#the Michigan/Ohio beef
the-sea-system · 2 years
So uh does it go both ways or na does Ohio hate us back or is Michigan just weird hating them lol
Like you cool we share culture but like everyone here hates Ohio and it's residents
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spark-glow · 1 year
Wisconsin 🤝 Michigan: FUCK ohio
literally drove over the michigan-ohio border once and immediately felt the air get 4 degrees cooler, presumably because the powers that be in that god forsaken state know of my kind and i am not welcome. fuck ohio all my homies HATE ohio.
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fixedglare-ii · 2 months
I think it’s supremely funny that hangman is from Texas and twisters takes place in Oklahoma like don’t these states absolutely hate each other???
Tyler and Jake are (distant) cousins and they absolutely hate each other because they both think either’s branch of the family betrayed each other by relocating to the other state and 💀💀💀 it’s sooo stupid bc for them to be fairly related the family can’t have moved a long time ago so imagine they go digging into their family’s history and (like this feud is the basis of their family it feels like it’s an ancient thing like in romeo and juliet level of family rivalry) but the two brothers who moved to different states and are great grandparents originally came from something random like wisconsin 💀💀💀 all that beef and they are from fucking ohio or michigan or whatever
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solradguy · 2 months
Ohio-Michigan beef is so funny our economies both mega turbo shat the bed with the collapse of the auto industry circa 2008. We're both rusty, snow-buried, states the rest of the country dunks on every chance they get, we've both got huge music cultures (mostly blues/jazz up in Michigan, mostly rock/metal in Ohio) with hilarious amounts of overlap. There was a war over an itty bitty strip of land that the US government had to step in to resolve like breaking up two siblings slapping each other. We've both had corrupt as HELL local governments. Literally why are we fighting. Indiana is right there
We each should send a representative to this intersection of our three states and have a flintlock pistol dual at sunset. Winner gets Toledo
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usa-manors-library · 2 months
Toledo: Prologue
Wattpad Link for your convenience!
"Pout, pout, pout," Rhode Island mused, retrieving the discarded pillow off of the room's green carpet-decorated floor, "...That seems to be all you want to do today, eh?"
The victim of Rhode Island's comments continued to— you'll never guess what— pout, face buried behind his hair and in his pillows.
Rhode fluffed the cushion thoughtfully, taking a seat on the edge of the sulky boy's bed. He glanced down at his younger brother, wondering how on earth he was saddled with the responsibility of comforting him on this brisk afternoon. It was December for crying out loud. Shouldn't the kid be frolicking in a winter wonderland? Eating ice off the ground? Chucking snow at everything, inanimate or not? Contracting hypothermia? Whatever it was, he knew damn well that there were better candidates than him for the job of convincing the boy.
Alas, it would be admitting defeat if he left to find one right now. Especially if the only other soul he could discover was New York. Ew. Disgusting. Repulsive. If Rhode had a thesaurus on hand, he'd keep going for the rest of the chapter's word count. I can't allow that. I'm not that desperate yet. Besides, it's 1816. The first official thesaurus wouldn't be published for another 36 years.
"...Michigan, you shan't be carrying on like this at the old age of eleven if I can help it," Rhode Island joked light-heartedly, "Look at you. Lying here like a sack of flour. You should have a wife and children by now, if you had a shred of respect for yourself."
Curiously, the territory peered up from his bedding, "...Where are yours, then?"
"I gambled away my dignity years ago in a game of—" Rhode Island paused, having a small flashback sequence to a series of Virginia's threats regarding stories she saw unfit to tell the younger siblings. Traumatizing, "...None of your business. Now. That does it. Get off of the damned bed."
Michigan plopped his head right back into the pillow cave he made for himself, "...No."
Shoot. That was a convincing argument.
Rhode Island started to drag the child off the bed. Unfortunately, little Michigan had a grip of steel to the frame. Which was very disheartening yet impressive for Rhode Island, who (like many of his siblings) couldn't help but notice Michigan's serious lack of right arm since the War of 1812. He had to give the kid credit, losing a limb didn't make him any weaker. Or less stubborn.
What the fresh hell had Georgia been feeding this kid...? He'll never know. It might be crack. Actually, he's met Kentucky. It's definitely crack.
Rhode Island stood, grumbling a few not-so-Virginia-approved words to himself before huffing and turning back to Michigan, "You're being an addle-plot."
A very muffled voice responded with a little; "Your mother's an addle-plot."
"And your father's a whore."
"We have the same father."
"Well, you see, that's funny because—" Rhode Island raced over to the room's door and poked his head out, "OHIO!"
Listen, listen, listen. Calling someone in to take over the second he recognized their footsteps in the hallway wasn't quitting. No. He wasn't bested by a tween. It was calling in reinforcements. That's nothing to be ashamed of. He lasted about one minute and thirty-two seconds longer than he usually did, and he didn't think about smacking a child. He's a warrior. He's a leader. He's—
"Are you beefing with the 11-year-old again?"
He's moving out. He needs his own place. He doesn't need to get disrespected like this. How could they do this to him. It's not like he helped raise them or anything. It's not like he was the one to teach them certain rude hand gestures at the age of six. He knows he already has a spot in his state he could go to. It's a humble little mansion. He can move there permanently instead of using it exclusively for business. He can throw parties and not invite any of his siblings. He can—
Ohio whooshed past Rhode Island as the older continued plotting his escape to freedom. Taking Rhode Island's former seat on the edge of the bed, Ohio patted Michigan's back. Michigan responded by kicking his legs into the mattress.
"...You know you can't talk to him like that," The Buckeye State sighed, "He's little."
With that comment as a sharp slap of reality Rhode Island swerved around and squawked indignantly, "I—!"
Ohio blinked and glanced over his shoulder, "I don't believe I was talking to you."
A small, muffled giggle escaped from the pillows. This was just bleak. He was 0-4 right now. 
"I don't need this," The oldest grumbled, retrieving a book of his off of Michigan's small desk, "I have people to spite. Grudges to carry."
"Shelves to not reach?" Michigan's muffled voice suggested.
One day.
One. Day.
May the good Lord give him an abundance of patience, because if He gave him strength there would be lawsuits.
With Rhode Island gone, Michigan flopped from his stomach to his back and offered Ohio a nod, "Morning."
"Morning," Ohio greeted casually, "What's today's tragedy?"
Michigan lifted his head up ever so slightly, "Can't a territory around here act overdramatic and on the cusp of a devastation for fun...?"
Silence. The answer was definitely 'yes'— it's been done many times before by territories, states, and the country himself alike— but saying that wouldn't improve the situation at hand.
Michigan's head flopped back down, "I'm short."
"Devastating," Ohio deadpanned, wondering how he'd break it to his little brother that he was, in fact, a child, "What else?"
"No," Michigan rolled his eyes, "I'm shorter."
Ohio blinked, blank expression on his face. As of right now, Michigan was shorter than a lot of things. Not quite as short as South Carolina's attention span, but still, a lot of things. "...Than who?"
"Than ME."
"You're you. Who's this 'me'?"
"You're Ohio."
"Then who's you?"
"Me? I'm Michigan," Michigan offered a handshake, "Your favorite sibling. Nice to make your acquaintance—"
"That's not— No. Who's shorter?"
"I'm shorter."
"Than who?"
"Than me!"
"Who's taller?"
"You're you!"
Ohio took a deep breath, trying to channel his inner Virginia, "Territory of Michigan, I swear on the grave of New Jersey's hopes and dreams—"
Michigan wailed, quickly getting up to his feet. He grabbed Ohio by the left shoulder and shook him to the best of his ability, "Look at me! Just look at me!"
"Before— before you give me whiplash," Ohio managed to get out, somewhat playing along with Michigan as he pretended to be incapable of pushing back the shakes, "What- What am I looking at?"
"Brace yourself," Michigan released him and looked at him gravely, "Are you ready?"
Ohio nodded, attempting to smooth the wrinkles the territory's grip had left in his shirt, "As I'll ever be."
"I," Michigan solemnly confessed, "Have lost a whole ten miles."
Ohio paused. He glanced around on the room. He looked left. Right. Up. Down. And, if I may be so bold; all around.
"...Where'd you put them, then?" He joked lightly, pretending to check under one of the many pillows.
Michigan threw his left hand up, nearly hysterical, "This is a grave matter, Oheeo!"
"I woke up shorter! I am a VICTIM of ROBBERY!" The younger declared, slapping his thigh for emphasis on each over-pronounced word.
Ohio raised his eyebrows incredulously. Michigan looked perfectly healthy, with his room in perfect order. Nothing seemed out of place, except... "The only thing you're a victim of is that haircut."
Don't judge him. It was his brotherly duty to bully the child. He was doing his job as an upstanding American citizen. All in a day's work.
Michigan guffawed indignantly, trying not to be obvious as he glanced in the mirror beside Ohio. Smoothing down his unkempt mess of waves and curls nonchalantly, the territory resumed his sulking, "Don't you realize what this means for me?"
"You need to hire a new barber?"
"YoU nEeD tO hIrE a NeW bArbEr?" Michigan mocked, scrunching his nose, "Shove over a couple of steps, I need to fling myself dramatically onto my bed again."
Ohio obliged, letting Michigan partake in his moment. A mere handful of seconds passed before Michigan scrambled off of the bed in a hasty movement.
"I didn't like that one," The younger one said quite decidedly, storming past Ohio, "Let me try that again!"
Ohio shrugged, remaining in his spot as Michigan backed up to the door of his room to get a running start this time. Bolting with the grace and agility of a diseased yet well-meaning gazelle, Michigan flopped back onto his bed. Ohio made a mental note to ask where his father got the set of furniture for this room over dinner. Obviously, it was high-quality and sturdy if it survived the little Mitten this long.
Michigan, after surveying how many pillows the force of his landing knocked off, deemed the fall acceptable. He knew his theatrics well, given his familial connections. I cannot conjure up a single name in this family who isn't some variation of a theatric mess. That could be the curse of personifications. Or humans. Or any of the subjects of my writing, for that matter.
Oh no.
I may be the problem.
"O.H.," The child continued, ignoring whichever sister echoed 'I.O.' in the hallway as she passed, "You don't seem a quarter as invested in this as I imagined you'd be."
Ohio shrugged, "You seem far more invested than I imagined you'd be. Weren't you in the room when everyone was talking about this?"
"So we are in another war?"
The state stared at the wide-eyed, disheveled territory. He'll take that as a 'no.' To the misfortune of Michigan's vocal cords, Ohio wasn't able to correct him before the kid screamed into his mattress with the force of a thousand dying seals.
"I knew it!" Michigan groaned, "Oh, Canada! It hasn't even been two years since the last one!"
"That's not—"
"Pack your bags, we're going north," The child grumbled, trudging over to his wardrobe and throwing it open with gusto. He took random articles of clothing, piling them up on the floor, "We're going to kidnap him this time. Perhaps our hands will slip and he'll lose an arm. Maybe both. A leg, perchance. Who knows? I'm can be clumsy—"
Choosing to ignore how concerning that thinly veiled threat was, Ohio grabbed the bunched up mess of clothes from Michigan's hands before he can put them in his growing pile, "We're not at war, Mitten."
"Don't call me that, it's undignified."
"Apologies, Mr. Mitten."
"Thank you. However, it's Mr. Dr. Rev. Mitten to you."
"Right, Mr. Dr. Rev.— Since when were you ordained?"
Michigan stared at him blankly.
"...No matter," Ohio decided to pick and choose his battles today, "As you know, Indiana became a state rather recently."
"Rather off topic, but good for her. I'm very proud," Michigan feigned a sniffle, "They grow up so fast... I hope she remembers to write me every couple of month..."
"...She was given a smidge of your land on her way out—"
──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────
"I imagined I was getting KIDNAPPED!" Michigan screeched, slamming his hands on the table, "Again!"
Massachusetts patted the kid, who couldn't quite pinpoint if he was shaking from relief or the fear he finally processed from this morning, on the back. He had no idea what was going on, but, to put it bluntly; the small homeboy looked traumatized.
With a slight hint of sympathy, Indiana apologetically patted the territory on the head, "My sincerest apologies, Mr. Dr. Rev. Mitten."
Michigan shot a deadpan stare at Ohio for half a second. Ohio pretended to not notice it, staring off into the existential void. AKA the window that overlooked the backyard. AKA the joys of the great outdoors. AKA Florida— who was the only adult among the outside crowd and shouldn't technically be condoning that kind of behavior— dangling from a tree while 15-year-old Louisiana was preparing the hit him with a sizable branch as 7-year-old Illinois held 4-year-old Missouri's hand and watched. AKA another unavoidable doctor's bill to America, from his feral offspring, with love. Love, and a little spite. Deserved or undeserved, who knows?
"Ten miles isn't quite much," Indiana continued, ignoring the very loud *THWACK* followed by a Floridian with way too much confidence in the resilience of the human body insisting 'AGAIN!' from outside, "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to reclaim—"
"The land? The land...?" The territory scoffed, "Are you kidding me? I'm happy it turned out to be you. Keep it. I don't care, I haven't the slightest need for it. Happy statehood. But Indie, I had so many revenge plans! Tomfooleries! Shenanigans! Now I can't execute them against the British! My justification is out to sea...!"
Michigan buried his face in his hands, entirely devastated. It was a bit of a shoddy excuse— he will most definitely try to carry out his schemes anyway—, yet he refused to be thought of as a coward. Especially in front of the older siblings. Ew. Yuck. Disgusting. Blegh.
Cowardliness is reserved for the weak. The weak, and when his father gets home from work. In which Michigan will be clinging to him like a stubborn koala and claiming he had something in his eyes. America wouldn't believe him, primarily after getting the day's synopsis from Ohio, but he would make a comment about allergy season and pretend he did nonetheless.
"Michigan," Massachusetts gently reassured, "Connecticut still exists. You still have people to torment. And for good cause."
Michigan sniffled, "...What cause?"
"He exists," The eldest brother tilted his head, "And that's very, very sad."
Michigan slowly took his face from his hands, meeting Massachusetts's genuine, earnest expression.
"...Very well," The territory sighed heavily, shoving his chair back, "I'm going to go bury his shoes in the snow out back. If I'm not back by sunset, assume I moved a single garden pebble and New Jersey is preserving my remains to fertilize the plants come spring."
Indiana's eyebrows climbed up, "Just like that?"
"Consider the matter forgiven," Michigan shrugged as he stood, doing his best to sound like an adult. A Virginia impression, to be exact. It was thoroughly believed among her younger siblings— for better or worse— that she feared nothing on this piddly mortal plane of existence.
As if he were going off to work a regular nine to five, the child sauntered to the doorway of the almost vacant dining room. Looking back at the small assembly, his facade wavered as he pouted— Er. Made an expression that conveyed a serious complaint. "Not forgotten, though. Next person to move my borders without telling me is experiencing bodily harm."
Amused, Ohio watched as his little buddy went off to cause havoc and turmoil.
The issue of Michigan's land was solved, and will never come up again.
Yep. No reason to continue following this novel. I told you it was short. That's it. Nothing else happens. 
Click off of this story. Go read some of NewLostIslands's instead. Shoo, now, shoo.
You can go. The show's over. Thank you for your time and— Why is this chapter titled 'Prologue'?
Oh, Heckerberry Finn. I have to commit now, don't I?
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questionable-chnt-hc · 5 months
The reason everyone has beef with Joshua is because she's from Michigan
-A Michigander who has beef with ohio
It’s not one of the O states so everything is more or less normal over there
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doueverwonder · 2 months
whats your headcanon for wtt indiana :o
i know nothing about your guys but im genuinely interested lmao
:O thank u for asking
(if u were curious this is the guy who does the skits)
Obvious one out of the way first, he is autistic, NASCAR is his special interest, sorry.
Like he has drivers stats memorized, will unprompted tell you every single difference between a late model, super late model, and pro late model stock car, has shelves of those collectable toy cars, the only time you can hear him get actually angry is when arguing with Florida and Alabama about Daytona vs Talladega vs Indy.
Ends up in the middle of fights a lot, like he is the only reason Ohio & Michigan and Illinois & Wisconsin haven't murdered each other in cold blood yet.
While I do think for most of his existence he was a farmer since the 1970's whenever he had a job outside of state things it was probably working in steel mills. Indiana has been the top producer since 1977, and even now is responsible for a 4th of all steel productions in the US.
one of the WORST people when it comes to telling people they need to talk about their emotions but won't talk about his.
vague sibling bonds with Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin going back to Illinois Country/Upper Louisiana then Northwest Territory.
(^ not saying they all feel that way about it but Indy does)
Chicago Cubs fan but would die before admitting it, still has beef with Maryland over the Colts, still convinced IU is going to be number one in basketball again someday.
Religion wise he is definitely Christian, probably Independent Baptist.
Outside of his region I think he gets along pretty well with most of the south, and then northwest (?) so like Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, maybe Utah.
I do however think he is kinda wary around the 13 going all the way back to the French-Indian war, when he was French territory that was given to Britain along with Canada. It hasn't really been a problem for awhile but it does come up occasionally.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 7.13
Ann Hutchinson Memorial Day
Atomic Bomb Test Day
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
Bastille Eve (France)
Be A Geek For A Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Bottled Beer Day
Childhood Memories Day
Embrace Your Geekness Day
Festival of Inner Worlds
Festival of the Three Cows (Border of France & Basque Spain)
Fool's Paradise Day
GIST Awareness Day
Go Wakeboarding Day
Go West Day
Gruntled Workers Day
Guinea Fowl Day (French Republic)
International Day of ADHD Awareness
International Day of Sarcoma
International Day of the Conductor
International Growth Hacking Day
International Puzzle Day
International Rock Day
International Rock ’N’ Roll Day
Job Satisfaction Day
Kashmir Martyrs’ Day (Pakistan)
La Retraite Aux Flambeaux (Night Watch; France)
Martyrs’’ Day (Kashmir)
Montenegrin Peoples Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
Naadam, Day 3 (Mongolia)
Nathan Bedford Forrest Day (Tennessee)
National Day (French West Indies; Tahiti)
National Delaware Day
National Geekness Day
National Paul Day
National Sam Day
National Security Committee Day (Kazakhstan)
Puzzle Day
Sandra Bland Day (Texas)
713 Day
Swiftie Day
Uniwaine Day (Elderly Men Day; Kiribati)
World Aquatics Day
World Cup Day
World Naked Photography Day
World Rock Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beans 'n' Franks Day
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Day
National Beef Tallow Day
National French Fries Day (a.k.a. National French Fry Day)
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day
Independence & Related Days
Alabama (Readmitted to the Union; 1868)
Statehood Day (Montenegro)
Usi (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Wilkland (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
2nd Saturday in July
Bald In / Bald Out Day [2nd Saturday]
Blissfest begins (Michigan) [2nd Saturday]
Bon Odori (Festival of the Lanterns; Japan) [2nd Saturday]
Carver Day (Missouri) [2nd Saturday]
Grange Day [2nd Saturday]
International Brick & Rolling Pin Throwing Contest (Stroud; Australia, Canada, UK, US) [2nd Saturday]
International Skinny Dip Day [2nd Saturday]
Lindenfest begins (Rhineland, Germany) [2nd Saturday]
The Mooning of the Amtrak (Laguna Niguel, California) [2nd Saturday]
Stone House Day (New York) [2nd Saturday]
World Rum Day [2nd Saturday]
World Skydiving Day [2nd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 13 (2nd Week of July)
Bohemian Club Rites (California) [2nd Saturday]
Jūras Svētki Sākas (Sea Festival; Riga, Latvia) [Every 5 Years]
Festivals Beginning July 13, 2024
Aarhus Jazz Festival (Aarhus, Denmark) [thru 7.20]
Arts & Wine Festival (Los Altos, California) [thru 7.14]
Bierbörse Festival (Rapid City, South Dakota)
Blueberry Festival (Media, Pennsylvania)
Blueberry Festival & Market To Go (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) [thru 7.14]
Blues & Brews (Mount Hope Estate & Winery, Pennsylvania)
Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival (Breckenridge, Colorado)
Castle Rock WineFest (Castle Rock, Colorado)
Food Truck Festival (St. Paul, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
Frankfort Bluegrass Festival (Frankfort, Illinois) [thru 7.14]
Horse & Hound Wine Festival (Bedford, Virginia)
Keep NH Brewing Festival (Concord, New Hampshire)
Keystone Wine & Jazz Festival (Keystone, Colorado) [thru 7.14]
Laramie Brewfest (Laramie, Wyoming)
Maine Potato Blossom Festival (Fort Fairfield, Maine) [thru 7.21]
Mango Festival (Coral Gables, Florida) [thru 7.14]
MangoMania (Bokeelia, Florida)
McDade Watermelon Festival (McDade, Texas)
Middle Eastern Festival (West St. Paul, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
North Atlantic Blues Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 7.14]
Parker County Peach Festival (Weatherford, Texas)
Pendleton Whisky Music Fest (Pendleton, Oregon)
Raspberries & Wine Festival (Chisago City, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
Ridgeway Cantalope Festival (Ridgeway, North Carolina)
Saint Benedict Festival (St. Benedict, Oregon)
Slice of Chico (Chico, California)
Solo Batik Carnival (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Strawberry Festival (Billings, Montana)
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Festival (Parma, Ohio)
Sweet Corn Extravaganza (Willcox, Arizona) [thru 8.11]
Taste of Buffalo (Buffalo, New York) [thru 7.14]
Tequila & Taco Festival (Ventura, California) [thru 7.14]
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint & Martyr)
Abel of Tacla Haimonot (Coptic Church)
Anacletus (Christian; Martyr)
Asarnha Bucha Day (Theravada Buddhism)
Bhanu Jayanti (Sikkim, India)
Blanche of Castile (Positivist; Saint)
Boun Khao Phansa begins (Buddhist Lent)
Clelia Barbieri (Christian; Saint)
Conrad Weiser (Episcopal Church (USA))
Day of Osiris (Everyday Wicca)
Eugenius of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Kalimát (Words; Baha’i)
Francis Solano (Christian; Saint)
Geek Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (a.k.a. Henry the Emperor; Christian; Saint)
Jane Hamilton (Writerism)
Joel the Prophet (Christian; Saint)
Macarena Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Marcia Brown (Artology)
Maura and Brigid (Christian; Saints)
Millennial Fairy Olympics, Day 8 (Shamanism)
Mordecai Ardon (Artology)
Mildred (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Mildrith of Thanet (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Screech (Muppetism)
Obon (a.k.a. Ulanbana, Festival of the Lanterns; Buddhist, Shinto)
Ronald Bladen (Artology)
Rosa Mystica (Christian; Saint)
Silas (Catholic Church; Saint)
Solstitium IX (Pagan)
Spot the Loony Day (Pastafarian)
Svein Ellingsen (Artology)
Teresa of the Andes (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Rowlandson (Artology)
Turiaf (a.k.a. Turiave or Thivisiau; Christian; Saint)
Wenceslaus Hollar (Artology)
Wole Soyinka (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 13 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [13 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [14 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Breaking Away (Film; 1979)
Bully Beef (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Californy’er Bust (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Country Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Dedicated To the One I Love, by The Shirelles (Song; 1959)
Don’t Be Cruel/Hound Dog, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1956)
Eight Men Out: The Black Sox and the 1919 World Series, by Eliot Asinof (Sports Book; 1963)
Eighth Grade (Film; 2018)
The Frisco Kid (Film; 1979)
Generation Kill (TV Series; 2008)
Ghost (Film; 1990)
A Hard Day’s Night, by The Beatles (US Album; 1964)
Hollywoodland sign (Dedicated; 1923)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (Animated Film; 2012)
Inception (Film; 2010)
In My Gondola (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1936)
The Last Starfighter (Film; 1984)
Legally Blonde (Film; 2001)
Live Aid (Live Charity Concert, Wembley Stadium, London, UK; 1985)
Microbe Hunters, by Paul de Kruif (Science Book; 1926)
Midaq Alley, by Naguib Mahfouz (Novel; 1947)
The Muppets Take Manhattan (Film; 1984)
My Lady’s Garden (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, by Ambrose Bierce (Short Story; 1890)
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, by Bob Dylan (Soundtrack Album; 1973)
Pedro and Lorenzo (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1956)
Pilgrim Popeye (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1951)
Queen, by Queen (Album; 1973)
Rock Odyssey (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1987)
Skyscraper (Film; 2018)
The Spy Who Loved Me (James Bond Film; 1977) [#10]
The Stone Age (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
Tehanu, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1990) [Earthsea #4]
Where the Money Goes (Money Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rocks; 1995)
Yukon Have It (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1959)
Today’s Name Days
Anno, Heinrich, Kunigunde (Austria)
Emanuel, Ferdinand, Henrik (Croatia)
Markéta (Czech Republic)
Margrethe (Denmark)
Greta, Grete, Kreet, Kreeta, Mare, Maret, Mareta, Margareeta, Marge, Margit, Marit, Marita, Meeta, Reeda, Reet (Estonia)
Ilari, Joel, Lari (Finland)
Enzo, Eugène, Henri, Joël (France)
Heinrich, Kunigunde (Germany)
Iliofotos, Sarah (Greece)
Jenő (Hungary)
Enrico (Italy)
Alda, Margarita, Margrieta, Mariska, Pērle (Latvia)
Anakletas, Arvilas, Arvilė, Henrikas (Lithuania)
Melissa, Mia, Mildrid (Norway)
Ernest, Ernestyn, Eugeniusz, Irwin, Jakub, Justyna, Małgorzata, Radomiła (Poland)
Margita (Slovakia)
Enrique, Joel (Spain)
Joel, Judit (Sweden)
Ezra, Joel, Joelle, Mildred, Natalia, Natalie, Natasha, Nathalie, Nathan, Nathanael, Nathania, Nathaniel, Tasha (USA)
Henri, Nathalie, Nathaly (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 195 of 2024; 171 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 28 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 8 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 6 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 15 Red; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 30 June 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 26 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Blanche of Castile]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 24 of 94)
Week: 3rd Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 23 of 31)
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rafesapologist · 8 months
as someone from michigan, you’re the only ohio person i guess i will tolerate (i love your works please never stop writing every time you update i literally squeal)
omg thank you love!! we can set aside the michigan vs ohio beef and be besties anyways. love you queen <3
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edwardallenpoe · 5 months
also with these discussions comes discussions about AAVE and such, and it's such an interesting topic that I'm glad is being talked about but it annoys me to no end that it's trending NOW and being talked about NOW because white allies finally decided to put on their ally caps and discuss it, because it's only worth discussing when white people do it.
We been talking about this for EVERRR. like. Forever-ever. Blaccent, Code-switching, discrimination, music, whatever. It's only worth discussing when two black rappers are making a fool of themselves with their silly beef and white people deciding to have an intellectual debate and discussions about it.
Anways. AAVE is such an integral part of black existence and community, actually. I grew up with my father code-switching and my aunties and granny teaching me different words. And also growing up learning Michigan AAVE is different than Ohio or Georgia or California AAVE. Because there are regional dialects. Growing up learning to not talk like that because my white family don't know how to be normal about minorities. Growing up seeing my cousin's being demonized for their "ghetto" and "hood", accents but Awkwafina making a whole career from basterdizing our culture, much like Elvis before her. I'm not a professional or anything, I didn't study it, but I do live it.
Idk, it just. Is interesting. I've also decided I'm gonna stop code switching for Tumblr. Y'all don't deserve my customer service voice. Y'all think Hamilton counts as rap.
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rivertigo · 1 year
the Michigan vs Ohio beef is so stupid like last time I checked Kiss didn’t name one of their most famous songs Cleveland Rock City… just saying I think the winner here is obvious
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awkwardpariah · 2 years
It feels like its starting to sink in with more people on the left and even among a few centrists that the Republicans aren’t joking and have every intention of launching another civil war. What worries me is that almost nobody seems to appreciate just what that means. Many people on here seem convinced that the worst thing that can happen is that liberals/leftists abandon the Red States, or rather the persecuted peoples living within those states, to their fate. Others have a downright infantile attitude, and think the war will be won relatively quickly (this is unfortunately a pretty common belief among conservatives and liberals). Lets make two things abundantly clear right now: 1.) The Blue States aren’t going to abandon oppressed people in the Red States/allow the Red States to secede and the reason is:
2.) Secession, or even widespread violent insurrection within the Red States would have disastrous consequences for global supply chains, and people nowhere near the fighting would die as a result if we did nothing. 
In a highly interconnected global economy, hardly anybody is capable of being self sufficient at the drop of a hat, and that’s true within the borders of the United States. Most of our cereals and livestock feed is grown in Iowa. Most of our oil and gas is refined in Louisiana and Texas, and a lot of it is sourced from North Dakota. Most of our produce is grown in California, our dairy comes mainly from California, Wisconsin, and New York, and most of our Beef comes from Canada but is fed using Iowa grain.
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So, what happens when war breaks out and the most complex supply chain on the planet gets interrupted? People die everywhere by the score. Let’s say we get lucky, and the garrison at Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood), manages to secure at least everything south of I-10 and the Marines land and retake New Orleans in the opening months of the war... they’re not gonna be able to secure the oil and gas supplies from East Texas and North Dakota. Even if we get alternate supplies from the Persian Gulf or by reactivating every well in the Gulf of Mexico and California, there will be severe shortages just in time for winter. The worst cases will be in contested territory, where neither side has reliable supply lines (most likely the Midwest). People facing a Midwestern polar vortex with no heating fuel will freeze to death in their own homes, burning garbage just to stay alive. Untold millions will try and flee, either to one of the loyalist zones or into Canada. Its worth mentioning that Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania have a combined population of  65.9 million people and Canada has a population of 38.3 million. Ontario on its own has only 14.6 million. During the worst days of the Syrian civil war, about half of the population was displaced. Ottawa would have no way of managing even 10% of the Midwest flooding into their largest province. The government would collapse, and that’s assuming its not already overburdened from a white nationalist rebellion in the western provinces. In New York and Eastern Pennsylvania, the population will be barely holding together as it is before having to deal with tens of millions of refugees. So they’d have no choice but to fight. But even willing to fight, armies don’t advance purely save civilians, especially when facing supply shortages. Now, the Red States will be facing their own supply shortages, but they have plenty of refineries in Oklahoma to fuel trucks and trains to take people to the concentration camps they’ll open about 5 minutes after declaring rebellion/independence. They’ll round up everyone who isn’t a White Christian, yes even the collaborators. The rest of the world will watch this in real time thanks to phone cameras and be powerless to do much about it for however long it takes to restructure the economy and supply the military for an advance into the South and Midwest.  This war will last years. The bad guys will lose because the Blue States have the ports and (you better vote to make sure this stays true) the loyalty of the military. But, that victory will come at great cost. The last two civil conflicts (the Revolution and the Civil War) killed between 2-3% of the population. That would be between ~7-10 million people, and there’s no reason this war wouldn’t come in that range, especially with the Red States executing their own holocaust and people freezing to death or starving due to supply chain interruptions. And that’s just in the US. Around the world, many countries will be facing their own food shortages and famines from the interruption in grain and livestock feed being exported out of the US (America is the number one exporter of Wheat post-Ukraine war, and the number two exporter of animal feed or around 8.9% of global supply).  The Republicans are going to get tens of millions of people killed in and out of America, probably over losing another election. Countless millions will be left to cope with PTSD, battlefield injuries, and respiratory diseases (they come with every war) for the rest of their lives. There will be nowhere to run, and we’ll all have to stand together to end that nightmare as soon as humanly possible.
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brookston · 18 hours
Holidays 9.27
Ancestor Appreciation Day (a.k.a. Honor Your Ancestors Day)
Answering Machine Day
Arbor Day (US Virgin Islands)
Banana Slug Day
Battle of Boquerón Day (Paraguay)
Bloodstone Day
Book Matches Day
Castor 927 Day
Crush A Can Day
Dave Matthews Band Day
Day of Preschool Employees (Russia)
Doris Day Day (Cincinnati, Ohio)
European Myeloma Day
1stLinePit Pitch Day
French Community Day (Belgium)
Fun and Fancy Free Day
Google Commemoration Day
International SEO Day
Julien Alfred Day (Saint Lucia)
Lendemain du Magal de Touba (Sénégal)
Manit Day (Culture Day; Marshall Islands)
Memorial Day (Azerbaijan)
Morning Show Hosts Day
National AJ Day
National Boccia Day (UK)
National Butt Plug Day
National Day of Forgiveness
National Doodle Day
National First Responder Appreciation Day
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Mustache Day
National 911 Telecommunications Suicide Awareness Day
National No Excuses Day
National Prescription Take-Back Day
National Scarf Day
National Youth Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
NICU Giving Day
Oski the Bear Day (Berkeley)
Polish Underground State’s Day (Poland)
Post and Telecommunications Service Day (Indonesia)
Shut Up and Let Somebody Else Talk Day
Venom Day
World Freight Train Day
World Pet Day
World Tourism Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Milk Day
National Corned Beef Hash Day
National Cats Curry Day (UK)
Saloon Day
Tabasco Sauce Day
Independence & Related Days
Consumación de la Independencia (End of Independence War; Mexico)
Elleore (Declared; 1944) [unrecognized]
Glebiania (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Consummated, 1821)
Turkmenistan (from USSR, 1991)
Zekia (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
4th & Last Friday in September
Ask a Stupid Question Day [Last Weekday]
Butterbrot Day (Germany) [Last Friday]
Comfort Food Friday [Every Friday]
Field Trip Friday [Last Friday of Each Month]
Finally Friday [Last Friday of Each Month]
Five For Friday [Every Friday]
Flapjack Friday [4th Friday of Each Month]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Flatbread Friday [Last Friday of Each Month]
Flirtatious Friday [4th Friday of Each Month]
Friday Finds [Every Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
FSC Friday [Last Friday]
Go Gold Day [Last Friday]
Hug A Vegetarian Day [Last Friday]
Love Note Day [4th Friday]
Make Way Day [Last Friday]
Michigan Indian Day (Michigan) [4th Friday]
National BRAVE Day [4th Friday]
National Good Hair Day (Australia) [4th Friday]
National Hug Your Boss Day [4th Friday; also 9.13]
Native American Day (California) [4th Friday]
Save the Koala Day [Last Friday]
Sport Purple For Platelets Day [Last Friday]
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) [Every Friday]
Vegan Baking Day [Last Friday]
World's Biggest Coffee Morning (UK) [Last Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 27 (4th Full Week of September)
National Drive Electric Week [f.k.a. National Plug-In Week] (thru 20.6)
Festivals Beginning September 27, 2024
Anderson County Burgoo Festival (Lawrenceburg, Kentucky) [thru 9.29]
Apple Festival (Gays Mills, Wisconsin) [thru 9.29]
Beach n' Chili Fest: ICS World's Championsihp Chili Cookoff (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) [thru 9.29]
Cannstatter Volksfest (Stuttgart, Germany) [thru 10.13]
Chester County BBQ Festival (Henderson, Tennessee) [thru 9.28]
Chicago Gourmet Hamburger Hop (Chicago, Illinois)
Chilhowie Community Apple Festival (Chilhowie, Virginia) [thru 9.29]
Coca-Cola Days (Atlantic, Iowa) [thru 9.28]
Downtown Chandler Oktoberfest (Chandler, Arizona) [thru 9.28]
Downtown Ithaca Apple Harvest Festival (Ithaca, New York) [thru 9.29]
Galway International Oyster & Seafood Festival (Galway, Ireland) [thru 9.29]
Georgia State Fair (Metro Atlanta, Hampton, Georgia) [thru 10.6]
Harvest Festival & Parade (Arroyo Grande, California) [thru 9.28]
Harvest Festival & Street Fair (Emmett, Idaho) [thru 9.28]
Honeybee Festival (Paris, Illinois) [thru 9.29]
International Sandsculpting Championship (Virginia Beach, Virginia) [thru 10.6]
Irmo Okra Strut Festival (Irmo, South Carolina) [thru 9.28]
Joy of Jazz (Johannesburg, South Africa) [thru 9.28]
Las Vegas Greek Food Festival (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 9.29]
Marino Grape Festival (Marino, Italy) [thru 10.7]
Marion County Country Ham Days (Lebanon, Kentucky) [thru 9.29]
Mississippi Pecan Festival (New Augusta, Mississippi) [thru 9.29]
Monterey Jazz Festival begins (California) [Last Friday thru Sunday]
Morgan County Sorghum Festival (West Liberty, Kentucky) [thru 9.29]
New Mexico Prickly Pear Festival (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 9.28]
New York Film Festival (New York, New York) [thru 10.14]
Oktoberfest (Waterloo, Iowa) [thru 9.29]
Oktoberfest (Yachats, Oregon) [thru 9.29]
Oktoberfest Chicago (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 9.29]
Oktoberfest in Canada (Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada) [thru 10.19]
Pumpkinfest (South Lyon, Michigan) [thru 9.29]
River Falls Bacon Bash (River Falls, Wisconsin) [thru 9.29]
Saint Charles Oktoberfest (Saint Charles, Missouri) [thru 9.29]
Sisters Folk Festival (Sisters, Oregon) [thru 9.29]
State Fair of Virginia (Doswell, Virginia) [thru 10.6]
Texas Rice Festival BBQ Cook-Off (Winnie, Texas) [thru 9.28]
Virginia Beach Neptune Festival, Boardwalk Weekend (Virginia Beach, Virginia) [thru 9.29]
Warrens Cranberry Festival (Warrens, Wisconsin) [thru 9.29]
WineFest (North East, Pennsylvania) [thru 9.29]
Feast Days
Adheritus (Christian; Saint)
Aequinoctium Autumnale I (Pagan)
Bernard Waber (Artology)
Birth and Rebirth Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Caius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Cosmas and Damian (Christian; Martyrs)
Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina, his wife (Christian; Saints)
Feast of Eileithyia (Minoan Midwife Goddess)
Feast of Mashiyyat (Baha’i)
Fergus Mac Roith (Celtic Book of Days)
Festival of Namakungwe (The Originator; Zambia)
Festival of Varuni (Goddess of Wine; India)
George Cruikshank (Artology)
Horacio Sandoval (Artology)
Hieronymus Bosch Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Insult a Narcissist Day (Pastafarian)
Irvine Walsh (Writerism)
Jack Goldstein (Artology)
Jim Shooter (Artology)
Jim Thompson (Writerism)
Meskel (Discovery of the True Cross; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Mookie (Muppetism)
Moon Hare Festival (Everyday Wicca)
Romano Scarpa (Artology)
Sesage (Positivist; Saint)
Sophie Crumb (Artology)
T.C. Cannon (Artology)
Thanksgiving Day for Disappearance of Kelp-Koli Again (Shamanism)
Thomas Nast (Artology)
Vincent de Paul (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Abominable (Animated Film; 2019)
The Affair, 16th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2011)
Bananaphone, by Raffi (Children’s Album; 1994)
A Bird in a Bonnet (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Bongo (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Boogie Woogie Man (Song Symphony Cartoon; 1943)
Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen (Autobiography; 2016)
Caballero Droopy (Droopy MGM Cartoon; 1952)
Chilly’s Hide-A-Way (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1971)
The Cleveland Show (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Animated Film; 2013)
Cracker (UK TV Series; 1993)
Dolly! (TV Series; 1976)
Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert (Music TV Series; 1973)
Don’t Stand So Close to Me, by the Police (Song; 1980)
Elementary (TV Series; 2012)
The Fever Code, by James Dashner (Novel; 2016) [Maze Runner #5]
Fun and Fancy Free (Animated Disney Film; 1947)
The Garden of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1931)
The Goal Rush (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1946)
Goodbye to Berlin, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1939)
The Harlem Globetrotters Meet Snow White (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie)
The Invisible Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1947)
The Journey of Natty Gann (Film; 1985)
The Karate Guard (Tom & Jerry WB Cartoon; 2005)
King of the Mardi Gras (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
The Last King of Scotland (Film; 2006)
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Novel; 1935)
Memphis Blues, by W.C. Handy (Song; 1912) [1st Blues Song]
Mickey and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Monster, by R.E.M. (Album; 1994)
Mumbo Jumbo (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
New Jersey, by Bon Jovi (Album; 1988)
Nightmare, recorded by Artie Shaw (Song; 1938)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Film; 1939)
Ran (Film; 1985)
Ringo's Rotogravure, by Ringo Starr (Album; 1976)
Rush (Film; 2013)
Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran (Poetry; 1926)
Secret Diary of a Call Girl (TV Series; 2007)
Silent Spring (Nature Book; 1962)
Sweet Home Alabama (Film; 2002)
Tepee for Two (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1963)
Thanks for the Memory, by Bob Hope (Song; 1938)
The Tonight Show (TV Talk Show; 1954)
2 Days in the Valley (Film; 1996)
Under the Table and Framing, by The Dave Matthews Band (Album; 1994)
The Village Barber (Ub Iwerks Flip the Frog MGM Cartoon; 1930)
We Didn’t Start the Fore, by Billy Joel (Song; 1989)
Wet Blanket Policy (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1948)
Today’s Name Days
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Austria)
Berislav, Gaj, Vincent, Vinko, Vinko (Croatia)
Jonáš (Czech Republic)
Cosmus (Denmark)
Elo, Loone, Õrne (Estonia)
Vesa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietrich, Hiltrud, Vinzenz (Germany)
Akylini, Epicharis, Kallistratos, Zenon, Zinon (Greece)
Adalbert (Hungary)
Cosma, Damiano, Vincenzo (Italy)
Ādolfs, Ilgonis, Ronalds (Latvia)
Adalbertas, Damijonas, Daugilė, Kęsgailė, Kovaldas (Lithuania)
Dagmar, Dagrun (Norway)
Amadeusz, Amedeusz, Damian, Kosma, Przedbor, Urban (Poland)
Antim (Romania)
Cyprián (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Dagmar, Rigmor (Sweden)
Cosima, Cosimo, Cosmo, Damian, Damiana, Damien, Damion, Damon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 271 of 2024; 95 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 39 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 25 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 24 Elul 5784
Islamic: 23 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 1 Orange; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 14 September 2024
Moon: 22%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 19 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Miss Edgeworth]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 6 of 90)
Week: 4th Full Week of September
Zodiac: Libra (Day 5 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Orange (Month 10 of 12; J Calendar)
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nobuouematsu · 11 months
maybe this is a weird Me thing but does anyone else consider the state next to theirs like, their Brother. like you get them. but it's only certain states. like for example im from ohio and i consider ppl from Michigan (even w all the beef we have...) and West Virginia as like, Oh i understand where you're from and id consider you a sibling in terms of state culture. like you get it. but not indiana or kentucky. indiana is too chicagoized and kentucky is apart of the south so it doesnt have the same midwestern flair as michigan or similar appalachian culture like WV (it's more similar to Tennessee). also with pennsylvania UNLESS it's pittsburgh. same when i lived in vermont. ppl from New Hampshire i Get. but not people from new york or Connecticut or Massachusetts. am i making sense or is this just all gobbledygook
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Almost 60,000 Pounds of Ground Beef Products Recalled Over E. Coli Concerns
The impacted hamburger was delivered to suppliers in Georgia, Michigan and Ohio. Hamburger is an essential active ingredient for easy suppers. Prior to making any hamburger disheshowever, understand this recall. On September 15, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) revealed a recall of 58,281 pounds of hamburger items. The recall is because of E. coli issues at Green Bay Dressed Beef, a…
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qudachuk · 1 year
Traces of E. coli found in raw beef produced in Wisconsin and shipped to Georgia, Michigan and Ohio
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