#the OG archie characters are sillies :(
digitalgate02 · 2 years
Tokyo Chosen as Sonic Characters
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Because I’m still in Sonic mood so here’s my thoughts.
Taichi → Classic Sonic (the OG)
Yamato → Bark (the Polar Bear from Sonic The Fighters) (looks coldhearted, but it's a soft and good person in his own way)
Sora → Vanilla (Cream's mom, sweet and nice. Suits more 02 Sora though...)
Mimi → Cream (Sweet and polite, purehearted)
Koushiro → Tails (geniuses)
Jou → Belle (IDW comics, pretty much unlucky but has good intentions anyway)
Daisuke → Silver (IDW portrayal, soft and silly. A ball of sunshine who can be a terrible menace if you're against him)
Miyako → Amy (fierce girls who are also all lovely and powerful)
Iori → Espio (... i just think Espio's personality suits Iori sorry)
Takeru → Possibly Charmy Bee or Tangle from IDW (funny energetic kiddos who can wreck you)
Hikari → Tikal (just based on their connection with the themes of life and mysticism imo)
Ken → Blaze or Whisper from IDW (because both are polite and would kill if you dare to hurt their friends)
Bonus Stage:
Ryo → Modern Sonic (VA joke, yeah.)
Kaiser Ken → Possibly Eggman
Maki & Menoa → Rouge (Maki - spy; Menoa - beauty appeal)
Daigo → Big (pretty chill dudes but do not make them angry)
Meiko → Jewel from IDW  (low self-esteem but work hard and do their best)
Sorry, i couldn’t pick one for Wallace and one for Oikawa actually 😔
I used the IDW since it’s the current comics and i’m not well versed in the old Archie comics okay 💦
Also as much it looks like just bad picks... No, i swear they're not. It's just i'm bad wording my thoughts so i made them simple.
Trust me, those choices match with those kids quite well.
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jandjsalmon · 5 years
Please don't get me wrong. I genuinely want to know -just asking- How a person end up shipping a non-canon ? I am extremely baffled by the idea and I can't really understand how it can happen. I know it a personal thing/taste, but I can't warp my head around how can two persons who barely interact can be put together romantically? it's like having totally new characters. I never had the urge to that, and I don't get it. (You don't have to answer if you don't want to)
Oh I don’t mind answering - but my answer will be personal and may not apply to everyone so keep that in mind. And if you don’t get it - you don’t get it. That’s fine, and I understand that you aren’t actually poo-pooing the things that other people DO like - but by being SO incredulous it kinda comes across that you think everyone is dumb for not thinking like you. So yeah. We’re not. We just consume content differently than you and that’s okay.
As for the whys - sometimes you read or watch canon and there is something missing for you as a consumer of that media. Isn’t that why we read/write fanfiction in the first place? If canon was enough for you then you wouldn’t be seeking MORE. There are lots of shows I enjoy that I don’t read fic for… I don’t care to have MORE because I have enough with the content the showmakers made for me. 
Sometimes it’s the content creators that miss something. For example - Jaime and Brienne from Game of Thrones. The content creators gave us a perfect pairing with moments and deep looks and devotion… and then chose to go in a different direction with their canon. It’s really easy to be a Jaime/Brienne shipper because all the evidence was there that it was going to happen - the will they/won’t they… and then they didn’t. 
Using my OG non-canon pairing… I read Harry Potter and originally liked that she had Ginny like Harry (because isn’t that a cute trope? The crush on the older brother’s bff?) - but then like… she developed Ginny a bit - and she developed Harry a bit - and I came to really not enjoy his character at ALL - in fact, I thought he was awful. But I still liked Ginny  - she was awesome - and thought she could do better than the whiney Boy who Lived and then had a random monster coming out of his chest when he’d never noticed Ginny as a female before. I accidentally stumbled upon a Draco/Ginny fic and I liked how the author wrote a sarcastic and rude Draco who was soft only for her. And she told him off when he was being a prat. And it was lovely. And then I joined a community and met more people who thought like me - and loved that it was a romeo/juliet type thing with their backgrounds and sides being opposed but their hearts wanted what their hearts wanted… or sometimes didn’t want. I read more angst back then than I do now. lol. So I shipped something I knew would never come to be - because the content creator said so. That’s fine - but I can tell you that I’ve read far more Draco/Ginny fics than I have ever read the actual books. The fics eclipsed the content for me. It was a nice starting point for something better in my mind.
And the fact that characters don’t interact much adds to the fun sometimes in fanfiction. You can explore “what if” moments - or you can develop characterizations that exist outside the narrow window of canon. A lot of the people on my list actually DO interact a lot - but they weren’t endgame.
Even in my Veronica Mars OTP - the characters barely interact and they aren’t the focus of the show so they don’t have a lot of screentime… but they could have had a lot in common (with the Cassidy connection or the Madison/switched birth connection) - so I enjoy reading fics where that is explored. Sure, I like reading Logan and Veronica… but what about those moments when she was dating Piz or Leo - by your logic, it would be silly to read any LoVe fics during those times too. 
ALSO - what about in content that the main pairing isn’t together YET? Like Jake and Amy from Brooklyn 99. They were just friends - and there were moments given to the viewer that maybe they’d be a thing… but also they could just be a crush too. Remember when Jake was dating Eva Longoria? I mean - if you wanted Jake and Amy together during that and you didn’t know there was Jake/Amy coming in future seasons… aren’t you being a non-canon shipper?
But honestly, I’m a HARD CORE Bughead fan and I’m SO SO SO happy they’re canon in my show. But for a lot of (75 years) of Archie Comics canon - there wasn’t definitive Bughead content. There were moments and they were sweet and lovely and awesome - but the ship still existed and people still loved them without comics devoted to them being together. If you were one of those people from 20 years ago who loved them, you would call yourself a non-canon shipper, because for most of the comics run, she was into Archie. Now that they’ve given us canon - it’s hard for me to ever wrap my head around why ANYONE would want her to be with her red-headed friend because it grosses me out - but I definitely stay in my lane and let them ship what they want (over there far away from me and hopefully not being obnoxious to the cast/writers/creators when they don’t get what they want in Riverdale canon).
So yeah - there are LOTS of reasons to ship a non-canon pairing. Really, what I feel your Ask was about was getting it out into the world that YOU don’t ship non-canon pairings. And that’s cool. I disagree - but I feel it’s great that we all can like what we like. 🤙🏻
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pwnyta · 6 years
Since all the She Ra characters got full body shots I thought Id give my opinions on them-
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I think the shorts are silly still and her tiara irritates me because the OG one was the only thing I like about the old She Ra... but w/e.
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Again with dumb shorts... I love the color pallet, the dull pink on the starry purple for her hair looks kinda weird but w/e. THE SHORTS LOOK DUMB THO.
Stupid damn shorts...
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I love it... I wish he didnt look like he was wearing like basic bitch jeans with his cute armor but I can deal with it. Overall excellent. 9/10
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AGAIN WITH THE WEIRD COLORED PANTS... But over all pretty great. That tomato red color looks gross with the burgundy pants tho. I prefer the tomato red shades though. Gotta get them furries lured in.
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The color pallet is great but everything else is garbage. Those shoes... bitch. Itd look so much better with a closed toe.
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I love every separate part of this outfit it just looks kinda weird all together. Not bad just... unusual... Also if I didnt know any better I would think her shtick was snow or water and I woulda thought that was a nice take on her element but its not. LMAO. Love the hair.
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BITCH THOSE SHOES. Everything else is stellar though. Lose the weird water shoes though wth Archie couldnt pull them off and neither can you!
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Excellent. Her dress is a little boring and I think they added the deeper pink to her top to try to make it look LESS boring but it doesnt. But a solid 9/10 anyways. That color pallet is gorgeous.
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This is my favorite design of them all its so adorable and fun. The colors, the messy overalls, the weird arm... things. Its just a stellar design.
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I love Zarya from Overwatch! The name is already a bit much but the costume... nail-head. But honestly I kinda like it.... It may or may not have to do with my bara soft spot so... SUE ME.
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I like it all except his face... GOD what does that face remind me off... I cant place it and its buggin the shit outta me. Like his cute little qipao thing he got goin on... open sides. Very sexy. THAT FACE THO. Its gonna irritate me.
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SICK AS FUCK. Dont like that pink though. Overall still one of the sickest designs.
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So uninspired and boring I may just fall asleep lookin at it. Netossa had a better snowy look than this kid.
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