#thats not an apology thats whatever the opposite of one is
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onceuponymous · 2 days ago
(tags from OP) #gettin real annoying with these titles#thats not an apology thats whatever the opposite of one is#anyway. so like. have we talked about thE FUCKING TAIL BEING TAPED ON??????#IVE BEEN GOING LOWGRADE CRAZY OVER IT FOR WEEKS NOW#HE NEEDS TO BE WITH PEOPLE SO SO MUCH BUT HE THINKS HES SO DAMN UNIQUE AND MAYBE THAT! MADE HIM! LOOK LIKE THAT!#incredible toothpaste boy!! he can bend in whatever shape u need!!! bc theres no longer anything of substance in there!!!!#Only What's Useful :)#mooney if youre reading this im blaming you#ggg spoilers
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Part of something, once (but in a practical sense, all that matters is whether theseus still recognizes the ship)
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magewritesstories · 11 months ago
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[ ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ ] ᴄᴏᴏʟ ɢɪʀʟ
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summary; some bnha characters dating a cool black-cat girl (bc i'm listening to the Ghost album by diljit dosanjh rn and thats the vibes it gives off) included characters --- izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, denki kaminari tw; none, it's literally just fluff note; if you want these headcanons with diff mha characters i'd write them! also i'm not a black-cat person at all so sorry if its not super accurate. word count; 909 words
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He's so surprised first of all, like this poor baby is so in love with you but the fact that you love him back?! He's absolutely over the moon.
You might be surprised when I say this but not a lot of people are surprised at the fact that the two of you are dating—because of course the adorable dork who can never shut up pulled the chill, calm popular girl.
You're the first person to decode his mumble language, and just nod along like it's completely normal
speaking of his rambles, you just happily listen and let him rant until he realizes he's ranting and then he stops and looks at you so calmly smiling and listening and he almost passes out because he's overwhelmed by feels.
"I think that Kamui Woods would probably be the best match for her, you know considering the fact that he could use laquered prison to—" Izuku cut himself off when he realized he'd been ranting on about what hero vs hero matches would be cool to see and who would win.
You're sitting in front of him, the ends of your lips quirked up slightly as you swirl your favourite drink and look at him. "Something wrong, sweetie?" You ask, tilting your head slightly to the right as you rest it in your palm.
"I–I'm sorry," He quickly apologized, freckled cheeks tinting red as he felt your gaze stay on him, "I–I've been ranting, and–and you must be bored... I'm sorry."
"I didn't say that," You reply calmly, "I like listening to your rants—they're cute, and not to mention informative."
His already big green eyes widen even more. "R–really? I mean are you sure?"
You let out a soft chuckle and nod. "Mhm, now, will you tell me about how Kamui Woods would beat Mt. Lady?" You ask, giving him another soft smile.
Izuku visibly brightens as he happily continues his rant.
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How? Just how?
That's the first thing people think, because why would someone as cool and calm as you date someone as hotheaded as him?
Everyone around you is so confused (Denki literally brain-fries himself trying to understand.)
But then they see the way you stare down Bakugou without even flinching and manage to calm him down and all of a sudden it just clicks.
It's not really a rare occurrence—Katsuki's shouting his head off about some algebra equation Denki doesn't understand.
"What is so hard to understand, you damn dunderhead?!" The explosive blond shouts, practically jumping over the table towards Denki.
You're sitting in the library with the rest of the BakuSquad and have already been warned twice to keep it down.
"Katsuki, calm down," You say, looking up from your own homework.
He turns to you with an annoyed expression. "I'll calm down when this idiot stops being so damn stupid."
You match the glare he's giving you. "We're going to get kicked out," You reply, placing a hand on his arm to pull him back, "I'm sure Denki will understand whatever you're trying to explain to him if you just chill out."
Bakugou glares at you for a whole minute before huffing and falling down in his seat.
Everyone at the table stares at the two of you in disbelief. Katsuki just glares at them, as if he's daring them to say anything about what just transpired.
"So, Denki," You continue, turning towards your blond friend as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, "What is it you didn't understand?"
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He's your polar opposite, and that's what makes it work
Kaminari is known for his cheesy pick-up lines and dumb flirting tactics, so when he tries one on you he does not expect it to work at all
but then it does??!!? (his brain malfunctions ngl)
Oh boy, he's drowning you with cheesy cards, pick-up lines, etc just to hear that cute little giggle again (he prides himself on the fact that he's the only one that can get you to giggle)
The bell signalling the second break rang ten minutes ago, but you're still sitting at your desk.
"Hey, Y/N," Denki's voice sounds even louder than usual in the empty classroom, "Watcha doin'?"
You don't reply, simply pulling up your geography textbook to show him the cover.
"Oh, we're covering the greenhouse effect right?" He questions, pulling up a chair to sit in front of you.
He leans his head on his palm, blonde hair falling in his eyes as he stares at you full of admiration.
"You know it's all your fault right?" He says, with a small smirk on his face.
You know your boyfriend well enough to know he's up to some stupid shit, but you decide to bite anyway. "What's all my fault, babe?"
"Global warming, it's your fault," He smiles like he didn't just accuse you of something like warming up the entire earth, "Because you're so hot."
You blink twice and then shake your head in disbelief. "You can do better than that," You reply simply, turning back to your notes.
Denki sees this as encouragement. "Oh yeah?" He asks in his most flirty voice, placing a hand under your chin, "Well, I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you."
Now, granted, this pickup line is even worse than the first one but it's just stupid enough to elicit a giggle out of you.
"You're an idiot."
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."
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mymoshangthoughts · 1 month ago
oki oki oki
so i love, you love, and we love the whole "everyone sees moshang except for moshang" thing, bc it's funny to have everyone else be like "ohwow those two idiots dont realize they're married huh"
but like
might i suggest the alternative?
idk i was rereading svsss and like, since the whole thing is basically shen yuan's pov and he's a relatively level headed dude, i can't help but think about the way that he looks at moshang
like, he really doesn't seem to have any idea that moshang could be a thing. from his pov, shang qinghua/airplane is a sniveling backstabbing asshole who gets what deserves and deserves quite a bit more thwacks and mobei jun is just kinda... there. like even after knowing shang qinghua for YEARS and being fairly close people who can confide in one another, shen yuan seems pretty fucking shocked when airplane jumps off a cliff to save mobei jun. from his pov, it's almost random. like "huh wow that is the weirdest thing i've seen all week, and airplane is NORMALLY very weird so like... huh???"
now by the time the airplane extras occur, shen yuan DOES seem to have some idea of moshang with his whole "youre just waiting for him to apologize and keep beating you" thing, but again, might i point you to the YEARS it took him to get to that point. having to see shang qinghua literally pull a death defying stunt to save mobei jun's life before he sees even a glimmer of moshang
like, when they were working on the mushroom together, they clearly spent a long time with each other. they had to travel together, they had to come up with plans together, they also likely just had social visits bc being the only other transmigrator in a world that is so fucking weird would definitely drive up a certain level of honesty and companionship
now again, shen yuan is lowkey the sort of guy who's like "i dont see gay themes even when they're reeeeaaalllyy obvious", especially with relation to himself (dont get me started on how one of my least fav mxtx themes, after the blatant crummy treatment of female characters, is the whole "im not GAY, gay is WEIRD, im gay FOR YOU, thats DIFFERENT" which winds up reflecting as internalized homophobia their protags), so it's possible that moshang is obvious to everyone who isnt shen yuan.
as ive expressed before, i love "mobei jun is just fucking weird, demon courting isnt like that" headcanons, so what if no one knows what the fuck is happening between moshang. like they're just this super weird mismatched combination of people that everyone just kinda tilts their head at like "...huh, wouldnt expect to see those two together but whateves" and then proceed to not fucking care to know the answer
shang qinghua seems to have kept a purposeful emotional distance from... everyone (likely due to the whole "haha everyone here is gonna fucking DIE someday" thing) and as said above, even after years of a relationship with shen yuan, he doesn't seem to have talked about mobei jun to him much (who is, by airplane's own admission, the most important person to him in this world considering he's the only person that had airplane going "i mean... maybe i dont push the go home button?"). so no one really seems to give a fuck who he's hanging out with bc he's not exactly out here making friends
and mobei jun, i contend, is a weirdo outcast who does not know how to socialize bc his uncle is a dick LOL. also his father. and also his childhood. and other demons tend to look at him and go "fucking weird man... i think he keeps a human pet?? kinda weird but w/e, the emperor is into necrophilia so /shrug/"
so like, maybe if anyone paid attention to them, they might notice the signs of moshang, but because most people kinda dismiss them, no one knows
mostly because i find it FUCKING HILARIOUS but also bc i like to think luo binghe's whole "youre not used to his lil human pet yet? he brings it everywhere smh get over yourself" thing was luo binghe's way of being a wingman lmfao. he wont actually help or offer advice or do anything USEFUL, but he'll allow them to hang out when he has every ability to separate them LOL and i think that's funny
altho i still like the idea of luo binghe ALSO not knowing that moshang is a thing pfff. but having him know also amuses me.
now the use in modern au's goes without saying. the good ol' "wait, THOSE TWO ARE A THING?!" coming from everyone who knows them. as an example, some form of workplace romance and even tho moshang can always be seen together in the office, because they dont seem to get along and no one cares, everyone is just like "shrug, they have a project together idc". like they're more likely to think that shang qinghua and shen yuan are dating bc at least those two have secretive meetings and have been caught, more than once, talking about sex. then one day shang qinghua shows up to work with the biggest rock on his finger pfff and mobei jun has a matching wedding band or someshit and everyone is shocked. or even better, some of the romantic pre-relationship stuff starts happening at the office but it's all stuff that's kinda easily misunderstood. and since no one would guess THOSE TWO together romantically, they just come up with any other plausible explanation. "why did mobei jun send shang qinghua flowers? idk, maybe his mom died. should we send him flowers too?" its not even a 'it couldnt be THAT', it's a straight up 'THAT never even crossed their minds for a second' until it gets really fucking ridiculous lololol then mobei jun and shang qinghua are applying for the same days off and mu qingfeng in HR is like "oki what for" and has to NOT do a spit-take when the two of them are like "our wedding" or someshit lolol
now as for the post-canon application, i still find this IMMENSELY amusing. for the sake of my amusement, im also choosing to interpret shen yuan's "you just want an apology" statement to have been given without imagining that the two of them might like-like each other. he's just being dismissive because airplane is fucking weird. like "look, idk why you are into role-playing as a humble servant and idk if i wanna know, actually, i definitely dont wanna know. you two clearly dont even like each other but you're in some weird co-dependent mess of a... friendship? friendship seems like a strong word. point being, get out of my house"
no one has the slightest clue about moshang's feelings for one another (except maybe binghe lolol) and they are REALLY not ready for when suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, shang qinghua is sending in his two weeks notice for an ding peak bc "oh im the northern consort now lol" and everyone is trying to just understand WHEN and HOW
like people straight up being like "is this a prank? i feel like im being pranked?" and others like "oh they might have gotten like... fake married? is this an insurance scam? hmm"
and basically for the first time ever people are really trying to understand and think about moshang bc they are SO FUCKING CONFUSED. there are betting pools over what the REAL REASON behind this CLEARLY fake marriage is. luo binghe has put his bet on "they're actually in love and fr married" and people SCOFF. he's the only one betting that and wow, the demon emperor is clearly blinded by his own weird relationship and cant see that NORMALLY this sort of relationship would NEVER happen
(actually this could apply for modern au too pff whateves, im jsut having fun here)
inquiring minds just being like "shang qinghua, blink twice if you're being threatened, we can get you out of there". demons out here like "we should prrobabblyy find the cure for whatever potent love-poison that creepy lil human slipped into mobei jun's drink, or maybe a mind-control plant?"
stuck on whether i want moshang to be utterly oblivious to everyone elses skepticism bc they're just on their happy lil honeymoon stage or if i want them to find the confusion Deeply amusing.
moshang get-together being dramatic but not bc either of them are oblivious, just bc there are communication issues pff. theres no "i love you" "but you CANT love me" drama, instead its "i love you" "oh shit SWEET, lemme hop on your dick". i like the idea of moshang only struggling to understand one another when the pair of them are holding the other at arms length (mobei jun being a tsundere and airplane out here like "getting attached and taking things srsly IS THE ENEMY") but whenever theres like, a clear statement of intent, they're quick to let go of misunderstandings and just get on with it. now while i favor this interpretation of their characters, i find it PARTICULARLY funny in au's like this! bc it also means that the pair of them learned to understand all of their weird behavior as well. so they're still fucking weird around each other, so people really dont believe this is real. mobei jun is still just as likely to yeet shang qinghua into a death cave and shang qinghua is just as likely to literally hug mobei jun's thighs while pleading for mercy. it doesnt LOOK like a loving relationship to anyone with eyes LOL (not to say that they dont grow and treat each other better, but just having a deeper understanding of one another means they dont change behavior 100%)
which actually isnt why i find it funny lol, i just enjoy the subversion of expections. rather than moshang being oblivious to the point of mind-numbing hair pulling stupidity, it's the rest of the world x'D and then it's just moshang casually proving that nah, they're for real, and yep, they're super in love, to an increasingly confused audience
this could work really well in a celebrity au now that i think about it LOL bc celebs so frequently have fake relationships and hidden relationships and all that sort of weird shit and people love to speculate about it online. so just everyone being like "calling it right fucking now, this relationship is a publicity stunt" and literally NO ONE believes they're for real, even years into it LOL. im actually usually a person who really doesnt care for celebrity au's but tbh this prompt fits so well for that, so im sold
but it goes beyond just fans speculating online. even fellow coworkers are like "huh, weird choice of publicity stunt" and dont believe for one fucking second that moshang is actually happening. oki yeah im sold
shang qinghua - famous author turned screenwriter (does some directing and he's actually pretty good at it, has a cult following, but mainly he sticks to writing. he doesnt need that kind of stress in his life LOL). he's finally reached a sort of financial stability with his work, but he hasnt broken the habit of doing whatever the audience wants because "I DONT WANNA FUCKING STARVE BRO", and he's generally disheartened when his works that he puts his sincere vision into have a tendency to be SIGNIFICANTLY less popular
mobei jun - actor, specially known for stunts and action movies. doesnt actually have any history of scandals, other than it's known that he's kinda hard to work with. just kinda cold and distant. THERE ARE some lowkey scandals with his family tho. he's definitely a nepo baby of the industry and his uncle and father dont have clean reputations. mobei jun normally keeps a pretty big distance away from them so he's kinda like, in the splash zone but not dragged in.
shen yuan - long time fan of shang qinghua's work, even back when the hack of an author was just posting web novels, his favorite insult is to call him a sell-out bc very often his deepest criticisms of shang qinghua's works are clearly choices made for money. as an example, a perfectly directed film that he wrote and nearly brought shen yuan to tears and quickly became his favorite movie EXCEPT theres fucking product placement in NEARLY EVERY FUCKING SCENE and sometimes it makes the movie fucking UNWATCHABLE. anyway, shen yuan runs the fansite for shang qinghua and is a LITTLE BIT OBSESSED with his works, but still has a love/hate relationship with the whole thing
luo binghe - pop idol who sometimes does acting work. he's known as an all-around talent. his acting is just as good as his singing, if not better, and basically everything he tries to do is wildly successful and genuinely fucking good. he's insanely popular to a scary degree (shen yuan is only familiar with his work bc he's acted in some of qinghua's movies and sometimes qinghua uses his music, shen yuan has an overall favorable impression of the celebrity but no obsession. mostly a "oh nice, that actor is really good, that and THAT HACK AUTHOR directing is sure to make this a must-watch movie" type of fanning)
liu qingge - stunt man and martial artist. he's not crazy famous, he's more like "if you're really into martial arts, you've definitely heard of him" or "if you're really into stunt work, you've heard of him" famous. but if you don't have those special interests, you have no idea. he MIGHT look faintly familiar to you, but you're unlikely to put a name to the face
shen jiu - actor, many scandals, SO MANY SCANDALS. he's very successful, infamously difficult to work with, has so many accusations hurled at him (and a majority of them are true) that when you hear "omg did you hear abt shen jiu" the answer is "ohyeah, the red-light district thing?" and the reply to that is "nonono, that was LAT MONTH, im talking abt the abuse allegations that came out yesterday!" and so on and so forth. shen jiu is a hot fucking mess and the industry has NOT helped him one bit. he has the money and power to get away with being his worst self and he Does Not Fucking Care (he cares so fucking much, he's literally burning from the inside out)
yue qingyuan - childhood friends with shen jiu, kind of accidentally being an enabler of shen jiu's spiral to hell. he's a producer and he's very successful and he keeps paving the way for shen jiu to continue getting work and help to bury scandals and basically the dude is trying his best, but he really should be putting his foot down and sending his friend to rehab instead of helping him like this
sha hualing - actress, does her own stunts, very temperamental. difficult to work with in that she's a bit (a lot) of a loose canon. she's hyper capable though and VERY popular. not a ton of scandals other than some violent behavior. she's also very good at dancing, basically anything that involves moving her body, she excels. her and mobei have totally starred in action movies together where theyre basically "hot beefy action hero and sexy badass love interest". they have a casual frenemy relationship
liu mingyan - average fanfiction writer, huge fan of rpf. she is relatively untouched by her brothers fame and intends to keep it that way. that said, she's more than happy to utilize the gossip that her brother sometimes brings home to implement as 'headcanons' into her fanfics >:D she does not tell her brother about this pfff. she also does martial arts and she's very good, but she has no desire to pursue fame. the closest she gets to it is sometimes watching her brother on a set (while secretly paying attention to everyone else for rpf bait LOL). she is not a fan of the whole moshang thing because it separates her otp (mobing for life!) and she's also convinced that its CLEARLY fake
mu qingfang - doctor, just a normal doctor, no fame involved. but his guilty pleasure is that he enjoys looking at celebrity gossip while on break. it's just a very lowkey sort of cathartic drama that he has no stakes in and helps him destress from his very stressful job. he mostly just lurks, but he's been known to write the occasional comment if he feels he has some useful insight to contribute
ning yingying - over-worked office lady. she wanted to be a pop idol when she was younger but it just wasnt in the cards. now she just enjoys getting a little parasocially invested in celebrity gossip, ESPECIALLY around luo binghe bc she's a. a mega fan. b. they were actually classmates in highschool. she's a fierce defender of his online and also one of those people who gets kinda offended by rpf bc "HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT" but also hypocritically will read every single "rpf character x reader" fanfic she can get her hands on
ming fan - luo binghe's hater online. mostly because he also knew him in highschool and hated the guy and now he's ugly jealous of his success. he likes to spread mean rumors about binghe online, just to blow off some steam. but his stupid obsession with slandering his ex-classmate sort of grew into a genuine interest in celebrity gossip and now he's a bit of an internet troll who's a little too invested in this shit. he's not a complete asshole and there are lines he won't cross, buuut he's also one of those assholes who sorta feels like "its online so it doesnt count if im a huge asshole" and just is his worst self online. he constantly gets in fights with ning yingying online (without knowing its her) about luo binghe. shen yuan sometimes gets involved too bc while he's not huge into the binghe fandom (that place scares him) he IS big on fact checking and whenever ming fan says something OBVIOUSLY false, shen yuan can't help but go in for corrections
qi qingqi - actress, successful, very low drama. she's famous and well liked, no major scandals, just a successful woman with a good career.
zhuzhi-lang - works as his uncles assistant. he keeps track of online drama because its part of his job, sometimes his uncle has him spread rumors online too so he has a few alts that are believable fan accounts for various celebrities.
tianlang-jun - one of those people who's basically famous just for being famous. he has done a bit of everything, but it's mostly that he's a household name that makes him famous. he currently works as a producer because he finds it really fucking funny. but it's anyones guess when he'll get bored of this and flit off to do something else that catches his fancy
su xiyan - model and martial artist. she's mostly famous for her TURBULANT relationship with tianlang-jun. she's skilled at both her crafts and has success, but she has no real ambition for fame. also her career is often held back by the shitty people in her life (her ex-mentor being PRIME among them, the grooming old scumbag). she got pregnant with binghe very early in her career and gave him away for adoption for various reasons. she has a good relationship with his adopted mother, but she's chosen to stay out of binghe's life. tianlang-jun doesn't know binghe is his son LOL
meng mo - thinks of himself as a star-maker, he's luo binghe's manager and has a VERY high opinion of his skills bc he's had a few successful clients. he does however tend to give very bad personal life advice
yang yixuan - one of liu qingge's students. he's only passively aware of celebrity gossip, it's really not his thing, but he is a bit of a mobei jun fan. mostly bc mobei jun does his own stunts and yan yixuan can recognize the skill involved and just thinks the guy is really fucking cool (not more cool than liu qingge OBVIOUSLY but still cool). he's very disappointed to hear abt this clearly fake relationship with shang qinghua, he thought that mobei jun was above all that petty celebrity bullshit of fake relationships and tabloid bait
gongyi xiao - aspiring young actor, overall just a nice guy. no scandals, not really famous yet but he has a promising lil fanbase that is slowly growing. however, he does have a bad habit of answering too honestly while being interviewed which can inadvertently have bad consequences LOL (example: "so what do you think of this moshang thing?" "hm, i mean, it really surprised me? seemed out of nowhere haha, i guess good for them??" which quickly spirals into "omg gongyi xiao CLEARLY knows it's fake! he cant lie for shit! THIS IS BASICALLY EVIDENCE")
qin wanyue - binghe fan, terminally parasocial, lives off of rpf fanfiction, literally missed her younger sisters funeral to attend a binghe concert, probably needs professional help like yesterday. when the online conversations of moshang start involving binghe, she gets VERY FUCKING UPSET
little palace mistress - nepo baby pop idol. very obsessed with binghe but also in a love/hate sort of way bc he doesnt do what she WANTS him to do and she craves the obedience. she takes out her impudent rage online. she's a big mobei jun hater bc she saw the mobing conspiracies before moshang happened AND SHE SAW RED. she now wants moshang to crash and burn bc she hates mobei jun with an irrational passion. she is doing her best to sabotage whatever stupid publicity stunt this is
(ships: moshang, bingyuan, liujiu, mingling)
moshang had their own super slowburn romance of actor x director that happened over the course of years and the mutual pining was basically killing them both and they had their own dramatic love confessions and shit, but it all happened behind closed doors so no one knows any of that. all they know is that this relationship Makes No Sense and internet sleuths are very invested with UNCOVERING THE TRUTH
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bandgie · 1 year ago
Agora Hills
Changbin x fem!reader
synopsis: You thought breaking up with Changbin was for the best, but he's here to remind you that's completely and utterly wrong.
warnings: MDNI 18+, suggestive themes, exes-to-lovers, rich!changbin, he's an asshole but means well, some angst mostly fluff, thats it lol
1.5k words
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It's not as though you hated Changbin, quite the opposite actually.
He's caring, sweet, and would rip the shirt off his back if you asked. He would treat you well, spoil you like a baby. He's really the whole package...all for one thing.
As sweet as he is to you, he's too snobby with other people. You knew he had money, lots of it. Anyone with that amount to their name can let it get to their head, but Changbin loved showing off how much he had. You couldn't do it anymore.
The final straw was when you were out on a double date with your friends. The restaurant wasn't up to Changbin's taste, and he made it very clear he did not like it to everyone. You tried to awkwardly laugh it off, but it was hard not to when he said, "This is why I don't like hanging out with the middle class, no offense. You guys just have no taste."
You saw red. Here was your boyfriend belittling the class your family has had to work their way into. With clenched teeth you apologized to your friends, broke up with Changbin, and had your friends drive you home.
It's been two weeks, and he's been calling you nonstop. Text after text, call after call, voicemail after voicemail. When you weren't picking up, he started sending gifts to your door. Jewelry, bouquets of flowers, clothes you knew cost more than your rent. Changbin had a habit of showing his love through materialistic ways, but it was getting annoying having to return them back to his address.
"You should ask for a car," your roommate chirps. 
You only rolled your eyes and groaned in return. You slumped further into the couch before burying your face in your hands. 
"You're supposed to be helping me," you say frustratingly. 
"I am," she protests. "Your shit car is breaking down, again, and you and I both know damn well your little sugar daddy would love to buy you a better one."
Angrily, you place your hands on the sides of the couch and sit up. "He's not my sugar daddy! Don't call him that."
Your roommate tsks and shakes her head, "Whatever. Have you called him at least?" 
You shake your head back, "I haven't spoken to him since that night."
"Well, maybe you should," she reasons. "Some guys need to hear it more than once, especially if you just up and left him like that. Who knows, maybe you can work things out too."
"I have," you stress. "He's just so...ignorant sometimes. And plus, I can't take him back after what he said to you."
Rather than seeming upset, your roommate shrugs. "I've heard worse. Plus I don't think he meant it in a bad way, like you said, he's just a little ignorant."
Her aloofness makes you both on edge and at ease. It's good to hear that she wasn't as offended as you thought she'd be, but her being so nonchalant about your situation is irritating. 
In times like these, you wish someone could just tell you what to do. 
"I say you call him," she answers your prayers. "If he's an ass, it only proves that you were right to dump him. If he's not, then you either owe him a better breakup or another chance."
Finding resolution, you stand to your feet and grab your phone from the coffee table. "You say it like it's so easy."
"That's because it is."
Changbin picks up on the first ring. Not that it should surprise you, but the rehearsed words die in your throat when he answers with an overly excited hello?
When you don't answer he prompts you again, "Baby...are you there?"
You can feel the way your heart clenches at the pet name. It's only been a mere two weeks since you've heard his voice and you're already wanting to cry. 
"Don't call me that," your voice is small. 
"Why not?" He asks. You can hear how shaky his voice is, but you convince yourself it's the static. If he really cared about you, he wouldn't have said that in the first place. "Are you not my baby anymore?"
You have to chew on your bottom lip and look up to the ceiling of your room to keep yourself from crying. A few seconds pass before you speak, "I dunno...Changbin you really...you really messed up."
"I know, baby, and I'm so sorry. I'm stupid. I hurt you and embarrassed you in front of your friends. I would do it over again if I could, baby believe me. We can fix this, I can be better. I love you, you know that."
He's right, you do know that. There wasn't a moment in your relationship where you doubted his love for you. Changbin has been a little snobby before, but that doesn't compare to his overwhelming adoration for you.
"I love you too Binnie," you sniff. "I wanna fix this too."
You swear you can hear him smile behind the phone. "That's all I need to hear baby. You mean so much to me that I can't even explain it, you know that?"
Despite the tears on your waterline you laugh, "Yeah I do Binnie. You mean a lot to me too."
Changbin laughs with you. "I miss you baby...it's so lonely in my mansion."
Whatever tenderness you had filling your heart dissipates and is replaced with agitation. "Jesus this is exactly what I mean! It's those little stupid fucking remarks that-"
"No! Baby baby I didn't mean it like that! It's a Doja Cat song-"
"-and here I was really wanting to make things work and you just-"
The two of you begin to talk over one another, the previous confessions nearly forgotten. It takes Changbin profusely apologizing and begging for you to stop arguing. 
"Over the phone isn't gonna cut it. I'll send a limo and you can come over. Please baby, we can fix this."
You sigh heavily and collapse on your bed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Okay."
No matter how many times you enter Changbin's house, if you can call it that, it always leaves you breathless. Polished floors, high ceilings, with chandeliers dangling up above you. It's clean, not a speck of dust in sight, most likely thanks to the many invisible housemaids. 
He had ushered you to his room, sitting you on his couch as he remained standing. 
It felt good to see him, even if you were pissed. He was as muscular as ever, a black tank top showing his pecs and arms deliciously. He must've worked out before you came, he tended to use the gym as a stress reliever. 
"There's really no excuse I have other than I'm stupid." Changbin starts. 
You let a small breath of air out that mimics laughter, "You don't have to tell me that.
Changbin smiles at you, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Yeah." He pauses. "At the dinner, I really don't know why I even said that. I didn't mean to hurt you, or your friends. It's was inappropriate and fucked up of me. We can go and I can apologize to them. Anything you want me to do, just name it."
Timidly, he gets on his knees between your legs and takes your hands into his own. "I love you. I love everything about you even if I complain like an idiot. I'm just not used to...some things, but I don't want that to be the end of us. I can learn, and I can change. Just don't leave me. Please."
God, if there's one thing Changbin is good at, it's begging. His hot breath fans over your bare legs, sending chills up your body. You can feel the heat of his body rolling off onto yours. He looks beautiful. His dark, messy curls that sit at the top of his head, the broadness of his shoulders, the way his lips pout. 
As big as he is, he's still a baby.
Your baby.
Gently, you untangle your hands from his, and his face drops for a moment. You quickly place them on his face, pulling him forward until his lips meet your own. 
Changbin squeaks at the feel of your kiss, but his initial shock turns into passion. He grips the side of your face with one hand while the other steadies himself on your knee. It's gentle, the way he pulls back for a moment before diving back in.
There’s nothing but love in his featherlight lips enveloping yours. All you can feel is him, his passion, his devotion to you. All the things he wants to say- no, he needs to say is conveyed through the kiss.
His hands snakes to the back of your head, pushing you deeper into his mouth. It doesn't take long before his lips don't feel like enough, and you're both opening your mouths to taste each other. 
It makes your heart swoon to know that he tastes the same. Familiar. Safe. 
Changbin grows bold, the hand on your knee moving up to grip the plushness of your thighs. 
"So, you forgive me?" He asks between kisses.
You pull back and pretend to think, "I don't know. Why should I?"
This makes Changbin smile, fully. "I can show you. Would that be better?"
The hand on your thigh inches to the hem of your shorts. The way his warm fingers caress your skin makes you involuntarily open your legs a little wider. 
"I guess that'll do for now."
a/n: this is a little different from what I usually post, but I like it. hope you do too! thank you @then-make-me for editing/proofreading!
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russsiangirl · 8 months ago
patrick zweig x reader headcanons! ( older and younger included. )
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thinking about patrick zweig and you having some sort of arranged relationship..
he's still with his family, maybe on holiday break from boarding school
your parents don't wanna risk the chance of you running off to be with some 'hoodlum' so they talk with the zweigs and boom! thats how you two ended up dating
well, dating might not be the best word to describe it
patrick is the literal opposite of what you want in a guy ( for now )
he's crass, has no etiquette ( outrageous! ), smokes AND disrespectful - like he's just such a prick!
i mean he has to be compensating for something,, he's not.
you try to avoid him as best as you can but he's always there, lurkin..
eventually you agree to one date. just one, that's it.
he takes you to some bougie place and you're shocked, i mean yeah he's rich, but you didn't know he was this rich, richer than you.
you learned some shit about him, he played tennis, had a best friend at boarding school, bla blah blah, usual rich boy shit
you decide to have some fun with this though
patrick zweig teaching you tennis :3
you purposely fuck with him on this, just to be mean
wear lil tennis skirts that show just the right amount of skin, act dumb so he has get up behind you and hold you by the waist so he can show you the 'proper stance'
nothing about this demonstration is proper, he's right behind you, practically pressing himself up against you, and you can smell the sweat mixed with his god-awful cologne and it's so enticing
wtf is so great ab this man!! he is js a man !!!!!
you don't know either, but lets just say that there wasn't much tennis played that day. or ever
y'all aren't dating, more like smth 'casual'
he so sends texts like 'you up?' at like 4am in the morning, why tf are u awake go back to sleep
sometimes you just wanna throttle him
i KNOW for a fact that he's a dick
he angers you on purpose, does shit to make you mad just because he likes seeing you that way
he's the type to leave after a fight and come back only to not talk to you, like bro where is the apology. where is the groveling and desperation.
he's such a tease as well, always poking fun. 'fun', its not fun when hes coming up behind you when you're with your friends and hes pressing up against you like bro! now is not the time to be a freak!
its different if y'all met when y'all were older though,, bc god i have a love-hate relationship with older!patrick.
like he's such a bum, sleeps in his car
but also like i feel the urge to take care of him
and force him to take a shower.
you probably met bc you were at the challenger and remembered him from the juniors us open! which he won! also the challenger was happening close to where you lived
you didn't know he was playing here, the only reason you went was bc your friend had accidentally bought an extra ticket and you thought 'why not'
he sees you and he's like 'woah' bc who wouldn't be at the sight of you, you're the next target
he chases you down after the game and is like 'here's my number, you can call or whatever..'
well you do, lets say you've been having a bit of a dry spell and patrick is oh so willing to help! ( he's a freak. )
this relationship is rocky though
he's not doing well in tennis and he's, broke..
he's also not big on words of affirmation,, or romantic gestures
he's still crass like he was when he was younger, never grew out of it.
always so forward in the way he talks
arguments with him are so mean :(( calling you allll sorts of mean names that have you in tears
can't resist tho, bc it's patrick zweig
yeah guys,, i love patrick zweig !!!!! like and repost ofc if u liked it
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absurd-ash · 1 year ago
Hi there about a headshot or one shot with Macaque and his s/o get into some argument over something resulting him saying something very mean to the reader. But could their some how be a fluff and comfort at the end where the two make up please? 💖
Heated Argument
{Macaque x GnReader}
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You two would almost never get into arguments, and on the rare occasion that you two did get into fights, they would always be small, petty, couple arguments
Thats why you always found it odd when at some times Macaque seemed so frustrated with you
Little did you know, he was not in fact, frustrated with you, no, never you
He was always just frustrated at things that bothered him a certain day, most of the time it was Wukong, but sometimes his frustration could even be directed at life in general
But no, he was never frustrated with you, at least to the point he would yell or get in a fight with you
Well...on purpose that is
You would most likely be trying to make him relax, to distract him from whatever was making him so upset
As much as you wanted to help, Macaque wasn't having any of it
Giving you short and stern answers, not being vocal when you talk to him, just ignoring you completely
Whether you knew it or not, Macaque did this so he didnt lash out at you, it wasn't your fault he was so upset and frustrated, so he tried his best to be silent in his own little, angry, upset, world
Although, it didn't always work
whether it be that you were being too pushy, him forgetting to do what he usually does, him being less patient then usual, there was always a chance that he would take his frustration out on you verbally
he wouldn't be thinking about his words as he lashed out at you, if anything, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
"Macaque, tell me what's wrong! I want to help!"
"My god Y/n, can't you see that nows not the time? Jeez, sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone as clingy as you!"
You flinched at that, not expecting the sudden outburst
You would look to the ground as you mutter a small apology and start heading to your bedroom to give Macaque space
It wasn't until Macaque heard your bedroom door shut when he had realized what he had said to you
He immediately started to panic, bringing his hands up to the roots of his hair and pulling at them
He didnt mean what he said, he would never mean it, but you didnt know that, for all you knew, he had truly meant what he said, that he thought he deserved someone better than you
If anything, reality was the exact opposite, Macaque thought you deserved better, that he wasn't enough for you, and sometimes, those thoughts kept him up at night
He started to pace across the living room that he was currently in, still tugging at his hair, thinking about ways to apologize to you
He would then decide that just outright apologizing would be the best way and he then headed towards your bedroom door
He winced as his six ears matched up on your mutters that you were whispering to yourself about how "Stupid" you were for not giving Macaque his space....did you really think you were stupid?
He winced at the implications of that, that he was the one to make you feel stupid
He shook away those thoughts and then knocked on your bedroom door
"Plum? Can I come in?" He muttered, his voice soft
You muttered a small "sure" so quiet, that any other person wouldn't be able to hear it, but he's the six eared Macaque for a reason
He lightly swung open the door to see you on your bed, staring up at the ceiling
"Look- Plum...I'm sorry-" He began, but before he could continue, you broke him off
"You don't need to apologize, it was my fault..." You say, looking at the ground in shame
...You didn't actually think that...did you?
"What?! No! It isn't your fault, it'll never be your fault. It was mine I was-" You cut him off before he could continue
"What?! No way, it was all my fault! I should have noticed you were so tense- but I was so stupid and-"
This time, you were cut off by Macaque. But instead of speaking he only walked close to you and leaned down so his eyes could look into yours
He brought his hands up and cupped your cheeks making you look at him
"Plum, look at me. You are not stupid. It wasn't your fault. ...and if anything I dont deserve you..."
Hearing those words you start to smile until he says the last bit your smile turns into a frown
"What?! No! I dont deserve you!!" You say, grabbing his shoulders
A flabbergasted look appears on Macaques face
"What! No, no, no, no. I dont deserve you." He said slowly, as if trying to get it to stick in your head
"No!" You say, still shocked that he would ever think that
You both stared at each other for another moment before both bursting out into giggles and laughter over the whole ordeal
After you both calmed down from your laughing, you laid down and motioned for Macaque to lay next to you
After than you both laid in silence just apprecaiting each other's company
"...hey plum...i'm sorry. About earlier. I know I already apologized but o just wanted to make sure you knew..."
You couldn't help but smile at that
"yeah. I know Macaque..,"
I'm so sorry this took so long! I had to rewrite this like- five times :')
Anyway, I'm going on a break for a little while. There's gonna be one more head canon thats gonna come out and then I'll go on break. I'll let you all know when I get back :D
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waves-against-a-cliff · 11 months ago
Bittersweet Goodbye - Gaz x Reader Bakery AU
Content Warnings - None.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Truthfully, Gaz thinks that the two of you are past the stage of being shy around each other. Clearly, you don’t feel that way. You’ve been avoiding his gaze the entire time he’s been sitting here while waiting for his order. The order that you didn’t take like you normally would, instead another co-worker did, who looked like this was the last thing they wanted to do. Probably works in the back, Gaz thinks as he watches you try and bargain with the same co-worker to give him his items. He watches your face fall and you bring him his bag of goodies and the coffee he ordered. “Thanks love.” He says and grins a little when you avert your eyes before briskly walking back behind the counter with a mumbled ‘have a good day’.
When he gets home, he checks his emails and sees one from Price which means only one thing. He has to report to duty soon. Gaz opens the email and scrolls through its contents, he feels his hands go clammy when he sees he’s expected to be on base for a briefing in three days. Fuck and right when you’ve become all shy for no reason. Or, Gaz thinks back to the previous night and groans to himself. 
He must’ve come on too strong. But you had been leaning in for the kiss too until the oven went off. “Fuck!” What did he do to make you clam up so tight? Gaz paces around his flat, probably driving the people in the flat below him insane, as he tries to figure out what could have happened. But he comes up empty.
So, he waits until you come home and tries not to think about how this feels like stalker behavior on his part. When he hears the familiar click-clack of your kitten heels on the tile hallway floor, he grabs his gym bag (he figured he has to have a valid excuse), and walks out of his apartment. “O-oh! Kyle. Um, didn’t realize you left around this time.” You squawk when you see him, darting your eyes away from his. He thinks he hates that most of whatever has caused you to go shy, the fact he can’t see your eyes because you’re looking anywhere but him. 
“I was just heading to the gym for a night session.” He explains and gestures to his duffel bag. You nod and unlock your door despite your clearly trembling hands.
“Well, have fun.” You chirp and you’re about to go, hand on the doorknob, before he places his hand on yours. You snap your wide eyes to him and his heartbeat quickens.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks and you shake your head, eyes still wide. “Are you sure? If it's something I said I want to apologize, love.”
“You didn’t do or say anything.” You squeak, “I’m sorry.”
Gaz furrows his brows, “Okay.” but he’s unconvinced. 
“Okay, would you like to come over on Sunday for some more taste testing?” You ask and he winces. “Is that a bad time?”
Gaz takes a deep breath before he explains that, “I’m being deployed again, three days to be specific.” 
“But its only been a week!” You protest, “Thats not nearly long enough.” 
“I know love but-”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, find out.” You demand. “I’m gonna send you stuff so you can still taste test even if you’re on the opposite side of the world from me.”
Gaz chuckles at your determination before he says, “Alright, I’ll let you know which base to send your cookies to.”
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steven-has-exploded · 6 months ago
massive apologies to all the tanizakiheads seeing me in this tag every other day but now that we have confirmation he and naomi arent even siblings, ive been looking back and just. realizing how weirdly their whole relationship is written BEYOND the alabama shit?
this is also gonna be a teensy bit long because i cannot shut the fuck up, anyways warning for mentions of s/a + some panels of That and incest. also naomi likers proceed with caution, i really dont even dislike her to be honest but the point of this post is to point out the really weird way her actions are written, so if u dont wanna see that then. there
so. ive realized that basically no part of their "activities" is written explicitly as being consensual on junichirou's end, and im unsure if asagiri even did this intentionally because its just. never talked about and also constantly treated like just a running gag
like maybe this is just the translation im reading but id say that it actually implies moreso that the stuff behind closed doors is nonconsensual rather than the opposite, the language used especially by junichirou really implies that theres at least something questionable in regards to that aspect, i.e. this page in chapter 15 right before naomi was taken into annes room by lucy
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right before this is naomi saying that junichirou claimed hed "do anything she wanted", which. yeah im not gonna pretend like that isnt just supposed to be some haha funny kink joke, but junichirou claiming that she "forced" him to do something combined with that forms some really unsavory implications that i, again, dont think were intentional on asagiris part
and this continues through their interactions in the earlier chapters; every single time they talk about some kind of unspoken thing that happened between them, its always phrased like this. ive seen a considerable number of people in my time lurking over arguments online claim that junichirou is in on it because of this panel;
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and while. firstly that isnt how consent works - second, since this entire fandom sees their relationship as weird in one way or another and not just funny like asagiri hoped we would and im coming at this from the same angle, this seems more like him trying to let her down softly instead of saying she can do whatever in private, since they were in the middle of an investigation at this point. "not here", at least to me, doesnt imply that hes chill with it in private, but that he just doesnt want whatever to happen in public based on the way its been written
and obviously this isnt even bringing up the fact that one of the first scenes we see of them just earlier in ch3 involves naomi groping junichirou in the middle of uzumaki cafe, because that obviously IS nonconsensual and its just. brushed off. like kunikida tells atsushi not to question it and then they just move on. its very obvious that asagiri wrote it this way because it was supposed to be a gag, but seemed completely unaware of the completely godawful implications of this situation just because its happening to a man. junichirou is visibly uncomfortable in all of these scenes, its heavily implied that theres a lack of consent beyond just the scenes on screen, and then its never brought up again because its supposed to be a "joke"
i dont know. i just wanted to point this out because from my personal perspective as a man whose also a victim of sexual harassment, particularly from a family member, this is the way it came off to me and ive been thinking about this for a bit. dont idolize asagiri thats the moral of the story here mans weird as shit
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yo hi your shawn spencer having aspd take is awesome, been looking for a 'popular' character that displays aspd better than dexter. if you ever wanna give more elaboration / possibly infodumping i will be in the audience standing and clapping
u sly dog u got my monolouging.... AIGHT HERE GOES!!
so i forgottt if i said so in the og post but i think henry ALSO has aspd and thats where shawn got it from, but to elaborate: i think that's why henry became a cop
FIRST OFF: wrt cops, i am operating on TV SHOW LOGIC, not real life logic. tv show cops and irl cops are VASTLY different in the kinds of morals each set has. rl cops are deeply unethical but in the world henry spencer inhabits, this is largely not the case. since he's In There and not Out Here, i go with the show's portrayal of cops and their morals and values, instead of real life's. everything i say about cops from here on is about the show's cops, aight? aight lets go
SO the thing about having aspd and knowing on some level that you have it and somethings Different about you is that at some point you HAVE to learn How To Live In A Society Without Immidiatley Getting Ostracized. a common tactic for this is to somehow aquire a set of morals and then just Do That. it's what i personally did, and a lot of those morals came feom whatever community i was in. i liked being here, they had some set of morals, and i just adopted those and treated it as truth. over the years this process has become a lot more refined but generally my morals align with the community i find myself in- namely, queer leftists. so a LOT of my moral beliefs come with interacting with queer leftists at length (because, since i was queer, and thus interacted w a lot of leftists) and going "yeah, that makes sense, this is now a moral standard for me"
so tldnr you need to find a community with some moral tenants that you generally agree with and also like, which sounds like a no brainer but its like. a bit different yk? for me PERSONALLY there really isnt much of an internal set of checks and balances that make me agree w my morals under all costs and i can like. turn it off if i need to
but back to the spencers: being a cop is really good for this. the moral set is easy- you're a cop. you care a lot about The Law. ergo your morals are just... the laws are good and breaking tbem is bad. short and simple and to the point
additionally, being a cop means you get to engage in risk taking behavior and get PAID for it! people dont think youre a crazy reckless thrill seeker, they think you're a HERO! and who needs remorse when you're dealing with criminals? you dont NEED to feel bad about power tripping or intimidating them, its totally fine. its fine. its fine
also relationship issues- henry's divorced, that's not uncommon for pwaspd in relationships. sometimes its poorly managed and/or they wont change and even if theyre stable enough not to be dangerous or abusive, it could be an unpleasant experience for a lot of different reasons- arguments being a massive problem when they happen (the remorse thing- good luck actually getting an apology outta them), worry over the risky behavior being met with flippiance, general lack of emotional vunerability. stuff like that
all this btw is based off my real relationship struggles between me and my fiance who does NOT have aspd (we r like... total opposites its so funny. top 10 funniest matchups of all time)
back to shawn. he is a lot like his father in many ways but the main reason i thought he had aspd is just... he treats EVERYTHING with flippiance and sarcasm. even when hes locking in and being serious, there's still an underlying feeling that he's Just Having Fun With This, no matter the situation. which, this isnt like an official criterion or whatever, but like... i know a LOT of guys with aspd. most of them talk like this. there's always a sense of emotional detachment from most things, because there is one, because they have aspd. i jokingly call this the "sociopath lilt" because theres also that sort of, up-and-down inflection (that shawn has!) that comes with it. its so funny it just makes other pwaspd instantly clockable to me. get thin sliced loser
but once i started thinking about it, more things add up... he's CALLED OUT on his risk taking behavior and flippiance towards serious subject matter IN THE SHOW! he's had a ton of jobs and while i can't prove why he kept leaving them, aspd and having a job... don't mix well. i keep getting fired because i keep beefing w my manager, and i can see the same thing happening to shawn, or maybe he broke a rule one too many times, or got caught in a restricted area, or broke something thru carelessness
and it IS played for comedy but he very often tends to not respect the wishes and autonomy of the people he interacts with, ESPECIALLY gus. he cares naught for anything gus has going on with his job and wether or not he'll get in trouble if he leaves early or does whatever scheme shawn cooked up, and generally sort of treats him not very kindly a lot- which isnt to say their friendship is BAD, its just a pattern of behavior yk?
thats all i can think of off the top of my head rn, but yeah imo shawn is a very realistic take on a guy with aspd whos just like. a regular guy with a mental illness thats to some degree managed, some degree not. very "adhd kid went thru some shit and developed aspd" coded (theres a link; if you abuse a kid with adhd theres a HUGE chance theyll develop conduct disorder and later aspd) (also i guess "some shit" for shawn was the divorce and also being raised by a guy with aspd and being influenced by how he thought a lot)
he's not like, dangerous or abusive or anything, he just has his quirks that can cause problems for him or give the people close to him grief, but its kind of like... an affectionate sort of grief, yk?he just reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. and i like that even in a hc theres SOME character out there that isnt like, a serial killer. imagine having a mental illness and all the characters with it are evil. like yeah theyre cool characters but can i have SOMETHING else for once PLEASE
also lassie has npd send tweet
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shyfairies · 7 months ago
Hello, can I have a matchup please? :3 Romantic please! A guy please!
When it comes to my type, I go for villians most of the time, they are more interesting for me than heroes. I like total opposites of me! I like dangerous characters hehe
My biggest love language is words of affirmation, I would say "I love you" and stuff like that very often. The second one is probably physical touch I am Leo and ExFJ!
About my appearance: -Around 156 cm height -Chubby -brown eyes -chin length hair with bangs -round glasses
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that.
I am very sensitive and its easy to make me cry! Someone can be mad at me a bit and I would about to cry already. Cute things makes me also want to cry… Overall like I said I am very sensitive. I feel guilty about everything 24/7 even if I shouldn't feel guilty thats why I apologize so much. I also have anger issues and its very easy to make me angry.
I love horror and scary things! It excites me a lot
Thank you so much and I hope thats not too much info!
i match you with...♡
☆risotto nero☆
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first thought was how cute the height difference would be
i definitely think he would love how small you are compared to him
risotto is pretty down to business most the time but you can tell he really cares about his team
it's the same for you but of course he cares about you most!
you'd unlock a different side in him, lowkey i could see him calling you pet names like "my lover" or "dear" without realizing it and then he'd get embarrassed when he does lol
when he's not busy you guys would often have long talks about anything and everything
he's a GREAT listener omg he could listen to you talk for hours
there's definitely no lying to this man, he will see through any facade you put on
he just wants to help you
sometimes when he's had a hard day he might lose his temper and snap at you
he'd immediately realize what he did when he sees your face and instantly feel so terrible
when you apologize to him it crushes his heart because he knows it's not your fault he's mad
not huge on physical touch but he loves to hold you, especially when you're upset
when it comes to bed time i don't think he'd initiate cuddles but if you end up snuggling up to him there is NO WAY that man is pushing you away
when you guys first get together he'd kind of have to get used to saying i love you alot
but with time there will never be a time you say "i love you" and he doesn't say it back
when you guys are out in public you definitely will get him out of his comfort zone but he likes it
he just loves seeing you happy
however he will immediately notice when your social battery is drained and he'll take you somewhere else
"y/n and i have places to be so we'll be going now"
you might be a little worried about what they think but he'll reassure you that it's okay to take time for yourself
lowkey thinks it's cute when you get mad???
will pummel whatever made you mad tho
like if anyone touches you they're done
tends to make insensitive jokes and doesn't realize they're insensitive until he sees the look on your face and the wave of guilt will just wash over him
you might have to give him a lil slap
"sorry amore"
doesn't really care for movies but will watch them with you if you ask
i could see you guys doing matching halloween costumes and him being like "this is so stupid" and you're standing there with a big smile on your face
he just loves you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy❤️(even if he has a hard time showing it)
p.s. OKAY that was my first time writing for risotto so i really hope it's okay😭 i haven't watched part 5 in quite a bit so if it's inaccurate you have my sincerest apologies❤️
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swifty-fox · 10 months ago
Hello I’m here to say that I love KFAK so much that I had to come follow you on tumblr (I’m the reader that re-read the whole series on my lunch break yesterday LMAO). And I am once again reading on my lunch break and I wanted to tell you how much I love your use of the dog motif for Gale. It’s really giving Mitski’s “I’m your Man” and also is breaking my heart. There’s so many layers to Gale as a dog both in his yearning for his John and in the way he’s been beaten yet loyal. So fitting.
Also I just wanted to say that it was really nice coming to your tumblr and seeing that you’re also a lesbian like OF COURSE only a lesbian could have the third eye opened vision to write such a good WW2 homosexuals fic. I was just joking with my good friend (who hasn’t watched MOTA but who has heard all about John and Gale) that even though MOTA is a “dad show” that I know there are fellow lesbians out there who have watched it and been blessed with sight to see the romance between the lines—and I was right!
Thanks so much again for writing and sharing KFAK it’s probably my fave fic in the fandom (followed closely by “in our bedroom after the war” by sterobone if you’ve also read that) and I have now read all 500+ fics in English so I’ve been able to discern real quality here.
All the best! If I come back with more KFAK analysis/thoughts, well, I apologize in advance 😅
omg yesss hi!! I hope you enjoyed the reread. I post snippets here all the time if you wanna read the 'kingdom for a kiss' tag or my swiftywrites tag! you'll find some stuff that hasn't been posted yet there :)
I just love dog motifs in general, I think there's something so intriguing about them!!! I think about my dog who will bite someone for trying to move her and then with me I can shove my hands down her mouth, hold her upside down, do whatever and she accepts it. Thats Gale to me <3 He's just such a fascinating character to play with
LMAO theres so many gays in the HBOwar fandom frrr. I've been into these shows since I was a teenager but never really got involved in the fandom until now! Something about the yearning of the time period just hits in the lesbian feels idk.
haha @stereobone and I are friends :)) I also think their fic is amazingggggg and one of my faves! i feel like we explored similar themes between the two fics (though mine takes an opposite direction in the fixing up a house motif) it happened independently which was pretty fun to be like oh! same hat!
please come back with more thoughts and analysis I love it!!
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itworksifyouworkit · 2 months ago
We admitted we were powerless over addiction—that our lives had become unmanageable. more or less. you're an addict and that has more to do with your life than drugs. its altered your brain chemistry. admit that. constantly.
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. no god is gonna make me a normal motherfucker or as sane as the rest of them. but there's good in the world. and the will to that is fucking strong.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. i'm god then and so are you. keep your eye on your will and what it wants, because we lie to ourselves. wanna know where your will's coming from? ask if what it wants you to do makes you more alone, feel less, or saves you from shame. then do the opposite.
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. yeah have fun
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. and then do it again. and keep doing it. use the shares. out loud to yourself if you have to, but this isn't about confession or absolution. dont give leave yourself any corners to hide in, and burn each one you find.
We're entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character do some bullshit hard nonstop work to achieve a life that most people dont have to fight as hard for. where good normal things happen, and bad normal things happen, and neither the good or bad make or break, whether you wake up to that life again tomorrow.
seriously the fuck Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. learn those shortcomings and work on them. work on them by doing the thing thats the opposite of easy. its a pretty good indicator.
Made a "list" of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. don't just start checking people off a list with apologies and letters. this is about taking serious stock, and making yourself understand the affect of your actions. remember if looking away saves you from shame, thats where you need to look
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. be ready for them to forgive you or not. no 'amend' can erase what you did. but its healing for them to see you understand the pain you caused, regardless of whatever your intentions were or how fucked your head was.
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. have fun
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. i mean if it helps. meditations great but dont force it or its water torture. regular journaling is good.
therapy. go to talk therapy so its not just you and your thoughts in a vacuum in the journal. let them look at it. find a good match who you want to talk to, but isn't gonna lap up your bullshit.
also there's me. not a replacement for therapy, but their delivery will be more professional and therapu therepeau therapeutic.
Having had a spiritual awakening Having built a stable foundation and sustainable life with the continued practice of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts and to practice these principles in all our affairs
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xplrvibes · 1 year ago
Looks like colby has a new play thing👀
Tumblr media
I'm gonna be honest, I debated not answering these at all, like I've done in the past with stuff like this.
But I need everyone to read this shit and think about this.
You've got two adult human beings who took a picture together and posted it online. You don't know the one human being AT ALL, and have no idea what her connection is to Colby.
But he put his arm around her for a photo, so now she's been boiled down from a whole ass human being to a "plaything."
Aside from "plaything" being a pretty derogatory way to define someone, the fact that you automatically assume that every person Colby breathes on is someone he's a) fucking and b) breaking the heart of, based on very little evidence, shows that you don't think that much of him, either.
Newsflash: he never promised to save himself for marriage. He is a twenty seven year old, single, good looking man living in LA in 2023. He can fuck if he wants to. He can go on dates if he wants to. He can have friends of opposite genders if he wants to.
Can you all indulge me while I point something out?
Colby spent the entire first half of the year on the shelf with cancer, but since July, there has been ONE (ONE!) girl that he was actually confirmed to have been going on dates with.
And DATES. Not girlfriend, not whatever else you wanna throw around - he took her on a few dates and hung out with her here and there. That's it, as far as we know.
Anyone else anyone may think he's had a thing with was all based on the internet taking a tiny little kernel of information (oh, he followed her instagram! oh, he took a picture with her!) and taking the high-speed train to Rumorville with it.
There has been, oh I don't know, ten-ish people that people have freaked out over recently and assumed he was dating for some dumb reason or another.
One of them was Shea, and we're not even going to cover why thats utterly laughable.
One of them was Dana, who he's known and been friends with since the og traphouse days in 2017.
One of them was Kris, cause Kris said she had a crush and it just had to be Colby, cause Colby is a horrible flirt and a frivolous slut, right? Even though it turned out to be that oompa guy and has anyone apologized for going after Colby for that? No? Ok, I'll move on.
One of them was ms singer's friend, simply cause he posted stuff about her on his story.
At least three of them were people he followed recently on instagram - one is a girl rumored to be linked to Jake, one is someone they wound up collabing with, and the other was someone both he and Sam followed after a party (and since Sam is an innocent flower and all of HIS follows are innocent and pure, that should take this girl out of the running here, right? Or should we start talking about Sam's recent follows and activities? Or would that be DISRESPECTFUL TO HIS PRIVACY AND TO HIM AS A HUMAN)
Even if he were dating, hooking up, or fucking all of the above - hell, if he set up a booth on Santa Monica Pier and was dicking down all of LA - why is any of this such a personal offense to some people?
Here's the thing: I get that it's fun to gossip about this stuff. I get it. Sometimes, the speculation and stuff can be fun. But this automatic and almost eager jump to brand this man and any woman he breathes near with a scarlet letter is so...I don't know what the word is, really. Misogynistic? Slut shamey? Puritan?
Definitely weird.
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bpd-blorbo-bracket · 1 year ago
Blitzo Propaganda
He meets these diagnostic criteria, in order of intensity: pattern of intense and disorganized relationships (a huge part of the plot is about his complicated situationship where he has feelings but doesn't want to be vulnerable with someone), impulsive behavior (MAJOR one. spends money recklessly, off-the-cuff insults people sometimes, sleeps around, gets himself into messy situations with other people because he accidentally led them on), emotional instability (all over the place), issues controlling explosive anger, frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, it's implied he used to be a lot more unstable before the start of the show but has mellowed out quite a bit and stopped being quite as on the fritz. He had a rocky end to a previous friendship as well as a separate toxic relationship as a result of a lot of trauma. He has some pretty fierce daddy issues. Despite all his setbacks, Blitzo is a very independent and empowered individual who has a good relationship with his adopted daughter that only continues to get better as the show progresses. He's shown great progress in apologizing and owning/taking blame for his fuckups while also acknowledging when other people are being awful to him. He's got a lot of issues and insecurities revolving around relationships and himself as an individual because he's been stepped on so much growing up and undergone a lot of abuse and trauma. He's midway through learning some valuable coping skills and means a Lot to me as a person with BPD that struggles with the same symptoms as him
okay okay okay i think it goes without saying his moods are opposite of stable luna is his fp. she will get away with whatever she wants and Blizo WILL enable that damn near every single time. despite that, his attachment to her was instantaneous and he very much sees himself in her, especially regarding the abandonment. she is HIS blorbo the way he avoids abandonment is by extremely skewing his perception of the situation (e.i. stolas just asked me to watch a movie and have wine with little intention to fuck and i still made it about that anyway as a cop out). he chose to abandon first (stolas and verosika are good examples). he pushes others away (moxie) by degrading them regularly. cant make a connection if they hate you thats science impulsive dangerous behaviors is his middle name self harming behavior? try uh drinking an entire BARREL of giggle bee juice to escape the Bad Feels tm and regularly (implied by luna) giving himself alcohol poisoning. intense unstable relationships is his other middle name. at one point he trips really fucking hard on some truth gas and theres this visual of moxie who spends his entire time degrading blitzo, a really key insight on how he feels about himself. he does not think highly of himself. after the fizzbot fight, he really got bothered with the insecurity of dying alone and being abandoned by the people he genuinely cares about.
every physical photo of himself, hanging on the walls of his apartment, has his own face crossed out with black which signals and unstable sense of self.
also notice how he'll defend the people he cares for with his life and even tears himself emotionally about it, but instead of like idk venting it out by showing his appreciation, he gets self absorbed about it (he can be in your business but if you get in his, its gunna be your problem for sure), rude (lashing out and sometimes even manipulative
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years ago
A Good Omens S3 predictions list to cope
The obvious one: an apology from Aziraphale, duh
Role reversal~ Have Crowley get himself into trouble and Aziraphale come to the rescue.
(Bonus if Aziraphale has to fight to protect Crowley, or bodily carry him out of danger, because i like damses in distress and its fun.)
God makes an in-the-present appearance! Not physically with a vessel, but as a voice.
Aziraphale and Crowley going apeshit on heaven. Especially Aziraphale. I really wanna see Aziraphale go off. Particularly on heaven.
(Meanwhile Crowley is standing behind him, proudest and biggest in-love grin on his face.)
At least one more kiss. Of reconciliation if they get back together, or longing and sorrow if they're still upset at each other, or grief if one of them is on the verge of death- i could go on. I dont care how, i would just like one more kiss.
Reappearance of Muriel. They were such a sunshine this season, i wanna see them again. Have them make a friend. And i want at least one montage of them taking care of the bookshop. Chaotic good at its best.
Someone give Crowley a pet. A cat, or a lizard, or a goldfish. Idc what kind, i just think itd be neat to see him interact with animals. He'd be a very fun caretaker.
More bits about famous people. The "Jane Austen is a secret world class criminal" bit killed me. More of that please.
A serious threat. Season 2 was very lowkey in terms of threats, and it was a nice change of pace, but now I want the thrill of "oh we might die actually" back.
Flirty husbands. Extra points if Aziraphale flusters Crowley instead of the more obvious opposite.
A new season-defining song! Season 2 had "Everyday". I want a new one next season.
Hurt/comfort. Lots of it. Have the husbands fight. Have them scream at each other, cry, fill them with nightmares. Then give me comfort. A hug after the crying. A sorrowful kiss after the fight is done. A little self-deprecating joke to make the other laugh.
New outfiiiiiiits. Pick different colors, or a very different style. Force Aziraphale to wear black or pink, put Crowley in red tinted, star sunglasses, give them high-heel shoes, i dunno. But surprise the audience and become the main source of endless fanarts to come.
Another dance scene... This is one of my favorite tropes. Ships dancing together, whatever the dance may be, is my drug.
Scenes with wings! I just think they're neat with their wings out.
A. goddman. Happy. Ending! I want to see the cottage! The three cats! The learning-to-cook-breakfast-together-but-they're-actually-really-bad-at-it-and-almost-burn-the-cottage-down scene!
And uh, guess thats it for now. Feel free to add your own to the mix, all delusions are welcomed :')
Also, reblogs are very appreciated....... just sayin
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bolontiku · 1 year ago
Work rant under the cut... it's a lot but if you need a little drama... this is months worth accumulated.
So, there is this kid at work, sweet child, 19yo. She's not all that bright and 'requires' to be told things over and over. I've let her get away with things as it wasn't my problem. "I just don't know" she'll say in a precious baby voice and they walk her through the SAME JOB (making coffee).
I know what she's doing. Seen it before. I don't care.
Until she began putting her items in my area.
She would dump her belonging into a cubby I hid product in to keep the truck driver from using it as a door stop. It was to the point that her purse and jacket would knock the door open and I would run into it with my knuckles or racks. I told her several times over the course of a few months not to put her stuff in there. She kept doing it. Managers and other associates reminded her to not get in my way. She would get in my way up to 10mins at a time, which when baking amounts to being put back in time. So, I started putting her stuff in the backroom (where employee belongings are meant to go). She kept using the excuse of "nobody ever told me where my stuff is supposed to go" and "I'm so sorry! I HoPe YoU DoNt HaTe mE" *pout* which grated on my nerves. Whatever. Easier to just smile and shoo her away.
Finally got her to stop that and she proceeds to leave her food on my ingredient supply rack. And if we were to get state inspection in would be an automatic critical as she always eats shit with nuts or allergens in it and places it above the other things. Finally walk in to find SHRIMP on the rack and I lose my shit when she comes running over to say "oh X put it there! I had no idea!" But she looks for it where it was before I placed it on the EMPLOYEE FOOD TRAY opposite the rack she sat it on. Literally- you don't have to walk from one side of the cooler, you just TURN AROUND. no walking or anything. I am LIVID as she trying to place blame on another associate but she KNEW exactly where it had been indicating she put it there.
I call over my food cost manager as I am about to lose my shit. I can feel my face heating up and as much as I try, my voice is rising. I finally tell her to just fucking walk away. The manager has to wrangle her out of my area and I hear other associates telling her not to be in my area as I have to MOVE and they don't do the same shit she does.
I have time to cool off and the manager comes over to find out what caused me to lose my cool. She's hiding around the corner listening. I have had the most patience with her. I have been kind. I have had enough. I'm telling him that I won't put up with willful ignorance cause she can just put on her pouty face and apologize and it's all forgiven and THIS FUCKING BITCH comes around the corner with a pout "I hOpE yOu DoNt HaTE Meee" 🥺🥺
"THATS THE FUCKING FACE!! AND I HOPE YOU FEEL LIKE I HATE YOU--" I nearly swing on her as he literally steps between us and hands her her fucking bag and jacket (back in the cubby again), telling her to go home (as she is off the clock) and that she doesn't need to be in the bakers area. He's trying not to laugh.
He comes back and tells me that she's not all there and we have to be patient... nahh fuck that bro, I won't put up with emotional manipulation. He stares at me. That pouty face? The fake tears and that fucking baby voice she uses- all aimed at making the normal person to feel bad (little bunny effect) and automatically forgive them for bad actions. NOT ME BITCH I've dealt with assholes worse than you and you can take your childish shit the fuck outta here!
Anyways. Days later and the manager comes to me and tells me that... she does do that. He's been watching her pout her way into making others "help" her and letting them do all the work. So he has literally been on her ass since that day. And everytime she comes near me he calls her away.
She did manage to get close though and she pouted at me- "I hope you don't hate me"
"Not really hate but I don't really like you. Get back to work I can't be bothered by a little girl like you"
She was speechless and he came around, calling her name cause she was supposed to be clearing the dining area of dishes why is she in my area bothering the baker?!
The other associates (my babies who work so hard) are about her age and have stopped talking to her. I told them not to treat her any other way cause of me and every single one of them said they hated her, but had been nice on account of me. I told them not to bully her and leave her alone, I don't want them getting in trouble cause of her.
Her jacket and purse are in the employee area and she has not brought food into my area. I really hate some people.
Anyhow. Thank you for letting me rant dear Tumblr diary.
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