#thats just how I see it! o3o
hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 months
We stand for the flag!!! (Unlabelled loutermilch)
Funny story is that our loutermilch was unlabeled by some time until he decided to label himself (very vaguely bc he's not strong about his labels) as bihet so we literally stand for unlabelled loutermilch
- apple vinaigrette/fritters
actually, I meant Alistair is the unlabeled one in my post! ^^;
but heck- I guess they can both be unlabeled!
I just meant that loutermilch is "canon gay" because:
a quite popular headcanon for outlast 2, is that Blake is a closeted homosexual? and people like to use demon loutermilch's comments as proof- (you know, those remarks about him being "confused" and the literal stab where he called him a "diseased c*cksucker")
which?? yes, I can get where they're coming from?? but I think using loutermilch's comments is a bit of a stretch?
I mean yeah, to en extend, the demon loutermilch is a physical representation of Blake's guilt and inner struggle, which could mean that those comments are just himself talking-
however- I think projecting these comments onto Blake ONLY is just thinking it through halfway!
I mean, look- loutermilch was making "you're confused" remarks, not only during the over-the-top school dreams, but also during the realistic encounter! (the one that seems like it's literally just a straight forward memory) which means those aren't just Blake's inner guilt speaking, those are actual comments loutermilch made towards kid Blake!
and heck, call me crazy- but I think loutermilch is projecting a little-
let's take this line:
"- where you can think about the taste of her kiss as you felt her neck break you diseased c*cksucker!"
excuse me sir, but Blake was NOWHERE near enough to hear Jessica's neck do anything! during the scene where blake "witnessed jess' death" he didn't actually witness jack sh*t! but you know who was close enough? loutermilch himself! and even if he means the point where her already dead body was being hung and her neck broke (even more) THEN- well, loutermilch is the only one strong enough to lift her, so he would be the only one capable of hearing the neck mangle!)
and the "taste of her kiss" thing? yeah- is it really that much of a stretch to assume that the line that begins with projection also ends with projection?
that's honestly what most, if not all, of loutermilch's insults and jabs towards blake amount to! projection!
Blake may be a closeted homosexual, but so is Loutermilch! and the only reason why nobody entertains that possibility, is because nobody wants to think about this character further than his actions! (which is just?? ASDFGHJKL-)
tl;dr : loutermilch is a closeted homosexual, most likely raised with discriminatory believes and is projecting his own hatred over those feelings onto a literal child who he's also framing for a murder he himself committed- SOMEBODY GIVE THIS MAN A THERAPIST
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twost3ps · 4 months
I have not been doing so hot. I keep on saying that but burnout is actually crazy double comboed with artblock. But after some tears of frustration I wanted to show my swap au so yeyey
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Short synopsis:
Lilith, Lucifur, Charlie 🔄 Adam, Micheal, Emily
Micheal and Adam fall after taking the forbidden fruit (it is a pear!) Rule over hell together and then have 7 children- Cain, Abel, Seth, Alclima, Awan and Emily. Hell does its own exterminations every year. Micheal and Adam lead along side with their children who participate as well. Up above Charlie watches in dispair. Her father has told her about the horrors of hell and its deranged rulers. She's the angel of Mercy (maybe I might change that) and wants the sinners of hell to have a second chance. So she goes down to hell without asking and tries to find a way to help save some of the sinners from suffering. In that time she makes friends with Hell's royal family starting with Emily and then comes to realize that heaven is a little (a lot) more corrupted than she thought
So here are some of their busts. I drew emily young bcz this was initially going to be a family portrait but I got lazy but for the au she's her canon age her horns are covered by her hair o3o
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So heres a long but not full backstory and info of the au if ur interested under the cut:
Idk why yet why Micheal tempted Adam with the pear but it happened. Because of their betrayal, Adam and Micheal get sent down. But while Lilith is stripped of her fertility, Adam has his humanity stripped. When Micheal recovers, he's greeted with his lover in the form of a wild beast, body stretched, covered in feathers. The only human-ish thing is Adam's face which is essentially looks like a porcelain mask of his face with his eyes closed in a permeant smile unless he opens it and then the mask splits in two.
It takes days for Micheal to calm down the animalistic Adam. It just seems like everything about him is gone. Micheal still loves him, though, so he stays. Adam thrashes around, he screams, and he yells. The abyss is nothing but rubble as Adam digs wildly while screaming. Adam is too hostile for Micheal to comfort so he deals with just watching from afar.
As years roll by as Micheal watches his lover, Adam begins to calm down. He's grown tired and his animalistic rage has subsided. Micheal is able to pet Adam and he can see how tured Adam is. They begin sleeping together again.
All seems hopeless that Adam will ever gain any semblance of his humanity. That is until the first sinner arrives.
Micheal had seen the sinner from afar. He was going to approach, but then he heard Adam. Adam barreled at the sinner and before Micheal knew it, Adam had eaten the sinner with a vile crunch.
Micheal rushed to Adam to see the damage. Then Adam moved and turned. It was then that Adam had spoken properly since the fall. He asked Micheal what happened but Micheal could only stare and cry. They were able to talk for a while and they savored every bit of it.
That joy only lasted for a few hours before Adam became animalistic again.
From then on, Micheal made it his mission to gather as many sinners and feed them to Adam.
Initially it hurt. It hurt a lot. And after doing it for so long, Micheal knew that the sinners would never reform. But that harsh reality paled in comparison to Adam finally having his concise again. Being able to finally talk to his lover and husband was more than enough reason for him.
So time flies and hell is getting bigger and stronger. The population of sinners is also getting bigger. There becomes less spawn killing of sinners but they are kinda checked over like livestock to the royal family.
Hell in this universe is more fairy tale based to differ from whats supposed be a circus theme??? that i get from hazbin. Thats what people say so I'm making my hell the brothers grim x into the woods x shrek.
I want the royal family in fairy tale clothes okay >:(
Hell is essentially far far away land except everything is out to get you. The place is straight up inhabitable as everyone who spawns in ends up having to run away immediately. It's so hard not to die or get hurt. The terrane is unforgiving, the trees are out to get you, the flowers are out to get you, the animals are out to get you, the weather is out to get you, the water thats not whatever is out to get you. Any wrong slip and you can just die again. Sinners are a lot more prone to betrayal and rage because living is just so hard.
There is no pentagram city, its like, a couple of very small town that are ruled by overolords. Overlords are people who just got lucky or got into a contract with one of the royal children. They use their power to stay alive and have some semblance of stability but they are given power to they raise other sinners like cattle through contracts if needed.
These overlords though are pretty... yeah... so they kinda become like those fairy tale villains.
So for funzies, all those fairy tales that people hear on earth are true stories that come from hell that had been told by demons who escape to the mortal realm and whisper them in writers ears as they sleep or some bs like that sdfoeufb
But as stated, exterminations do happen. Like cattle, it is important to save up the stock. You cant consume everything as they come, cattle needs its time to grow. So every year, they let the population grow and on extermination day, Micheal and Adam ride out into hell as they purge a bunch of sinners till Adam eats enough to revert back to human form till the next ectermination.
It's only them that exterminate and collect till their children grow up and join them in the exterminations- fueled by their want to keep Adam humanly conscious. They collect the bodies and then Adam feeds on them after hours to gain his humanity back
Micheal and Adam have their children- Cain, Abel, Seth, Alclima, Awan and Emily
Cain, Seth, Alclima, and Awan become the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse (i went with the good omens version with death, famine, war and pestilence- conquest is not one -yet- )
Cain (death) in very short is like Death in puss and boots with a lot less chill. He does have Death's sickles (I wanted to make them Abel's horns so thats a maybe) He's a mama's (adam) boy and a giant brat
Seth (Famine) Chillest of the siblings. He's a lot like Adam, just not as brash. He spreads famine through locusts that emerge from his cloak. They look like pretty jewels until they fly off. Food rots in his presence during exterminations. He hates when he accidentally activates it when hes eating (he loves snacking)
Alclima (War) She's very tough and brutish. Very honest in her opinions and not afraid to speak about it. Her and Cain play fight a lot. The exorcist army exists but they live as the royal family's castle's soldiers and they are commanded by Alclima. During exterminations, she is the one to lead them in battle. Her presence gives people the rage of war.
Awan (Pestilence) Very eerie girl/ Shes got that dead eye look sometimes and just stares at people. Shes actually very kind and soothing. She's very girly and has a room similar to stockings from paswg. Shes a stem girlie
Abel kind of overlooks them as the representation of chaos. (I wanted the death and chaos are the children of the devil thing to happen so this it) The first attempted murder does happen between Abel and Cain, but since they're in hell magic sooo hahah blam Cain allows his body to merge with Abel out of regret and so Abel kind lives in his conscience but can also switch control over his brother (idk im so done)
Emily is supposed to become a fifth horseman as the representation of conquest. But she young and stuff and only just became an adult so she still maneuvering through it- also sera's here too and she takes the place of Alastor and is a royal advisor to the family sufoauebfoebos
They are all part lion coming from Micheal but their horns are from Adam
Their children are very mixed about exterminations, but Emily has the most issues with it. The family in general feels bad, but family over the people. Emily is just way more emotional about it, especially since she is yet to participate.
Exterminations are very mixed in hell with the citizens because while some have the will to live, some want to truly end their suffering. Many willingly sacrifice themselves and go under contracts with overlords. With overlords, they get to live comfortably as they possibly can but they still hate hell so when exterminations roll around they willingly die.
This is a lot but its not everything. Actually this is all very vauge rn but idk if I want to work on this :p
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Also a bit of the beast adam deisgn. I want to add some more stuff. do some tweaking but AUAGSDD yuppers i will change some stuff about him later (i forgot his horns)
i dont think i'll do much with this au after this -maybe draw it but i won't write- but it was a fun thought
I'll try to post tomorrow some guitarhero stuff but im so dead IAFBISUEBFGI
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moonstonexgallery · 18 days
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Some reworks on my designs for Blue Reef Cookie and Staghorn Coral Cookie 🦪🦈⚓
Inspired by @cosmicwhoreo's designs for the Salty Sharks ^^
And some changes on their designs
Blue Reef Cookie's changes
I gave him a ponytail (idk i wanted to, got inspired by a doodle made by @wisteriaaa)
Gave him an anchor pendent
Decided to give him fins
And yes, he is Black Pearl Cookie's distant cousin
Staghorn Coral Cookie's changes
I gave them a fur jacket
decided to go for a tanktop
they have a Salty Shark pin
idk i wanted to give them a necklace too XD
Now let me show you some lore here o3o
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Blue Reef Cookie was a merman once, until Sea Witch Cookie gave him a potion to give him the power to breath on land, and gain some legs, and he experiences the whole land part of Earthbread.
Blue Reef Cookie used to be apart of a different pirate crew in House Barnacle, where he was with a captain named Captain Fishhook Cookie, and he, and his crew is most wanted for many robbery crimes, and Blue Reef Cookie didn't want to commit these robberies, but did them anyway thanks to one of the main rules "Never decline", one day was that he was at the Vanilla Kingdom, and while they were stealing from many markets, Blue Reef Cookie met Strawberry Tart Cookie, and they became friends, that was until some security Wafflebots came to confront the crew, as well as Blue Reef Cookie, who was frustrated, and sad, because he couldn't get to talk to the princess a little more.
One night, he snuck out of House Barnacle, just to see Strawberry Tart Cookie, the talk went well, until Captain Fishhook Cookie came in a ruined the talk by taking him back to House Barnacle, just to scold him, and threaten him later on, after that, thats where Blue Reef Cookie became increasingly quiet...
Before they set sail, Blue Reef Cookie fell into the Duskgloom's waters, causing his whole appearance to change, with a smile, he swam back up, and got back out of the ship with a smile, attacking Captain Fishhook Cookie's crew, as he eliminated each and every one brutally, he got close to the captain with one thing to say...
"You have no idea what you got me into.. Captain.."
After the whole ordeal, he left House Barnacle behind, and decided to head to House Caviar, to be as the Sailor of the Salty Sharks, and an honored first mate of Captain Caviar Cookie.
When they got to the Duskgloom Sea that night, Black Pearl Cookie makes her next encounter with a random ship, after she got rid of those hollow whales, she recognize the sailor she saw in the Duskgloom waters before joining the Salty Sharks, her only thought was..
"My cousin..?"
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Staghorn Coral Cookie was a rebellious teen in an unspecified neighborhood, they would use sharp weapons to throw at wooden planks like a sport, which one of the neighbors were worried about, due to them getting hurt, but since Staghorn Coral Cookie was very much capable of taking care of themselves after getting slight cuts on them, and careful with knives, whether it be for sporting, or cooking, they know how to not aim it at people, they did have good skills after all.
That one night, they were cutting up some fruits for their cake, they heard a noise from the other room, and they went to investigate, they saw a robber in their house that just broke in, and they would NEVER go down without a fight, so they used their knife to fight off the robber, it took a few couple of wounds to stop the robber, until they finally got him on the ground, the robber then took the knife, and left a fresh cut on Staghorn Coral Cookie's eye, and threw it at the wall, then left.
After the incident that happened last night, Staghorn Coral Cookie woke up in their neighbor's house, who was named Lace Coral Cookie, and she patched them up, which they were grateful, then after that, they heard the news that the robber was rightfully arrested for trespassing, and attempted assault, and Lace Coral Cookie would let Staghorn Coral Cookie stay at her house for a while.
One month later...
Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made it to the Crème Republic, and they made a few friends, and meet Consul Clotted Cream Cookie as well, and lastly, Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made their way to House Caviar, to meet the almighty Captain Caviar Cookie, where they told them about the incident that happened in the neighborhood they used to live in, and how they fought back, Captain Caviar Cookie felt bad, but also proud of Staghorn Coral Cookie's bravery, so he promoted, not just them, but also Lace Coral Cookie to be apart of the Salty Sharks.
Iiiiii think thats all the lore i can YEET here XD
Anyways, hope ya like it ^^
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rkdhsdl · 1 year
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word count: 592 gender neutral reader character(s): cassandra vole, daniel page, ivy warrington, lottie turner TW/CW: none writer's notes: dances around in circles like a maniac, anyway this is my 5th fic of today(my time) what is going on, anyway toodaloo enjoy i love yall (/o3o)/
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background information: you try surprising your s/o by hiding near their dorm doors, keyword, try.
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cassandra vole
she’s slightly startled at first.
first of all, she’s probably wondering why in the world you’re in her dorm room, waiting for her just so you could surprise her.
if you ask if she got surprised, she’ll haughtily say no, but if you continue asking(pestering) her, or become downcast, she’ll reluctantly say yes, because thats the partial truth.
she thinks to get you back but doing the same thing isn’t her style; and tries to come back at you with the help of the frey twins.
they failed
but the try was nice; you might want to teach her how to really startle someone, but don’t go too far or she might start to use it to her full power, or so she says.
she still says to be cautious of her roommates when when you come up with the idea to go into her dorm again.
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daniel page
daniel refuses to say that he was startled in the slightest bit, he’s in denial.
there are hints that he did get surprised, but if you aren’t really observant, it’s difficult to tell.
his stubbornness continues even when you try everything you can to get the truth out from him; he will not budge.
he did get surprised a little; but he thinks it was adorable, and he can never admit that out loud.
he thinks that he should come back at you by using a potion, such as transforming into you, or a hair raising spell– he will someday, but not now.
daniel will never say his plans about surprising you back. he wants it to have the same effect, but what can he say? your glee is contagious, maybe he’ll do the same to you, hiding near the door and surprising you once you come in.
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ivy warrington
ivy visibly jumps, you can tell by how her violet eyes shake slightly.
puts a hand on her chest and proceeds to breathe in and out.
bless her soul, and you come to her aid, patting her back. she’ll be fine, but your sudden appearance with a sharp shout did bring you the reaction you wanted, but now you can’t help but feel bad.
ivy doesn’t plan to come back at you(either that she forgot, or just doesn’t want to)
but if you do plan to ask her about different methods to surprise others, she puts in a lot of insight and ideas, brainstorming so you have many methods to choose from.
also evaluates some methods and provides you with the best one at times.
is she worried that you might use this method on her in the future? slightly, but you did promise her that you wouldn’t do it again… right?
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lottie turner
lottie is focused on her sketchbook to really notice you popping from the door’s side.
until she does a split second later and decides that you and your antics became a new muse for her– you originally were, but you surprising her inspired her to draw you surprising people.
you are slightly disappointed that your attempt didn’t work, but seeing lottie happily sketching in her book, you can’t help but smile as you sit next to her, watching pencil strokes from a figure of you.
maybe your plan of surprising lottie failed, but maybe it wasn’t too bad; you did earn a happy lottie sketching on her sketchbook, humming songs.
mission failed successfully
overall, you do plan to surprise her again, but it might be difficult because mostly everything she sees– especially you– brings her motivation and inspiration to start a new sketch.
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ghostmaldo · 8 months
✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧♡*.✧ Special day ✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧♡*.✧
With Bungou men x GN!Reader
Rather your reading this on Valentine’s Day or any day you need a pick me up. Here is something for you. Just some general headcannons on what I think the Bungou characters would do do make a day special for their S/O
Characters might be a little OOC to make the HC fluffier.
No warnings, pure fluff. Established relationships with S/O
Ask box 💙: Open
No music this time… I was listening to muuuurdeeer this time around ^^’
⤜♡→Dazai ⤜♡→
~Most definitely annoying you right at the ass crack of dawn with warm/cold beverage and slightly burned of whatever S/O favorite food is. Though will deny any involvement of the holiday or if S/O insists his trying to make a day seem special. “I’m just trying to spoil my favorite person!” Yay okay Dazai, whateeeever you say. But hey, he tried at the very least. All morning his dropping the cheesiest and romantic poems out of the book. They probably make S/O laugh more then anything but its still a thoughtful gesture.
~The cheese factor doesn’t decrease at the ADA (much to Kunikida’s dismay). Expect to be peeked along the lips and cheeks a lot more then any other day of the week.
~I can honestly see him making crafts at his desk instead of doing paper work. Makes a little heart cut out for all of his co workers O3O. Still in denial >.>
~After work, it’s straight to S/O favorite restaurant for dinner. What? His being spontaneous! It’s been a long week, time to unwind S/O! He gueeeessses he’ll get the bill this time, but dont get use to it!
~Overall its a mostly nice and peaceful evening. Dazai and S/O are having a lovely chat about the day. They may catch a loving glance every once in awhile in Dazai’s eyes. It’s enough to make him smirk and make his S/O melt in his seat.
~Wrapping up the evening is a nice bubble bath and following is a movie night wrapped up in each other and their favorite blankets.
⤜♡→ Ranpo ⤜♡→
~Forget the ADA, him and S/O are going to all the sweets shops in town!
~Indulge with him a little in feeding each others different types of cakes and candy. Will swipe his thumb under S/O lips to remove any whip cream before putting it in his own mouth to taste.
~Que the blush
~While some how getting lost in the city. Ranpo finds a spot to get milkshakes and Boba
Does the ADA offer Dental insurance?
~ While S/O is distracted by yummy drinks, this is the time he’ll give them the most vibrant flowers they’ve ever seen. “Where were you keeping those?” “Ssshhhh, just take them!” He asked Poe to keep them fresh for him
~After dropping off the flowers in some water at home. Ranpo has one more place to drag you off to! With a few missed turns and detours of course ^^’.
~S/O might be a little surprised when he leads them to the beach, where a blanket is laid out in the sand (Though its a little blown away, nothing a quick tug at the corners won’t fix.) Regardless, as long as his S/O his happy, it was well worth it in the end. They sit listening to the crashing waves, huddle close to each other. Laughing and snacking on candy as if nothing else matter in the world.
~Sneaks a loving kiss mid sentence to seal the deal.
~”Now what were you saying darling?”
⤜♡→ Kunikida ⤜♡→
~Shows up on S/O doorstep with either their favorite flowers and or chocolate, accompanied by a small but flattering piece of jewelry. He can’t help the blush on his cheeks when his S/O hugs him in appreciation. Also expect a long sweet kiss before arriving at the ADA for the day. Once he walks through those doors its strictly buisness. But thats okay. S/O understands.
~Thhhouuugh if you show off his little gift to the other ADA members he will become flustered, while also swelling with some pride on the inside.
Dazai: Wow Kunikida, so you do have some taste~
~After the work day is finished. Kunikida hands S/O a bag with a simple but elegant outfit for them to change into. Surprise! He has dinner reservations at S/O favorite restaurant. His also wearing something pleasing to look at ^^
~Pleasent evening with shared conversations, loving glances, and a relaxed Kunikida. A sight to see, but one that is enjoyed.
~ Okay but like… imagine sharing a little slow dance right outside his shared appartment with S/O before finally retiring for the night. I’d pass away from melting
⤜♡→ Fukuzawa ⤜♡→
~Seeing his relaxed sleepy face first thing in the morning is a gift itself. As soon as he senses S/O rustling around, his wrapping his arms around S/O and pulling them close. Peppering kisses along their jaw and whispering sweet affections in their ear.
~Today’s a day he decided to arrive late into the ADA. He takes his time having breakfast with S/O and presents them with a small gift, something S/O has had there eye on for some time.
~Orders their favorite food for lunch and they share it together in his office with the door closed off to the other ADA members.
~Brushes the hair away from their neck to place a tender kiss between their shoulders. Enough to make their S/O shiver and it brings a smile to his face before having to return to his work.
~After working hours, Fukuzawa wants to have an evening in. Preparing a home cooked meal along side his S/O and putting on their favorite show/movie.
~Carries S/O to bed if they fall asleep on him during the moving. Lovingly tucks them in and joins them. Once again whispering how grateful he is to have someone so wonderful.
⤜♡→Chuuya ⤜♡→
~Hear me out, yes the man has money to spoil his S/O with. Buuuut what about going to a drive in movie theater with him? Double feature, popcorn, drinks, and whatever snacks their lover wants.
~During the movie trailers he surprised you with an extravagant piece of jewelry of S/O taste. Def helps S/O clasps it in its proper place.
~Followed by lots of loving kiss and sweet affection *Swoons*
~Probably rents out a car for this occasion so he can have some privacy with cuddle his S/O in the back. If S/O gets cold he offers them his jacket that is covered in his natural scent and cologne *Double swoon*
~After the movie ends at nearly 1am, I can see him offering to take S/O out to eat at whatever place may be open so late. Imagine getting the food to go but eating it in the parking lot of said restaurant. Casually conversing about the movie.
~By the time him and S/O are dragging their feet through the door, it is most defiantly time for bed. Maybe a quick shower and a change into comfortable pjs. Cuddling close to each other basking in each others shampoo scent until Chuuya once again finds you in his dreams.
⤜♡→Akutagawa ⤜♡→
~This one will be the toughest out of everyone. He isn’t exactly well versed in making something special for anyone. But Prehaps with some help from Gin, he does attempt. Key word. Attempt.
~For Aktugawa, I think it would be really sweet if his S/O were to help guide him in his endeavors. Struggling to make breakfast? Let’s do it together! No clue on jewelry? Open the conversation. He’ll be attentive to S/O answers. His not really a people person? The park is a nice open space, or Prehaps a night in with movies, or something of a similar manner.
~Fooorehead kisses, please don’t bring it up. He really is trying his best. If S/O kisses his back, he is a meeesssss.
~Couch nap? Couch nap. S/O laying their head on his chest while he gently runs his fingers through their hair while they drift off for a afternoon nap. Yes.
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darkicedragon · 10 months
darkicedragon lilm being asked abt what his parents do and m just like 'papas a mad scientist and dad disappears for days, so i dont know what he does...' o3o 'i see' 'i think dad takes photos?' 'thats what hes paid for?' 'no' azure all the crazy rumours start spreading XD that Muzaka's a hitman or part of the mafia "No, Mr. Frankenstein is part of the mafia. Did you see how he's dressing?" darkicedragon m comes in the next day and goes 'i asked papa. he says he works in an office and does lots of "meetings" w ppl for work.' 'oh, that makes more sense' ^-^ 'hes a mad scientist at home tho' ouo;;; azure 'dad sometimes howls at the moon' darkicedragon 'exactly! ms dad would be a hitman bc he doesnt look like one!' azure 'dad also fights people. papa isn't always happy about it because he comes home very messy' darkicedragon 'and late for dinner' ._. (definitely a hitman. look at those scars too!!)
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moonstone27ls · 1 year
Unicorn Warriors Eternal ep 7
Sooooo... whomever theorizied early on that Edred ranaway/was engaged and left for Melinda well you (whomever you are I can’t remember the profile8B) you got that right on the dot.
Thoughts on the ep... I suppose again considering her background explains why Edred was always important to her. We may not know everything on their romance but its clear in that scene there’s strong feelings there
Uh... bit surprised the elves went/or stayed into war that long. I can get being upset about the crystal... but didn’t it occur to any of them just to seek him out? Couldn’t they see that, Edred had to help stop the evil? (or was that first death/or whatever like “Oh we can’t do it”).  
Also a bit surprised it naturally requires the first born son. oO I’m still wondering why the brother couldn’t just offer himself to begin with. Also... since he’s sorta taking his brother’s identity does that mean Aelwulf is gonna marry that guy’s daughter? (Edred’s original intended)...
Also... why is Edred’s the only one with his original body? Is it because he’s actual magic? (You know supernatural being, in all)... Do Melinda and Seng have bodies in sleep as well?
Soooo Merlin’s back into the mix. Sooo since Copernicus needed that crystal to be fixed...what was the point of the unicorn? I’ll be honest I thought the Unicorn was what powered him. I mean I guess it would explain how Melinda/Edred met, I guess? Merlin went to a future? or something and Unicorn(s) told him to use that crystal for a power up? Maybe I dunno, I’m tired o3o.
In addition to the identities being switched... whats that mean for Edred? I feel like its suppose to mean more. I would say he’ll die.. but technically aren’t other two already dead?o3o 
Uhhh... anything else. Again do love that storywise, Emma’s proving Edred wrong. Whether Melinda wants to listen, she is helping her. I like how she stood up for her against Merlin in regards to how she was treated/felt. Thoughhh you can tell there’s been difference in families. Emma (obviously from a loving home) is “you can hug her oO?”. Merlin’s genuinely awkward , again whether its the seriousness or just their family. Merlin doesn’t seem to be the affectionate parent.
And Melinda/Edred wise, I do love how she got all blushy at getting a certain memory back. And it was cute how Edred got hopeful when he thought Melinda was concerned for him. 
Deer scene was cute (I mean up until the other elves killed the poor thing), whether thats Emma/or both it was interesting to see a vulnerable side to Melinda.
Then the evil... anyone shock by that revelation? Me, nope. Felt it was too early and Merlin pretty much stated what we all thought. They should have went back to sleep. Sooo gonna assume the fox lady/kitsune was either distraction or again she wasn’t “the evil” just a mere agent.
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transfemlogan · 1 year
yo do any of your sides have typing quirks 👀 wentz strikes me as someone who’d use leet speak (wentz is your creativity’s name right? sorry, trying to memorize all of them and struggling jajdjdjf) - @girlboypatton
Well i actually used 2 have a typing quirk (& still do), so when I used 2 type silly & strange, all my sides did 2
i typed liek diz !!11!!! Or svmtiemzz iid dovble mqii lttrzz & qdd rqndom qz evrywherezz
(I typed like this! Or sometimes id double my letters and add random qs everywhere)
My typing quirk has adapted in2 something more accessible 2 screenreaders, ppl w/ dyslexia, & other disabled ppl.
ANYWAY. Wentz (creativity) 100% uses a typing quirk occassionally and, quite literally, speaks little emoticons like xD and :3 (how does nya do that? Thats 4 woof 2 know & u 2 find out). It is a running joke in my Swapped AU, that cos uses random faces & c!Thomas is Terrified.
There is a very specific way scene kids typed back in the early 2000s & it was not leet speak (leet speak originated 4 hackers & evolved more 4 gamers, if i rmbr correctly), so Wentz doesn't use leet speak.
Wentzz typez liek DIZ x3 o3o probzz liek da way da author of mai immortal typd thru out da seriezz. Phull of miszpellz & bd grmmr & tking out rando lttrz cuz it waz KEWL xD (@ da tiem!) -_-;;
(Wentz types like this x3 o3o probs like the way the author of my immortal typed through out the series. Full of mispells and bad grammar and taking out rando letters because it was cool xD (at the time!) -_-;)
Memphis (egotism) doesn't necessarily use a typing quirk, in the way that word means now, but she does shorten every single word if she can (& even when she cant). Uses every abbreviation & acronym under the sun. He has things 2 do!!! Like.... continue 2 text & b on his phone.
Both him & wentz r probably the 2 ppl u do NOT want 2 text w/.
Memphis wll shrtn vrythng 2 spnd less time typng. probs uses LOL & OMG & TTYL in daily cnvrs. & hates making his wrds easier 2 read
(Memphis will shorten everything to spend less time typing. Probs uses LOL & OMG & TTYL in daily conversation. & hates making his words easier to read)
On the other hand, Wentz will gladly drop his scene speak 2 make his text accessible.
Maven doesn't like 2 text or call... or talk, or be around people, but when they do text they don't use a typing quirk, they're just always tired & it affects their writing. A million misspells and missing letters and— how did you even sleepily misclick so badly you ended up in the emojis??
& then everyone else is somewhat normal. They either type w/ 2 much punctuation (see: Melvin Compassion) or refuse to even respond 2 ur text message (see: Mercury Paranoia) or responds 2 all of ur msgs w/ some form of vulgarity & middle finger emojis (see: Maddox Impulse)
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glassesblu · 2 years
haxorus and chandalure if you dont mind? :>
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask! My pleasure to answer
[haxorus] do you think they hide their relationship? if so, does it bother either of them?
I change day to day cause I like different scenarios THOUGH I have to say i’m a fan of secrets and guilt and some angst here and there haha. Let me ramble unstructuredly and let is see where it takes us.
I do think the long term subway employees kinda know or just feel that its true? And they don’t really care - the bosses are good people, fair enough bosses, pretty enthusiastic and hardworking, but mostly take on extra stuff themselves (probably cause they want to?) but that usually leads to the other employees wanting to even out the work load and things get done pretty efficiently in the end. I don’t think the lads ever let the employees know explicitly - they’re pretty crisp and professional after all. But maybe they feel like the employees don’t know when they do lol.
Their friends kinda know too I guess, but yknow I don’t know much about how it feels to want to be lovey dovey in public :think_emoji: I do think they’re not touchy at all with other people, but kinda naturally touchy with each other in incredibly casual ways? And that it’s sort of like a life long thing they’ve developed even in the start with their brotherly relationship. Though I do think they are aware of some ways other people view touch. Sometimes they don’t think about it though.
I think in OG age difference AU, Yemmet is more obviously into Oingo, I mean in the sense like INGO is BACK and I will LOOK at him and you cant stop me!!! and Old Ingo is just, Oh? heheh :) THOUGH He does like propriety and professionalism in the subway, EMMET Please Behave! I don’t think in this AU they’re that secretive if they had a bit of a lovey relationship pre-disappearance. This will get way too long if I try and live-think about confession post-PLA so let’s move on for now o3o
I think in reverse!agesAU, they aren’t keeping it a secret neither I think - but they’re pretty private about it. They’re both worried they’re not right for the other, and like take a lot of steps getting closer in their own home. I think when they are more confident at accepting love from each other, they might go on low key private dates, or far away trips so they can enjoy each other’s company doing new things.
[chandelure] which one do you think most likely initiated their relationship? how?
Im also a bit loosey goosey with headcanons here :P So let me livethink and ramble.
I do enjoy the idea that it just feels so natural to them that for a bit they didn’t even think about the progression? They have always liked to snuggle, they always do everything together, and their twinliness as youths made them look pretty cute and endearing to most people. I mostly think about them as 30+ year old men haha so my ideas about them as teens are limited, but thats always such a transitional stage yeah?
Ingo feeling guilty or worried about scorn hurting his brother... I love it. Make him feel guilty!!!  (check out ‘in a gray area’ by anon OAO!) Ahaha if we go with that version of Ingo, I like thinking that they already kind of in the ‘vague zone’ of a relationship, and he maybe tries to put some distance between them. Which in turn upsets Emmet, and that upsets Ingo, then they just get pulled back stronger into their twin star orbits.
I think in reverse!agesAU, Ingo is actually the one to initiate some of their stuff. Mostly in talking though and actively spending time with Emmet (who’s like, oh yeah I forgot how to do that). Though I do subscribe to what @belltrigger said in collar where they haven’t been physically close for a bit after Ingo gets back (in any sense of that, and Emmet initiates in that fic).
I could live think more but it will get long! Cause im indecisive and enjoy exploring different versions!
Ta, thank you for reading
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erbis-artist · 3 years
Ofc many of u will hate me for this but oh well. I create what I like and I ship Kruelee really hard and before hating on me read this description.
Many of u will whine rn "BUT THE AGE GAP IS SOOO BIG ALBERT IS 30 AND TAYLOR IS 19!!!". 1st of all how do we know at what year occured the situation in TWDAK? It could occure earlier than the situation in VTSOM. For example in VTSOM its year 2084 when Vin Vic and Alb are 30, and TWDAK could occure in year 2079 for example when Albert was 25. Why do I think so? Well lets start about Vincent, in the minigame he states "sometimes u die in 25 and arent burried till 60" which means he could have died in age of 25 and turned into a cyborg. We dont know when Albert phoned him thought, when he was still alive or dead already. But so as Vin is a famous Lawyer - surely about his death would scream news, and I dont think Albert would call his dead enemy. So it might be that TWDAK occured earlier than VTSOM and the age gap between Taylor and Albert isnt 10+ years but 6 or on 1 year less even. + I tried skipping to scene when Taylor woke in front of their PC to see the year in corner, but it was blurred.
But even if my logic isnt right - many ppl date with such age gaps and they are totally ok, and for someone who will tell me "but its illegal for therapist to date their patient" its wrong. It aint illegal if the treatment is ended and from that treatment passed 6 months. So basically yeah, I got the right to ship it and if u will hate on my oh well, thats your deal. I got the right to create what I like.
But about the drawing: the 2 just had their 1st son, and Albert is just way too happy and might flood over the floor, poor guy cant believe he is a dad now. While Taylor, well they are tired of shit, but also happy o3o.
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surveystodestressme · 3 years
o1. With which one of your friends do you spend the most time? With which friend do you spend the least amount of time? Would you like to change this in any way?Before i moved i spent the most time with Claire or my mother tbh.  I definitely spent the least amount fo time with Mariann but she is still one of my best friends regardless of the amount of time we spend together.  I would’ve loved to spend more time with all of my friends.  Now i only spend time with my boyfriend because we moved across the country and we haven’t really made friends yet.
o2. What four states in the USA would you most like to visit? Which four countries would you most like to visit? States: Tennessee, South Dakota, Florida, Pennsylvania. Countries: Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, and Madagascar (idk if that one is a country or not tbh)
o3. If you have one, how often do you watch your favorite television show? How long has this show been your favorite? I don’t really have one right now.  I used to love Cops and i own all episodes of it so occ. i’ll put it on and watch it.  George Lopez is also a favorite of mine that i watch randomly.
o4. Would it bother you if your boyfriend hugged other females (think hypothetically if you don’t have one)? Why or why not? I mean yes and no.  I’m just a jealous mess lol.  I trust him so much so I would be comfortable knowing it is nothing more than a friendly hug but I can’t say I’d be stoked about it
o5. If you had snow-days as a kid, how did you spend them? Do you like the snow, in general? Probably playing video games or watching tv/movies.  i never really went outside when there were snow days because fuck snow lol it was too cold for that shit.  i don’t mind a bit of snow but for snow days it was usually over a foot of snow and that much snow just sucks
o6. Do you know anyone who does hard drugs? Would you ever befriend someone that did? Not that i know of.  I mean, i don’t actively seek friends with addictions but I wouldn’t necessarily say no to being friends with someone who had one.  I would try my best to get them the help they need
o7. When was the last time that you were afraid for your life? Did this incident change you in any way? I don’t know to be honest. 
o8. Do you enjoy taking pictures? Is it just for fun, or do you make an attempt at actual photography? I do like taking pictures.  I wanted to do photography when i was in high school.  I just do it for fun now i don’t actively try to do it for the actual photography
o9. Have you ever had low self-esteem? How is your self-esteem now? I have totally had low self esteem for most of my life actually.  I am much better.  I am not 100% by any means, there are still aspects of myself that i would like to work on but i definitely like myself a lot more and feel more comfortable with myself.
o1o. When you see someone sickly-thin, what is your first thought? I would probably think that they had an eating disorder because i have been there
o11. Do hospitals make you nervous? Why or why not? Do you have any bad hospital experiences? hospitals do make me nervous but i have not had a traumatic experience at one or anything i just dont like the thought of being in such bad shape that other have to take care of me idk
o12. What did you dress up as the last time you went Trick-or-Treating? Who went with you? no i did not. i have not dressed up for halloween in a while
o13. What is one thing you miss most from your childhood? What do you miss the least? i miss life being so carefree, being able to do just about anything i wanted.  not having responsibility at all and just hanging out with friends
o14. What would be the biggest challenge involved in raising a child at your age? raising a child in general, lol.  i could never do it.  cudos to all the people that have raised children
o15. If you happened to get pregnant before you were ready for children, how would you cope? Do you think your parents would support you and help you out? i would never have a child.  take that for what it is.  i would never tell my parents if i got pregnant because they would not agree with me terminating the pregnancy
o16. Have you ever had unprotected sex? What would you tell a young teen thinking about having unprotected sex? yes.  i would tell them to be safe.  i would tell them to try it with protection first.  i got on birth control before i ever lost my virginity and it as probably saved me from getting pregnant lol
o17. What are some gender double-standards anger you? all of them tbh
o18. Other than the usual qualities (honesty, respect, etc), what are some attributes you want your BF/GF to possess? I really need patience because i am a lot to deal with and i have a lot of issues.  i need someone who can make me laugh because i have a lot of down days.  i also really need someone understanding.
o19. Do you still talk to the first person you ever dated? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? I do not. i have no talked to him in years.  I would not mind talking to him.  he usually only ever messages me when he’s missing me and wants to talk about getting back together or hooking up or something lol. 
o2o. Five years ago, what was the most important thing in your life? How about the most important person? i don’t remember, probably jack lol.  we had been together for about a year by then.
21. How would you describe your sexuality? Have you ever wondered whether or not you might be homo/bisexual? i think i am pansexual.  i don’t really understand sexuality very much tbh.  i just know that i do not base my love for people on their gender.  i would date anyone whether they were cis, trans, non binary, gender fluid, etc. 
o22. Do you think that homosexual couples should be able to raise or adopt children? Why or why not? I think they should be able to do whatever they want
o23. Think of your worst fear. What would you do if you were confronted with it right now? probably have a panic attack
o24. If you were to become a vegetarian, what meat-product would you miss the most? Have you ever been or wanted to be a vegetarian? i would miss steak thats for sure.  i have been a vegetarian before and it was really hard.  i am not sure if i would be able to do it again tbh
o25. Do you think that someone’s sexuality is something that they can control? No.
o26. What do you like most about your favorite animal? I love them, they are super cute and cuddly but mostly spicy
o27. What is your favorite way to eat your favorite food? How often do you eat your favorite food item? with my hands? lol idek what kind of question that is.  my favorite food is sushi and i eat it with chopsticks lol
o28. What is something you are craving? Will this craving be satisfied? i really want a pepsi but i am trying to be good and not drink as many sugary beverages.  it will not be satisfied anytime soon
o29. What is the largest number of texts you have sent in a day? Do you often text this much? a lot probably i used to text a lot of people when i was in high school just for shits.  i didn’t really want to talk to them i just wanted to talk to people.  i don’t really text that much anymore.
o3o. Do you like the holiday season? Why or why not? What could be better about it? i don’t mind the holiday season at all. i especially like halloween season.  christmas is ok.  i don’t like the stigma around christmas that i have to go broke to show people that i love them. 
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iceemoondemon · 4 years
Fizzarolli Headcanons
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♡Fizz is the type of person to make someone smile when they're either having a bad day or a stressful weekend
♡He is poetic and romantic around Sakuraya, and loves to write poems to her, and or sing to her
♡He loves musicals, A LOT
♡He is a holiday kind of jester, you might see him in different kind jester outfits that are deticated to his favorite holidays (Halloween, Valentines Day, Pride Month, ect.), and he would preform some songs that deticate them as well
♡He has a pet cat named Cheshire Stripes, and Cheshire can be a therapy cat sometimes
♤Fizzarolli rarely has nightmares about Sakuraya getting killed in brutal or grusome ways, and would cry or be scared when he wakes up
♤When he's upset, scared, or just sad, his eyes turn black, and the hearts on his outfit and head start to break
♤When he's pissed off, his eyes go red, and he'll be ready to MURDER someone who dares to hurt his friends or his lovely Sakuraya
♤When he was alive, his time was rough, he felt homeless and insane, and anxious
♤He would sometimes cry a whole night while hiding in his room
♤His tears are made of black oil, and the tears could at rare times ruin his make up
♤He would feel someones elses pain, and what they've been through, and he'll respond with "I know how you feel, and i know how much it hurts..."
Welp, thats all my headcanons for him ovo (Even tho i aint a huge fan of Helluva Boss) Whatcha think, my friends? O3O
(Also, these are headcanons in my AU)
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teirrart · 4 years
O3O hOi! Um I just wanted to say that I love your art! Question? Have you ever draw lamia sans' or Papyrus'? If yes can I see? O3O also have you drawn Nightmare Sans as a Lamia? I want to do it but I am having trouble. Any advice?
sdfghjk thank you!
ah ive never dabbled in the lamia stuff sorry lol theyre the snakes right? tbh if youre having trouble with their structure id look at other peoples art of them to see how they did it and watch videos of snakes movin around to get the weight and shapes relatively close
thats all the advice i got, especially since i’ve never drawn them lmao i hope that helps tho
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
I once again apologize because I'm pretty sure this is also a lot to ask X3 What would Cordie's future kiddos think of their cousins? :3 And only if you want, their other possible aunt and uncles? :D I of course mean Davey and Ula's spouses heheh
oh you are perfectly alright huehue~ uwu here we go~
@post-itpenny some more of yours are here as well~
Margaux: the one with much love but slight fear
Harper - This man makes her nervous. Hes beautiful but his expression scares me. Need to assess if he is actually safe to be around.
Penelope - This is mommas best friend! Clearly she can be trusted!
Amaranthus- mysterious lady is...mysterious. Is she..a witch? Getting witch vibes so shed be nervous around Amaranthus to start but....will learn to like her in time. uwu
Maggie - pretty lady reminds me of a cardinal.
Billy - Hes a pretty man. business business business is what comes to mind. This is the witches dad, is he a witch too. x3
Atlas - what? What! *Points at his head* does he wear those all the time! Can I wear kitty ears then? view him as this brave guy who goes around being himself no matter where he is.
Schrader - *Dreamy eyes as she stares at him* hes like a prince
Ally - Cute! is the first word that comes to mind.
Rory - will honestly be creeped out by Rory, just a feeling. Something aint right there. That smile makes her nervous.
Clara - a living doll, she is quite pretty. looks delicate like she could break like a porcelain doll, would worry since shes known to worry about such things.
Calliope -  oooh, shes pretty. She looks so nice, and Momma speaks highly of her for advice.
Cuckoo -  They are so kind looking. Will instantly trust Cuckoo upon meeting them.
Bingo - calm, yes perfect. uwu
Carney - a wild one, would be too shy to want to stick around Carney but if Ally was with him shed feel more comfortable. uwu shes just not a full of energy type of person
Orion and Hunter - due to the feeling both of them give her. Kind of creep her out a bit. Its the smile again.
Dante - This is a cool guy, I think my big brothers would like him a lot.
Robyn and Rayden - did these two together cause Margaux for a bit might  think theres only one of them for a bit till she finds them both together x3 she knows abut twins but itll be funny to see I thought x3 But she does like them they seem like fun people to her~
Ace - woah hes so big and strong looking.  I bet he can pick up everything. Maybe even a dinosaur, or a house.
Ferry - Is she a fairy? she might follow her around to see if she does magick. Will find out shes married to the strong man. Its a match made in heaven~
James - This is a nice man, she would love to spend time with James. Hes clearly so nice and shed adore him.
Magpie - that is a fun lady. colors, glowing and more.
Juno - She seems cool and Momma seems to like her. So she must be alright.
Vega - shes so wonderful, and kind. she bakes too. fast friends with this woman due to her sweet tooth.
Lyra - would be a bit nervous around Lyra but get over it soon enough. As Im sure Lyra would be welcoming to her.
Peregrine - nervous, might be scared of him.
Joseph -another nice man uwu this is the dad of the guy who wears antlers all day long.
Felix: The one with even more questions than before!
Harper - whys your face like that. Are you wearing makeup? Why are you wearing makeup? Are those feathers in your hair? Thats a bold fashion statement dont you think? Why do your eyes look like that?
Penelope - Miss Cordelia told me you guys used to be superheros. Are you still a superhero? Do you have super powers? Miss Cordelia said I shouldnt tell anyone else about it. Can I be a super hero too!?
Amaranthus - Are you a witch? do you eat kids? ooooh, I guess that is just fairytales. Are you one of those goth people then?
Maggie - Will notice the feathers on her and instantly are you an angel? Are you someones guardian angel? If he finds out she can see into the future ooh man prepare for lots of quesitons about it and of course Felix will start to worry and wonder if things will work out. He likes Cordelia and loves all of his new family he wont want to leave it anytime soon uwu so he might look to Maggie for some reassurance
Billy - will be transfixed by Billys eyes, with the two colors. Hes never seen it before so itll be interesting but Hes going to wonder if Billys a demon x3 and just flat out say it in front of people.
Atlas - Deerman! Do your antlers fall off like regular deer? Do you have hooves? No, awe that would have been so cool. I think it’d be cool to be part animal? Are you secretly part animal? like...*whispers* a deer superhero? *dreamy eyes* You are married to a very pretty lady.
Schrader - You are also married to a pretty lady~ uwu and he plays music! Will learn sign language so he can talk to Schrader better uwu
Ally - you are super cute! tells her this upon meeting her. just all :3
Rory - He doesnt understand why anyones nervous around this guy, they seem so nice. Look at that smile! :D so welcoming
Clara - a pretty lady who is more than meets the eye. He bets!  Plus she made these lovely toys for him and his sister so how bad could she possibly be?
Calliope - mixed feelings for Calliope. She seems really nice but his brother seems to think other wise.
Cuckoo - The Circus owner is a wonderful person and seeing that his brother would trust him right away He would as well uwu
Bingo - would love to catch her at roller derby competitions.
Carney - Wild one! Perfect for Felix, who has lots of energy. Cordelia wondering if Carney would like to babysit at least for Felix who wanted her to ask. x3
Orion and Hunter - wouldn’t have too much of an opinion on them yet
Dante - a cool guy who played in a band. are you still in the band? What do you play? how
Robyn and Rayden - would just like his sister get fooled as well to start x3 and then laugh upon realizing. Would think these two are cool as heck and man if one doesnt want to do something....the other could do it in their place. Have you two done that he wonders?
Ace - *flexs his little muscles* x3 Will want Ace to flex his muscles too. see if he can lift him, of course Ace can uwu but Felix just wants to be lifted~
Ferry - a nice lady who makes wonderful tarts and treats~<3 (- o.o-)
James - Miss Cordelia has talked about this nice man. And that he is a good family friend that the kids can go too uwu
Magpie -  Would love to go to her shows. This is a fun lady, look at her she is a master magician.
Juno - Lady of fire! mostly due to her fiery spirit. Will definitely want to hang out with her.
Vega - a very nice woman uwu mom of the deerman. Will ask if shes an animal person too. If he gets a good answer hell be excited x3
Lyra - not too much of an opinion yet
Peregrine - o3o why are you so grumpy looking? x3
Joseph -would seem nice enough uwu hes the dad of the deerman.
Damian: The one who pretends not to care
Harper - What the hell...why is he so...beautiful!
Penelope - She seems pretty nice. Clearly Cordelia’s bestie. can see why these two would get along so well.
Amaranthus - Digs the outfit.
Maggie - She seems nice
Billy - He can see getting along with this guy.
Atlas - Whats going on? Why are you wearing antlers? Whatever floats your boat. So your married to Cordelias big sister
Schrader -  Really cool guy, would love to hang out with Schrader.  Your also married to Cordelias big sister?
Ally - She seems very sweet and kind. And somewhat timid.
Rory - This dude here makes me....nervous not sure why they do.
Clara - She seems nice enough. Probably volunteers at homeless shelters which isn’t a bad thing no she just looks like she would.
Calliope - Now this woman here....is not...human. Theres just no way. Will he say this out loud? no.... x3
Cuckoo - Thinks Cuckoo is cool, they own a circus. Thats one of the coolest things to him.
Bingo - very serious are you and the tall guy...together? Thats not a bad thing no he just thinks they would fit together. Not that Damian is claiming to be a match maker no way x3 But hes going to find out about her roller durby and oof Shes going to be one of the coolest girls he knows!
Carney - Not too much of an opinion for him
Orion and Hunter - together they make him weary x3 but he does find them pretty neat. If they are
Dante - Definitely thinks Dante is a cool guy, he might get a reaction out of Damian thats eager and excited not annoyed. uwu
Robyn and Rayden - these guys are friends with Dante. And meeting them is going to be cool, imagine the pranks you can play as identical twins~
Ace - might be slightly intimidated by him but would pretend not to be x3
Ferry - She seems very sweet, and can see Ace and her dynamic really working out.
James - a genuinely nice person. He feels a connection to him for a reason.
Magpie - really colorful and fun. Can see why his sister would like her.
Juno - Hed definitely like her. Shes pretty cool, would enjoy hangning out with her.
Vega - same feeling as Lyra, more than meets the eye. He bets she is secretly a prankster.
Lyra - seems pretty cool, he has a feeliong about her that shes more than meets the eye.
Peregrine - I feel these two would just stare at each other or glare from across the room. x3
Joseph -Seems nice enough
I hope these are alright uwu
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: DokiDoki July 19
(I just realized I accidentally forgot to change the previous months month in the title. Again <_< hope nobody was too confused about that.)
It says I was only gone for about a week but it feels like it’s been at least two since I last wrote anything. It was not intentional at all- it just seemed like things kept getting in the way. But I’m out of my rut and my health is doing fine, so I really wanted to get back on track. Especially since I was almost caught up!
Before I begin this review however, I wanted to take a moment to talk about a present my friend got me for my birthday:
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My pictures don’t do them justice o3o the gold one is ACTUALLY golden, and the brown one has flecks of gold on it, and the split one is cotton candy!
These are macarons from the brand ma-ka-rohn, there was 14 of them in total. They have a constantly changing menu, and you can buy as many as you want according to my friend. They make regular flavors like vanilla and birthday cake, to unique ones like galaxy and various cereals! They’re also gluten free, and for order over $69.00 you get free shipping! They have a variety of holiday sets, a macaron club, various offers, and each individual macaron costs $1.99. A very fair price if you ask me.
The packaging on these was extremely heavy duty (layers of giant bubble wrap, plastic wrapping, plastic containers), so I’m not entirely sure why the rose one was smashed, but it was still in one piece and edible.
I’m not sponsored or affiliated with them, but you can bet I’d recommend these if you ever wanted to try macarons or like me, really like them but want to upgrade that flavor profile and try more varieties ;P I might start adding these to the review selection on the blog~
Alright, we’ll be returning to the actual reason we’re here now. I was just so excited and in love with these that I just had to share them with you guys.
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This months theme: Kawaii Cove
“Splash into July’s Crate with this month’s theme Kawaii Cove. Your crate is sure to help you enjoy summer from exploring the deep blue with your new adorable marine plushie to cooling off with Sumikko Gurashi ice cubes in a refreshing drink. Dive in!“
Suteki Crate & Photo Prize
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To go with our blue, watery theme, we have a lot of cute summery items from Sanrio; including plushies and pillows to practical things like bags and a bento set. The Suteki Crate pretty much sets the mood for this box and I feel like it was a perfect match.
Meanwhile, the photo prize for this month is a Jinbei San Kokujira Plush.
Marshmal Park Marine Plush
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Everybody knows a buddy makes relaxing or vacations even more fun, and for summer we have the perfect companion! You’ve seen these guys on the blog several times, but each time they just get cuter and cuter. This collection is perfect for this box!
Marshmal Park, for anyone new or unfamiliar, are a series of marshmallow or mochi-like stuffed animals that can be stretched and squished on. They are very soft and smooshy, and are great for hugging and cuddling. This marine set includes a seal, shark, clown fish, angular fish, or the whale shark, which is the one I received.
I really like it ♥ he’s very cute with his pastel polka-dot pattern and face, and the detailing on him is very smooth and perfect, not a single strand or stitch out of place. He’s also very filled and huggable, I hate getting things like these and being letdown by their low-stuffing (such as the dog from the June box), but thankfully that rarely ever happens and that was a different brand I believe. This one has never disappointed!
Sumikko Gurashi Pouch
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(sorry for the blur o_o)
Our next item is a pouch, which can come in handy in many situations and look cute doing it. For this months box we could either get a penguin, or polar bear dressed up as a penguin (I love polar bear so I’m very happy I got this one), both featuring a super-soft plush-like surface that makes them feel really soft~
Besides the sewn on details on the front, the back also features a sewn Sumikko Gurashi logo. What I thought was really fun was that the zipper (which is pastel pink!) is at a 90 degree angle!
I love stroking the material of this pouch x3 it’s so soft~ It’s also very cute and it doesn’t feel tight, so I feel like I could get away with carrying a decent amount of items in here- the only thing you need to watch out for is that it doesn’t get wet due to the material its made out of.
He goes perfect with my whale shark ♥
Hello Kitty Marine Notepad
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The adorable marine theme continues with a miniature notepad featuring Hello Kitty and various sea animals :D There was a few various designs, each with paper vaguely similar to it. I’m not sure how many varieties there are because the booklet features a dolphin design, while the one I got has seals and otter; they’re so sweet looking~
Now, to go with this we also get a
Tuxedo Sam Scented Marker
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This cute, double-sided marker features Tuxedo Sam and two amazing scents; not only adding a pop of color to a picture or notes, but a yummy scent too~
Don’t let the caps fool you though, because these are highlighter bright. This marker also demonstrates the scent gimmick, which I thought was a really cute touch; the yellow side is Vanilla while the blue is soda. If you combine the colors, they make cream soda. This marker is worth/costs 3 Sanrio Points (as usual I have no idea, I just kind of assume thats what it means. It might even be part of a lottery for all I know).
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I love this marker :3 now only is it very functional being duo-sided, but the scent is wonderful and for being 3/4 months old, it’s still working fine. The vanilla scent is extremely strong and long lasting, while the soda is lighter (and keep in mind I applied the vanilla first, and did this “swatch” when I took the pics) and seems to fade over time. Combined, the scent is pretty light (which might be my fault because I didn’t want contamination) but I did notice a difference.
I didn’t have much to say about the notepad because... you know, it’s a basic notepad I get in several boxes, other than saying the marker obviously bleeds through the pages, there isn’t much to say about it. I do like it though, it’s very cute.
Sumikko Gurashi Ice Cubes
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and now we’re on to our final item, this cute set of Sumikko Gurashi ice cubes ♥ Since I was little we’ve had sets of these, my very first was a set of sea animals (ironic huh?), I was heartbroken when we realized they were old and had to be thrown away (but I kept one of the whales, they were my favorite). Not too long after we replaced them by a fruit set.
So as you can see, we get 3 of the Sumikko Gurashi, including my 2 favorites Neko and Polar Bear, along with Lizard; who I don’t have particular feelings for but seem to get a lot of in these boxes.This set was made for me.
I prefer these to real ice cubes, I love them way more and your drink doesn’t get watered down (but as a pro tip, if you’re serving drink to a party or friends, freeze the liquid and turn that into ice cubes :D so if you need them the watering down doesn’t occur!). You still need to freeze them but it’s well worth it, and they look so adorable bobbing around in the drink!
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 4 out of 5. Like last time, I will agree that these items weren’t necessarily new to me or very unique- but they were fun, and very cute! The quality is there and they’re practical, I didn’t feel disgruntled or bored with this box like I did the previous ones. I admit that the items are on the smaller side this time around, but sometimes its necessary. I’m not sure they were worth what we paid, but we did have a lot of singular item variety, which I think is always fun and makes the box more special.
Theme: 4.5 out of 5. For our 2nd out of 3 summer boxes (technically 1 out of 2 though because June didn’t do a summer theme), I really like this. The Suteki Crate and items match the water theme exactly and I loved how all the colors were very similar, which helped provide further blending. You could bring all of these items with you on a trip or just use them casually. My only minor complaint is that they wouldn’t be durable in water, with the exception of the ice cubes. This box could have been a good opportunity to include items that could handle water or had water-esque details in design or gimmick, to play up the theme more.
Total Rank: 9 out of 10 Cuties. I liked this box, it was really cute and fun for the time of the year. I know there are ways they could have made it better, but I don’t take for granted what we got either. I know everything will be well-loved by me and I’ll be using the products.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Marine Plush - He’s so sweet looking, and I love the pastel polka-dot coloring, because I love dots, and pastels! I've been keeping him with me as of late and he makes me feel better.
2. Scented Marker - It’s very cute looking, even if I have a bunch of highlighters by now. I like its functionality and the scent is a bonus I’ll gladly welcome. 
3. Sumikko Gurashi Ice Cubes - They’re so cute and fun to look at x3 It doesn’t hurt that it included my favorites.
4. Sumikko Gurashi Pouch - These are another item I see way too frequently, but I can’t get over how adorable it is~ I feel like with each one I get, I’m putting away the old one. I definitely want to use this one!
5. Hello Kitty Notepad - I felt really bad about this because we know I love Hello Kitty, and I thought the notepad was very cute. But I get so many that I can only use so many >3< I really wish they would take a break on these...
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darkicedragon · 1 year
darkicedragon how does kentas deal w if hes actually pissed m off? bc werewolves probably just fight it out and then move on, but m holds Grudges and trust needs to be built up again after a fuck up (theres maduke, but he also probably held a grudge BECAUSE he couldnt just fight it out w muzaka and get the result he wanted) and asking m to fight after upsetting him is just going to upset him more so kentas is just ono???? ococo They would probably need intervention Cause both of them deals with it differently And to be honest i dont think Kentas is smart enough to realize that M is holding his issues in XD They probably gonna have a big fight To the point kentas thinks that they have broken up darkicedragon or that its his fault. oh no 'hey, you seem kinda grumpy/down today. wanna spar to perk you up?' o3o 'are you FUCKING serious??' '.....yeah? thats why i asked?'
ococo Cause M would def say something like "I dont want to see you, and I dont want to hear your fucking voice" ococo Yess Franken and Muzaka would have to middle darkicedragon muzaka just like OHO 'oi, kentas. here, NOW!' kentas just like O-O??? while frankenstein steps in to go distract m before m goes for kentas' throat 8') azure honestly, if M got angry at Kentas Kentas done fucked up for real bc I can't imagine M like being upset with something small, or annoyed esp when M would be the type to take a loooong ass time to trust someone so Kentas would've had to fuck up BIG to break M's trust and get him angry ococo Yup Probably kentas deserves to be kicked in the ass XD azure imagine they go searching for M's past and they find out that some/all of the M series ppl were like criminals and Kentas is like "good, they deserved their fate 😤 " and he meant well, like criminals need to be punished but M is livid darkicedragon maybe m is v much 'want to be left alone rn' vibes, but kentas cant read that, which keeps making m more annoyed bc pushing ms comfort boundaries is going to make him vvv techy darkicedragon oOOOH BOIIIIIIII ococo OH MY GOD darkicedragon could depend, bc kentas prob flips between the warrior mentality and 'well. almost all the ww warriors were also criminals so...' ococo HE NEEDS TO BE SLAPPED ON THE FACE azure if M would stop and think, he'd understand why Kentas said that but he's angry Kentas said that about what was like his family ococo And I like the concept! M "are you saying that I also do deserve to die?" azure M would get cold bc there's one thing getting angry at an enemy who you know is gonna attack you and it's something else when it's someone you trust back stabbing you ococo Ohohohohoh 🤤 darkicedragon m just stops interacting w kentas completely blanks him ococo Kentas screwed up Muzaka would also tell him in the face That M needs space and he better give it to him azure gets worse when they find out M was actually a criminal himself had to serve some good years for something bad darkicedragon kentas trying to figure out how to make up and muzaka just shooting them down 'so i should go spar w him?' 'no' '?? talk w him?' 'no' 'but.... what do i do?' ono 'keep out of his way and dont try ta force your way back in. yer LUCKY hes still letting you even see you rn. hes not a ww, so he doesnt act like one. remember that' ono azure bc M realizes Kentas thinks he should pay for his crimes as well ococo M starts to feel as awful as when he was first adopted.. feeling that he is not worth the second chance, and his boyfriend thinks the same darkicedragon 'i guess i should have just stayed in the union where i belong...' ococo Qwq T2 if they exist in this au they would very much be like hisssssss at Kentas too azure Kentas not understanding what he did wrong bc subtle things like these just... don't cross his mind he's v straight forward ococo He thinks M already redeemed himself but it sounded like if M didn't get the chance to be at frankens household that he also ought to deserve whatever happened to him darkicedragon kentas' thought processes are like 'hes at frankenstein and muzakas house and accepted here. hes strong now. past is in the past' and thats all that matters 'me helped me realise the other ww warriors were shit and move on from that, so i should do the same' not realising theres a difference between ww warriors and being experimented on bc of past deeds (that they dont even remeber) azure Kentas going to ask Franken and Muzaka what's wrong bc he simply doesn't understand and they ask him what he said or what their convo was Kentas tells them and Muzaka goes 😬 and >^> at Franken bc Franken goes =_= "While I do understand your line of thought, Kentas, you must understand you said that about what was practically M's family. At the same time, it sounds like you think M does not deserve redemption." "You are not wrong to think one must face the consequences of their actions and punishment for their wrongdoings, it's not always a black or white matter. There are grey areas." ... what would M be convicted of? 🤔 I'm thinking fraud or theft or like maybe some criminal activity stuff darkicedragon gang member? òvó azure yesss ò0ó darkicedragon basically a smaller version of the union w no experimentation 'hah... it would explain why i took so well to the union...' azure >w> and finds out he was a target bc he was an orphan who was taken in by the gang so no one would miss him so no family in the first place, except for the gang that used him darkicedragon so even no past in his past >w> or his gang also got destroyed bc they were trying to encroach on the unions turf azure yesss òwó Franken will prolly advise Kentas to think from M's perspective and understand why it hurt him so and to talk to him
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