#thatrs such bullshit. you are bullshitting me
bonetrousledbones · 2 years
Whats pta sans? Teacher aide sans? Parent teacher Association sans?
oh you cant do this to me
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armagnac-army · 6 months
*Murat comes up to Lannes with two cut crystal goblets and that bottle of Cabernet Ney gave him earlier. He looks really fucking wrung out, but he’s still here. Without saying a word, he pours two glasses and hands one to Lannes.*
Not your usual, I know, but I think it’s better shared.
*And he leaves an opening for Lannes to say whatever he wants.*
— @your-dandy-king
Thanks mon ami.
*Lannes takes the glass, but doesn't drink it yet.*
i know your hurting much more than me but it means a whole lot that your willing to stick up for me.
i think i can imagein what its like to expect someone to be there for you but its turns out theyre a bitch and mayb you never even knew them in fhe first place.
not going so far as to say i know what thatrs like but theres quite a few people thats a littl like that for me.
but for you maybe theres a facet of her out there in this bizaarre afterlife thats more like the her you knew and thats hope to cling onto to!
if i had the chance to see louise and the kids im not sure i should take it because mauybe hoping that they miss me is better than what i suspect. i know that she wasnt good to napoleon afterwards. i think our values were incompatible in the end.
fuck im rambling about myself again
point is im not going to apologise for lettin you know about junots bullshit because you deserved to kno but i am sorry that you had to have your heart broken like this.
you should go hang with duroc and... bessie
hate tp say it but bessies good to you and thats what matters
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ankhisms · 10 months
i currently live in some kind of hellish paradox of my brain where i constantly have pop ups in my mind thatre like WARNING EVERYONE IS MAD AT YOU AND HATES YOU AND IS ANNOYED AT YOU AND DOESNT WANT YOU IN THEIR LIVES and its like the rational part of me knows this is false and if a friend was mad at me or upset with me they should be upfront with me and talk to me about it and i could be in the middle of having a nice conversation with a friend and my brain will still be like everyone wants you dead and at any moment people will start screaming at you and turn on you and you have to be scared but its like again. i know this isnt rational. and due to my one ex close friend just cutting me off suddenly im more worried than usual about even bringing this up with people or being like "hey do you like having me around my brain is being shitty" because i think he got annoyed with me for asking for reassurance that he didnt hate me and got annoyed with me for being paranoid. so im in this loop where i know its not rational and i can recognize that its my brain bullshit but it still gets to me and i still get scared of annoying everyone i care about and about everyone just suddenly never speaking to me again without any warning or explanation like he did and so i end up just bottling it up because i dont want to annoy anyone. anyway its almost 1 i should sleep ill be fine
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Homestuck, page 3,675
John: Read note.
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John!!! One more thing... This rabbit im sure youve noticed is armed to the stitches! Hes got all four of the funny little weapons i mentioned thatre all deadly as the fucking dickens but that doesnt mean they are meant exclusively for the paws of mr terry kiser. (That is the name i call him.) Heck no. You see i adapted terry with some doodads you may deem practical. An infinitesimalator which i used to littlefy them down in the first place as well as a monstrositifier for when you would like to hugen them up and wield them yourself! Hes surely got enough juice in him to make them enormous if you wish. But thats silly what would you even do with say a magic needle the size of a skyscraper for instance? Preposterous! I borrowed this technology from my grandmother who had quite the way with manipulating space. Legend tells she was something of a witch with the stuff! Once she was a brave hero like you and i john and the stars themselves twinkled in her cauldron. I would like to tell you who my grandmother is i really would. But i cant. I think i have trouble keeping secrets. I like to be honest just like you and a lot of secrecy after a while gets me feeling a bit jaded. Heh heh. Green means grow red means shrink! See you soon pal. J.
Author commentary: Jake returns, unfortunately. If we can tolerate surfing through more than two sentences of his corny ebullience, we see there are some actually intriguing things here. First of all, he reveals he had his own name for the bunny (remember how everyone always has different names for the same pets and such). If you bother researching Terry Kiser, you'll find he's the guy who played Bernie in Weekend at Bernie's, a movie in which some dumb bros spend all weekend parading an old dead guy around as if he's alive, to facilitate some sort of ruse. And we know Jade happens to keep a dead, stuffed old man propped up in her house. So this is another signal about Jake that screams "GRANDPA" and keeps us scratching our heads over what his actual deal is, considering we're now beginning to suspect he is somehow both Jade's grandson and grandfather. But then, we also just learned a few pages ago that the Scratch is a hard univeral reset, booting up reality again with "different starting conditions." So maybe we're on to something here? We are SO CLOSE to understanding everything, and yet the full explanation remains elusive. Jake also subtweets Jade a little there, but presumably the Jade as an old woman who taught him this spacey stuff. One thing he doesn't allude to is that Calliope was involved in this bunny-making collab, which in hindsight maybe causes us to raise an eyebrow at the red- and green-eyed design. Speculating about cherubs at this point would be getting way out over our skis though, so let's chill out. Honestly I'm still a bit shook from that Armageddon bullshit from a couple pages back.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
a darling who’s very, very aware of what’s going on and uses it to their advantage.
“hmmmmmmmmm someone who’s willing to literally sell all they own, fight god and satan at the same time, and commit various acts of treason just for me to smile in their general direction’s in love with me????”
“i can definitely use this.”
-poised darling
honestly, me as a darling. call me toxic but i love the idea of someone willing to do literally anything for me!! i need that in this economy!
i think itd be quite fun too. maybe having a yandere as a roommate!
like with girly yan, sensitive, housewife, cannibal, etc, you see how they look at you. you see how their eyes follow you. youve found your clothes in their room multiple times, you can sometimes hear them whimpering in their room at night with quiet little moans of your name, and lets be honest here, youre kind of a snoop by nature! so when theyre out of the house (which is quite frequent), you take a look through their room and find their journals. journals, thick ones at that, coated front to back in scribbles and the occasional coherent sentence of what they want to do to you or what they want you to do to them. a few others thatre labelled, covering everything youve done everyday for the past few years, even before you knew them. wedding vows, scrapbooks, books filled with pages of just your name, its some insane bullshit and the dots finally connect and youve got bills to pay and love attention! why not have some fun with this?
so, you start wearing more comfortable clothes around the house. maybe just a big shirt and underwear. maybe just some sweatpants (and a bra if you wear those). you wear skin tight clothes or even just underwear when you workout in the living room, grunting freely and hiding your smile when you hear your cute little yandere whine when they first see you. you start inviting them to little movie nights where you cuddle right up, pressed right against them. if youre both the same gender, you leave your door open when you undress because "c'mon, its just us here!" you 'accidentally' take their clothes, wearing them around the house just for them to see and if you finally make a move on them? they wont be able to hold themselves together for longer than a minute
as for the others, like rival, big bad, stoic, etc(CEO yan would never have a roommate), i think your teasing would have to be a bit more hands on. purposely pressing against them a little bit when you scootch past them, always finding a way to touch them when you two are sitting together, complimenting them constantly, posting provocative things on your social media and if you bring someone over and loudly have sex in your room??? you might actually break them
(but you know they would just spend the night with their face stuffed into their pillow, shoving their fingers inside of themselves, feeling their insides twitch every time you moan, just wishing and hoping one day theyd be the ones fucking you. they lie to themselves and say its just a coincidence, that its normal to get turned on when you hear someone fucking in the other room, they arent masturbating to the thought of you but deep down, they know and they shame themselves for being so messed up. for being so obsessed with you but that doesnt stop their eyes rolling back when you moan the vague syllables of their name as you cum, doesnt stop them from spending the rest of their night humping their pillow with your clothes shoved in their mouth to keep themselves from moaning too loud, doesnt stop them from clawing at their sheets, wishing they could go into your room and really please you and it certainly doesnt stop them from cleaning themselves up and waiting in the living room so they can see who the fuck dared to try and take what was theirs)
and to seal the final nail in the coffin, you spend breakfast upset. moving away from your one night stand who is overstaying their welcome. acting cold towards them. giving your roommate 'help me/im so fuckin annoyed' glances so they help you out and kick them out and you spend the rest of the morning complaining about how they werent good enough and you were only acting it up because they seemed like they needed a win.
that is one sure fire away to make them put you up on the counter and eat you out until youre moaning out for real <3
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eviclair · 4 years
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of your actual thoughts(tm) on khr, so what’s your constructive review on the series as a whole? Like some positives and negatives w/ the writing, characters, etc. If u don’t feel like answering, feel free to ignore this LOL.
 tl;dr because this is 800 words of nonsense. i think you should know i would not know a constructive review if it bit me in the ass.
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my guy i have not done a full read of khr in maybe two years and i know that does not sound like a long time but i have the long-term memory of a fruit fly. please bear with me. luckily for both of us i liveblogged the last time i read so i at least have my own sparknotes jdflaksjddaf
first off! khr is a satire manga!!! i cannot stress this enough, i can and will fight you to the death about this!!! “oh but it gets serious later” it grows a PLOT, thats not the same thing. khr is stupid as hell and that is both on purpose and my favorite thing about it.
i fucking love shonen man!!! its all about FIGHTING and LOVING YOUR FRIENDS and HAVING EMOTIONS and. bro im a water sign. my mars is in gemini, there is nothing i can do about this, god made me and said “get that bitch some found family and also some incredible violence” and we all just have to live with that. 
khr is so much all of those things that i did not realize they were being made fun of until very long after the fact so my current opinions are very much not the ones i started with jaldkhjdfhd but man. once i clued in i both loved it so much more and became 100% incapable of interacting with fandom in any meaningful way L M A O
i just. the main conceit is that theyve weaponized the deus ex machina eleventh-hour shonen power up. the “my dead family came back to life to kill me” trope is used three separate times. the big bad student body president is a delinquent. theres an entire subset of above magic god powers thatre just
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the tyl bazooka was just ripping on the Timeskip Arc until the Timeskip Arc actually happened?? like fuuta’s special thing is that he can communicate with the Meta Planet to divine Character Rankings, i dont know what to tell you!!! the truth is out there!!! 
like DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER that time tsuna experienced a villain’s flashback sequence FOR HIM because i fucking do, i think about it every day,
so in the sense of “please critique the writing”, i cant do that because im pretty sure 98% of all the tropey bullshit is by design. do i wish people like the kokuyo gang got more characterization outside of being ride-or-die villain sidekicks?? of course i do but thats my own damn fault for seeing cool side characters and losing all higher brain function. on the other hand, hibari being the person he is and having absolutely no backstory or motivation beyond “get out of my school” is really fucking funny and keeps me warm at night, so. win some, lose some.
(the 2% of the writing that isnt tropey bullshit that i CAN critique is whatever is happening with kyoko. Bad Female Cast is definitely a shonen trope but its a shitty one and i want it to die. within maybe four minutes of kyoko being introduced she tries to body a man and then thats just never spoken about again?? wheres that energy queen?!!! let kyoko say fuck!!!!)
((this applies to haru too in the sense that all she really does is make moon eyes at tsuna but the way in which she does so is honestly so fucking funny and unhinged that it comes back around to being great. like yeah yep yes ma’am thats 100% bonafide Girl Who Throws Skittles In A Puddle And Calls It Potion right there please may i have another))
If khr took itself even 4% more seriously it could be really deep and compelling and i think that frustrates a lot of people, but i think i like it better this way?? half the fun for me is reading in between the lines!! the subtext, however unintentional it may be!!
examples: yamamoto is one of my favorites just because theres SO FUCKING MUCH to unpack about him!! canon gives us a lot of information about him just by virtue of the fact that he’s a Main Character, but paradoxically he himself is never really the focus. he just Does Shit and you have to figure out why on your own and i LOVE DOING THAT.
i dont love mukuro because he’s a fleshed out and nuanced villain, i love him because he says shit like “i went to hell six times” and never expounds upon that or “i can definitely trust the information i got from this magic monocle called Demon Spade’s Super Evil Murder Eye or whatever the fuck” and then expresses surprise when daemon spade is an asshole. he goes and willfully fucks up the only job anyones ever given him (impersonate 80 year old leonardo lippi) because he Just Has to shapeshift into a young hot dude and hand deliver byakuran, the boss of the Flower Family, the Family that names all its members after Flowers, a bouquet that means “i am in disguise ;) cant catch me bitch ;)”
i dont know man. i just like puzzles and khr is a gift that keeps giving.
(sidenote that should’ve maybe just been the subject of the post but re:i cant shut the fuck up about anything ever, i love tsuna so much. so much. his personality!! his relationships!!! his growth!!! his growth!!!!! his growth!!!!!!! khr has its claws in me because i see tsuna do something cool or brave or even deeply stupid actually and my whole heart goes AAAAAAAAA bc thats him!!! thats my son!!!!! my baby boy whom ive raised since birth!!!!!! suit me up and call me a reborn kinnie, fuck!!!!!!!!!)
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bullshit number 1
i’ve thought abt it recently and i’ve realised i’m not exactly the kind of person who can, like, casually love someone. like i know that sounds kinda obvious. but i genuinely don’t think i’ll ever be able to have some kind of relationship which doesn’t mean the whole world to me. like, maybe i’m just young and dumb and don’t know shit abt shit but i feel like, when i genuinely and wholly love someone, like i just don’t stop,,,,,, like some part of that love never seems to leave me. yknow i- people come and go, thats normal. one of us moves away or smth. yet still, even after years, i still seem to feel thatr affection for them that i once did. like not quite - not the same as actively loving them in the present, yet still somehow feeling such.... its like i carry the love with me - it becomes a part of me, experiences of the past contributing to some form of identity. sometimes i see them, on social media or smth, theres this kind of melancholy for what’s lost but also some forgotten affection. knowing that if i saw them, we’d greet as strangers yet also being so aware of the way they’ve shaped my past and who i am today. am i the only one who feels this way?? 
still, the love of the past stays with me, and feels so.. real. maybe that’s just what memory truly is. i don’t know. this sounded a lot better in my head tbh.
but i think what i’m trying to say is: i can’t tell you that i will always love you, or that ‘i will love you until the end of time’. i think i’m not old enough to make that kind of promise; i don’t know enough yet; and it’s not exactly the kind of thing i want to take back later. i just want you to know that the love i felt for you, the love that we shared, will not be forgotten. i’ll carry it with me, hold it as a part of me, even when we don’t know each other, even when it doesn’t seem to kill me like it does now. i won’t forget it.
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