everybodyshusband · 4 months
hi hello i know we haven't talked much at all but i got hot chocolate for you if you want it!!
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oh oh i love hot chocolate thank you thank youuu !!!!!!!
may i also offer you a hot chocolate if you would like ?
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thisismondaymood · 5 months
have some hot chocolate (that was actually made by me)
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OMG thank you!
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pro-memoriia · 1 month
Self indulgent angst/comfort with Phantom and Rain because I can
CW: Overthinking, insecurities, crying, fear of abandonment if you squint, Phantom is a Batman nerd
Phantom hates his insecurities. He hates his anxieties. His worries, his fears, his self deprecating thoughts... He hates everything that makes him feel hated.
He can help it, of course. It's how he thought all his life. He doesn't appreciate it by any means. He thinks it's absurd how some people find comfort in pain; he never understood it. And it always pained him whenever his thoughts ate him alive, and whenever he was locked away in his bedroom, crying and over thinking.
Phantom could feel his heartbeat quickening and his eyes start to sting. He paced the room with quick steps, not caring about getting wood splinters in his socks or getting dizzy from walking in consistent circles.
He was scared. Scared that everyone hated him. He was sensitive and took the smallest things to heart, which never led to anything good for him.
It had started in practice. That slightly off tone from Mountain, who has been grouchy from a lack of sleep and sex. That tone that had cut through him like a knife as soon as Mountain opened his mouth to speak to the smaller ghoul.
That was just the start.
He felt invisible to Swiss. The multi had promised to have a Nolanverse Batman trilogy marathon with him, but things didn't seem to go to plan.
As soon as Phantom had walked up to the ghoul, he was crowded by his other pack mates. Swiss was distracted and didn't spare Phantom another glance.
Dew was having guitar troubles; he couldn't get the instrument to tune for the life of him. Phantom tried to help, but he was only met with bared fangs and a slap on the wrist.
Sunny and Cumulus went off on a date, and Phantom felt it would be inconvenient to bother them.
Cirrus, Aurora, and Swiss had all gone to one of their bedrooms for some.. Intimate times.
Phantom was lost. He had nowhere to go now. All his pack mates were angry with him or ignoring him. He was the last priority. He was alone.
So after a tense walk to his bedroom, he just broke.
Now, he was conflicted. He couldn't go get comfort from anyone. He was already too needy and clingy. But fuck, Phantom didn't wanna be alone.
He stared at his mirror, barely able to see his own reflection through the fog of his tears.
‘What have you done?’ He thought to himself.
‘It's you. You're the problem. They're angry with you.’
Phantom hated that. He hated the voice that told him everything was his fault. Deep down, he knew it wasn't true. But it was hard to focus on remembering that when his brain was screaming at him that it was real.
He hugged himself and curled up a little. He stumbled back, whimpering when he stepped on his own tail. He fell back against the bed, gasping for breaths as sobs started to wrack through his body.
Phantom felt awful. He was scared, insecure, and lonely. Nobody was there to hug him, to kiss him and assure no one was angry at him.
His body scrunched up at the foot of his bed, his tail tucked between his folded legs that he hugged. He bit his hand, trying to muffle his crying, but he just whined. He felt so horrible.
It was probably ten minutes that he laid there, curled up and crying. He might've fallen asleep, he might've blacked out; Phantom really didn't know. But when he heard the light knock on his door, his fuzzy brain slowly started to function again.
He lifted his head and rubbed his burning, wet eyes. He swallowed thickly, anticipating the judgement that would come from whoever was on the other side of his bedroom door when he opened it.
The doorknob turned and Phantom kept his head hung low.
"Hey, I was wondering if I could have my whale stuffie back. Mount told me you..."
Rain's voice trailed off. When he spoke again, his tone was soft.
"What's wrong, love?"
Phantom felt his stomach twist. He didn't know whether or not to appreciate the sympathy or feel bad about receiving it. He kept his head tilted lower, his eyes flickered up to the water ghoul.
Rain sighed.
"I'm gonna go," the taller said quietly.
Phantom wanted to throw up. His stomach hurt and he could feel his throat grow tight. He didn't reply. He just shut the door.
The latch clicked shut and Phantom whined sadly. He wiped his eyes with the palms of his hands and sniffed softly.
He stood there for some time, alone. He didn't bother going back to his bed. He didn't really care to do much right, even so much as walk a few feet.
But when there was a knock at his door, he felt a tiny spark of energy. The pessimist in him cursed at his hopeful thoughts that Rain had come back, but alas, his shaky hand reached for the doorknob and turned it.
"Oh, darling," Rain whispered. "You didn't really think I was just going to leave you, did you?"
Phantom was a bit shocked. He took a moment to think before nodding honestly.
Rain shook his head. The water ghoul had a large, fluffy blanket in one hand, two plushies stuffed in each of his inner elbows, and somehow managed to carry two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.
Phantom was impressed by the ghoul's balance and ability to multi task so well. He figured it was a water ghoul thing.
Phantom sniffled and tilted his head.
"Did you knock with your head or something?..."
The question was serious, but Rain only chuckled.
"Can I come in? My hands are getting kind of tired."
Phantom shook his head, internally scolding himself for his lack of politeness. He moved aside.
Rain moved in and walked to a nightstand, setting down the two mugs. Phantom watched him carefully. He realized the care the water ghoul had put in.
His favorite texture of blanket, his favorite plushies of Rain's, his favorite mug, one that had spiders and webs on it.
He noticed how Rain had really taken the time to pick everything with care. He wiped his eyes and closed his door.
Rain set the stuff down and sat down in his bed, smiling at Phantom and gesturing for him to come over.
Phantom hesitated. His feet carried him across the floorboards and he still hugged himself while kneeling in the bed.
Rain sighed and his smile turned sympathetic. His arms opened and his lifted himself momentarily to pull Phantom in.
The quint was surprised, to the least, but after a minute, he started to relax.
He could still hear the voice in his head, screaming that this was all just Rain being nice. But all he could do right now was accept the affection.
He didn't realize he was starting to cry again until he felt his body start to shake.
Rain shushed him and kissed the crown of his head.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
Phantom shook his head. He couldn't talk about it. He didn't know how to put it into words. Besides, the last thing he wanted in the moment was to confront his cruel thoughts.
"Can you just... Hold me?"
Phantom's voice cracked mid sentence. He could never speak clearly when crying. When Phantom cried, it was deep. He would bawl his eyes out and barely be able to choke out words without stuttering and fumbling.
Rain didn't mind. Rain was kind and patient and understanding. He would never get angry at anyone for crying.
He just nodded at Phantom's words.
"I'll always hold you, my darling. I'll always take care of you. I'll always love you."
The words only made Phantom sob more. He shifted a little, not seemingly caring what was uncomfortable for who. He put himself in Rain's lap and put his arms around his neck.
Rain pulled the blanket over the two of them, and Phantom recognized the warmth as something straight from the dryer.
"Please, don't leave me," he whispered. "I don't ever wanna be alone. It's scary. I'm scared."
Rain hummed.
"I'm never here to scare you. You know that."
Yeah, he did. He just had to remember it.
"Why do I always feel like the world hates me? Or like everyone's out to get me? What did I do wrong?"
Phantom's questioning of the world and his feelings made Rain's heart clench a little. He gently massaged the quint's scalp and comforted him.
"It's not you. It's never you. Nobody hates you, so you shouldn't hate yourself. You've never done anything wrong, my love... Sometimes people accidentally overlook the brightest stars in the night sky. But that doesn't mean they don't appreciate their beauty when they do see them."
Phantom peered up at Rain, his obsidian purple orbs meeting the deep aqua blue of Rain's.
Rain shook his head.
"There's no 'buts', stardust. You're okay. You're lovely the way you are. Your pack loves you, even if we don't always show you or you don't always see."
He paused.
"You have to remember that. I know it's hard, but you have to try your best. Because any negative voice inside your head is either from the past, or never existed. You're safe. You're adored. You're perfect."
Phantom stared at the water ghoul. He always focused so much on Rain's external beauty that he tended to forget how pretty he was on the inside too. He adored that ghoul. And that ghoul adored him.
"I love you," Phantom said with a weak voice.
His sobs have slowed now and his tears had shrunk.
"I love you, too," Rain replied before pulling Phantom into a loving kiss.
Their foreheads pressed together and Phantom let out a smaky breath, basking in the feeling and scent of his packmate.
They stayed like that for a few moments, small kisses pressed against each other's lips, and eventually Phantom was smiling again.
Rain cradled his face.
"So... The hot chocolate probably isn't too hot anymore, but it's still chocolate. Swiss told me you wanted to watch the Dark Knight movies. He's sorry he couldn't make it, but do you wanna do that with me instead?"
Phantom giggled a little and nodded. He turned his back a little and reached carefully over the mugs for his laptop. The computer was set in front of Rain and opened up. The mouse moved across the screen to his streaming service to find the movie.
As the movie started, Rain reached for the two plushies he'd brought, as well as the one Phantom already had with him. He put the stuffies around them and reached past Phantom for their mugs.
The two sat there in Phantom's bed, curled up with Rain's bedding as they watched the Batman movies.
This was something Phantom could never hate.
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eros-ghoulette · 2 months
Papa tummy thoughts (1/?)
I think the first papa to soften (with age, because in my opinion Copia was always at least a little chubby) was Secondo. After he retired, he started eating more, and he didn't have to travel anymore, which made him gain some weight. He really noticed it when his love handles suddenly fit perfectly in one hand and his pants didn't fit properly. And when he noticed, he tried to eat less, not because he thought it was ugly, but because he thought that then others wouldn't find him as attractive as they used to. It made him insecure to take off his robe in front of others, and when he did, the flush on his face was not from passion, but from his insecurity about the fat.
His brothers noticed this behavior, the ghouls noticed it, and the siblings noticed it too. The way he tugged at his robes when he sat down, making sure they were loose around his body as he tried to hide himself.
Alpha was the ghoul who stepped in after watching his former papas look at a snack bar but not actually take it. The ghoul knew it was Secondo's favorite bar and he picked it up to give it to him. And when he saw the look on the other's face, he shook his head. It wasn't Secondo's, but it was still like him. Alpha remembered seeing that same look sometimes when they were on tour together. And the ghoul took Secondo's hand and pulled him into his bedroom. He sat them down on the bed and looked into Secondo's eyes, his gaze gentle
"I know what it's like." Alpha's eyes wander down to the other's tummy and waist before looking back up. "But it's nothing to be ashamed of." Words Alpha had been told by Omega.
And Secondo knew what he meant, because Alpha was his favorite partner to spend the night with. And his gaze wandered away from the ghoul's face. Because how could it be the same? Alpha was simply attractive, his voice, his face and everything else about him was simply mesmerizing. But Secondo was no longer papa and now he didn't even look as good as he did back then.
"You've never looked better." Alpha kissed him gently, something they usually only did the morning after when they were both sore and tired. But now he kissed him like this. And something inside Secondo made him believe it, because Alpha would never kiss him like that, never say something like that if he didn't mean it.
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raindrop-21 · 4 months
@thatfuckinjester tagging you bc I think you'll like this
There's a ghoul around the ministry, one of the first ghouls. Their name is Death or Reaper. They've been named that because they're only ever seen right before or after someone's death. They help other ghouls get back to pit if they wish to be sent back. No one has seen their face or heard their voice in who knows how long. No one knows their element. They may not have one, but that's not important because the less you know about them, the better. If you do want to find them? Check graveyards, the lowest level of the ministry, or the ministry's catacombs.
They're the little black wisps people see out of the corner of their eye. If you see their full body, just know your time is coming. If no one's around when you're passing away, they'll remove their mask and talk to you as long as possible before you slip away, their gentle voice sending you off, hoping you end up wherever you wanted to in the afterlife. Once you're gone, they leave a note in the Infirmary, letting one of the quint ghoul doctors know that there's been another send-off.
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mak-be-ghouled · 2 months
It's Funny, Isn't it?
Pebble Angst (ft. Mountain)
WC: 600
He/They/It Pebble, He/Him Mountain
Thank you @thatfuckinjester for inspiring this and your incredible angsty brain
What happens when an Earth Ghoul Begins to fade away?
Pebble already knows it’s going to happen, has for a while now, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Everything hurts so much more than it used to. Everything is so much slower now.  
His muscles and joints calcifying, now solid bone. They’re heavy and achy and they know what’s coming next. Its body is petrifying, he can feel it every time he draws in a breath. Every time he blinks. Every time their heart beats. Things that they never once thought about. Things that happened subconsciously. Suddenly so difficult. Suddenly impossible. And yet, somehow, they're still here. Still alive. 
He really has accepted it. Welcomes it. Hopes for it. Begs for it.  
At least maybe as a statue he’ll be free again. 
He makes his way to the garden late at night. When they know no one will be out. he doesn’t want them to see it. Not yet. Not like this. He doesn’t want to hurt them anymore. 
Pebble fights to draw in one final breath, to commit every smell that makes up home to memory.  
And finally, everything goes still.  
After so much torment and fatigue, the Earth has accepted it as her own again. 
Welcomed it into the freedom that is her. Pebble has returned home.  
Regained a purpose. 
And fuck if he isn’t he most beautiful statue in that garden. 
Pebble has become more cared for now than he ever was when alive, or when he was still breathing at least.  
Mountain visits often. Trims back the vines that threaten to choke them. Breathes life into the flowers and berries that ordain Pebble’s statue.  
Pebble’s body. 
Mountain is adamant that Pebble be covered anytime the sky threatens to pour down on them. He couldn't fathom watching Pebble erode away, not for a second time. 
Mountain has placed Pebble on a pedestal. Worships it like a God. 
Mountain doesn't realize how much he is hurting Pebble now. He’s prolonging their pain, and at this rate Pebble is sure they will spend eternity here. Trapped.  
It's funny, isn't it? An Earth ghoul being taken over by their very element. 
If only Mountain would let him erode away. To truly return to the Earth. Pebble may finally be free. 
But Mountain is trying so hard to show Pebble the respect they deserve. He never was quite as close to Pebble as he wished he was. He feels like he owes it to Pebble now. To apologize for not being the mate the thinks he should have been.  
Pebble just...reminded him too much of his Pit life. Of the resentment he faced. Of the resentment he assumed Pebble faced too.  
And yet, it seemed like Pebble was doing so much better than Mountain could ever dream of.  
Getting too close just...hurts. 
Or hurt. 
Now, Mountain has to make it right, and the only thing he can think to do, is to honor Pebble’s statue. To protect it. 
Maybe it even brings him a bit of peace. Becomes a nice routine.  
But he's not protecting Pebble. Not anymore 
Truthfully, Pebble wants to appreciate Mountain’s effort. They really do. But it’s only hurting him more. Only prolonging the torture. 
Why can’t Mountain just go back to before? 
To loving him the way Mountain used to love him? 
That was all Pebble wanted.  
All Pebble needed.  
They needed Mountain to stop trying to love him in a way he thought was right. 
They needed Mountain to love them like he did before. 
To let go of the pain that he so desperately molded into love. 
To just 
Let Pebble go. 
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hypnoneghoul · 4 months
@thatfuckinjester mentioned ghoul accents to me and grrrr its such a good idea to write about it!!! i dont study english philology for nothing heh would anyone like to read my thoughts on that? i could go about it in various ways , because yk i took elvish as the ghoulish language in my personal hc so i could take different elvish versions and dialects and analyze how they'd influence the ghoul's accents in english and aaaaaaaaaa
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aquaofthedownfall · 2 months
celebrating @thatfuckinjester birthday after almost a week after but still!! happy (late) birthday pretty boy 🫶
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everybodyshusband · 3 months
who is hot chocolate for you (if you wanted of course) because you're so nice
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nice to meeeee !!! thank you jester <3
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wrathofrats · 6 months
I love this sudden surge in general swiss content from people, especially ones where he is the one being taken care of or just being a silly dude
as much as I appreciate the nsfw shit lol, I feel like there isnt enough of him just being a guy (I esp love your’s and jesters swiss things)
I am gods #1 Swiss freak so I am always happy to share stupid non sexual Swiss thoughts. Bc yeah he’s fairly sexual and a whore and he’s my favorite whore but he also has a stupid giggle and blushes when people call him handsome and he says his favorite color is red but it’s actual the specific shade of purple that are aethers eyes so.
Also pspsppsps @thatfuckinjester uve been mentioned my icon
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
Whoever made the post about Phantom and Dew with broken purrs that I read 5 minutes agao
Fuck you that hasn't left my mind
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eros-ghoulette · 3 months
This is a tumblr hug. (✿づ◠‿◠)づ Pass this to 15 of your favorite blogs to let them know that you love them!
I'm too lazy to send them out tbh.
Tagging you guys @icechippies @thesunhatesme @thatfuckinjester @aweisz @revengeghoulette @greenbirdtrash @miss-multi45 @sovaghoul @solarrghoull @sister-nyx
And a few others
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raindrop-21 · 4 months
Day seven of @cirrus-ghoulette 's Whump Month: Broken Bones
Cw: broken bone
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Phantom's been bouncing about all day. Dew and Swiss have been gone for days and are finally returning. He can't wait to see them, especially Dew, his favorite little fire ghoul. He does all his chores quickly, even helps others with their chores while he waits. Finally, it's time.
It's six pm, time for Swiss and Dew to come home. Phantom heads outside, to the parking lot of the ministry. He sits on a bench in front of the ministry as he waits for their car to arrive. His tail wags quickly that it makes a breeze behind him, swishing some of his hair. Thirty minutes later he sees the car pull into the parking lot.
He can see Swiss driving and Dew napping in the passenger seat. When Swiss parks the car, Phantom runs up to the car and waits for one of them to get out. Swiss is first, and Phantom gives him a tight hug and holds it until Dew gets out of the car. When Dew is out of the car, Phantom is on him, hugging him like he's going to disintegrate. Dew grumbles half-asleep half-annoyed, but hugs him back.
Phantom doesn't let go of Dew, he's always touching him in some way. It's fine for two days before Dew gets annoyed with it, he loves the bug, he does, but they're just being so clingy. He can smell Phantom before he can see him. He can sense Phantom's hand reaching out to grab his shoulder. He can't keep his brain from making his hands move to grab Phantom's wrist and snapping it.
He just broke Phantom's wrist.
The little quint lets out a yelp and moves his hand back, cradling it in his other hand.
“Sorry… Dew…” The quint whimpered before leaving Dew to be.
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shout out to @thatfuckinjester for inspiring me to write a little diddy, planting the seed
Thinking about Phantom beating the absolute shit outta someone (don't know who yet) based on my first fight I had when I was in HS
context : when i was a senior a friend of mine died and i heard a girl talking shit about my recently deceased friend so i jumped her in the middle of the library :)
Thinkin about Phantom just snapping on night, he's gone to the Abbeys massive old library, the one place he takes comfort and solace in. The one place Aether and Omega took him to show him of ancient books that spoke about quintessential ghouls, so if Phantom has any questions and they can't answer or aren't there he has resources.
Thinkin about Phantom who's feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, like he can't fill the shoes Aether left behind. So he goes to the library to read up on the books he's familiar with to try and better himself. Maybe it's his magic. Maybe it's not as good as Aether, not as strong. Maybe HES not as a good as Aether or Omega.
Phantom finding someone of the bands pack already in the library and his heart and stomach instantly fill with dread. He's wondering if he can get to his books silently, unnoticed.
Someone noticing him regardless and sighing, clearly irritated that he's even here. Picking up their books from the old tables intending on checking out and leaving.
Instead of getting hurt and sad, which is usually what that reaction makes Phantom feel: he feels anger instead.
Phantom "how dare they have such a visceral reaction to my presence when I haven't done a god damn fucking thing to them"
Phantom marching over to them and asking them what tf their problem is. Phantom all but launching himself at them, fueled by adrenaline, anger, and grief.
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mak-be-ghouled · 1 month
Happy Fan Friday 💚 who are three blogs you really like and would recommend?
#more hype less hate
absolutely adore this🫶
@thatfuckinjester i love their writing so much, their angst never fails to leave me a puddle of tears and their ideas are always so incredible. they’ve also inspired so much of my own writing and is one of the biggest reasons ive become more active and felt so welcome in this fandom
@bloodysyren talk about a great writer man, like SERIOUSLY. and just such a supportive and great human from what i’ve experienced
@midnight-moth again just every one of their fics hits but i’m absolutely a sucker for their cowbell and belltom
and as a bonus @jimothybarnes your effort to make this fandom a more positive place absolutely does not go unnoticed, thank you for being a light
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Happy Fan Friday 💚 who are three blogs you really like and would recommend?
#more hype less hate
Hiiii Jimothy !
3 blogs I adore and would recommend :
@thatfuckinjester : their angst is so good it got me sobbing several time, like have mercy on my poor heart but also never stop please
@wrathofrats : i absolutely love her writting, also whenever she posts something Alpha/Pebble or Ifrit related I lose my shit because yes please
@aweisz : their art is just SO GOOD, especially their zephrit art that has me frothing at the maw. Also cool ocs yaaaay
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