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#thatakwardmoment when you're in #kloppers & a #littleoldlady asks where the #muskietgoeters are! That's what #happens when you #develop #peopleskills 💪🏻😎 https://www.instagram.com/philipluyt/p/Bus4NPRFmwdWZG9d1fc_OvthDaEnw8YZiSPjUM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p6uk5y9wg1ge
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That awkward moment there’s a buzzar going off in your nursing home, and everyone assumes it’s you calling, so two nurses, a carer and the housekeeper all barge into your room ready to rescue you... I was on twitter in my dressing gown 🙈😂! Party in Amy’s room y’all 🙌🏻! Although maybe I could get dressed first?? 😂 #thatakwardmoment #partyinmyroom #goodmoringeverybody #nursestotherescue #exceptimjustchilling #ontwitterinmydressinggown #creased😂😂 (at Cardiff) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buqdg-KHHss/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=etne5qekdn07
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#thatakwardmoment when....you cleaning out your closet!
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Every single time 😬😩😂 #happybirthday #singing #awkward #thatakwardmoment #awkwardsmile #wereallyloveitthough #cosimaskincare #realresults #cosmeceutical #organic #birthday
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When your side chic tells you she's pregnant #sidechicalert #thatakwardmoment #feesmustfall #cops #capetown (at @ Home.....)
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#thatakwardmoment when the fortune in your fortune cookie knows all of your business. #goodnews #spoton
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#thatakwardmoment when your dollar is a Trump supporter and racist, and so you want to get rid of it but you also don't want to give it to just anyone because you don't want to give them negative vibes or have them think it was you who made the dollar bill that way or something. #dilemma #burningaholeinmypocket #literally #moneyistherootofallevil
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That awkward moment when you're doing the dishes and your cat climbs into the dishwasher... #thatakwardmoment #cats
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#thatakwardmoment when your parrot looks like a #pokemon #parrotsofinstagram #birdsofinstagram #socute
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So I’ve been too busy to upload these, but they’re so lovely I’m sharing them now... here are the photos from last weekend at my mum and dad’s house in Swansea 📸😁! That awkward moment your catheter bag splits during your afternoon tea at Wyevale, so your dad makes you ride home in his car with your leg in a bun bag... ffs dad 😂! #ffsdad #lol #thatakwardmoment #yourcatheterbagsplits #soyourdadmakesyouridehonewithyourleginabinbag (at Swansea, a Wyevale Garden Centre)
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#ThatAkwardMoment when you go to the bathroom and turn on the light switch but the ilaw is "punde" 😂✌ #KulotEnglish #Asim hahahaha #BnW
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#ThatAkwardMoment #HighFive #NiceShot #GoldenStateWarriors #StephCurry
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This is so me on everyway!! #Stalking #ThatAkwardMoment #ButSeriouslyTellMeHowWasDubai 🙈💻
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This kid's #reaction was #priceless! Haha. #Kid. That #Akward moment. #TooFunny #oops #ThatAkwardMoment #friends
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That awkward moment when you’re cold, but your mother’s going through menopause... I’m just chilling, wearing a cardigan, a hoodie, and a scarf! #thatakwardmoment #imcold #mumsgoingthroughmenopause #jackets #lotsofjackets #andascarf #flowercrownsarelife #rainbowflowercrown #mermaidhair (at Llansamlet)
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#ThatAkwardMoment when you're stuck in traffic trying to get out of the city and you notice Taylor is in the car next to you. You slide your seat back and hide out of fear that she might recognize you and think you're "stalking" her, but you secretly snap a picture to send to your boyfriend for comedic purposes. @taylorswift if you see this and saw me, I swear I'm on my way up to VT to see my family and it was purely a coincidence. 😜😊😎
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