#that--together--gets him up on the podium and regularly in the points where he belongs
danthropologie · 2 years
See I told myself I won’t get involved in this but then again unlike daniel I am not nice person so 😌
Literally just witnessed a whole ass essay on how lando and pierre are going to get along swimmingly and perform miracle magic of both ending up in top 6 drivers (apparently lando’s been carrying the team alone so far ) . Lando ? getting along with a fellow driver on the grid of his own violation okay grandma let’s get you to bed .
Lmao I have nothing against pierre but I have to laugh mclaren ? the mclaren whose company motto is make Daniel’s (who gets along with literally every living being on the paddock) life a living hell since day 1. I ain’t forgotten all the shit team ln4 , their PR sweetheart charlotte and sugar daddy z*k br*wn pulled / pulling .
You think these people are capable of creating a toxic free work environment? Babes they live so far up lando’s ass they need a whole metro system to get out. Love and light to the pierre girlies and lando girlies because you all be needing it.
see and this is what i don't get? even if they were to get along well off track--which i'm not convinced of given pierre's general lack of tact and softness and lando's propensity to lash out at anyone that makes him feel insecure--who's to say that pierre would take to the car any better than daniel did?
i'm putting a cut cause i kind of rambled a little bit 😭
from my perspective, there's like three main factors when it comes to the idea of replacing daniel in the team: salary, marketability, and performance. daniel has marketability category on lock (even if zak brown wants to pretend like that's not the case lmao), but also has an extremely high salary (rightly so!) and low performance results (not all his own fault but we'll set that aside for now).
pierre might have lower marketability overall, but he'd also have a lower salary and the potential for higher results. BUT that's only assuming he's able to adapt to the car's very specific driving style in a way that daniel hasn't been able to thus far, and when there's been no real evidence to prove pierre has that capability, it feels like a pretty big gamble from both sides? who's to say it wouldn't go the same way, where they continue playing into the car's worst tendencies in order to favor the driver that's actually getting results, more or less leaving the other in the lurch? and when pierre is literally as far as one could possibly be from his Conflict Averse Mature Adult era, it sounds like a recipe for drama because pierre is NOT one to go down without a fight / without talking just as much shit in the press about them as they might him.
the third option, and the one that zak brown is clearly gagging for, would be pulling up an american driver- lowest salary of all as a fresh-faced rookie, supposedly higher marketability in america (which i continue to take issue with, but what do i know), and even tho the performance would most likely be shit, it wouldn't matter because it's not like daniel's getting in the points now anyways. they can rely on lando to continue carrying the team (💀) while the new driver is molded to the car in a similar way that lando was at the start of HIS career, with eyes on both drivers being up to speed and regularly getting results a few years down the road.
but the problem with that is--like rbr found after daniel left them--when you try to put a young, hungry driver that's used to ruling the roost with another young, hungry driver that's not going to be content with sitting back and playing second fiddle, there are GOING to be issues within the team. zak brown with his "lando and colton were teammates before and it was great!" narratives seems convinced that any other driver they add to the team is going to be content living in lando's shadow and it's just like......delusion, thy name is zak
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