#that's why i haven't done any oc content in a while
soodapop · 2 years
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Autodesk doodles ^_^
they’re so pathetic ( affectionate)
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
10 12 for japan and 20 for fuller??
(can't believe autocorrect hates my daughter. homophobia.)
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
Hapax is very pragmatic overall. i think for a while she still has her old dogtags, or whatever the corsair equiv is, but i think they are more something she feels like she *should* hold onto than something that she actually cares about. probably she will get to chuck them into the depths of Luna at some thematically important point of Letting Go of that finally.
& nothing happened to make her that way she is just built like that <3 she doesn't do emotions like other people do.
12. Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
Hapax is very cynical about social stuff specifically. she's relatively newly-rezzed (post Battle of Saturn bc her prev life died there, haven't decided When exactly she was rezzed yet tho) and she has absolutely never fit in. a huge part of that is that she was found by corsairs who Knew Her Before, and so there was a constant Expectation that she would be the same as their comrade who had died, and she just isn't!!! and none of them know what to do with that and its not their FAULT bc the entire concept of guardians sucks just so so so bad for normal people, BUT. it still makes Hapax's life immediately post-rez this miserable obstacle course of constantly making missteps that she could not possibly predict, and accidentally hurting people in the process.
and like its miserable but also she does not do empathy, so its mostly just really confusing and frustrating and annoying for her, because she doesn't understand why everyone else *cares* so much, and so she also isn't able to like. soften that interaction in any way, and also doesn't really *want* to, because she's sick of everyone looking at her and seeing someone she is not and CANNOT be (transgender moment).
she gets transferred to another unit of primarily younger corsairs i think who Didn't know her before, but she still just. does not and cannot participate in the social stuff that is absolutely necessary for keeping a group of soldiers together in wartime. she doesn't do camaraderie, and she didn't do corsair training so she is missing on all the shared customs and the intensely close like, pack dynamics that the corsairs run on.
and so she's completely used to literally anything social being a constant barrage of absolutely unmeetable and also opaque expectations, and she'd really just like to get thru the day, eat some solid meals, kill some things, and clean and repair her gear without any of the nonsense.
I'd like her at some point pre-Fuller to be stationed by herself or with one other much older veteran (possibly someone old and crotchety. i <3 cranky old dykes) at some fuck-off outpost as a stopgap method for dealing with her just absolutely abysmal impact on morale lol, where she can bond with someone who maybe doesn't UNDERSTAND her or accept her like Fuller does, but also doesn't *ask* her for anything. bc i do want her to have some sort of bond with the Reef, i do want her to be loyal to the common people there.
i also think that could be a fun point of contention btwn her and Fuller when they go on their whirlwind tour of the DC either in SotHunt or SotWish, where all of a sudden Hapax is going to stonewall shit Fuller wants to do bc of how it will affect people in the Reef, and Fuller is going to be absolutely blindsided bc Hapax has Literally Never Cared Before, why are you suddenly boring and like everyone else, why are you stopping me from my work, etc.
20. Has your OC ever done something terrible and lied about it? Did they run away or blame someone else for it? How long did they maintain the lie and did the truth ever come out?
Fuller has done many many many terrible things but i don't think she has lied about any of them tbh!!! i think lying about something horrible you've done requires a) recognition of it being bad & b) shame or a feeling of being accountable to others, and she has neither djdhfhfhhd. what she DOES have is a shocking disregard for things like others bodily autonomy, or the safety of humanity, or the consequences for her actions, bc it all fades out in the pursuit of Information. she wants so very badly to figure out what makes the Sword Logic *work* on a mathematical/physics level, but i don't think i want it to be for any like. complicated backstory reasons (eg "if i can explain this perfectly then xyz thing in my past will be justified/worth it") i think she's just built like that. i do love a character tortured by the choices they've made in pursuit of a goal, ESPECIALLY if the person they are lying to is themself, but. i think Fuller just sucks <3 the most important thing in the world to her is figuring out How Things Work, and Sword Logic is the most complicated and interesting and thus-far unsolveable puzzle she has encountered.
this is, of course, going to make her INCREDIBLY unequipped to deal with any interpersonal conflict with Hapax, which is going to be very very very fun. and terrible.
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maurice-memes · 10 months
Welcome to Maurice Memes!
It's been 3 years, and I haven't made an intro post yet💀 Maybe it's time... this post is subject to change btw!
Who Am I?
For those who are already familiar with me, I'm most well-known in this fandom as Maurice Memes! But you can also call me who I actually am, AtomicStarCat (<-main blog link) (or Atomic)! I can go by anything you want me to, even Maurice's Funky Purple Socks!
I use any pronouns you want to use with me! Call me anything you'd like!
I'm currently 18 years old, but sometimes I still feel like I'm 12 *cry*
I am ace-aro, but I really love making friends!
I'm really bad at reaching out to others in this fandom and being consistent with liking posts, but I really love everyone here, and I'd love to know you better! If I'm not following your LotF blog, please let me know!! I'd love to see more content! I don't talk much, but I promise that if you reach out to me and talk to me, that would make me so happy!! I really want to become closer to everyone here! I'll do my best to appreciate you all better!
I'm kinda off and on in every fandom I'm in, so I'll post consistently for a while, then disappear for a while, but I'm never gone forever! This fandom means so much to me, I'd never forget it!
What Do I Like?
Lord of the Flies! Why else would I be here?
mostly children's media, like Digimon, Powerpuff Girls Z, Precure, and Legend of Zelda! But I won't post about that here^^
About My Art and Requests!
I'm an artist! I draw mostly on Notability, but I sometimes make finished pieces on Ibis or make sketches on Freeform!
I mostly sketch silly things and mini-comics, but I have done some character memes in the past and may do some in the future.
Requests: I will most likely take any and all LotF character/LotF ship requests! I can also draw your designs for the boys if you ask me! I'd love to see them!
I also look at trades for LotF characters, LotF ships, and OCs, just ask! (I always consider OC trades, but won't always accept)
I also have a dead Percival ask blog, @percivals-mailbox, but you can still send stuff in if you really want to!
About my LotF!
My active ships: Jack/Ralph, Roger/Simon, Maurice/Sam, Platonic Maurice+Piggy, Bill/Robert, Percival/Mulberry Boy, and Johnny/Wilfred!
I don't particularly dislike any ships as long as they're portrayed respectfully and healthily! Just don't ask me to draw something weird like a bigun/littlun ship😅
I headcanon Ralph and Mulberry Boy as brothers, and I post about them sometimes without context haha
I have one(1) AU called LotF Academy that's slice of life, which also includes gender bends of all the characters as separate entities in the same world! You can ask me to draw them together!
I don't post very often explicitly about my headcanons, but I will talk about them if asked!
I only have a couple rules!
Respect me, yourself, and others on my page.
I don't support discrimination of any kind, incest, proship, basic DNI, etc., or endorse anything 18+ on my profile. I say endorse because I don't have problems with healthy 18+ content, just that it makes me uncomfortable as a sex-repulsed ace.
Do not use my fan art on any of my social media without clear, linked credit, and do not use any original art on my social media without explicit permission under any circumstances!
Find me elsewhere! OC requests are always open on toyhou.se! I’m also on Art Fight!
Thank you for reading my long intro! I'm so happy you found your way here, and I hope you will continue to visit for years to come! I can't wait to meet you!
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seven-thewanderer · 10 months
An introduction!! 💖
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Welcome to my blog!! I know this is my 3rd intro but hush hushy hushy
I am Seven, and I use both she/her and he/him pronouns (with no preference)!!
I am both bisexual and bigender, but am still figuring myself out (since I may also be somewhere on the aroace spectrums)
I am a minor (but I am not actually seven, Seven's just my online nickname it's not my age), so don't be inappropriate. please. (not saying nobody can be nsfw anywhere, just please not directed at me)
Some examples of things I like (cus why not):
My friends!! (both online & irl)
Sweets (some sweets, not all)
Apple Cider Donuts (I will go crazy over apple cider donuts)
Forest-like vibes (idk how to word it)
Most bugs (so yeah this blog may get a slight cw for bugs) (especially with the bugs on my sona's hat)
And some examples of things I dont like:
Chocolate (stating this first cus I often get offered chocolate and I just. I don't like chocolate.)
My space/privacy getting invaded
Homophobes & Transphobes
Art theft
And there's probably more things I like & dislike but I can't think of everything XD
Also, please don't interact if you're:
And the more common lists of DNI (that everyone except me knows XD) (but yeah if you know that common list and you fit as one of the DNIs then you know that means don't interact)
And now it's time for the...
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(if it's hard to read it says "Tags" in all caps)
Some of the tags I use commonly a lot are tags like:
My Art (plus the non-mobile link) (since I'm pretty sure the first one is the mobile link)
Random Post (plus non-mobile link)
Random Reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Random Art Reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Then there's the important tags like:
Important reblog (plus non-mobile link)
Important (plus non-mobile link)
Then there's less important tags:
rant (plus non-mobile link)
<3 & 💖 (I didn't put links for these cus they're honestly very hard to track, they're unconsistant) (I can't link every sparkle heart post with just 1 sparkle heart, it's a random number of em)
Intro (this just lets you see all the intros I've made, which I believe is just 3? idk) (plus non-mobile link) (it's actually about to be 4 now. huh. I always thought I had 2 before this one.)
Then there's character tags like:
Sona (plus non-mobile link)
Sonas (yes they're separate blame past me) (here's non-mobile link)
my ocs (plus non-mobile link)
devicesonas (plus non-mobile link)
Clowns (so if you don't like clowns avoid this tag) (plus non-mobile link)
There's also character-specific tags:
Seven - my main sona (plus non-mobile link)
Silly - my silly goofy lil sona (plus non-mobile link)
Tabby - my tablet devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Chromey - my chromebook devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Swii - my switch devicesona (plus non-mobile link)
Phon - my phone devicesona (plus non-mobile link) I'll add more tags for any more sonas that get tags, like if I ever tag my piranha plant sona by their name, and if I actually share that new sona I made while I was gone.... (also apparently I haven't tagged Swii & Phon before, but I swear I tagged em once)
Then some extra tags like:
Tag game (plus non-mobile link)
Asks (plus non-mobile link)
Ask game (plus non-mobile link)
And I have a few AU tags like:
Sun & Moon AUs (plus non-mobile link)
SAMS AU (plus non-mobile link)
Treats! AU (plus non-mobile link) Also I've kinda lost my hyperfixation on Sun & Moon, so probably no more Sun & Moon AU content, but they'll still have a tag
And then some fandom-like tags I've kinda done (they're not gonna be linked, sorry):
FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Fandroid/Fandroid the Musical Robot
TWOMP (The World of Mr. Plant)
Gen Loss (Generation Loss)
Diep.io (yes I did once post a Diep.io oc don't question me)
SAMS (Sun and Moon Show) & some of the other channels (honestly Im kinda losing interest in this but I can't escape it's a daily thing it makes me wanna see what happens each day like what if I miss something-)
Roblox T2D/Roblox T2D DCO (Roblox Try to Die/Roblox Try to Die DCO)
Pokemon (and Fakemon but idk if that counts as a fandom)
Some of these I'm barely in, but I still like it
There's also some I either haven't done content for, or haven't shared yet like:
Murder Drones
Spooky Month
The Amazing Digital Circus (yes I do like TADC, I dare yall to guess my favorite character) (...or maybe favorites)
Chikn Nuggit
Billie Bust Up
Plus others I cannot think of rn XD
(Also I'm not in the Cookie Run fandom anymore, but I do still like looking at others' fan content)
Now, to exit the tags section, we have my side blog to mention!!
I've brought it up before, but I do have a side blog, which is specifically for a silly lil species I made called Floserds!!
Short summary: Flower Cows. That's legit the best I can give.
I'm leaving the rest of the details over to that blog, but yeah!!
I mainly bring that blog up though because if anyone's interested in the content there, then they can look at it!! However, I don't really want it to be either forced, or just for you to follow it because it's my side blog. It's mainly just if anyone's interested in the idea.
Of course, if nobody's interested in it then that's fine too, of course!!!
But yeah that side blog is @floserd-theflowercows!!
(also, so irrelevant but on the topic of sideblogs, it's a lil fun fact: one of my other sonas, Silly, was actually supposed to have a sideblog, but I didn't do it, since I thought it'd just be this blog, but sillier. Thus Silly doesn't have a sideblog)
But yeah so that this intro doesn't get too long, that's it!!! I hope anyone who's new here has fun!!!
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jmars-fanart · 4 months
2024 Exciting Update in Everything
It’s been a month! omg… When you start to be in a flow in doing everything, time flies and you wouldn’t even notice. I was like in a time machine again.
I remember it was the golden week, and when I was back to work, there were tons of task waiting to be done. And then my arm hurt and I didn’t know why. Luckily I had gotten my current work all done, so I decided to take some rest for my arm while I was to improve my productivity system and update everything for my art pages.
And it’s a month that has passed. I feel better with my arm now! And with the improved system, I feel like I can start to get more things done!
I've updated my Kofi goal and revamped my commission board and page! Prices unchanged and there will be a supporter discount and discount offer for Pokémon SV characters requests this summer! No new types added yet, but I’m exploring chibi style, sketch collage, and character design—
Especially character design, it’s the comms type I’ve always wanted to do! Just like concept designs I did for my original characters! I think I will open this type someday after I've posted and shared some art of my original characters! Stay tuned if you like my style for the concept designs or are interested in this comms type! I’ll make a pinned blog about my comms and things later!
Speaking of OCs, I’m planning more original content on my art pages, sharing what I’ve drawn for them and making new pieces about them. I’ve been talking about it but now I feel it’s time. Really excited and can’t wait for you to meet them! I didn’t really draw them all so this will go with some concept design process update, it must be fun to share!
Also, I decide to open a new blog for my original work! Actually, that was what I was doing with this blog at the beginning, though it ends up becoming a fanart-focused blog now. I will make this blog remain fanart-focused, sharing mine and rebloging others', and my fanfics will also be shared here.
Then I have to mention my King Mettaton story. I haven't given it up despite translation challenges and everything. I’m starting to think maybe I should share the fic even if it’s still untranslated. The translation softwares can help readers nowadays. After all, if I don't start sharing the story, no one will ever read and know the story. I finally got over my perfectionism I guess… I’ll urge myself that translating at least one sentence a day and call it still a progress, so someday I will eventually complete the fanfic translation. I will stick with the plan that sharing the story on Tumblr. But maybe also on Ao3? I’ve heard that is the site where most people share their fanfics, perhaps I could open an account there for my KMTT story and other fanfics too.
Lastly, I’m launching my Patreon! Some supportors suggested it, and I think it’s a good timing to make another fresh start for my artist journey, after I’ve made this far. Updates on Patreon will sync with Kofi, so you can support me on your preferred platform. I'm exploring more content and offer too!
Life gets busy, but connecting with you all and sharing art bring me joy! I just can’t imagine a life without all of these, so even though I’d be busy sometimes, I will always manage to come back no matter what happened! I’ll keep up the pace and be more active on here!
Stay tuned and thank you all for your support! 💖✨ As always, I'll give a shoutout to people who have financially supported me ☕️ You have my eternal gratitude for being part of my journey!
🌻 BridgeWowDah
🌻 Shell
🌻 Quinlynn Hayner
🌻 kazzyrus
🌻 v
🌻 Sophtopus
🌻 Ko‑fi Supporter
🌻 Timothy
🌻 MagicPenguin
🌻 Michelle
🌻 Dimitri
🌻 Amber "Blackjack" B.
If any other new ideas for the plan for my pages, I will keep updating this post!
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heartbeatbookclub · 7 months
I feel like in general on this blog, I really do undersell exactly how private & introverted of a person I am used to be creatively, particularly in fandom spaces. When I say I've been entrenched fandom for a long time, I am not joking. Despite this, you'd be hard-pressed to find most fandom content I produced until...well, until this blog!
In fact, unless you know me in real life, it's unlikely you've ever seen any art which I've posted OUTSIDE of this blog, which is saying something, because there is a LOT of it, both original, and for shitloads of different fandoms. I am, at my core, an artist, as pretentious as that sounds; I create ad nauseam.
Despite this, I very rarely post publicly. The few times I have created a public page to post art, it was incredibly infrequent. And most of them are deleted, now. In fact, this blog is possibly the first time I've made an online account for fan content (or art in general) that has achieved general notoriety anywhere, and it's incredibly fun, but it has made me painfully aware that there's something of a reason I deleted most of my public art accounts...(/lh)
But seriously, I keep a comically low profile, despite enjoying both creating and receiving praise for creating. Part of it has to do with the particular way inspiration strikes me (the periods where I don't post to this blog are mostly actually because I'm looking for proper vision, despite wanting to create) which is why my creation of these sorts of things is so infrequent, because I know most people (particularly artists) don't do that, and it can be very concerning or frustrating to anyone paying attention.
It also creates a rather daunting prospect of creating something "good enough to share", which I have been increasingly working on not giving a shit about. And sometimes building relationships with people who sort of expect you to post/message them often, because that's the only way they know you're alive. I barely even talk to my irl friends as often as some people want to over the internet with me. It's wild.
I'm not complaining about the popularity of this blog by any means, nor how people have been interacting with it, I mostly just wanted to share that despite how it might look, it's actually significantly more normal for me to post basically nothing for months at a time and then have a burst of inspiration leading me to make like 3 posts that leave people raving for a week, then disappear of the face of the earth completely.
Like, you wanna talk how I normally am with art, I have piles of old Undertale doodles & fanfiction, which almost no one has seen, and I probably won't ever post again. I have art for a fandom I was in for maybe a week and have never done anything for again. I have drawn YouTubers I no longer watch. I have OCs which I haven't thought about in actual years. I have world concepts I literally used for a single drawing and nothing else. I have Omori fics and drawings I literally never posted publicly. There are probably people waiting on an update to a fic I wrote 6 years ago (when I was 15).
You wanna talk me in fandom spaces? There are people I know from my Undertale fandom days who I'm surprised are still posting. I know nearly every major artist in the Omori fandom on some sort of personal note (I'm still in a Discord with some of them), and they're the people who've seen my unpublished Omori art/fics. I would post stuff maybe once every month or two in that server. Most of them probably don't even realize they know me.
I know fandom drama I didn't even care about when it was happening.
For the better part of my life I've been the fandom equivalent to a mysterious stranger, blowing into a fandom maybe once a week, then once a month, then never again, people forgetting I was even ever there. There are friends I've made over social media who I've not seen or spoken to in an actual decade.
I just live my life. I make shit. Sometimes I'm active in a particular space on social media for a while. I meet some new people. I am cheesed to meet them. The case goes cold. I continue living my life. I go elsewhere.
I think this is both vitally important to understand on the internet, especially in a fandom sense (The Internet is not your life, please remember that you can literally turn your computer off and leave) and also a really bad habit I have that, while somewhat amusing, means that by nature a lot of the new friendships I make are temporary.
Also, if ever we message each other and I stop talking to you, that's not because I'm mad or forgot you or something; if I don't have anything to say I don't say anything. Small talk is my bane because it feels dishonest. Offer to play TF2 or Overwatch with me or something.
Now that I'm thinking about it, this is actually generally applicable to all online spaces I'm in, which might make the entire thing seem a little silly... There are people I've met on online games like Roblox, or old flash games, or old websites where you can PLAY those flash games, who I just disappeared from one day. A lot more of my life than I thought is intrinsically ephemeral...hm.
It's to the point that a lot of people know who I am but don't realize who I actually am because my name is sorta generic, so they don't make the connection. I make a lot of jokes about it on my main but most people don't even realize I'm The Mind Electric Guy who made the big mash-ups and also the Catboy Electric. And Johnny Johnny Electric but we don't talk about that one.
There are times where I'll have people in my comments/messages going "wait YOU'RE THAT GUY? YOU MADE THAT?!?!" about something completely unrelated, and i'm just like "yeah i was bored on a saturday". I'm like the Neil Cicierega of obscure internet/niche fandom bullshit.
Wait, so I'm like Neil Cicierega. And I've been told I resemble him more than once, so maybe that's fitting.
As a reward for making it through my silly ramblings, here's a little proof in the pudding! Here's some incredibly old DDLC fanart from my initial obsession to a little later, not exactly in chronological order. You can really see my improvement as an artist, which is actually pretty funny, because imitating some other DDLC fanartists is specifically how I started getting better at drawing people
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These are incredibly old! You can tell, because they look like SHIT! I didn't really know a lot about how to draw people at this point in time, and what became my style was super poorly defined here! I have some other super old art which really shows off how bad i was at drawing people, particularly in the waist. Believe it or not, this is a better showing than most others around this time.
Hey, at least they're recognizable, right?
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This right here, this is the exact moment where drawing faces started to click for me. I still think this is one of my best showings from this particular time period, even though it's still got a lot of line jank, and I'm pretty blatantly ripping from a different artist (who no longer has an online presence, so weh, have at it). I still really like this drawing, and a lot of the experimentation that was on this page.
also, you can see me trying to draw boobs for the first time! ain't that a sight!
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These are a weird period where I'm drawing a lot of different things on the same sketchbook page just to fill them up, which...I mean, I guess I should be proud I used to draw that much! They certainly do look cool, too. This image of Sayori in an Adidas tracksuit is directly referenced from a picture of a Sayori cosplayer I found on Instagram once upon a time. The @ you see pictured there is my old private instagram--you can try to follow it, but I doubt you're going to get anywhere!
I think a big problem you see in a lot of these is just that I'm uncertain in my lines, even in sketching and doodling, which is still a problem I struggle with sometimes. Also I don't really get how clothes work. But this is significantly better than how some of my old art used to look like, so I'm glad for that!
Can you identify all of the other pictured characters? There are 3 musicians and 2 YouTubers present!
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I drew this in 8th grade? I think? These might be slightly out of order. I really liked drawing Sayori.
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I really didn't like how this turned out when I first did it. I don't often do digital pieces and even less often work in color, but when i do, they tend to take a lot of time and effort. I think this is definitely rough around the edges, but the amount of work I put in to really make this pop is something I enjoy. Just wish I'd spent longer on those hands...
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Remember how I said I used to really vibe with MC x Sayori?
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Here's some more, including a more fleshed out MC design. I think I did this my senior year of high school?
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And this, dear viewers, is a Sayori I doodled from memory roughly a year ago.
I didn't really have much direction here, I just wanted to talk about this stuff, and I had these that I wanted to share. These drawings were all from roughly 2018-2023.
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xalygatorx · 8 months
Powerless (2017) | Chapter 4, "One of Us"
Years after Sarah’s wit and bravery saved her brother and brought the Labyrinth to its knees, her daughter Andie is transported to what remains of that same fantastical place, somewhere she thought only existed in her favorite childhood stories. To find her way back home, she must traverse what’s left of the crumbling kingdom, find a way to set both moments and magic in motion again, and even save the Goblin King, himself. But who will save her from him?
Powerless is a SFW slow-burn romance between Jareth and an original female character. The story overall contains descriptions of fantasy violence, mild suggestive content, and grief regarding family illness. Chapter-by-chapter warnings will be provided as well.
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Summary: Andie is accosted by bored goblins and saved by her mother’s old friends and some new faces. A crack in the path drops her down into an old oubliette, where she contrastingly finds herself in the presence of Sarah’s old foe.
Pairing: Jareth x Fem!OC
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4k
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Andie was munching on a sandwich from her pack when she happened upon the same small courtyard amidst the hedges as an hour prior and realized she had walked herself around in a circle. She whined a little and then swallowed the bite of food, thinking back to which direction she took last time. 
"What a miserable, frustrating place," she sighed as she went straight this time around. "I wish—" However, she left it at that, just shaking her head instead of finishing, not knowing what she'd wish for anyway, even if it did matter.
"Well?!" cried a high, grating voice above her, causing her to look up. At first she feared it was one of those chicken monsters again, but saw it was, in fact, a small, hideously ugly being that more fit the bill of a troll. Or maybe a…
"A goblin?" she wondered aloud.
"That doesn't make any sense!" it erupted in its impish way. "Don't you know how to make a proper wish?!"
"Should I?" Andie countered.
"Why shouldn't you?" it demanded. "Didn't you learn a thing last time?!"
"’Last time’!" she scoffed. "I've never been here before in my life!"
"Didn't you come here to find that baby of yours?" it wondered, its bulging eyes alight with bewilderment.
"No," Andie said simply.
"Oh," it muttered. "Well, you must've wished for something at some times or another!"
"Apparently, I haven't been doing it the proper way," she murmured, growing annoyed as she quickened her already brisk pace to get away from the little pest.
"Well, go on then, try again!" it persisted.
"Why?!" she finally shouted, stopping and turning to where it was crawling across the top of the hedge.
"Because we haven't had a wish in thousands of years," it muttered reasonably. "We misses it."
"So, what, you can swindle people?!"
"Well… Yes."
Andie threw her hands up in the air and ranted, "Thousands of years, everyone keeps saying that, have you all been alive that long or are you all so fond of hyperbole that it's become a cultural norm?!"
"A what?" it muttered, baffled, before shrugging its wrinkly shoulders. "Time don't move anymore."
That gave Andie pause enough to calm the flare in her temper. "Wait, why not?"
The little creature shook its head. "Never you mind. Doesn't matter no more! Grab 'er!"
"What?" Andie demanded just as suddenly she felt hands grabbing at her legs and a weight launch onto her shoulders. "Hey!" While the goblin had apparently done its job of distracting her, its comrades had snuck up behind her and they were attempting to send her to the ground for better leverage.
"We'ven't turned no one for some time neither!" one goblin cackled maniacally.
"This one ain't no baby!" the one on her shoulders squealed disdainfully.
"Doesn't matter, just takes a bit longer!"
"Let go of me!" Andie growled, attempting to tear the goblin off her back, but nearly tripping instead as the goblins hurled themselves at the backs of her knees. While she fought with one hand, she tried to get the dagger out of her belt loop—where she'd temporarily stowed it to free up both hands to eat and have a sip of lukewarm tea—with the other, but the curvy blade was too secure and would not come out. She thought she was done for when suddenly the ranks began to change.
"Tally-ho!" came a cry from a short distance over. An explosive boom sounded and suddenly what appeared to be a cannonball with legs was hurtling through the air and collided with the goblin atop the hedge, both of them going over the other side in a fit of limbs. "Now, Ambrosius, charge! Not that way!"
"We've got you surrounded!" came another gravelly goblin voice. Other cackles and cries of agreement rose up and then there were the distinct clangs of swords and more cannon fire as what sounded like a fight commenced. A deep, resonating roar rose up and the ground shook, boulders rolling past the end of the path Andie was on toward the commotion, surprised goblin shouts going up as a new clanging began to sound.
Taking that distraction to kick the goblins off her legs and hurl the one off her back, she caused them all to scramble from the commotion and leave her standing, roughed up, in the maze path alone. "What the hell is going on?" Andie murmured, hearing the noise build as she moved forward to try to investigate without getting in the middle of whatever was happening. She peeked around the corner and saw half a battalion of armored goblins equipped with cannons, spears, and swords being mauled by autonomously moving rocks, but that was all she could tell before having to jump back to avoid what appeared to be a sheepdog running past.
"Ambrosius! Stop this instant!" It was then she realized there was a rider atop the dog who looked like a little dog, himself, in a feathered hat and guardsman attire. Andie was so distracted by the dogs that she didn't notice the battle migrating closer as the goblins were forced back. "Must I bring food into this every time?! Halt at once!" The sheepdog apparently named Ambrosius skidded to a stop and whined before slowly turning around, panting pathetically. "Now!" the rider began again, but paused when he spotted Andie. "Oh… Is that you, my lady?"
Andie started to reply when the cavalry opposing the goblins appeared: a stocky fellow with a bulbous nose that she could only classify as a dwarf, a lanky gray creature that resembled a tall version of one of the goblins, and what appeared to be a carved sandstone chimera with the body of a lion, the head of a woman, and arched wings upon its back. Her eyes widened on the group and suddenly the roar of earlier split the air again just inches from her on the other side of the wall and she shrieked, instinctively ducking away. That got the dwarf's attention and he looked at her, his large eyes widening. "Sarah?!"
A new storm of boulders came tumbling through, finally inspiring the goblins to flee the premise, all of them muttering in high-pitched tones as they retreated. Andie watched them go before looking toward the group who was now focused on her. It finally registered in her mind what the dwarf had called her. "No…," she murmured, shaking her head. "No, I'm not Sarah."
"You're her spitting image," the terrier astride the saddled sheepdog pointed out gently.
Andie nodded a little and—in hopes it would gain her some allies, as these creatures clearly were familiar with her mother—revealed for the first time since entering the Labyrinth, "Sarah is my mother. My name is Andie."
"Andie, eh? How did you get here?" the grey goblinish creature asked suspiciously.
She shot him a grumpy look. "It's a bit of a long story."
"Sarah's your mother?" the dwarf asked in awe. "How is she? Did she come with you?"
Andie regarded him thoughtfully. "She is and she's…fine. But no, she didn't come with me. I'm here quite by accident, to be honest with you. But… Who are you?"
"Oh, right, sorry… My name is Hoggle," the dwarf said amiably, still seeming to doubt somewhat that she wasn't who she said she was and was, in fact, Sarah playing a joke or something of the sort.
"And I am Sir Didymus, your ladyship! And of course, this is Ambrosius," the terrier said with a grand gesture to his furry steed.
"How lucky," Andie said with relief. "Aldo and Grita told me to find you both."
"They are still quite well? Wonderful!" Didymus exclaimed. "We lost contact with them quite some time ago."
"I," the greyish goblin began with a bit of a glare thrown toward Didymus, as if he were impertinent for speaking at that particular moment, "am Nyle. It is a pleasure… Andie. Is that a shortened name?"
Andie looked at Nyle warily—something about him just gave her the creeps, but she told herself it was only his looks—and replied, "Erm, yes. For Cassandra."
"Hm, I prefer that," he noted and she decided that he unnerved her so because he was less comically repulsive than the other goblins. There was a sharpness to his features and his eyes were yellow and cold as a snake's. Had he not those reptilian features in addition to the grey skin she'd discovered was signature to the goblins, he may have been handsome. Instead, he just seemed dangerous.
Andie though, impervious to this intimidating move, muttered, "Well, I prefer Andie."
He sneered and she was surprised a long thin tongue didn't flick between his teeth when he replied, "Fine then."
"Leona," the lion woman purred, smiling to reveal rows of sharp, pointed teeth.
It finally occurred to Andie what the chimera reminded her of. "Are you perchance a sphinx?"
Leona delicately raised her stone brow. "Why, yes. However did you know?"
"Stories from my world," Andie said. "I thought sphinxes guarded gateways though?"
"I did once," Leona said, nodding. "But ever since the Labyrinth fell, that duty became null and void. Anything can get anywhere now if said thing is only patient."
Andie nodded; in its own backward way, that did make sense. Her skimming gaze met Hoggle's and he seemed to be embarrassed by the eye contact. "Well, come on, we have a camp nearby," he grumbled, walking back the way they'd come. He tilted his head back shortly after heading over that way, "Well, it's about time you join us! You missed all the good stuff!" She had turned the corner before looking to where Hoggle was speaking and gasped at the beast before them, the definition of the modern day Bigfoot. Or a strangely enormous orangutan. Hoggle looked at Andie's expression and said, "Ah, right. This is Ludo. He's harmless."
Ludo looked down at her and his eyes grew wide. "SARAH?"
"No, Ludo. This is Andie."
"Andie…," Ludo tested out the name, pondering it before looking at her again. "Andie friend?"
Andie stumbled over her words, but managed to say in a voice breathy with shock, "Oh, um, yes. Friend."
The beast was appeased by that and gave a very toothy smile, which—in a strange way—comforted her. He seemed like a gentle giant and Andie was simply glad making one friend in this bunch was so easy. The rest seemed like they might be challenges, particularly because—unfairly—she wasn't her mother.
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"So," Leona began after they'd all managed to settle in the campsite and get some provisions cooking over the small fire. "How did you say you arrived here?"
Andie looked at her, again marveling at her mythical appearance. She looked like she'd come straight off an Egyptian hieroglyph. "Accidentally," she replied, the dried meat being warmed making her mouth water as the smell began to waft into the air. She'd contributed the remainder of her sandwiches and tea to the party as a gesture of friendship, knowing allies outweighed her need for food at the moment and assuming she'd do best with bartering for them to start. "I took a crystal paperweight that looked like a peach—," Hoggle gasped and she paused in confusion before slowly continuing, "—from my mother's house and when I got it home, I cut my finger on it and, next I knew, I was here and getting chased down and nearly tricked by everything I came into contact with."
"Not the guardsmen of the doors?" Nyle asked dubiously. "You would have fallen into a trap had you gotten their riddle wrong."
"Oh, no, that was one of the easiest challenges," Andie said, shaking her head, which surprised the lot of them based on their expressions. "Those orange chickens were the worst."
"Orange whats?"
It hadn't occurred to Andie that chickens might not be known here. "Those large creatures with orange and pink feathers? Long snouts? Tossing their limbs every which way?"
"Oh, you mean the Fireys. Bad luck running into them first thing," Hoggle noted, shaking his head with disapproval.
"Indeed," Leona murmured, equally exasperated at just the mere mention of the creatures.
"Then this peach crystal… Do you still have it?" Hoggle asked nervously.
"Technically, yes," Andie said as she took the dagger from her hip, wiggling it free of the loop, which had proved to be a bad storage idea during her confrontation with the goblins. "But when I got here and dropped it, it turned into this."
"May I?" Hoggle asked, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the shiny, glimmering blade.
"I wouldn't trust him with that," Nyle said with another one of his sneers. "He tends to keep treasures."
"Oh, quiet, I'm not insufferable," Hoggle snapped, appeased when Andie trusted him to hold the blade. He examined it and paled slightly. "Oh, yes… This is Jareth's work, as expected."
Andie arched a brow. "Jareth? The worms said it was goblin magic."
"It is. Jareth is their king," Hoggle told her. "I'm surprised Sarah never told you."
"She did, but as a story when I was little. It's been so long, I don't remember much of it now," Andie admitted.
"Well," Hoggle said as he handed her back the dagger and she noticed that he had a collection of trinkets on his person, among them what looked like a costume bracelet. She wondered if that had been her mom's. "I'm not sure how you got here or why, but you're not alone here. You're welcome to stay with us while you search for answers. And, should you need us…" He glanced at Didymus with a bit of a sad look in his eyes.
The terrier frowned slightly as well. "Yes. What Hoggle is trying to say, milady, is, should you need us, we will be here at your disposal. It is the least we can do for an old friend. And a new one, it seems."
Andie smiled and it was perhaps her most genuine one since arriving to this baffling place. "Thank you. Both of you." Ludo was quiet, as were Leona and Nyle, but she got the impression that they were all on the same page as well. Particularly Ludo, who was content to listen and beam happily at her from time to time. "My mom was lucky to have met such loyal friends while she was here."
"We were lucky to have met her, as well," Didymus said, nodding. "She is a special young lady. A special young lady, indeed!"
"I do believe the meat is done," Nyle droned lazily and Hoggle hastily took the dried meat, now slightly charred, off the iron plate they'd used to heat it, placing it in a bowl and sending it around the circle.
After all the food was parted out, everyone drifted to separate parts of the camp and Andie ate quietly toward the far side of the small courtyard, sitting with her back against the wall. She felt eyes on her soon enough and looked up to see if she was correct in feeling like she was being watched. Her eyes first landed on Nyle, who was openly studying her from the other side of the clearing and did not stop after being caught. She stared back at him boldly and, after a moment, he simply smirked and went back to eating. He was a strange one, but they were all friends, so Andie couldn't believe Hoggle and Didymus in particular would allow a traitor or cad in their elite little group. At least, not actively.
She soon found that Nyle was not the only one looking her way when she glanced right, finding Hoggle hesitating nearby and looking conflicted about approaching her. "Something wrong?" she asked, prompting him to respond.
"Oh, no, I just… May I?"
"Of course. I'm the outsider here, you can do as you please."
Hoggle shook his head as he sat down with her. "Not at all, I—I mean Sir Didymus is glad we all ran into each other." He coughed to cover up his nerves and Andie refrained from smiling at his attempt to appear less sensitive.
"So, you, Ludo, and Sir Didymus knew my mother, right?" she asked him before placing the last bite of a sandwich in her mouth.
"We certainly did. All ended up helping her along in her quest. She couldn't of done it without us," he said toughly. "Though, I was awful lonely before she showed up. Don't tell her I said that."
"I won't," Andie said, her smile coming through a little at that. "The others I've met think she brought the Labyrinth crashing down. That she beat, er, Jareth?"
"She did. She beat him at his own game, but none of us had a clue of what was at stake. It was worth it to her to get her brother back, but the entire Labyrinth seemed to crumble and shatter after she denied him."
"Denied him?"
"It became clear that he was convinced that he was in love with her," Hoggle said in a lowered tone.
"Just convinced? Not actually?"
"To me, yes. Just convinced. I can't imagine treating someone I loved like he treated her. Sending a cleaner after her and wiping her memory and doing everything in his power to make her fail… Even if he did need an heir to his goblin throne," Hoggle scoffed.
Andie nodded knowingly. "That makes a lot of sense. So Uncle Toby, er, her brother was supposed to be his heir?"
"I think any baby would have done, but yes, Sarah's brother was the one he took."
"How did that happen?"
"Well, she asked him to," Hoggle said as if it were obvious. "She wished for him to and it was like fate handed him the perfect situation. And goblins take wishes very seriously. More seriously than anyone. The problem is that they're also manipulative and tend to love loosely worded wishes… And prideful, which was probably why he was so offended when she didn't want his gifts over her brother after wishing him away." He shook his head. "Goblins are the worst…"
"You're very insightful, Hoggle," Andie commented and she could've sworn the dwarf blushed.
"Oh, uh… Thank you," he said embarrassedly.
"You're welcome. I think I'm going to wander a little and scope out what's nearby. I still want to make it to the castle at the center of the Labyrinth, but for now I'm enjoying spending time here. Thanks again for letting me stay."
"Of course." Andie began to stand and paused when she heard, "Sarah, er, I mean, Andie? Sorry, you just look so much like her at a fast glance, it's habit."
"It's okay. I never thought we looked that much alike until I ended up here and everyone began mistaking me for her."
Hoggle waved her closer and she leaned in to hear what he had to say. "Be careful of who you tell about being Sarah's daughter, all right?"
"I have been up until I came across you all," Andie assured him easily.
"Good, but I mean it. Especially if you happen to run into Jareth." He shifted uncomfortably. "No one's seen him since the Labyrinth collapsed, but he might just be the most dangerous one to you in this world. It would do you well to keep what you can about yourself under wraps from now on."
"I understand, but I'm not my mother… Would he really fault me for something I didn't do?"
"Before Sarah showed up and changed everything for us all, no one expected him to do half of what he did," Hoggle admitted. "He was more or less a recluse—dangerous if crossed, but otherwise neutral and still biased toward the goblins—but his encounter with Sarah brought out sides of him I doubt even he anticipated. Something changed for the wilder in him and who knows who he is now. Or if he even is at all anymore."
Andie nodded. "Just in case he is… I'll be careful. Thank you." She paused. "Speaking of careful… Is Nyle…?"
"Strange. But he has proven to be a good ally," Hoggle said quietly.
"Is he a goblin?"
"He's half-transformed. Another baby stolen by Jareth before Sarah came along. He retains human size and features, but you can see the aspects of him that changed… His demeanor is split at times, too."
Andie nodded, feeling a new sense of pity for the half-goblin, half-man. "Right… Okay. I'll see you soon." She stood up and set her empty slab by the fire, heading toward the path that led off from the courtyard. She felt eyes on her again, but didn't turn this time to distinguish who it might be.
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Andie swore as a bramble stabbed her wrist and she chose another less thorny patch of hedge to grip as she tried to haul herself up to the top and peer over for a better view. She'd not gone far, but wanted to get a plan in order before she set out for the castle, which she decided she'd do in a day or two. She was restless and wanted to get back home to her ailing mother and weary family. She was starting to realize, now that she had found a place of security in the Labyrinth and had met individuals she at least trusted not to pull off her head or turn her into a goblin, that what was really pulling her toward an end to all this was a sense of duty. She wasn't as desperate as before and she could only wonder why that was, as monstrous as this place could be.
After getting an idea of what direction she'd need to take, she shifted back down the hedge, noting a small crack in the path that she wasn't sure had been there before. "Hmph," she scoffed dismissively before landing just left of it, only to have the earth breath beneath her feet. She screamed and could feel the tunnel walls actually grabbing at her, her eyes squeezed shut until she was very suddenly yanked to a stop in mid-fall.
She slowly opened her eyes, which shot wide when she saw what seemed to be a bunch of hands creating the shape of a face before her. "Can we lend you a hand?" it laughed, the fingers moving as a makeshift mouth in time with the disembodied voice.
"Wh-What are you?!"
"Why, we're helping hands, of course!" claimed another face, this one with different features, but still made of the same uniformly configured hands. "Now, where to?"
"Where to? What do you mean?" she stuttered.
"Up or down?"
"Um…," Andie murmured, looking down and then up and wondering where she'd come from. Both just looked like spots of light at the end of the tunnel and she'd tumbled end over end so many times, what if she'd gotten turned around? Could she trust physics here? What if she chose wrong? "Which direction did I fall from?"
"Shouldn't you know that?!"
"Do we look like we have eyes, girl?"
"Up or down?!"
"Um… Up?" she squeaked.
They laughed. "She said up!" One added, "Your up or our up?"
"…What's the difference?"
"Everything!" they said together and just started handing her end over end until she hadn't a clue of which direction they were "helping" her toward. At least until they had her dangling by one foot, promptly letting go so she landed on her face.
She spit out a piece of dirt and looked around, finding herself standing in a dim spot of light in utter darkness with nothing beneath her but more dirt. "You bastards! Get back here!" she shouted up at the tunnel, the opening no more than a speck of light now. "Hoggle! Ludo! Didymus, help!" she cried up into the tunnel, but she knew it was no use. Those stupid hands were still laughing at her in their strange, ghostly way.
"Well, well," said a voice in the darkness, "aren't you a sight for sore eyes."
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Next chapter: Chapter 5, "Everything I've Done"
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lildevyl · 3 months
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic: UPDATE
Hey, Guys, Gals, Demons, Ghouls and Multi-Fandom Fiends! I'm back but with an update instead of a theory! So, I've been meaning to post this for some time but every time I sat down, to write. Something keeps coming up or I just couldn't find the "Right Words" to write so I'm just going to Write!
I know many of you have been waiting to about Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, and it's been almost a year since I've updated Secret Clinic. For those of you who have been patiently waiting, THANK YOU! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that! Which leads me to this. And before anyone starts to PANIC! NO, I'm not Discontinuing, Abandoning, Orphaning, or Deleting the story! I AM going to finish it!
Also, the tags that I will be using from here on out for Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, #tommy innit's secret clinic, #TISC, #secret clinic, #Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic, #Secret Clinic, #tisc
BUT I want to address a few things first!
The Main Reason why I haven't updated at all is because I honestly haven't had the chance to! I'm back in school trying to get my degree and with things going on at work. Plus, a ton of IRL Stuff, has been popping up at the worst times! So I haven't had any time to actually sit down and write! Let alone sit down and draw any fanart!
I hit some Major Writer's Block! To the point that I actually tried NOT to write because I couldn't write anything or it was just absolute GARABE that I didn't even save in my Idea/Save For Later/Free Writing Folder. Which is another reason why it's been taking me so long!
I know all of you if not a majority of you already know what's been going on with the whole Willaim Gold (I refuse to call him by his Character/Stage Name!). And that's another major reason why it's been taking me a long ass while. YES! I know it's about the Characters NOT the Content Creators! I know that and fully believe that! Trust me! It's taken me many years to figure that out and still enjoy the Movies/Shows/Books that I love!
HOWEVER, I do have a Couple OC's that are based on a couple of Mutals of mine. I did reach out to them and they have politely and respectfully asked me to not have the Characters in the story. So, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to re-edit Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic.
Way too many Spelling/Grammer Mistakes that I'm too embarrassed and can't believe that I missed!
I'm going to re-write and change a couple of Characters.
I'm going to Repost Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic on Tumblr after done re-editing it.
With that said, if anyone would like to be tagged for the story, please let me know! Either tag me, DM me, or just drop in my inbox what user name you want me to tag!
HOWEVER IF, you are NOT Comfortable with the Character Wilbur Soot, no matter the reason. Here is a list of the tags that from here on out on all Social Media Platforms including AO3. I will be using them for the Character Wilbur Soot. If you are Uncomfortable about the Character, you are more then welcome to block the tags so as to NOT see the posts!
Tags for Character Wilbur Soot:
#c!Wilbur Soot
#DSMP! Wilbur Soot
#DSMP! Wilbur
#L'Manburg Wilbur Soot
#L'Manburg Wilbur
#Pogtopia Wilbur
#Pogtopia Wilbur Soot
#Revive Wilbur
#Revive Wilbur Soot
#Villain Wilbur
#Villain Wilbur Soot
#Siren!Wilbur Soot
#Siren Wilbur
#Siren Wilbur Soot
#Hero Wilbur Soot
#QSMP! Wilbur
#QSMP Wilbur Soot
#q! Wilbur
#q! Wilbur Soot
#QSMP Wilbur Soot
#q Wilbur
#q Wilbur Soot
#Sorry Boys Wilbur Soot
#Sorry Boys Wilbur
#Sorry Wilbur
#Sorry Wilbur Soot
Again, if you are Uncomfortable about the Character Wilbur Soot feel free to block these tags! These will be the ones that I will be using from here on out!
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
The Seeds of Friendship
Summer Break Challenge, Day 3: Watermelon
Danielle Parkin, Saffron Summers, Nova Mae, Scarlett Tempest
It's Dana's birthday today, yay! Happy birthday to my little buttercup Gryffindor, who is sweet as a cupcake but with a little chilli inside. If any of my OCs could be real and my best friend, ngl, it would be you ❤️
Find all the stories of this challenge here. The other members of the HPMA Breakfast Club belong to @the-al-chemist, @kc-and-co and @whatwouldvalerydo respectively. This challenge was created by the lovely @usernoneexistent.
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Warning: mentions of underage drinking
The wind was rustling through the trees in the Parkins' garden on the border of Wigtown. Dana let her feet dangle in the cool water of the garden pond and lay back on the red-and-white chequered picnic blanket with a content sigh.
Next to her, Nova, Scarlett and Saffron - Dana's three best friends from school - had their own ways of appreciating the hot summer day. Scarlett was lounging in the sun in a black bikini and shades covering half of her face. Nova and Saffron were busy discussing the flawless handiwork of the macarons Nova's dad had made for Dana's birthday.
Dana turned onto her stomach, happy to have her friends with her. Scarlett and Nova would leave tomorrow, while Saffron would stay with Dana and her family. The Parkins would be taking a Portkey to the finals of the Quidditch World Cup in Argentina tomorrow night. Since Dana wasn't too fond of the family sport, she had been allowed to bring a friend. 
The thought of the World Cup made Dana's smile falter. It wasn't so much that she had to go and watch a sport she didn't enjoy with the most fanatic family on the planet, but the prospect of who would be joining them. As always for big events like these, her parents would meet up with the family of Dana's godmother. Spending time with the Amaris had always been something to look forward to for Dana. This time, however, the thought of listening to her aunt Skye's lecture on why it was a scam that Scotland hadn't even qualified for the tournament - again - suddenly had a strange appeal.  
Dana's mind was taken off her glum thoughts when the patio door opened and her mother stepped into the garden. Penny Parkin was wearing a white summer dress with yellow sunflowers, looking just like the pattern Nova had painted onto Dana's nails this morning. A tray with homemade lemonade and a plate of sliced watermelons was floating behind her as she made her way over to where the girls were sitting in the grass.
"I brought you some snacks," Penny beamed and sat the tray down on the picnic blanket. Dana thought she would be leaving again, but instead, her mother sat down on the blanket next to Nova.
"So, what's the news?" she said in a conversational tone and began filling the glasses with lemonade. "How has your year been?"
Scarlett, Nova and Saffron each told her politely about their previous year at Hogwarts, and Penny nodded knowingly. When they were done, Penny lowered her voice, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "And what about the interesting things?" She winked. "You know, the boys and all?"
Dana felt her cheeks go red. "Mum," she groaned, "please don't."
"What?" Penny asked, looking surprised. "You can tell me. We've all been there, haven't we? I won't judge, I promise. I'm not like other mums. I'm a cool mum."
"Mum!" Dana said vehemently. She pointedly looked at the house. "Don't you need to check on the food or something?"
Taking the hint, Penny rose to her feet, a slight dusting of pink on her cheeks. "Of course. Once Dad and Maisie are home from practice, we'll get the barbecue started, is that alright? Don't worry," she said, directed at Saffron and Nova, "I've got all the vegan options for the two of you."
"Thank you, Mrs Parkin," Saffron smiled broadly. 
"You shouldn't have," Nova agreed. "The sides would have been fine."
"Don't mention it," Penny smiled back. Her eyes went back to her daughter, taking on an uncertain expression. "Are you sure you don't want me to send a Patronus to Lizzie and ask them to come? We've got enough food and drinks, and I bet they'll love to -"
"We've been over this, Mum," Dana said with a strained voice. "It's fine."
"But it will be the first time we'll celebrate your birthday without them."
"I have my friends here; that's really all I need. Dylan's probably busy showing his little girlfriend some stupid mountains anyway."
"Oh?" Penny said, a curious look forming on her face. "Dylan has a girlfriend? You never said a word."
Dana bit the insides of her cheeks, wishing she hadn't brought it up as her mother sat down again. Penny's voice grew soft. "Is there anything you want to talk about, sweetie?"
Dana glanced at her friends, who were suddenly very busy looking at their phones or - in Saffron's case - an ant making its way to the plate with watermelons. 
"It's fine," she said curtly. "Forget I said anything." 
"You know you can always talk to me."
"I said it's fine," Dana repeated, more harshly than she had meant. 
Penny looked taken aback by the sudden sharpness in her daughter's voice. Dana thought she wanted to say something, but before she could, Saffron spoke up.
"Don't worry, Mrs Parkin," she said, her voice lowered conspiratorially. "I already gave Dana a rose quartz."
Penny frowned. "A rose quartz? Isn't that for love?"
"And heartache," Saffron sighed, not minding the dark look Dana was giving her.
"Did you hear that? Sounded like someone Apparating, must be Dad and Maisie. Better go check," Dana said, furiously hoping that her mother would just leave. 
"Uh, yes, sure. Must be them," Penny mumbled and got up. With a last look at Dana, she turned and walked back to the house. When she was out of ear-shot, Dana exhaled audibly. 
Next to her, Nova sniggered. "Gosh, I love your mum."
"Speak for yourself."
"She just wanted to be nice."
"I know," Dana sighed. "It's just that sometimes she's a little too nice. And nosy."
"Well," Nova said, more softly now, "do you want to talk about Dylan?"
Dana grimaced. "It's my birthday. Can we just not?"
"Sure," Scarlett said and reached for her bag. She pulled out a gleaming silver flask, unscrewed it and poured its content into each of the girls' glasses. Looking at Dana for a second, she added another swig. "Let's rather drink on your birthday. Who needs those bloody blokes when we have each other?"
"Cheers to that," Nova said flatly and raised her glass.
Their conversation soon drifted off to other topics. Nova, Dana and Scarlett were enjoying their watermelon, macarons and spiked lemonade, but Saffron had gone oddly quiet. When she looked over, Dana was astounded to see that Saffron had taken hold of the plate where they had discarded their watermelon seeds. She was holding it on her lap and busy digging little holes in the ground. Into each hole, Saffron popped a watermelon seed and lovingly spread the soil over it again. 
"Saff," Dana said slowly, "what in Merlin's name are you doing there?"
"Giving the Earth Mother back what is hers," Saffron replied with a serene smile, never stopping her planting. "She gave us these watermelons to enjoy, and now we must give her something back. The cycle must always continue."
Saffron must have been at it longer than any of them had noticed because several small heaps of earth were already surrounding her. Dana counted them, and her eyebrows rose.
"At the rate you're going, there'll be a whole field of watermelons here next year."
"We can all go and harvest them then," Saffron smiled. "The cycle, you know?"
"If that means you'll come back for my birthday next year, I say that's a great idea," Dana smiled back, took a seed from the plate and put it into the ground next to the one Saffron had just planted. She handed Nova and Scarlett a handful of seeds as well and - after Dana had given a reluctant Scarlett a pointed look - both girls planted some watermelons of their own.
"The things I do for you," Scarlett sighed, looking disapprovingly at the earth on her fingernails. She shrugged and reached for her lemonade.
"Cheers," she said and raised her glass in the direction of her friends, who did the same. "To Dana's birthday, friends, and watermelons." 
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ikatako38 · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
Hi! Info on my fanfics, tips for navigating this blog, rules on submitting asks and posts, and a list of my alts are below the cut! If you want to submit a post to the blog, please read the rules down below! Thank you so much!
WIPs and fic Masterpost
Picrew Masterpost
Content Schedule
My Works
This blog is dedicated to my three ongoing fanfictions on AO3. If you haven’t visited them yet, click on the links below to get started!
This Place We Called Home (TPWCH) - Splatoon, M/M, Agent 24
Mi Hogar Eres Tú (MHET) - Versión en español de TPWCH
The Words We Left Unsaid (TWWLU) - Haikyuu, M/M, Kenhina [HIATUS]
However, I overwhelmingly post about that first one on here! I also used to post a series called Daily Jugoru that highlights vocab and grammar from TPWCH’s accompanying conlang (known as Juburanotako). But I haven't done that in a while, and it's quickly losing relevance as Three learns more Octoling.
I’ve also started posting memes about TPWCH, because why not? (Also haven't done this in a while lol).
Navigating This Blog
Every organizational tag I use on this blog is included below. To go to that tag, click on the corresponding tag at the bottom of this post. The nice little feature of doing it this way is that this intro post will always be here at the top if you want to switch tags.
To see everything related to TPWCH, including status updates → #this place we called home
To see TPWCH official art → #tpwch official art
To see TPWCH picrews -> #tpwch picrews (or the masterpost)
To see TPWCH Fun Facts -> #tpwch fun facts
To see all TPWCH memes (including incorrect quotes) → #tpwch memes
To see TPWCH incorrect quotes, → #tpwch incorrect quotes
To see everything related to the Daily Jugoru, including status updates → #daily jugoru
To see only the Daily Jugoru and other Juburanotako posts without the status updates → #octoling language
To see everything related to TWWLU → #the words we left unsaid
To see everything related to TWWFL -> #this way we found love
To see everthng related to TTWCF -> #this thing we called freedom
To see everything related to MHET → #mi hogar eres tú
To see TWWLU official art → #twwlu official art
To see ALL my art → #tako’s art
To see TPWCH fanart -> #tpwch fanart
To see ALL submissions -> #tako’s sumbissions
To see TPWCH guest fics -> #tpwch fanfic
To see the ridiculous carp my predictive text, autocorrect, and spellcheck gets up to → #adventures in google docs
To see/blacklist status updates → #tako’s updates
To see/blacklist other random things → #tako’s squidposting
To see an agent -> #(Neo) Agent 3/4/8
To see an OC -> #seyu, #lyle, #lucía, etc.
I also use other tags such as #splatoon, #haikyuu, #fanfic, #conlang, which I use to categorize my posts in the broader site, but I don’t suggest using for navigation. Many of these are just a holdover from back when I didn’t know how Tumblr worked and just stuck with me lol
Submitting Asks and Posts
You can submit an ask or a post at any time! I’d be ecstatic to answer any questions about TPWCH—or anything, really! 
And we now have fanart being consistently submitted to the blog, which is a literal dream come true! If you want to submit a fanwork, please follow the rules below to make sure it ends up in my hands and on the blog! (I promise they’re not scary rules! :P)
Fanworks of this fic are totally welcome and will immediately earn you my everlasting love and appreciation! Please send me any of your own creative work related to This Place We Called Home with the “Submit Fanwork” button if you want me to post it to the blog! AND SUPER IMPORTANT PART: You need to DM me on Tumblr or leave a comment on AO3, otherwise I won't see it! This goes for fanart, fanfiction, chat memes, you name it! And fun fact about submitted fanworks: they get reblogged once a month for three months! That means you'll appear on the blog a total of four times for each post you submit! (I may space them out a bit more than that if there’s a particularly high volume of traffic on the blog to ensure than every fanwork gets its fair share of appreciation!)
Posting fanart of my story to your own blog is also okay, but I ask that you do three things: [1]credit and ping me (@ikatako38) [2] link the fic (tinyurl.com/thisplacewecalledhome) and [3] spell the name of the fic correctly (This Place We Called Home).
Content-wise, I’m very open to any sort of AU or really anything else you want to do with my characters! If it complies with Tumblr’s (admittedly excessive) guidelines, you should be all set to go! If it would be labeled mature, just let me know that along with and content/trigger warnings in the DM you send me! I’m not currently avoiding any content warnings, but it’s nice to be prepared.
Thank you so much!
I currently have three alt blogs, listed here:
“Squids Don’t Have Bones” @ikatakoalt - for non-TPWCH related Splatoon stuff. This is just reblogs.
“Shades of Purple” @purplegays - for Zukka, Klance, and a little bit of Ranga. And now Sonadow/Soknux/Sonadoknux too, apparently!
“A Silent Glance Between Us” @puddinghead38 - for Haikyuu, and more detailed updates on my fanfic The Words We Left Unsaid. This one is basically dead.
“Ce Mur qui Nous Offre des Blorbos” @bugaboi38 - for Miraculous
“It’s Tako Tuesday Bois” @ikatakoirl - Writing blog and non-fandom or book fandom posts
“Rocket is My Babygirl” @raccoonboi38 - Rocket and GotG appreciation archive. Not planning on making any posts there, just reblogs so I can find them later
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sanctus-ingenium · 3 years
Heya! Your last few pieces have been incredible as always! I wanted to ask: how long have you been working on this current project? I've been a fan for a long time but with varying times of activity and so I recognize oc names I'm just curious if they've always been a part of this current plot or if they've been inserted into different settings throughout the years. Feel free to answer this privately or not at all if its too personal!
hiiiiii (u caught me scrolling tumblr mid-lecture, don't tell my prof)
for the last few pieces.. the reason i'm able to do a bunch of big illustrations is because i'm already finished with the setting. i wrote the 3 inver books over the course of roughly a year and tbh all of the content in them was new for the books and didn't have any recycled content aside from some minor details. the main 3 characters were from a dnd oneshot in 2019 but i didn't do much with them until i decided to write about them in an original fantasy setting in may-june of 2020. last book was finished in june of 2021. unlike a lot of my previous stuff, this story had a distinct end. all the character arcs are done, the plot is finished. it was a big deal for me because i usually never wrap up stories lmao
in the last like 10 chapters of more than 100 total i introduced pascal, who is literally a clone who had to kill & replace god just to survive his original self (félix) turning human again. then the books ended. and i realised that because this guy was immortal, he was going to persist and have a much longer life, so his story wasn't all wrapped up neatly like everyone else's - he didn't want to become immortal, he just wanted to not disappear, and now he's stuck like This while the happy ending he wanted so much was handed to a different version of him who got to become human and get married and so on. he didn't get those choices - it was either stop existing or become the boss púca and be cut off from humanity forever. and while he did maintain a friendship with a lot of the human characters after the 1860s (post-canon), human lifespans are short. everyone he knew died and left him alone, and in his otherworld barrow he would have no one to interact with but himself.
i haven't written any structured prose about him BUT i do have the beginnings of a story set in the 21st century that picks up with him, mostly about a corruption arc/his descent into becoming the worst version of himself as a result of isolation making him massively self-centered... so i guess it's more like a bad end au for félix (the actual main character of the inver books), only because of the clone situation i get to write him both good and bad endings. so basically i've been working on that for about a month but as a character he's less than a year old
anyway. for "inserted into different settings over the years" well!!!!! yeah i do that. all the inver characters are new for their setting but the mez characters certainly aren't... i wanted to focus on worldbuilding and mechs and engine stuff and didn't have any characters to populate it all, so i just yoinked them from my very first writing project - a book series i started in 2008. that's why those characters are familiar. oddly enough it makes them harder to insert into a closed story because i have to go through every version of them to pick and choose wtf i'm keeping and what i'm discarding. but also one of the characters from that 2008-era setting is john who you may be familiar with (lol). john's twin brother, invented for dnd, is félix. and pascal is félix 2. so in answer to your question: yes but also no? but also yes and no.
ftr my favourite character of all time is also félix and pascal is just him again but minus the humanity so that's also why i have dedicated a lot of time to thinking about him. also he is easy to draw
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inviouswriting · 3 years
For fanfic writer asks: ALL OF THEM INVI.
1-21. Let's GOOOOOO!
They're suppose to be staggered!!!! but I'll do them~
1) Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
I'll go by series so it's easier.
Obey me - Simeon of course.
Genshin Impact - Zhongli
FGO - Arjuna
FF14 - Aymeric normally, but my oc Kivera and the polyship with Shuri
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
Rain is a comfort - I wrote this as a mental release from dealing with everything overwhelming me, and all I wanted to do was stick my arm out a window to feel the rain.
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
All of them. But most of my original content.
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Recently it is Calm Waters. I posted that a few days ago and it suddenly has almost 300 favorites on it.
5) Do you like one shots or multi-chapters?
I like one-shots better. I don't have to continue something that is finished.
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I tried that once, and I got overwhelmed. So now I write when the inspiration is at it's highest and I can sit down to well write.
7) How do you edit your fics? What do you look for in your edits?
I tend to edit as I write. I know there are alot of run on sentences and punctuation errors. Things I still haven't grasped. But spelling and flow are done as I am writing.
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Sometimes I do. I'll look at things I own, or just sit around fiddling with my hair waiting for something to pop.
9) Do you visualize scenes in your head before you write them? (Can you picture the setting, character body language etc)
Yes. I actually do this alot, I'll have a complete story in my head before it actually gets written of everything I will input into it.
10) How do you feel about writing plot, setting/description, inner thoughts, dialogue?
I'm not that great at conversation direction with multiple characters, which is why you see me focus on couples more than like a whole large cast of characters. Easier to write, and easier to keep the flow going. But I like settings and description best.
11) What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why? (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient, deep pov, etc)
2nd perspective or 2nd character. Things happening to the reader rather than third or first person perspectives. I can't stand first person writing. I feel like I am reading a diary instead of it being immersive.
12) Do you like to switch pov's a lot or stick to one character?
Sticking to one. Again easier to write with direction than mixing it up so much.
13) Are you a fast or slow writer?
Pretty sure I am slow. But my content does not lack from time. Good long stories needs good long time to write.
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
That it is okay to be selfish and go against the norm.
15) If you could only write one type of fic (angst, fluff, etc.) for the rest of your life what would it be?
Smut. I mean I'm good at it.
16) Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
I hope so... it's what I aim for when I write.
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
I have a few obey me ones, and a future Genshin one. Just that inspiration needs to happen and drive to work on them. I was also mad at my angel for a while.
18) What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
How much something can stretch.
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
I can't remember. but I think it is tea knowledge.
20) What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? What about writing in general?
It is one of the most freeing things I can do. The reasoning behind I don't do commissions is that it will take away from this feeling of freedom for me. It's kinda embarrassing to admit this, but as I write, it's actually a bit euphoric to me. I love it when I get lost in my world and zone, and I can't wait to see my own story finished.
21) Writers choice - pick any of these questions that you want to answer.
All answered.
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spoops-screams · 3 years
— Flower seeds
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[ Request rules and guidelines ]
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Buying seeds [ General request information ]
A maximum of 4 characters per headcanon request
I can say no to requests if I'm not comfortable with them due to anything that I haven't already specified
If you don't specify the gender of the reader, I will just do 'x gender neutral reader' or whatever reader I feel fits the request best
You can just send me a prompt without a specific character and I will choose the character that I will write it for if you want to but please specify if you want me to choose
I will do my best to put trigger warnings in all of my work and feel free to tell me if there is anything triggering that I haven't tagged but keep in mind I do sometimes make mistakes. Even if the tag itself is not there, the trigger warnings will be stated at the top of the post
It might take me a little while to finally get then fully done and posted since I'm also trying to keep up with life and things but I promise that I will get them done so please be patient because I get burnt out quite easily hence why my spaces for requests are limited
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Seeds on offer [ What I will write ]
Headcanons, drabbles, fics and scenarios
Reader of any gender reader (male, female, non-binary, trans, gender fluid etc…)
Lgbtq+ relationships
Polyamorous relationships
Character x character (within reason of course)
Character x oc (providing that I am given information about said oc(s) like personality, appearance etc...)
Things to do with religion/ culture as long (providing that they are respectful)
Character death, gore, injury etc...
Aus (as long as I have enough information about them but not a/b/o under any circumstances)
Mental health related requests (within reason)
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Seeds that we don't sell [ What I won't write ]
Nsfw/ explicit content
I refuse to do incest or paedophilia or anything of the sort
Cheating (though this depends on the circumstance)
R*pe/ sexual assault/ sexual harassment
Child death
Human trafficking of any form
Pregnancy/ childbirth. Requests related to parenthood and the like are okay, just not pregnancy itself
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If there is anything that I haven't covered here or isn't very clear, feel free to ask me about it 💕
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thewolfswriting · 4 years
The Dangers Of A Demon Chapter 4
Pairings: Demon Alpha!Dean x Katarina Morgan (Omega OC)
Word count: 2,136
Chapter Warnings: Profanity, Knotting, Oral, Dub-Con 18+ content just don’t read if you’re a minor
Taglist: @charmed-asylum​
Divider By: @firefly-graphics
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"Y-you claimed me! Why? Why would you do that?!" She screamed at the demon with tears and in horror.
The cramps and pain that came with her heat were gone. That she was grateful for but she didn't expect to be claimed by anybody, and that included a demon Alpha.
"Yeah, you see, that's what happens after an Alpha knots an Omega. We both know you already knew that." There wasn't an ounce of sympathy in his voice.
She touched the fresh bite on her neck and winced "I didn't want to be claimed." She sobbed "You claimed me on purpose."
He shrugged "If that's what you wanna think and  just because I claimed you don't mean I still won't kill you."
That didn't make the situation any better. However, only part of her wished he would kill her but only for the fact that she's been claimed by an Alpha that's a demon. But if he knew that he would just draw it out even longer.
"S-sheriff Morgan, sir? There's a guy here. He's here to see you."
Sheriff Morgan cocked an eyebrow "About?"
"He says he's here about the three Omega cases and his brother. He didn't tell me his name but he insisted on seeing you."
While confused, sheriff Morgan strutted towards his office to see someone sitting in front of his desk he hadn't seen in a long time "Sam Winchester. Haven't seen you in a long time. What can I do for you?"
"It's not about what you can do for me. It's about what I can do for you. I know your daughter is missing and I'm assuming Dean is here somewhere."
"Yes, he's here. He is also responsible for the three Omega's that are now dead. Sam, he has my daughter."
"I know."
"How so?"
"I know my brother better than anybody. Once he found out Katarina's your daughter, it became a game to him. It makes the kill more interesting." Even though Sam's tone showed sympathy, he also stated facts.
"Do you have an idea where he might've taken her?"
"Somewhere nobody can find her. We find her, we find Dean. I already interviewed someone, a guy named Tony."
"Yeah, Tony owns the diner outside of town."
Sam opened his notepad "He said there a scent he smelled. The kind of smell when an Omega goes into heat. He smelled it a few miles from the diner two night before"
Of course sheriff Morgan felt the fear he was dreading. The fear of his daughter going into heat with the man that kidnapped her and is going to kill her.
The words Dean said to him instantly replayed in his head "I can wait until she goes into heat, take what I want and then kill her"
He was beginning to lose the hope he had held onto since Katarina went missing. But now that Sam came into town, that hope instantly came back "Looks like we have our first lead."
"Looks like it."
Dean's claim mark on Katarina's neck still throbbed with pain even though it was half-healed. Once completely healed it would scar and she knew that. She tried not to make any sound of pain but no matter how hard she tried, he would hear it anyway.
The thought of trying to escape again crossed her mind. The stabbing with the knife, she could try that again, instead of stabbing him once she could stab him twice or three more times. But he heals quickly. So there goes that idea.
She remembered the window in the bathroom, so the idea of climbing out racked her brain. Only if she tried, surely he would hear her and catch her like last time.
Until he kills her, she's trapped.
The sound of the ax splitting the wood is what helped Dean somewhat get rid of his anger. For two days he's had to listen to her whimpering and sobbing of pain. All because of the claim mark that's currently half-healed on her neck.
For the most part he ignored it. But then eventually he got pissed at her and would yell at her. Even told her he would "rip out her vocal cords, then she wouldn't be able to make any noise"
"Omega's really can't handle pain." He said to himself
In some ways, Dean thought it was stupid of him to claim her. But most of it was out of Alpha instinct. He was able to control it with the other three Omega's and the others before them. With her, he couldn't help himself.
He should've just killed her after he knotted her. At least he wouldn't have any more visits from Crowley.
"Good evening, Dean."
"Damn it, Crowley! What do you want now?!"
"The Omega, she still alive I presume?"
"Like I've said I'm-"
"Dragging it out yes, I know" Crowley interrupted "It's been nearly a week, Dean. Never have you once dragged a kill out this long."
"What's your point?"
"Tell me, did you knot her like you did all the other Omega's before you killed them? Did you claim her too?" He took a step toward the demon.
"So what if I did? Just because I claimed her doesn't mean I still won't kill her."
"Alphas don't kill their mates. But like you just said, just because you claimed her doesn't mean you won't kill her. Now, get the job done."
When Dean came back inside the cabin Katarina was already asleep. He sat on the little stool in front of the fireplace and stacked the logs to build a fire. At least the smell of the burning wood would help mask her intoxicating scent that still clung in the air of the cabin.
Before crawling in next to her he removed every bit of clothing. He laid down next to her for what seemed like hours. Mostly, he watched her sleep. Sleep was the last thing on his mind. He could still smell her scent. The blanket, the bed, the whole cabin smelled like her. The only other scent he could smell mixed with her's was his own.
The longer he laid there and took in her sleeping form the more her scent got to him. While scooting closer to her he ghosted his lips along the side of her neck and over the mark, taking a moment for his tongue to lick over the wound. As she rolled over on her back she whimpered and a low growl rumbled from his chest.
Gently he pulled her shirt over her head and began pressing kisses down her naked chest and down her stomach. Unbuttoning her jeans he ever so slowly dragged them down her legs with her panties. She moaned in her sleep as the Alpha spread her thighs and pressed open-mouthed kisses on her skin along the inside of her thighs. He wanted to bite her, give her another claim mark that wasn't on her neck. But he held back, he didn't want to wake her up that way.
Just as he suspected, she was already slick from basically doing nothing to her. He took his index finger and dragged it along her wet slit and up towards her clit, her hips jerking at the contact.
"Dean?" The Omega's eyes fluttered open even though she was still half asleep. She looked down just in time to see Dean's eyes on her as his tongue pushed between her folds "What-"
She tried to pull away from him, but his arms tightening around her thighs halted her protest "Shh it's okay 'mega. Alpha just wants to make you feel good."
Finally, his tongue sought out her sensitive, pulsating clit. Still, he kept his eyes on her, watching her expression as he gave her a solid lick against her bud before closing his lips around the oversensitive spot.
It was different when she wasn't in heat. Well, to her it was anyway. When she was in heat she couldn't control the waves of pleasure he gave her, or the intoxicating scent of her arousal her body radiated. But it seemed like it didn't matter whether she was in heat or not, her inner Omega couldn't deny the physical pleasure he was now giving her. But still, the shame was there.
Dean growled against her as he continued to work on her cunt, his tongue sliding down to her opening and collected some of her slick. Her wet walls clenched around nothing as he pulled back "Taste just as good as the first time."
A smirk spread across the Alpha's face when her hips bucked against him. He knew exactly what she needed. Without warning two fingers entered her now swollen, soaked cunt, instantly finding that sweet, sensitive spot deep inside her. Her breaths became raspy as he lazily twisted and turned the two fingers that currently occupied her inner walls. He turns his attention back to her clit, moving his head from side to side and his fingers quickened their pace against the spot inside her.
"That's it, cum for me 'mega" He says as her breathing grew raspy.
Soon she's screaming from the sheer force of her orgasm that crawled through her veins. Like last time he continued to finger and lick her until her body shudders against him. Only this time, she didn't have to beg him to stop.
"Need you on my cock, "mega!" He sits back, hauling her onto his lap, and arranged her legs on either side of his hips.
The swollen head of his cock pressed at her slit. She was still sore from when he gave her his knot two nights ago and because of that, she panicked. With her hands on his shoulders, she attempted to push herself off of him, but the vice-like grip on her hips by his hands tightened to keep her still.
"Dean, wait! I'm so-" Her words were cut off by a hand shooting up and wrapping around her throat.
"Remember what happens if you don't?" He snarled at her.
With his hand still around her throat, she managed to nod her head rapidly.
The panic only ignited in her more when he lifted his hips to push the first inch inside her. Just like last time, he was met with resistance, only this time, it was more of a struggle due to her walls being so swollen. She yelped as Dean slipped the thick head of his cock past her folds. The Demon grunted as he pushed in another three, her tight, aching ring of muscles clenched around him.
He placed a hand between them to rub her still sensitive bud in circles "C'mon 'mega. Open that pretty little pussy up for me."
Between the contact of his thumb on her clit and his words laced with lust, she opened up for him. Once he was finally able to slide the rest of the way in she clamped around him so hard it almost hurt. Her insides felt like they were on fire.
"Hold onto my shoulders." He said while giving her time to adjust.
Without hesitation, she leaned forward, holding onto his shoulders with her face buried in the front of his shoulder.
He pulls out, only the head of his cock is inside her until he thrusts back in. She whimpered in response. Slowly he thrusts up into her. His patience didn't run thin like last time and that surprises him. But she also didn't have the chance to protest against him either. Either time, that wasn't an option.
Now he was plunging into her at a much faster pace. Each time he fucked up into her, she released muffled whimpers against his shoulder. He paused his thrusts only to lift her up an inch, leaving open-mouthed kisses at the skin on the opposite side of her neck. Closing her eyes she expected him to bite her again, but to her surprise, he didn't.
Tears bloomed in her eyes, she could feel his knot beginning to swell and that was something she wasn't prepared for the second time.
With one hard, brutal thrust, he forced his popping knot up inside her. As his release coated her walls, his eyes diverted to the knife on the nightstand. Reaching over he picked up the knife by the handle, his eyes tinted black from the memory from Crowley repeating Dean's own words back to him "just because you claimed her doesn't mean you won't kill her".
With the knife still his in hand he pointed the sharp end towards her back. This was it, he's going to kill her.
But then something struck him. A conscious perhaps? No, Demons didn't have a conscious. But Alphas do.
"I-I can't!" The Alpha roared before plunging the knife into the headboard of the bed.
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twstedrabbithole · 4 years
The Rabbit Hole
You were just chasing what seemed to be a small white rabbit, but you somehow found yourself falling down a large and twisting rabbit hole. Fortunately you landed on the floor softly, which confused you.
You looked around your surroundings, seeing the ground tiled in pink and the walls in completely different colors from each other. The furniture was scattered about, all in different fashions of each other.
"Oh a guest!" A soft voice exclaimed, causing you to gasp in shock as a figure quickly approached you. "Oh how wonderful! Wonderful indeed!"
"Come on then! Come on! Let's have a nice chat!" She grabbed your arm and quickly rushed you into one of the chairs at a large table. "I haven't had anyone stumble into my rabbit hole in quite a long time! Though I suppose that's to be expected of the new hotshot in that old dusty college!"
You tilted your head in confusion, she knew of you?
"Why of course hotshot! How can no one know of the magic less student?! Say where's that monster raccoon of yours? I wanted to pet him like I used to with me old gal Cocoa!" The girl looked around, allowing you to see her white rabbit ears from under her large hat. As well as her big fluffy rabbit tail from the sudden movements see was doing. "Oh right! We're supposed to be chatting haha! Silly me! Let me fetch something for ya!"
The next second she was rushing down the suddenly appeared corridor, with many doors and paintings scattering the walls. When you blinked she was already rushing back with a large tray. She slammed the the tray onto the table, surprisingly not making a mess.
"Take your pick! Anything you want is yours! I can gladly get more if you want as well!!" The rabbit eared woman smiled, tilting her head as she waited for you to grab something from the tray.
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First off. I am doing this blog for fun. So I beg of you to please not bombard me with "Why haven't you done my ask? Are you being lazy?" It's rude and insensitive, while yes I may get lazy sometimes I do try my best to get as many requests done as I can.
Second. My character limit is very dependent on how I feel and what I'm doing. But to give a general estimate I would say maybe three or four characters for headcanons (dorm leaders would be the exception). One or two characters for small drabbles (dorm leaders are not an exception). And for full oneshots it's only one character. Please note that sometimes a drabble may turn into a oneshot or I couldn't write something as either a drabble or oneshot and do headcanons instead.
Third. Yes, I accept nsfw requests. But, if I am uncomfortable with the request for any reason I will delete it. And no, I won't accept any requests of this nature of Ortho or Cheka, I find that disgusting and will promptly delete. I will also say that I am okay with some dubious content but if it's too much for me or there's too many of such content I will delete them. (Meaning if I have too many requests of say...Yandere smut or anything like that, I'll delete some so my followers aren't bombarded by too many posts of such content)
Fourth. I'm saying this right off the bat, this is an x reader blog only. No ocs, but other than that any trope or something that I am comfortable with is fair game. Fair warning though, I mainly know fem readers, so I default to that. I am willing to try gn and masc readers though!!
Fifth. Please give me the smallest of respect when speaking to me. I'm actually a very shy and anxious person, so any harsh language will instantly turn me off and I'll become very uncomfortable or too anxious to even respond. Please, if you wouldn't want certain things said to you, don't say it to me.
Eat me cake: Drabble/Oneshot requests
Eat me cookies: Headcanon requests
Drink me bottle: NSFW writings (requests and unprompted) and asks
Unbirthday cake: Unprompted writings
Mad rabbit rambles: Asks that aren't requests, submissions, and other random things from me.
Mad rabbit freakouts: Just random posts of me simping, so it doesn't clutter the above tag
Down the corridor: Reblogs of other's works and such
I can and will use my right to refuse any request for any reason, whether it defies my rules or for personal reasons. Please be mindful when requesting and talking to me. I will say it again, I am a very shy and anxious person.
But other than that I hope you enjoy my writings and request!!
Prepare for the Rabbit's Madness hehe~
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haunting-ranpo · 3 years
—Submitting inquiries
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[Request rules and guidelines]
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—Submitting an inquiry [General request information]
A maximum of 4 characters per headcanon request
I can say no to requests if I'm not comfortable with them due to anything that I haven't already specified
If you don't specify the gender of the reader, I will just do 'x gender neutral reader' or whatever reader I feel fits the request best
You can just send me a prompt without a specific character and I will choose the character that I will write it for if you want to but please specify if you want me to choose
I will do my best to put trigger warnings in all of my work and feel free to tell me if there is anything triggering that I haven't tagged but keep in mind I do sometimes make mistakes. Even if the tag itself is not there, the trigger warnings will be stated at the top of the post
It might take me a little while to finally get then fully done and posted since I'm also trying to keep up with life and things but I promise that I will get them done so please be patient because I get burnt out quite easily hence why my spaces for requests are limited
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—Potential cases [What I will write]
Headcanons, drabbles, fics and scenarios
Reader of any gender reader (male, female, non-binary, trans, gender fluid etc…)
Lgbtq+ relationships
Polyamorous relationships
Character x character (within reason of course)
Character x oc (providing that I am given information about said oc(s) like personality, appearance etc...)
Things to do with religion/ culture as long as I know enough about them (providing that they are respectful)
Character death, gore, injury etc...
Aus (as long as I have enough information about them but not a/b/o under any circumstances)
Mental health related requests (within reason)
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—Unavailable inquiries [What I won't write]
Nsfw/ explicit content
I refuse to do incest or paedophilia or anything of the sort
Cheating (though this depends on the circumstance)
R*pe/ sexual assault/ sexual harassment
Child death
Human trafficking of any form
Pregnancy/ childbirth. Requests related to parenthood and the like are okay, just not pregnancy itself
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If there is anything that I haven't covered here or isn't very clear, feel free to ask me about it 💜
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