#that's the closest thing to me right now cause i'm lazing in bed
aitapokemon · 1 year
Alex experience
AITA for (attempting) killing somebody using my Doublade?
OK this is sounds bad but hear me out, for context I am a male (13) originally from Hoenn came to Kalos to go to do my first journey with my starter a Riolu (later evolve into Lucario) given to me by my father and grandfather.
On my journey I caught a Honedge that didnt want to evolve into Aegislash as my eight capture in the region, I don't have any problem with this, mind you, as I doesn't like Aegislash too much anyways and liking Doublade more. And although I don't have problem with it apparently some people, who like to poke their nose onto someone else problem doesn't like both our decision because apparently that I have been holding back my Doublade potential. So this male Karen heard our plan to go to a jewelry shop so I can buy my Doublade something to hold his everstone so it won't slip in the battle, I dont know what triggers it but this Karen start to screamed at me about how I 'abuse' my Pokemon's so they afraid to evolve and about how I should handed over all of my Pokemon before he called on officer Jenny to report my 'abuse'.
We all probably had an experience dealing with this kind of Karen on our journey at least once right? So I already prepared to dealt with it by ignoring him. Apparently its a mistake as the Karen figured it out that if I ignoring him then he'll stalk me until I bend to his will, mind you I am camping on the wildness to avoid being interrupted when I'm training my other 'Mons. And because of that the inevitable happen, my Braixen who's been sparring with my Lucario accidentally fired a Will-O-Wisp in the direction of Karen's tent and it catches on fire, thankfully all of his stuff is still outside since he just finished setting up his tent, deliberately close to our training ground, and thats how the nuclear start, and by Arceus he's lucky that I did not immediately kill him in the forrest, he throw tantrum about how I order my Pokemon to kill him before he reported my 'abuse' to Jenny when I apologize to him about the tent and promising him that I will replace it once we got in to the near town. He won't have it though even tho its his own fault that he set his tent near my Pokemon training ground, mind you we already camped here for almost a week now.
But anyways long story short when we arrived at the closest town after the nightmarish walk accompany by the Distortion world most devilish creature that made even Darkrai jealous I immediately go to a pokecenter to book a room and for some of my Pokemon to get a health check after a week on the road, I headed to my room to stash my things before going to sightseeing with some of my teammates, now apparently some of them chose to lazing in the room rather than sightseeing so I left them with my stuff to guard while I take a walk with my starter and Doublade. I don't do much on my walk just finding a jewelry store to bought some kind of ring that the everstone can be placed on the center of it for my Doublade and a new tent to replace what I owe to Karen. I actually became a bit suspicious when I don't see a hair of him to pester me about the so-called abuse but I don't think much about it picked up my Pokemon's from nurse Joy, but I should have been wary because lo and behold the Karen leisurely sprawled on the bed with his things scattered on it and my belongings tossed on the floor carelessly with my remaining two Pokemon's growling at him, then he had the audacity to say that I should sleep on the floor while he take the bed "is the least you can do for destroying my tent" he say. I had non of it and gather his belongings and throw them to the hallway along with his new tent while he screeched at me while chasing after his things. He caused so much ruckus that made other people who stayed on the same floor poked their heads out to see what's the commotion is about, someone even called officer Jenny on him when he try to go after the Pokemon egg I hold.
And that made me snap, I am tired hungry and in need to cuddle with my Pokemons and this Karen had the balls to go after my baby, so I hand over the egg to my Braixen before grabbing one of the handle of my Doublade sword and stabbed at the direction of Karen's head, I purposely miss but making sure that he got a thin slice on the side of his head where my Doublade sword embed on the wall, he immediately goes white "you listen to me you little shit, I am in no way have a requirements to comply in your entitled ass, but I have been very patient this last few days in hopes that you will leave me and mine alone, but now you just cross the line by attacking my baby, so I will give this options for you to follow, either you get the hell out of this floor calmly, or you get out of this building with a missing organ, it is yours to pick." And I mean every words I say, after I said that he began to scrambled gathering his things (including the new tent I bought) and running like Girantina themself after him.
Officer Jenny caught him before he leave the building tho, apparently one of the other trainer starts filming after they finished the call giving the officer the evidence she need to arrest the Karen.
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