#thats a haggis . btw
brilliantdisguises · 3 months
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littlerobinwriter · 6 years
Oh my god, do you really live in Scotland? Thats so cool if you do! Whats it like to live in a third world country, if you don’t mind me asking? I know some people who have been there and say it’s really beautiful, but I know the city centres are really povertous and full of drugs, so I’m curious as to what it’s really like. (I’m writing a book about Scotland, btw.) Also, so sorry that ou live in such an oppressed country. As a white person, I can’t even imagine what life is like for poc you. :(
omg yeah it’s so hardi’m high right now actually. sobbing into my kilt because i’m so sad. you said i am a poc and suddenly i have been freed from the white white whiteness of my existence, ready to be enlightened and fight my oppressors. all we can eat is haggis and all we can drink is irn bru. i have never seen a pizza in my life. we don’t have pop music, all we have is bagpipes. if i don’t play the bagpipes every day at 13:14 precisely then i will be taken to edinburgh castle and killed for my crimes. i go everywhere via nessie and her siblings. there are no phones, we all live in thatched cottages if we’re lucky, or maybe in caves because our society has never progressed and we have never ever invented the telephone, no no, never ever. i am typing this via the sole computer in the country, which is attached to the underside of a cow at the top of ben nevis.aye, right, oan yer bike, mike. anyone who hasn’t recognised the satire in this, just gotta point it out.(i recognise there are issues with poverty and drugs still present in scotland, and i in no way want to mock the struggles of anyone from actual third world countries or anyone who is a person of colour. but this ask is either a joke or sincerely misinformed, so uh yeah. sorry, my friend.)
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