zoeykallus · 2 years ago
hiii!! how r u doing? a small tbb request…..a hc where the reader discovers the batcher's weakness…..like tech is ticklish and teases them about it(the batcher and reader r friend who, u knoww, like eachother)….i mean if this request is weird then pls ignore it………also i lovee all ur tbb hcs<33
Such a nice idea! That's pretty sweet. But I have to admit, it wasn't easy to make up weaknesses like that to be exploitable in a sweet way. I mean, being ticklish is an easy one, but the rest...
Not sure if I nailed the assignment (guess not exactly), but I did something, and I think it's mostly kinda cute!
Sorry you had to wait so long for this one!
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Cute Little Weakness
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Fluff/Partly Suggestive
It takes a while for you to realize it, but once you do, you notice it more and more. Hunter responds to your voice, specific pitches really get under his skin. When you talk to him softly, almost in a whisper, very gently, or when you giggle, laugh heartily.
One lovely evening, you approach him from behind. He already knows that you are there, you don't really sneak up on him, you know that he will notice you anyway, no matter if you try. Your goal is to get close to him, to look over his shoulder from behind while he sits there in the cockpit.
Your head is quite close to his. He pauses, turns his head slightly, and his eyes wander in your direction. As you say softly, in a low, slightly deeper tone, "What are you doing there?"
You can see his fine neck hairs stand up. He blinks as if he needs to reorient himself. Your voice creeps under his skin, gently tingling his nerve endings and triggering a flurry of butterflies in his stomach.
At first, he can't react at all, and you just smile knowingly as Hunter's eyes cautiously search your gaze. His smile is almost shy as he tells you, "Nothing special, why do you ask?"
"No reason, I'm just curious," you say in the same tone, and you can tell that these words, though simple, have the same effect.
Your hands gently rest on his shoulders, still looking sideways over his shoulder from behind, you say, "I discovered your secret, by the way," this time your voice has a hint of innuendo.
"You did?" he asks, startled.
Hunter's heart hammers nervously in his chest. He wonders if you've actually figured him out.
"You have a voice kink."
Hunter blinks several times.
"I have a what?"
"Certain pitches really get under your skin, don't they?"
Hunter takes a moment of mixed relief and nervousness. So you haven't figured out that he has a crush on you. But the fact that you noticed about the voice still makes him feel a little uneasy.
Hunter lets out a small, nervous chuckle.
"Oh, you noticed that?" he says with a wry smile.
Again, you adopt that one pitch and say softly, close to his ear, "Yes indeed, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
Hunter's hands cling to the armrests of the chair, at the moment he's very glad that he didn't decide to leave out the cod piece today after all for the sake of convenience, otherwise you would notice something else entirely right now.
You discover his little weakness by accident. You catch Echo smelling your things, clothes but also cosmetic bottles like perfume or your beauty cream. It smells like you, and he has a weakness for that scent. He has spent his whole life among soldiers, often long periods in the field, and he is used to the smells of standard soap, disinfectants and the like. On bad days, it was dirt, sweat and other unpleasant smells.
But since you travel with the batch, there's a whole new scent in the room, one he can't get enough of, one that magically attracts him. Echo can't help it, as soon as no one is looking, he sniffs your pillow. In the bathroom, he secretly smells your body lotion and if you stand close enough to him, if you pay close attention, you see how he tries to inhale as deeply as possible without obviously sniffing you.
You've seen this a few times now, and this time when you're alone, you speak to him just as he thinks he's alone in the Marauder, with your pillow in his hand that he lifts to his nose.
He makes a startled noise, it almost sounds like a little scream, and hastily tosses the pillow back into your bunk before quickly turning to you and staring at you out of wide eyes.
With a cheeky little smile, you ask him, "Wouldn't you rather smell the original?"
You can see he gulps, he thinks for a long moment, unsure if he should be direct, deny or rather take flight. His eyes bounce back and forth for a second, but finally he looks directly at you.
"Would you mind?" he asks more boldly than he feels.
With a shake of your head, you say, "No, I don't mind."
You walk up to him, he tilts his head in your direction and close to your neck he takes a deep breath, you stand so close you can feel the shiver going through his body.
You hear Echo whisper softly, "Oh dear maker."
When you first notice it, you think nothing of it. He's wearing his full gear underneath but only the top of his Blacks on his torso, it's a hot day. You work together in the cramped engine room and as you try to position yourself to reach the cable you're supposed to hold for him, your fingers graze his side.
Tech flinches and shudders. You think nothing of it, because Tech has always been a little squirmy at unexpected physical contact. Mumbling an apology, you continue to go about your work. But you notice it more and more often and actually Tech has no problem with it when you come closer, meanwhile he trusts you and the contact is no longer unpleasant for him, nevertheless it happens again and again that a touch makes him twitch and shudder. Then it becomes clear to you, Tech is ticklish.
The next time you're alone in the cramped engine room, you brush against him on purpose and get the same reaction, right after that you do it again. Your fingertips slide over both of his sides this time. Tech makes a startled noise and drops his tools.
With reddened cheeks, he stares at you, not sure if he should or wants to fight back. He squirms under your gentle fingers in the tight space between two machines, where you're so close you can feel each other's body heat and there's not really room to dodge.
"What are you doing?" he asks, startled.
"I'm tickling you," you say with a big smile.
He squirms and makes sounds that you haven't heard from him before. Finally, he hastily grabs your wrists and pulls your arms up, pressing them against the machine behind you.
Breathing heavily, he says, "Pretty naughty. Let's see if you're ticklish too."
It doesn't matter if you are really ticklish or not, Tech is sure to find a spot, and he will lovingly retaliate. I wouldn't be surprised if this way, maybe now or next time, your first kiss comes about.
He loves to watch you sleep. You don't know about it for a long time. He has a hidden, gentle side that comes out especially when he sees you sleeping soundly, when he hears the little sighs you sometimes let out, or the mumbled words when you talk in your sleep.
He looks at you dreamily when no one is watching him, smiles to himself, he doesn't know why, but whenever you sleep, and he can watch you without you catching him, he feels so close and intimate to you, and he likes that feeling.
An outsider might find that creepy, but nothing about what he is doing or feeling at that moment is really creepy. He would never touch you without conscious permission. He is a more physical guy, but at this moment he has no ulterior motives of that kind.
Crosshair just enjoys the quiet, the peace, your pretty face and the little, noises you make and enjoys the feeling of being close to you in this way. Hunter caught him doing this once and the two of them talked for quite a while about this strange behavior, you don't know anything about that though, at least nothing about their conversation.
After Crosshair explains himself, Hunter says directly, "If you want to be close to her, then maybe you should talk to her openly for once and not stalk her in her sleep."
"That's none of your business," the sniper grumbles.
Hunter shrugs, "It's just pretty cowardly, don't you think?"
Crosshair doesn't talk to Hunter for quite a while after this conversation. You don't know why, though. Finally, Hunter brings it to your attention that Crosshair is watching you while you sleep, and you get an idea.
You are alone with Crosshair on the Marauder, the others are in Cid's Bar. You pretend to be incredibly tired, lie down in your bunk, close your eyes and start listening while pretending to be asleep. After a while, you hear him come into the room quietly, you hear him sit down on the edge of his bunk, opposite yours. You know Crosshair is watching you now.
You gently squirm a little, as if you're dreaming, then whisper his name, as if you're saying it in a dream.
You can literally feel him holding his breath. You move a little, as if your dream is a little restless and intense, deliberately letting the blanket shift a little.
"Crosshair," it comes over your lips again, still as if in a trance, but this time with a slightly more urgent undertone.
You hear him move, you feel him standing right next to you, looking at you. He is undecided. He wonders if you are having a nightmare, and he should wake you up. But you keep playing the game, your hand moves under the covers, between your legs. He sees your hand move under the blanket and nervously tugs at his collar.
"Crosshair", this time the word is like a gentle sigh, a breath that comes over your slightly opened lips.
At the same moment, you feel that he is standing next to you and his head is above you. You open your eyes abruptly. Crosshair flinches, startles, and bumps his head on the bunk above yours.
He curses through clenched teeth, rubs the back of his head, and takes a step back, away from your bunk. With a sigh, he finally dares to look at you, and you grin cheekily at him.
"You haven't slept at all, have you?" he asks grumpily, still rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't be mad," you say with a little pout.
Crosshair sighs, then you see him smirk.
"Well, since you're awake, maybe we should make your dreams come true".
He likes to eat, we all know that. He's a big guy who consumes a lot of energy and is correspondingly hungry. What you didn't know until recently is that he steals your candy and other snacks.
Often you think that maybe you have forgotten that you have already consumed the things or that you have forgotten to get new ones. But at some point you realize that someone is stealing from you, so to speak. Of course, you also know that it can only be one of the guys, and you quickly know which one.
Setting a trap for the gentle, thieving giant, you put sweets in the communal cupboard, write your name on them as usual and hide yourself in a corner between two lockers.
You don't have to wait long, Wrecker shows up, after showering, he has the leg armor on but only a shirt on his torso and a towel is around his shoulder. He looks around for a moment, and you can see that he is about to do something 'forbidden'. In fact, Wrecker opens the cupboard, grabs your snacks and starts snacking on them.
You slowly come out of hiding, cross your arms in front of your chest, look at him and wait for him to discover you. Wrecker almost drops the chocolate he has in his hand when he turns his head and spots you.
"Uh, maker, you scared the crap out of me."
You tap your foot impatiently, still crossing your arms, and give him a piercing look.
Wrecker grins coyly at you, and his sheepish expression is completely disarming.
You sigh, unknot your arms, and ask, "Would you at least share the stuff you're stealing from me?"
Guiltily, he sets the chocolate down on the table next to the cabinet.
"Don't be mad, okay?" he says softly.
Suddenly, he abruptly grabs your hips and sits you down on the table next to the chocolate, grinning at you.
"I think Crosshair got some yogurt, you want some?"
You laugh softly and say, "He'll kill us if he finds out."
Wrecker builds himself up to his full height and says with a little wink, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
606 notes · View notes
that-foul-legacy-lover · 3 years ago
S i n c e the requests are open and you asked us to send in asks,,,
What about an afab! (Or gn, both work <3) reader that is tall yk- like nearly as tall as tartaglia regularly is. Like the reader is just looking out from the window and watching how the couples scoop each other up and twirl each other around and the reader scoffs bc ew-
Even though they actually want that to happen to em and just to be carried around for fun, but they just never have been because they are pretty tall???????
And mothman is like
"oh so they want me to pick em up huh-"
Bdkdnsldnsk feel free to ignore this im so messy today
y'see i'm the opposite of this because i'm short af BUT i can relate with having insecurities so i tried my best (and might've taken a few liberties but shshshhhh it's fiiiinneeee) You're Tall HCs: Warnings for intrusive thoughts and being picked up ~ * ~ -There were ups and downs to being tall -For starters you could see over almost everyone’s heads and never had to jump to reach anything on the highest shelf -But you also had to duck for shorter doorways and slouch to look less intimidating -Oh and you’ll very rarely have someone to lean on -Literally -You sigh as you gaze out the window, watching someone twirl their significant other around in a cheerful whirl -You scoff, like you always did at such blatant PDA -Disgusting, you hoped that type of thing never happened to you -Yeah keep telling yourself that buddy -To be honest, you knew that deep down you wanted someone to do the same for you- to pick you up and spin you around like you’re the only thing they ever want to see again -But due to your tall stature no one really COULD pick you up so easily -You quickly became known as the friend OTHER people could lean on -Of course you did occasionally try to open up a little, but no one paid attention -So eventually, you stopped trying -You didn’t really mind taking care of other people but man it was tiring to never be the one held JUST because of your height -You shook yourself out of your thoughts and decided that was enough window-watching for one day -As you make your way back to your desk a certain mothy monster couldn’t help but notice your gloomy mood -He was always fretting over how you felt which had led to him sometimes overreacting a bit in the past -But right now he was ABSOLUTELY sure you were sad- your furrowed brows and frown were quite prominent- yes, he was certain you needed cheering up or comfort! He’d decide on the way -So he did what he did best and snuck over to you, gently giving one of your arms a small poke -When you looked up at him he tilted his head and let out a curious, concerned chirp -You put on a happy face and wave your hand to say it’s nothing, but Childe is quite persistent -Finally you admit (some of) your nagging thoughts- as best you can anyways, words seem to be escaping you -Childe listens, a plan formulating in his mind. You want to be held? But no one can because you’re too tall? Well… -You’ve barely finished spilling years of intrusive thoughts when Childe SCOOPS you up into the air!! -You gasp in surprise and quickly grab onto him to keep your balance -And when you look at him he looks extremely proud of himself and maybe a little smug -Oh right. No matter how tall you might be, Childe’s ALWAYS gonna be taller -While you contemplate the turning of the tables, he purrs in success and adjusts his grip -Soon you’re sitting comfortably in his arms and when he’s sure you’re secure he spins you around joyfully -The speed makes you dizzy in a wonderful way and you laugh as Childe chitters his own version of a laugh with you -Eventually he stops and tilts his head again, this time as a question -And you respond with the biggest hug you can give him while his wings flutter with happiness -Knowing that someone can lift you both in strength and mood has taken a weight off your shoulders -Needless to say the “lift-and-twirl” method has become a favorite of Childe’s when he greets your returns
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zoeykallus · 1 year ago
Hey I really like your writing and wanted to ask you if you could write about the batch, Howzer and Rex when the reader learns for there finals and doesn’t have much time for there clone boyfriend but cooks them a romantic dinner
Let me see what I can do for you 😊
The Bad Batch/Howzer/Rex x Reader HCs - Make Up For Lost Time
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Mostly Fluff/Slightly Suggestive
The finals keep you in a tight grip for a long time, pure stress consisting of studying, writing exams and hours of preparation for those very finals. You hardly see your beloved clone anymore, you have neglected him very much, inevitably.
A romantic dinner, prepared with love, should be a small consolation.
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"When you called me yesterday I almost didn't believe it, then when you invited me to dinner today I thought I was dreaming at first," Howzer says with a smile, standing in your doorway in his dress uniform.
You smile at him, he's looking gorgeous as ever.
"I know I haven't had much time for you lately, but that will change soon," you assure him.
You let him enter and, being quite the gentleman as always, he wipes his shoes on the mat in front of the door first. He enters, kisses the corner of your mouth gently, and pulls a bouquet of flowers in your favorite color from behind his back.
Howzer is observant, noting such things as favorite colors, songs, dishes, and so on.
He lets you lead him to the dining room table, sits down and watches you put the flowers in a vase, next to him on the windowsill.
The table is beautifully set, your best tablecloth, your best china, candlelight. The light in the room moodily dimmed.
"You're a little early, but dinner will be ready soon," you say, disappearing into the kitchen.
You're so busy tasting, setting the stove and oven to the right temperature, and re-seasoning that you don't hear him come into the kitchen behind you. You let out a startled cry as his hands gently, but surprisingly, come to rest on your hips.
Howzer laughs softly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you".
He kisses your neck, wraps his arms around you and looks over your shoulder.
"That looks good, and it smells amazing" he says softly.
You say with a soft sigh, "Now if it tastes like it smells, it should be perfect."
When you're done, Howzer insists on helping you apply it, not taking no for an answer. He scurries around you, taking things from you to bring to the dining table himself, stealing a little kiss as he passes.
On the one hand he steals your nerves with it, on the other hand he is so adorably affectionate and tender that you have to smile again and again and can't be angry with him.
He appears on time, as always, to the second. He has appeared in his dress uniform, he knows that you have a weakness for him in this outfit. Of course, he comes with flowers, chocolates and a bottle of wine. Rex never shows up at your door empty-handed.
The kiss he steals from you at the greeting is very tender, but also very sensual and, above all, long. You stand there in your open apartment door for a full five minutes before you finally make your way inside your apartment.
As always, your heart beats faster when he is near you. You are so in love with this man, his closeness and attention give you wings. Rex is quite a wonderful gentleman. Decent, but also sensual.
Again and again your eyes meet over the dinner table in the candlelight. The food is great, you've outdone yourself, and Rex lets you know it. He savors every bite as if it were a gift from the gods. For someone who subsists almost exclusively on protein bars and military rations, this meal is probably some sort of divine offering.
"The food is almost as good as you are beautiful, almost," he says with a smile.
You laugh softly, pleased with his reaction, and say, "Wait for dessert."
His smirk gets a little perkier, "Dessert? I thought that was you?"
You roll your eyes and grin.
"Maybe later, but I made dessert too," you say, affectionately reprimanding him.
He smiles back, but sighs softly as he says, "I can't wait for your finals to be over, you probably are too. I know this time has stressed you out a lot. I miss you. I mean, between my job alone, we don't see each other very often, now even less. It's almost unbearable."
You reach across the table for his hand, and he gently clasps it with his.
"I know, Rex, I feel the same way. But I can't let myself get distracted, that's important"
He nods.
"Of course, I know that. That's why I never complained"
You smile at him gratefully. Rex really never pressured you, quite the opposite. He supported you in your every decision and action as best he could.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it gently. With a little twinkle in his eye, he asks in a smoky voice, "Now what about dessert, my dear?"
For him, you have thought of something special. A picnic outdoors. You rented the roof terrace of your apartment building for the whole evening. You've spread out a blanket on the lawn and set up garden torches. Everything should be atmospheric, romantic, relaxed.
Your picnic basket is full of delicious things that you have made yourself, hearty but also sweet, and of course drinks.
Hand in hand, you come to the roof terrace, and you see with satisfaction the bright smile on Hunter's face when he discovers what you have prepared.
"Sweetie, this is wonderful."
You lead him to the blanket and sit down with him. The torches cast romantic, flickering light on the scenery as you enjoy the meal you've prepared.
"You've outdone yourself," he says as he takes a bite with relish.
Your heart beats faster, you are so happy that he likes it. With pride, you wear the bracelet he gave you. A leather strap with filigree figurines made of Nabooian cedar, which he carved himself. You will proudly show it to your fellow students when you have to go back to university.
You have been envied many a time for having Hunter at your side. He's attentive, eye-catching, decent. He's so much more mature and decent than most of the guys your friends go out with.
Hunter makes you happy, very much so, and with this dinner you want to show it to him and also return the favor, for his patience, because you've been so busy and barely had time for him these past few weeks.
You end up feeding each other dessert. Of course, Hunter doesn't miss the chance to kiss you and gently lick the chocolate from the chocolate fruit at the corner of your mouth.
He smiles at you. Hunter knows exactly that you are under his spell.
He is very much looking forward to this meeting. It's been far too long since you've seen each other face to face. He shows up at your door with flowers and a little figurine, hand-blown from glass, your favorite animal. When he passed by a stall and saw the figurine, he couldn't resist, immediately thought of you. He tied a very small, delicate bow around the neck of the figurine.
"How pretty," you say dreamily, "That's very thoughtful of you."
Echo beams at you, "I immediately thought of you when I saw it. But what have you prepared?"
His eyes roam over the set dining table.
"This looks fantastic," he says, smiling at you.
"A little compensation for me having so little time for you," you say, lighting the candle on the table.
Echo beams.
"Surely that wasn't necessary"
"Yes, it is. I've been so busy these past few weeks, we've hardly seen each other. I was starting to feel guilty" you say apologetically.
Echo laughs softly and reaches for your hand.
"My dear, I know you have important things to do. I missed you very much, but I didn't feel neglected. You don't owe me anything. This was important, for your life, your future, I would never be offended by it".
Echo is so incredibly considerate and understanding, a real godsend to you.
You look at him gratefully and say, "You are absolutely wonderful, Echo. I've missed you so much."
He kisses your hand and says with a dreamy smile, "I missed you too. But now I'm curious, let me taste what you've conjured up there."
He stands in front of your door, with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of chocolate fruits in his hands. Wrecker beams at you as you open the door.
"Hi sweetie! I missed you!… Oh maker, what smells so good in here?"
You laugh and say, "The food I cooked for us, I told you I was making us a romantic dinner."
He grins at you.
"Perfect! I'm hungry as an animal"
He basically always is.
You grin back, let him in and accept the gifts he brought. The flowers are your favorite, in your favorite color, of course, Wrecker wouldn't just get any bouquet for you. He knows you, he knows what you like.
"How sweet of you"
Wrecker kisses your cheek, your forehead, your nose and your mouth.
"Missed you" he says, sighing in relief as if your absence has caused him real pain.
" I missed you too, big guy."
You put the flowers in a vase and place them near the nicely set dining table. Wrecker wants to help you dish up the food, but you insist that he sit down and be served.
"You spoil me, beautiful."
You say softly, laughing, "That's exactly the purpose of tonight."
Wrecker enjoys, holds back a little, he doesn't stuff as fast, but he still eats plenty. Pleased, you see the satisfied, enjoyable expression on his face.
"That was fantastic" he says as you finish "Exceptional".
You smile happily and say, "I hope you left room for dessert"
His eyes get big, dessert is his favorite part of the meal.
"Hit me!" he says happily, rubbing his hands together.
Of course, he still has room for dessert.
"Maybe you should unwrap the present after dinner, we don't want your lovingly prepared meal to get cold," he suggests.
You agree with him. Tech enjoys the meal so much that for once he doesn't talk and explain as much as usual. You can see how much he enjoys this special meal with you. Every bite is enjoyed with all senses. He smells it with relish every now and then. The sauce seems to have done it to him particularly, he takes again and again a small addition of it.
When you are finished he says, "My beloved, this is by far the best food I have ever eaten, and I have already dined in the royal house of Naboo."
You beam happily at him.
"You're not just saying that to please me, are you?"
Tech shifts his goggles, looks at you seriously and says, "You know me, I don't lie, even in cases like this"
You laugh softly, remembering that of course he's right, if he hadn't liked the food, he would have told you that rather bluntly. You breathe a sigh of relief, pleased with yourself and how the evening has gone so far.
He picks up the package again and presses it into your hands. He looks a little nervous, like he's on hot coals.
"Unwrap your present," he says softly but with gentle emphasis.
You do as you are told and finally have a small device in your hands, a cube with a projector lens and a few buttons. You have no idea what it's supposed to be.
Tech smirks.
"Let me show you and explain what this is," he says, gently taking the device from your hands and walking to the closest of one of your living room walls.
He sets the device down on the floor and says, "You keep saying you're missing decorations, like just this one big bare wall here."
You blink thoughtfully, but nod in agreement.
"I built this projector with the latest technology. It can project lifelike images on your wall, or on several walls if needed. You can, for example, create the illusion that you are in the Jungle, or in the old city of Naboo. I have already saved a few dozen projections on it, but there is still room for more, should you have any wishes.
He presses a button and projects a familiar place onto your walls. You are surrounded by wildflower bushes, trees in full bloom, and gently swaying grass.
"Tech, I know this place"
He smiles, and you see his cheeks blush a little.
You say with a certain undertone, "That's the grove on this moon where we first made love."
He nods and says quietly, "Yes. I went back there to take those pictures, so I could save them for you".
You smirk and look at him.
"This is a great gift Tech. Now we can make love in my living room as if we were back there on that moon"
Tech's cheeks get even more flushed.
"We could, indeed" he confirms.
He's five minutes late, and he's annoyed about it.
"Sorry, Kitten, traffic was terrible. Some idiot managed to block two lanes with his transporter, I had to take a detour"
"It's okay, dinner just got ready, you're just in time" you say, kissing his chin.
He smirks, holds out a long-stemmed single rose to you and a bottle of excellent Nabooian wine, then kisses your forehead.
"Missed you," you say softly.
"I missed you too," he hums into your hair as he kisses the top of your head.
Finally, he sniffs the air and says, "Smells good in here, did you exaggerate cooking again?"
You laugh and lead him into the apartment.
"Of course I did," you say amused, "You know me."
He smirks, "Good thing I came here hungry."
"I should hope so too"
You dish up the food, on the beautifully set table with your best china.
"Fancy" he says with a grin.
Crosshair is a very picky eater. But by now you know him and his preferences well enough, and he likes you enough to try something new now and then when you cook something new. Today, the two flow together beautifully. He likes the food, a lot, and you breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, he notices.
"Relax, the food is great," he says with a smirk.
The two of you enjoy the meal, swap stories a bit, tell each other what's new. Crosshair, as always, has a funny story or two about his brothers.
After the meal, you go out to your balcony with the good wine that Crosshair has brought with him, sit down on the big wooden swing between the thousands of potted plants that make your balcony a cozy little jungle.
Crosshair puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. You toast with your wine glasses.
"To us, and to having more time together soon," you say dreamily.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
163 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 1 year ago
Hi Zoey,
Thank you so much for your head cannons.☺️ Our Queen of Head cannons! Anyway today has been kinda a bad day for me; and since your stories have always cheered me up. Some backstory so you can understand what I’m asking: when I have bad days I have a hard time forcing myself to eat. Would you be willing to write a hc about it. That would be wonderful if you would. Gn character with bad batch and anyone else you would like to write with it.😇🤗 Thank you! Even you don’t write it that’s ok.
Aloha! First off, I have to apologize for taking so long. This request dates back to February 😨
Apart from requests piling up, the time between January and April was hard on me. Sorry! Enough with the excuses, let's get to work...
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Take Better Care Of Yourself
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Warnings: Suggested Eating Disorder
As patient as he can be, he doesn't like it when you neglect yourself. Especially when he perceives it repeatedly, he intervenes. "I know you're not feeling very well right now, but you need to keep up your strength". You can argue or whine back and forth all you want, you see Hunter standing in front of you, arms crossed in front of his chest, brows drawn together critically. He won't listen to any excuses. He doesn't want to grumble, and he knows you're not really doing it on purpose, but from his life with his brothers, he only knows the path of severity in situations like this. "Eat at least half, I don't want you to pass out on us here," he finally growls, also making sure you do just that. He takes you aside later, massages your shoulders and talks to you gently, trying to relax you and bring you to other thoughts, hoping that he can drive away the gloomy thoughts and maybe stimulate your appetite again. He will leave no stone unturned to help you.
He can't take a joke when it comes to food, especially since he puts so much effort into preparing it. And Echo is a fantastic cook. When Wrecker is already reaching for your portion because you're not eating again, Echo slaps him on the wrist. "'Stop that! That's not your plate." "But-" Echo's critical, stern look makes the giant fall silent, pouting. You can't help but feel guilty, Echo has a knack for just looking at you and making you feel guilty about food or generally how well you take care of yourself. However, Echo also knows that he can't force you to do anything and might even make things worse. Instead, he'll prepare a picnic basket filled with all sorts of things you like best and arrange to whisk you away to one of your favorite places together at the earliest opportunity, hoping to stimulate an appetite there. He'll also take you up on that food problem. "How can I help you? What can I do to make you feel better, love?"
At first, he doesn't think much of it. There are rare moments when he loses his appetite, but he has already experienced with his brothers that this can happen. He gladly accepts the extra portion you offer him. But he notices that this pattern repeats itself, and he starts to worry. "You can have my portion too." Wrecker frowns, you see his expression suddenly look worried. "Again? Aren't you hungry?" "Not really," you admit. Wrecker seeks advice from his brothers before discussing the problem with you. He tries everything possible to stimulate your appetite. He gets your favorite snacks, creates a special ambiance, takes you hiking to make you hungry, gives you relaxing massages. Wrecker has no shortage of ideas. Wrecker wants you to be healthy and happy, he makes it his mission to make sure you have everything you need. In this, he is very persistent and lovingly determined.
The first few times, Tech doesn't say anything, but he notices and makes mental notes. In fact, he keeps a sort of mental log of all your mannerisms and things you do, among other reasons, to better understand you. Finally, you do it again, leave the food, and Tech looks up from his datapad. "You have an eating disorder." Surprised, you look at him. "What?" "Your strange behavior, regarding your food intake, indicates that you have an eating disorder. To be honest, that worries me greatly," he says matter-of-factly, pushing his goggles with his index finger and examining your body with his gaze. He explains to you in gruesome detail how this can affect your health, what diseases and disabilities can be triggered by the lack of certain essential nutrients over time, how they show up, the symptoms, and the less-than-pleasant end results. Tech doesn't hold back on this, even though he sees you squirming. He thinks it's extremely important that you're aware of any consequences. "Perhaps we should consider therapeutic measures before it gets to a point where we may be left with invasive, medical options. Force-feeding, is probably extremely uncomfortable." He may seem very matter of fact and maybe even cruel, but Tech is worried, he is approaching this in such a logical, almost clinical way because that is his way, that doesn't change the fact that underneath the matter of fact facade sits an anxious Tech who is in agony out of fear of seeing you suffer or even losing you. Communicate with him, tell him what is bothering you, what exactly is preventing you from eating. Give him the opportunity to work with you to find a way to address this problem.
He is very attentive and notices your eating behavior immediately. "You're not one of those who stuff themselves with food when no one's looking and then puke it back out, are you?" You look at him in surprise. "What?" Sourly, he says, "I swear, if I catch you doing that then-" Crosshair interrupts himself, he doesn't really know what to threaten you with himself, basically he's just worried and can't really handle it. He's going to ask his brothers and get information elsewhere to find out what he can do. Crosshair wants you to be well, even though it may not seem that way at first. He is not angry at you, but at the helplessness he is pushed into in this situation. It will take a while, but he is adjusting and doing his best to accommodate you helpfully. He will leave no means untouched, whether they are interpersonal, therapeutic, or otherwise medical.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
221 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Everything you write is so stickin good!!! I hope you’re doing wonderful! How are you liking season 2 so far?!? I’m absolutely in LOVE with it!
If I could possibly make a request? No pressure and I totally understand if you can’t! Could I request readers first time in the communal showers on Kamino and the batch plus Rex and Cody being surprised that reader actually is using the communal shower instead of waiting like the other females do and maybe them enjoying the view. 😏 I skimmed your list and didn’t see this there but if it is then I’m sorry for bugging you!! Lots of love and hugs to you!!!
Gosh, I could do a lot with this idea. But what am I going with? A One-Shot with all of them? Separate HCs? Should I stay suggestive? Strongly suggestive? Smut? Several One-Shots?
You know what, I'll go with a One-Shot first with all of them, making it just a bit suggestive and a little awkward 😋 I keep all the other ideas for this scenario for another time. I'll make some notes because this has a lot of potential in my opinion.
Now let's see....
The Bad Batch /Rex /Cody x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Communal Showers
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Warning: Slightly Suggestive
You've had a long, tiring day. You're still at the training center and spending the night in the barracks tonight. There are not many female soldiers working with the clones, so the sanitary facilities on site are not yet adapted. Normally you shower in a more or less nearby hotel, paid for by the Republic, but today you long to take a quick shower and get to bed quickly.
It is quiet in the corridors, most units are on duty, many of them off world. You grab your things and hastily slip into the clones' public showers, at the moment they are completely empty and the stalls all unused. There is a smell of water, soap and disinfectant. You hastily jump into one of the back stalls, the stalls are all open and only about shoulder-high, so should anyone come by you can't really hide, but you don't expect to be surprised.
However, the warm water relaxes your muscles, and you forget about time, dawdling a bit, enjoying the warmth of the water and taking your time washing. You have just soaped up your hair when you hear the door and then several voices. Startled, you stop in mid-motion, your hands on your head, some shampoo running down your face and into your right eye, you blink, suppressing a curse.
The voices come closer and with your left eye you immediately see a whole group of men, two regs and the guys from the Bad Batch. The booths are open and face each other, you couldn't understand the sense of this construction, but there was nothing you could do about it now.
Directly in the booth across from you one of the regs starts to shower, Cody, if everything didn't fool you. To your left is the one they call Tech, to your right Crosshair, the rest of the squad showers in the opposite row, but still close enough to get a good look if they spot you.
Cody is undressing, and you can't help but watch, still frozen in your stance with the burning shampoo in your right eye. You have to hand it to the clones, they are damn well-built, you think silently in admiration. Hard muscles stand out under tanned skin. Then Cody turns, for a millisecond your eyes fall on his crotch, then your eyes meet.
Cody looks at you uncomprehendingly, his gaze traveling down your body as slowly his brows go up.
"Are you lost?"
"What?" asks Rex next to him, who turns and now also looks in your direction and pauses, "…oh"
The blonde clone blinks several times and can't help but eye you curiously for a moment, but he finally turns around a bit embarrassed and mumbles to Cody, "Stop staring"
Cody blinked, cleared his throat and turned around as well and said, "Well, you can't blame me, the sight in here is new and not to be sneezed at. Pretty sure she's staring at my ass right now too".
Caught with your cheeks getting warmer, you tear your gaze away from Cody's gorgeous buttocks.
To your left, you hear Tech say softly, "Well, that's new."
Carefully, you turn your head a little and see him adjust his goggles and wipe the lenses with two fingers. When your eyes meet, and he realizes you've caught him staring, he hastily turns away, cheeks flushing.
Heart pounding, you quickly wash out your hair and rinse the shampoo from your eye.
"What's so interesting with you guys… woah"
You tear your eyes open to see Hunter standing in front of you, you stare at each other dumbly for a moment before he hastily covers his manhood with both hands and quickly walks back into his cubicle, his head flushed, accompanied by the laughter of most of his brothers.
Wrecker, who can easily see over all the booths, waves shyly at you with reddened cheeks, scratches the back of his head nervously and looks questioningly at his brothers before hastily turning away.
You feel that your face is all hot, your whole body is glowing with shame. Nervousness tickles under your skin, if the guys were nasty they could take advantage of the situation and jump you, but to your relief none of them tries it, on the contrary, most of them finally politely look away. Except for one.
Crosshair stares at you, standing motionless in his booth for quite a while, before he finally starts to wash up as well, but he doesn't avert his gaze. You have to admit, this one in the group does make you a little nervous.
You hurriedly wash off the soap, turn off the water, and hastily wrap yourself in your towel. To your annoyance, you realize that you have taken a smaller one than planned, and the fabric only barely covered your most intimate parts. With a hot face, you hurriedly walk past the cabins with the showering clones. You feel that their eyes follow you. As you pass Crosshair, you hear him say teasingly, "Hope to see you here again soon".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
366 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 1 year ago
Hey hey A friend of mine's birthday is coming up and they just came out as gay so in honor of there B-day and there coming out I would like to request Male!Reader with the Bad Batch (+Five's and Rex) like maybe it's the first time they become attracted to a guy and at first they don't understand there feelings until there hands touch or Reader says something/does something for them and it's almost instant that the realization hits them our boys they are in love with reader how reader and the boys get together is up to you
Okay, a birthday you say... I'm picking this out of my list to do first, because you didn't say when this birthday is. If I keep it in the queue of my request to-do list, this would probably have to wait at least 6 - 8 weeks, because of all the other stuff I would have to get through first. So let's do this now... 😅💪🏻
I started writing and things happened. Most scenarios are first meeting and falling in love scenarios. Took me long enough to write all this 😅 I hope it's to your liking.
Happy Birthday, Alex! 🌹
The Bad Batch/Fives/Rex x Male!Reader HCs - What Is This Feeling?
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Fluff/Implied Romance
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You met the first time through work, the second time and the third time too. You found out that you like each other and decided to meet occasionally again. Sometimes for an ale, sometimes for a caf, sometimes for a barbecue with the rest of his squad.
Today you're sitting in the park, caf- to- go in hand, watching the passers-by as you talk. "How's Tech doing?" you ask with genuine concern, remembering that Hunter's brother had a bad fall and almost died on the last mission. You know how incredibly worried he had been. Hunter flashes you a cautious smile, ravishingly attractive as always, and you feel your insides grow warm. "Better, Baccta is a gift from the gods," Hunter replies, and you can see his relief. "So he's getting back on his feet?" Hunter nods. "Yes, it will take a few more days, but Tech will be back to his old self soon". You smile, also relieved. You like his brothers, even the communicative, know-it-all Tech. He's quite cute in his own way. Your caf cups are practically empty at the same time. As you're about to get up to throw your cup into the trash can nearby, Hunter suddenly grabs your cup, touching your hand. A shiver runs down your spine, but one of the good kind, the kind that sends tingles throughout your body and wakes up the swarm of butterflies in your stomach. "Let me do it," he says quietly, taking the cup from your hand.
For a long second, you look each other right in the eye, and you lose yourself in his. When Hunter finally takes the cup and moves to the trash can, you have to blink several times to come back down to earth. You would so love to know how Hunter sees you, what he thinks and feels when he's close to you like he was just now, but you don't dare ask. He sits down next to you again, this time a little closer. Suddenly, you hear him say softly, "Your heart is beating very fast." In a hint of panic, your heart picks up the pace again. You see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye, but you don't dare turn your head to look at his striking face. "I didn't know your senses were so sharp," you say softly. You hear the smirk in his voice as he says, "You can't hide much from me, I thought you knew that." Feeling silly, you finally force yourself to look at him and immediately feel your knees buckle as he smiles at you and are thankful you are already seated. "Mine's beating pretty fast, too," he says suddenly, avoiding your gaze. You blink in surprise. "Oh yeah?" you ask curiously. "Yes. And honestly it confused me for a while, because it always happens when we meet and somehow get closer."
You swallow nervously, so delighted by this statement that your hands shake a little, and you fold them precariously in your lap, so he won't see. Hunter continues, "I haven't thought much about anything like dating and everything that goes with it. Working as a soldier, living as a soldier, doesn't leave much room for a personal life. But that's probably how most clones feel." You listen to him intently, hanging on every word he says, waiting for him to tell you his conclusion. "The clones that I know of that are dating all have female partners or love affairs. As clones, we are never really told about all these things. It took me a while to understand what that feeling is that I get when you're around me." You laugh softly, "Because I'm male?" Hunter scratches the back of his head with a smirk. "Yeah. I mean... that must sound stupid to you. I hope you'll forgive my awkwardness." You say softly, "There's nothing to forgive, Hunter."
He looks at you, his gaze testing, cautious, and yet also challenging. "So I'm just going to come right out and say it, I have a crush on you and I have no idea how to deal with it". You sit up a little straighter, your heart pounding, your eyes meet, and you ask, "How would you like to handle it?" You can see him swallow before he says almost in a whisper, "I'd like to get closer to you, get to know you even better, spend more time with you." His hand gently reaches for yours, and he looks down at your fingers intertwining. When he hears your voice, he looks up again, and you get lost in his eyes. You say, "I'd love that".
He's so sweet, and he doesn't even know it, you think with a smile as he hands you the ice cream he bought. It's almost unbearably hot, and you've found a place in the shade. The rest of Clone Force 99 is out on the town. You say, more or less amused as well as reproving, "I can't believe I let you talk me into accompanying you to Tatooine. I hate that planet." Echo smiles wryly and says, "Apparently you can't turn me down that easily." You roll your eyes and nudge him. "I'm here because you said you needed me to translate, so far I haven't translated anything". Echo hastily eats his ice cream that is about to melt and says, "I can't help it if our contact didn't show up. Now we have a day off. That's not bad either." "A day off is nice. But on Tatooine?" you say critically. He shrugs and says, "We'll take what we can get." You laugh softly and say, "I'd have to agree with you there. It's not like I'm not enjoying my time with you."
Echo pauses and looks at you. There is some chocolate in the corner of his mouth, and as if it were perfectly natural, you take a clean handkerchief from your pocket and clean the corner of his mouth. He holds still, blinks once or twice, but doesn't say a word. He's still staring at you, and only now do you notice how lost he suddenly seems. "You like spending time with me?" he finally asks after what feels like an eternity. You hesitate, for a moment you are not sure if you want to open up to him, make yourself vulnerable. But you answer him softly, "Yes." Echo clears his throat, smiles. You could swear a soft blush creeps into his cheeks. "Do you like spending time with me?" you suddenly ask more boldly than you feel, asking almost hastily, afraid that your courage might leave you in mid-sentence. He blinks several times, his eyes widen, but he nods and says, "Yes, very much." Your heart beats faster, your pulse races. That look on his face, he seems so innocent and helpless, you don't know whether to feel sorry, laugh or cuddle him. "Is that why you asked me to come?" Echo swallows, his eyes darting back and forth nervously.
"Echo?" He sighs, "Okay, yeah." "And you talked Hunter and the others into going along with this?" Echo smiles crookedly again and nods. "Well, after our last mission together, I suddenly felt so lost when you left. It took me a while to understand that feeling, in fact Hunter helped." A little nervously, you look at him. "Your brothers don't have a problem with it?" Echo blinks and frowns questioningly. "What would they have a problem with?" You laugh nervously and say, "Well, that you're dragging the whole squad to Tatooine for a guy they barely know. Why Tatooine of all places?"
Echo laughs and says, "Crosshair wasn't so keen at first, but he was outvoted. And I thought if I chose a romantic planet, my little ruse might be noticed." You get all warm as he casually places his hand over yours, but his words elicit a grin. "So you were trying to trick me". "I wouldn't call it that" Echo says innocently, "I was just looking for an excuse to spend time alone with you" As his lips gently touch your cheek, your heart does a joyful leap. You say softly as you look him in the eye, "Tatooine isn't so bad after all."
You guide him through the archives. The giant from Clone Force 99 they call Wrecker. He's looking for certain documents, but has gotten lost twice now in the sprawling, confusing corridors and finally asked you for help. After all, this is your work area, at least it has been for a couple of weeks. He's been here a few times in that time, but so far he hasn't needed your help. "Thank you," he says a bit meekly as he follows you, "I don't know what's going on here at all." You smirk and say over your shoulder, "Understandable. Very few people can find their way around here" You move through the maze of hallways until you reach your destination. As you are about to leave him alone, he suddenly says, "Um, would you mind staying until I'm done? I'm not sure I can find my way out on my own." He scratches the back of his head with a wry smile. Somehow he's incredibly cute, as big and strong as he is, he seems like a genuinely sweet soul. "Sure," you say with a smile, "take your time." "Cool, thanks!" Wrecker looks at some data, muttering softly to himself, sighing a time or two, then puts the data card back. "So, found what you were looking for?" you ask kindly.
He nods. "Yeah, I guess." You raise your eyebrows and say, "Apparently you're not happy with it?" Wrecker laughs softly and says, "It's a long story and not that important." Unsure of what to make of this information, you shrug and begin to lead him back out. When you reach the end, he accidentally bumps into you. You almost fall to the ground, but one of his strong hands grabs your arm and pulls you back up before you can hit the ground. Your heart is still pounding in your chest from shock when you turn around and your eyes meet, his huge hand still on your arm, gentle and all warm. "I'm sorry," he says softly. "It's okay," you reply. You stare into each other's eyes for far too long, longer than would be normal or appropriate for two strangers, but something in his gaze holds you, like his hand. After a while, you pull yourself together and say, "Can I have my arm back?" You can tell you've snapped him out of his thoughts. He blinks, hastily lets go of your arm, and stammers a few apologies.
When you sit down at your desk again, he is still standing there. He looks at you, seeming indecisive or unsure. You smile gently and he automatically smiles back. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" you ask kindly. He realizes he's still staring at you. He laughs softly, nervously. "Um, yeah maybe." You look at him promptly and ask, "What can I help with?" "Will you go out with me?" Surprised, you look at him, feeling heat rise in your ears and cheeks. You didn't expect this, but you're anything but averse. "Go out?" you ask uncertainly nonetheless. He nods. "Yeah, sure. For coffee, or dinner... or maybe the fair on Naboo?" You grin at him, "A fair?" He beams at you with a nod and says, "Yeah, it's a great place to hang out."
You nod after a short moment, the offer much too tempting as you could refuse. He's a cute looker and obviously interested in you, you can't pass that up. "Okay, that sounds interesting" Wrecker is all excited, you can see it in his face, pink cheeks, big grin, he says a little jittery, "Can I pick you up tonight?" "I'd be delighted."
He is known to do modifications and repairs on speeders for clones who can't or don't want to go through the official channels. Clones who want their speeder souped up, or who have repeatedly damaged Republic property and need someone to make a repair without filing an official report. You've been sent by official authority to investigate, but you turned a blind eye and didn't rat out the Tech, who you think, is pretty cute. You are not a clone, but you did crash the speeder that was assigned to you by your office. Fortunately, you were unharmed, but the speeder is ruined. Tech agreed to come to you and repair the speeder after you stopped by. He shows up on time, as expected, at the address of the small warehouse you gave him. He has a small transporter with him that is full of tools and machines of all kinds. Tech looks at the speeder and sighs. "It's a total wreck," he says reprovingly.
"Can you fix it?" you ask nervously. Tech looks back and forth between you and the speeder, thinks for a moment, and finally says, "Possibly. I can try. When do you need the speeder fixed?" "By the weekend." Tech frowns and says, "That's only three days. That's a lot of work for three days" "I'll pay you, of course," you say hastily. "That's not the point," he says, waving it off, "The point is that besides me, I don't think anyone else can do it, at least not in that time frame." Even as he says this, he already pulls out the first tools and gets to work. "I know, that's why I came to you," you say with a smile. He looks up briefly, sees your smile and for a brief moment, a shy but proud smile twitches at the corners of his mouth.
He is highly concentrated and hard at work, you bring him snacks and drinks, because he doesn't even think of taking a break or having something to eat. When your hands touch as you hand him a glass of water, he looks at you, almost startled. There it is again very briefly, that shy smile, but he averts his gaze again before you really have time to interpret his expression and gets back to work. He's attracted to you, but he doesn't immediately know why, can't quite place this feeling. The next few days he smiles at you more often, you catch him watching you secretly, but every time you look at him, he is immediately busy working on the speeder again. You don't really know how to interpret his behavior. He's cute in his own way, but also a bit of a mystery. In fact, Tech manages to complete the repairs on time. The speeder looks like new when he proudly shows you his work. You're so relieved, you have to stop yourself from falling around his neck. When you go to pay him, Tech looks at the credits you're holding out to him, but doesn't touch them. You look at him questioningly. He clears his throat and asks, "May I suggest another method of payment?"
You blink in confusion. "Another method of payment?" you ask. Tech nods. "All right," you finally say, "Let's hear it." You see him swallow and tug at the collar of his Blacks before asking, "Would you be okay with a private meeting? Maybe for dinner?" Your heart suddenly beats faster. Is he really going for what you think? "A date?" you ask, surprised. He nods, and this time he shows you his sweet smile a little longer.
You see him fairly regularly. He always sits in the same place in the bar where you work, at the counter. He always drinks the same thing, Spotchka. Not a lot of it, two glasses at the most, spread leisurely throughout the evening. You can't help but keep eyeing him. He's striking, he seems brooding, so serious, somehow daring. He is the kind of man who seems dangerous and irresistible at the same time. You know what his name is. People have told stories about him here in the bar. Some are about what a unique sharpshooter Crosshair is, others, less flattering, call him a freak, part of the Sad Batch. You pick up a few snippets of conversation at the bar. So far, all you know is that he's incredibly attractive to you, you can't confirm either kind of story about him. But you don't care. Even tonight, your gaze creeps in his direction again and again, you can't help it, Crosshair has an attraction, something that fascinates you so much and puts you under his spell.
Every time he looks up, you hurriedly look away and hope he hasn't noticed. So far he hasn't moved, nor has he said anything, so you hope that your glances have gone unnoticed so far. But then something unexpected happens. You are cleaning the bar again at the height of his seat, as you do every now and then, when his hand moves forward and grabs you by the collar. He pulls you almost half over the counter. Your face close to his. " Boy," he growls, "if you keep staring at me like that, I'll insist you buy me dinner." You don't even dare blink at first, just stare at him. Finally, he rolls his eyes, lets go of you again, empties his glass, throws you a few credits, stands up and leaves the bar. You stand there like that for a long moment, heart pounding, still startled. Finally, you tug your shirt back into place, go about your business, but your heart doesn't calm down for quite a while. Over the next few days, he doesn't show up. You are torn between regret and relief. You've probably scared him off, you think to yourself, he's probably drinking his Spotchka in another bar now.
But you're wrong, as you find out, his squad has only been on mission for a few days. And sure enough, he shows up at the bar again, sits down at the same place at your counter. But something is different. He watches you, his gaze so intense that you can almost physically feel him. He orders his Spotchka as always, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth that moves ever so slightly. Every time you look in his direction, he looks at you piercingly, and you avoid his gaze, not really knowing what to do. Actually, you're not that extremely shy, but Crosshair makes you nervous. Suddenly, you hear him mutter, "How long are you going to ignore me?" You look up in surprise. "Do you want to order something?" you ask automatically. "No, my glass is still full," he says dryly. You glance at the glass and see he's right. Bolder than you feel, you ask, "Then why shouldn't I ignore you?" He beckons you toward him with his finger, and you follow the request quite automatically, as if he were pulling you in his direction on an invisible rope.
What you don't know is that he thought long and hard about coming back. The moment when he grabbed you by the collar last time, something happened to him. At first, he thought he was annoyed by your stare, but as soon as he had you right in front of him, he felt something completely different and surprising that he couldn't quite place. Crosshair thought about it and curiosity triumphed, he wanted to see you again and get to the bottom of this. "What about dinner now?" he asks, as if you've worked something out. "What?" you ask, perplexed. He rolls his eyes and says, "Dinner, handsome." You blink a few times, then say perkily, "You've been staring at me the whole time today. Why don't you invite me?" Crosshair raises his brows in surprise, then smirks. "All right. Can you find a replacement for tomorrow night?" You think for a moment and nod. "Can do"
Crosshair nods contentedly, his heart beating up in his throat, but outwardly you can't tell. "I'll pick you up here tomorrow at eight," he says, taking a sip from his glass.
He doesn't know what it is. Every time he has to go to the office to get documents, and he sees you sitting at the desk, he feels a tingling in his stomach, when your head lifts, and you smile at him, he feels warm in his armor. You greet him by name, he greets you back. Now and then you exchange a few words. He enjoys this moment, but can't really name what he feels in your presence, he only knows that he likes it. He likes the way you smile at him, the way you talk to him. Over time, he realizes that sometimes you flirt and part of him is surprised, maybe even scared. Does he have a crush? Rex isn't really sure; he's never had to deal with that before. He always takes a few minutes for you, even when he's supposed to be just getting something for the general. He doesn't normally do that, but it's so hard to leave once you two have engaged in conversation. Rex is polite, charming, smart, handsome. You really enjoy these little encounters, but actually that's not enough for you.
When he comes back into your office, with that little smile on his lips, your heart is beating wildly, but you've made a decision, you want to venture further. "Hello Rex." He greets you back and comes closer to your desk, sitting down on the edge like he's always done for a while. "How have you been?" he asks gently. You say with a smile, "I missed you." Rex blinks, his eyes widening a little, then he smiles, "Oh yeah?" You nod. "Do I need to come over more often?" he asks suggestively. "I'd like that. Maybe sometime outside of work hours?" He looks at you in surprise. Rex realizes you're past the simple flirting stage and gets a little nervous. But the thought is incredibly tempting and overcomes his nervousness. It takes him a while to answer, his silence already making you nervous, but then he shows you his adorable smile. "I'd love to"
You work with Kix in the infirmary and one of your most frequent patients, is Fives. He is a mess. He's always getting hurt somewhere or having stupid ideas where his brothers get hurt, and he brings them to the infirmary. Kix rolls his eyes every time he sees Fives enter the ward. He often doesn't even care anymore and lets you go first. "This patient is all yours," Kix grumbles and retreats to his desk. Fives often tells you the wildest stories, or asks tons of questions. "It's not often you see medics who aren't clones here. How come you work here?" You have rubbed baccta ointment on his hand, which he somehow burned, he won't say how, and are bandaging it now. "It was the only job available at the moment, at least here locally, so I took it," you say lightly. He looks at you curiously, seeming to study every little thing about you silently, unabashedly. You try not to let it make you nervous. As you meet his gaze, he flashes you his adorable, cheeky smile. You can't help it, and smile back. "You're kind of cute," Fives says thoughtfully, candidly.
You blink in surprise. "Oh yeah?" you ask, laughing softly. "Stop flirting Fives," Kix growls from the background, "He's not going to date you." Fives gets indignant, "Oh yeah, and why not?" Kix cocks an eyebrow and says in a sassy manner, "Because you're a disaster on two legs" Fives laughs bemusedly and looks at you, "I think you're adventurous, so a bit of disaster potential doesn't scare you off, does it?" You frown, half amused, half worried. "I don't know about that." Fives says confidently, "But you fancy me, am I right?" You feel your cheeks and ears getting hot. Sure you fancy him, he's hot, funny, and admittedly really messy, but also incredibly endearing in his own way. Fives grins, "It's okay, the feeling is mutual." You can literally hear Kix rolling his eyes.
When you still don't say anything, Fives says perkily with a wink, "Tomorrow night when your shift is over, I'll pick you up here. We'll go out for dinner, and then we'll see what we're in the mood for." You laugh nervously and finally nod, "Alright. I'm curious." Fives, jumps off the treatment table, winks at you again before leaving the room and saying, "See you tomorrow!" You sigh softly, your heart beating wildly, butterflies spreading in your stomach. Then you feel Kix looking at you and you turn to face him. He laughs, and his expression looks amused. "What is it?" "You've got a crush, and you'll soon regret falling for Fives of all people, he's a handful".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
121 notes · View notes
zoeykallus · 2 years ago
sorry i am very aware requests are piling up so it’s chill if it takes a while for this one, or if you don’t get to it at all
would you write the batch & gender neutral reader (and other clones if you wish) where the reader is an ambulatory wheelchair user & this is the first time the other one has seen the reader in their chair? the reader is just nonchalantly like “yeah it hurts too much to walk today” and i feel like the response would be variations on “w h a t”
There is no need to be sorry. The only downside is that it takes me long to work through it all, which leads to you waiting quite a while. Sorry for that! Didn't really know how to call these HCs, hope it's okay.
I hope that's at least close to what you wanted.
The Bad Batch x GN! Reader (ambulatory wheelchair user) HCs - The Wheelchair Surprise
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Warnings: The title + request above should say it all.
When he first sees you in the wheelchair, he is confused. Until now, you haven't really talked about it. Hunter nervously approaches and asks uncertainly, "Are you okay?"
"More or less, the pain is too much today to walk by myself".
He nods, unsure if he should ask questions, holding back on it for now. You can see how confused and unsure he is. But don't worry, he can handle it, he just needs a moment to adjust.
Hunter has no problem helping you and taking care of you, if needed. You don't have to hold back on confiding in him when you need help.
You can talk openly with him about everything, the whole thing is no problem for Hunter. He is worried, sure, but that doesn't change his feelings for you or the respect he has for you. He grabs the handles of the wheelchair and asks, "Where do you want me to take you today?"
He is a bit shocked to say the least.
"What happened since the last time we saw each other?!"
Echo crouches down in front of you and scans your body for wounds. When he finds none, he looks questioningly at your face.
"I'm not wounded, not directly. But it hurts too much today to walk."
He collects himself and stands up again. Of course Echo is worried, it's practically second nature to him. He doesn't have a problem with it though, not directly, much more he's confused that you didn't confide in him earlier.
"I thought you trusted me. You could have told me"
Don't hold it against him, his first thought is automatically to doubt himself, it doesn't have anything to do with you directly.
"And miss that look on your face", you mock him with a little smirk.
Echo smirks right back at you.
"You can be really mean, you know that, right?"
He is adapting, he will certainly not retreat from you, and he is always very happy to help you in any way you allow him to.
He thinks you're playing a trick on him. And let's be honest, in a way you are, otherwise you would have told him about it earlier.
He chuckles and says, "What's going on? Where's mine? To race, I need one too."
You frown.
"What is it?"
"Wrecker, this isn't a race car, it's a wheelchair".
Wrecker scratches the back of his head nervously.
"I know, but I thought you were having some fun with me".
You shake your head and say, "No. I'm afraid not. The pain is too much to walk today".
Wrecker is flabbergasted. He doesn't know how to handle it at all in the first moment, and he feels stupid for joking about it.
He starts to apologize and explain, "I'm so sorry, I thought that-"
"It's okay," you say with an indulgent little smile, "I probably should have talked to you about it a long time ago."
He sighs, but then smiles. Wrecker has no problem with this at all, in fact, he quickly adjusts to the new situation. You can always feel safe and loved with him.
He is visibly confused, but remains calm. He shifts his googles with his index finger and examines you attentively. At first glance, however, he doesn't notice what exactly is going on here.
Tech looks at you silently for a long time, an unusual situation with Tech, he actually likes to talk a lot.
You shrug your shoulders and say, "The pain is too much to walk today".
His brows move up just before he frowns in concern.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" he asks gently.
"No not directly"
Be prepared that after the first moment of shock, he will ask a lot of questions and want to discuss the whole thing with you in more detail. Tech wants to know what exactly is going on among other things because that will help him support you. He wouldn't even dream of abandoning you because of this.
But he has a mission now, the mission to make your life easier with all means at his disposal. He will probably invent many new things in the near future.
He cocks a brow at you.
"Dafuq? What happened to you last night?"
You shrug your shoulders, nonchalantly.
"Nothing, the pain is just too much to walk today."
He blinks.
He's a little confused and not quite sure if you're messing with him right now. For quite a while, he stands there looking at you in silence, chewing on his toothpick.
After a while, he asks as if nothing happened, "Do you want to go to the movies?"
At some point, you will have a clarifying conversation on the subject. It doesn't change anything for Crosshair, not really, anyway. He won't let you down, when he likes someone it's something serious and not easily shaken. He doesn't really hold it against you that you didn't confide in him earlier, he's a pretty closed, reserved guy himself.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
130 notes · View notes