#thats to that anon for bringing up the old idea
allylikethecat · 7 months
teen dad au 👀 i’m here for maximum angst haha
Okay, so Ducklings is pretty angsty and Fictional!Matty isn't handling that whole situation well... now IMAGINE how angsty that fic would be if Fictional!Matty was like 16-17. Teenagers are the angstiest group of people I've ever met and we all know how messy my Fictional!Matties always end up being...
I have a few more projects I need to finish (or almost finish) before I can truly dive into this one (I say that now but watch me be like FUCK IT WE'RE POSTING next week lol) but between this and the Vampire fic have been very much consuming my thoughts. I'm so glad that there is an audience for this one as well!!! My head has just been SPINNING with so many ideas and the note on my phone for this fic is getting longer and longer...
Thank you so much for sending in this lovely encouraging ask, for reading and for the continued support! I hope you enjoy my other projects in the meantime and that I'm able to get to this one sooner rather than later! I hope you have a happy Monday and a fantastic week!
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fraugwinska · 2 months
I've seen fanfics about Alastor × deaf reader
But what about.. blind reader? Maybe they lost sight in some battle
How they would be confused meeting Alastor at first: did someone turn the radio on- oh, thats a demon talking!
And how confused would be Alastor as his feelings started to grow towards the reader: he just enjoys their company! What else can he do when they like to listen to him spilling the tea and just rambling about everything because of his soothing voice? His favourite listener
Then.. their relationships get a bit different as in another one relaxing evening together Alastor asks if they want to see him..
And on their confused silence he answers bringing their hands to his face for them to "read" his apperience..
Just thought it would be hella fun to read! Not good enough at english, sorry for mistakes
I love your writtings! 💕Stay hydrated and don't dare to overwork yourself ☝
Hiya lovely Anon! <3 I put my own little spin on your idea! I love fics like those, and this one sat in my drafts for ages - I hope the wait was worth it! Thank you so much for this ask! <3 Warning: Contains depictions of attempted SA, please read with caution - MINORS DNI!
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The bookstore was always quiet in the evenings. Well, it was quiet almost always.
Hell wasn't the most... appreciative place for tombs and books that didn't have porn or egregious murder in them, so your shop wasn't really frequented much. Occasionally, a new sinner would find their way in, not yet taken by the unpunished excessiveness Pentagram City had to offer, and would buy a book or two, never to be seen again. The rest of your clientele were loyal regulars, mostly elderly demons and imps getting books for their masters in other rings. It wasn't much, but enough for you to get by, live a simple, modest life. Your shop was mundane enough as to not attract the more dangerous ones the city had to offer, yet held the beauty that only an antique bookstore could, with a reading room like atmosphere, mismatched armchairs scattered in between the high bookshelves and an old radio on the counter playing in the background.
That didn't mean there weren't moments you'd have to get yourself out of some serious situations. On rare occasions, the patrons of your bookstore became too demanding or rough with you, thinking they could intimidate or screw you over because of your... handicap. After all, how would you see the hand reaching in the register, or the little spell book slipping into the inside pocket of a jacket. The blindness you were born with on earth hadn't left you in your death, but the enhanced sensitivity of your other senses made things easier for you. You had learned to take your losses, unwilling to let these moments ruin your confidence in your work or diminish your spirits.
You navigated through the little store with ease, putting laid-out books back into their designated places - feeling the backs of the books like it spelled their names, and motion memory guiding you through the maze of furniture and shelves - your plain, long felt skirt softly brushing this edge and that wood panel. What you wore wasn't fancy, modern or stylish attire, but it was comfortable enough. And who were you kidding? At the end of the day, nobody cared for your less-than-ordinary appearance, but yourself.
Your mind had been drifting around between random topics for a while until, on your last trip back to the front desk, your round ears picked up the bell on your door and the faint sound of staticy talking, coming from the direction of the counter. A customer, at this hour no less! But you were sure you had turned off the radio hours ago... maybe the old thing was finally breaking down, you thought with a little sadness. You hurried to it, still hung back in your thoughts and babbling as you turned the desk to shut the little device off so your customer wasn't disturbed.
"Hello, I'm terribly sorry if you're bothered by the radio, I should have turned it off. Feel free to browse through-" you paused mid-sentence as the air shifted slightly. You had turned the familiar knob but the filtered voice didn't stop talking. Your ears moved around, as if the source was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, trying to determine its source, when the other occupant of the store laughed at the surprise written on your face.
"Apologies aren't necessary my dear, but that wasn't the little device here but me, asking for service. Although I'm quite fond of a little old fashioned tune - comes with the title of the Radio Demon, you see." He talked with amusement, or something in his tone seemed powerful and dangerous. As his words started to make sense to you, you held a sharp breath, struggling not to take a step back. Of course you've heard of Alastor, the Radio Demon, but you've never had the honor (or dread) of meeting him in person. Rumors had spread around in hell a long time before you'd even gotten here, stories of a powerful overlord who'd broadcasted the screams and torments of his victims, spreading fear to everyone, from sinner, to lesser demons, to even other overlords themselves.
"W-welcome to my store, sir! What can I help you with today?" You smiled pleasantly, hoping that showing him respect and going out of your way for a courteous interaction could possibly keep you from being torn to pieces. You heard the ruffling of fabric - a hand reaching into a pocket, wrapping it's fingers around a thick piece of paper, along a low, distorted chuckle. "A good friend of mine recommended your store to me, I am looking for a few... unusual books, hopefully to be found here."
You waited into the silence, one second, two, three. When he said nothing, only static noise slowly increasing in volume, you decided to speak again. "May you tell me the titles, sir?"
"If you'd take the list, little mouse, everything I need is on it." His voice had an edge of annoyance to it now. You didn't know when his presence had approached so close to where you stood, and couldn't decide if that was a good sign or not. You sighed, pulling the darkened glasses off you wore day in, day out, revealing the white irises that gave your blindness away. After a sound like a record scratch, you managed a helpless smile. "I fear if it's not in braille, it won't do much to hand me that."
The other demon was silent again, but the crackling static had dropped, and before you had time to add something that wouldn't get you gutted, he'd barked a laugh, sounding genuinely amused and entertained.
"My, isn't that a bit cliché, my dear? A blind mouse? Any chance you have two siblings?"
That joke was new. You dared to husk out a little laugh, too, your hands gently resting on the counter top. "I hate to disappoint, but no. I even have my tail still, no farmers wife with a knife."
There was a change in his stance, his coat sweeping the air as you heard the list was laid on the wooden surface in front of you, surprisingly not crushed or crumbling under the power of his hand. Coldness swept like waves of fog over the front desk and your hands, you pulled them away with a shudder, confused, but your patron just hummed.
"There, that should've done the trick. I'd rather not want to read my little.... requests aloud, they're a rather curious bunch, I believe. Very useful, though, especially those for more creative types in cooking."
You reached for the paper and thumbed through the braille letters one after the other, feeling a long list of more... taboo tomes you were sure wouldn't have even been mentioned in any respectable catalogue. Luckily, you were a glutton for oddities and curiosities, and with a small smile of pride you found that you had every book on the list on hand. Maybe it was this pride thatgave you the confidence so that you didn't reply and instead swiftly jumped ahead, bustling through the rows and pillars of bookshelves. Every step was calculated, from the short staircase to the tiny nook where you stored spell books and tombs of dark magic, navigating past all the tables and furniture to the particular bookcase containing ritualistic cookbooks. Once you had a feeling where a book would be located, you searched the titles by stroking the backs with the pads of your fingers, tapping quickly and analyzing the material and little bumps and nicks of the spines. Once found, you traced the edges of the piece and drew up a mental image in your mind to check it wasn't bent, dirty, torn or had any parts missing. Your fingers were your eyes, and they were keen.
As you carried the rather heavy stack back, the Radio Demon hadn't moved an inch from where you'd left him, as far as you could tell. It had been hard not to acknowledge him throughout the ordeal while your brain just went on autopilot after realizing he didn't mean to kill you, at least for the moment. On one hand, that was comforting; on the other hand, it was absolutely horrifying.
"Here you go, sir. Please, feel free to check if they are up to your standards." You set the books down carefully, counting the number of thick covers in the stack to be sure and your fingers brushed sharp talons as apparently the Radio Demon reached out to inspect the books as you offered. With a sharp inhale and a heated face you quickly drew back, stammering apologies. He only chuckled faintly, the static surrounding him crackling as if it, too, was amused.
You stood silently behind the counter and listened to him flipping through the pages, turning the books around to read their contents, humming here and there. He seemed content with the lot and you were sure that once he'd paid, he would leave, hopefully sparing your meager existence and not leaving any destruction behind.
"Very well! These will do perfectly, little mouse. And, I have to say, you have a very interesting collection. The quality of your inventory exceeds what Zestial promised. You might expect a few more visits from me in the future, if you don't mind."
The last sentence wasn't a question. It was a statement, underlined with the sound of a heavy stack of bills placed on your counter. Your hands confirmed what your ears already suspected - your patron well overpaid you.
"Not at all, sir, but you gave me too much mon...."
But the air shifted again, and a chime and a thud later you knew he had already walked out, his laughter the last thing you heard before the door clicked shut.
What a peculiar man, you thought, still processing the entire experience. His voice had been darling, no wonder he chose radio as his medium. You were sure his smile you've heard so many demons whisper about was wide and predatory, but he had been so polite. Even the nickname he'd given you had been charming, compared to the names and remarks you've had thrown at you by lesser demons, and you shook your head at the ridiculousness of your face flushing at the memory.
'Little mouse.'
After a long moment, you finally counted the money and put the amount he tipped you aside in your hidden safe, making a note to yourself that you would give it back to him when he'd return. If he'd return.
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Weeks passed and the Radio Demon had kept his promise and visited again. And again. And again.
The first time he came back and you, already flustered, offered to give back the surplus money he'd paid you, he was baffled before he heartily laughed and ignored your attempts to return it to him, instead buying three more books and leaving you with even more undeserved cash in your hands.
Almost once a week he'd return to your store, sometimes he'd have a whole list of books he'd want to buy, and he almost never left your store with empty hands. Sometimes he'd sit down in one of the many chairs to peruse a tomb you set aside for him, predicting he'd find interest in it as you learned his tastes in literature, and he'd hum almost happily when you found a new curiosity or a grimoire that was especially hard to come by. And sometimes he just came in for a quick visit, not even intending to buy a book but just to chat a bit. With every encounter your initial apprehension shifted into appreciation, so much so that you'd grow to eagerly await his return, the sound the bell made when he enthusiastically swung the door open or the slight distortion of your radio when he changed the station to one that suited his mood better.
You were a bit enchanted with him, if you were honest. Not only had every interaction been intriguing and entertaining, he'd been one of the rare visitors who hadn't maliciously mocked or threatened you, or worse. And you found that you enjoyed the small banters you could have with him, the fact that he treated you no differently than anyone else. It was refreshing, and each of his visits put a spring in your step for days, no matter how hard you tried not to think about him.
By the time several months had passed, he became your favorite client and he seemed to have an everlasting interest in your inventory as well as yourself. You learned that he was quite a wealthy demon with a seemingly insatiable appetite for entertainment, and always with an eye for quality, which you vowed yourself to provide in return, if only to keep him coming back. You found you could spend hours with only him at the store over freshly made coffee, discussing various literary concepts and historical events he used as references, and it was a delight to laugh together about some particularly odd rituals in books like 'Old Spells to Cure Thievery' or 'Blood Rituals of the Flaying Kink'.
Sometimes, when you'd hand him a new find or a heavy tomb, his hands would lightly brush yours and his voice would drop and become a bit softer, quieter as he cooed his nickname for you - 'Little Mouse'. With your lack of vision, you didn't know how his face looked nor how his expression would've surely changed - but his voice took on a tone that would be fitting for a date, and the touches made you shiver lightly and tingle and you felt heat spread all over your chest and the pit of your stomach when he did. If your body betrayed those reactions on your face, he wouldn't tease you for them. At least, you never noticed if he did. Maybe he had the grace to simply not remark on them, you thought, for once grateful for your blindness so you wouldn't have to see your own - surely ridiculously dumbstruck - expression reflected in the windows of your storefront. But the physical contact between you became more frequent, more deliberately made, and you'd caught his own quiet sigh every now and again when he lingered for just a moment longer before the doorbell chimed and he'd leave again.
One evening, as you were cleaning up and preparing for tomorrow's customers, a soft knock on the already locked door pulled you out of the haze of your radio's gentle tune. Turning around, you moved slowly towards the sound of the interruption, adjusting your dark glasses.
"My apologies, but we're closed for tonight, please come back tomorrow."
There was no reply, no sound of footsteps and your ears strained to catch a whisper of a sound, to find a new hint as to who was outside. Another knock, harder now, sounded and this time it took all your courage to approach. Your hair stood at its roots as your hands rested at the wooden door, your senses tingling that you better not open - that danger stood in front of your store.
"Please go, we'll be open again tomorrow."
Your reflexes, acting faster than your brain, made you stumble back as the glass of your front doors shattered into a million pieces. In a panic you tumbled to the floor, hands over your face as the pieces broke apart on impact. There were voices, rough and foreign sounding, that accompanied the stomping of boots. You shuffled back on the ground, trying to get out of the way before being stepped or kicked upon, reaching to the walls and bookshelves to find some stability to guide you in getting away from what was coming towards you.
"T-take what you want, please, I won't stop you. Just... just take it and leave."
Your words were shaking in fear and the little hope that a verbal warning and submission would placate the robbers. To your horror the voices - two, if your panicked mind didn't fool you - erupted into raspy laughter and you realized then that money might not be the only thing these demons were after.
"You were right, Hank. This is going to be easier than I thought, look at how helpless the bitch is."
"Told 'ya, Tommy Boy. An' the best part..." supposedly the one called Hank said deviously, and you were yanked up at your wrists and thrown over what must've been your counter, your glasses slipping and breaking at the impact and your eyes dwelling with hot tears. You recognized this voice… just a few days ago this demon had come into the shop, just as Alastor was about to leave, lingering around the shop and leaving quickly mumbling a half-asses excuse without buying anything after you asked if you could help him find something and Alastor's static crackled dangerously. The same smell of sharp sweat and wet tobacco lingered around him, making your stomach turn. "... she can't tell anyone who we are. Hoh, look, her eyes are some freaky shit, 'n you bet her tits 're freaky, too. S'not even our damn birthday but looks like we got ourselves a gift. 'Ya wanna go first?"
"You know me - Don't mind if I do."
With a heart beating out of your chest and shallow breaths, you tried to feel with your only free hand for something, anything, to defend yourself with. You had to defend yourself. Anything would be better than what horrific thing they were about to do. There was only the flat, leather bound accounting book close by, but it was better than nothing, and in a motion of impulse and fear you slashed with it into the general direction you felt the weight of Tommy settle onto the counter top above you. His complice bellowed angrily, making your ears ring, and Tommy snatched the weapon from your hand to throw it away. His breath smelled of filth and cold ash, the skin of your throat burned when he wrapped his calloused hands around it.
"We're gonna show ya your fucking place, worthless blind cum-chunk bitch, an' when we're done with ya..."
There was a sudden, instant sound of feedback, a wet splatter and a horrified scream and hasty, fleeing footsteps before a wave of relief washed over you as your neck fell free from the intruders grasp and you heard a familiar voice.
"Oh, my dear fellow, do go on. I'd love to hear the end of that sentence." A low, distorted chuckle followed. Alastor sounded different - menacing. Bone-chilling. If those words would've been directed at you, you would've been mortified. But it sounded like honey in your ears, knowing who the recipient was. "Ah, how silly of me - surely it's much harder to speak without vocal chords."
Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as the sounds of violence became ever more gruesome. A whipping sound, a wail and a choked gasp and two stomach-churning thuds of something hitting the floor.
"Well that's not handy at all - you can't even sign your pathetic pleas now. How unfortunate to be in such a vulnerable position, isn't it?"
A thud, then another - your stomach turned as the room got flooded with a different type of warmth. Your lungs and chest stung from the stench of iron and decay and your throat hurt as you realized one aura had vanished from the store and Tommy was most likely reduced to a fleshy pile on the ground. Suddenly you felt a sharp but warm, strangely long but familar hand cradling the back of your skull, pressing your cheek against a broad, angled shoulder, another wrapped tightly around your shoulders, resting under your ears. It was quiet, now - you could only hear your staggered breathing and Alastors static that had gone down a notch or two. You thought his breathing had become more labored, too, when he slowly, gently, let go and straightened you to bring you to a standing position, his hands shifting into their usual shape as they came to rest lightly on your upper arms.
"Are you alright, dear?" His voice was almost back to the tone you were so fond of - almost. There still was an undertone, a dangerous sharpness. Your fingertips instinctively grasped and searched until they met with the familiar texture of his clothing and you nodded.
"Y-yes... I think so, yes. What - what happened to the other one?"
There was a deep laugh, one you haven't heard yet from him. "Oh, my dear, no need to fret over that. I'll deal with that pest later. I should've dealt with him the moment he stepped into your store. An oversight I intend to shortly redeem."
It should have frightened you - should've made the situation so, so much worse, hearing that Alastor planned more torture for that vile creature, probably even an equally gruesome death like the one his friend got. But his words only calmed you. Made you feel... safer. Your fingers lingered on his suit longer than you expected, tracing the detailed seams of his lapels, smoothing out invisible wrinkles on the fabric, feeling the details of the cool, metallic buttons. And he let you. He stood still, allowing your hands to see what your eyes couldn't.
"I can't decide if it's a blessing or a shame that you can't see the carnage I caused. Although I am pleased that you didn't have to look at the ugly faces of those cretins who tried to defile you." He took your hands from his coat and placed them softly on his face. "But maybe… you can try to envision what your savior looks like, hm?"
His hands left yours again, though you found the sensation and feeling of his touch remained where he placed them. Your heart fluttered as you couldn't keep yourself from running your palms and fingertips over his skin, cautiously tracing his angular jaw, making out the distinct feeling and sharp lines of a toothy grin. Then you pushed further, fingers running along a slight bow and over the indent where his brows arched, his cheekbones prominent enough you felt the warmth of blood flushing under the skin as the mental image of his face got clearer.
You were in awe that you could do this, that he encouraged it even, but he allowed you the tender moment, making a muffled humming sound and exhaling quietly under your soft, curious touch. You realized at last that his eyes were closed for you, the skin there slightly pliant and firm at the same time. With the tips of your fingers, you followed the firm, straight bridge of his nose down the length of it and he inhaled sharply when you brushed his lips. The familiar sound of static increased just enough for you to realize there had been complete silence aside from your soft and his steady breathing. He opened his eyes again, slowly taking your hands away to leave a feathery light, lingering kiss on your knuckles as he hummed thoughtfully.
"Now, let me clean up this mess, we don't want you stumble over any... unpleasant bits." You heard a snap and felt the air whirring around you, filling with a thick, fog-like sensation as you heard your floors creaking, wood mending and cracking and tiny bits of glass swirling around you, piecing itself together and returning into their frame. Not even a minute later the shop felt normal again, the unpleasant smell gone as well, and with it the overall apprehension the threat had caused.
"Thank you, Alastor. Truly, I don't know what would've happened if you weren't..." you started, pausing as his hands wandered gently around your face to put on your miraculously repaired glasses. He laughed softly, tapping a gentle, slender finger on the tip of your nose.
"Luckily we didn't find out, did we? Ah, but, unfortunately, I'd say the night has been spoiled for us, given that there's another vermin to take care of." He walked behind you, carefully setting the accounting book you had used as an attempted weapon into your hands, his taloned fingers curling gently around yours as if to make sure you had a proper hold on it.
"You lock up when I'm gone, little mouse. And who knows - Maybe we'll continue to see each other... tomorrow night."
And then you felt another gentle peck, this time on your flushed cheek, and the door opened with the bell ringing, the faint crackle of a radio fading and his heavy, signature scent of burned wood and bourbon lingering around you as you hurried to bolt the doors shut, heart racing painfully in your chest at the prospect of adding even more parts of the Radio Demon to the image in your mind.
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tinydefector · 2 months
ive been thinking about this idea the whole day but imagine in human effects, a group of humans shamelessly talk about who they would bang bang in ll and them being superised that; minibots (cough swerve) are oddly popular because in the humans words 'thats probably the only size they can bear without being impaled to death', rung and ratchet is somehow in there because some have a preference for the old ladies (dilfs) etc etc
theyre talking thinking no ones listening since its a bar full of drunken bots but the fact is half of the bar is eavesdropping, esp after the events of the first human effect. some waiting for their names to be mentioned, some absolutely puzzled by their preferences, some fistpumping thinking they might have a chance (brainstorm HAHA)
u dont have to write anything if u dont want to!! love ur writting!! running away now!! have a good day slash night!!
Effects of Drinking
Word count:2.1k
Warnings: talking about sex, hookups, speculated workplace relationships.
Human effects masterlist
I absolutely loved this idea and got to work on it the moment I read this. So enjoy another part of human effects.
The sound of Swerve is always loud with the mingling of bots and humans alike, the sound of laughter, crying and venting was a causal occurrence for the many drunk patrons that frequent the bar. But tonight It was bustling even more than it normally is. Swerve shakes his head in amusement as me brings a plate of drinks over for the human crew. Swerve whistled cheerily as he whisked through the busy bar, expertly weaving between crowds with overloaded trays of alcohol and snacks balanced expertly on his servos. The atmosphere pulsed with raucous revelry.
Setting down his latest platter of Human-sized drinks, he flashed the smaller patrons a dazzling smile. "Hope y'all're enjoyin' the party! What's the special occasion tonight, if I may ask?" His optics twinkled mischief. Leaning casually on the bar, taking care not to endanger any of the humans. Swerve propped his chin in his hands attentively. "Seems like a lively bunch are in to spill all the juicy deets. Come on, I'm all audials. what's worth celebrating tonight. 
Millian shoots Swerve a smile. "Oh it's gonna get messy tonight Swerve Taylor just had a break up" states which earns raised glasses from the other human crew mates. "To the shit show of a long distance relationship" Nadia calls out and she downs her first shot. "Fucking hell your an alcoholic" the Liason states to the rest of their the crew as they shoot Swerve another smile. "Thank you for the drinks, Swerve I'll try to keep this unruly lot under control, and hopefully Taylor and Nadia dont get to shit faced" they state to him. 
Swerve's optics gleamed with intrigue as the Crew shouted their toasts and explanations. "Oooooh, messy breakups and long-distance woes, huh? Been there, done that," he chuckled knowingly, a cheeky gleam in his optics. "Well hey, if Taylor needs a shoulder vents or an audial, you know where to find me," he offered with a friendly wink. "And as for the rest of you rowdy lot..." His vocalizer took on a playfully stern tone. "I expect nothin' but the finest conduct from representatives of our new friends on Cybertron. No pukin' in the vents, no startin' bar fights - at least, no winnin' any," he jested. 
Laughter fills the area as the two waves Swerve off back towards the bar. Nadia whistles softly as she watches Swerve walk off. "Careful now, don't let Taylor catch you drooling, she'll make you drink tequila with her" Millian teased softly, jostling Nadia's elbow with a grin. Her friend simply chuckled and took another sip of her drink, eyes still following Swerve's retreat fondly.
"Can you blame me? Those Mech's are something else," Nadia sighed, resting her chin on one hand dreamily. "Tall, strong... kind soul. If he was human, I'd be all over that bartender like rust on spoiled bolts." Millian shuddered as they pulled a face at Nadia. "Ugh, don't put images in my brain, thanks. I swear if I have to watch you flirt with another thousand-pound machine..." 
Nadia swatted at him playfully. "Oh hush, like you wouldn't ride Optimus Prime like a mechanical stallion given half the chance." It makes Kyle spit his own drink out as he laughs and chokes at the same time. “Shut the fuck up Kyle!” Millian hisses. The group's Ambassador rolls Their eyes. “Behave you two, God forbid I have to get Garry to drag you both back to your rooms later” they state with a smoke of Their head.  
Taylor begins pouring herself tequila shot after tequila which gets her a look from the others realising just how hard she was taking the breakup. As Taylor's shots began piling up at an alarming rate, concerned murmurs arose among the human crew. Millian shot Nadia a look across the table. "Woah there Tex, maybe ease up on the hard stuff for a bit, yeah?" They suggested gently, resting a hand on Taylor's wrist to still the next pour. 
 "Breakups suck shit, believe me - but that's what friends are for. No need giving yourself An alcohol coma!" Nadia nodded supportively. "Mil's right, T. We're here to help you forget that piece of shit, not drown yourself." She flashed Taylor a cajoling smirk. "And who knows, might find someone else worth your time out there. Wouldn't want to miss your chance at a rebound, all because you're too fucked to function!" 
The team's Ambassador shoots Taylor a look too Check on her. "We are here to try and make your night better without you drowning yourself Tay, plus I'm pretty sure Nadia is more interested in the 'eye candy' as she likes to put it" they tease back Which earns a snort from Kyle. “Yea seems ready to jump anything that looks her way” he states partly amused as he goes back to sipping his beer. Nervous laughter arose from the humans at their ambassador's gentle teasing of Nadia. She accepted it gracefully, raising her glass in cheerful concession. 
"You got me there, boss. What can I say - alien ships, alien bars, alien hotties. A girl's gotta have her fun!" Taylor managed a half-smile at her friend's antics, tension easing slightly as others diverted focus her way. "Thanks, everyone. I know you're just looking out for me. It's been a rough week… plus this on top of it" Her gaze softened gratefully. 
Nadia leans in to Taylor with a smile that could only spell touch. And both Kyle and the Ambassador know what's about to come out of her mouth. "Sooo.. who wants to play smash or pass?" Kyle and another one of the mechanics shoot her a look as if to go ‘really?’. 
In the background curious optics watch the rowdy group of humans, some ears dropping in on the conversation others only shooting looks over when one of them gets over vocal. 
"Ooh, I love this game!" Millian crowed, bouncing mischievously in his seat. "Lay it on us, Nads - who's first on the bot buffet?" 
Skids’ optics go wide from his own seat as he turns around to watch the commotion over at the other table, partially intrigued after the last late night bar conversation with some of the other mechs, he gives Hound a slight nudge as if to get him to look over at the other Table. 
Their ambassador sighed fondly. "As your head officer, I should discourage such fraternisation... but as your friend, please try not to get yourselves into trouble God forbid I have to do the sign off overbone of you trying to get cosy with the crew." Nadia cackled, unrepentantly salacious. "Hey, no kink shame in my smash or pass!”
They go around the table multiple times asking each person a bot to smash or pass little to their knowledge or drunken state had they realised quite a few of the bots listening in on their conversation.  "You lot are a bunch of menaces, I swear if I have to drag you out of the bed of one of these good mechs because you got to grabby I'm not going to be happy" they state in a playful tease as they begin drinking their own drink.
The humans cackled irreverently at their ambassador's mock threats. "Aw, don't be like that boss!" crowded Millian. "We're just havin' a little fun gettin' to know the local talent. No harm in window shoppin', right?"
"Speak for yourself," Nadia shot back with a wink. "Some of us plan to do more than just look. A girl's on a schedule, after all - and these mechs are some mighty fine cuts of steel!" 
Ratchet shoots the group A rather disapproving look knowing if anything happened he'd have to deal with the fallout. The ambassador shoots him a look with a shake of their head while sipping their drink. They knew their group weren't exactly being subtle about it. 
Kyle groaned and hid his face, though the tips of his ears still burned hot. Even Taylor was gradually relaxing into laughter again. Catching their ambassador's imploring gaze, Taylor smiled ruefully. "Don't worry boss - I'll make sure this lot don't embarrass us too badly, we don't want a redo of what happened with Kyle and David. And if anyone does end up, er, occupied for the night... Well, I'm sure security footage could be omitted from our reports. For diplomatic purposes."
“Oh my God, one time, I go to see Kyle one fuckin time” David huffs in embrassment while pressing his face into his hands. It's Millian who realises who the ambassador's eyes are lingering On before they make a sly comment about it. “Ohhh got eyes on the old medic?” They tease before Nadia speaks up. “Mmmm bet he'd have a lot of experience, bet he'd be real nice in bed” she purrs while her eyes dance across his plating. 
One of the Bluestreak begins choking on his drink of high grade earning him a laugh from a smokescreen who slaps him on the back. He curses as he tries to make it seem that he wasn't ears dropping on the conversation. Nadia's keen eyes noticed the bot choking on high grade at the adjacent table.  
She grinned, nudging her friends eagerly. "Hey, I think we've got an audience! That mech over there started glitching when talk turned to after-hours bump and grind."
Heads swivelled covertly, giggling and pointing out the bot now sporting a rather flustered frame as his companion gleefully slapped his plating while laughing at him. 
"My, seems our alien friends find human proclivities just as intriguing as we do theirs," Kyle noted dryly. 
Millian snickered into their drink. "Bet they've never met a crew so eager to sample the merchandise firsthand." 
Nadia stretched lavishly. "What can I say - we aim to broaden cultural exchange through... hands-on cooperation." Her grin turned downright feline.
“Not that type of hands on cooperation Nadia, but I do appreciate the enthusiasm of building decent relations with our crew” The Ambassador states as their comm link goes off with an incoming call, they sigh when they read the message that pings through. ‘Needed on command deck due to an incident involving Rodimus and Daniel’. The Ambassador sighs before getting up. "I've got head, got another Accident report I've got to go process due to our captain's Asteroid surfing again" they state while moving from the table, their attentions were diverted as their ambassador rose from the table with a resigned sigh. 
"Duty calls, it seems. You lot try and stay out of trouble while I'm gone, please? I'd hate to have to bail any of you out of the brig for 'cultural exchange' gone too far." They fixed Nadia with an arched brow ridge before departing with a chuckle. 
"Tch, spoilsport," Nadia huffed affectionately. "Care to place bets on how long it takes our ambassador to get sick of Roddy's scrap and maroon him for good?" Kyle scoffs as he takes a drink. "With the amount of times the Ambassador gets called away you'd think it's a cover up story" he states as the alcohol begins going to his head. David Shakes his head as leans against Kyle. 
Nadia's eyes gleamed deviously at Kyle's insinuation, while Millian and Taylor look at him with a shocked look. “No… you don't think..?” Taylor starts 
 "Oooh, sneaky! You may be onto something there, flyboy." Nadia tapped her chin thoughtfully. 
"Let's think - who've they been spending an awful lot of 'alone time' with lately..." 
"Rodimus is always dragging them to the bridge for 'meetings'," offered Millian with wiggle-voiced air quotes. 
Taylor giggled behind her hand. "I've seen Drift approach them in the halls an unusual number of times..." 
"Megatron's been having private strategy sessions, he says," mused Kyle slyly. 
Their giggling swelled into raucous laughter and speculation at the myriad possibilities. It's only when Swerve makes his way back over to ask if anyone else wants new drinks that the drunken lot of humans continue to giggle, laugh and speculate. 
Swerve's audials perked as he drew near the boisterous human table, curiosity piqued by their spirited discussion, he leaned in eagerly. 
"Oho, sounds like you cheeky fleshies are having all the fun over here! Care to let ol' Swerve in on the gossip?" He flashed a playfully pleading grin. "A bot's gotta live vicariously through someone, after all."
"Trust us, handsome, you don't wanna know," Nadia snickered salaciously, tossing back her last shot. David  smiles, swirling his drink. "We were just speculating on who might be keeping our dear ambassador... occupied during their frequent 'calls'." He made air quotes with his free hand. 
"Oooh!" Swerve's optics flashed with glee as implications dawned. He lowered his vocalizer conspiratorially. "Do tell! I love a good intra-ship romance." Quite a few bots seem to lean in and listen in hope that it might be their name that people speculated. 
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
adding to the sukuna anon, I think sukuna would definitely be the mean dad if he has a daughter who brings boys around and he just stands around menacingly and also unbolts the bedroom door whenever a boy is around!! aint no privacy in that house if he can help it gkjfhdgjkd he'd be so cute and annoying
I also love the idea of him having twin boys too!!! thats so big brained I think he'd find entertainment pitting themselves against each other in wrestling matches and claims he had nothing to do with it when one of them ends up badly hurt gjkhfd
Aahahaha please he would be so annoying 😂😂 He cannot accept the fact that his little girl is a young woman now who wants to make her own decisions and find a partner who she even might want to marry. Sukuna is outraged!!
He is such a manipulative asshole when it comes to his little princess wanting to move in with her new boyfriend. It's funny how this big, powerful man can pout and sigh while asking your daughter,
"So this is it? Your old dad isn't good enough anymore? After buying you all those Barbie houses you wanted? After paying for your tennis camps and gifting you that Porsche for your 18th birthday? After fighting your teacher so you get a good grade in Math? Do you really think this... boy... will be able to take care of you? How big is his apartment again? What is his job again? The last time I saw him, his tie wasn't knotted correctly. I don't think he is capable of being successful in life."
But nothing he says stops his princess from dating this boy and talking as if she can imagine a future with him. Sukuna is SO distraught! You have to pet his hair and hold him in your arms the whole night, whispering soothing things to him.
"You know, darling, it's normal that they grow up and want to stand on their own feet... You have to give her some space. And that young man seems really nice."
The next morning Sukuna hires someone who does a background check of his little girl's potential partner.
"I can't have some crazy guy date my sweet daughter! I have to make sure he isn't some killer or scammer!"
"Kuna...have you maybe considered that you are the one who is acting crazy right now?"
The boyfriend definitely has to have good nerves and true feelings for his girlfriend, to endure all of dad!Sukuna's shit 😂
Some time passes, and the daughter marries that guy. Sukuna, of course, pays for the wedding. He always wants the best for his princess. And after all, he wants to be able to tell everyone that his son-in-law's family didn't contribute anything, just so Sukuna looks like the only good dad!!
It doesn't end there though. Sukuna feels a bit more at ease with his son-in-law now, but that doesn't mean he will ever accept him. Now there is another problem:
Sukuna is also the type of dad who will invite his son-in-law to so-called "boys' weekends". He says it's because he likes his daughter's husband so much, and he wants to show him that Sukuna sees him like his own son. Sukuna grins happily when his princess hugs him and thanks him for being so nice now! And his sweet wife is also full of praise, kissing him and telling him how proud you are of him for finally accepting that his little girl is an adult now.
But in reality, those "boys' weekends" are like boot camps where Sukuna makes sure to show his son-in-law that Kuna will always be the more successful one, the stronger one, the smarter one etc.
When you realize what is going on, you roll your eyes and hug your husband,
"Baby, I know this is hard for you. But it's ok! Your little princess still loves you. Please just leave that poor guy alone. You don't have to assert your dominance all the time."
"Oh no, darling, you don't understand. I have to make sure he knows his place."
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Buddha, Tesla, Jack and Qin(separately) with a reader who has a little shop or works in a bookstore and is very sweet and innocent and has a 4 year old daughter. The reader is a very peaceful and shy person (this is They think) one day the characters are going to pay a visit and find her the house all messed up and she in the kitchen with a katana in her hand (and several dead men on the floor) surprise! Reader is a former assassin HireRental(like Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill) I love your writing it's so...amazing
Sweet and inocent reader is actually an assassin
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Buddha, Tesla, Jack, Qin ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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YES YES YES!! I LOVE your idea anon, it's so exciting!! I ended up getting a little dramatic, I'm sorry if thats not what you wanted!
Although, I don't know anything about Kill Bill so i just go by what you said, I hope its okay. And, I'm sorry but a cannot stop thinking in Yor, I've been watching too much sxf
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He probably ended entering in your bookstore while he was searching something to end with his boredom, and for sure meeting you will be useful
You quickly picked his interest with your shy and sweet personality, and at first he start talking about the books but you two ended up talking about anything else, and he even get the oportunity to meet your daughter
The day didn't end without all of you becoming friends, and Buddha start going to the bookstore frecuently to see you two, he even invite the both to hang out outside
Everytime he goes to see you he always brings some candies for you two, even if you don't want that you daughter eat much he always secretly gives them to her
Buddha doesn't exactly offer his help in your work, and he even sometimes make a mess while playing with the little girl, but at the end the both help you clean
But he likes to spend time with you too, so when he isn't with your daughter he is following you around, unintentionally helping you while chating with you (and, of course, he never miss a chance to tease you and make you blush)
He pass a lot of time telling to both of you a lot of stories about all the places he has been, even of when he was a prince (and probably you didn't believe him at first)
He is always making sure the both of you are fine, making sure you're not overworked, if he have to force you to rest he will, and he even offer to do the work while you rest
The love he feels for both of you is obvious for whoever looks at him, but it isn't like he is hidding it
One day you asked Buddha if he could take care of your daughter while you do an important work and you promised to try to be quick with it, you didn't give much details but Buddha trust you so he acepted
However you were taking a lot of time, that make Buddha start getting worried about you, even your daughter was starting to ask for you
So he decided to search for you, saying to the little girl that they should go back home with a smile, but in their way he start having a very bad feeling, and when they where there Buddha noticed the front door slighly open
He ask the little girl to wait for him before enter in the house carefuly, everything was a mess, he was starting to get worried and angry, but his priority right now was find you
And he did, he find you in one of the rooms, your clothes covered in blood and some bodies in the floor, he was surprised and confused but still carefuly approach you and say your name with a soft voice
You were starting to relax a little since you finally finish with those bastards who tried to attack you from behind when you heard someone calling you softly
Scared you turn around and see Buddha standing in front of you, you stare at him for a moment before panic, you were scare of how he would react about this, throwing your weapon away you tried to come up with an excuse
But, even if he was surprised, he can tell that you still are that sweet person he met and fell in love, there is not any evil intentions in you
With confident steps he approach you, reassuring you that is fine, you have nothing to worry about, he even embrace you to help you calm down
He goes with your daughter again and entertains her until you finish to take care of what happened, and after everything was more calm you two talk about it
He is fully supportive of your work as an assassin, and even if you want to leave it he will support you
He admitted that he is surprise for it, from all people he never expected you to have a work like this! But he doesn't mind, and isn't scare either
He will help you whenever you need it, maybe taking care of your daughter or making excuses for when you have to go
He actually find this side of you rather atractive, and he will say it you without shame, and he even tease you for it!
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Nikola Tesla
He had already seen your little bookstore from afar, but today he decided to go hoping to find something that will help him with his work
When enter he was greeted cheerfuly by a little girl that was sitting in your desk, soon you came and greet him too, asking him how could you help him
You two spend a while talking about all kind of book, searching for something that could help him, sometimes getting interrupted by the little girl
After that he start finding problems to concentrate since he can't stop thinking about you, is just that you were so cute and so kind, Tesla ended making an excuse to go to bookstore to see you again
For a while he makes some excuses to go, but soon you two become friends and he didn't have to make excuses anymore
He was constantly helping you in your work, or when you were too busy he spend time with your daughter, teaching her some things or playing with her (is so cute to see)
And every time you shyly thank him with a little blush in your cheeks he feels like his chest is gonna explode for how fast his heartbeat is
You two start spending almost all your time together, whenever he wasn't working in his studies he was with you, and you start taking care of him too since he gets easily invested in his work, you start acting just like a family. You even invite him over your house sometimes, and he invited both to his study
One day he was in his way to your house as usual, you two already made plans to meet but when he gets there he can tell that something was off, all the lights were off and the door was slighly open
He was fearing that something happen to both of you, he was planing to call the police but first he need to find you. Carefuly he enter in the house, everything was a mess and that just scare him most but he quickly calm down and start searching you
Tesla heard soft sobs and he run to where were coming, as silent as he manage, then he find your daughter hidden, gently he gets her attention trying not to scare her more, but the moment she sees Telsa she just cry harder and hide in his arms, he hold her while trying to calm her down, comforting her
Her cries alert you, you were sure that you had already take care of all the bastards, still you follow the sound carefuly, seeing someone with your daughter makes you more angry, sneaking until you were behind his back ready to kill him, until you reconize his voice
You let fall your weapon out of surprise and fear, that alert him, holding the little girl protectivebly he turn around quickly but the only think he sees is you cover in blood with a fearful expresion
He quickly stand up, asking you what happen and look for posible injuries. After noticing the bodies he gets super confused, he doesn't understand whats happening, still he put his hand in your shoulder reassuring you, and with a smile he tell you that you should take care of it, he will wait until you finish for an explanation
While you change your clothes and take care of what happen he stay with your daughter until she falls sleep
After that he is expecting an explanation, but he won't judge, Tesla hears patiently all you have to say and wait until you finish your story to say something
This is something unexpected , but you still the same person he love so much, so he decided to trust you, to believe that you're not doing it for malicious intention, promising you to stay by your side and support you
He is really interested in knowing why you became an assassin and he is really impress with your skills too
You can be the best assassin ever and he still sees you as the sweet inocent person he met in the bookstore
Maybe he won't be able to help you as an assassin, but he could help you with other things, like helping you cover it whenever you have to go out to do your work and taking care of your daughter. He gets really worried about you, but believes in you
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Jack the Ripper
Jack is someone who really likes to read, loves enjoying a good book with a cup of tea, so it wasn't strange for him visit a bookstore
Meeting you truly surprised him, it had being so long since he meet someone with such beautiful and bright colors, he gets mesmerize with the sweetness in your voice when greeting him, it actually take him a moment to answer you
He ended up spending all day in your bookstore, talking about everything and anything, he even gets to meet your daughter, and he became friends quickly with the young lady
He start going to the bookstore frecuentrly just to see the both of you, and he's not really shy so he won't have problem admiting that he actually wanted to see you
Jack help you with the work, attending the persons who came searching for a book, helping you keeping the place organizate
He is always giving you compliments rather cheesy and poetic that never fails to makes you blush, and to your daughter too (telling her how cute she is or praising her improvements in school)
Jack could pass hours with the cute young lady and never get bored, playing around, reading a book to her, drawing something or even help her fall sleep, for Jack those moments are like being in heaven
He really crave for your company, for him being with both of you is like a dream come true, he couldn't be happier. People is always praising you for the beautiful family you are (even if you two aren't together yet), and that flattered him, he swears that he is the happiest man alive
One day Jack was having a very bad feeling so he decided to visit you, just to make sure both were fine. Stoping first by the bookstore, it was supposed to be closed by that hour but he finds your daughter there, when he ask her about it she tell him that you asked her to run there and hide until you came for her, the bookstore was pretty secure so he tell her to wait there and he will go to see you, not without first making sure she was alright and safe there
Running to your house Jack was trying to calm himself down, he was fearing the worst! When he finally get to your house seeing the door slighly open just make him feel more uneasy, he was ready to rip apart the idiots who even dare to think to mess with you. Carefuly he sneak inside and toured the house looking for you, just by looking at the mess he could tell that there was been a fight
There was just one room with light and a person standing giving him the back, in the floor was several dead bodies, he decided to approach the person carefuly without even making a sound
There were you, finally relaxing a little since you already take care of everyone, you didn't feel Jack's presence until he was behind you, out of fear and anger you turn around quickly putting your weapon just inches away from his throat
It take a moment for both of you to complently understand the situation, your expression change to one shocked and covered in fear, the last person that you wanted they know about this part of you was standing in front of you
Seeing your expresion makes Jack panic, he feared to see that expresion on you, he never wanted to see you in such color. The tears starting to form in your eyes was what makes him get into his senses and reasure you that is okay, everything was fine now!
After pick your daughter and putting her to sleep Jack help you take care of everything, from fixing the house to taking care of the bastards, he could tell that you still feel really bad from him seeing you like this, so he take a moment to reasure you that you have nothing to fear, this not change anything for him, he still loves you
He is willing to reveal that his is an assassin too (without much details), he still fears of how you will react, but if that helps you feel better he will
He isn't expecting an explication or anything, but he will heard you if you want to talk about it. What he will makes sure to do is tell you that you don't have to worry, he can tell that you're still the person he fell in love with, so he isn't going to leave you, and neither will tell someone about this
He is fully supportive of your work, and will teach one thing or two. Whenever you have work to do he gets worried about you, not becouse he doesn't trust you but becouse he fear losing you, and when you come back he always greet you with a big hug (is comforting for him feeling you in his arms)
And he is ready to help you with everything you need, doesn't matter if is in the bookstore, taking care of your daughter or with your assassin work
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Qin Shin Huang
He wasn't exactly interested in the bookstore, sure it was a pretty one, but what actually drag his attention to it it was the little girl that was playing outside, running around while you were cleaning, it remembered him when he was a child, when his teacher was with him
He decided to approach the both of you when the little girl greeted him, that picked your attention and when you realized who she was talking to you get all shy and blushy, that just make him more interested
In reality he was more interested in both of you more than the books, and for a while you two always ended up meeting by casuality, but soon he start looking for you, he even go to the bookstore store, saying that he wanted to see you
Qin is really energetic and carismatic so it didn't take long for him and your daughter become friends (even best friends), even if she was the shy type
And he even start craving your company, you quickly made your way to his heart, he just seems like he can't live without your sweetness and kindness anymore
In no time you get stucked with Qin, he is just really happy with both of you, he is always looking for passing time with the both of you, he even makes you take some free days so the three of you could hang out together, he have a lot of plans! (even before you two become a couple)
Wherever you go you always recive compliments of how you are a really beautiful family, and that makes Qin feel super proud
It was one day that Qin was hanging alone with your daughter since neither of them manage to convince you to go with them, you say that you had a lot of work but next it will be, when the night was starting to fall he decided that it was time to return to home
Getting close to the bookstore he notice how the door was slighly open even if there was no trace of you, getting worried Qin ask the little girl to wait for him, saying that he just need to check something, he promised that it would just take a moment
When he enter in the bookstore everything was a mess, there even was some blood, he start fearing the worst. He start walking around searching for you, he didn't bother for try to be careful or sneaky
You easily hear how someone else was enter in the store, you already took care of the people who tried to attack you, but there was the posibility of them having accomplices. Hidding next to the door and ready to attack was when Qin enter in the room, you reacted so quickly than you didn't even realice that it was actually him
Qin reacted quickly too, blocking your attack and both of you just stare at each other for a moment, he was trying to undestand what was happening, he didn't want to think that you, from all people, could try to attack him from behind
But those concerns were quickly erased as you take some steps back, letting your weapon fall and start apologizing, in your eyes even start forming some tears, your expresion change to one with such saddnes and shame that he even get worried, you didn't want him to see this part of you!
Then Qin take your face between his hands gently, making you look at him in the eyes and reasure you that he wasn't mad, and that everything is fine now
He make one of the servants take care of your daughter while he helped you, and after everything was in their place again you two talk about what happen
He carefuly heards your story, but at the end he reasures you that everything was fine, he still loves you and he wasn't planning to leave you anytime soon
He told you that if you become an assassin becouse you need it then you shouldn't be worried about that anymore, he can provide you with everything you need and want, but will support you if you want to continue with your work
He doesn't really bring the topic again just because he doesn't see a point to do it, everything continue like nothing really had happen, but the truth is that Qin is really interested in your work (he thinks that makes you just even more beautiful)
He even offer you to teach you some things about fighting
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Im glad you enjoy all the Morgie male fans (idk why we're so many😭 bro is a boy magnet)
And im just dropping a small idea for a part 2 of "In Another Life" where maybe the reader now back in the future meets morgie again who is now like- 22 or 21 years old instead of grown up like the others due to his family having a long life span or a slow growth, maybe his serpentine/snake(?) genes and we get the fluffy ending we deserve
(the requester of the prompt is mean for wanting a sad ending thats why i wanna fix it /hj)
I like the concept of Morgie not aging "properly" due to his magic (and also fell in love with Morgie and his German Prince Boyfriend) so Thank you second anon, I'm absolutely giddy that someone wants a second part to something I made
I Would Be Yours
Find part one here.
Morgie le Fay x Fitzherbert! Reader
Pronouns used: he/him/his
Summary: Who would have thought that the lips that lived in his mind for the last three years would show up in front of him on a rainy Tuesday afternoon?
Warnings: Technically an age gap but its fine because the supernatural element makes it okay (Twilight/tvd/dbda rules around here), Morgie is short for Morgan the way Mal is short for Maleficent propaganda
Word Count:2.3K
(Peder gif because your girl is running out of Morgie ones)
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    He wasn’t wrong, the lips of Morgie le Fay had haunted him for the last three and a half years. His dreams were littered with the laughter of the boy he was blessed to hear in the hideout next to him. Or his half lidded adoring eyes that he looked for in the face of every boy who gave him an ounce of attention since he returned. And they did, (Y/n) had grown into his looks in the time between sixteen and nineteen, now at almost twenty he’d gone through his fair share of suitors. None of them felt right though, they couldn’t radiate the feeling of home he was looking for. He’d felt it once before, back when his life was all swords and shields and study hall. But now, as his life has fallen into exam papers, late night red bulls, and coffee shop shifts he’s fallen for the mundane. If the feeling of home was meant to find him, it would come to him in his sense of calm, nothing about the way he used to run around wild was him anymore. He’d grown, if you asked his parents he’d grown beyond his years. He felt like it was simply a side effect of time travel, not that he let himself harp on that much. It would do him no good.  
   Sea Salted Caramel lattes and lavender honey matchas had become his escape from class. There was something in the way the espresso machines buzzed and  the smell of dark roast that came to be relaxing to him. He loved the regulars who babbled to him about their days, the excitable kids who told him too much while their parent ordered. Everything about Briar Roast had become a safe space to him, free of calculus exams and the plaguing what ifs. There was no place to wonder what would’ve happened if he just stayed in the past when he was busy, he liked that. There was no need to dwell, he knew that. And if it wasn’t raining so hard, maybe he wouldn’t be. 
   Storms always brought slow business, no one would be in this part of town other than busied employees who sat in their office jobs or cleaned up around retail stores. Ready to get to their dinner plans or their waiting couches, minds far away from the idea of getting coffee. Tuesdays already brought slow business after nine a.m. and the rain meant the day would bring none. Which he was fine with, poured over a textbook for his “Introductory Law” class that was splayed out on the counter. Exams wouldn’t study for themselves, he should be thankful for the quiet time. And if he could just focus, he would be. The boy sighs, closing the book and grabbing an espresso cup from under the countertop. He just needed some caffeine, it would focus him back in. It always did. He places the tiny cup under the machine, pressing a few buttons as the bell above the door rings out. 
    “Welcome to Briar Roast, I’ll be right with you!” The footsteps of whoever came in are soft, shoes barely dragging the tile floors instead of thumping against them. “Right, take your time. Do you have wifi here? I have a work thing to do.” The voice is almost familiar, a ring similar to one that lived somewhere lodged in the back of the Prince’s mind. “Yeah, it’s not password protected, should come right up as ‘Briar Roast Guest’. What can I get for you?” He’s yet to look at the man, eyes focused down on his screen as he starts a new order. “Oh uh, a Rose macchiato with almond milk if you have it.Oat milk is fine otherwise, I just can’t really do dairy. They’ve got you in here alone, huh?” “Yeah, it’s a Tuesday evening though, and you’re the first person to walk in here in the last hour and a half so, I’ll live. Just in case though, can I get a name for the order?” He looks up as he says it, eyes locking with a pair of hazel ones that make his breath catch in his throat. There’s a moment, with locked eyes that neither of them can get a word out, fondness in the baristas while shock sits in the man’s. 
   “Mein Sonnenschein,” it’s whispered on a sigh, his hands gripping the counter beneath him as if the prince would tumble over. “Excuse me?” He has the ghost of a memory on his tongue as he hears the name. Something he’d looked for everywhere when he’d first heard it four decades prior. It took him forever to find the definition, luckily the Isle had nothing but time and few people went to the library, giving him plenty of time to find it. “My Sunshine” it was German. He never thought he’d hear the term of endearment again, let alone from a college kid who bared a striking resemblance to the first person he’d ever heard it from. He watches as the boy’s face twists into one of shocked panic, staggering back from the counter ever so slightly. “Sorry, you just, you look like a guy I knew moons ago. He, well I mean, there’s no way he’d look like you do now. Probably would be old enough to be your father nowadays. And I am,” he looks down, letting out a pathetic laugh, “I am rambling like a madman. Can I get a name for that macchiato?” “Morgan,” the slightly stiff man’s shoulders relax. His own name sounded almost wrong on his lips for the first time in twenty years. “Morgie” almost slipped through them, the only people who still called him that were Hook and his three kids, why would he introduce himself in such a way? His name elicits a quirked brow and a hum from the barista. The boy going to move his own espresso off of the machine and start the man’s drink. 
    The moment, whatever it was, had clearly ended. He saw that, forcing himself away from the counter and over to a booth in the corner. Morgie’s laptop makes its way out of his bag, setting it up on the table in front of him to start a dreadfully boring spreadsheet. Not that he can focus on it, his mind is running through the conversation they’d had moments before. “You look like someone I knew moons ago.” How long is moons to this boy? Perhaps, no, that's silly. There was no way that he could be the prince from his past. But he did say that Morie couldn’t be the man they knew. Something about how he’d be old enough to be his dad. Maybe he did age slowly like he did. What if it was the mysterious hero from his youth? 
    Glass makes a sweet and gentle clank against the wooden table beside his laptop, dragging the man’s focus up to the boy. He’s smiling softly, “Order up.” It’s soft, nearly flirty as he turns away, headed back to the counter. Morgie watches with soft, needy eyes, taking in his every movement. The boy is leaning over the counter, reading something and sipping slowly from his little espresso cup. “Hey,” his voice startles himself, eyes widening over how loud the sound is. It catches the boy’s attention all the same, his eyes flickering up from the textbook before him and over to Morgie. “Is everything okay? Do you need something?” He laughs, shaking his head as if to shake off the question as a whole. “No, I’m fine I just,” Morgie runs a hand through his hair with a nervous laugh, “I was wondering if you wanted to come join me? I mean it’s not like you’re busy and you’re obviously studying or something. Wouldn’t a table be better for that?” 
    A soft smile flickers over his face, hands softly grasping his book and the little mug beside him. It’s a wordless transition from the counter to the seat in front of him, a gentle nod of thanks being the only thing the boy does before he turns back to his work. It’s dreadfully not enough. Morgie fiddles with his fingers, looking at the boy, “So uh, you from this part of Auradon?” He laughs, thumbing over thick pages, “No, I’m actually from Corona. What about you? You don’t seem to have the right accent to be from here.” Corona, that explained why he knew German, they all spoke German there. Morgie chooses his next words extremely carefully. If this boy knew he had spent time on the Isle he was sure he’d go running for the hills. “Oh, I am but I just moved back, spent a while, away. What are you doing out here then?” He laughs, cutting him eyes from his text book, “You’re the inquisitive type, aren’t you? I’m enrolled in Auradon Academy, my parents wanted me to be well educated before I take the throne.” Morgie nods, leaning forward to look at the words in the book in front of him. “So you’re studying law before you become King? I respect it.” 
    “Actually,” he laughs, shaking his head, “Oh this sounds awful. Actually I started studying law because of someone I knew once. He, uh, he was sent to the Isle and I don’t think he deserved to be there. Not that I got to know him well but I knew well enough. That boy was sunshine on Earth, he was playful and nervous and giddy. And I have thought about nothing but him since we met, there’s no way a guy like that deserved to be caged away in a barrier, you know?” “He was sent to the Isle? It’s been thirty-three years since anyone was sent there. I should know, I was there. What, what was his name? Maybe I knew him.” The barista looks up to him, a look of panic on his face, “Yeah uh, Morgie le Fay, Morgana’s son. I didn’t get to know him well, really I only knew him for a couple days so maybe you know him better than I do. You look a lot like him if I’m honest.” 
    When he looks up at him, Morgan’s face is pale, mouth gapped and eyes bulging as if he saw a ghost. “What,” he swallows, blinking rapidly as he stares at the prince, “What did you say your name was?”  “(Y/n) and if I remember right, I don’t think you ever asked.” Morgan shakes his head, reaching a hand out to touch (Y/n)’s face. It startles him and yet, he doesn’t pull away. “How did you stay so young? It’s been four decades, you’ve aged slower than I have. I didn’t think anyone aged slower than us except maybe Maleficent. What are you?” 
   “I thought it was you,”  his hand comes to cover the one on his cheek, a smile pressing across his lips, “I have thought about you every single day.” “How have you stayed so young?” The question is repeated, more urgent this time as he stares. He’s searching the boy’s face, nearly desperate for answers. As if he could read them off of his face. (Y/n) looks around before standing up, walking over to the door and flipping the open sign around. “Come to the break room with me?” His better instinct says not to follow the boy. For all he knows, that’s a vampire who’s planning to feed on him and there was no way that Morgie would be able to fend that off. His magic had grown so weak in the past three decades, he could get himself hurt. Yet, he finds himself nodding, rising up from his seat and abandoning his work. (Y/n) grabs for his hand and he lets the boy take it, dragging him back behind the counter and into the break room. The door slams behind them, the prince’s back pushing against it. 
   “This is, god this is crazy. It’s crazy and I need you to listen to me and believe me despite how crazy it is. We never were meant to meet. I was born a little under two decades ago. I, well not me but my friend who wasn't really my friend at the time, had this magic pocket watch. Her tutor built it and it could take you back in time to help you get what you want most in life. She accidentally brought me along when she used it and I never meant to meet you. While I was going to Auradon Prep I’d hide in that old hideout in the black lagoon. I didn’t ever really think about who used it before me. But you did and I did meet you. It was so wonderful and I was some big idiot who kissed you. God, you have plagued my thoughts ever since we met, I mean seriously I have been thinking about kissing you since you walked in. There hasn’t been a single kiss that felt like yours since, which is unfair.” Morgie laughs, stepping closer to him, “You’re rambling.” “Sorry.” 
    Morgie shakes his head, grabbing his cheek, “I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I find it kind of endearing. Especially since you’re rambling about me.” His thumb rubs over the boy’s cheek, eyes flickering between his lips and his eyes. He leans up towards his lips and the man moves back, eliciting a whine from the boy. “Morgie, please.” “I can’t, do you know how much older than you I am?” “No older than you were last time,” he’s nearly whimpering as he says it, eyes set on the boy’s face, “And it’s not like you look it. You’re physically what, twenty-two? Mein Sonnenschein, please.” He knows he shouldn’t, everything in Morgie’s brain screams at him to let go of the boy. But (Y/n) isn’t the only one who’s been thinking about their kiss for years. So he leans in, feeling that same gentle spark he’d felt all those years ago. It’s soft, gentle, adoring. Warm as the sun, their lips were built for each other. And for the first time in years, they feel at home.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
helloooo, how are you doing?? i was wondering if you could write a sort of sequel for the fic where price makes reader use the safe word where he is worried he's gonna hurt her again. If you can't its okay though <3 have a nice day/evening wtv byyye <3333
im fine | Captain Price
summary: your feeling needy and begin to try and get Price to touch you, but he cant bring himself to it
warning: female!reader, office sex, praise, oral(f!recieving), needy Price, sir kink
thank you anon for your request, I hope you enjoy <33
it had been about a month since you and Price last had sex. and it was draining you. everything he did felt like a tease to you. he got something on the top of the fridge for you? instantly wet. or he leaned down to hear you speak better? you could drop to your knees and suck him dry then and there. but as much as you yearned for him and his touch, he never initiated anything.
and you knew it was because of the last time you both had sex. he could shake the image of your limp body, your tears. the blood on your body from his own doing. he felt like he had failed you and swore to never let his own needs and lust control him like that again.
but you also never really initiated anything. you would give him small hints, like rubbing your arse onto him when you guys would cuddle. or wearing purposefully tight clothing, or his clothing. all of those things would usually turn him on and make him fuck you then and there. but he did nothing. nothing broke him. he was genuinely scared and worried to touch you. but you had enough. you needed to feel him inside you again.
so, when Price came home from shopping, you had an idea. he almost always goes into his office around the time you began to make dinner, working on paperwork and preparing for whatever mission was coming up, if any. so instead of cooking, you decided you'd seduce him into fucking you. or at least eating your pussy. anything.
" hi my love. I got mostly everything on the list. they were out of the jasmine rice so I got regular old rice. is that okay?" he asked, his accent booming into the kitchen. you turned to him and nodded, taking a second to bask in his handsomeness. he wore a black leather jacket, black pants and his black military boots. on top of his head was a black beanie, adding onto the whole black look. it made your pussy clench immediately, seeing the way he dressed do well in casual clothes.
"love?" he called out, realizing you were starring at him like some sort of meal. you shook your head, smiling up at him. " yes thats fine." you said softly before turning back to place the last dish in the dishwasher. he chuckled softly before walking over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "ill be in my office." he said before making his way out the kitchen.
when you confirmed he had entered his office, you moved quickly into your shared room, applying a bit of lotion and some perfume to your skin. you wanted to smell perfect for him, seeing as it was one of his turn ons. he loved the perfume you had, especially if it was one he bought for you. so you pulled out your sexiest scent, his favorite scent, Christian Dior. he got it for you on Christmas and you definetly scolded him for spending so much on a small perfume bottle. but you loved it just as much and wore it every night you both had something planned.
you walked over to your mirror, pulling off the large hoodie you had on. underneath was your new pair of black stockings, a pink ribbon on each side of your hip. your underwear matched, black lace as was your bra. you ordered it a week or two back and now that it was finally in, you could go through with your plan.
you cleaned your throat, turning your body a bit to the side to see how your body looked before giving yourself a small smile before grabbing a plain white shirt to cover your upper half. fixing yourself for the umpteenth time, you made your way out into the hallway, and towards his office.
it was a bit nerve wrecking, you had to admit. you were never one to take charge and initiate anything. not this direct at least. it was almost always Price. you had no clue what to do if he did accept and wanted you to top him, or if this doesn’t go as planned and you just embarrass yourself. would this ruin your relationship? or help it? you were sure he was just as needy for you as you were for him. especially with all the subtle teasing you’ve been doing. so why wouldn’t he be?
you were so caught up in the what ifs, you hadn’t realized you were standing directly in front of his office door. you looked at the door, your hand on the knob as you began to re think to yourself if this was a good idea or not. but then, your ears picked up on some noise from inside. like, squelching?
you slowly opened the door, peeking only your head in. your jaw opened in awe when your eyes landed on Price. his bent over figure, head tossed to the side with his eyes closed, mouth slightly agape. he let out the software moans, a few whimpers as his hips moved into what looked like the desk. but that’s when your eyes made out the small curve of an arse, a surprisingly small one at that. “f-fuck love.. g’nna cum soon.. so close” he groaned, moving his hips faster
you quickly realized in his hand was a sex toy. a fleshlight. your hand came over your mouth, the impact of skin to skin loud enough to catch Price’s attention. his eyes shot open, meeting yours immediately. you wanted to cry, confused as to why he was using a toy instead of the real thing. for a moment you thought it was because he simply wasn’t sexually attracted to you anymore.
“l-lovie i-��� he stopped, throwing the toy on the floor and pulling his pants up. but you were already heading out the door, clenching your jaw to hold back the tears. “wait, wait.” his arm reached out from his office in perfect timing to grip onto your wrist, pulling you back inside. but the tears were already dropping one by one from your eyes.
“please listen to me i-“ “are you no longer attracted to me.” you blurted out, your voice trembling from the tears. he remained silent before sighing, rubbing his hands down his face. “i knew that was a bad idea” he mumbled to himself before looking down at you. you couldn’t meet his gaze, you were to hurt and set on you not being up to his standards anymore.
“ i do. i find you so fucking beautiful my love. but i.. i’m scared.” he admitted, taking your hands in his. you looked up at him, confusion more than anger on your face. “ i’m scared of hurting you again. of making you get to the point where you can’t even take care of yourself. it hurt me to see you like that.. i remind myself every time of what i did to you that night whenever i feel like pulling you to the side and fucking you. i bought the doll as a distraction. i’m sorry my love.. i should’ve gone to you.” he said, looking down at you with pleading eyes.
for a moment you remained silent. you had no clue what you were supposed to say to that. you were happy it wasn’t because he didn’t see you as attractive. but also sad that he’s to scared of himself, if hurting you to satisfy his own needs. Price had always put you first no matter what. for once you just wished he’d put himself first too.
“John I.. I’m fine. it was a one time thing. that will never happen again, okay? you got carried away one night it doesn’t dictate our sex life for the rest of our relationship.” you finally said, walking closer into him. he reached out and pulled you into his chest, kissing the top of your head. “ i just can’t see you like that again my love.” he whispered, gripping onto you tighter.
you both stayed like this for a moment until you pulled away, looking up at him. “i got all.. dressed up for you.” you did a small spin, looking back at him to see a smile on his face, his wrinkles at the corner of his eyes making you smile. “i see.. you smell so good too.” he said softly, eyeing you up and down. you giggled and nodded, looking down. “yea i put on the perfume you like. i was hoping it would get you in the mood.” you said softly, your eyes staring at his abdomen.
he was silent for a moment before taking a step closer to you. he grabbed your hand, placing a soft kiss at the top. “what if it’s working?” he asked, looking down at you. a blush was quick to appear across your face, a small giggle leaving you. he smiled down before pulling you over to his desk. he sat in his chair, pulling you down onto his lap. your thighs sat at either side of his lap, your hands on his shoulders.
his hand slid to the side of your face, pulling you into him for a kiss. it was passionate from the start, his tongue sliding in your mouth, sucking your tongue gently before pulling away, making moves to your neck. you gasped softly, tilting your head to the side more as his teeth nibbled at your skin, kissing or licking the same spot. “j-john” you whispered, pulling away from him.
his eyes moved up to yours, worry on his face. “are you okay? did i do anything?” he asked quickly, eyes darting across your face. you smiled and shook your head. “i just.. want to know if this is really what you want..” you said, “if this is what your comfortable doing.” his face and body relaxed, a soft breath coming from his lips. “ yes, my love. this is what i want.. i’ve been craving you for so long.” he said, eyes drifting down your body.
you blushed, looking away from him. “missed touching you like this, feeling your body pressed against mine.” his hips grabbed the curve of your hips, pulling you closer into his chest. your cunt rested perfectly above his bulge, his hips pressing up just a bit. “missed touching you, making you feel good.” his lips found their way back to your neck, his nose breathing in your scent. “fuck.. missed smelling you.” his hips again pressed up into your pussy, a small moan leaving his lips.
your pussy gripped around nothing, yearning for his dick to fill it up. you felt your own wetness every time you shifted in his lap, only making you want him more. his hands worked up the shirt you had on, stopping at the bra. his lips detached from your neck, looking at his hands under your shirt. “is this a new set?” he asked, looking you up and down again. he was so focused on making sure you knew he still was attracted to you, he hadn’t realized the new set you had on.
you smiled and nodded, lifting the shirt for him. he licked his lips quickly before his hands gripped your bra, pulling the cups down. your boobs jumped out, your nipples already hard for him. “so fucking perfect.” he whispered, cupping one in his hand. he leaned forward, taking the other one in his mouth. his tongue traced a circle over your nipple, a soft breathy moan leaving your lips. you hands found the back of his head, your fingers rubbing through his brown hair.
he gently pulled your nipple with his teeth, his hips bucking forward. your head fell back, back arching in his lap as his mouth and fingers worked wonders on your nipples. but he was eager for something other than just your boobs.
“princess..” he mumbled into your chest before pulling away, a string of saliva connecting his lips back to your nipple. “need you to sit on my desk for me. can you do that?” he whispered, his eyes meeting yours. you didn’t hesitate to nod, practically jumping onto the wooden desk. he chuckled as he watched your eager self rest onto his desk, your legs spreading apart.
“missed getting your pussy eaten that much huh?” he joked, dropping to his knees. his hands found the backs of your knees, holding them firmly. “my fingers don’t do enough for me anymore.” you responded, your hands cupping your exposed boob. “i know baby.. but i’m gonna take care of you now, okay?” he said, kissing your inner thigh
you watched as his face disappeared between your legs, his lips pressing a kiss each time he moved closer up to your pussy. his hands remained right behind your knees, pulling you closer into his face. when he got to your cunt, he took one hand and pulled your panties to the side, allowing his nose to press into your clit, a gasp leaving your lips. he chuckled before pressing his lips to your pussy, his tongue moving slowly up between your folds, then back down.
your head fell back as you listened to him suck and lick your cunt. collecting every drop of wetness that came from you. his tongue pressed into your hole slowly, only to drag it back out just as slow. you could tell immediately he was being more gentle with you, more cautious. usually he’d have his fingers in you while his tongue sucked into your clit, fucking his fingers into your hole fast and desperately.
but now, his tongue was doing all the work, giving you soft licks up and down your slit or slow thrusts in and out your hole. you needed more. you needed him to fuck you like he never will be able to again.
you pulled the back of his head gently, whining for his attention. he looked up at you, his nose already shiny with your slick and his own saliva. “are you okay, am i being to rough?” he asked, the grip on your back knees loosening. “no.. if anything your not being rough enough. are you sure you want to do this?” you asked, looking down at him with a serious, stern look.
he sighed before leaning back on the heels of his feet. “i do my love but i can’t put you back in that position. it hurt me and scared me to see you like that. and i know it hurt and scared you even more.” his eyes drifted from your eyes to your knees. you smiled and took his hand, gripping it gently. “it won’t get to that point, i promise. i want to have our regular old sex back.” you said, looking down at him.
his eyes drifted back up to yours, reading your face. “i will be okay. i promise.” his eyes drifted down to your pussy before looking back up at you. “okay.” he nodded before scooting back closer to you. his lips immediately went for your clit, sucking it into his mouth. his ring and middle finger found your home, slowly sliding inside. you gasped above him, your eyes crossing from the double pleasure you just felt.
one hand went back to the back of his head, the other pressing flat in his desk to hold you up. “f-fuck John.. just like that~” you whined, moving your hips against his face. he groaned between your thighs before his fingers moved faster, his tongue circling your clit to match the pace of his fingers. “fuck your so wet” he mumbled against your pussy, scissoring his fingers inside you.
of course, with this amount of pleasure he was giving your pussy, your stomach began to knot and you knew you were close. “j-john i’m c..close” you whined, your thighs pressing harder on either side of his face. “cum on my face baby i know you can do it.. come on” he encouraged, looking up at you as he continued to abuse your pussy.
the sounds were sinful. he was licking and slurping your cunt so well, small groans leaving his own lips every so often. your hand remained on the back of his head, your hips moving in desperation on his face. “that’s it baby.. fuck yourself on my face.” he said, sticking his tongue out into your cunt.
you whined, gripping his hair more. your legs twitched beside him and soon after, the knot in your stomach came undone. your cum completely covered his tongue, some of his dripping down his chin. “fuck yes baby just like that.. fuck” he groaned, pulling you closer into his face.
his tongue lapped up all your cum, the slurping sound filling the room once again. your body gently shook above him, your chest rising and falling quickly. “j-john~” you moaned softly, slowly resting on his desk. his tongue made slow movements up and down your cunt, his head moving in small circles around your clit, following his tongue.
your eyes fluttered close as your came over your high, chest rising and falling slowly. he slowly got to his feet, looking down at you. “tired already?” he asked, patting your hip. you shook your head, peeking your eyes open. “not even a tiny bit.”
he chuckled before leaning down, pressing a kiss to your lips. your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer into you. “need you to fuck me.” you breathed against his lips, looking into his eyes through your lashes. he smiled down at you before he pushed himself up and off you. his hands made quick movements to undo his belt, dropping his pants to his ankles. his hands spread your legs open, your shiny cunt the first thing he sees.
he licked his lips, a small smile spreading on his lips. he grabbed the base of his dick, slapping it on your covered cunt. your fingers dipped down, pulling your drenched panties to the side. again, his tip slapped against your cunt. he watched as your lips ever so slightly shook with each slap he gave them before pressing his tip between your folds. you looked down, watching him play with your pussy. “john..” you whined impatiently, swinging your legs. he chuckled, shaking his head softly.
“so impatient aren’t we?” he said, replacing your hand with his. you smiled with anticipation, watching as his hips slowly moved forward, feeling his tip push into you. a gasp left the both of you simultaneously, a quick glance shared between you both. it was the first time in a month you’d felt something full you up, and he’d felt something real and authentic.
he pushed deeper inside you, stretching your kissy out perfectly around his dick. he groaned, one hand slamming beside your head, the other on your hip. “raise those legs baby come on. wanna fuck into you deep.” he breathed out, nodding towards your legs. instantly you raised them, pressing them to your chest as best you could.
his head fell back, his adams apple bouncing up for a moment. “you .. are you tight.” he groaned, pulling his hips back slowly. he wanted you to feel every inch of him, and he wanted to feel every inch of your warmth. your head fell back, your hands gripping onto his biceps. when he bottomed out inside you, he remained still for a moment.
“feel okay?” he asked, looking down at you. you nodded your head lazily, looking up at him through your lashes. “please.. fuck me.” you whispered, clenching around him. he groaned at the sudden tightness around his length, his head falling to the side. he slid out of you and pushed back inside, finding a pace and rhythm for your you both.
your back laid flat on his desk, your head slightly hanging off the edge. he took your legs and rested them on his shoulders, quickly placing his hands back on your hips. he picked up the speed of his thrusts slowly, hitting deeper inside you with each one. “fuck y-your so deep sir.. feels so good” you cried out, your hands finding the edge of his desk to hold onto.
one thing about John was he loved it when you called him sir. he loved when he had some sort of power over you. not to the point he was controlling of course, but when you’d give up into him, give him complete control and power. man he loved it. “i bet you do love. this pussy so wet for me.” he moaned, gripping your hips harder.
your body jerked up with each thrust he gave, his tip hitting your cervix each time. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth falling open. “ look at you, so fucking pretty. feel like cumming already.” he groaned, watching as your face twisted in pleasure. your eyes landed onto his above you, giving him the most innocent look you could manage to make. “feel too good sir.. so sensitive.” you whined, clenching around him again.
another thing John loved. when you made that cute little face. nothing made him cum faster than that. “fuck love.. don’t l-look at me like that.” he groaned, looking away from you quickly. but your whimpers and moans were everything but helpful in helping him hold back his orgasm. your pussy was still sensitive to touch from your previous orgasm, his pounding only made it more sensitive.
his fingers bruised your sides for sure, but you didn’t care. in fact you loved it. you wanted him to mark you up like he always does. and you were more than happy he was finally becoming okay with having you guys’ normal, rough sex.
“sir your s-so big.. fuck i cant take it.” you whined, arching your back off his desk. you were teasing him at this point, hoping to get him to cum first. he never came before you did, never. “i’m a gentleman, my love.” you remember him saying the first night you both hooked up. and he kept to his word. he never finished before you. not until tonight.
“c-come on love don’t s-say that.” he groaned, his head dropping. you smirked, up at him, giving him your doe eyes. “but you s-so big. feel so full.” his hips moved quicker, his nails digging into your hips. “baby please..” he whimpered out, trying to stop himself from cumming. “ need you to fill me up sir.. please.” you begged, clenching around him again.
his breath picked up, his hips slowing. “not gonna cum before you do.” he growled, looking down at you.
but you had different plans.
you looked up at him, your hands wrapping around his shoulders to pull him down. your lips latched onto his neck, biting and sucking his skin. another one of his weaknesses. “my god baby.. stop-fuck-stop doing this to me.” he whined, fucking into your faster. he couldn’t maintain the slow pace, he needed to cum.
your arms wrapped around him, your legs wrapping around his hips. “cum in me sir.. need you to cum in me.” you whispered in his ear, clenching around him again. his breathing picked up again, arms wrapping around your waist. “my god love.. gonna make me cum.” he groaned, slamming into you.
his desk began to scrape against the floor, your body jerking up with each thrust he gave you. just as he was about to cum, your second orgasm began to build up. “fuck keep going sir, please. so close.” you cried out, removing your lips from his neck.
“fuck baby- can’t hold it.” he moaned, his head digging into your neck. his legs gave out slightly, his orgasm rushing over him. he chanted your name into your neck quietly, pulling you into his chest. “f-fuck” he growled, slamming into you deeper.
his body laid on top of yours, his hips still moving to get you to your end. “come on baby cum for me.. wanna feel you cum on my dick.” he whispered, hands still on your hips.
your hands found their way back to the edge of the desk, lifting your hips up to feel him deeper. “right there sir - please” you cried out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. he raised his body, watching you squirm beneath him. his hand found it’s way to your lower stomach, pressing down on it. “ so deep inside you, so deep in this pussy.” he moaned, watching you with hooded eyes.
with the pressure of his hand and the force of each thrust, your high cane and went very quickly. he moaned as your cum completely coated his dick, watching your body shake. “f-fuck John” you cried out, legs gripping his neck. “that’s it baby just like that.. just like fucking that.” he moaned, thrusting gently into you.
as he rode out your high, your eyes looked up at him. his eyes were already on yours, a soft smile on his lips. “how are you feeling?” he asked, taking your hand to press a kiss on your palm. “good. really really good.” you smiled.
he nodded before looking down, watching himself pull out. you both moaned quietly at the feeling, a small pop sound coming from your cunt as he pulled out fully. “i’ll clean you up and we can cook together.” he said, pulling his pants up from his ankles. nodding, you watched him walk away, preparing to clean you up. you were happy that you were finally able to get Price back to his old self. so much so, you could stop from pulling him back between your legs again when he came back, begging him for a round two.
you both ended up eating dinner very, very late that night.
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crosbyism · 4 months
HELLO IM BACK (the sid should have gender affirming sex anon) bc i just realized the real and true reason for sid’s old jock. it looks like an infection hazard right?? THATS THE POINT. the constant dick checks needed to prevent a rash. having a glorified 15 step korean skin care routine for his dick and balls. demanding nate double check his junk.
i had a whole thing about sid fucking his way across the masculinity spectrum to tell u and i can’t express it rn :( i am slightly high i think sid starts out w some fairly stereotypical cishet ideas of masculinity and sex, thinking in the middle of the flyers era misgendering. assumes his visceral negative reaction to getting babygirled is as much the sub part as gender (also bc prob has a lot of cishet ideas about gender and penetration and power) then he gets baby boy-ed and it’s like iiiii can shooow uuuu the woooorld like i think he’s a switch (sex competition!) which imo is underexplored but idk maybe he was operating off the hind brain assumption that bc he was topping in a certain sitch he’s be in charge and gets baby boy-ed by a power bottom. or maybe he tries anal but decides penetration doesn’t get him the way a handjob does bc he wants to touch dicks! idk i think sex gets a lot more wet n wild when penetration isnt treated as “realer” than all other forms even if it can be fun! i am high and this is probably a more nuanced topic than i can express rn sorry :( i just was struck w inspiration about sid’s nasty jock and demanding his junk be looked at to see if other ppl thought he was getting a rash or not
sid gets wiggly when condescendingly called sport
ur so right re nate and the eroticization of the everyday via sid’s masculinity kink. also i think one time the sink breaks and sid’s hind brain is like I Know What To Do and it’s not until he’s standing in front of the sink wearing a white tank top jeans toolbelt and holding a hammer (for a sink???) w nate staring at him expectantly that sid realizes he got all his knowledge from porn and has no clue what to do when facing an actual sink
also i think nate can trick? sid into doing chores if he frames it as fulfilling sid’s being a middle aged man kink. home depot dad kink. babe bring home the bacon. hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping). hey stud gimme a ride? wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince. man these burgers are so good u gotta show me the recipe
i’ve mostly talked about sid here but ur nate idea w him having his everyday in a box and sec in a box and sid exploding the boxes is soooooo good
ok bye im going to go eat peanut butter. wait no i have chocolate cake!!!!
BESTIE WELCOME BACK 😍🥰😘 lol i love u and feel free to come into my inbox high and craving chocolate cake anytime. im laughing and delighted
LMAOOO re: sid’s nasty jock being an excuse for regular junk inspections, im crying ur SO right bestie. sid keeps being like: oh nooo i have to get my junk inspected again :( and someone has to fondle it while talking about my cock and balls in excruciating detail :( oh nooo what if they have to take out a magnifying glass :( to check for an infection :( and then they’d have to KEEP talking to me regularly about by cock and balls. and inspect it. every day.
anyone else: sid why don’t you just get a new jock
sid: no :) can’t. ✨superstition✨
like it would be SO ON BRAND for him. im crying. and also rolling in this headcanon like a pig in filth (read: sid’s junk in his jock)
re: sid working his way up to it and discovering the delights and dynamics of queer sex as an underbaked youngling, u r cooking and now i’m thinking about, like. sid nervously for one of his first sort of hook ups working his way up to insisting on topping with a very effeminate gay dude (since he feels safe asking for it there) and the guy just blowing his mind going “mh honey you’re such a stud, you’re gonna come and fill me right up, aren’t you?” sid goes UH. yes. YES PLEASE. and the sex essentially starts the process of boiling the frog for him, bc the guy is like. clearly at least a a decade older, clearly handling the reigns, but he’s also luxuriating in getting a cock inside him, calls sid (“just, uh. don’t call me kid, please.”) a sport, a stud, a good boy, basically sort of caringly soft doms him (“oh you’re gonna blow your load soon, aren’t you, baby boy? inside me? it’s okay baby, your big cock feels so good, i want it.”) while also begging for a cock in his ass. by the time sid walks out of there his queer third eye is blown wide the fuck open and he starts sucking and fucking his way through pittsburgh, craving nothing less than the high of shrimp colour sexual encounters. figuring out the shape of his (masc kink) sexual preferences one ultra specific hookup at a time.
the thing is that as a rookie he’s small in hockey terms, but he’s still a big guy compared to the normal population. so it’s not exactly hard to start topping dudes. but i think he does the classic dom top thing a couple of times and it gets a little boring. he loves fucking jocks, albeit starts out fucking smaller guys than him. he’s ecstatic the first time a bearded guy bigger than him goes to his knees and praises how pretty his cock is between sucking him off. he loves being called baby boy. sometimes even likes being called “kid” (but only in a specific gay hookup way). over the years he grows to like and appreciate all sorts of little masc epithets (big guy, handsome, mister, and ultimately daddy). i’m with you re: absolutely a switch, although i think he works his way up to some stuff. he just always, regardless of dynamic, enjoys sex the most when it’s full of masculinisation kink. he loves to be a dude fucking dudes. any which way. he loves touching a dick
i’m laughing so much @ nate tricking him into doing chores via middle aged dad kink bc why are u SO right about this. this is real to me. once nate figures the masc kink thing out he is milking that cow cock day and night about it. “hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping)” and “wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince” are going to live in my mind rent free forever now, thank u. i’m gonna wake up in the middle of the night two weeks from now thinking: “hunting (grocery shopping)”. and the fact that sid 100% gets off on it. thrives on being referred to like this. sid wants to be the mustachioed porno plumber so bad. nate lets him tinker and break the sink even more just for the kink of it before they break 3 hours and two rounds of sex later and finally call an actual plumber. it’s a good thing they’re millionaires that can afford to break their appliances even more before hiring a professional to fix it.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
may we please request gn porcelain doll!reader whos on the verge of abstraction (but has zero idea how to stop it and is afraid to admit it) x jax and maybe pomni (separate) ? ot I love how canon your writing is !! have an amazing day/night :3
Jax and Pomni x porcelain doll!reader whos abstracting !
cracks my knuckles. a TADC angst request? dont mind if i do eheheheh! and ueueueueu thank you anon! i gotta admit im really self conscious about writing characters, doesnt matter how long ive been writing them i always feel that i could do better with their characterization... but im so so happy to know that theyre not too OOC!! that means a lot!! got a little too silly on jaxs part so its longer than pomnis i hope thats okay!!
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gosh imagine this is the first time shes seen someone actively abstract... like yeah sure shes seen kaufmo in his abstracted form, but seeing the aftermath/complete transformation is totally different than being there in the moment. i think she would.. be all over the place. i mean youre at your worst and you dont even understand whats going on... and pomni doesnt know what to do or what she can do to ground you. can you even be grounded back to the present moment? can you even back up and regain yourself? is that something someone can do? i think her panic makes you panic, which ends up making your.. situation worse.. i think pomni would try to keep you together as best as she can; physically and mentally. i got the image of the readers face cracking open and the abstraction stuff peeking out and pomni just... trying to push the pieces back together... its a horrible situation, and before long you're fully abstracted and pomni just stands there. im not even sure if she would have the mind to run away, probably too caught up in trying to bring you back to her.. i think sometimes she would stop in front of your old bedroom door and just. stare at the brand new red X over your portrait
unlike pomni, i think he can more easily catch the signs of someone abstracting, though i dont think hes seen someone actually lose themselves right in front of him and transform right there... hmm... but unless you and him are very close i dont think he would bother trying to check in on you. i mean, if youre not, why would he? but... lets say youre both friends, or even partners, and he notices that youve been acting off.. i think it would still take him a little longer than id like to admit for him to actually come to your room to check in on you. perhaps he wants to give you space, or feels youre just going through something and thats your business, or maybe he didnt feel obligated to ask how youre doing as horrible as it sounds (i feel this is more likely if you guys are just friends, though, perhaps not close but still friendly with one another).. gets tipped off that something is wrong when he sees a stray (and glitching) piece of porcelain on the ground... which turns into two pieces, then three. a trail, leading right to your breaking form. i think at first he would think its some joke, before realizing that this is actually happening. unfortunately, i dont think jax is the best comforter so even in your last moments of being conscious and aware would still be spent in fear and confusion.. but at least theres an attempt to try to help you, right? i think jax would actually try to call for help, at least he might be able to admit hes unqualified to help you.. but regardless of if anyone hears him its too late for you.. i like to think he keeps some of your porcelain shards, on the off chance theyre still hanging around even after youre sent to the cellar
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animentality · 10 months
this might be very very silly but. i was thinking about how gortash made that brain-reading contraption near balthazar’s desk in the mind flayer colony, and also how he was able to hook brains up to his steel watchers. clearly he knows his way (in a fantasy sense lol) around a brain, especially in regards to machinery. and while i do love the tragedy of durge’s memory loss on its own, i also have to imagine a scenario where gortash reunites with durge, hears they’ve lost their memory due to a brain injury, and becomes determined to invent something to get durge their memories back.
since i am a hopeless goofball my first thought is to picture durge wearing one of those silly old-timey scifi head contraptions thats all covered in blinking lights lol. BUT i also do kind of genuinely think that with gortash being equal parts freak and genius, he could actually figure something out to hotwire durge’s old memories back.
(i know orin gave durge’s brains a really good stir with her knife but shhh let me pretend theres a way)
Ok but this has potential. You're right, Gortash has learned so much from brains because of this plan.
Maybe if he'd had the time, if they'd conquered the world together, he'd plan on bringing back their memories or fixing their head.
Restore all that history that he spoke so wistfully about...
Ahhh, anon, you are a genius.
I didn't even think about this.
Enver would know this.
The Dark Urge mentions how they wish they could regain their memories, and Withers says he can tell you about all of your crimes.
Maybe Gortash could do something similar, in an evil run, where Withers presumably hates your guts.
But damn, anon.
This is not a dumb idea at all.
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p1xiemeat · 9 days
Your favorite game is alice madness returns and u just happened to have received shock therapy justt like alice did? You're so full of shit its not even funny😂 Stop trying to be like alice.
um i never received shock therapy? if you actually read my posts you would know that i said that a doctor tried to force me to get it. i ended up hopping the fence to escape that place before i ended up being taken to another building to have it done.
i lost my right to deny treatment because i was deemed to lack the capacity to make decisions for myself by a judge. i had been committed to that hospital for 6 months and ended up staying there for longer than that against my will. i was sent there originally because i had attempted suicide and i was deemed a danger to myself. but i got sent to a more intense hospital because i was physically resisting police and nurses. i was in active addiction at the time and i tried to run away from the local hospital to avoid being sectioned because i was in withdrawal and wanted to get heroin so i could stop withdrawing. and i didnt want to be sent somewhere where i couldn't use drugs. i called a lawyer when i was at a mental hospital because patients were being abused there. including me. and i had a court hearing while i was still a patient at the mental hospital. of course the judge favored the words of a doctor over a mental patient. i was foolish for ever believing they would help me. instead of receiving help i had my rights revoked.
at that hospital we were given time to go outside and get fresh air in the yard behind the hospital. we were allowed to go outside as long as we were being supervised by hospital staff. but the staff there didnt always pay attention to us when we were outside. thats how i ended up sneaking cigarettes in the hospital. id have my friend bring them to me by passing them through the fence lol and thats how i got the idea to just climb the fence. after i climbed the fence i actually ran into an old lady who lived down the street and she was so nice she let me hide at her house for a few days. because when u run away from a mental hospital they put a warrant out for your arrest so they can bring u back. she was one of the nicest ppl id ever met.
i was right to try to seek legal help against that hospital. after i left i discovered that same hospital had been under investigation multiple times because 3 ppl had already died under suspicious circumstances while in their care. all three of these ppl had blunt forced trauma to the head. which is very consistent with some of the abuse i witnessed myself while there. i never got hit in the head but i had other horrific things happen to me. so i ran.
this anon is another great example of how ppl try to judge me without even knowing me or knowing the actual facts about me and my life. hence why i am leaving this account to use a smaller blog to escape ppl like you.
i love alice: madness returns because i relate to alice a lot. i dont need to try to be like her because i already am. ive experienced many of the same things that the character alice went through in the game and the first game. thats what drew me to play it in the first place. and i had the experience at that hospital before i had ever even heard of alice madness returns. i had played american mcgee's alice as a little kid, but i never finished the game and i didnt remember a lot of it. i didnt play the 2nd game until long after i left that hospital.
its one of my favorite games ever. its very special to me because its comforting and i enjoy playing as a character i have a lot in common with. and i love how she is able to overcome the abuse around her. games like that are very therapeutic to someone like me. because ive lived it.
now stop judging strangers over the internet. most of the things that are said about me are so far from the truth. you shouldnt judge ppl you've never met. and you definitely shouldnt judge experiences you havent gone through. you have no idea what i have experienced or how i feel. no i never received shock therapy. but i have gone through the terror and trauma of almost being forced to undergo it. the ppl i saw coming back from ECT scared me enough to run away. some of these ppl couldnt even remember their own children. some of them didnt even remember they HAD children. and i would never in a million years allow someone to take my memories of my kids away from me. i only had 1 son at that time. and im so thankful i left before they could do irreversible damage to me. i still have trauma from my experience at that horrid place, but im lucky to be alive. some ppl who were sent there never made it out. and i still have a hard time talking about what they did to me while i was there. ive never even told the entire story of what i went through at arbour hospital or mcclean. but i feel like i owe it to all the victims who died in their care to talk about the abuse that goes on there. arbour hospital in boston is where they tried to force shock therapy on me (its called ECT now).
i went through some scary experiences at mcclean too, but arbour was definitely the worst. and i do plan on telling my story about it. ive recently started a writing blog to help me cope with my trauma and emotions instead of trying hurt myself.
u can say whatever lies and insults you want about me, but u can never judge me if u havent lived my life.
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akajustmerry · 2 months
i feel like im going insane re fans talking about loustat and especially when they are trying to sell the show to non-watchers. i dont know if its because those fans are incredible young, book fans, just plain old racists, or maybe a mix out of all of that, but they always talk about loustat as this big romance, just two people seperated due to unfortunate circumstances. none of these people 1. like gothic horror romance in general, they view it as some disney romance bs and 2. the amount of work they put in to describe them, carefully not mentioning any of the dark stuff, and always only bringing up claudia when they are trying to sell the wholesome family picture. i guess thats just how it is now, with s3 probably making things even worse, since none of the finale recaps (from official publications or just youtube reactions alike) mention anything about the abuse, nothing about claudia and how fucked up it is that louis forgives the man who had a hand in killing her. on paper they are such a good, fucked up relationship, but man, the fans and showrunner really killed them for me and i have no idea how they could even attempt to undo that in s3 (not that i think they want to anyway) sorry for the rant, i just hate how much i enjoyed the show and especially s2 up until that cursed finale :(
I'm right there with you, anon. I honestly feel scammed!!! I want to ask the show writers why they were so comfortable portraying abuse and racism to the extent they did only for it to just be window dressing for a white man's tragic love story. I got into the show because I really respected what I THOUGHT it was saying about racism and queer intimate partner violence, only for it come to the season 2 finale and apparently....none of that mattered! It does suck!!! It's unforgivable imo! and of course most fans wouldn't see the problem because most fans are white gay lestat fans ☠️
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veneritia · 10 months
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when comes the dawn monthly update {11.30.2023}
Draft → 7,032 Words (comprised of the first two chapters and what's probably a prologue?) When I first started guesstimating wordcounts, I had a goal for 22-22.5K for act one with around 14-15 chapters. I'm definitely gonna have to scale this goal up but we'll see once I actually hit 20k
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Outline → Didn't progress much on the outline. Instead, when drafting the first two chapters I actually deviated a lot on details. Most of it should still work though. I did, however, get an idea on how to further develop a certain subplot by bringing back an old character. If you remember Gwyn, you're a certified veteran of WCTD
Because of one lovely anon, I actually ended up doing some worldbuilding for WCTD's magic system! Absolutely reminded of why I put it off for so long-- it's all just magic academia
Worked a bit more on figuring out Charles' characterization (because out of everyone he's the most difficult character for me to grasp). Surprise surprise, when you write a character study, you actually get to know more about this character! He's still gonna be a sweet and kind kid, but there's definitely a lot more...forced positivity in his personality
Also decided to add short excerpts of in-universe historical entries, letters, plays, scholarly papers, at the beginning of each chapter, almost like an epigraph. I like creating extraneous content, so this is my way to indulge in it a little.
Hopefully finish chapter 3 and/or outline chapters 11 and 12.
↳ Taglist under the cut (ask to be +/-):
GENERAL → @charlesjosephwrites | @bearunicorn154 | @seasteading| @writting-in-blood | @trapped-inadystopianovel | @inky-duchess | @thats-my-type-writer | @serpentarii | @myhusbandsasemni | @aphaimaniis | @writinglyra | @belialwrites | @amoranza | @pseudepigraphic | @mel-writes-with-her-dragons | @uppoffringar | @fantasydisease | @sourrcandy
WCTD → @zmlorenz | @andiwriteunderthemoon | @ryns-ramblings | @marchdove | @cielnocturnes | @wren-is-writing | @lord-fallen | @tragicbackstoryenjoyer | @bloomingwrites | @marrowwife
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anonymous-eggy · 8 months
i had been talking to a friend and we had an idea that had been stuck with me for a while😃
um. vampire au👀 mc can also be a vamp but VAMPIRE AU…Nicky with sharp teeth..hehe… and red glowing eyes…
apparently i lied when i said i wasnt very interested in Nicky anymore. i think its just seasonal. warm weather brings back the need to think ab him. time to go through my dusty old inbox and spout gibberish at the ghosts.
jealous of anon for having a friend to talk ab Nicky with fr. if only fictif didnt suck and get abandoned, I'd force my friends to play it.
poor Nicky trying to hide the fact that he, a catholic (or so he swears, despite not acting very catholic) sicilian mob boss, is in love with a chaotic arsonist (possibly queer as hell) vampire mc is so so funny.
Like. suddenly he's also completely nocturnal bc he wants to spend time around his love and Chris is like "dude you never wanna do meetings during the day anymore, why do i have to go to all your daytime meetings" and Nicky has to try to pass off an excuse.
Chris: whatcha got there?
Nicky, holding a parasol over his vampire lover while holding their drink: alcohol :D
also... him allowing mc to bite his neck and then practically begging for it next time you need blood bc surprise this 6 foot somethin' mafia boss found out he gets a lil hot, bothered, and submissive when you bite him and drink his blood. straddle his lap while doin it to feel the effects what who said that. anyway. uh. 👀
the absolute confusion this man would feel in terms of whats possible and his faith. can someone be catholic and horny for a vampire lover? surely he can bc he also finds it hot how "wrong" it is despite how good it feels. but yeah tbh he wouldnt think too much bc he canonically doesn't think too hard ab love he just goes with what he feels and doesnt question much further than that.
(side tangent: i adore him so much for being one of the only love interests I've ever seen that canonically uses no labels for his sexuality. no label representation. i adore that he doesnt wanna be put in a box. and its not just because he lives in the 1920s and doesnt have the word for his sexuality, he just truly doesnt vibe with labelling his sexuality. good for him. if you didnt know this, surprise! thats a fun fact from this dumbass who knows practically everything about his character bc i cant be chill about anything and must know everything)
anyway for example with my self insert(ish) mc: trans gay little vampire man who turns into a sgrunkly little bat and hangs from his chandelier in protest that Nicky had to go to a daytime meeting for once? Nicky comes out of the kitchen with a lil platter of fruits to lure him down for a cuddle by the fire place while sweetly apologizing bc god forbid he do his job and not suffer the wrath of a little clingy dustball squeaking at him.
OR NICKY TUCKING LITTLE BAT MC IN HIS COAT DURING THE DAY WHILE HE DOES HIS ROUNDS CHECKING ON HIS BUSINESSES?! he just reaches into his coat every now and then to give his love a little scritch on the head 😭 and everyone around him gets nervous that he's hiding something super valuable or dangerous that he doesnt wanna lose (which is true, but not in the way they think)
see also: Nicky getting into some trouble during the night and being all chill ab it and saying to the guys "oh im not the one you gotta be afraid of" and the guys laughing until guard dog Mc appears, absolutely pissed, hungry, and ready to hunt their fill for the night.
and mc just randomly one day being like "you realize im a good 200 years older than you, right." after Nicky says something that implies Mc is younger and Nicky immediately lights up and just begins asking baseball history questions, not even phased by Mc saying that. which is much to Mc's dread.
my brain worms have recently been obsessed with the concept of a mob boss falling in love with a vampire anyway, so this is prime thinks for me.
i shall continue rotating this in my mind.
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liquorisce · 23 days
I hope that they won’t be able bother you ever again! It’s so saddening to hear that it’s making you lose interest because there is so many ems that would like to read your fics.
Like the demon eren one, the a/b/o one, idily, bnd or sometimes going back to your old fics! i have been reading your fics since 2021 now that i think about it!!
Hmm hotd i only shipped heleana and aemond but they kinda wasted that opportunity or at least could have given them more scenes even if not romantic that would be interesting.
These ideas makes me all more excited to read that fic but yes it must be harder to write multiple fics at once so whatever you are comfortable with babes <33
tysm for understanding!! and talking to me off anon!! <3 ngl i have been daydreaming about demon au a bit more after your last ask hahaha i love when that happens! and thank you for being around for THREE YEARS OMG how exciting!
and i agree so much about helaemond, i do love them but in general i feel like apart from rhaenicent and daemyra sometimes the show is not able to do justice to all the immense chemistry that the various ships are blessed with. i like so many of them tho. i find rhaenicent super compelling especially with the weirdness that their dads bring into the equation. jace and baela have my heart i swear. daemyra was not my thing at first but this season really gave them some banger lines! unfortunately for me, despite being an irreverent multishipper, my main ships are usually whatever canon pulls me into. BUT THATS JUST SO HARD WITH HOTD! they're serving everything up like fast food, it looks great in the advert pictures but in between the buns there could really be so much more, you know!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
BEN Drowned with daughter of Zalgo! Y/N
Ben drowned x daughter of zalgo! reader! (platonic)
as per usual for ben and admins boundaries, this is platonic; sorry anon </3 starts giggling and cheering because this gives me an excuse to talk about my personal zalgo lore ehehehe writing this while my short bread is cooling down; im making homemade twix :3
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oooooo so this on is interesting; since my version of zalgo is responsible for the creation of all monsters and is the reason for ghost like characters for existing; so in a weird way your dad is to blame for why ben is a spirit
which on one hand, allows for you to meet the guy but on the other hand opened the opportunity for ben to suffer and be trapped.. mixed feelings here..
but i think as a proper *child* of the creature grants you similar abilities, you know, corruption and creation that kind of stuff also bringing into the question of if you have another parent of if zalgo just. made you with his own hands all my himself
moving on... how would ben feel?
revisiting the idea of zalgo technically being to blame for his whole... "existing after death but in one of the worst ways possible" i think the dynamic between you and him might be a little tense... i mean youre the child of the one who was responsible, and he would unfairly take it out on you
ooooo angst idea imagine you guys were already friends when he finds out
also brings into question of how the other characters feel about zalgo, if theyre aware of his existence
old fandom usually portrayed zalgo as a rival or threat and honestly i think that would be an interesting thing to implement in some characters given my lore
so perhaps some of that bleeds into they (in this case ben) treat and view you
i would say you guys play video games together, but if you inherited zalgos media corruption thing it might not end well, usually breaking the game and changing it until its unrecognizable; which can be even worse since ben most of the time is within devices so that puts him at risk
but good news! sometimes he can manifest in the real world for brief periods of time so you guys can hang out through that; just need to be careful about stuff if you dont have a handle on your abilities yet
you guys probably get up to dumb stuff you'd expect teens would get into; staying out late, sneaking out, doing dumb stuff that ends up making you guys look like dummies.. you sneak him into places while hes hosting himself inside your phone... bonus, if youre going somewhere that requires payment (think like, a theatre where you need tickets) you only have to pay for yourself
though i guess thats assuming you pass as a human well enough to be wandering out in public...
lots of ideas and thoughts to be explored but very vague so i cant pinpoint many of my ideas my apologies
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