rainincityandcolor · 9 years
Killjoy Headcanon Meme
Stick a symbol (or several) in my inbox along with a character, and I'll tell you my headcanons!
✨: Clothing/appearance
☢: Radiation
🍑: Cooking/food
🎶: Music
🔫: Ray gun
🌸: Likes/dislikes/hobbies
❤: Friends
👊: Rivals
🌵: Weather/environment
❌: Draculoids
☔: Shelter/housing
⚠: Fears
👻: Spiritual beliefs/superstitions
📐: Art
⭐️: Desert nights
💊: BL/ind
⛽: Diner
💥: Anger/violence
❆: Mental health
⚡: Survival
💎: Wisdom/experience
🌑: Background
🌌: Random headcanon
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
God is cruel. Sometimes he makes you live.
Stephen King (via feellng)
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
“do your little turtle thing my g”
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
unmute this
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
“‘m sorry to hear that.” logan wasn’t one for pitying people or apologizing that easy, but he felt almost obligated to, and he sincerely felt for her situation. “that’s nice that you’ve still got your dad and brothers, though. i haven’t got any siblings myself.. hell only knows where my arse of a father’s been, and my mum’s off on her own somewhere,” he explained with a small shrug. as she mentioned dinner, he glanced over at the small diner just as she did moments before. “oh.. yeah, sure. i could pay for myself, though.”
priestly hummed a small hum of acknowledgement, nodding at his story. “my mom died when i was younger, so i always had my dadd-.. my dad. and my older brothers.” she scowled, remembering the torment that they put her through for nineteen years. “all six of them,” she sighed, a small giggle following. they were walking aimlessly down the street at this point, and she noticed a small little diner open, and an idea popped into her head. “it’s kinda late, could i maybe take you to dinner? i know i’m a little hungry.” 
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
fiddling with some random change lying at the bottom of his pocket, logan mimicked her actions and followed her out of the shop. his strides were much larger than hers, so he walked at a slower pace than normal in order to walk beside her. as she finished her story, he kept quiet and listened politely. “oh-.. that’s nice,” he said rather awkwardly. he tried to brush off the fact that the way she used ‘daddy’ affected him in some way, and kept his gaze on the sidewalk in front of him. “not entirely, no. my mum and i moved around a lot when i was younger, but i settled here a few years ago.”
priestly shrugged, quickly nodding afterwards. setting down the music she’d picked up, she quickly bidded the store owner a thank you for letting her look around. she bit her lip, taking some time to look over his features. as they walked out of the way and out of the record store, she cleared her throat, attempting to finish her story. “well, i moved from a tiny town in oregon. it was almost like the picture perfect small town on the west coast, but it wasn’t for me. my daddy always supported my decisions, though.” okay, so she still called her dad ‘daddy’, not everyone was perfect. “what about you? have you lived here your whole life?”
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
taking in a deep breath, he finally left the stack of vinyls to rest and turned his gaze at the female. it was then when he stood, hands crammed in his pockets, that he realized how he towered over her in height. as he listened to his name roll off of her tongue, his body tensed lightly. it had never sounded so satisfying to listen to before this moment in time. “is that so? --where’d you move from?” before she had time to respond, another customer was interrupting to get past him. not wanting a familiar incident to occur, he decided to suck it up and take a chance, turning back to the minuscule girl. “do you-.. do you want to go talk somewhere else? i’m kind of getting in everyone’s way..”
logan. finally, a name to fit this face that hadn’t even bothered to look at her. why was she getting so upset over the fact he wouldn’t look at her? maybe she just liked to make eye contact with people when she spoke to them. “well, logan, it’s lovely to meet you.” she thought about holding her hand out for him to shake, but ultimately decided against it. “i just moved here about a month ago, and it’s hard not to feel out of place.” she mused, an almost thoughtful tone to her voice. it was almost as if she was just wondering why that was rather than telling a complete stranger about her life.
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
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internal screaming
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
i’m a delicate little fairy please do not raise your voice or say mean things to me bc i will burst into tears
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
his brows raised, however, he continued to flip through the vinyls. he really had to tone it down on how many visits he took to the shop; it was practically all the same content with the exception of a few new donations here and there. “boybands-- really?” he let out a soft laugh, finding her giggle rather cute. wait. no. he shouldn’t and rather couldn’t think this of a complete stranger. “i’d say the 1960′s or 70′s,” he spoke with a shrug rolling off of his shoulders. as she introduced herself, he finally flickered his eyes in her direction. “logan.. nice to meet you.”
“me too!” she chirped, looking through the cds that were stacked in alphabetical order. she wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but if something caught her eye, she was sure to grab it. “what’s your favorite time period for music? mine was the 1990′s. i love boybands.” she giggled to herself, her hand brushing over a cd with great caution. the label was barely visible it was so old. “but i think my favorite artist is elvis.” she murmured, more to herself than anyone else. she looked back at him, and she frowned. he hadn’t even looked in her direction. “i’m amelia, if it makes this conversation less awkward.”
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
turning back to a stack of vinyls, he tried not to think about what had just occurred. the stranger seemed to make an impression.. he couldn’t shake the thought of her out of his mind. it was all so confusing. she wasn’t someone he would normally go after, and the incident was awkward and had little meaning. as he heard her soft voice once again, he ignored the urge to glance at her, his gaze remaining on the records. “erm.. i have quite the collection, actually.”
there were a few moments of silence as priestly skimmed records, giving a soft sigh of defeat when she found that she wasn’t interested in any of them. glancing around the store, nothing else seemed to peak her interest except for.. well, except the giant man she’d ran into earlier. awkwardly shuffling beside him, she looked up (literally, he was super tall!), and cleared her throat. “so, um, what kind of vinyls do you have?” she tried so hard to sound cool, but she’s not cool at all. 
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
as the girl approached, he tried to move again, but didn’t have much luck, for he was already pressed up against a few crates full of vinyls. some point during their awkward transition, he could feel her smooth skin graze along his. shivers ran down his spine, and quite frankly, he didn’t know if he enjoyed the feeling or not. he hadn’t felt this way in so long, it was practically foreign. “right.. yeah. sorry.”
the aisles were small and cramped, so to get past him, she had to allow herself to brush past him. their skin made contact somewhere and she felt like an electric shock had been passed through her body. and all of a sudden, she wanted to know what it felt like to have his hand glide across her skin deliberately. “sorry about that.” she murmured softly, quickly scurrying out of his way. “and sorry again for bumping into you.”
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
as his metallic gaze fixated on the small stranger, he patiently waited for a response. some part of him was let down that he never received one, but he shook the thought away. she was cute, to say the least, but definitely not someone he would normally find himself obtaining a liking to. “oh-.. yeah, sure.” an awkward smile tugged on the corners of his lips and he stepped to the side, so he was out of her way.
this guy looked like he could pick priestly up by her head if he wanted to, which she really hoped he didn’t. she gave an awkward laugh and tried to find something to say, but nothing came out. sighing, she glanced behind him, noticing a stack of vinyls that she hadn’t seen in the store before. “c-can, um, can i get past you, please?” she stuttered, a nervous smile gracing her pink lips.
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
and so there he was again, aimlessly scanning the contents of the rather small record shop. he knew this place like the back of his hand-- after all, he made an appearance just about every week. clad in his usual leather jacket and black, ripped up jeans, he contemplated on buying yet another vinyl. as he was flipping through some selection, the frame of another bumped into his, making his eyes flicker down. “’s alright, i guess. it’s not like i was watching either,” he shrugged, taking notice of her crimson colored cheeks.
she was wandering the record store, all 5′2″ of her surrounded by these tall men. all of them looking rather punk rock. and yet, here she was, in her frilliest sundress, curled hair in a loose bun with ringlets framing her face. she was completely out of place in this store, but it was her favorite place to buy records. moving to the “m-p” section, she accidentally bumped into someone, who really did feel like a brick wall. a bright red flushed her face as she looked to the stranger. “i’m sorry, i wasn’t watching..” her apology was delicate, but sincere.
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
↖Slow as fuck with replies but does it anyway . . . eventually . . .
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
“Dude, just-.. Stop yelling, please.” Nixon fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater in a nervous manner and chewed at his lesser lip as they other continued to raise their voice. “I told you I’d pay you back.. I never said I would be able to right away.”
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rainincityandcolor · 9 years
Hey, guys. I wanted to sincerely apologize for my inactivity. I’ve had to go on hiatus multiple times on this blog, and I always say I’ll be back.. Yada, yada, yada. This time it’s very serious.. So I hope you all can forgive me for having to leave yet again. I honestly don’t know when I’ll be back, but yeah. I’m sorry.
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