#the SCOTUS and those who support their decision are a bunch of fucking fascists
4fl0tsam · 2 years
I cannot stress this enough, and felt like I had to write about it, the absolutely horrific ways people would once again have to turn to so to not be forced to give birth.
(TW: talk about unsafe abortion and its complications)
The overturning of Roe v. Wade has had me disgusted in a number of ways, and to say our SCOTUS is an abomination is an understatement.
But I’ve said this to others in my life OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, and will continue to say it.
Banning abortions will never stop abortions, only safe ones. It will no-doubt raise the amount of deaths while giving birth, deaths from unsafe abortions, and likely, suicides.
So let’s talk about a world without legal, safe abortions shall we? Let’s talk about this terrifying, yet possible future that’s more like taking steps into the past.
I’m sure we all know at least a bit about unsafe abortions. Your mind likely goes to the use of metal clothes hangars, or maybe your mind goes straight to a scene of some Edwardian drama, people making money giving back-alley abortions using an array of horrifying tools in unimaginably painful procedures. And it isn’t some made up story, these are pages in our history books written in blood.
And, while access to safe abortions has risen greatly in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade was put into place in 1973 (along with strides in many other countries), we can still see the affects of outlawed abortion in numerous places around the world today, current examples of what will happen if people continue to lose access to safe abortions in this country.
Some facts:
It is estimated that nearly 25 million unsafe abortions take place annually.
Source: Ganatra B, Gerdts C, Rossier C, Johnson Jr B R, Tuncalp Ö, Assifi A, Sedgh G, Singh S, Bankole A, Popinchalk A, Bearak J, Kang Z, Alkema L. Global, regional, and subregional classification of abortions by safety, 2010–14: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model. The Lancet. 2017 Sep
97% of these unsafe abortions take place in developing countries, where safe abortions are not legal.
Unsafe abortion is believed to result in at least 22,800 deaths and millions of injuries annually.
Source: Grimes DA, Benson J, Singh S, Romero M, Ganatra B, Okonofua FE, Shah IH (November 2006). "Unsafe abortion: the preventable pandemic" (PDF). Lancet. 368 (9550): 1908–19. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69481-6. PMID 17126724. S2CID 6188636.
Unsafe abortions are one of the top 5 main causes of maternal death.
Source: Say L, Chou D, Gemmill A, Tunçalp Ö, Moller AB, Daniels JD, et al. Global Causes of Maternal Death: A WHO Systematic Analysis. Lancet Global Health. 2014;2(6): e323-e333.
Around the world, there’s numerous examples of what happens when AFAB people have no right to choose. Abortions aren’t stopped, only the safe ones. THIS is one of the biggest parts pro choice people are so afraid of with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Because, if the states continue to outlaw abortion, continue to force the closure of clinics, this result is inevitable. There will be a rise of unsafe abortions in this country, PEOPLE WILL DIE.
The possible, and very common, complications of unsafe abortions are horrific.
Some medical complications of unsafe abortion:
infection —Unsafe abortions most often involve instruments that aren’t meant for the human body and are absolutely not sterile, such as a medical instrument would need to be. Bacteria entering the body in such a way could easily cause an infection and lead to sepsis, inflammation throughout the body triggered by chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight infection. This is a deadly complication, and even if you survive, it can leave you with complications like kidney failure, gangrene, brain damage, future immune system issues, and much more.
damage to the vaginal canal, uterus, bowels, bladder and urinary tract, and other organs (resulting in hemorrhage) —The use of a sharp instrument inserted into the vaginal canal has numerous risks and in every circumstance INCREDIBLY dangerous. This practice often leads to damage of the vaginal canal and organs in the area, such as the uterus (uterine perforation), bladder and urinary tract, and bowels. Along with complications that come with the general damage of important organs, such as urinary incontinence, this leads to hemorrhage (blood loss).
infertility. — The damage to the reproductive organs from the process of the procedure itself, along with damage to the body caused by infection and sepsis, can lead to infertility. —While there are many people that undergo an abortion who may never want biological children, an unsafe abortion may very likely take away any choice to have a biological child in the future where a person is prepared to financially, mentally, etc… Losing the choice to have a safe abortion will also lead to the loss of the choice to have a biological child in the future for many, leaving a further psychological impact, that the procedure and its complications would already have on a person.
When you look at these facts, and read stories from the past, it really hits you how disgusting our leaders and judiciaries trying to rid us of this choice are, and how they LIE. They create a narrative that “it’s for the children,” they march around harassing those who’ve received an abortion or are planning to calling themselves pro-life, thinking they’re some kind of vigilantes, some kind of heroes. And yet, once a child is born to someone who isn’t prepared to care for that child, they’re gone. They don’t give a shit about children once they end up in foster care or live in poor circumstances. And they aren’t pro-life, not one bit, they are pro birth. They are pro control.
They SCOTUS and our leaders that support their decision know exactly what this will lead to, they aren’t fucking stupid or naïve. They’re fucking fascists to want to be able to control our bodies. They know that the ban of safe abortions would kill numbers of living, breathing people, they know this, and don’t fucking care, and blood will be on their hands.
One of the things that’s so heartbreaking about the attack on safe abortions is that we were finally at a point where we’d come so far with abortion rights. The generations that came before Roe fought for these changes, those who’d lived to see the affects of forced pregnancies and unsafe abortions in this country. A generation fighting for the generations before even them, with their only choice being procedures of unfathomable pain and risk. They fought because they knew what it was like, they lost loved ones, maybe experienced it themselves.
And the stories from before, of those with no other choice but an unsafe abortion, and the knowledge that this would be the reality once again if safe abortions are banned, is what drives younger generations, post Roe generations to fight for choice.
And unsafe abortions, the horrid risks that so many had to take in the past, despite seeming like some horrible plot of a drama, right out of Handmaid’s Tale, it’s all real, and it wasn’t rare. Too many stories, too many lost. And it’s terrifying, knowing that this can happen again, we can’t let it.
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