#thats the secret for a healthy relationship with your ex partners people learn from me
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ex-girlfriends who talk shit together stay together
(jonah has a reputation)
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lucyferthecatx · 6 years
hey, kid !! wanna see some dank plots ??
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 this is, quite frankly, the worst title but plots !! and i found kakaotalk gif icons !! i am ecstatic right now
  - lorna facilier -
+ maybe more exes or something + let her fall in love!! and then fall out of it!!! i want that guilt!! + oR can she pls fall in love with someone and she thinks it’s gonna be okay cause neither of them are in it for the long haul but then suddenly she IS and they ARENT and she’s sad + eventually give her that fairytale romance she’s always wanted
  - ursa pines -
+ oh my god i want someone to steal her journal + a hunter or something??? and they literally use her life’s work for the exact opposite of what she wanted it to be used
  - nigahayami takako -
+ she needs friends cause i wanna make sure someone cares if she dies + someone gotta be there to stop me from killing her
  - lulu butterfly -
+ all i want is to have someone bully him cause idek how he’d react at this point + it’s either full sass or straight up fist cuffing with someone + he might even be a sad boi about it who knows not me
  - marcellus carabosse -
+ honestly idek what he’s doing anymore he’s just supportive big brother + only supportive in secret tho + he tends to look like he’s looming and glooming give him a smol to make him smile
  - cassandra la bouff -
+ can she have a crush pls where she’s just??? i’ve never had this before let me just shower them in presents + Gay Panic maybe where she’s just like HI I LIKE YOU HERE IS EVERYTHING MONEY CAN BUY + actual panic when someone uses magic near her cause ya girl got PTSD
  - reyna ego - 
+ she killed someone can someone call her out on it + she didnt mean to do it??? there’s a para for it but it’s not done + ooh what if she went to court for it??? + isle kids are scury !! much danger !!
  - wyatt o’neil -
+ collabs!!! with literally anyone!!! + someone point out that the main ship on the vlogs is her and rita
  - gwendolyn bandersnatch -
+ nurse bandy!! + can someone have a crush on her??? and they keep finding excuses to go to the health room so she can patch them up??? + she doesn’t even notice she just gets progressively more worried about their well being and increasingly more protective + like !!! friend !! take better care of your health please !!! and the other person is like why when i have you to patch me up?? and bandy is just !!!! no !!! thats not healthy pls!!!
  - nudge chulanont -
+ i have nothing for him he’s just not ice skating and being gay
  -  teuila kahiki - 
+ idek what she’s doing okay just chilling with her flowers and being gay + oHH what if someone stole her heart as a prank??? + full lava monster oooooohhhhhh
  - uma blackwell -
+ * cough cough kill her cough cough *
  - kevin the third -
+ please someone fight him + i just want to see him get into a fistcuff with someone + also want him to have a radio show or something where he’s like not the most talkative person but he just has a nice indie alternative station that he plays his playlist on
  - bash cipher -
+ somehow let them bodyjump ??? + they’re super op tbh so like i really don’t know what to do with them anymore + let them steal a bunch of bodies and go wild + oooh wait someone start a cult for them or something. maybe sacrifice something to them for a favor!! they’ll think it’s funny
  - blanche grimhilde -
+ i lowkey want her to completely rob someone + get close to someone and then steals everything from their home + not get caught tho?? + she’s lowkey a baddie but i want a happy ending for her give the girl a crown
  - nessa st. north - 
+ someone take her near kids + help her find a girl scout’s troop or something + she just wants to spend time with babies and shower them with gifts
  - mikhail romanov -
+ someone come by his cafe + idek he’s just a gentleman so maybe someone can fall for him and he’s just too polite to say no?? + i honestly have no idea i just like writing his accent
  - phil coulson jr. -
+ i forgot to write anything for him + he’s just here being an older brother.....doing babyvengers damage control......just wants to keep track of all his enhanced children
  - etta lahiffe -
+ she is lowkey party girl cause she djs and she sings + can she like??? sing at someone at a performance and lowkey gets super into it and now she’s just hoping they come to the next show + or give me fucked up party relationship pls i have a need
- tiramisu candlehead -
+ Gay Disaster idek what she’s doing + give me party relationships okay like hey we hooked up at this party and now we’re partners in this project ayyyy + or we hooked up at this party and turns out you’re my roommate + awkward one night stands pls
   - alec levefre -
+ CURSES!!! + be a dick and then have alec have to curse you until you learn your lesson + or let him have a crush where he’s just a vague idiot and sits there and makes them little trinkets + sends little metal birds that sing cute songs + he’ll curse someone for them
  - aristotle tesia -
+ please someone flirt with him and watch him just blink awkwardly + he is the literal embodiment of platonic love + wanna be friends with someone??? he’s your dude!! don’t ask him to set you up with anyone cause he literally only knows compatibility on the basis of great friendships
  - rhiannon thropp -
+ ask her to show you some magic tricks + she will put on an entire production for you + can she have like a rival of sorts?? idek she’s just super competitive + she wants to be better than the wizard of oz and she uses magic to incorporate it
  - bellamy doone -
+ THE RINGING OF THE BELLS COMPEL YOU + can he try to eat someone?? he’s literally possessed and he eats people
- anya dezerta - 
+ she’s like the weird desert bird lady version of charon so she typically helps the dead passover but she also interacts with the living + she can sense when people are close to death + she also has a mailbox that she sets up outside her dorm!! if she’s able, she delivers letters to lost loved ones in the afterlife so like?? if any character needs closure?? she can help
  - luca pantazis -
+ okay but i highkey want some student to have a crush on him + cause he’s an Adult and i really want someone to just come in and get something pierced or something just because they thought he was cute + i forget who else wanted to be flower shop babs but uhhh?? flower shop meet cute??? cause he’s always there looking for references for flower tattoos??? yes pLS
   - sensuo nana -
+ literal embodiment of war + she loves to cause conflict around her?? just somehow knows the exact thing to do to start an full out battle + if you want to start shit, she’s your girl cause she thrives on that drama
   - emil sama -
+ schools are for hooooomans!! + the prejudiced pureblood asshole we dont need but im giving to us anyway + pureblood as in he has a very special hatred for anyone he doesn’t consider supernatural of sorts. humans are the worst + he’s an asshole just hmu if you need a discriminatory fuckboi asshole in your life
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brownthrussy · 7 years
Wade you got me fucked up smfh jk
1.) Are looks important in a relationship?:To some extent yes, since its kinda a attention grabbed. Eventually the personality is what becomes more important.
2.) Are relationships ever worth it?:Most are, as long as they’re healthy, but some are better off ending.
3.) Are you a virgin?:I hope my mom doesn’t see, but no. If my mom ever sees this then hell yeah I am lmao.
4.) Are you in a relationship?:Surprisingly yes
5.) Are you in love?:Considering my lack of love interests and mainly unhealthy relationships surrounding me, its hard to tell for myself but I believe I am yeah
6.) Are you single this year?:Jeez I hope not lol
7.) Can you commit to one person?:Yes.8.) Describe your crush:Hmm normal lenght hair, dark eyes, average height and thicc
9.) Describe your perfect mate:Sounds similar to 8 but I guess someone I can be comfortable and relate with.
10.) Do you believe in love at first sight?:No lmao im pretty sure thats a crush.
11.) Do you ever want to get married?:It’d be nice someday so sure lol
12.) Do you forgive betrayal?:Depends on the situation and how the person thats asking for forgiveness acts. If they learned their lesson and understand what they did wrong then I could forgive possibly but if not then no.
13.) Do you get jealous easy?:No lol its cause im bad at taking hints so I cant tell when someones hitting on me or el bae
14.) Do you have a crush on anyone?: Mi novio lol
15.) Do you have any piercings?:Nope lol
16.) Do you have any tattoos?:Nah lol
17.) Do you like kissing in public?:Nah lol i dont like being the center of attention
20.) Do you shower everyday?:Si
21.) Do you think someone has feelings for you?: Well I hope my bf likes me lmao
22.) Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?: hmm its possible so sure lol
23.) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?: Well i’ve been doing it so yeah lol
24.) Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?: i don’t think so but hey who knows what future me will do lol
25.) Do you want to be in a relationship this year?: i want to keep it so yes lol
26.) Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?: Si
27.) Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?: Not that I know of lol
28.) Have you ever been cheated on?: Officially no, but I had a few suspicions from my ex so it wouldn’t surprise me
29.) Have you ever cheated on someone?: No
30.) Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?: I’m ok really lol
31.) Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?: lmfao yes sadly.
32.) Have you ever experienced unrequited love?: Yeah. With my “ex”, we weren’t officially in a relationship we were just dating.
33.) Have you ever had sex with a man?: no homo but yeah lol
34.) Have you ever had sex with a woman?: tbh i just don’t support that lifestyle… i have straight friends tho so es cool
35.) Have you ever kissed someone older than you?: si
36.) Have you ever liked one of your best friends?: Nah lol I love them in a platonic way
37.) Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? No lol
38.) Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah lifes pretty wild
39.) Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?: yeah lmao its terrible 0/10 would not recommend
40.) Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? No im not an artistic person
41.) Have you had sex sex so far this year? Si but im staying a virgin til marriage
42.) How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Depends on the mood I guess???
43.) How long was your longest relationship? Lmao the current one so almost a year!
44.) How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 1 lol
45.) How many people did you kiss in 2011? Lmfao 0 I was an awkward disaster back then. Now i’m slightly less but with a better fashion sense.
46.) How many times did you have sex last year? Idk I wasnt counting lol but life fucked me over alot so that counts too right?
47.) How old are you? Believe it or not, but i’m 21 lol
48.) If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? Well rip my relationship then but it’d be something like “she ain’t ugly but she ain’t me”
49.) If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Hmm I like the attentiveness and los jokes
50.) If your first true love knocked on your door with an apology and presents, would you accept? If its just forgiveness then probably yeah. Regardless im taking the presents tbh as compensation
51.) Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yes
52.) Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Nah they usually leave me first before I can say im done
53.) Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? No lol my business is my own
54.) Is there someone you will never forget? My ex and former close friends tbh
55.) Share a relationship story: well we went to olive garden cause I had never gone. So I was feeling like a rich white woman cause it looked fancy and the waited asked if he could toss the salad for us. My stupid ass thought he either meant in a sex term or literally flipping it. Guess what I mentioned out loud. So homeboy leaves and I realize I can never return here without realizing that i assumed that the waiter wanted a fucking threesome because I spend too much time looking at memes smh. Oh and he spilled drinks on the people next to us including this lady and her phone so guess who got tipped good cause id die if i were in his position smh. Moral of the story is this is why I shouldnt go out
56.) State 8 facts about your body: I have a fat stomach, yet skinny arms and legs lol, i got a birthmark by my right shoulder that looks like hawaii apparently, if one hand moves the other tends to attempt to do the same thing, i got my apendix removed, theres a scar from said surgery on it, I barely have body hair but it grows quick, i accidently stabbed myself with a led pencil. The led remains up to today
57.) Things you want to say to an ex: Someone is contradicting themselves lmao sorry for not being what you wanted but you could’ve treated me like a decent human being. But I guess im unreasonable for wanting trust and communication lol oh well
58.) What are five ways to win your heart?: food, pokemon, more video games, trying ya best and being direct with one another.
59.) What do you look like? (post a picture!): so like do i post a new selfie in a seperate post or???? Eh ill do that later
60.) What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? 6-7 years 😥 lol
61.) What is the first thing you notice in someone? How they react to situations lol says alot as a first perspective
62.) What is the sexiest thing someone has done for/ to you? Bought me food 😍
63.) What is your definition of having sex? Well it involves a penis usually afjvhadaish
64.) What is your definition of cheating? Well besides doing it physically, by lying to your S/O about not seeing anyone else and talking to others with the intention of cheating
65.) What is your favorite foreplay routine? Loving jesus
66.) What is your favorite roleplay? Reading the bible together.
67.) What is your idea of the perfect date? It involves eating, going out doing anything since anything can be fun if you’re with the right person. If it gets everything that is stressful about life and makes it seem irrelevant at the moment then this is the moment
68.) What is your sexual orientation? No homo but men are ok. So un homosexual
69.) What turns you off? Well acting like a child or being rude and dismissive.
70.) What turns you on? Communication and trust can I get an amen
71.) What was your kinkiest wet dream? Ok so there I am in battle wearing regular armor but with channel boots and I destroy my enemies by walking on them since they wronged me. There’s also lesbians.
72.) What worlds do you like to hear during sex? Are you feeling it now, Mr.Krabs???
73.) What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Anything really, its mainly the thought that matters
74.) What’s the most superficial characteristic that you look for? Hmm facial features and eyes lol
75.) What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Gave me the pink power ranger pop lol my girl
76.) What’s the sweetest thing you have ever done for someone? I gave a rare pop as a gift for christmas. It cost $50 lmfao
77.) What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? As long as its legal and consensual then its alright
78.) What’s your dirtiest secret? Dont got any lol not any that come to mind atleast
79.) When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? Idk middle school lol crush had the nerve to talk to someone that wasnt me smh. Im glad i grew up and learned
80.) When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Whenever I see my best friend and hes about to do some dumb shit
81.) Who are five people you find attractive? So is this like from tumblr or anywhere?. Hmm theres mi novio, my best friend and fuck it like 3 of my mutuals lmao i almost tagged em
82.) Who is the last person you hugged? My younger sister
83.) Who was your first kiss? An old friend lol we dont talk no more
84.) Why did your last relationship fail? I have no idea. My ex was like “i gotta be alone” then pulled the “we’re different” card. And I figured it was both until my friend showed me that he was on tinder with an updated bio and photos that he had sent to me initially. So I guess ill never know lol
85.) Would you ever date someone off of the internet? Yeah why not lol if the connection is there
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didsbumeare-blog · 5 years
Dating sleeping with someone else
“He’s Sleeping With Me But Dating Someone Else” Repetition of late response is a sign for you.  For this reason I will sometimes try to ask a question in a lighthearted fashion.  Because not every woman you spend money on that isn't dating or sleeping with someone else is going to be compatible enough to you to have a committed relationship with.  Because, window shoppers, are fickle shoppers.  While sex can be an expression of love, love will never be created through sex.  Edit- the thread title should say someone else For me it would depend on the level of seriousness.  I may have even done it myself.
I Dated A Guy For Six Weeks Only To Find Out He Was Dating Someone Else We've been seeing each other for a month.  Many people might consider dating multiple people at one time a viable activity.  I decided to let it go as we're not serious yet and it could be a girl from the past.  Then you go right in to sex, and seeing other people,, So if your not dating,, you owe no one an explanation.  Two were dating someone else before you added confidence in it extremely disrespectful for her to anyone else you found out their.  You will find him or her when you stop treating yourself like second best.  Essentially I was seeing C more regularly, G once in a while, met B once and D wants to go on a date with me.
30 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes After Sleeping With Someone Does a set hook-up time make him my boyfriend? As soon as you stumble across him, all of your feelings will come back to the surface.  This sign may not be very common but if you notice them becoming a shower-freak, then there are chances they want to get rid of the smell of the person they slept with or anything else that will get them caught, like a kiss-mark.  To my ever-growing delight it seemed that I was what he was looking for too.  Is there any way to get around the 'choice'? My intention is to not jump into a relationship, but take our time to figure out what it is we all of us want.  It is not absolutely sure that they are sleeping with someone else if their sex routine changes, but if the change is sudden and the disinterest in you comes as a shock without any good explanation for it, then they may be sleeping with someone else.  That has never crossed my mind; that is, sleeping around and expecting to keepmy secrets away from somebody who'd rather not get a disease or date a promiscuous human.  My personal standard is that I do not do multiple sex partners but I cannot force that on anyone else.
AskMen, The guy I am seeing but not officially 'with' slept with someone else on holidays I'd never sleep with one person and date another.  Probably the biggest thing we learn from all these forums is to think out things before we go into action.  I've been doing that for years and stil haven't gotten it right.  Sometimes the person may ask if you're just seeing anyone else sometimes they'll ask if you're having sex with someone else.  I was wanting to get an exclusive dating situation going because I liked him enough.  He was not sleeping with her, but it hurt me deeply and we decided to just be friends.  Anyway things with C actually developed, he continued to text me and contact me and dropped some hints about us dating which is why I arrived at a conclusion that I would like to drop G and go for him as he too is lovely, killer smile and we get on well and I'm a fan of a steady boyfriend rather being all over the place.
7 Signs Your Partner is Sleeping With Someone Else C is probably not what you would call a 'good guy'.  If you have never tried to unlock their phone to read their conversations and check their call logs, why is it that they suddenly felt the need to lock their phone? It's usually somewhere in between.  I'm open to dating more guys not because of being bitter rather because why waste 2-4 months with someone only to be proven yet again when I can check the menu and decide? Thats why there are so many single people on this site in my opinion.  I would rather be in a relationship with someone I care about than a one night stand.  We agreed to meet tuesday and I got a text saying something has come up this week so we won't be able to meet.  I refuse to be someone's option.  He has slept with the other woman, but he has never slept with me.
I Dated A Guy For Six Weeks Only To Find Out He Was Dating Someone Else I'd rather not know, so I don't usually ask.  And yes I have cheated on him just to get satisfied.  You had a fun night being in various stages of undress together.  I knew that would come up and bite me in the behind.  They Bring New Moves to Bed: If they adopt a new position or kiss you in a different way, be alert.  With him I was open, willing, able, supportive, grateful and kind, and for the first time in my life, felt like I was embarking on a healthy adult relationship.  These are all signs for you to only be suspicious and make sure that whether they are doing it for themselves or for someone else.
What do you do if your date is sleeping with someone else? Free Dating, Singles and Personals You can also make a decision for now that you know will change over the next few months.  But I can't really disagree with what sally4sara said.  Until that happens you cant assume or expect him to not see other people.  And than you have owe your decision.  The point is at what stage does sex enter the equation.  Does sleeping with somebody or she said she slept together automatically mean you.  I could be incorrect, but I think I know what a good guy thinks.
My Ex Is Already Dating Someone Else Each time I logically walk myself through some thoughts of why this person is good or bad for me.  I went on 2 or 3 dates with G who was lovely but the communication sort of trailed of for 2 months -to this day he contacts me sporadically saying he'll call.  Really really really wanting advice on this one now.  Despite all of the time and effort spent, he never chooses her.  They Are Not As Exciting in Bed As They Used to Be: You obviously know the urges and desires your partner has about sex and you are the only one who satisfies their needs, but if, lately, they have not been showing any need for sex, then there is something wrong.
My Ex Is Already Dating Someone Else However I am definately feeling disillusioned and there's a growing sceptism within.  If you are interested in this 'potential' developing into a physical relationship, perhaps you should concentrate on the 'potential' only for a while.  Gerard, then there is in life, dating and pretend to ask if there's anyone else.  Getting drunk and sharing your feelings 12.  Later on in the movie, Jake goes on a first date with his boss, Paula.  But something magical happened that night and my defenses melted into an overwhelming pool of optimism.
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