows wrinkled.
"You know, Invisible Happy Naked Fun Time."
A chuckle escapes you, and all you can say is, "God, I love you."
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