#thats how james pond and james pond the second died
sadtrash-masculine · 2 years
i personally recommend everyone in this world ever to get a virtual axolotl pet that literally requires nothing, except food every 4 days and a clean tank once a week.
This is James Pond the third, his predecessors did infact die,bc i failed to meet the basic requirements, but he's still thriving at the age of 50 days:
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this app truly only tells you the most necessary info, its size which goes up 1 × 10^-6 cm per second, which is just like basically nothing and it doesn't even get any faster as it grows, and it's percentage in food and cleanness
i am entirely attached to this virtual creature that i named after James Bond. it's great! very aesthetic!
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padfootdidit · 6 years
reason in madness
JILY CHALLENGE | @padfootdidit vs @wotcherpotter             tv show aus (may) + “ok yes we're all juvenile delinquents but it's mE thats trying to help us survive while yOU just seem to be sabotaging everything...dont give me those eyes like you've done nothing wrong, you're literally holding an automatic weapon???"
This is late and a step away from the prompt a little bit (and a leap away from the actual show) but it’s here and I think that’s what counts.
au: the 100 | word count: 2.4k | ao3: read here
Day 1
The Ark was order. There was nothing out of place, no rule not written, everyone accounted for.
The Ground is chaos. Lily feels it, they all feel it, as soon the Dropship doors open. Light streams in, bright, natural, real light. Light none of them have seen before. She squints, lifting her hand up to shield her eyes and then all she can see is green.
Day 2
No one knew what to expect. But it wasn’t this.
A spear appears out of the trees and Bertram Aubrey almost dies. They aren’t alone. The Ark hadn’t told them to prepare for that. No one had planned for others having survived. The Ground is meant to be a deserted, a ghost town.
“Ghosts don’t have accuracy like that,” Remus Lupin says when Lily says this aloud. He saves Bertram Aubrey’s life. On the Ark he was an apprentice medic and somehow he manages to do just enough that by sunset they’re still at one hundred delinquents.
Day 3
James Potter from Alpha Station stands on the Dropship gangplank and tells them he has a plan to save their lives. James Potter who grew up on Alpha Station and has never wanted for a thing tells them he knows what to do. Lily scoffs at the idea.
“Is there a problem Evans?” He asks, jumping down and stalking over towards her. As if he thinks she’ll back down. Of course she has a problem. What does he know about survival? She’s the one who lived against all odds. Survived beneath the floor, silent, hiding, obeying. She’s the one who knows how to beat death.
She’s just about to tell him as much when Sev appears. Of all people, Sev. He’s not meant to be here. He can’t be here. But he is and, before Lily knows what’s happening, Sev is defending her. Well, he’s punching Potter and she assumes that, in his eyes, that’s defending her.
There’s a brawl. She can’t do anything to stop it. Doesn’t even know if she cares anymore that Sev is on the floor, blood streaming from his nose. He sold her out. He killed her mother. He shouldn’t be here.
Day 4
They sit on opposite ends of the floor of the Dropship which Remus has claimed as an infirmary and Lily ignores Potter as she tells Sev that she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. That he shouldn’t have come, that she doesn’t need him.
He tells her that she does, that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Potter watches them with a smirk, she can feel it. She doesn’t get to tell him to shut up though because a scouting party returns and they have guns. Lots and lots of guns.
Day 5
Potter is back on his feet and even more ignorant than ever. He stands on the Dropship’s gangplank, pistol tucked into his waistband and automatic slung over his back and tells them they’re going to head for Mount Weather. It’s their only hope, apparently. Lily scoffs at this too.
“Got any better ideas?”
“One, start hunting, two, learn how to fire a gun, three, stay where we know is safe, four, get a better leader, five –“
“You think I’m the leader?”
“You’re acting like you are so-“
“That’s very kind of you Evans, I feel honoured that you would –“
“Finish your sentence, I dare you,” she says and aims her own gun at his chest. She has no idea how to fire it but Potter doesn’t know that. She smirks as he raises his hands in surrender.
Day 6
Lily shakes her head as Potter leads a group of delinquent volunteers into the forest, heading towards Mount Weather. According to his map there’s a signal tower a day’s walk away which will help them find Mount Weather, and allow them to contact the Ark.
It’s a stupid idea, venturing out into territory they know from experience is dangerous. Sev thinks so too and he tries to tell her.
“Who does he think he is, right? Marching –‘
“Who do you think you are Sev? Judge, jury, executioner? You’re definitely a murderer.”
“Lily, I didn’t –“ he trails off as she walks away. She’s not listening to this. Doesn’t need to listen to this anymore. Just needs to survive and she doesn’t need anyone’s help to do that.
Day 7
They have a perimeter fence now and food and another of the scouting parties found a freshwater pond which doesn’t seem to be contaminated. Lily goes with Remus to check it out and he tells her that Potter is just trying to help.
“Help get us all killed you mean.”
Day 8
Black runs into the clearing first. He’s yelling for Remus. Lily leaps up from where she’s trying to skin a rabbit and can do nothing but stare as Potter limps into view, supporting a bleeding girl. Behind him three other delinquents each carry their own load. Not all of them are moving.
“We… ambush.” Is all Potter says as he gently lowers the girl to the floor in front of Remus.
“They’re fucking animals,” Black spits and swats Remus away from the gash on his neck. “Her first.”
Day 9
They’re down to ninety seven.
No one wants to leave their perimeter anymore. Not even to hunt. Lily volunteers, only because she wants to get away from the three graves that now rest behind the Dropship.
“I’ll go too,” Potter says and she wonders if it’s out of guilt for the graves or a desperation to annoy her.
“No thanks,” and she leaves before he can even get up to follow.
Day 10
A spear flies into camp and Bertram Aubrey’s second chance at life is cut short.
Day 11
“What if we just –“ a spear flies into camp and the boy from Farm Station doesn’t get to finish his suggestion.
Day 20
They’re being picked off one by one.
They’re down to eighty six.
Day 21
“We need to fight back,” Potter says, “or we’ll starve before they kill us all.”
“All they have is spears, it’ll be a piece of cake,” Black says. Lily has never had a piece of cake. She doesn’t care about how easy it will be. She cares about what it will cost them if they kill the only other people who survived the end of the world.
“Or we could talk to them.”
Day 22
She walks out of camp with a shredded white top wrapped around a stick and hopes they know what it means. She walks out of camp without any weapons and hopes she doesn’t die.
“Stop!” A voice, muffled, calls from above her and she stops. Looks up. Refuses to let herself be scared when a figure, followed by eight more, drop from the trees. She can’t see their faces. They’re all shrouded in thick animal fur and mud.
“We don’t want to –“
“Stop!” The first figure to jump holds their hand up. Before Lily can speak again two others have grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back.
“Hey!” Oh my fuck, he wants to die.
Day 23
They don’t kill Potter and Lily can’t decide if she’s happy about this or not. They could have at least had the curtesy to put them in separate cells. But no, here she is, on The Ground, prisoner and stuck in close proximity with the Prince of the Ark.
“You know, if you stopped working against me, we could actually do something good.” He suggests, staring at her intently.
“You’ve done nothing but try to kill us since we landed your highness,” she shuffles around so she doesn’t have to face his gaze, “why would I stop working against you.”
“Contrary to popular opinion, I’m actually trying to keep us alive. If you would just stop sabotaging every-“
“Me? Sabotage?” She shuffles back around. Wonders if their guard would mind if she killed him. “What about yesterday? What about following me out when the agreed upon plan was for me to go alone? That wasn’t sabotage?”
“That was –“ their guard bangs on the door and they shut up. Potter still stares though. Somehow, it’s louder than his voice.
Day 24
The Grounders agree to a treaty. Well, an arrangement. Well, something.
They agree not to kill any more of their people, if the delinquents promise that they will stay on their side of the forest and not cause any damage. It’s an easy promise to make in exchange for their lives.
Day 25
Sev runs to greet her when they return and Lily is surprised when Potter steps in front of her. She’s not really upset about it but she also doesn’t appreciate it either. She can handle herself. Resents any implication otherwise.
“Move, Potter, I –“
“Need to get the fuck away from, Evans, just like she’s already told you a hundred times.”
“Potter,” she lays a hand on his arm, glares, then turns to Sev. “You really do need to stay the fuck away from me.”
Day 30
They meet with the Grounders again, this time sans the binds and threats of death. The Grounders tell them that Mount Weather is a myth and attempting to reach it would be an unnecessary risk to everyone’s life.
Potter still wants to go.
Day 31
“My parents told me about it, okay, and they aren’t the sort of people who would put our lives at risk, so –“
“They sent you down here.”
“Evans, you have no idea what happened –“
“No, but I know what’s going to happen if we try and find Mount Weather.”
“So you’re a seer now as well as a pain in the arse?”
Day 32
A vote is taken and somehow Potter wins.
Day 33
They start the trek to Mount Weather before the sun has risen and leave the Dropship behind. They’ve taken all their supplies, which were starting to run out anyway, and left the perimeter gate open. Lily finds herself leading the group alongside Potter and she’s not sure how it happened but they’ve become sort of a team. At least, all the other delinquents treat them like that. They don’t actually act like a team. No team has ever disagreed as much as them.
Still, the other delinquents listen to them and look to them and only Black doesn’t take orders from them.
Lily isn’t sure if she minds. They’re still alive. He’s not all that bad. Not every idea out of his mouth is a death wish, even if some of them sound like it. He’s not even that entitled which is just annoying because it makes him endearing and Lily doesn’t want him to be endearing.
When they stop for the night, he takes a seat next to her around the fire and offers her his unfinished rations.
“What’s this?”
“Peace offering.”
“What if I don’t want –“
“Just take the damn food, Evans.”
She takes the damn food and they sit side by side in silence as the rest of the delinquents chatter and eat and sleep. She eats the damn food and considers that maybe she could stop sabotaging the majority of his plans. She finishes the damn food and thinks maybe, just maybe, they might actually be able to make it work.
They might actually be able to survive. Together.
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