#thats why i took an extra day off y'know
dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 269 | id in alt
Jealous girl.
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diigbydog · 6 years
you answered my riddle
Riddler (x Female!reader?) oneshot 
word count: 1842
A/N: hi guys! this is my first time writing ed, and first in a long time writing a fic, so i am looking forward to what you all think! i hope you all enjoy! it dosnt get very romantic but there is scenes of tension and implied interest! i may do a follow up if people want one!
It had been a normal day at the club. It was around 9pm on a friday night and the club was packed with patrons, tables were full and the dancefloor was lively. I had worked there for around 3 months now and every day was the same, different people but same routine. My colleagues are nice, and we tend to joke about particularly extravagant customers. The customers usually behaved themselves, even the criminal ones. A local band was playing on stage, they were better than most acts we've had in the past, But unfortunately they were interupted by 3 loud gunshots coming from backstage.
Suddenly, four armed men wearing masks charged onto stage pushing the performers onto the dancefloor  "Alright, everyone stay where you are! dont move!" one of them demanded as he pointed his gun to the ceiling and let off a few more warning shots. Their guns turned to the crowd of terrified gothamites. A chuckle could be heard, followed by "good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Im afraid tonights entertainment has been altered slightly!" I focused on the figure walking onto stage, it was a tall man in a stunning green suit and black bowler hat, the riddler, without a doubt. "- you're all going to be my entertainment now!" He chuckled into the microphone. I hadnt moved from the spot i was in when the first gunshot was fired. I couldnt seem to move yet my eyes were fixated on him. He continued to spew his selfcentered nonsense, carelessly waving around the pistol in his hand "now i dont want to hurt any of you lovely people, but im affraid unless the bar staff give me all of the cash out of the register, oh and answer my riddle, well you will all have to die, and we dont want that now, do we?"
I felt my heart beat faster as he jumped off the stage and started to carve a path through the crowd, directly towards me, one of his masked goons following close behind, empty  cloth bag in hand. As he got closer i slowly raised the empty tray, that i was holding, to my chest, clutching it with both hands. A smirk spread accross his face as he pointed the gun at me and purred "c'mon now dear. Dont keep me waiting." 
Nodding, i backed up towards the bar, placing the tray down next to the register. Riddler hopped up and sat on the countertop, speaking once again into the microphone as i opened the cash register and stepped aside to let the goon do his work. "Now whilst this lovely young lady is getting my money. Lets see if any of you can answer my riddle! Three tries to get it right! and if you dont?" Another gunshot into the ceiling. 
By this time it was just plain irritating, so i plucked up some courage and interupted before he sould announce his riddle "Y'know riddler if you wanna leave here alive you might want to stop shooting the bloody ceiling, it'll fall down before you've finished running your mouth" i instantly regreted speaking as his head spun violently to stare at me, a look of suprise on his face. I could see his teeth grinding, as if he wanted to say something horrible, but he just smiled sarcastically and muttered "thanks for the heads up, darling," 
  "now where was i, ah yes! my riddle!" he said, slowly turned his head back to the crowd "A most delicious thing, it can be given but cannot be kept. Some awake from it after they've slept. It is the moistest and softest butterfly wing, But when it is the last even it can sting." 
He looked at the faces of the crowd. Confused, fearful, and contemplating their careful answers, whispering between eachother. I watched as the masked man took out the last of the cash from the register. The riddle wouldnt stop repeating in my head. As I looked to the crowd to see if anyone had an answer, a man stood up and raised his hand. "You sir! What may your answer be! Remember, you all only get three tries!"
"Cake? The answer is cake." The man stuttered "its delicous and soft. But can be bitter if its a leaving present!" 
The riddlers face turned from an amused smirk to pure anger "NO!" He widely strode over to the man who had now fallen to his knees in fear "CAKE?! WHO WAKES UP DUE TO CAKE?!" I look away as he strikes the man over the head with the base of his gun, knocking him out.
Riddler brushed himself off, sighing in frustration, slowly striding back to the counter, making eyecontact with me. I felt deep down that i knew the answer, and i couldnt let these people die, i could wait until someone else goes to answer, but then if i was wrong i would have to watch him shoot up the building, atleast if i got this wrong he would knock me unconcious. so i timidly raised my hand. 
"so, you think you know the answer, 'ey?" He grinned as he leant over the counter, resting his hands under his chin. 
"Yes. I think i do." "Well then, please, " he continues to repeat his riddle once more, making sure to emphasise each word of importance. "what. am. i?" "a kiss. Thats my answer, a kiss" 
a long pause ensued as he turned round, straightening himself up and adjusting his hat. i felt as if i couldn't breath, i had no idea what would happen if i was wrong. then he spoke up.
"well, you are all safe, congratulations!" i let out a relieved sigh, i could breath again. Police sirens could start to be heard in the distance, riddler and his men start to head back to the stage "aaaand that is our call to go boys! I bid you all farewell! sorry for the inconvenience" And with that, riddler and his goons dissapeared backstage.
-1 week later-
Everything was back in order. The ceiling had been fixed and our doors were open once again. The only thing that was different was that the manager provided all employees with switchblades, for self defence of course. 
Today it was my job to clean out the storage room(aka the basement). we store everything down there, from non perishable food to extra seating, and it was my turn to organise it. "Now where to start" i muttered to myself, deciding after some contemplating to start with the largest items and making my way to the smaller ones. 
Around 2 hours into my mission, i heard the door to the basement creak open, i thought nothing of it as it was probably one of my co-workers looking for a new chair, it wasnt uncommon for a customer to request an extra one. But as the footsteps got closer i realised i didnt recognise the click of heels on the stone floor (no one i work with wears heels, were on our feet all day, why would we suffer through heels!) Fearing the worst i grabbed my blade out of my back pocket and turned round, pointing it at the unknown figure.
As i focused, i realised that edward nygma, the riddler, had returned once again. Although this time, instead of his dazzling green suit, he was sporting some matte black heeled dress shoes, fitting black trousers, a shirt with rolled up sleves and a form fitting waistcoat. Not to mention the extravigant black tie, deccorated with green question marks.
"Riddler" i shakily said, standing my ground as he walked towards me, stopping just infront of the blade i was holding . 
"Hello again-" he glanced down, his hands reaching up to gently prise the blade out of my hand, admitely i was not fighting back, i was far too intimidated to fight back. "Thats enough of that. Im not here to harm you, y'know" he said, in a somewhat comforting tone. I took one step back, distancing myself as he was admiring the blade "atleast your boss isnt cheap, this is a nicely made knife" he looked up at me "now, if i give you this back, you promise to calm down?" He softly asked, gently holding the now closed switchblade out to me. 
I hesitated, but nodded and accepted his offer, letting out a small sigh as i put the blade back into my pocket.  Riddler calmly sat down on a nearby chair, crossing his legs, making himself comfortable "Now, isnt that better" he smiled. I stay silent. "you can talk yknow, im not going to bite!" "I just still dont quite understand why you are here..." i paused, not knowing how to reffer to him "Please, call me edward" "right, edward, why come back alone?" "well, to see you of couse!" "but....why? that dosnt explain anything" "you answered my riddle, plus, ive been fascinated with you since you started working here." me? yes i have seen edward in our club with oswald cobblepot in the past, and i have served him but fascinated? "well...im flattered, i really am, but fascinated? how?"
"well ive never seen you loose your temper, even with oswald and his demands, its quite impressive" he explained, uncrossing his legs and leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees "i wandered if you would tell me more about yourself?" i smiled and blushed, slowly starting to get back to my work, talking as i go "im afraid there isnt much to tell, im not that interesting, deffinately not compared to you and your company" 
Ed pulled himself out of his chair to stand close besides me, handing me a fork to add to my pile "oh quite the contrary, anyone with saint's patience like you must have something interesting to tell" looking up into his eyes i saw the determination he had to make me talk, i knew we couldnt talk here, there was too much risk, considering the camera that was placed in the far corner of the room, currently not capturing eds presence. i turned my body to face him as i took the fork out of his hand, thumb slightly brushing his fingertips.
"well,ed, if you really want to know more, i think we should meet some other time, im sure you wouldnt want anyone knowing you were here, would we?" i said, gesturing over to the camera. 
His face dropped as he realised the risk "i suppose you are right, give me a time and place and i'll be there." 
"wow, you are determinded, aren't you? fine, meet me near the lake in the park, tomorrow at 7:30, deal?" i cannot belive i just suggested that. "we have a deal. i shall see you then" i cannot belive he just agreed to that. and with that, he skipped up the stairs, 2 steps at a time, stopping at the top to turn round, smirking at me once more before shutting the door behind him. 
Until then, Mr.nygma.
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twin andrews part 7 | jughead x reader
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part 6:https://writing-in-riverdale.tumblr.com/post/159528549924/twin-andrews-part-6-jughead-x-reader
warning!: the readers story line is thickening and it can be triggering as mentions of self harm, depression and suicide will be laced within these next few parts so i wanted to let you know so you’re reading at your own risk. im here for additional support if you need it my nugs.
a/n: ive decided to write this along with the episodes so apologies in advance for the timeline partially being messed with!! the next few parts will be longer as im trying to squeeze two episodes into each in order to catch up with the latest episodes!! i hope you enjoy this part as much as i do💜
and a special shout out to @natalieroseg for always sending me a message after i post a new part and constantly showering me with love and admiration for this series. readers like you that always give me feedback are why i love writing so much!! don’t be shy my loves leave me a question or some feedback in my ask box🌈🌈
“i can’t believe dad grounded me” i mumble to my brother as i adjust his tie.
“sorry about that” he apologies looking down to me as I finish up stepping back and taking in my brothers funeral attire, i tried to convince him to wear a suit jacket but he insisted that he wore his letterman jacket
“it’s fine arch, im not mad at you” i turn to face the mirror straightening out my black dress.
today was the day of jason blossoms funeral and the blossoms took it apon themselves to invite the entire town, maybe hoping jasons murderer would reveal them selves by attending.
there was no way i wanted to go, it was being held in the blossoms thorn hill mansion and just the look of that place gives me the creeps and thats not even talking about the people who vacate it
i never wanted to take a step in thorn hill every again after the party and the incident with jason. not that i was alone everyone hated going to thorn hill, it was straight up creepy
but i knew that if i didn’t go then it’d give the blossoms a reason to begin a revenge plot, already dropping murder charges on me, simply because if you don’t show up to one of these events when your invited it’s pretty damn shady.
i slip on my shoes and fix up the final bits of my hair and makeup when the door bell chimes downstairs. my brother moves off my bed and down the steps to answering whomever was at the door
i stand in front of the mirror staring blankly at my reflection barley recognising myself anymore.
“i look like a bloody sack of potatoes" i moan as my brother enters back into my room.
“not from where im standing you don't” i spin around catching myself off guard at the new voice
i come face to face with jughead, in a freaking suit. i have to stop myself from drooling as my knees feel like they’re about to give way. he looked adorable and extremely hot at the same time, if that’s even possible
“i-um where’s arch?” he shrugs “he let me in and then disappeared think he said something about going to the school to grab something”
i nod facing the mirror again watching as jughead she eyes drop checking me out “thanks by the way- even if you are lying it’s still nice of you” i mumble fiddling with the ends of my hair.
“it’s s'okay, i wasn’t lying- you look” he pauses shoving his hands into his pockets slightly revealing the suspenders hiding behind his suit jacket. god you had a weakness for his suspenders.
“you look beautiful” he talks to the ground before looking back up to you a smile playing on his lips.
you walk over to the boy playing with his tie, his hot breathe tickling your neck “you don’t look to bad yourself jones” i tease
he places his hands softly on my waist “it was the best i could do” he confesses pressing his forehead against my own. you sigh and bring your hands up to cup his cheeks.
“it’s more than enough” i lean forward and connect our lips in a soft sweet kiss pulling back and placing a quick peck to his cheek “c'mon let’s go we can’t be late”
we begin our journey over to thorn hill making sure to detach our joint hands as we neared the gates, he sighed at the action looking to me then back to the ground
“i-” he stops,sighing once more. like he’s trying to find the words to explain to me why he did it.
i stop, sliding my hand up his arm pulling him toward me “jug it’s fine okay?” i reassure glancing into his eyes.
“i was just worried. that well, you’ll be upset if i didn’t want to tell anyone about this” he looks down guilty refusing to make eye contact.
“we- we don’t know what this is yet okay? it’s okay i know. let’s just keep it between us?”
relief fills his features “im sorry (y/n)” i shake my head stepping closer to him “jughead jones i promise you im okay, im a big girl” he chuckles softly glancing up into my eyes.
“i know i just don’t want to hurt you” he admits “then don’t” i state simply pressing my lips against his own briefly before walking away from the boy and through the iron gates.
“god i hate this place” i mutter walking toward the enterance where I spot penelope and hermione talking to each other.
i approach the raven haired lady as she pulls away from the blossom woman “lodge” i call out catching her attention as she opens her arms pulling me into a warm embrace.
“hello (y/n) sweetie! and to you to jughead, you both look great” i smile blushing “thank you hermione, we better get inside everyone’s waiting for us” she smiles biding us farewell as the two of us enter the house of horrors
i spot betty and the others sitting toward the back of the room grabbing jughead arms to guide him “hey!” i whisper sitting next to veronica & kevin, leaving jughead to sit next to betty.
“how’d it go last night?” i ask veronica as i give a small smile to the boy next to me searching the room for my red headed brother.
“yeah it was um interesting to say the least” she inhales sharply fixing her necklace before setting herself forward as the crowd settles into their seats the service about to commence
i finally spot my brother moving toward the blossom woman jason’s football jersey in hand, i narrow my eyes as they endure a short conversation before he hands over the article of clothing and sits down directly in front of me
“what was that all about?” i mumble leaning forward and he just shakes his head “ill fill you in later yeah?” you roll your eyes leaning back into your seat as the music begins
“and may the odds be ever in your favour” i mumble
“why didn’t you tell me you were offered captain?” i nag my brother as we slide into our usual lunch spot, jughead giving me a soft smile as i sit down next to him
“look it doesn’t really matter-i want to focus on music and i gave it up to reggie anyways��
“really?! the coach gave extra praise to the kid that calls himself mantle the magnificent, jeez talk about fuelling a mans ego” i push my food around my plate not feeling particularly hungry.
“so are you going to try out for the variety show?” he takes a sip from his water bottle placing it back down “well i kinda blew that”
i furrow my eyebrows as kevin, ronnie & betty join us the blonde sitting down next to me “we need to talk” she turns to me eyes wide.
i tune out of my brother conversation and give my full attention to the blonde “what’s up?” i pop a piece of watermelon in my mouth as she speaks
“y'know how jughead and i went to sleuth after the funeral” i nod continuing with my fruit “we ran into cheryl’s great grandma- super horrifying but anyways polly was engaged to jason”
my eyes almost pop out of my head “what?!” i almost shout, narrowing my eyes at the blonde girl. “that’s insane betty”
“yo sis did you hear that?” i turn from my bestfriend to my red headed twin “huh?” jughead chuckles at my daze and i nudge him with my elbow earning a yelp from the jones boy.
“veronica is going to sing with my at the show, are you going to come?” i nod “yeah, dad wants me to come” a smile beams from his face, excitement evident.
the bell rings signalling the end of lunch causing me to refrain from smashing my head against the lunch table “you okay?” the brunette boy asks me leaning forward in his seat as the others gather their stuff.
i sling my bag on grabbing my lunch tray “yeah, just thinking” i sigh beginning to walk to english with the two sleuths
“did betty tell you she has a date tonight?” jughead teases the blonde as we head outside the school.
“um elizabeth cooper when were you going to tell me this” i exclaim grabbing the girls arm as the brunette laughs at the two of us
“it’s not a date!” she defends “you literally said ‘it’s a date’” the boy retorts a lazy smile hanging from his lips “who’s it with?!” eagerness coursing through me
“just trev, he was friends with jason and i wanted to see if we could get more information that’s all it is- we’re going to pops tonight” she finishes scuffing her feet as we exit the school.
“im working tonight!” i exclaim and she rolls her eyes adjusting her backpack “so i can really see if this is a date” i snicker smiling sinisterly at the blonde girl
“ive gotta go i guess ill see you later” she whines walking away from the two of us “see you later” i call after her turning to jughead a shy smile on his face
“what?” i chuckle bringing my lip between my teeth “nothing” he replies back smug a smile still beaming from his face.
i blush, turning away from the boy “you’re such a dork” he nods to himself
“ive got shift so ill see you later-” i talk fast nervous, my sight darting around the courtyard watching kids exit the school, rushing home
“mind if i walk with you?” i shake my head starting to walk away the brunette hot on my heels reaching for my hand as we hear the diner and grow further and further from school
i smile down at our joined hands feeling my cheeks heat up"
“everything okay?” he teases causing me to blush even more “oh shush” i giggle pushing through the diner door greeted by hermione and pop.
they glance at our joined hands and we spring away from each other, jughead scratching the back of his neck, embarrassment consuming the both of us.
“hey kids” hermione says sweetly a knowing smile on her features
“im going to change” i announce walking away from the three slipping into the ladies room to change into my uniform, reemerging to find jughead in his usual booth with his laptop already up and typing away
i waltz over to hermione tying my apron around my waist “H” i say warily a smirk evident on the lodge women’s face
“so you and that jones boy” my eyes widen shaking my head “you can’t tell anyone especially ronnie” i beg placing my hands on either side of her arm
“and whys that?” her eyes narrowing removing my hands and crossing her arms over her uniform
“it’s complicated” i sigh glancing back at the boy in the booth “we just want to keep it on the down low so please” she nods winking at me “go you have tables to serve”
the night was busy filled with customer after customer including betty and trev, i watched from afar squealing at the interaction of best friend with a cute boy.
i also had my eyes on another cute brunette in pops, as he sipped his chocolate milkshake his long fingers typing away at his laptop concentration clear on his face.
my attentions brought back when trev passes me giving me a smile wave goodbye full well knowing I’d been spying on them all night
i rush over to the booth sliding in next to the blonde “spill” i gush grabbing at the girls shoulder a smile beaming from my face, it’d been a long shift and i needed a good gossip sesh with my favourite girl
“what’s got you all giddy” i smile at the familiar voice as he slides into the seat opposite us.
“betty was about to tell me how her date went” i take a sip out of the blondes milkshake glass “it wasn’t a date!!” she defends.
i roll my eyes as she continues “he said that jason sold a bunch of his stuff weeks before he’s death- he was even selling drugs isn’t that crazy?”
my brows cruise concussion taking over “really-” i was cut off when hermione walks over to our booth “sorry kids but we’re closing up” they nod removing themselves from the booth
“goodnight” betty smiles hugging me before leaving the dinner, jughead hovers the raven haired woman leaving us to go back into the kitchen.
“ive got to stay back and clean jug” i yawn rubbing my eyes, exhaustion seeming to consume me “want me to wait i can walk you home?” i shake my head “ill be awhile- it’s fine”
he nods shoving his hands into his pockets “okay-ill see you tomorrow?” i nod playing with the fabric on the edge of my dress “see you tomorrow juggie”
and with that he bids me goodnight and exists the diner leaving us two girls alone to clean
i switch on the radio pulling on my rubber gloves on as we start to scrub away at the dirty dishes, dancing along to the music.
a noise from the foyer brings our attention back, i turn down the music and pull of my gloves emerging from the kitchen “sorry we’re close” i muse suddenly noticing that the diner was empty.
i move closer to the door noticing it to be unlocked, i turn to see a brown box lying on the floor, puzzled I walk up to it opening the box cautiously to find a snake curled up in the box
i let out a blood curdling scream falling to the floor as i rush myself backwards
hermione rushes out running toward me pulling me into her chest “what’s wrong honey?!” she asks worry filling her soft voice
i point to the box my heart racing beyond compare “there’s a freaking snake” she rushing to her phone dialling a number as she excuses herself into the next room.
the snake starts to crawl out of the box and toward me and i scramble from the floor climbing up onto the counter screaming “hermione!!” i yell causing the raven haired lady to run out
she grabs the box and places it over the snake trapping it from sylethring away
i squirm feeling tears pool in my eyes “you okay?” she rushes to me helping me off the counter top “yeah just a little shaken up” she gives me a hug smoothing down my hair.
“i called your dad, he’s on his way” i nod fishing my phone out of my dress pocket sending a quick text and then pocketing it not waiting for a reply.
the door chimes my dad rushing in to hug me moving toward hermione that look in his eyes, and thats when my stomach turned. he was looking at her the way he used to look at mum.
i scoop up my bag slipping on my denim jacket “where are you going?” she asks standing from the floor her eyes still locked on the box
“i can’t stay in here, im sorry” i blurt turning away and pushing through the exit door making my way toward the only person i knew that could comfort me right now
i find myself pick up my speed as i reach the trailer park practically running up the door slightly banging on it hoping that the boy would still be awake
tears flow from my eyes as the door swing open revealing an older man, “is jughead in?” he steps back scratching his head as he glances down at my pops uniform.
“im sorry miss-” “andrews” i finish for him wiping my cheeks “look miss andrews jugheads in bed-”
“dad what’s wrong?” i move past the man and rush into the trailer flinging myself into the arms of the brunette boy sobs racking my body
his arms tighten around my waist whispering softly into my ear in efforts to calm me “what’s wrong?” i sniffle pulling away slightly from the boy enough to see the worry in his eyes but still tight in his embrace
“god it’s so stupid” i mumble feeling embarrassed “hey tell me, please” he begs moving the hair from my face tucking it gently behind my ear.
“someone delivered a snake in a box and work and dad came-” he’s eyes grow wide looking to the older man behind him as he slips into his bedroom
“are you serious?! are you hurt are you okay” he rushes checking my body for bite marks i move away from him shaking my head as i sit myself down on the dirty couch
i run my hands through my hair “it’s not that- it’s my dad, hermione called him and i-i- I thought it was to comfort me but-” i swallow the lump in my throat
“it was to comfort her- he looked at her the way he used to look at my mum.. i think there’s something going on between them and i just can’t- i don’t know i-” i mumble my words feeling the tears rolling down
jughead sits himself down next to me pulling me into his chest “you just don’t want to see him with anyone else” he whispers stroking my hair soothingly
“im sorry” he murmurs “me too"
the sun blare through my room my eyes finding it hard to adjust to the sudden light, my eyes still puffy from last nights events. i roll over pulling the covers back up to my chin feeling myself drift back to sleep when there’s a knock at my door
i moan a ‘hello’ as the door squeaks up, squinting to reveal my father standing at the door clad in his work uniform
“afternoon sleepy head” i sit up yawning glance at the clock to see the times read 1:30pm i got home late and must’ve slept through my morning alarms.
“i know you had a rough night so i figured you earned a day off- i brought you lunch, i wanted to check up on you” he plops himself down on the edge of my bed handing me over a bag from pops
“thank you” i mumble moving my hair from my face looking down at my covers scared to look my dad in the face “where’d you go last night?”
“the jones’” i mumble and he just nods placing a hand on my shoulder “are you okay?” i nod feeling tears form in my eyes “just a little shaken up but im fine now, promise”
he pulls me forward wrapping me in a small hug before standing from my bed “i canceled your shift for tonight and bought us tickets to the show” i nod “sounds good” he nods back walking toward the door lingering in the hall
“thanks again dad, for lunch” he nods disappearing down the steps and put the front door, returning back to work i assume
i layed back down in my bed popping a few fries in my mouth as i open the lid to my laptop the screen lighting up as a picture of my family pops up; it was taken a few christmas ago when we were all together.
my mother has the biggest smile on her face as she looks up my father, totally in love. my brother and i stand infront of them, archie’s arm slung around my shoulders pulling me into him capturing us mid laugh.
it was a full length photo, you could see vegas jumping up at us her tongue hung from her mouth, her tail swishing in excitement. i didn’t know how much i missed being together until i found myself crying
i clicked into my photo album scrolling through all the old photos before i made the move to chicago with my parents there was a few with the whole gang; even the blossoms.
cheryl and i were clad in our riven vixen uniforms, it was freshmen year and it was our first ever game cheering and jason stood in the middle sporting his bulldogs uniform helmet in his hand as they are slung around the two of us girls
it was my favourite memory of freshman year, we look so innocent so young. free from heartache and loss.
“everything okay?” i jump at the voice slamming my laptop closed looking to see my two fellow river vixens standing at the door
“we let ourselves in, hope you don’t mind. you weren’t at school and we were worried” i shake my head smiling “it’s fine”
relief shows on their faces as the walk over to me sitting themselves down on my bed “god we were worried” “it’s was just a little incident at work and i couldn’t sleep so dad just let me take the day off”
“what happened at work?!” ronnie asks her brows creasing knowing full well that her mother was working shift with me last night “there was a box with a snake in it, left for us in pop’s. your mum seems to think it was a serpents doing”
“and well my dad.. and your mum they seemed weird with each other and it reminded me of my mum” i confess my eyes tearing up
“i don’t think i can handle my dad being with someone else other than my mum- i can’t i don’t even want to think about it”
she swallows her eyes darting around my room as i watch the clogs behind her eyes click “ronnie everything okay?” i place my hand over hers noticing the change in her eyes, guilt.
“i should go-” she grabs her bag leaning over and hugging me before rushing for the door “ill see you tonight right?” i nod watching her rush out of my room not bothering to say bye to the blonde next to me
“is she okay?” i question only to get a shrug in reply “im not too sure, something happened with her and arch-” i nod fiddling with my blanket
“we were worried about you” i give her a half hearted smile “i should’ve message you & v i just over slept and-” i huff guilt creeping up “it wasn’t just me and v”
“oh well yeah kev-” she giggles to herself “and juggie” my eyes widen “really?” she nods a smile growing on her face.
“he’s going to help me look into finding polly, i found where she’s staying and he offered to come with me” i smile trying not to give myself away “that’s sweet” she nods vigorously “isn’t it!”
“he’s on his way over- did you want to come with?” i sigh flopping my head back down on my pillow “i would but im going to the show tonight- i don’t think i could see your sister after the last time i saw her-”
she lets out a long sigh, grabbing hold of my hand and giving it a soft reassuring squeeze.
“its okay” she smiles brightly at me opening my laptop, the photo of myself and the blossom twins appearing on my screen.
she moves herself so she’s sitting next to me resting against my head board bringing my laptop up into her lap. “freshman year right?” i nod “sure was” i mumble in reply
“i love this one” i turn my attention to the screw a photo popping up of the five of us; betty, archie myself and the blossom twins.
we were all in our uniforms smiling from ear to ear
“i like this one better” i reach over and tap the next button to reveal a picture from last year, taken the day before i left for chicago. before i knew that my parents had taken a turn for the worst
we were all in a booth at pops; archie, betty, jughead, kevin and i all rugged up milkshakes and burgers scattered on the table and innocent smiles sketched onto our baby faces
blissfully unaware that in the next coming day their lives were about to get turned upside down.
“i love this one too” betty mumbles quietly a tear slipping from her green eyes “aw betts please don’t cry” i moan clinging to the girl laughing softly as my eyes well up
“god i remember that day like it was yesterday” she sniffles leaning her head against mine “that was the last i ever saw of you”
the air seemed to grow thick, silence growing between us as we stare blankly at the laptop screen
“why didn’t you say goodbye?” she turns to me vulnerability in her eyes. i close mine, the memory flooded back as i tried desperately for it to stop
i cleared my throats trying to respond without falling apart “i couldn’t-” my voice cracks.
“she woke me up at god knows what time and dragged me of bed shoving everything into bags telling me that ‘we need to leave we need to leave right now” i start to cry
“dad and arch woke up from the all the commotion and they start crying archie was hurt lead to believe that i wanted to go and leave them behind”
“i didn’t want to leave them- i didn’t want to leave anyone but i- i- couldn’t i couldn’t stay” i look to the blonde shock on her face.
“my mum said i needed help and i couldn’t get it from riverdale- so i had to go betty. i had no choice”
tears stream down my cheeks as betty looks on guilt dripping from her face. we sit staring at each other, too scared to speak. that was until jughead came bounding through the door
his eyes widen his whole persona changing as he realises what has happened. i spring from my bed excusing myself from the door as i dart into the bathroom locking it before either of them had the chance to follow me
i splash my face trying to calm myself down, scrubbing off yesterday’s makeup. trying to remove the loop of my dad and hermione from my mind
there’s a few knocks at my door but i ignore them, turning the shower on and starting to strip down. i need to get ready for tonight and it was the only way i could stay in here without suspicion from the two vacated my bedroom
i shut the water off, stepping out into the bathroom to dry my body before slipping on a robe and exiting the bathroom and taking the short walk into my bedroom
and just as expected the room was empty, i sit back down on my bed letting out a breathe i didn’t know i was holding.
soft knocks at my door bring my attention back down to earth “come in” i speak softly tightening my robe around my body making sure nothing is showing.
my dad pops his head in dressed up all nice for the show tonight, it was the first time dad would ever hear archie sing so it was a big deal. he’d bought tickets for all his work friends wanting something to boast about since i wasn’t all that interesting
“you almost ready? we’ve got to leave soon” i nod “im about to get ready shouldn’t be to long” he nods biding goodbye and closing my door behind him.
i walk over to my stereo turning up my music as i start to get myself ready for the night
we walked into the school side by side searching the crowd for dad’s work friends, i fish my phone out of my clutch hoping to see a text from jughead but nothing.
i rock on the back of my hells when i spot hermione, the raven haired lady smiles over at us briskly walking toward the two of us. my dads face lights up giving the lodge women a soft smile.
the engage in small talk as i desperately search for a way out of this damn conversation only to be brought back into it with hermione shaking my shoulder
“did your dad tell you the good news” she practically squeals squeezing my arm “nooo” i drag out the ‘o’ feeling a tad out of the loop.
“your dad’s offered me a job! no more scrubbing dirty fry pans and waiting tables for this lady” she gestures to herself earning a laugh from my dad.
she places a hand of his chest the two looking sickly happy “excuse me” i mutter moving as far away as i could hoping to spot any of my friends
i spot val walking along the corridor and i practically tackle her before she walks into the drama room “woho (y/n) what’s wrong?” she exclaims, alarmed.
“have you seen my brother? it’s important” she nods “follow me he’s probably back stage” i walk behind the pussy cat as she leads me into the green room
it doesn’t take me long till i spot my red headed brother siting along guitar in his hands strumming lightly, he looked as white as a ghost
i plop down next to him “arch are you okay?” he looks up at me noticing the nervousness in my eyes. “could ask you the same” he laughs lowly setting down his guitar
“val bailed on me so now im going solo- im so nervous (y/n)” i furrow my brows at my brother “wait i thought you were singing with v?” he sighs
“it’s a long story but anyway she got all upset because she found dad and her mum kissing at work this morning so she got spooked and-” my eyes widen, shock spreading through my body like wildfire.
“um excuse me what now?!” i almost yell, “i thought you knew, ronnie went to the house to check on you i just thought-” i shake my head standing up “you just thought what? that it was just casual conversation arch?! you’re so insensitive”
i yell walking out of the dressing room bumping into ronnie on the way out “woah are you okay?” i scoff “wouldn’t you like to know, thanks by the way for telling me about my dad. you’re a real gem”
i push past the raven haired girl moving out into the foyer spotting my dad as he walks us over to our seats in the auditorium. i almost scream when i noticed we were situated right next to the lodge lady, as we settle in for the performance.
i find myself zoning out all through veronica’s & the pussycats performance that i didn’t even hear them call archie’s name till he was in the middle of the stage
i perk up watching as he starts to sing, out of the corner of my eye i watch as my fathers hand joins with hermione and i feel my eyes well up “i can’t be here” i mumble to my father rushing out of the auditorium
my eyes fill with tears as i rush out into the hall, i scream into my hands looking up to see both betty & jughead soaking wet talking to the sheriff, a serious scowl on his face.
i let out a small cry catching their attention, i smack my hand over my mouth trying to muffle the sounds. they turn the brunette boys eyes filling with worry as he glances to me.
but betty says something to the boy that makes him looking between the two of us before mouthing a ‘im sorry’ and running off down the hall and out into the pouring rain after betty & the sheriff
my heart grows heavy as i watch him out more and more distance between the two of us.
archie’s voice carries through the speakers, he sounded amazing.
i close my eyes briefly before heading out into the storm,rain pelting down on my face as i felt myself being consumed by my thoughts. i fall to my knees letting out a silent sob
i was getting worse, and no one knew.
so i picked myself up and walked right out of the parking lot, down my street, into my house & into my bathroom looking the door behind me hoping that no one would ever find me again
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ayyoitsalex · 4 years
Chapter 3 - Mama Bear
The entire car ride home Cole didn't say anything as much as I tried  to make any sort of conversation. I'm sure the whole thing just left him a little rattled, so after a while I just let him be. My mom had AJ and Charly, so I went over to get them. Sam was texting me about the whole thing, and she was just as mad as I was. Usually the cooler of the two of us, but Sam was out for this lady's head along with her kid. I parked the car by the curb, but left it running so Cole could just wait for me. Mom met us outside, leading AJ while carrying Charly. "So what happened with Cole today?" Mom asked with obvious concern on her face. I took a breath. "Lemme just get them in the car first." I took Charly from my mom and buckled her in while AJ sat himself behind Cole. "Cole got into a fight at school, and the souvenier he got from one of the wrestlers we saw over the weekend got ruined. He won't tell me much more." "Oh my poor guy...He's not too banged up is he?" "Well not physically, but he's still pretty upset about the whole thing. I mean it sucks I can't just be there so he doesn't get bullied." "It's the struggle hon. You just hope your kids make it through their day without being harrassed. Lucky for you guys none of that happened. Even if it did I know you'd be cracking heads." "Yeah..Cole's just different. He's more mellow and even tempered." "Mm well I'll let you guys get going." "Okay bye mom, l-o-v-e you." Mom chuckled. "L-o-v-e you too smarty pants." Even to this day it's my favorite way of telling my mom I love her. When I got back in the car, Cole was still not talking. As soon as we got home he made his way right to his room, and closing the door behind him in the process. I got AJ and Charly situated at home before another attempt at asking Cole what happened. I knocked slowly. "Cole? It's mom can I come in?" The doorknob slowly turned and he stood before my the door cracked open slightly. He looked up at me. "Can you open the door sweetie?" He nodded and opened the door. We walked over to his bed and sat down. He laid his head against me. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked stroking his hair. "We were all at recess..and I was showing my friends what Adam gave me and they were saying it was so cool." "Then what happened?" "This kid came over..started telling me how wrestling is stupid and fake..I told him it's something special I share with my mom..and that it wasn't stupid. He just kept going and going..so I started walking away. Then he pulled on my armband and it ripped.." Cole started sniffling. "I just..got so mad cause it was from Adam!" I pulled him in closer to settle him down. "And I just..pushed him down and started punching. Then the playground duty got us.." He let out a big sigh and wiped his eyes before looking at me. "Am I in trouble?" "No Cole..So I know I've told you not to fight and to y'know keep your hands to yourself. But in this case it seems like he didn't really give you much choice. Sometimes it's right to fight when you're standing up for yourself and things you believe in. You felt like wrestling was something special with us and you thought it was wrong this boy was calling it stupid. So with that said I'm not saying pick fights whenever you disagree with someone okay?" "Okay mom.." "Good now c'mere. Love you." I hugged him tight, kissing the top of his head. "Haha l-o-v-e you mom." "So okay wash up dinners soon." I got up and saw Sam standing there waiting for me. She smiled before putting her arm around me as we walked downstairs. I wiped the small tears out of the corner of my eye. "Some good parenting there love." Sam said kissing my cheek. "Thanks..I'm sure you would've been just as good.." "Well AJ and Charly are already downstairs waiting for dinner, and I finished up what you had in the oven." "What would I do without you?" I smirked giving Sam a kiss. "Mm good thing you'll never have to find out." We sat down to dinner and everything seemed to be back to normal. I sewed up Cole's arm band and he was as ecstatic as the day he got it. He placed it up on his dresser next to his other prized posessions like action figures and whatnot. I walked back to the bedroom and Sam was there with Charly cradling her in bed while she watched tv. I crept in slowly next to them and snuggled up against Sam but leaving her enough room so if she wanted to get up she could. "Hey so I was thinking I'd walk with Cole to school tomorrow. Make sure nothing happens to him." Sam suggested. "Yeah okay sounds good." I yawned. "If you're gonna take the boys then I'll drop Charly at my mom's before work." "So did you get a look at this kid at all?" "Who?" "The one that got in the fight with Cole." "No I didn't see him..I only saw the mom." "What'd she look like?" Sam tried to ask non-chalantly. "Aha Sam you're not gonna try and look for this lady tomorrow are you?" "No..of course not." "Okay good." "So..white..?" I rolled my eyes before turning myself over to go to sleep. -The next morning- I drove the kids to school while maintaining an eye as to what Cole was looking at on the way there. As much as I tried to keep my calm about the whole thing, if there was anything I could do you're damn sure I was going to. I walked them to the gate, dropping AJ off first at his playground. "Okay sweets have a good day." I knelt down to hug him. "Bye mama love you." He hugged me tight before running over to meet his friends. I continued walking with Cole, and for the most part he was okay. When we got to the second grade part of the campus I knelt down again so I could say bye to him. "You go have a good day Cole." I hugged him extra tight to hopefully make him feel good about his day.   "Thanks mama." He pecked my cheek quickly and turned around looking at something. There was another parent with their kid walking nearby. "Everything alright baby?" I asked concerned. "Yeah.." He continued to look over. "Is..that the boy you got in a fight with?" He nodded his head. "Well if he starts bothering you again, you walk away and just tell a teacher. Don't care if anyone calls you names." He nodded again. "That's my boy." I hugged him one last time before letting him meet with his friends. The father of the boy walked by me. I raced up a bit to catch up to him. "Excuse me!" I said tapping on his shoulder. "Yeah?" He asked with a confused look. "Hi my names Sam Ryan, I think our boys got into a bit of an incident earlier this week." "Wait..I thought my wife said his mother had dark brown hair." "Mm..I'm also his mother. That was my wife." "Wait this is the kid thats into wrestling?" "I don't see why that's an issue." "Well maybe if he had positive male role models in his life he wouldn't need to find interest in something like that is what I'm saying." He attempted to walk away, but I grabbed his arm. "He has positive role models and their gender has nothing to do with it. From the way you just said that your kid probably needs some better role models. What my son watches and bonds with his mother over is none of your guys' business. He's doesn't need to be worrying about whether or not some punk is gonna mess with him about it." "Don't you think it's a little naive to think he's gonna go his whole life without being bullied?" "It might, but he's eight. So I'm not asking for anything difficult here." "Yeah sure I'll get right on that." He shoved his way past me. I shoved him back and stood my ground. He looked back astounded at me. "What do you expect me to do?!" He yelled at me shoving back. "Be a parent! How about teach your kid not to be such a piece of shit!" A full on shoving and screaming match between us broke out. Teachers rushed out to separate us before the principal arrived to bring us into the office. "I just had your spouses in here not too long ago.." The principal said sternly. "What exactly are we doing?" "Just..a little parental disagreement." I said. "We are here to set an example for the children. This is not one of those examples." We both left separately, and this time I didn't pursue. -After school- I picked up the kids at the gate and this time no signs of my current arch-enemy. Cole seemed to be in a good mood so that made everything better. He hugged me tight. "Good day at school bud?" He nodded and smiled. "Mm well that's awesome. Let's get AJ and then we can go get your sister." Before I knew it I felt a shove in my back. This time it was a woman, and I could only assume this was the one Selena had met. I just looked at her stone faced. "That's from my husband for this morning." She said proudly like she did something spectacular. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna walk away before you do something you  regret." I was trying to set an example for Cole as much as I knew I could absolutely kill this lady. "C'mon sweetie." Cole looked up at me as if asking if I was okay. I winked at him to give him a little sense of relief that everything was okay. "Yeah walk away! Like your bitch wife too!" I clenched my fist hard. "Cole, go get AJ. Let me take care of this." He nodded and proceeded to walk towards the kindergarten gate. I walked back towards this woman. "You don't say anything about my wife ever. You hear me?" She scoffed at my threat. "What exactly are you gonna do little gi-" I shot my knee right into her stomach. I felt the air rush out of her as I made contact. As she began to keel over I whispered. If I did learn anything from watching wrestling with Selena it was a good knee lift haha. "That's from my wife. Now you leave me and my family alone. Tell the same to  your punk kid." She nodded slowly while she tried to catch her breath. Luckily that time there was no one there to catch what I did. I caught up with the boys and started to drive over to pick up Charly. To my own surprise Selena was already there. She met us at the door with Charly. "So eventful pickup?" Selena asked. I gulped hard. She knew something. "Mhmm yeah one of my teacher friends saw what happened, but don't worry he's not saying anything. Apparently a lot of families don't like this one." I breathed a sigh of relief. "But so much for trying to keep calm haha." "Babe you didn't see her. It just had to be done." I threw my arms up. "Trust me I know. I bet I'd do the same. How's Cole?" "Better. Hopefully it stays that way now."
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