#the DEPTHS of which i am in love with him
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Cat Equals Sign Of Integration
Aaron Hotchner x bau!fem!reader Genre: fluff, smut (implied) Summary: Aaron, ever the strategist, decides that a little wine might help soften the blow of figuring out with you how to tell the team you’re dating. A solid plan - except for one tiny flaw: wine makes him a whore. Warnings: +18, MINORS DNI Hotch is a touch starved whore, a few cuss words here and there, wine gets a bit into both of your heads. Word Count: 5k Dado's Corner: Did I hallucinate this while working on one of the many requests still on my to-do list, only to realize halfway through that it was completely derailing from the main plot - but too cute to abandon? Yes. Is this fun? You tell me (pretty please).
One of the many rules you and Aaron had in your relationship was that if you cooked for date night, he was the one doing the dishes.
His idea.
You had been opposed to it at first - not because you minded, of course. You were actually a huge fan of grown men handling household chores without whining like toddlers about how it might somehow demasculate their poor, fragile egos.
No, you were opposed because you didn’t want him doing it out of some sense of obligation.
It took you a while to accept that Aaron wasn’t doing this because he owed you - he was doing it because he wanted to.
Because that was just… Aaron.
Ever the caregiver, always looking for ways to make life easier for the people he loved. He could give you the world and still come to you like a wounded dog, begging for forgiveness because he thought he wasn’t enough.
It was infuriating - for all the deep psychological reasons you could analyze for hours, but also for a much pettier one: when it was his turn to cook, instead of letting you do the dishes like the so-called rule dictated, he just… did them anyway.
And thus, the noble Mr. Clean - brave warrior of dish duty, his arms submerged in treacherous, frothy depths - found himself utterly helpless against the sudden, most dreadful buzzing of his phone.
A cruel twist of fate, indeed!
Stranded, defenseless, bound by duty to his porcelain captors, he could do nothing but stand there, a tragic figure of great importance, cruelly denied his right to immediately bestow his undivided attention upon whatever poor soul dared summon him.
Oh, the agony! The injustice! How swiftly the mighty are humbled… by a sink full of bubbles.
That was because, logically, if even a single drop of water touched his phone, he would instantly lose all of the very important, highly classified FBI secrets stored inside. Of course, phones couldn't possibly be waterproof.
Ha, imagine?! What a concept.
“Who is it?” Aaron asked, still scrubbing at your wine glass like he was trying to erase its entire existence.
Which – by the way - was completely pointless, considering that in less than five minutes, he planned on refilling it with some more. A different wine, yes. But for God’s sake, you weren’t going to die if the last few drops of white mixed with the red.
…What a fussy man.
“Penelope,” you replied, admiring the view.
What a view, really. That man was all legs and no ass, and you were finally learning to appreciate it.
“Ignore it,” he said, not even turning around.
Unfortunately for him - and for the HR department still blissfully unaware that their most serious, by-the-book boss was fraternizing with a subordinate - you were a profiler.
The U.S. government literally paid your bills every single month because you were exceptionally good at reading people.
And the way he answered? Yeah, that wasn’t the tone of a man casually dismissing an unimportant text. No, that was the tone of a man caught red-handed, scrambling for plausible deniability.
Embarrassed. Secretive. Suspicious. Frankly, if you didn’t already know what he was hiding, you’d be halfway to slapping cuffs on him. Wouldn’t even be the first time.
And so you read it – out loud.
Penelope Garcia, 7:56 PM:
hotch sir hotch bossman sir, i am DYING please tell me if you found out who her mystery boyfriend is i am suffering!!!!!!!! i know you know. i know it in my heart. if you can’t say it just give me a hint. a tiny one. a cryptic riddle. a blink. i will take anything.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
By her, of course, she meant you - because despite a few months of keeping your relationship under wraps, you still hadn’t gotten around to telling the team. Your colleagues. Your friends. Your unwanted, overly nosy adopted children.
That their elusive "mystery boyfriend" was, in fact, your mutual boss.
You were going to tell them. Eventually.
Didn’t know when. But you would.
Then again, it wasn’t like you were surrounded by some of the best profilers in the country, trained to pick up on the slightest behavioral shift.
It’s not like the second two incredibly touch-starved people like you and Aaron started walking around with even a fraction of happiness, that wouldn’t immediately raise suspicions.
…Except, apparently, it hadn’t.
Because somehow, the team had only managed to land on half the conclusion: you were seeing someone.
But Aaron? Not even a blip on their radar.
It was almost impressive, really. The answer was so obvious that they had discarded it entirely, still wandering around in the dark, trying to piece together a puzzle that was sitting right in front of their faces.
Just like Penelope was doing now, so desperate for some reason that she was straight-up asking him outright - when not that long ago, she still thought twice before even making a dirty joke in his presence.
And so, you got up, walked over to Aaron, and held the phone directly under his nose. “What does this mean?”
He squinted at the screen, then at you. “Oh, honey, I don’t know. She always sends me that - I don’t understand what exactly equals the sign of integration”.
You were suddenly just as confused as he was.
He blinked at you, eyes wide, eyebrows raised in that utterly sincere, slightly bewildered way of his. “That sign before it,” he said, completely lost. “It looks Chinese. Thought you knew Chinese, sweetheart.”
Oh, for the love of God.
If this man hadn’t already seen the absolute worst horrors the world had to offer, you would fight for his innocence with your nails, your teeth, and - if absolutely necessary - one of the worst shooting records ever logged in the Bureau.
You looked at the screen again.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
Oh, that’s what had confused him.
“Aaron,” you said gently, doing your absolute best not to kiss him right then and there, “that is a cat.”
You sighed, then pointed at the message again. “By the way, the ‘sign’ in the middle is in Korean, not Chinese.”
He looked at the screen again - then back at you. “…Cat equals sign of integration?”
“No, honey,” you said, barely suppressing your smile, tapping the little text emoji. “It’s just a cat.”
He studied it for another second. “Oh.”
There. That did it. You gave in. Leaned in and pressed a loud smooch to his cheek.
At least your dignity was still intact - he had no idea why you’d done it, just assumed it was one of those spontaneous bursts of affection that came with being hopelessly in love.
Honeymoon phase truly did work wonders.
“Do you think I can have the cat too?” he asked, grabbing the bottle of red and a corkscrew.
That was a trap.
Because Aaron Hotchner still signed every single text he sent.
And while it wasn’t an issue when he was sending something standard -
Lawyer, 6:17 PM:
They found a new body, we’re gathering at the precinct in 30.
- it became a lot more unsettling when he sent the filthiest, most depraved things you’d ever read, only to end them with that stiff little A.H. like he was dictating official Bureau correspondence.
Lawyer, 11:51 PM:
Sweetheart, if only these stupid walls weren’t so thin, I’d have you right here with me, bent over, face pressed against this mattress, making you come so many times you’d forget your own name. At least three. Maybe four, if I’m feeling generous.
So now, standing in his kitchen, watching him pour wine like he hadn’t just permanently scarred you with his painfully bureaucratic approach to sexting, you knew that if you admitted he could simply copy-paste that ‘cat equals integration sign,’ it would only be a matter of time before you were subjected to something truly traumatizing, like -
Lawyer, very-late-office-hour PM:
It’s your fault I’m getting distracted with the paperwork, because I’m still thinking about how good you tasted last night while sitting on my face. God, I can still feel your thighs shaking, you were so sweet for me, honey, so fucking perfect.
P.S. How many reports do you still have left? Because I’ve been thinking about having you on my tongue again before the night is over. I think I’ve got about an hour or so left but then I’m all yours.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
Yeah. No. Absolutely not.
That man could not be trusted with the cat.
“Oh, honey,” you cooed, pressing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades as your fingers brushed over his back. “I don’t think you can get it. She must have programmed it herself into her phone.”
You truly hoped you were as convincing as he was clueless about text etiquette.
“It’s a pity,” he sighed, both of your wine glasses in hand as he made his way to the couch. “I would have loved to send you the cat.”
…Of course he would. Smug ass.
But as the words left his mouth, something shifted in him - just barely. A pause that didn’t usually belong there... weird.
Still, you followed, watching as he settled in, patting the cushion beside him with a half-smile. “Come here, sweetheart.”
A misleading gesture, considering his legs were very much spread - a much clearer invitation. At least, that’s how you chose to interpret it.
Because you could swear - those legs spoke to you. Called to you. So you slid right into your rightful seat - his lap.
…Would have been rude not to answer.
“Back to Garcia,” he said, resting a hand on your thigh as he handed you your painstakingly polished wine glass - so clean, so immaculately spotless, that the red wine inside looked redder than red. A real masterpiece, Mr. Clean. “She doesn’t seem to be letting up about finding out who you’re dating… This is the fourth message this week.”
You raised a brow, taking a sip of your wine. “Well, she’s second only to you when it comes to being nosy about gossip.”
Aaron exhaled, shaking his head, that same small half-smile back on his lips.
That particular smile.
The one he used when he was trying to convince someone he was fine when, in reality, he was not - when he was trying to reassure everyone else while simultaneously refusing to admit, even to himself, that something was eating him alive.
Oh, now you knew what this was about.
He had definitely practiced this conversation in his head - refined it down to the perfect phrasing. Measured. Logical. Reassuring.
A version so well-rehearsed, so carefully constructed, that he’d convinced himself first before trying to convince you - that this didn’t scare him.
That this was just another rational step forward.
That it was fine.
Because if he could make it sound easy, maybe it would be.
Maybe it would give you something solid to lean on, because the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like you were standing on shaky ground with someone just as fractured as he was.
But in the end, even the best-laid words couldn’t withstand the weight of his emotions - whether he liked it or not, even rocks are meant to erode.
“I think it’s time we come clean to the team,” he admitted, completely veering off-script - though, of course, he still made sure to soften the blow with a kiss to your temple.
Not that it made much difference. You both knew this moment was inevitable, but somehow, you’d managed to delude yourselves into thinking that if you just kept putting it off, the perfect time would miraculously appear.
At first, you’d delayed it until things were official.
Then, because you needed to be sure this could work in the long run.
Then, because you wanted time to just enjoy each other.
Truthfully? If it were entirely up to the two of you, you’d probably keep postponing it indefinitely - at least until the day you were both retired, far away from any fraternization rules or painfully awkward team dynamics.
Unless, of course, your eyes had been deceiving you all along, or life decided to be cruel and rip this happiness away from you before you ever even got the chance. All you could do was hope not.
Aaron sighed, watching you carefully. “So, how do you want to do this?”
At least he could take comfort in the fact that his very specific plan of having wine while discussing this was still intact - especially since the very large sip you took the second he asked hadn’t gone unnoticed.
He huffed a laugh.
This was going to be fun.
“Are we sure we have to?” You groaned, tilting your head back against his shoulder.
“I’m afraid so, sweetheart. It’s the only way to keep them from getting the satisfaction of figuring it out first and do this our way…”
It was his turn to take a long sip now… he surely wasn’t thrilled about the lack of an actual game plan.
“…Still need to figure out what exactly we mean by ‘our way,’” he admitted. “But, you know… that’s what these are for.”
He tapped a finger against his temple, then against yours, clearly implying that your very skilled, highly trained profiler brains would surely work this out.
You, however, were placing your bets on your problem-solving skills drastically improving after a few more glasses of wine, because right now?
“We are so fucked,” you commented.
Aaron clinked his glass against yours, deadpan. “Completely.”
You both took long, slow sips of wine like it might somehow provide divine intervention.
It didn’t. You were indeed left pretty much alone in this.
You sighed, setting your glass down on the coffee table. “Well, you definitely have the face of someone who already has a plan...” You reached up, brushing your fingers along his jaw. “...a very handsome face.”
Cheesy. But deserved.
Aaron chuckled. “I believe…” He kissed you on the cheek – twice - before setting his own glass down too. “…We should tell them directly. Get ahead of it. Lay it out as matter-of-factly as possible.”
He nodded, all serious, like he hadn’t just suggested the worst possible approach.
“Sweetheart…” You pinched his cheek, making him scrunch his nose, hoping – more like praying - that it would snap him out of whatever fantasy land of logic, reason, and good intentions he was apparently living in.
“If we tell them directly, Penelope will throw an actual partypersonally design matching t-shirts, and have the entire team wear them.” You paused, leveling him with a look. “And you know it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I know.”
“Emily and Derek will immediately start making jokes like two middle schoolers who just learned what sex is and will not let us breathe.”
“I know.”
“JJ will be quiet but then ask all of a sudden, ‘So when’s the wedding?’ which will restart the chaos all over again.”
“I know.”
You turned to face him, deadly serious. “Spencer-”
“-Will hit us with a full statistical analysis of workplace relationships,” Aaron finished, exhaling sharply, already bracing himself.
Because there was only one team member left to account for - the worst of them all.
“And… oh God… Dave…”
And with that horrifying realization, he did the only logical thing a man in his position could do - he face-planted directly into your chest with a dramatic, muffled groan of pure defeat.
You blinked down at him, amused. “Honey…”
Why was he even so touch starved like that?
“All I ask,” came his muffled voice, still very much nestled between your breasts, “is five minutes of peace.”
You snorted. “You do realize this isn’t exactly discouraging me from making fun of you, right?”
He sighed again. “You do realize that if you keep laughing, you’re just shoving them further into my face?”
…Damn him and his irritating ability to state the obvious.
You sighed, fingers absentmindedly combing through his short spikes of hair. “…So we’re back to square one.”
Aaron exhaled, still very much face-first in his chosen safe haven. “Unfortunately.”
You hummed, “Okay, hypothetically, if we just… never tell them, how long do you think we could get away with it?”
That was so absurd that it actually made him lift his head. He blinked at you, utterly offended by the suggestion.
“I am not spending the next decade pretending I don’t stare at your ass every time you walk away.”
…Alright. That was definitely the wine talking.
In vino veritas, as the Romans said. Wine makes people say dumb shit: the truth.
“Wow. Didn’t know you were a poet, Hotchner.”
His lips twitched. “Don’t pretend you’re above it, because I catch you every time you drift off during briefings just to stare right at-”
“Alright, alright,” you cut him off, slapping a hand over his mouth before he could fully call you out... he was not happy about it. “We’re both shameless…"
You needed an exit strategy. Fast.
You reached for his wine glass over the coffee table. “Well, at least the bright side of telling them is that we won’t have to schedule our coffee breaks in advance anymore and pretend to look surprised when we see each other.”
And all of that was just for one single moment.
The fleeting brush of fingertips as you handed him the cup you always poured for him.
The way his hand was always warmer than yours, despite the fact that you were the one holding the scalding mug, as if basic thermodynamics simply did not apply to Aaron Hotchner.
And if it was one of those days, sometimes, there’d be a little extra something.
A longer touch.
Eye contact that lingered just a second too long.
A slow sip from his cup while still holding your gaze, and suddenly, it felt indecent - like something you definitely shouldn’t be doing in broad daylight, let alone in a federal building.
And now - here, in the comfort of his apartment, with nothing and no one to stop you - he reached for the wine glass you were offering, except… he wasn’t actually reaching for the glass.
He was just holding your hand.
Aaron chuckled, his thumb tracing lazy circles over your knuckles. “I think we’re holding onto this touch just a little too long,” he murmured, nuzzling into you, his breath warm against your ear. “Might start looking suspicious.”
Didn’t he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Oh, also some-” you started, or at least tried to, because as if everything else wasn’t enough, now he was kissing just behind your ear, his lips just brushing the sensitive skin there, warm, and slow, and wet and… God…
Okay. Okay.
Maybe it was the wine.
Maybe it was the fact that you were always kind of a little bit obsessed with him.
Either way, the result was the same: you really, really wanted him right now.
You sighed, tilting your head to grant him a little more access - but not too much, or you might actually end up using the full length of his three-seater couch instead of stubbornly remaining curled up in the same cramped two-foot space you’d unofficially claimed as your own. Ergo - going horizontal with him instead of just being seated on his lap.
“I thought we were having a serious discussion,” you murmured, though the breathy edge to your voice wasn’t exactly helping your case.
Aaron hummed in response, slowly dragging his lips from behind your ear down along the curve of your jaw, pressing a kiss at the hinge. “We are.” Another kiss. “What were you starting to say, sweetheart?”
And another one.
You tried to think. Really, you did.
But it was getting increasingly difficult with his mouth still very much on your skin, moving towards places that were making it exponentially harder to form coherent thoughts.
You would’ve made a mental note to never wear anything that resembled a tank top around him again, if only you had the actual brain capacity to form any notes right now.
Aaron smirked against your skin. “You were saying?”
…Blank. Absolutely blank.
Your brain stalled for a solid three seconds before mercifully rebooting.
“I-” You licked your lips, cleared your throat. “Penelope.”
That, thankfully, was enough of a keyword to get him to back off - though, the second he did, you already desperately missed the warmth of his mouth on your skin.
He tilted his head, “Penelope?”
You swallowed. “She’s… gonna be beaming.”
Aaron blinked at you. “Beaming.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, because God, he was too cute when he was confused like this. “Her and Kevin have been desperate for another couple to go out with. Ever since JJ and Will stopped leaving the house because they’re too busy baby-proofing every square inch of their lives.”
Aaron’s brows furrowed slightly. “And by ‘go out with,’ you mean double dates.”
You hummed, fingers grazing his cheek. “Mmm. Yeah. Double dates.”
Aaron didn’t even hesitate. “Oh, absolutely not.”
You blinked, pulling back slightly. “Wait, what?”
His face was resolute. “I’m not doing double dates.”
You squinted at him. “Okay, but why?”
And that’s how you learned that if there was one thing your boyfriend hated - more than messy paperwork, more than delayed flights, more than the Bureau’s budgeting meetings - it was double dates.
Not specifically with Penelope and Kevin. God, no. He was practically the puppet master of their relationship in the first place. Just… double dates in general.
“They’re impractical,” he said.
You snorted. “What do you mean?”
Aaron sighed. “They are a waste of time. You sit there, and for the first fifteen minutes, it’s fine. The usual small talk, polite conversation…”
You nodded, barely biting back a grin. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
Honestly, this just sounded like some classic Aaron Hotchner being the most adorable introvert to ever exist.
He shot you a look, deadly serious. “It’s a trap.” You nearly cooed. Adorable. “Because at some point, you end up talking one-on-one with someone from the other couple. And right when the conversation is actually getting interesting-”
He suddenly paused.
His hand started at your shoulder, innocent enough - until it wasn’t, until it drifted lower, fingertips skimming down until they found your thigh, before sliding inward, squeezing your soft flesh there.
“See?” Aaron murmured, voice deceptively casual. “It starts off innocently. A hand on the shoulder…”He angled his fingers just a notch further up your upper thigh. “…Then the thigh. Then-”
He leaned in, kissing you just at the corner of your mouth.
"A little kiss here," he murmured, lips barely brushing your skin.
Then another - softer, lingering just at the very edge of your lips.
"A little peck there."
For a man who hated double dates, he was making a very strong case for them.
This was clearly foreplay.
Had to be foreplay.
You chose to interpret it as foreplay.
So, naturally, just as you were about to pull him in properly - to finally taste the wine on his lips – he pulled back.
Mixed signals whore.
“And then,” he continued, and you swore his voice had gotten even lower - sluttier, if you were being honest - "it escalates.”
...Wine-induced yapper. "Because one couple decides a little peck isn’t enough, so they turn and start devouring each other’s faces… in public.”
The wine that was in your system, instead, suggested you should have him biblically, right here, right now, on his couch.
“Care to demonstrate this part too?” You licked your lips, tilting your head.
Aaron sighed “Honey.” You knew you were in trouble the moment he smirked. “You’re demonstrating my point…”
Your stomach dropped.
“…You want more.” Aaron tutted, shaking his head, feigning disappointment. “Of course you want more. A chaste kiss isn’t enough. How could it be, sweetheart?”
Hell yes you wanted more.
You might have even nodded without meaning to.
“But imagine if this was happening in public. In front of two other people. What about them?” he murmured, tilting his head, voice dropping into something dark, silky, dangerous. “In front of two other people.”
You swallowed, very much not thinking about them right now.
“Because at that point, they only have two choices: they either sit there - third-wheeling, watching - or…” His hand slid beneath your shirt, fingers splaying wide over your bare waist, gripping, pulling you that much closer. "… they start doing it too."
Your breath hitched. “Aaron-”
"With just a kiss, it creates an environment," he murmured, lips grazing the shell of your ear, "where both couples get competitive. Where they start copying each other - but making it more…"
He dragged his nose along the curve of your jaw, the ghost of his lips tracing just behind it. "Passionate."
A teeth-grazing kiss against your pulse.
A slow drag of his lips down the column of your throat, before he made his way back up, tilting your chin up with his fingers just so, forcing you to look at him.
And God, that look.
"More tongue," he continued, letting you see it first - his own darting out, wetting his lips just before he brushed them over yours.
Not kissing.
Not yet.
“More biting.” Aaron caught your lower lip between his teeth, pulling just enough to confirm what you already knew -
He tasted like red wine.
Rich. Dark. Addictive.
And so did you.
“More touching.” His hand drifted, fingertips just skimming over your ribs, teasing along the underside of your breast - so close, so close, before he let it trail lower again, just as his lips ghosted over your ear.
"More sounds."
You barely bit back the breathy, desperate little moan clawing its way up your throat because -
Aaron shoved you off his lap.
In one fluid motion, he shifted, pressing you back into the couch, caging you in beneath him, his arms bracketing either side of your head.
His knee slotted between your thighs, pressing up just slightly - just enough to make you gasp, make your hips twitch without thinking.
You were pretty sure now that this was, in fact, foreplay.
“At that point,” he murmured, lowering himself, pressing his body against yours, pinning you down with nothing but his weight, “if you’re already getting ideas…”
Aaron rolled his hips against you, his knee shifting just enough to have you sucking in a sharp breath. “…it’s better off just staying home. Because at least then,” he whispered, “we can do this.”
And then he kissed you. Properly.
Deep and hungry, pressing you down into the cushions until you moaned into his mouth, pulling him closer as one of his hands slipped under your shirt.
“You-” you swallowed, trying to find words, but he stole them from you, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your jaw. “You expect me to believe this is why you hate double dates?”
“I expect you to understand,” he murmured against the sensitive skin of your neck, “that if I ever go on one…” he nipped at your pulse, making you gasp. “…I’ll be thinking about this the entire time.”
Then - click.
The sound of the button of your pants being undone, followed shortly by the hiss of your zipper. You felt the warmth of his fingertips slipping beneath the waistband of your pants, resting over your hip bone.
Well, fuck.
“You’ll be sitting across from me,” he continued, voice so unfairly composed, so infuriatingly smooth, “pretending to listen to whatever they’re taking about.”
He tilted his head, kissing along your collarbone, then much lower. You made a mental note to always wear anything resembling a tank top in his presence from now on.
“And the entire time…” his fingers dipped just slightly beneath the elastic of your underwear.
You shuddered. “Aaron.”
He hummed, pleased - so deeply pleased - before finally sliding lower, his fingers finally brushing right where you needed him most.
You whimpered.
“I’ll be remembering,” he murmured, “exactly how you sound right now.”
Your back arched into his touch, fingers digging into his shoulders, nails biting into muscle as his fingers moved.
“And how you look,” he added, his lips brushing the curve of your breast, “when you fall apart for me.”
Your breath hitched-
And then.
He stopped.
Just - stopped.
His hands left you completely as he leaned back, settling onto his knees above you, looking far too pleased with himself.
You gaped at him, betrayed. “Are you kidding me?”
Aaron just smirked, gaze flicking over you, taking in your flushed cheeks, your uneven breathing, the way your body was still desperately aching for him.
“See?” he shrugged, voice so damn smug. “This is why I hate double dates.”
How funny would it be if these ended up being his last words?
You huffed, adjusting yourself on the couch, crossing your arms like you weren’t still ridiculously turned on and very annoyed about it. “Alright, you know what? Fine. No need to suffer through a double date if we just… conveniently wait to tell the team about us until after JJ and Will start going back out with Penelope and Kevin.”
Aaron smirked.
At least you’d both come to an agreement - the exact same procrastination tactic you’d been using, just with a new and improved excuse attached.
“…Smart girl.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t patronize me.”
“I wouldn’t dare, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes, still breathing heavily, still so deeply unsatisfied, as Aaron pressed a kiss to your temple, then stood, stretching his arms.
“I’ll clean the wine glasses,” he mused, already heading toward the kitchen. “And then I’ll be back to you.”
You stared at him.
He paused, glancing at you over his shoulder, smirking.
You huffed, sarcastic, “glad we could work this out.”
You were not glad. Not at all. Especially because not even a full minute later, your phone buzzed with a text.
From him.
From Mr. Clean himself, who was currently just a couple rooms away from you.
Lawyer, 8:43 PM:
Sweetheart, I hope you're ready, because I’m going to spread you out on that couch and fuck you so deep, you’ll still feel me when you sit at your desk tomorrow.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
"Garcia just told me how to get the cat," came his voice from the kitchen - so damn smug you could hear the smirk in it, followed the sound of his footsteps getting closer.
Before you could turn, before you could say anything, he was there - leaning in from behind the couch, arms sliding around you, caging you in, whispering into your ear -
"It was just a simple copy-paste."
taglist: @beata1108 ; @c-losur3 ; @fangirlunknown ; @hayleym1234 ; @justyourusualash ; @khxna ; @kyrathekiller ; @lostinwonderland314 ; @mxblobby ; @oxforce ; @percysley ; @person-005 ; @prettybaby-reid ; @reidfile ; @royalestrellas ; @ssa-callahan ; @softestqueeen ; @theseerbetweenus ; @todorokishoe2
#dado 400#aaron hotchner#hotch#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotch x reader#hotch x reader#aaron hotchner smut#aaron hotchner x reader smut
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I definitely think a lot of this is really interesting now that I'm rewatching the show again to write my fanfictions...
Katara definitely had her faults (and it was kinda wrong of her to tell her older brother that he didn't love their mother as much, especially because he most likely had more memories of her alive in comparison), but she was still a 14-year-old girl thrust into adult responsibility in the middle of a war. She is misunderstood a lot of the time from a fan's perspective because (in all honesty) a lot of us watched the show as kids and either thought she was super cool or super annoying. I even only started to find Katara annoying after I was older--and that was mainly because in times when she did attempt to "solve" things or "fix" something she wasn't mature enough yet to understand how to handle it responsibly. Sokka was a lot like this too, and we see him getting blamed a lot less. Both of them were standing in as leaders in their tribe during the war, and both of them left. Sure, the Avatar showed up, but even Aang was running away from responsibility until he realized he had to face the consequences of his actions!
Past this point is a lot of me talking about how I'm addressing a lot of this in my fan works, so check it out if you're interested!
I think a lot of my thoughts on this topic stem from the fact that I want to explore the emotional and responsibility commitments the characters of ATLA have weighing on them. In the AU I'm writing, for example, the characters (set in canon) are aged up and a lot of them have more people they are attached to. Since this was a Katara-centric post, I'll also include what I have in mind for my Katara fic.
Growing Pains centers around the letters Katara sends home to her and Sokka's childhood friend, Mali. He was the oldest of the boys left behind by the tribe because he just didn't quite make the age cut, and now serves as a hunter and protector for the tribe. He was definitely upset when his friends left him, but he knew that if they were to travel with the Avatar he had to stay and protect their tribe. Katara sends her letters detailing the stories of her adventures to Mali but soon realizes that she left a lot behind at home for what was turning out to be a perilous and risk-filled adventure.
And on the Aang side of things (because let's face it, a twelve-year-old boy having childish immaturity and the weight of the world on their shoulders is NOT the best combination), I wanted to explore more of his energy and experience of learning maturity after hardship in a Book 3 and post-war fic titled Spitfire.
Spitfire centers around one of Zuko's childhood friends (an OC because I think he deserved friends he could actually trust prior to joining the Gaang) named Soru coming to terms with the fact that he never truly was against the Avatar even though he's from the Fire Nation. Escapism at its finest--truly. As Aang has to come to terms with the new reality the world is entering after the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai, he has to learn how to deal with the weight of the political aspect of society the rest of his friends (and former enemies for that matter) were already wrapped up in.
All in all, I really think exploring aspects of the characters of such a beloved show that aren't really addressed is such an interesting thing to do. I applaud all other ATLA writers on the platform (and any platform) for either just sticking to canon or coming to terms with the flaws that are either over-exaggerated or under-represented in fanfiction, but I am not one of you! I want to explore the inklings of depth we get from this fun show, especially since I'm approaching this from a perspective in which the characters are older and arguably have more responsibility on their shoulders.
I'd really appreciate it if anyone would check out my stories (will be posted on here and ao3) or at least show interest in them! I've worked really hard to put all the details together behind the scenes, so any support or showing you enjoy my works/ideas is greatly appreciated!
I just watched Avatar for the first time all the way through, and yeah, it’s great, but the one thing that surprised me was how different Katara was compared to the fandom interpretation I’d seen and internalized before watching.
Like, before you watch Avatar, you’ve seen all these memes about Katara and her mom, and based on those memes, you assume it’s one of those lines you have to get used to hearing at least once every episode. But then you watch the show and realize that she only talks about her mom maybe five or six times per season and you also realize she only brings her up when she’s trying to comfort someone or empathize with them because that’s how she processes her grief and that’s one way she connects with people.

Or you hear the infamous line, “then you didn’t love [our mother] the way I did” and you prepare yourself for one of the worst character assassinations ever only to see the scene after nearly three seasons worth of context and realize she was kinda right. She’s been the mother, the nurturer, the comforter. She’s been patient, gentle, and accommodating where everyone else has gotten to be insensible and reckless and childish, and the one moment where she allows herself to feel her grief, suddenly she’s this evil bitch and not, y’know, a 14 year old girl whose been thrusted into adulthood in a way no other character has. A 14 year old girl who should be allowed immaturity and raw emotion and anger instead of the patience and grace she’s been forced to extend to every character without even the smallest amount of gratitude or even consideration in return.
Or you see all of the clips where Katara puts Aang in the “friendzone” and you expect to have this wishy washy back and forth where Aang is putting his feelings out there only to have Katara neither commit nor express any clear reciprocation or rejection. Then you watch and realize that, as cute as the ship is initially, that there’s never a point where Aang returns any comfort or grace to Katara despite her always doing this for him to the point of coddling. That for as much as Aang says he loves her, he never seems to outgrow his perception of her so he can recognize her as someone who feels grief, anger, and pain as much as she expresses love, kindness, and maturity. And instead of having moments where he learns to see her beyond her strength or compassion, you’re instead given moments where Aang forces his feelings onto her, both romantic and non-romantic, and Katara is expected to just…shoulder those feelings the way she shoulders everyone else’s.
Katara is the most misunderstood character in the show. As much as people recognize the complexities of Zuko, Sokka, and Azula, they struggle to do the same for Katara because they see her struggles as somehow lesser, and therefore, less deserving of sympathy. They can handle her so long as she’s being endlessly patient and loving and kind, but the moment her endless love, patience, and kindness runs out, she’s suddenly this annoying bitch who can’t shut up about her mother or reciprocate Aang’s feelings. But Katara’s trauma does matter as much as anyone else’s. No, she wasn’t banished from her kingdom. No, she didn’t lose her entire community, and no, she isn’t the only one who lost her mother. But the difference between her and everyone else whose experienced loss because of the Fire Nation is that she’s never given time to process her trauma. Aang gets to lean on Katara constantly. Toph gets to express her feelings to Katara, and yeah, Sokka also lost their mother, but unlike Katara, he isn’t put in the position of being a substitute for everyone’s parent. He even admits that he sees his sister as a mother. The only characters who ever comfort Katara or allow her to vent is Zuko and her father and that’s, like, three scenes in a show where the other characters are consistently given opportunities to seek out Katara for unconditional support.
The fandom interpretation of Katara has been so bastardized that even those who haven’t watched the show know her for this fanon version and not for who she is. She’s such an interesting character beyond her fandom limitations, though. She’s brave, hot-headed, and hopeful as well as gentle and caring. She wishes to learn waterbending, not only because she wants to fight in the war, but because she wants to continue her culture’s practices because, and people often forget this, she also lost an entire subculture within her already fractured tribe. And she wants to defeat the Fire Nation both because of her deep love and empathy for other people, but also because she wants to avenge her mother. But because some of the fans have reduced Katara to a bitch who constantly whines about her mother and friendzones Aang, you wouldn’t know any of this, and it sucks because she’s the only character whose been dumbed down to such an extent.
#avatar the last airbender#avatar#katara#atla#atla aang#aang#avatar aang#fanfic writing#fic writing#writing#understanding characters#mey's atlaverse#just an opinion#really appreciate it#atla katara
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You seem to be both a solavellan and mythal fan so maybe I won’t get shot for this question lol
Veilguard was my first game. I kept default settings, which meant solavellan world state.
I genuinely wonder: what makes people think Solas loves Lavellan? Or that if being with Mythal possible, he still would choose Lavellan?
He is so clearly not over Mythal. Last game is filled with references to their connection, she herself confirms that both still love each other. He is very protective of her while arguing with Elgarnan. Statues of them everywhere, him painting and playing songs about her, his very own room having statues of Mythal… In the end he discloses he does it all for her, refuses to stop after Lavellan’s appeals, and only does so after Mythal shows up.
In comparison, Solas describes what he had with Lavellan as “entanglement he selfishly grow close to” he both regrets and cherishes. Most of the romance is carried on Inquisitor’s shoulders, as she both explicitly tells what he means to her, reaches out to him and ultimately shares his burden of atonement.
I couldn’t understand why this ship was so popular, so I watched solavellan romance in DAI. And while it was beautifully done, having the context of Veilguard, I just keep seeing Mythal in every “we shouldn’t”/his face after balcony kiss/ultimately abandoning her in the end. It feels almost unfair and cruel for him to enter another relationship while his heart isn’t free. And to visit Lavellan’s dreams afterwards
What am I missing?
a lot of people would shoot you for this. but dont worry i am not one of them. be careful out there tho
i think the first thing i would say is that instead of watching a video, you would need to do play a full solavellan playthrough of the game if you do want to genuinely understand the relationship and why it is so beloved. im not sure which compilation you watched, but even one that includes all their conversations (rather than just the cutscenes, of which there are very few) cannot do the relationship justice. so much of understanding solas as a character and how he loves people, by extension, is wrapped up in how he reacts to the world at large, its people, its history, its institutions, and its metaphysics. assuming you're new to DA and wouldn't know this, solas's romance in inquisition is the shortest, most sparse romance in the game, and was added later in development. as a result, much of his essential characterization happens outside the bounds of romance content, but still adds deeper meaning, context, and depth to the relationship. even in terms of romance specific content, some of my favorite content occurs in banter that probably was not included in the video you watched. the solas romance is less a standalone love story, in the way many of the romances are, and more of a big juicy delicious cherry on top that helps you better understand the overall dragon age solas plot/cake you're eating.
theres a couple non-romance specific scenes that shed significant light on solas & mythal's dynamic from his perspective that i am not sure if you have seen and honestly i wouldnt recommend watching them because, again, i think you should just play inquisition and experience them in the proper context. but solas's companion personal quest is directly about his corruption at the hands of mythal, though we didn't know that until veilguard came out and contextualized it. and this quest pretty explicitly demonstrates how he feels about what she did to him: rage, beyond forgiveness, deserving of death. he also comments on her at the temple of mythal, and his comments are mostly neutral but verging on judgemental, and do illuminate that while he may have loved her, he certainly did not trust her. it is he who first clarifies that she was a goddess of vengeance, rather than justice. which i cant think about too long or else i'll get angry that they ret-conned it to benevolence -> retribution or whatever the fuck and erased the anders/justice/vengeance parallel... anyway
but i think more telling is his absolute refusal to drink from the well if asked, and most telling; how he fears for an inquisitor who drank.
he specifically calls mythal dangerous, arrogant, and fickle, absolutely refuses to submit to her will once again via the drinking of the well, and begs an inquisitor he loves not to do the same lest she suffer the same fate. he loves mythal, of course, but he also fears her. he is critical of her behavior and wary of her motivations. his love for her exists alongside his recognition of what she was.
another fairly vital bit of information is how according to trespasser (cole banter), solas used to wear mythal vallaslin until he burnt it off his own face when he developed his vallaslin removal spell. its how he got the little scar above his eyebrow. meaning, if vallaslin were slave markings, that solas was effectively enslaved to her. this is... pretty important context, obviously. but we never find out what it might have been like for him. veilguard.... didnt forget but rather deliberately ignored this because it wasnt willing to interrogate the issue of slavery which had been vital to solas as the leader of a slave rebellion. ugh. anyway.
this leads into my next point which is that veilguard really drastically changes solas's motivations to be far more mythal-centric than what was set up in inquisition/trespasser. we always knew something was up with them, and people always wondered if they might have been lovers, but veilguard goes in on this idea in a way that many people would actually call out-of-character compared to how he behaves in inquisition. veilguard itself though does present their relationship as rather complex though, in my opinion its one of the best parts of the game. the two moments that i chew on most frequently are the letter from felassan in mythal's weird little dragon pit that reveals how he made that island for her but locked it away when she was killed. and my ultimate fave is how she reveals that in the literal thousands of years she has been sitting there alone since her murder, many of which he was alive and fighting a rebellion partly in her name, and in the 12 years since he woke up from uthenera, he never went to visit her. not once. its giving jane eyre and i fucking love it. in this same conversation, she also says that when he killed flemeth, he wept. this, i think, is the crux of how he feels about her. he can barely look at her. he resents her. he will use her like he did anyone else. he loves her. he feels lost without her. he will never forgive her. he misses her. all of these things are true at once, and mythal seems to feel similarly; she loathes him. she understands him better than anyone. she resents him for betraying her and abandoning her. she calls him a pathetic little crybaby pussy ass bitch. she loves him.
i dont think anything you said in your message is necessarily wrong. i do think he loves mythal still. i think he always will. i think mythal is valid when she says that they have a bond that no one will ever understand. i agree he is protective over her. i also interpret their relationship as romantic though a lot of people do not. i just love drama. but i think you are misinterpreting his reluctance to be with lavellan as coming from his attachment to mythal as a person, rather than his attachment to his duty to what mythal represents - the world he ruined, everything he's ever done wrong. to say that solas would actually consciously choose mythal over lavellan if they were the final two contestants on the bachelorette is honestly, absurd. sorry. because actually he would choose neither, he would dramatically let the rose fall to the ground and run off to restore the elven people while chris hansen (felassan) dramatically runs after him. both women are secondary to him when it comes to the good of the entire world, and fixing what he broke. he has had plenty of moments to choose mythal and run away with her if he wanted. he has literally had her bertha-ing out in his crossroads attic for 10 years. he also literally does kill her via flemeth. which isnt to say that he wouldn't kill lavellan if forced to, i think he would. but the point here is that its not mythal vs. lavellan. its mythal vs. the world, and lavellan vs. the world. he should have chosen the world over mythal. he didnt. he created the blight instead. he destroyed everything. he cannot make the same mistake again, so he will choose the world every. single. time.
regardless, every time solas turns away from lavellan in the romance, he is not thinking "i wish you were her". he is thinking "if i do this to you, i have become her". prioritizing his own desires over the good of the world, stringing her along, using her as a tool to do his bidding (getting the orb back), are all things mythal did to him. he told her he would follow her anywhere. and when he begins to realize that lavellan would follow him anywhere (as she says in veilguard), he freaks out and has to end it. he knows he will have to continue to kill and cause destruction to bring his world back, so if he did allow her to join him in walking the dinan'shiral, or did anything other than break her heart and leave her, he would be corrupting her the way mythal corrupted him; a weapon to achieve his goal. but he refuses. in his mind, he already destroyed the world for love once; at mythal's behest. if he abandons the world for lavellan, he is destroying the world for love again, and making her an accomplice. so, every time he leaves her it is an act of love.
the way the inquisitor is the driving force of their romance is partly just... gameplay lol but its also consistent with the overarching theme of consent in a relationship that is fundamentally unethical and unequal. lavellan has to be the initiator or else solas becomes a predator. some would say he is anyway lol, but its clear much of the writing was designed to avoid this with the way he is constantly denying himself, backing away, trying not to give in. it might have been juicy, but for him to knowingly romantically and sexually pursue a young woman 10,000 years younger while lying to her about his identity and using her for his plans would make him an entirely different character. a character that would be a hit on romantasy booktok, but not solas. consent and ethics are so central to not only the relationship thematically, but to solas himself, and some of that is because of mythal and the inequality of their own past dynamic. solas is so passive in the romance not because he doesnt like this weird clingy bitch who wont leave him alone, but because he does not want to recreate the same dynamic that corrupted him into pride and uhhhh literally destroyed the world. i'll leave you with another essential quote that you may not have encountered yet:
Cole: It isn’t abuse if I ask! Solas: Not always true.
in trespasser, solas's duty to bring down the veil was more unambiguously to the elven people and the alleviation of his own crushing guilt, while mythal was collateral damage in his way and he used her like he would use anyone else (including lavellan loool) as a tool to achieve his goals. we see this when he kills flemeth and takes mythal's power. in veilguard they had to obscure this slightly to make him "less sympathetic", to use the devs own words. and they did this by shifting the crux of his motivations to mythal. i dont think his lap dog devotion is out of character, i adore it, but i hate that it came at the expense of his more complex and sympathetic motivations of saving the elven people and spirits from the damage of the veil. as a result, when looking at his behavior in the context of inquisition + trespasser + veilguard, i interpret it as mythal being symbolic of the destruction of the world at his hands. and not to toot my own horn but trick's interpretation that they shared on bluesky does support this, when they said that to solas, mythal represents the past and lavellan represents the future. ive written about his statement that it was all for mythal, and the tldr is that i think it is also supposed to be interpreted as symbolic and reflective of his psyche. but even if he did do it all for her, i dont think that necessarily negates his relationship with lavellan. he needs mythal to break the cognitive dissonance, alleviate his guilt, and release him, because she is the source of all of those things in the first place. lavellan could never break them because she is frankly irrelevant to those things. he is so caught up in his sunk-cost fallacy that he feels the only way is through. lavellan may not be able to break the hold the past has on him because she is separate from it, but she can offer him another path once it has been broken, a fork in the road he thought was straight; her, their future.
i think to say solas's heart is not free is a misunderstanding. he denies his heart's desire over and over, we see this clearly in the letter he sends to lavellan in veilguard that expresses how badly he wanted to put down his burden and stay with her. in his expressed reluctance to leave her in crestwood, how he refuses to lie and tell her it meant nothing. in "no matter what happens, i want you to know that what we had was real". his indulgent final kiss in trespasser. in "i will never forget you". its especially apt that you worded it this way and that vhenan means "my heart". if anything, his heart is the most free part of him. it is everything else that belongs to mythal: his body, created at her command. his path of destruction and ruin, which she set him on. his purpose, which she distorted from wisdom to pride. she, then, is the only one who can give it all back to him. and as soon as she does, he is free to prioritize his heart. and he quite literally does.
tldr; play inquisition <3
#asks#character analysis#meta#mine#this is not what i planned to do tonight but here we are#thanks for coming to me anon you absolutely came to the right place
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Scattered WoT rewatch thoughts (1x01-1x04)
This includes spoilers for s3, because my rewatch is adding some context to my thoughts for season three and the spoilers we know so far and book spoilers through Lord of Chaos:
I do think it's likely that Egwene's Accepted Test is going to mirror the scene with Liandrin gentling the man from the cold open, but Rand being in a river ties it more to Egwene and the Two Rivers. Egwene has been very associated with water so far, from needing to trust the river in s1 to undergo the rite to officially become a woman, to a jug of water being the symbol of the battle of wills that she has with Renna in 2x06.
We have been watching Egwene's and Rand's paths diverge from each other from their very first scene together - the first time we see them kiss (and have implied fade-to-black sex) basically is a play from Rand to buy himself a little more time with Egwene before she breaks things off with him. Afterwards, she tells him that their futures aren't going to be aligned with each other. We even see her reject his symbolic romantic gesture of giving her a berry, which he used to give her when they were younger.
Rand will later say that Selene is the first woman to see him as a man and it does feel like his relationship with Egwene is very tied up to his boyhood.
So, s1 has an ep1 post-coital scene where Egwene's abilities separate her from the possibility of a future with Rand, so we may see this mirrored (if you'll pardon my choice of words) in 3x01.
First Finn foreshadowing for Mat: the tiny noose-like bits of thread on Fain's wagon.
The Rand & Egwene on a cliffside rock scene is another one that we know gets echoed in s3, with Lanfear taking Egwene's place and changing the narrative.
I really like that Nynaeve's feelings about the Two Rivers are grounded in her personal relationships (Rand has also been hearing a lot of things about the AS to make him wary, going by what Tam says about them).
Mat provides gambling, alcohol, and fostering emotional sharing in the relationship between the three boys. And we see them showing care and concern back to him.
I really do love how the show took the concept of Bel Tine and tied it into the world mythology of the Wheel and reincarnation. Very good philosophical setup for the future. Wheel keeps turning and we keep trying to do better than the last time.
We also see Nynaeve's loneliness in the Bel Tine scene, which is what Rand talked about when he was talking about what Egwene choosing to be a Wisdom would mean - no family of her own.
Overall, the show does such good job of showing how this mountain village has held onto the old ways without even realizing the depth of what those ways mean.
The battle is so well done. The fear and panic of the villagers at first, and how Moiraine helps them. I am also going to stand up and say that i think that having (and killing) Laila was a good choice! It shows us the cost of the Trolloc attack, it sets up Perrin's fear over his own battlerage, it sets up Perrin's overprotectiveness over his love interest without making wild overprotectiveness just a Two Rivers trait. And it really made all the show-only reactors that I watched sympathize with Perrin instantly. It was a solid change.
Rand undergoes the first of many "my parents weren't what I thought" when he sees how well Tam fights with a sword.
I love that we see our EF5's courage so strongly but in different ways.
Our first glimpse of weaves and of Aes Sedai working together with their Warders! And we see how effective they can be together. We're going to see the limitations of Warders in s3, I think, because they don't help much in a Power vs Power battle, but for most trouble that an Aes Sedai has been able to get into before now, they were very useful!
Also: Egwene is wearing a bracer on her left wrist here that is very much like the one she wears in s3 (and that does kinda echo the sul'dam bracer).
Rand mentions earlier that stories say a single Aes Sedai is said to be able to turn the tide of a battle and we get to see that here when Moiraine pulls down the Winespring Inn to hurl the stones at the Trollocs.
Poor in-denial Rand here, who does not want to believe what his dad confessed to him on their journey to the village.
Rand, Egwene, Moiraine, and Laila all in blue here, in the aftermath of the attack. Both Rand & Egwene cover up their blue shirts with brown sheepskin coats for their journey out of the Two Rivers. Mirrors!! Foils! Following parallel but separate paths, which is part of why they can't be together.
Rand knows that this about him but he can't admit it to himself. I love it when stories continue to add depth on a rewatch.
We saw the danger of the Shadow in the last episode, now we set up the danger of the Whitecloaks. Another scene that gains depth on rewatch, as show-onlys will later realize that the Whitecloaks are murdering a healer here, once they find out more about the Aes Sedai. They are zealots.
"Sometimes brutality is the only path to mercy." Yikes!
This episode also brings in the evil of Shadar Logoth, a more ancient example of purely human evil that is not driven by the Shadow or Darkfriends. The city that ate itself alive out of paranoia and self-isolation from the world. A cautionary tale for what the Two Rivers could have become.
We get first lessons in Aes Sedai Oaths here, both their limitations and the ways to find loopholes around them. We also see that Rand confronts Moiraine publicly while Egwene also confronts her, but privately (because Moiraine is also clearly more comfortable having private confabs with Egwene over any of the boys - she's no Red but still has a wariness about men could channel).
Is this Egwene and Mat's only conversation? (And they are quickly joined by all the others)
We see Mat trying to lighten the mood, while Rand begins to show hints of leadership, wanting them to form a plan in case Moiraine turns on one of them.
I like the change that the show made in the Three Oaths, giving them a solid origin based in history - and tying it to Hawkwing also ties it to the Seanchan. The White Tower chose to leash itself to specific rules, while the women in Seanchan were forcibly leashed by their government.
Moiraine must feel so hopeful when she realizes that Egwene can channel and so the world might get a Dragon who can't go mad from saidin.
Genuinely, it is so baffling to me how some people watching the show were calling Rand clingy and trying to hold onto a dead relationship when it's literally Egwene sending the mixed signals and trying to cuddle up to Rand here, the episode after she broke things off with him.
Rand and Moiraine's first fight! We're going to get more of this in s3 as well, I believe. Moiraine trying to direct and control them, while Rand wants to actually know the endgame and what her plans are.
Poor Mat & Perrin forced to witness the fight afterwards between Rand & Egwene.
Mat is so good at defusing emotional conflict. He is the one who gets Rand to level out after the disagreements with Moiraine & Egwene.
We are shown the division in the Whitecloaks here - the Questioners being the true zealots, with the regular Children being willing to bend on matters of Aes Sedai.
Rand is gonna glare a hole in Moiraine's back.
The ruined bridge! Love all the old ruins in the Two Rivers area.
Mat again shows his emotional intelligence by starting the sing-along to boost spirits among the group. And we get a little history lesson. Fingers crossed for Mat singing again in s3!
Also: this scene made me cry during this rewatch.
We're briefly told here that they've been traveling for days, before the night when they go into Shadar Logoth.
Rand and Egwene work through a bit and come to better terms over the course of this episode but their main conflict of being on fundamentally different paths is not resolved. I'm guessing this will get echoed in s3 but they will actually fully accept and come to terms with their separate paths.
Perrin's first wolf encounter! ❤️
Once again, we see Mat reaching out to one of his friends to help them process - Perrin in this case, offering him a dagger that Laila had made for Mat and returning it to Perrin. I hope we get to see some of that in s3 with his friends in ep1. Mat is so sweet to his friends.
S1 - Rand goes to a dead city with Moiraine & Egwene; s3 - Rand goes to a dead city with Moiraine & Aviendha (based on the trailers).
Mat getting drawn to the dagger. Man, that is gonna fuck him up. My poor sad wet cat.
Our first plot-mandated split up - I do understand why we don't get a second Cauthor road trip since they did get all this time and focus together in s1, but I am definitely hoping that the change means we'll get them together again later on the series, hopefully spending time with each other in s4 (if we get it, etc). And I hope for a couple of good scenes before they part ways in s3.
We learn more about Nynaeve's grit and cleverness in the opener, as well as revealing that Trollocs will cannibalize their injured companions.
Nynaeve is such a badass here. 💖
I love this credits sequence so much. I understand wanting to spend every moment of the episode runtime but it's just so lovely.
Lan being impressed by Nynaeve tracking them. 💖
The Great Cauthor Roadtrip has begun!
"They say all roads lead there." "That's not how roads work." I love them so much.
Perrin & Egwene's roadtrip also begins. I do quite enjoy their scenes together even if I'm not getting the shippy buzz from them. But Perrin & Egwene both trying to light the same fire and not being certain who did it in the end... I hope we get a continued connection between them in the future (iykyk).
This episode is where we can clearly see Nynaeve's healer yellow under her warrior green. Perfect, no notes. All the scenes between Lan & Nynaeve in this episode are pure gold.
We can also see more clearly how Lan has a fancy pattern on the shoulders of his outfit.
Ishamael trying to suss out which of the ta'veren is the Dragon via dreams. Perrin dreams of Ishy here but Egwene doesn't seem to. The wolves herding them to safety in the scariest way possible lol I love them. They are probably trying to talk to Perrin but he can't see their visions yet.
Our first glimpse of an Aiel (dead in a cage). It really sets the tone for the town as a whole.
Hello, Thom! And Dana has her eye on the boys from the beginning. I do love Thom's song here and, of course, what it implies about Thom's sympathies towards men who can channel. I'm hoping for at least one good convo about Rand between Mat & Thom in s3.
Mat's keen emotional intelligence in display in previous episodes gets turned like a knife against Rand in this one and it hurts a lot.
"Someplace new, you can be anything you want. And no one's gonna know the dirt you were born in." We'll see Mat indulging in this idea a bit at the start of s3, I think.
Our first hints of Perrin's overprotectiveness post-Laila's death, and Egwene pushing back and offering compassion that Perrin doesn't feel like he deserves, and refusing to let him risk himself for her sake - they go together.
I think we got Aram confirmed for s3, so looking forward to his reunion with Perrin and how they might interact.
Egwene getting covered with the shawl of many colors.
Dana is such a good compilation of "every darkfriend on the road" that Mat & Rand encounter on the road.
Lol at Rand being so snippy over Mat when we know he actually thinks extremely highly of Mat. He's just mad at him right now because Mat is being an asshole for what seems to be no reason.
Our first hint that Siuan and Moiraine got a relationship upgrade comes when Moiraine whispers a pained "Siuan" when she's really out of it. Also they did a great job of making Moiraine look on the edge of death.
We get to see more of Thom's compassion when Mat encounters him at the dead Aiel's cage. Love our little lesson about Aiel here - and our first open hint about Rand's heritage, as Thom tells us red hair is rare outside the Aiel Waste.
"If you're going to take from the dead, the least you can do is bury them."
First mention of the Stone of Tear and the Lion Throne of Caemlyn.
Dana going for the kiss - start of a pattern there, the Shadow trying (and succeeding in s2) to deceive their way into Rand's bed. And she genuinely likes Rand too, but is still willing to betray him.
Our first hint of Rand using the Power, when he breaks the reinforced door.
I really like that they used Dana to give us Ishamael's philosophy. Break the Wheel to stop the pain of the world. I like that Mat encounters this again with Ishy at the end of s2 and we see him reject it.
Okay, Thom never openly tells either of the boys that he thinks they're the Dragon but he overhears their conversation with Dana and also assumes right away that it's the madness troubling Mat in the next episode.
Hi, Logain! I like how both Nynaeve and Logain are used to create doubt in Moiraine's mind over the accuracy of the prophecies.
Logain does a good job showing us all the scary foreshadowing for what the Dragon will be capable of. What Logain does to one country, Rand is supposed to do to the world, essentially. We see both the power and the madness here.
"What does a crown mean to the Dragon Reborn?"
Logain knows and believes in the prophecies and believes that he is truly the Dragon, with the voices in his head urging him on.
We do see Logain fighting and winning against the corruption here, healing the king instead of killing him.
I love what they've done with Logain so far in the story. I don't think we've seen any spoilers about him in s3 yet but I would not be surprised to see him.
We get to learn a lot about Aes Sedai in this episode, with Nynaeve as our main vehicle for learning the lore, which is great because of her prickly relationship with Moiraine.
The war party to capture Logain is comprised of Green & Red sisters and this is an authorized operation that we can directly compare to the unauthorized operation that Liandrin and her fellow Reds carried out in ep1. Logain is captured and shielded, not gentled on the spot. Then he is meant to be taken back to the White Tower for trial - I'm guessing this is actually meant to determine if he's the real Dragon Reborn. False Dragons get gentled and the true Dragon stays shielded until the Last Battle, to keep him from using the Power and going mad from the corruption.
Liandrin is so snippy and petty with Moiraine. I kinda do feel like she tried a flirtation with Moiraine in the past and got shot down.
I really love how the show gave the Warders their own subculture and community. We did not get enough of that in the books at all. A+ improvement.
We find out here how secretive Moiraine & Lan are around other Aes Sedai & Warders. We also learn that Liandrin is pushing against the Amyrlin's decrees and that there are rumors spreading about the unsanctioned gentlings.
Aram is lovely and charming. The show also did a really good job making the Tuatha'an endearing.
Rand and Mat bonding over their mutual paranoia towards the rest of the world: oh dear.
"I always knew women couldn't see men's weaves..." setting out right here that there is a distinction between the two Powers.
I like Alanna & Moiraine's friendship. And Alanna does a good job setting out the Green Ajah mission statement - the Battle Ajah, to prepare for the Last Battle.
Alanna worrying that the current Tower policy about the Dragon is too aggressive and might lead to the Tower gentling the Dragon Reborn and dooming the world.
Liandrin starts her work on trying to get to Nynaeve. Not sure if she already knows anything about the Two Rivers ta'veren or if she's just looking to subverting someone traveling with Moiraine.
Rand taking charge of the situation to de-escalate, while Mat continues to slip.
Lol at Liandrin being the one to tell us the Blues are ~just spies~ and then to give us the official line on the Red Ajah philosophy - the magic cops, basically.
Liandrin also makes it clear here that men are not welcome under the Red Ajah's tent.
Tying the Way of the Leaf into the reincarnation cycle of the Wheel makes so much sense and rally solidifies it and grounds it into the world.
Rand starts to worry that something is really wrong with Mat here. The little girl offering Mat the Birgitte doll is so sweet.
Rand trying to rationalize what's happening with Mat, and Thom tries to gently led him to the idea that Mat can channel. Very good conversation, because Rand is torn between not wanting to believe it of himself but part of him knowing that it's him, and his worries over Mat. Rand hears about the consequences of being gentled here, and then sees both gentling and mental illness up close in s2.
"Nothing is more dangerous than a man who knows the past." Appropriate for both Rand & Mat!
Having Nynaeve hang out with the Warders so that we can learn more about them is so good.
And our first poly relationship hints!
I like that we get to see Moiriane doubting herself and her path, questioning the prophecies. And Lan reassuring her that they're on the correct path, reminding her of the dreams and the Trollocs, that Logain doesn't fit what they know about how old the Dragon should be.
This story that Ila tells is going to echo in s3 as well, as we see the Aiel come up against this choice and the split between them happens as some of them pick up a spear while the others do not, choose to stay true to their original culture instead.
"Have you lost him?" "No. No, I would know if I had." Egwene still thinking about Rand, as Rand was thinking about her last episode.
Rand waking up and making that promise to Mat. Awww. "No matter what happens, I'm here."
The show really has set out such a strong foundation for Mat & Rand's friendship, so while them not being together in s3 isn't my favorite adaptation choices (though I do think I will probably love Mat in Tanchico) they do have a very solid foundation of relationship work already put into them.
We got Perrin's Ishy dream, now we get Rand. Perrin is hammering away (at Laila's body?), Mat is wandering around with a bloody red hand, and Egwene is yoinked away by Ishy. And Rand wakes up from that into a waking nightmare of seeing Mat surrounded by a murdered family and then leaving Thom behind to save Mat & himself. Genuinely, not having a good day.
Thom was already ride-or-die (or believe them to have murdered a family under the influence of the corruption but still be willing to help) for the boys here.
I imagine the pitch Liandrin is giving Kerene here is the same slippery slope that the Reds went down originally - these men are too dangerous for us to risk carting them all the way back to the Tower.
Nynaeve and Lan bonding over lost family. Very sweet moment. Cried a bit here too.
I do think this fight is serving as big foreshadowing for Dumai's Wells. The Dragon captured by the Tower, his forces rallying to free him, him breaking out to join the fight. We'll just be on the other side of the battle that time, as Perrin (and hopefully Mat, in this version, fingers crossed, come on, let him actually be Rand's general for more than ten seconds!) fight to free him from the Tower embassy, while Rand fights to escape.
In addition to Kerene's death, we see a Red sister shot up with arrows too, though maybe she lives.
Nynaeve's AoE heal that probably made Moiraine less inclined to believe that Egwene could be the Dragon, because of how strong Nynaeve is.
#wot#wheel of time#wot on prime#wot s3 spoilers#wheel of time s3 spoilers#butterfly watches wot#the wheel of time#wot book spoilers#lord of chaos#now i will take a break but plan to watch more later!#wot rewatch
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CONSIDERING My whole mess yesterday with heights and acrophobia coming to remind me I do have it...
I was just sitting here thinking about Emmet and how the fandom loves to characterize him with a fear of heights. Ingo less so, but I've seen it for him to, which not my personal headcanon. I subscribe to Ingo having thalassophobia tbh, which I'll expand later... BUT--
Emmet and heights... and I am going to project SO MUCH of my weirdness about it onto him later(in a more in depth post) but for now.
Emmet has absolutely had some bad days where just like me yesterday... Emmet has stood up, and his hindbrain has gone. "Oh no, THAT'S TOO HIGH, WE ARE DANGER, PANIC! GET BACK DOWN!" vertigo and shaking, and having to slowly sink back down to the ground.
He has also 100% had days where entering Gear Station is a hazard because nope, nope, you are looking at the stairs down into the Subway... and that's... that's a looooong way down. You cannot, not today. That's verrry far down, too far down. You are too high and cannot go down...
He has to rely on Ingo and maybe Eelectross for steadying. Because nope, can't do it alone.
It's not just Planes that are bad man.
Fear is just dumb. And phobias evil. Emmet will have days where he is fine with things and then a day later it'll be like, nope, this is too much. It's worse when he's had big stressers. He probably got stuck in their house for a while after Ingo vanished because that combined to make walking feel like "Oh, I am too high, too high, danger" for a good while.
In other news...
Crawling is good, and thank everything for pets that see free snuggle opportunities.
#THybrid Pokemon#THybrid Speaks#SubMas#Pokemon#Subway Boss Emmet#Acrophobia#Look I had a DAY#So what's the best way to deal with it?#Projection yes#I also feel the need to ramble for hours about how freeze-fawn manifests with fears#Because you ever fawned to heights? It's wild#Ahh yes I will appease the height by the call to the void#Or just freeze here as if it won't see me#Also fear of cliffs is DIFFERENT#So is planes#I have so much whack about heights#It's the sense not the actual height itself#Also I don't remember been this bad about heights as a kid#I went on high rides#Fs in Chat#Well I mean but I did get stuck on a slide once... just frozen until people yelled at me... but that was an outlier#...and the bus cliff freak out I guess...
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And whilst our souls negotiate there

Chapter 2
He’d never have recognized her and Draco had seen her face in his dreams nearly every night since his aunt nearly tortured her to death in their ballroom.
It wasn’t the Glamour, they’d removed that straightaway, which was a pity, because he would have liked to examine the magic more carefully. One of his smallest, mildest, most wholesome regrets was that he’d never had a chance to study at Beauxbatons when he was young enough for their approach to have influenced his own casting; it was not so much a certain panache associated with the way they flicked their wands as a fundamental assumption that magic required beauty and well-done magic was undergirded with a deep and sustaining connection to the world’s terrible loveliness.
Hogwarts offered nothing like that and the pudding was typically uninspiring.
(Yes, Draco had always liked a good lemon soufflé and île flottante.)
Hermione Granger lay motionless in a bed, pale, the wild curls he remembered tied back away from her face. He’d thought for a moment that someone, maybe Donna Numina Gaetana in Padua, had cut them all off, the way he’d read Muggles had used to do for those suffering with fevers before they’d discovered germ theory, though the Healer would have used the hair in any numbers of potions and charms to try and restore Hermione to her senses. Her hands, which he recalled gesturing, holding a wand, reaching out across the parquet floor of the ballroom, lay palm down on either side of her, in a position no healthy sleeping witch would ever take. Her eyes were closed. If he raised her lids to examine her, he knew there would be nothing in her gaze that reflected her animated self, nor her quiescent, banked power.
Her eyes were hazel. He knew that, though he might pretend he didn’t. He’d known it since they’d turned fourteen, before the Yule Ball, before the Snatchers brought her to his house, before she’d glanced at him across the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the battle over, his mother trembling beside him.
If Neville hadn’t told him, he would have taken her falsified chart as truth. He would have shaken his head a little in the general frustration at the loss of an ordinary witch, one he’d assumed a member of Hufflepuff, as he’d noticed nothing about her that was memorable. It would never have occurred to him to question the notation Incurable, Level 3, confirmata per leporem. Muggles called it a vegetative state, which was perhaps partly why Neville, a gifted Herbologist, was so closely involved.
It was also because he’d been in love with Hermione since The Battle of Hogwarts, a patient, unrequited love that he didn’t wear on his sleeve as much as carry as a talisman. His was a love which did not seek possession, most unfamiliar to Draco, as neither the Black nor Malfoy line was known for such unworldliness. He hadn’t spoken of Hermione often, but what little he had said and the way he’d said it had made Draco aware of his affection, if not its depth and breadth.
That he’d learned when Neville brought him to Hermione’s bedside. When he’d picked up one of her hands in his, very gently, and had murmured a spell under his breath, a very old blessing of the North Draco had never heard uttered aloud before.
“You’ll help her,” Neville said.
If Draco had said it, about someone he cared about as much as Neville cared about Hermione, it would have been a threat, a binding. Neville was making a promise, to himself and to Hermione, and only offered Draco an encouragement, his faith compleat.
“I’ll try, Neville,” Draco said. “I can’t promise anything—”
“You needn’t. You don’t like to fail. You won’t start now,” Neville replied.
“She’s been seen by the finest specialists in the world. My superiors. You—and Potter too—you have to understand how little I have to offer her,” Draco said.
Neville smiled.
“Humility at this late stage, will wonders never cease!”
“Neville, I’m serious,” Draco said.
“So am I. You’ve got something those specialists haven’t got, something I think is critical to curing Hermione,” Neville said.
“Salazar help me if this has something to do with the bloody Sorting Hat and some overwrought, badly scanned verse,” Draco muttered.
“Not directly,” Neville said. “Hermione also hates the Sorting Hat. That’s part of it—the history you share, the fact that you were educated by the same witches and wizards, used the same library—you’ll be better able than those specialists to understand what she did and how, how it might have gone wrong. And Harry and I believe what happened to her during the war is intrinsic to the injury—”
“What happened to her?”
“Bellatrix torturing her. You were there. We think that’s playing a role in her current state,” Neville said.
“It’s my fault, somehow?” Draco asked.
“No, not at all. We think there’s latent Dark magic involved, Black family magic you can access as a close family member. Hermione collapsed shortly after she finished her last attempt at reversing the memory charms on her parents. They survived, but they still don’t really know her. She hasn’t woken since. The specialists believe, most of them, that she irreversibly depleted her magical core. Harry thinks she’s fallen into an enchanted sleep,” Neville explained.
“What do you think?”
“I think she’s trapped. Locked in. And I think you’ll be able to figure out how to set her free,” Neville said.
“And how will I do that?” Draco asked, any snideness in the inquiry overwhelmed by bafflement.
“Ah, mate, if I knew, I wouldn’t have come to you, yeah? I’d have taken care of Hermione myself,” Neville said. “But there is one thing that might help.”
“What’s that?”
“She kept a journal,” Neville said.
“Of course she did,” Draco said. “Hand it over and I’ll start reading—”
“I haven’t got it,” Neville said. There was a long pause, for the realization and the grudging acceptance.
“Potter’s got it. I’ve got to talk to the bloody Boy Who Lived and abase myself, even though you’re asking for my assistance. I’m the one doing the favor—”
“It’s not a favor. He’s calling in his life-debt,” Neville said, his expression darkening. “He shouldn’t have to though. You ought to be glad to be asked. Because it’s Hermione.”
“Fine. Tell Potter I’ll meet him. Wherever he wants. Whenever he wants. He’ll like that, won’t he?” Draco said.
“It’ll make things easier. This wasn’t his idea,” Neville said. It was note-worthy that Neville didn’t try to defend Potter. And that Neville wasn’t in possession of Hermione’s journal. Journals, if Draco were to make an educated guess, keeping in mind the voluminous essays she used to turn in to Potions and Arithmancy.
“Well, we have that in common,” Draco answered.
#dramione#wip#multi chap#hermione granger#draco malfoy#hermione x draco#slow burn#hurt/comfort#neville longbottom#harry potter#hp fanfic#draco POV#post-hogwarts#st. mungo's#canon au#sunday morning
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some veilguard fic recs to start your week
I was honestly so honoured when @idoltina put some of my fics on a rec list last week, so I want to pay it forward by sharing some of my favourites from the last little while.
how it sang in other days - by @maulthots (strange_estrangement on AO3) [rated m]
ugh, what can I even say about this one? this viago & rook de riva character study is fucking dark. mind the tags on it (although I will say: i was very apprehensive about them, and I am so glad I gave it a shot anyway, because everything that's there is handled really well). the characterization of viago is handled really well in particular, but the whole relationship between the two of them is so stunning.
a vine on the shore - also by @maulthots [rated e]
a smutty viago/rook companion piece to the above story. again, viago's characterization is so good, and i particularly loved how his approach to sex is written here.
six for gold - by @gradevus [rated m]
really gorgeous rookanis piece that's part of a collection i still need to read the rest of. the version of lucanis that's in this story is just delightful - more true to his characterization in tevinter nights: a bit darker, a bit more confident, more willing to go after what he wants. the gold metaphors throughout are really beautiful and it's just spectacularly well written.
though i burn (how could i fall) - by @inquisimer [rated m]
i've said it before, i'll say it again: i would like to live in mer's brain forever and ever. this is a canon-adjacent AU in which rook is actually part of house cantori instead of house de riva, and is shaping up to be the teia/rook (and teia/rook/viago) fic we all need in our lives. i love marisol cantori with a depth i cannot express in words. also, mer uses the most beautiful similes and metaphors of anyone i know.
gets stuck in your head (won't come out of your mouth) - by @mxssful [rated e]
i am so obsessed with rosa, it's disgusting. i know moss is currently working on the next chapter of this, which i have seen bits of and am SO EXCITED ABOUT you don't even know. rosa kind of indirectly inspired vero, and now they hang out together in the band au and it fills my heart with joy. but this story is just so fucking good. moss is so poetic and her viago is so deeply normal (he is not. at all. about anything. but especially not about rosa.) and i adore him.
the baseless fabric of this vision - by teddywesworl (dunno their tumblr, or if they even have one) [rated e]
according to AO3, i have visited this fic 36 times since it was published which, uh, maybe tells you a little bit about how much i love it. i have a huge, huge soft spot for lucanis/spite, and this has plenty of that. it's also so deeply weird and i mean that in the best possible way. beautiful and bizarre.
#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age fanfic#rook de riva#datv#fic recs#viago de riva#lucanis dellamorte#spite dellamorte#andarateia cantori#teia cantori#antivan crows
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For the whole Ferdinand thing, that's completely chill, I get it, don't worry.
Also yes, I love a good debate. I LIVE for it so please please. I feel like we won't ever feel agree on this topic and that's fine but I'm very happy to discuss it.
I think I need to preface that I don't think Edelgard is a horrible awful terrible person with no redeeming qualities. But I also don't think she's the sun and stars and she can do no wrong.
Yes, my empathy take is she struggles to put herself in other people's shoes. Empathy in my mind is - putting yourself in other people's shoes. Sympathy - caring about someone and what they're going through. The lines DEFINITELY DO BLUR.
I think empathy is something that Edelgard has to really really really put her mind to to do it. I think it shows in her interactions with her friends where she initially cannot understand why they're acting in such a way and it's not until much later that she can attempt to put herself in their place and even then, she still struggles with seeing how other people act and how they're feeling. This does not mean I think she doesn't notice/care when others are visibly upset. Clearly when Bernadetta is upset, she tries to comfort her and she's learnt Hubert's signs of distress so she can somewhat recognise when to back off.
I understand that she is trying to pull Hubert out of unhealthy habits but I think characters can be well-intentioned and unhelpful at the same time. Hubert's boundaries are important to him and entirely rigid and he needs them and Edelgard pushes too hard. She is well-intentioned and yet she also manages to push him away and make him put his guard up even more than before. In my opinion, it is an act of sympathy and her issues with empathy show up with her struggling to understand why he is pulling away and refusing to speak up.
These moments I think show much better with her enemies. Her refusal for the most part to compromise with Dimitri and Claude and understand where they're coming from in order to create a better Fodlan. She is BRUTAL. It is stated many times throughout Hopes and Houses that the Empires methods are underhanded, brutal and criminal (not to the extent of decimating villages though).
I believe her grief towards SS!Byleth is a personal rather than political matter. It is practically canon if not completely canon that Edelgard has a crush on Byleth from the start of the game and I believe she is mourning that crush and is still in denial/depression that Byleth has defected from her side.
Edelgard sees this perceived end and I do think she has SOME understanding of what's going on but not an in depth one. Her understanding appears very surface level and when she does dig deeper, she comforts herself with "this is best for everyone" when, in reality, it is not.
Change in Fodlan is revolutionary, yes, i agree. But when in the endings characters like Sylvain and Dimitri can change the world for the better by abolishing crests and implementing new laws which heavily benefit the commoners, Edelgard's ideals and her refusal to acknowledge any other way of going about it does fuck her over.
I do agree that lots of these traits show up in other characters but again, I am not in any way saying that Edelgard is horrible and awful and everyone else is perfect, I am pointing out her flaws. I believe both Dimitri and Claude are heavily flawed. As is Rhea. As are all the other characters in this game.
I, again, think Edelgard's understanding of commoners issues are rather surface level but she DOES understand the trauma of nobility, which is inflicted by the church. So yes, she can pinpoint all the trauma that the nobles have of being forced to be the best and perfect and some being lazy because they're given everything. But when it comes down to what commoners NEED to be able to rise and have their own chance at power, she struggles to understand what is necessary for that to happen.
I also think people can enjoy politics but not always understand what's necessary for the change, but instead just that change is needed. And in Edelgard's mind the only war to do that is start a war, when in reality, that isn't the case and causes more harm than good.
I might be repeating myself a bit, but yeah, these are just my opinions on Edelgard and you're totally allowed to have your own, I won't attack you for it.
I lied. Put your clothes back on. We're going to talk about how Edelgard is a product of her environment.
Edelgard's motives for change are purely based on her own experiences and what she does want for the commoners is poorly thought through and has no more depth other than "I want them to be our equals" whilst having no planned out steps to actually do anything about it.
It is Ferdinand who makes her realise that commoners require free education to even attempt to be able to attain the same level that the nobles are given on a silver platter.
But of course Edelgard wouldn't think about that, because she doesn't have to. She had grown up Princess of a kingdom with the promise of Emperor at her feet since she was around 10 years old. Even when she wasn't promised Emperor, she was promised a comfortable life. Her education would have been paid for her. Of course she doesn't understand the struggles of commoners, because she has never had to.
Edelgard has been through hell but she has not been put through inherited disadvantage so why would she ever consider what it is like to be raised a commoner????
And so of course, when Edelgard sees the church exploiting and hurting everybody she immediately blames crests and becomes so tunnel visioned on her own experiences to make her stronger, she becomes blind to the other very real and much more important issues happening around her.
Edelgard lacks basic empathy and whether it is just something about her or it comes from the intense trauma she experienced as a child, it makes it impossible for her to relate to commoners and pretty much anyone who has a different lived experience to her. To the point where she even treads all over Hubert's boundaries, and he's the person who is the closest to her at the start of the game and agrees with her and her ideals the most.
This not to say she lacks sympathy, I believe she has a lot of sympathy for people. But she cannot for the life of her put herself in other people's shoes and think about how they are feeling/would feel.
This partially causes her lack of basic respect towards Petra and her racism towards Brigid, holding their freedom over their heads in exchange for Petra risking her life for FIVE YEARS and if she doesn't. Well then. No freedom for Brigid. However, this is also caused by being raised within the Adrestian Empire, especially within the Imperial nobility.
But her lack of empathy extends to her friends. I've mentioned Hubert already but she repeatedly makes Ferdinand uncomfortable, she gets snappy with Bernadetta whenever she's panicking, she outright calls Byleth pathetic for grieving their dead father DESPITE STILL GRIEIVING HER OWN DEAD FAMILY. There are hundreds of instances where Edelgard just simply cannot understand anything from someone else's point of view.
I don't hate Edelgard. I don't think I'm capable of hating any character but I definitely do not like the way she goes about things and treats other characters. She has many many many flaws but I do believe she is a product of her environment. As well as a victim of shitty writing (but that applies to all the characters).
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Sunrise Smiles

Pairing: Maximus Decimus Meridius x reader
Rating: T (fluff, with a few tiny hints of spice)
Word Count: 2.5k
Tag List: @enjisbf, @nasatshirts, @empressenchanted, @streets-in-paradise, @xiscamoony, @yourloverslost, @russtybird, @saltwaterburns, @dovellici, @ay0nha, @bat-gwuck, @melintowriting, @nananyang, @enhydralutris-t, @aelondrias
Author’s Note: I'm back with more obsessive tenderness and passion for my beloved husband Maximus :) I've been looking forward to sharing this one — it's short but really sweet. This one takes place sort of after "Tender Fires," in which Maximus escapes the execution attempt and ends up at reader's farm, where they fall in love and after much mutual pining finally become lovers. This is another favorite of mine, and I hope y'all enjoy <3
You have been lovers for exactly one week now, and still you are shy waking up with him in the mornings.
The first rays of dawn wake you both at the same time, cascading over the bed and illuminating Maximus' fine features as if he were a god. You are still amazed at the feeling of waking to find this man beside you, his arms wrapped around you and his skin wonderfully warm against yours.
This morning, you wake with your back pressed against his front, one of his arms thrown across your waist and his face buried in your hair. You can tell he is awake by the way he shifts you to fit against him more easily, but he seems content to lie still for a few moments while you wake up.
This entire arrangement is so new, so foreign to you. During the day when you go about your chores, you can’t help blushing when your mind returns to the night before, remembering the passionate way he makes love to you. Even now, enveloped in the warmth of your bed, the idea that this is real life almost seems impossible.
Once he has shifted you where he wants you, he inclines his head to one side, just far enough that he can kiss the side of your neck tenderly. You can feel him smiling against your skin, pulling you infinitesimally closer to his body.
And this is the most unfamiliar aspect of it all: this next-morning affection. There is no embarrassed separation after you are finished, no leaving in the middle of the night to escape awkwardness. For this man, lovemaking is only one part of the way he demonstrates his affection for you.
Slowly, almost lazily, he continues to press soft kisses against the curve of your neck, following a trail down your shoulder. Your skin tingles at the sensation, and you can’t resist a smile that you try to hide in the pillow.
He must catch your amusement, because you can feel his own smile widening as he kisses the back of your shoulder. His short beard prickles against your bare skin, eliciting a giggle from you that prompts him to tighten his arms around you and bury his face in the crook of your neck, laughing with you.
Neither of you is laughing at anything in particular — just giddy at being able to demonstrate your love for each other — and he lifts his head enough so he can pull you onto your back. You link both arms around his neck, dragging him back down to your level, and he kisses your lips in a way that is somehow both stirring and soothing.
In the next few moments, he takes the time to kiss a trail down your neck, your collarbone, and lower. The same early-morning shyness strikes you, even in its irrationality. There is nothing he can see or do that he has not already seen or done in the last week, but the sheer intimacy of him seeing you this way, with the first rays of the sun dancing through your bedroom, makes you bashful.
Once he is satisfied that he has covered you in kisses, he props himself up on one arm to gaze into your eyes and stroke his fingertips through your hair. You can see nothing but absolute fondness in the way he looks at you.
“As lovely as you are at night,” he says in the deep, raspy morning voice that sends an instant shiver down your spine, “I think you are even lovelier in the morning.”
You can only smile at his words, still a bit overwhelmed by the entire situation. You would have thought that after a week of being lovers, you would be a bit more confident and articulate the morning after, but this man still knocks you speechless with the passion in his eyes. Especially when your body is remembering the way the night before was spent.
He tilts his head to one side as he looks at you curiously, eyes darting across your face. With a mischievous smile, he traces the back of his knuckles down your cheek. “Is that a blush?” he asks softly, fingertips trailing over your face.
You can only grin and look away in response, feeling your cheeks burning. You can’t explain why you are so overcome with shyness, but he just smiles wider at your reaction.
“Why do you blush?” he whispers, leaning forward to kiss you again between sentences. “What do you think I will see that I have not already admired?”
Your blush only deepens at his question, and both of you are smiling into the next kiss. You reach up both hands to cradle the back of his head, fingers tangling in his dark hair and earning a soft sound from him in response. He lowers himself down onto his elbows over you and deepens the kiss, his tongue stealing past your lips.
This is yet another thing that thrills and dazes you: the way he pours every bit of his intense focus onto you, exploring your mouth as if he is kissing you for the last time and trying to commit each detail to memory.
In the brief moment when he pulls away to take a breath, you reply to the question that he has probably forgotten. “If I blush,” you tell him coyly, “it is only because the memory of last night is still so fresh.”
“Is it?” he asks, clearly pleased with that answer. “Would you be interested in refreshing that memory again?”
You shiver again at the delicious promise in his words, and he wraps you snugly in his arms again, his warmth washing over your skin. He tilts his head to resume his kissing on the side of your neck, right behind your ear in the spot that he knows makes you writhe.
A moment later, when you can form a coherent thought, both hands gripping his broad shoulders, you whisper in his ear, “The day will not wait for us to have our fill of each other, my love.” He smiles against your neck, and you add, “Though I will be counting the moments until night falls and we can refresh the memory more than once.”
Still cradling you in his arms, he lifts his head and gazes into your eyes tenderly. “Would that there were enough hours in the night that I could get my fill of you.”
“I would be heartbroken if I ever thought you had enough of me,” you reply softly, fingers threading through his hair.
He sighs, the heat and sincerity in his eyes transfixing you. “A thousand nights with you would never be enough,” he murmurs, fingers flexing against your waist. He kisses you again, more gently this time.
“Then I should have nothing to worry about tonight,” you tease him between kisses. “It is only the eighth night.”
Another sound from the back of his throat, one that almost sounds like a growl when paired with his intense gaze. “Worry only that I will not let you go in the morning,” he quips, eyes locked on your kiss-swollen lips.
The heat of his skin, the warmth of his embrace, and the growing knot of desire in your stomach combine to make you yearn to take him up on his offer of refreshing your memory right here and now. “This may be the first time I have ever loathed my farm,” you admit, arching your back in a stretch and tightening your hold around his neck.
He grins in response, kissing the corner of your mouth gently. “Do not loathe your farm,” he replies. “It needs you almost as much as I do.” One last kiss, one that conveys his deep affection for you, and he finally pushes himself into a sitting position, tugging you up with him by the hands.
“Come,” he instructs you softly, climbing off the bed and pulling you alongside him. Again, you feel the blush rising to your cheeks when you stand, the covers falling away to reveal your skin, but he just gives you a smile of reassurance.
At first, you aren’t sure what he plans to do, but he reaches for your tunic, which was folded on your corner chair, and lifts his eyebrows to indicate for you to hold out your arms. You do so, and he wraps the tunic around you as deftly as if he has done it a hundred times. He certainly has seen you do it enough times.
He fiddles with your belt for a moment, tying it backwards, then correctly while you watch. Occasionally, he lets his eyes flit up to yours, the corners of his lips turned up in a subtle smile.
The sheer tenderness of his action melts your heart, especially since you know he is not purposely seducing you in this moment. He is simply enjoying your presence, engaging in your normal morning routine of putting your clothes back on after a night spent otherwise.
When he finishes tugging the knot in your belt, you almost shiver remembering the way he untied it last night — carefully, methodically, but with the utmost intensity and purpose.
Now that he has finished with you, you decide to follow his lead, picking up his tunic from where he had draped it across the corner of your bedside table. He grins when he sees that you are reciprocating his actions, and he helps you shrug the tunic over his head, thoroughly tousling his hair in the process.
His tunic a simple one, the kind that is soft and comfortable and laces up at the neck. Naturally, the strings hang loose thanks to your quick untying work last night, leaving his neck exposed. With a short coy smile, one that belies the color in your cheeks, you lean forward and press a kiss to his collarbone, which is something you have quickly discovered that he likes.
Before you have even lifted your head, both his hands are on the sides of your waist, gripping you with the restrained strength that makes your blood race. You can see his chest rising and falling more rapidly, feel his fingers flexing into your ribs, but he doesn’t lose his self-control, just allows you to continue.
Carefully, you lace up the cross-ties on his tunic, your fingers brushing his chest occasionally. You are consistently amazed at how warm his skin always seems to be, no matter the temperature. And if his skin is not warm enough, then the heat in his gaze certainly is.
When you finish lacing his tunic, you again copy his actions and reach for his belt. His is more complicated than yours, with several sets of straps and buckles, but you make short work of it, standing closer than necessary just because you enjoy the way his breath catches each time you brush against him.
His hands are still pressing into your waist, and you slowly slide your own hands up his chest, eyes wandering over him ardently. He almost seems to be straining to keep from performing his usual activities in this room — sweeping you into his arms, undressing you, and setting your skin aflame with his mouth and hands — but as always, he masters his desire and lets you move your hands over him without resistance.
Sliding your hands over his skin, even through his tunic, is a continual reminder of the scars that cover his body, a constellation of marks that you have committed to memory by now.
Your hands continue their path upwards, smoothing across his broad shoulders, which tense under your touch. His dark eyes are locked on your lips now, his eyelashes a lovely contrast to the color of his skin. He swallows thickly, as if to suppress his thoughts, when your hands glide up to rest on both sides of his neck.
You can’t resist a giggle when your gaze falls on his hair, still thoroughly ruffled from the night before. He snaps out of his trance and smiles with you, not understanding what you are laughing at.
Without a word, you comb your right hand through his hair, marveling at how soft and silken it feels against your fingers. He actually closes his eyes at your touch, the softest breath escaping his lips. You can practically see the tension in his muscles relaxing, the hardened edges of his face softening.
How easy it is to forget that this man is still a stranger to a gentle touch, a tender embrace. His own touch is so light sometimes that you can almost forget his strength, that his hands are powerful enough to rip flesh from bone.
Seeing the look of utter calm on his face, you comb your fingers through his hair very slowly, dragging along his scalp in the way you know he enjoys. You thread your fingers over his temples, behind his ears, down the base of his neck, transfixed by the way he melts into your touch.
When you pause your stroking for a moment, he does not open his eyes, but rather leans forward a few inches, hands still gripping your waist. He touches his forehead softly against yours, as if he is simply breathing in your essence in this quiet moment.
“You are the first peace I have ever known,” he whispers to you in a voice that you know is reserved only for you.
And this, this, is what is most wonderful and unfamiliar of all — to have this man’s heart so completely surrendered to yours. He is not merely your lover or your bedfellow: he shares your heart, your home, your entire soul. Every night when he makes love to you, he whispers over and over that you are his saving grace, that he has waited his entire life to feel your heart beating in time with his.
This moment, feeling him quiet and still in your arms, his face touching yours, his soul laid bare before you, brings the familiar welling of tears to your eyes. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you draw him as close to you as you can and whisper the only words that come to your mind in this moment: “My love.”
His strong arms wrap around your waist a moment later, lifting you onto your toes and pressing you against his body. The morning sunlight filters through your window, sending soft beams of light to frame the two of you in your embrace. His lips touch your temple in the gentlest kiss, and you hear every unspoken word in the rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest.
The sun continues its usual climb into the sky, but neither of you takes a bit of notice. You are holding your entire world within the circle of your arms, and you are completely assured that the man you love is delighting in the same feeling.
More of my fanfiction if you're so inclined :)
#when i die let me live in this moment forever#waking up in the arms of the man i love#smiling with him kissing him gently and seeing the sun rise in his eyes#every fic i write is an outpouring of the overwhelming love in my heart for him#like y'all don't even KNOW#the DEPTHS of which i am in love with him#my sweetheart my everything my whole world#oh how i would love him if ever given the chance#tenderly passionately and reverently#and VERY enthusiastically#gladiator#maximus#maximus decimus meridius#gladiator 2000#russell crowe#fanfiction#gladiator fanfiction#maximus x reader#maximus decimus meridius x reader#my fanfiction
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Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.

Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.

The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.

Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
#Demons and Humans can’t get married even in the present so it adds an extra layer him wanting to introduce us.#There’s a lot more you could add onto this (please do I’d love to hear other’s thoughts).#Like how Diavolo’s childhood affected him just look at the way he describes himself:#“The truth is I am a child in a way. A child who spends his time alone and never gets to do anything interesting.”#A lot of Diavolo’s poor behavior while not excused comes from his childhood.#How Diavolo admits to using his position to force others to do what he wants. Along with how he doesn’t like sharing.#Diavolo’s insecurities in his friendships with others.#Mainly Lucifer and Barbatos which makes sense with how they happened.#IE Forcing Barbatos to become his butler and the oath/deal with Lucifer regarding Lilith.#It’s clear Diavolo is very lonely and carrying a heavy burden.#I like that MCs presence is helping him change into a better person.#Also I don’t think Diavolo hates his father their relationship just isn’t good and very complicated.#Diavolo is such a wonderful character if you have any in-depth posts about him please tag me I’d love to read them!!!#I AM FILLED WITH SAPPY THOUGHTS ABOUT DIAVOLO TONIGHT!!!!#Obey Me#Obey Me Spoiler#Obey Me Nightbringer#OMSWD#Obey Me Diavolo#Diavolo#MaddyMajolish#Is it obvious I can’t sleep because I’m riddled with Blorbo thoughts
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what is your favorite thing about charles and your favorite thing about erik? separately, as in what you like most about their characters :]
a devious question this one is, my friend!!! it's hard enough for me to explain my thoughts cohesively, but having to pick ONE thing i particularly love is difficult. with characters like charles and erik, theres been so much done with their characters over the decades and so they have so many components to them that make them so interesting and fun to observe. BUT I TRY FOR YOU TODAY. under the cut i kinda ramble and the size of this text box makin me anxious
i think if i were to be simple and broad, what i enjoy most about charles is his determination to help others, even if he isn't really thanked and/or if people don't even like him. ofc, this isn't to say he hasn't done wrong- to be honest, the fact he does wrong/questionable things at times is another aspect of him i really enjoy, maybe because- broadly speaking- he's meant to be altruistic (intent vs outcome and all that). i don't know if that's super exciting to most people, but it is for me
as for erik, my reason for liking him is easier to explain tbh. To Be Simple And Broad, his progression from villain to antihero over the decades has been fun to observe (as much as i have so far anyhow) and analyze. i think to be a bit more specific, him using his rage and pain as justifications for his villainous actions is definitely what compels me the most: hurt people hurt and the sort, an idea i've always found interesting (something something vicious cycles and the like). yet now, he recognizes this wasn't really. A Just Thing To Do and is beginning to change that, which i enjoy
#snap chats#may you forgive me anon i always feel awkward explaining things AVELKJEAKLJ#i feel esp awkward cause i haven't read toooo much of the comics yet- like ive read. an ok amount so far krakoa wise#can you guys tell im fighting god himself to Not write a fuckin. NOVEL#im so sorry i have an over-explaining problem my mom was mean to me growing up but anyways#i definitely want to read more and more outside krakoa. the more i read the more im fascinated by these two and their history#but to continue my prattling. as if the three paragraphs above arent enough This Is Not A Thesis RELAX#i think a. 'poignant' moment i think adds to what i like about charles too is that soliloquy where he recognizes people dont like him#yet he could always be worse- like if he's bad now to others imagine if he really just said Fuck It All#it's simple but so am i whaddyagonnadoboutit. i mean that point itself could be discussed but i'm trying to keep this brief bear with me#i so bad want to know what issue that's from tho all i know is that it's from krakoa but i neeeed the whole context#i think like. an additional bullet point to charles i also like is his loneliness#and i say this cause- I Say From My Amateur-Psychology Armchair- it's a component of why he's so earnest to help#but im keeping this point in the tags until i can confidently verify that with myself after some more reading#Unfortunately a favorite pass time of mine is psychoanalyzing characters like why else you think i major in psychology smh#im going to force myself to cap the post here because i ended up typing like 20 more tags just rambling#and as i said id like to keep this simple and clean !!!!! i have sat here for like four hours answering this ngl#ignore the fact half that time was spent getting distracted by solitaire and riffling cards ok I Am Very Easily Distracted#but fr when it comes to charles and erik- charles esp imo#i feel like i need to write a whole paper just so i can mention the nuances of the characters and like. EVERYTHING#because again six decades is A Lot of time for writing decisions to be made and for their characters to change over time#im a glazer but i wanna be a nuanced glazer yk. is that glazing at that point-- w/e anyway#its a lot. so today you will have to tolerate a very Blah answer from me which i must apologize for#down the line once ive read a comfortable amount more varying from multiple eras maybe ill revisit this question more in depth#as of right now tho .... chat i wanna get legion of x so bad i skimmed it and hhhhhhhhim gonna throw UP#i need to shake charles like a ragdoll BUT ANYWAY. bye bye for now lovelies !!!!!!!#please forgive me if i didnt answer your question efficiently ..#here i am saying i wanted to keep the tag count brief and yet !!! jesus christ. shut up My God I REACHED THE TAG LIMIT
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I don't know why but I tend to like byler fics more when they're from mike's point of view (or better yet - a dual pov with mike AND will)
Still, if I had to choose one? Mike all the way and I don't even know why
#stranger things#byler#will byers#mike wheeler#i guess mike is less likely to get mischaracterized if the fic is from his pov#at least in the ones that i have read of course#and the angst sometimes its too much#but seeing loverboy mike wheeler suffering from jealously and internalized homophobia and depression??#its *chef's kiss*#it may seem like i love to see him struggle which is true#but only if he has a happy ending!!!!#i am mostly joking#but i do love a good in depth character exploration of mike wheeler because there is a LOT to talk about#his trauma better be properly adresses in s5 or im rioting
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ngl every time I see fully grown adult griffons in the joplin art I hate Assan a little bit more. why on earth is he not fully grown yet. It's been eight years.
The Last Flight happens in 9:41 and Veilguard is in 9:53 -> so that's actually 12 years between when they hatched till DATV starts...how the fuck did griffons ever manage to survive as a species if they're babies for that long?
(doesn't seem like its a good sign for repopulating the griffons if it takes a couple of decades for maturity? That's a lot of time for shit to happen to them in the meantime - babies are vulnerable!)
Scratch that, how did they even survive with Isseya? Did she feed them normal unblighted griffon food? Is there a Pet Smart store around the corner where she goes to get food for them as she plans to have them undergo the joining once more? So many questions about how the hell they actually lived with her for so long...
I admit I was pretty skeptical playing the game that the griffons would even be alive - obviously you want a chance to save them, but I think the game hurt itself by spreading out companion quests in bits and pieces, and after certain main missions were done. Like, it's been a year (?) since the beginning of the game? That's a lot of time for a bunch of little bird-cats to be alone with a crazy blighted elf. :(
Most likely answer: baby griffons make cute little sidekicks + smaller model/animations to deal with + there's no logical reason to explain how Isseya would be able to confine a dozen angry teenage cat-birds.
Respectfully, I personally disagree with having the word 'hate' and 'Assan' in the same sentence lmao. I loved my bird-cat son <3 (but, yeah, he should probably be a big boy by this point)
(Assan is not a 'baby' baby - but he's super young for a griffon? Way too young for maturity to be 'just around the corner', you know?)
Me to Assan:
#asks <3#thanks for the ask! <3#patting Assan was the only way I was able to endure so many therapy talks with the companions - my emotional support griffon#i'm a certified cat lady - so i am admittedly very biased towards anything like a cat -> it's why I romanced anders in DA2 lmao#isseya gets her blighted wardens to build a pet smart in blighted weisshaupt#won't lie - I was distracted by 'cute cat-bird' for most of the game until the end#when i realized at the very end - you are very tiny for being alive so long#can't recall if there's ever any in-depth detail about griffon growth/maturity rate?#but there used to be a hell of a lot of them before they were all blighted - so one would assume that grew up relatively quickly#since babies are way more vulnerable?#assan is pretty strong for a little guy -> but only as a little guy who helps out occasionally#even davrin tells assan to stay the fuck away from big fights - which is both 'I love my bird-cat son' and 'YOU ARE SMALL AND THEY ARE BIG'#same vibe as telling a cat to not 'EAT THE TRASH I HAVEN'T SWEPT IT UP YET - IT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU'#davrin was the one companion I didn't dread to talk to because the man was mature and acted like an adult - reason I romanced him too
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Edit: I feel like this comment should be connected to the celebration of women and all their relationships!
May we celebrate women and the many roles and ways they contribute and bolster our lives, regardless of what terms we use to describe them!
I honestly don’t find this offensive because language around “found family” dynamics is difficult being there is none. Michonne wasn’t Carl’s aunt, his mother or his cousin. She was his friend BUT she was everything and so much more than that, because of the value they placed on their relationship. In TWD there is no concrete “label” for anyone. All of their relationships are more than friends, more than family. Just more. They move within the structures and stipulations we’ve established for human societal interaction fluidly. You can call Michonne “the fun aunt,” she was. She was this cool adult who became someone he adored, protected, confided in, respected and fanboyed over a little 😆 What “words” you choose won’t change the relationship; its depth or its meaning to the characters. And I for one am grateful Carl never refers to her in that way because of that truth. She doesn’t need that label or moniker to define or determine her position in his life because it doesn’t somehow elevate or diminish her status.
It’s also fair to mention that most of this “issue” may stem from a fear (some have) of disregarding or devaluing the very real and true fact Carl had a mother he had a loving relationship with. Which of course isn’t the case. It’s impossible to replace relationships, we just keep DOING them. For, his mother birthed him, raised him, disciplined him, sheltered him, encouraged him and in the end, let him know, she believed in him. Those are all valuable and worth acknowledgment. It doesn’t make their connection more important, nor does it make their love for each other more commendable or compelling but it was real. And something so many kids never get to experience. Carl was a blessed young man, indeed.
Love is big and beyond us. All call do is DO IT better and better each day.
Also, there’s no need to discuss Rick and Michonne because that’s just 😝 BUT let’s not forget brothers and sisters have been loving each other, having sex and enjoying it, since the beginning of time 😉
So…. Mmk.
What do you think of people trying to downplay Carl and Michonne's relationship (and Richonne) by calling her the "fun aunt" or saying she was like a sister to him (or even a sister to Rick)?
The ‘fun aunt’ 🤦🏽♀️. I didn’t know people were taking the aunt and sister angle with Michonne and Carl, but it goes to show that some will come up with whatever they want to try and discredit the mother and son dynamic that those two characters so clearly built. Even Michonne’s playful and lighthearted moments with Carl felt more like a relatable endearing mom than a sister. And there were so many other moments where her dynamic with him was undoubtedly maternal. I love that because of their unique situation Michonne really was able to strike the perfect balance of mom & best friend which is exactly what Carl needed.
TWD did a good job of showing the different layered ways people can build parental bonds (from Hershel viewing Glenn like a son, Aaron raising Gracie, King Ezekiel and Carol raising Henry, and of course Rick and Michonne raising Judith as their own). It’s sad some still try to treat any family dynamic that isn’t biological as lesser or not as close as it became. And as far as the whole ‘Rick and Michonne felt more like brother and sister’ narrative - that will always be a startling misread of their characters' dynamic to me. The way these two stayed looking at each other…it never gave brother and sister even once.
Like it’s not surprising at all that two people who looked at each other like this pre-canon:
Went on to look at each other like this as an official couple ⬇️.
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y'all can all cancel me (again) for this, but if there's even a SHRED of 'who should I pick?' from Penelope in season 3, I am tuning out SO fast because like. . .sorry not sorry, there IS no choice. Debling is some crusty OC suitor she barely even knows and Colin is a man who she has been so supposedly in love with to the point where she'd ruin her entire family's reputation to have a potential love story with him. Penelope and Colin have background, years of knowing each other, intimacy that few people in the Ton can boast of having (letters, conversations about purpose, fights and arguments and makeups) and her and Debling have. . .a dance or two at a ball because he's a rebound for Penelope's broken heart. he means nothing. he has no nuance, he has no weight to the story, he is such an afterthought to me. either I wanna see Penelope going 'you know what? I don't even LIKE this dude. he's. . .fine, but I don't care about him even a shred as much as I care about Colin' or the INSTANT Colin's like 'you know what? we should get married' if it's not an immediate 'say less, you're already my husband, try returning me without the receipt, Debling whomst?' then I don't want it!
like. . .it's just so frustrating to see all the 'I hope Debling sweeps her off her feet and she rejects Colin's proposal and she makes him work for it and and and-' nonsense from the fandom and it's always tagged and no matter how many times I block it, it just keeps popping up. I go into the Polin tag for POLIN. I don't give a SHIT about a male love interest other than Colin. Not one. Not a shred. Not an iota.
and also. . .Debling has the 'benefit' of not having depth, or character traits, or HISTORY, so peeps can project onto him however they want, but I'm calling it now, there is NOTHING he could do or be that would make me like him more than Colin. Colin will always hit different, and I will always love him more. and if Pen's not on that same page? lol bye
you want me to believe Penelope and Colin are soulmates and it's romance for her to hem and haw about how difficult a decision it is for her to marry a stranger who knows barely anything about her. . .
when Marina was out here dropping banger lines like 'You were the only man with which I could see myself being happy' and 'I do not care about any of these men, where is Colin?'? like hello??? and she wasn't even fully in love with him!!!! but we'll demonize her until the cows come home in our fandom and make her the villain in Polin's love story for DARING to get in between Polin, yet Debling, a white man, is a darling dear perfect prince for getting in between Polin? existing in our fandom solely so Penelope can be like 'lol, Colin ain't shit, let me entertain any and everyone else'?
if that's the direction it goes then, ten toes down and on my mama, she doesn't deserve Colin and she can move because I'm on my way to court him my damn self
and that's that on that
#you know what? lol it's been a bit since i've posted a controversial opinion#tagging it#polin#sorry not sorry i ship polin. . .so i wanna see. . .polin. . .and i'm getting damn sick and tired#of all the bullshit pen/oc pen/other dude theories and stories in the polin tag#and i don't want polin to lose screentime over a frankly bleh male oc#you can't change my mind#if i don't see at least marina's 'you've seen him with the little bridgertons!' level of squee and 'i only want to talk to colin'#levels of devotion then i don't fucking WANT IT!!!!!#yeah definitely try out the marriage market#realize that NO ONE has a good time on the marriage market#try to get over him w/ whomstever#but then be like 'i don't even LIKE this dude where's colin i miss him' about it!!!!!#because otherwise i am not here#i am asleep#and i am courting colin in your place pen#i'm coming for your man#anti debling#if debling has 100 haters i am one of them if he has 10 haters i'm one of them if he has 1 hater i am the hater if he has 0 haters i'm dead#it's incredibly obvious that 'pebling' is half rooted in a revenge storyline fueled by anger at Colin and his complexity#and half a projection of wanting Penelope to have 'choices' because she is a representation and manifestation of the fans themselves#and so people think an OC that can be 'perfect' for them- whoops I mean Pen (because he doesn't have any real depth or interest)#he's a cardboard cutout we can throw whatever you want onto#so we can make him 'perfect' instead of the much more meaningful storyline of pen and colin both being messy and loving each other more#and part of it is bitterness over Polin not being insta-love#which. . .if it was i wouldn't like them as much as i do#anyways y'all ain't slick#and it's fucking WEIRD to be in a fandom that's like 'i ship this couple but i hope she gets with ANYONE else'#maybe you. . .don't ship the couple??#like. . .to the point of wanting her necklace to be from debling. . .and her wearing it everywhere??? WHAT??
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Thinking about the portrayal of ancestry in Horizons.
#something about depicting adult characters as full people with their own motivations and lives as opposed to just making them flat#or not going deeper than a dichotomy between bad and good. it's refreshing to see stuff that feels real and poignant#i've been rotating rystal gibeon crave quite a lot in my mind lately. love the implications here and there about rystal and leyla#not telling you everything but leaving enough implications to imagine stuff.. i can think of a whole life for rystal and it's neat.#also i like that.. every family member feels like their own person. that thing about everyone having their own life and feelings.#liko is different from lucca and diana. but there are still moments which feel affectionate where you can think she takes after them#refreshing take on ancestry tbh. it strikes delicate balance between knowing your roots and past and finding yourself#learning about past tragedies to give them proper closure because you can't do that if you don't know what happened#even with gibeon.. very pleased and impressed that they are putting care in his character's depiction#specifically showing him as a young man and giving depth and perspective to him. allowing him to be a full character.#instead of just saying he is terrible and ending it at that. he gets to be someone with dreams and motivations and relationships#we've seen little of crave but the implications are there to pick apart and they are interesting#it genuinely enriches amethio's character and his side of the story. to make his relatives distinct people with their own perspectives#like.. instead of just saying his relatives are the worst evil!! they are putting care in the depiction and make them nuanced#characters who feel real.. strained and messy relationships with room for growth and development#definitely gives me more appreciation for the narrative in general. it's a kind of story that i find appealing#actually pleased that ame's side of the story is like that.. it could have been flat but thankfully it isn't.#stories with multiple layers and perspectives to them. my beloved.#anyway the portrayal of ancestry and adult characters in horizons is neat. and interesting.#the way they are tackling that kind of narrative to add to characters like liko and amethio. it's cool#hopefully. we get more on gibeon soon. he specifically has me intrigued.. him and crave too.#the writers definitely have specific themes they like and it shows through the story.. it's neat.#character notes
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