#the E-plus Managing Director
torchlitinthedesert · 2 months
Kenneth Tynan and the Beatles
Shout out to @mmgth for noticing Beatle mentions in the letters of Kenneth Tynan - including working with John Lennon, Paul's 1960s reputation, and glimpses of the breakup. (Alas, no George or Ringo.)
Tynan was a drama critic and later worked with Laurence Olivier at Britain's National Theatre. Philip Norman calls him "the most rigorous cultural commentator of his age": he championed working class plays in the 1950s, supported progressive art (and was widely believed to be the first person to say "fuck" on British television). So he's an interesting perspective: well connected, arty, eager for cultural change, but from an older generation, and outside the immediate rock/pop world.
The first mention is 1966, when Tynan is already working at the National Theatre.
28 September 1966
Dear Mr McCartney,
Playing 'Eleanor Rigby' last night for about the 500th time, I decided to write and tell you how terribly sad I was to hear that you had decided not to do As You Like It for us. There are four or five tracks on 'Revolver' that are as memorable as any English songs of this century - and the maddening thing is that they are all in exactly the right mood for As You like It. Apart from 'E. Rigby' I am thinking particularly of 'For No One' and 'Here, There and Everywhere'. (Incidentally, 'Tomorrow Never Knows' is the best musical evocation of L.S.D. I have ever heard).
To come to the point: won't you reconsider? John Dexter [theatre director] doesn't know I'm writing this - it's pure impulse on the part of a fan. We don't need you as a gimmick because we don't need publicity: we need you simply because you are the best composer of that kind of song in England. If Purcell were alive, we would probably ask him, but it would be a close thing. Anyway, forgive me for being a pest, but do please think it over."
Paul replied that he couldn't do the music because, hilariously, "I don't really like words by Shakespeare" - he sat waiting for a "clear light" but nothing happened. He ended, "Maybe I could write the National Theatre Stomp sometime! Or the ballad of Larry O."
It's interesting that Tynan approaches Paul individually - because they had theatre connections in common? Or did Tynan assume that John wrote the words and Paul the music, so Paul's the guy to ask for settings of Shakespeare lyrics? (Though he does correctly identify Paul songs in his letter, plus the musical setting of Tomorrow Never Knows, so he might just be asking because he's a Paul girl. He also wants Paul to know that he's cool and hip and has done acid.)
Tynan definitely is a Paul girl. On 7 November that year, he pitched possible articles (I think for Playboy). He offers articles on the War Crimes Tribunal (set up by Bertrand Russell on the US in Vietnam), an interview with Marlene Dietrich, or:
"Interview with Paul McCartney - to me, by far the most interesting of the Beatles, and certainly the musical genius of the group."
It's a reminder of how drastically Paul's reputation changed, between cultural commentators of the 1960s and post-breakup.
Tynan didn't get his Paul interview, but he worked twice with John.
On 5 February 1968, he's sorting out practical details for the National Theatre's company manager about about the stage adapation of John's book In His Own Write (which had already had a preview performance in 1967). It's a very Beatle-y affair:
Victor Spinetti and John Lennon will need the services of George Martin, the Beatles A & R man to prepare a sound tape to accompany the Lennon play. Martin did this tape as a favour for the Sunday night production, but something more elaborate will be required when the show enters the rep, and I feel he should be approached on a professional basis as Sound Consultant, or some similar title. I have written to him to find out if he is ready to help and will let you know as soon as he replies.
...John Lennon says that as far as his own contract is concerned, we should deal directly with him at NEMS rather than his publisher.
So John prefers to work within the Beatle structure: George Martin, Victor Spinetti, plus NEMS, rather than pursuing closer ties with his book publisher.
On 16 April 1968, Tynan writes to John about his ideas for a wanking sketch.
Dear John L,
Welcome back. You know that idea of yours for my erotic revue - the masturbation contest? Could you possibly be bothered to jot it down on paper? I am trying to get the whole script in written form as soon as possible.
John's reply is very John:
"you know the idea, four fellows wanking - giving each other images - descriptions - it should be ad-libbed anyway - they should even really wank which would be great..."
Oh John.
Tynan still wanted to interview Paul - and was noticing changes in Beatle dynamics. On 3 September 1968, Tynan pitched another feature on Paul, this time for the New Yorker:
In addition to pieces on theatre, I'd love to try my hand at a profile (I remember long ago we vaguely discussed Paul McCartney though John Lennon is rather more accessible)...
Accessible because Tynan had already worked with him, or because John was already flexing his PR muscles? The New Yorker was interested, because Tynan follows up on 14 October 1968:
4. A few days in the life of Paul McCartney (which we agreed should come at the end of the series of articles, because of the current overexposure of the Beatles.)
Why does he see the Beatles as "overexposed" in autumn 1968, when he hadn't in 1966? Was it the Apple launch? The JohnandYoko press campaign? The cumulative impact of a lot of Beatle news?
Tynan was still trying on 17 September 1969:
...I'd like to go on to either Mr Pinter [playwright Harold Pinter] or Paul McCartney... I incline towards McCartney who has isolated himself more and more in the past from the other Beatles and indeed from the public: he seems to have reached an impasse that might be worth exploring. On the other hand Pinter is a much closer friend and would be more accessible to intimate scrutiny."
I'm fascinated by this - that Paul's isolation was visible to those outside the Beatles circle (the letter is dated three days before the meeting of 20 September 1969, where John said he wanted a divorce).
But Tynan was right about Paul being inaccessible. On 5 January 1970:
I'm saddened to have to tell you that Paul McCartney doesn't want to be written about at the moment - at least, not by me. I gather that for some time now the Beatles have been moving more and more in separate directions. Paul went to a recording session for a new single last Sunday which was apparently the first Beatles activity in which he'd engaged for nearly nine months. He doesn't know quite where his future lies, and above all he doesn't want to be under observation while he decides.
So while Paul "doesn't want to be under observation", he's surprisingly open about the breakup - less blunt than "the Beatle thing is over", which he told Life in November 1969, but still frank.
Trying to persuade Paul to open up to "intimate scrutiny" in 1969 does suggest another reason why 1970s interviewers adored John. Tynan works for an older, more established press, but he's offering the kind of profile John would make his own - discussing his inner life and personal/artistic conflicts with cultural commentator who respects him as an artist. And Paul can't run away fast enough. As a journalist, you'd absolutely go for the guy who makes himself accessible and is eager to bare his soul, over Mr Doesn't Want To Be Written About At The Moment.
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theworldoffostering · 1 month
I think I’m dying from the stress of
1. Having my husband back in school as a student
2. Dealing with the back to school season for our kids
Do y’all love back to school? I feel like most of the moms out there are so glad to send their kids back so they have a “break.” School is a HUGE stressor in our house, and I find it so much easier to have our kids at home rather than in school. I also dislike the driving schedule of having them all in school. It’s a lot. I have come to realize that I dread this season, but I haven’t yet figured out how to problem solve it so that it seems easier for my nervous system.
DH is teaching FT this year as a special education teacher for middle school. God bless him. I don’t think I could do it. However, he’s also back in school to get his teaching certification, and it’s the absolute worst. He’s a terrible student. So much ADHD and procrastinating going on. All of the materials for his summer class are due on Saturday and he still has a discussion to respond to and a major paper to write that was due more than a week ago. The teacher and parent in me is dying over the lack of timeliness. Plus, I’m taking on allll of the childcare and household responsibilities while he’s working.
His therapist said he’s super, super depressed and needs to see a new psych. However, DH hasn’t been able to get himself to fill out the paperwork so that he can see the new psych. It’s a never ending bottomless pit (or so it seems).
I am getting my own school things together plus all of the back to school supplies and events on our calendar. Sheesh. It’s so, so much.
The high school had four special ed teachers leave over the summer. I think they only have six or seven total. The elementary school OT just quit last week. Placement for H and E is totally up in the air. We still have next week off so I guess no one is in a hurry to manage any of it. I’ve called the director of special ed three times in the last 1.5 weeks and have yet to have a returned phone call from him.
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Episode 594 - Robert Pranzatelli
Author, publicist and partially involved narrator Robert Pranzatelli joins the show to celebrate his amazing new book, PILOBOLUS: A Story of Dance and Life (University Press of Florida). We talk about the origins of the legendary Pilobolus dance company, his transformational first experience seeing them in 1997, the workshops he took with them and the friendships they engendered, and the "itchy fingers" moment when he realized he had to write their history. We also get into Pilobolus' unique melding of improvisation and dance technique, the joyful challenge of describing their dance pieces on the page, the importance of capturing the time capsule of Pilobolus' '70s roots (and covering All The Affairs, along with the friendships and fallings-out), how Pilobolus was taken seriously by dance critics long after audiences flocked to them, the company's through-line in its 50+-year history and how they managed to continue the tradition of something that was based on overthrowing tradition. Plus we discuss Robert's history as a writer, how Metal Hurlant & Moebius blew his mind as a teen, how he became a book publicist at Yale University Press, his narrow-focus mode of reading, his greatest eBay score, why he got choked up while reading a text he sent Pilobolus' artistic directors after a performance, and more. More info at our site • Support The Virtual Memories Show via Patreon or Paypal and via our e-newsletter
Check out the new episode of The Virtual Memories Show
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
for the ask game thing, J, A, M, I, E, S, F, O, T, B, L, because i'm cheeky
You are darling
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Most things my god. Critical Role. The Magnus Archive. Riverdale. Welcome to Night Vale. Bridgerton. Six of Crows. The Owl House. I could go on.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Jamie Tartt / general happiness. If there is a person who kind of breathed on him nice one time, I want to hear about it. Jamie and the rest of the team I am particularly interested in, because while Ted Lasso as a whole is a good show, it did not often give us ensemble-hangs-out plotlines, and I love a good ensemble.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
MCU. After a while I got tired of seeing the characters I liked from the comics getting watered down, and it drove me crazy to see how much fandom liked the watered down versions.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
It's probably the cat thing, isn't it? Though I'm quite proud of my Richmond injury list
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I just posted a very long one about Jamie and Isaac, but the long and short of it is that they send each other selfies of their outfits for the day every morning.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
The first fandom I was in was Dragon Ball Z. As I am still ingesting fan content for it, I would say I am still in the fandom. So that's about 25 years.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
This was vaguely rigged because of how often I've been listening to my character playlists. The song that came on is 'Passing through a Screen Door' by The Wonder Years, Little Kruta. It's not only from my Jamie Tartt playlist, but some of the lyrics are chapter titles in one of my fics.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Answered the big one already, but for a minor stupid headcanon that I'll put up in a place of prominence: after Wembley, Higgins was informed of what happened. He was distraught for the role he unknowingly played. He delicately put word to security to let him know if any complaints were filed or needed to be filed to keep Jamie's dad off the premises. And when no complaints were filed...
...look, he's a middle manager at heart. He's used to doing what needs done without people telling him to do it or even knowing he took care of it. Unbeknownst to anyone outside of the Directors of Beboperations (plus a few favors called in),Jamie's dad is banned from a number of stadiums across the country (12 and counting).
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Richard and Jan Maas. They're asshole 4 asshole. I get it.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
For someone whose purpose is narrative villain, I find the character of Rupert interesting. He's charming, he's determined, he's relentless, he's socially gifted - all positive traits that double as flaws. You see why Rebecca fell for him as easily as you see why she loathes him.
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songofsilentechoes · 1 year
The child was outside his home and playing with his bunny plush, he knew Jack went to go and walk around a bit, he was a bigger boy and could do that, plus, he knew how to get home, unlike Lief. This was when he spotted his auntie and wave to her, looking as if he was expecting her. "Auntie! Auntie! I have this for you!" He'd say while getting up and pulling out a small stack of papers as well as a strange device... it looked like a mirror with a device attached to the backside of it. "M-My friend told me you needed this stuff!" He'd say while holding out the files to her. "I dunno what it say but it messy!"
Before here was the following:
Project Cyber Corps Initiative
Test Experiment Designation J
-WARNING! Unauthorized Access is liable for termination of the reader, clearance level required [Head Director]. All who continue viewing of documentation past this warning [Blood splatter covers the rest of the warning.]
  Experiment Designation J Real Name: Unknown Age: 6 Gender: Male Nationality: Noxian [SN: Possible Outcast/Reject] Compatibility with Nanomachines: Absurdly High
Director Notes:
Honestly, ever since that strange man showed up, I’ve been waiting for the perfect subject to come along so I could finally fulfill my ambitions. Experiment Designation J has been an excellent soldier with the virtual field testing, an efficiency rating of 97%. Cold blooded, ruthless, good at stealth ops, and has even managed to complete Mission Gamma, reported to be the most difficult there is! Granted, he was critically wounded, but able to return to base before passing out was phenomenal! It is unfortunate that Doctor Moxanne wishes to trivialize all this work by trying to bond with J. I refuse to acknowledge such ridiculous claims ‘A need for paternal bonding’ or ‘Needing to create a connection lest he run wild’. Once Research and Development finish with The Device, we’ll not need to worry about him ‘running wild’ the only thing we’ll need is a remote and an order. Once we prove J’s success, we’ll be able to obtain more subjects for this project, no longer will we have to be like filth and sully our hands and work with crimes! Experiment I and Experiment H were both failures, but J... J is going to be our crowned success. All we need now is the Device... soon J... soon I will name you and you will be like a son to me. The only family I’ll need.
  Experiment J’s Mission Details: Mission Alpha - Capture Target. Great Success Kill Rate: 100%
Mission Beta - Eliminate Enemy Squad Flawless Success Kill Rate: 100%
  Mission Gamma - Rescue Target
Great Success Kill Rate: 99%
  Mission Delta - Town Elimination Not Yet Tested [SN] Many researchers are against putting a child through this test. Their worries are noted, but unfounded. This is no longer a child, he is a soldier, and as long as he takes orders, that’s all that matters. Emotions will hold him back from his task. Man, woman, child, non-combatant, and even those unable to do anything, if they are in the way of his mission or put it at risk, they must be removed. Period.
  Final Notes:
Experiment J has been the best out of all the others. Going with them younger and younger to get them started was the right call to make. Experiment A was too old, cracked under the strain, had to be removed. Experiment B, despite being a little younger than A, was too fragile and passed away from stress and shock, like a weakling. Experiment C was incompatible with the Nanomachines, self-terminated due to constant pain from them. Experiment D was just an animal, purely for research, not an actual experiment despite what others say. Experiment E had been bogged down with emotions, unfit for combat, removed. At Experiment F we finally decided to go for children and this is when we found out that by molding them early, there were better results. Unfortunately, Zaunite Children were so blinded by the tales of heroes and morals that they could not be efficient soldiers. Experiments F to H were all failures and had to be removed. Then we happened up Experiment I while traveling to a battlefield for potential research, an orphan, very young. Oh yes, Experiment I was brilliant I lament that she escaped, unable to handle the stress, we are readying a small team to capture her at some point. She did express some fondness for Experiment J, perhaps we can lure her in for removal. It would be wonderful if we could pit J against I and see who is the better experiment.
Those three years of raising Experiment J were pure agony. Between the constant crying, Doctor Moxanne’s coddling, and all that was needed for child rearing, I’m beyond relieved that he didn’t end up like the others. Perhaps there is something ingrained in Noxian children that can be utilized to turn them into better experiments. Those J is my finest work, perhaps K or even furhter down the line Y could be my magnum opus! Ah... J, my beloved son. Your father is proud. If only your real parents could’ve seen what your potential was, they could’ve been used for the child rearing and even producing more siblings. Such a shame... such an honest shame. Perhaps we could go back through your family tree and see what your bloodline looks like... I wonder if you have any family.
      Research Notes - Doctor Moxanne
Date [Dried Blood]
Personal Notes:
I’m excited that I was able to be picked for this. I think it is a wonderful idea to craft Nanomachines to help our soldiers out. Though I’d rather it’s purposes be for more altruistic measures, using our troops as field-testing is a good idea and maybe it could lead to more surrenders when enemies have a massive drop in morale after seeing our strong men and women come back from the brink without nary a scratch. Think of the possible rescue operations that could be carried out! We may even be able to bring Zaun to a golden era that makes Piltover look like how we currently do.
  Date [Unknown]
Personal Notes:
...It’s been a while since I’ve just sat down to write my own notes. So many people are looking over my shoulder and so many doubt me despite the fact I’ve gotten results. These people are too heartless... An older consenting person is one thing, but to use actual children? It’s... it’s so barbaric... I want this to work, and... and if this can help Zaun’s children I’ll continue but... the rest? I... I don’t think I can handle this. It’s been three years... I think... time has blurred together here and I don’t think anyone is leaving... at least... not alive. My only solace is Experiment I... she still seems like a child. I hope she can survive...
  Date: [Scratch Marks and dried tears]
Personal Notes:
I had to fight so hard for him... so damn hard... Janna forgive me I couldn’t stop them! [More tears] Experiment J... I... I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry... I won’t let them touch you. I won’t! Not until you’re old enough! I’ll protect you! Janna please forgive me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry... I-I held her hand while she died... as I took you from her arms. Experiment J please forgive me, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ll protect you from him as long as I can. I’m so sorry.
  Date [Unknown, Jack’s Release]
Personal Notes:
...I’ve felt like someone has been living in my head... Like... like I’m not myself sometimes... I tried to protect him... but once he was three... they took him for the virtual training... Was it then that I broke? Is this what happens when you’re broken? Am I just a passenger? Well... I’ll not be one any longer... I’ve already put my plan into action. Today will be the last day he suffers at his hands... Experiment J... No... Jack... yes.. I... I like that name for you... Happy Birthday Jack... my beloved son... the time we spent was so short... and I can’t protect you... I couldn’t protect you... I didn’t... I’m so sorry... I don’t know who’ll kill me... It would be a kindness if it was him... though if for some reason it’s you... I just want you to know I’m sorry. I don’t know if you’ll ever find these notes. I don’t know if anyone will read them. These will more than likely be left behind. Experiment I, if you’re reading this... if everything went as I hoped... find him... don’t let him be alone. Who knows what’s malfunctioned... he’ll need your help. You’re his big sister. Do what I couldn’t. Jack... if you’ve found this somehow... I’m so sorry. Your home... Your real home... it’s on the outter reaches of Noxus... I don’t know if it’s still there... but it’s a small house. I don’t know if those bastards really went back to bury your parents like they said they would... but know this... they loved you dearly... your mother wanted to protect you with her dying breath... Your father... despite being fatally wounded and had us believing he was dead... gripped my ankle as I held you. It was like he was saying ‘Don’t take him from us’. There is so much more I wanted for you... for this project... I’m sorry. I couldn’t protect you. Janna... if you ever find this place... I’m so sorry... I’m not going to the same place as your parents Jack...
Oh... and to you... hanger on... help him... please...
  [Beneath is information regarding the Nanomachine tech as well as how to safely remove it should it even become a problem. Other information like what to do to in case of sudden emergency shutdown of said machines and how to turn them back on is also there. There is even a diagram of Experiment J and showing where the heaviest concentration of the machines are.]
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
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Quinn Clothing Brands distributes Quinns products in the U.S. Founded in 1981, Quinn Clothing Brands is a leading global online retailer with operations in Bangladesh and Allentown, Pennsylvania, along with other key markets. Quinn Clothing Brands reaches consumers across more than 150 countries and regions around the world. We place a premium on choice, delivering more than 6,000 new fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products daily with more than 600,000 items available. Our mission is to help people express their individuality through the latest trends that are accessible and affordable.
This Counsel position directly reports to the US General Counsel. We are seeking a corporate generalist to handle a variety of commercial and employment matters.
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Manage and collaborate with top tier outside law firms.
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Minimum of 6-8 years of corporate transactional law experience. In-house experience preferred.
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Outside Counsel Management: Develop and lead a process for positive and efficient outside counsel relationships. Identify and select firms (in partnership with attorneys) pricing negotiations, ongoing fee management, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion assessments, and […].
Communication & Professional Development: Coordinate the communication and professional development program for the legal department […]
Professional Management: […]
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acquisory · 3 months
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The Cabinet has approved a promulgation of an ordinance to amend the 16-month-old Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
The present amendment is based on recommendations of a 14-member government appointed committee that had last month suggested a slew of measures, including addressing difficulties of home buyers and making recoveries easier for lenders plus disqualifying certain classes of promoters from back door entry into the resolution process.
Report of the Insolvency Law Committee
On 26th March 2018, the Insolvency Law Committee submitted a report addressing various pressing issues in relation to the Code. One of the key recommendations of this report was to streamline the application of section 29A in order to prohibit only those who have contributed to the defaults and have consequently run the company a ground, or are otherwise undesirable, from participating in the insolvency resolution process.
The recommendations in relation to this section include the deletion of “if such person, or any other person acting jointly or in concert with such person” from the first line of the provision. This aims at preventing the interpretation of the phrase “person acting jointly or in concert” in accordance with the definition provided in the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011. This is a commendable step as such an interpretation was proving to be counter productive owing to the wide range of individuals who stood disqualified from the resolution process due to wide-ranging scope of the definition.
Other positive recommendations include the exclusion of pure play financial entities from the ambit of clause © of section 29A, as the Committee rightly observed that it is highly probable for them to be related to companies that are categorized as non-performing assets (NPA). Another pragmatic suggestion in relation to this clause is the addition of a proviso stating that the section will not apply if the NPA is held solely due to the acquisition of a corporate debtor under the process prescribed by the Code for a period of three years from the date of approval of the previous resolution.
Further, the suggestions to narrow down clause (d), which relates to conviction for offences punishable with imprisonment of two years or more and clause (e), which deals with disqualification to act as director under the Companies Act 2013, are indeed laudable steps towards a more progressive application and implementation of this section. The Committee observed that these two clauses are personal in nature and need not be extended to the related parties of the resolution applicant. Moreover, clause (d) might further be narrowed down by incorporating a schedule of offences to exclude those offences which have absolutely no connection with the ability of an applicant to successfully manage a corporate debtor. Lastly, the ambit of this clause may also be tapered down if the Government agrees to the suggestion that it will not be applicable if an appeal has been preferred against the concerned order within the prescribed statutory period.
Clause (g) of the section also has been constricted in its application. This provides the necessary safeguard for applicants who have acquired corporate debtors, who have previously engaged in a preferential, undervalue, fraudulent or extortionate credit transaction. Furthermore, the Committee has provided for the necessary change in phrasing of clause (f) in order to ensure it is in consonance with the decision of the NCLT.
However, while addressing the issue of compliance with section 29A being too onerous and self-defeating as it prolonged the resolution process indefinitely, the Committee merely stated that applicants would be required to submit an affidavit confirming their eligibility under this provision. Additionally, the committee was of the opinion that the presence of section 30(2)(e) which mandates the resolution plan to be in consonance with the law, would ensure compliance with section 29A. Lastly, it clarified that this section would be prospective in its application to prevent any sort of hindrances in cases, which are already at an advanced stage.
Classification of Debt: Advantage to Home buyers
Home buyers had so far been treated as “unsecured creditors” which means they do not have the first charge on the assets of the bankrupt firm. The President has given his assent to the Ordinance. This proposal classifies home buyers as ‘Financial Creditors’ at par with lenders to help them quickly get refunds from defaulting companies/developers.
Now by amending the provisions and By treating them as financial creditors, they will now move up the priority list of creditors, substantially raising the prospects for clawing back a part of their investment.
Earlier, if a realty firm went bankrupt, the units for which home buyers had paid money would become the property of banks which could auction them without bothering about the dues of the home buyer. The Ordinance creates a favorable situation for home buyers. Home buyers who have been left high and dry by unscrupulous promoters of bankrupt realty companies will enjoy the rights and privileges of financial creditors under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
The invocation of section 29A not only significantly influences the procedure of resolution but also engenders a material economic impact. The procedure has become more complex as the resolution professional or the liquidator is given the additional responsibility to determine the eligibility of the…
Read More: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/74/IBC-New-Amendments-Strengthning-The-Spirit-Of-The-Law
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7consultancyblog · 3 months
In India Publishing recruitment agency start your job search and discover exciting new opportunities
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Publishing means making information available to the public. In the past this was done mainly through issuing printed copies of documents. Now there are many more options such as websites, print, DVD, e-publications and apps. Publishing may produce private, club, commons or public goods may be conducted as a commercial, public, social or community activity. The term ‘publishing’ conjures images of editors, printers, and the like, but the reality is that the publishing industry encompasses many different occupations and skills. Publishers might employ any of the following:  cost accountant, imprint manager, marketing representative, proofreader, production editor, plant supervisor, letterer, human resources director, traffic controller, technical editor, design supervisor. Publishing Recruitment Agency in Indiacan give proper guidance. Hybrid publishing is similar to self publishing, as you typically retain all the rights to your materials and have creative control; however, instead of paying several different contractors to produce and publish your book, you pay a single entity to handle all aspects of the publishing process. Proofreading, typesetting, book cover design, etc., are typically all handled by the hybrid publisher. Traditional publishers pay an author an advance to buy the publish, sell, and distribute their book.
Working in publishing can involve different skills, such as writing, editing and digital production skills. Employees in publishing need to be able to read through an author’s work quickly and see what has potential while looking for any editing issues. Working in publishing might also require certain digital skills. Employees might map analytics from website traffic of authors who publish under them. They could also assist in digital production using different specialized computer programs. Understanding digital production and using it correctly helps turn printed files into a pleasing e-book format that looks good on multiple electronic models. Digital publishing offers its audience the joy of consuming content with more added visuals than ever before. Audiences now readily expect to see videos, infographics, and links to other media in the content they consume. There are two main types of publishing fields that you could get a job in: trade publishing and academic publishing. Trade publishers are challenged with scaling standards, an uncertain market, and evolving technology to meet readers’ increasing demand for appealing and interactive content. Academic publishers publish academic and scholarly texts. These could include college textbooks or books used for advanced degree programs.
Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything employees. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources. Recruitment process depends on the company and the company uses some methods on the company and the company uses some methods to find applicants for employment. Best Publishing Recruitment Agency in India that give support in consultancy in the recruitment sector. They are passionate and professionals about publishing recruitment and matching the right candidate to the right role. So, if you’re looking for the highest standards of service, plus a responsive and friendly approach, then let us help you build your publishing team. Their vision is to provide an exceptional recruitment service to both clients & candidates, founded on the principles of achieving the highest possible standards in all that they do. Their number one priority and commitment is to provide a service which enables their clients to attract and retain the very best people available, and their candidates to fulfill their career potential. They approach all client projects with competitive creativity and flair and work to the highest ethical and professional level.
The process of researching, writing, editing, and publishing an article for the first time will provide valuable feedback on what steps may require improvement and where strengths may be. Publishing may also help students connect with other professionals and researchers in the field, providing new opportunities for collaboration and future study. The process of publishing a paper may help inform a future career path and illuminate opportunities. It may pique a student’s interest in pursuing publishing or graduate studies as the next step after completion of an undergraduate degree. Working with faculty and other student researchers will allow students to enter a scholarly community that may help them decide on a future career path. Top Publishing Recruitment Agency in India that give service in many ways to the mankind.
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hollast · 5 months
My Serendipitous Life by Howard E. Fischer from Howard E. Fischer on Vimeo.
Four publications that significantly changed his life • Four segments of his life featuring the number eight (graphically confirmed) • Five events that nearly ended his life • One near-death experience that could have severely changed his life • One event that could have disallowed (precluded, prohibited, blocked) almost all of the above • First Near Death Experience – 1941 • Second Near Death Experience – 1942 • Third Near Death Experience – 1948 • Fourth Near Death Experience – 1950 • Fifth Near Death Experience – 2017 • …plus his near “living death” experience - 2002 Howard E. Fischer - high school and college athlete, lawyer specializing in entertainment and nonprofit law, jazz music concert producer, jazz museum founder and executive director, author of four books plus booklets, newsletters and articles in major publications, founder, publisher and editor of art and antiques newspaper for eight years with no employees, producer of two feature films, producer of 25 music slideshows, producer of seminars on nonprofit laws and operations, radio program producer, records flea markets producer, music artists’ manager, dealer and collector of music memorabilia (mainly jazz records, books, films etc.), mentor to high school students, kidney donor, donor of archival materials and memorabilia to Library of Congress, contributor of music materials (documents, memorabilia) to Harvard and Yale Universities libraries, television appearances, articles and items in numerous publications about him and his activities Back Cover Highlights What is meant by SERENDIPITY and how it relates to his life How four publications totally changed his life How the number “eight” encompassed (formed, ordered, organized) his life How his educational background was instrumental in moving his life in an unlikely direction How interests developed in childhood helped shape his life How a number of unforeseen events could have interrupted or ended his growth. How a number of situations that developed in his life will be preserved forever How his early life may have predicted his future How an early death of an associate may have contributed to one of his careers How this serendipitous event earned him $10,000 How he saved the life of his best friend.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Erin Bahm, Steven Parks named 2024–25 UPS Fellows
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/erin-bahm-steven-parks-named-2024-25-ups-fellows/
Erin Bahm, Steven Parks named 2024–25 UPS Fellows
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The MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) has announced Erin Bahm and Steven Parks as recipients of the UPS Fellowship for the 2024–25 academic year.
Made possible by a grant from the UPS Foundation, the UPS Fellowship awards financial support to two outstanding students each year, one incoming MIT master’s student and one MIT doctoral student pursuing study relating to logistics, freight transportation, supply chain management, or a related topic.
The UPS Fellowship aims to recognize and reward excellence in these fields, and selections are awarded solely on the basis of merit. Fellows receive full tuition plus a monthly stipend.
“The UPS Fellowships exemplify MIT CTL’s dedication to infusing innovation into real-world applications, upholding the highest standards of academic inquiry,” says Chris Caplice, executive director of MIT CTL. “These fellowships, with the generous backing of the UPS Foundation, stand as indispensable assets in nurturing talents such as Erin and Steven. Their contributions will help to shape the future landscape of the supply chain industry.”
Erin Bahm is an incoming student in the MIT Supply Chain Management master’s program who comes to CTL as a senior inventory operations analyst for Target in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she stepped into a role managing the end-to-end purchasing and positioning of multiple perishable food categories. Her strength in process improvement led to a promotion to inventory operations, where she was responsible for leading a cross-functional initiative to implement ordering optimization changes to over 300 vendors. In her role, she consulted with global supply chain partners on new process initiatives to ensure order volume accuracy and replenishment agility across networks.
Bahm earned her BS in applied engineering sciences from Michigan State University in 2020, where she also received an MIT Supply Chain Excellence Award. Since graduating, she has continued her studies with the completion of a women’s leadership course through the Yale School of Management’s Executive Education program, and she has earned a certificate through MITx MicroMasters Program in Supply Chain Management. As a leader, Bahm has moderated a career development panel series, and has expanded Target’s new hire mentorship program.
Steven Parks is a PhD candidate in transportation engineering at MIT, and he is also a research assistant in the MIT Megacity Logistics Lab at CTL. In the latter role, he led a 16-month research project with Amazon World-Wide Real Estate Operations, working to quantify the net traffic congestion effects of last-mile e-commerce activities at city scale. The project, for which Parks built a macroscopic traffic simulation model to estimate congestion caused by e-commerce for three major U.S. cities, led to recommendations to reduce congestion footprints published in a white paper in 2024.
“Steven’s work was of critical importance for the success of the project and the reach and academic impact of the research challenge for us and our counterparts at Amazon,” says Matthias Winkenbach, Parks’s advisor and director of the MIT Megacity Logistics Lab. “Steven’s research is answering the question how we can best plan recurring vehicle routes for given demand patterns, road network properties, and other environmental or operational factors related to urban form. This is a highly relevant and timely question with many real-world implications for both freight logistics and passenger transportation systems.”
Parks is a graduate of Santa Clara University, where he was recognized as a Johnson Scholar and earned his BS in mechanical engineering, and received his MS in transportation engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. He has been awarded the Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Professor Joseph M. Sussman Best Paper Prize from the journal Frontiers in the Built Environment, and first place in the Santa Clara University Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Conference for his work on disaster relief communications.
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mcbastardsmausoleum · 6 months
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the crypt of cult, horror and exploitation cinema - as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases from posted purchase links.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
3 GODFATHERS (1948) 
Label: Warner Archive 
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 106 Minutes 16 Seconds 
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual-Mono with Optional English 
Video: 1080p HD Fullscreen (1.37:1)
Director: John Ford 
Cast: John Wayne, Pedro Armendariz, Harry Carey, Jr., Ward Bond, Mae Marsh, Jane Darwell, Ben Johnson 
In the John Wayne/John Ford team-up 3 Godfathers based on Peter B. Kyne's 1913 novel, which had already been screen adapted several time before, including one by Ford himself. Here we have three desperados Bob Hightower (John Wayne, The Shootist), Pete (Pedro Armendáriz, Fort Apache) and The Abilene Kid (Harry Carey Jr., Rio Grande) ride into Welcome, Arizona to rob the bank. They make their escape on horseback but Pete is shot and wounded in the process, and Sheriff Buck Sweet (Ward Bond, Rio Bravo) manages to shoot a hole in their water bag leaving them without water to quench their thirst. Now wandering the desert looking for water and the keen sheriff always one step ahead of them, keeping them from nearby water supplies. They become lost during a sandstorm and losing their horses the trio end-up at a dried-up watering hole where they  they come upon a covered wagon, inside is the Sheriff's niece in labor with a child. They aid her in giving birth, but she dies from complications of birthing, but not before she name the baby  "Robert William Pedro Hightower" after the names of the men, making them promise to save her baby, and naming the godfathers of the child, which they out to do, but when the Sheriff discovers his daughter's death he blames in on the three desperados. This is a wonderful Technicolor  shot western with a terrific cast, the Death Valley backdrop is stunning, especially during the windstorm scenes that look fantastic in restored HD. The restoration looks fantastic, extras include a beautifully restored version of MGM's earlier black and white version Three Godfathers (1936), directed by Richard Boleslavski and starring Chester Morris and Lewis Stone, plus Trailers for both film. I love having the earlier version on here as well, it makes for an interesting contrast and compare as the earlier version is much grimmer, with the Bob character played by Morris being a cutthroat killer, and heavier on the religious analogy, and it's also beautifully shot, making this a fantastic double-feature. 
Special Features: 
- Three Godfathers (1936) (80:59) (1080p HD 1.33:1, DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual Mono with Optional English Subtitles) 
- Original Theatrical Trailer (1948) (3:20)
- Original Theatrical Trailer  (1936) (1:59) 
Label: Warner Archive
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: R
Duration: 130 Minutes 34 Seconds
Audio: English 2.0 Stereo with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1) 
Director: George Roy Hill 
Cast: Diane Keaton, Yorgo Voyagis, Klaus Kinski, Sami Frey
In this overstuffed thriller Diane Keaton (Annie Hall) stars as Charlie, an American stage actress working in Europe is recruited by Israeli Intelligence agency Mossad to go undercover to track down a Palestinian terrorist Khalil (Sami Frey, Black Widow) who is targeting high-profile Jews. Directed by George Roy Hill (Funny Farm) and adapted from the 1983 novel of the same name by John le Carré this cloak and dagger thriller also features Klaus Kinski (Aguirre, the Wrath of God) as Israeli spymaster Martin Kurtz, Yorgo Voyagis as spy Joseph who seduces and recruits Charlie, pulling her into a web of lies that ends up with her acting a double-agent being taken to Beirut to train at a terrorist camp before being send on assignment by Khalil to assassinate a Jewish professor. The film takes us to London, Munich, Athens, Jerusalem and Beirut , there's a menagerie of characters that float in and out that make it a bit difficult to stay focused on the main plot. Also not helping is that the film is so overstuffed that character motivations are merely sketches, I never did quite figure out how a pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist left-wing actress was successfully recruited by Israeli intelligence to their cause, let alone to seduce and kill for them. Needless to say, in these current times this is an interesting premise that might get some attention now that its making it;s HD debut, but I doubt it will generate much conversation in that it feels so muddled and muted. This is one that I had never seen nor heard of until it was announced, coming from the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting, Funny Farm and The World According to Garp, I was curious about it, but did not end up loving it, even Kinski seems subdued unmotivated this time around, and you could usually count on madman Kinski to deliver the goods, but like everyone else he seems to be struggling with the material. The Blu-ray from Warner Archive is handsomely restored and filmic with uncompressed audio, the only extras is a Trailer. 
Special Features: 
- Original Theatrical Trailer (1:49)
Labe: Warner Archive
Region Code: Region Free 
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 95 Minutes 
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual-Mono with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD (1.33:1) 
Director: Raoul Walsh
Cast: George Raft, Ann Sheridan, Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart, Gale Page, Alan Hale, Roscoe Carns
Amidst the Great Depression independent truckers Joe and Paul Fabrini are barely making ends meet, and at the start of the film are three payments behind on their rig. Paul (Humphrey Bogart, The Maltese Falcon) dreams of spending more time with his wife, and holding down a corporate gig with steady hours and pay, while and Joe (George Raft, Scarface) has his eye on becoming a trucking bigwig someday. At a diner Joe encounters red-haired Cassie Hartley (Ann Sheridan, Angels with Dirty Faces), who is easy on the eyes and quick-witted, they start a relationship and shortly after Paul loses an arm in an accident after he falls asleep at the wheel. Joe ends up accepting a managerial job working for a trucking outfit run by Ed Carlson (Alan Hale Sr.) but finds himself ducking come-on by the guy's wife Lana Carlson (Ida Lupino, The Big Knife), who is straight-up troub le from her first second on screen.  Tired of her drunken husband she murders him and offers Joe a 50% stake in the company, with strings attached, 'natch. However, when Joe announces he's getting married she confesses to the crime, but she's gonna take Joe with her! Joe of her husband's murder in this hard-edged, classic drama directed by Raoul Walsh (High Sierra) starts off as an engrossing wildcat trucker melodrama and evolves into a damn fine noir-tinged thriller with Ida Lupino stealing the show as the increasingly unhinged Mrs. Carlson. Bogart is also terrific, but he plates third fiddle after Lupino's femme fatale and stand-up guy Raft, maybe even fourth after the wisecracking Sheridan who is fantastic as well, but he has presence to spare, and it's not surprise that he went onto Hollywood icon status not long after. The Blu-ray from Warner Archive looks impressive in HD, not a blemish to squint at anywhere, solid grayscale and largely filmlike. Extras include a Lux Radio Theater Broadcast starring George Raft and Lana Turner; a 11-min featurette with historians Leonard Maltin, Eric Lax, and Robert Osborne waxing nostalgic; a vintage 19-min musical-comedy short, plus the trailer. 
Special Features: 
- Lux Radio Theater Broadcast with George Raft and Lana Turner (6/2/41) (44:22) 
- Featurette: Divided Highway - The Story of They Drive By Night (10:35) 
- Vintage WB Short SWINGTIME IN THE MOVIES (1938) (19:09) 
- Original Theatrical Trailer (1:51) 
Label: Warner Archive 
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: PG
Duration: 103 Minutes 33 Seconds 
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.85:1)
Director: Ramon Menendez 
Cast: Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Rosana De Soto, Andy Garcia, Ingrid Oliu, Vanessa Marquez,  Estelle Harris
The based-on-a-true-story drama Stand and Deliver (1988) is directed by Ramón Menéndez (Money For Nothing), and stars Edward James Olmos (Blade Runner) as Jaime 'Kemo' Escalante, a quirky teacher at a East Los Angeles inner-city high school where the students routinely under perform academically. When he learns that the school accreditation is on the line he sets the goal of having his kids not only learn calculus but to have them ace the Advanced Placement Calculus by their senior year. The unruly kids are initially reluctant and difficult to reign in, but he wins them over through his oddball and unconventional ways of teaching. This is one of those feel good inspirational movies that while largely embellished and dramatized for cinematic effect is was quite an enjoyable watch when I saw it on cable numerous times as a teen, if a bit trite when pitted against reality these days. That's not to say their are not teachers out there who go above and beyond for their kids, there absolutely are and I was lucky to had a few myself, but this is just a bit too saccharine and overly dramatized to ever hot on an emotional level for me, especially now as a jaded adult, this feels like a Hollywood fairytale more than anything resembling reality. The film also stars Lou Diamond Phillips (Supernova) as a gang member who initially gives Kemo hassles, other actors playing students include Ingrid Oliu (Hellhole), and the late Vanessa Marquez (Maniac Cop III: Badge of Silence), plus keep an eye out for Estelle Harris (George's mom from Seinfeld!) as a the principal's secretary and Andy Garcia (Geostorm) who plays an agent from  the Educational Testing Service who show up to investigate how a group of poor inner-city kids could do so well, suspecting cheating has transpired.  That said, this was/is a popular movie, hard to believe it's only now debuting on Blu-ray thanks to the Warner Archive, who do a terrific job restoring it for it's Blu-ray debut.  
Special Features: 
- Original Theatrical Trailer
Label: Warner Archive
Region Code: Region-Free
Rating: Unrated 
Duration: 60 Minutes 15 Seconds (The Boob) / 81 Minutes 22 Seconds (Why Be Good?)
Audio: DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual-Mono
Video: B&W 1080p HD Fullscreen (1.33:1) 
Director: William A. Wellman & William A. Seiter
Cast: Gertrude Olmstead, George K. Arthur, Joan Crawford, Charles Murray, Colleen Moore
In The Boob (1926) simple country boy Peter Good (George K. Arthur), the titular boob. is crestfallen when his former gal Amy (Gertrude Olmsted) becomes infatuated by city dandy Harry Benson (Antonio D’Algy). His friend Cactus Jim comes up with a plan to win her back by dressing up Peter in a poor-fitting cowboy outfit and arming him with a six-shooter, so he can round-up some alleged bootleggers, ti impress her. Also around are Peter's pal  Ham Bunn and his faithful dog Benzine, the latter of whom actually provides most the this flick's entertainment. The plot involves Peter storming a local club The Booklovers, an alleged book-themed speakeasy. It turns out that Benson is a bootlegger, and we also get an early appearance from Joan Crawford (Strait-Jacket) as an undercover prohibition agent. The silent-era sight gags and comedy are a tad uninspired, but the slapstick shenanigans are not without charm.  An early film from director William A. Wellman (Westward the Women) didn;t exactly set my eyeballs on fire but still an interesting comedy surio of the silent era.  
The second half of this silent era double-feature is WHy be Good? (1929) wherein wide-eyed star Colleen Moore (The Scarlett Letter) plays vivacious jazz-era flapper Pert Kelly, who is a good girl who works at a department store, but loves to dance in the trendy flapper fashions, have a good time, and enter dance competitions, much to the chagrin of her father who feel the lifestyle is immoral. After a night on the town she meets Winthrop Peabody Jr (Neil Hamilton, Commissioner Gordon from the 60's Batman TV show!) and hit it off bigtime, but it turns out he's the son of her employer which creates complications at the workplace when it is revealed  that he is the new personnel manager at the store, but that his father had forbade him to date the staff. This one has more substance that The Boob, a good mix of melodrama and comedy, some fantastic dancing sequences, but it's Olmstead who singularly steals the show here, such a cutey, as her virtue is put to the test by Winthrop. Both flicks looks stellar with handsome restorations that are quite stunning for these nearly century old films, the latter shows some scratches and both of brief moments of wonky contrast but otherwise these look marvelous. The Boob is a silent film, but we do get a fun piano score by Arthur Barrow that was added to the film in 2003, and Why Be Good? which is a sound-comedy features the original Vitaphone soundtrack with musical score,  sound effects and synchronized singing, though no other audible dialogue. The Vitaphone soundtrack is nicely restored but does have a light layer of hiss, but never rising to the level of distraction.  No extras for this silent-era double-feature but seeing these nearly 100 year-old comedies get loving restorations is treat enough for me. 
Special Features:
- None
Label: Warner Archive
Region Code: Region-Free 
Rating: R
Duration: 96 Minutes 
Audio: English DTS-HD MA 2.0 Dual-Mono with Optional English Subtitles 
Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (2.39:1) 
Director: Brett Ratner
Cast: Chris Tucker, Charlie Sheen, Heather Locklear, Gerard Ismael, Paul Sorvino
I am used to Warner Archive unearthing flicks from the 30's through the 6o's that are new to me, but it's pretty rare that I see them bring a 90's flick to Blu-ray that I have never heard of previously, as is the case with this Bret Ratner (Rush Hour) directed action-comedy starring Chris Tucker (The Fifth Element) as Franklin Hatchett, a fast-talking small time car wash hustler in L.A. who gets busted after the meddling of tabloid TV reporter James Russell (Charlie Sheen, The Boys Next Door). On a prison bound bus Franklin is seated next to French criminal Raymond Villard (Gerard Ismael, The Last Romantic Lover) when his crew attack the transport, in the bloody aftermath Franklin is wrongfully accused of killing cops, he manages to escape with his life but seeks out the help of news reporter Russell, and both end up wrongfully accused and on the run from the law and Villard and his henchmen. If you're a fan of Rush Hour this certainly falls into that sweet spot of urban action-comedy, we have a straight man, the annoying antics of Tucker, and plenty of L.A. scenery. There's also a stellar cast here, we have both Paul Gleason (Sixteen Candles) and Daniel Roebuck (Dudes) as detectives, Heather Locklear (The Return of Swamp Thing)  as James fiancé, Elise Neal (Mission To Mars) as Paula Franklin's pregger girlfriends, plus Paul Sorvino (The Stuff) and Veronica Cartwright (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) as James's soon to be in-laws. Super breezy, action-packed and slickly made, this was a fun 90's action-comedy that delivered everything I expected, car chases, shoot outs, explosions galore, and snappy banter between the leads. The new scan looks terrific with excellent depth and clarity, color reproduction pleases with lots of punchy highlights, and the uncompressed audio is solid. The only extras is a Trailer, which is a bummer, but otherwise a top-notch A/V presentation for an underserved flick. 
Special Features: 
- Original Theatrical Trailer
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stockmarketanalysis · 6 months
Demystifying Equity: Understanding its Role in Finance and Investment
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Introduction: Equity, often referred to as stocks or shares, is a fundamental component of the financial landscape, playing a pivotal role in both corporate finance and investment portfolios. Understanding equity is essential for investors seeking to navigate the complexities of the stock market and capitalize on opportunities for wealth creation. This article aims to demystify equity by exploring its definition, types, valuation methods, and significance in finance and investment.
Definition of Equity: Equity represents ownership in a company, entitling shareholders to a proportional claim on its assets, earnings, and voting rights. When individuals or institutions purchase equity shares of a company, they become partial owners, sharing in its successes and bearing the risks associated with its performance. Equity is distinct from debt, which involves borrowing money from creditors and obligating the borrower to repay the principal amount plus interest over time.
Types of Equity:
Common Stock: Common stock is the most prevalent type of equity issued by corporations. Shareholders of common stock have voting rights in corporate governance matters, such as the election of the board of directors and approval of major corporate decisions. They also have the potential to receive dividends, although dividend payments are not guaranteed and are typically discretionary based on the company's financial performance.
Preferred Stock: Preferred stock is a hybrid security that combines features of both equity and debt. Preferred shareholders have priority over common shareholders in receiving dividends and assets in the event of liquidation. However, they usually do not possess voting rights or participate in corporate governance to the same extent as common shareholders. Preferred dividends are typically fixed and paid out before dividends on common stock.
Treasury Stock: Treasury stock refers to shares of a company's own stock that it has repurchased from the open market. These shares are held in the company's treasury and are not outstanding or available for trading. Treasury stock may be retired or reissued at the discretion of the company's management, influencing the company's capital structure and earnings per share calculations.
Valuation of Equity: Valuing equity shares involves assessing the intrinsic worth of a company's underlying assets, earnings potential, and growth prospects. Several methods are commonly used to determine the fair value of equity, including:
Market Capitalization: Market capitalization, or market cap, is a simple and widely used method of valuing equity. It is calculated by multiplying the current market price per share by the total number of outstanding shares. Market cap reflects the total market value of a company's equity and serves as a key indicator of its size and relative valuation compared to peers.
Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio): The price-to-earnings ratio is a valuation metric that compares a company's stock price to its earnings per share (EPS). It is calculated by dividing the current market price per share by the earnings per share. A high P/E ratio may indicate that investors are willing to pay a premium for the company's future earnings growth, while a low P/E ratio may suggest undervaluation or lower growth expectations.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis: DCF analysis is a rigorous valuation method that estimates the present value of a company's future cash flows. It involves forecasting future cash flows, discounting them back to their present value using a discount rate that reflects the riskiness of the investment, and arriving at an intrinsic value for the equity. DCF analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of a company's financial health and growth prospects.
Significance of Equity:
Capital Formation: Equity plays a vital role in capital formation by providing companies with the necessary funds to finance growth initiatives, research and development, and capital expenditures. Equity financing enables companies to raise capital without incurring debt obligations or interest payments, thereby preserving financial flexibility and reducing leverage.
Ownership and Governance: Equity ownership grants shareholders a stake in the ownership and governance of a company, empowering them to participate in corporate decision-making processes and hold management accountable for performance and transparency. Shareholder activism and proxy voting are mechanisms through which shareholders exercise their rights and influence corporate governance practices.
Investment Opportunities: Equity investment offers investors the opportunity to participate in the potential growth and profitability of companies across various sectors and industries. Equity markets provide liquidity, transparency, and diversification benefits, allowing investors to build diversified portfolios tailored to their risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizon.
Conclusion: Equity serves as a cornerstone of modern finance, facilitating capital formation, corporate governance, and investment opportunities in global financial markets. Whether investing in individual stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), understanding the principles of equity is essential for investors seeking to build wealth, achieve financial goals, and navigate the dynamic landscape of the stock market. By comprehending the nuances of equity, investors can make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and capitalize on opportunities for long-term financial success.
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 8 months
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 9 months
Publishing Recruitment Agency in UK can help writers to find the best platform they are looking for
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Publishing means making information available to the public. In the past this was done mainly through issuing printed copies of documents. Now there are many more options such as websites, print, DVD, e-publications and apps. The publishing process is surprisingly complex, and to the uninitiated, seems as mysterious as any black box. For book publishers that material includes books in all formats as well as website content, social media, catalogues and other promotional materials. When it comes to publishing your book, you have several options, depending on your budget, timeline, and the marketability of your book. The three primary methods for publishing your book is- Self-publishing, Hybrid publishing, Traditional publishing. Self-publishing, as the name indicates, is basically doing it yourself publishing. You’ll need to find and pay for an editor, a proofreader, a typesetter; an indexer, an illustrator, and a cover designer, then submit the book yourself through a similar book publishing facilitator. Publishing may produce private, club, commons or public goods may be conducted as a commercial, public, social or community activity.
There is no greater pleasure for someone who loves books than working in a field where the job responsibilities are his/her favorite hobbies. Publishing can offer various opportunities to people, depending upon their skills and interest. There are many roles in publishing which you can check out and then decide the one most comfortable working in. Most publishing houses prefer individuals who background in Literature or Journalism. If you have a degree in BA English, BA (honors) English, Ma English, etc. You have good chances of landing at a job in a publishing. The term ‘publishing’ conjures images of editors, printers, and the like, but the reality is that the publishing industry encompasses many different occupations and skills. Publishers might employ any of the following:  cost accountant, imprint manager, marketing representative, proofreader, production editor, plant supervisor, letterer, human resources director, traffic controller, technical editor, design supervisor. Several certificate courses or diploma in courses like Creative Writing will further increase your chances and pay scale. Postgraduate courses in Publishing Recruitment Agency in London are becoming more popular. If your first degree is in a completely unrelated area, an MA in publishing can also provide you with industry specific knowledge and skills, and a network of contacts.
To ensure an organization’s recruitment activities are well thought out, effective and efficient, an organization may develop a recruitment strategy. The recruitment strategy may cover items such as the size of the organization, the overall economy, and the competition for similar candidates, the attractiveness of the organization, labor laws and other legal considerations. Combining their experience in the publishing and recruitment industries, their dedicated consultants can provide the best advice available to their candidates; developing their skill sets and ensuring Publishing are suitably prepared for each stage of the recruitment process. Based in London, but with national reach, Best Publishing Recruitment Agency in London prides them on delivering the highest standards of service to their clients those looking for a job in publishing. They are passionate and professionals about publishing recruitment and matching the right candidate to the right role. So, if you’re looking for the highest standards of service, plus a responsive and friendly approach, then let us help you build your publishing team. Their number one priority and commitment is to provide a service which enables their clients to attract and retain the very best people available, and their candidates to fulfill their career potential. They approach all client projects with competitive creativity and flair and work to the highest ethical and professional level.
Technology is reshaping the publishing industry in many ways. These changes will likely continue in the coming years, hopefully creating an industry that is more dynamic, global and competitive than ever and an industry that is able to embrace these new technologies, rather than fight them. The future of publishing needs to embrace intelligent automation to continue to stay relevant. If you’re a bestselling writer, come and join Top Publishing Recruitment Agency in London.  They will connect you with authors who need writers like you. And, since writing can be a lonely business, they also offer a supportive community of writers. Sign up for job bulletins and invites to social events.
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meghalayacareer · 10 months
NewGlobe Meghalaya Recruitment 2023: Managerial Vacancy (6 Posts)
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NewGlobe Meghalaya Recruitment 2023: NewGlobe Meghalaya has released an employment notification for the recruitment of the below-mentioned Managerial Positions to be posted in Shillong Meghalaya. 1. Post Name:- Director Communications - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:– Minimum Bachelor Degree. - Experience:- a) 8+ years of experience in Public Relations & Communications. b) Experience in India working in communications for political, campaigning, non-profit, or social enterprises. Experience with a multinational organization is a plus c) An established network of local(Shillong) and national media contacts. d) Experience in handling crisis communications. e) Experience in supporting the creation and delivery of social media and digital campaigns. f) Strong writing and editorial skills. 2. Post Name:- Director Schools - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:- Bachelor’s Degree and above - Experience:- a) 8+ of work experience. b) Proven management and leadership experience, leading teams of people to accomplish an objective. c) Proven experience managing field-based teams. d) Implementing an Education Pedagogical Programme across a chain of Schools is a desirable experience. e) School Management experience is a plus. f) Ability to analyze large sets of data on Microsoft Excel to drive decision-making 3. Post Name:- Managing Director - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:- Master’s Degree in Business Management from a premier institute in India or outside the country. - Experience:- a) At least 13 years of progressively responsible experience working in project management and design in developing countries, preferably including experience in the state or country to which you will be assigned. b) A proven track record of excelling in the leadership of operational teams and in design-thinking, process and system design and application, and managing complex and interrelated functions, as this will be critical in overseeing a large-scale school system transformation. c) Demonstrated ability to work effectively with government representatives, for-profit private sector entities, local community organizations, donors, consortium members, and other stakeholders, at national and sub-national levels. d) Demonstrated excellent communication and writing abilities and superior interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills. 4. Post Name:- Policy & Partnerships Director - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:– Bachelor’s Degree and above - Experience:- a) Work closely with the Government counterparts and bureaucrats in Meghalaya, and be responsible for overseeing key government relationships and programming. To do this, you’ll lead government engagement, training, and stakeholder meetings. b) Establish governance committees by core programming guidelines. Maintain a consistent meeting schedule with full government participation and meticulously document all meetings. c) Ensure thorough weekly and monthly reporting to the government begins and is continued under permanent program leadership. d) Manage and oversee all Policy and Partnerships program staff (focussed on Programme Management). 5. Post Name:- People Director - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:– MBA or Master’s degree in HR or other related field with top academic marks; any other relevant professional certification is a plus. - Experience:- a) At least eight years of experience managing different aspects of the human resource function, including within leadership roles and for rapidly scaling companies, b) Strong analytical and data-driven thinker, ideally with previous experience as a generalist HR. c) Self-starter; highly driven individual who will take ownership from the get-go and proactively look for improvement. d) Strong leadership skills and demonstrated ability to work with a diverse workforce. e) Excellent written and verbal communication skills. f) Excellent organizational, leadership, analytical problem-solving, and strategic thinking skills. g) High integrity with zero tolerance for any unethical business practices. 6. Post Name:- School Inspection Director - No of posts:- 1 - Salary:- Negotiable and based on profile and interview performance. - Essential Qualification:– A bachelor’s degree from a top-tier university with an excellent academic record. Quantitative undergraduate degrees are preferred. - Experience:- a) Exceptional analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills. You need to be able to see patterns, be a fast thinker, and a good decision-maker b) Advanced MS Excel/spreadsheets skills, and mastery of presentation/reporting tools such as MS Word/Google Docs & MS Powerpoint/Google slides c) Team management experience– Leading field teams or field Operations teams. d) Process enhancement skills – to find ways to streamline processes and boost efficiency, you should have some knowledge of process improvement and enhancement How to apply for NewGlobe Meghalaya Recruitment 2023: Managerial Positions? Interested and eligible candidates may apply online through the link given below for each respective position. - Director Communications - Director Schools - Managing Director - Policy & Partnerships Director - People Director - School Inspection Director The last date for submission of the application is: Until the position is filled. First come, First serve basis. In your mail, mention MeghalalayaCareer.com as a source of information. We are the authorized publisher of NewGlobe Meghalaya’s job-related notification. Read the full article
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project1939 · 10 months
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Day 74- Film: The Steel Trap 
Release date: November 12th, 1952. 
Studio: 20th Century Fox 
Genre: Noir 
Director: Andrew L. Stone 
Producer: Bert E. Friedlob 
Actors: Jospeh Cotton, Teresa Wright, Jonathan Hale 
Plot Summary: Jim Osborne is a reliable husband and father and a reliable assistant manager at a bank. One day the monotony of reliability makes him start thinking he could run off with a lot of money from the bank’s vault if he did everything right. He plans a heist, stealing more than $1 million dollars ($11.6 million today), and sets up a flight to Brazil, where they do not extradite. But virtually everything goes wrong once he has the money. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
Another day, another heist noir with a thrilling first half or so, and a disappointing Happy Ending. Grrr... There was much to like about this film, but also a lot to dislike. Have you ever had one of those days where every single little thing seems to go wrong? Well, watch this movie, and you won’t feel quite so unlucky anymore! 
The Good: 
This was a pacey, briskly moving film. The time flew by. It was enjoyable and engaging because something was constantly happening. Every time Jim cleared a hurdle, another one popped up. 
The suspense throughout. As above, Jim was constantly trying to clear hurdles- each time he went up to jump, you’d wonder, will he do it this time? Will he fall? It was easy to get swept along in the fear.
The plot was enjoyably simple and easy to follow. Guy steals money- will he get away with it? And what about his wife? That’s pretty much it, but it wasn’t boring at all. 
Some location shooting in New Orleans. It looked nice and was effective, adding some reality to the film. 
The Bad: (some spoilers) 
I don’t think Cotton was really the right person for this role. I like Joseph Cotton, but something about the role just didn’t fit him. He just didn’t seem like someone who would ever do something so reckless and crazy. I know that could be a plus in some cases, because his character was supposed to be above suspicion... I just think the movie might have worked better with a different lead. 
His motivation wasn’t well portrayed- it was very sudden. His change from predictable guy to someone who steals a million dollars and plans to go live in another country for the rest of his life happened way too fast. It wasn’t understandable or believable. 
The happy ending. Why? Why, especially, would Laurie welcome him back with open arms just because he returned the money? Wouldn’t she still be concerned that he had secretly planned and almost completely carried out a major crime without telling her a thing? I wished the end could have been darker and more complex. 
The unbelievability. Aside from the unbelievability of his motivation, the roadblocks he kept hitting almost became ridiculous. Every single thing seemed to go wrong, yet he somehow scraped by just in time. There were also a lot of very fortuitously timed phone calls. Laurie’s absolute morality was even a little unbelievable. 
The voice over. In a lot of noir's voiceovers can become overly obvious, and this one suffered that fate. 
I felt bad for Teresa Wright’s type casting. She’s a good actress, but she gets put in the most boring “good wife” roles. All her characters get to do is worry about their husband or child or suffer nobly for their husband or child. I wish she had gotten more opportunities for well-rounded roles. 
A hideous rooster lamp! In the living room of their house, there is a lamp with a plaster (?) rooster as its base. Once you see it, you can never never un-see it! It’s also subtly beneath a picture of a rooster on the wall. Apparently, the Osbornes love them some chickens! 
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